HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-14; City Council; 22320; Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Preliminary Operating Budget PresentationItem 17; pg. 1 Page 2 The following objectives for FY 2016-17 were established in line with conservative estimates for future revenue growth: • Continue to provide excellent services to our residents. • Provide adequate staff resources to meet community priorities. • Allow departments to meet escalating costs by providing a modest 2 percent increase for maintenance and operations. • Exercise prudence in budgeting, consider cost containment measures and set discretionary budgets at minimum levels. The city's revenue sources see continued strength in the coming fiscal year, bolstered by modest improvement in the economy, overall, and improvements related to the housing market, specifically new residential and commercial development and overall appreciation in home prices. Tourism is projected to continue the improvement seen over the past years, and low vacancy rates and higher room rates are projected to push transient occupancy tax revenues higher. The overall economic outlook is for modest improvement, although threats to the economy loom, from slowdowns in oversea markets that may affect exports to budgetary challenges at the state level. Stewardship of the city's resources is a core value of our elected officials and staff, and we have adopted financial policies and standards to ensure that we maintain our fiscal health and make decisions today that will have positive effects tomorrow. For example, the City Council created an assignment of funds last year that can be used to address diminished revenues in economic downturns, mitigating the need for drastic measures, such as reducing service levels and access to public facilities in recessionary times. City staff continues to monitor local, state and federal economic forecasts and routinely updates a ten-year forecast for the General Fund in order to gauge the effects of today's actions on the city's future. The Preliminary Operating Budget assumes that overall General Fund revenue will increase by approximately 2.9 percent in FY 2016-17 compared to the previous year's projected revenue. The Preliminary Operating Budget for FY 2016-17 totals $250.2 million citywide, which represents an increase of $10 million, or 4.2 percent, as compared to the FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. Operating revenues are estimated at $251.1 million, which is an increase of $6.9 million, or 2.8 percent, over the current year's projections. The recommended General Fund Operating Budget is $141.8 million, with estimated revenues of $146.2 million. This is a 2.9 percent increase in the estimated General Fund revenues as compared to the projected FY 2015-16 revenues, and a 4.8 percent increase in General Fund budgeted expenditures compared to the FY 2015-16 adopted budget. General Fund Estimated Revenues-The majority of the city's General Fund revenues come from taxes. In the upcoming year, it is expected that property tax revenue will be approximately $59.2 million. This is an increase of 4 percent from the revised FY 2015-16 projections. This is based on improving assessed valuations, as provided by the County Assessor in May 2016. Sales tax revenues generally move in step with economic conditions and have improved markedly over the past four years (21.4 percent for FY 2012 to FY 2016}. The city's sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation and retail sectors. New auto sales, which comprise approximately one-quarter of city sales tax revenue, have exceeded pre-recession levels and hit an all-time high in the last quarter of Item 17; pg. 2 Page 3 2015. City sales tax revenues are expected to decrease by approximately 2.4 percent, or $800,000 in FY 2016-17, contributing $34.1 million to the General Fund. This temporary decrease is due to lower anticipated revenues from one of the city's shopping centers, currently in a transition period, as well as a one-time payment received in the current fiscal period related to the close out of the triple flip. Had it not been for these two factors, the estimate for FY 2016-17 would have reflected an increase of $1.6 million, versus a decrease of $800,000. The FY 2016-17 revenues for Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) are estimated at $20.8 million, an increase of 2.8 percent compared to FY 2015-16 estimates. TOT has increased by over 57 percent since FY 2011-12, as new hotels, such as the Legoland Hotel and the Hilton Cape Rey Carlsbad Resort & Spa, have opened in the past years. Franchise taxes are estimated at $5.7 million for FY 2016-17, an increase of 1.1 percent over the FY 2015-16 projections. This increase can be attributed to Consumer Price Index (CPI) growth and population growth. This year, FY 2015-16, development-related revenues are estimated at $3.1 million. In FY 2016-17, we expect an increase of $1.1 million (34.4 percent) as development related activities are on the rise. General Fund Budgeted Expenditures -The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that fund basic core city services. The recommended General Fund Operating Budget is $141.8 million, which represents a $6.5 million, or 4.8 percent, increase as compared to the FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. Personnel cost increases of $5.5 million, or 6.7 percent, include additional staff, both short- term staffing to assist with succession planning and also permanent increases to continue to provide excellent service to the community. Anticipated increases in health insurance rates, higher retirement rates as projected by CalPERS, and previously negotiated wage increases are also included in the increase. Maintenance and Operations increases include department operating requests, funding for implementation of the city's Climate Action Plan, a 2 percent allowance for overall rising costs, and other increases for items such as contractual services. A few expenditures are discussed in more detail below. Position Changes A net increase of 2.0 full-time positions and 3.0 limited-term positions, when compared to the FY 2015- 16 Adopted Budget, is reflected in the FY 2016-17 Operating Budget. These position changes resulted in an approximate citywide personnel increase of $716,000 for the coming year. It should be noted that some of the eliminated and added positions occurred within the same department as a result of reorganization efforts to better align staff resources with departmental and citywide priorities. For example, in Public Works two Street Maintenance Worker ll's were eliminated, and a Senior Construction Inspector and Climate Action Plan Administrator were added. The FY 2016-17 Operating Budget includes the elimination of the following 3.0 permanent full-time positions: 1.0 Park Maintenance Worker II 2.0 Street Maintenance Worker II Item 17; pg. 3 Page 4 The FY 2016-17 Operating Budget includes the addition of the following 5.0 permanent full-time positions: 1.0 Climate Action Plan Administrator 1.0 Network Engineer 1.0 Permit Technician 1.0 Public Works Supervisor 1.0 Senior Construction Inspector The net increase in hourly staff totals 3. 75 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions, as shown below: 1.00 FTE Community and Economic Development 2.75 FTE Public Works These changes result in a city workforce of 676.25 full and three-quarter time employees, 6.00 limited- term employees, and 163.26 hourly, full-time equivalent positions. New Facilities -As the city completes capital projects, the cost of maintaining and operating the facilities, including additional personnel if necessary, are added to departmental Operating Budgets. No additional funding was added for completed capital projects. Capital Outlay -There are several major capital outlay purchases (greater than $10,000} planned in the General Fund for FY 2016-17: • 2 Sport Utility Vehicles for Police Community Service Officers ($86,335) • Body Worn Cameras for Police Officers ($114,812} • Fire Department Technical Rescue Equipment ($50,000} • Microfilm/Microfiche Scanner for the Library ($14,548) • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations ($50,000} • Facility Access Control Upgrades ($126,600) • Skip Loader for Public Works ($54,000} • Vehicles for 2 new positions ($63,450} Other Budget Requests -The FY 2016-17 Preliminary Operating Budget also includes the following transfers to other funds: • $9,460,000 to the Infrastructure Replacement Fund for major maintenance and replacement of city infrastructure. This represents 6.5 percent of the General Fund Revenues, the same as the percentage transfer for FY 2015-16. • $224,000 to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion of Storm Water expenses. • $500,000 to the Median Maintenance and Street Tree Maintenance Special Revenue Funds to cover cash shortfalls, as annual assessments collected from property owners do not cover annual operating expenditures. • $1,500,000 to the city's Workers' Compensation Fund to cover increased claims settlements and estimated liability. Item 17; pg. 4 Page 5 Finally, the Contingency is budgeted at just under one percent of the General Fund Operating Budget, or $1.5 million, for FY 2016-17, which is equal to the FY 2015-16 Contingency Budget. This resource is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs throughout the year. Other Funds -Enterprise Fund revenues, including Water, Wastewater Services and Solid Waste Management, are projected at $70.5 million, an increase of $1.2 million, or 1.8 percent, over current year projections. The budgeted expenditures are estimated at $71.7 million for FY 2016-17, which is an increase of $1.4 million, or 1.9 percent, over the FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. The most significant change in Water Operations is due to the estimated increase in the cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority, anticipated to increase $1 million, or 4.2 percent from current year estimates. The Operating Budget also includes funding for depreciation replacement transfers related to growth and aging of the water infrastructure system. Wastewater operations are projected to remain relatively flat when compared to the FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. Golf Course operations are expected to decrease $186,000, or 2.3 percent over FY 2015-16. Revenues from Special Revenue Funds at $11 million are expected to decrease $700,000 when compared to FY 2015-16 estimates. While it is not unusual to see Special Revenue funds fluctuate from year to year, the most significant decreases for FY 2016-17 are anticipated in police grants, Affordable Housing fees, and in the General Fund transfer to the Median Maintenance Fund. Funding for special revenue funds includes grants, donations, special fees, and assessments. Revenues do not always match expenditures in a given year due to timing differences related to the receipt of grant and donation funding, and the expenditure of those funds. The budget for the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Funds (RORF) totals $1.4 million, a slight increase over the current fiscal year. More information regarding all of the city's projected revenues and Operating Budget recommendations can be found in the attached exhibits. FEES AND CHARGES FOR SERVICES Each year city staff evaluates and proposes changes to fees and charges for services. A Cost of Service Study is prepared every two years, and was last prepared in FY 2014-15. The Study is prepared to ensure that fees and charges for service do not exceed the cost. For FY 2016-17, it is proposed that fees be adjusted by the one year change in their associated index, unless the change in the index surpassed the cost of service. In this instance the fee will be set at the cost of service. Staff has reviewed all of the fee schedules and is recommending the changes as shown in Exhibit 6, City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule, June 2016, and further discussed below. Item 17; pg. 5 Page 6 Below is a list of the indexes and the fees that are associated with them: INDEX 2015-16 2016-17 ASSOCIATED FEES General City and Development Related West Urban CPI One Year 1.86% 1.80% Service Fees Development Impact Fees: Planned Local Drainage Area Fees and License Tax on New 1/1 CCI ENR One Year 2.45% 1.60% Construction Mobile Homes All Other Development Impact Fees (Public Facility Fees, Park In Lieu Fees, Sewer Benefit Area Fees, Sewer Connection Fees, Water Connection Fees, and Local Facilities 4/1/2016 ENR 2.36% 2.70% Management Plan Fees) 12/2015 ENR 0.08% 2.00% Bridge & Thoroughfare District #3 4/2016 San Diego CPI 1.85% 2.40% Habitat Mitigation Fees Cal Trans CCI 2.00% 1.94% Traffic Impact Fees Ambulance Inflation Factor 1.50% -0.40% Ambulance Fees GENERAL CITY FEES These are fees charged for the usage of city services and property, such as rentals. These fees are increased annually by the increase in the annual West Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, which reflects the cost of inflation. The one year change in the West Urban CPI is 1.80 percent. In addition to the annual inflationary increases, the following fee changes are proposed for FY 2016-17: New Fees: • Safety Training Center -Confined Space Prop -Full Day $500 • Safety Training Center -Confined Space Prop -Half Day $250 o The fee is modeled after the Reno, NV fee for comparable service, no local cities are known to provide this service. • Safety Training Center -PriSim (Training Simulator) -Full Day $500 • Safety Training Center -PriSim (Training Simulator) -Half Day $250 o The PriSim system is a fairly unique training tool that only a handful of other cities have. The fee is modeled after the average cost of other cities known to provide this service. • Safety Training Center -Pump Draft Pit -Full Day $400 • Safety Training Center -Pump Draft Pit -Half Day $200 o The Pump Draft Pit is unique and takes up most of the space used for the Grinder, so this new fee was modeled accordingly. Increasing Fees: • Trash collection fees are listed on the Master Fee Schedule, but are a pass through fee from the vendor, the city currently has a contract for these services with Waste Management. Item 17; pg. 6 Page 7 These fees are increasing by amount of the contractual increase, which is an average of 1.1 percent for FY 2016-17. • The Police Parking Violation Storage/Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge fee is increasing from $60 to $120. This increase will bring the fee closer to the full cost of service, which is $123.21. This is still less than other cities charge and would allow the city to recover the associated costs from providing these services. • Six of the Safety Training Center Facility Rentals are increasing to single fixed fees, thereby removing the fee ranges, to simplify the rental fees: o One Shooting Range -Full Day from $678-$1,102 to $1,100 o One Shooting Range -Half Day from $312-$524 to $550 o Two Shooting Ranges -Full Day from $763-$1,239 to $1,250 o Two Shooting Ranges -Half Day from $401-$645 to $650 o Grinder/Commercial Prop (No Fire Ops) -Full Day from $599 to $600 o Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) -Full Day from $599 to $600 Decreasing Fees: • All ambulance fees decreased by 0.4% to match the decrease in the Ambulance Inflation Factor. • Two of the Safety Training Center Facility Rentals are decreasing to reflect approximately half of the full day rental price, which is $600: o Grinder/Commercial Prop (No Fire Ops) -Half Day from $327 to $300 o Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) -Half Day from $327 to $300 • Police Photography Copy (fee plus reproduction costs) is for subpoenas or records requests that require photo or video retrieval. The fee is reduced from $45 to $15 to match the cost of service. DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES These are fees charged to recover the cost of staff time and materials spent on development related activities. FY 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees are increased by an index stated in the respective resolution or ordinance establishing the fee. An annual review is conducted to ensure that the fees being charged do not exceed direct and indirect costs of providing the service. The Cost of Service Study is available from the Finance Department upon request. Other fee changes are discussed below. The Community and Economic Development Department (CED) recognized an opportunity to simplify the city's existing fee structure with the implementation of a new permitting system. CED partnered with consultants NBS to complete a study of the current fees. Staff in the Building, Planning and Land Development Engineering departments evaluated their current fee structures to identify areas for simplification and consolidation. Some of the proposed recommendations include: consolidating amendments, extensions and revisions across the majority of CED fees; eliminating fees that are no longer in use or that are nominally different for similar services; and removing itemized fees to align with best practices in the development community. Separate fees for Redevelopment and Village areas were consolidated with the existing citywide fee. These recommendations resulted in the removal of 127 fe·es. Item 17; pg. 7 Page 8 Examples of CED Fee Changes: Consolidated Fees • Amendments, extensions and revisions are consolidated to a percentage-based fee • Appeals are consolidated to a flat fee, regardless of the governing body being appealed to Eliminated Fees • Nominally different fees, such as the Administrative Variance for RVs, are eliminated and processed consistent with all Administrative Variances • Duplicate Tracing Fees are no longer in use due to the ability to provide documents based on digital files Removed Itemized Fees • Itemized fees for plumbing, mechanical, and electrical work (such as number of outlets} are replaced with a valuation-based methodology that aligns with the overall permit's scope of work. For more information, see exhibit 6A, Memo from NBS. For detail on all removed fees, see exhibit 6B, CED Removed Fees. Decreased Fees: • Street Light Energizing fees are being reduced based on the Cost of Service calculation by the Finance department, which includes induction rate charges from San Diego Gas and Electric. o 40 Watts from $66 to $65 o 85 Watts from $107to $105 o 100 Watts from $120 to $117 o 150 Watts from $165 to $161 o 250 Watts from $256 to $249 Increased Fees: • The fee for Lighting and Landscape District #2 Annexation is increasing from $5,400 to $7,400. This increase is based on the city having an outside consultant prepare a full engineer's report for each individual annexation instead of a modified report. The fee to the city increased by $2,000 per annexation in the most recent contract amendment. • Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Permit (not combined with Building Permits} is increasing from $160 to $166. This is still below the cost of service, which is $220.84. Fees Adjusted to Cost of Service: Fees were adjusted according to the change in their associated index, unless the change in the index surpassed the cost of service. In those cases, the fee was raised only to the cost of service. All of the below fees are indexed with the West Urban CPI. Item 17; pg. 8 Page 9 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 PLAN FEE CATEGORY FEE DESCRIPTION COST OF FEE FEE SERVICE Photograph Copy (fee plus reproduction costs) $45 $15 $15 -Subpoena or Records requests that require Police retrieval in QueTel evidence program. Photos/Video must be approved prior to release for compliance with privacy laws. Development Processing Certificate of Compliance In Lieu of Parcel Map $2,846 $2,846 $2,846 Fire Clearance Annual Inspection -State $645 $645 $645 Fire Inspection License. 26-50 Beds Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Clearance Annual Inspection -State $1,035 $1,035 $1,035 Fire Inspection License. 50 + Beds Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Inspection Fire Clearance Annual Inspection -State $400 $401 $401 License. 7-24 Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Inspection Fire Clearance Initial Inspection-State License. $449 $450 $450 25 + Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Inspection Fire Clearance Initial Inspection-State License. $323 $323 $323 7-24 Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Inspection Fire Clearance Inspection-State License. 1-6 $253 $255 $255 Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Inspection -R-1 Occupancy 15-50 dwelling $507 $510 $510 Fire Inspection units (DUs, plus $194.90 for each additional 50 dwelling units Fire Inspection Fire Inspection -R-1 Occupancy 6-14 dwelling $205 $207 $207 units (DUs) Fire Inspection Inspection -Underground Fire Protection $547 $450 $450 Service Main Repair -Inspection Only Fire Permits Permit -Above Ground Storage Tanks $539 $548 $548 Fire Permits Permit -Assembly Occupancy A-1 $539 $548 $548 Fire Permits Permit -Battery Systems $636 $645 $645 Permit -Exhibits and Trade Shows-Public $443 $450 $450 Fire Permits Assembly Fire Permits Permit -Miscellaneous Combustible Storage $539 $548 $548 Fire Permits Permit -Underground Storage Tanks-(Single $1,118 $1,132 $1,132 Site Multi Tanks) Fire Permits Permit -Vapor Expansion Tank Retrofit-$539 $548 $548 UST/AST Fire Prevention Alternative Materials and Methods $1,699 $1,715 $1,715 Fire Protection System Permit -Automatic Sprinkler System -$414 $414 $414 Installation Commercial System -each additional riser - Plan Check Item 17; pg. 9 Page 10 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 PLAN FEE CATEGORY FEE DESCRIPTION COST OF FEE FEE SERVICE Fire Protection System Permit -Automatic Sprinkler System -$741 $741 $741 Installation Commercial System 13-R -Plan Check Fire Protection System Permit -Underground Fire Protection Service $636 $645 $645 Installation Main: Single Hydrant or Single Riser Connection Improvement Plan Fees Cost of Landscape Improvements -$100,001 $3,535 $3,535 $3,535 to $250,000 -Plus 2% over $100,000 Improvement Plan Fees Cost of Landscape Improvements -$250,001 $4,435 $4,435 $4,435 to $500,000 -Plus 0.15% over $250,000 Improvement Plan Fees Cost of Landscape Improvements -Over $8,515 $8,516 $8,516 $1,000,000 -plus 0.07% over $1,000,000 Improvement Plan Fees Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$601 $605 $605 $0 to $20,000 Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$849 $787 $787 Improvement Plan Fees $20,001 to $50,000 -for the first $20,000 of improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$1,193 $1,210 $1,210 Improvement Plan Fees $50,001 to $100,000 -for the first $50,000 of improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Meter Installation Fees Water Meter Installation -2" -Turbo $1,044 $1,054 $1,054 Meter Installation Fees Water Meter Installation -1-1/2" $595 $605 $605 Meter Installation Fees Water Meter Installation -1-1/2" -Turbo $913 $923 $923 Meter Installation Fees Water Meter Installation -2" $823 $834 $834 Storm Water Retaining Wall Plan check (Valuation= 0-$369 $369 $369 $50,000) Item 17; pg. 10 Page 11 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES These fees are used to recover the cost that growth will have on city infrastructure. These fees will be increased by the index stated in the respective resolution or ordinance establishing the fee, typically the Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost index. