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2015-05-05; City Council; 21948; Accept 2014 Concrete Replacement 6013-14 as Complete, Release Bonds
CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21,948 ACCEPT THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 2014 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT, PROJECT NO. 6013-14 AS COMPLETE AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND RELEASE BONDS DEPT DIRECT0l5(/'Y^ DATE 05-05-15 ACCEPT THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 2014 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT, PROJECT NO. 6013-14 AS COMPLETE AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND RELEASE BONDS CITY ATTY. DEPT. PW-TRAN ACCEPT THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 2014 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT, PROJECT NO. 6013-14 AS COMPLETE AND DIRECT THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND RELEASE BONDS CITY MGR. If) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2015-107 accepting the contract for construction of the 2014 Concrete Replacement, Project No. 6013-14 as complete and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion and release bonds in accordance with State Law and City Ordinances. ITEM EXPLANATION: On July 22, 2014, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad awarded a contract to Tryco General Engineering in the amount of $174,207 for the construction ofthe 2014 Concrete Replacement, Project No. 6013-14. Tryco General Engineering completed the work on March 10, 2015. Staff has inspected the work and found it to be satisfactory. Staff recommends acceptance of the improvements by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: 2014 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT, PROJECT NO. 6013-14 (TRYCO GENERAL ENGINEERING) Construction Award: $ 174,207 Construction Contingency: $ 35,000 Total: $ 209,207 Construction Expenditures: $ 179,602 Remaining Balance: $ 29,605 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The approval of a Notice of Completion is a ministerial process and is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 19.04.070A.l.a. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Patrick Vaughan 760-602-2780 patrick.vaughanfScarlsbadca.eov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • Project No. 6013-14 2014 Concrete Replacement Notice of Completion 5/5/2015 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2015-107 accepting the contract for construction of the 2014 Concrete Replacement, Project No. 6013-14 as complete and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion and release bonds in accordance with State Law and City Ordinances. 2. Notice of Completion. EXHIBIT I 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-107 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 3 CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 2014 CONCRETE REPLACEMENT, PROJECT NO. 6013-14, AS COMPLETE 4 AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND RELEASE BONDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE 5 LAW AND CITY ORDINANCES. 6 7 WHEREAS, the construction of the 2014 Concrete Replacement was completed to the 8 city's satisfaction by Tryco General Engineering on March 10, 2015; and WHEREAS, the formal Notice of Completion has been prepared; and WHEREAS, all project costs have been established to date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California 12 j3 as follows: 14 1. That the above recitations are true and correct 15 2. That the 2014 Concrete Replacement, specifically identified as Project No. 6013-14 is deemed complete and is hereby accepted by the City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad. 