HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-19; City Council; 22194; Receive the Quarterly Municipal Projects and Council Goals Status Reports for Period Ending December 31, 2015CITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL .......... AB# 22,194 RECEIVE THE QUARTERLY MUNICIPAL PROJECTS AND DEPT. DIRECTORY.1. DATE 01/19/16 COUNCIL GOALS STATUS REPORTS FOR PERIOD ENDING CITYATIY. H~ ~:> DEC.31,2015 KY\ DEPT. PW CITY MGR. / RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive the quarterly municipal projects and Council Goals status reports for the period ending Dec. 31, 2015 from staff. ITEM EXPLANATION: Quarterly project status reports include: Council Goals Status Report On March 17, 2015 the City Council adopted a prioritized list of 13 strategic goals and directed staff to operationalize them through a strategic plan. This report provides a status on progress towards those strategic goals. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) The CIP is a 15 year planning document that outlines the expenditure plan for future capital projects and the corresponding revenues to pay for those expenditures. The program includes streets, drainage, traffic signals and other circulation-related projects; water, recycled water, and sewer; city facility construction, expansion, renovation and maintenance; parks, trails and recreational facilities. The CIP for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015-16 to FY 2028-29 outlines 240 continuing and new projects at a cost of approximately $455 million. Project funds are appropriated each fiscal year upon adoption of the annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program by the City Council. The FY 2015-16 Capital Improvement Program includes approximately $73.7 million in new appropriations. Private Development Residential and commercial projects throughout the city are monitored by the Community and Economic Development Department. Information Technology Building IT capacity was identified as a City Council priority in 2015. Modernization of existing systems and implementation of new technologies will enable the city to maintain its commitment to innovative solutions that deliver better, faster ways to get things done and the best value for taxpayer dollar. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Pat Thomas 760-602-2751 Pat.Thomas@carlsbadca.gov FOR CLERK USE. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES v AMENDED D REPORT RECEIVED 3 Quarterly CIP Projects Status Report January 19, 2016 Page2 of2 These reports summarize the status of projects through Dec. 31, 2015. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Listed on City of Carlsbad website. EXHIBITS: 1. CIP Projects Status Quarterly Report, through Dec. 31, 2015 2. Private Development Status Update, through Dec. 31, 2015 3. IT Status Update, through Dec. 31, 2015 4. Council Goals Status Report, through Dec. 31, 2015 2 b.x~ \f-.i. CIP PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) ITEM # PROJECT # CONSTRUCTION PHASE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4003 4717 4019 4020 4716 6607 6024 6035 6604 6013 5040 5517 5208 5008 3957 5209 3949,3886, 3492 & 5027 6322 DIVISION Property Parks Parks Property Property Property Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Transportation Utilities Utilities Transportation DIVISION CONTACT Casey Arndt Kyle lancaster Kyle lancaster Steven Didier Michael O'Brian I Bob Richardson Jason Kennedy Scott Fisher Alison Luedtke I Sherri Howard John Maashoff Alison Luedtke I Sherri Howard Mike Bailey PROJECT NAME Fire Station 3 Aviara Community Park Synthetic Turf Replacement Village Streetscape Cole Library Improvements and Refurbishment Faraday Center lighting Conversion Safety Training Center Solar CMP Replacement • 2763 La Gran Via La Costa Slope Repair MUTCD Street Name Sign Replacement Project Romeria Drainage Channel Improvements Concrete Replacement Program Mark B~~~~:/ Scott 1 Ellery Water Pump Station Decommission Mark Biskup I Scott Fisher North Batiquitos lift Station Pump Improvements lindsey Stephenson I k . k I 'Palomar Oaks and Calavera Hills Recycled Water Pipelines (ES 1A and Mar 81s up Scott ES 71 Fisher Shadi Sami/Scott 1Tri-agencyWaterTrans Main Reach 2, Phase 1 Fisher Casey Arndt Terry Smith /Scott Fisher El Camino Real Widening (Tamarack to Chestnut) Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Expansion Terry Smith I Casey IV/C Sewer Reaches 118-15, Aqua Hedionda lift Station and Avenida Arndt Encinas Recycled Water line Doug Bilse Ped Crossing Carlsbad Blvd I Carlsbad Village RRFB PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE: INCLUDES PLANNING & DESIGN, Blll[AWARD PERIOD 20 6001 Transportation Jonathan Schauble 12015 Slurry Seal Project 21 5526 Utilities Mark Biskup I Foxes landing lift Station and Force Main 22 4030 Property Steven Didier I Dove Library Improvements and Refurbishment 23 4713 Property Steven Stewart I Fire Station 2 Refurbishment 24 4714 Property Steven Stewart I Fleet Maintenance Renovation 25 3338 Transportation Jason Geldert IAgua Hedionda Channel Improvements 26 6607 Transportation Sherri Howard ICMP Replacement ·Highland at Adams PROJECT BUDGET 9,352,000 860,000 345,000 5,300,000 90,000 450,000 160,000 209,000 2,320,000 647,000 460,000 250,000 905,000 2,481,000 6,455,000 12,833,907 10,361,000 62,950,000 200,000 2,400,000 3,275,000 6,046,529 375,000 885,000 TBD 125,000 OIUGINAL ESTIMATID ...... COMI'LITION DATI Q4 2015 Q3 2015 Q12016 Q12016 Q4 2015 Q4 2015 Q12016 Q4 2015 03 2014 Q4 2015 Q2 2016 Q4 2015 02 2016 Q2 2016 Q2 2016 Q2 2015 Q4 2016 Q3 2017 012015 Q4 2015 Q4 2015 Q3 2016 Q4 2015 012016 Q3 2009 Q12015 CUIUIENT ES11MA11DPHASE COMftUTlON DAll Q4 2015 Q12016 012016 Q12016 Q1 2016 Q12016 012016 012016 012016 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q2 2016 012016 02 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q4 2017 Q2 2016 Q4 2015 04 2015 Q12016 012016 012016 Q12016 012016 SCHEDULE STATUS 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 Q) Q) Q) 0 (it 0 0 0 0 0 Q) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ COMMENTS FUNDING SOURCE Project Is under construction with a substantial completion of 12/31/2015. Public Facilities Fee Estimated completion end of Jan, 2016. Subject to change if El Nino weather conditions !Infrastructure Replacement interfere with construction. Fund Walkthrough with contractor for the installation of concrete benches, steel trash/recycling receptacles, and steel/wood benches occurred In late Dec. 2015. Under Construction In progress In progress, estimated completion date January 21, 2016. Under construction Under construction Under construction. Delay caused by sign design decisions and bracket material supply delays. Estimated completion date February 10, 2016. Under construction Pre-Construction Meeting 12117115 Bidders nonresponsive; Rebid awarded. NTP January 2016. Construction completion expected January 2016. Construction ongoing; combined budget for 1A & 7, ES7 pipeline installed and is being pressure tested prior to tie-in. In construction. NTP was issued for 9/1512015; In construction. Approx. 65 days behind schedule. Median construction begins January 2016. Project completion estimated October 2016. Construction to begin January 2016. Construction of the sewer forcemain across NRG property has started. The first pipeline General Capital Construction General Capital Construction Infrastructure Replacement General Capital Construction Infrastructure Replacement Gas tax GAS Gas Tax, General Capital Construction Gas Tax Water replacement Sewer Replacement Water Replacement, Water Recycled Water Replacement Traffic Impact Fees, TransNet Water Replacement work in Avenida Encinas is expected to begin in January. Delays to several construction I Sewer Connection activities are being analyzed to determine impact to overall schedule. Project Complete: Phase I Carlsbad Blvd project completed in October 2015. Phase II Carlsbad Village project completed in November 2015. Construction Contract awarded on November 17,2015. PreCon scheduled for December 29, 2015. lift Station Replacement Final Design Contract awarded, construction anticipated to begin Feb. 2016 Bids rejected by City Council12/15l15, extensive remodeling deferred. Minor maintenance and upgrades are ongoing, this project will be removed from the list durinli! the next cvcle. In design. Facility assessment complete. RWOCB denied water quality certification. Based on denial USACOE withdrew the provisional