HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-06; City Council; 22103; Purchase Furniture, Equipment G/M Business Interiors for Cole Library Renovation 4020CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL AB# 22,103 DATE 10/06/2015 DEPT. PW-PEM APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FROM G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $154,403 FORTHE COLE LIBRARY RENOVATION PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 4020 DEPT DIRECTOR CITY ATTY. CITY MGR. V RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2015-253 approving and authorizing the purchase of furniture and equipment for the Cole Library Renovation Project, Project No. 4020 from G/M Business Interiors in an amount not to exceed $154,403 (Exhibit 1). ITEM EXPLANATION: Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.100 allows for the purchase of goods and/or services through cooperative purchase agreements established by another agency when that agency has made their purchase in a competitive manner. The new standardized furniture and equipment selected for the Library Renovation Projects from G/M Business Interiors and Herman Miller Inc. is available through cooperative purchase agreements competitively selected and priced through the County of Fairfax, Virginia (RFP200000330) and US Communities Government Purchasing Alliance (Contract #4400003403), respectively (Exhibit 2). The use ofthese cooperative purchase agreements is available to state and local government agencies. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding is available in the project budgets for Project No. 4020. No additional appropriations are required. The city's purchasing policy requires City Council authorization for purchases over $100,000. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA, and therefore does not require environmental review. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Jesse Zunke 760-434-2992 jesse.zunke@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC • DENIED • CONTINUEDTO DATE UNKNOWN • CONTINUED • RETURNED TO STAFF • WITHDRAWN • OTHER - SEE MINUTES • AMENDED • REPORT RECEIVED • Approve Furniture Purchase for Cole Ubrary 10/06/2015 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2015-253 approving and authorizing the purchase of library furniture and equipment from G/M Business Interiors and Herman Miller. 2. Furniture and equipment quotes from G/M Business Interiors. 3. Cooperative purchase agreement information from Herman Miller. 23 24 25 26 EXHIBIT 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2015-253 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 3 CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FROM G/M BUSINESS INTERIORS IN 4 AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $154,403, FOR THE COLE LIBRARY RENOVATION PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 4020. 5 6 7 WHEREAS, the city requires furniture systems, desks, and seating for Library Renovation ^ Projects No. 4020; and 9 WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.100 allows for the purchase of goods 10 and/or services by contract when the other agency has made their purchase in a competitive 11 manner; and 12 13 WHEREAS, G/M Business Interiors is the area distributor of Herman Miller Furniture 14 Products; and WHEREAS, the new standardized library furniture and equipment from G/M Business 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, funding for these purchases is available In the project budgets for the Cole 21 Library Renovation Project No. 4020 and no additional appropriation is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California Interiors are available for purchase through cooperative purchase agreements competitively selected and priced through the County of Fairfax, Virginia (RFP200000330) and the US Communities Government Purchasing Alliance (Contract #4400003403), respectively; and as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the furniture and equipment purchases from G/M Business Interiors in an 27 amount not to exceed $154,403, respectively, are acceptable and the Mayor is 28 3 1 2 3 // 4 // 5 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 26 // 27 28 hereby authorized to approve the purchases through the competitive purchase agreements stated above. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad on the 6*^ day of October, 2015, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Hall, Blackburn, Schumacher, Wood, Packard. None. ABSENT: None. VTT HALL, Mayor MATT ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, 0^y Clerk .Willi//,, (SEAL) Av^B/Ko% •fievafe your Workplace" Project ID / Who & Where COLE LIBRARY RENOVATION DESIGN 9/16/2015 Quotation 73036 BILL TO: 3845 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1635 FARADAY AVE CITY OF CARLSBAD COLE LIBRARY : 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 1 ; CARLSBAD CA 92008 JOHN DE REGO Phone: Fax: (760)602-2467 (760)602-8556 SHEILA COBIAN Phone: Fax; (760)434-2959 (760)720-9461 I Systems 10 Desk Units 0 Tables 0 Files 0 Chairs 0 Storage 0 Ancillary 0 Product Summary / Scope of Work ** BUDGET QUOTE FOR CARLSBAD COLE LIBRARY RENOVATION PROJECT* ORDER FOR SYSTEIVIS FURNITURE, DESKING AND SEATING PRODUCT TYPE: HERMANMILLER WORKSTATION QTY # DESKING UNITS QTY # FOR: CARLSBAD COLE LIBRARY ************** ************** PROJECT START DATE: TBD CUSTOMER MOVE-lN DATE : TBD SCOPE OFWORK: 1) DESIGN SYSTEMS FURNITURE WHICH INCLUDES FIELD RESEARCH, PROGRAMMING WORKSTATIONS, MAKING COLOR SELECTIONS, PRODUCING ALL DRAWINGS, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL 2) COORDINATE AND PROJECT MANAGE ASSEMBLY OF SYSTEMS FURNITURE AND SUPPLY ELECTRICAL AND DATA INFORMATION WHERE APPLICABLE 3) COORDINATE ALL SERVICES WITH : NAME OF PROJECT CONTACT *****PROJECT MANAGER NOTES; 1) ****SET UP MANAGER NOTES; Account Executive: Josh Nottingham (inottinpham&.Qmbi.net) AMA; 0 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax:619-236-0550 G/M Business Interiors 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101 http://www.gmbi.net Project PAS; Kristin Christensen Page: 1 of 1 1) 1) *ORDER ENTRY NOTES; G/M Quotation # 73036 Who/What/Where List List Ext Sell Sell Ext| LOT 1 COLE LIBRARY BUDGET 4]JLUJI4J!.