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute and record the Notice of Completion for the 2014 Concrete Replacement, Project No. 6013-14. /// 17 18 19 20 21 /// 22 /// 23 24 25 26 27 28 /// /// /// /// 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 5*^ day of May 2015, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Blackburn, Schumacher, Wood, Packard. None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON,tity Clerk (SEAL) ^.^^VsBAo'^^, „ O .•<s RECORDED REQUESTED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Space above this line for Recorder's use. PARCEL NO: N/A Notice is hereby given that: NOTICE OF COMPLETION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The undersigned is owner ofthe interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described. The full name of the undersigned is City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation. The full address ofthe undersigned is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008. The nature of the title of the undersigned is: In fee. A work or improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on March 10, 2015. The name ofthe contractor for such work or improvement is Tryco General Engineering. The property on which said work or improvement was completed is in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is descnbed as follows: Project No. 6013-14, 2014 Concrete Replacement. The street addresses of said property are in the City of Carlsbad and are listed per the attached Exhibit A. CITY OFXARLSBAD VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned, say: 1 am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008; the City Council of said City on ^-/T)o^ 6 , 20/5 , accepted the above described work as completed and ordered that a Notice of Completion be filed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on , at Carisbad, California. Cll^Y OF CARLSBAD \\\mMwin\ BARBARA Er City Clerk -ESON Word\Mast©rs\Forms\Notice of Completion (City) 3/9/98 Exhibit A La Costa Ave EB -10 ft. east of Calle Timiteo La Costa Ave WB - 50 ft. west of Levante La Costa Ave Directiy across from 3307 La Costa Ave Directiy across from 3305 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3303 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3207 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3205 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3203 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3111 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3111 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3109 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3107 La Costa Ave Direclty across from 3107 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3105 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3023 La Costa Ave Directly across from 3305 La Costa Ave EB 3309 La Costa Ave EB 3011 La Costa Ave EB 3015 La Costa Ave EB 3103 La Costa Ave EB3107 La Costa Ave EB 3107 La Costa Ave EB3105 La Costa Ave EB3109 La Costa Ave EB 3111 La Costa Ave EB 3203 La Costa Ave EB 3203 La Costa Ave EB 3207 La Costa Ave EB 3211 La Costa Ave WB2712 La Costa Ave WB 2622 La Costa Ave WB 2920 La Costa Ave EB 3001 La Costa Ave EB 3009 La Costa Ave Dahesa Ct to Levante La Costa Ave 15 West of Levante La Costa Ave 2552 La Costa Ave 2536 La Costa Ave 2536 La Costa Ave 20' west of Levante La Costa Ave 90' west of Dehesa La Costa Ave Across from 3305 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3303 