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, giving a presentation on the Preliminary Operating Budget does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Fiscal Year 2016-17 Preliminary Operating Budget (Overview) 2. Operating Funds, Projected Fund Balances for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 3. Operating Funds, Revenue Estimates for FY 2014-15 through FY 2016-17 4. Operating Funds, Budget Expenditure Schedule FY 2013-14 through FY 2016-17 5. Personnel Allocation Schedule FY 2014-15 through FY 2016-17 6. Proposed Fee Changes -FY 2016-17 The Preliminary Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2016-17 is on file with the City Clerk. Item 17; pg. 11 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW The Operating Budget for FY 2016-17 totals $250.2 million, with revenues for the year estimated at $251.1 million. General Fund revenues are estimated at $146.2 million and General Fund budgeted operating expenditures are $141.8 million. REVENUE The following table shows the total operating revenues anticipated to be received by the city for FY 2015-16, as well as those estimated for FY 2016-17. REVENUE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (in Millions) PROJECTED BUDGETED $ % FUND 2015-16 2016-17 CHANGE CHANGE GENERAL FUND $ 142.0 $ 146.2 $ 4.2 2.9o/c SPECIAL REVENUE 11.7 11.0 (0.7) -5.6o/c ENTERPRISE 69.3 70.5 1.2 1.8% INTERNAL SERVICE 19.6 21.6 2.0 10.0% REDEV. OBLIG. RETIREMENT 1.6 1.8 0.2 12.5% TOTAL $ 244.2 $ 251.1 $ 6.9 2.8% Revenue estimates for the Operating Budget indicate that the city will receive a total of $251.1 million in FY 2016-17, a change of about $6.9 million over the projected FY 2015-16 revenues. General Fund revenues are expected to increase by $4.2 million, compared to the prior year, as all sources of revenue indicated in the table increase, with the exception of minor decreases in revenues from sales tax. Special Revenue funds decreased by 5.6 percent, or $700,000, due to projected decreases in donations, grants and affordable housing revenues. Enterprise Fund revenues are projected to increase by $1.2 million, driven primarily by increases in potable and recycled water sales. More information on the city's revenue sources is provided in the following discussion. General Fund General Fund revenues provide a representative picture of the local economy. These revenues are of particular interest as they fund basic city services, such as Police, Fire, Library and Cultural Arts, Street and Park Maintenance, and Recreation programs. The following table provides a summarized outlook for the major General Fund revenues. SIGNIFICANT GENERAL FUND REVENUES (In Millions) PROJECTED BUDGETED $ % 2015-16 2016-17 CHANGE CHANGE PROPERTY TAX $ 56.9 $ 59.2 $ 2.3 4.0% SALES TAX 34.9 34.1 (0.8) -2.4% TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 20.3 20.8 0.6 2.8°/, FRANCHISE TAXES 5.6 5.7 0.1 1.1o/c BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 4.4 4.5 0.1 3.0o/c DEVELOPMENT REVENUES 3.1 4.2 1.1 34.4o/c ALL OTHER REVENUE 16.8 17.6 0.8 5.0°/, TOTAL $ 142.0 $ 146.2 $ 4.2 2.9o/c Item 17; pg. 12 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW General Fund revenues continue to indicate a healthy local economy, as growth continues to be positive. Almost 80 percent of General Fund revenues are derived from three sources -property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax (TOT). Sales tax receipts and TOT revenues tend to be much more sensitive to changes in economic conditions, unlike property tax revenues, which remain relatively stable because of the mitigating effect of Proposition 13, which limits annual growth in assessed values. Property tax, the largest source of General Fund revenues, is expected to grow by 4.0 percent in FY 2016-17 , as assessed values continue to improve. The median price of a single family residence (SFR) rose by almost 13 percent compared to last year, from $734,000 to $827,000. According to Corelogic, all four zip codes in Carlsbad saw double digit rates of growth, with the exception of 92009 (La Costa), which rose slightly less than one percent. Upward pressure on prices may be, in part, the result of lower housing inventories, as inventory of homes for sale has dropped by 27 percent in April 2016, compared to the previous year. Economists continue to predict tightening in the Federal Reserve monetary policy, but recent economic indicators may cause the Fed to reconsider this tightening in the short term. Historically low mortgage rates and cheap oil prices may continue to prop up demand for housing, however. Property and Sales Tax Revenues 70 60 50 --~ --------U'l .--g 40 ..... ___._Sales Tax = 30 """'"'" ---Property Tax ~ ..__... ....,._.-- 4119-20 10 0 ~q, ~Q> "'<:) "'"' ..,_fl.. ..,_n;:, "t>< "'~ ro(Q /\.. (Q ~ ~ ~ fl..<:) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"' ~"' ~ ~ Fiscal Year Changes in property taxes revenues lag behind changes in the housing market, as the tax revenue for the upcoming fiscal year is based on assessed values from January. Thus, the taxes to be received for FY 2016-17 are based on assessed values as of January 1, 2016. Proposition 13, adopted in 1978, limits the annual increase in assessed values for property. Under this proposition, assessed values (and the related property tax) can grow by no more than two percent per year. The value upon which the tax is based is only increased to the full market value upon the sale of the property. Thus, property taxes tend to grow slowly unless there is a significant amount of housing activity. In past decades, the city has seen robust growth in property tax revenue due to new development, high turnover of existing homes, and double-digit growth in housing prices. Item 17; pg. 13 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW CONSTRUCTION 3.8% SALES TAX BY CATEGORY FOURTH QUARTER 2015 Sales tax revenues generally move in step with economic conditions and have improved markedly over the past years. Sales tax for FY 2016-17 is expected to dip by slightly less than one percent, due primarily to the expiration of the triple flip (see below). According to information from the Anderson School at UCLA, taxable sales in the state of California are expected to maintain growth of slightly more 4 percent for calendar years 2017 and 2018. Comparing the fourth quarter of calendar yea r 2015 to the previous year, sales tax cash receipts in the State of California increased by 3.5 percent, bolstered by decreasing unemployment in the state and growth in real personal income. The City of Carlsbad realized an increase of 1.8 percent in cash receipts for the fourth quarter of 2015. New auto sales, which comprise approximately one-quarter of city sales tax revenue, hit all-time highs in the fourth quarter of 2015, as did sales tax receipts from restaurants. City sales tax revenues are expected to contribute $34.1 million to the General Fund in FY 2016-17, making up 23 percent of the total. The city continues to benefit from recent additions, such as the Legoland Hotel and Lowe's, which opened in fall 2013, although the city does not forecast many new retail additions in the coming fiscal year. Several years ago, the State of California implemented the "Triple Flip." The "Triple Flip" is essentially a temporary swap of a % cent of the cities' sales taxes in return for property tax. It was done in order to give the state a revenue source against which they could issue deficit reduction bonds. The city's sales tax estimates continue to show this amount as sales tax, since the amount is reflective of what the city would receive. As can be seen in the chart above, the city's sales tax base is heavily weighted in the transportation (predominantly new car sales) and retail sectors. These two sectors account for two-thirds of taxable sales in Carlsbad. New car sales tax revenue dropped precipitously during the recent recession, falling from $6.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 to a low of $4.4 million in 2009. In the fourth quarter of 2015, new car sales hit a high of almost $8 million. Sales tax receipts flattened out in 2015, decreasing by 1. 7 percent in the fourth quarter, compared to the previous year. This compared with statewide growth of 2.6 percent for the same time period. Estimates also include approximately $1 million in Proposition 172 funds, which are earmarked for public safety service expenditures. Proposition 172 requires that the ~ cent increase in California sales taxes be allocated to local agencies to fund public safety services. Item 17; pg. 14 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Ill c: .2 ~- 25 20 15 10 5 0 2008 Transient Occupancy Taxes 2011 2014 Fiscal Year 2017e The third highest General Fund revenue source is Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT, or hotel taxes). TOT is forecast to increase by 2.8 percent in FY 2016-17, stabilizing at a record high of almost $21 million. As seen in the accompanying graph , TOT has increased by over 80 percent since FY 2010-11 , as new hotels, such as the Legoland Hotel and the Hilton Oceanfront Resort & Spa (recently renamed Cape Rey Carlsbad, a Hilton Resort) have opened in the past years. Despite some headwinds in the tourism sector from a relatively strong dollar and slowing in overseas economies, and the San Diego Tourism Authority expects the average room night revenues to improve by almost 5 percent in both 2017 and 2018. Carlsbad currently has approximately 4,400 hotel rooms and over 1,000 vacation rentals, and continues to benefit from increasing daily room rates and improving occupancy rates. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2008 Franchise Taxes 2011 2014 Fiscal Year 2017e •SDG&E Franchise Franchise Tax revenue has stabilized over the past years and is projected at $5.7 million in FY 2016-17. Franchise taxes are paid by certain industries that use the city right-of-way to conduct their business. The city currently has franchise agreements for cable TV service , solid waste services, cell sites, fiber optic antenna systems and gas and electric services. The cable and solid waste franchises experienced minor revenue increases that mirror growth in population and changes in rate structures. Franchise tax revenues are expected to increase by about 1 percent in the coming year, due to high energy demands resulting from a warm summer. SDG&E pays franchise taxes for the use of the public land over wh ich they transport gas and electricity. The city also receives an "in-lieu" franchise tax based on the value of gas and electricity transported on SDG&E lines, but purchased from another source. The "in-lieu" tax captures the franchise taxes on gas and electricity that is transported using public lands but which would not otherwise be included in the calculations for franchise taxes, due to deregulation of the power industry. The majority of the "in-lieu " taxes received is attributable to Cabrillo Power, the operator of the Encina power plant, and is based on the gas used in the generation of electricity. As mentioned previously, electricity demand was unusually high in the current year, but is expected to stabilize at a lower rate for the coming decade. Item 17; pg. 15 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Development-related revenues are derived from fees for planning, engineering and building permits, and fees paid by developers to cover the cost of reviewing and monitoring development activities, such as plan checks and inspections. These revenues are difficult to predict, as many of the planning and engineering activities occur months or years before any actual development. During FY 2009-10, development-related revenues began to turn around from historic lows experienced in FY 2008-09. During FY 2010-11, this revenue source continued to strengthen, especially on the non-residential side, with the permitting of the new Isis Pharmaceuticals headquarters and the Hilton Beachfront Hotel. Development-related revenues have fluctuated in the past years in line with increases and decreases in residential, commercial and industrial development. In FY 2012-13, revenues rose from $2.7 million to $3 million, following a marked increase in commercial space permitted. In FY 2016-17, the city expects a 34 percent increase in development related revenues, to approximately $4.2 million. An additional 755 residential units are expected to be added in the coming fiscal year, compared to 292 in the current year. Coupled with an estimated addition of over 600,000 square feet of non-residential space, this is driving strong expectations for development related revenues in the coming year. Business license taxes are closely tied to the health of the local economy, and are projected to increase by 3 percent to an estimated $4.5 million in FY 2016-17. There are currently about 9,500 licensed businesses in Carlsbad, with just under 2,500 of them home-based. All other revenues include transfer taxes, interest earnings, ambulance fees, recreation fees, and other charges and fees. The estimate for FY 2016-17 totals $17.6 million, an $800,000, or 5 percent, increase from the previous year, primarily due to projected improvements in ambulance fee revenues. Interdepartmental charges, estimated at $3.3 million, are generated through engineering services charged to capital projects, reimbursed work from other funds and miscellaneous interdepartmental expenses charged to funds outside the General Fund for services performed by departments within the General Fund. Transfer taxes are those taxes paid to the county upon the transfer of interests in real estate. The tax is $1.10 per $1,000 of property value, split equally between the county and the city. Carlsbad expects to receive approximately $1.1 million in transfer taxes for FY 2016-17, which is essentially unchanged from FY 2015-16. Housing prices are continuing to increase in Carlsbad, but inventories remain low. Economists continue to predict multiple increases in the Fed discount rate; this could increase historically low mortgage interest rates, which could put some downward pressure on transfers. Income from investments and property includes interest earnings, as well as rental income from city-owned land and facilities. The city is expected to earn about $2.1 million in interest on its General Fund investments for Fiscal Year 2016-17, as the yield on the city's portfolio is expected to improve modestly to about 1.25 percent and cash balances grow. Item 17; pg. 16 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW $Millions General Fund Revenues 160 10.4% -0.6% 2.9% 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016e FY 2017e Overall, as reflected in the bar chart, General Fund revenues are expected to be up 2.9 percent from FY 2015-16, as the city experiences growth all revenues, except sales tax, which is projected to have a modest decrease. Although the city experienced revenue growth between 9 and 17 percent in the late 1990's, it was not sustainable. Much of those increases were due to the opening of new hotels, restaurants, retail centers, and new home development. As new development slows, it will be increasingly more difficult to produce double-digit growth in revenues. An improving economy is certainly driving General Fund revenues higher, but revenue growth should stabilize at around 4 percent in the coming years. The City has a General Fund reserve policy that sets a minimum reserve of 30 percent of the General Fund Operating Expenditures. In addition, the policy sets a target reserve of 40 percent to 50 percent of General Fund Operating Expenditures. The minimum reserve would provide approximately three to four months of operating expenditures for unforeseen emergencies. At the end of FY 2015-16, the unassigned General Fund balance is projected to be approximately $88 million. At the end of FY 2016-17, the reserve is projected to be approximately $80 million, assuming the city pays off an outstanding debt issue. This projected unassigned fund balance will represent a 56 percent reserve. The reserve amount is consistent with Council Policy 74: General Fund Reserve Guidelines. More information about the city's financial policies are located in the "Budget Highlights-Section A" of this document. Other Funds Revenues from Special Revenue funds are expected to total $11 million in FY 2016-17, a decrease of over 6 percent from FY 2015-16. The types of programs supported within Special Revenue funds are those funded by specific revenue streams such as: • Grants (Rental Assistance-Section 8 and Community Development Block Grants) • Special fees and assessments (Affordable Housing and Maintenance Assessment Districts) • Donations (Library, Cultural Arts, Recreation and Senior Donations) Item 17; pg. 17 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW FY 2016-17 Special Revenue Funds $11 million Houslnc CDBG, 0.6M, $ .6M, 5" Maintenance Districts, $2.93M, 27% Local cable Infrastructure $0.4M,4" Other, $0.SM, 4" The most noteworthy changes in the Special Revenue funds occurred in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (decreased $276 ,000, or 54 percent). These amounts represent loan repayments and can fluctuate significantly from year-to-year. Police Grant revenues decreased $342 ,000; grants are generally one-time revenues and fluctuate from year-to-year as well. Enterprise fund revenues for FY 2016-17 are projected at $70.5 million, an increase of $1 .2 million, or almost 2 percent, over current year projections. FY 2016-17 Enterprise Funds $70.5 million Solid Waste Management, $3.5M, 5% Wastewater Operations, $12.8M,18% Recycled Water, $8.8M, 13% Golf Course Operations, $7M,10% Water Operations, $38.4M, 54% Enterprise funds are similar to a business, in that rates are charged to support the operations that supply the service. Carlsbad Enterprise funds include water and recycled water delivery, wastewater services, solid waste management, and operation of a golf course. In addition to Item 17; pg. 18 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW paying for the wholesale and fixed water costs, the FY 2016-17 Operating Budget includes funding for replacement of Carlsbad's water infrastructure, ongoing meter replacements, and building sufficient operating reserves. The Water Enterprise Fund revenue is estimated at $47.2 million, an increase of $2.3 million, or 5 percent over the current year estimate. Revenue from water sales is expected to increase substantially, because of the increases paid to the San Diego County Water Authority. Proposed rate increases for the upcoming fiscal year will be presented in the fall of this year pending results from a cost of service analysis currently underway. Estimated revenues for Wastewater are $12.8 million; no change from the current year estimate. Estimated revenues for the Golf Course are expected to decrease by 14 percent next year, due to a forecast from revenue received from the General Fund to cover debt service. The preliminary budget assumes that outstanding bonds will be paid off in the coming fiscal year. Revenues from operations at the Golf Course will increase by one percent. Internal Service funds show estimated revenues of $21.6 million for FY 2016-17, a 10 percent increase over FY 2015-16 projections. An actuarial review of the Workers' Compensation fund indicates that it has insufficient cash balances to meet future claims, due primarily to increasing claims over the past years. In order to remedy this, the proposed budget increases charges to city departments by 15 percent in the coming years and transfers funds from the General Fund to stabilize the Workers' Compensation fund. There are also increases in Vehicle Maintenance and Information Technology {IT) charges of 9 percent and 11 percent, respectively. Vehicle Maintenance revenues increase in the coming year due to unusually low fuel costs in the current year and fluctuates from year to year. IT charges to departments are increasing due to improvements to the city network and costs associated with new hardware and software. IT charges will continue to increase in the coming years as the city addresses aging IT infrastructure and moves to more innovative solutions for business practices. Internal Service funds account for services provided within the City itself, from one department to another, on a cost reimbursement basis. These include programs such as the self-insurance funds for Workers' Compensation and General Liability (Risk Management), as well as Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement, and Information Technology. Departments pay for these services; therefore, the rates charged are based on the cost to provide the service. The goal of an Internal Service fund is to match budgeted expenses with charges to the departments. The Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund {RORF) revenues are budgeted at $1.8 million, $205,000 higher than FY 2015-16 estimates. Although the Redevelopment Agency has been dissolved, the California Department of Finance has approved the repayment of the approximately $8.1 million (plus accrued interest) loaned to both former redevelopment areas by the General Fund. Loan payments of approximately $1 million per year will be made to the city, and 20 percent of this repayment will be set aside for future affordable housing. Item 17; pg. 19 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW EXPENDITURES The city's Operating Budget for FY 2016-17 totals $250.2 million, which represents an increase of about $10 million, or 4.2 percent, as compared to the adopted FY 2015-16 Budget. The changes in each of the city's programs will be discussed below. Budgetary Policies The theme behind this year's budget development was for the city to continue to provide the very best services to the community while finding operating efficiencies, reducing costs wherever possible, and planning for the future. The goal was to achieve a balanced budget for the coming fiscal year while still maintaining the city's long-term financial health and ensuring that future costs can be met without negatively impacting the services provided to the community. All known and ongoing operating expenses were incorporated in the FY 2016-17 Preliminary Operating Budget, as well as in the long-term financial forecast. Responsible management of the city's resources includes maintaining a focus on a sustainable future by ensuring the city remains in good financial health, as today's decisions will impact future spending levels. Although the city is entering the new fiscal year in a solid financial position, the city will pursue allocating resources in a manner that provides the best services for the people of Carlsbad. The following policies for FY 2016-17 were established in line with conservative estimates for future revenue growth: • Continue to provide excellent services to our residents. • Increase in the number of staff positions were allowed in instances where community priorities would be served. In addition, increases were allowed for short-term staffing needs to assist with succession planning while maintaining high levels of service. • Modest growth (2 percent) was allowed for maintenance and operations in order to allow departments to meet escalating costs. • Increases were considered for new initiatives where community priorities would be served, and for implementation of legal mandates, such as the Climate Action Plan. • All departments exercised prudence in budgeting, considered cost containment measures, and set discretionary budgets at minimum levels. The city uses an "Expenditure Control Budget" (ECB) process in budgeting, where each department is given a block appropriation containing sufficient funds to provide the current level of services for the upcoming year. For FY 2016-17, departments were allowed a 2 percent increase, if needed, for maintenance & operations (M&O) costs. As a result of the economic recession, block budgets were reduced in both FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 in order to align expenses with falling revenues. In order to gain further operating efficiencies, the city's organizational structure was realigned in FY 2010-11. Since the beginning of the recession, the city has eliminated 38 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in order to contain costs. In the FY 2016-17 budget, there is a net increase of 2.0 full-time equivalent positions, and 3.0 limited-term positions. No additional appropriations are expected during the fiscal year, except in the case of significant unanticipated events. As in past years, amounts that are unspent at the end of the fiscal year will be carried forward to the next year, or will increase the city's reserves. At the end of FY 2015-16, the amounts carried forward by each department will be capped at no more than 10 percent of the previous year's Adopted Budget. Departments are allowed to request additional carry forward amounts from remaining unspent funds for special one-time projects as well as items funded in FY 2015-16 which are planned for completion in FY 2016-17. Item 17; pg. 20 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Budgeted Expenditures Through the application of these guidelines and policies, the FY 2016-17 Operating Budget of $250.2 million was developed. Position Changes A net increase of 2.0 full-time positions and 3.0 limited-term positions, when compared to the FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget, is reflected in the FY 2016-17 Operating Budget. These position changes resulted in an approximate citywide personnel increase of $716, 132 for the coming year. The FY 2016-17 Operating Budget includes the elimination of