HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-07-21; City Council; 22040; Receive Quarterly CIP Projects Status Report June 30, 2015CITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL AB# 22,040 DATE 07/21/15 DEPT. PW RECEIVE THE QUARTERLY CIP PROJECTS STATUS REPORT FOR PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 2015 RECOMMENDED ACTION: CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. Receive the quarterly CIP projects status report for the period ending June 30, 2015 from staff. ITEM EXPLANATION: Quarterly project status reports are prepared by the Public Works and Parks & Recreation Departments. The reports include: • Transportation-streets, drainage, traffic signals and other circulation-related projects • Utilities-water, recycled water, and sewer • Civic Projects-city facility construction, expansion, renovation and maintenance • Parks-parks, trails and recreational facilities These reports summarize the status of projects included in the City of Carlsbad Capital Improvement Program (CIP), a 15-year planning document that outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. The CIP for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-15 to FY 2028-29 outlines 258 continuing and new projects at a cost of approximately $496 million. Project funds are appropriated each fiscal year upon adoption of the annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program by the City Council. The FY 2014-15 Capital Improvement Program includes approximately $69.7 million in new appropriations and an estimated $186.8 million in continuing appropriations for a total appropriation of $256 million. The attached report includes the current status of budget and schedule status for active CIP projects during the final quarter of FY 2014-15. Projects approved on June 30, 2015 for the FY 2015-16 budget will be included in next quarter's report. FISCAL IMPACT: None. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Pat Thomas 760-602-2751 Pat.Thomas@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: Quarterly CIP Projects Status Report July 21, 2015 APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D D RETURNED TO STAFF D D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D D REPORT RECEIVED ~ 2 Quarterly CIP Projects Status Report July 21, 2015 Page2of2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Listed on City of Carlsbad website. EXHIBITS: 1. CIP Projects Status Quarterly Report, through June 30, 2015 2 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q2 2015 (through June 30) ORIGINAl CURRENT ITEM PROJECT PROJECT fSnMAT£D ESTIMATED SCHEDULE • • DIVISION PHASE PROJECT NAME PHASE PHASE STATUS COMMENTS FUNDING SOURCE BUDGET CDMPL£T10N COMPLETION DAT£ DATE CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 6035 Transportation Construction MUTCO Street Name Sign Replacement Project s 2,320,000 Summer2014 Summer2015 0 Under Construction Gas tax Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain {5) -Madison (Arbuckle to 0 2 6608 Transportation Construction Laguna) s 145,000 Fa/12015 Under Construction Gasta~e 3 6016 Transportation Construction Cbad Blvd Bridge Barrier Rail over Railroad at State St s 1,269,300 Summer 2015 Summer 2015 0 Under Construction (Finish delayed due to SDGE conflict) TransNet local 4 6001-140l Transportation Construction Pavement Overlay Project s 1,500,000 Summer 2015 0 Construction substantially complete Gas TaK, TransNet local 5 6608 Transportation Construction Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (4) -Grand Ave s 1,640,000 Winter 2015 0 Under Construction Gas tax 6 6607 Transportation Construction CMP Replacement • 2763 La Gran Via s 160,000 Winter 2016 0 Bidding Infrastructure Replacement 0 Behind schedule due to large quantity of debris buried in embankment that had to be 7 3957 Transp~rtation Construction El Camino Real Widening (Tamarack to Chestnut) $ 12,833,907 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 removed and due to discovery of cultural artifacts Traffic Impact Fees, TransNet 8 6608 Transportation Construction Northwast Quadrant Storm Drain (6) ·Wilson $ so.ooo Summer 2015 0 Awarded. Gas tax 9 6604 Transportation Construction Romeria Drainage Channel Improvements s 647,000 Summer 2015 0 Award to CC Fall 2015 Gas Tax, General Capital Construction 10 6024 Transportation Construction La Costa Slope Repair s 209,000 Summer 2015 0 Award to CC Fall 2015 Gas tax 0 Project Is on hold while new conduit is Installed as part of the Grand Ave. storm drain 11 4016 Transportation Construction Village Decorative lighting s 177,800 Summer 2015 Summer 2015 project. General Capital Construction 12 4003 Property Construction Fire Station 3 s 9,352,000 Winter2015 Winter2015 0 Project is under budget and on time Public faciliti~ Fee 13 4020 Property Construction Cole library Improvements and Refurbishment s 5,300,000 Winter 2016 Winter2016 • Demolition scheduled to begin September 2015 General Capital Construction 14 Property Construction Faraday lighting Conversion s 90,000 Fall2015 Faii201S 0 In progress lnfraS1ructure Replacement 0 Phase II of the project includes the purchase and installaiton of 30 bench~. 