HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-14; City Council; 22317; Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-298 approving an amendment to the Occidental-Jewitt Specific Plan Case No. SP 186ECITY OF CARLSBAD-AGENDA BILL AB# 22,317 ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. CS-298 DEPT. DIRECTOR ~ APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE MTG. 6/14/16 OCCIDENTAL-JEWITI SPECIFIC PLAN CITY ATTORNEY (§(___ DEPT. Clerk HOEHN MOTORS AUTO RETAIL DISTRICT CITY MANAGER t, ( .?-"' CASE NO. SP 186(E) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Ordinance No. CS-298, approving an amendment to the Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan (SP186(B)) to add an automotive retail district, expand the architectural guidelines to allow for contemporary architecture within the automotive retail district and add a review process and development standards within the district. ITEM EXPLANATION: Ordinance No. CS-298 was introduced and first read at the City Council meeting held on May 17, 2016. The second reading allows the City Council to adopt the ordinance which will become effective thirty days after adoption. The City Clerk will have the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance published within fifteen days, if adopted. FISCAL IMPACT: See Agenda Bill #22,298 on file in the Office of the City Clerk. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The City Planner has determined that the project is exempt from the provisions of CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(8)(3} (General Rule) and City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 19.04.070(A)(1)(c),minor municipal code amendments that do not involve physical modifications or lead to physical improvements beyond those typically exempt. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon project approval. The appropriate level of environmental review will be completed when an application is submitted to develop the subject sites. EXHIBIT: 1. Ordinance No. CS-298. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Sheila Cobian 760-434-2808 Shei/a.Cobian@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY t{ COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D DENIED D CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN D CONTINUED D RETURNED TO STAFF D WITHDRAWN D OTHER-SEE MINUTES D AMENDED D Item 11, pg. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. CS-298 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE OCCIDENTAL- JEWITI SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 186(B)) TO 1) ADD AN AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL DISTRICT; 2) EXPAND THE ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES TO ALLOW FOR CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE WITHIN THE AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL DISTRICT; AND 3) ADD A REVIEW PROCESS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS WITHIN THE AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL DISTRICT. THE PROPERTIES AFFECTED BY THE SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT ARE LOCATED WEST OF INTERSTATE 5, ON THE EAST SIDE OF AVENIDA ENCINAS, IN BETWEEN PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD TO THE NORTH AND POINSETIIA LANE TO THE SOUTH, ADDRESSED AS 6800 AND 6830 AVENIDA ENCINAS, WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 22. CASE NAME: CASE NO.: HOEHN MOTORS AUTO RETAIL DISTRICT SP 186(E) Exhibit 1 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: WHEREAS, the Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan was originally adopted by City Council Ordinance No. 9660 on January 18, 1983 and has been amended two times and contains the uses, development standards and design guidelines for the development of the Specific Plan area; and WHEREAS. The Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan is the implementing ordinance for these properties; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed and considered a Specific Plan Amendment (SP 186(E)) for the Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the amendment to add an Automotive Retail District for Lots 14, 15, and 16 of SP 186 will facilitate the redevelopment of two auto dealerships through the allowance of an alternate architectural style; and WHEREAS, after procedures in accordance with requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said Specific Plan Amendment (SP 186(E)) be approved. Item 11, pg. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordains as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan (SP 186(E)), on file in the Planning Division, and incorporated herein by reference, is adopted. The Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan (SP 186(E)) shall constitute the zoning for the property and all development of the property shall conform to the Specific Plan. 3. That the Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan (SP 186(B)), as amended by Specific Plan Amendment SP 186(E), dated April 20, 2016, is approved. 4. That Specific Plan Amendment (SP 186(E)) reorganizes and amends several pages of the Occidentai-Jewitt Specific Plan, as shown on the attached "Exhibit SP 186(E)". Removal of text is presented in a strilletRFB!,IgR type format, while new additional text is shown in underlined type format. 5. That the findings and conditions of Planning Commission Resolution No. 7157 shall also constitute the findings and conditions ofthe City Council. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 25 Council on the 17th day of 26 May , 2016, and thereafter. 27 28 -2- Item 11, pg. 3 1 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 3 Carlsbad on the 14'h day of June, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: 4 5 6 AYES: Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. 7 NOES: None. 8 ABSENT: None. 9 10 11 12 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 13 14 ~c~L--< CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MATI HALL, Mayor ATIEST: thc~CaR.Ji;_ ·f?=; BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk -3- Item 11, pg. 4 SPECIFIC PLAN 186 Ordinance 9660, approved Januar~ 1983 Exhibit "Z" October 13, 1982 Amended March 4, 1986-SP 186(A) (Freeway oriented freestanding sign for Tourist/Recreation Commercial uses) Amended September 6, 2005 -SP 186(B) NS 769, Planning Commission Resolution# 5928 (CT Commercial Tourist Zone and TR Travel/Recreational Commercial Land use designation) Amendment SP186(C) (Implement Car Country Initiatives 2 and 4 -not approved) Amendment SP 186(D) (Application withdrawn, October 28, 2014) Amended TBD -Proposed Amendment SP 186(E) _(_Add Automotive Retail district and alternate architectural styles, GC General Commercial and VC Visitor Commercial Land use designations) 1 Item 11, pg. 5 SPECIFIC PLAN 186(E) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I TITLE I. PURPOSE AND LOCATION II. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS III. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT IV. CIRCULATION •. V. AREA A-GENERAL COMMERCIAL USES A. Permitted Uses B. Uses and stmctures permitted by Conditional Use Permit VI. AREA B-VISITOR COMMERCIAL USES A Permitted Uses B. Accessory Uses C. Uses and structures permitted by Conditional Use Permit VII. AREA C-AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL A. Permitted Uses PAGE 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 · VIII. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREAS A AND B 8 A. Setbacks 8 B. Coverage 8 C. Building Height 8 D. Parking · 8 R Architectural Design and Material 8 F. Landscape 9 G. · Signage 9 ~H~.--~St~o~ra~g~e _______________________________________________ 10 L · Roof Equipment 10 J. Refuse Collection Area 10 K. Outdoor Lighting 10 L. Loading Area 1 0 IX. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREA C 11 A. Setbacks 11 B. Coverage 11 C. Building Height 11 D. Parking 12 E. Architectural Design and Material 13 F. Landscape . 13 2 Item 11, pg. 6 SPECIFIC PLAN 186{E) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I TITLE PAGE G. Signage 14 , ~H~.--~S~to~r~ag~e~------------------------------------------~16 I. Roof Equipment 1 7 J. Refuse Collection Area 17 K. Outdoer Lighting 1 7 L. Loading Area 18 M. · Fencing 18 N. Undeveloped Areas 18 0. Utility Services 19 P. Paging System 19 X. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REQUIREMENT AND DECISION-MAKING AUTHORITY FOR AREA C 19 'XL COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REQUIREMENT FOR ~AREAS A, B AND C 20 XII. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES A. :Architectural Themes B. Desim Elements ·C. Architectural Elements LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 -LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2-LOCATION MAP AND PROJECT SIGN LOCATION FIGURE 2A -PROJECT SIGN LOCATION FIGURE 3-LANDSCAPE ADJACENT TO INTERSTATE 5 21 21 21 22 FIGURE 4 -TYP. STREET LANDSCAPING A VENIDA ENCINAS AND POINSETT A LANE FIGURE 5 -TYP. STREET LANDSCAPING FIGURE 6-PROJECT SIGN FIGURE 7 -PROJECT SIGN AND MONUMENT SIGN FIGURE 8 -MONUMENT SIGN LOCATION . - LIST OF EXHIBITS · EXHIBIT A--LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT B -PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE MAXIMUM HEIGHT EXHIBIT C-EXAMPES OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FEATURES FOR AREA C 3 Item 11, pg. 7 I. PURPOSE AND LOCATION The purpose of this Specific Plan is to provide a comprehensive development plan for the area between Interstate 5 and A venida Encinas, north of Poinsettia Lane as shown on Figure 1. This plan is to insure that development of this area takes into consideration adjacent and neighboring properties, existing developments, and future development. This Specific Plan is intended to be a tool to implement the goals and policies of the Citv of Carlsbad~ General Plan. This plan is primarily intended to provide a set of development standards and does not provide a guarantee of approval for any future discretionary acts or projects within its boundaries. · This Specific Plan is adopted pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Sections 65450 et. seq. and ofthe Land Use Element and Community Design ofthe City of Carlsbad~ General Plan. -A Specific Pla-n is required for this area pursua-nt to page 32(12) of the La-nd Use Element which requires the use of a specific pla-n in conjunction with the Combination District. II. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS The Specific Plan area ~is designated in the Land Use and Community Design Element of the City of Carlsbad's~ General Plan as a combination district which includes the Travel Sen-ice Commercial (TS) a-nd Community General Commercial (GC) for Area A and Visitor Commercial (VC) for Area B as shown on Figure 2eategories. The intent of the Visitor Commercial (VC) Travel ~designation category is to provide sites for commercial uses that serve the travel, retail, shopping, entertainment, and recreational needs of visitors, tourists, and residents.uses ',vhich are oriented toward the traveling public (i.e., hotels, motels, restaura-nts, service stations, etc.). The intent ofthe General Community Commercial (GC) designation is to provide general commercial uses that may be neighborhood serving and/or serve a broader area of the community than local shopping centers. Sites with this designation may be developed with a stand-alone general commercial use, two or more general commercial uses, or mixed used (general . commercial and residential dwellings).in this area is to provide· a vlide ra-nge of facilities for retail trade, convenience goods, services a-nd professional office uses that Vlould eater to the traveling public as well as local residents. As shown on Figure 2, Aarea A has been designated for development with Ggeneral Qoommercial ~uses as detailed in Section V of this plan. Area B has been designated for Visitor Commercial travel ser~,rice type of uses as designated by Section VI of this plan. Given the existing development of the Volvo and Porsche dealerships at the north end of the area on APN # 214-450-14 (Volvo) and APN # 214-450-15 (Volvo) and APN # 214-450-16 (Porsche), the formation of an Area C is proposed to be designated as an Automotive Retail district for Lots 14, 15 and 16; as shown on Exhibit A. Automotive retail uses rely Upon the recognition of branded architecture; (i.e. using architecture to express identity). Therefore, alternate architectural styles,, from the Spanish Mediterranean and Mission styles of Specific Plan 186 (SP-186), shall provide a more relevant style of the automotive dealership's corporate architecture which includes high quality design and detailing consistent with the Commercial I Visitor Serving Overlay Zone and the Land Use and Community Design Element of the Csity of Carlsbad's General Plan. The goal of this 4 Item 11, pg. 8 alternate architectural style is to embody its automotive uses; and be clustered and limited to these three lots adjacent to the freeway. III. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The Specific Plan area wlll be a comprehensively planned for visitor travel oriented commercial and community general commercial type development. The area will feature extensive landscaping, _including street side berming, sign controls and flexible development standards. IV. CIRCULATION :Lots 1 -4, and 10 shall waive access rights on A venida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane and gain access .from the interior street. The location of driveways for lots 11 -16 shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer,_ and Land Use Planning ManagerCity Planner or the final decision-making authority. V. AREA A-GENERAL COMMERCIAL USES (A) Permitted Uses (1) (2) ·(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) . . (9). . (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) . (17) (18) Accountants; Attorneys; Bakeries; Barbershops or beauty parlors; Book and stationery stores; Commercial printing and photo engraving; Delicatessen stores; Doctors, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and others practicing the healing arts for human beings and related uses such as oculists, pharmacies (prescription only), biochemical laboratories and X-ray laboratories; Dressmaking or millinery shops; Drugstores; Dry goods or notion stores; Engineers, architects and planners; Financial institutions Florist shops; Grocery or fruit stores; Hardware stores; Hotels, motels; Jewelry stores; 5 Item 11, pg. 9 (19) Laundries or Clothes cleaning