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3215 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3215 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3211 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3211 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3209 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3209 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3209 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3207 La Costa Ave Across from 3205 La Costa Ave Across from 3203 La Costa Ave WB 2754 La Costa Ave WB 2750 La Costa Ave WB 2740 Calle Barcelona 350' east of Arrayan Calle Barcelona 20' east of Paseo Aliso Calle Barcelona 400' east of Paseo Aliso Alga Rd SE corner on south side Alga Rd 80' east of Alicante Rd. on the south side. Alga Rd Approx. 255' east of Alicante Rd. on the south side. Alga Rd Approx. 465' east of Alicante Rd. on the south side. Alga Rd Approx 560' east of Alicante Rd. on the south side. Alga Rd Approx. 295' west of Paseo Candelero on the south side. Alga Rd Approx. 110' west pf {asep Candelero on the south side. Alicante Rd 127' south of Lapis Rd. Alga Rd Across from Corte Casitas Alga Rd 65' from Corte Casita Alga Rd Approx. 300' east of Cazadero on the north side. Alga Rd Approx. 250' east of Cazadero on the north side. Alga Rd Approx 100' east of Cazadero on the north side. Alga Rd NE corner at Cazadero Alga Rd 60' west of Santa Isabell St. on the south side. Alga Rd 120' west of Santa Isabel St on the north side. Alga Rd 276' west of Santa Isabel St. on the north side. Alga Rd 160' east of Santa Isabel St. on the north side. Alga Rd 30' west of El Fuerte on the south side. 3320 Avenida Nieve 3329 Avenida Nieve 3557 Avenida Nieve La Costa Ave. 36' east of ECR on the south side. La Costa Ave. 132' east of ECR on the south side. Basswood Ct. Across from 1274 1393 Basswood Ct. 3405 Garfield St. 158 Maple St 129 Maple SL 110 Sycamore Pio Pico At Oak on the SE corner Pio Pico At Oak on the SE corner 165 Pine Ave. Pine Ave. Approx. 40' east of CBD Blvd. Pine Ave. At Lincoln on the SW corner. Laguna At Jefferson on the NW corner. 768 Laguna Dr. 2690 Laguna Dr. 755 Laguna Dr. Next to wall 2690 Laguna Dr Across from 700 Laguna Dr. 655 Laguna Dr East side 655 Laguna Dr. West side 624 Laguna Dr. At PED ramp 580 Laguna Dr 570 Laguna Dr. 597 Laguna Dr. 3336 Corte Esplendor 3364 Calle Jalisco 3360 Avenida Obertura 3324 Avenida Obertura 7953 Calle Pasada 3209 Calle Vallarta 3207 Calle Vallarta Across from 7962 Calle Madrid 7958 Calle Madrid 7945 Calle Madrid Across from 7949 Calle Madrid 7952 Calle Madrid Camino Lindo Approx. 122' east of Calle Acervo on the south side. Camino Lindo Approx. 300' west of Corte Domingo on the south side. Camino Lindo Approx. 500' east of Calle Acervo on the north side. 7939 Corte Domingo 6838 Corte Diego Across from 6807 Corte Adelina Across from 6801 Camino Amigos Across from 3525 Corte Lupe 6793 Camino Amigos Across from Corte Tiburon Approx. 29' north of Camino Coronado on the east side. Corte Tiburon Approx. 60' north of Camino Coronado on the west side. 953 Ayssum Rd. Alyssum Rd. @ Snapdragon SE corner Batiquitos Dr. Approx. 320' east of Golden Star Ln on south side behind G/R. Batiquitos Dr Approx. 65' east of Shorebird Ln on south side. Batiquitos Dr. Approx. 105' NW of Medala Terrace on west side. Batiquitos Dr. Approx. 125' north of Poppy Ln. on east side. Batiquitos Dr Approx 205' noth of Poppy Ln on east side. Batiquitos Dr Approx. 450' north of Poppy Ln on east side. Batiquitos Dr Approx. 30' south of Daisy Ave on east side. Batiquitos Dr. @ Daisy Ave. SE corner. Batiquitos Dr. Approx. 