75 steel IS 4019 Parks Construction Village Streetscape s 345,000 Winter2016 Winter2016 trash/recycling receptacles, and 15 steel/ipe benches. General Capital Construction 5208 Utilities Construction s 600,000 0 final Phase of construction w••« nep>ocemem, "'"' 16 Palmer and Impala Or_ Phase Ill Pipeline (ES18) Summer 2015 Summer2015 Recycled 17 5025 Utilities Construction Hydroel~tric facility at Maerkle s 3,6!0,380 Winter 2015 Summer2015 0 Construction complete. NOC pending Water Replacement 18 5207 Utilities Construction ECR Recycled Water Pipeline (Alga to La Costa )lESS) s 1,915,000 Fall2015 Summer 2015 • Construction nearly complete Water replacement 19 5040 Utilities Construction Ellery P.S. De<:ommlssion s 250,000 fall2015 Fall2015 0 Contract awarded June 2015 Water replacement Palomar Oaks and Calavera Hills Recycled Water Pipelines (ES lA and s 1,245,000 0 Contract awardl!d May 5, 2015 Water Replacement, Water 20 5208 Utilities Construction ES 7) Spring 2016 Spring 2016 Recycled 21 5517 Utilities Construction North Bataquitos Lift Station Pump Improvements s 905,000 Spring 2016 Spring 2016 0 Contract awarded and materials being procured Sewer Replacement Page 1 of6 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q2 2015 (through June 30) ORIGINAl CURRENT PROJECT rsnMATtD ESTIMATED SCHEDULE ITEM PROJECT PHASE COMMENTS FUNDING SOURCE DIVISION PHASE PROJECT NAME BUDGET PIIAS£ STATUS • • COMP\£TION COMPlETION OATt DATE PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE: INCLUDES PlANNING & DESIGN, BID/AWARD PERIOD 22 6607 Tr~nsponatiOn Pre-construction CMP Reptac~t • Hoover Stre-et at Adams s 175.000 Summt>r 2015 Summer 2015 0 Fml ~an.s and specificilliOn m preparaoon. lnfra.structure Replacement 23 6607 Transportation Pre-<:onstructton CMPRe~UfT'Ieflt -HIJhland at Adams s 125,000 Summer2015 SumrMr 201S 0 AMI ptans anC specifK.auon 1n preparJbOn Infrastructure Replacement 24 6619 Tnnsport111on Pre-Construction Buena Vtsta Cleek Fence s 200.000 faH 2015 Fall 2015 0 s..r_, General Capital ConstructiOn 25 4015 Trinsportallon Pre..C:onstrudk>n Vtllace & Barno Traffic Ctrdes s 0 Pro,ect scope and desJifl tS on hold pendm1lhe resuhs of the V•••ce and Banlo 315,000 Winter 2014 Spnnc 2016 Muter Plan General C411pital ConstructiOn 26 6618 Tnnsportonlon Pre·Construction Farol Coun. Dralnaae Repa1n s 411.700 Summer 2015 Foll2015 ..) Env~ronment and PE underway Infrastructure Replacement 27 6052 Tnnsportatlon Pre.COnstruction Park1ng lot Maintenance s 600.000 Winter 201G W1nter 2016 0 Developing proJect scope and priontles w•th Parks and Streets Infrastructure Replacement 28 6607 Transportation Pre-Construction CMP Replacement · Elmwood/laguna s 525,000 Fall 2015 Fall20l5 0 E~luating design options. Infrastructure Replacement 29 6042 lransportatlon Pre-Construction El Cammo Real at Cannon lntent!dlon lmprovcme11ts s 589,000 Wlnter2016 Wtnter2016 0 EnVIronmental rev1ew underway I Preparing to obtain design sen~1ces. Traffic Impact Fees 30 6056 Transportation Pre-Construction EJ Camino Real and Aeua Hed1onda Cttek Brld&e Ralhnc Repa1r 3nd 0 Considered with des1gn of 6042 (ECR and Cannon Brldce lmprovtoments) Infrastructure Replacement Sidewalk s 210,000 Winter 2016 Wtntcr2016 ~ Water Replacement, Traffic 31 6019 Transportation Pre-Construction Valley and Maanolla lmprowmenu s 1,674,236 Summer 2016 Summer 2016 Project OeSIIJl underway with formation of Undercround1n1 O.stnct •20 lm~ct Fees 32 6608 Transpornuon Pre-ConstrYctton NorthWMt Quadr.~nt Soonn Onln (6) · Roosevtlt (lo&uno South) s 450,000 Winter 2016 Wlntor 2016 0 70% on ho&d pending Lacuna Drive Storm drain S'f'item analysis Gas tax 33 6030 Transporto~Uon Pre-ConstructtOn Camino HiUs & Jatks~r Slope Stability s 859.400 On&Oing Onaoln& 0 Contmulng to monitor 2 Inclinometers on tamlf\o l·lilh: Rd Gent"fill Capital Construct.on 0 RWQCB denied Wolter quality ctf1ifation. Based on detual USACOE had to wtthdraw Gcner.~l Capital Constructton, 34 3338 Transporut.on Pre-Construction Acua Hechonda Channel mpr-ove~ts Summer 2009 Summer2016 the provisional permits. EvakJat1n1 opt.tons now ptanned loc.al Or.nnase 35 6611 lranspornhon Pre-construction Park Drive Drainage and Street Improvements s 24B,OOO Summer 2016 Summer201tt 0 s..r_, Gener.~l CapiUI ConstnKhon 36 6014 Transportatkw1 Pre-construction Carlsbad Boulevard Bridce Ba"~ Ralt •t Enc•na DischafJe s 1,012,500 Spnng 2016 Spring 2016 0 Barrier Destgn Report submitted to Ctfor barrier type appr·oval T~nsNet, feder.ll grants 37 6053 Tffnsportatlon Pre-Construction Carlsbad Boulevard 8ndge Barrier Rail at Enc1na Ois,harge-s 338,455 Spnn&2016 Sprfnc2016 0 Barrier Oestgn Report subn-uned to CT for birner type approve~! General Cap1tal Conuruc.tion 38 6617 Transportation Pre-Construction Drainage Master Plan Project BCA (Park Drive I Tamarack S.D.