agencies; (20) Laundro'mats; (21) Meat markets; (22) Mimeographing services; (23) Paint stores: (24) Private clubs, excepting those the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business; (25) Realtors; (26) Restaurants, tea rooms or cafes (excluding dancing or entertainment and on- sale .liquor); (27) Shoe stores or repair shops; (28) Tailors, clothing or wearing apparel shops; (29) Other uses determined to be compatible by the Land Use Planning ManagerCity Planner or the final decision-making authority. (B) Uses and structures permitted by Conditional Use Permit. Subject to the provision of Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) -Chapter 2LW42, the following uses and structures are permitted by Conditional Use Permit. In addition to the findings required by ChapterCMC Chapter 21.42-W, in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit, it must be found that the use, as proposed, will not advers~ affect the viability of use of the area as a General Ceommercial tourist district or adversely_ -affect nearby uses or traffic movements. (1) Bars, cocktail lounges and other licensed (on-sale) liquor dispensing operations not meeting the definition of a bona fide eating establishment, subject to the following conditions: (a) · An opening shall be provided through which an unobstructed view of the interior of the premises can be obtained from the street upon which business fronts; (b) Parking shall be provided at the rate of not less than one space per fifty square feet of gross floor area; (c) Surrounding grounds, including parking areas, shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition at alltimes; (d) Any structure housing such operation shall meet all applicable code provisions prior to occupancy; (e) Licensee or agent shall riot permit open containers of alcoholic liquor to be taken from the premises; (f) No licensed liquor dispensing operation shall be located within five hundred feet of any other licensed liquor dispensing operation not meeting the det1nition of a bona fide eating establishment. 6 Item 11, pg. 10 (2) ,Restaurants providing on premise entertainment and liquor. (3) Service stations. ( 4) Drive through business or drive through facilities to existing businesses. 7 Item 11, pg. 11 VI. AREA B TRAVEL ORIENTEDVISITOR COMMERCIAL USES (A) (B) Permitted Uses (1) Hotels (2) Motels (3) Restaurants Accessory Uses The following uses are permitted, provided that such accessory uses are developed as an integral and secondary part of a permitted use as listed above: (l) Apparel and accessories; (2) Bakeries; (3) Beauty and barber shops; (4) Commercial parking lots; ( 5) Confectionary stores; (6) Drycleaning, laundry pickup service only; . (7) Florists; ·(8) · ·· Health clubs and spas; (9) Novelty and/or souvenir stores; (10) Stationery stores; (11) Travel agencies. (C) Uses and structures permitted by Conditional Use Permit. Subject to the provision of ChapterCMC Chapter 21.~2, the following uses and structures are permitted by Conditional Use Permit. In addition to the finding required by ChapterCMC Chapter 21.42W,in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit, it must be found that the use, as proposed, will not adversely affect the viability or use of the area as a Visitor ~wmmerciaL tourist district or adversely affect nearby uses or traffic movements. (1) Automobile service stations; (2) Bus passenger terminals; (3) Recreation Facilitks, tourist related; (4) Restaurants that provide drive-in, drive-through or take-out service. VII. AREA C,:.. AUTCJiv1C>TIVE RETAIL . (A) Permitted Uses· (1) _Auto~obile sales, new and used {2) Ati.toi:nobile repair. ill_ Autorfiobile vv~sh . .. 8 Item 11, pg. 12 ( 4) Automotive parts (5) Tire sales and service (6) . New car storage (7) Automobile body shop (8) Truck and Recreational Vehicles Sales and Service (9) Rental and leasing of vehicles permitted to be sold (10) Parking Structures for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or service bays (11) All businesses other than new car sales and service shall be accessory to a new car sales and service business VIII. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREAS A AND B (A) Setbacks: All setbacks shall be measured from the property line. (B) (C) (D) (E) (1) Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane: All buildings shall maintain an average setback of 30 feet with a minimum of 10 feet. All parking and driveway areas shall maintain a minimum setback of 15 feet. (2) Front yard: The front yard setback for all buildings fronting on the interior street shall be a minimum of 15 feet, and for parking and driveways, 10 feet. QL Side yard: Side yards shall be a minimum of 5 feet. ( 4) Rear yard: Rear yards shall be a minimum of 10 feet. (5) · Freeway Frontage: ·A 10 foot setback· shall be maintained from the property line adjacent to InterstateS. No driveways, parking or trash enclosures shall be located in this setback. · Coverage: Maximum building coverage including parking shall not exceed 75% of gross lot area. Building Height: The maximum building height shall be 35 feet. Parking: Parking shall comply with CMC Chapter 21.44 of the Municipal Code. Unless otherwise stated herein, there shall be no parking permitted in the setback from Avenida Encinas, Interstates; Poinsettia Lane or any front yard setbacks. - Architecturf§ Architectural Design and Materials: Prior to issuance of any building permits for this site, architectural. guidelines for the entire site shall be submitted to and approved by the· Land Use Planning Mana~J)ty Planner or the final decision- making authority. Please see the architectural guidelines set forth in SP-186, dated October L\ 1982. Since this site \Viii be-highly visible from the freeway, it is imperative that <tll portions of the buildi?~are aesthetically pleasin&. 9 Item 11, pg. 13 ; . ' .·· ... (F) Landscape: This site will be highly visible to traffic along Interstate 5, Poinsettia Lane, and A venida Encinas; therefore, it is imperative that all development on this property be well landscaped and comply with the City's Landscape Manual. All landscaped areas shall be planted with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover. Prior to approval of a building permit, each applicant shall submit a landscape plan and irrigation plan, consistent with the Citv's Landscape Manual for the approval of the Land Use Planning Manager Citv Planner or the final decision-making authority. All development within this site shall comply with the City's Landscape ·Mariual and the following standards: (1) (2) (3) (4) Strt;etscape adjacent to Interstate 5: ·. The "10' setback required adjacent to . Interstate 5 · shall be entirelY, devoted ·to .