permits. Working on settlement with Rancho Carlsbad HOA. Out to Bid. Obtaining the Coastal Development Permit via the California Coastal Commission required more time and effort that originally anticipated. General Capital Construction Gas Tax, TransNet local Sewer Replacement General Capital Construction Infrastructure Replacement Infrastructure Replacement General Capital Construction, Planned local Drainage Infrastructure Replacement Pag!: 1 ofS CIP PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 201S) ITEM • PROJECT • DIVISION DIVISION CONTACT PROJECT NAME -1--1 -~---1---. PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE: INCLUDES PLANNING & DESIGN, BID/AWARD PERIOD 27 6607 Transportation 28 6618 Transportation 29 6608 Transportation 30 6608 Transportation 31 6608 Transportation 32 6052 Transportation 33 5529 Utilities 34 4601 Parks 35 3866 Parks 36 4718 Property 37 4719 Property 38 4715 Property 39 6617 Transportation 40 3649 Parks 41 4605 Parks 42 6049 Transportation 43 6019 Transportation 44 4602 Parks 45 6057 Parks 46 4603 Parks 47 4605 Parks 48 3572 Property Sherri Howard Sherri Howard Sherri Howard Sherri Howard Sherri Howard Jonathan Schauble Mark Biskup Kasia T rojanowska Kasia Trojanowska Bob Richardson Steven Stewart Steven Stewart Sherri Howard Barbara Kennedy Barbara Kennedy Emad Eiias Jonathan Schauble liz Ketabian CMP Replacement • Hoover Street at Adams Farol Court Drainage Repairs Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (6)· 3095 Monroe Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (6)-Madison (Arbuckle to Post Office) Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain (6)-Roosevelt (laguna South) Parking lot Maintenance-Faraday Building Poinsettia l/S Emergency Bypass Pump System Calavera Hilts Community Park Gateway Improvements lake Calavera Trails Master Plan ·Pre-fab Restroom City Halt Building Refurbishment EOC Reconfiguration Safety Center Refurbishment Drainage Master Plan Project BCA (Park Drive I Tamarack S.D.) Avlara Community Park Amphitheater & Picnic Areas Poinsettia Community Park-Phase 3 (does not Include community center) ADA Improvement Program (Public Right of Way) Valley and Magnolia Improvements leo Carrillo Ranch Phase 3-Stables Restoration & Chicken Coop/Restroom Kyle lancaster I Northern Public Beach Access Improvements Barbara Kennedy Mick Calarco Steven Stewart Pine Avenue Park Community Bldg. and Gardens-Phase 2 Poinsettia Park Multi-Gen.,Muhi-Purpose Community Center Feasibility Study Maintenance and Operations Center PROJECT BUDGET 175,000 411,700 250,000 175,000 450,000 50,000 320,000 550,000 250,000 919,000 1,858,128 3,413,148 1,068,613 2,944,800 3,588,000 1,670,000 1,674,236 200,000 2,600,000 10,805,300 90,000 28,111,264 ORIGINAl. EmMA ltD PHASE COMPUTION DATt Q1 2015 03 2015 Q3 2016 Q3 2016 Q1 2016 Q1 2016 Q3 2015 Q22016 012016 Q2 2016 Q4 2015 04 2015 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q3 2016 Q3 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 Q4 2016 Q4 2016 04 2016 Q4 2016 CUitltiNT IS11MA11DPHASI COMPLfnON DATI Q1 2016 012016 012016 Q1 2016 Q1 2016 Q1 2016 Q12016 Q2 2016 Q2 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 03 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q3 2016 Q3 2016 Q3 2016 04 2016 042016 Q4 2016 04 2016 04 2016 SCHEDULE STATUS G a G G G G G ~ 0 G ~ a G G G G G 0 G 0 G G COMMENTS Out to Bid. Obtaining the Coastal Development Permit via the California Coastal Commission required more time and effort that originally anticipated. This unique project is requiring extensive coordination with technical design experts and regulatory agencies to develop the long term solution. Many of the design and regulatory requirements are revealing themselves as the project proceeds thru the development process. In addition the development of the long term solution is being impacted by the development of the near term/temporary solution. Final plans and specification in preparation. Final plans and specifications completed. Final plans and specifications completed. Construction must occur outside the rainy Contracting for sealcoat and striping of 1635 Faraday Ave Design complete. Awarding contract January 2016. Amount shown is for construction only. Construction is pending the potential revision of plans and specifications, upon direction. Information noted is for prefab restroom building only. Pre-construction budget: $30,000. Interior lighting replacement with LED's, roof replacement and refurbishment HVAC units and review and repair of the covered concrete walkways as needed Delayed 6 months due to staffing. Project scoping and stakeholder meetings 01 2016. Delayed 6 months due to staffing. Project seeping and stakeholder meetings 01 2016. Survey complete. Predesign in progress. CMWD and Streets Maintenance will be partnering with this project. 80% Plan Review completed and returned to design consultants at end of Dec. 2015. 80% Plan Review completed and returned to design consultants at end of Dec. 2015 Improvements to accessible pathway in the public right-of-way. Phase I to address Focus Study Area A per the ADA Transition Plan for Public Rights of Way. Focus Study Area A generally includes the Village, the Barrio, the Coastal Corridor north of Agua Hedionda lagoon and the area adjacent to the Barrio and the Village just east of 1-5. Design underway. Utility Undergrounding District #20 formed at City Council Meeting Nov. 17, 2015. Contract for Professional Design Services awarded Sept. 23, 2015. Final Design Development Plans submitted by consultant end of Dec. 2015. long term/major improvements include concrete stair removals, landscape and hardscape Improvements at access entries. Pre construction budget $500,000. Community outreach meeting completed on Dec. 3, 2015. Community survey commenced in mld·Dec. 2015. 30% Construction Plans completed at end of Dec. 2015 Feasibility study "BiB Ideas" public outreach meeting held Dec. 10, 2015 along with Focus Group Questionnaire and interviews. Agenda Bill to approve contract for design authorized Od 20, 2015. Planning and design underway. -::) FUNDING SOURCE !-- Infrastructure Replacement Infrastructure Replacement Gas tax Infrastructure Replacement Sewer Connection General Capital Construction General Capital Construction Infrastructure Replacement General Capital Construction, Infrastructure Replacement Fund General Capital Construction, Infrastructure Replacement Fund Planned local Drainage Park-in-lieu Public Facility Fees TransNet local Traffic Impact Fees, Water Replacement Public Facility Fees Infrastructure Replacement, General Capital Construction Park-in-lieu, Public Facility Fees General Capital Construction CFD#1, Water and Sewer Replacement Funds Pag~2ofS CIP PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 201S) OltGWM IT~M PROJECT I DIVISION I DIVISION I PROJECT NAME I PROJECT I s:o SCHEDULE II II CONTACT BUDGET coMPUnON STATUS 1------ -.. ,. PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE: INCLUDES PlANNING & DESIGN,_, B:ri=D'-'A..:;W=AR"'D::...:..PE::R.::IO=D------------+------+------t------+--- 49 I 6619 I Transportation I Sherri Howard 0 50 I 6031 I Transportation I Marshall Plantz !Carlsbad Blvd Realignment IS 3,250,000 I 04 2016 I Q4 2016 I 0 51 6014,6053 I Transportation I Brandon Miles !Carlsbad Boulevard Bridge Barrier Rail at Encina Discharge I S 1,350,955 I 02 2016 I Q4 2016 I (it 52 I 6054 Transportation Jonathan Schauble Terra mar Area Coastal Improvement Project S 6,050,000 Q3 2016 04 2016 Q 53 4015 Transportation Marshall Plantz Village & Barrio Traffic Circles S 315,000 Ql 2014 04 2016 0 54 5210 Utilities Shadi Sami Recycled Water Phase Ill Tank at D Site S 1,800,000 04 2016 Q4 2016 0 55 5533 Utilities Mark Biskup Simsbury Extension S 301,000 04 2016 04 2016 0 56 6320 Transportation I Doug Bilse !Traffic Signal Program I S 5,684,974 I 04 2016 I 04 2016 I 0 57 I 4725 I Transportation Brandon Miles jetty Hall Site Refurbishment IS 2,250,000 I 02 2017 I 02 2017 I 0 58 I 6607 I Transportation Brandon Miles jCMP Replacement -Elmwood/Laguna I S 525,000 I 02 2017 I 02 2017 I 0 59 6056 Transportation 60 6042 Transportation 61 6058 Transportation 62 5038 Utilities Brandon Miles El Camino Real and Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge Railing Repair and Sidewalk Brandon Miles I El Camino Real at Cannon Intersection Improvements Doug Bilse Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Pedestrian Improvements Kirsten Plonka I Shadil Flow Control Facility 5 (Desai) Sami 210,000 ( 012017 ( 03 2017 I ~ 849,ooo I 012017 I 03 2017 I a 996,ooo 1 Q12017 Q12018 ( Q) 1,500,000 ( Q4 2016 I TBD ( ~ COMMENTS The scope of the security to be provided by this fencing project and the impact on adjacent portions of the creek require coordination with multiple stakeholders and as a \.