HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-09; City Council; 21976; Approval Amendment 12 Brown and Caldwell Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches 11B-15, Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station 3492 3886 3949CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 21,976 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 12 WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES IIB - 15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, AND 3949 DEPT. DIRECTOR ^rf. MTG. 06-09-15 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 12 WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES IIB - 15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, AND 3949 CITY ATTORNEY jZK, DEPT. PW-UTIL APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 12 WITH BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES IIB - 15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, AND 3949 CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED AaiON: Adopt Resolution No. 2015-128 approving Amendment No. 12 to extend and amend the Professional Services Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for the design of the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches IIB -15 and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Project Nos. 3492, 3886, and 3949. ITEM EXPLANATION: The construction contract for the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC11B-VC15 and Avenida Encinas Recycled Water Line Project was awarded by the City Council at a meeting held on May 19, 2015. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2015. The project includes the construction of a 140 foot long sewer support bridge across Agua Hedionda Lagoon Channel, a 33 MGD sewer lift station and force main, a 54 inch diameter gravity sewer, and 11,000 lineal feet of 18 inch recycled water pipeline in Avenida Encinas. Both the City of Carlsbad and City of Vista have ownership in these facilities and will share all sewer related project costs. Brown and Caldwell was selected by the City of Carisbad in 2008 to perform the engineering design ofthe project. In addition to engineering services, Brown and Caldwell was asked to provide a full service consultant team to provide a wide range of services including surveying, geotechnical investigation, environmental compliance, and permit assistance. As the engineer of record. Brown and Caldwell's services are needed to support the owners and the construction manager during all aspects of construction. Amendment No. 12 to the Agreement will allow Brown and Caldwell and their subconsultants to be available to respond to contractor questions, attend field meetings, review shop drawings, perform factory acceptance tests, provide start-up assistance and operator training, and prepare operation and maintenance manuals. Additionally, Amendment No. 12 also extends the duration ofthe agreement for an additional three-year term to provide the necessary engineering support through the completion of construction and start-up ofthe facilities. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Terry Smith 760-603-7354 terry.smith@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER-SEE MINUTES • \ AMENDED • \ Approval-Amendment No. 12 June 9, 2015 Page 2 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) were prepared for the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Force Main and Gravity Sewer Replacement project (PDP 00-02(C)/SP 144(L)/RP 10-26/CDP 10-17/HDP 10-05/SUP 10-02/HMP 10-03). The MND was adopted by the City Council on Dec. 6, 2011, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15074. Furthermore, approval of an amendment with Brown and Caldwell for professional services is exempt from the requirements of CEQA pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065. This action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. FISCAL IMPACT: The fee for the additional services included in this Amendment No. 12 is $1,543,221. A summary of current and projected project costs is as follows: PROJECT COST SUMMARY FOR THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, V/C INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VCllB - VC15, AND AVENIDA ENCINAS RECYCLED WATER UNE (PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886,3949, 5027 & 6001) TOTAL Pre-Construction Phase Expenditures & Encumbrances $5,800,000 Phase 1 Construction (Vegetation Clearing, Emergency Pump Lease) $402,000 Pulice Construction Contract $44,195,300 Construction Contingency (8%) $3,535,624 Relocation of 12" Gas Line by SoCal Gas $2,848,350 Community Outreach Consultant $140,000 Construction Administration & Contingency (Carlsbad Staff) $600,000 Construction Management, Inspection & Environmental Monitoring (Arcadis) $3,639,920 Engineering Support (Brown and Caldwell Amendment No. 12) $1,543,221 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $62,704,415 CURRENT APPROPRIATION $62,950,000 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED $0 Sufficient funds are currently available for the completion ofthe project and no additional appropriation is necessary. All sewer related project costs will be shared between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Vista as described within the existing project agreement. Approval-Amendment No. 12 June 9, 2015 Page 3 of 3 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2015-128 approving Amendment No. 12 to extend and amend the professional services agreement with Brown and Caldwell for the design of the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches IIB -15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Project Nos. 3492, 3886, and 3949. 2. Location Map. 3. Amendment No. 12 to Extend and Amend Agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Brown and Caldwell for the Design of the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer System, Reaches IIB -15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station. EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-128 25 26 27 28 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 12 TO EXTEND AND AMEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH 4 BROWN AND CALDWELL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES llB-15 AND 5 THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, AND 3949. 6 7 g WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carisbad, California, has determined it 9 necessary and in the public interest to approve Amendment No. 12 to the agreement with Brown and Caldwell, Inc., for the design ofthe replacement ofthe Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches IIB through 15 and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station; and WHEREAS, on June 10, 2008, the City entered into an agreement with Brown and Caldwell in the amount of $2,382,281 to provide engineering design and environmental 10 11 12 13 14 15 services; and 16 WHEREAS, the current agreement expires on June 9, 2015; and 1 n WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City to extend the agreement with Brown and Caldwell for an additional three year term to allow for the completion of the project; and WHEREAS, eleven subsequent amendments have been authorized to Brown and Caldwell in the amount of $1,234,486; and 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, city staff and Brown and Caldwell have negotiated fees in an amount not-to- 23 exceed $1,543,221 to provide engineering support during construction and start-up assistance 24 for the project, as described in this Amendment No. 12 to professional services agreement; and WHEREAS, funds have been appropriated in the Capital Improvement Program and sufficient funds are currently available; and 1 WHEREAS, the City of Vista will reimburse the City of Carisbad for their portion of Brown 2 and Caldwell's fees as stated in an agreement titled, "Project Agreement for Construction ofthe 3 Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station and Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches VCllB 4 VC15", dated Feb. 10, 2015. 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 6 7 California, as follows: 8 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. ^ 2. That Amendment No. 12 to the Agreement with Brown and Caldwell will extend 10 the agreement for an additional three-year term that expires on June 9, 2018. 3. That Amendment No. 12 to Agreement with Brown and Caldwell in an amount not-to-exceed $1,543,221 for the design ofthe Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches IIB 14 through 15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station is approved and the Mayor is hereby 15 authorized and directed to execute said amendment. // // 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 II II II 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 26 27 28 // // // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carisbad on the S**' day of June, 2015, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Blackburn, Schumacher, Wood, Packard. None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, £ity Clerk .o- ; X - LOCATION MAP BUENA VISTA LIFTSTATION VISTA METER STATION EXISTING LAGOON BRIDGE VC11B EXISTING AGUA HEDIONDA LIFTSTATION LEGEND: VC11B-VC15 VC1-VC11A ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY PROJECT NAME AGUA HEDIONDA LIFTSTATION & VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC11B THROUGH VC15 PROJECT NUMBER 3492, 3886 & 3949 EXHIBIT DRAWN BY: SCOTT EVANS CARLSBAD UTIUTIES DEPT. 1/13/11 C:\UVUVES DEPARTUENT\LOCATm UAPS\AHLS ic VC11B-VC15.DVIG 1 PWENG643 AMENDMENT NO. 12 TO EXTEND AND AMEND AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES 11 B-15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION BROWN AND CALDWELL This Amendment No. 12 is entered into and effective as of the day of Ohr\^ , 2015, amending the agreement dated June 10, 2008, (the "Agreement") by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and Brown and Caldwell, a private employee-owned company, ("Contractor") (collectively the "Parties") for professional engineering services for the design of the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches 11 B-15 and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station. RECITALS A. On November 30, 2009, the Parties executed Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement to provide additional engineering studies and design services; and B. On May 28, 2010, the Parties executed Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement to extend it for one (1) additional year; and C. On February 23, 2011, the Parties executed Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement to provide additional design services, permit assistance and environmental surveys; and D. On June 22, 2011, the Parties executed Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement to extend it for one (1) additional year; and E. On December 8, 2011, the Parties executed Amendment No. 5 to the Agreement to provide additional design services and assistance with easement acquisition; and F. On May 9, 2012, the Parties executed Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement to provide additional design services and extend the Agreement for a period of three (3) additional years with all work to be completed by June 9, 2015; and G. On March 13, 2013, the Parties executed Amendment No. 7 to the Agreement to provide additional design services, including support during the project's construction management consultant's design review and response to actions developed in the design review; and H. On September 12, 2013 the Parties executed Amendment No. 8 to provide additional design services including efforts related to consolidation of the four construction bid packages prepared for the project into a single construction package with four design schedules; and I. On May 15, 2014 the Parties executed Amendment No. 9 to provide additional design services including efforts related to a third party document review and NCTD permit requirements; and J. On September 23,2014, the Parties executed Amendment No. 10 to provide additional design services; and K. On March 25, 2015, the Parties executed Amendment No. 11 to provide additional bid phase services; and L. The Parties desire to alter the Agreement's scope of work and request additional City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 PWENG643 funding to provide engineering support during construction and start-up services; and M. The Parties desire to extend the Agreement for a period of three (3) additional years; and N. The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule, which is attached to and incorporated by this reference as Exhibit "A", Scope of Services and Fee. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein. City and Contractor agree as follows: 1. In addition to those services contained in the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit "A". 2. City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit "A" on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed one million five hundred forty three thousand two hundred twenty one dollars ($1,543,221). Contractor will provide City, on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 3. Contractor will complete all work as scheduled and described in Exhibit "A" by June 9,2018. 4. All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will remain in full force and effect. 5. All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will include coverage for this Amendment. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 PWENG643 /// /// 6. The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. CONTRACTOR BROWN AND CALDWELL, a private employee-owned company By: (sign here) (print name/title) By: (sign here) (print name/title) CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California By: Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLE; City Clerk If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached. If a corporation. Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups: Group A Chairman, President, or Vice-President Group B Secretary, Assistant Secretary, CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney BY: Assistant City Attorne City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 ALL- PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California Countv of Orange On 71^/11^ ^Oi'^' before me, personally appeared } Judi Lowenthal, Notary F'ublic (Here insert name and title of the officer) who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(-^ whose name(9^ is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sho/thoy executed the same in his/h©F/tl=teir authorized capacity(ies3, and that by his/hetytfieir signature(s^on the instrument the person(^), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. 1 certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS nw hand and official seal JUDI LOWENTHAL i C0MM.# 2095215 ^ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA «' OUANtC COUHTV *" Mv COMM. EXP. JAN, 26,2019 f (Notary Public Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMAT DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT (Title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages Document Date — ON CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER • Individual (s) • Corporate Officer (Title) • Partner(s) • Attorney-in-Fact • Trustee(s) • Other 2015 Version www.NotaryClasses.com 800-873-9865 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM This form complies -with current California statutes regarding notary wording and, if needed, should be completed and attached to the document. Acknolwedgents from other states may be completed for documents being sent to that state so long as the wording does not require the California notary to violate California notary law. > State and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. > The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). • Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. he/she/theyr is /afe) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. > The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. Impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re-seal if a sufficient area permits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. » Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. • Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. • Indicate title or type of attached document, number of pages and date. • Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. If the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document with a staple. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY OF BROWN AND CALDWELL, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION I, the undersigned, do hereby cert:ify that: 1. I am the duly elected and acting Secretary of Brown and Caldwell, a California corporation, and am keeper of the corporate records and seal of said corporation. 