HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-14; City Council; 22316; Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-297 approving an amendment to the Robertson Ranch Master Plan MP 02-03H Cannon Rd Senior HousingItem 10; pg. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL AB# 22,316 ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. CS-297 APPROVING DEPT. DIRECTOR ~ MTG. 6/14/16 AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROBERTSON RANCH CITY ATTORNEY ;")K_ MASTER PLAN (MP 02-03(H)) DEPT. Clerk CANNON ROAD SENIOR HOUSING CITY MANAGER ilL- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. CS-297, approving an amendment to the Robertson Ranch Master Plan, MP 02-03(H) for property generally located southeast of the intersection of Cannon Road and Wind Trail Way, within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan, Planning Areas 22 and 23G, in Local Facilities Management Zone 14. ITEM EXPLANATION: Ordinance No. CS-297 was introduced and first read at the City Council meeting held on May 17, 2016. The second reading allows the City Council to adopt the ordinance which will become effective thirty days after adoption. The City Clerk will have the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance published within fifteen days, if adopted. FISCAL IMPACT: See Agenda Bill #22,296 on file in the Office of the City Clerk. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code, staff has conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the project could have any potentially significant impact on the environment. The environmental impact assessment identified potentially significant impacts to cultural resources and noise. Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design of the project or have been included as conditions of approval for the project such that all potentially significant impacts have been mitigated to below a level of significance. A Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) was published in the newspaper for review and comment. EXHIBIT: 1. Ordinance No. CS-297. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Sheila Cobian 760-434-2808 Sheila.Cobian@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY ~ COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D Item 10; pg. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-297 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN, MP 02-03(H) FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF CANNON ROAD AND WIND TRAIL WAY, WITHIN THE ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN, PLANNING AREAS 22 AND 23G, IN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 14. CASE NAME: CANNON ROAD SENIOR HOUSING CASE NO.: MP 02-03(H) Exhibit 1 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Robertson Ranch Master Plan MP 02-03 on November 14, 2006 by adopting Ordinance No. NS-822; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed and considered a Master Plan Amendment (MP 02-03(H)) for the Robertson Ranch Master Plan; and WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said Master Plan Amendment MP 02-03(H) be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordains as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Master Plan Amendment MP 02-03(H) dated April 20, 2016 attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference, is approved. The Master Plan shall constitute the development plan for the property and all development within the plan area shall conform to the plan. 3. That Master Plan Amendment (MP 02-03(H)) reorganizes and amends several pages of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan, as shown on the attached "Exhibit MP 02-03(H)". Removal of text is presented in a stril(ettlrs~gtl type format, while new additional text is shown in underline type format. Item 10; pg. 3 1 2 4. That the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission in Planning 3 Commission Resolution No. 7160 shall also constitute the findings and conditions of the City 4 Council. 5 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and 6 the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a 7 summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a 8 newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. 9 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on 10 the 17th day of May , 2016, and thereafter. 11 Ill 12 Ill 13 Ill 14 Ill 15 Ill 16 Ill 17 Ill 18 Ill 19 Ill 20 Ill 21 Ill 22 Ill 23 Ill 24 Ill 25 Ill 26 Ill 27 28 -2- Item 10; pg. 4 1 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 3 14'h day of June, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: 4 AYES: Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. 