HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04-14; City Council; 21930; Municipal Projects UpdateAB# MTG. DEPT. 21,930 4-14-15 PW CITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL MUNICIPAL PROJECTS UPDATE DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTY. CITYMGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive a presentation from staff updating the City Council on the status of municipal projects. ITEM EXPLANATION: 4 Quarterly project status reports are prepared by the Public Works, Community & Economic Development, Parks & Recreation, and Information Technology Departments. The reports include: • Transportation-streets, drainage, traffic signals and other circulation-related projects • Utilities-water, recycled water, and sewer • Civic Projects-city facility construction, expansion, renovation and maintenance • Parks-parks, trails and recreational facilities • Developer Projects • Information Technology The Transportation, Utilities and Civic Projects reports summarize the status of projects included in the City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP), a 15-year planning document that outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. The CIP for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 to FY 2028-29 outlines 258 continuing and new projects at a cost of approximately $496 million. Project funds are appropriated each fiscal year upon adoption of the annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program by the City Council. The FY 2014-15 Capital Improvement Program includes approximately $69.7 million in new appropriations and an estimated $186.8 million in continuing appropriations for a total appropriation of $256 million. The attached reports include the current budget and schedule for planning, bidding and construction activities for active CIP projects during the current fiscal year. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Listed on City of Carlsbad website. ACTIOtJ: Report received. EXHIBITS: 1. Transportation Quarterly Report, through March 31, 2015 2. Utilities Quarterly Report, through March 31, 2015 3. Civic Projects Quarterly Report, through March 31, 2015 4. Parks Quarterly Report, through March 31, 2015 5. Developer Projects Quarterly Report, through March 31, 2015 6. Information Technology Quarterly Report, through March 31, 2015 2 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2015 (through March 31) EXHIBIT 1 PROJECT PROJECT WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL NUMBER PROJECT NAME BUDGET 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 COMMENTS ACTIVE PROJECTS 6031 Marshall Plantz Carlsbad Blvd Realignment $ 3,250,000 4015 Marshall Plantz Village & Barrio Traffic Circles $ 315,000 Final design has been started for 3 locations. 5525 Marshall Plantz Asset Management Plan $ 328,729 Data and tool prepared. Final report being completed. Non CIP Marshall Plantz Carlsbad Comprehensive Active Transportation Strategy $ 250,000 Draft Final Report being reviewed. 6014 Brandon Miles Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge Barrier Rail at Encina Discharge $ 1,012,500 Barrier Design Report submitted to Ctfor barrier type approval 6053 Brandon Miles Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge Barrier Rail at Encina Discharge $ 338,455 Barrier Design Report submitted to CT for barrier type approval 6016 Brandon Miles Cbad Blvd Bridge Barrier Rail over Railroad at State St $ 1,269,300 Under Construction 3957 Brandon Miles El Camino Real Widening (Tamarack to Chestnut) $ 12,833,907 Under Construction 3919/6032 Brandon Miles Encinas Creek Bridge Revetment Monitoring 15,000/yr Ongoing annual report in April and preparing modification to CDP to Coastal Commission 6042 Brandon Miles El Camino Real at Cannon Intersection Improvements $ 589,000 Environmental review underway / Preparing to obtain design services. 6056 Brandon Miles El Camino Real and Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge Railing Repair and Sidewalk $ 210,000 Considered with design of 6042 (ECR and Cannon Bridge Improvements) 6059 Brandon Miles Village Double Tracking $ 250,000 SANDAG to prepare Project Study Report to be reviewed by City. 6049 Jonathan Schauble ADA Improvement Program $ 1,670,000 Developing project scope. 6001 Jonathan Schauble Pavement Management Program Update Citywide $ 100,000 Citywide pavement condition survey proposals received and consultant selected. Preparing professional services agreement. 