2. At the annual meeting of the Board of Directors on February 6, 2015, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED that all Brown and Caldwell officers currently appointed to serve are ratified and authorized to continue to hold their offices at the pleasure of the Board of Directors of this corporation until the next annual meeting ofthe Board of Directors of this corporation or until their respective successors are elected or qualified, or until their earlier resignation. A listing of current company officers is attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Brown and Caldwell officers listed are authorized to financially commit the corporation in accordance with the Company procedures and policies within their respective area of responsibility or as stated in the Bylaws. 3. Marc G. Damikolas is a Senior Vice President of Brown and Caldwell, is so identified in the February 6, 2015, resolution referenced above, and in that capacity is duly authorized to financially commit the corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Corporation this 27* day of May, 2015. SIGNED: ROBERT D. GOODSON, Secretary (SEAL) IVl:\CorpSecreta ry\Certificates\Secretary.doc Exhibit "A" ^^^^^ Agua Hedionda Lift Station, Vista/Carisbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches, and Avenida Encinas Recycled Water Line Project C11B-VC15 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES SCOPE OF WORK Catdwell j May 15, 2015 1 I P a a e Project Scope of Work TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY 3 TASK 1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT, PROGRESS REPORTS AND BILLING 4 Task 1.1 Project Management 4 Task 1.2 Progress Reports 4 Task 1.3 Billing 4 TASK 2 - DESIGN SUPPORT AND SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION 4 Task 2.1 Pre-Construction Meeting, Construction Meetings and Site Visits 5 Task 2.2 Requests for Information (RFIs), Clarifications and Interpretations 6 Task 2.3 Shop Drawing and Submittal Review 6 Task 2.4 Substitutions 7 Task 2.5 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) 7 Task 2.6 Contract Document Modifications, Design Changes and Change Orders 7 Task 2.7 Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance Review 8 TASK 3 - CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION 8 Task 3.1 Proj ect Startup Assistance and Training 8 Task 3.2 Functional Test Procedures Review 8 Task 3.3 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual 9 OPTIONAL TASKS (Not included in fee proposal): 9 Record Drawings 9 System Training 9 Contractor Redline Review Meetings 9 Pre-Submittal Meeting 9 Trenchless Pipeline Coordination Workshop 10 CONSULTANT FEE 10 APPENDIX A Labor Hour/Cost Matrix B Subconsultant Proposals and Fees C Team Organization Chart D Shop Drawing and Submittal Log 2 I P a a e SUMMARY Brown and Caldwell's (BC) scope of work (SOW), as detailed here within and in Appendix B, Subconsultants Proposals, is to provide engineering construction support services for the construction and closeout of Contract No. PWS13-40UTIL, Agua Hedionda Lift Station, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches and Recycled Water Line Project. Under an existing contract with the City of Carlsbad (City), BC and its subconsultants completed four separate designs (Schedules A-D), and subsequently combined the designs into one Contract Document for construction. The Final Contract Documents (plans, specifications and construction cost estimate) are currendy in Contractor bidding. BC shall provide engineering support services during the construction project phases, and conduct project management activities to support the delivery of these services, as described below. ARCADIS has been retained by the City for construction management services. ARCADIS (heretofore known as the CM) will provide the services of a Resident Project Representative (Resident) at the site to provide site inspection of the Contractor's work (Work). The Resident will be the City's agent or employee and under the CM's supervision. The duties and responsibilities of the Resident are set forth in the Agreement between the CM and City. For the purposes of this SOW, the tides Construction Manager, Contract Documents, Submittals and Change Order shall have the meanings given in the Construction Contract between the City and the project Contractor. Services associated with this SOW are assumed to be conducted over construction period which is expected to be twenty-two (22) months beginning with City's pubUc soRcitation of the Contract Documents for bid. BC shall provide the key management personnel as described in the Team Organization Chart in Appendix C. BC has included labor-hours, subconsultant fees and other direct costs in a Labor Hour/Cost Matrix (Appendix A) for appropriate personnel classifications to perform the tasks described below. In connection with this SOW, BC shall administer a program of QA/QC procedures for producing quality work and shall effectively manage and control the services provided herein. Specific procedures shall include but not be limited to planning, coordination, tracking, checking, reviewing and scheduling the work. BC shall subject aU work products prepared by BC to BC's in-house QA/QC procedures prior to submittal to the City. QA/QC hours and costs shaE be incorporated into other tasks within this Scope of Work. 3 I P a a e TASK 1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT, PROGRESS REPORTS AND BILLING Task 1.1 Project Management BC shall perform project management services in association with the work as provided for in this scope of services. Project management shaR include intemal bi-weekly meetings, meetings as requested by the City, coordination of internal QA/QC efforts, internal coordination and tracking of RFIs and submittals/shop drawings required of BC to review, preparation of change order documentation, preparation of bilRngs and project and budget controls and reporting. BC shaR be responsible for detaRed management of the project as it pertains to the scope of work defined herein, including managing its subconsultants, and shaR keep the City informed of the status of the project. Task 1.2 Progress Reports BC shaU complete a monthly progress report, to be submitted with the project invoice as part of the monthly request for payment. The monthly progress report wRl include the foUowing: Work completed in previous biRing period Outstanding project issues Statos and issues impacting project scope and budget Budget amendments to BC contiact Percent complete, tabulated on a per task basis OveraR project budget, tabulated on a per task basis Travel and site visit summary Status of RFIs and Change Orders BC shaU conduct monthly project management meetings with City Project Manager remotely (via tele- conference). These meetings shaU be attended by City's Project Manager and BC's Project Manager at a mumaRy agreeable time. The purpose of the meetings shaR be to review the BC Project Manager's progress report and the status of the project scope, budget, and any issues which may affect completion of the project. Task 1.3 BURng BC shaU prepare and submit monthly invoices to the City by the 15*^ day of each month. The invoices shaU document the labor-hours and bRRng rate for each person whom has worked on the project for each task. Any direct costs shaR also be shown for each task. As part of the summary section of the iavoice, BC shaR also include the foRowing information: • Budget • Current biRing period invoicing • Previous biRing period "total invoiced to date" • Budget amount remaining • Current biRing period "total percent invoiced to date" • Current billing period "total percent completed to date" • Backup invoices for subconsultants and other direct costs (ODCs) TASK 2 - DESIGN SUPPORT AND SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION The City, and/or its consultants, wiR administer and provide construction field inspection, surveying, geotechnical engineering and testing, biological monitoring, trenchless inspection, contract administiation for consttnction conttacts and any other specialty inspection required during consttnction. Design support 4 I P a a e services shaR be provided by BC, as requested by the City, to include coordinating with and advising the City during the construction phase of the project, to the extent provided in this SOW. Services, including meetings, change orders and submittal reviews are detaRed in the foRowing subtasks. Task 2.1 Pre-Consttuction Meeting. Consttnction Meetings and Site Visits Task 2.1.1 - Pre-Constmction Meeting BC shaR participate in one half-day (4 hours) Pre-constmction Meeting attended by City staff, BC, CM, Conttactor, subconttactors, and vendors. This meeting shaR be scheduled and presided over by City or CM. In tiiis meeting, the City shaR describe BC's role in the project as the Design Engineer and the services BC shaR provide during constmction. No deUverable is required to be prepared by BC. For the purposes of this proposal, BC's project manager and project engineer wiR attend the Pre- Construction Meeting, and wRl provide input or address questions in the submittal process, if needed. Task 2.1.2 - Weekly Progress Meetings BC Project Manager, or Project Engineer, shaR attend the weekly consttnction progress meeting(s) either remotely or on site. BC's subconsultant staff may also attend progress meetings, as included in the scope of work of each subconsultant. For the purposes of this fee proposal, BC has assumed attendance at one (1) weekly progress meeting per month and remote attendance (via conferencing) for aR other meetings. The scope and proposed fee include time for meeting preparation, ttavel time, foRow-up, and review of meeting minutes, prepared by others. Task 2.L3 - Pump Station Coordination Meeting Per the Conttact Documents, BC wiR attend the pump station coordination meeting with the Conttactor and pump station operators prior to consttnction to review pump station operation and maintenance standard procedures, schedules and access requirements for normal operation. The intent of this meeting is to coordinate the continued operation of the existing pump station throughout the duration of construction activities. Task 2.1.4 - MisceRaneous Meetings BC shaR attend additional meetings as requested by the City. The City wiR determine need and duration of BC participation in meetings to meet construction support needs. For the purpose of this proposal, BC has assumed one (1) misceRaneous meeting (per month) wiR be attended by the BC Project Manager. Task 2.1.5-Field Visits BC shaR participate in field visits and perform foRow-up to items discussed in the meetings that are related to the project design and/or design specifications. BC shaR make additional visits to the site as approved by the City. For the purposes of the fee proposal, BC has assumed a number of hours for various team members, as detaRed in Appendix A, for both engineering and project staff, to assist in field problem resolution and design clarification/verification to help resolve construction issues as they arise and as requested by the City. BC shaR report the nature of the field site visits, the problem resolved, and identify staff requesting the site visit in BC's monthly project report (see Task 1.2). The purpose of BC's and its subconttactors' visits to the site wiR be to assist the CM and the City's representative to provide a greater degree of confidence for the City that the completed Work wiU conform to the Conttact Documents and that the intent of the design concept, as reflected in the Conttact Documents, has been implemented and preserved by the Conttactor. BC wUl assist the City, CM and its Conttactor with potential or actual conflicts, disputes or delays related to the project design, provide/discuss the stams of Conttactor submittals. Requests for Information and conttact change orders, and provide design clarification/verification to help resolve construction issues. BC shaR not, during such visits or as a result of the observations of the Work in progress, supervise, direct or have conttol over the Work nor shaR BC have authority over or responsibUity for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of constmction selected by the Conttactor, for safety precautions and programs incident to the work of Conttactor or for any faUure of Conttactor to comply with laws, mles, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders appRcable to Conttactor fumishing and performing the Work. BC can neither guarantee the performance of the Work by the Conttactor nor assume responsibUity for Conttactor's faRure to furnish and perform the Work in accordance with the Conttact Documents. During its visits, BC may recommend rejection of the Work whRe it is in progress if BC beReves that the Work wiR not produce a completed Project that conforms generaRy to the Conttact Documents or that it wRl prejudice the negatively impact of the design concept of the Project as reflected in the Conttact Documents. Such recommendations shaR be submitted for consideration to both the City and the CM in writing by the end of the next business day. Task 2.2 Requests for Information (RFIs). Clarifications and Interpretations The CM wRl log-in and forward to BC certain RFIs generated by the Conttactor or the City. BC shaR return written responses that provide clarification and/or interpretation related to the Contract Documents to the CM within three (3) business days of receipt of RFI. For the purpose of estimating the effort for this task, BC shaR review and respond to no more than 250 RFIs. Refer to Task 2.7 for BC's SOW related to changes to the Conttact Documents. Additional design or design changes wRl be requested in writing by the City and any effort related to such changes wRl be provided by BC under the terms of Task 2.6. Task 2.3 Shop Drawing and Submittal Review BC shaR coordinate with City/CM to review conttact submittals, as required in the Conttact Documents. Critical submittals, necessary for permitting or required to break ground, shaR take priority. BC is not responsible for ttacking submittals with the Conttactor or ensuring submittals are received from the Conttactor in the timeframes required to prevent constmction delays. It is assumed the CM is responsible for ensuring the completeness of each submittal and enforcing the submittal requirements in the Conttact Documents, as weR as indicating on the ttansmittal form the appRcable design Schedule (A, B, C or D) for each submittal and shop drawing. The CM wRl receive and log-in aR submittals from the Conttactor. The CM wiR forward an electtonic copy of each submittal and shop drawing requiring BC's review. BC shaR review the shop drawings and submittals for conformance with the requirements of the Conttact Documents and retum electtonic submittal review comments to the CM within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of submittal. BC shaR coordinate aR necessary shop drawing and submittal reviews with each subconttactor. BC shaR accommodate occasional expedited reviews for time sensitive submittals. BC shaR review and approve submittals and shop drawings. Appendix D Rsts the anticipated number of submittals/shop drawings that wRl require a review and 2nd review for each discipRne. It also indicates the level of effort in terms of average hours per submittal per discipRne. AR effort for reviews thereafter wRl be reimbursed by the City on a time and material basis. It is assumed aR submittals and shop drawing wRl be disttibuted by the CM to BC and returned by BC to the CM via a defined electronic process. Any ttaining required of BC personnel and/or BC subconttactors related to a specific web-based documentation conttol system is not included in this fee proposal. Equipment O&M's, startup and testing materials and information, and other data not specified in the Conttact Documents as a standard required submittal, wiR be reviewed, at the request of the City, as per the scope of work and under the aRowance aRotted for Task 2.6. AR requests and/or submittals for a substitution or proposed material/equipment 'equivalent' wRl be ttacked under Task 2.4. Included in this fee estimate, BC accounted for a total of 475 submittals wiR be sent to BC for review. BC also estimated that half of those submittals (238) would be returned to the Conttactor for revision and would require a re-submittal review. Therefore, a maximum of 713 reviews can be performed by BC under this scope of services. Task 2.4 Substitutions BC shaR evaluate and determine the acceptabiRty of aR substimtions or 'equivalent' materials and equipment proposed by the Conttactor and requested by the City, as required in the Contract Documents and to the extent provided for in the budget aRowance for substitutes. BC has assumed a $20,000 aRowance for this Task and shaR ttack aR time and materials related to such evaluations and submit to the City. Task 2.5 Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) A design engineer from BC wRl ttavel to the manufacturer's test faciRty in the continental United States to be in attendance for the performance test of the two force main pumps and two Rft pumps. For the purposes of this proposal, we have assumed one separate ttip (two (2) days of testing each) for each pump type, for a total of four (4) days. BC wiR provide