5 NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 6 7 8 9 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 10 11 12 CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney 13 14 15 ATIEST: 16 17 ~Oe~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- Item 10; pg. 5 Exhibit "MP 02-03H" April 20, 2016 ROBERTSON RANCH MASTER PLAN PROPOSED MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT PLANNING AREAS 22 AND 23G Proposed Revised Pages Item 10; pg. 6 LEGEND RLM Low-Medium Density (0-4 DUlAC) RM Medium Density (4-8 DUlAC) RMH Medium-High Density (8-15 DU/AC) RH High Density (15-23 DUlAC) R-23 Residential (15-23 DU/AC) @ L Community Facility/ Local Shopping Center OS Open Space ... ·Robertson Ranch MASTER PLAN PA7 RH PAS RH PA11 L @ "( ·PA 9/10 RLM WEST I EAST VILLAGE : VILLAGE __ _. __ _ I I I I OS I I I I I I I I I PA12 OS I I II r--: t . I i \ \ I. I ,. jl • • I ( i I i I I I , I lrr ~=~ • ••rl I:. \ \ \ \ I I I OS I I I I • I I ~0~ FIGURE NO. 1-6 I 1 GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP I I I ; I PAGE 1-12 Item 10; pg. 7 Robertson Ranch I. INTRODUCTION An amended LFMP accompanied the original Master Plan adoption in 2006. This LFMP included a revised constraints analysis which determined that the maximum number of dwelling units for the Robertson Ranch was 951 dwelling units (or 983 dwelling units if the Alternative Uses for the elementary school was implemented). However, the Robertson Ranch Master Plan was approved with the statement that a total of 171 additional units would be allocated to the Master Plan, bringing the total project units to 1,122 (1,154 with the Alternative Use sc~nario). The additional 171 units (under either the Elementary School or the Alternative Use scenario) will be made available from the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. Then in 2015. the City allocated 98 additional units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank to Planning Area 22 as part of their General Plan Update. As a result. the total number of residential units within the project is 1.252 units. The project site is bound on three sides by General Plan Circulation Element roadways, as indicated on Figure I-7, General Plan Roadways. El Camino Real forms the project site's southern boundary and is designated as a "Primary Arterial" in the General Plan Circulation Element and as a "Community Theme" Corridor in the City's Scenic Corridor Guidelines. College Boulevard and Cannon Road traverse the eastern portion of the site and both are designated ''Major Arterial" roadways by the General Plan Circulation Element, and as "Community Scenic Corridors" in the City's Scenic Corri~or Guidelines. Tamarack A venue, which forms the site's western boundary, is designated as a "Secondary Arterial" .in the General Plan Circulation Element. . . . D. Project Description The Robertson Ranch Master Plan is envisioned as a balanced master planned community which successfully integrates residential, commercial, recreational and open space land uses. As shown on the Master Plan Land Use Map, Figure II-3, the project design provides for the creation of a remarkable community composed of the 178.6-acre East Village and the 219.4-acre West Village. Table 1-1, Land Use Summary identifies the land uses proposed for each of the two villages. Since the original Master Plan approval in 2006, the Carlsbad Unified School District has rejected the Planning Area 13/14 Elementary School site. Thus, combined upon buildout, the villages of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan, including the Alternative Uses, comprise a total of +,l-M 1.252 dwelling units in a wide range of product types, densities and price ranges, including multifamily neighborhoods and dwelling units provided under the City's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. The land uses within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan have been chosen to provide residents the opportunity to live, shop and enjoy open space and active recreational facilities within their own community, As· a result, each of the villages has a distinct set ofland uses, physically linked by a pedestrian circulation system and thematically linked through the implementation of strong, consistent landscape design theme and related architecture. Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015January5, 2016 Pagel-14 Item 10; pg. 8 Robertson Ranch I. INTRonucTroN Table 1-1 Land Use Summary General Plan Development Gross)lcreageONet) Units Designation Type East West Total East West Total~ Village Village Village2 Village2 RLM2 Single Family 0.0 9.7 9.7 0 36 36 Residential Low-Medium (8,500 s.f. min. lot size) (9.5) (9.5) Density Single Family 0.0 20.3 20.3 0 74 74 (0-4 dulac) (6,000 s.f. min. lot size) (18.5) (18.5) Single Family 68.0 22.2 90.2 320 113 433 RM (5,000 s.f. min. lot size) (66.4) (19.1) (85.5) Residential Medium Density Single Family 17.1 17.1 (4-8 dulac) (4,000 s.f. min. lot size) 0.0 (15.4) (15.4) 0 85 85 RMH Residential Medium High Courtyard Homes 9.0 0.0 9.0 84 0 84 Density (7.0) (7.0) (8-15 dulac) RH/R-23 H 11.0 21.7 32.7~ Residential Higl;l Density Multifamily (2.lH ) (16.9) . (26.2*A) 176+& 364 5404G (15-23 dulac) RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL: 88.0o.6 91.0 179.0t-+l.S ssom 3 6723 1.2521,H4 (81.8%.9) (79.4) (156.3) I Dens1ty based on estimated net developable acreage. 2 Affordable units will be provided within each Village, in conformance with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. 3 Unit distribution may change if units are transferred between Planning Areas or Villages, in accordance with Master Plan Section II.F. Robertson Ranch Master Plan Mf!.y 19, 2015Janua.rv 5. 2016 Density1 East West Total Village Village 0.0 3.8 3.8 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.8 5.9 5.0 5.5 5.5 12.0 0.0 12.0 21.0~ 21.5 18.7~ 7.16.4 8.4 8.0!f..