[" FUNDING SOURCE result the development of the solution is taking longer than anticipated. It should be !General Capital Construction noted that the project does not impact the capacity of the creek to convey flood waters. Coordinating with other Coastal Corridor projects. Design underway and updating permits with Coastal Commission, Caltrans review of railing type was longer than expected. 2nd Public Outreach Meeting completed Nov. 19, 2015. Online survey collecting input from community until Dec. 18, 2015. Project scope and design Is on hold pending the adoption of the Village and Barrio MasterPlan. RFP to be released 01 2016. In final design, construction schedule dependent on Quarry Creek Development. Phase I complete December 2015. Phase II includes an automated monitoring system that will be compatible with the adaptive signal system and autonomous vehicle technolo~~:v. and fiber optic installation December 2016. Renovation and remodel of the parking lots, facility access and grounds. To be coordinated with the design and implementation of the City Hall Site General Capital Construction, TransNet TransNet, Federal grants, GCC Traffic Impact Fees General Capital Construction Water Replacement Sewer Replacement Traffic Impact Fee General Capital Construction Refurbishment Proj.ect, _(~r~j~ct No. 4725). Some preliminary investigations have been !Infrastructure Replacement performed and project 1n1t1at1on will be able to occur as a result of the approval of additional staffing which is expected to be in place during 04 2015. To be completed in collaboration with Project 6042 (ECR and Cannon Bridge Improvements). The previous report noted an "original estimated completion date" that was incorrect as a result of an error while converting formats. When the project !Infrastructure Replacement work began the schedule was revised schedule to match the scope of work and as a result the new current estimated completion date is Q3 2017. The previous report noted an "original estimated completion date" that was incorrect as a result of an error while converting formats. When the project work began the schedule was revised schedule to match the scope of work and as a result the new current estimated completion date is Q3 2017. Pre-Construction: SANDAG ATP Grant notice to proceed Jan 1, 2016. Budget figure does not include recently awarded TransNet funds of $1.05MM. Technical Reports to Traffic Impact Fees determine constraints and public outreach will be complete April 2016. CC to select I Gas TaK, Trans Net local preferred alternative June 2016. CEQA, Design and PS&E completed May 2017. Award of bid August, 2017. Construction completed June, 2018. Project on hold until Desai agreement can be reached with SDCWA. Waiting on revised state conservation regulations. Pag~3of5 CIP PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) ~ ORIGINAL IT~M I PROJECT I DMSION I DIVISION I PROJECT NAME I PROJECT I ESTIMATfD CURJt£NT SCHEDULE COMMENTS I FUNDING SOURCE ....... ESTlMATtD....... I # CONTACT BUDGET COMPLETION -COMPLfTIONDATl STATUS =----------PROGRAMS & STUDIES I I I lco.,t•l Cocridor Mobil;ty Re•diness Pl•n Is 100.000 I I I G Final Draft review until l/17/16. Stakeholder outreach, commission and city council 63 6055 Transportation Doug Bilse Q4 2015 012016 presentations starting in Feb. 2016. Coastal Mobility Infrastructure Action Plan I General Capital Construction implementation projects could start June 2016. 64 I 5019 I Utilities I Shadi Sami Water Valve Replacement Program $ 550,000 012016 012016 G Staff is working on the condition assessment of the potable water valves within the I Water Replacement system. 65 I 6001 I Transportation I Jonathan Schauble Pavement Management Program Update Citywide $ 100,000 Ql2016 Q2 2016 G IMS evaluated citywide pavement condition 04 2015. Staff evaluating PCI data and I Gas Tax, TransNet Local software updates. 66 I 6059 I Transportation I Brandon Miles/Glen Village Double Tracking $ 250,000 03 2015 03 2016 0 Currently reviewing draft Project Study Report. Report was delayed due to !General Capital Construction Van Peski administrative issues at SANDAG. G Feasibility study "Big Ideas" public outreach meeting held Dec. 10, 2015 along with 67 I 4607 I Parks I Mick Calarco Outdoor Adventure Park Feasibility Study $ 122,500 04 2016 04 2016 Focus Group Questionnaire and inten~iews. Community sun~eys to commence in !General Capital Construction Januarv 2016. 68 I 6030 Transportation Jonathan Schauble Camino Hills & Jackspar Slope Stability $ 859,400 Ongoing Ongoing G Continuing to monitor 2 indinometers on Camino Hills Rd GCC 69 Non CIP Transportation Jonathan Schauble Carrillo Way Inclinometer $ 10,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Staff evaluating inclinometer readings and possible future monitoring contract. Non-CIP Operating Budget 70 I 6620 Transportation Sherri Howard Storm Drain Condition Assessment $ 1,000,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Televising strategy and contracting underway Infrastructure Replacement Fund 71 I 5035 Utilities Kirsten Plonka limited Access Pipeline Relocation Program $ 1,940,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Design 90% complete on La Costa pipeline. Altisma relocation design under way. Water Replacement 72 3840 Utilities Kirsten Plonka Misc. Sewer lift Station Rehabilitation Projects $ 1,610,380 Ongoing Ongoing G Engineering support to Operations for Misc. Minor Improvements/Contracts. Sewer Replacement 73 I 5503 I Utilities Kirsten Plonka Misc. Sewer Pipeline and Manhole Replacement and Repair $ 4,057,894 Ongoing Ongoing G Engineering support to Operations for Misc. Minor Improvements/Contracts. Sewer Replacement 74 I 5520 Utilities Kirsten Plonka Odor/Corrosion Assessment $ 200,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Addressing miscellaneous wastewater odor control issues throughout the city. Sewer Replacement LONG TERM MAINTENANCE 75 I 3821A Transportation Sherri Howard Lake Calavera Mitigation long Term Maint. $ 200,000 03 2017 03 2017 G long term maint plan. Annual report in Sept. Quarterly site visits ongoing. Drought Water Replacement delayed growth. 76 I 6604/6024 Transportation Sherri Howard Romeria and La Costa Slope Repair Mitigation Site $ 150,000 02 2020 02 2020 G Initial planting in 02 2015. Maintenance and monitoring required until 2020. Gas Tax. General Capital Construction 77 38218 Transportation Sherri Howard Lake Calavera Dam Mitigation long Term Maintenance Mitigation $ Site 250,000 03 2021 0 3 2021 G Conceptual Mitigation Plan approved. Preparation of Bid Documents under way Water Replacement 78 3338 Transportation Sherri Howard Agua Hedionda Channel Maintenance between Cannon Road and El $ 100,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Routine Maintenance, Monitoring and Reporting continuing. Drainage Master Plan Camino Real Bridges 79 Non CIP Transportation Sherri Howard Buena Vista Creek Channel Maintenance $ 500,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Nature's Image performing maintenance Special District 80 3919/6032 Transportation Brandon Miles Encinas Creek Bridge Revetment Monitoring $ 15,000 Ongoing Ongoing G Received approval from CCC to change monitoring to every 5-years, next report due Planned local Drainage April2020 81 3821B Transportation Sherri Howard Lake Calavera Dam Maintenance $ 250,000 Ongoing Ongoing G MND complete. Draft Streambed Alteratin Agreement received from CA Dept of Fish Water Replacement and Wildlife. Page4of5 ITEM II PROJECT • i..,--..,.,-~1- FUTURE PROJECTS 82 I 3801 83 84 6004 85 4013 86 6051 87 6034 88 6608 89 6043 90 6044 91 6611 92 6060 93 6061 94 5001 95 5007 96 5013 97 5034 98 5501 99 5212 100 5528 101 5531 102 5032 103 5020 104 5024 105 5534 I DM SION Parks Parks Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Tran~ortation Transp9rtation Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities I DIVISION CONTACT Liz Ketabian Liz Ketabian Kirsten Plonka Kirsten Plonka Terrv Smith Kirsten Plonka Mark Biskuo Mark Biskuo Kirsten Plonka Kirsten Plonka Kirsten Plonka Kirsten Plonka CIP PROJECT STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) PROJECT NAME I Roberston Ranch Park Development Veteran's Park