witnessing and documentation of the sequence, observations and issues associated with the testing of the pumps. It is assumed that the witoessed testing wRl take place over the course of one business working day. The day of testing wRl be scheduled and agreed upon by aR parties involved. At the conclusion of the witnessed testing, BC wiR prepare and issue the City a memorandum documenting the witnessed pump performance testing. A summary of test resuks, conclusions, and recommendations for next steps wiR be included in the report. AdditionaRy, BC shaR review aR certificates of inspections, testings and approvals required by law or the Conttact Documents to determine that both the content of die certificates and the certified inspection or test results comply substantiaRy with such requirements. • FAT for Pumps — at manufacturing faciRty • FAT for Insttumentation and Conttols - at project site The FAT for the pumps assumes labor and ttavel to and from the factory for both size pumps (two trips). Task 2.6 Conttact Document Modifications. Design Changes and Change Orders For the purposes of this proposal, BC has aRocated an aRowance of $40,000 for time and materials related to change order and design modifications Upon the City's written request for a design change (excluding design omissions and errors), BC and it's subconsultants shaR complete the work identified for the change order and deduct the cost (time and materials) related to this change from the $40,000 change order aRowance aRocated under this subtask. BC shaR keep a total for aR costs associated with each change order, which wRl also be reflected on the monthly invoices. Upon completion of the preliminary change order documents (plan drawings, schematics, detaRs, schedules, and specifications) BC wRl forward them to City. City shaR review die proposed change and request BC to incorporate any changes in Auto CAD. City/CM wRl issue the change order documents in a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) or Field Change Order (FCO) to the Conttactor. BC shaR forward design calculations and other design backup documents, as necessary to City/CM. For die purposes of diis fee proposal, it is assumed the City and/or CM wRl provide cost estimates for aR change orders; therefore, cost estimating services is not included in this fee. Any change to the Conttact Documents shaR be identified with date of change and reference (RFI number, RFP number, FCO number, etc.) shown on the document. Changes shown on previously conformed drawings shaR be clearly marked and "clouded" for accurate identification of the scope of change by the Conttactor as weR as the City and/or CM. When a change is required on a conttact drawing that has previously undergone a change, the updated drawing showing the previous change shaR be used as the base document to identify new changes. Task 2.7 Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance Review BC shaU assist the city in a substantial completion site visit and help in the development of a punch Rst of items required in order for the Contractor to complete the project work in accordance with the Contract Documents. BC shaR also attend a final acceptance walk through at the request of the City. BC team members shaR consist of engineering (civR, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and conttols) and project staff TASK 3 - CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION Task 3.1 Project Startup Assistance and Training BC shaR consult with and advise the City during the startup phase of the project, to the extent provided in this SOW. CM is responsible for coordinating Conttactor activities related to startop and training, as defined in the Conttact Documents. Task 3.1.1 - Startup Assistance BC shaR attend the startup activities related to the pumping equipment, grinders, and conttol system. Conttactor shaU develop and produce a detaRed, written plan for die startup and initial operation of the equipment and systems instaRed and constmcted under their contract. BC shaR review this plan and provide comments and recommendations to the City. For the purposes of this proposal, BC has assumed a level of effort (ia Appendix A) of per engineering discipRne for starmp assistance, which can vary based on the Conttactor's schedule for this Task. BC wiR observe starmp activities, provide advice as requested during the Conttactor's activities, and evaluate the subsequent results. BC wiR provide opinions to the City regarding any items or equipment that do not meet the specifications or intent of the Conttact. BC wiR not be responsible for operating or directing the operation of any equipment. Task 3.1.2 — Training Conttactor shaR prepare aR ttaining plans for operation and maintenance of the equipment and systems instaRed under their conttact. The CM shaR coordinate efforts in preparing the ttaining plans preparation with the Conttactor, such that the plans developed are in accordance with the Conttact Documents. The CM wiR also approve the Conttactor's implementation of the ttaining plans. BC shaR assist the CM in reviewing the ttaining plans for conformance with the Conttact Documents, and provide comments and recommendations to the City. Task 3.2 Functional Test Procedures Review BC shaR review the Conttactor's functional testing procedures, as required in the Conttact Specifications. For the purposes of estimating the effort for this task, BC has assumed the foRowing testing submittals wRl be submitted for review: • Two (2) Pump • One (1) Electrical/Conttols • Two (2) MisceRaneous Mechanical Task 3.3 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual The O&M manual shaR contain an overview of the system, design data and equipment descriptions, conttol phRosophy and detaRed sttategies, and alarm responses as indicated in the conttact documents. Figures wiR be included where needed to clarify operational sttategies. The manual wRl not include specific maintenance procedures as this is included in the submitted equipment manufactures O&M information. It is assumed that the Contractor wRl provide BC with aR supporting O&M related documents in one (1) single weR-organized submittal. BC wRl perform a completeness check of aR O&M documents provided by the Contractor, and develop an O&M Manual with control strategies based on these documents. OPTIONAL TASKS (Not included in fee proposal): The foRowing tasks are proposed by BC, and wRl only be performed witii the City's written authorization along with a negotiated amendment. Record Drawings BC shaR be responsible for preparing, printing, and reproducing record drawings. The City shaR prepare, certify, and reproduce aR record drawings from information furnished by the Conttactor and CM. Conttactor shaR also provide layout and instaRation drawings, which wRl also be coUected and distributed by the CM. It is assumed that the CM wRl periodicaUy request the Conttactor to supply updated 'progress' as-buRt drawings tiiroughout the duration of consttnction. BC shaR prepare record drawings from information furnished by the Conttactor/CM. This information shaR consist of detailed and clear, marked- up contract drawings ready to be drafted with Rttle involvement from engineering staff Markups submitted by the Contractor/CM shaR include implementation of design change orders, field change orders, plan clarifications and RFIs, and not reference those documents directiy. Prior to fmal completion, BC shaR prepare and submit one (1) hard copy draft set of record drawings to the City for review. The City wRl provide a single consoRdated set of comments on the draft set. BC shaR incorporate City comments and prepare the final record drawings submittal. The fmal submittal shaR be one (1) fuR size Mylar set, and one copy of AutoCAD fRes. No paper copies wRl be furnished. The original engineer's sign-and-seal from tiie design phase wRl not be changed on tiie final record drawings. A 'Record Drawings' stamp wRl be affixed to the fmal Mylar copies noting them as such. System Training BC shaU provide ttaining of the operations personnel to supplement ttaining given by Conttactor on specific pieces of equipment. The ttaining wiR emphasize the equipment operational sttategies and interactions as programmed into the PLC, such as conttol of the lift station and force main pumps. These are not covered by individual equipment ttaining. Pumping station features wRl also be covered that are not associated with a specific piece of equipment requirement ttaining, such as general ventilation, site drainage and tteatinent, Rft pump siphon operation, and emergency pumping connections. Conttactor RedRne Review Meetings BC shaR review the Conttactor's as-buRt drawings, with the CM, at the 25, 50, 75, and 100 percent of project completion to verify tiie Conttactor has included aR relevant information from approved change orders and RFIs. BC shaR prepare a comment log for each of these reviews and submit it to die CM and the City. Pre.-Submittal Meeting BC shaR attend one two-hour pre-submittal meeting with the City, CM and Conttactor staff to coordinate 9 I P a a e Trenchless Pipeline Coordination Workshop BC shaR coordinate and faciRtate, with ttenchless pipeUne consultants one (1) one-day workshop to discuss the critical microtunneling and horizontal directional drilRng submittal and critical project requirements. Trenchless pipeline subconsultants shaR assist the City and respond to Conttactor questions. BC shaR prepare meeting agenda and draft/final minutes. Trenchless pipeRne subconsultants and other subconsultants attendees shaR review draft minutes. CONSULTANT FEE A summary of the consultant fee is provided below. A detaRed breakdown of the fee is included in jVppendix A, and backup of the subconsultants' fees are included in Appendix B. Phase Total Labor Total Labor Effort Total ODCs Total Sub Cost Total Expense Cost Total Expense Effort Total Effort 100 Project Management 1.232 $237,239 $835 $0 835 S3S $238,074 110 Project Management 1,073 $208,864 $835 SO 835 835 $209,699 Progress Reports $15,741 $0 so 0 0 $15,741 130 Billing 73 $12,634 $0 so 0 0 $12,634 200 Services during Construction 4,673 $946,645 $87,935 $174,597 242,532 259,992 $1,206,637 211 Pre-Construction Meeting 20 $4,258 $0 so 0 0 $4,258 2-2 Weekly Progress Meetings 204 S40.692 $0 so 0 0 540,692 2-1 Pump Station Coordination Meeting 32 $6,480 $200 so 200 200 $6,680 2-i Miscellaneous Meetings 442 S95.520 $835 so 835 835 S96.355 215 Field Visits 460 $101,834 S3,200 so 3.200 3,200 $105,034 220 Requests for Information (RFI), Clarification & Interpretation 1,267 $252,767 $0 50 0 0 $252,767 2'K. Shop Drawing & Submitlai Review 1,98B $386,254 $0 so 0 0 $386,254 240 Subsiilutions (Allowance) 0 SO $20,000 so 20.000 20,000 $20,000 250 Factory Acceptance Tests 186 S41.412 $3,700 so 3,700 3,700 $45,112 260 Design Ctiange Orders (Allowance) 0 SO $40,000 so 40,000 40,000 540,000 27C Substantial Completion & Final Acceptance Review 74 $17,428 $0 so 0 0 517.428 2SC Specialty Engineenng Services (Subconsultants) 0 $0 $0 $174,597 174,597 192,057 $192,057 300 Construction Completion 444 $98,510 $0 $0 0 0 $98,510 310 Project Startup Assist & Training 282 $63,648 $0 so 0 0 $63,648 320 Functional Test Procedures Review 6B $15,838 $0 so 0 0 $15,838 O&M Manual 94 $19,024 $0 so 0 0 $19,024 GRAND TOTAL 6,349 $1,282,394 $88,770 $174,597 243,367 260,827 $1,543,221 Hours and Dollars are rounded to nearest whole number. lOjPage APPENDIX A: LABOR HOUR/COST MATRIX BrownANoCaldwoU \- City of Carlsbad - Agua Hedionda Lift Station, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches and Recycled Water Line Project Phase Phase Description Project Principal Project Manager Project QA/QC Project Engineer Asst. Project Engineer Sch. A Design Lead Sch. B Design Lead Sch. D Design Lead Sch. C Design Lead QA/QC Civil QA/QC Mech. Mechanical Eng. QA/QC Elec. Electrical Eng. QA/QC l&C l&C Sr. Structural Eng. Structural Eng. Sr. Designer Designer Pump Expert Odor Contrcil PriDject Administrator Word Processing Acct. Invoicing $251.00 $239.00 $251.00 $182.00 $138.00 $207.00 $239.00 $251.00 $182.00 $251.00 $182.00 $239.00 $207.00 $251.00 $182.00 $251.00 $215.00 $207.00 $138.00 $251.00 $182.00 $117.00 $138.00 $163.00 $99.00 100 Project Management 48 409 0 313 0 16 28 28 36 0 0 0 16 0 16 0 0 8 0 0 0 208 28 22 44 110 Project Management 48 374 0 291 0 16 16 16 24 0 0 0 16 0 16 0 0 8 0 0 0 208 28 0 0 120 Progress Reports 0 24 0 11 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 22 130 Billing 0 11 0 11 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 22 200 Services during Construction 8 192 34 950 315 238 400 108 388 180 430 269 351 236 261 98 15 90 54 8 40 8 0 0 0 211 Pre-Construction Meeting 0 4 2 6 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 212 Weekly Progress Meetings 0 48 12 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213 Pump Station Coordination Meeting 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 214 Miscellaneous Meetings 8 110 16 106 0 14 24 24 8 15 16 16 16 16 16 8 0 16 4 0 0 8 0 0 0 215 Field Visits 0 20 0 90 0 30 80 32 0 64 64 40 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 Requests for Information (RFI), Clarification & Interpretation 0 0 0 175 125 40 100 12 75 0 100 125 125 125 125 25 15 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 Shop Drawing & Submittal Review 0 0 0 405 190 154 166 30 303 20 202 62 178 35 106 65 0 24 0 8 40 0 0 0 0 240 Substitutions (Allowance) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 Factory Acceptance Tests 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0 80 48 12 24 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 Design Change Orders (Allowance) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 270 Substantial Completion & Final Acceptance Review 0 10 4 10 0 0 14 8 0 0 0 14 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 Specialty Engineering Services (Subconsultants) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 Construction Completion 0 24 118 76 0 0 50 0 0 20 48 24 32 24 24 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 310 Project Startup Assist. & Training 0 10 104 30 0 0 30 0 0 0 40 18 24 18 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 320 Functional Test Procedures Review 0 6 10 6 0 0 12 0 0 18 0 4 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 O&M Manual 0 8 4 40 0 0 8 0 0 2 8 2 8 2 8 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 56 625 152 1,339 315 254 478 136 424 2C0 478 293 399 260 301 98 15 98 54 10 42 216 28 22 44 Hours and Dollars are rounded to nearest whole number. Phase Phase Description 100 Project Management 110 Project Management 120 Progress Reports 130 Billing 200 Services during Construction 211 Pre-Construction Meeting 212 Weekly Progress Meetings 213 Pump Station Coordination Meeting 214 Miscellaneous Meetings 215 Field Visits 220 Requests for Information (RFI), Clarification & Interpretation 230 Shop Drawing & Submittal Review 240 Substitutions (Allowance) 250 Factory Acceptance Tests 260 Design Change Orders (Allowance) 270 Substantial Completion & Final Acceptance Review 280 Specialty Engineering Services (Subconsultants) 300 Construction Completion 310 Project Startup Assist. & Training 320 Functional Test Procedures Review 330 O&M Manual Total Labor Total Labor Lodging and Planning Simon Ninyo & Total Sub Total Expense Total Expense Total Effort PM QA/QC Hours Effort Allowances Airfare Food Mileage Reproduction Total ODCs Jacobs RNT R2H System Wong Moore Cost Cost Effort Total Effort $239.00 $238,074 12 1,232 $237,239 0 0 0 835 0 $835 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 835 835 $238,074 12 1,073 $208,864 0 0 0 835 0 $835 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 835 835 $209,699 0 86 $15,741 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $15,741 0 73 $12,634 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $12,634 0 4,673 $946,645 60,000 1,500 1,600 4,835 0 $87,935 74,600 26,436 19,860 9,930 33,771 10,000 $174,597 242,532 259,992 $1,206,637 0 20 $4,258 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $4,258 0 204 $40,692 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $40,692 0 32 $6,480 0 0 0 200 0 $200 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 200 200 $6,680 0 442 $95,520 0 0 0 835 0 $835 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 835 835 $96,355 0 460 $101,834 0 0 0 3,200 0 $3,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 3,200 3,200 $105,034 0 1,267 $252,767 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $252,767 0 1,988 $386,254 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $386,254 0 0 $0 20,000 0 0 0 0 $20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 20,000 20,000 $20,000 0 186 $41,412 0 1,500 1,600 600 0 $3,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 3,700 3,700 $45,112 0 0 $0 40,000 0 0 0 0 $40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 40,000 40,000 $40,000 0 74 $17,428 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $17,428 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 74,600 26,436 19,860 9,930 33,771 10,000 $174,597 174,597 192,057 $192,057 0 444 $98,510 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $98,510 0 282 $63,648 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $63,648 0 68 $15,838 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $15,838 0 94 $19,024 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 $19,024 GRAND TOTAL Hours and Dollars are rounded to nearest whole number. 