-3 Pagei-15 Item 10; pg. 9 Robertson Ranch r. INTRooucnoN Table 1-1 Land Use Summary (Cont'd) General Plan Development Gross Acreage (Net) Units Density1 Designation Type East West Total East West Total2 East West Total Village Village Village2 Village2 Village Village UCF 15.3 15.3 Local Shopping Village Center 0.0 (12.0) ---- - - Center/Community Facility (12.0) OS Community Recreation5 2.0 1.0 3.0 Open Space (2.0) (1.0) ---- --(3.0) G:ffiee PA 22 Gffi.:ee {}-;{) M M.i ~) ~ ---- -- Community Facilities Community Facilities 0.0 2.3 2.3 ------ OS City Park 0.0 16.1 16.1 Open Space (16.1) ------(16.1) OS Water Quality Facility 2.9 0.0 -2.9 .. - -----Open Space (2.9) (2.9) OS 88.3 Open Space Open Space Preserve 72.4 160.7 ----- OS PA 23G Open Space 1.1 1.1 Open Space Roads Roads 13.16 5.4 18.5 ------ NONRESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL: 91.598.1 128.4 219.9ll-6.S (29.17) (34.04(}.(}) ------@:21M) MASTER PLAN TOTALS: 178.6 219.4 398.08(186.0)9 580~ 672 1.252~8 (83.9) (102.1) -- . . ... 5 Commumty Recreation totalts approxrmately 3.0 acres. Additional recreation facilities Will be provtded Within each restdential planmng area pursuant to the Master Plan and Planned Development Ordinance. 6 Includes 12.8 acres of College Boulevard and Cannon Road constructed on-site as part of Calavera Hills II. 8 In accordance with Master Plan Sections ll.F and V.E, acreage totals and unit distribution may be modified if the 5. 7 -acre Option Parcel located between Planning Aieas 22 and 23F is incorporated into the Master Plan through a Focused Master Plan Amendment. Total Master Plan acreage would increase to 403.7. 9 Total Master Plan net acreage is based on the Zone 14 LFMP net constraints acreage and is not reflective of the net acreage values shown herein for each General Plan Designation. Robertson Ranch Master Plan MQ,J• 19, 2015January 5. 2016 Pagei-16 Item 10; pg. 10 Robertson Ranch l. INTRODUCTION Extensive design guidelines and implementation standards ensirre high quality development and recognizable community identities, while providing the architectural and landscape design flexibility necessary to successfully accommodate future market demands. In addition, the project design has incorporated the requirements of the City's Livable Neighborhood Policy and Livable Streets Ordinance and reflects smart growth elements, as exemplified by the Ahwahnee Principles. East Village Land Uses The Architectural Design Guidelines are intended to evoke a rural atmosphere by utilizing the architectural elements consistent with both traditional European and related early California design. The Landscape Design Guidelines establish the project's character and provide thematic continuity throughout the entire community. Through the thematic blending of hardscape and planting elements, the landscape plan helps create a strong "sense of identity." Elements of the landscape theme include appropriately landscaped common areas and landscape materials identified with rural communities, including river rock, stone, clusters and groves of trees, wood materials, earth-tone colors, and a diversity of materials. The 178.6-acre East Village provides 482 dwelling units within sevell5HE residential neighborhoods consisting of four planning areas totaling 320 dwelling units on 5,000 square-foot lotg2, one planning area consisting of 84 courtyard homes, and a multifamily neighbor4ood composed of 78 units and a senior housing site composed of 98 senior units. The affordable units for the East Village will be accommodated in the multifamily neighborhood. The majority of the East Village single-family neighborhoods will utilize a grid-pattern of streets, resulting in a high degree of internal connectivity, in conformance with the Ahwahnee Principles. The nonresidential portion of the East Village includes 2.0 net acres of the required Community Recreation facilities within a centrally-located community park site, and-approximately 16.5 acres of roads. The East Village also provides approximately 72.4 acres of open space, mostly located within the wildlife corridor, as well as recreatiop. and circulation trails to encourage alternative transportation methods, in conformance with the Ahwahnee Principles. Planning Area 22, located south of Cannon Road between Street "A" and Street "0" within the East Village, shall be designated for office usehigh density senior housing and a permanent RV storage facility for the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. 2 Within Planning.Area 18, a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet is permitted for those lots which abut Cannon ·Road. · · Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, "015Januarv 5. 2016 Pagei-17 Item 10; pg. 11 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION Table ll-1 General Plan Designations General Plan Description Density Range Growth Control Point Designations Dwelling units per acre RLM • Residential Low Medium 0-4 3.2dulac RM • Residential Medium 4-8 6 dulac RMH • Residential Medium High 8-15 11.5 dulac RH • Residential High 15-23 l 19 dulac R-23 • Residential Density 23 15-23 dulacj 19 dulac CF • Community Facilities -- L ,. Local Shopping Center -- OS • Park -- • Open Space • Wildlife Corridor • Community Park • Water Quality Facility • Community Recreation Areas , • Fire Station2 OS • Open Space (Hillside) -- 1. Residential High Density may exceed 23 dulac per the requirements of CMC Chapter 21.53.120 and the City Housing Element policies regarding high de:risity and State requirements to provide affordable housing. 2. The City of Carlsbad owns 2.0 acres within Planning Area 12 for purposes of constructing a fire station. 