~ s 1,068,613 Sprtn& 2016 Sprln12016 0 Survey Planned local Dratnage 39 6031 Transportation Pre-Construction Carlsbad Blvd Realignment s 0 General Capital Construction, 3,250,000 fall 2016 Fall2016 Trans Net 40 6054 Transportation Pre-Constructton Carlsbad Blvd. Improvements • Cannon to Manzano s 6,050,000 Summer 2016 Summer 2016 0 first Publk Outreach Meetin& will be Sumrrwr 2015 Traffic Impact fe~s 41 4030 Property Prr-ConS'truct1on Oov£o library Improvements and Refurbishment s 6,046.529 SumrMr 2016 Summer 2016 0 General (apital ConstrUctiOn 42 47181 Prop<rty Pre-ConstructlOfl Ctty Hall Refurbishment Spnna 2016 Sprinc2016 0 lnfru tructure Replacement Pa1e 2 ol6 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE QZ 201S (through June 30) ORIGINAl CURRENT ITEM PROJECT • • DIVISION PHASE PROJECT NAME PROJECT EmMAT£D ESTIMATED SCHEDULE PHA$( PHASE STATUS BUDGET COMPlETION COMPLETION COMMENTS FUNDING SOURCE DATI DATE PRE-cONSTRUCTION PHASE: INCLUDES PLANNING & DESIGN, BID/AWARD PERIOD 43 47181 Property Pre·Construction City Hall Refurbishment Spring 2017 Spring 2017 G General Capital Construction 44 47191 Property Pre-Construction EOC Reconfiguration 1,858,118 Fal\2015 Fall2015 G General Capital Construction 45 47191 Property Pre..Construction EOC Reconfiguralion Fall 2015 Fatl2015 G Infrastructure Replacement 46 47151 Property Pre-Construction Safety Center Refurbishment 3,413,148 Fall2015 Fall 1015 G General Capital Construction 47 47161 Property Pre-Construction Safety Training Center Solar 450,000 Fall2015 Fall2015 G Awarded and Pending Contract Execution General Capital Construction G Design Complete. Plans Submitted for permit Agenda Bill for 7-28·2015 meeting for 48 47131 Property Pre-Construction Fire Station 2 Refurbishment 375,000 Fall2015 Fall2015 Authorization of plans and permission to issue Request for Bids. Infrastructure Replacement 49 47141 Property Pre·Construction Fleet Maintenance Renovation 885,000 Winter 2015 Winter 2015 G In Design. Facility Assessment Complete. Infrastructure Replacement 50 35711 Property Pre-Construction Maintenance and Operations Center 18,111,164 Fall2016 fall2016 0 Agenda Bill to approve contract for design for 7-28-15 CF"O.l, Water cmd Sewer Rcplaceml!!nt Funds Pre-Construction: SANOAG ATP Grant awarded $192,100. In addition to safety G improvements the scope was increased to include amenities consistent with the 51 6058 Transportation Pre-Construction Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Pedestrian lmprovemt'nts 996,000 Winter2017 Winter2017 Complete Street"~> Initiative. (Original funding amount was $455,000). Design Gas Tax, TransNet local alternattves for the interestion will be reviewed early July with a final design presented to the City Council in September 2015. 51 6001-l SOl Transportation Pre-Construction 2015 Slurry Seal Project 1,400,000 Summer 2015 Summer 2015 c:l Agenda Bill to City Council 7/28/15 to Advertise for Construction Bids Gas Tax, TransNet local 53 6049 Transportation Pre-Construction ADA Improvements 1,670,000 Fall2015 Fall2015 G Developing project scope. TransNet local 54 4714 Property Pre~Construction Fleet Maintenance Renovation 885,000 Faii 201S G Anticipated to go to bid for a design-builder in September 2015 Infrastructure Replacement Fall2016 Fall2016 G long term/major improvements include concrete stair removals, landscape and Infrastructure Replacement, 55 6057 Parks Pre-Construction Northern Public. Beach Access Improvements 2,600,000 hardscape improvements at access entries. Pre construction budget $500,000. General Capital Construction Summer2016 Summer 2016 G One of 3 Community Park Master Plans recently updated in response to department's Park-in-lieu 56 36491 Parks Pre-Construction Aviara Community Park Amphitheater & Picnic Areas 1,944,800 needs assessment and action plan. Pre-construction budget $212,360. Summer 2016 Summer 2016 G One of 3 Community Park Master Plans recently updated in response to department's 57 45011 Parks Pre-Construction Poinsettia Community Park· Phase 3 I does not include community c s 3,588,000 needs assessment and action plan. Pre-construction budget $212,794. Public Facility Fees G One of 3 Community Park Master Plans recently updated in response to department's Park-in·Ueu, Public Facility 58 45071 Parks Pre-Construction Pine Avenue Park Community Bldg. and Gardens-Phase 2 10,805,300 Fall2016 Fall2016 needs assessment and action plan. Pre-construction budget $999,497 Fees G Amount shown is for construction only. Authorization for project to go out for bid to 59 46011 Parks Pre-Construction Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements 550,000 Fall2015 Faii201S go before City Council in summer 2015. General Capital