HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-26; City Council; 22201; Consider Introducing an Ordinance to Amend Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 5.60 Short-Term Vacation Rentals, Section 5.60.030At the May 5, 2015, City Council meeting, at which the City Council adopted the current regulations, staff had presented four geographic boundary options for allowing STVRs. Three of those options would have allowed short-term vacation rentals in the La Costa Resort and Spa Master P~an area, including the Balboa and Cortez buildings, as well as in other areas of the city. The City Council adopted the most restrictive option, limiting STVRs to the coastal zone only. Staff has provided aerial mapping information that details the unique locational setting of the Balboa and Cortez buildings. Both buildings are located inside the main entrance to the La Costa Resort & Spa, are completely surrounded by the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan boundary, and are situated more than 1,200 feet from the nearest residential neighborhood (Exhibit 4 and Exhibit 5). Should the City Council choose to reconsider their previous decision and allow short-term vacation rentals within the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area, to include the Balboa and Cortez buildings, staff has provided an Ordinance for introduction. Specifically, the Ordinance would amend Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 5.60 Short-term Vacation Rentals, Section 5.60.030, as follows (additions shown in underline): 5.60.030 Short-term Vacation Rentals. Short-term vacation rentals which comply with the requirements of this Chapter are permitted only in the coastal zone, and in the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area, to include the Balboa and Cortez buildings located at 2003 and 2005 Costa Del Mar Road. FISCAL IMPACT: Under Municipal Code Chapters 3.12 and 3.37, STVR owners/property managers would be required to pay the ten percent transient occupancy tax (TOT) and the one dollar per room night assessment to support the Carlsbad Tourism & Business Improvement District, respectively. Under Municipal Code Chapter 5.60, STVR owners/property managers are required to obtain business licenses and STVR permits, and to remit TOT and CTBID assessments, which generates additional revenue for the city. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Ordinance No. CS-291 to amend Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 5.60 Short-term Vacation Rentals, Section 5.60.030, to allow short-term vacation rentals in the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area, to include the Balboa and Cortez buildings located at 2003 and 2005 Costa Del Mar Road. 2. Letter dated December 9, 2015, from the Third La Costa Condominium Owners Association. 3. Letter dated January 4, 2016, from the Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Association. 4. Map of coastal zone, La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan area, and Balboa and Cortez building property. 5. Map showing distance between the Balboa and Cortez buildings and the nearest residential neighbors. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-291 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 5.60 SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS, SECTION 5.60.030, TO ALLOW SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTALS IN THE LA COSTA RESORT AND SPA MASTER PLAN AREA, TO INCLUDE THE BALBOA AND CORTEZ BUILDINGS LOCATED AT 2003 AND 2005 COSTA DEL MAR ROAD WHEREAS, on May 5, 2015, the Carlsbad City Council adopted Ordinance No. CS-272, amending the Carlsbad Municipal Code by adding Chapter 5.60 Short-term Vacation Rentals, establishing regulations governing short-term vacation rentals; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 5.60, Section 5.60.030 permits short-term vacation rentals only in the coastal zone; and WHEREAS, the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area, as well as the Balboa and Cortez buildings, are located outside of the coastal zone; and WHEREAS, during public comment at the June 23, 2015, City Council meeting, property owners from the Third and Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Associations (more commonly referred to as the Cortez and Balboa buildings respectively, or collectively as the La Costa Chateaus) requested that the City Council revisit and consider amending the city's regulations to allow short-term vacation re.ntals on their properties, which are located inside the main entrance to the La Costa Resort and Spa, but outside of the official La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area boundary; and WHEREAS, on June 23, 2015, the City Council directed staff to work with the owners to provide information that would be helpful to the council in considering their request, and return at a later date; and 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the Third and Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Associations have each adopted amendments to their Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to expressly allow short-term vacation rentals on their properties; and WHEREAS, the Third and Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Associations have submitted letters formally requesting that the Council amend Chapter 5.60 in light of those amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordains as follows 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Section 5.60.