3. The General Plan requires that the P A 22 density be developed at between 20-23 dulac. C. Zoning Regulations The properties within the boundaries of this Master Plan are zoned Planned Community (P-C), as depicted on Figure Il-l, Zoning Map. However, the P-C Zone stipulates that development within · a P-C Zone niay only occur in conformance with an approved Master Plan for the site. The underlying Master Plan land use zoning is shown in Figure II-2, Underlying Master Plan Zone Designations. This Master Plan complies with Chapter 21.3 8 of Carlsbad Municipal Code, Planned Community Zone (P-C Zone) and shall constitute the zoning for all lands within the Master Plan. No person shall use or develop any land located within the boundaries defined by the Master Plan in a manner which is contrary to the provisions of the Master Plan. All provisions of the Master Plan are imposed as a condition of zoning. Approval of this document does not affect the applicability of all other City ordinances in effect at the time building permits are issued. Pursuant to Section 21.38.030(d) of the City of Carlsbad Municipal Code, where a conflict in regulation occurs, the provisions of this Master Plan shall control. Pursuant to Section 21.38.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, uses permitted in theE-A zone (agricultural uses) are permitted in the P-C Zone and shall be permitted as interim uses by the Master Plan. Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015Januarv 5, 2016 Pageii-7 Item 10; pg. 12 LEGEND R-1 -6,000 R-l-8,500 RO-M CLICF L-C OS OS (CR) OS (P) ; One Family Residential Zone -6,000 SF Lot Size I - lOne Family Residential Zone-8,500 SF Lot Size Residential Density-Multiple Zone Local Shopping Center/ Community Facility limited Control Open Space Open Space (Community Recreation) Open Space (Park) PA4 OS (CR) Robertson Ranch MASTERPLAN -, • I I I I I ( I I .l ~ «i WEST : EAST l I 0%~ VILLAGE -I VILLAGE I ~ Q-$-• ' OS \ \ \ \ \ l '&' o1' I . , ' /,..-------------"'-----,----------------.. PA7 RD-M PA 11 CUCF PA 9/10 RO-M OS PA12 OS (P) PA16 RD-M OS I : 1 I PA18 RD-M A19 OS (CR) I I I I I I I I r· 1H 0 . sr ~ I '•II -...... El2J . FIGURE NO. 11-2 PAGE 11-9 Item 10; pg. 13 1. Actual numlm" of a~ unlls thlllwlll be provided wiJhk\ rh• Mlllifam~ly Resldanlial nei!Jhbortloodsofa:'l!Vibg.cflh~ Mas1erPianw~ be nolu:slha.o 15% of\hetotal nLnnber cfunitsapprovedlbreachVib;e. ~ 2.. lnclud111 12.8llernafCilllOOn Road and CoH•g• Blvd. 3. Nat a~:ns ucluclu brush mamgemenl · 4. Minimumlot.sWlof4,5UDs.:tisp~dOii)'forlotsv.tlichabui.CanoonRoat. 5. SeeZono14LFMPforNe\Cot1Sirain!SAt:rl!r.lpc!S. G Umits of HardUne-Map Boundary m Brush Management per HM~ Hardline Map PA2 2.3 Gross AC. Community Facility Site Robertson Ranch MASTER PLAN PA4 1.0 Gross AC. 1.0 NetAC. Community Recreation PA11 15.3 Gross AC. 12.0 NetAC. Village Center/ Commercial C.F. PA 9/10 20.3 Gross AC. 18.5 NetAC. 4.1 DU/AC. 75 Du's 6,000 S.F. Lots WEST VILLAGE EAST VILLAGE PA 20 2.9 Gross AC. 2.9 NetAC. Water Quality Facility 23G 1.1 Gross Ac. Open Space t! I I PA18 222 Gross AC. 21.3 NetAC . . 52DUIAC. 1~0 Du's 4,$00-5,000 S.F. L..ofl; PA19 2.0 Gross AC. 2.0 NetAC. Community Recreation Proposed High School Site ~~~I ·-~ ~OOES . FIGURE NO. 11-3 .I j l MASTER PLAN LAND USE MAP i! PAGE 11-11 II Item 10; pg. 14 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION Table 11-2 Detailed Land Use Summary Land Use Underlying Land Use Planning Gross Net Growth Net GCP Proposed Designation Zoning Area Acres Acres Control Density du's1 du's Point (dulac) WEST VILLAGE-RESIDENTIAL .. RM RD-M Medium Density Residential 3 17.1 15.4 6.0 dulac 5.5 92.4 85 (4,000 s.f.) RLM R-1-8,500 Low-Medium Density 5 9.7 9.5 3.2 dulac 3.8 30.4 36 Residential (8,500 s.f.) RM RD-M Medium Density Residential 6 17.7 14.8 6.0 dulac 5.9 86.4 87 (5 000 s.f.) RH.L RD-M Multifamily 7 7.0 5.1 19.0 dulac 22.7 96.9 116 RH.L RD-M Multifamily 8 14.7 11.8 19.0 dulac 21.0 224.2 248 RLM R-1-6,000. Low-Medium Density 9110 20.3 18.5 3.2 dulac 4.0 59.2 74 Residential (6,000 s.f.) RM RD-M Medium Density Residential 13 4.5 4.3 6.0 dulac 6.0 27.6 26 (5,000 s.f.) Villa2e Total --91.0 79.4 -9.7 617.1 672~ EAST VILLAGE2-RESIDENTIAL RM RD-M Medium Density Residential 14 3.6 3.3 6.0 dulac 4.8 19.8 16 (5,000 s.f.) RH RD-M Multifamily 15 3.5 3.5 19.0 dulac 22.3 66.5 78 RM RD.-M Medium Density Residential 16 17.0 16.8 6.0 dulac 5.1 100.8 85 (5,000 s.f.) RM RD-M Medium Density Residential 17 25.2 25.0 6.0 dulac 4.4 150.0 109 (5,000 s.f.) RM RD-M Medium Density Residential 184 22.2 21.3 6.0 dulac 5.2 127.8 110 (4,500 to 5,000 s.f.) I RMH RD-M Courtyard Residential 21 9.0 7.0 11.5 dulac 12.4 80.5 84 R-23 RD-M Senior Housing 22 4.9 4.9 12.0 dulac 20.0 92.7• 98 Village Total --85.481h5 81.s:J6.» -7.1M 570.5~ 5~0~3 ..& RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL -176.4-J..:lh 161.2-154 -7.8 1,187.6f, 1.2524;1-§45 .§. ~ .J-6U; Notes: !-Residential Hi15h Density may exceed 23 dulac up to a maximum of32 dulac on Planning Areas 7 and 8 per the requirements ofCMC Chapter 21.53.120 (Density Modification). Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015Januarv 5, 2016 Pagell-12 Item 10; pg. 15 Robertson Ranch ll. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION Table 11-2 Detailed Land Use Summary (Continued) Land Use Underlying Land Use Planning Gross Net Growth Net GCPdu's Designation Zoning Area Acres Acres Control Density Proposed Point (dulac) du's WEST VILLAGE-NON-RESIDENTIAL CF CF Community Facilities 2 2.3 2.0 -------- OS OS-P Community Recreation 4 1.0 1.0 -------- CFIL CF/L Commercial/Community 11 15.3 12.0 -------- Facilities OS OS-P City Park-Fire Station 12 16.1 16.1 -------- OS OS Open Space 1, 23A-88.3 ----------I 23C --Roads --5.4 ---------- Village Total --128.4 31.1 ------- EAST VILLAGE-NON-RESIDENTIAL ~OS OS-P Community Recreation 19 2.0 2.0 ------- OS OS Water Quality Facility 20 2.9 2.9 ------- R-23~ RD-MG-RV StorageOffice/RJ,' 22~ 0.56,.6-Q..2.6,.6. £klmge OS OS O_])_en Space 23D-23G 73.5 ---- --------Roads --. 14.3Hti-' ---------- Villag_e Total --93.298-d 5.4H.S ----- NON -RESIDENTIAL SUBTOTAL --221.62U. 36,54*-6 ------ -3- MASTER PLAN TOTAL --398.09 197.71-94,. N/A 1.187.6l-;l-6 1.252!,l-S42 $ ~ 1. GCP.du's are derived by multiplying Net Acres by the Growth Management Control PoilltDensity. 2. Affordable units will be provided in each Village, in confonnance with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. 3. Unit distribution may change if units are transferred between Planning Areas or Villages, as descnbed in MasterPlan Section TI.F. 4. Minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet is pennitted for lots within Planning Area 18 which abut Canuon Road. 5. Includes 12.8 acres of Cannon Road and College Boulevard. 6. Acreage would ~crease to 403.7 if the Option Parcel is included in the Master Plan. 7. Master Plan Total Net Acres is based on the Zone 14 LFMP net constraints acreage and is not reflective of the net acreage values shown herein for each Planuing Area. 8. Overall Master Plan Density is calculated based on the net constraints acreage, per the Zone 14 LFMP. 9. Unit distribution and/or total number of units may change if a Major Master Plan Amendment is processed and approved to include the Option Parcel within the Master Plan as a residential neighborhood, in accordance with Master Plan Sections II.F and V.E. Note: Road acreages are to the edge ofrjght-of-way. Planning Area acreages include landscape setbacks where required. Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015January 5, 2016 '· Pageii-13 Item 10; pg. 16 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION 2. East Village Land Uses Residential land uses within the East Village include a maximum of 58Q4..&2, dwelling units, composed of 404 single family residential dwelling units (320 single family units on 5,000 square foot lots2 and 84 courtyard homes),---and 78 multifamily units and 98 senior housing units. Non-residential land uses in the East Village include 2.0 acres of community recreation, and 72.4 acres of natural andre-vegetated open space. An additional 0.55~ acres within the East Village are reserved as an office use and RV storage lot (i.e., Planning Area22). 3. West Village Land Uses Land Uses within the West Village include 672 dwelling units, composed of364 multifamily units and 308 detached single family units. The single family units will be distributed as follows; 85 units on 4,000 square foot lots, 113 units on 5,000 square foot lots, 74 units on 6,000 square foot lots and 36 units on 8,500 square foot lots. Included within the multi- family units located on Planning Areas 7 and 8 will be approximately 100 units of senior housing within Planning Area 7. Nonresidential uses within the West Village will include 1.0 net acre of centralized community recreation uses, Village Center commercial uses, a City park and fire station, and Community Facility uses. 4. Master Plan Buildout Upon buildout of the Master Plan, the two villages combined will provide 1 .252~ dwelling units, consisting of 628 single-family residential units, 84 cluster [courtyard] residential units, and 54~ multifamily residential units (including the required number qf affordable units). It is important to note that the total number of required affordable units within the master plan as a whole, or within the individual villages, may increase or decrease depending upon the total final number of approved dwelling units, pursuant to City requirements.· The nonresidential component of the Master Plan includes a 12.0 net-acre Village Center, community recreational uses on 3.0 acres within Planning Areas 4 and 19, Community Facility site on 2.0 acres, an RV parking facility, a City park on 16.1 acres, a water quality' facility on 2.9 acres, 23.7 acres of roadways, and 161.8 acres of open space, including more than 67 percent of the 71.6 acres of existing Diegan coastal sage scrub habitat, as well as riparian and wetland habitat. The actual acreage of the community facilities will be based on the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section 21.25.070, and the actual acreage of community recreation will be based upon CMC Section 21.45.060. The overall residential density of the Master Plan is 3. 7 dwelling units per acre (based on the Zone 14 LFMP Net Constraints Acreages). · 2 Within Planning Area 18, a minimum lot size of 4,500 s.f. is permitted for those lots which abut Cannon Road. Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015Januarv 5. 