12 6,349 $1,282,394 60,000 1,500 1,600 5,670 $88,770 74,600 26,436 19,860 9,930 33,771 10,000 $174,597 243,367 260,827 $1,543,221 APPENDIX B: SUBCONSULTANT PROPOSALS AND FEES -| Brown *«CaldweU \- Ill McMILLEN JACOBS ASSOCIATES Julys, 2014 Revised April 2,2015 Ms. Daynan Rigg Brown & Caldwell 9665 Chesapeake Dr., Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92123 Subject: Revised Proposal for Trenchless Engineering Support During Construction Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station & Force Main and V/C Interceptor Relief Sewer City of Carlsbad, Califomia Dear Daynan, McMillen Jacobs Associates is pleased to submit this revised proposal and fee estimate for continued engineering support during construction of the City of Carlsbad's V/C Sewer Project. This proposal was revised to describe the engineering services that McMillen Jacobs Associates (formerly Jacobs Associates) will provide to Brown «& Caldwell (B&C) and the City of Carlsbad during construction of the trenchless pipeline reaches that are part of the sewer project. The engineering and observation services provided during construction will be considered an extension of the trenchless design services McMillen Jacobs Associates provided during the design phase. Even though trenchless personnel from different McMillen Jacobs Associates offices will be utilized during the course of construction, this proposal assumes that our services will originate out of San Diego office. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The Lift Station Project includes two trenchless components identified as Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and microturmeling. This proposal reflects the scope of work outlined in the design drawings dated December 2014. The HDD segment is about 1,840 feet of 36-inch OD DR 11 HDPE pipe connecting the open cut segment originating from the pump station to a new junction structure in the median of Avenida Encinas, about 400 feet south of the Carmon Road intersection. The new junction structure is the interface between the force main segment and the new 54-inch microtutmel gravity sewer segment. The 54-inch microturmel segment is divided into eight drives totaling about 3,625 feet with the drives varying between 200 and 590 feet. Two reaches totaling about 1,475 feet are identified as either microturmel or open cut construction at the contractor's option. Four launching shafts and five receiving shafts are required to complete the eight drives identified as microtunneling on the project plans. The jacking pipe specified for the project is 54-inch ID fiberglass reinforced pipe (FRP). It is our understanding that ARCADIS is the Construction Manager (CM) and Hatch Mott MacDonald is the CM's subcontractor that will provide the trenchless construction inspections. Although fiall-time trenchless inspections are in the City of Carlsbad's best interest, in accordance with your June 9,2014 email, our role is tasked as follows: 8880 Rio San Diego Dr., Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92108 | 619.430.4040 p Proposal for Specialized Trenchless Engineering Support and Construction Observations Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station & Force Main and V/C Interceptor Relief Sewer in Avenida Encinas • Attendance at Pre-Construction Meeting • Submittal Review • Bidding Assistance (Q&A, Addenda) • Fewer intermittent site visits • A change order allowance As requested, this proposal excludes a previous scope of work task to provide trenchless oversight and to review and track progress of the HDD and microtunnel installations through daily HDD and microturmel reports. In addition, project site visits will be on an as-needed basis. In the event trenchless issues arise, a project management task provides for as-needed issue meetings. This proposal details the scope of work typically anticipated for the trenchless reaches which is divided into the general tasks identified as follows: • Project management - Preconstruction meeting - Coordination, reviews and oversight - As-needed site visits - As-needed issue meetings - Assistance during bid phase - Change order Allowance • Submittal reviews - Respond to requests for information (RFI) or clarification - Submittal reviews - Responses to requested construction changes The scope of work for the shaft submittal review is from a trenchless point of view with respect to wall seals, equipment layout, reaction walls and load fransfer into the ground, and ground improvement for reaction walls and/or machine launch and retrieval. We assume the structural review of the shafts will be provided by the CM team. The various tasks and subtasks are based on our experience with similar HDD and microtunneling projects. Task 1 - Project Management and Meetings 1.1. Participate in Preconstruction Kick Off - McMillen Jacobs Associates will have one person travel to and attend the preconstruction meeting to become familiar with the project document control system and project communication protocol. For purposes of this proposal, we have allotted eight hours for the preconstruction meeting inclusive of preparation and fravel time. Marcli 31 2015 2 McMillen Jacobs Associates Proposal for Specialized Trenchless Engineering Support and Construction Observations Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station & Force Main and V/C Interceptor Relief Sewer in Avenida Encinas Deliverables: McMillen Jacobs Associates will be prepared to make a brief frenchless presentation for the preconstruction meeting. Specific questions will be formally responded to in a project memorandum. 1.2. Proiect Coordination. Reviews, and Oversight - McMillen Jacobs Associates has established a project coordination, review and oversight budget to capture project time allocated to confract administration, project coordination and discussions, e-mail correspondence, budget controls, billing reviews and/or reports, and any other management tasks commensurate with this type of project. Deliverables: McMillen Jacobs Associates will document responses to specific issues or concems with PDF documents or e-mail as deemed appropriate. 1.3. As-Needed Site Visits - McMillen Jacobs Associates will make periodic site visits during the trenchless constmction to interface with the trenchless inspector. We are projecting 2 no. periodic site visits over the course of constmction. The two site visits are budgeted at 10 hours inclusive of preparation, travel, and time for preparation of the field observation report. Deliverables: The as-needed project site visits will be documented in field observation reports. 1.4. Attend As-Needed Issue Meetings - One person will travel to and attend 6 no. issue meetings budgeted at 8 hours each inclusive of fravel, preparation, and time for preparation of formal documentation. Time has been included for follow-up documentation addressing the issues. We have made an allowance to have a senior engineer attend six issue meetings and a principal to attend two issue meetings. Deliverables: Prepare and submit formal documentation of the issues along with our comments, opinions, and/or recommendations. 1.5. Assistance During Bid Phase - McMillen Jacobs Associates will provide engineering assistance on an as-needed basis during the bid phase to respond to contractor questions pertaining specifically to the trenchless aspects of the project. Additionally, McMillen Jacobs Associates will provide engineering assistance in the preparation of one project addenda related specifically to the trenchless constmction. Deliverables: Prepare and submit responses to the trenchless questions that arise during the bid phase to be incorporated into a formal response prepared by others. 1.6 Change Order Allowance - McMillen Jacobs Associates is providing a budget allowance for a project change order related specifically to a trenchless change order. The allowance does not include preparation of a specification associated with the change order. March 31 2015 3 McMillen Jacobs Associates Proposal for Specialized Trenchless Engineering Support and Construction Observations Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station & Force Main and V/C Interceptor Relief Sewer in Avenida Encinas Deliverables: Prepare and submit documentation for a trenchless change order to be incorporated into a formal change order prepared by others. Task 2 - RFI/Clariflcation and Submittal Reviews 2.1. Review and Respond to Requests for Information (RFI) or Clarification - We are presenting a budget for reviewing and responding to five written RFIs or clarifications. Deliverables: One written response will be provided for each RFI or clarification for incorporation into a formal response to be prepared by others. 2.2. Submittal Reviews - McMillen Jacobs Associates will receive, review, and provide written responses to trenchless-related contractor submittals. Others are to review the shaft, turmel, and HDD-related submittals to ensure completeness before submitting to McMillen Jacobs Associates. The shaft submittals will be reviewed from a trenchless point of view with respect to wall seals, equipment layout, reaction walls and load transfer into the ground, and ground improvement for reaction walls and/or machine launch and retrieval. Although McMillen Jacobs Associates can provide this service, we assume the sfructural review of the contractor's shaft designs will be completed by the CM team. We anticipate reviewing the following trenchless-related contractor submittals: • Shafts (trenchless related) • HDD • Microturmeling • Contact Grouting • FRP Pipe We assumed reviewing one complete submittal for the five trenchless-related specifications listed above. In addition, we have assumed one resubmittal for each submittal. Deliverables: One written response will be provided for each of the five trenchless-related submittals for incorporation into a formal response to be prepared by others. In addition, we will provide one written response for each resubmittal. 2.3. Provide Responses for Requested Constmction Changes As-Needed - McMillen Jacobs Associates will review written requests for construction changes and provide a written response. We assumed the project would generate three requested constmction changes and no follow-up requests. Deliverables: One written response will be provided for incorporation into a formal response to be prepared by others. March 31, 2015 4 McMillen Jacobs Associates Proposal for Specialized Trenchless Engineering Support and Construction Observations Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station & Force Main and V/C Interceptor Relief Sewer in Avenida Encinas All deliverables will be prepared using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Outlook, and/or Adobe Acrobat. We have assumed that all contract deliverables and invoicing will be provided in electronic format. FEE We propose to bill on a time-and-materials basis with a not-to-exceed budget of $74,600 for engineering support during construction as described in this revised proposal. Our fees are summarized below and are based on our current 2014-15 Schedule of Rates, which is attached. A breakdown of the hours and proposed staff allocated to the tasks identified in our scope of services is presented in the attached fee estimate. The estimate is based upon all travel being scheduled with adequate notice to minimize expenses and travel time. McMillen Jacobs Associates performs an internal quality control review on all deliverables. Quality control/quality assurance reviews are included in the fee estimate for each task deliverable. FEE ESTIMATE SUMMARY Task Task Description Fee 1 Project Management and Meetings $43,700 2 RFI/Clari flcation and Submittal Reviews $30,900 Total All Tasks $74,600 This is our proposal to you for the construction phase portion of this project. 1 will be McMillen Jacobs Associates' Senior Associate responsible for managing and coordinating the construction phase of the project including the intermittent inspection services, project meeting attendance, preconstruction-related meetings, and site observations. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal to B&C for the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station & Force Main and V/C Interceptor Relief Sewer in the City of Carlsbad, California. If you have any questions regarding the scope of work or fee estimate, please call. Respectfully, McMILLEN JACOBS ASSOCIATES Norman Joyal, PE, GE Senior Associate Attachment: McMillen Jacobs Associates' 2014-15 Schedule of Rates Fee Estimate cc: P2194.1 March 31, 2015 McMillen Jacobs Associates ly McMILLEN JACOBS ASSOCIATES SCHEDULE OF RATES These are "all-up" rates, meaning that they include direct salary cost, overhead, general and administrative costs not separately accounted for, and profit. They shall remain in effect through June 30,2015. These rates shall be unilaterally revised by McMillen Jacobs Associates about July 1st of each calendar year for normal annual escalation and salary increases. Classification Hourly Rate Classification Hourly Rate Principal $275.00 Sr. Designer $160.00 Senior Associate $250.00 Designer $130.00 Lead Associate $235.00 Engineer Intern $100.00 Associate $215.00 Sr. Inspector $175.00 Sr. Project Consultant $205.00 Inspector $145.00 Sr. Project Engineer/Geologist $205.00 Accountant III $150.00 Project Consultant $175.00 Accountant 11 $120.00 Project Engineer/Geologist $175.00 Accountant I $110.00 Sr. Staff Consultant $160.00 Technical Editor $145.00 Sr. Staff Engineer/Geologist $160.00 Administration III $125.00 Staff Consultant $140.00 Administration II $115.00 Staff Engineer/Geologist $140.00 Administration I $105.00 CADD Manager $185.00 Expenses. All direct costs are to be billed at actual cost, including: 1. Transportation expenses, including airfare, hotel, meals, ground fransportation, and miscellaneous expenses. 2. Communications expenses, including long distance telephone, cell phone, facsimile, and messenger services. 3. Reproductions, plots, postage, handling and delivery of Instmments of Service, photography, blueprints, graphics, photo prints or printing. 4. Applicable taxes for work performed outside of Califomia. Basis for Services. Client agrees to pay McMillen Jacobs Associates for all services performed for the Project computed on a Time and Expense Basis in accordance with the schedule for McMillen Jacobs Associates' personnel as set forth herein. Client also agrees to pay McMillen Jacobs Associates all reimbursable project-related expenses. Invoicing. McMillen Jacobs Associates will endeavor to submit progress invoices to the Client monthly and a final invoice upon completion of services. Payments are due and payable upon receipt of our invoice. Amounts unpaid 45 days after receipt of invoice shall bear interest at the rate of 1-1/2 % (one and one-half percent) per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law. IU McMILLEN JACOBS ASSOCIATES Ref: P2149, Revised 04/02/2015 Date: 07/08/2014 Project: Client: Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station and Force Main and V/C Interceptor Relief Sewer, Carlsbad, California Brown & Caldwell Task Description Principal $275.00 Sr. Associate $250.00 Project • Engineer $175.00 JA Labor Hours JA Labor Cost Other Direct Costs Total Amount 1 Project Management and Meetings 1.1 Participate in Preconstruction Meeting 8 8 $2,000 $50 $2,050 1.2 Project coordination, Reviews, and Oversight 4 16 8 28 $6,500 $6,500 1.3 As-Needed Site Visits - 2 No. (prep/travel/report) 20 20 $5,000 $100 $5,100 1.4 Attend As-needed Issue Meetings - 6 No. meetings @ 8 hrs/ea '12 48 60 $15,300 $1,500 $16,800 1.5 Assistance during bidding phase 2 8 8 18 $3,950 $3,950 1.6 Change Order Allowance 4 16 24 44 $9,300 $9,300 Task 1: Project Management and Meetings 22 116 40 178 $42,050 $1,650 $43,700 2 RFI/Ciarification and Submittal Reviews 2.1 Review/Respond to RFI or Clarification - 5 no. total 2 10 20 32 $6,550 $6,550 2.2 Submittal Reviews 8 8 $2,200 $2,200 1. HDD 5 16 21 $4,050 $4,050 2. Shafts (trenchless related, structural review by CM team) 3 6 9 $1,800 $1,800 3. Microtunneling 6 16 22 $4,300 $4,300 4. Contact Grouting 2 4 6 $1,200 $1,200 5. FRP Pipe 2 4 6 $1,200 $1,200 Resubmittal Reviews -5 no. @ 4 hrs/ea 10 20 30 $6,000 $6,000 2.3 Provide Responses for Requested Construction Changes - 3 No. 6 12 18 $3,600 $3,600 Task 2: RFI/Clariflcation and Submittal Reviews 10 44 98 152 $30,900 $0 $30,900 32 $8,800 160 $40,000 138 $24,150 330 $72,950 $1,650 $74,600 Simon Wong Engineering KLEINFELDER Bright People Right Solutiom March 18, 2015 Victor Occiano Brown and Caldwell Phone: 858-571-6708 Re: Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station & Force Main - Construction Phase Dear Warren: Pursuant to your request, enclosed please find our scope and fee for the above referenced project. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. SCOPE: Provide construction support services for the above mentioned project. The scope shall include the following A. Site Visit & Meetings: Provide 18 site visits to be used for structural observation or at the discretion of KSWE or the contractor and provide a report. See appendix A for a list of expected structural observation site visits. Attend 1 pre-construction nneeting at the site. B. Submittals: Review and comnnent on 25 Subnnittals/Shop Drawings and the appropriate resubmittals. C. RFIs Review and respond to 50 RFIs D. As-Built Drawings Provide As-Build Record drawings at the completion ofthe project based on marked up/redlines ofthe contract documents by the contractor and/or Brown and Caldwell. Exclusions: See Appendix B for Special Services 9968 Hibert Street, 2"" Floor, San Diego, CA 92131 p | 858.566.3113 f j 858.566.6844 PLANNING SYSTEMS LAND USE/COASTAL PLANNING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • LA3900 POLICY AND PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION November 20,2012 Ms. Daynan Rigg BROWN & CALDWELL 9665 Chesapeake Dr. Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92123 RE: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE LANDSCAPE INSPECTION SERVICES AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION PROJECT Dear Ms. Rigg: Per your request, PLANNING SYSTEMS hereby submits a proposal to provide the following Landscape Architectural Inspection services to BROWN & CALDWELL for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station project in the city of Carlsbad. SCOPE OFWORK PLANNING SYSTEMS will provide Landscape Architectural Construction Administration for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Project. This work is described in the Landscape Plans and as typically required by the City for new landscape installations. 1. Pre-construction meeting with Installadon Contractor (discuss habitat $780 protection, revegetation, other installation issues, meeting notes) 2. Irrigation and planting submittals (receive product submittals, approve $390 substitutions) 3. Irrigation Mainline Testing site visit/ approval/ memo $390 4. Irrigation Coverage Testing site visit/ approval/ memo $390 5. Plant Spotting site visits/ approval/ memo $1650 6. Completion of installation site visit, punch list(s)/ additional site visit(s) $ 1,040 7. Iirigation record drawings/ planting record drawings contractor coordination $390 8. As-built Irrigation Plan Preparation/ Submittal $1,910 9. Certification of Completion Landscape Installation(City From P-25 D) $ 1,170 a. Irrigation Watering Schedule b. Maintenance Schedule for Landscape and Irrigation System c. Soil Testing Results coordination d. Soil Amendments Installed coordination 10. Letter of Certification (Release of Securities) Landscape Installation (P-25 E) $780 including Site visit(s) and Punch list(s) 1530 FARADAY AVENUE • SUITE 100 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • (760) 931-0780 • FAX (760) 931-5744 • info@plannings.vstein.s.net 11. General Project Coordination with owner, consultants, contractor $ 1,040 TOTAL $9,930 COST Not to Exceed $9,930.00 PLANNING SYSTEMS will bill only for hours spent in the above effort. Should unforeseen circumstances arise requiring additional time and therefore additional fees; PLANNING SYSTEMS will notify BROWN & CALIWELL of these circumstances. Any additional costs beyond the amount estimated in this Proposal above will require additional authorization prior to completion of the services. PLANNING SYSTEMS will invoice the client on an hourly basis pursuant to the attached Fee Schedule for professional services rendered monthly. Costs such as printing or reproduction work will typically be provided as necessaiy at cost plus 15%. If the provisions of this proposal are acceptable, please mail us the necessary agreement contract documentation for execution. Paul J. Klukas Director ofPlanning PLANNING SYSTEMS Engineerings Inc. Marcti 18, 2015 Mr. Jud Warren Brown and Caldwell 9665 Ctiesapeake Drive Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92123 Re: Agua Hedionda Lift Station - Bid and Construction Phase Services R2H Proposal No: 14056 Dear Mr. Warren: R2H Engineering is pleased to submit this proposal for bid and construction phase services on the Agua Hedionda Lift Station project. Please review this entire document carefully to ensure a common understanding of our scope of services. PROJECT DESCRIPTION It is our understanding that this proposal consists of the bid and construction phase services for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station project, encompassing the pre-manufactured bridge, bridge abutments, piles, wing walls and retaining wall elements as shown on Plan Drawings B-1 through B-13. A detailed scope of services is outlined below. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our scope of services was developed based upon our experience with similar projects and conversation with Brown and Caldwell. R2H Engineering, Inc. will provide services as follows: Bid Phase Services: Task 1: Respond to bid RFI's. (3 RFI's estimated) Task 2: Assist with addenda preparation. (18 hours estimated) Construction Phase Services: Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Respond to construction RFI's and provide design clarifications. (6 RFI's estimated) Review shop drawing submittals. (12 submittals estimated) Attend construction meetings and site visits as requested. (3 visits estimated) Prepare record drawings. EXCLUSIONS, CONDITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS 1. The hours listed for submittals include an initial review and on re-review per submittal. 2. The fee listed is an estimate based upon our experience with this type of project. However, the actual work effort required depends on many factors which are unknown at this time and/or beyond our control. Therefore, our work will charged on a time and materials basis as directed by Brown and 17150 Via del Campo, Suite 306 Las Vegas, NV San Diego, CA 92127 Salt Lake City, UT 858.673.8416 tel 858.673.8418 fax Brown and Caldwell March 18, 2015 Re: Agua Hedronda Lift Station- Bid and Construction Phase Services Page 2 Caldwell up to the estimated amount listed below. If additional services are require, we will submit a change order for approval before proceeding with the additional work. 3. Design changes during construction will be billed separately on a time and materials basis as directed. FEES We anticipate completing our scope of services for the following fees: Bid Phase Services $ 3,700. Construction Phase Services $19,860. Please note our current fee schedule is attached to the back of this proposal. We hope that you find this proposal appropriate. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, RzH ENGINEERING, INC. Robert Hendershot President Engineerings Inc. 2015 Fee Schedule Consulting Engineering Services Engineer 5 Engineer 4 Engineer 3 Engineer 2 Engineer 1 Sr. Engineer Project Manager Engineer Engineer Jr. Engineer $198/hr $169/hr $142/hr $118/hr $ 97/hr Technician 4 Technician 3 Technician 2 Technician 1 Designer Sr. Drafter Technician Adnninistration $ 109/hr $ 94/hr $ 78/hr $ 69/hr Note: Overtime charges will be invoiced at 1.5 times the above rates. REIMBURSABLE COSTS Computer/CAD Vehicle Mileage Travel Expenses Outside Services Reproduction (In-House) 8% X 11 8i4x 14 11 X 17 Plotting (In-House) Bond Vellum Mylar Binding (In-House) B&W B&W B&W 24x36 24x36 24x36 Comb $0.28/copy $0.39/copy $0.57/copy $1.09/sheet $2.05/sheet $8.12/sheet $0.88/binding Color Color Color 30x42 30x42 $9.00/hour $0.59/mile Cost + 20% Cost + 20% $0.48/copy $0.59/copy $0.89/copy $1.43/sheet $2.58/sheet 3-rlng $4.20/binding Service by Design San Diego, CA Las Vegas, NV www.r2h.com Salt Lake City, UT t 0 < tt Roesling Nakamura Terada Architects www.rntarchitoGts.conn 363 Fifth Ave | Ste 202 | San Diego CA 92101 | Pei 9 . 2 3 3 . 1 023 | F 6 1 9 . 2 3 3 . 0 01 6 Ralph Roesling tCotaro Nakamura Mun Ying Kung Chikako Terada Joe Mansfield Rommel Otaes Raul Diaz March 19, 2015 Daynan Rigg Brown and Caldwell 9665 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 92123 Fee Proposal for Construction Administration Services - Generator/Electrical Building, Agua Hedionda Lift Station, City of Carlsbad Dear Ms. Rigg: We have prepared the fee proposal for Construction Administration Phase services for the Aqua Hedionda Lift Station project. The scope of services includes the following: • Submittal review (Based on the Preliminary Submittal Log Spreadsheet dated 4/22/13), RFI review and response (Max. 25 RFIs), Punch List, Project Close Out assistance. Total of 4 site visits/site meetings All other services not noted above are excluded from the scope of work. Fee: CA Phase Project Manager Technical Support Rate/Hour $163 $123 Hours Hours Pre-construction meeting 2 2 RFI's 20 8 Submittals 100 24 Punch List 4 3 Site Visits/Meetings 6 3 Total Hours 132 40 Total Rate $21,516 $4,920 Grand Total $26,436 Sincerely, Rommel Olaes, Principal ROESLING NAKAMURA TERADA ARCHITECTS GecncchniCi"iI anti Envifonrnt-nw^i Sciences Cf.in^i.jircfnh March 31, 2015 Proposal No. 106044004 Ms. Daynan Rigg Brown & Caldwell 9665 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 201 San Diego, California 92123 Subject: Proposal for Geotechnical Consulting Services Agua Hedionda Lift Station Project Carlsbad, California Dear Ms. Daynan: In response to your request, we are pleased to submit this proposal to perform geotechnical con- sulting services during construction for the proposed Agua Hedionda Lift Station Project located in Carlsbad, California. The consulting services would be to address geotechnical related questions which come up or other services requested during construction. We understand that the proposed project will include construction ofthe lift station, pipelines, pipeline tunnels and ancillary facilities. We previously prepared the design-phase geotechnical evaluation report for the project in August 3, 2009, plus supplementary letters in 2013 and 2014. SCOPE OF SERVICES Ninyo & Moore's scope of services during construction will consist of providing geotechnical con- sulting services as requested by Brown & Caldwell. Services are anticipated to consist of the review of plans and specifications; review of geotechnical reports prepared by Ninyo & Moore; re- view and response to contractor RFI's; performing site visits by a geologist or engineer from our office to observe and document removals of unsuitable soil materials prior to fill placement; obser- vation and documentation of foundation excavations prior to installation of reinforcement and placement of concrete; observation and documentation of pipeline trench bottoms prior to pipe installation; preparation of field memoranda and letters; and providing other geotechnical services as requested by the client. 57IORuffinRoad • San Diego. Califomia 92123 • Phone (858) 576-(000 • Fax (858) 576-9600 San Diego • Irvine • Los Angeles • Rancho Cucamonga • OaWwid • San Francisco • San Jose • Saaamento Las Vegas • Phoenix • Tucson • PrescoitV&lley • Denver • Houstwi Agua Hedionda Lift Station Project March 31, 2015 Carlsbad. California Proposal No. 106044004 FEE ESTIMATE Our fees for consulting services during construction for the project are estimated to be on the order of $10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars). Our fees will be invoiced on a time-and-materials basis in ac- cordance with the attached Schedule of Fees. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look fonward to working with you on this project. If the terms and conditions of this proposal meet with your approval, please fonward your contract documents for signature. Respectfully submitted, NINYO & MOORE Gregory T Farrand, CEG 1087 Principal Geologist FOM/GTF/ Attachment: Schedule of Fees (C-10) Distribution: (1) Addressee Agua Hedionda Lift Station Project March 31, 2015 Carlsbad, California Project No. 106044004 SCHEDULE OF FEES HOURLY CHARGES FOR PERSONNEL Principal Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist Senior Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist Senior Project Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist Project Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist Senior Staff Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist Staff Engineer/Geologist/Environmental Scientist GIS Analyst Field Operations Manager Supervisory Technician Nondestructive Examination Technician, UT, MT, LP Senior Field/Laboratory Technician Field/Laboratory Technician ACI Concrete Technician Concrete/Asphalt Batch Plant Inspector Special Inspector (Concrete, Masonry, Steel, Welding, and Fireproofing). Technical lllustrator/CAD Operator Geotechnlcal/Environmental/Laboratory Assistant Information Specialist Data Processing, Technical Editing, or Reproduction $ 168 $ 164 $ 160 $ 156 $ 141 $ 128 $ 114 $ 104 $ 95 .. $ 95 $ 87 $ 87 $ 87 $ 87 $ 87 $ 86 $ 73 $ 73 .. $ 64 OTHER CHARGES Concrete Coring Equipment (indudes one technician) $ 160 /hr PID/FID Usage.... $ 140 /day Anchor load test equipment (includes technician) $ 97/hr Hand Auger Equipment $ 65 /day Inclinometer Usage $ 40 /hr Vapor Emission Kits $ 40 /kit Level D Personal Protective Equipment (per person per day) $ 30 /p/d Rebar Locator (Pachometer) $ 30 /hr Nuclear Density Gauge Usage $ 15 /hr Field Vehicle Usage $ 12 /hr Direct Project Expenses Cost plus 15 % Laboratory testing, geophysical equipment, and other special equipment provided upon request. NOTES (Field Services) For field and laboratory technicians and special inspectors, regular hourly rates are charged during nonnal weekday construction hours. Overtime rates at 1.5 times the regular rates will be charged for work perfomned outside nomnal con- struction hours and all day on Saturdays. Rates at twice the regular rates will be charged for all work in excess of 12 hours in one day or on Sundays and holidays. Lead time for any requested service Is 24 hours. Field Technician rates are based on a 4-hour minimum. Special inspection rates are based on a 4-hour minimum for the first 4 hours and an 8- hour minimum for hours exceeding 4 hours. Field personnel are charged portal to portal. INVOICES Invoices will be submitted monthly and are due upon receipt. A service charge of 1.0 percent per month may be charged on accounts not paid within 30 days. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The tenns and conditions of providing our consulting services include our limitation of liability and indemnities as pre- sented in Ninyo & Moore's Work Authorization and Agreement. Agua Hedionda Lift Station Project Carlsbad, California March 31,2015 Project No. 106044004 SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory Test, Test Designation, and Price Per Test Soils Atterberg Limits, D 4318, CT 204 $ 160 Califomia Bearing Ratio (CBR), D1883 $ 485 Chloride and Sulfate Content, CT 417 & CT 422 $ 150 Consolidation, D 2435, CT 219 $ 300 Consolidation - Time Rate, D 2435, CT 219 $ 75 Direct Shear - Remolded, D 3080 $ 325 Direct Shear- Undisturbed, D 3080 $ 275 Durability Index, CT 229 $ 165 Expansion Index, D 4829, IBC 18-3 $ 180 Expansion Potential (Method A), D 4546 $ 160 Geofabric Tensile and Elongation Test, D 4632 $ 180 Hydraulic Conductivity, D 5084 $ 330 Hydrometer Analysis, D 422, CT 203 $ 210 Moisture, Ash, & Organic Matter of Peat/Organic Soils $ 120 Moisture Only, D 2216, CT 226 $ 35 Moisture and Density, D 2937 $ 45 Permeability, CH, D 2434, CT 220 $ 255 pH and Resistivity, CT 643 $ 155 Proctor Density D1557, D 698, CT 216, & $ 200 AASHTO T-180 (Rock corBctions add $80) R-value, D 2844, CT 301 $ 275 Sand Equivalent, D 2419, CT 217 $ 90 Sieve Analysis, D 422, CT 202 $ 120 Sieve Analysis, 200 Wash, D 1140, CT 202 $ 100 Specific Gravity, D 854 $ 100 Themial Resistivity (ASTM 5334, IEEE 442) $ 880 Triaxial Shear, CD, D 4767, T 297 $ 430 Triaxial Shear, C.U., w/pore pressure, D 4767, T 2297 per pt. $ 365 Triaxial Shear, C.U., w/o pore pressure, D 4767, T 2297 per pt.. $ 210 Triaxial Shear, U.U., D 2850 $ 155 Unconfined Compression, D 2166, T 208 $ 110 WaxDensity, D1188 $ 100 Roofing Roofing Tile Absorption, (set of 5), C 67 $ 210 Roofing Tile strength Test, (set of 5), C 67 $ 210 iVIasonrv Brick Absorption, 24-hour submersion, C 67 $ 50 Brick Absorption, 5-hour toiling, C 67 $ 60 Brick Absorption, 7-day, C 67 $ 65 Brick Compression Test, C 67 $ 50 Brick Efflorescence, C 67 $ 50 Brick Modulus of Rupture, C 67 $ 45 Brick Moisture as received, C 67 $ 40 Brick Saturatkjn Coeflicient, C 67 $ 55 Concrete Block Compression Test, 8x8x16, C 140 $ 65 Concrete Block Conformance Package, C 90 $ 485 Concrete Block Linear Shrinkage, C 426 $ 135 Concrete Block Unit Weight and Absorption, C 140 $ 60 Cores, Compression or Shear Bond, CA Code $ 60 Masonry Grout, 3x3x6 prism compression, C39 $ 35 Masonry Mortar, 2x4 cylinder compression, C109 $ 35 Masonry Prism, half size, compressbn ,C1019 $ 120 Masonry Prism, Full size, compressbn, C 1019 $ 175 Concrete Compression Tests, 6x12 Cylinder, C 39 $ 25 Concrete Mix Design Review, Job Spec $ 155 Concrete Mix Design, per Trial Batch, 6 