HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-07-21; City Council; 22041; Report on Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement ProjectCITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL n AB# 22,041 DEPT. DIRECTOR'\ :l * REPORT ON BUENA VISTA LAGOON fLy(_ DATE: 07-21-15 ENHANCEMENT PROJECT GEN. COUNSEL DEPT. PW EXEC. DIRECTOR ID • RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file report on Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project. ITEM EXPLANATION: Buena Vista Lagoon is located in northern San Diego County, within the cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad. It encompasses approximately 220 acres, extending to the coastline from just east of 1-5. Buena Vista Lagoon is the only freshwater lagoon in Southern California, protected from tidal influence by a berm and man-made barrier, known as a weir, located at the lagoon mouth. Numerous federal, state and local agencies and organizations have cooperated in efforts to enhance the lagoon. In July 2012, SANDAG was asked to serve as the new lead agency for the environmental review process for the Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project. The SANDAG Transportation Committee approved the request, in recognition of the lagoon's regional value and the importance of resolving long-term management questions. Environmental Process The Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project includes completing engineering studies and preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to analyze possible approaches to the enhancement of the lagoon. A minimum of four alternatives are under evaluation: three enhancement alternatives (freshwater, saltwater, and a saltwater/freshwater hybrid regime) and a no project alternative. SANDAG is engaging stakeholders and the public in considering alternatives through the EIR process. If the process results in the selection of a preferred enhancement alternative, then SANDAG may lead the project's implementation. Future enhancements to the Buena Vista Lagoon could serve as mitigation for potential impacts from the 1-5 and rail improvements. The Buena Vista Lagoon is included as a potential project in the Caltrans/SANDAG 2013 North Coast Corridor Public Works Plan, approved by the California Coastal Commission in August, 2014. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Pat Thomas 760-602-2751, pat.thomas@carlsbadca.gov FOR SECRETARY USE. BOARD ACTION: APPROVED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES ~ AMENDED D REPORT RECEIVED 1 3 Report on Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project July 21, 2015 Page 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the staff report. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: None required. EXHIBITS: None. 2 Draft Environmental Impact Report City of Carlsbad July 21, 2015 1 Study Area Ownership 2 3 Project Background “The analysis indicated it is likely that all of the existing open water area, except for a small flow channel, will evolve to vegetated habitat within the next 50 years.” Page vii Feasibility Study (2004) 4 Environmental Review Process Complete & Circulate Draft EIR Complete Technical Studies Revise EIR & Circulate Final EIR Decision by SANDAG Scoping Public Input Public Input Public Input 5 EIR Alternatives Freshwater Alternative Expands and deepens open water Replaces existing weir and expands from 50’ to 80’ Creates cattail maintenance area Salt Water Alternative Removes weir to create tidal wetlands Inlet expanded from 50’ to 100’ Elevates existing Carlsbad Blvd to accommodate a bridge Creates Pedestrian bridge to cross the new inlet Hybrid Alternative Creates new weir under I-5 Saltwater west of I-5 and freshwater east of I-5 Design option for a channel guide No Project No enhancement activities Current maintenance activities continue 6 Freshwater Alternative 7 Elevated Pedestrian Boardwalk Included in all alternatives 8 Cattail Maintenance Area Freshwater and Hybrid Alternatives 9 Saltwater Alternative 10 Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge Saltwater and Hybrid Alternatives 11 New Channel Inlet Saltwater and Hybrid Alternatives 12 Lateral Beach Access Crossing conditions would be considered potentially hazardous for some beach users (water > 1.5’). This would occur an estimated 37 percent of the time between inlet dredging events. Average water depth: 0 –5’ During spring tides: 6’+ 13 Pedestrian Inlet Bridge Freshwater and Hybrid Alternatives 14 Hybrid Alternative 15 Channel Guide 16 Material Placement Scenarios 17 EIR Conclusions Environmental Resource Area Freshwater Saltwater Hybrid No Project LE MP LE MP LE MP LE MP Land Use and Recreation L M M M M M L N Hydrology L L L L L L SP N Oceanography/Coastal Processes L L L L L L N N Water and Aquatic Sediment Quality M L M L M L SP N Biological Resources ST L ST L ST L SP N Geology and Soils L L L L L L N N Cultural Resources M L M L M L N N Paleontological Resources M N M N M N N N Visual Resources ST L ST, SP M ST, SP M L N Traffic and Circulation L L ST L ST L N N Air Quality ST -ST -ST -N - Global Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Sea Level Rise L -L -L -N - Noise ST ST ST ST ST ST N N Public Services and Utilities L N L L L L N N Public Health and Safety L L SP L SP L SP N LE = Lagoon Enhancement MP = Materials Placement ST = Significant temporary unavoidable impact SP = Significant permanent unavoidable impact M = Significant but mitigable to less than significant impact L = Less than significant impact N = No impact –= Lagoon enhancement and materials disposal/reuse analyzed together 18 http://www.keepsandiegomoving.com/BVlagoon Online Resources 19 Draft Environmental Impact Report Documents BUl'lli to Draft EIR . . . .. - . ' ', .. ~ --• .,..-;:_ J ::-::=--.. - #"_, __ - · Buen. VIsta t.aooon En~ . Propct Construction & Maintenance · Cost Estimates · · 8Ul'na VIsta Lagoon En~ Pro)Ki' Project Benefits •Public Workshop July 23, 2015 •Respond to comments •Staff recommendation for Preferred Alternative •Revise and prepare Final EIR •Initiate discussion with affected property owners and permitting agencies •SANDAG Committee and Board of Directors Hearings Next Steps 20