the following 3.0 permanent full- time positions: 1.0 Park Maintenance Worker II 2.0 Street Maintenance Worker II The FY 2016-17 Operating Budget includes the addition of the following 5.0 permanent full-time positions: 1.0 Climate Action Plan Administrator 1.0 Network Engineer 1.0 Permit Technician 1.0 Public Works Supervisor 1.0 Senior Construction Inspector The net increase in hourly staff totals 3.25 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions, as shown below: 0.50 FTE Community and Economic Development 2.75 FTE Public Works These changes result in a city workforce of 676.25 full and three-quarter time employees, 6.75 limited-term employees, and 162.76 hourly, full-time equivalent positions. New Facilities The city has a number of major capital projects scheduled to be built over the next five years. As the city completes these projects, the costs of maintaining and operating the facilities, including additional personnel if necessary, are added to departmental operating budgets. There are no new facilities expected to open in FY 2016-17. New Programs The FY 2016-17 Operating Budget includes $1 million for implementation of the city's Climate Action Plan (CAP), a new program approved by the City Council in September 2015 with approval of the General Plan Update. The CAP contains various measures that, when implemented, are intended to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within Carlsbad in accordance with State of California emissions reductions targets. Each of these measures has specific actions that the city needs to complete, such as adopting ordinances, preparing plans and conducting public outreach and stakeholder involvement. Item 17; pg. 21 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Budget by Fund Type The table below shows the changes in the proposed Operating Budget for FY 2016-17, as compared to the Adopted Budget for FY 2015-16. BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY FUND TYPE (In Millions) BUDGET BUDGET $ % FUND 2015-16 2016-17 CHANGE CHANGE GENERAL FUND $ 135.3 $ 141.8 $ 6.5 4.8o/c SPECIAL REVENUE 11.6 11.4 (0.3) -2.2% ENTERPRISE 70.4 71.7 1.4 1.9o/c INTERNAL SERVICE 21.6 23.9 2.3 10.6o/c REDEV. OBLIG. RETIREMENT 1.3 1.4 0.1 8.6o/c TOTAL $ 240.2 $ 250.2 $ 10.0 4.2o/c The General Fund contains most of the discretionary revenues that support basic core city services. However, this should not diminish the importance of the other operating funds, as they also contribute to the array of services available within Carlsbad. The remainder of this section will provide more information about the budgeted expenditures by fund and program. GENERAL FUND SUMMARY BY EXPENDITURE TYPE (In Millions) BUDGET BUDGET $ % 2015-16 2016-17 CHANGE CHANGE PERSONNEL $ 82.2 $ 87.7 $ 5.5 6.7o/c MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 39.2 42.1 2.9 7.3o/c CAPITAL OUTLAY 1.8 0.3 (1.5) -81.6o/c TRANSFERS 12.1 11.7 (0.4) -3.2o/c TOTAL $ 135.3 $ 141.8 $ 6.5 4.8o/c General Fund The total Operating Budget for the General Fund for FY 2016-17 is $141.8 million, which is 4.8 percent greater than the previous year's Adopted Budget of $135.3 million. The total increase is attributable to a $5.5 million (6.7 percent) increase in Personnel, a $2.9 million (7.3 percent) increase in Maintenance & Operations costs, and a $1.5 million overall decrease in Capital Outlay, as can be seen in the table above. Transfers to other funds decreased $400,000, or 3.2 percent. These changes are discussed in more detail below. Personnel costs make up approximately 62 percent of the General Fund budget, so any changes in these costs can have a significant effect on the total budget. The total personnel budget for FY 2016-17 is $87.7 million, which is $5.5 million, or 6.7 percent greater than the previous year's total personnel budget of $82.2 million. Item 17; pg. 22 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW GENERAL FUND PERSONNEL COSTS (In Millions) BUDGET BUDGET $ % 2015-16 2016-17 CHANGE CHANGE SALARIES $ 56.5 $ 59.2 $ 2.7 4.7o/c RETIREMENT 15.2 17.4 2.2 14.2o/c HEALTH INSURANCE 7.2 7.6 0.4 6.2o/c WORKERS COMP 1.9 2.2 0.3 16.4o/c OTHER PERSONNEL 1.4 1.3 (0.1) -4.1o/c TOTAL $ 82.2 $ 87.7 $ 5.5 6.7o/c The table above shows the breakdown of personnel costs for the General Fund. Salaries include full and part-time staff costs and are expected to increase in FY 2016-17 by $2.7 million, or 4.7 percent. The increase is mainly due to previously negotiated wage increases scheduled to occur in FY 2016-17, as well as the net addition of 2.0 full-time staff, 3.0 limited-term and 3.25 part- time staff. Retirement rates as projected by Cal PERS will increase in FY 2016-17 to 28.86 percent of payroll for General and Management employees, representing a 6 percent increase, while the contribution for Safety employees will increase by almost 10 percent to 40.58 percent of payroll. These rate increases for the city will result in an increase of approximately $1.7 million for the General Fund in FY 2016-17. These increases are part of a five-year planned increase in pension costs that is expected to help address large unfunded pension liabilities. Health insurance costs are up 6.0 percent, and Workers' Compensation expense is projected to increase 16.4 percent due to increasing liability estimates and settlements. Miscellaneous other personnel costs, such as bi-lingual pay, are projected to decrease by $100,000, or 4.2 percent in FY 2016-17. Departments with part-time hourly employees were given a 1.5 percent increase. The annual impact of the adjustments was estimated at $80,000. Maintenance and Operations costs (or M&O) represent about 30 percent of the total General Fund budget, and include the budgets for all program expenses other than personnel, capital outlay and transfers. Overall, total M&O costs are projected at $42.1 million, an increase of about $2.9 million, or 7.3 percent, for FY 2016-17 as compared to FY 2015-16. Maintenance & Operations costs are discussed more fully by program later in the report. Capital Outlay includes budgeted equipment purchases over $1,000. Capital outlay purchases of $329,000 million are budgeted in the General Fund for FY 2016-17. The complete list listed of proposed capital purchases is shown on page J-1. Transfers are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to another city fund. The transfers included in the adopted budget are as follows: • $9,460,000 to the· Infrastructure Replacement Fund for major maintenance and replacement of city infrastructure. This represents 6.5 percent of the General Fund Revenues, the same as the percentage transfer for FY 2015-16. • $224,000 to the Storm Water Program for reimbursement for the General Fund portion of Storm Water expenses. Item 17; pg. 23 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW • $500,000 to the Median Maintenance and Street Tree Maintenance Special Revenue Funds to cover cash shortfalls, as annual assessments collected from property owners do not cover annual operating expenditures. • $1,500,000 to the city's Workers' Compensation Fund to cover increased claims settlements and estimated liability. Advances are amounts anticipated to be transferred from the General Fund to other city funds and are expected to be repaid to the General Fund in future years. No General Fund advances are included in this year's Operating Budget. Another way of looking at the General Fund budget is by program. The chart below compares the total FY 2016-17 Budget to the amounts adopted in the previous year. A brief description of each department and its services and a summary of significant department budget changes in the FY 2016-17 Operating Budget, are noted below the chart. GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT (In Millions) BUDGET BUDGET $ % DEPARTMENT 2015-16 2016-17 CHANGE CHANGE POLICY & LEADERSHIP GROUP $ 6.2 $ 7.2 $ 0.9 15.0o/i COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEV 9.5 10.7 1.2 12. 7°/i ADM SVCS -FINANCE 4.2 4.2 -0.4°/. ADM SVCS -HUMAN RESOURCES 3.2 3.3 0.1 2.4°/. FIRE 20.4 21.1 0.7 3.5°/. LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS 12.1 12.4 0.3 2.6°/. PARKS & RECREATION 15.1 15.6 0.4 3.0o/i POLICE 32.3 34.2 1.9 5.9°/. PW -ADMINISTRATION 1.6 1.6 0.1 4.9°/. PW -ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 0.4 0.7 0.3 71.0o/i PW -GENERAL SERVICES 8.9 8.3 (0.5) -5.7°/. PW -TRANSPORTATION 5.5 6.8 1.3 24.4°/. NON-DEPARTMENTAL 16.0 15.7 (0.3) -1.8°/. TOTAL $ 135.3 $ 141.8 $ 6.5 4.8°/i • The Policy and Leadership Group consists of all elected officials, the City Manager's Office, City Clerk and City Treasurer, the City Attorney's Office and Community Outreach and Engagement. The increase of the FY 2016-17 adopted budget includes funding for the Real Estate Manager position (which was moved from the Finance Department budget to the City Manager budget), as well as funding in Community Outreach and Engagement for the Climate Action Plan implementation. Other increases include Internal Service Fund charges and Professional Services. • The Community and Economic Development Department includes Housing and Neighborhood Services, Economic Development, Planning, Development Services, Building Inspection, and Land Use Engineering. The increase over FY 2015-16 is about $1.2 million, or 12. 7 percent, and includes the addition of limited-term staff to assist with succession planning while ensuring continuous high levels of service, and funding for consulting services for updating the Housing Element, preparing a parking study, Item 17; pg. 24 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW updating Noise Guidelines, and preparing an Energy Conservation Ordinance as outlined in the Climate Action Plan. Funding is also included for a lobbyist and community outreach for the Village Double Tracking project, and to fund the second year of a pilot program for expedited service from the California Coastal Commission on Carlsbad projects. • The Administrative Services' Finance division provides the services of accounting, financial reporting , capital and operating budgeting, payroll, billing and collections, citywide mail processing, purchasing and receiving , fiscal oversight, and long-term financial planning for the city. This budget has remained relatively flat when compared to the FY 2015-16 budget. • The Administrative Services' Human Resources division supports the city with staffing and recruitment, employee development, performance management, and compensation and labor relations services. The 2.4 percent increase includes $50,000 to fund increases in legal professional services. • The Carlsbad Fire Department provides emergency operations, emergency preparedness, and fire prevention services to safeguard lives, property and the environment in the City of Carlsbad. The FY 2016-17 Operating Budget reflects a $700,000 (3.5 percent) increase. In addition to negotiated personnel related increases, funding is included for a full-time Permit Technician as well as additional part-time staff (an increase of .83 FTE) to assist with background checks and provide additional services related to the hiring process. The FY 2016-17 budget also includes a vehicle for the EMS Paramedic Nurse Coordinator. • The Library and Cultural Arts Department provides staffing and a wide variety of programming for three library locations, and a cultural arts office. The department's budget is projected to increase by $300,000, or 2.6 percent, from FY 2015-16. This includes funding for increasing costs of the annual Concert in the Parks series, increased funding for Community Arts Grants and public arts projects throughout the city. An innovative new program is planned, which will provide mobile library services from a Library Book Bike. • The Parks and Recreation Department plans, staffs and maintains the city's parks and recreational facilities , provides an assortment of recreational programs for all ages , maintains landscaping at facilities throughout the city, and manages the city's open space areas. The FY 2016-17 budget is $447 ,000, or 3 percent greater than the FY 2015-16 budget. Additional funding is included to expand the youth basketball program. • The Carlsbad Police Department provides high quality public safety services to the community by enforcing laws and ordinances, preserving the peace, and providing for the protection of life and property. Overall, the department's costs are increasing by $1.9 million, or 5.9 percent, for FY 2016-17, primarily due to negotiated wage and benefit increases. Funding was also included for contract services to provide background checks Item 17; pg. 25 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW to streamline the hiring process. The purchase of body worn cameras and associated storage costs is planned in the next year, and two additional vehicles for Community Service Officers to allow for more time spent in the field. • Public Works Administration division has a $77,000, or 4.9 percent increase when compared to FY 2015-16 due to reallocation of staff to this division. • The Public Works Environmental Management division manages the city's environmental programs, which include storm water, habitat and other environmental maintenance and monitoring programs as well as the implementation of the Climate Action Plan. The increase of $290,000 from the prior year's budget includes funding for a Climate Action Plan Administrator position, and for a contract facilitator to assist in reporting, training, and coordinating in support of the various programs within this division. • The Public Works General Services division oversees the city's fleet and manages the maintenance of all city-owned facilities, street and storm drain maintenance, and the Safety Training Center. The FY 2016-17 budget decreased $500,000 from the prior year due to reorganization within the Public Works departments. In addition to reallocations to and from other departments within Public Works, funding reflects the addition of one Public Works Supervisor, and the elimination of two full-time Street Maintenance Worker positions. • The Public Works Transportation division manages traffic signal operations and planning, roadway capital projects, asset management (such as the pavement management program), construction management and inspections, and storm drain engineering. The FY 2016-17 budget reflects an increase of $1.3 million, or 24.4 percent over FY 2015-16. Personnel changes included the addition of one Senior Construction Inspector, and allocation changes to and from other departments within Public Works. Funding was also included for a Coastal Trolley Study, unplanned traffic signal repairs, three limited-term interns, and consulting services for implementing the Climate Action Plan, specifically related to Transportation Demand Management strategies. • Non-departmenta,I expenses include the transfers previously discussed, the Council Contingency account, and administrative and other expenses not associated with any one department. The non-departmental budget is expected to decrease slightly in FY 2016-17. • The Council Contingency is a budgeted amount that is available to the City Council to address unanticipated emergencies or unforeseen program needs during the fiscal year. For FY 2016-17, the Contingency is budgeted at $1.5 million, with no change when compared to the prior year. Item 17; pg. 26 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW History of General Fund Expenditures (in millions) 3.0% -5.7% 2.9% -6.3% 4.4% -1.2% 10.8% 1.5% 8.2% 4.8% $150.0 $141.8 $125.0 $118.7 $115 2 $111.9 . $100.0 $75.0 $50.0 $25.0 $0.0 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016e FY 2017e As reflected in the chart above, the city's expenditures were reduced significantly with the City Council's revised budget in FY 2008-09, and expenditure increases were kept at bay through FY 2012-13. FY 2013-14 expenditures reflected a 10.8 percent increase due to labor costs and one-time expense for the Poinsettia Fires. The following year, FY 2014-15, estimated expenditures remained relatively flat. The FY 2015-16 estimated budget reflects an 8.2 percent increase in expenditures due primarily to increased personnel costs, and the FY 2016-17 budget is planned with a 4.8 percent increase. Changes in Other Funds Special Revenue funds , at $1 1.4 million , show a $253 ,000 (2 .2 percent) decrease when compared to FY 2015-16. Budgeted expenditures from the Local Cable Infrastructure Fund are decreasing by $290,000, while increases are noted in the Rental Assistance program , and the Buena Vista Channel Maintenance. Enterprise funds total $71 .7 million , an increase of $1.4 million , or 1.9 percent, over the FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. The most significant increases are in Water Operations, at about $1 .1 million, and are attributed to increases in the cost of water purchased from the San Diego County Water Authority (4.2 percent increase in fixed charges and variable costs combined). The Operating Budget also includes funding for depreciation replacement transfers related to growth and aging of the water infrastructure system. Wastewater operations are projected to remain relatively flat. Golf Course operations are expected to decrease slightly, $200,000, or 2.3 percent over FY 2015-16, with slight reductions in most cost centers. Item 17; pg. 27 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW The Internal Service funds total $23.9 million, with an increase of $2.3 million, or 10.6 percent over FY 2015-16. Significant changes are outlined below. • The Workers' Compensation budget is anticipated to increase $1 million due to increased claims and settlements. • The General Liability/Risk Management budget reflects a very modest increase of approximately $28,000, or 1.4 percent. A 0.50 full-time position was added to this department to accommodate actual workload. Decreases in negotiated premiums partially offset the increase in personnel costs. • The Self-Insured Benefits budget shows a decrease of approximately $35,000, or 3.2 percent, due to a decrease in the annual Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) payment for retiree health care. • The Vehicle Replacement budget shows a minor increase of $89,000, or 2.5 percent. There are 50 planned vehicle replacements in the upcoming year, at a total cost of $3.6 million. • The Vehicle Maintenance costs are expected to decrease approximately $170,000, or 5.1 percent, due to reductions in gas and oil as well as overall maintenance costs. Replacement of vehicles lagged for several years and are now occurring at a more accelerated rate. The overall fleet composition is newer in overall age and also includes more fuel efficient vehicles, which should result in a reduction in fuel and maintenance costs. • The Information Technology budget includes both operating and replacement expenditures. The overall increase is $1.3 million, or 15.8 percent. While replacement of assets increased about $250,000, the bulk of the overall increase is in the department's operating budget. Funding is included for one full-time Network Engineer and temporary contractual staffing in the Business Intelligence division to assist with data reporting needs of the organization. The department is anticipating about $700,000 in increases for software maintenance and contractual services for both existing and new technology projects. • The budget for the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Funds (RORF) has remained flat, when compared to the previous year. The Recognized Obligation Payments Schedule (ROPS) identifies financial commitments of the former Redevelopment Agency, including $250,000 in administrative costs, to be paid from semi-annual tax increment revenue received by the Successor Agency and annual debt service requirements. Every six months a new ROPS must be prepared and approved by the Oversight Board, the County of San Diego and the State of California in order to receive additional tax increment. SUMMARY The Operating Budget for FY 2016-17 provides a balanced budget for the coming fiscal year while continuing with a long-term plan to sustain a balanced budget in future years. Significant ongoing operating expenses were identified and incorporated in the FY 2016-17 proposed spending plan to ensure ongoing financial obligations of the city are met. The Carlsbad economy is well diversified and continues to provide stability to the city's revenue base, bolstered by strong assessed property values, retail sales, tourism and, in the coming few years, development activity. Most of the city's major revenue sources are improving with the exception of sales tax, which is due to a timing difference in receipts due to the wind down of the state's Triple Flip. Item 17; pg. 28 2016-17 PRELIMINARY OPERATING BUDGET OVERVIEW Carlsbad continues to benefit form a strong and diverse economic base, and has maintained financial policies that continue to protect the city from the vagaries of the business cycle, increasing costs, and unfunded mandates. The city continues to evaluate opportunities to strengthen financial policies, identify opportunities to improve business practices and provide the greatest service level possible with finite resources, and continue to provide an environment that fosters excellence. The City of Carlsbad is entering the new fiscal year in a solid financial position and focused on the future. Careful planning and responsible management have allowed the city to not only maintain core services, but to also move ahead on community projects and other investments that contribute to an excellent quality of life in our community. Promoting a strong local economy and bringing more jobs to the city is a top priority. Due to continued fiscally conservative practices, the city is in an excellent position to take advantage of new economic opportunities that will allow our community to thrive now and for many years in the future. Item 17; pg. 29 FUND I GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND !SPECIAL REVENUE AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARKING IN LIEU POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE -SECTION 8 SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE I ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE TOTAL ENTERPRISE I INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES UNRESERVED BALANCE PROJECTED JULY 1, 2015 REVENUES $80,236,278 * $141,985,000 80,236,278 141,985,000 14,805,651 933,500 1,363,467 103,000 265,229 127,000 1,037,541 8,000 280,796 391,000 228,387 21,500 262,215 2,700 341,218 308,200 2,268,598 611,500 744,010 375,400 98,682 1,109,000 460,036 97,000 409,661 34,000 (91,813) 341,813 291,109 54,000 496,214 5,690,000 319,681 23,000 1,504,152 898,000 27,968 573,000 25,112,802 11,701,613 16,968,661 36,723,848 7,433,024 8,159,492 4,625,864 12,876,361 10,868,869 3,416,435 1,272,717 8,106,525 41,169,135 69,282,661 604,829 3,149,040 1,633,855 2,008,500 1,768,384 929,000 425,812 2,935,410 16,341,082 2,539,100 5,428,232 8,037,973 26,202,194 19,599,023 I REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND 1,152,894 1,644,000 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND 1,152,894 1,644,000 !TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $173,873,303 $244,212,297 * FOR THE GENERAL FUND ONLY THIS REPRESENTS UNASSIGNED FUND BALANCE. PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE EXPENDITURES JUNE 30, 2016 $134,279,127 $87,942,151 * 134,279,127 87,942,151 642,912 15,096,239 128,000 1,338,467 193,000 199,229 10,000 1,035,541 507,584 164,212 25,000 224,887 1,000 263,915 200,000 449,418 400,000 2,480,098 600,000 519,410 850,000 357,682 44,000 513,036 125,000 318,661 250,000 0 60,100 285,009 6,030,000 156,214 28,200 314,481 893,000 1,509,152 570,000 30,968 11,557,796 25,256,619 34,094,799 19,597,710 7,619,809 7,972,707 11,229,874 6,272,351 2,874,242 11,411,062 7,694,335 1,684,907 63,513,059 46,938,737 4,258,000 (504,131) 2,002,259 1,640,096 945,602 1,751,782 2,580,000 781,222 2,892,000 15,988,182 8,573,702 4,892,503 21,251,563 24,549,654 1,094,000 1,702,894 1,094,000 1,702,894 $231,695,545 $186,390,0551 Item 17; pg. 30 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS PROJECTED FUND BALANCES PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE ESTIMATED ADOPTED BALANCE FUND JULY1,2016 REVENUES BUDGET JUNE 30, 2017 I GENERAL FUND $87,942,151 * $146,150,403 $141,809,686 $92,282,868 * TOTAL GENERAL FUND 87,942,151 146,150,403 141,809,686 92,282,868 I SPECIAL REVENUE AFFORDABLE HOUSING 15,096,239 753,727 572,613 15,277,353 BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE 1,338,467 113,000 186,400 