cylinder, ACI $ 825 Concrete Cores, Compression (excludes sampling), C 42 $ 60 Drying Shrinkage, C 157 $ 275 Flexural Test, C 78 $ 55 Flexural Test, C 293 $ 60 Flexural Test, CT 523 $ 65 Gunite/Shotcrete, Panels, 3 cut cores per panel and test, ACI $ 275 Jobsite Testing Laboratory Quote Lightweight Concrete Fill, Compression, C 495 $ 45 Petrographic Analysis, C 856 $ 1,200 Restrained Expansion of Shrinkage Compensation $ 270 Splitting Tensile Strength, C 496 $ 90 3x6 Grout, (CLSM), C39 $ 45 2x2x2 Non-Shrink Grout, C 109 $ 45 Reinforcing and Structural Steel Fireproofing Density Test, UBC 7-6 $ 60 Hardness Test, Rockwell, A-370 $ 55 High Strength Bolt Nut & Washer Conformance, per assembly, A-325 $ 130 Mechanically Spliced Reinforcing Tensile Test ACI $ 105 Pre-StressStrand(7wire),A416 $ 155 Chemical Analysis, A-36, A-615 $ 135 Reinforcing Tensile or Bend up to No. 11, A 615 & A 706 $ 55 Stmctural Steel Tensile Test Up to 200,000 lbs. (machining extra), A 370 $ 80 Welded ReinftDrcing Tensile Test Up to No. 11 bars, ACI $ 60 Asphalt Concrete Asphalt Mix Design, Caltrans $ 2,400 Asphalt Mix Design Review, Job Spec $ 165 Extraction, % Asphalt including Gradatbn, D 2172, CT 382 $ 240 Film Stripping, CT 302 $ 110 HveemStabilityandUnitWeightCTMorASTM, CT366 $ 215 Marshall Stability, Flow and Unit Weight, T-245 $ 240 Maximum Theoretical Unit Weight D 2041 $ 135 Unit Weight sample or core, D 2726, CT 308 $ 100 Air Voids, T-269 $ 50 Voids in Mineral /Aggregate, (VFA) CT Sp-2 $ 50 Voids filled with AC, (VMA) CT Sp-2 $ 50 Dust Proportioning, (VFA) CT Sp-2 $ 50 Aggregates Absorption, Coarse, C127 $ 40 Absorptbn, Fine, C128 $ 40 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles, C 142 $ 110 Cleanness Value, CT 227 $ 135 Cmshed Particles, CT 205 $ 155 Durability, Coarse, CT 229 $ 145 Durability, Fine, CT 229 $ 145 Los Angeles Abrasion, C131 or C 535 $ 200 Organic Impurities, C 40 $ 60 Potential Reactivity of Aggregate (Chemical Method), C 289 $ 430 Sand Equivalent, CT 217 $ 100 Sieve Analysis, Coarse Aggregate, C136 $ 115 Sieve Analysis, Fine Aggregate (including wash), C136 $ 115 Sodium Sulfate Soundness (per size fraction), C 88 $ 175 Specific Gravity, Coarse, C 127 $ 85 Specific Gravity, Fine, C 128 $ 95 Special preparation of standard test specimens will be charged at the technician's houriy rate. Ninyo & Moore is accredited to perfomi the AASHTO equivalent of many ASTM test procedures. AHLS Constn B&C_SCHEDULE OF FEES 3-31-15 APPENDIX C: TEAM ORGANIZATION CHART Brown AND CaldweU Agua Hedionda Lift Station Construction Administration Services APPENDIX C. Organization Chart Terry Smith, Senior Civil Engineer PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE PROJECT ADMINSTRATION PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER ASSISTANT PRO. lECT ENGINEER QUALrrV ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL SCHEDULE A BRIDGE Design Lead SCHEDULE B PUMP STATION Design Lead SCHEDULEC GRAVITY SEWER Design Lead BC Civil R2H Structural - BC - RNT - BC Mechanical Architectural and Civil BC Plumbing - Jacobs - Electrical '~ Simon Wong Engineering Microtunneling BC Structural - iXG Engineers Instrumentation - Jacoljs Traffic Control - BC HDD Civil Pianning Systems - BC Landscaping HVAC/Odor - BC Structural - BC Pump Expert SCHEDULE D RECYLCED WATER PIPELINE Design Lead ^ BC Civil KEY * Registration in a state other then California APPENDIX D: SHOP DRAWING AND SUBMITTAL LOG -| Brown *w Caldwell :- Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-Mav-15 bmil taiExpec ted Section Section Name Submittal Para. Reviewer Schedule A-Davies/civil Schedule B -Davies / civil Robison / Mech. Shadan / Elect. Zinn/l&C Schedule C-Davies/ civil Schedule D -Davies / civil Comments Division 1 Total 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01010 5untm3rv of Work NA 01011 Contract Time NA 01014 Worit Sequence 001-Outage Plan and Time Scheduie l.Ol.C BC Hours allocated under TASK 2.1.1 of the SOW to be coordinated with the construction schedule specified in Section 01310 01015 Contractor's Use of Premises NA OlOSO Survey Information NA 01060 Safety and Health NA 01071 Siandard References NA 01200 Projea Meetings 001-Rolling bar-chart schedule 1,04.D CM in accordance with the requirements of Section 01310 01300 Submittals NA 1 llli 1 01310 Construction Schiedule 001-Construction Schedule 1.03 Rr Hours allocated under TASK 2.1.1 of the SOW per Seclion 6-1 oi the General Provisions 01310 Construction Schiedule 002-Project Status Update-Written Prepress Report 1.05 CM Include: percent complele, actual completion or start dates since the previous review, estimated remaining time, reasons any activities are behind schedule and a description of the corrective steps being taiten 01380 Photographs NA CM 01400 Quality Control 001- Quality Control Plan (for review and i 002- Manufacturer Representative's Repo 1.02 3.0 CM CM ^bmit weekfy reports if manufacturer's field installation work is more Xhan a week 01500 Contractor's Utilities NA 1 llli 1 01505 Mobiiiiation 001- Schedules of Values 002- Schedule of Submittals 003- SWPPP 004- Estimated value for each component of mobilization 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 BC Hours allocated under TASK 2.1.1 of the SOW 01530 Protection of Existing Facilities and Properties NA 01550 Site Access and Storage 001- Temporary Bridge 002- Copies of Traffic Control Plan 003- Plan for Storing and Disposing Hazardous Materials 1-02 1,02,D 1.03 CM CM CM If design of temporary bridge is needed Hazardous materials as per paragraph 1.03 004-EPA Number for Waste Generated 1.03 CM 01560 Environmental Controls 1 iiil 1 OIGOO Products, Materials, Equipment and Substitutions 001- Approved Submittal for Material Delivered on Site 002- Log of Maintenance Service for Stored Equipment 1.03 1.07 CM CM Various submittals OIGOO Products, Materials, Equipment and Substitutions 003- Submittals for Proposed Substitutes 004- Informal ion for Material and Material Sources 1.08 2.02 BC Hours allocated under TASK 2.4 of the SOW Submittals required if substitutions need to be approved or reviewed 01605 Shipment, Protection and Storage NA 1 llli 1 01662 Commissioning 001- Detaited Plans for Commissioning 002- Pl3n for Providing a Commissioning Team 1.03 1.03 BC Hours allocated under TASK 3.1 of the SOW Plans for commissioning each process unit and each system Plan shall be complele with a daytime stalfing plan and names, qualifications, etc. 01664 Training 001- Lessons Plans for Trainirtg 002- ldentity, qualifications of individuals conducting the training 1.03 1.03 CM Prnviripd hv Cnntrnctor hut included bv BC as an 'Ootional' service under the SOW Lessons plans for each training session to foe conducted by manufacturer's representative 01700 Project (^oseout 001- Written Guarantees (where required) 002- Stock Items, Spare Parts, Special Tools 1.03 1.03 CM CM 01700 Project (^oseout 003-Complete Record Drawings 1.03 BC Hours allocated unde TASK 3.2 of the SOW 01700 Project (^oseout 004- Certificate of Inspection and Acceptance 005- Release Forms 1,03 1.03 CM CM Hours allocated unde 01720 Record Drawings 001-Record Drawings 1.0 Hours allocated under TASK 3.2 of the SOW 01730 Operating and Maintenance Information OOl-Operation and Maintenance (O&M) lr\st ructions 1,01 CM Prnvirieri hv Contractor, but included bv BC as an 'Ootional' service under the SOW 01800 Environmental Conditions NA 01900 Seismic ArKhorage and Bracing 001- Certificate of Compliance 002- lnstali3tion Drawings 003- Certificate of Compliance per IBC 1.03.2 1.03.3 1.03.4 8C 1 for each Contractor Designed bracing system, signed and stamped by PE for each component if lp=1.5 01999 Reference Forms NA Preliminary Submittal Log for the 15-May-15 #Su bmittal E xpec ted Section Section Name Submittal Para. Reviewer Schedule A-Davies / civil Schedule B-Davies / civit Robison / Mech. Shadan / Elect. Zinn / l&C Schedule C-Davies / civil Schedule D -Davies/civi! Comments Total 31.75 54.5 2 0 3.5 58 14.75 02050 Demolition and Salvage )01-Plan for Abandonment 002-Flowable Mix Design )03-Copy of Permit Required 004- Copy of CCTV Inspection 005- Material Properties of Backfill \i1aterial 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 CM CM CM CM CM each section of gravity sewer pipe or manhole to be abandoned or removed 02080 Asbestos Cement Pipe 001- Oisposal Facility Certification Letter 002- Respiratory Protection Program 3.06.G.10 3.02.A CM CM etter certifying that the specific waste manifested has been landfilled in accordance with all federal, state, and local requirements 02100 Site Preparation NA NA 1 1 1 1 NA 001-Contractor's Independent Soil Investi 1.03.A BC 1 1 1 soil and subsurface investigation 02140 Dewatering 002- Design Data for Dewatering 003- De wate ring System Engineer-Qualif ic 004- Correspondence and Permits for Dew 1.03. B 1.03.B 1.03.D BC 4 4 1 O.S Including: drawings, relief of hydrostatic head, management of other water, etc. 005-Writlen Certificate for Dewatering Sy 3.01.H BC 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Certificate by the professional engineer thai the system has been installed according to the dewatering plan 006-Boreholes and Wells Advanced by thi 3.04.B BC 1 1 1 02145 Temporary Bypass Pumping 001-Bypass Pumping Qualification Form 001- Contractor Project-Specific Bypass PI; 002- Project Specific Odor Control Plan(s) 003- Emergency Response Plan and Sewage Spill Prevention Plan 004- Access and Release Documents Executed for Bypass Pumping 1.03.A 1.03.B 1.03.C 1.03.D 1,03.E BC 4 4 4 1 bypass pumping and flow control plan- Individual plans shall be submitted for each schedule- Include product data for all equipment to be used Including: record copies of executed right-of entry and/or right-of-access agreements from private property owners; Record copies of executed waiver and release forms 005-Locations of Flow Monitoring and Da 1.03.F BC 1 1 1 001- Experience Summary and References for Specialty Contractors 002- Experience Summary and References for Onsite Technicians 001- Experience Summary and References for Specialty Contractors 002- Experience Summary and References for Onsite Technicians 001- Experience Summary and References for Specialty Contractors 002- Experience Summary and References for Onsite Technicians 1.03.A 1.03.B BC 1 02146 Hot Tapptng/Une Stopping 003- Description of Hot Tapping/Line Stopping Procedure and Equipment to be Used 004- Shop Drawings for Tapping Saddle, Completion Plug, Blind Flange, and Associated Appurtenances 005- Descriplion of Pipe Preparation 006- Descr ipt ion of Hot Tapping Procedure 1.03.C 1-03-D 1.03,E 1.03.F CM CM CM CM 001-Sample of Fill Materials to be Used 1.03 CM 022(H) Earthwork 002- Method of Compaction 003- Product Data and Certified Test Data as Required 1.03.A 1-03.A BC BC 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Including sequence ot lifts, soils conditioning, compaction methods, and testing Including gradation and plasticity Reports 004-Manufacturer's Product Data, Specification Requirements, and Recommended Installation 1.03.A BC 1 1 1 1 005-Sheeting and Shoring Plan 1.03.A BC 1 2 1 1 006-Backfili Compaction Plan 1.03.A RC 1 2 1 1 001-Mix Design 1-03.A R( 1 1 1 1 Stamped by a professional engineer 002-BackfiH Plan 1.03.B • 1 1 1 1 02202 Flowable Fill 003- Certif ied Quality Control Tests 004- Manufacturer's Certificates 1.03.C 1-03-D BC 1 1 0.5 certificate that materials do not represent a threat to groundwater quality 001- Geotechnical Engineer Qualifications 002- Product Data for all Materiais intended for use 1-03, A 1.03B BC 3 3 2 1 003-Record Copies of Excavation Permits 1.03.C 02223 Trench Excavation Backfill 004- Meihod of Backfill Operation 005- Affidavit of Compliance for Testing Materials 006- Field Quality Control Test Reports 1.03.D 1.03.E 1-03.F BC 1 1 1 1 007-Geolexlile/Geofabric Manufacturer's Product Data 1.03.G BC 1 0.5 0.5 1 008- Soils Tests Reports 009- Certification from Concrete Producer of Compliance with Section 201 of the SSPWC 1.05 2.06 BC 0.5 0.5 0.5 for non-structural cast-in-place concrete 02270 Erosion, Sedimentation and Dust Control NA 1 1 02342 Contact Grouting OOl-Work Plan 1.04 CM Including grout mix, injection pressure calcs, Daily logs, MSDs Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design lS-May-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name Shaft Excavation 001- Qualif ications and Experience 002- Proposed Construction Means and Methods 003-Working Drawings/Work Plan 004- 6round Water Control Provisions 005- iacking System 006- Lubrication System 007- Slurrv Separation Plant 008-Contact Grout 009- Jacking Pipe 010- Notifications Specified 011- Contingency Plan 012- Notices 013- Survey Plans 014- Survey Data during Tunnel Construction 015- Jacking Qperalions log 1.05. D 1.05.E 1.05.F 1.05.6 l.OS.i 1.05.J 1.05.K 1.05.L l.OS.M 1.05.N 1.05.O 001- Quatifications 002- Orawings and Calculations for Excavation Support 003- Dimensioned Site Plan for Each Shaft-Protection 004- Oimensioned Site Plan for Each Shaft 005- Scaled Drawings of Excavation Support Systems Relative to Permanent Facilities 006- Shaft Field Inspection Data 007- Sequencefor Removing Shoring- D raw ings QQ8-ShQring Materials 1.05.A 1.05,B 1.05.C 1.05.D 1.05. E 1.05.F for MTBM operator, microtunneling engineer, contractor, microtunneling superintendent Layout drawings, ventilation and shaft systems, water handling and disposal, grade alignment, etc. Include materials lo be used Include mix designs, pressure gauge, sample log sheets Grout mix, calculation for maximum grout injection calculations, detail drawings, lubrication port size, manufacturer's recommendations instrumentation and Monitoring 001- Qualific3tions of Geotechnical nstrumenlation Specialist 002- 1 nclinometer Calibration 003- Surveyor's Qualifications 004- Site Specific Working Plans 005- Survey Control Point Information and Monitoring 006- Manufacturer's Product Description, maintenance, and requirements 007- Ground Settlement Monitoring Data 008- As-built Drawings-for each instrument Permits Required for Instrumentation Settlement Surveying 009- Building and Structures Assessment Plan 010- Written Notification 1,0S,A 1 05 B 1.05C IDS-D l.OSJ l.OS.K 1.05.L l.OS.M Horizontal Directional Drilling 001- HDD Design Calculations 002- Qualif ications and Experience Records 003-Pre-Conslruction Submittals 004- Constructfon Submittals 005- As-built Submittals 006- Drawing Comparing Design with As- Built 007- As-built Carrier Pipe Performance Calculations 008- Compiled Survey Data 009- Compiled HDD Operator Reports 1.05.D 3 05 ,3,05 305 icluding: Organization chart, HDD equipment manufacturer data, operating parameters, work plan, contingency plan, working drawings, calculations, etc. Including: test roll, HDD records and reports, notifications, survey data, calculations As-built drawings, HDD reports, project photos Signed and stamped Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing 001- Design Calculations 002- Shop Drawings 003- lnformation and Plans per Section 6705 of the California State Labor Code 004- Methods and Means to Control Groundwater 005- Contingency Plan 006- Temporary Plating Plan 1,03 ],03 1.03 1.03 1,03 Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 #Si bmi talE xpec ted Section Section Name Submittal Para. Reviewer Schedule A-Davies/ civil Schedule B-Davies / civil Robison / Mech. Shadan / Elect. Zinn/l&C Schedule C-Davies / civil Schedule D-Davies/civil Comments 001 - Location gi excavation plan 1-03, 3-01 BC 1 1 02603 Rehab of Sewer MH, Sch C C-25 002 - MH information, assessment, recommendation 003 - Testir^ party, testing plan, testing results 1-03 1.03, 3.05 B 8C BC 1 1 1 1 004 - Warranty 1.03 BC 0.5 0.5 02605 SS IV1ar>hole Coating System 001- Certificate of Responsibility 002- Manufacturer's Certification and Applicator's Qualifications 003- Training Outline for Certification Program 1.03.A 1.03, B 1.04. A BC 0.5 0.5 0.5 Including: Contractor's license, written warranty, application plan, product test results, product data 02605 SS IV1ar>hole Coating System 004-Third-Parly Testing Results 1.08 6C 1 0.25 1 005- MSDS 006- M3nufacturer's Application Instructions 2.02 2.02 BC BC 0.5 1 0.25 0.5 007-List of Materials Proposed 2.02 1 0.25 0.5 008-Coating Thickness Calculations 2.D2 : •• 1 0.25 1 001-Cteaning Plan 1.03 02760 Sewer Pipe and Structure Cleaning 002- Record Copies of Cleaning Forms 003- Copies of Permits for Transport and Disposal of Materials 1.03 1.03 bC 1 Division 3 Total 13.75 14 0 0 0 10.25 1 001-Manufacturer's Installation Instructions 1.03 BC 0.25 0.25 03100 Formwork 002-Manufacturer and type of proposed form materials 1.03 BC 0.25 0.25 003-Formwork Designer Qualifications 1,03 r-' 0.25 0.25 004-Structural Analysis 1.03 0.5 0.5 If reqiiesled 001-Certified Mill Test Reports 1.03 Bf 0.5 0,25 002-Welder Qualification Certificate 1.03 BC 0.5 0.25 O03-Pl3cing Dr3wings 1.03 BC 1 1 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 004-Details of Concrete and Steel Inserts 1-04 BC 1 0,25 03200 Concrete Reinforcement OOS-Mechanical Coupler's Manufacturer Information 1.04 BC 0.5 0.25 006-Wrilten Welding Procedure lor each type of Weil 1.04 BC 0,5 0,25 007-Certification of Procedure 1.04 BC 0.5 0,25 when reinforcement steel is spliced 03290 Joints in Concrete Struaures 001- Waterstops-qualification samples prior to material production 002- Waterstops 003- Joint Sealant 004- Joint Location 005- Certified Test Reports 1.05.B 1.05.C 1.05.E l.tffi-F 1.05.G BC 1 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete 001- Preliminary Concrete Mix Design 002- Delivery Tickets 003- Mill Tests for Cement 004- Admixture Certification 005- Aggregate Gradation and Certification 006- M3terials and Methods for Curing 007- Cat3log Cuts and Other Manufacturer's Technical Data 1.04.A 1-04. 