HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-16; City Council; 22220; Affirm the 2016 City Council Strategic Policy GoalsLower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. The busy rail line that runs through the core ofthe community geographically divides Carlsbad. Railroad traffic, which will increase significantly in coming years, has a number of adverse effects on the City of Carlsbad, especially in the area between the Agua Hedionda and Buena Vista lagoons. With the planned addition of a second, parallel track through the Village and Barrio, the city has an opportunity to lower the tracks below street level, similar to what has been done in other coastal communities. Achieving this goal would result in improved safety and increased coastal access. Without this change, the future quality of life and business climate in the Village would be irreparably harmed, the Barrio would remain cut off from the coast, and public safety would be severely compromised. Become a leader in multi-modal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. The City Council expects Carlsbad to become a Leader in the broad array of plans and systems that support more efficient and effective means of moving people and goods around and through Carlsbad and the region, including technology that improves traffic signal coordination and vehicle operation. Major regional projects, including the McClellan-Palomar Airport master plan update, double tracking of the railroad, widening of 1-5 and reconfiguration of the 1-5/78 interchange, require continued policy-level involvement to ensure Carlsbad's interests are reflected in project design and implementation. Plan for a new city hall that will meet the future workplace and operational needs of the city and the community. Plan for a new city hall that will be a point of pride for citizens while greatly improving efficiency and effectiveness by centralizing an employee base that is currently spread through many facilities. A strategic approach to locating city operational functions will provide better coordination among city functions and enhanced customer service. Promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and retain talent in Carlsbad. The City Council will take a stewardship role in encouraging the development of high quality educational experiences that foster economic development, civic engagement and community leadership. This broad goal includes partnering with local school districts, working to attract an institution of higher education, and cultivating a community with life and workplace skills that will support Carlsbad's vision for the future. Several other items were identified as important, but did not make it into the top six items. Staff will continue work on existing efforts related to these items and periodically update city council their status. These items are: • Sustainable energy • Stewardship within the City • Public Art • Real Estate Assets • New Opportunities Next steps will include the development of a work plan by city staff for the six City Council approved goals. The work plan will include projects, programs and services along with budgetary information and schedules. City staff will bring the work plan to the City Council for approval. FISCAL IMPACT: No funding is being requested at this time. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2016-034 affirming the 2016 City Council Strategic Policy Goals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-034 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AFFIRMING THE 2016 CITY COUNCIL STRATEGIC POLICY GOALS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approved six goals during the Jan. 26, 2016 City Council Goal Setting Workshop, and directed city staff to develop a proposed fiscal year 2016-17 work plan; and WHEREAS, this year's annual goal setting workshop focused on identifying key policy goals for the next three to five years; and WHEREAS, City Council Members discussed long term, aspirational goals, and directed staff to return with specific language for each of the six goals, based on the City Council's discussion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That City Council's strategic policy goals are: • Enhance Carlsbad's coastline to ensure an exceptional experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. • Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio, two neighborhoods that represent the historic heart of Carlsbad. • Lower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. • Become a leader in multi-modal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. • Plan for a new city hall that will meet the future workplace and operational needs of the city and the community. 1 • Promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and 2 retain talent in Carlsbad. 3 Ill 4 Ill 5 Ill 6 Ill 7 Ill 8 Ill 9 Ill 10 11 Ill 12 Ill 13 Ill 14 Ill 15 Ill 16 Ill 17 Ill 18 19 Ill 20 Ill 21 Ill 22 Ill 23 Ill 24 Ill 25 Ill 26 27 Ill 28 -2- Strategic Policy Goals Jason Haber Feb. 16, 2016 Strategic Policy Goals •Enhance Carlsbad’s coastline to ensure an exceptional experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. •Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio, two neighborhoods that represent the historic heart of Carlsbad. Strategic Policy Goals •Lower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. •Become a leader in multi-modal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. Strategic Policy Goals •Plan for a new city hall that will meet the future workplace and operational needs of the city and the community. •Promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and retain talent in Carlsbad. Secondary Items •Sustainable energy •Stewardship within the City •Public Art •Real Estate Assets •New Opportunities Recommended Action Adopt Resolution No. 2016-034 Affirming the six Strategic Policy Goals