1,265,067 CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY 199,229 169,000 158,672 209,557 COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS 1,035,541 8,000 10,000 1,033,541 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 164,212 600,000 518,171 246,041 CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS 224,887 16,000 70,000 170,887 LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND 263,915 2,700 6,000 260,615 LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS 449,418 223,500 313,006 359,912 LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 2,480,098 611,000 305,248 2,785,850 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 519,410 375,000 235,415 658,995 MEDIAN MAINTENANCE 357,682 739,000 1,073,050 23,632 PARKING IN LIEU 513,036 5,000 44,000 474,036 POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE 318,661 34,000 101,346 251,315 POLICE GRANTS 0 0 0 0 RECREATION DONATIONS 285,009 41,000 132,950 193,059 RENTAL ASSISTANCE -SECTION 8 156,214 5,859,200 6,013,070 2,344 SENIOR DONATIONS 314,481 23,000 47,500 289,981 STREET LIGHTING 1,509,152 886,000 1,010,973 1,384,179 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 30,968 583,000 570,382 43,586 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE 25,256,619 11,042,127 11,368,796 24,929,950 I ENTERPRISE WATER OPERATIONS 19,597,710 38,402,350 39,739,425 18,260,635 RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS 7,972,707 8,796,000 7,778,974 8,989,733 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS 6,272,351 12,786,600 12,428,882 6,630,069 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 11,411,062 3,546,800 3,821,130 11,136,732 GOLF COURSE 1,684,907 6,976,272 7,970,967 690,212 TOTAL ENTERPRISE 46,938,737 70,508,022 71,739,378 45,707,381 I INTERNAL SERVICE WORKERS' COMPENSATION (504,131) 3,943,780 4,261,007 (821,358) R\SK MANAGEMENT 1,640,096 1,986,580 2,028,215 1,598,461 SELF-INSURED BENEFITS 1,751,782 910,000 1,040,000 1,621,782 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 781,222 3,204,509 3,159,868 825,863 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 15,988,182 2,566,096 3,648,173 14,906,105 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4,892,503 8,945,800 9,726,262 4,112,041 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE 24,549,654 21,556,765 23,863,525 22,242,894 I REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND 1,702,894 1,849,000 1,400,525 2,151,369 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND 1,702,894 1,849,000 1,400,525 2,151,369 I TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS $186,390,055 $251,106,317 $250,181,910 $187,314,4621 * FOR THE GENERAL FUND ONLY THIS REPRESENTS UNDESIGNATED, UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE. Item 17; pg. 31 REVENUE SOURCE I GENERAL FUND I TAXES PROPERTY TAX SALES TAX TRANSIENT TAX FRANCHISE TAX BUSINESS LICENSE TAX TRANSFER TAX TOTAL TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL HOMEOWNERS EXEMPTION OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS OTHER LICENSES & PERMITS TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES PLANNING FEES BUILDING DEPT. FEES ENGINEERING FEES AMBULANCE FEES RECREATION FEES OTHER CHARGES OR FEES TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEITURES INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS AND PROPERTY• INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES OTHER REVENUE SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND • INTEREST IS CALCULATED ON AN AMORTIZED COST BASIS I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AFFORDABLE HOUSING AFFORDABLE HOUSING FEES PROPERTY TAX INTEREST OTHER TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE BUENA VISTA FEES INTEREST TOTAL BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY STATE FUNDING (AB3229) INTEREST TOTAL CITIZENS OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS INTEREST TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 2014-15 2015-16 $54,340,329 $56,867,000 33,201,787 34,879,000 19,712,666 20,252,000 5,427,122 5,638,000 4,547,978 4,409,000 1,406,315 1,090,000 118,636,197 123,135,000 355,375 356,000 1,382,039 600,000 1,737,414 956,000 1,006,943 699,000 1,361,996 946,000 2,368,939 1,645,000 1,103,852 663,000 801,113 721,000 1,150,832 1,064,000 2,627,180 2,000,000 2,844,478 2,916,000 961,757 425,000 9,489,212 7,789,000 761,639 749,000 3,558,953 3,638,000 3,807,041 3,193,000 2,126,912 880,000 $142,486,307 $141,985,000 $455,296 $511,000 50,830 50,000 140,366 332,500 480,020 40,000 1,126,512 933,500 85,198 90,000 12,122 13,000 97,320 103,000 198,910 127,000 0 0 198,910 127,000 9,490 8,000 9,490 8,000 ESTIMATED CHANGE AS% DIFFERENCE REVENUE OF FY 15-16 2015-16 TO 2016-17 PROJECTED 2016-17 $59,166,000 4.0% $2,299,000 34,059,000 -2.4% (820,000) 20,820,000 2.8% 568,000 5,698,000 1.1% 60,000 4,542,000 3.0% 133,000 1,112,000 2.0% 22,000 125,397,000 1.8% 2,262,000 362,000 1.7% 6,000 472,000 -21.3% (128,000) 834,000 -12.8% (122,000) 1,300,000 86.0% 601,000 969,000 2.4% 23,000 2,269,000 37.9% 624,000 698,000 5.3% 35,000 1,055,000 46.3% 334,000 1,176,000 10.5% 112,000 2,565,000 28.3% 565,000 2,919,000 0.1% 3,000 543,000 27.8% 118,000 8,956,000 15.0% 1,167,000 767,000 2.4% 18,000 3,798,000 4.4% 160,000 3,261,403 2.1% 68,403 868,000 -1.4% (12,000) $146,150,403 2.9% $4,165,403 $235,000 -54.0% ($276,000) 111,227 122.5% 61,227 332,500 0.0% o 75,000 87.5% 35,000 753,727 -19.3% (179,773) 100,000 11.1% 10,000 13,000 0.0% o 113,000 9.7% 10,000 168,000 32.3% 41,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000 169,000 33.1% 42,000 8,000 0.0% o 8,000 0.0% o Item 17; pg. 32 REVENUE SOURCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FEDERAL GRANT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST OTHER TOTALCULTURALARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND INTEREST TOTAL LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS GIFTS/BEQUESTS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. #2 LLD#2 FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DIST. NO. #2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND CABLE FEES INTEREST TOTAL LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE MEDIAN MAINTENANCE FEES OTHER TOTAL MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARKING IN LIEU IN LIEU FEES INTEREST TOTAL PARKING IN LIEU POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE ASSET FORFEITURES INTEREST TOTAL POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS FEDERAL GRANT TOTAL POLICE GRANTS RECREATION DONATIONS DONATIONS & GRANTS INTEREST TOTAL RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE FEDERAL GRANT OTHER TOTAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE SENIOR DONATIONS DONATIONS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL SENIOR DONATIONS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 2014-15 2015-16 552,885 150,000 55 1,000 178,597 240,000 731,537 391,000 102,127 17,000 1,747 1,000 2,806 3,500 106,680 21,500 2,397 2,700 2,397 2,700 179,380 304,700 2,422 3,500 72,155 0 253,957 308,200 511,665 592,500 19,079 19,000 10,800 0 541,544 611,500 371,275 368,000 7,964 7,400 379,239 375,400 355,846 359,000 535,095 750,000 890,941 1,109,000 73,440 92,000 3,778 5,000 77,218 97,000 75,751 30,000 4,449 4,000 80,200 34,000 100,814 341,813 100,814 341,813 51,271 52,000 2,618 2,000 53,889 54,000 5,379,377 5,639,900 308,893 50,100 5,688,270 5,690,000 9,666 8,000 2,949 3,000 14,195 12,000 26,810 23,000 ESTIMATED CHANGE AS% DIFFERENCE REVENUE OF FY 15-16 2015-16 TO 2016-17 PROJECTED 2016-17 500,000 233.3% 350,000 0 -100.0% (1,000) 100,000 -58.3% (140,000) 600,000 53.5% 209,000 12,000 -29.4% (5,000) 1,000 0.0% 0 3,000 -14.3% (500) 16,000 -25.6% (5,500) 2,700 0.0% 0 2,700 0.0% 0 140,000 -54.1% (164,700) 3,500 0.0% 0 80,000 0.0% 80,000 223,500 -27.5% (84,700) 592,000 -0.1% (500) 19,000 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 611,000 -0.1% (500) 368,000 0.0% 0 7,000 -5.4% (400) 375,000 -0.1% (400) 359,000 0.0% 0 380,000 -49.3% (370,000) 739,000 -33.4% (370,000) 0 -100.0% (92,000) 5,000 0.0% 0 5,000 -94.9% (92,000) 30,000 0.0% 0 4,000 0.0% 0 34,000 0.0% 0 0 -100.0% (341,813) 0 -100.0% (341,813) 39,000 -25.0% (13,000) 2,000 0.0% 0 41,000 -24.1% (13,000) 5,780,000 2.5% 140,100 79,200 58.1% 29,100 5,859,200 3.0% 169,200 8,000 0.0% 0 3,000 0.0% 0 12,000 0.0% 0 23,000 0.0% 0 Item 17; pg. 33 REVENUE· SOURCE STREET LIGHTING STREET LIGHTING FEES OTHER INTEREST TOTAL STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TREE MAINTENANCE FEES OTHER TOTAL STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS !ENTERPRISE FUNDS I WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY TO SERVE CHARGES PROPERTY TAXES NEW ACCOUNT CHARGES BACK-FLOW PROGRAM FEES PENAL TY FEES INTEREST ENGINEERING OVERHEAD SERVICE CONNECTION FEES OTHER TOTAL WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WATER SALES READY-TO-SERVE CHARGE RECYCLED WATER CREDITS INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SERVICE CHARGES MISC SEWER ENGINEERING OVERHEAD PENAL TY FEES INTEREST OTHER TOTAL WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT INTEREST RECYCLING FEES (AB939) PENAL TY FEES TRASH SURCHARGE OTHER TOTAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS INTEREST CHARGES FOR SERVICES OTHER TOTAL GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 2014-15 2015-16 731,560 732,000 151,979 152,000 13,922 14,000 897,461 898,000 463,505 463,000 54,172 110,000 517,677 573,000 $11,780,866 $11,701,613 $26,391,388 $22,380,273 9,580,700 9,913,252 3,108,638 2,823,441 119,664 146,620 142,632 270,638 299,401 336,600 171,094 220,000 82,099 103,453 90,423 74,672 2,381,108 454,899 42,367,147 36,723,848 6,587,926 5,893,385 808,389 865,687 1,279,860 1,062,540 67,737 92,097 470,437 245,783 9,214,349 8,159,492 12,665,274 12,471,323 37,208 35,912 171,943 157,601 91,386 92,325 52,981 65,576 78,782 53,624 13,097,574 12,876,361 110,808 116,000 319,385 315,000 56,405 52,000 2,774,446 2,695,700 385,985 237,735 3,647,029 3,416,435 92,547 83,000 6,709,487 6,908,879 1,626,340 1,114,646 8,428,374 8,106,525 $76,754,473 $69,282,661 ESTIMATED CHANGE AS% DIFFERENCE REVENUE OF FY 15-16 2015-16 TO 2016-17 PROJECTED 2016-17 732,000 0.0% 0 140,000 -7.9% (12,000) 14,000 0.0% 0 886,000 -1.3% (12,000) 463,000 0.0% 0 120,000 9.1% 10,000 583,000 1-8% 10,000 $11,042,127 -5.6% ($659,486) $24,900,000 11-3% $2,519,727 9,500,000 -4.2% (413,252) 2,912,200 3.1% 88,759 119,500 -18.5% (27,120) 141,600 -47.7% (129,038) 262,500 -22.0% (74,100) 141,150 -35.8% (78,850) 75,000 -27.5% (28,453) 73,400 -1.7% (1,272) 277,000 -39,1% (177,899) 38,402,350 4.6% 1,678,502 6,500,000 10.3% 606,615 850,000 -1.8% (15,687) 1,250,000 17.6% 187,460 80,000 -13,1% (12,097) 116,000 -52,8% (129,783) 8,796,000 7.8% 636,508 12,400,000 -0.6% (71,323) 35,000 -2.5% (912) 179,000 13.6% 21,399 80,000 -13.4% (12,325) 48,600 -25.9% (16,976) 44,000 -18-0% (9,624) 12,786,600 -0.7% (89,761) 120,300 3.7% 4,300 320,000 1.6% 5,000 55,000 5.8% 3,000 2,700,000 0.2% 4,300 351,500 47.9% 113,765 3,546,800 3.8% 130,365 --100.0% (83,000) 6,976,272 1.0% 67,393 0 -100.0% (1,114,646) 6,976,272 -13.9% (1,130,253) $70,508,022 1.8% $1,225,361 Item 17; pg. 34 REVENUE SOURCE I INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I WORKERS' COMPENSATION INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS INTERDEPARTMENTAL OTHER TOTAL SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERDEPARTMENTAL INTEREST OTHER TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS I VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND TAX INCREMENT INTEREST OTHER TOTAL VILLAGE OPERATIONS/ DEBT SERVICE TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT FUNDS I TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS REVENUE ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROJECTED REVENUE REVENUE 2014-15 2015-16 $1,651,230 $2,064,040 74,735 85,000 2,007,472 1,000,000 3,733,437 3,149,040 1,951,489 1,951,500 27,575 37,000 31,437 20,000 2,010,501 2,008,500 779,790 804,000 103,246 125,000 883,036 929,000 3,202,141 2,908,710 1,542 4,700 44,986 22,000 3,248,669 2,935,410 1,680,625 2,209,100 146,787 174,000 343,757 156,000 2,171,169 2,539,100 8,176,350 7,870,573 55,208 23,700 102,148 143,700 8,333,706 8,037,973 $20,380,518 $19,599,023 1,434,925 1,640,000 3,497 4,000 133,371 0 1,571,793 1,644,000 $1,571,793 $1,644,000 $252,973,957 $244,212,297 ESTIMATED CHANGE AS% DIFFERENCE REVENUE OF FY 15-16 2015-16 TO 2016-17 PROJECTED 2016-17 $2,375,780 15.1% $311,740 68,000 -20.0% (17,000) 1,500,000 50.0% 500,000 3,943,780 25.2% 794,740 1,951,580 0.0% 80 35,000 -5.4% (2,000) 0 -100.0% (20,000) 1,986,580 -1.1% (21,920) 800,000 -0.5% (4,000) 110,000 -12.0% (15,000) 910,000 -2.1% (19,000) 3,184,909 9.5% 276,199 2,600 -44.7% (2,100) 17,000 -22.7% (5,000) 3,204,509 9.2% 269,099 2,368,596 7.2% 159,496 147,500 -15.2% (26,500) 50,000 -68.0% (106,000) 2,566,096 1.1% 26,996 8,922,100 13.4% 1,051,527 23,700 0.0% 0 0 -100.0% (143,700) 8,945,800 11.3% 907,827 $21,556,765 10.0% $1,957,742 1,845,000 12.5% 205,000 4,000 0.0% 0 0 ,0.0% 0 1,849,000 12.5% 205,000 $1,849,000 12.5% $205,000 $251,106,317 2.8% $6,894,020 I Item 17; pg. 35 DEPARTMENT !GENERAL FUND I POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP CITY COUNCIL CITY ATIORNEY CITY CLERK & RECORDS MANAGEMENT CITY MANAGER CITY TREASURER COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT TOTAL POLICY AND LEADERSHIP GROUP ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FINANCE HUMAN RESOURCES TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY SERVICES LIBRARY AND CULTURAL ARTS PARKS AND RECREATION TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE POLICE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ENVIRON.MENTAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 ESTIMATED ACTUAL* ACTUALS EXPENDITURES $352,420 $384,392 $444,000 1,306,354 1,416,317 1,476,000 655,591 808,397 875,000 1,604,836 1,629,045 1,912,000 188,681 196,203 205,000 768,903 1,300,604 1,275,000 4,876,785 5,734,958 6,187,000 3,547,169 3,824,267 4,415,000 2,422,311 2,869,236 3,050,000 5,969,480 6,693,503 7,465,000 7,497,677 8,330,000 9,516,000 569,061 646,202 800,000 8,066,738 8,976,202 10,316,000 10,509,164 10,791,585 13,634,000 13,406,265 14,636,829 14,672,000 23,915,429 25,428,414 28,306,000 18,029,627 19,034,742 20,160,000 28,913,269 29,557,209 30,482,000 46,942,896 48,591,951 50,642,000 1,110,647 1,254,175 1,452,000 263,984 329,297 410,000 7,774,117 8,334,136 7,590,000 4,958,573 4,940,199 6,073,000 14,107,321 14,857,807 15,525,000 2015-16 BUDGET $419,945 1,491,210 910,146 1,790,773 237,924 1,384,149 6,234,147 4,187,552 3,191,748 7,379,300 8,611,895 853,563 9,465,458 12,055,043 15,105,405 27,160,448 20,423,483 32,296,504 52,719,987 1,562,600 408,564 8,850,420 5,476,597 16,298,181 NOTE: ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES MAY EXCEED ADOPTED BUDGET SINCE THEY INCLUDE PRIOR YEAR BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. 2016-17 BUDGET 490,929 1,514,588 1,057,377 2,045,287 219,563 1,843,583 7,171,327 4,203,629 3,267,965 7,471,594 9,726,420 976,911 10,703,331 12,366,337 15,551,949 27,918,286 21,138,670 34,195,534 55,334,204 1,639,348 698,645 8,348,834 6,810,617 17,497,444 • ACTUALS, ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND BUDGET HAVE BEEN ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE CITY'S REORGANIZATION IMPLEMENTATION. %1NCR/(DECR) 15-16 BUD TO 16-17 BUD 16.9% 1.6% 16.2% 14.2% -7.7% 33.2% 15.0% 0.4% 2.4% 1.3% 12.9% 14.5% 13.1% 2.6% 3.0% 2.8% 3.5% 5.9% 5.0% 4.9% 71.0% -5.7% 24.4% 7.4% Item 17; pg. 36 DEPARTMENT !GENERAL FUND-CONTINUED I MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LEGAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL RELATED PROPERTY TAX & OTHER ADMINISTRATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES TRANSFERS INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND TRANSFERS TO SELF INSURED BENEFITS TRANSFERS TO GOLF COURSE TRANSFER TO LLD#1 (MEDIANS & TREES) TRANSFER TO STORM WATER PROGRAM OTHER MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS TOTAL TRANSFERS TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND !SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS AFFORDABLE HOUSING BUENA VISTA CHANNEL MAINTENANCE CITIZEN'S OPTION FOR PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CULTURAL ARTS DONATIONS LIBRARY AND ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND LIBRARY GIFTS/BEQUESTS LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2 LOCAL CABLE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE PARKING IN LIEU POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE POLICE GRANTS RECREATION DONATIONS RENTAL ASSISTANCE SENIOR DONATIONS STREET LIGHTING STREET TREE MAINTENANCE TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 ESTIMATED ACTUAL* ACTUALS EXPENDITURES 33,698 40,707 25,000 51,565 49,740 50,000 100,029 315,370 100,000 1,125,469 1,246,582 450,930 609,548 1,592,120 1,500,000 131,359 117,608 950,000 643,729 549,747 710,000 2,695,397 3,911,874 3,785,930 7,800,000 8,302,000 8,952,000 2,000,000 0 0 998,549 1,031,240 1,049,795 1,949,251 539,000 860,000 189,616 232,334 190,402 3,197,800 829,750 1,000,000 16,135,216 10,934,324 12,052,197 18,830,613 14,846,198 15,838,127 122,709,262 125,129,033 134,279,127 0 0 0 $122,709,262 $125,129,033 $134,279,127 $476,970 $472,431 $642,912 100,014 16,291 128,000 125,037 102,286 193,000 11,554 7,488 10,000 209,022 664,888 507,584 30,560 33,208 25,000 0 1,511 1,000 129,231 107,393 200,000 238,307 249,208 400,000 279,299 480,116 600,000 873,997 797,985 850,000 42,196 42,901 44,000 162,981 161,760 125,000 230,980 142,729 250,000 15,791 30,724 60,100 6,087,129 6,249,903 6,030,000 25,003 25,849 28,200 747,085 800,854 893,000 647,691 520,373 570,000 $10,432,847 $10,907,898 $11,557,796 %1NCR/(DECR) 15-16 BUD 2015-16 2016-17 TO BUDGET BUDGET 16-17 BUD 0 0 - 55,000 55,000 0.0% 400,000 300,000 -25.0% 402,000 282,500 -29.7% 0 0 - 930,000 1,155,000 24.2% 650,000 737,000 13.4% 2,437,000 2,529,500 3.8% 8,952,000 9,460,000 5.7% 0 0 - 1,049,795 0 -100.0% 860,000 500,000 -41.9% 209,735 224,000 6.8% 1,000,000 1,500,000 50.0% 12,071,530 11,684,000 -3.2% 14,508,530 14,213,500 -2.0% 133,766,051 140,309,686 4.9% 1,500,000 1,500,000 0.0% $135,266,051 $141,809,686 4.8% $616,641 $572,613 -7.1% 110,400 186,400 68.8% 193,001 158,672 -17.8% 10,000 10,000 0.0% 474,030 518,171 9.3% 75,500 70,000 -7.3% 4,000 6,000 50.0% 335,130 313,006 -6.6% 305,503 305,248 -0.1% 527,503 235,415 -55.4% 1,067,592 1,073,050 0.5% 44,000 44,000 0.0% 166,441 101,346 -39.1% 48,040 0 -100.0% 81,322 132,950 63.5% 5,940,146 6,013,070 1.2% 46,600 47,500 1.9% 1,006,452 1,010,973 0.4% 569,333 570,382 0.2% $11,621,634 $11,368,796 -2.2% Item 17; pg. 37 DEPARTMENT I ENTERPRISE FUNDS I WATER OPERATIONS RECYCLED WATER OPERATIONS WASTEWATER OPERATIONS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS !INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS I WORKERS' COMPENSATION RISK MANAGEMENT SELF-INSURED BENEFITS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS !REDEVELOPMENT OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUNDS I VILLAGE RDA OBLIGATION RETIREMENT FUND TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT !TOTAL OPERATING FUNDS CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING FUNDS BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 ESTIMATED ACTUAL* ACTUALS EXPENDITURES $37,585,445 $36,440,547 $34,094,799 10,606,510 6,671,638 7,619,809 11,140,611 12,168,367 11,229,874 2,861,791 2,976,754 2,874,242 7,876,241 7,430,703 7,694,335 $70,070,598 $65,688,009 $63,513,059 $3,359,904 $2,406,830 $4,258,000 737,709 2,885,985 2,002,259 821,366 2,884,619 945,602 3,071,201 3,069,605 2,580,000 2,186,947 1,434,149 2,892,000 7,129,998 7,409,333 8,573,702 $17,307,125 $20,090,521 $21,251,563 $709,820 $631,446 $1,094,000 $709,820 $631,446 $1,094,000 $221,229,652 $222,446,907 $231,695,545 2015-16 BUDGET $38,266,039 7,917,312 12,404,876 3,640,424 8,156,559 $70,385,210 $3,217,007 2,000,422 1,074,520 3,329,985 3,559,058 8,399,297 $21,580,289 $1,290,134 $1,290,134 $240,143,318 General Fund Non GF 2016-17 BUDGET $39,739,425 7,778,974 12,428,882 3,821,130 7,970,967 $71,739,378 $4,261,007 2,028,215 1,040,000 3,159,868 3,648,173 9,726,262 $23,863,525 $1,400,525 $1,400,525 $250,181,910 $141,809,686 108,372,224 $250,181,910 %1NCR/(DECR) 15-16 BUD TO 16-17 BUD 3.9% -1.7% 0.2% 5.0% -2.3% 1.9% 32.5% 1.4% -3.2% -5.1% 2.5% 15.8% 10.6% 8.6% 8.6% 4.2% Item 17; pg. 38 PERSONNEL ALLOCATIONS FINAL BUDGET 2014-15 CITY ATTORNEY 7.00 CITY CLERK 3.00 CITY COUNCIL 1.00 CITY MANAGER 7.00 CITY TREASURER 0.75 COMMUNICATIONS 4.75 COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 44.00 FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT 31 .50 FIRE 89.00 HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES 12.00 HUMAN RESOURCES & WORKERS COMP 11.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 22.50 LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS 50.25 PARKS AND RECREATION 61.60 POLICE 162.00 PUBLIC WORKS-ADMINISTRATION 6.00 PUBLIC WORKS-ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 7.80 PUBLIC WORKS-GENERAL SERVICES (*) 33.10 PUBLIC WORKS-TRANSPORTATION(*) 55.10 PUBLIC WORKS -UTILITIES 58.40 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 2.00 PERMANENT FULL AND 3/4 TIME LABOR FORCE 669.75 SUMMARY OF REQUESTED LABOR FORCE BY CATEGORY 2014-15 Limited Term Personnel 0.00 Hourly Full Time Equivalent Personnel 157.77 TOTAL LABOR FORCE 827.52 FINAL BUDGET 2015-16 7.00 3.00 1.00 7.00 0.75 5.00 44.00 32.50 89.00 13.00 11 .00 19.50 50.50 58.15 168.00 8.05 8.50 28.10 57.35 60.85 2.00 674.25 2015-16 3.75 159.51 837.51 E~\bit 5 I FINAL BUDGET 2016-17 2016-17 CHANGES 7.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 8.00 1.00 0.75 0.00 5.00 0.00 44.00 0.00 32.00 (0.50) 90.00 1.00 13.00 0.00 11.00 0.00 20.00 0.50 50.50 0.00 57.15 (1.00) 168.00 0.00 8.85 0.80 9.50 1.00 51 .30 23.20 34.00 (23.35) 60.20 (0.65) 2.00 0.00 676.25 2.00 2016-17 Difference 6.75 3.00 162.76 3.25 845.76 8.25 (*)In FY 2016-17 Public Works restructured divisions within the General Services and Transportation departments resulting in staffing increases in General Services and decreases in Transportation. Item 17; pg. 39 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE June 2016 All fee changes approved by City Council on June 28, 2016 will go into effect on the first day the city serves the public using the new Energov software system, (currently estimated for November 1, 2016), and no sooner than 60 days after City Council adoption of the revised fees. Item 17; pg. 40 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SECTION 1 GENERAL CITY SERVICE FEES June 2016 Item 17; pg. 41 t11¥:,11~li'l!