·landscaping. No parking lots, . driveways, trash. receptacles: or other accessory structUres shall be located within this setback. This setback shall be heavily planted with fast-growing, drought tolerant species, as shown on Figure 3. · Streetscape adJacent to PoinsettiaLarie and Avenid~ Encinas: The general concept. along these streets. is to create a continuous undulating grass berm planted with groves of trees for the purpose of creating a definitive statement, ·screening of parking areas and enhancing the architecture of the buildings. The 30' setback along Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane shall be landscaped as shown in Figure 4. Streetscape adjacent to the interior street: The 15' setback along the interior .street shall be landscaped as shown in Figure 5. Parking areas: The intent of landscaping in parking lots is to offer relief from the monotony of rows of parked cars and to create an overhead canopy. At least five percent of the parking shall be planted with a mixture of ground cover, shrubs and trees. All parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallon size. (5) Irrigation: All landscaped areas shall be permanently irrigated. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated to prevent or minimize run-off and discharge of irrigation water onto roadways, driveways, adjacent properties and imy area not under control of the user. (6) Street Trees: All street trees shall be 24" box size, with individual bubblers. (G) SigftsSignage: Prior to the issuance of any building permits for this site, a detailed, comprehensive sign program for the entire site shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager City Planneror the final decision-making authority. The following sign standards shall apply to this site and shall be incorporated into the comprehensive sign program: (1) Freestanding Sign -One fre~way oriented, freestanding sign for the specific plan area shall be permitted as shown on Figure 2 and Figure 2A. This sign 10 Item 11, pg. 14 shall only identify the tourist oriented Visitor Commercial CVC) uses on the site (Lots 1-5 inclusive as shown on tile tentative ~ap) arid shall comply with the specifications set 'forth in SP-l86CA). The sign shall have a maximum height of 37 1/2 feet above ·freeway level and a maximum area of 250 square feet as shown on Figure 6. The sign, individual sign panels on the sign, and future changes to sign panels will be designed to be architecturally compatible with surrounding development and subject to approval of the Planning Director City Planner or the final decision-making authority. (2) Monument Signs -Each lot may have one monument sign, with a maximum height of 6 feet and a maximum area of 36 square feet. All monument signs shall conform to one architectural design which shall be approved by the bam! Use Planning Manager City Planner or the final decision-making authority . . Examples of monument signs in the Spanish or Mission architectural style are shown on Figure 7. Typical monument sign locations, located in a cul de sac, are. shown on Figure 5. Typical monument sign locations, located along Avenidas Encinas, are shown on Figure 8. (3) Wall Signs-Each building may have a .6 square feet of wall signs for every lineal foot of building frontage. Except for Tourist Visitor Commercial (VC) uses, no wall signs shall face directly toward Interstate 5. (H) Storage: No outside storage shall be permitted. (I) Roof Equipment: All roof equipment (and similar equipment, such as air conditioners, ducts, tanks, piping, etc.) shall be screened so as not to be visible from the freeway or adjacent streets. CD Refuse Collection Areas: All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be completely enclosed and screened from the freeway, streets and adjacent property by a decorative block wall constructed of durable material. Location and materials shall be shown on each building plan. (K) Outdoor Lighting: A detailed lighting plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planner or the final decision-making authority prior to the issuance of building permits. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded to prevent direct glare onto adjoining properties. (L) Loading Areas: All loading areas shall be oriented and/or screened so as not to be visible from the freeway or adjacent streets. 11 Item 11, pg. 15 IX. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AREA C (A) Setbacks All setbacks shall be measured from the property line. (1) Avenida Encinas: All buildings shall maintain an average setback of30 feet with a minimum of 10 feet. All parking and driveway areas shall maintain a minimum setback of 15 feet. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural features may project two (2) feet into the setback area. Parking structures shall be setback a minimum of 50 feet (including parking structures which include uses besides parking). ru____ Front yard: The front yard setback for all buildings fronting on the interior street shall be a minimum of 15 feet, and for parking and driveways, 1 0 feet. (3) Side yard: Side yards shall be a minimum of 5 feet. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may project two (2) feet into the setback area ( 4) Rear yard: Rear yards shall be a minimum of 10 feet. (5) Freeway Frontage: A 10 foot setback shall be maintained from the propertv line adjacent to Interstate 5. No driveways, parking or trash enclosures shall be located in this setback. Roof overhangs and other unsupported architectural devices may m:gject two (2) feet into the setback area (B) Coverage None, in.accordance with the provisions ofCMC Chapter 21.28. . . . . . (C) Building Heights The maximum height for buildings and parking structures shall be 35 feet. See Exhibit B for a depiction of a proposed parking structure maximum height. Height protrusions up to 45 feet are allowed in accordance with the provisions of CMC Chapter 21.46.020. 12 Item 11, pg. 16 (D) Parking The intent of this section is to provide sufficient parking in areas such that on-street parking will be minimized. (1) General Parking Standards for Motor Vehicle Dealerships (a) Sales -One space per 400 square feet of gross floor area. Gross floor area includes all interior areas that are not specified below, including but not limited to: interior display, reception areas, private offices, and . Closing rooms. · · · · 20% of the required stalls shall be designated as customer parking. fl2) Repair-Four spaces per work bay for the first three bays. Two spaces per bay for each bay in excess gf three. Work bays shall not count as parking spaces. (c) Parts- Customer Parking: 1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area for automotive parts. Employee Parking: 1 space per 1,250 square feet of gross floor area for automotive parts. (d) Storage and Display (New and Used Vehicle Inventory) -On- site storage of vehicles is permitted as long as it does not encroach into any employee or customer designated parking spaces. (e) All other uses -such parking as may be required by ChapterCMC Chapter 21.44 for a ~pecific use. (f) All required customer and employee parking spaces shall be striped and designated as such to the satisfaction of the Citv Planner or the final decision-making authoritv. (2) Parking Structures Parking structures may be used for the storage of new cars, employee parking and/or to provide ground level areas for sales, service, and/or parts. Design of the· structure shall be consistent with Sections A, B, C and E and complementary with existing buildings on and off-site. All vehicles shall be screened from outside views by the structure walls and/or landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided to screen the structure from surrounding properties and 1~5 corridor 13 Item 11, pg. 17 Parking structures may be used for car washing and detailing