HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-02-24; City Council; 21875; Update Bio Tech and Beyond Life Sciences IncubatorCITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL 11 AB# 21,875 RECEIVE AN ANNUAL PROGRAM UPDATE DEPT. DIRECTOR --'---------i MTG. 2/24/2015 FROM 810, TECH AND BEYOND LIFE SCIENCES CITY ATTORNEY DEPT. CEO INCUBATOR CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive an annual program update from Bio, Tech and Beyond founders, the organization responsible for the city's life sciences incubator in fulfilment of the requirement within their lease agreement. ITEM EXPLANATION: Background: In February 2013, the City Council approved a five year lease with Bio, Tech and Beyond for the city-owned building located at 2351 Faraday Avenue for the purposes of operating a life sciences incubator. The goals of the incubator are to: create new life sciences companies and jobs in Carlsbad; help Carlsbad become a national leader in the citizen science movement, strengthening the life sciences cluster; add Carlsbad's core technology base, resulting in new development and new invention patents; and serve as a key source for regional science education outreach efforts. The incubator founders Joseph Jackson and Kevin Lustig will be presenting an annual update of the activities that occurred in the calendar year of 2014. Here are some of the highlights from their presentation which is attached: • Having helped create eight startup companies; • Incubating and graduating four life sciences companies; • Creating 21 jobs; • Strengthening the life sciences cluster, amassing communication and influence with 627 citizen scientists and 1900 unique members ofthe public; and • Having hosted at least one educational event per quarter. This is the second annual update on the facility and incubator programs and will discuss next steps related to meeting the benchmarks outlined in the five year lease agreement with the city. FISCAL IMPACT: No funding is being requ~sted at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Christina Vincent 760-602-2712 christina.vincent@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED 0 CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC 0 DENIED 0 CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN 0 CONTINUED 0 RETURNED TO STAFF 0 WITHDRAWN 0 OTHER-SEE MINUTES ~ AMENDED 0 Council received the annual u date. Life Sciences Incubator Update Feb. 24, 2015 Page2of2 Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. ATTACHMENT: 1. Power Point Presentation for BioTech and Beyond program 2014 Bio, Tech and Beyond Joseph Jackson Kevin Lustig 2351 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA Entrepreneurs Low cost lab bench Access to technologies Address for gov’t grants BTNB helps people translate their ideas into results and their results into companies. Thousands ofsmart people Ideas, Vision, Passion Technologies, Experts Life science incubator Local Vendors Customers Early access to newcos Product testing arena Carlsbad Publicity & awareness High tech jobs Science education Cell Culture Lab Microscopes Centrifuges Lab Benches Readers Mar 2013 May 2013 July 12 2013 Vacant, unused office building Dec 2013 The foundation for a laboratory A Grand Opening! A startup incubator community center New floor New sinks New water system New door entry system New alarm system New electrical outlets New mailbox New benches New culture lab Lab equipment Offices Conference rooms Wi-Fi 400+ AttendeesUnoccupied for 10 Years A thriving life science incubator Ten life science start-up companies Dec 2014 Brain Spores/Plastic Rat –3-D Printing Biophyllum –Natural Pesticides Vanadis Labs –Materials Testing Allostere Therapeutics –Breast Cancer Research1 3 1 3Headcount = 26 Dapcell –Cytokines1 Biomarker Profiles –Pain Biomarker Discovery Lab Fellows –Technology Sharing Platform2 1 Zymie –Yeast Genetic Engineering4 Mesatech –Molecular Flu Diagnostic3 KS Labs –Plant Molecular Characterization2 Koliber –Metabolic Engineering Cascade Biosystems –Molecular Diagnostics1 2 ProtoMedex –Wound Healing1 Ze Resource –Algae Microculture1 Dec 2103 –April 2014 Jason Kriesberg, independent consultant. March –July 2014 Michael Mcneely, Gatacco, LLC. BTNB enabled prototype development. March –June 2014 Aastrom Biosciences. (2 employees). Publicly traded Michigan company, that exited after unexpected corporate restructuring. Sept 2013 –Nov 2014 Biospyder (5 employees). Merged with other BTNB startup and moved to nearby Carlsbad facility Jan 2014 –Nov 2014 Orphi Therapeutics (3 employees). Seeking funding for clinical trials. Sept 2013 Joins BTNB to develop expression technology (1 FTE) 2014 Receives $MM grants from US government. Expands to 5 FTEs. Nov 2014 Moves to local Carlsbad laboratory to accommodate expansion 6 interviews in average month 90 Start-Up Interviews 20 Startups 4 Graduates 3-18 months duration 4-40 hours per week usage 2 FTEs per startup BTNB in the News ) ) . . · .. ··BIG.