55' north of Daisy Ave. Batiquitos Dr. Directly across from Daisy Ln. on the west side. Poinsettia Ln. 140' north of Daisy Ln. on the west side. Batiquitos Dr. Approx. 200' south of Poinsettia Ln. on the east side. Batiquitos Dr Approx. 150' south of Poinsettia Ln. on the east side. Batiquitos Dr. Approx. 113' west of Poinsettia Ln. on the west side. 7012 Snapdragon Dr Across from. 7010 Snapdragon Dr. Across from. 7030 Ivy St Across from. Ivy St. Approx. 95' south of Rosemary on east side. Ivy St. @ Daisy Ave. NE corner at PED ramp. 929 Marguerite Ln. 908 Marguerite Ln. 3445 Spanish Way 3465 Spanish Way Car Country Dr At Hoehn Used Car driveway entrance. 5555 Car Country Dr 5555 Car Country Dr Across from 5555 Car Country Dr. 5555 Car Country Dr 5515 Car Country Dr 5475 Car Country Dr 5475 Car Country Dr 5475 Car Country Dr. 5365 Car Country Dr. Across from 5365 Car Country Dr. 5365 Car Country Dr. 5335 Car Country Dr. Auto Center Dr. At end of street. 1050 Auto Center Dr Across from. 1050 Auto Center Dr Across from. La Costa Ave. 150 East of ECR on south side. La Costa Ave. 180 East of ECR on south side. La Costa Ave. At La Costa Town Center entrance. La Costa Ave. Across from 2326 2348 La Costa Ave 2348 La Costa Ave 2412 La Costa Ave. 2520 La Costa Ave. 2401 La Costa Ave. 3289 Camino Coronado 3253 Avenida Anacapa 3253 Avenida Anacapa Across from 3256 Corte Vera Cruz 3305 Avenida Anacapa 2622 La Costa Ave. La Costa Ave. Approx. 25' east of Gibraiter on north side. 3294 Avenida Anacapa 3330 Calle San Bias Across from. 7916 Via Ensenata 3308 Calle San Bias 3331 Corte Verso 3281 Camino Coronado 7911 Sitio Catana 7910 Sitio Catana 7912 Sitio Catana 1045 Laguna E/O 3009 La Costa Ave Across from 3005 La Costa Ave across from La Costa Ave 100' elo ECR south side Executed Document(s) To Follow RECORDED REQUESTED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ~~-fc v ;Jf DOC# 2015-0228592 IIIII/I IIIII 111111/ff/ III/IIIII/ IIIII IIIII 1/ff/11111 IIIII IIIII //IIIII/ May 07, 2015 04:27PM OFFICIAL RECORDS Ernest J Dronenburg Jr SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER FEES $0 00 Space above this line for Recorder's use. PARCEL NO: N/A --~---------------- NOTICE OF COMPLETION Notice is hereby given that: 1. The undersigned is owner of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described 2. The full name of the undersigned is City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation. 3. The full address of the undersigned is 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008 4 The nature of the title of the undersigned is: In fee. 5. A work or improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on March 10, 2015 6. The name of the contractor for such work or improvement is Tryco General Engineering. 7. The property on which said work or improvement was completed is in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is described as follows Project No. 6013-14, 2014 Concrete Replacement 8. The street addresses of said property are in the City of Carlsbad and are listed per the attached Exhibit A. I, the undersigned, say: CITY~Ck ~~~ VERIFICATION OF CITY CLERK I am the City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, 92008; the City Council of said City on Yn~ 6 , 201£, accepted the above described work as completed and ordered that a Notice of Completion be filed. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Executed on ( f}lH ) (( , 20 It ) , at Carlsbad, California. B City Clerk Word\Masters\Forms\Notlcc of Complet1on (City) 3/9/98 Exhibit A .