2016 Pageii-14 Item 10; pg. 17 Robertson Ranch II. DETAlLED PLAN DESCRIPTION a) Single family hQusing (1) Single-family detached housing on 8,500 square foot mnnmum lots in Planning Area 5. (2) Single-family detached housing on 6,000 square foot minimum lots in Plimning Area 9/10. (3) Single-family detached housing on 5,000 square foot mnnmum lots in Planning Areas 6, 13, 14, 16, 17 and 183• (4) Single-family detached housing on 4,000 square foot minimum lots in Planning Area 3. ( 5) Detached single family courtyard condominium homes are in Planning Area 21. b) Multifamily Housing Multifamily housing, in the form of attached products including but not limited to condominiums, townhomes, apartments, stacked flats, duplexes, triplexes, and six- plex buildings in Planning Areas 7, ·8,--arui 15 and 22. The affordable housing requirements for the Master Plan as specified in the Carlsbad Inclusionary Housing Ordinance are accommodated within these multifamily planning areas. c) Mfordable housing (1) General Requirements: The provision of ''lnclusionary'' or "affordable" housing in all new developments is required by the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. The requirements applicable to locating and constructing these housing units are stipulated in the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, City Municipal Code Chapter 21.85. Sub-section 21.85.050 indicates in part, that "the required number of lower-income Inclusionary units shall be fifteen (15%) percent of the total residential units, approved by the final decision making authority." "Lower-income" households are defined by sub-section 21.85.020 as, " ... households ... whose gross income does not exceed eighty (80%) percent of the median income for San Diego County as determined annually by the U.S. Department ofHousing and Urban Development." The Robertson Ranch Master Plan is obligated to provide a maximum of 174 dwelling units which are affordable to lower-income households (80% median income) based on the total number of allowed units within the project, as shown on Table II-3, Lower-Income Affordable Housing Requirements. The inclusionary housing obligation of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan is based qn the total number of dwelling units. This obligation shall be adjusted in proportion to the total number of approved and constructed dwelling units within each Village. The actual number of required lower-income units will be based on the final number of dwelling units appro~ed for each Village within 3 Within Planning Area 18, a minimum lot size of 4,500 s.f. is permitted for those lots iwhich abut Cannon Road. Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015January5. 2016 Pagell-16 Item 10; pg. 18 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION the Master Plan. Each Village will be responsible for providing their proportional share of affordable units based on the number of approved units in each village. If the required West Village senior housing units meet the affordability criteria, then those units shall meet the requirements of this Master Plan for both senior and the inclusionary requirement. Thus, senior housing units that are restricted to the appropriate lower income rates shall qualify as combined affordable/senior housing projects. Table ll-3 Lower-Income Mfordable Housing Requirements Village East West Total Proposed Dwelling Units 482 672 1,154 101 174 In addition, and in conformance with the Ahwahnee Principles, the Robertson Ranch Master Plan will exceed the inclusionary housing obligations of Chapter 21.85 of the Municipal Code by providing additional units affordable to "moderate-income" households within the West Village of the Master Plan. Moderate-income units, for the purposes of this section, shall be defined as those units that are affordable to households whose gross income does not ·exceed one-hundred twenty percent (120%) of the median income for San Diego County as determined annually by the U.S. Department ofHousing and Urban Development. As negotiated with the City of Carlsbad, 56 moderate- income units shall be provided within the West Village of the Master Plan. Moderate-income units may be provided as' for-sale condominium units or for-rent apartments, and may be included as part of an affordable housing development. Housing for se:J?.ior citizens, as defined by Municipal Code Section 21.84.030, is also required in the West Village and these senior units may contribute to satisfying the affordable J;lousing requireme;nts. Therefore, the East Village shall provide a total of73 low income (80% of the median income) affordable housing units. The West Village shall provide a total of 101low (80% ofthe median income) plus 56 moderate (120% ofthe median income) affordable units. The West Village shall also' provide the required 100 senior units; however these senior units may be accommodated within the West Village 157 (101 . du + 56 du) unit affordable program. Twenty percent (20%) of the senior housing units within Planning Area 22 shall be affordable to low income residents. (2) Affordable Housing Agreement I Site Development Plan: (a) Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015January 5, 2016 No building permit shall be issued for any affordable housing project unless an Affordable Housing Agreement and Site Development Plan have been approved for the project. Site Development Plans shall be processed as required by Chapter 21.53.120 of the City Municipal Code. The Site Development Plan and Affordable Housing Pageii-17 Item 10; pg. 19 LEGEND Open Space -Park Community Recreation Areas to be Developed Q Regiona] Trail Connection/ Trailhead' ~·•••••••3 Future City-wide Trail Note: Community recreation areas shaD be located within each multi-famUy planning area where apartments are proposed and within each planning area proposed for condominiums or small-lot planned development subject to the requirements fa the Master Plan. " PA2_X" 2.3 Gross AC. CommunitY Facil.ity Site PA4 1.0 Gross AC. 1.0 NetAC. Community Recreation Robertson Ranch PA 11 15.3 Gross AC. 12.0 NetAC. Village Center/ Commercial C.F. PA 9/10 20.3 Gross AC. 18.5 NetAC. 