1.04.C 1.04.C 1-04-C 1.04.C 1.04.D BC 4 001-Concrete Mix 1.03 BC 0.25 0.25 0,25 0.25 002-Shop Drawings 1.03 03400 Precast Concrete 003- Letter with Certification by CA P.E. 004- Alternative Design-Complete Drawings prepared by CA P.E. where applicable 004-Laboratory Test Reports 1.03 3.04 2.03 • 2 1 0.5 0.5 for the foliowing: Cement, aggregates, pozzolan, admixtures, curir^ compounds. GDI-Manufacturer Shop Drawings 1.03 BC 0.5 0.5 0.5 002-Shop Drawings for each MH 1.03 EIC 4 4 4 03460 Precast Concrete Manholes 003- Design Calculations 004- Notarized Certificate of Compliance with ASTM A48, Class 30 005- Method of Repair 006- Test Reports for Precast Concrete 1.03 1.03 1.03 1 2 1 Concrete test cylinder reports 007-Manufacturer's Installation In^riritLtion 1 03 BC 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 03600 Grout 001- Product Literature 002- Current ICBO Evaluation Report 003- Product Data and Installation Instructions 004- Labofatory Test Reports 005- Evidence of Testing Laboratory Competence 006- Certif ied Test Results 007- Manufacturer's Data 008- Laboratory Test Reports 009- Evidence of Testing Laboratory Competence 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.03 2.04 2.04.B 2.04.C BC 1 Bonding compounds, pressure grout, retardant, polymer concrete Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-lS Section Section Name Submittal Para. Reviewer Schedule A-Davies / civil Schedule B -Davies/civil Robison / Mech. 1 Shadan/Elect. | Zinn/l&C Schedule C-Davies / civil Scheduie D -Davies/civil Comments Division 4 Total 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 04232 Reinforced Concrete Block Masonry 001- Samples of Concrete Masonry Unit Colors 002- Sample Panel 003- Concrete Masonry Unit 004- Mortar 005- Grout 006- Testing of Mortar and Grout X)7-Inspection Reports 1.04 1-04 1-04 1-04 1.04 1.05.D 1.05.H BC 1 1 Division 5 Total 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 05100 Structural Metals NA NA Na 05405 Cold Form Metal Framing 001-Manufacturer's Specifications and Installation Instructions 1.03 1 1 05501 Anchor Bolts 001- Anchor Bolt Calculations 002- Data Indicating Load Capacities 003- Chemical Resistance 004- Tem pera lure Limitations 005- lnstallation Instructions 006- Evaluation Report for Expansion and 1,03 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 BC 1 05503 Access Hatches 001- Product Data 002- Shop Drawings 1.03,B 1,03,C BC BC 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 05505 Miscellaneous Metal work 001- Shop Drawings 002- Manufaclurer's Catalog Data for Manhole Frame, Covers, and Anchors 003- Welding Procedures and Welder Qua 1,0S 1,05 1,05 ec BC BC 1 1 1 1 1 1 05520 Handrailing NA NA 05910 Hot Dip Zinc Coating 001- Manufacturer's Product Data 002- Manufacturer's Recommendation for 003- Coating Applicator's Certificate of Co 2.03.1 2.03.2 2.03.3 6C I Total 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 06610 Glass Fiber and Resin Fabrication 001- Shop Drawings for Gratings and Acce 002- Manufacturer's Published Literature 1.01 1.01 BC 0.5 Structural design data, structural property data, properties, grating load/deflection tables, corrosion resistance, certificates of compliance, etc. Division 7 Total 0.5 0.25 l.S 0 0 0.25 0 07100 Waterproofing and Moisture Proofing NA NA 0.5 0,25 0-25 NA 001-Certification lhat Product not Use CF 1.03 CM to confirm that the supplying manufacturer 07210 Building fnsuiatiort 002- Certification from Manufacturer 003- Certifications Required in Quality Ass 004- M3nufaclurer's Product Data 1.03 2.04 2,04 CM CM CM does not presently manufacture without the use of CFCs 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal NA 07720 Roof Specialties and Accessories OOl-Warranty 1.02 CM 07900 Sealants 002- Manufacturer's Product Data 003- M3nufacturer's Recommendations 2,03 2.03 BC 0.5 1 for storage, handling, and application of sealants CHvision 8 Total 0 0 1-5 0 0 0 0 08120 Aluminum Doors and Frames 001- Manufacturer's Certificate 002- Shop Drawings 003- Spec if ication and Instruction for Installation, adjustment, cleaning 3nd m3 inten a nee 004- Certific3te of Compliance 1.02.B 1.03.02 2.04.01 2.04.02 1 08220 Fiberglass-Reinfarced Door and Door Frame Systems 001- Product Data 002- Shop Dravnngs 003- Selection Samples 004- Verification Samples 005- Manufacture r's Instructions 006- Warrantv Documents 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1-05 1.05 BC 0.25 Plans, elevations, details, and schedules Door Corner, door frame 08710 Hardware O01-H3rdw3re List 1.02 BC 0.25 include: catalog number, C3tal(^ cuts, and location of work 08800 NA NA NA Division 9 Total 2.25 3.25 0 0 0 0 2.5 09870 Tape Coating System With Mortar Shield 001- List of Tape Coating Materials 002- Certification Test Results 003- Tape Application 1.04 1.04 1-04 CM CM CM 0-25 0,25 09881 Polyvinyl Chloride liner for CoiKrete 001- Liner Layout Information 002- Liner Installation and Testing Requir 003- Certified Test Results 004- Lining System Materials 005- PVC Liner Pull Test Method 1.03 1.03 1.03 1-03 1.03 BC BC BC 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 tt Submittal Expected Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name Submittal Coating Systems 001- Coating System's Manufacturer (CSM) Printed Recommendations and Product Data 002- Affidawts 003- M3terpal Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 004- List of Cleaning and Thinner Solutior 005- 5torage Requirements 006- CSM's Detailed Written Instruction 007- Project References 008- Certificalion that all Coalings Conform to Applic3ble Air Qualily Regulations 009- Ch3rt of Manufacturer's Available Co 010- Site Visit Report 011- Final Report 012- CTR(s) Letters of Training Complelionj2 013- Daily Reports 014- Coating Systems Inspection Checklist 015- CTR Final Report 1 04 ! 04 i 04 1,04 1 04 1,04 1,04 1 04 1 04 1.05. B 1.05.C .02.1 1.02.C.9 and 2-02.3 2.02.4 Following each visit Upon completion of coating work Fusion Bonded Epoxy Lining and Coatings 001- Shop Drawings 002- Manufacturer's Catalog, Literature, 3 J.Ol,C l.Ol.C General Requirements for Equipment Rigid Equipment Mounts 001- Schedule of Rigid Equipment Mount 002- Name, Employer, and Certificates 003- Certific3tes and Documentstion by Epoxy Grout M3nufacturer 004- Shop Drawings 005- Equipment Anchor Calculations 006- Results of Grout Strength Tests 007- Completed Rigid Equipment Mount I 006-List of Contractor's Equipment 1.03 1 03 1,03,3 1,03,5 2.02 2.07 2,07 2-07 SUBMITTED WITH EQUIPMENT Machine Alignment NA Equipment Controls NA Vibration tsotattons Systems 001- Scale Drawing of Type D Mounting H; 002- M3nuf3cturer Type Design3tion 003- Manufacturer's Catalog Dats 004- Final Field Inspection Report 005- Seismic System Design Calculation 006- Seismic Restraint Test Report 007- Installation Report 008- Static and Dynamic Deflections 009- Spring Deflections and Diameters 010- Curb Mounted Base Seal jOll-Seismic Restraint 1.03 1,03 1.03 3,0? 2.04 2.04 3 04 2 04 2.04 2,04 2.04 SUBMITTED WITH EQUIPMENT Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name Submittal Para. General Requirements for VNC Pumps 001- Suction Energy Calculations 1.04.F.1 002- Bump Test Results 1.04.G.2 003- Notaraized Professional and Personn 1.05.B-3 004- Reports, Calculations, and Recommei 1.05.B.4 005- Test Results 1.06.C 006- Documentation of Pump EJesign l.OS.A.l 007- Certificate of Unit Responsibility 1.08.A.2 008- Documentation of Certification 1.08-A.5 009- Predicted Pump Performance Curves 1.08.A.6 010- NPSH Margin Calculations 1.08.A.7 011- Motor Submittal Information 1.08.A.8 012- Description and Sketch of Proposed 11-08-A.9 013- Drawings 1.08.A.10 014- Variabie Speed Drive Information l-08,A.ll 015- Driver Unit Support Calculations 1.08.A.12 016- Shaft Deflection Calculations 1.08.A.13 017- Pump and Driver Drawings 1.08.A.14 OIB-Limiting Nozzle loading Crileria 1.08.A.15 019-Qualifieations of Independent Testin; 1.08.A.16 020-Qualifications of Design Professional 021-Notarized Certification 02 2-Descript ive Material 023-Excecuthre Summary Report 024-Proposed Instrumentation Setup 025-Suction or Inlet Well Design 026-Final Report of the Model Study 027-Model Graphics 1.0 02 8-Certification Form 11000-A 3.01 029- Certification for Contractor performii 3.04 030- Results from Field Vibration Measure 3.06 031- Certified Form 11000-B 3.07 032- Performance Guarantee 2.09 033- Equipment Anchor Calculations 2.09 034- Operation and Maintenance Informa 2-09 035- Motor Product Data 2.09 036- Bearing L-10 Life Calculations 2.09 037- Critical Speed Calculations 2.09 038- Nozzle Loading Information 2.09 039- Motor Balance Logs 2.09 040- Certified Balance Logs 2.09 041- 1 nstallation Certification Form 2.09 042- Tr3ining Certification Form 2.09 043- Factorv Tests 2.09 044- Documentation of Field Alignment Dq2.09 04S-Results of Model Test 046-Final Report of Mass elastic Systems 047-Results of motor rotor 048-Pump Inlet Well lnst3ll3tion 049-Field Vibration Test Results show general dimensions and confirm size of pumps, motors, drives, etc. As required under section 11069 Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria Applicable for pumps meeting specified applic3bility criteria AppliC3ble for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria Applicable for pumps meeting specified ipplicability criteria 'Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria 'Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria SUBMITTED WITH EQUIPMENT 'Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria 'Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria •Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria 'Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicability criteria 'Applicable for pumps meeting specified applicabilily criteria Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-Mav-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name Submittal Electric Motors 001- Facturer's Factory Motor Prototype T l.Ol.C 002- Motor Data Sheets 1.03.2 003- Speed-Torque Curve 1.03.3 004- FactoryTest Data 1.03.4 005- Guaranteed Vibration Level 1.03.5 006- Motor Heating Curve 1.03.6 007- Motor Outline, Dimension, Weight 1.03.7 008- Manufacturer's Descriptive Informati 1,03.8 009- Response Curve 1.03.9 010- Operating and Maintenance Informa' 2,0S 011- Factory Motor Prototype Test Result; 2,05 012 Written Warranty |2,05 SUBMITTED WITH EQUIPMENT Specified in Section 01730 Adjustable Frequency Drives Aluminum Stop Logs 001- Letters of Certification 1,02,C 002- Certificate of Unit Responsibility 1.04 003- Catalog and Technical Oata 1.04 004- Schematic Diagrams 1-04 005- Voltage and Current Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Calculations 1.04 006- Source and Load Power Cable Locatic 2.02.A 007- AFD in the Enclosure Drawing 2.03,C 008- Two Certified Copies of the Test Report for Ihe Field Installation 3.01 009- Test Performance 3.02 010- Manufacturer's Factory Representati 3.03 011- Operation and Maintenance Informa 2.07 012- lnstaliation Certification Form llOOO 2.07 013 Training Certification Form llOOQ- B 2.07 001- Fabrication Drawings 1.02 002- Plan, Cross-Section, and Details 1.02 003- List of Construction Materials 1.02 004- Operation and Maintenance Informa 1.02 005- Certification Factory Tests 3.01 006- Manufacturer's Written Recommendation for Installation and Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 001- Fabricalion Drawings 002- Parts List with Materials of Corwtruct 003- Plan, Cross Section and Details 004- Deflection Data Calculations 005- Test Plan Procedure 006- Product Informaiion, Charts, and Gra 007- Aff idavits of Compliance Q08-Applicable Operation and Maintenan 1.03 1.03 1,03 1 03 3.01 2.05 2.05 2.05 when applicable )n-Channel Grinders 001- Copy of Contract Documents Control Diagrams and Process 1.04 002- Shop Drawings 1.04 003- Control Panel Wiring Diagram 1.04 004- Motor Submittal Information from S( 1.04 005- Testing Procedure Forms 3.02 006- Operating and Maintenance Informa 2.05 007- Product Data for Equipment Control 2.05 OOS-lnstallation Certification Form 2.05 009-Training Certification Form 2.05 Vacuum Eductors 001- Piping Connections, Locations, Sizes 002- Proposed On-Site Testing and Start-I 003- Product Data Literature Custom Engineered Vertical Variable-Speed NorKlog and Nondog Mixed-Flow Centrihjgal Pumps with tnlet Nozzle Diameters 14-lnches and 001- Section 11000 002- Product Data 003- Section 11002 Rigid Equipment Moui 004- Section 11005 Machine Alignment 005- Section 11005 General Requirements for Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumping Equipment OOtSection 11060 Electric Motors 007-Section 11069 Adjustable Frequency 1,02 1 02 ? 04 1,03 2.05 1,03 1,03 1.03 1 03 1.03 conforming to Seclion 11050 Submersible Sump Pumps 001- Manufacturer's Data 002- Predicted Performance Curves 003- Motor Data 004- Applicable Operation and Maintenan 1 04 1 04 1,04 2 06 Form 11060-A Custom Engineered VNC Pumps 001- Section 11000 002- Section 11002 General Requirements! 1 003'Section 11005 Machine Alignment 1.03 004- Section 11050 General Requirements 1.03 005- Section 11060 Electric Motors 1.03 006- Section 11063 Adjustable Frequency 1.03 007- Product Data per Section 11050 2.05 Submersible Wastewater Pumps for Constant Speed Applications 001- Section llOOO 002- Section 11050 103 003 Proof of Service 1.03 004- Shaft Deflection Calculations 1.03 005- Anchorage Calculations and Requirec 1.03 006- Cooling System Calculations 007- Field Vibration Test Protocols 008- f ield Discharge Connection Leakage 009- 027-Product Data (Specified in Sectio 1,03 1.03 1.03 2.06 General requirements for equipment General requirements for centrifugal and axial flow pumping equipment Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name Submittal Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Fabrications 001- Specifk Glass Strand to be Used and 2.03.G 002- Net Thickness per Cycle 2.03.G 003- Number of Strands per inch in the Wi 2.03.G 0Q4-Typical Glass-to-Res in Ratio 2.03.G Upon Request Upon Request Upon Request Upon Request Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Ductwork 001- Complete Damper Shop Drawings 1.05 002- Certified Damper Leakage 1.05 003- Proposed FRP Ductwork Plan 1.05 004- Ceritification from the Resin Manufac 1,05 005- Calcuiations and Complete Fabricatio 1.05 006- Qualif ications of the Fabricator and Field Joining Contractor 1,05 007- Con struct ion, Location, and Installatii 2.02.F OOS-Consiruction Details for Supports anc 2.06 009- Construclion, Location, and Installation Details of Inspection Ptate 010- Construction, Location, and installatii 2.10 011- Installation Certification Form 11000 2.11 001- Layout Drawings 1.03 002- Support Details 1.03 003- Manufacturer and Method of Fabrica 1.03 004- lnstallation Details 1.03 005- Product Sample 1.03 006- Material Composition 1.03 007- Cul-end Sealing Material Informatior 1.03 Packaged Bulk Media Biofilter 001- Contract Document Control Diagram and Process Instrumentation 1.03.A 002- Certificate of Unit Resp ons ibi lily 1.03.A 003- Shop Drawings 1.03.A 004- Control Diagrams 1.03.A 005 Media Samples 1.03.A 006- Quality Control Submittals: Lettei from System Suppliers, Pipe Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance, Functional and Performance Test Certificate and Reports 1.03.A 007- Delailed Performance Testing Plan 1.03.A 008- Warranty 1.03,A 009- Recommended Sprinkler Wetting Rat 1,03,A 010- Final Report 011- 1 nstallation Certification Form 11000 012- Training Certification Form 11000-B 013- Product Literature 014- Drawings, Catalog Information and I Q15-Qperation and Maintenance Include narratives of sampling activities, photographs, tabular summary of data, calculated results, and conclusions Modification to Existing Structures, Piping and Equipment 001- Certificate of Unit Responsibility 002- Applicable Operations and Ma inten a 003- Equipment Control Wiring Diagram 004- Shop Drawings 005- Factory Testing Information 006- Dimensioned Drawings 007- Warranty Information 008- Dimension a I Drawings 009- Manufacturer's Catalog and/or other 010- Predicted Performance Data Monorail Hoist and Trolley 001- Certificate of Unit Responsibility 002- Manufacturer's Catalog Data 003- Shop Drawings 004- Monorail Beam 005- Anchor Bolt 006- Motor Data 007- Electrical Diagrams 008- Form 11000-A 009- Operation and Maintenance Infc 010- Factory Test Certification 011- 1 nstallation Certification Form 11000 Q12-Training Certification Form 11000-B 1,03 1,03 1,03 1 03 1.03 1,03 1,03 3,02 2,05 