6001-14SS Jonathan Schauble 2014 Slurry Seal Project $ 1,500,000 Under Construction 6001-14OL Jonathan Schauble Pavement Overlay Project $ 1,500,000 Bid awarded 2/10/15. Non CIP Jonathan Schauble Carrillo Way Inclinometer $ 10,000 Last inclinometer reading on February 26, 2015 shows minimal movement of the slope. 6019 Jonathan Schauble Valley and Magnolia Improvements $ 1,674,236 BHA selected for engineering design. Staff preparing proffesional services agreement. 6030 Jonathan Schauble Camino Hills & Jackspar Slope Stability $ 859,400 Last reading in December 2014 shows negligible movement. Next reading in June 2015. 6052 Jonathan Schauble Parking Lot Maintenance Program $ 600,000 Developing project scope with Parks and Streets. 6054 Jonathan Schauble Carlsbad Blvd. Improvements - Cannon to Manzano $ 6,050,000 Receiving consultant services. 3338 Sherri Howard Agua Hedionda Channel Improvements RWQCB denied water quality certification. Based on denial USACOE had to withdraw the provisional permits. Evaluating options now. 6607 Sherri Howard CMP Replacement Program $ 2,859,360 6607 Sherri Howard CMP Replacement - Hoover Street at Adams $ 175,000 Final plans and specification in preparation. 6607 Sherri Howard CMP Replacement - Highland at Adams $ 125,000 Final plans and specification in preparation. 6607 Sherri Howard CMP Replacement - Elmwood/Laguna $ 525,000 Evaluating design options. 6607 Sherri Howard CMP Replacement - 2763 La Gran Via 160,000$ Bio mapping complete. Final plans and specifications in preparation. 3821B Sherri Howard Lake Calavera Dam Maintenance $ 100,000 MND complete. Application for CDFW Submitted 11-22-13. Project discussions are on-going. 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain Program $ 6,090,592 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (3) -Highland (Tamarack to Magnolia) $ 250,000 Under Construction 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (3) -Linda Lane $ 350,000 Under Construction 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (3) -Valley (Buena Vista/CVD east side) $ 165,000 Under Construction 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (3) - 4329 Ocean (on hold)On Hold 6608 Sherri Howard Nortwest Quadrant Storm Drain (4) - Grand Ave $ 1,640,000 Awarded TRANSPORTATION Page 1 of 2 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2015 (through March 31) EXHIBIT 1 PROJECT PROJECT WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL NUMBER PROJECT NAME BUDGET 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 COMMENTS ACTIVE PROJECTS TRANSPORTATION 6608 Sherri Howard Nortwest Quadrant Storm Drain (4) -Basswood and James $ 328,000 Under Construction 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (5) - Madison (Arbuckle to Laguna) $ 145,000 Awarded 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (6) - Roosevelt (Laguna South) $ 450,000 70% on hold pending Laguna Drive Storm drain system analysis. 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (6) -Wilson $ 50,000 Survey complete. Negotiating scope and fee with civil engineer 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (6) -Sunnyhill/McArthur $ 50,000 Survey complete. Negotiating scope and fee with civil engineer 6608 Sherri Howard Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain -Laguna Drive Storm Drain System Analysis $ 50,000 Draft study prepared 6604 Sherri Howard Romeria Drainage Channel Improvements $ 647,000 Permit apps from City, ACOE, CDFG & RWQCB submitted. Plans complete. CEQA complete. Permits from RWQCB and USACOE received. Compliance documentation underway. 6024 Sherri Howard La Costa Slope Repair $ 209,000 6611 Sherri Howard Park Drive Drainage and Street Improvements $ 243,000 Survey 6617 Sherri Howard Drainage Master Plan Project BCA (Park Drive / Tamarack S.D.) $ 1,068,613 Survey 6619 Sherri Howard Buena Vista Creek Fence $ 200,000 Survey 6618 Sherri Howard Farol Court Drainage Repairs $ 411,700 Environment and PE underway 6320 Doug Bilse Traffic Signal Project $ 5,684,974 Traffic signal equipment has been installed and linked to the TMC except remote locations. 6055 Doug Bilse Coastal Corridor Multi Modal Infrastructure Plan $ 100,000 Workshop with technical experts and stakeholders scheduled for Spring 2015 4013 Doug Bilse Barrio Street Lighting $ 100,000 Guidelines have been completed. Plans on hold for Barrio Master Plan 4016 Doug Bilse Village Decorative Lighting $ 177,800 Project is on hold while new conduit is installed as part of the Grand Ave. storm drain project. 