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 5.60.030 Short-term vacation rentals. Short-term vacation rentals which comply with the requirements of this Chapter are permitted only in the coastal zone and in the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area, to include the Balboa and Cortez buildings located at 2003 and 2005 Costa Del Mar Road. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. II II II II INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 26th day of January , 2016, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 1 2 3 4 5 6 Carlsbad on the __ day of _____ , 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: 7 NOES: 8 ABSENT: 9 10 11 12 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor ATTEST: BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk lli. CERTIFICATE OF AME\\'OMENT This instrument has been executed as ufthe date set forth below. T, the undersigned, do hereby certify: 1. That lam the duly elected an acting President of the Third La Costa Owners Association, a California non-protil, mutual benetlt corporation; 2. That the foregoing First Amendment to the Restated Declal'ation of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Third La Costa Owners Association, comprising rwo pages, is the first Amendment to the Restated Dedaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Third La Costa Owners Association duly adQpted by a vute of the m~ority of the voting power of Third La Costa Owners Association, TN WITNESS WHEREOF, l hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of said corporation this Ll day of § -e>Pre 11 i~ 13/2. , 201 s. · 2 ~J?.YJbJc_ President \:.1-F l~;·,c:\ L.. G\,. Co~-+<>-O"W rer 5 ,As So<.\ o.:i--\ or.. FIRST AMENDMENT· TO FIRST RESTATED DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDI'fiONS ~ RESTRJ:CTIONS FOR FOURTH LA COSTA CONDOMINIUM OWNERS ASSOCIATION This First Amendment to First Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Association (hereinafter "First Amendmenf') is recorded for the pmpose of amending the First Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Association (hereinafter "Declaration'') petiaining to FoUrth La Costa 9ondominium Owners Association (hereinafter "Association"). RECITALS A. The Association is a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation whose Members are the Owners of all the Condominium Units within that pertain real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State·of California, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. The Association's existing First Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Association ("Declaration") was recorded in the San Diego County Recorder's Office on October 14,2008 as Document No. 2008-0537260. C. The Association's existing Declaration, at ARTICLE XI, AMENDMENTS, Section 1, General, provides that the Declaration may be amended by the vote 6f a majority of the total voting power of the Association. Thus, Members representing at least 25 of the Association's 48 Units must vote in favor of a proposed amendment to the Association's Declaration in order for the proposed amendment to the · Declaration to be approved. PUl'suant to a membership vote conducted by secret ballot, Membe1·s representing 28 of the Association's 48 Units voted to approve this First Amendment on November 17, 2015. Accordingly, this First Amendment has been approved by the percentage of Members re·quired by the Association's existing Declaration pursuant to the amendment procedures set forth in the existing Declaration and California law. D. This Fjrst Amendment amends the Association's existing Declaration at ARTICLE VIII, LEASING OF UNITS. NOW, THEREFORE, the existing Declaration, at ARTICLE VIII, LEASING OF UNITS, is amended to add additional text as set forth below. The additional text is set forth in italics. Page 1 ofS I ··! ! l I (G) No Outstanding Violations. An Owner shall only be permitted to use such Owner's Unit for short-term rental purposes provided the Owner and/or the Owne1: 's Unit is (i) in full compliance with the Association's Governing Documents with no unresolved Governing Document violations as determined by the Board in accordance with due process and the