Construction G Prefab restroom building is only shown on the matrix. Pre-construction budget, 60 38661 Parks Pre-Construction lake Cal avera Trails Master Plan ·Pre·fab Restroom 150,000 Winter 2016 Sprina 2016 30,000. General Capital Construction G Master Plan Phase 3 priority project. Budget shown is for pre-construction 61 46011 Parks Pre-Construction leo Carrillo Ranch Phase 3-Stables Restoration & Chkken Coop/Res s 100,000 Fall1016 Fall1016 architectural and engineering: services. Publk Facility Fees Page 3 of 6 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q2 2015 (through June 30) ORIGINAl CURRENT ITEM PROJECT • • DIVISION PHASE PROJECT NAME PROJECT ESllMAT£0 ESTIMATED SCHEDULE PHASE PHASE STATUS BUDGET COMPlETION COMPLETION COMMENTS FUNDING SOURCE OAT£ DATE PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE: INCLUDES PLANNING & DESIGN, BID/AWARD PERIOD Poinsettia Park Multi-Gen.,Multi-Purpose Community Center 0 Feasibility study to commence in fall2015. Project timina: and scope subject to General Capital Construction 62 46051 Parks Pre-Construction Feasibility Study 90,000 Fall2016 Winter 2016 change. 63 5209 Utilities Pre-ConstruClion Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Expansion 9,840,000 Fall2016 0 Awarded design buih contract on June 9, 2015 Water Replacement 3949,3886, Utilities Pre-Construction V/C Sewer Reaches 118-15, Aqua Hedionda lift Station and Avenida 62,950,000 G Contract awarded Mav 19,2015. NTP pending 64 3492 & 5027 Encinas Recycled Water Une Summer 2017 Summer2017 Sewer Connection 65 5529 Utilities Pre-Construction Poinsettia L/S Emergency Bypass Pump System 320,000 Summer 2015 Summer2015 0 Emergency Pumping System SO% Design Sewer Connection 66 5008 Utilities Pre-Construction Tri-agency Water Trans Main Reach 2, Phase 1 6,455,000 Summer 2015 Summer2015 0 Award contract on June 23, 2015 Water Replacement 67 5526 Utilities Pre-Construction Foxes landing lift Station and Force Main 3,275,000 Fall2015 Fall2015 0 Lih Station Replacement Final Design Sewer Replacement 68 5533 Utilities Pre-Construction Simsbury EKtension 301,000 Fall2016 Fall2016 0 Schedule dependent on Quarry Creek Oewlopment. Sewer Replacement 69 5013 Utilities Pre-Construction College (ECR to Cannon) Water Pipeline 1,060,000 Fall2015 Faii201S 0 Schedule dPpendent on Catarini Ranch Development. Water Connection 70 5001 Utilities Pre-Construction Maerkle Transmission Main 4,875,000 Winter 2016 Winter 2016 0 Catarini Ranch to Design and Construct with a reimbursement agreement. In design W3ter Replacement phase. 71 5038 Utilities Pre-Construction Flow Control Facility 5 (Desai) 1,500,000 Fall2016 Fall2016 0 Planning Study Completed. Preparing Design Agreement. PROGRAMS & STUDIES Program/Study Outdoor Adventure Park Feasibility Study G Feasibility study to commence in fall 201S. Project timing and scope subject to General Capital Construction 72 4&071 Parks 122,500 Fall2016 Winter2016 chance. 73 5035 Utilities Program/Study limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program 1,940,000 Ongoing Ongoing 0 Design 90% complete on La Costa pipeline. Altisma relocation to begin August 201S. Water Replacement 74 5520 Utilities Proeram/Study Odor/Corrosion Assessment 200,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Addressing miscellaneous wastewater odor control issues throughout the City. Sewer Replacement 75 3840 Utilities Program/Study Misc. Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Projects 1,610,380 Oneoing Ongoing G Engineering support to Operations for Misc. Minor Improvements/Contracts. Sewer Replacement 76 5503 Utilities Program/Study Misc. Sewer Pipeline and Manhole Replacement and Repair 4,057,894 Ongoing Ongoing 0 Engineering support to Operations for Misc. Minor Improvements/Contracts. Sewer Replacement 77 Non CIP Transportation Program/Study Carrillo Way Inclinometer 10,000 Ongoing Oneoing G Non·CIP Operating Budget Continuing to monitor inclinometer In Carrillo Way. Stakeholder workshops completed. Preparing website with highlights from the draft 78 6055 Transportation Program/Study Coa'!>tal Corridor Multi Modal Infrastructure Plan G report which will be presented to the planning commmission and city council in 100,000 Faii201S Faii201S October/November. General Capital Construction 79 6059 Transportation Proeram/Study Village Double Tracking 250,000 Faii201S Winter 2016 0 SANOAG to prepare Project Study Report to be rev;cwed by City. General Capital Construction Program/Study 0 IMS contracted to evaluate citywide pavement condition and update pavement 80 6001 Transportation Pavement Management Proeram Update Citywide 100.000 Winter 2016 Winter 2016 database. Gas Tax, TransNet local Page4 of 6 ITEM PROJECT DIVISION • • LONG TERM MAINTENANCE 81 6320 Transportation 82 3919/6032 Transportation 83 38218 Transportation 84 3821A Transportatk>n 85 6604/6024 Transportation 86 Non CIP Transportation FUTURE PROJf:CTS 87 38011 Parks 88 Parks 89 6034 Transportation 90 6004 Transportation 91 6051 Transportation 92 6043 Transportation 93 6044 Transportation 94 4013 Transportation 95 6608 Transportation 96 5007 Utilities 97 5019 Utilities 98 5020 Utilities 99 5032 Utilities 100 5034 Utilities PHASE Long Term Maintenance long Term Maintenance long Term Maintenance long Term Maintenance long Term Maintenance long Term Maintenance Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project Future Project PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q2 2015 (through June 30) ORiGINAl CURRENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT EmMA TED ESTIMATED BUDGET PHASf PHASE COMPI.