6058 Doug Bilse Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Pedestrian Improvements $ 455,000 Receiving consultant services 6035 John Maashoff MUTCD Street Name Sign Replacement Project $ 2,320,000 Under Construction LONG TERM MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 3821A Sherri Howard Lake Calavera Mitigation Long Term Maint. $ 40,000 Long term maint plan. Annual report in Sept. Quarterly site visits ongoing. Drought delayed growth. 6604/6024 Sherri Howard Romeria and La Costa Slope Repair Mitigation Site $ 150,000 Initial planting in Spring 2015. Non CIP Sherri Howard Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance 400,000$ Supplemental EIR certified by City Council 6-11-13. CA Coastal Commission approved project March 2014. CDFG streamlined alteration agreement received. Maintenance contract to City Coucil in March 2015 INACTIVE PROJECTS 6034 Melrose at PAR Improvements $ 561,000 Evaluating performance of existing configuration 6004 Avenida Encinas widening south of Palomar Airport Road $ 5,402,000 Not started 6051 El Camino Real widening La Costa Ave to Arenal Road $ 2,550,000 Not started 6043 Palomar Airport Road left turn lane expansion to N/B Paseo Del Norte $ 233,000 Not started 6044 Palomar Airport Road right turn lane widening to S/B Paseo Del Norte $ 564,000 Not started LEGEND PLANNING & DESIGN BID/AWARD PERIOD CONSTRUCTION LONG TERM MAINTENANCE Page 2 of 2 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2015 (through March 31) EXHIBIT 2 PROJECT PROJECT WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL NUMBER PROJECT NAME BUDGET 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 COMMENTS WATER PROJECTS 5001 Kirsten Plonka Maerkle Transmission Main $ 4,875,000 Catarini Ranch to Design and Construct with a reimbursement agreement. In design phase. 5008 Kirsten Plonka Tri-agency Water Trans Main Reach 2, Phase 1 $ 6,455,000 Currently out for Bid 5013 Kirsten Plonka College (ECR to Cannon) Water Pipeline $ 1,060,000 Catarini Ranch to Design and Construct with a reimbursement agreement. In design phase. 5024 Kirsten Plonka Reservoir Repair and Maintenance Program 4,000,000$ Plan to bid C Tank and D3 tanks in fall. 5025 Mark Biskup Hydroelectric Facility at Maerkle 3,610,380$ Hydroelectric equipment has been delivered with testing & startup in mid January 2015. 5035 Kirsten Plonka Limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program $ 1,940,000 Design 90% complete on La Costa pipeline. Altisma relocation to begin March 2015. 5038 Kirsten Plonka Flow Control Facility 5 (Desal)1,500,000$ Planning Study Completed. Preparing Design Agreement. 5040 Kirsten Plonka Ellery P.S. Decommission $ 250,000 Design Complete RECYCLED WATER PROJECTS 5032 Kirsten Plonka Palomar Oaks and Calavera Hills Recycled Water Pipelines (ES 1A and ES 7) $ 1,245,000 Out for Construction Bids 5207 Kirsten Plonka ECR Recycled Water Pipeline (Alga to La Costa)(ES8) $ 1,915,000 Construction to start Jan. 2015 5208 Kirsten Plonka Palmer and Impala Dr. Phase III Pipeline (ES18) $ 600,000 Construction to start Feb. 2015 5209 Terry Smith Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Expansion $ 7,140,000 RFP issued February 19th. WASTEWATER PROJECTS 3949, 3886, 3492 & 5027 Terry Smith V/C Sewer Reaches 11B-15, Aqua Hedionda Lift Station and Avenida Encinas Recycled Water Line 61,542,000$ Authorization to Bid Received 2/10/15. Estimated start of construction is July 2015. 3840 Mark Biskup Misc. Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Projects $ 1,610,380 Engineering support to Operations for Misc. Minor Improvements. 5501 Terry Smith Existing Buena Interceptor Purchase and Rehabilitation $ 1,362,000 On hold until Vista design for new sewer line in PAR is completed. 5503 Mark Biskup Misc. Sewer Pipeline and Manhole Replacement and Repair $ 4,057,894 Engineering support to Operations for Misc. Minor Improvements/Contracts. 