and/or storage provided these use.s are screened from outside views by the structure walls and/or landscaping. (E) Architectural Design and Materials The design of exterior building elements and fencing shall be of a Spanish or Mission architectural style, as set forth in the architectural guidelines SP-186 or an alternate architectural style, as set forth in the Architectural Guidelines and Exhibit C. The texture, color, and materials used shall be harn1onious with the Spanish or Mission motif or an alternate architectural style depiCting the automotive dealership's corporate architecture. The quality of design and the selection ofmaterials and colors shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner or final decision-making authority. _(f) Landscape Area C will be highlv visible to traffic along Interstate 5 and A venida Encinas; therefore it is imperative that all development within this area on this property be well landscaped. All landscaped areas shall be planted with a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover. Prior to approval of a building permit, each applicant shall submit a landscape plan and irrigation plan for the approval of the City Planner or the final decision-making authority. All development within this site shall comply with the City's Landscape Manual and the following standards: (1) (1) Streetscape adjacent to Interstate 5: The 1 Q!' setback required adjacent to Interstate 5 shall be entirely devoted to landscaping. No parking lots, driveways, trash receptacles, or other accessory structures shall be located within this setback. This setback shall be heavily planted with fast-growing, drought tolerant species, as shown on Figure 3. (2) (2) Streetscape adjacent to Avenida Encinas: The general concept along this street is to create a landscaped area with a definitive statement that enhancing the architecture of the buildings and complies with the City's Landscape Manual. The average setback of 30' along Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane shall be landscaped as shown in Figure 4. (3) (3) Parking areas: The intent of landscaping in parking lots is to offer relief from the monotony of rows of parked· cars and to create an overhead canopy. At least five percent of the parking shall be planted with a mixture of ground· cover, shrubs and trees. All parking lot trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallon size. ( 4) (4) Irrigation: All landscaped areas shall be permanently irrigated. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated to prevent or minimize run-off and discharge of irrigation water onto roadways, driveways, adjacent properties and any area not under control of the user. 14 Item 11, pg. 18 (5) (5) ·Street Trees: All street trees shall be 24"" box size, with· individual bubblers. (G) (G) Signage The purpose of this section .is to establish· the sign standards necessary to ensure coordinated exposure and tenant identification within Area C. A primary consideration is preventing visual blight and traffic safety problems. Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 21.41 (Sign Ordinance) shall apply except as specifically stated in the following specific plan sign standards. If there is a conflict between these specific plan sign standards and those in CMC Chapter 21.41, the specific plan sign standards shall prevail. (1) Sign Permit Procedures i]l_ Permit All signs Area C shall require a sign permit which shall be determined by the City Planner or the final decision making authority to be in compliance with the Specific .Plan and CMC Chapter 21.41, except as otherwise defined in this section. (b) Appeals The decision of the City Planner may be appealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to CMC Section 21.54.140. All appeals shall be noticed in accordance with CMC Section 21.54.060. (2) General Standards (a) (b) (c) (d) Each lot will be permitted signage equal to two square feet per lineal foot of building frontage. · All signs will be reviewed by the City Planner or the final decision~ making authority to ensure compatibility and to protect the public interest. All signs shall . be oriented so that the primary view is from surface streets. Interstate 5 shall rtot be considered a surface street. Signs oriented to surface streets, but still visible from Interstate 5, shall be consistent in size. color and illumination. 15 Item 11, pg. 19 (e) All signs shall be placed so as not to be detrimental to traffic safety to the satisfaction of the Traffic Engineer. (f) No portion of any sign shall extend over or into the public right-of-way unless approved otherwise by the appropriate decision-maker. (g) All signs shall comply with the requirements of the Coastal Zone. (3) (3) Franchise Signs (a) One freestanding sign may be placed on each lot provided the sign area of the signs are included within the aggregate sign area permitted as stated in paragraph G; 2a. above. (b) If more than one franchise is located on one lot, an additional freestanding sign or monument sign may be allowed. (c) All franchise signs on a lot (wall, fascia, awning, monument and freestanding) shall be counted towards the aggregate sign area allowed on that lot according to the provisions of paragraph G.2a. above. (d) Monument signs shall not exceed eight feet in height. (e) Freestanding signs shall not exceed the height of any building which is located on the same site, and in no event shall the signs be over thirty- five feet high. (4) (4) Signs on Dealerships Immediately Adjacent to Interstate 5 (a) Dealers whose lots are immediately adjacent to Interstate 5 may have wall mounted or fascia signs facing the freeway, subject to the following requirements: 1. Signs shall be wall-mounted or fascia signs only. Signs perpendicular or at an angle to the building are prohibited. 2. Signs shall not exceed the height of the building on which it is located. Roof mounted· signs are orohibited. 16 Item 11, pg. 20 3. . Signs shall not be larger than one square foot per linear foot of frontage of the buildings facing Interstate 5. The area for these signs is in addition to . other signs permitted for the dealership and· shall not be used to calculate permitted sign area for other signs as set forth in paragraph G.2a above. 4. The maximum height dimension of such signs shall not exceed • one-third of the height of the building elevation on which it is placed.· (5) (5) On-Site Directional Signs (H) Storage (a) Each lot is permitted to have on-site directional signs. Such signs shall meet the following crijeria: 1. Signs may only contain non-commercial messages or directional symbols that are designed to guide or direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic to uses on the same site. 2. Signs shall be located to facilitate traffic internal to the individual dealerships located on that lot. (b) On-site directional sign standards: 1. The maximum number of on-site directional signs shall not exceed three per driveway entrance. 2. Signs shall not be larger than six square feet per sign. 3. On-site directional signs shall not exceed six feet in height. (c) On-site directional ·signs shall not count towards the permitted aggregate sign area as stated in paragraph G.2a above. Outdoor storage shall be visually screened from exterior view bv fencing as required in Section M (Fencing). 