Avenida Encinas widening south of Palomar Airport Road Barrio Street lighting El Camino Real widening la Costa Ave to Arena I Road Melrose at PAR Improvements Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain 6 -Sunnvhill McArthur Palomar Airport Road left turn lane expansion to N/B Paseo Del Norte Palomar Airport Road right turn lane widening to S/B Paseo Del Norte Park Drive OraiRage and Street Improvements Trails Roadway Crossim!s Wavfindina Sian Replacement Program Maerkle Transmission Main Cathodic Protection Program Improvement College (ECR to Cannon) Water Pipeline El Fuerte and Corintia Street Pressure Redudn Station ExistinR Buena Interceptor Purchase and Rehabilitation Fire Flow Svstem lmorovements Gateshead Sewer lift Station Removal Northwest Quadrant CIPP Sewer linine Palomar Business Park Recvded Water line Pressure Redudne Station Re lacement Rehabilitation Reservoir R~pair and Maintenance Program Terramar Sewer Reolacement Arbei/Los Robles s Is Is s s s s PROJECT BUDGET 2,700,000 23,240,000 5,402,000 100,000 2,550,000 561,000 50.000 233,000 564,000 243,000 380.000 150.000 4,875,000 1.246.700 1,060,000 500.000 1,362,000 720.000 150.000 700.000 1.245.000 1.102.000 4,000,000 1.250.000 OIIIGINAL ESTIMATID ...... COMPUTION DAn CUIUIINT IEmMATID PHASI: COWUMNDAn SCHEDULE STATUS COMMENTS Currently on Unfunded Projects list; budget shows partial funding of $2.7 MM against total cost of $7.8MM. Scheduled currently for buildout. Unknown start date Current CIP schedule shows development at 2026-30. Project to schedule to be determined based on the construction progress of the Vista Carlsbad sewer project along the Avenida Encinas. Pending performance of striping solution the project may be unnecessary. Evaluating performance of existing configuration Project initiation anticipated Q1 2016 Project initiation anticipated Q1 2016 ProJect initiation anticipated Q1 2016 Catarini Ranch to Design and Construct with a reimbursement agreement. In design phase. Prolect estimated to beRin in 2016 Schedule dependent on Catarini Ranch Development. Project estimated to beain in 2016 Project estimated to beain in 2016 Project estimated to beain in 2016 Project estimated to beain in 2016 Project estimated to beain in 2016 Project estimated to beain in 2016 Project estimated to beRin in 2016 Project estimated to beRin in 2016 Project estimated to beRin in 2016 r FUNDING SOURCE Park-in-lieu CF0#1 Traffic Impact Fee General Capital Construction Traffic Impact Fee Traffic Impact Fee Gas Tax Gas Tax Gas Tax GCC Gas Tax Gas Tax Water Replacement Water Connection Page SofS ~~V\Mcit 2... PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) 6J CURRENT ITEM PROJECT PHASE PROJECT NAME PROJECT VALUE ESTIMATED SCHEDULE PROJECT DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS # # COMPLETION STATUS DATE COMMERCIAL 1 SOP 01-04 Construction La Costa Town Square Commercial $75 million 0 2 2016 0 264,000-square-foot neighborhood-serving commercial center located at the southeast corner of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real. Three pads (42,000 square feet) remaining to be built 2 SOP 09-04(A) Design The Shoppes at Carlsbad Renovation {Formerly: Westfield Carlsbad) Unknown Unknown 0 Existing approvals still valid. Awaiting information from new owners on revised concepts 3 SOP 14-06 Construction Hoehn Motors Audi Dealership $6.4 million 0 12016 0 Construction of a new 54,688-square-foot Audi dealership, including a rooftop parking structure, at former GMC dealership located in Car Country Carlsbad 0 Two, three-story industrial buildings at the norteast corner of El Camino Real and Gateway Road with a combined 4 SUP 13-03 Construction ViaSat Expansion $50 million 02 2016 111,042-square-feet of professional office space and 32,058-square-feet of manufacturing space for a total buildin• area of 143 100-sauare-feet 0 156,000 square-foot tenant improvement at the former Floral Trade Center on Avenida Encinas west of Interstate 5 CD 13-18 Construction "MAKE" Tenant Improvement $5.2 million 03 2015 5 designed as a collobrative, work-sharing environment for innovative design companies. Project is complete and will be removed from the next update 60,000 square foot building with demonstration kitchen, micro-brewery and tasting room, wine tasting, 6 CUP 12-10 Design North 40 $4.5 million 0 2 2017 0 wholesale floral market, public produce market open to the public in the former flower fields south of Cannon Road between Car Country Drive and Legoland Drive. Construction is expected to commence Q2 2016 0 Demolition of tanks to make way for new power plant. Demolition of existing Encina Power Station anticipated 7 None Discretionary Carlsbad Energy Center Project Unknown 04 2017 by end of 2020. The site is located on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Cannon Road Hotel (71 rooms)/time share (36 rooms) project on property located just east of the existing Marbrisa Resort and Westin Hotel & Timeshare (Formerly: Lot 9) $31 million Q2 2018 • Sheraton Hotel projects owned and operated by Grand Pacific Resorts. The site is located at the north end of The 8 GPA 14-03 Discretionary Crossings Drive. Start of construction expected Q4 2016. Project delayed due to unforeseen site conditions. Home2 Carlsbad Suites $18-20 million 012018 0 88,254 square foot, 3 story, 147 room hotel located at the northeast corner of Palomar Airport Road and Palomar 9 CUP 15-06 Discretionary Oaks Way 10 SOP 15-23 Discretionary North Coast Medical Unknown 012018 0 49,942 square foot, 3 story, medical office building located south of Palomar Airport Road and east of Hidden Valley Road 11 SOP 15-25 Discretionary High Tech Corporate Headquarters $16.2 million Unknown 0 Two-story, 136,327 square foot corporate headquarters office building located on the north side of Whiptail Loop, north of Faraday Avenue and east of Gazelle Court 12 SOP 15-26 Discretionary Legoland California Hotel II $17.5 million 03 2018 0 Three-story, 137,700 square foot, 250 room hotel located at Legoland California Resort 0 Two warehouse buildings totaling 155,000 square feet with 431oading docks and ancillary office space. The 13 SOP 15-10 Discretionary Carlsbad Oaks North Lot 13 $8.7 million 01 2017 property is located north of Faraday Avenue on Whiptail Loop East bordering Vista to the east Marbrisa (timeshare) and the Sheraton Hotel project were approved together in 2004. The approval includes 350 hotel units and 350 timeshare units. Phases 1 & 2 of the Sheraton Hotel (250 units/pool/conference 14 SP 207(E) Construction Marbrisa Hotel and Timeshares $28 million Q2 2020 0 rooms/restaurant/spa) are constructed. Phase 1 of Marbrisa (80 units) is also complete. Phase 2 of Marbrisa under construction and includes 162 timeshare units/sales offices/primary resort pool area and recreation room. Phase 3 (future construction) includes 100 hotel units. The site is located south of Cannon Road and north of Lelloland 15 GPA 05-05 Design Springhill Suites (Formerly: DKN Hotel) Unknown Unknown 0 104 room hotel east of Carlsbad Boulevard, south of Oak Avenue and west of Lincoln Street Page 1 of 3 PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT STATUS UPDATE Q1 2016 (through Dec. 31, 201S) ~ CURRENT ITEM PROJECT PHASE PROJECT NAME PROJECT VALUE ESTIMATED SCHEDULE PROJECT DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS II II COMPLETION STATIJS DATE RESIDENTIAL 0 308 single family homes and 364 multi-family homes comprised of 100 senior apartments and 264 market rate 16 GPA 11-07 Construction Robertson Ranch West Village $236 million Unknown apartments and widening of El Camino Real. The project is located at El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue. First I phase expected to be completed 03 2016 17 SDP 13-02 Construction Arterro (Formerly: La Costa Town Square Residential) $29.8 million 012016 0 63 one and two story single family homes located of the northeast corner of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road 18 MP 10-01 Construction Quarry Creek Master Plan $69 million 02 2018 0 636 residential units, a 1.5-acre community facilities site, a 1.3-acre park and ride site and preservation of 92 acres of natural open space on a 156-acre site in northeast Carlsbad 19 CT 12-05 Construction Montecina (Formerly: La Costa Residential) $12.8 million 012016 0 32 detached single-family homes located within the La Costa Master Plan at the northeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Paseo lupine 20 CT 12-07 Construction Southern Preserve