-----~~~~~~~~-----~~-~------------------~-l La Costa Ave EB -10ft east of Calle Timiteo WB -50 ft west of Levante La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Directly across __ !r:_o_m_}~QZ ____ --~-------u La Costa Ave La Costa Ave La Costa Ave _[)_ii~_s:_!!y _9c~~s_s_!r:~r11_] ~0 §_~~----________ _ _QJ~~-c!ly a_c;iossj_rC?_rn}_~93_ ~--____ _ _ _ -'-------~ D i r~c;!l_y ~s;_r-os~_!r:o_rn :g_QL --~-______ _ __ _ La Costa Ave DiE_ecQy __ a_cross frorrl__320_2 _______________ _ La Costa Ave DJr:_ecQy_ across__!r:_C2__rrl__1~03 _________ _ __ _ La Costa Ave La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Directl across from 3111 Directl across from 3111 Directl across from 3109 La Costa Ave Directl across from 3107 ~~~--------- ~----~----~------~-------------------------· _ La_g_c:J_s_!~A_y~ _ ______ ____ D i rec I!Y__9_c rossji"Q rn_~ 1_0Z~- La _g_2_s_ta _fl,IJ_fi______ _ _Q!!:_e~JI_y _9(;IQ:3S j_ro_rn} 1_0~ _ 1 ~a C9s_t~_~v~_ ____ _ Qi~e_ctl_y~~gss fr:_()m 30_23 __ _ · La_ C9s_!_a_A_ye ___ ~--_ _____ _ Qir:_ectly __§(;r:_O_§_s fro_rn }~9~ ___ _ La Costa Ave EB 3309 ----------------------------------------------------------- La Costa Ave EB 3011 --· ----···--------···-··-·--· ------------------------------------------ La Costa Ave EB 3015 ----------------------------------------------------- LaCostaAve EB3103 ------------------------------··-------------------- f_La_ggsta_f\y_e __ ~--____ E:f?_?10Z _ ~-~~--g;-*~1~:-:~~-:~=------~~~i~~ ---------~: ~ ====-=----- La Costa Ave EB3109 -~-------------------------------------------- i~-2~~~: ~~~--~---~-------~~ ~~~~-----~------------~~-- La Costa Ave EB 3203 ---------------------------------------------------~-~-~------- La Costa Ave EB 3207 --------------------------------------------··------ La Costa Ave EB3211 --------------------------------------- i ~a_99:3t9_,L\.v~---__ _ ___ __ \l'v'E:3_2?_1~----___ _ ____ _ [ La_9_Qs__t_a_f\y_e ___ ~ ______ WB 2622 ___________ _ 1 ~a_9os_t9__~\/-~-------__ ~ ____ _ 1 ~: 6~:~ 10~ -------------------- ~1: g~:~:-~~;----=---===~--~~e~i-~1~1a~1rt~ --=-~ -~----l[~g~;~: ~~~-----------t%~~~---------------------- ~ Li3SQ~~]i.ve~=~-~== -= ~tt~~==-_ -~== ~==--~ _ = -~ _ __ _ La Costa Ave 20' west of Levante _ba C()-ita Av~~~-----~ ~ _ 9_9_'_'v\'~s__t__Q[_[)~_h~s_§ __ __ _ ___ _ _ La Costa Ave Across from 3305 La Costa Ave . -------····-·---· -------__ ,. ________ ------------. - La Costa Ave Across from 3303 La Costa Ave f ---~----------------------------------------------------------------------- La Costa Ave Across from 3215 La Costa Ave ---~------------------~---------------------------------------- La Costa Ave Across from 3215 La Costa Ave La Costa Ave Across from 3211 La Costa Ave --···---------------------------------------. --·---·--··-· ------------------------- La Costa Ave Across from 3211 La Costa Ave ---------~-~----------------------·-·-·· --·-----------------------La Costa Ave Across from 3209 La Costa Ave ------------~-----------· -------------------~------ La Costa Ave Across from 3209 La Costa Ave Across from 3209 La Costa Ave Across from 3207 Across from 3205 Across from 3203 ----------------------- WB 2754 WB 2750 --------------------------- WB 2740 ------------·----------------------------------------- 9_a_II_~E:3~r:s;~J9_Q_9__ _ .. _ _ __ . 3_~9'_ e(3~t of J\rr(3y(3_n Calle Barcelona 20' east of Paseo Aliso ----- Calle Barcelona 400' east of Paseo Aliso Alga Rd ·-_ SE corner on south Side -----------------------------Alg_a_~cl_---~--_§_Q'_ east__()f_!\_lic9__nt~ Rd ()n _tll__E;_soutQ_s~d~ _ J -------------------·---·--------------------·--· ~-Approx 255' east of Alicante Rd. on the 1 Alga Rd south side. ---~-----·-·-· ·······-··--···---------- Alga Rd Approx. 