17 Item 11, pg. 21 (I) RoofEquipment All equipment incJuding air conditioning equipment shall not be permitted on the roof unless screened in an approvedmanner from horizontal view. Vents for plumbing, air exhaust and air inlets are permitted on the roof without screening. Special care shall be exercised in the. Location and sizing of exhaust vent for the paint spray booth so as to reduce its view to the freeway or to A venida Encinas. Refuse Collection Areas: There shall be provided a completely screened trash collection area. Screening materials shall be of masonry walls. The ground shall be paved with 4" minimum concrete. No trash collection shall be permitted in the front vard setback. (K) · Outdoor Lighting ( 1 ) Purpose · The general intent of this section is to achieve the following goals: (L) All display and security lighting for each dealership shall be designed for uniformity. (L) Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare away from A venida Encinas and from the Interstate 5 corridor as the highest priority and to minimize glare away from adjacent properties as a secondary priority. (2) Design · All outdoor light fixtufes and pole specifications with respect to height, type, proJected angle of light. material; colors>and use, shall be subject to approval of the appropriate decision-making authority. . . . Lighting for the roof level of parking stmctures shall be limited to the use of bollards. or lighting attached to th~ parapet walls. Roof top lighting shall not exce·ed tpe height of the parapet wall. 18 Item 11, pg. 22 (3) Lighting Restrictio~s Light fixtures for display areas of the automotive dealerships and for general lighting of the commercial· developments, shall be metal halide, induction lighting, or other low-energy usage light fixtures as approved by the appropriate decision-making authority. All fixtures will be mounted on tapered square or round-type poles. (L) Loading Area Provision for loading and unloading shall be provided on site. Such area shall not be permitted in the front yard setback. (M) Fencing -. . . (1) Prohibited Materials: Wire fencing andgates (2) Fencing and Gate Design The design of fence and gates shall be appropriate to and similar to the Spanish or Mission motif required for the buildings or an alternate architectural style depicting the automotive dealership's corporate architecture. Material shall be of approved masonry, stucco, wood or metal. (3) Screening Storage areas, loading areas, service yards shall be screened from view from the outside by fencing. Height of fence shall average 8 feet in height and be limited to maximum and minimum heights of 9 feet and 7 feet respectively. Parking structures shall be screened from view from the outside by a combination of fencing and landscaping. (4) Fencing Setback Fencing may be placed without setback from the property lines except as follows where setback for the fencing shall be observed. Property Lines along A venida Encinas Fencing Setback -30 feet average and 15 feet minimum. . · · CN) Undeveloped Areas 19 Item 11, pg. 23 Undeveloped areas/slopes shall be planted and maintained in a clean, neat and orderly manner. Undeveloped lots shall not be used for the storage of automobiles unless a Conditional Use Permit is processed pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.42. (0) Utility Services . '~ . All utility, including telephone, services to the building shall be underground and shall be screened where exposed to exterior view. Outdoor sound system for music and/or for paging shall be designed to minimize noise nuisance to adjoining properties. Speakers shall be spaced to minimize sound levels and oriented away from adjoining properties. Upon completion of construction, the outdoor sound system shall be tested for noise and where necessary it shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of the City Planner or the final decision-making authority. 20 Item 11, pg. 24 X. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REQUIREMENT AND DECISION-MAKING AUTHORITY FOR AREA C A Site Development Plan shall be required for all new development as noted below. 1. Exemptions a. The following project types are exempt from the requirement for a Minor Site Development Plan or Site Development Plan provided that the City Planner or the final decision-making authority determines that the project meets all development standards and is consistent with all aspects of this Specific Plan: (1) Any addition to an existing building that would result in an increase of less than ten percent ofthe internal floor area of the existing building. (2} Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of less than ten percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. (3) Any interior or exterior improvements that do not add square footage (e.g. architectural facade enhancements). · ( 4) Modifications to outdoor lighting plans. 2. Minor Site Development Plan . The following project types require administrative approval of a Minor Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: a. Any addition to an existing building that would result in an · increase of between ten and fifty percent of the internal floor area of the existing building. b. Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of between ten and fifty percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the site. 3. Site Development Plan The following project types require approval of a Site Development Plan in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.06: a. Any 1mproveinent to a buildmg that would result in an increase of more than. fifty percent of the internal floor areas of an existing building. · · b. Construction of new buildings that would result in an increase of more than fifty percent of the combined internal floor area of all existing buildings on the_site. 21 Item 11, pg. 25 c. Construction of any new building(s) or permanent physical improvements on a vacant lot XI. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REQUIREMENT FOR AREAS A, B AND C Unless found to be exempt, all development shall be required to obtain approval of a Coastal Development Permit in accordance with CMC Chapter 21.201. Setbacks: All setbacks shall be measured from the property line. (1) Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane: All buildings shall maintain an average setback of 30 teet ·.vith a minimum of 10 teet. All parking and drh'eway areas shall maintain a minimum setback of 15 feet. (2) Front yard: The front yard setback for all buildings fronting on the interior street shall be a minimum of 15 feet, and for parking and drive>.vays, 1 0 feet. (3) Side yard: Side yards shall be a minimum of 5 feet. (4) Rear yard: Rear yards shall be a minimum of lOfeet. (5) Free'Nay Frontage: A 10 foot setback shall be maintained from the property line adjacent to Interstate 5. No driveways, parking or trash enclosures shall be located in this setback. (B) Coverage: Maximum building coverage including parking shall not e~weed 75% of gross lot area. (C) Building Height: The maximum building height shall be 35 feet. (D) Parking: Parking shall comply v.