La Costa (Formerly: Fair Oaks Valley) $39.2 million 04 2016 0 49 single family residences located on the eastern edge of Carlsbad off Camino Junipero 21 CT 13-05 Construction Seagrove (Formerly: State Street Townhomes) $30 million 012016 0 47 two and three-story air space townhomes, including 411ive/work units and six (6) inclusionary units from 2531 to 2601 State Street • 105 detached single-family homes on minimum 1/2 acre lots located north of El Camino Real and east of the 22 CT 00-18 Design Cantarini Ranch Unknown Unknown intersection at College Boulevard and Cannon Road. Developer is currently working out financing options for constructing ColleRe Boulevard 23 CT 00-21 Design Holly Springs Unknown Unknown ~ 43 detached single-family homes on minimum 1/2 acre lots located north of El Camino Real and east of the intersection at College Boulevard and Cannon Road ~ 127 apartments including SO% affordable located along the future extension of College Boulevard between El 24 SDP 01-10(A) Design Encinas Creek Apartment Homes Unknown Unknown Camino Real and Cannon Road. The site is located on the northeast side of the intersection of future portions of Carlsbad Boulevard and future "C" street. Demolition of a 50-unit apartment complex and the construction of 3Siuxury townhomes and a subterranean 25 CT 05-12 Construction Summerhouse {Ocean St. Condos) $14.5 million Q3 2015 0 parking structure adjacent to the Buena Vista lagoon on north side of Ocean Street, between Garfield Street and Mountain View Drive. Project is complete and will be removed from the next update 26 GPA 14-06 Discretionary Poinsettia 61 $63.4 million 04 2020 0 Construction of Reach "E" of Poinsettia lane south of Cassia and the construction of 123 detached single-family condominiums on a 60.1-acre site. Groundbreaking anticipated Ql 2018 33,732 square foot four-story mixed-use building consisting of 14 residential units (two of which are affordable), 27 CT 14-01 Design State Mixed Use 30 $7.5 million 03 2016 0 13 timeshare units, one (1) ground floor commercial unit (4,529 square feet). a roof deck and an enclosed at- grade parking garage located at the northeast corner of State Street and Oak Avenue 0 Mixed use project on 17 acres to include 90,267 square feet of commercial space and 125 residential units 28 GPA 14-04 Discretionary Uptown Bressi $64 million 03 2019 located at the northwest corner of El Fuerte Street and Gateway Road. Discretionary approvals expected Q3 2016 Village East is a multiple-family residential development to include 14 three-story buildings with 76 for-sale townhome units and a 73 unit for-rent condominium building with two levels of subterranean parking. 0 Village West is a mixed use development to include 13,300 sq. ft. of commercial (3,300 sq. ft. of restaurant, 1,750 29 GPA 15-01 Discretionary Ponto Beachfront Villages East and West $200 million 03 2017 of coffee shop; and 8,250 sq. ft. of retail) located on the ground level facing Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Encinas. The residential portion of this development includes 42 for-sale multi-family townhome units on the second and third levels Both Villages are located north of Avenida Encinas and East of Ponto Drive 305-unit continuing care retirement community including 58 detached cottages, 166 independent living units 30 GPA 09-02 Design Dos Colinas $36.2 million 03 2017 a (i.e., senior apartments) and an 81-room/95-bed congregate care facility Located east of El Camino Real and South of Cannon Road. Developer is currently working out financing options for constructing College Blvd. 0 Demolition of SO residential units and the construction of an 120 unit affordable apartment project (6 three story 31 SDP 15-18 Design Pacific Wind $20 million 03 2019 buildings) as well as vacating Harding Street and Carol Place and converting two existing lots into a two parcel site. The project will be completed in two phases Page 2 of 3 PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) D -- CURRENT ITEM PROJECT PHASE PROJECT NAME PROJECT VALUE ESTIMATED SCHEDULE PROJECT DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS II II COMPLETION STATUS DATE RESIDENTIAL 0 35 unit multi-family condominium development on a 3.67 acre site at 2416 Altisma Way. Development consists 32 CT 15-01 Design Cascada Verde Unknown Unknown of 3-story, four-and five-plex buildings, with unit sizes ranging from 809 square feet to 2,010 square feet. Ql-Jan/Feb/Mar 0 Actively being processed I Q2 -Apr/May/June u Pending action by developer Q3 -July/Aug/Sept Q On hold Q4 -Oct/Nov/Dec Page 3 of 3 ~Vit.J it-Q ITEM II DIVISION CONTACT PHASE PROJECT NAME 1 Nicholas lourfan Execute Council Chamber Upgrade 2 Nicholas lourian Execute Managed Print Services 3 Sherry Remington Execute Enterprise Content Management 4 Sherry Remington Execute EnerGov 5 Nicholas l ourian Initiate Voice Over IP (VOIP) and Wide Area Network (WAN) 6 Nicholas l ourian Request Infrastructure as a Service (Cloud Hosting Services) 7 Sherry Remington Execute Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Discovery IT STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) CURRENT ORIGINAL ESTIMATED SCHEDULE PROJECT VALUE COMPLETION DATE COMPLETION STATUS DATE s 350.000 24 August (03 2015) Q4 2015 0 s 2,055,781 14 September (03 2015) Q4 2015/01 2016 0 s 1,500,000 17 August (03 2015) Q4 2015/01 2016 • s 1,238,088 23 December (0 4 2015) Q2 2016 0 s 1,000,000 02 December (04 2015) TBD a s 120,000 28 April (02 2016) Q1 2016/Q2 2016 8 s 500,000 10 February (01 2016) Q1 2016/Q2 2016 • 01 -Jan/Feb/Mar Q2-Apr/May/June 03 ·July/Aug/Sept 04 -Oct Nov Dec PROJECT DESCRIPTION/COMMENTS ---,...- All functional modifications completed and project closed out In OAPTIV: Only cosmetic remain (glass on staff table/holes on dais top) . Multi-Function Devices in place throughout the city with the exception of Cole Library (renovation in progress), Safety Center and Fire Stations . Go live for HP Records Management replacing OMS complete on 23 Nov 2015; Agenda Management has been delayed through February 2016. On track to go live June 2016. VOIP on hold until completion of WAN upgrade. Prepping for priority 1 and 2 application migration to cloud-hosting services. We currently have 27 business processes identified through discovery phase. Due to rescheduling of working sessions we will go beyond the draft assessement report that was originiatly due from Plante Moran in January 2016. Expect discovery phase final analysis April 2016. Page 1 of 1 t}(~b\t-4 COUNCIL GOALS STATUS UPDATE Q1 2016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) ~ - ITEM# PRIORITY GOAL STATUS ACTIVITY/ PROGRESS 1 A To complete the General Plan including the Transportation 0 • On September 22, 2015, City Council approved the General Plan Update, including modifications and clarifications to the Element Mobility Element. (A lawsuit has been filed challenging the approval.) Complete Zoning Ordinance and Local Coastal Program 0 • On October 20, 2015, City Council approved an agreement with Michael Baker International to update the Zoning Updates Ordinance (Q3 2016) and Local Coastal Program (Q1 2017), and to complete a sea level rise analysis (Q1 2016). • IT Department leadership and staff resources have been realigned to address the city's critical technology needs. • A new electronic records management system launched in Q4 2015. • An enhanced agenda management system will launch in Q1 2016. • New equipment for managed print services is being implemented for completion of city-wide rollout in Q1 2016. • Three new engineers have been hired and assigned to address the current CIP project backlog. 2 B To build/sustain IT/CIP capacity 0 • 'Greenlight Report' created and presented to City Council quarterly. • CIP Advisory Committee created and CIP to undergo Leadership Team review to ensure council goals are met . • Conducting a pilot project using tablet-based incident command system. • Safety preparing to meet next-gen standards for 800 MHz radio communications. • Implementing Next-gen Incident Command System (NICS) for Emergency Operations Center communications. • Police Department to implement TeleStaff (scheduling and time management) software upgrade in Q1 2016, and an automated report management system in Q4 2016. 