5509 Mark Biskup Home Plant Lift Station Replacement $ 4,139,000 Final Contract Payment and NOC Pending 5517 Mark Biskup North Bataquitos Lift Station Pump Improvements $ 905,000 Replacement of pumps and associated piping. NTP pending 5520 Mark Biskup Odor/Corrosion Assessment $ 200,000 Addressing miscellaneous wastewater odor control issues throughout the City. 5526 Mark Biskup Foxes Landing Lift Station and Force Main $ 3,275,000 Lift Station Replacement 50% Design 5529 Mark Biskup Poinsettia L/S Emergency Bypass Pump System $ 320,000 Emergency Pumping System 50% Design 5533 Mark Biskup Simsbury Extension $ 301,000 Schedule dependent on Quarry Creek Development. Alternatives Study now being done. INACTIVE PROJECTS 5007 Cathodic Protection Program Improvement $ 1,246,700 5019 Water Valve Replacement Program $ 550,000 5020 Pressure Reducing Station Replacement/Rehabilitation $ 1,102,000 5032 Palomar Business Park Recycled Water Line $ 1,245,000 5034 El Furete and Cortina Street Pressure Reducing Station $ 500,000 5210 Recycled Water Phase III Tank at D Site $ 1,800,000 5212 Fire Flow System Improvements $ 720,000 5528 Gateshead Sewer Lift Station Removal $ 150,000 5531 Northwest Quadrant CIPP Sewer Lining $ 700,000 5534 Terramar Sewer Replacement Arbel/Los Robles $ 1,250,000 UTILITIES Page 1 of 1 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2015 (through March 31) EXHIBIT 3 PROJECT PROJECT WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL NUMBER PROJECT NAME BUDGET 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 COMMENTS ACTIVE PROJECTS 4020, 4705 Patrick McGarry Cole Library Improvements and Refurbishment 5,806,500$ 4030, 4706 Patrick McGarry Dove Library Improvements and Refurbishment $ 3,116,050 47131 Bob Richardson / Jesse Zunke Fire Staion 2 Refurbishment $ 885,000 4003 Patrick McGarry Fire Station 3 $ 9,352,000 Jesse Zunke / Joe Garuba Energy Efficiency Calculator $ 23,000 Bob Richardson Faraday Lighting Conversion $ 90,000 Jesse Zunke Generator Telemetrics 30,000$ Jesse Zunke Safety Training Center Solar RFP Planning to go to Council for approval on April 21 47141 Joe Garuba Fleet Maintenance Renovation $ 885,000 35721 Joe Garuba Maintenance and Operations Center $ 28,111,264 3972 Mike Grim Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course $ - CDP Amendement 3 approved, revised IOD submitted to Coastal CIVIC PROJECTS Page 1 of 1 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2015 (through March 31) EXHIBIT 4 PROJECT PROJECT WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL NUMBER PROJECT NAME BUDGET 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 COMMENTS ACTIVE PROJECTS 46011 Kasia Trojanowska Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements $ 550,000 Amount shown includes additional funds for construction. Authorization for updated project amount to go before City Council on April 21st. Kasia Trojanowska Calavera Hills Community Park Pickleball Courts $ 415,000 Authorization for project to go before City Council on April 21st. 38661 Liz Ketabian Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan $ 840,000 Upland mitigation Maintenance & Monitoring ends in summer 2015, wetlands mitigation Maintenance & Monitoring continures untill 2019. Prefab restroom building schedule is shown on the matrix. 46021 Mick Calarco Leo Carrillo Ranch Phase 3 - Stables Restoration $ 1,943,100 First priority project identified from Master Plan Phase 3 priority list is for the stables restoration. Budget shown is for professional architectural and engineering services. 46001 Mick Calarco Multi-use, multigenerational, indoor community center feasibility study $ 90,000 Feasibility study to commence in summer 2015. CIP program indicates $13,194,000 for building in year 2026-30. Project timing and scope subject to change. 60571 Kyle Lancaster Northern Beach Access Improvements $ 70,000 Budget and schedule reflets design. Schedule reflects, short term improvements. Long term/major improvements reflected in 2015-16 CIP project update. 40191 Kyle Lancaster Village Streetscape $ 290,000 Phase I of project predominantly completed; included the purchased and installation of 122 hanging flower baskets, 75 split-stream steel trash/recycling receptacles, and 30 steel/ipe benches. Funding request for Phase II of the project submitted in the FY 15-16 budget; includes the purchase and 36491 Barbara Kennedy Aviara Community Park Amphitheater & Picnic Areas $ 2,944,800 Part of 3 Community Park Master Plans recently updated in response to department's needs assessment and action plan 45021 Barbara Kennedy Poinsettia Community Park- Phase 3 $ 16,349,000 Part of 3 Community Park Master Plans recently updated in response to department's needs assessment and action plan 45071 Barbara Kennedy Pine Avenue Park Community Bldg. and Gardens - Phase 2 $ 10,805,300 Part of 3 Community Park Master Plans recently updated in response to department's needs assessment and action plan INACTIVE PROJECTS 40401 Liz Ketabian Arroyo Vista Trail Extension $ 303,000 On hold- trail alignment through wetlands will require mitigation plan. Neighbors won't grant easement for preferred alignment outside of wetlands for 300' of trail. 