~ ~-E :CH I ··Beyond San D iego, CA Founded Feb 17, 2011 About us ... Citizen Scientists e Group reviews 11 Upcoming 2 Meetups G Past Meetups Our ca lendar ~ Recent Meetups November 20 · 6:00 PM Amenca's Next To p Biologist Resume Night 42 Citizen Scientists I 11 Photo Looking for work?!! Bring a CV and we wil l try to connect you w ith opportunities for biotech contract work. We frequently meet talented life sciences professionals whose ..... ~... YIV-:: October 8 · 5.00 PM Rate th1s Meetup Lab Fellow s Launch Bench Bash , 16 Cit izen Scientists Jo1n Lab Fellows on Wednesday evening Oct 8th to welcome B1o, Tech, Beyond to the world's on ly Peer to Peer Co-lab and equipment sharing network. Featuring flexible ... LEAKt-. Mo:"<~ 6/3/14 Connect Semi-Annual event 350 Attendees 6/12/14 Stem Cell Therapies, Preclinical Design Seminar with CRL 22 Attendees 6/20/14 Go San Diego Event hosted by City of San Diego 150 Attendees 6/24/14 Reinventing California Biotech 150 Attendees 7/17/14 Meet the Tech Coast Angels 50 Attendees 9/18/14 Xconomists San Diego. 200 Attendees 10/8/14 Lab Fellows Bench Bash Launch at BTNB. 45 Attendees 10/23/14 Start-Up Night at Evonexus 100 Attendees 11/14/14 Veterans to Biotech Workflow Training Program 40 Attendees 11/20/14 America’s Next Top Biologist at BTNB. 42 Attendees Summary: From Jan 1 –Dec 31 2014, BTnB reached at least 1900 unique new members of the public Indirect Costs from SBIR and Other Grants 20% indirect cost rate with multiple grants submitted in 2014 Business to Business Sales Corporate Sponsors and Funding Campaigns Monthly Fees Paid by Start-Up Companies Currently $7000 per month First and second partners signed (Prestwick Chemical and WuXi). First 100K in gross revenue from sales. First and second sponsors signed (Assay Depot -10K and Datatron -15K) Expenses Revenue and Assets Utilities (Electric, Water, Gas) Wi-Fi Alarm System Waste Disposal Janitorial CO2 Gas Insurance License Fees Taxes $3,600/avg. month Current Monthly Memberships (10 of 21 benches) *$7,000/month *Expected to grow to $9,000 by Q1 2014 Building Upgrades, Equipment and Lab Improvements Jan –Dec 2014 $45,000+ Help create 8 start-up companies (Exceeded) Build the Carlsbad Center for Translational Medicine within BTNB (Acheived) Announce a prestigious Board of Directors and Advisory Board (Pending) Finish build out of laboratory infrastructure (Achieved -spent $45,000 to increase number of benches to 21 and to buy shared equipment) Host at least one educational event each quarter (Exceeded) Revenue Sign up two new corporate sponsors (Achieved) Receive first funding from grant indirect costs (Pending) Bring in revenue from B2B product or service sales (100K Gross Revenue) Achieve full capacity of ~20 start-up companies Recruit two new academic partners to expand CCTM effort Leverage our BOD and Advisory Board for fundraising Start regular hand-on mentorship program for start-up companies Host at least one educational event each quarter Revenue Receive 50K in corporate sponsorships Receive first funding from grant indirect costs Bring in additional revenue from B2B product or service sales Serves as highly visible sign of Carlsbad’s commitment to life science research Serves as a hub for life science start-up companies in Carlsbad Creates new high paying jobs that attract other high paying jobs Solidifies Carlsbad’s role as one of two San Diego science hubs Dramatically lowers the barrier for formation of life science research companies in Carlsbad Connects and empowers Carlsbad scientists interested in diverse areas of research Makes it easy to access sophisticated life science technologies and experts Educates next generation of Carlsbad scientist entrepreneurs Capitalize on R&D Capabilities Harness Local Innovation