HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-16; City Council; 21999; Report on Water Conservation at City FacilitiesCARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT-AGENDA BILL 2 AB# 21,999 DATE: 06-16-15 DEPT. PW-UTIL RECOMMENDED ACTION: REPORT ON WATER CONSERVATION AT CITY FACILITIES Receive and file report on reducing water use at city facilities. ITEM EXPLANATION: DEPT. DIRECTOR V:f. GEN. COUNSEL /2..r<::._ EXEC. DIRECTOR ffi Staff will provide a report on water issues affecting the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD), including the adoption of enhanced efforts to reduce regional water use by the San Diego County Water Authority Board and the "Carlsbad Conserves" water conservation program. Staff will conclude with a discussion of water conservation efforts at city facilities. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the staff report. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: None required. EXHIBITS: None. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Wendy Chambers 760-438-2722 x7107 wendy.chambers@carlsbadca.gov FOR SECRETARY USE. BOARD ACTION: APPROVED 0 CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC 0 DENIED 0 CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN 0 CONTINUED 0 RETURNED TO STAFF 0 WITHDRAWN 0 OTHER-SEE MINUTES ~ AMENDED 0 REPORT RECEIVED 1 Report On Water Conservation At City Facilities City Council Workshop June 16, 2015 Wendy Chambers, General Manager Mario Remillard, Meter Services Supervisor and Conservation Coordinator Agenda •San Diego County Water Authority Update •Carlsbad Conserves Campaign •Conservation at City Facilities 2 San Diego County Water Authority Adopts Water Reduction Measures •Water no more than two days per week •Focus on reducing ornamental irrigation •Increase funding by one million dollars for conservation and drought outreach programs •Water deliveries to member agencies reduced by one percent on average, based on MWD’s regional allocation of fifteen percent •Fines if member agencies exceed their allocation 3 Carlsbad Conserves •Official Water Conservation Campaign •Help raise awareness of water conservation •Rebates and home water use checkups •Enhance Conservation web page •Calling largest users of water •Landscaping Seminars •Yard signs 4 Outreach Material 5 Water Conservation Rules at a Glance _._Carlsbad ~Conserves hi, the foHowtng wall!r Due to the ongoing droug ff<>ct for Cat1sbad Munldpal conservation rules al'l! In ~a fulllst of permlttC!d .._, Water DlstJ1ct cust"',';.~Cll.govlwater. pleaS<! visit www.c;a lrrlgaUon too rwo ~ys ~week~ only on • Use spnnklecs no moretlybetw""" 6 p.m.~rod to;un. OISSign<!d ~)'5-Wolter 011 more ttoo eight mumes per . • Set spnnltlers to run no t fol.-nVnutes in 1he mornng mtion (Top: split th" ome ,~ runolfl. >rod four on the evenong to . bndsape irng>tion, from Inefficient · w-• Stop~ll!rW>Ste mmis«Wectedspnn...,.,. sud\ ;as runoff, ~th ~shutoff noz:zlo when Use ~ bud<el or, hose '""'"'~ sysll!rn. • ndsaoped , ..... , With no • · .,..-· w.ll!ring b ~rod ..allolrs ~Iter ~on. • Tum off orroptton dunng -~--------- Wateringles Ru {Carlsbad M\mlcfMI'It'atrr Dtr.nct 6p.m.to lOa.m.ONLY Mon lues Wed Tll&n Ft1 EVEN Addresses • • ODD Adclrosse> • • (Carlsbad Municipal Water District Carlsbad Conserves Recycled ·; Water ,.Carlsbad ~Conserves _.carlsbad ~Conserves Conservation Target & Results -10% -28% 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2013 2015 2013 2015Acre FeetApril May Monthly Water Production 6 Water Use Reduction Measures at City Facilities •Use of low flow toilets at 75 percent of facilities •Replace 44 more 3.5gpf toilets with 1.28gpf •Install 106 dual flush valves •Replace 35.5gpf urinals with waterless urinals •Water saving faucets and shower heads installed •Estimated water savings of 60 percent per fixture 7 Water Use Reductions, (continued) •Six of thirteen parks use recycled water for irrigation •Use of “smart” irrigation controllers •Seven synthetic turf athletic fields in six parks •Drought tolerant plants used in new landscape plans •Removal of natural turf slope at City Hall •Removal of natural turf on Paseo Del Norte •Inefficient irrigation heads replaced by rotor heads •Natural mulch used in landscape planters 8