3 A To create/maintain/sustain the balance between 0 • 2015 Carlsbad Resident Survey data collection is complete. Results presented to City Council in Q4 2015. environmental/fiscal/social well-being • Currently developing next-generation city performance metrics linked to the nine Carlsbad Community Values. • Master Plan implementation projects for Poinsettia, Pine and Aviara Parks are currently in design phase, with construction 0 to begin Q3 2016. Accelerate park development • Master Plan implementation project for Pine Avenue Community Center is currently in design phase, with construction to begin Q4 2016. • Strategically reallocated resources to staff new Parks Planner position. Ensure trails development 0 • Trails Master Plan Update will be presented to City Council in Q2 2016. Create an Arts Master Plan 0 • Public Art Master Plan will be presented to City Council in Q1 2016. • Finalizing contract to develop Arts and Culture Master Plan, which will be presented to City Council in Q1 2017. • Electric Vehicle Charging Station-Alga Norte Park. 0 • Solar Energy Generation -Alga Norte Park and Safety Training Center. Other notable city projects and initiatives • Recycled Water System Expansion. • Drought Response initiative ongoing. • Partnership with Walk/Bike Carlsbad. Page 1 of4 COUNCIL GOALS STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 2015) ~ ,.- ~ ~ !; .., a! ITEM# PRIORITY GOAL STATUS ACTIVITY/ PROGRESS !'11.·1 ~ • Public outreach efforts underway for Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project, Ocean Street Beach Access Project 0 (seven stairway locations), Village and Barrio Master Plan, and the Parks Master Plan Feasibility Studies. 4 B To engage the community proactively • Public outreach efforts for Tamarack Ave./Carlsbad Blvd. Intersection Improvement Project to begin Q1 2016. • Communications now included in project budgets (i.e., Library Renovations, Coastal Corridor Improvements, Village construction and infrastructure improvements). Foster the next generation of leaders 0 • Currently engaging high school student focus group to help design 'Youth Civic Education in Action Program' to foster next generation civic leaders. Draft program to be presented to Council in Q1 2016. • High level of communication, engagement and interaction through social media: Facebook {42,000 Followers). Twitter Include strong IT/Intranet/lnternet component 0 {8,600 Followers). • Staff to initiate project team meetings to develop citizen complaint app in 2016. • Implemented online survey tools. • Recently updated the city's open space web page. • Produced a series of vid!:O vignettes highlighting th!: city's open space prQgram. Tell "open space" story ~ • Union-Tribune article on 'Open Space Done the Carlsbad Way' published October 6, 2015. • Carlsbad Currents open space feature article. • Community Services Guide. To review/plan for city facilities consistent with growth " • All facilities currently meeting the City's growth management standards. 5 c • Producing monthly Development Monitoring Report. management • Preparing Strategic City Facilities/Asset Management Report Q1 2016. • Initiated monthly strategic planning meetings of the city leadership Team to develop and support an innovative organizational culture. • Only community in San Diego County, and one of 12 cities participating in statewide community para medicine I ' alternative destination pilot program. • Piloting program with California Coastal Commission and SANDAG to enhance processing times for Carlsbad projects. 6 B To seek and apply innovation in city services ~ • Piloting collaborative design process, including cross-departmental city staff team and project design consultants working to address permitting issues prior to formal application. • Created series of Council Visioning Panels {Autonomous & Connected Vehicles-Q2 2015 I Big Data and the Future of Open Government-Q4 2015 I Future of Energy-Q1 2016). • Mobility Readiness Plan to be presented to City Council Q1 2016. • License plate recognition capability. • Utilizing SWAT command vehicle and robotics technology to improve safety. • Newly hired Real Estate Manager to project city space needs, and to identify and evaluate highest and best use of 7 B To manage the city assets to achieve enhanced city services 'I underutilized city-owned properties. (assets are defined as unused/underutilized properties) • Co-location of city facilities at Maintenance & Operations Center to create operational efficiencies and free up city land assets for other uses. Page 2 of 4 COUNCIL GOALS STATUS UPDATE Q12016 {through Dec. 31, 2015) -=r ~ ITEM# PRIORITY GOAL STATUS ACTIVITY/ PROGRESS ~ • On September 22, 2015, City Council approved the General Plan Update, including the Mobility Element. 8 A To manage growth consistent with the Community Vision and nine Core Values including the Transportation Element G • Updates to the city's Zoning Ordinance {Q3 2016) and Local Coastal Program (Q1 2017) are underway. • New performance metrics will be focused on Community Core Values. • Five-year check-in on Community Vision to be conducted in 2016. 9 B To plan the Village element to maximize Village vitality 8 • On November 12, 2015, the DRAFT Village/Barrio Master Plan was released for community review. Develop the Village/Barrio Master Plan (include identification G) • The Plan incorporates parking strategies that identify parking structure development opportunities. of a parking structure) • The final Village/Barrio Master Plan will be presented to City Council for approval in Q2 2016. Railroad grade separation G • SANDAG Project Study Report (design alternatives feasibility analysis) and Economic Study underway. • Ocean Street Parking Lot Project completed Q4 2015. • Tamarack Ave./Carlsbad Blvd. Intersection Improvement Project currently in conceptual design and public outreach; construction to begin Q3 2017. To enhance the coastal corridor for maximum • • Terra mar Area Coastal Improvements Project currently in conceptual design and public outreach; construction to begin in 10 B resident/tourist satisfaction Q3 2017. • Ocean Street Beach Access Project (seven stairway locations) currently in conceptual design and public outreach; construction to begin in Q3 2016. • Strategic plan for CA State Beaches Maintenance and Operations to be developed with assistance from legislative consultant in 2016. • New parks maintenance contracts deliver best value to the community. • Employee pay for performance process clarifies organizational priorities and performance expectations. • Employee engagement survey will provide insights on improving job satisfaction and organizational performance. 11 A To steward/govern/manage consistent with the city's organizational values G • New on-boarding program provides extra support during employees' first 90-days on the job. • World Class Customer Service training programs attended by 167 employees. • Monthly training on performance management and coaching methods offered to supervisors. • Broad offerings in technology and applications training are presented frequently. • 1-year project management training program provided to 50 employees through partnership with USD. --- Page 3 of 4 COUNCIL GOALS STATUS UPDATE Q12016 (through Dec. 31, 2015} ~ ----- ITEM# PRIORITY GOAL STATUS ACTIVITY/ PROGRESS 12 B To foster economic development 0 • Existing businesses including ViaSat, Legoland, Spy Optic and Pizza Port are expanding operations in Carlsbad. • New businesses including GoPro, Under Armour, Amazon Fresh and Surf Air are establishing a presence in Ca rlsbad. • Continuing efforts to attract graduate level engineering program(s) to serve the city and region's talent needs. 'i) • Facilitated meetings, assisted and coordinated due diligence process with Rochester Institute of Technology. Continue higher education project • Worked with San Diego Regional Economic Development Council to engage with UCSD about the project. • Working with businesses to identify specific graduate-level aca demic programming t hat will grow the talent base to serve the needs of local and regional busniesses. • Life in Action talent attraction campaign hosts web and social media presence, hosts media tours and sponsored events, I Emphasize talent attraction 0 and produces promotional brochures to support business relocation and employee recruitment. •Partnered with Mira Costa College to support workforce pipeline development through Technology Career Institute. •Presented the 'Bio, Tech and Beyond' life sciences start-up showcase. Work on 78 Corridor and leverage partnerships with five cities 0 • Innovate 78 campaign contract administrator for contract with San Diego Economic Development Corporation. • Monthly/Quarterly meetings of economic development managers and mayors are held to evaluate effectiveness. • Working with private industry to remove barriers to expanding or retaining business in Carlsbad. • New online project permitting system in development to be completed in Q2 2016. • CED customer service training completed and customer service delivery update ongoing, including remodeled "public Emphasize business friendly philosophy (i) service counter" to be completed Q2 2016. • Evaluating opportunities to improve security at city facilities. • Hosted 2015 Brokers Forum. • Libraries offer business support services including public access to eResearch databases, free access to public computers, business workshops, meeting spaces and networking opportunities, computer classes and drop-in computer help sessions. 