disciplinary hearing procedures of the Association's Governing Documents or as provided by law, and (ii) not subject to any suspension of membership rights or privileges as a result of any discijJlinary proceeding conducted in accordance with due process and the disciplinary hearing procedures of the Association's Governing Documents or as provided by law. Further, if after due process and the discipltnary hearing procedures of the Association's Governing Documents, it is determined that three (3) separate violations of the Association's Governing Documents have occurred for any of the Owner's short-term rental unit(s) (regardless ofwhether it ts a single unit and/or multiple units) in a twelve (12) month period, an Owner's permitted ability to use any or all of the Owner's Unit(s) for short-term rentals under the Association's Governing Documents, including, but not limited to, this Section 3. Short-Term Rentals shall be .suspended for a minimum of90 days. Moreover, in addition to all other remedies provided by law and/or. in the Association's Governing Documents to collect unpaid assessments levied by the Association, if an Owner is more than 90 days delinquent in the payment of any and/or all assessments levied against the Owner's Unit (Regular Assessment, Special Assessment, Reimbursement Assessment or Short-Term Rental Assessment) an Owner's permitted ability to use any or all of the Owner's Unit(s) for shorMerm rentals under this Section 3. Short-Term Rentals shall be suspended for a minimum of90 days. (H) . Multiple Units. No Owner shall rent or lease more than a maximum of three (3) Units as a shorHerm rental regardless ofthe. number of Units any one Owner may own in the Association. Each Unit as shown on the Association's Condominium Plan is considered a single Unit. Further, two Units that have been altered to create one combined Unit shall still count as two Units for purpo~es of this short-term rental restriction in the Association. (I) Short-Term Rental Assessment. The Association's Board may impose a "short-term rental assessment" charge against only Owners who rent or'lease their Units as shorMerm rentals to defray any and all Association costs attributable to the short-term rental or leasing of Units within the Association. Such assessment shall not exceed the amount necessary to defray the costs for which the assessment is imposed . This completes the text of the First Amendment, It is intended that this First Am(mdment shall control , to the extent any other provisions of the Declaration may conflict with this First Amendment. This First Amendment shall take effect immediately upon recording. As so amended by .this First Amendment, the covenants, conditions, restrictions, and easements set forth in the Declaration shall run with the real property described in Exhibit "A" and shall be binding upon all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in the real property described in.Exhibit "A," or any pottion thereof, and shall inure to the benefit of each Owner thereof. The remaining provisions of the Declaration shall remain in full force and effect, except as expressly amended above. Page 3 ofS ExinBIT "A"-LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 2 of La Costa Condominiu,m No. 4 in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereofNo. 6520 filed in the Office of the County Re,corder of said County, on October 21, 1969. Jason Haber From: Sent: To: Subject: FYI r; . 'rc i ~ .. Jb. d ~ ar_s a City Library Steve Didier Sr. Management Analyst Carlsbad City library 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad, CA 92011 www.carlsbadlibrary.org Steven Didier Monday, September 21, 2015 12:42 PM Jason Haber FW: Short-Term Rentals 760-602-2014 I 760-602-7942 fax I steven.didier@carlsbadca.gov Facebook !Twitter I YouTube I Flickr I Pinterest I Enews Cole Library is closed for renovations through early 2016. For information about services during our closure, visit www.carlsbadca.gov/libraryredesigns. From~ Marilyn Grabowski [mailto:mgrabowski40890@roadrunner.com] Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2015 6:54 PM To: Steven Didier Subject: Re: Short-Term Rentals Hi Steve-- I understand Balboa has to yet voted, and has put it off. What bothered me when the votes were counted for Cortez (the anti-STrs lost but not by milch) is that many votes were tossed due to the fact that the person ·sending in the vote did not complete theJorm correctly. I do not personally think this was a correct reflection of the owners who live here and do not think that we had to go through the protocol of changing our CC&Rs just to get a reflection of the OWners' desires regarding this matter. Also, nothing was indicated in the revision to the CC&Rs about the homeowners' responsibility as far as the City was concerned (registering, paying the hotel tax for rentals within 30 days, providing