·ith Chapter 21.44 of the Municipal Code. Unless otherwise stated herein, there shall be no parking permitted in the setback from Avenida Encinas, Interstate 5, Poinsettia Lane or any front yard setbacks. (E) ·Architecture: · Prior to issuance of any building permits for this site, architectural guidelines for the entire site shall be submitted to and approved by the Land Use Planning Manager. Since this site vlill be highly visible from the freeway, it is imperative that all ~ns of the buildings shall be aesthetically pleasing. (F) Landscape: This site vlill be highly visible to traffic along Interstate 5, Poinsettia Lane, and 1\venida Encinas;· therefore it is imperative that all development on this property be •,veil landscaped. All landscaped areas shall be planted with a combination of trees, 5hruas and ground cover. Prior to approval of a bailding permit, each applicant shall submit 22 Item 11, pg. 26 Item 11, pg. 27 Item 11, pg. 28 XII. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES h(A) ARCHITECTURAL THEME All buildings and other architectural features within Carlsbad Tracts 81-5 and 81-6 shall be designed and built with a Spanish architectural theme, except for APN # 214-450-14 (Volvo) and APN #214- 450-15 (Volvo) and APN # 214-450-16 (Porsche) which propose to be designated as an Automotive Retail district (Area C) for Lots 14, 15 and 16. Specifically, they Existing development in Area A and B shall follow the "Spanish-Mediterranean" and "Mission" styles of architecture prominent in early Southern California development. Existing development in Area C may utilize an ·alternate architectural style for redevelopment. Automotive retail uses relyies upon the recognition of branded architecture, (i.e. using architecture to express identity.) Therefore, alternate architectural styles, from the Spanish Mediterranean and Mission styles of Specific Plan 186 (SP-186), shall provide a more relevant style of the automotive dealership's corporate architecture which includes high gualitv design and detailing consistent with the Commercial/ Visitor Serving Overlay Zone and the Land Use Element and Community Design ofthe City-'-s of Carlsbad's General Plan. The goal of this alternate architectural style is to embody its automotive uses, and be clustered and limited to these three lots adjacent to the freeway. Ih(B) DESIGN ELEMENTS Since the project sites are highly visible, it is required that all portions of each structure be aesthetically pleasing. Buildings shall be designed to provide an interesting facade from all elevations. Architectural interest and relief can be provided by such elements as projections, recesses, arcades, door and window articulation, molded wall details and variations in colors and building materials. Architectural design shall avoid the appearance of large building masses. Breaking up buildings into smaller components and staggering their site placement will reduce the scale and impact of building mass. Varying rooflines, ,vertical architectural elements, interesting facade treatment and material use should also be incorporated into the design to satisfY this objective. Site development, as well as the buildings' architectural quality, plays an important role in creating an appearance to help draw in the user. Correct sign location and appearance, entry identification, effective on-site circulation and orientation are all important factors in successful site development. Auto and pedestrian circulation must be well thought-out with an organized flow and identification of special site features such as enriched paving, walls, trellises, special lighting and fountains. Buildings should be located to make best use of the site. Correct placement can provide exterior open space framed by the building(s), creating alcoves or, a courtyard as expanded use areas and allowing orientation toward off-site views. The correct building form and location develops a relationship between building and parking areas where neither overpowers the other. 25 Item 11, pg. 29 Automotive retail design elements are based on the combination of two functionally defmed volumes: a rectangular volume housing the workshop and warehouse for the service and parts functions and a distinctly different volume housing the sales and administrative functions. The architectural volume housing the sales function needs to be visually discemable to the general public, featured prominently on the site, and ideally be oriented toward the freeway and A venida Encinas to take advantage of the site opportunities. The architectural volume housing the workshop and warehouse function are typically lower in height and in a supporting role to the sales functions. A customer service and drop off area, protected from the elements by a canopy or the structure of the building typically links these two volumes to effectively service the customers and vehicles. · These areas must be arranged so that both the connections with the outside (approaches, customer parking spaces, deliveries) as well as the internal, process-oriented links between the sales, workshop and the warehouse work efficiently. Future extensions or additions to the sales, workshop and warehouse should be accommodated into the redevelopment to be responsive to increasing sales figures and subsequent development permits. These design elements need to be "site-adapt" to accommodate the site's geometry, opportunities, constraints, surrounding development and vehicular car inventory requirements of the individual manufacturer, thereby preventing standardized corporate development solutions. Depending on the site's available area, an underground parking level, or rooftop parking deck or parking structure may be necessary and would be appropriately screened to enhance the architecture and to screen the cars from outside views by the structure walls and/or landscaping. (C) ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS The buildings which incorporate elements of the "Spanish-Mediterranean" and "Mission" styles of ,architecture, shall use bold forms with large-scaled features. Prominent elements shall be wide arches, heavy wood members, thick looking stucco walls and columns, clay tile roofs and the appearance of deep inset features. Walls and columns must have rounded edges and include some molded relief. More than one shade of stucco color from off-white, beige to ochre can be used. Arcaded walkways with stucco columns and tiled roofs should be used on ground floor level. Upper floors can use wood colonnades and balconies with well worked wood, stucco or iron balustrades. Hipped roofs (not mansard roofs) are typically used with elaborated rafter rails or clipped eves and a molded cornice and corbels. These roofs can run up to ineet a vertical parapet-type wall with a built-up or embellished cornice.