|,PilililWWBWWWW COLE LIBRARY BUDGET PER DRAWINGS BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: 1037 332,446.00 332,446.00 119,866.78 119,866.78 Non-Tax Sn/cs. Taxable Srvcs. .00 .00 Freight Design Fee .00 .00 Who/What/Where ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kl B^^stExT^H HB -isKKKt ^^^^^B Sell Ext LOT 0 Z G/M Services 1 .00 I .00 .00 .00 Non-Tax Srvcs. Taxable Srvcs. Freight Design Fee \ G/M Furniture Planning Services, if applicable, include field measurements, drawing AutoCAD building shells, developing typical workstations and private office standards, space planning typicals into the floorplan, developing furniture color schemes, order specifications and receiving client approvals for all drawings and color schemes for order entry. 2,327.12 20,944.10 .00 .00 G/M Project Management Services include drawings and field measure checks, order scheduling & routing, electrical consulting with contractors.field checks.monitoring construction progress along with delivery, assembly, punchiist coordination through final completion. G/M Project Services include receiving and inspecting of each product, shipping damage adjudication with vendors, transporting product if applicable, staging of products, delivery, setting in place of all furniture, level clean and polishing of all items, vacuum floors and recycling of all waste products associated with the furniture project. G/M Punchiist Services include formulation of the project punchiist, ordering and receiving of punchiist products, and delivery and assembly to finalize the punchiist and project. G/M Warranty Services Department is provided to offer clients our no-charge warranty service work for all furniture protected under valid factory warranties. G/M maintains electronic copies of our Client's invoices for warranty enforcement. For service requests, our Warranty Department may be contacted via e-mail at warranty@gmbi.net BOM: See Attached Bill of Materials Piece Count: Account Executive: Josh Nottingham (inottinpham&.pmbi.net) - - - - -Project PAS: Kristin Christensen AMA; 0 Page: 2 of 2 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax:619-236-0550 G/M Business Interiors 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101 http://www.gmbi.net 1 »\>w"''lllll*' Mirra 2IIM|III Iilii |l|lii|l lllll Quotation # 73036 Product Subtota Services (Taxable) Freight (Taxable) Services (Non-Taxable) Project App. Spec. (Non-Taxable) N Taxable Subtotal: on-Taxable Subtotal: Sales Tax (7.750%) Entire Quotation Valid for 60 Days Total: Terms: $119,866.78 $20,944.10 $0.00 $2,327.12 $0.00 $140,810.88 $2,327.12 $10,912.84 $4S4i®S0:84 1^ is4.Ho>.^ Net 30 Days Terms with Purchase Order 100% $4^050.04- I have reviewed the quote, the bill of materials, the drawings (if applicable), the color cards (if applicable), and other associated exhibits for my order. I approve the colors, fabrics, and finishes as previously selected and correct as shown on the attached exhibit. I am satisfied that the product I have selected is the correct size and is suitable and wili perform for its indended purpose. i am aware this product is manufactured to order and is not returnable to G/M or to the manufacturer. I understand that legal title to the product will transfer upon delivery to my commercial or residential location and all associated labor is taxable until title transfers. I am aware additional costs charged for inside delivery, staging, setting in place, assembly, leveling, cleaning, polishing, recycling of waste materials are separately stated and are elected as an additional contract option. 1 am aware of the grand total price of this contract as shown on this quote. Approved byj Signature Print Name/Title Date Account Executive; Josh Nottingham (jnottingiiam&.ambi.net) AMA; 0 800-686-6583 619-236-0500 Fax:619-236-0550 G/M Business Interiors 110 W. A Street, Suite 140, San Diego CA, 92101 http://www.gmbi, net Project PAS; Kristin Christensen Page: 3 of 3 County of Fairfax, Virginia To protect and enrich the quality of life for the people, neighborhoods and diverse communities of Fairfax County September 19, 2012 VIA E-Mail: dave aillmanO.hermanmiller.com Herman Miller, Inc. 855 East Main Ave P.O. Box 302 Zeeland, Ml 49464 Attention: Dave Gillman, Contract Manager Reference: RFP2000000330 - Office Furniture and Related Services and Solutions Dear Mr. Gillman: Thank you for submitting a response to the County's RFP2000000330 for Office Furniture and Related Services and Solutions. After completing their evaluation ofthe Technical and Business proposals the Selection Advisory Committee (SAC) has recommended award of a contract to Herman Miller, Inc. Enclosed with this letter Is the Memorandum of Negotiation which defines the final agreement between Herman Miller, Inc. and the County. Please review the Memorandum of Negotiation, sign it in the space provided and return it to my office within five (5) of the date of this letter. After I receive the signed Memorandum, the County will sign It and I will return an executed copy to you along with the acceptance agreement which signifies award of this contract to your firm. If you have any questions or need more Information please call the contract specialist, George Bright at (703) 324-3215. Sincerely, \..J Cathy A. Muse, CPPO Director/County Purchasing Agent Enclosure: A/S Department of Purchasing and Supply Management 12000 Govemment Center Parkway, Suite 427 Fairfax, VA 22035 Website: www.fairfaxcountv.gov/dpsm Phone: 703-324-3201, TTY: 1-800-828-1140, Fax: 703-324-3228