13 A To provide basic city services 0 • The 2015 Carlsbad Resident Survey shows that 91% of Carlsbad residents are satisfied with city services. • Police Department emphasis on public outreach and community engagement efforts is ongoing. Continue and improve public safety services 0 • Crime Analysis Response (CAR) model focused on data-driven policing. • El Niiio preparations and public outreach efforts are ongoing. • 2015 Vehicle Report Card program implemented to help prevent theft. 0 • Fire Station #3 under construction and on schedule for Q1 2016 opening. Continue and improve emphasis on fire protection • Fire Station #2 Project Feasibility Study to be presented to City Council. • New fire engine from State of California Office of Emergency Services received Q4 2015. Page 4 of4 City Council Workshop January 19, 2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Report Quarter Ending December 31, 2015 CIP Budget Summary •CIP for FY 2015-16 to FY 2029-30 (15 year planning document) •240 continuing and new projects •Total cost of $559.8 million CIP Budget Summary (cont.) •Project Types –Streets/Circulation $125,841,075 28% –Parks $ 82,496,360 18% –Civic Projects $ 79,140,455 17% –Wastewater $ 67,794,962 15% –Water (inc.Recy.)$ 63,469,200 14% –Drainage $ 15,549,012 3% –Other (loans)$ 20,839,636 5% CIP Budget Summary (cont.) •Revenues –Developer Fees 21% –Financing Districts 4% –Utility Replacement Transfers 30% –Infrastructure Replacement Transfers 28% –Other Agencies 17% CIP Budget Summary (cont.) •FY 2015-16 CIP budget approved by City Council on June 30, 2015 –$67.1 million new appropriations –$224.9 million continuing appropriations –Total of $292 million appropriations Mid-year Financial Status, FY 15-16 •35% of FY 15-16 budget committed –$292 MM appropriated –$102.6 MM encumbered and expended Quarterly Projects Report ITEM #PROJECT #DIVISION DIVISION CONTACT PROJECT NAME PROJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL ESTIMATED PHASE COMPLETION DATE CURRENT ESTIMATED PHASE COMPLETION DATE SCHEDULE STATUS COMMENTS FUNDING SOURCE CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 4003 Property Casey Arndt Fire Station 3 $ 9,352,000 Q4 2015 Q4 2015 Project is under construction with a substantial completion of 12/31/2015.Public Facilities Fee 2 4717 Parks Kyle Lancaster Aviara Community Park Synthetic Turf Replacement $ 860,000 Q3 2015 Q1 2016 Estimated completion end of Jan. 2016. Subject to change if El Nino weather conditions interfere with construction. Infrastructure Replacement Fund 3 4019 Parks Kyle Lancaster Village Streetscape $ 345,000 Q1 2016 Q1 2016 Walkthrough with contractor for the installation of concrete benches, steel trash/recycling receptacles, and steel/wood benches occurred in late Dec. 2015.General Capital Construction 4 6001 Transportation Jonathan Schauble 2015 Slurry Seal Project $ 2,400,000 Q4 2015 Q4 2015 Construction Contract awarded on November 17, 2015. PreCon scheduled for December 29, 2015. Gas Tax, TransNet Local 5 5526 Utilities Mark Biskup Foxes Landing Lift Station and Force Main $ 3,275,000 Q4 2015 Q4 2015 Lift Station Replacement Final Design Sewer Replacement 6 4030 Property Steven Didier Dove Library Improvements and Refurbishment $ 6,046,529 Q3 2016 Q1 2016 Contract awarded, construction anticipated to begin Feb. 2016 General Capital Construction 7 6055 Transportation Doug Bilse Coastal Corridor Mobility Readiness Plan $ 100,000 Q4 2015 Q1 2016 Final Draft review until 1/17/16. Stakeholder outreach, commission and city council presentations starting in Feb. 2016. Coastal Mobility Infrastructure Action Plan implementation projects could start June 2016. General Capital Construction 8 5019 Utilities Shadi Sami Water Valve Replacement Program $ 550,000 Q1 2016 Q1 2016 Staff is working on the condition assessment of the potable water valves within the system. Water Replacement 9 6001 Transportation Jonathan Schauble Pavement Management Program Update Citywide $ 100,000 Q2 2016 Q2 2016 IMS evaluated citywide pavement condition Q4 2015. Staff evaluating PCI data and software updates.Gas Tax, TransNet Local 10 3821A Transportation Sherri Howard Lake Calavera Mitigation Long Term Maint. $ 200,000 Q3 2017 Q3 2017 Long term maint plan. Annual report in Sept. Quarterly site visits ongoing. Drought delayed growth. Water Replacement 11 6604/6024 Transportation Sherri Howard Romeria and La Costa Slope Repair Mitigation Site $ 150,000 Q2 2020 Q2 2020 Initial planting in Q2 2015. Maintenance and monitoring required until 2020.Gas Tax. General Capital Construction 12 3821B Transportation Sherri Howard Lake Calavera Dam Mitigation Long Term Maintenance Mitigation Site $ 250,000 Q3 2021 Q3 2021 Conceptual Mitigation Plan approved. Preparation of Bid Documents under way Water Replacement 13 3801 Parks Liz Ketabian Roberston Ranch Park Development $ 2,700,000 Currently on Unfunded Projects list; budget shows partial funding of $2.7 MM against total cost of $7.8MM. Scheduled currently for buildout. Unknown start date Park-in-Lieu 14 Parks Liz Ketabian Veteran's Park $ 23,240,000 Current CIP schedule shows development at 2026-30. CFD #1 15 6004 Transportation Avenida Encinas widening south of Palomar Airport Road $ 5,402,000 Project to schedule to be determined based on the construction progress of the Vista Carlsbad sewer project along the Avenida Encinas. Traffic Impact Fee FUTURE PROJECTS PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE: INCLUDES PLANNING & DESIGN, BID/AWARD PERIOD PROGRAMS & STUDIES LONG TERM MAINTENANCE Fire Station No. 3 •Approximately 99% complete •Exterior and interior of the fire station are complete •Hose tower is complete •Site surface improvements are complete •Trail Blazer Way is paved and landscaped •Exterior art work installed •Final landscaping and equipment commissioning occurring January 2016 Fire Station No. 3 (cont.) •Alarm, telecommunication, and radio systems installed and being tested •Sliding gate, final signing and striping to be installed January 2016 •FFE being delivered and installed January 2016 •Final walk-throughs are being conducted and punch list items are being corrected •Project on schedule and within budget •Final completion scheduled for February 2016 Fire Station No. 3 (cont.) Cole and Dove Library Modernization •Cole Library closure started Sept. 1, 2015 •Project Schedule: –Cole Library September 2015 to February 2016 –Dove Library January 2016 to June 2016 •Overall project budget $11,300,000 Cole and Dove Library Modernization (cont.) Facilities Renovation Projects •Fire Station No. 1 –Interior / exterior refurbishment (ongoing through March 2016) •Harding Community Center –Interior refurbishment (ongoing through April 2016) –HVAC and roof replacement (completed) •Faraday Center –HVAC and roof replacement(Summer 2016) –Interior refurbishment (ongoing through 2016) •City Hall –Interior renovations and roof replacement (initiate design February 2016, construction Summer 2016) Safety Training Center PV •Panel Installation December 2015 MUTCD Street Sign Replacement Project •95% complete •Replacement of ground mounted signs complete •Signal mounted sign replacement ongoing •Project completion: February 2016 Traffic Signal Modernization Program •5 –7 year program •Fiber optic and wireless communications •Converted to video detection •Traffic Management Center (TMC) •Coordination timing programs •Traffic monitoring system •Adaptive controls Traffic Monitoring System (Bluetooth Travel Time Origin and Destination) El Camino Real Widening: Tamarack to Chestnut •Approximately 50% complete •Work continues on drainage facilities and utility installation •Phase 2 (raised median) began January 2016 •Phase 3 (west side improvements including retaining