· Gable roofs, if used, should use a curvilinear line prevalent ill the "Mission" style. The deep inset appearance of doors and windows can be produced by a built-up wall area around them. Special doors and windows can have this embellished further with decorative tile and detailed with iron grill work. Further detail can be added by use of exposed and elaborated second-story floor joist that can be extended to support shallow balconies. Canvas awnings may be permitted over windows to add additional color. All lighting shall be controlled to prohibit direct view from off site. 26 Item 11, pg. 30 Good examples of this type of architecture in Carlsbad are the San Diego Trust and Savings Bank, located at the corner of Elm A venue and El Camino Real and the interior elevations of the Plaza De La Costa Real project at the corner of La Costa Boulevard and El Camino Real, with the exception of the Security Pacific Banlc All development within these tracts shall comply with the requirements described in governing specific plan #186 and site development plan #82-3, except for APN # 214-450-14 (Volvo) and APN #214-450-15 Nolvo) and APN # 214-450-16 (Porsche) which propose to be designated as an Automotive Retail district (Area C) for Lots 14, 15 and 16. Within Area C, the Automotive Retail df).istrict, a more modern streamlined and urban architectural style is 'contemplated to. embody the motor and electrical vehicles that are now represented in auto dealerships. Linear planes, curved facades,. exposed steel and masonry construction, tower elements, and the use of glass and metal materials emphasize the technical sophistication of today's automotive brands. High-end finishes and products, some that are sole sourced by automotive manufacturers, are depicted in the architecture to give a unigue and upscale image aligned with the vehicles being marketed. The architecture is designed to showcase the uniqueness of the vehicles. The concept of minimalism and restraint is expressed in the architectural form, materials, colors, and lighting. These design elements are utilized strategically to provide a strong, straightforward and unique identitfy separate and distinct from the adjacent tourist I recreational, general commercial, and ·residential medium density land uses of the surrounding development. Automotive dealership design benefits from the input of a national architectural firm representing the manufacturer and a local architectural firm representing the dealer to create a unique architectural solution, site adapted to the area, and that will become the "sign" for their unigue brands. Key signage features should be used to enhance the architecture, identify and help direct the various types of customer and service professionals and not "be" the architecture. 27 Item 11, pg. 31 ALL DEVELOPMENTS SHALL INCORPORATE APPROVED MATERIALS AND ARCIDTECTURAL ELEMENTS. Approved Exterior Materials Tile roofing; barrel or flat, terracotta or earth tones Stucco in off-white, beige or ochre colors Heavy wood members; including beams, joists, doors and& casements Decorative ceramic tile Wrought iron Canvas awnings Bricks, pavers and quarry tile Alternate Architectural Stvle-Automotive Uses (Area C) Flat roofs and multiple rooflines Stucco -light and muted tones (field color) and saturated tones (accent color) Steel and masonry construction exposed Non-reflective metal finishes, panels and cladding Structural awnings or canopies Pavers and quarry stone Enhanced' exterior shielded light incorporated into the building facades to accent specific areas See Exhibit C 28 Item 11, pg. 32 Approved -Architectural Elements Arcaded walkways/corridor Deep inset openings Hip roofs Parapet walls with molded cornice Embellished or molded cornice Heavy looking columns/colonnade Molded Yvall treatments Balustrades of stucco, wrought iron or turned wood Alabaster window forms Courtyards Corbels Arches/archways Fountains Alternate Architectural Style-Automotive Uses (Area C) Curved facades and streamlined forms Linear planes and/or slots Fa9ade width to height ratio of3: 1 (1/3 open face to 2/3 closed face) Hriri~ontal li~es Butt -1 o inted gl~zing Restrained. col~r and strategic lighting See Exhibit C 29 Item 11, pg. 33 !,. r:.· :.: <: , .. · ·:.· :.: . .·.~ .:'. l'OCATION NOT 7l'J SCAU ,.,·· .. T: ' "' •'•I .. ·..-~· /. f-...-·< ' J ' ,· FIGURE I -..;. MAP .,;.. -· ! I !-, . ...... ·,,;. . . ; .... · Item 11, pg. 34 2 'LJ ~ :;d :;d 0 t:r:l 'LJ ~ 0 (/) = t:r:l () t:J = () 0 8: 8: t:r:l :;d () H L' r = 4oo' Q ~ < ;J::l t:r:l :;d () z t:r:l 0 H :;d t:r:l ~ 8: (/) t:r:l ~ 8: H ~ ~ :;d 0 L' = () :;d td H = ~ L' HOLIDAY l. f!COJ~OM'( NM~ OF Af•1eiieiM 2. PROP05EO MOTEL cP 3. !=EXlt-tG'TON RAMADA INN 4. 7RAV£l:006iE LA QUINITA INN PROPOSED L.OCATJON OF SUaJECT GJGN -5. KAISER BENIHANA CARLSBAD F~OP0t5E:D Re5T:;re...URA:f.JT PROP051!D SERVICE. STATtON fA tB LOCATION MAP Item 11, pg. 35 ... . . r" • •. . , t FIGURE 2A Item 11, pg. 36 . i FIGURE 3 ---.~~· NDSCAPING ADJACE ; TO INTERSTATE 5 "' •. . . ·-~ . . · ... !NTERSTATE 5 ¥ ·, . . : . . ' :.:; . ' . : ~ . ; ' \.; ... .. '.·. . . .. .1 0~. INTERSTATE RIGHT-OF-WAY FAST. GROVVJNG ~ N ··>; DROUGHT- TOLERANT· . VEGETATION . .... ·. . ' •c r : .,... t""l:l '<. . . . ' •7 , .. ••• .. " -.. BUILDING OR PARKING . .. ,. .-· ... , .; .. .:~ · .. ··'· . ·.·. .. ; . Item 11, pg. 37 TYPICAL STREET LAND-S. APIN : .. _,_ ........... ,_,. __ .. ._ . . A VENIDA ENCINAS & POINSETTIA LANE . . . . 1.:. · .. ·_ .. · . BUILDING OH PARKING . :. . . _,·~· .. ,'· .. ' .. P1SLOPE WITH TURF. . ......-- 10' . .. ,PARKWAY I R.o.w. . \ . . ' . . . ·: r:·,·:' .. .· :i·._: .... ; .' ·, .··H 0 ,::. '•. ' : ·,·· .. ':• .'· Item 11, pg. 38 ,. ,. '· · ... 1 l. . . FIGURE 5 iii .... tj. ~~ i :. I I. ; I I i ! Item 11, pg. 39 j- ' I I I : . FIGURE 6 1 -·T ·' .. J . ~ <i tt ~ 13 \!. ~ f .- ! :. t f \! I 'Q I l ! -..------ 'IR : i. -- ~-. __ '1&\G-N._PA.G\!il-A 'I"!!~ " ll'.:c~X.1..9~1 _,. 2'0?_!_ _. 1"0-rt..l.. S\~N AV"~ · "'2'50, Item 11, pg. 40 .. ' .. ... . ~ . . . . . ·· ,.,, ~'~~~ ~'-:Vb -:~ "~~'" N. ' ~ ' .· . _ .. , '"' ., '' , .. ~ -~-~ . ln.~~-~ . · ... . : . ~ u Itt l.K 1/ lt1.'f:, ··. · -~ ft{w:; I 'iPl. Vf, 1,U · ' rtlr ~ih .w;, I ..... \ ...... ~ ~~"'''"'""'''''"' . '"'':" . ' t*erfu' . . . . :-·l· . .· . . . . . . + . . ' ""~ ·• l?f ~ . .. -.;· . . ~;' :",__ ,, lh-~ ~ . II l'f . u. Wr --~~ lit ~ w. iU ~~-IPt . w l't ! '"""_....-~ :--:.. ~ . ·····'"'""'. "'~"'II,.;'"-""'•'''"' .. ""~'"'"''~· .. . . . . . . . . . . . Monument ·Sign ...t.-• ~. --- ~· .. I ~ Project Sign· ----4---------~L-- , . G) c ::0 m ~ Item 11, pg. 41 iNTERSTATE FUVt -mj!fii!i!l$liBilliij lill!ll!ll!±&WESi"'llillll'lllb!MN9MIIIi!llllll-§i5-AIW!-ii!!i@!llil&i-M@-hM-4N ---&_,.,....'Siil .---·· ----------·-· -diiP§§WIIIIIIil'!lll!i•"'iii!D"" -~•WW"_4_*1lil!!l! . .._,., ___ ill!S"~-tll!lWIIl ~ ---me '"' YW· - t -._ AVEN~DA ENCINAS 1'-ic>_KJu~n:::l\rr ~~-rle>~ ON ~tr·ee··c. -· HITHIN~~\­ ~~-C?F~ AC::d-fToF ~~-~--.. "T1 G) c ;;o m (X) I ~ ' Item 11, pg. 42 VICINITY MAP C::;!0$50 PCRI!:.A$1': 2M•O I'IIST IG~f!AGE: 20.14- EXISTING ZONING: C-2 EXISTING LAND USE: VISITOR CO!~gERCIAL GENERAL COM!~ERCIAL 5PEClFIC PLAN/ SITE DEVELOPMENT Pl..~H PROPOSED LAND USE: AUTO RETAIL / GENERAL COMHERCIAL VISITOR CC!-INlERCIAL KAISER PERMANENTE MEDICAL OFFICES LA QUNITA INN RAMADA MOTEL 6 BENIHANA OF CARLSBAD EXHIBIT A LIDAY INN Item 11, pg. 43 PROPOSED PARKING STRUCTURE MAXIMUM HEIGHT 3 LEVELS ABOVE GROUND PARKING -WITH SCREENED ROOF TOP PARKING EXHIBITB Item 11, pg. 44 AMENDMENT TO SP-186 · EXHIBIT C . . . . . . . . . EXAMPLES bF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNFEATURES FDR AREA C.: AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL DISTRICT •. I" 1 Item 11, pg. 45 ;! ' .... ,·!, AMENDMENT TO SP-186 EXHIBIT C EXAMPLES OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FEATURES FOR AREA C: AUTOMOTIVE RETAIL DISTRICT 2 Item 11, pg. 46