465' east of Alicante Rd. on the south side. ·----------------------------·-·- Approx 560' east of Alicante Rd. on the south side ··------------------------------------------------------------ Approx 295' west of Paseo Candelero on the south side. ··---------------·· -----·--·. ·-·--------------. Alga Rd Approx 11 0' west pf { asep Candelero on the south side. ---------~-------~-----------~--------------------------------- _Aiicante R_d _________ J27~..§Ql!!~_<:l! __ L_~is_~d ________________ _ _ Alg_a _Rcj____ ________ _ ___ j\cros~Jrom_C:o~te_gCjs_l!a_? _ _ -~ _ Alga -~cj_-----------_ ___ 6~fro_m_ Co_rt~ ~§?_Ita __ ~--------------___ _ Alga Rd Approx 300' east of Cazadero on the north side. Alga Rd Approx 250' east of Cazadero on the +north_sicJ_~--_________________ _ i Alga Rd ~Approx 1 00' east of Cazadero on the north 1--------_§_id_~----------------. - ~ Alg9 Rd_ ___ _ _ NE corner at Cazadero ; Alga Rd ,_60-;-westofSanta Isabel 1-St on the south -I 1-------------------~Sid~: __ _ _ __ _ __________________ ... I Alga Rd 1 120' west of Santa Isabel St on the north side. -----------------------------------------~-------------------------- Alga Rd 276' west of Santa Isabel St on the north side. -------------------------------------------- Alga Rd 160' east of Santa Isabel St on the north _61.99_~cj_--,-.,.---:--:-:---- 3320 Avenida Nieve 3329 Avenida Nieve 3557 Avenida Nieve La Costa Ave. ----------------------------- La Costa Ave. Basswood Ct ------------------------- 1393 Basswood Ct 3405 Garfield St. ---------·-·---------------··- side. ------------------·--. -.... ------------------· 30' west of El Fuerte on the south side. 36' east of ECR on the south side. 132' east of ECR on the south side. 1_5_(3_~~~--~!:--~-----------------------··-·-·--·-- .. 122_~a_Lp_le_St_. ___ ~---t--------------··-·· _1_1Q__§y~a n10 re Pio Pico ----At Oak on the SE corner ---------·----·-·--·-·- Pio Pico At Oak on the SE corner ---------------------------- 165 Pine Ave ·---··------------------l_f_I~_AIJe..: _f\ppr~)( 4_Q'e;_as_t_o_fC_BQ.§IIJcJ.:.... __ 1 Pine Ave. At Lincoln on the SW corner : [ag_u=na----~~ -~=-r A:f)~tferson orit~1eNV\[ cc)rll~! ---~ l Z:6~Laguna[)~ _ ___ ___ ---~ __ i ?§§()_ L_§.9_Uil_§_Q!~ _ _ ____ _ _ _ --I --I _ 2_6~0 Lagun~_p!_ _ __ _ _ _ ~_cross fr()rll_ -···---··-·--··-·--··--·-.. --j I I_Z_5_§_l,_a_g_L.J_n_ClQr:_.___ _ ___ _ _Ne)(t t() ~all _ _"i'_O..Q.b_CI_g_LJ_na 1:)_~ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ ______ _ ____ _ ___ __ .. _. ~5§_~(3~na Dr East side _______ _ -~~aguna Dr. _1.0/est~ig_~----d ______ H 62~-~a_g_u_rl.Cl__Q~~------Atff::.[J_rarn.£_ ____ _ _ __ _ ~8_()_ ~C1_9.l.l_rl.Cl_Q~~---------·--··--·· -~]_Q_l,_aillJna Q_r.:__ ______________ _ 5_92~~LJ__I19_12r.:.___ __ __ __ ____ ____ _ _ _____ . __ I;;~~ g~[iJ~~~~~dor _ _ _ : 3360 Avenida Obertura I l3?_4 __ ~~-iri_ig(3_Q_be_r:tur?_ ·= .. ~;~~ g:::: ~:~=~: ---+==-~~-- ;HH:~~~~t~~t--~-~Across from 1 7945 Calle Madrid j Across from 1 ?9-4~ CalleM9dri~ f 1 7952 Calle Madrid ---------------------------- Camino Lindo Approx. 122' east of Calle Acervo on the south side. ~ ----··----------~-------------------------- -------------------. Camino Lindo Approx. 300' west of Corte Domingo on the south side --·---------------------------------- Camino Lindo Approx. 500' east of Calle Acervo on the north side. 7~;3_9_C::QI"!~[)_Q_rnin_9_C)_~ __ _ §_~:3_C3_Corte DiE;_g_()______ _ _ Acros~fr()rT) __ 6807 Corte Adelina E3_8Q1 C::<l_rllit:l_()__f\_f!11_9_Q_~ - - Across from Across from ~5~_5_C_or1~ Lt.pt:! _ _ _ _ ~?~3 C::_?_r_ll_ir](),L\r_ll igo_s ___ _ _ J\c~_r()_ss from _ Corte Tiburon Approx. 