£TIOH COMPLETION DATI DATE Trafftc Signal Project 5,684,974 Winter2015 Fall2015 Encina!O Creek Bridge Revetment Monitoring 15,000/yr Ongoing Ongoing Lake Calavera Dam Maintenance 100,000 Ongoing Ongoing lake Calavera Mitigation long Term Maint. 40,000 Summer 2017 Summer2017 Romeria and l a Costa Slope Repair Mitigation Site 150,000 Spring 2020 Spring 2020 Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance 400,000 Ongoing Ongong Roberston Ranch Park Development 2.700,000 Veteran's Park 23,240,000 Melro!Oe at PAR improvements 561,000 Avenida Encinas widening south of Palomar Airport Road 5,402,000 El Camino Real widening la Costa Ave to Arena! Road 2,550,000 Palomar Airport Road left turn lane e~p_ansion to N/B Paseo Del Nort 233,000 Palomar Airport Road ri ht turn lane widening to S/B Paseo Del Nort 564,000 Barrio Street Ughting 100,000 50.000.00 Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (6)_ -Sunrlyhiii/McArthur Cathodic Protection Program Improvement 1,246.700 Water Valve Replacement Program 550,000 Pressure Reducing Station Replacement/Rehabilitation 1,102,000 Palomar Busines!O Park Recycled Water Line l,l45,000 El Furete and Cortina Street Pressure Reducing Station 500,000 SCHEDULE STATUS COMMENTS Traffic signal equipment has been imtalled and linked to the TMC except remote locations. Phase two of the battery back up system will be installed th1s summer with the final phase installed by the end of the year. Opticon emergency vehicle preemption FUNDING SOURCE upgrades will be completed this summer. Traffic Impact Fee Ongoing annual report in April and preparing modification to COP to Coastal Commission MNO complete. Application for COFW Submitted 11-22-13. Project discu!Osions for mitigation package are on-going. Long term maint plan. Annual report in Sept. Quarterly site visits ongoing. Drought delayed growth. Initial planting in Spring 2015. Nature's Image perfroming maintenance Pa11ialty fund~. Scheduled currently for buildout. Unknown start date Current CIP schedule shows development at 2026·30. Pending performance of striping solution the project may be unnec~sary Schedule to be determined in part based on the VC Sewer line proJect. Project inititation pending staffing assignments Projed inititation pending staffing assignments Project inititation pending staffing assignments Project inititation pending staffing assignments Projed on hold until staff/resourcing is confirmed by August 2015 (staffing plan in progress) Project on hold until staff/resourdng is confirmed by August 201S (staffing plan in progress) Project on hold until staff/resourcing is c.onfirmed by August 2015 (staffing plan in progress) Project on hold until staff/resourcing is confirmed by August 2015 (staffing plan in progress) Project on hold until staff/resourcing is confirmed by August 2015 (staffing plan in progress} Traffic Impact Fee Traffic Impact Fee Traffic Impact Fee Gas Tax Gas Tax General Capital Construction Gas Ta~~: p,.ge S of 6 PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q2 2015 {throush June 30) ORIGINAl CURRENT ITEM PROJECT PROJECT EmMATtO ESTlMATED SCHEDULE • • DIVISION PHASE PROJECT NAME PHASE PHASE COMMENTS FUNDING SOURCE BUDGET STATUS CDMPUTlOH COMPLETION OATt DATE FUTURE PROJ£CT'S 101 5210 Utilities Future Project Recycled Water Phase Ill Tank at 0 Site s 1.800.000 ProJect on hokt until staff/resourc•ncls confirmed by Aucust 2015 (staffin& plan In proarcss) 102 5212 Utilities Future Project Fire Ftow Systfm11mprovements s 720.000 Project on hold until staff/resourcln& is confirmed by Aueust 2015 (staffinc plan in procrHs) 103 5528 Utilities Future Pro}«t Galeshead Sewer lih Station Removal s 150,000 Profect on ho~ until st.a'ffjresourCin& is conftrmed by Aucust 2015 (staffin& pUn m pros:ress) 104 5531 Utilities Futur~ PrOJKl NonhwMt Quadrant OPP Sewer Linin& s 700,000 PfOJrcl on hold untH staff/rnourdnc ts confirmed by Aucust 2015 (staHin& P'an m procrt>Ss) 105 5534 Utilities Future ProJect Terramar Sewer Replacement Arbel/los Robles s 1,250,000 Pro,rct on hold until staff/re'Sourcinl is confirmed by AUJU~I 2015 (staffin1 plan in pro&ress) 106 5024 Utilities Future Project Reservoir Repair and Maintenance Procram s 4,000,000 