HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-07-14; City Council; 22031; Approving Special Events Grant Swami Athletic Association 2015 Carlsbad Grand PrixCITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# IVITG. DEPT. 22.031 7/14/2015 CED ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,039 FOR THE SWAMI ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION'S 2015 CARLSBAD GRAND PRIX DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt City Council Resolution No. 2015-187 approving a Special Events Grant in the amount of $6,039 for the Swami Athletic Association's Carlsbad Grand Prix to be held on July 19, 2015 for the purpose of providing city funding for start-up expenses (including city provided in-kind services) related to this new special event, and authorizing the Administrative Services Director to appropriate and disburse said funds from the City Council's Contingency Account. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Swami Athletic Association (SAA), a non-profit organization, is requesting a Special Events Grant from the city for the maximum eligible grant amount of $10,000 to assist in event production costs for the second annual Carlsbad Grand Prix which is scheduled to be held on Sunday, July 19th. The Carlsbad Grand Prix is intended to serve as a bicycling event to raise awareness on healthy living, wellness and community. SAA anticipates that an estimated 3,000 participants and spectators will attend this year's event. The Carlsbad Grand Prix has received approval of a major Special Events Permit from the City of Carlsbad for the event that will take place exclusively within the public right-of-way on Armada Drive. SAA estimates a total event budget of $33,370, which includes approximately $3,175 in prize monies which staff does not believe should be included in event "start-up" costs if public funding is requested. Therefore, staff has adjusted the budgeted event costs by the $3,175 prize money to $30,195 total. Per the Special Events Grant guidelines, an organization is eligible for a grant that does not exceed 20 percent ofthe total event budget. Thus, staff is recommending approval of a grant not to exceed $6,039. This amount will cover nearly all ofthe fully burdened cost of required city services (est. at $6,337). There will be no funding, however, available for direct cash assistance to the event. The grant funds will be used to pay for the city services only. SAA will need to cover any remaining costs for city services and other event costs with other donations. In 2013, SAA received grant funding from the city for the inaugural Grand Prix. If approved, the 2015 Special Events Grant from the city will represent the 3rd year of city funding. SAA is committed to hosting an annual Carlsbad event featuring junior athletes, amateurs, professional and Paralympic cyclists. The event is eligible for the grant funds from the City of Carlsbad based on the criteria set forth within City Council Policy No. 51. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Courtney Enriquez 760-434-2812 Courtnev.Enriquez@carlsbadca.gov FOR CiTY CLERKS USE ONLY. J COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER-SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • Special Events Grant for Swami Athletic Association July 14, 2015 Page 2 City Council Policy No. 51 specifically states that Special Events Grants "provide city funding for start-up costs related to new special events held within the city that have a citywide interest," and may be requested any time during the year. New special events are defined as those that have been started within the past three years. Within this specific grant description, financial conditions have been established and are as set forth below: • Organizations are eligible to receive five years of city assistance total, with a total ofthree years of direct cash assistance and/or up to five years total funding for city services only; • City grant shall not provide for 100 percent ofthe total event funding; the maximum grant shall not exceed $10,000 or exceed 20 percent ofthe estimated total event cost; and • City grant shall be used for expenses to be paid directly by the organizer to third party vendors; no organizational administrative costs may be covered with the city grant funds. If approved, the grant will serve a public purpose for the City of Carlsbad by: • Building pride in the community by showcasing local achievements and focusing on healthy living, the environment, healthy living and the community itself; • Encouraging the development of new partnerships through local public and private sector groups working together; • Enhancing the volunteer sector by providing opportunities to learn new leadership skills; • Providing a community event for people of all ages and abilities, which enhance the quality of life in Carlsbad; and • Strengthening the local economy. The Special Events Grant application is available as Exhibit 2 for City Council review and consideration. FISCAL IMPACT: If the City Council chooses to fund this Special Events Grant request in the amount of $6,039, funding will be appropriated directly from the City Council's General Fund contingency account to various General Fund budgets for city provided services for the event. Currently, the City Council's General Fund contingency account carries a balance of $1,500,000. The attached resolution authorizes the Administrative Services Director to appropriate Carlsbad Grand Prix funding for in-kind city services from Council Contingency to various departmental budgets up to the maximum amount of $6,039. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: If the City Council decides to deny the grant request, the denial is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(4). However, if the City Council decides to fund the grant request, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2015-187 2. Special Events Grant application 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-187 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT FOR IN-KIND CITY SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,039 FOR THE 2015 CARLSBAD GRAND PRIX, AND AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR TO APPROPRIATE AND DISBURSE SAID FUNDS FROM COUNCIL CONTINGENCY. WHEREAS, the Swami Athletic Association is sponsoring a family-friendly community-oriented event, known as the Carlsbad Grand Prix to be held exclusively on Armada Drive between Cannon Road and Palomar Airport Road on Sunday, July 19, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Swami Athletic Association has requested a Special Events Grant from the City of Carlsbad to assist with event production costs for the Carlsbad Grand Prix; and WHEREAS, necessary city permits have been obtained forthe event; and WHEREAS, the public purpose served by the special event includes, but is not limited to: building pride in the community by showcasing local achievements and focusing on healthy living, the environment, and the community itself; encouraging the development of new partnerships through local public and private sector groups working together; strengthening the volunteer sector by providing opportunities to learn new leadership skills; providing community events for people of all ages and abilities, which enhance the quality of life in Carlsbad; and, strengthening local economies; and WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad has determined that there is a public purpose served by the special event and desires to invest in the event by providing a grant not to exceed $6,039, which will be used to pay for a portion ofthe city-provided event services estimated at $6,337, SAA will be charged for any additional costs incurred past the level of grant funding. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Carlsbad City Council hereby authorizes the Administrative Services Director to appropriate $6,039 from the City Council's General Fund contingency account to various General Fund budgets for city-provided event services for the Swami Athletic Association's Carlsbad Grand Prix to be held on July 19, 2015. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 14*'' day of July, 2015, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Hall, Blackburn, Schumacher, Wood, Packard. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON,i€ity Clerk (SEAL) ^ ry..- ,01:.. ••. CITY OF CARLSBAD' SPECIAL EVENTS GRANT SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION p/ease complete the following supplemental appllcalion using the instructions provided on the last page of (his appfcafon. Attach additional pages II necessary. Name of Applicant: :^y^^f>n-n^ ArrVv^C^ /js^O^..^ Address: ^^^^ yg^ ^ /L^ ^ , ^^.-TlT ^/)B j)"^ Phone: (Jiii) '^^'^ - Contact 1 Name E-mail: Sf^u^ ^, ^ ^^rA (- Phone Contact 2 A/ame P/)one Federal Tax ID # or Social Security #: 33 - O-y^ ^ TOTAL GRANT FUNDING REQUEST: $ ^ — \0 c^oC> ELIGIBLITY REQUIREMENTS Please answer the following questions to determine if your event is eligible for City grant funds: Will your Special Event be held entirely within the City of Carlsbad? Have you submitted a Special Events Permit application to the City? (If yes, please attach a copy to this grant supplemental application) Does your Special Event have a citywide interest? ifyes, explain in the section below Has the Special Event received less than three (3) years of grants from the City? (If yes, please note below the number of years you have received grants from the City, if any) If you answered ygS to all of the above questions, your request Is eligible for this grant program. Please complete the remainder of this application. If you answered no to any of the questions, please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760-434-2812) to discuss your eligibility for the special events grant. Y N • 0 • m • • Ci^ of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Special Bvent Grant Supplemental Apphcation www.carlsbadca.gov GBANT REQUEST PES^ Applicant Background Organization: K-^sf^s'c^ hrTx\^ l^^^oc^>A^<^J Names of Officers and Board of Directors: Name Title :^fn^>r^ Om/ntSv rr Name of the special event: (\^i^€>^ Q<z^P\-^ PP-H)>C rsF CJ/cL^i^y^C.^ Location of event: Date of event: '^O*^^ ) ^ ^ O-d] C~ Please list the years in which your organizatton has received prior funding from the City and list the related dollar amounts: d . How does your special event benefit and provide citywide interest to the Carlsbad community? y FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES/BUDGET Estimated total cost of event: Please list additional funding opportunities (i.e. corporate or private sponsors, matching grants) currentiy committed or pending below: Name Percentage of financial contribution towards goal f % 4 % % An estimated event budget Is must be Included with your grant submission. city of Carisbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Special Event Grant Supplemental Application www.carlsbadca.gov CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. (Two signatures required) Signature Title Date Signature Title Date SUPPLEIUIENTAL INFORMATION & ALTERNATIVE FORMAT Please submit this supplemental grant application together with a written request (cover letter) to the City Council stating the amount of funding requested and intended use for this funding. As noted above, please attach a copy of your special event application. City of Carlsbad will provide written materials in alternative formats and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION Please hand deliver, U.S. mail, e-mail or fax completed supplemental grant application packet together with your cover letter request to: City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Courtney Enriquez Telephone Number: 760-434-2812 Fax Number: 760-720-2037 E-mail: Courtney.Enrique2(a)carlsbadca.gov CityofCarlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Special Event Grant Supplemental Application www.carlsbadca.gov ITEM i EST COST Prize Money ; $ 3,175.(K) Primes "W 166.00 Insurance 1 $ 2,882.00 USAC Pennitting 50.00 OSAC Officials i $ 2,000.00 USAC OfTiclals Lodging/Meals ; $ 179.00 USAC Post-event ($3.60/rider) \ $ 2,520.00 Announcers 1 $ 400.00 Banricade/Message Tape \ $ - Cily Permit Fee ! $ 330.00 Vendor Permit Fee ! $ 125.00 Affected i^ariies Notice Post i % - Traffic Control \ $ 6,000.00 Police Personnel ! $ 3,831.57 Fire Personnel $ 189.62 Trans/City Serv./Storm Water Inspector : $ 3,378.84 Port-a-Potties i $ 507.37 Radios 160.00 Race Numbers i $ 420.00 Street Sweeper _ \ $ 510.00 Food for Crew i $ 150.00 Volunteer food/drink 1 $ 600.00 Copy and Office L$ 400.00 Race Fees for Juniors i $ 300.00 Arch Banners 1$ 600.00 Coroplast Signs i $ 313.11 SoCalCycling Listing T$ 125.00 SoCalCycling Press Release 1 $ 100.00 Promo Postcards ' $ 160.00 Posters 1 $ 217.19 (Medals ! $ 234.25 Stage 1 $ 222.30 Raffle Tixx • i $ 15.00 17 Foot Rental Trucl< $ 302.50 Rental Truck Gas 71.75 Generators i $ 200.00 Recycle/Trash Boxes i $ 30.00 Toilet Paper i $ 10.00 Bottled Waters i $ 40.00 storm Water screens 1 $ - Ice $ 20.00 Pre-Event IVIanagement Fee ll.. 2,500.00 TOTAL" $ 33.369.50