(~lD1: City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk City Clerk Fire Administrative Fire Administrative Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Ambulance Fire Nuisance Fire Nuisance Fire Nuisance Fire Nuisance Fire Nuisance Fire Prevention Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Library Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 General City Service Fees Blueprinting of Standard Size (24" x 36") Improvement Plan Sheet (Cost for each) Campaign Statements (per page), set by FPPC City Clerk -CD Copy City Clerk-Certification Charge (per document) Conflict of Interest Statement (per page), set by FPPC Copies -Black & White (each) Copies -Color (each) Deposition Subpoena DVD Copy, including Council Meeting on DVD Records Subpoena Bicycle Licenses (Code Section 10.56.070 and 10.56.100) Bicycle Licenses -Replacement or Transfer (Code Section 10.56.070 and 10.56.100) Ambulance Fee-Advanced Life Support 1--Non Resident-plus Level I or Level II Supplies & Medications Ambulance Fee -Advanced Life Support 1--Resident-plus Level I or Level II Supplies & Medications Ambulance Fee -Advanced Life Support 2 --Non Resident-plus Level II Supplies & Medications Ambulance Fee -Advanced Life Support 2 --Resident-plus Level II Supplies & Medications Ambulance Fee -Mileage Charge -per mile Ambulance Fee -Oxygen Charge Ambulance Fee BLS-Base Rate -Resident Ambulance Fee BLS-Base Rate Non-Resident Ambulance Fee-Advanced Life Support I-Assessment/Non Transport with Medication Given. No charge for assessment non-transport if no medication given. Ambulance Transport including Community Paramedicine -Level I Supplies & Medications Ambulance Transport including Community Para medicine-Level II Supplies & Medications Ambulance Transport-Community Paramedicine ALS-Resident-Plus Level I or Level II Supplies and Medications Ambulance Transport-Community Para medicine BLS-Resident Fire Nuisance Alarm -1st response in 12 month period Fire Nuisance Alarm -2nd response in 12 month period Fire Nuisance Alarm -3rd response in 12 month period Fire Nuisance Alarm -each additional response thereafter Fire Nuisance Alarm -each billing Fire-Special Event -per fire personnel per hour (consistent with City payroll records) Copies -Black & White (each) Copies -Color (each) Library Account Collection Fee Library Book Non Pickup Fee (per item) Library Borrowing -Audio Visual Equipment (per item, per day) Library Borrowing -Audio Visual Insurance fee-Per DVD Library Borrowing -Mobile Device Loan·Late Fee (Per Item, Per Hour) Library Card Replacement Library Fines -DVD (per day per item) Library Fines -Juvenile (per day per item) Library Fines (per day per item) Library History Room Photo Fee (vendor cost of duplicating historical photos) Library Interlibrary Loan Library Lost Item Processing Fee Lost/Damaged beyond repair book/audio item Lost/Damaged DVD Lost/Damaged Library Materials Administrative Fee for 1915 Act Bond Call -1% of principal being repaid (For all Assessment Districts using 1915 Act Bonds) Business License -master list of active business licenses Business License -monthly list of new licenses Cable Channel Administration Fee Check Processing Fee for Cancellation (Customer Initiated} Communications -DVD Copy Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations -Personal Hearings Hearing Disposition Services for Parking Citations -Written Review 1 " --,,;, ,. , $5 $5 $0.10 $0.10 $3 $3 $22 $22 $0.10 $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $1.00 $1.00 $275 $275 $22 $22 $15 $15 $3 $3 $1 $1 $1,167 $1,163 $1,167 $1,163 $1,370 $1,365 $1,269 $1,264 $23 $23 $76 $76 $952 $949 $952 $949 $203 $202 $127 $126 $254 $253 $1,167 $1,163 $952 $949 $0 $0 $82 $84 $165 $168 $324 $330 $11 $11 Actual Cost Actual Cost $~.20 --$0.20 $1 $1 $10 $10 $1 $1 $5 $5 $1 $1 $5 $5 $2 $2 $1 $1 $0.10 $0.10 $0.25 $0.25 Direct Cost Direct Cost $5 $5 $5 $5 List price+$40 if List price+$40 if out of print out of print 20% of list price 20% of list price Variable up to list Variable up to list price price $50 min/$500 $50 min/$500 max max $36 $36 $5 $6 $110/Hour $110/Hour $20 $20 $22 $22 $0 $0 $0 $0 Item 17; pg. 42 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Parking Violation Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 General City Service Fees ,,,:, Publications -As Determined by the City Manager Returned Check Fee 21113 [a) -Vehicle/Animal public on grounds 21211-Bike lane 22500 [a) -In intersection 22500 [b) -In cross walk 22500 [d) -Fire station driveway 22500 [e) -Driveway 22500 [f) -Sidewalk 22500 (g) -Obstructing traffic 22500 (h) -Double parking 22500 (i) -Bus zone 22500 (j) -Tube or tunnel 22500 {k) -Bridge 22500 {I) -Blocking Disabled 22500 c -Red curb 22500.1 -Fire lane 22502 -18" from curb/wrong way 22507 (a) -Oversize Vehicle 22507.8 -Disable space/block access 22514 -Fire hydrant 22515 -Unattended vehicle 22516 -Locked vehicle/passenger inside 22517 -Open/close door in traffic 22520 -Stopping on freeway 22520.5 -Vending from Hwy 22521-> 7.5ft from RR tracks 22522 -3ft from handicap ramp 22523 -Abandoned vehicle 22526 -Blocking intersection 23226 -Store open container/ pass comp 23333 -Stop/ park in vehicle crossing 24003 -Vehicle with unlawful lighting device 24401 -Dimmed lights on parked vehicle 24604 -Lamp orflag on projections 24607 -Reflectors on rear 24608 -Reflectors on front and sides 25250 -Unlawful flashing lights 25251 -Flashing lights required 25300 Warn device disabled, parked vehicle 26451 -Set parking brake 27155 -Fuel tank caps 4462 {b) -Wrong vehicle registration 5200 -Plates front/back 5201 -Position of plate 5204 {a) -Tabs 72 hour parking Alley parking Commercial vehicle in residential area Repair vehicle in street Safety zone Storage/ Impounded Vehicle Administrative Charge Administrative Fee -DUI Audio/Visual Copy '""" Burglary Alarm Response -Second Occurrence {no charge for 1st response if permitted) (Note 1) Burglary Alarm Response -Each Additional Occurrence (Note 1) Copy Investigation Tapes{+ cost of duplicating the tape) Dispatch Historical Searches (per month searched) Entertainment License (Note 2) False Robbery-Panic Alarm Response -Second Occurrence {no charge for 1st response) (Note 1) False Robbery -Panic Alarm Response -Each Additional Occurrence (Note 1) 2 ,, -,:41mJl\,ii~1U1 Determined by Determined by City Manager City Manager $36 $36 $38 $38 $50 $50 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $260 $260 $38 $38 $38 $38 $320 $320 $38 $38 $50 $50 $38 $38 $50 $50 $340 $340 $38 $38 $38 $38 $50 $50 $50 $50 $38 $38 $50 $50 $38 $38 $320 $320 $128 $128 $68 $68 $50 $50 $38 $38 $38 $38 $44 $44 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $44 $38 $38 $38 $38 $100 $100 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $38 $68 $68 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $60 $120 $19 $19 $45 $45 $30 $30 $60 $60 $54 $55 $20 $20 $219 $223 $100 $100 $100 $100 Item 17; pg. 43 -Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Safety Center Facility Rental Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 General City Service Fees ,_ Fingerprinting Fees Photograph Copy (fee plus reproduction costs) -Subpoena or Records requests that require retrieval in Que Tel evidence program. Photos/ Video must be approved prior to release for compliance with privacy laws. Police/Fire -Emergency Response DUI Traffic Collision (max $12,000 per incident) Proof of Correction Certification -all others Proof of Correction Certification -Carlsbad Resident or person with CPD citation Public Dump Permit -Fee per acre Report Copy Fee (Free to Victim) plus cost of reproduction Second Call per Police Employee per hour (consistent with City payroll records) Special Business Permit (plus fingerprint fee) Special Event Application -Major (3 or more intersections)(fee + services rendered) (Note 3) Special Event Application -Minor (2 or less intersections)(fee + services rendered) (Note 3) Special Event Application -Third party Vendor Fee (2nd Day) (Note 3) Special Event Application -Third party Vendor Fee (each day thereafter) (Note 3) Special Event Application -Third party Vendor Fee (1st Day) (Note 3) Special Event City Services -Staff Time (Note 4) Verification Letter Safety Training Center-Class Room -Full Day Safety Training Center -Classroom -Half Day Safety Training Center -Confined Space Prop -Full Day Safety Training Center -Confined Space Prop -Half Day Safety Training Center-Grinder-Full Day Safety Training Center -Grinder -Half Day Safety Training Center -Grinder/Commercial Prop (No Fire Ops) -Full Day Safety Training Center-Grinder/Commercial Prop (No Fire Ops) -Half Day Safety Training Center-Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) -Full Day Safety Training Center -Grinder/Residential Prop (No Fire Ops) -Half Day Safety Training Center -One Shooting Range -Full Day Safety Training Center -One Shooting Range -Half Day , Safety Training Center -PriSim (Training Simulator)-Full Day Safety Training Center -PriSim (Training Simulator) -Half Day Safety Training Center -Pump Draft Pit -Full Day Safety Training Center -Pump Draft Pit -Half Day Safety Training Center -Streetscape -Full Day Safety Training Center -Streetscape -Half Day Safety Training Center -Two Shooting Ranges -Full Day Safety Training Center-Two Shooting Ranges -Half Day A Bin that needs to be moved: 31 to 50 feet A Bin that needs to be moved: 5 to 30 feet A Bin that needs to be moved: Additional 25 feet increments Bin Exchange Bin Lock Set Up Fee 3 '( ;', .,. $15 $15 $45 $15 Direct Cost Direct Cost $15 $16 $0 $0 $202 $202 $10 $10 Actual Cost Actual Cost $126 $128 $362 $369 $121 $123 $109 $111 $81 $83 $136 $138 Actual Cost Actual Cost $10 $10 $528 $528 $296 $296 New Fee $500 New Fee $250 $418 $418 $236 $236 $599 $600 $327 $300 $599 $600 $327 $300 $678-$1,102 $1,100 $312-$524 $550 New Fee $500 New Fee $250 New Fee $400 New Fee $200 $145 $145 $100 $100 $763-$1,239 $1,250 $401-$645 $650 $7.02 $7.11 $5.17 $5.24 $7.02 $7.11 $59.12 $59.83 $36.95 $37.40 Item 17; pg. 44 Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 General City Service Fees Bin paint charge fee -allowed 1 per year. After first paint within one year, there will be a charge per paint request. Certified burial at Miramar plus special handling fee charged by Miramar Commercial Return to Service Fee-The return to service fee for two or more calls in a one-month period by a bin Multi-Family Complex and Commerical Bin Customers -Contamination Fee -to recover costs for separating solid waste placed in a recycling or green waste container or for arranging a special, unscheduled collection due to contamination. Copy Fee-The charge for copies requested by customers. Dead Run charge Delivery of extra cart Disposal Fee per Ton (pass through) Interest Charge-Contractor may charge 1.5% interest per month on any delinquent account for such time as the bill remains unpaid after its due date. Late Fee -There will be a minimum fee on any delinquent account -$3 minimum charge. Locking Fee Multi Family Complex and Commercial Bin Customers shall be charged for bulky item pickups. Bulky Item requiring 2 people to handle Multi Family Complex and Commercial Bin Customers shall be charged for bulky item pickups. Per Bulky Item -each additional item Multi Family Complex and Commercial Bin Customers shall be charged for bulky item pickups. Per Bulky Item-first item Overloaded Bins Relocation Charge offsite Relocation Charge onsite Residential Return to Service Fee-The return to service fee for two or more calls in a one-month period by a residential Restart Fee-The fee for Restarting commercial service when a permanent account has been terminated for non payment. Roll off-Demurrage Per Day Charge Single and Multi-Family cart customers - 3 bulky item pickups per calendar year with 5 items maximum per pick up -Bulky Item -Exceeding 5 per pick up -First item Single and Multi-Family cart customers - 3 bulky item pick ups per calendar year with 5 items maximum per pick up -Bulky Item -Exceeding 5 per pick up -each additional item Special Haul Bin (no Storm Water Fees) 1 week or less Special Haul Bin Delivery Special Pick-ups of Solid Waste -Delivery charge for roll-off boxes (per box) Special Pick-ups of Solid Waste -Door-to-door household hazardous waste collection (HHW) Service Fee -Roll off service Standby charge per min after 5 min Trash Collection - 3 yard bin Commercial Recycling -Extra pick-up Trash Collection - 3 yard bin Commercial Yard Waste-Extra pick-up Trash Collection -3 yard bin Construction Bin Rate-Extra pick-up Trash Collection -3 yard compactor Commercial -Extra pick-up Trash Collection -3 yard compactor Commercial -Five picks-up per week Trash Collection -3 yard compactor Commercial -One pick-up per week Trash Collection -3 yard compactor Commercial -Six picks-up per week Trash Collection - 3 yard compactor Commercial -Three picks-up per week Trash Collection -96 gal cart Commercial Recycling Extra pick-up Trash Collection -Commercial 2-yard bin -Extra pick-up Trash Collection -Commercial 3-yard bin -Extra pick-up Trash Collection -Commercial 3-yard bin -six pick-ups per week Trash Collection -Commercial 3-yard bin -three pick-ups per week Trash Collection -Commercial 4-yard bin -Extra pick-up Trash Collection -Commercial 5-yard bin -Extra pick-up Trash Collection -Commercial Can Backyard Service -One pick-up per week Trash Collection -Commercial Can Backyard Service -Two pick-ups per week Trash Collection -Commercial Cart Extra pick up Trash Collection -Commercial Cart -One pick-up per week (up to two (2) 96 gal) Trash Collection -Commercial Cart -Three pick-up per week (up to two (2) 96 gal) Trash Collection -Commercial Cart-Two pick-up per week [up to two [2) 96 gal) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -five pick-ups per week [2-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -five pick-ups per week [3-yard bin) 4 .. ',1,, $100.31 $101.77 $314.45 $319.03 $64.63 $65.57 $52.17 $52.93 $1.37 $1.39 $73.80 $74.88 $11.53 $11.70 $45.02 $45.15 $3.46 $3.51 $14.05 $14.22 $58.76 $59.61 $10.49 $10.65 $40.92 $41.52 $50.18 $50.91 $61.41 $62.30 $43.04 $43.67 $32.86 $33.34 $19.72 $20.00 $4.56 $4.62 $40.92 $41.52 $10.49 $10.65 $90.23 $91.48 $40.17 $40.76 $54.19 $55.90 $10.00 $10.00 $210.56 $217.20 $1.95 $1.98 $35.22 $35.64 $9.45 $9.55 $60.27 $61.09 $60.70 $61.29 $674.29 $679.23 $149.95 $151.12 $805.40 $811.27 $412.13 $415.19 $8.00 $8.09 $37.59 $38.01 $50.47 $51.02 $546.18 $551.25 $282.44 $285.09 $60.40 $61.06 $70.32 $71.08 $52.08 $52.67 $104.15 $105.53 $17.12 $17.32 $36.40 $36.80 $109.22 $110.42 $72.82 $73.62 $317.32 $320.31 $458.25 $462.52 Item 17; pg. 45 .. ,,," .. I Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Trash Collection Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 General City Service Fees Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -five pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -five pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -five pick-ups per week (split bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -four pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) Trash Collection-Commercial per bin-four pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -four pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -four pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -four pick-ups per week (split bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -one pick-up per week (2-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -one pick-up per week (3-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -one pick-up per week (4-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -one pick-up per week (5-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -one pick-up per week (split bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -six pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -six pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -six pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -six pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -six pick-ups per week (split bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -three pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -three pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -three pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -three pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -three pick-ups per week (split bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -two pick-ups per week (2-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -two pick-ups per week (3-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -two pick-ups per week (4-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -two pick-ups per week (5-yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial per bin -two pick-ups per week (split bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling -five pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling-four pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling -one pick-up per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling -one pick-up per week (96 gal cart) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling -seven pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling -six pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling -three pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling -two pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling-three pick-ups per week (96 gal cart) Trash Collection -Commercial Recycling-two pick-ups per week (96 gal cart) Trash Collection -Commercial Yard Waste -one pick-up per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Yard Waste -two pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Commercial Yard Waste-one pick-up per week (96 gal cart) Trash Collection -Construction Bin Rate -Five pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Construction Bin Rate -Four pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Construction Bin Rate -One pick-up per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Construction Bin Rate -Three pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Construction Bin Rate -Two pick-ups per week (3 yard bin) Trash Collection -Residential -Additional trash cart beyond first one. Trash Collection -Residential -per month -64 or 96 Gallon Cart Trash Collection -Residential -per month {35 gallon trash) Trash Collection -Residential -per month (backyard service) Trash Collection -Residential -Two additional Green Waste and/or Recycling carts will be free of charge, after that each additional cart is charged Trash Collection -Commercial/Multi Family Scout Service Fee Wash Out Receiver Boxes Backflow 2nd Notice Backflow 3rd Notice Backflow Inspection -California Department of Environmental Health (CDEH) (invoice total from CDEH) Backflow Preventer Charge (per month, each account) Backflow Re-inspection (Consistent with City payroll records) Blueprinting of Standard Size (24" x 36") Improvement Plan Sheet (Cost for each) Hydraulic Analysis Only -Included in Improvement Plan Review Fees Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Improvement Plan Review -Use Improvement Plan Review Fees Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (available on Internet) 5 $636.12 $642.11 $814.01 $821.73 $369.50 $37333 $257.55 $259.98 $370.34 $373.80 $512.63 $517.47 $654.94 $661.16 $298.60 $301.70 $78.42 $79.20 $106.61 $107.65 $142.18 $143.56 $177.76 $179.48 $85.86 $86.77 $377.06 $380.60 $546.18 $547.20 $759.60 $766.75 $973.09 $982.31 $440.42 $444.98 $197.90 $199.78 $282.44 $284.87 $389.16 $392.85 $495.89 $500.61 $227.69 $230.06 $138.15 $139.48 $194.54 $196.38 $265.65 $268.19 $336.83 $340.06 $156.78 $158.42 $281.44 $283.17 $235.79 $238.66 $76.68 $77.61 $17.45 $17.66 $393.77 $398.57 $337.52 $341.63 $182.76 $184.98 $129.72 $131.30 $52.34 $52.98 $34.90 $35.32 $108.73 $109.81 $192.45 $194.32 $20.32 $20.53 $958.84 $971.56 $779.62 $789.98 $241.97 $245.25 $600.41 $608.41 $421.19 $426.83 $2.34 $2.37 $20.62 $20.82 $18.66 $18.85 $26.29 $26.57 $2.34 $2.37 $47.94 $48.51 $49.24 $49.96 $8 $8 $24 $24 Actual Cost Actual Cost $3 $3 Actual Cost Actual Cost $5 $5 $0 $0 N/C N/C Item 17; pg. 46 '' Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees Water Service Fees City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 General City Service Fees :,::;,::;;'" Potable, Reclaimed and Sewer Standards and Specifications (Cost for each) Preliminary Potable Water, Reclaimed Water, Sewer Analysis Review -(Use Improvement Plan Review Fees) Reclaimed Water Landscape Review-Use Improvement Plan Review fees Utility Standards and Specifications (actual cost of reproduction) Water Meter-Construction Meter Installation/Removal Water Meter-Construction Meter Relocation Water Meter Deposit -Construction Meters Water Service Fee -Accounts scheduled for termination for non-payment Water Service Fee -After Hour Turn-on Water Service Fee -Continuity of Service Water Service Fee -Door Hanger Electronic Water Service Fee -Door Hanger Paper Water Service Fee -Next Scheduled Day Service Turn on Water Service Fee -Per New Account -Service Turn on Water Service Fee -Same Day Turn-on (Not Scheduled for That Day) {Note 1)-Per section 8.50.080(e}, Ord NS-230 phl,2,1993; Ord -53 ph 3, 1989: Ord. 1278 ph l (port) 1985} {Note 2) -Code Section 8.09.070 Actu~i'c!D'1!!! Actual Cost Actual Cost $105 $107 $46 $47 $907 $923 $14 $15 $117 $119 $11 $11 $1 $1 $10 $11 $30 $30 $35 $36 $87 $89 (Note 3) -A valid, unexpired City of Carlsbad Business License is required for all special event Applicants. An amendment to 8.17.070 CMC now also requires an Applicant to {Note 4) -See Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.17.070 6 Item 17; pg. 47 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SECTION 2 DEVELOPMENT RELATED SERVICE FEES June 2016 Item 17; pg. 48 Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Building Permit Fees Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees .. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans - per hour-(minimum charge-one half hour) (Note 5) Building Plan Check-70% of Building Permit Fee(8% discount on repetitive plan checks) Green Building Standards Plan Check and Inspection Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated -per hour-(minimum charge -one half hour) (Note 5) inspections outside of normal business hours -per hour-(minimum charge - 2 hours) (Note 5) Re-inspection fees -per hour (Note 5) SB1473 Green Building State Standards Fee Strong Motion Instrumentation Fee (SMIP) and Seismic Hazard Mapping Fee - Commercial (minimum $0.50 fee, pass through from State) Strong Motion Instrumentation Fee (SMIP) and Seismic Hazard Mapping Fee - Residential (minimum $0.50 fee, pass through from State) Total Valuation -$1 to $500 (Note 5) Total Valuation -$1,000,001 and up -for the first $1,000,000 plus $1.99 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof (Note 5) Total Valuation -$100,001 to $500,000 -for the first $100,000 plus $3.55 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000. (Note 5) Total Valuation -$2,001 to $25,000 -for the first $2,000 plus $8.87 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 (Note 5) Total Valuation -$25,001 to $50,000 -for the first $25,000 plus $6.40 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 (Note 5) Total Valuation -$50,001 to $100,000 -for the first $50,000 plus $4.43 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 (Note 5) Total Valuation -$500,001 to $1,000,000 -for the first $500,000 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000, or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 (Note 5) Total Valuation -$501 to $2,000 -for the first $500 plus $1.93 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 (Note SJ Adjustment Plat Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit (Northwest Quadrants) Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit-Cassia Heights (Southeast and Southwest quadrants) Affordable Housing Credit Per Unit-Villa Loma (Southeast and Southwest quadrants) Affordable Housing Impact Fee (per unit) Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee (per market rate unit) Agricultural Mitigation Fee All development related appeals Amendments and Revisions to Approved Projects Building Code Enforcement Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Compliance In Lieu of Parcel Map Certificate of Correction Coastal Development Permit (CDP)-2 - 4 unit or lot subdivision (per unit or lot whichever is greater) Coastal Development Permit (CDP) - 5 or more units or lot subdivision (per permit) Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Emergency Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Exemption Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Minor Permit Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Non-Residential+ 10 cents per square foot Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Single Family Lot Community Facilities District Annexation 7 $65 $65 70% of Building 70% of Building Permit Fee Permit Fee $163 $166 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $1.00 per every $1.00 per every $25,000 in building $25,000 in building valuation or fraction valuation or fraction thereof, with a thereof, with a minimum fee of minimum fee of $1.00 $1.00 $28.00 per $100,000 $28.00 per $100,000 valuation valuation $13.00 per $100,000 $13.00 per $100,000 valuation valuation $15 $15 $3,534 $3,534 $626 $626 $44 $44 $246 $246 $406 $406 $2,037 $2,037 $15 $15 $1,310 $1,334 $142,000 $142,000 $57,512 $58,547 $48,000 $48,000 $2,915 $2,915 $4,515 $4,515 $10,000 $10,000 $645 $850 50% of original Varies application fee Court costs Court costs $1,063 $1,082 $2,846 $2,846 $827 $842 $2,222 $2,262 $3,616 $3,682 $450 $458 $247 $252 $872 $887 $984 $1,002 $1,097 $1,117 $1,752 $1,752 Item 17; pg. 49 Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees Conditional Use Permit -Regular Conditional Use Permit (CUP) -Biological Habitat Preserve Conditional Use Permit (CUP) -Minor Construction Change Review -Major (fee plus $245 per sheet) Construction Change Review -Minor (fee plus $155 per sheet) Daycare Permit (7 -14 Children) Developer Agreements -Deposit $10,000 increments (Consistent with City payroll records+ overhead) Easement Document Processing and Recording -Major (all others) Easement Document Processing and Recording -Minor (Single Family Lot) Encroachment Agreement Processing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) -All Others Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) -Single Family Environmental Impact Report (EIR) -Addendum(+ fully burdened hourly rate after 1st 10 hours of project planner) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) -Focused/Supplemental (Requiring a Public Hearing)-(+ fully burdened hourly rate after the 1st 100 hours of project planner or 20 hours of project engineer) Environmental Impact Report (EIR)-Review(+ fully burdened hourly rate after the first 160 hours of project planner or 40 hours of Project Engineer) Extensions to projects in process Fish & Game Fee-Environmental Impact Report (EIR) -Set by Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Fish & Game Fee -Negative Declaration/ Mitigated Negative-Set by Dept. of Fish and Wildlife General Plan Amendment -0 -5 Acres General Plan Amendment -Over 5 Acres Grading Permit Investigation Fee (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Habitat Management Plan (HMP) -Amendment to Plan Document-Major (Plus fully burdened hourly rate after the first 20 hours of project planner.) Habitat Management Plan (HMP)-Amendment to Plan Document-Minor Habitat Management Plan Permit-Major-habitatto be preserved Habitat Management Plan Permit-Single Family Hillside Development Permit -Major Hillside Development Permit-Minor Inspection -Additional Planning Inspection Overtime-per Hour (On Request) -each additional hour at $70 License Tax on New Construction -Mobile Homes, Per Lot Lighting and Landscape District #2 Annexation Local Coastal Plan -Amendment Local Facilities Management Fees -As established by Council Local Facilities Management Plan / Amendment -Fee+ deposit in minimum increments of $5,000 Mapping Fees -Final Tract Map(+ $5 per Acre) -Major Subdivision Mapping Fees -Parcel Map -Minor Subdivision Master Plan (Base fee+ fully burdened hourly rates after the first 200 hours of project planner or 100 hours project engineer) Master Plan Amendment -Major (Base fee+ fully burdened hourly rates after the first 100 hours of project planner or 40 hours project engineer) Master Plan Amendment -Minor (Base fee+ fully burdened hourly rates after the first 20 hours of project planner or 7 hours project engineer) Master Plan Pre-Filing Submittal Neighborhood Improvement Agreements Non Conforming Construction Permit Notice Fee (plus postage) Oversize Load Permit -1 trip (fee set by State) Oversize Load Permit -Annual/ Per Year (fee set by State) Park In Lieu Fee -Village Area Plan Consistency Determination Planned Development -5 or more/ Major Subdivision, based on number of units or lots, whichever is greater. 