management company with the names of the occupants~ etc etc etc. I could go on and on, but don't want to take up your time ... I'm sure you noticed that City of Anaheim has put a moratorium on short-term rentals due to complaints. In case you're wondering, incidentally, who I am, I was a former vice president ofPLA YBOY and worked for Hugh Hefuer for 43 years. I retired and purchased two condos in the Cortez building, anticipating peace & 1 quiet in our residence. I'ni happy that OMNI resort has weighed in on this, and still have hopes the City Council will keep the moratorium against short-term rentals at least for the time being. best regards, marilyn . On Sep 18, 2015, at 2:56PM, Steven Didier <Steven.Didier@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: Thank you for sharing this. I'll make this available to the council when this item returns to the counciL FYI -I understand that the Cortez building completed their vote but the Balboa building vote is still pending. Have you heard anything about the timing on the Balboa building HOAvote? <imageOOl.gif> Steve Didier Sr. Management Analyst Carlsbad City Library . 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad, CA 92011 www.carlsbadlibrarv.org 760-602-2014 I 760-602-7942 fax I steven.didier@carlsbadca.gov Facebook !Twitter I YouTube I Flickr I Pinterest I Enews Cole library is closed for renovations through early 2016. For information about services during our closure, visit www.carlsbadca.gov/librarvredesigns. From: Marilyn Grabowski [mailto:mgrabowski40890@roadrunner.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 1:30 PM To: Steven Didier Subject: Short-Term Rentals Steve, I wanted to share this notice, which had been sent by Omni's counsel to the boards (and homeowners) of both the Balboa and Cortez buildings. Thanks for your time, Marilyn Grabowski <image002.jpg> 2 '. Jason Haber From: Sent: To: Subject: FYI f;'-{_c arlsbad -aty.Ubra.ry Steve Didier Sr. Management Analyst· Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad, cA 92011 www.carlsbadlibrary.org Steven Didier Friday, September 18, 2015 2:57 PM Gary Barberio; Jason Haber; Colette Wengenroth; Cheryl Gerhardt; Kerry Jezisek; Debbie Fountain FW: Short-Term Rentals 760-602-2014 I 760-602-7942 fax I steven.didier@carlsbadca.gov Face book !Twitter 1· YouTube I Flickr I Pinterest I Enews Cole Library is closed for renovations through early 2016. For information about services during our closure, visit www.carlsbadca.gov/libraryredesigns. From: Marilyn Grabowski [mailto:mgrabowski40890@roadrunner.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 1:30 PM To: Steven Didier Subject: Short-Term Rentals Steve, I wanted to share this notice, which had been sentby Omni's counsel to the boards (and homeowners) of both the Balboa and Cortez buildings. · Thanks for your time, Marilyn Grabowski 1 ,. Leticia Reyes -----------------------------.AII-Reeeive-~Agenda-Jtem-~fu- Subject: FW: STVR Vote: 2005 Costa Del Mar, Unit 629 For the Information of the~ · CJ~COUNCIL . ACM _ CA __..:::_ CC ./ Date J. zc..-r.. City Manage;:-;::::- From: murphygroup@gmail.com [mailto:murphygroup@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Roberta Murphy ..__ Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 7:44AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: STVR Vote: 2005 Costa Del Mar, Unit 629 Below is email from Jennifer Haider, a La Costa Chateau owner. Both buildings officially voted overwhelmingly to change CCR's to specifically allow STVR's. CCR's in both buildings now reflect that change · and owners are anxious to follow City's guidelines for STVRs. Thank you, Roberta Murphy ----------Forwarded message---------- From: Jennifer Haider <jennehaider@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Jan 26,2016 at 7:04AM Subject: 2005 Costa Del Mar, Unit 629 To: Jason.Haber@carlsbadca.gov Cc: Ice <mihaider2@gmail.com>, Cindy <cindy@itrip.net>, Roberta Murphy <roberta@sandiegopreviews.com>, Kenneth Schenck <schenckkb@gmail.com>, Tafu Sagapolutele <tsagapolutele@associatedasset.com>, 11 Connie@champs-sd.com 11 <Connie@champs-sd. com> Hi Jason, we are the owners of Unit #629 at 2005 Costa Del Mar. We purchased the Unit in January, 2015 and spent 7 months having it renovated from the walls out. We spent over $120,000 in the renovation process. We have approximately $450,000 in our investment.