wall) expected to begin mid-February 2016 •Project delayed due to archaeological discoveries and landfill debris in east side embankment •Original schedule completion in 1st quarter 2016 •Estimated completion 3rd quarter 2016 El Camino Real Widening: Tamarack to Chestnut (cont.) El Camino Real Widening: Tamarack to Chestnut (cont.) El Camino Real Widening: Tamarack to Chestnut (cont.) CWRF Plant Expansion •Design build contract awarded 06/09/15 •D/B contractor to begin work in early 2016 •Expansion of plant from 4 mgd to 7 mgd •Estimated completion: Fall 2016 Recycled Water Pipelines •Palomar Oaks Business Park •Calavera Hills •Cannon Road to NRG •CWRF to Cannon Road (included with V/C Sewer Interceptor) Recycled Water Pipelines (cont.) Recycled Water Pipelines (cont.) Vista Carlsbad (V/C) Sewer Interceptor and Avenida Encinas Recycled Waterline •Sewer force main construction on NRG property is underway •SoCal Gas has started 12” gas line shutdown and removal •Storm drain pipelines being installed at lift station site •Construction activity at north end of Avenida Encinas to begin in late January 2016 •Public outreach process initiated •Estimated completion date for construction: August 2017 Vista Carlsbad (V/C) Sewer Interceptor and Avenida Encinas Recycled Waterline (cont.) Vista Carlsbad (V/C) Sewer Interceptor and Avenida Encinas Recycled Waterline (cont.) Vista Carlsbad (V/C) Sewer Interceptor and Avenida Encinas Recycled Waterline (cont.) Village -Coastal Streetscape •Replacement of streetscape furnishings –Phase II –Bench / trash receptacle work began in January 2016 –New installations to be completed by early February 2016 Carlsbad Blvd/Village Pedestrian Crossings (RRFBs) •Completed the RRFB installation at: –Carlsbad Blvd. & Sycamore Avenue –Carlsbad Blvd. & Maple Avenue –Carlsbad Blvd. & Cherry Avenue –Carlsbad Blvd. & Hemlock Avenue –Grand Avenue & Tyler Street Ally –Grand Avenue & Carlsbad by the Sea Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project •Nov. 19, 2015: Second public outreach meeting •Online survey closed Dec. 21, 2015 •Next Steps: Revise project alternatives; begin environmental and permitting Carlsbad Blvd. / Tamarack Ave. Improvements •Two SANDAG ATP Grants for $ 1.246 million •Public outreach Spring 2016 •Construction to begin Q4 2017 •Next Step: -Finalize project scope with Coastal Commission staff Ocean Street Parking Lot •Safety and beach access improvements completed in October 2015 –New walking path –Sealing and re-stripe parking lot Before After Northern Beach Access Improvements •Oak Avenue •Carlsbad Village Drive •Grand Avenue •Christiansen Way •Beech Avenue •Cypress Avenue •Rue Des Chateaux Northern Beach Access Improvements (cont.) Typical Improvements: •Add low level lighting •New plantings and irrigation •Enhance pavement on Ocean Street •Replace/refurbish stairs & handrails •Replace fencing/improve screen walls •New benches/litter receptacles, bike racks and signage Public Beach Access –Grand Ave. Northern Beach Access Improvements (cont.) Public Outreach •City website: -Citizen Survey -Over 300 respondents -December 2015 / January 2016 •Public meeting: -Dec.3, 2015 -Opportunity to review proposed improvements -Survey distributed to those in attendance Village Double Tracking-Project Study Report •Currently reviewing a Project Study Report, prepared by T.Y. Lin for SANDAG for trenching options •Meeting with NCTD to discuss opportunities •Coordination of meetings with SANDAG to discuss project •Economic Feasibility Study currently being developed by RSG for SANDAG Maintenance and Operations Center (MOC) •October 20, 2015 City Council approved contract with Bridging Consultant for preliminary design and entitlement services •1st Q 2016 -3rd Q 2016: preliminary design •3rd Q 2016 –2nd Q 2017: D/B team completes design, begin construction 2017 •Construction schedule approx. 18-24 months Maintenance and Operations Center (cont.) OLIVENHAIN RD M ONROE ST T A M A RAC K AV T A MARACK AV ARMA DA D RPASEO DEL NO R TE FAR A DAY AV CANNON R D EL CAMINO REAL C A R L SBA D B L ME LROSE DR A VI ARA P Y ALGA RD ALICA N T E RDEL FUERT E STEL F U ERTE ST LA COSTA A V LA COSTA AV R A NC HO S A NTA FE R DCAMINO DE L O S COCHESCOLLEGE B LM ARRON RD CARLSBAD BL C ARL SBAD VILLAGE DR BATIQUITOS LAGOON BUENA VI S T A L A G OO N AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON PACIFIC OCEAN FLEET MAINTENANCE LE G O L A N D D R THE C RO S S IN G S DR 405 OAK AVENUE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PARK MAINTENACE City of Carlsbad Facilities Maintenance and Operations Center (cont.) Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain Improvement Program Projects •Construction –Madison Street, Wilson Street •Pre-Construction (Design) –Roosevelt Street –State Street –Arbuckle Street –Monroe Street Northwest Quadrant Storm Drain Improvement Program Projects (cont.) Pavement Management Program •2015/16 Slurry Seal Project –Various streets throughout the city –Pre-construction meeting held on 01/07/16 –Construction to begin in January 2016 –Budget: $1.8 million •2015/16 Pavement Overlay Project –College Blvd. (north of Cannon) –Black Rail Road –Grand Avenue (east of Jefferson) –Carlsbad Village Drive (east of Tamarack) –Budget: Approximately $2.0 million Pavement Management Program (cont.) Slurry Seal Locations Concrete Replacement Program •Various streets throughout the city •Pre-construction meeting held on 12/17/15 •Construction to begin January 2016 •Estimated completion date: March 2016 4th Qtr. 2015 –Parks & Recreation Milestones & Accomplishments Oct. 22:Received 30 percent construction plans for Aviara & Poinsettia Parks Nov. 24:Received design plans for Pine Avenue Park Nov. 24:Received 80 percent construction plans for Aviara & Poinsettia Parks Dec. 23:Received 30 percent construction plans for Leo Carrillo Ranch stables restoration and new restrooms Aviara Community Park Refined Design •Community room •Large shade structure over group picnic area •Outdoor fireplace •Passive lawn area •Small stage with shade structure •Picnic nodes Aviara Community Park Bird’s eye view looking north Aviara Community Park Community room and shade structure Poinsettia Community Park Master Plan Dog Park -View looking northwest Poinsettia Community Park Master Plan Multi purpose arena sports field •Regulation size arena field •Bleachers •Warm-up areas •Picnic areas Poinsettia Community Park Playground –View looking northwest Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center –Refined Design •New drop-off area •Visual & physical connection to Senior Center •Building oriented towards street frontages •EV charging station Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center -View looking northeast from drop-off Pine Avenue Community Park Ornamental & Community Gardens –Refined Design •Ornamental garden (drought tolerant) •Community gathering plaza w/shade structure •Picnic areas •Seating areas •Community garden with raised planters •Demonstration area Pine Ave. Community Park Master Plan •Community center and gardens –phase II –Concept plan in final refinement stage Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan •Restoration of stables & construction of restroom –Kick off meeting: Sept. 29 –30 percent Design submittal: Dec. 23 Aviara Community Park Synthetic Turf •Replacement of soccer field’s synthetic turf -Construction commenced in mid-Dec. -Construction to be completed by early Feb. Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan Pre-fabricated Restroom •Consultant hired for design –mid October -ADA unisex restroom -Drinking fountain -Shade porch Private Development Projects •Commercial •Residential North 40 Urban Farm •60,000 s.f.building •Wholesale floral market •Micro-brewery and tasting room •Organic garden and culinary demo kitchen •Locally-sourced produce market •Phase 1 scheduled to open April 2017 Westin Hotel and Timeshare •71 Hotel rooms •36 Timeshare units •144,000 s.f.including ground floor garage •December 2015 Planning Commission Robertson Ranch West Village •308 single family homes •100 senior apartments •264 market-rate apartments •Internal streets under construction •El Camino Real widening underway •156 acres –92 acres open space •636 residential units •1.5-ac. community facilities site and trails •1.3-ac. park and ride •Mass grading, storm drain, bridge underway Quarry Creek Seagrove •47 two and three-story townhomes •Live-work units, includes 6 affordable •1,200 to 3,000 s.f. •Models open •Priced from the mid $900’s QUESTIONS?