Project on hold until staff/resourcingls confirmed b'f Auau~t 2015 (~taffin& plan In proc;reu) 107 5501 Utt:litJH Future Project Exlst•nc Buena tnterceptor Purchue and Rehabilitation s 1.362,000 Pro,ect on hotd untJistaff/rHOuron& is confirmed by Aucust 2015 (staffinc plan In procress) Spnna: ,..Apr1I/Mav/June CMP rf':placement procram total v~luf':'"' S2,8S9,360 Summer aJuly/Aua:ust./Septf'mber 1 Northw"' Quod,.nl Slonn O."n P<ognom <ol•l ,.lue • S6,090,S02 rail aOctober/Novembef"/Oecembtr" Winter•J~nuMy/february/M~rth Handouts provided at Council Meeting to follow - ITEM PROJECT # # PROJECT TYPE PHASE COMMERCIAL 1 SDP 01-04 Commercial Construction 2 SDP 09-04(A) Com mercial Design 3 SDP 14-06 Commercial Construction 4 SUP 13-03 Commercial Construction s CD 13-18 Commercial Construction 6 CUP 12-10 Commercial Design 7 None Commercial Discretionary 8 GPA 14-03 Commercial Discretionary RESIDENTIAL 9 GPA 11-07 Residential Discretionary 10 SDP 13-02 Residential Construction 11 MP 10-01 Residential Construction 12 CT 12-0S Residential Construction 13 CT 12-07 Residential Construction 14 CT 13-0S Residential Construction 1S CT 00-18 Residential Design 16 CT 00-21 Residential Design 17 SDP 01-10(A) Residential Design 18 CT OS-12 Resident ial Construction PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT STATUS UPDATE Q2 2015 (through June 30} DRAFT CURRENT PROJECT NAME PROJECT VALUE ESTIMATED SCHEDULE PROJECT DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS COMPLETION STATUS DATE La Costa Town Square Commercial $75 million Q2 2016 ~ 264,000-square-foot neighborhood serving commercial center Westfield Carlsbad Renovation Phase 2 $300 million Unknown Qf Transform center into an open air, two-story shopping/dining/entertainment destination Demolition of existing 14,460-square-foot former Pontiac GMC dealership located on the west side of Paseo Del Hoehn Motors Audi Dealership $6.4 million Q3 201~ Norte and construction of a new S4,688-square-foot Audi dealership, including a rooftop parking structure Two, three-story industrial buildings w ith a combined 111,042-square-feet of professional office space and ViaSat Expansion $50 million "' N/A 32,0S8-square-feet of manufacturing space for a total building area of 143,100-square-feet • 1S6,000 square-foot tenant improvement at the former Floral Trade Center on Avenida Encinas west of ' "MAKE" Tenant Improvement $5.2 million ~ N/A Interstate S designed as a collobrative, work-sharing environment for innovative design companies ' ~~""""'~ 60,000-square-foot building to include an organic garden with a farm-to-table culinary arts demonstration North 40 $4.5 million Q2 2016 ~ (it kitchen, micro-brewery and tasting room, wine tasting, wholesale floral market, locally resourced produce market open to the public and "marketplace" showcasing regionally sourced products NRG Redevelopment Unknown Q3 2020 " Above-ground demolition of the existing Encina Power Station anticipated by the end of 2020 Westin Hotel & Timeshare (Lot 9) $31 million Q4 2017 ~ Lease of a 3.1S acre City/CMWD owned property to Grand Pacific Resorts who intends to develop a hotel (74 rooms)/time share (36 rooms) project on property located just east of t he existing Marbrisa Resort and Sheraton Robertson Ranch West Village $236 million 308 single family homes and 364 multi-family homes comprised of 100 senior apartments and 264 market rate Q3 2016 apartments and widening of El Camino Real La Costa Town Square Residential $29.8 million Q3 201S ~ 63 one and two story single family homes 636 residential units, a 1.5-acre community facilities site, a 1.3-acre park and ride site, 92 acres of nat ural open Quarry Creek Master Plan $69 million Q3 201S space on a 1S6-acre site in northeast Carlsbad La Costa Residential $12.8 million 32 detached single-family homes located within the La Costa Master Plan at the northeast corner of Rancho Q4 201S Santa Re Road and Paseo Lupino Southern Preserve La Costa (Formerly: Fair Oaks Valley) $39.2 million Q4 2016 0 49 single family residences located on the eastern edge of Carlsbad off Ca mino Junipero State Street Townhomes $30 million Q3 201S 0 47 two and t hree-story air space townhomes, including 411ive/work units and six (6) inclusionary units Cantarini Ranch Unknown ~ 10S detached single-family homes on minimum 1/2 acre lots Holly Springs Unknown ® 43 detached single-family homes on minimum 1/2 acre lots lqj Encinas Creek Apa rtment Homes I.R Unknown ® 127 apartments including SO% affordable Summerhouse (Ocean St. Condos) $14.S million Demolition of a SO-unit apartment complex and the construction of 3S, two-story, three bedroom/3 bat h, luxury Q3 201S town homes and a subterranean parking structure adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon Page 1 of 2 ITEM PROJECT PHASE PROJECT TYPE # # 19 GPA 14-06 Residential Discretionary 20 CT 14-01 Resident ial Design 21 GPA 14-04 