2,05 2.0,5 2,05 Bridge Cranes and Hoists 001- Certification of Unit Responsibility 002- Manufacturer's Catalog Confirming C 003- Bridge Crane Shop Drawings 004- Runway Beam Design 005- Anchor Bolt 006- Motor Data 007- Electrical Diagram and Schematics 008- Form 11000-A 009- Operation and Maintenance Informa 010- Factory Test Certification 011- Training Certification Form IIQOO-B 1.02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1.02 1.02 1,02 302 2,05 2 05 2,05 Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design lS-May-15 Section Section Name Submittal Para. Reviewer Schedule A-Davies / civil Schedule B-Davies/ civil Robison / Mech. | Shadan / Elect. | Zinn/l&C Schedule C-Davies / civil Schedule D -Davies/ civi! Comments Division 15 Total 24.75 42.5 28 0 0 12.5 35.75 15041 Disinfection of Piping 001- Qualification of Certified Testing Labt 002- Four Copies of Bacteriological Test Rt 003- Emergency Response Plan 1.05 1-05 1.05 CM CM 15043 Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipelines 001- Proposed Plan for Testing 002- Written Notice 48 hours in Advance ( 1.03 1-03 CM CM 15044 Hydrostatic Testing of Pressure Pipelines 001-Testing Procedure Submittal 1.03 CM 15050 Piping Systems NA NA 15056 Reinforced Concrete Pipe 001- Layout Drawings 002- Certified Affidavit of Compliance 003- Certified Copies of Lab Reports 004- Design Calculations 005- PVC Liner Field Joints Installation and 006- Section Testing Procedures 007- Joint Testing Procedure and Equipme 1-03 1-03 1.03 1.03 103 3.05.B 3.05.C BC BC BC 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 15057 Copper Tubing, Brass, and Bronie Fittings NA NA 1 1S059 CCFRP Mortar Pipe 001- Affidavit 002- Shop Drawings and Pipe Laying Diagr 003- Mark ing Schedule 004- Design Calculations 005- Pipe Joint Test Procedures 006- Manufacturer's Certificate of Complii 007- Affidavit of Compliance for Chemical Resistance and Physical Properties OOS-Affidavit of Compliance for the Provii 009- Test Report Confirming the Test Pres 010- Third Party Test Report for External P 1.02.B 1,03 1-03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 2.02.B 2.02.B BC BC BC BC 2 0.5 2 025 2 0.5 2 0.25 2 0.5 2 1.5 That all provided material are in compliance 15061 Steel Pipe 001- Design Calculations 002- Testing Certification for Welds and A 003- Affidavits of Compliance with AWWA 004- Layout Drawings 005- Certified Copies of Lab Reports 2.02.B 1.02.B 2.09 2.09 2.09 6C BC BC BC BC 1 0-25 0.25 1 1 1 0.5 0.25 1 0.25 15062 Ductile iron Pipe 001- Shop Drawings 002- Alignment Drawings 003- Certifications Specified in ANSI and A 2.08 2.08 2.08 BC BC 1 1 1 1 1 1 15063 PVC Gravity Sewer 001-Lay Drawings, Design Calculations, Cut Sheets, Material Lists, Connection Details 003-Affidavit from Pipe Manufacturer 003-Manufacturer's Date Code 1.03 1-03 1.03 BC 1 1 1 1 15064 PVC Pressure Pipe 001- Cut Sheets 002- Testing Reports 003- Calculations for Design Loads 004- Cert ifi cation of Compliance 005- loint Design 006- Aff idavit of Manufacturer 007- Deflection Coupling with Manufactur 008- Thrust Block of Restraint Length Calc 1.03 1.03 1,03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 BC BC BC BC BC 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 15065 HDPE Pipe 001- Detail Drawings 002- Design Calculations 003- Affidaviis of Compliance 004- Report mXh Manufacturer's Test Res 1-03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1 1 0.5 15067 Stainless Steel Piping 001- Shop Fabrications Drawings 002- Certification Specified in ASTM 003- Test Results 004- Names and Qualification Records of 1.03 2.10 2,10 2.10 BC 1 15072 Steel Reinforced Polymer Concrete Pipe 001- Shop Drawings 002- Desing Calculations 003- Joint Testing Procedures 004- Manufacturer's Certificate of Compli 005- Manufacturer's Instructions 006- Submit Transition Joint 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1-03 2,04 BC 1 15074 Blow-oft Assemblies 001-Producl Data with Material Lists 1-02 1 1 15075 Joint Gaskets 001-Certiiied Copies ol Test Reports 2,03 B.C 1 1 1 15085 Piping Connections 001- Manufacturer Cut Sheets 002- Calculations and Sizing Criteria 003- Product Data, Shop Drawings, Calculations, and Catalog Data for Each Joint Restraint System 004- Welder Qualification Certificate 1-01 1 01 2,08 2,07 BC 2 1 15090 Expansion Joint and Flexible Metal Hose 001- Design and Construction Details 002- Pressure Thrust Force 003- Details for Installation of all Expansio 004- Listing of all Flexible Metal Hose App 005- Calculalions for Restraint Harnesses 1,03 1.03 1,03 1.03 1,03 BC BC 1 1 1 15095 Piping Appurtenances OOl-Manufacturer's Product Data 2,06 BC 1 1509S Pipe Hangers and Supports 001-Hanger and Support Location and Co 2-04 BC 3 3 1 3 3 15097 Seismic Restraints for Piping 001- Setsmic Restraint Locations 002- Load Calculations 2-04 2,04 BC 1 1 SPEC DOES NOT EXIST 15098 Expansion Control for Piping 001- Expansion Control Schedules 002- Anchor Bolt Calculations 003- Desing Final Report and Final Certific 1 03 2.0? 2,02 BC 1 1 SPEC DOES NOT EXIST 15100 Valves, General 001- Manufacturer's Product Data 002- Manufacturer's Installation Inslructir 003- Shop Drawings 004- Manufacturer's Certifications 005- Schedules of Valves 006- Manufacturer's Certificate of Epoxy 1,03 1,03 1,03 103 1,03 1,03 BC BC Etc 0.5 0.5 1 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.25 0.5 1 1 1 0.25 1 INCLUDED WITH INDIVIDUAL VALVES 15101 Metal Seated Gate Valves 001- Affidavit of Compliance per AVWA C 002- Hydrostatic Test Results 2,03 2.03 • • 0.25 1 0.25 1 1 0,25 1 15102 Resilient Seated Gate Valves 0001-Hydrostatic Test Result 2,04 1 1 1 i i 1 tt Submittal Expected Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name Submittal u .2 001- Catal(% Data 002- Actuator's Catalog Data 003- Affidavits and Certificates 004- Proof of NSF Certification cm the Linii Eccentric Plug Valves 001- Manufacturer's Product Data 002- Proof of Design Test Reports Backflow Preventers Spring Loaded Swing Check Valve OOl-Manufacturer's Catalog Information Jacked Pipe Casing 001- Pipe Casing 002- Loc at ion and Sizes 003- Jacking Plan 004- SummarY of Backfilling Method 005- Record Copies of Permits 006- Complete Description of Proposed In 007- Calcuiations 025 0.25 0.25 0.25 Full-Port Ball Valves 001- Affidavits of Compliance 002- Hydrostatic Test Results 2.03 2,03 Air Release and Vacuum Relief Valves 001- Manufacturer's Product Data 2.05 002- Applicable O&M Instructions per Sec 2.05 003- Affidavits Certifying Results of Factor 2.05 004- Catalog Information for Each Size 1.05 005- Certified Performance Information 1,05 006- Material Construction 1.05 007- 1 nstallation Requirements 1.05 Power Actuated Valve and Gate Schedules NA PROVIDED W/ VALVE SUBMITTALS Manual Valve Gate Operators OOl-Manufacturer's Catalog Information PROVIDED W/ VALVE SUBMITTALS Powered Valve and Gate Actuators 001- Manufacturer's Catalog Information 002- Application Sheets 003- List of Components 004- Testing Procedures and Forms 005- Training Certifications 006- Operating and Maintenance Data 1,03 1,03 1 03 2 04 2 04 2,04 PROVIDED W/ VALVE SUBMITTALS Insulation for Exposed Piping and Equipment 001- Manufacturer Type Designation 002- Samples 003- Descriptive Uterature 004- CertHication of Ratings 2,07 2 07 2,07 3,07 QOl-Brochures of Plumbing Equipment Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioning Unit 1) cooling coil capacity at rated conditions 2) Calalog dimensional data MISSING FROM THIS UST_ ROOFTOP AC UNITS Centrifugal Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Pipe 001- Fan Performance Curves 1.04 002- Motor Data Sheets 1.04 003- Bearing Ratings with Supporting Calc 1.04 004- Dimensioned Drawings of Fan 1.04 005- Description of RTP Materials 1.04 006- Certifications 1.04 007- Sound Power Level Ratings 1.04 010- Octave Band Sound Power 1.04 011- Sound Pressure 1.04 012- Operation and Maintenance Informa 2 013- Certification Gravity Ventilators 001- Catalog Data and Drawings 002- Performance Data Q03-Curb Data and Construction 1,03 1.03 1 03 001- Fan Performance Curves 002- Motor Data Sheets 003- Operating and Maintenance Data 004- Certif ication of Testing 005- Bearing Ratings 006- Motor Data 1.03 3,03 2,07 2.07 2.07 2,07 SPEC DOES NOT EXIST Centrifugal Roof Supply Fans 001- Fan Performance Curves 002- Motor Data Forms 003- Motor Data 003- Certification of Testing 004- Operating and Maintenance Data 1,03 1 015 2 05 2,0-5 2 05 Propeller Wall Fans 001- Fan Performance Curves 002- Motor Data 003- Certification 004- Qperating and Maintenance Data 1,03 1,03 2.0S 2.05 Centrifugal Roof Exhaust Fans 001- Fan Performance Curves 002- Motor Data 003- Bearing Ratings 004- Certification 005- ApplicabIe Operating and Maintena 1 03 1.03 2.05 2 05 2.OS Disposable Air Filters 001- Catalog Data 002- Certified Copies of Factory Test QQ3-Certification of Compliance 2,05 2 05 2,05 001-Manual with Detail Sheets 1.03 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems 001- Sample Copy of the NEBB or AABC Rc 1.05 002- Propose Approach 105 003- Description of Air Hydronic Systems 1,05 004- Final Balancing Report 2,01,C 005- Certificate of Completion 2.02 006- Documentation to Confirm Complian 2.03 007- NEBB or AABC Certification 2.03 Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name General Requirements 001- Catalog Cuts 002- Interconnection Diagrams 003- Condiut Layout Drawrings 004- Safetv Disconnect Switch 005- Description of Proposed Functional T 006- Ap plica bie Operation and Maintenan 007- Test Results for Motors 008- Description of Functional Checkout 009- Record Documentation 1,03 1,03 1.03 1.03 3-02.C 2.06 2,06 7.0b 2.Oh Electrical Acceptance Testing 001- Functional Testing and Checkout Prof 1,04 002- AII Compleled Test Reports 3,01 003- Insulation Resistance Measurements 3,01 004- DescNption of Proposed Functional T 3,01,C 005 Test Report Forms 16000-A, 16000- B, 16000-C, 16000-D, 16000-H and 16000^K Active Harmonic Filter 001- Electric Single Line, Schematic Diagrams and Conductor Connection Diagram 002- Layout Diagrams 003- Manufacturer's Product and Catalog 004- Siie and Weight of Shipping Units 005- Detailed Layouts of Customer Power 006- Detaijed Installation Drawings 007- Technical Brochure 008- Operation and Maintenance Informa 009- FaetoryTest Report 010- f ield Test Report 011- Test Reports (Startup) 1.03 1 03 1 03 1,03 1.03 1,03 1,03 2,04 2 04 2,04 3,04 Raceways, boxes, and supports 001-Descriptive Literature 600 Voh Conductors Wire 001-009Submittals specified in 16000 010-Complete Catalog Cuts 1,03 1,03 001-Catalog Cuts for Materials Miscellaneous Electrical Devices 001- Ar range ment Drawings 002- Namplate Legend 003- Internal Layout Drawings 004- List of Materials 005- Elementary/Schematic Diagrams 006- lnternal Wiring Connection Diagrams 007- Extern3l Wiring Connection Diagram; Powet and Control Single Line Diagra 009-Manufacturer's Catalog and/or other 1,03 1.03 1,03 1,03 1 03 1 03 1 03 1.03 1,03 Indoor Standby Diesel-Engine Generator 001- Section 16260 Automatic Transfer 5vs 1,04 002- Cert(fic3te of Unit Responsibilrty 1.04 003- Manufacturer and Manufacturer's Ty 1.04 004- Manufacturer's Catalog Data for Engine, Generator, Efficiency at rated voltage. Radiator, GenSet Dimensions, Power Ratings, Fuel Tanks, Exhaust Silencer 104 005- Drawings 104 006- Wiring Diagram 1.04 007- Certified Test Reports indicating APC 104 008- Formal Test Result Report 3.02.E 009- Certified Factory Test Results 2.09 010- Operation and Maintenance 2.09 011- Training Certification Form llOOaB 2,09 012- W3rranty Verification 209 013- Location and Descriptkin of Supplier' 2.09 014- Installation Requirements 2.09 Automatic Transfer Switches 001- Arrangement Drawings 002- List of Materials and Components 003- Elementary and Internal Connection 004- Manufacturer's Data 005- Operation and Maintenance Informa 1.05 1 05 1,05 1,05 Low Voltage Switchboards 001- Catalog Data 002- Manufacturer's Data 003- Arrangement and Layout Drawings 004- Manufacturer's Certification 005- Manufacturer's Procedure for Groun 006- SES Submittal Information 007- Copv of Power Utility Approval 008- Operation and Maintenance Informa 009- FactorvTest Report 010- Field Test Report 011- Ground Fault Performance Test 1,03 1.03 1.03 1 03 1 03 1,03 1,0-3 2.04 2,04 2,04 2.04 Including: as-built drawings, circuit breaker Entrance Card Access and Video Security Systems ARC Flash Analysis, Short Circuit Study, and Protective Device Coordination Report 001-Report Specified in Section Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Grounding System 001- Drawings 002- lnstallation Instruction 003- Operation and Maintenance Informa 004- Warranty 001- Product Literature 002- Ground Resistance Readings 1,03 1 03 2.05 2.05 1.03 2,09 Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 # Submittal Expected Section Name Submittal u .2 Dry Type Transformers 001- Manufacturer's Verification Unit has 002- Manufacture's Verification of Sound 003- Operation and Maintenance Informa 004- Manufacturer's Product Literature 2.11 2,11 2.11 2.11 Lighting and Power Distribution Panel boards 001- Manufacturer's Certificate 2.07 002- Operation and Maintenance 2.07 OQS-Quantity and Rating of Circuit Breakt 2.07 001- Operation and Maintenance 002- Polar Plots 003- Table of Utilization Factors 004- Catalc^ Information 005- Manufacturer's Warranties 2.14 2 1^ 2 14 2,14 2,14 600 Volt Motor Control Centers 001- Elementary Connection and Intercon 1,03 002- Time Current Curves 1,03 003- List of Starters 1.03 004- Interrupting, Withstand, and Continu 1,03 005- Nameplate Schedule 1.03 006- Dimensioned Drawings 1,03 007- Front View Elevation 1.03 008- Manufacturer's Certification and Cak 1,03 009- 1 nformation Needed for Electrical Sys 1.03 010- Results of Factory Tests 1.03 011- Results of Field Tests 1-03 012- Short Circuit Resistance 013- Operating and Maintenance lnformai2,17 014- Dimension and Weights 015- 1 nstallation Instructions 016- Manufacturer's Product Data 2 17 2,17 2.17 017-Manufacturer's Certification and Calt 2,17 for the following: Bus Bar, Feeder Tap, Starter Units General Requirements for Instrumentation and Control 001- Detailed Product Literature 002- Manufacturer's Installation tnstructidl,05 003- Drawings and Diagrams 1.05 004 Nameplate List 1.05 005 Data Sheets 1.05 006-Record Drawings 2-03 0Q7-Operating and Maintenance Informa Include: Final reviewed submittal, O&M instructions, Menu configurations Process Instrumentation and Control System Testing 001- PICS Testing Manager Qualifications 002- Test Forms 003- 1/0 Interface Summary 004- Control Descriptions 005- 1/0 Interface Summaries 006- Testing Status Spreadsheets 007- Test Procedures 008- Proposed Test Forms 009- Certified Factory Calibration Reports 010- lnstrumentation Index 011- Instrumentation Drawings 012- Electrical Drawing's Control Diagram 013- FAT Schedule and Location 014- Completed Test Forms 1,02 1 02 1 02 1,02 1,02 1,02 102 1 02 1 02 1 02 1,02 3,02 L02 2 03 001-Manufacturer's Operation and Main 2,12 Instrumentation and Control Panel 002- Test Results 003- Product Literature 004- Dimensioned Drawings 005- Panel Assembly Drawings OOe-Nameplate Engraving Schedule 007- Heat Load Calculations 008- Wiring Diagrams 2,12 1,03 1,03 1,03 1,03 1,03 1,03 Power Suptdy and Concfitioning Equipment 001- Catalog Data 2,07 002- Wiring Diagrams 2,07 003- Applicable Operations and Maintenai 2,07 I nstru me nt Index 001-Drawings, Information, and Technica 2.07 Process Taps and Primary Elements 002- Flow Calculations 003- Record Documentation 2,07 2.07 001- Product Literature for All Equipment 002- lnstatlation Drawings 1,03 1.03 003- Electrical and Signal Connection Drav 103 004- Surge Protectors Product Literature 1.03 005- Operation and Maintenance Informa 2.06 006- Test Results 2.06 Process Switches 001- Product Oata 104 002- lnstallation Details 104 003- Electrical and Signal Connection Draw 1,04 004- Operating and Maintenance Informa 2. 005- Test Results 2.03 001- Shop Drawings 002- 1 nstrumenlation Drawings 1 04 1,04 003-Process and Instrumentation Diagran 1,04 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) 004- List of System Components 005- Configuration Drawings 006- Marked Catalog Data for All Systems Q07-List of Spare Parts 1 04 1.04 1 04 1.04 Preliminary Submittal Log for the Agua Hedionda Lift Station Design 15-May-15 #Sl bmi tai E xpec ted Section Section Name Submittal Para. Reviewer Schedule A-Davies / civii Schedule B -Davies / civil Robison / Mech. Shadan / Elect. Zinn / l&C Schedule C-Davies / civil Schedule D -Davies/civil Comments OOl-Proposed Schedule of Procurement 1-03 17316 Operator Interface System 002- Manufacturer's Product Literature fo 003- Manufacturer's Product Uterature fo 1.03 1-03 BC 1 17510 Ambient Air Pollution Monitoring Systems 001 Product Data 2-04 1 per 17000-2,02 17900 Control Specifications NA 1 Total Submittal for all Divisions 78 123 56 48 36 81 54 Avg hr per submittal 2.0 2.0 6.5 4.5 3.6 2.0 2-0 Total Hours 1st Submittals 156 245 364 216 128 162 108 tt Resubmittals 39 61 28 24 18 41 27 Avg hr per resubmittal i.O 1.0 3,5 2.0 1.5 1.0 10 Total Hours Resubmittals 39 61 98 48 27 41 27 Total Hours Submittals 195 506 462 264 154 203 135