· Our purpose and intent was to use this unit 3-5 months out of the year and rent the rest of the time. We have a Management Company, Northcoast, and are responsible owners. Our Management Company is professional and looks after the property. They attract only quality renters. We have no interest in renters who will destroy our property or cause an inconvenience to our neighbors. Given· our location with the LaCosta Spa and Resort, makes it really hard to understand the restriction put upon us. We are very excited that the Town will remove the restriction against weekly rentals today. Jennifer Haider Coldwell Banker Advantage 2 128 Highhouse Rd Cary, NC 2751 9 919 427-7205 1 Date: . t lab.,/t 6 Distribution: 7 . qity Clerk ASst. City Clerk Deputy _Clerk Book Short-Term Vacation Rentals in the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan Area January 26, 2016 Short-Term Vacation Rentals in the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan Area January 26, 2016 Background •Adopted Ordinance No. CS-272 on May 5, 2015 •Municipal Code Chapter 5.60, Short-term Vacation Rentals •Effective June 4, 2015 •Prior to adoption, City Council considered four geographical boundary options for allowing STVRs !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV POINSET TI A LNCA R L SBADBLPOINS E TTIA LN C A R L S B A D V ILL A G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OL L EGEBLCANNONRD T A M A R A C K AV ELCAMINOREAL RAN C HO S A N TAFERDM EL R OS E DRAVI ARAP YPACIFICOCEAN BUENA VISTA LAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd •Approved STVRs in the Coastal Zone The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •The La Costa Chateaus •Third & Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Associations •Two 48-unit condominium buildings •Inside La Costa main entrance, but outside of Master Plan area •Outside of the Coastal Zone The Balboa & Cortez Buildings CaliforniaCoastalZone La CostaResort & SpaMaster Plan Area Balboa andCortezProperty TAMARACKAV PALO M A R AIRPORTRD LACOSTAAV POINSETTIA LN C ARLSBADBLPOINSETTIA LN C ARL SB A D V IL LA GE D RCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD COLL EGEB LCANNONRD TAM AR A CK AV ELCAMINOREAL RAN C HO S A N TAFERDMELR OS E DRA VI ARAPY PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles Document Path: J:\RequestsMarch2015\CityManager\00014054_15\LaCostaMasterPlan.mxd The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •June 23, 2015 –City Council public comment •Owners request amendment to allow STVRs •City Council directed staff to work with the owners, gather more information and return at a later date The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •By majority vote of the owners, both associations approved CCR amendments to allow STVRs •Both associations have requested that the city amend the STVR regulations, in light of their CCR amendments The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •Surrounded by La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan •More than 1,200 feet from nearest residential neighbor ARENAL RD ALGARD COLUMBINEDRTANAGERDRTERRAZARIBERA REPO SAD ODRPASEOCANDELERO COTTONWOODAV GREENVIEWDR GALENAAV LA COSTA AV AMBROSIA LN CANNAS CT LOTUS C T MANZANITASTLILAC C T AVIARA PY SANDERL ING C T BIXBITEPLAMBERLN ASTER PL PACIFICORDVIACALAFIAMONT ANESLNCO RTE AZUL FER NPLGERANIUMST NAVARRA DRROCKDOVESTCOSTADELMARRDCA TA LP ARDSANDASTERDR ALICANTE RDADO L PHI ADRMURILLOLN SPOONBILLLN MIMOSAD R ESTRELLADEM A R R DPINTAIL D R ELCAMINOREALBLAC K B IRD CR BATIQUITOSDRA LTISMAWYALMADENLN SAC ADACRTERNPLDURANGOCR TORR EJONPLARENALLN ALTIVAPLCARINGAWY 1280 ft1280 ft 1570 ft1570 ft 1600 ft1600 ft 1630 ft1630 ft 0 500Feet Document Path: J:\RequestsMarch2015\CityManager\00014054_15\LaCostaAerialSlide2.mxd Balboa andCortezProperty La CostaResort & SpaMaster Plan Area Council Options •No action -STVR regulations remain unchanged, or •Introduce Ordinance No. CS-291, to amend CMC Chapter 5.60, Section 5.60.030 Short-term Vacation Rentals. Short-term vacation rentals which comply with the requirements of this Chapter are permitted only in the coastal zone, and in the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area, to include the Balboa and Cortez buildings located at 2003 and 2005 Costa Del Mar Road. !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV POINSET T IA LNCARLSBADBL P OIN S ETTIA L N C A R L S B A D V IL L A G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OLL EGEB LCANNONRD T A M A R A C K AV ELCAMINOREAL RAN C H O S A N TAFERDM EL R OSE DRAVI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOS LAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd •Option 1: Allow STVRs Citywide •Option 2: West of El Camino Real, and in the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan area, including Balboa and Cortez buildings !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV POINSET T IA LNCARLSBADBL P OINS ETTIA L N C A R L S B A D V IL L A G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OLL EGEB LCANNONRD T A M A R A CK AV ELCAMINOREAL RAN C H O S A N TAFERDM EL R OSE DRAVI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOS LAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV POINSET T IA LNCARLSBADBL P OINS ETTIA L N C A R L S B A D V IL L A G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OLL EGEB LCANNONRD T A M A R A CK AV ELCAMINOREAL RAN C H O S A N TAFERDM EL R OS E DRAVI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd •Option 3: Coastal Zone, West of I-5, and in the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan area, including Balboa and Cortez buildings Background •Adopted Ordinance No. CS-272 on May 5, 2015 •Municipal Code Chapter 5.60, Short-term Vacation Rentals •Effective June 4, 2015 •Prior to adoption, City Council considered four geographical boundary options for allowing STVRs !