Residential Discretionary 22 GPA 15-01 Residential Discretionary 23 GPA 09-02 Residential Design --~ -+ -. ~ + ----------- PROJECT NAME Poinsettia 61 State Mixed Use 30 Uptown Bressi PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT STATUS UPDATE Q2 2015 (through June 30) DRAFT CURRENT PROJECT VALUE ESTIMATED SCHEDULE COMPLETION STATUS DATE $63.4 million Q4 2016 $7.5 million Q3 2016 $64 million Q2 2016 ii PROJECT DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS Construction of Reach "E" of Poinsettia Lane and the construction of 140 detached single-family condominiums on a 60.1-acre site 33,732 square foot four-story mixed-use building consisting of 14 residential units (two of which are affordable), 13 t imeshare units, one (1) ground floor commercial unit (4,529 square feet), a roof deck and an enclosed at- grade parking garage Mixed use project on 17 acres to include 90,267 square feet of commercial space and 125 residential units. Village East is a multiple-family residential development to include 14 three-story buildings with 76 for-sale town home units and a 73 unit for-rent condominium building with two levels of subterranean parking. Village West is a mixed use development to include 13,300 sq. ft. of commercial (3,300 sq. ft. of restaurant, 1, 750 Ponto Beachfront Villages East and West $200 million Q3 2017 If of coffee shop; and 8,250 sq. ft. of retail) located on the ground level facing Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida i~ Encinas. The residential portion of this development includes 42 for-sale multi-family town home units on the {; second and third levels 305-unit continuing care retirement community including 58 detached cottages, 166 independent living units Dos Colinas $36.2 million Q3 2017 (i.e., senior apartments) and an 81-room/95-bed congregate care facility I I -~ ---+ -Ql -Jan/Feb/Mar --G Actively being processed ---Q2-Apr/May/June Pending action by developer Q3-July/Aug/Sept Q On hold - Q4-Oct/Nov/Dec Page 2 of 2 City Council Workshop July 21, 2015 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Report Quarter Ending June 30, 2015 CIP Budget Summary •CIP for FY 2014-15 to FY 2028-29 (15 year planning document) •258 continuing and new projects •Total cost of $496 million CIP Budget Summary (cont.) •FY 2014-15 included: –$69.7 million new appropriations –$186.6 million continuing appropriations –Total of $256 million appropriations •FY 2015-16 CIP budget approved on June 30, 2015 will be included in next quarterly report (October, 2015) Project Types •Transportation –Streets, drainage, traffic signals •Utilities –Water, recycled water, wastewater •Civic Projects –New facilities, expansion, renovation, maintenance •Parks & Recreation –Parks, trails, recreational facilities Carlsbad Blvd. Bridge over RR at State Street •Project approximately 90% complete •East side barrier rail recently completed •Bridge deck grind and overlay •Completion by August, 2015 Carlsbad Blvd. Bridge over RR at State Street (cont.) Carlsbad Blvd. Bridge over RR at State Street (cont.) Grand Avenue Storm Drain •Part of Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain Improvement Program •New storm drain in Grand Ave. from State Street to Madison Ave. •Also includes: –Replacement of water valves –Conduit for street lighting –Asphalt overlay Grand Avenue Storm Drain (cont.) •Project approx. 40% complete •Work continues from block to block •Estimated completion October, 2015 Pavement Management Program •Participation in cost of Desal Pipeline asphalt overlay –Cannon Avenue –Faraday Avenue –Melrose Drive –Lionshead Avenue •2015 Slurry Seal Program –Approximately $2.4 million –Various streets throughout the city Pavement Management Program (cont.) •2015 Asphalt Overlay Project –College Blvd. –Black Rail Road –Carlsbad Village Drive (east of Tamarack) –Approximately $1.5 million El Camino Real Widening: Tamarack to Chestnut •Approximately 35% complete •Work continues on utility installation •Project delayed due to archaeological discoveries and landfill debris in east side embankment •Original schedule completion in Spring 2016 •Current schedule for completion early Summer 2016 El Camino Real Widening: Tamarack to Chestnut (cont.) El Camino Real Widening: Tamarack to Chestnut (cont.) Fire Station No. 3 •Approximately 50% complete •Project on schedule and within budget •Completion scheduled for December 2015 Fire Station No. 3 (cont.) Fire Station No. 3 (cont.) Cole and Dove Library Modernization •General construction contract awarded July 2015 •Cole Library closure starting September 1, 2015 •Project Schedule –Cole Library September 2015 –January 2016 –Dove Library January 2016 –May 2016 •Overall project budget $11,300,000 Cole and Dove Library Modernization (cont.) Recycled Water Pipelines •Palomar Oaks Business Park •Calavera Hills •Cannon Road to NRG •CWRF to Cannon Road (included with V/C Sewer