38011 Liz Ketabian Roberston Ranch Park Development $ 2,700,000 Unfunded list ( partial funds available) Liz Ketabian Veteran's Park $ 23,240,000 LEGEND PLANNING & DESIGN BID/AWARD PERIOD CONSTRUCTION *Bold line indicates where we are today PARKS AND RECREATION Page 1 of 1 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2015 (through March 31) EXHIBIT 5 PROJECT PROJECT SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL NUMBER PROJECT NAME BUDGET 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 COMMENTS ACTIVE PROJECTS CT 14-10 Tecla Levy Poinsettia 61 (Poinsettia Lane Reach E) - Cassia Road to El Camino Real $ 14,822,000 Present to June 2016 –discretionary and environmental review. June 2016 to November 2016 – final engineering design and review. December 2016 - Construction to begin CT 13-03 Jeremy Riddle Robertson Ranch (El Camino Widening) - Cannon Road to Tamarack Avenue $ 8,100,000 Present to June 2015 – Final engineering. June 2015 – Begin construction for widening CT 00-18 Jeremy Riddle College Blvd Reach 4A - El Camino Real to Cannon Road $ 5,100,000 November 2015 - Final engineering/financing. December 2015 – cegin Construction CT 11-04 Tecla Levy Quarry Creek $ 14,760,275 Present to August 2015 – final engineering of backbone improvements. August 2015 – begin construction of backbone improvements (master facilities, including roads, water and sewer). Cost estimate includes mass grading for entire project and some private storm drain systems DEVELOPER FUNDED WINTER 2015 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2015 (through March 31) EXHIBIT 6 PROJECT PROJECT WINTER WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER FALL NUMBER PROJECT NAME BUDGET 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 COMMENTS ACTIVE PROJECTS 104 Douglas Kappel CFD ePCR System $95,000 Still awaiting final agreement from vendor on contract documents. Initial shipment of iPad Mini's has been received and are in the process of having cellular data plans activated. IPad airs have been shipped and are scheduled to arrive this week. 113 Chuck Miller Council Chamber Upgrade $450,000 AV Implementation has been awarded to Western Audio Visual, a local Carlsbad company. Scope of work being finalized. Contract negotions beginning. Agenda Management contract being finalized. 23 Sherry Remington Enterprise Content Management $1,500,000 Records taxonomy has been re-scheduled. All other taxonomy complete. Finished review of SRS with vendor. Final plan is being updated for signoff for Phase I 108 Sherry Remington ERP-Discovery $500,000 In process of re-writing the contract 24 Sherry Remington Integrated Community Development System $1,238,088 Team continues to prepare configuration content for Assess and Define work sessions with vendor in April. Refining the onsite agenda. Working to complete project schedule updates with vendor. Work has begun on the to-be workflows for review in the onsite meeting with the vendor. LEGEND SOLUTION DESIGN GATE The purpose of the solution design gate is to inform impacted stakeholders of the new design. This is the final opportunity for stakeholder input prior to the start of execution of projects. QUALITY COMPLIANCE GATE The purpose of the quality gate is to assess the quality of the deliverables. This gate includes discussion of the testing results as well as other quality checks. READINESS GATE The purpose of the readiness gate is to confirm the enterprise is ready to go live with the new solution. Readiness gate components include a training assessment, a communications plan review and a support plan. *Bold line indicates where we are today INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUMMER 2015 FALL 2015 SPRING 2015 Page 1 of 1 City Council Project Update Kathy Dodson Assistant City Manager April 14, 2015 Combined Project Report •We have combined several different city reports in this update •We are still working on formatting to make it look more like “Athena” •We will add council priorities and other major projects Project Updates •Grand Avenue Storm Drain •Vista Carlsbad Sewer Interceptor •Recycled Water Pipeline •Fire Station No. 3 •Recycled Water Facility Project Updates •Annual Road Resurfacing Program •El Camino Real Widening •Power Plant •General Plan Update Questions?