4.1 DU/AC. 75 Du's 6,000 S.F. Lots WEST VILLAGE EAST VILLAGE PA16 17.0 Gross AC. 16.8 NetAC. 5.1 DUlAC. 85 Du's 5,000 S.F. Lots PA20 2.9 Gross AC. 2.9 NetAC. Water Quality Facility . PA23G 1.1 Gross AC. Open Space !': 'I I I ,. ,, ., PA18 · 222 Gross AC. IJ 21.3 NetAC. 1 5.2 DU/AC. 1 110 Du's ~ 4,500-5,000 S.F. Lots I ' I; PLANNING SYSTEMS I ••II POTENTIAL LOCATION FOR CITY-WIDE TRAIL POTENTIAL LOCATION FOR REGIONAL TRAIL CONNECTION/ TRAILHEAD ~083 FIGURE NO. 11-4 ~~EN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN MASTERPLAN---------------------------------~------------~------------------------------------------------------~:-1 ------~-----------------PA_G_E_I __ I~1 '. Item 10; pg. 20 Robertson Ranch II. DETAILED PLAN DESCRIPTION F. General Provisions 1. Growth Management The Robertson Ranch Master Plan shall comply with all provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, Section 21.90 (Growth Management Program). The Master Plan developer or the developer of any portion of the Master Plan, by pulling building permits pursuant to the Master Plan and the Local Facilities Management Plan (LFlVIP) and the Finance Plan, agrees that all of the dedication and other public facility requirements imposed as a condition of the Zone 14 LFlVIP and the Finance Plan, are reasonably necessary to serve the needs of the development for which the building permits are required. · The Growth Management Ordinance provides "Growth Management Control Points" which determine the maximum number of dwelling units permitted for a given· area. Pursuant to the LFMP for Zone 14 and the Growth Management Ordinance, a constraints analysis was performed for the Robertson Ranch Master Plan which determined that, based on the Growth Control Points for LFMP Zone 14 and the amount of unconstrained lands on-site, the maximum number of units permitted within the Master Plan is 983. Of these units, 476.5 are allocated to the East Village and 506.5 are allocated to the West Village, although the number of units allocated to each Village may change if units are transferred between Villages. However, 171 units have been allocated to the Master Plan from the City's Excess Dwelling Unit Bank per the Alternative Use scenario. Any additional requirements for affordable units, restrictions,. or conditions associated with the provision of these 171 units shall be applied only to the Village in which the units are to be constructed. Additional requirements for 56 moderate-priced units shall be required in the West Village, pursuant to an affordable housing agreement however these units are included in the 203 unit calculation from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. 2. Maximum Number of Dwelling Units As discussed above, the number of dwelling units permitted within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan shall be 1,154 units, based on the Growth Control Points and constraints analysis established by the LFlVIP for Zone 14 and the provision of additional units pursuant to Section 21.90.045 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The land use change associated with the 2015 General Plan Update may increase the total unit count by 98 senior housing units. These residential uses shall be distributed within the Master Plan area as shown in Table II-2, Detailed Land Use Summary. 3. Transfer of Dwelling Units Density transfers within the Master Plan are permitted, but are subject to the following conditions: Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, ?Q15Januarv5. 2016 Pageii-31 Item 10; pg. 21 Robertson Ranch II. DETAlLED PLAN DESCRIPTION • Units may be transferred between Villages or between residential planning areas within a village, provided however: a) that the transfer of units was addressed within the adopted Master Plan as an alternative use for the Planning Area( s) proposed to increase in density; b) the transfer does not result in the net densitY of any Planning Area being increased greater than 10 percent of the density stated in the Master Plan; and c) the transfer does not result in the density of a Planning Area to fall below the density range of its General Plan land use designation. The overall unit count of the project shall not exceed the maximum number of units provided for by this Master Plan regardless of the above density transfer provisions except as otherwise provided by Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. • Only those Planning Areas that are designated for residential use by this Master Plan may receive transferred units, including Planning Area 11. • If units are transferred between ViJlages, then the affordable housing obligation and recreation requirements for each Village shall be revised accordingly. • As discusse~ in Section V, MAsTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES, a Minor Master Plan Amendment shall be required for each proposed transfer of density of 10 percent or less within the Master Plan and a Major Master Plan Amendment shall be required for density transfers exceeding 10 percent. 