HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-01; City Council; 22158; Presentation Draft Village and Barrio Master PlanCITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. ____ll,_158 12/1/15 CEO PRESENTATION OF THE DRAFT VILLAGE & BARRIO MASTER PLAN DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive a presentation of the draft Village & Barrio Master Plan. ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff will present the draft Village & Barrio Master Plan. The presentation will help publicize the start of the public review period for the draft master plan, overview and highlight the plan's contents, and outline its review schedule and community input opportunities. The presentation will provide information only about the draft and its review. The master plan is not being considered for adoption at this time. Public hearings to consider adoption are planned for spring 2016. The master plan has been prepared in conjunction with Dover, Kohl & Partners, a town planning firm from Coral Gables, Florida. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with the recommended action. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Adoption of the master plan is subject to CEQA. A recommended environmental document would be presented to Planning Commission and City Council for consideration along with the master plan. EXHIBITS: 1. Draft Village & Barrio Master Plan (distributed earlier) DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Scott Donnell, 760-602-4618 scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. From 11/17/15 COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED 0 CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC 0 12/1/15 DENIED 0 CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN 0 CONTINUED 0 RETURNED TO STAFF ~ WITHDRAWN 0 OTHER-SEE MINUTES AMENDED 0 Presentation received. to Draft Village & Barrio Master Plan MP 14-01 Overview •Village and Barrio Master Plan •Draft document now available •Presentation only Planning Area Pacdic Oceao Background •Current Village master plan adopted 1995 •Village Redevelopment Plan expired 2010 •Council priority/Community Vision •2013 changes •Barrio inclusion Background •Dover, Kohl & Partners •September 2014 charrette The Draft Plan •Vision •Code •Design Guidelines •Appendix Vision •Charrette-based •“Big ideas” •Strategies and objectives •Groundwork for future implementation Big Ideas •“Time to be a town” •Create great streets •Create magnetic public places •Maximize connectivity Illustrative Plan ................................. --'"""" <flmc""'chatreru. ,. ..... .....---........ "'""e'e-ftands.oooesignsessilr6dwiq: .... ~ ,.,........., ... idt ___ ... ..., .. de ............... ~ ~ tht CIWrlft'U'Iiry. 1M ~nip is foe illu:stmWe f,UpCSeS and is Mil a~ c~oamett.I«Us ,.... o1 key appcwtlrilies w~ been illusiHIIed n ................ __ .... __ .... ....,_.,.... ...... -·-... ~-...,r-~nrec~ ... ~~oe~pl;n).....,.,. 1:houCM and l'lllllmCift hM: been cMn to how these concepts fit ~ dW' allltela of .... .......-. ................ 1. Key Recommendations D Sft the font for a walkable Yiltlce with strett~itftted, pedtsl:rian fhtndly buildlnp upon enterirlg the VMhrctll 1·5. D crnteamhrtd•USt$4JIIrtotpubli:: piiZIII tht tnt ranee to the Village. II Provide tiiCtU pwkirc 11 Village enuv points that connect with IOCat (ltCUI<ItOf$ it·C· peoe.stnan streets and prths, buses or bicycle lnfriStructure), to encourage peop6t to l)ltk their cws and ~lk. 1!J tncre11e tht p~t~ supply within the v£11ap on ci~ paru.ts Inc:! proptr11ts H well as on stretMs. D Will cnnd Avenue a sip;ann space by convertinc N!f tM ureft linco 1 J)ICIHinil'l promen«te and ~tine 1 ~ sp«e ot "fesrivaa strtee• bltMtn the raittoad trac:ts lnd ~·SireK. U c:rtMt 1 public pl.na: at the COI"'W ol Grand Mid sur. StJHC; .............. _. ... """"'"". 111W bufldin& a5 1: baddrcp to dw cM<p<oa C Provide parking suuctutes for commuters and iisitors to the Village.. This free; liind for additional hOU!Sing and o:wnmerciill opportun~ies.. a ll.Jnnel under the freeway to connect Grand Avenue Mtk streets to the east of the fntesstate, near City Hall 0 lncre<~se housing and business opportooities and provide a more connected strert frontage throughout .... Village. a lmprow beach users' experience throYgh: better access a1d dose-by amenities. a f:neou,.. redewlopment of the \111~e Faire d o a strat<Wiented '"""" c Close a: portion of Lin:r:M stRet bl!tweetl 0'* Awnue a.d a.rts.b.ld ecdevard to create acldtion.JI civic space in the \'~~age. g ltench tbe rairoad in ~ --~th!-­wil alow b' more aos.sin@;s. «rrSS dw ttads ill"ld bemr CIXInect the Vilace to the beach. a -.... ..,.....__ Yiftage Drive and oat Street to at>:ate an ;arMt ~bge. Village Central Green/Trenching Lincoln Plaza Village Faire Grand Avenue Barrio –Roosevelt & Walnut Mobility Plan •Provides framework and strategies •All forms of mobility •Downtown Mobility Commission •Parking structures Parking Structures Parking Structures Code •Development standards •Permitted uses •Permitting thresholds Code •No change to densities •Parking requirements •Sign standards Design Guidelines •Guidance, not regulation •Style examples •Street-oriented buildings •Illustrative examples Local Examples Style Guidance ~~~c~ ..... -... ___ .....,._, __ _ _______ ...___ ----------........ -· ---... ...,.._.., ... 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Appendix •Transportation •Economics •Public outreach Review Schedule • Plann ing Commission • City Council • Community Presentation meetings (Nov-Dec) • Master Plan • CEQA • Planning Commission • City Council Adoption hearings (Mar-Apr) Review Schedule •Dec. 15-17: Community engagement •Jan. 6: Planning Commission comment •Jan. 15: End of draft public review period Review Schedule •Jan. 19-Feb. 18: Environmental public review •Mar 16: Planning Commission hearing •April 26: City Council hearing Further information •Project website –How to comment –Project schedule –Background information www.carlsbadca.gov/villagebarrio