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV PO INS E T TI A LN C A R L SBADBLPOINS E TTIA LN C A R L S B A D V ILLA G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OL L EGEBLC A N N O N RD T A M A R A C K AV ELCAMINOREAL RANC HO S A N TAFERDM EL R O S E DRA VI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd •Approved STVRs in the Coastal Zone The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •The La Costa Chateaus •Third & Fourth La Costa Condominium Owners Associations •Two 48-unit condominium buildings •Inside La Costa main entrance, but outside of Master Plan area •Outside of the Coastal Zone The Balboa & Cortez Buildings CaliforniaCoastalZone La CostaResort & SpaMaster Plan Area Balboa andCortezProperty TAMARACKAV PALO M A R AIRPO RTRD LACOSTAAV POIN SETTIA LN C A RLSBADBLPOINSETTIA LN C A R L S B A D V IL LA G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD CO LL EGEB LCAN NON RD T A M A R A CK AV ELCAMINOREAL RAN C HO S A N TAFERDMELR OS E DRA VI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles Document Path: J:\RequestsMarch2015\CityManager\00014054_15\LaCostaMasterPlan.mxd The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •June 23, 2015 –City Council public comment •Owners request amendment to allow STVRs •City Council directed staff to work with the owners, gather more information and return at a later date The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •By majority vote of the owners, both associations approved CCR amendments to allow STVRs •Both associations have requested that the city amend the STVR regulations, in light of their CCR amendments The Balboa & Cortez Buildings •Surrounded by La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan •More than 1,200 feet from nearest residential neighbor ARENAL R D ALGARD COLUMBINEDRTANAGERDRTERRAZARIBERA REPO SAD ODRPASEOCANDELERO COTTONWOODAV GREENVIEWDR GALENAAV LA COSTA AV AMBROSIA LN CANNAS CT LOTUS CT MANZANITASTLILAC C T AVIARA PY SANDERL INGC T BIXBITEPLAMBERLNASTER PL PACIFICORDVIACALAFIAMONTANESLNCO RTE AZUL FER NPLGERANIUMST NAVARRA DRROCKDOVESTCOSTADELMARRDCA TA L P ARDSANDASTERDR ALICANTE RDADO L PHI ADRMURILLOLN SPOONBILLLN MIMOSAD R ESTRELLADEM A R R DPINTAIL D R ELCAMINOREALBLACK BIRD CR BATIQUITOSDRA LTISMAWYALMADENLN SACADACRTERNPLDURANGOCR TORR E JONPLARENALLN ALTIVAPLCARINGAWY 1280 ft1280 ft 1570 ft1570 ft 1600 ft1600 ft 1630 ft1630 ft 0 500Feet Document Path: J:\RequestsMarch2015\CityManager\00014054_15\LaCostaAerialSlide2.mxd Balboa andCortezProperty La CostaResort & SpaMaster Plan Area Council Options •No action -STVR regulations remain unchanged, or •Introduce Ordinance No. CS-291, to amend CMC Chapter 5.60, Section 5.60.030 Short-term Vacation Rentals. Short-term vacation rentals which comply with the requirements of this Chapter are permitted only in the coastal zone, and in the La Costa Resort and Spa Master Plan area, to include the Balboa and Cortez buildings located at 2003 and 2005 Costa Del Mar Road. !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV POINSET T IA LN C A R L SBADBL P OIN S ETTIA LN C A R LS B A D V ILL A G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OLL EGEBLC A N NO N RD T A M A R A C K AV ELCAMINOREAL RANC H O S A N TAFERDM EL R O S E DRAVI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd •Option 1: Allow STVRs Citywide •Option 2: West of El Camino Real, and in the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan area, including Balboa and Cortez buildings !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV POINSE T T IA LN C A R L SBADBL P OINS E TTIA LN C A R LS B A D V ILL A G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OL L EGEBLC A N N O N RD T A M A R A C K AV ELCAMINOREAL RANC H O S A N TAFERDM EL R OS E DRAVI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd !^ ?¸ CaliforniaCoastalZone TAMARACKAV PALO M A R A IR P ORT RD LA COSTAAV POINSE T T IA LN C A R L SBADBL P OINS E TTIA LN C A R LS B A D V ILL A G E DRCARLSBAD BL OLIVENHAIN RD ALGA RD C OL L EGEBLC A N N O N RD T A M A R A C K AV ELCAMINOREAL RANC H O S A N TAFERDM EL R O S E DRA VI ARAP Y PACIFICOCEAN BUENAVISTALAGOON AGUAHEDIONDALAGOON BATIQUITOSLAGOON 0 1Miles I Document Path: J:\Requests2010Plus\Library\5379132_14\Options_slides.mxd •Option 3: Coastal Zone, West of I-5, and in the La Costa Resort & Spa Master Plan area, including Balboa and Cortez buildings