4. Option Parcel-Not a Part (N.A.P.) Approximately 5.7 acres of land located between Planning Areas 22 and 23F is shown on the Master Plan exhibits as being Not a Part and is identified as the Option ParceL Ownership of this Option Parcel was transferred to the Rancho Carlsbad Home Owners Association (RCHOA) in 2011 and the area has been designated Open Space. 5. Unplanned Area Planning Area 22 was designated in the original Master Plan approvals as an "Unplanned Area" with the intent that final Land Use designations would be determined upon the completion of a comprehensive land use study for Planning Area 22 and the adjacent "Option ParceL" This work was accomplished in 2010, and revised in 2015. Planning Area 22 has been officially decreased in size (a portion designated as open space Planning Area 23G) and designated in the Master Plan for senior housing residentialGf:Hee anQ, RV Storage, and open space land uses. 6. Recordation Notice of the approval of the Robertson Ranch Master Plan by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad shall be recorded with the County of San Diego Recorders Office. Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015Januarv 5, 20f6 Pagell-32 Item 10; pg. 22 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS q) Planning Area 22-Senior HousingOffiee and RV Storage -Site Zoning Regulations and Criteria (see Figure ill-17, Planning Area 22) Description Planning Area 22 consists of approximately 5.44:-§.8 gross acres and is provided access via a local street or driveway extending from the intersection of Street "A" and Cannon Road. Planning-Area 22 is designated for Offiee Senior Housing and RV storage lot uses. Implementation of Master Plan Vision and Goals Planning Area 22 shall be designed in a manner consistent with the Master Plan Vision and Goals and the Ahwahnee Principles. Planning.Area 22 shall accommodate all of the RV storage required for the Master Plan as required pursuant to_ Seetion 21.45.060 of the CaFlshad Municipal Codethe requirements of this Master Plan. Land Use Regulations • General Plan Land Use Designation: 0 (Offiee and Related Commereial)R-23 (Residential15-23 dulac) _• _Underlying Zone Designation: 0 (Office Chap. 21.27)RD-M (Residential Density-Multiple. Development standards (C.M.C. Chapter 21.24) and Housing for Senior Citizens (Chapter 21.84) • Dwelling Unit Allocation: 98 senior housing units • J.\llowed Uses Permitted and conditional uses shall he those identified in the 0 Zone (Carlsbad Mumeipal Code 21.27.020).Density: The minimum density shall be no less than 20.0 dulac. Required Development Permits _• _Site Development Plan permit for site plan approval. • Conditional Use Permit for senior housing • Any other discretionary permit deemed necessary based on the proposed use. Development Standards • Development of P A 22 shall comply with all applicable regulations and development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including zoning standards for the 0 Zone (21.27),Chapter 21.24 and 21.84 except as modified by the Robertson Ranch Master Plan. • Allpwed protrusions above height limits subiect to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.46.020. • Development ofP A 22 shall take into consideration the following: Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015January 5. 2016 Pageiii-99 Item 10; pg. 23 III. DEVELOPMENT AND Robertson Ranch REGULATORY PROVISIONS • Line of sight from Rancho Carlsbad to the proposed development; • Hours of operation of any proposed uses; • Noise and light mitigation from the proposed project; and • Site designs that reduce landform alteration; where feasible, and reduce the removal of healthy mature trees. • RV Storage shall be subject to the development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code Sec. 21.42.140.B.120. • The RV Storage facility will be developed in accordance with the Planned Development Ordinance requirements (Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 21.45.060). The following table is a breakdown of all Planning Areas that will be provided with RV Storage facilities, as well as the maximum amount of storage required for each area. RV Storage Facility Requirements West Village East Village Planning Units 20 sfper Planning Units 20 sfper Area Unit Area Unit 3 85 1700 16 85 1700 6 87 1740 17 109 2180 9/10 74 1480 18 110 2200 13 26 520 TOTAL 272 5440 320 6400 GRAND TOTAL UNITS 592 GRAND TOTAL RV STORAGE AREA 11,840 Special Design Criteria 1. The existing grove of sycamore trees shall be preserved. 2. A minimum wetland buffer of 100 feet shall be provided from all identified wetland areas unless a reduced buffer is agreed to by the Wildlife Agencies. Robertson Ranch Master Plan May 19, 2015Januarv5, 2016 Page III-100 Item 10; pg. 24 KEY MAP LEGHEND N.r.s.EB ~I.:Ol'lrslfilJS'i'.~AMORE·Gf.il!il!liE· (TO·Il.I£'P~ESI!!R~Iil) - - -Gl"''i10W<LO.OMMUNI'I'YT>f.IEMEWAI.U NOISE WALL (See figuo:es 111·56 &.11~57) ---·~ISTINGBL0eKW!iLL ---MI!JLTI·IJSED.O.l'RAIL - - -SmiUJO'FWRE SETBACK 0 IU!W'SI:IS S!I'OP (See fil!l'rti'lll·551 t I I I I II OPEN SPACE. PLANNING AREA 23G ~ EMERGENCY ACCESS PA22 RA'NCHO CAR!.SBAO MOBJL~ HOME .PARK EXISTING 20' AO'(l;I>SS. ROAlD/ SEWER LINe '11iASI1lMBN'I' Robertson Ranch MASTER PLAN PA22 SENIOR HOUSING & R. V. STORAGE 5.4 Gross Acres 40' STRl:J.CTURE SETBACK (20' MINIMI:JM LANDSCAPE BI:IFFER) r. ~ ~r~ II Wt.r~; I '•II -...... ~ FIGURE NO. 111-17 PLANNING AREA 22 PAGE 111-101