Interceptor) Recycled Water Pipelines (cont.) •El Camino Real: Alga Road to La Costa Avenue –Construction complete –NOC to be filed in August •Impala and Palmer –Construction complete –NOC to be filed in August –Included Carlsbad’s first recycled water wharfhead hydrant CWRF Plant Expansion •Design build contract awarded 6/9/15 •Expansion of plant from 4 mgd to 7 mgd •Estimated completion: Fall 2017 Vista Carlsbad (V/C) Sewer Interceptor •Construction contract fully executed •Construction begins August 2015 •Construction ends August 2017 •Contractor will be setting up staging area near south parcel of Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Carlsbad Blvd. / Tamarack Ave. Improvements •Preliminary design underway •Construction to begin Fall 2016 Carlsbad Blvd. / Tamarack Ave. Improvements (cont.) •Grants: –Received ATP SANDAG Grant $190,000 –Application for State of CA Active Transportation $1.054 million –Recommendation: Mid-Sept. (state level) October (regional level) –Funding awarded December 2015 Carlsbad Blvd. Improvements: Cannon Road to Manzano Road •Public Outreach meeting with Terramar neighborhood July 29, 2015 •Q1 2016 -Outreach, design, permitting •Q3 2016 -Start construction •Q3 2017 -End construction Facilities Renovation Projects •Fleet Maintenance Facility –Estimated completion summer 2016 •Safety Center •Emergency Operations Center •Harding Community Center –HVAC and roof replacement (Fall 2015) –Interior refurbishment (Fall / Winter 2015) Facilities Renovation Projects (cont.) •Fire Station No. 1 –Interior / exterior refurbishment (Fall / Winter 2015) •Fire Station No. 2 –Design complete –Request authorization to advertise for bids 7/28/15 •Faraday Center –HVAC and roof replacement (Fall / Winter 2015) –Interior refurbishment (Ongoing through 2016) Maintenance and Operations Center •Design build delivery method •Preliminary Schedule: –Summer 2015: Council approval of the contract with the Bridging Consultant for preliminary design and entitlement. –Summer 2015 -Fall 2015: Bridging Consultant and staff prepare initial design, technical reports, and CUP submittal. –Fall 2015-Spring 2016: Preparation of Bridging Document Package consisting of RFP for Design, build team, schematic design, digital model, and basis of design. –Summer 2016: Council approval of preliminary design and authorization to advertise for a design build team. –Fall 2016 –Spring 2017: Design build team completes design. –Spring 2017: Design build team begins construction. –Project completion: Construction schedule is approximately 18-24 months Parks and Recreation •Three Community Park Master Plan Projects –Aviara Community Park, Poinsettia Community Park, Pine Avenue Park –Contracts approved 7/14 for design consultants –Kick-off meetings held for all three parks 7/15 -7/16 Parks and Recreation (cont.) •Three Community Park Master Plan Projects –Aviara Community Park •Amphitheatre, picnic areas, warming kitchen Parks and Recreation (cont.) •Three Community Park Master Plan Projects –Poinsettia Community Park •Dog park, tot lots, arena soccer Parks and Recreation (cont.) •Three Community Park Master Plan Projects –Pine Avenue Park •Community building and gardens Parks and Recreation •Synthetic turf replacement -Aviara Community Park soccer field •Pre-construction phase complete in Fall 2015 Parks and Recreation •Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway •Pre-construction phase complete in Fall 2015 Parks and Recreation •Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park –stable / chicken coop restoration •RFP released 7/7/15 •Response deadline 8/6/15 Private Development Projects •Residential •Commercial •Hotels Robertson Ranch West Village •308 single family homes •100 senior apartments •264 market-rate apartments •Construction underway e-.. ---.. CJ----......... • Roberts on Ranc h Quarry Creek •156 acres –92 acres open space •636 residential units •1.5-ac. community facilities site and trails •1.3-ac. park and ride •Mass grading underway a W.ll!tw:zw-.~., fim ... ~ ............. & .. NQlU t \h!Jtant<fn~~IOD .-,.d llfii-INIM l. ,.""llllh'f .. Oit•lfl)-...... ~'"'"'t -R.1&A-211'11rt .. ......, •• --- OS-1 ..... (:ltooltFMI"' State Street Townhomes •47 two-and three-story townhomes •Live-work units, includes 6 affordable •1,200 to 3,000 s.f. •Under construction •Opening this fall make •Former Floral Trade Center -Avenida Encinas •Collaborative, innovative work environment •156,000 s.f.integrated work space •Enhanced amenities •GoPro occupying this year Hoehn Motors Audi Dealership •Former Pontiac/GMC site •54,688 s.f.building •Includes a rooftop parking structure •Under construction, opening this fall Elevations East West North 40 Urban Farm •60,000 s.f.building •Wholesale floral market •Micro-brewery and tasting room •Organic garden and culinary demo kitchen •Locally-sourced produce market ..... --~ ...--------~-·-.-.---- QUESTIONS?