29' north of Camino Coronado on the east side. Corte Tiburon ~.?l f\J'SS_lj_rl1_ Rd_:_ Alyssum Rd.@ _ §n a pd @_g_O_rl __ _ ---------------- Approx. 60' north of Camino Coronado on the west side. ---- ! Batiquitos Dr. I Approx 320' east of Golden Star Ln on 1------------ ! Batiquitos Dr. I 1-----------------~-- 1 Batiquitos Dr I r :::::~:::: ~:------- Batiquitos Dr. south side beh1nd G/R. ---·-Approx. 65' east of Shorebird Ln on south side ----- - Approx. 1 05' NW of Medala Terrace on west side. ---· --.. ·---------------- Approx 125' north of Poppy Ln. on east side. Approx 205' noth of Poppy Ln on east side. -------------···-·-· ·-----·--Approx. 450' north of Poppy Ln on east side. ---------------~---------------· --·---------. ----····------: Batiquitos Dr. Approx 30' south of Da1sy Ave on east I I 8afiquitos Dr~@ baisy Ave. side. SE corner. --···-----------·-··----··-- ~-atiqu_i!().? [)c'-__ Batiquitos Dr ---Poinsettia Ln. Batiquitos Dr. Batiqu1tos Dr _App_rox 55'_nor1h_ of Da1s_yj\_11~ Directly across from Daisy Ln. on the west side. 14_0' Q()r!Jl_ Q_f_[)a_1~_y_ Ln _ ont~E;_ _\'\/~~t-~lcje __ Approx 200' south of Poinsettia Ln on the east side. --------------------Approx 150' south of Poinsettia Ln on the east side Approx. 113' west of Poinsettia Ln on the west side -------- 7_01_2_~Qajl_drag()n [)r I Across from_ ~~l~-~~tag:~ ~r--__ j_ ~~~-~-:~ ~~~~--- ------ Ivy St JApprox 95' south of Rosemary on east s1de --~ -~-------- - ----- L\'i_§_L_@_[)alsy Ave__ _ NE_corner at PED ramp 929 Marg_u~nte J__r1_.______ _ ______ ~--__ _ ~_9~}Jl§fguerite Ln --~ _______ ~-_ _ '_l~~§E§I_nish w,~a_,/__y__ --~-~-~------~---- 3465 Spanish Way--------+------~---~--___ ~----~----~--- Car Country Dr ,L\__t__!:!oeh_rl_l_j~~~-g(3r_dri_V~IJV~~r1_trance __ u_ 5555 Car Country Dr ~~~~ c:;_9L_Q9 u nJr:y__Q~ ___ _ ~~§__~ Car_Country Dr. _ 5555 Car Country Dr: __ _ 55_1_5 Car CouQ.tr:y_Q_r:_ __ ~4?_5_ Car Country Dr 5475_ Car Co~11tty Qr 1 5475 Car~()Untry qr _ 15]~5-CC:lr:_C_o~ntry:_pr : ~36_5 ~ar 9()~Qtry QL i i Across from Across from 5 36 5 g_e3_r_ Co u n_t_ry_Q L: _ 53~5 99r_g_o~ntr)' Q_r ___ _ I ---- Auto Center Dr. ----------------· ---- 1050 Auto Center Dr. -r~~s~~;o~e_e~ -~ ~ ---~---------~--=~- --1--·--·---~--~---~---I ~~-~-~a_t0A_~_:.:~r~= ------i~~~I~~~;Ti;c]~()_nj()(Jt_hj-ide~~=~ ~-- La Costa Ave. 180' East of ECR on south side. 1----~--~-------·----~ ! La Costa Ave. At La Costa Town Center entrance -. -·-· ----· --------------------· ----·- La Costa Ave. Across from 2326 -~------------------- --- 2348 La Costa Ave 1------~----~------~~--- ! 2348 La Costa Ave t 1 2412-L~g9.Sf?-f:\ve.-~ ------~ _ _ _ tj~[i-tt~~~~ ;~~-~----~~~~ -~--_~------~----- 1 ~? §_9_ g~_rn ~112_ g_g r:()l1_a_cj_S>__ -------------- 1 ~2~3 ~l,l~nicj_C3__/\QC3~~~ __ _ _ __ . __ .. __ _ 3_2~3_6_ve_ll~~f\_ll~C3PEI. Acr:()_ssf_r2m __ [~§-~(:;()rte__V~r_C3_gru?___ _ ____ _ 1 ~3Q_5_Av_e_njg_a_A_n_a_c;_C3jJC3 _ I t_-~2_c_2 o~C3__t_a_.~_c::z_ :~_a_A_~~~ --_-~--- -~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ App_r:()X 25' east of Gtbralter on north s1de i :3_?9_<l Ave_njcjC3_,L\n_ac;C:lpa j _ ~ 3330 Calle San Bias 1 Across from 7916 Via Ensenata ---------------------------- 3308 Calle San Bias I 3331 Corte Verso I ---------~ ~--~ ---·~-------.. 1 3281 Camino Coronado 7911 Sitio Catana 7910 Sitio Catana ~6H-r~~()u-~~t~/6 -~·-· - -t· · ------~------------~----------~--------~ -~191: __ ----------------------------~---~--------------~-~-~----- 3009 La Costa Ave Across fr()rT1 ____ -~ -~ -~ i 3005 La Costa Ave across · from -------.----~------~ -----~---~~ ~---t ~~------------~~ La Costa Ave 1 00' e/o 1 -E:~R_,S()~th_SI~~----L -----