8 $4,567 $4,649 $861 $876 $765 $779 $697 $710 $495 $504 $214 $218 Actual cost Actual cost $664 $676 $117 $119 $343 $349 $1,760 $1,792 $969 $986 $2,559 $2,605 $13,746 $13,993 $20,433 $20,801 Varies 25% of original fee $3,120 $3,120 $2,260 $2,260 $4,348 $4,426 $6,271 $6,384 Actual cost Actual cost $5,444 $5,542 $3,498 $3,561 $3,981 $4,053 50% Minor Fee 50% Minor Fee $2,559 $2,605 $1,265 $1,288 $94 $96 $118 $120 $2,311 $2,348 $5,400 $7,400 $6,356 $6,470 Full Cost Full Cost $10,000 $10,000 $7,615 $7,753 $3,419 $3,480 $42,566 $43,332 $26,632 $27,111 $1,699 $1,729 $7,239 $7,369 $160 $163 $710 $723 $320 $326 $16 $16 $90 $90 $12,201 $12,421 $720 $733 $8,515 $8,669 Item 17; pg. 50 ,- Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees :(,'' 'i."-'"'-'--"'''" '. Planned Development-4 or fewer, based on number of units or lots, whichever is greater. $3,071 $3,126 Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes (+postage) copy charge copy charge Planning Commission Determination -Other $1,665 $1,695 Planning Commission Determination -Single Family $1,029 $1,048 Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical Permit (not combined with Building Permits) $160 $166 Current Postage Current Postage Rate Rate x Number of Postage (All) x Number of labels labels Precise Development Plan $7,750 $7,890 Preliminary Plan Review -Major (Other) $720 $733 Preliminary Plan Review -Minor (SFO) $202 $206 1.82% of Bldg. 1.82% of Bldg. Public Facilities Fees -1.82% of Bldg. Permit Value (Inside CFO) Permit Value Permit Value 3.5% of Building 3.5% of Building Public Facilities Fees -3.5% of Bldg. Permit Value (Outside CFO) Permit Value Permit Value Quitclaim of Easement $697 $710 Reapportionment Fees for 1911 Act Assessment Districts Actual Cost Actual Cost Actua I Cost Charged Actual Cost Charged Reversion to Acreage -(Consistent with City payroll records charged against a $3,100 against $3,100 against $3,100 deposit) Deposit. Deposit. Right of Way Permit -Minor -Construction (Single Family, Pool, Driveway, Spa) $354 $361 Right of Way Permit-Minor-Non Construction $174 $177 Right of Way Permit-Utility(+ actual costs for Inspector and Senior Inspector's time) $754 $767 Right of Way Permit -Utility (By Contract) $754 $767 Satellite Antenna Permit $427 $435 School Fees -Set by School Districts, State Mandates Limits. See School District Maps Set by School Set by School for applicable school district. Districts Districts Secured Agreement Processing Extension $416 $424 Secured Agreement Processing Replacement+ improvement plan revision fees if required $765 $779 Segregation of Assessments -1-4 lots (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead, consultant cost and recording fee. Also see Streets and Highways Code Section 8760-8769 ) Actual Cost Actual Cost Segregation of Assessments - 5 lots or more -fee plus $20 per lot (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead, consultant cost and recording fee. Also see Streets and Highways Code Section 8760-8769) Actual Cost Actual Cost Service Installation Fee-Fire Hydrant Lateral and Assembly (staff time consistent with City payroll records) Actual Cost Actual Cost Service Installation Fee -Fire Sprinkler Lateral (staff time consistent with City payroll records) Actual Cost Actual Cost Sidewalk Tables and Chairs -Village Area -See Minor Right-of-Way Permit Sign Permit $62 $63 Sign Program $1,074 $1,094 Site Development Plan -Major-5 or more units/ lots $11,541 $11,749 Site Development Plan -Minor-Residential, less than or equal to 4 units/ lots $4,550 $4,632 Special Use Permit -All Varies $3,555 Specific Plan -base plus fully burdened hourly rate after first 200 hours project planner, or 60 hours project engineer $35,552 $36,192 Specific Plan Amendment -Major -base plus fully burdened hourly rate after 180 hours project planner, or 30hours project engineer $22,880 $23,292 Specific Plan Amendment -Minor-base plus fully burdened hourly rate after 20 hours project planner, or 7 hours project engineer $1,479 $1,506 Street Vacation -Street/ Public Service Easement Vacation -Summary $1,350 $1,374 Street Name Change $1,665 $1,695 Street Vacation -Street/ Public Service Easement Vacation -Regular $3,402 $3,463 Tentative Parcel Map -Minor Subdivision -0-4 Lots $3,875 $3,945 Tentative Tract Map - 5 -49 units/lots -base fee+ $110 each, whichever is greater $8,392 $8,543 Tentative Tract Map -50 + units/lots -base fee+ $15 each, whichever is greater $16,772 $17,074 Tentative Tract Map Litigation Stay 25% of original fee 25% of original fee 9 Item 17; pg. 51 ~ Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Development Processing Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Inspection Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits Fire Permits City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees """ Third Party Review -plus consultant cost Trails-Major Trail Plan Check, greater than 1 mile Trails -Minor Trail Plan Check, less than 1 mile Trails Inspection Variance -Administrative (Planning) Variance -Planning Village Area Sidewalk Outdoor Dining and Curb Cafe (max of 2 parking spaces) Annual - See Right of Way Permit. Per Space/ Per Year. Village Review Area Sidewalk Sign/Outdoor Display Permit-See Right of Way Permit Wireless Communication Third Party Review Zone Change - 5 orfewer acres Zone Change -5.1 or more acres Zone Code Compliance Letter Fire Clearance Annual Inspection -State License. 26-50 Beds Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Clearance Annual Inspection -State License. 50 + Beds Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Clearance Annual Inspection -State License. 7-24 Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Clearance Initial Inspection-State License. 25 + Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Clearance Initial Inspection-State License. 7-24 Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Clearance Inspection-State License. 1-6 Individuals/Per Establishment Fire Inspection -R-1 Occupancy 15-50 dwelling units (DU's, plus $194.90 for each additional 50 dwelling units Fire Inspection -R-1 Occupancy 6-14 dwelling units (DU's) Inspection Inspection -Initial Occupancy Inspection-New Business Inspection -Interim Inspection -Knox System Inspection -New Above Ground storage tank Inspection -Re-inspection for a previously failed inspection Inspection -Underground Fire Protection Service Main Repair-Inspection Only Inspection -Underground Storage Tanks -New Inspection Only Inspection-Repeated Inspection on New Construction Permit -Aerosol Use/Storage Permit -Liquefied Petroleum Gas Permit -Medical Gas Dispensing System Permit -Motor Vehicle Repair Garages Permit -Above Ground Storage Tanks Permit-Assembly Occupancy A-1 Permit-Assembly Occupancy A-2 Permit-Assembly Occupancy A-3 Permit -Battery Systems Permit -Brazing, Soldering and Welding Permit -Candles or Open Flame -Public Assembly Permit-Child Day Care, E or 1-4 Permit -Combustible Fiber Use and Storage Permit -Compressed Gases/Cryogen Storage Use Permit -Covered Mall Permit -Dry Cleaning Permit -Dust Producing Operations Permit -Emergency and Standby Power Systems Permit -Exhibits and Trade Shows-Public Assembly Permit -Fire Watch Permit -Flammable and Combustible Liquids Dispensing, Use, Storage, Tanks Permit -Flammable Finishes Permit -Fumigation or Thermal Insecticidal Fogging Permit-Hazardous Materials Use and Storage Permit -High-Piled Combustible Storage Permit -Industrial Ovens-Kilns Permit -Misc. Combustible Storage/Tires Facility 10 ~· - $759 $773 $1,426 $1,452 $713 $726 $306 $311 $765 $779 $2,880 $2,932 $1,122 $1,142 Actual Cost Actual Cost $4,994 $5,084 $6,766 $6,888 $120 $645 $645 $1,035 $1,035 $400 $401 $449 $450 $323 $323 $253 $255 $507 $510 $205 $207 $125 $127 $250 $254 $198 $201 $172 $175 $450 $458 $71 $73 $547 $450 $289 $294 $82 $84 $124 $126 $135 $137 $264 $269 $177 $181 $539 $548 $539 $548 $346 $353 $250 $254 $636 $645 $124 $126 $124 $126 $250 $254 $191 $195 $124 $126 $124 $126 $191 $195 $191 $195 $442 $450 $443 $450 $250 $254 $135 $137 $124 $126 $250 $254 $270 $275 $337 $344 $186 $189 $180 $183 Item 17; pg. 52 City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees • . Fire Permits Permit -Miscellaneous Combustible Storage Fire Permits Permit-Pyrotechnics or Special Effects, Aerial Fireworks (per event or day) Fire Permits Permit -Refrigeration Equipment Install or Operate Fire Permits Permit -Spray Booth Fire Permits Permit -Temporary Use -Carnivals and Fairs Fire Permits Permit -Temporary Use -Tents (Major) Fire Permits Permit -Temporary Use -Tents (Minor) Fire Permits Permit-Underground Fire Protection Service Main Repair Fire Permits Permit-Underground Storage Tanks-(Single Site Multi Tanks) Fire Permits Permit-Vapor Expansion Tank Retrofit-UST/AST Fire Permits Permit -Wood Products Fire Prevention Alternative Materials and Methods Fire Prevention Fire -Hydrant Water Flow Test Fire Prevention Fire -Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) Fire Prevention Fire Safety Standby Fire Prevention Inspection-Weed Abatement Compliance Certificate Fire Prevention Permit/Inspection -Hazardous Materials and Processes -Assembly Fire Protection System Installation Fire Protection System Installation Fire Protection System Permit -Automatic Sprinkler System -Commercial System -each additional riser -Plan Installation Check Fire Protection System Installation Permit-Automatic Sprinkler System -Commercial System 13-R -Plan Check Fire Protection System Installation Permit -Automatic Sprinkler System -Residential System 13-D -Plan Review Fire Protection System Installation Permit -Automatic Sprinkler System -Tenant Improvement -Plan Review Fire Protection System Installation Permit -Fire Alarm Systems - 1 to 25 devices -Plan Review Minimum Fire Protection System Installation Permit -Fire Alarm Systems -26 or more -Plan Review Fire Protection System Installation Permit -Other Fixed Fire Systems -Hood and Duct Fire ProtectionSystem Installation Permit-Other Fixed Fire Systems -Paint Spray Booth Plan Review Fire Protection System Installation Permit-Other Fixed Fire Systems -Special Chemical Agent Fire Protection System Installation Permit -Other Fixed Fire Systems -Standpipe Fire Protection System Permit -Underground Fire Protection Service Main: Single Hydrant or Single Riser Installation Connection. GIS GIS Digital Data Delivery (per hour Technician plus overhead) GIS GIS Production of new documents (per hour Technician plus materials and overhead) GIS Reproduction of Existing Documents (per hour Technician plus material and GIS overhead) GIS GIS Technical Services (per hour Manager plus overhead) GIS GIS Technical Services (per hour Technician plus overhead) Grading Fees Minor Grading Plan Review Permit -1,000,001 Cubic Yards or More -for the first 1,000,000 0/ plus $710 for each Grading Fees additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof Permit -1,001 to 10,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 1,000 CY plus $65 for each additional Grading Fees 1,000 CY or fraction thereof Permit -10,001 to 100,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 10,000 CY plus $130 for each Grading Fees additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof Grading Fees Permit -100 Cubic Yards or Less -Permit Permit -100,001 to 200,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 100,000 CY plus $130 for each Grading Fees additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof Permit -101 to 1,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 100 CY plus $65 for each additional 100 Grading Fees CY or fraction thereof Permit -200,001 TO 400,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 200,000 CY plus $195 for each Grading Fees additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof 11 '"'[ $539 $548 $352 $359 $191 $195 $157 $160 $270 $275 $298 $303 $135 $137 $450 $458 $1,118 $1,132 $539 $548 $250 $254 $1,699 $1,715 $56 $57 $163 $166 $250 $254 $121 $123 $124 $126 Actual Cost Actual Cost $414 $414 $741 $741 $71 $73 $71 $73 $66 $67 $110 $112 $71 $73 $143 $146 $71 $73 $88 $89 $636 $645 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Direct cost Direct cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $952 $969 $18,156 $18,483 $1,226 $1,248 $2,026 $2,062 $431 $439 $3,551 $3,615 $437 $445 $5,242 $5,337 Item 17; pg. 53 ",s Grading Fees Grading Fees Grading Fees Grading Fees Grading Fees Grading Fees Grading Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees ,,,,, '"'"' •.. Permit -400,000 to 1,000,ooo·cubic Yards -for the first 400,000 CY plus $980 for each additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof Plan Review -1,001 to 10,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 1,000 CY plus $120 for each additional 1,000 CY or fraction thereof Plan Review -10,001 to 100,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 10,000 CY plus $180 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof Plan Review -100 Cubic Yards or Less Plan Review -100,001 to 200,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 100,000 CY plus $285 for each additional 10,000 CY or fraction thereof Plan Review -200,001 Cubic Yards or more -for the first 200,000 CY plus $130 for each additional 100,000 CY or fraction thereof Plan Review -101 to 1,000 Cubic Yards -for the first 100 CY plus $120 for each additional 100 CY or fraction thereof Cost of Landscape Improvements -$0 to $20,000 Cost of Landscape Improvements -$100,001 to $250,000 -Plus 2% over $100,000 Cost of Landscape Improvements -$20,001 to $50,000 -Plus 3.0% over $20,000 Cost of Landscape Improvements -$250,001 to $500,000 -Plus 0.15% over $250,000 Cost of Landscape Improvements -$50,001 to $100,000 -Plus 1.5% over $50,000 Cost of Landscape Improvements -$500,001 to $1,000,000-Plus 0.1 over $500,000 Cost of Landscape Improvements -Over $1,000,000 -plus 0.07% over $1,000,000 Improvement Inspections -Cost of Improvements -$1,000,001 or more -for the first $1,000,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. Improvement Inspections -Cost of Improvements -$100,001 to $250,000 -for the first $100,000 plus $100 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Improvement Inspections -Cost of Improvements -$20,001 to $50,000 -for the first $20,000 plus $250 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof. Improvement Inspections -Cost of Improvements -$250,001 to $500,000-forthe first $250,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Improvement Inspections -Cost of Improvements -$50,001 to $100,000-for the first $50,000 plus $125 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Improvement Inspections -Cost of Improvements -$500,001 to $1,000,000 -for the first $500,000 plus $105 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Improvement Inspections -Cost of Improvements $0 to $20,000 Improvement Plan Check -Cost of Improvements -$0 to $20,000 -plus 5% of value of improvements Improvement Plan Check -Cost of Improvements -$100,001 to $250,000 -plus 2.5% of value of improvements -$5,840 minimum Improvement Plan Check-Cost of Improvements -$20,001 to $50,000-plus 4% of value of improvements -$2,470 minimum Improvement Plan Check -Cost of Improvements -$250,001 to $500,000 -plus 2% of value of improvements -$13,910 minimum Improvement Plan Check-Cost of Improvements -$50,001 to $100,000 -plus 3% of value of improvements -$4,090 minimum Improvement Plan Check-Cost of Improvements -$500,001 to $1,000,000 -plus 1.5% of value of improvements -$23,840 minimum Improvement Plan Check-Cost of Improvements -Over $1,000,0000 -plus 0.75% of value of improvements -$31,630 minimum Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$0 to $20,000 Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$20,001 to $50,000-forthe first $20,000 of improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$50,001 to $100,000 -for the first $50,000 of improvements plus $20 for each additional $10,000 or fraction thereof Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$100,001 to $250,000 -for the first $100,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$250,001 to $750,000 -for the first $250,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof 12 I $10,406 $10,593 $2,581 $2,628 $4,063 $4,136 $431 $439 $6,196 $6,308 $9,941 $10,120 $863 $878 $601 $612 $3,535 $3,535 $855 $870 $4,435 $4,435 $2,469 $2,514 $5,619 $5,720 $8,515 $8,516 $16,454 $16,750 $4,290 $4,367 $1,713 $1,744 $6,354 $6,469 $3,433 $3,495 $10,315 $10,501 5.5%-$375 5.5%-$375 Minimum Minimum $1,378 $1,403 $2,547 $2,593 $1,759 $1,791 $7,705 $7,844 $2,270 $2,310 $13,617 $13,862 $13,918 $14,168 $601 $605 $849 $787 $1,193 $1,210 $1,699 $1,729 $2,041 $2,078 Item 17; pg. 54 Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Improvement Plan Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Meter Installation Fees Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Storm Water Waste Water Fees Waste Water Fees City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees "' -. Landscape Inspection -Cost of Improvements -$750,001 and Over -for the first $750,000 of improvements plus $150 for each additional $100,000 or fraction thereof Street Light Energizing Fee -100 Watts Street Light Energizing Fee -150 Watts Street Light Energizing Fee -200 Watts Street Light Energizing Fee -250 Watts Street Light Energizing Fee -40 Watts Street Light Energizing Fee -55 Watts Street Light Energizing Fee -70 Watts Street Light Energizing Fee -85 Watts Water Meter Installation -2" -Turbo Water Meter Installation -1-1/2" Water Meter Installation -1-1/2" -Turbo Water Meter Installation -2" Water Meter Installation -3" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Water Meter Installation -3/4" Water Meter Installation -5/8" Water Meter Installation -6" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Water Meter Installation -8" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Water Meter lnstallation-1" Water Meter Installation-4" (Consistent with City payroll records plus overhead) Water Meter Installation Fee -Fire Protection Inspection Base Fee -Tier Level 1-Per Site -Low Inspection Priority Inspection Base Fee -Tier Level 1-Per Site -Medium Inspection Priority Inspection Fee -Tier Level 3 -Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre - Medium Inspection Priority Inspection Fee -Tier Level 2 -Per Site -High Inspection Priority Inspection Fee -Tier Level 2 -Per Site -Medium_lnspection Priority Inspection Fee -Tier Level 3 -Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre -High Inspection Priority Inspection Fee -Tier Level 3 -Up to 1 Acre -High Inspection Priority Inspection Fee -Tier Level 3 -Up to 1 Acre -Medium Inspection Priority Plan Review Base fee -Tier Level 3 -Up to 1 Acre -Medium Inspection Priority Plan Review Base Fee -Tier Level 1-Per Site -Low Inspection Priority Plan Review Base Fee -Tier Level 3 -Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre - High Inspection Priority Plan Review Base Fee -Tier Level 3 -Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Acre - Medium Inspection Priority Plan Review Base Fee -Tier Level 3 -Up to 1 Acre -High Inspection Priority Plan Review Base Fee -Tier Level 1-Per Site -Medium Inspection Priority Plan Review fee -Tier Level 2 -Per Site -High Inspection Priority Plan review fee -Tier Level 2 -Per Site -Medium Inspection Priority Retaining Wall Plan check (Valuation $250,000+) Retaining Wall Plan check (Valuation $50,001-$250,000) Retaining Wall Plan check (Valuation= 0-$50,000) SWMP Inspection Fee -Up to One Half Acre SWMP Plan Review Fee -Up To One Half Acre SWMPP Fees -Plan Review Fee -For Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Half Acre SWMPP Fees -Inspection Fee -For Each Subsequent Acre Or Portion Over One Half Acre Waste Water Discharge Permit Waste Water Pretreatment -Class I -One time fee for new users 13 'W IT¥~, I $3,229 $3,287 $120 $117 $165 $161 not listed $205 $256 $249 $66 $65 not listed $78 $91 $91 $107 $105 $1,044 $1,054 $595 $605 $913 $923 $823 $834 Actual Cost Actual Cost $305 $310 $272 $277 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost $356 $362 Actual Cost Actual Cost Meter Fee-Use Rate Meter Fee-Use Rate Sheet Sheet $59 $60 $228 $232 $216 $220 $1,262 $1,285 $867 $883 $348 $354 $2,136 $2,174 $1,258 $1,280 $551 $561 $49 $50 $82 $84 $66 $67 $714 $727 $54 $55 $356 $362 $356 $362 05% of Engineer's 0.5% of Engineer's Estimate ($2,000 Estimate ($2,000 min.) min.) $500 + 0.5% of $500 + 0.5% of Engineer's Estimate Engineer's Estimate $369 $369 $284 $289 $338 $344 $122 $124 $113 $115 $42 $42 $293 $298 Item 17; pg. 55 City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Related Service Fees Waste Water Pretreatment -Class II -One time fee for new users Waste Water Pretreatment-Class II (per month) -Existing user Waste Water Pretreatment-Class Ill -One time fee for new users (Note 5) Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the building permit fee for factory built housing shall be twenty-five percent of the fee shown in table above, and the plan check fee shall be sixty-five percent of the building permit fee. 14 Item 17; pg. 56 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SECTION 3 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES June 2016 Item 17; pg. 57 Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Bridge and Thoroughfare Fees Habitat Mitigation Fees Habitat Mitigation Fees Habitat Mitigation Fees Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Park in Lieu Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Impact Fees Bridge & Thoroughfare -all other -per Avg. Daily Trip (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare -per Apartment Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare -per Condominium Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare -per Single Family Unit (Outside CFD) Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 -Zone 20 Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 -Zone 21 Bridge & Thoroughfare District #2 -Zone 5 Bridge & Thoroughfare District #3 -Fee per ADT Type D -Coastal Sage Scrub Type F -Agricultural Land, Disturbed Land, Eucalyptus Woodland Type E -Non-Native Grassland District 1 NW -Value per Acre 977,000 -Attached (5 units or more) District 1 NW -Value per Acre 977,000 -Mobile Home District 1 NW -Value per Acre 977,000 -Attached (4 units or less) District 1 NW -Value per Acre 977,000 -Single Family Detached & Duplex District 2 NE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached (4 units or less) District 2 NE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached (5 units or more) District 2 NE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Mobile Home District 2 NE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Single Family Detached & Duplex District 3 SW -Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached (5 units or more) District 3 SW -Value per Acre 732,000 -Mobile Home District 3 SW -Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached (4 units or less) District 3 SW -Value per Acre 732,000 -Single Family Detached & Duplex District 4 SE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached {S units or more) District 4 SE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Mobile Home District 4 SE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Attached (4 units or less) District 4 SE -Value per Acre 732,000 -Single Family Detached & Duplex Area A -Buena Vista Lagoon -High Runoff Area A -Buena Vista Lagoon -Low Runoff Area A-Buena Vista Lagoon -Medium Runoff 15 ' $22 $22 $318 $318 $424 $424 $530 $530 $1,807 $1,855 $1,459 $1,498 $348 $358 $200 $204 $31,194 $31,943 $3,120 $3,195 $15,598 $15,972 $6,190 $6,190 $4,934 $4,934 $6,414 $6,414 $7,649 $7,649 $4,804 $4,804 $4,636 $4,636 $3,696 $3,696 $5,728 $5,728 $4,636 $4,636 $3,696 $3,696 $4,804 $4,804 $5,728 $5,728 $4,636 $4,636 $3,696 $3,696 $4,804 $4,804 $5,728 $5,728 $26,906 $27,336 $6,209 $6,308 $12,347 $12,545 Item 17; pg. 58 Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Planned Local Drainage Area Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Potable & Reclaimed Connection Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Impact Fees Area B -Aqua Hedionda Lagoon -High Runoff Area B -Aqua Hedionda Lagoon -Low Runoff Area B -Aqua Hedionda Lagoon -Medium Runoff Area C -Encinas Creek -High Runoff Area C -Encinas Creek -Low Runoff Area C -Encinas Creek -Medium Runoff Area D -Batiquitos Lagoon -High Runoff Area D -Batiquitos Lagoon -Low Runoff Area D -Batiquitos Lagoon -Medium Runoff Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 1" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 1-1/2" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 1-1/2" -Turbo Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 2" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 2" -Turbo Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 3" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 3" -Turbo Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 3/4" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 4" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 4" -Turbo Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 5/8" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 6" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 6" -Turbo Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 8" -Displacement Major Facility Fee -Potable and Reclaimed Water Connection Fees: Meter Size 8" -Turbo Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area A Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area B Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area C Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area D Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area E Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area F 16 , $10,056 $10,217 $2,321 $2,358 $4,473 $4,545 $9,763 $9,920 $2,253 $2,289 $3,187 $3,238 $9,257 $9,405 $2,136 $2,170 $3,494 $3,550 $8,852 $9,029 $16,721 $17,055 $19,630 $20,022 $25,182 $25,686 $31,475 $32,105 $44,264 $45,149 $68,855 $70,232 $5,609 $5,721 $68,855 $70,232 $196,729 $200,664 $3,934 $4,013 $127,873 $130,430 $393,451 $401,320 $151,137 $154,160 $551,020 $562,040 $1,074 $1,103 $1,222 $1,255 $2,252 $2,313 $2,257 $2,318 $3,329 $3,418 $3,347 $3,437 Item 17; pg. 59 Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fees Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fees Traffic Impact Fees City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Development Impact Fees Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area G Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area H Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area J Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area K Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area L Sewer Benefit Area Fee -Area M Sewer Connection (General Capacity all areas plus Sewer Benefit Area Fees) Traffic Impact Fee -Apartment (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee -Apartment (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee -Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Inside CFD) Traffic Impact Fee -Commercial/Industrial Cost Per Trip (Out of CFD) Traffic Impact Fee -Condominium (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee -Condominium (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee -Single Family (Inside of CFD 1) per ADT Traffic Impact Fee -Single Family (Outside of CFD 1) per ADT 17 $675 $693 $982 $1,008 $1,852 $1,902 $1,464 $1,504 $1,464 $1,504 $72 $74 $881 $899 $269 $274 $316 $322 $107 $109 $126 $129 $269 $274 $316 $322 $269 $274 $316 $322 Item 17; pg. 60 CITY OF CARLSBAD MASTER FEE SCHEDULE SECTION 4 DEPOSITS AND SECURITIES June 2016 Item 17; pg. 61 Development Deposits Development Deposits Development Deposits Development Deposits Development Deposits Development Deposits City of Carlsbad Master Fee Schedule 2016-17 Deposits and Securities Grading & Erosion Control -Minor Grading Cash Deposit (with grading plans) Grading & Erosion Control -Grading Security (with approved plans) Grading & Erosion Control -Grading Cash Deposit Development/Subdivision Improvements -Faithful Performance Security Development/Subdivision Improvements -Labor and Materials Security Development/Subdivision Improvements -Monumentation Security 18 $1,250 Based on Grading Cost Estimate 10% of total grading security $1,250 Based on Grading Cost Estimate 10% oftotal grading security Based on Improvement Based on Improvement cost estimate 50% of Fa ithfu I Performance Study Based on total cost of Monumentation cost estimate 50% of Faithful Performance Study Based on total cost of Monumentation Item 17; pg. 62 GNBS helping communities fund tomorrow MEMORANDUM 32605 Temecula Pkwy, Suite 100 Temecula, CA 92562 Toll free: 800.676.7516 www.nbsgov.com To: Mike Peterson, Development Services Manager, City of Carlsbad From: Nicole Kissam, Director of Financial Consulting, NBS Date: March 31, 2016 Re: Review of Existing Fee Structures In anticipation of implementing a new permitting software system, the City of Carlsbad's Community and Economic Development Department is looking to simplify, within their list of existing User and Regulatory Fees, fee items that are redundant, overly itemized, or inconsistent with practices of similarly sized California communities. In 2015, NBS worked with the Department to research and recommend opportunities for fee structure simplification, as well as some secondary opportunities for improvement in the ways that fees for services could be charged to more be consistent with Best Management Practices of other neighboring cities. On August 26, 2015, NBS issued a Memorandum summarizing a list of opportunities for the Department to consider. The Department subsequently reviewed all recommendations and asked NBS to further assist in finalizing and supporting the selected opportunities they would like to move forward with at this time. 1. Project Approach The Scope of this Review included existing User and/or Regulatory fees for service charged by the City's Planning, Engineering, Building, and Fire Prevention divisions. These types of fees for service are typically charged for development application submittal and review, plan check, inspection and permitting activities. They represent cost recovery opportunities entirely within the City's control: revenues which the City Council may -at its sole discretion upon public hearing -implement and/or modify without further public process or approval. The City does not have to conduct a Proposition 218 process to impose these fees, nor are they covered by the strict guidelines of the Mitigation Fee Act. User Fees are charges imposed by the City for a service provided or required due to the request or action of an individual/entity, while Regulatory Fees are those imposed to recover costs associated with the City's power to govern certain activities. In most cases, the only legal limitation on the establishment of these fees is that they may not exceed the estimated and reasonable costs incurred to provide the service as requested or required. In 2015, the City provided NBS with the following information to support research and recommendation: • List of current fees charged by the Planning, Engineering, Building, and Fire divisions • Four (4) fiscal year history of revenue by major fee category for each division • Interviews with City staff from each division to gather ideas regarding opportunities for fee structure simplification. • Documentation regarding the City's last internal fee study from Fiscal Year 2012-13 NBS reviewed this information and also conducted a comparative review of fees from the following California communities: Oceanside, San Marcos, Vista, Escondido, Riverside, Santa Monica, Newport Beach, and Santa Barbara. For a complete narrative of results regarding NBS' efforts in this area, please consult the August 26, 2015 Memorandum issued for this phase of the project. In general, significant opportunities were identified for simplifying the number of fee categories in Planning, Engineering, and Building. Fire Prevention was Notice: This transmission, including this cover sheet and any attachments, is confidential and intended for the recipient only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby prohibited from copying, disclosing, or otherwise distributing this information. If you have received this transmission in error, please contact us immediately so that we may arrange for its retrieval. 1 Item 17; pg. 63 recommended to explore a full scale fee analysis in order to comprehensively update their list of fees to more accurately align with how services are provided. It should be noted that the approach to recommendations for elimination or consolidation of fee categories did not include a comprehensive cost analysis. NBS did not review or attempt to validate whether the City of Carlsbad's existing fee amounts are calibrated to recover more or less than the estimated and reasonable costs of providing each service, as required by the State's Government Code. NBS also did not do an in depth analysis of whether Carlsbad's existing fee amounts are more or less than the fees charged by comparison cities, though some minor comments and observations were provided to that affect. · Carlsbad has routinely updated its own cost of service calculations related to fees for service using a third party software purchased many years ago. The focus of the research and recommendations provided by NBS relied heavily on the City's documentation of their last internal fee study from Fiscal Year 2012-13. This information provides proof that Carlsbad's existing fee amounts were based on an analysis of the costs of providing services. Because the City was familiar with the basic steps and industry standard methodology of calculating and administering User and Regulatory fees, NBS' opinion is that the current fee amounts charged by the City are reasonably calibrated to the cost of providing services, even if the last comprehensive study performed by the City internally is several years old. While the City is due for a comprehensive study which would "refresh" all underlying data assumptions, the Fiscal Year 2012-13 information allowed NBS to recommend fee simplification strategies that would not exceed the original cost of service calculations that supported adoption of existing fee amounts. The City has expressed the desire to conduct a full fee analysis of all development related fees once there is sufficient data to perform such an analysis using the new permitting system. 2. Planning Fees The August 26, 2015 Memorandum from NBS identified a multitude of opportunities for simplification of Planning's application and permit processing fees. The most significant changes selected by the division as viable without a more comprehensive fee study were in eliminating specific fee categories for redevelopment areas that no longer exist, and combining fees related to project amendments, revisions, and extensions into one fee category rather than multiple individual subcategories. In addition, several other types of fee categories were combined or eliminated. Please see Attachment A to this report for a summary of recommended changes. The Attachment includes a display of the cost of service calculation results from Fiscal Year 2012-13 (where available), as compared to existing fees charged. A summary of recommendations and updated fee amounts are also provided. 3. Engineering Fees The August 26, 2015 Memorandum from NBS identified a multitude of opportunities for simplification of Engineering's application and permit processing fees. However, unlike Planning fees, most changes recommended to Engineering fees would require more analysis and data gathering to implement. Plan review and permitting fees for improvements, landscaping review, and grading are areas where NBS recommends additional study when the City is ready to comprehensively update development fees. As an interim update, the division selected six deletions and/or changes to move forward with at this time. Please see Attachment B to this report for a summary of recommended changes. The Attachment includes a display of the cost of service calculation results from Fiscal Year 2012-13 (where available), as compared to existing fees charged. A summary of recommendations and updated fee amounts are also provided. 4. Building Fees There are currently two industry standard methods to calculating building permit and plan check fees for new construction, additions, remodels and many types of minor projects. Carlsbad uses what is commonly termed as the "project-value" method. This method is simple in its structure for most types of building permit and plan check applications, and is the City's preference as a structure going forward. The largest opportunity noted by Notice: This transmission, including this cover sheet and any attachments, is confidential and intended for the recipient only. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby prohibited from copying, disclosing, or otherwise distributing this infonnation. If you have received this transmission in error, please contact us immediately so that we may arrange for its retrieval. 2 Item 17; pg. 64 NBS for simplification, however, is in the area of plumbing, mechanical, and electrical (PME) permits. The City's current fee structure includes a lengthy list of individual scope of work items (e.g.-number of outlets, number of drains, number of sewers) that require tallying up when connected with a building permit. PME permits are also issued on a stand-alone basis (not tied to other valuation-based work), such as in the case of a residential water heater permit. NBS supported the Building Division's direction toward streamlining permit fees and reducing or eliminating the number of itemized PME permits on the fee schedule. The Division took their own steps to provide a simplified structure and recommended fee amount for PME permits that are not associated with building permits. Please consult their staff report for more information. NBS provided further analytical assistance in providing a separate fee structure for plumbing, mechanical and electrical work associated with valuation-based building permit projects. The goal of this effort was to eliminate the need to tally individual scope of work items across the existing lengthy list of fees. NBS looked at a 5-year history of fees charged by the department as correlated to each building permit's construction value and created a table which mirrors the current fee schedule "scale" utilized for establishing permit and plan check fees for service. Please see Attachment C to this report for a summary of recommended fee amounts for various project sizes. Essentially, the City would begin charging the median fee amounts listed for each tier as flat fees for service, as based on historical revenue information. This approach assumes the City's existing fee structure is reflective of the cost of providing services, as discussed in the Project Approach section above. NBS recommends adoption of this fee table as an interim strategy until the City is ready to perform a more. comprehensive analysis. This change in fee structure greatly simplifies the existing approach to determining trade fees associated with building permits, and will save a significant amount of time required for intake and processing of projects. 5. Fire Fees City staff would also like to explore a full scale analysis of Fire fees to more accurately reflect staff timing and resources necessary to fulfill the division's business capabilities and government regulations. This analysis is currently underway and targeted for Council review in summer of 2016. 6. Conclusion A fundamental purpose of the fee schedule is to provide clarity and transparency to the public and to staff regarding fees imposed by the City. Once adopted by the Council, the fee schedule is the final word on the amount and manner in which fees should be imposed by the departments. Old fee schedules should be superseded by the new master document. NBS provided a detailed review of existing data supporting Carlsbad's current fee structures, consulted with City staff, reviewed similar fee structures in comparison agencies, and provided recommendations for consideration by the City to simplify or eliminate fee categories. City staff reviewed and selected the most viable opportunities that would support a smoother implementation process for the new software application. The recommendations solidified in this Memorandum and discussed in the City's staff report are intended as an interim update to the City's fee structure. The City wishes to utilize the new permitting software to better track efforts and workload for various fee items and perform a more comprehensive analysis of all fees in the near future. It is worth acknowledging the path that fees in general have taken in California. The public demands ever more precise and equitable accounting of the basis for governmental fees and a greater say in when and how they are imposed. It is inevitable in the not too distant future that user fees and regulatory fees will demand an even greater level of analysis and supporting data to meet the public's evolving expectations. Technology systems will play an increased and significant role in an agency's ability to accomplish this. Continuous improvement and refinement of time tracking abilities will greatly enhance the City's ability to set fees for service and identify unfunded activities in years to come. Notice: This transmission, including this cover sheet and any attachments, is confidential and intended for the recipient only. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby prohibited from copying, disclosing, or otherwise distributing this information. If you have received this transmission in error, please contact us immediately so that we may arrange for its retrieval. 3 Item 17; pg. 65 Attachment A: Recommended Changes to Planning Application and Permitting Fees I Prior Fee Study I Fee Name -Cost of Existing Fee/ Recommended Change to Fee Structure I Fee Service Per Deposit Amounts Activity Appeal: City Council(+ noticing costs) -fee is refundable if appeal is won $ 3,058 $ 1,097 Combine fee categories for one single appeal fee rather Planning Commission (+ noticing costs) fee is refundable if appeal than differential fees for Planning Commission vs. City is won $ 2,571 $ 673 Council appeals. Charge one flat fee of $850 per appeal. Coastal Development Plan (CDP): 50% Current Delete Amendment and Extension fees from this section Amendment $ 4,247 Permit Cost and collapse all Amendment and Extensions fees into one 25% Current combined section of the fee table (see below) to reduce Extensions $ 1,787 Permit Cost the number of sub-fee categories in the fee schedule. Delete this fee as redevelopment agencies no longer exist in California. Charge regular application review and permit SCCRA n/a $ 435 amounts. Conditional Use Permit (CUP): Amendment -Minor n/a $ 582 Amendment $ 4,287 $ 2,458 Delete Amendment and Extension fees from this section 50% of original and collapse all Amendment and Extensions fees into one Extension -Minor n/a fee combined section of the fee table (see below) to reduce Extension $ 1,777 $ 922 the number of sub-fee categories in the fee schedule. Habitat Management Plan (HMP) Permit: 75% original Permit -Amendment -Minor n/a fee Delete Permit Amendment fees from this section and use 75% original Permit -Amendment -Major -No onsite habitat to be preserved n/a fee combined section of the fee table for Amendments. 75% original Permit -Amendment -Single Family Residence n/a fee Hillside Development Permit (HOP): Delete Amendment and Extension fees from this section Amendment -Other (Multiple Lots) $ 4,711 $ 2,194 and collapse all Amendment and Extensions fees into one Amendment -Minor $ 1,769 $ 720 combined section of the fee table (see below) to reduce 25% of original the number of sub-fee categories in the fee schedule. Extension -Other (Multiple Lots) n/a fee 25% of original Extension -Single Family Lot n/a fee Planned Development: Non-Resident: <4 $ 4,855 $ 3,071 Eliminate Non-Resident vs Resident fee categories. 5-50 $ 11,134 $ 8,515 Eliminate >51 tier. All projects >5 lots will be charged > 51 $ 17,855 $ 13,454 $8,515 Non-Resident Amendment: <4 $ 3,288 $ 1,879 5-50 $ 9,749 $ 6,766 Delete Amendment fees from this section and use combined section of the fee table for Amendments. > 51 $ 13,019 $ 9,162 Resident: <4 $ 4,716 $ 3,071 5-50 $ 12,588 $ 8,515 Eliminate Resident fee category. Combine with above. > 51 $ 19,018 $ 13,454 Resident Amendment: <4 $ 2,966 $ 1,654 5-50 $ 9,097 $ 6,307 Eliminate Resident fee category. Combine with above. > 51 $ 12,854 $ 8,504 NBS -Local Government Solutions Web: www.nbsgov.com Toll-Free:800.676.7516 Planning COS (2), Page 1 of 3 Item 17; pg. 66 Prior Fee Study Fee Name -Cost of Existing Fee I Recommended Change to Fee Structure/ Fee Service Per Deposit Amounts Activity 50% of Original Delete Amendment fees from this section and use Permit Amendments Not Specifically Identified n/a Cost combined section of the fee table for Amendments. Delete this fee item. Utilize Planning Commission Planning Commission Discussion Item $ 3,035 $ 675 Determination -Other/Sinale Familv fee cateaories. Delete Amendment fees from this section and use Precise Development Plan -Amendment $ 5,477 $ 4,218 combined section of the fee table for Amendments. Delete this fee as redevelopment agencies no longer exist in California. Charge regular application review and permit Preliminary Review -Redevelopment -Major $ 1,072 $ 360 amounts. Delete this fee as redevelopment agencies no longer exist in California. Charge regular application review and permit Preliminary Review -Redevelopment -Minor $ 1,448 $ 203 amounts. Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes (+postage) n/a copy charge Delete this fee item. Information is available on-line SCCRA: Amendment (Major) $ -$ 1,496 Permit (Adm in.) $ -$ 688 Permit (Minor) $ -$ 1,636 Permit (Major) $ -$ 3,554 Permit Amendment (Admin.) $ -$ 148 Permit Amendment (Minor) $ -$ 634 Delete these fees as redevelopment agencies no longer Permit Appeal -City Council $ -$ 635 exist in California. Charge regular application review and Permit Appeal -Planning $ -$ 574 permit amounts. Permit Extensioh (Minor) $ -$ 241 Permit Extension (Major) $ -$ 281 Permit Variance (Minor or Major) $ -$ 422 Permit Variance Administrative $ -$ 144 Sidewalk Sign/Outdoor Display $ -$ 61 Sign Program $ -$ 128 Sign Program Amendment $ -$ 84 Sign: Delete Amendment fees from this section and use Program Amendment, Non RDA $ 837 $ 647 combined section of the fee table for Amendments. Site Development Plan: Amendment (Major) $ 11,033 $ 7,818 Amendment (Minor) $ 4,519 $ 3,037 Delete Amendment and Extension fees from this section 25% of original and collapse all Amendment and Extensions fees into one Extension -Major (Non Res) n/a fee combined section of the fee table (see below) to reduce 25% of original the number of sub-fee categories in the fee schedule. Extension -Minor n/a fee Special Use Permit: Scenic Corridor $ 5,100 $ 3,555 Eliminate separate fees for Scenic Corridor, Flood Plain, Flood Plain $ 8,049 $ 3,937 and Flood Plain Coastal. Charge $3,555 per Special Use Flood Plain, Coastal High Hazard Area $ 4,867 $ 2,846 Permit Amendment -Flood Plain $ 5,378 $ 3,414 Delete Amendment and Extension fees from this section to Amendments -All Other $ 3,533 $ 2,469 reduce the number of fee subcategories and use combinec 25% of original section of the fee table for Amendments / Extensions. Extension n/a fee NBS -Local Government Solutions Web: www.nbsgov.com Toll-Free:800.676.7516 Planning COS (2), Page 2 of 3 Item 17; pg. 67 I ' Prior Fee Study I I Fee Name -Cost of Existing Fee 'I Recommended Change to Fee Structure / Fee Service Per Deposit , Amounts Activity ' Tentative Map Revision: $9,267 + $31 per unit over 5 $4190 +$40 (whichever is Delete revision fees from this section and combine with 5-49 Units/Lots+ $40ea 5 + (whichever is greater) areaterl consolidated amendments, revisions and extensions $12,798 + $10 section of the fee table. per unit over 49 $7,750 + $15 (whichever is 50 + Units/Lots + $15ea 49 + (whichever is greater) areater) Tentative Parcel Map: Delete Amendment fees from this section and use 1yr Extension (per application) $ 2,222 $ 1,502 combined section af the fee table for Amendments. Tentative Tract Map: $ 4,349 $ 2,942 Delete Amendment fees from this section and use Extension - 5 to 49 combined section of the fee table for Amendments. Delete from Planning fee schedule, these are Engineering Third Party Review -plus consultant cost $ 872 $ 759 fees. Move to Engineering section. Variance: Delete this category and utilize the Administrative Variance Administrative -Recreational Vehicle Admin. Variance $ 1,169 $ 767 category. Zone Change - 5 or fewer acres $ 7,189 $ 4,994 No change to fee amounts. Change fee names to "Zone Zone Change -5.1 or more acres $ 9,301 $ 6,766 Change -O -5 Acres", and "Zone Change -Over 5 Acres" Zoning Compliance Letter $ 248 $ 84 Increase fee amount to $120 Amendments, Revisions, Extensions Amendments and Revisions to Projects in Progress 50% of currently adopted application fee Extensions for Projects in Progress 25% of currentlv adopted application fee NBS -Local Government Solutions Web: www.nbsgov.com Toll-Free:800.676.7516 Planning COS (2), Page 3 of 3 Item 17; pg. 68 Attachment B: Recommended Changes to Engineering Application and Permitting Fees Prior Fee ' Fee Description , Study -Cost of Existing Fee/ Recommended Change to Fee Structure/ Fee I Service Per Deposit Amounts I Activity Bond Search $ -$ 33 delete fee Duplicate Tracing Fees -Final Parcel Maps -per sheet(+ $32 per sheet) $ -$ 23 delete fee Duplicate Tracing Fees -Final Tract Maps -per sheet(+ $32 per sheet) $ -$ 23 delete fee Improvement Agreement Extension -see Secured Agreement Proc. Ext. $ -$ -delete fee Delete fee. Already charged for as part of Consistency Substantial Conformance Exhibit Rev. $ 1,352 $ 1,029 Determination Variance -Engineering $ -$ 765 delete fee NBS -Local Government Solutions Web: www.nbsgov.com Toll-Free:800.676.7516 Engineering COS (2), Page 1 of 1 Item 17; pg. 69 Attachment C: Fee History for Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electrical Permits Associated with Building Permits (2010-2015) NBS-Local Government Solutions Web: www.nbsgov.com Toii-Free:800.676.7516 Permit Counts (NBS), Page 1 of 1 Item 17; pg. 70 : • fEE.CATEGC>RY ... ·. ·• FEE OESC~IPTIOiil ' . ·. ,>: .. : . .... Appeal -City Council (+ noticing costs) -fee is refundable if appeal is 1 Appeals won Appeal -Planning Commission(+ noticing costs) fee is refundable if 2 Appeals appeal is won 3 Appeals Appeal City Council -Miscellaneous 4 Development Coastal Development Permit -SCCRA Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Village Review Area -Major & 5 Development Minor RP's 6 Development SCCRA Permit (Minor) 7 Development SCCRA Permit Amendment (Admin.) 8 Development SCCRA Permit Amendment (Minor) 9 Development SCCRA Permit Appeal -City Council 10 Development SCCRA Permit Appeal -Planning 11 Development SCCRA Permit Extension (Major) 12 Development SCCRA Permit Extension (Minor) 13 Development SCCRA Permit Variance (Minor or Major) 14 Development SCCRA Permit Variance Administrative 15 Development SCCRA Sidewalk Sign/Outdoor Display 16 Development SCCRA Sign Program 17 Development SCCRA Sign Program Amendment 18 Development Village Area Noticing Fee (Minor)-plus postage 19 Development Village Area Permit Amendment (Minor) -plus noticing costs 20 Development Village Area Review (Major) -plus noticing costs 21 Development Village Area Review (Minor) -plus noticing costs 22 Development Village Area Sign Program 23 Development Village Area Sign Program Amendment 24 Development Village Review Permit (Admin.) 25 Development Village Review Permit Extension (Major) -plus noticing costs 26 Development Village Review Permit Extension (Minor) -plus noticing costs 27 Development Village Review Permit Noticing Fee (Major) -plus postage 28 Development Processing Alley parking 29 Development Processing Any permit amendment not specifically identified 30 Development Processing Bond Search 31 Development Processing Campaign Sign Permit 32 Development Processing Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Amendment 33 Development Processing Coastal Development Permit (CDP) -Extensions 34 Development Processing Conditional Use Permit -Extension 35 Development Processing Conditional Use Permit (CU.P) -Amendment 36 Development Processing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) -Extension -Regular 37 Development Processing Duplicate Tracing Fees -Final Parcel Maps -per sheet(+ $32 per sheet) City of Carlsbad CED Removed Fees FY2016-17 FY Z015'1p FEE .•. ' .... ... <.:. ·' .· REASON.FOR REMOVAL ·.·· . . ·. •· $1,097 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $673 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $165 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $427 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $663 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $1,606 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $145 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $622 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $623 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $564 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $276 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $237 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $415 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $142 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $60 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $126 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $82 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $217 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $591 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $3,015 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $1,645 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $297 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $72 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $442 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $701 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $603 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $407 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $552 Duplication -this is a police fee, not CED. It is also listed in Police. SO% of original cost Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $33 Eliminated as part of fee consolidation effort due to no longer being used, as a result of NBS fee study. $60 To simplify fees, this is consolidated with other sign permits, as a result of NBS fee study. 50% Current Permit Cost Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. 25% Current Permit Cost Appeals} amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. SO% oforiginal fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $2,458 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $922 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $23 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. Item 17; pg. 71 . iFE(CAT:E!iORV 1: ·· .. ·' ·. · .. FEE DESCRIPT:IOJ\I •.· ..... 38 Development Processing Grading Permit Extension Fee Habitat Management Plan Permit Amendment -Major -amendment 39 Development Processing for properties with no on-site habitat to be preserved Habitat Management Plan Permit Amendment -Minor -no on-site 40 Development Processing habitat to be preserved 41 Development Processing Habitat Management Plan Permit Amendment -Single Family 42 Development Processing Hillside Development Permit Amendment -Minor 43 Development Processing Hillside Development Permit Amendment -Other (Multiple Lots) 44 Development Processing Hillside Development Permit Extension 45 Development Processing Hillside Development Permit Extension · Other (Multiple Lots) 46 Development Processing Major Site Development Plan -Non Residential -Extension 47 Development Processing Minor Conditional Use Permit -Amendment 48 Development Processing Permit Amendment -plus noticing costs 49 Development Processing Permit Amendment (Adm in) Permit Appeal -City Council (+ noticing costs) fee is refundable if 50 Development Processing appeal is won Permit Appeal -Planning Commission (+ noticing costs) fee is 51 Development Processing refundable if appeal is won 52 Development Processing Permit Variance -Administrative 53 Development Processing Permit Variance (Minor or Major) 54 Development Processing Planned Development -51 or more/ Major Subdivision 55 Development Processing Planned Development-Non Residential Extension -All 56 Development Processing Planned Development -Non-Residential -Major/ 51 or more 57 Development Processing Planned Development -Residential -Amendment Extension -All 58 Development Processing Planned Development -Residential -Extension -All 59 Development Processing Planned Development Amendment -Non Residential -Extension -All 60 Development Processing Planned Development Amendment -Non-Residential -Major/ 5 to 50 Planned Development Amendment -Non-Residential -Major/ 51 or 61 Development Processing more 62 Development Processing Planned Development Amendment-Non-Residential -Minor/ 4 or less 63 Development Processing Planned Development Residential - 4 or less/ Minor Subdivision City of Carlsbad CED Removed Fees FY 2016-17 FY 2015'16 FEE ··/ ... ..:· :: < . . REASONl'OR REMOVAL.·· .. · .. · . ··. ' 25% permit fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. 75% Original fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. 75% Original Fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. 75% Original Fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $720 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $2,194 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. 25% of original fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. 25% of original fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. 25% of original fee Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $582 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $1,476 All Permit fees are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $177 All Permit fees are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $685 All Permit fees are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $685 All Permit fees are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $191 All Permit fees are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $427 All Permit fees are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $13,454 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. 25% of original Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and fee extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $13,454 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. 25% of original Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and fee extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. 25% of original Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and fee extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. 25% of original Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and fee extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $6,766 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $9,162 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $1,879 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $3,071 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Item 17; pg. 72 .· .... I. EEEl:~\EGORV ' > i ::,:<.c'i,::/< '// '' ,, .• FEE DESCRIP}IQN ',•,': ': i ' Planned Development Residential Amendment - 4 or less/ Minor 64 Development Processing Subdivision Planned Development Residential Amendment - 5 to 50 / Major 65 Development Processing Subdivision Planned Development Residential. Amendment -51 or more/ Major 66 Development Processing Subdivision 67 Development Processing Planning Commission Discussion Item 68 Development Processing Precise Development Plan -Amendment 69 Development Processing Preliminary Review -Redevelopment -Major 70 Development Processing Preliminary Review -Redevelopment -Minor 71 Development Processing Sign Program Amendment 72 Development Processing Site Development Plan Amendment -Major 73 Development Processing Site Development Plan Amendment -Minor 74 Development Processing Site Development Plan Extension -Minor 75 Development Processing Special Use Permit -Scenic Corridor 76 Development Processing Special Use Permit -Extension 77 Development Processing Special Use Permit -Flood Plain 78 Development Processing Special Use Permit -Flood Plain, Coastal High Hazard Area Substantial Conformance Exhibit Review (For Planning-see consistency 79 Development Processing determination) Tentative Map Revision - 5 -49 Units/ Lots -base fee+ $40 per lot/ 80 Development Processing unit over SJ whichever is greater Tentative Map Revision -50+ Units/ Lots -base fee+ $15 each per lot 81 Development Processing /unit over 49, whichever is greater 82 Development Processing Tentative Parcel Map - 1 year extension, per application 83 Development Processing Tentative Tract Map Extension - 5 to 49 84 Development Processing Variance -Admin·1strative (Planning) Recreational Vehicle Admin. 85 Development Processing Variance -Engineering 86 Development Processing Zoning Compliance Letter Electrical & Mechanical 87 Permits Boiler/Compressor to 15 HP (each) Electrical & Mechanical 88 Permits Exhaust Fan (each) Electrical & Mechanical 89 Permits Fireplace (each) Electrical & Mechanical 90 Permits Furnace, Ducts, Heat Pumps (each) Electrical & Mechanical 91 Permits Hood (each) Electrical & Mechanical 92 Permits Install/relocate vent (each) Electrical & Mechanical New construction for each ampere of main service, switch, fuse or 93 Permits breaker -Per ampere, 480 three-phase Electrical & Mechanical New construction for each ampere of main service, switch1 fuse or 94 Permits breaker -Per ampere, single phase City of Carlsbad CED Removed Fees FY 2016-17 FV,2,01~'16,FEE 1,..: / ·'.::,·.; .:>::;• :;:, .' .·· .·· / . ,' ,, RE~ONFORREMO)l.11.L i { ' , ·, ,· '·' ·'" Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $1,654 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $6,307 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. Remove residential vs. non-residential categories as a fee simplification effort. Appeals, amendments, and $8,504 extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on a fee study by NBS. $675 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $4,218 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $360 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $203 Fees by area in SSCRA and Village consolidated to have uniform fee amounts across city. $647 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $7,818 To simplify fees, consolidating all special use permit types into one category, as a result of NBS fee study. $3,037 To simplify fees, consolidating all special use permit types into one category, as a result of NBS fee study. 25% of original fee To simplify fees, consolidating all special use permit types into one category, as a result of NBS fee study. $3,555 To simplify fees, consolidating all special use permit types into one category, as a result of NBS fee study. 25% of original fee To simplify fees, consolidating all special use permit types into one category, as a result of NBS fee study. $3,937 To simplify fees, consolidating all special use permit types into one category, as a result of NBS fee study. $2,846 To simplify fees, consolidating all special use permit types into one category, as a result of NBS fee study. $1,029 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $4,190 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consc;,lidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $7,750 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $1,502 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $2,942 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $767 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $765 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. $84 Appeals, amendments, and extensions are being consolidated and simplified based on fee study by NBS. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $18 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $7 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $7 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $10 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $7 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $5 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $1 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $0.27 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. Item 17; pg. 73 ,, ',~' ' li'EE:cATEGC!RV > •··.· ····· .• :' ... .: .... FEE QESCRIPTjON Electrical & Mechanical New construction for each ampere of main service, switch, fuse or 95 Permits breaker -Per ampere, three phase Electrical & Mechanical 96 Permits Remodel, alteration, no change in service -Or minimum Electrical & Mechanical 97 Permits Remodel, alteration, no change in service -Per ampere Electrical & Mechanical Service upgrade on existing building -For each ampere or increase in 98 Permits main service, switch, fuse or breaker -Per ampere, 480 three-phase 1 t1ectrica1 & JV1ecnanica1 ~erv,ce upgraae on existing bu11aing-~or eacn ampere or increase 1n 99 Permits main service, switch, fuse or breaker -Per ampere, single phase Electrical & Mechanical Service upgrade on existing building -For each ampere or increase in 100 Permits main service, switch, fuse or breaker -Per ampere, three-phase Electrical & Mechanical Temporary service over 200 amperes -plus $10.00 per each 100 101 Permits amperes over 200 Electrical & Mechanical 102 Permits Temporary service up to and including 200 amperes Electrical & Mechanical 103 Permits Test Meter Electrical & Mechanical 104 Permits Individual Electrical Permit Electrical & Mechanical 105 Permits Individual Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit and Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to 106 Inspection Fees approved plans, (minimum charge -one half hour) Plumbing Permit and For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in above item: 1 to 107 Inspection Fees 5 Plumbing Permit and For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in above item: 108 Inspection Fees Over 5, each Plumbing Permit and 109 Inspection Fees For each additional gas-piping system outlet, per outlet Plumbing Permit and For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type 110 Inspection Fees vacuum breakers: 2 inch diameter and smaller Plumbing Permit and For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type 111 Inspection Fees vacuum breakers: Over 2 inch diameter Plumbing Permit and 112 Inspection Fees For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer Plumbing Permit and 113 Inspection Fees For each cesspool (where permitted) Plumbing Permit and 114 Inspection Fees For each gas-piping system one to five outlets For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor including its trap Plumbing Permit and and vent, excepting kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning as 115 Inspection Fees fixture traps Plumbing Permit and For each installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water 116 Inspection Fees treating equipment, each Plumbing Permit and For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow 117 Inspection Fees protection devices therefore City of Carlsbad CED Removed Fees FY 2016-17 FV2.0i:.s:ii; FEE. '"•.•··.>·· ·\.C:i\ .. ·\>>··.·.• ....... .• REASON FOR REMOVAL · .. · .· .... To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $0.54 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall build.mg $5 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $0.27 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $1 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. 1 o s1mp11Ty Tees, conso11aating p1umo1ng, mecnanica1 ana e1ectrica1 Tees oasea on va1uat1on ror tne overa11 ou11a,ng $0.27 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $0.54 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $11 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $11 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $27 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $163 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $163 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $33 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $5 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $1 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $1 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $16 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $16 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $27 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $5 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. Item 17; pg. 74 >f :r FEECl',TEGORY . · .. .... FEE OESCRIPTIOI\! ... . ,'' ' ' . · . Plumbing Permit and For each plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap 118 Inspection Fees (including water, drainage piping and backflow protection therefore) Plumbing Permit and 119 Inspection Fees For each private sewage disposal system Plumbing Permit and 120 Inspection Fees For each repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture Plumbing Permit and 121 Inspection Fees For each water heater and/or vent Plumbing Permit and 122 Inspection Fees Individual Plumbing Permit Plumbing Permit and 123 Inspection Fees Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated Plumbing Permit and 124 Inspection Fees Inspections outside of normal business hours Plumbing Permit and 125 Inspection Fees Rainwater systems -per drain (inside building) Plumbing Permit and 126 Inspection Fees Re-inspection Fee City of Carlsbad CED Removed Fees FY 2016-17 . 'f\'20:l:$;16FE( :' .··.· •: :/ ' :.:-·.· ' .. REASOl\rFOR REMOVAL .. ' .. ··· . To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $43 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $163 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $33 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $33 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $8 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. To simplify fees, consolidating plumbing, mechanical and electrical fees based on valuation for the overall building $33 permit, as a result of NBS fee study. Item 17; pg. 75 FY 2016-17 Preliminary Operating Budget June 14, 2016 1 FY 2016-17 Budget Calendar Council Meetings: –June 7 –Preliminary Capital Improvement Program –Set public hearing for June 28 –June 14 –Preliminary Operating Budget –June 28 –Public hearing and adoption of: •Fiscal Year 2016-17 Operating and Capital Budgets Other Public Meetings: –June 21 –Citizens Budget Workshop -Faraday, 6 p.m. FY 2016-17 Budget Overview Focus on Excellent Service –Six Council Priorities –Community Values –Improved Service Levels Balanced with Stewardship –Long-term Fiscal View –Healthy reserves –Plan vs React City of Carlsbad FY 2016-17 Combined Budget $314.6 million Operating Budget –80% Capital –20% General Fund, $142 M Special Revenue (incl. RORF), $13 M Enterprise, $72 M Internal Service, $24 M Capital Projects, $64 M Slow Growth Overseas Challenges Interest Rates? 5 National & Global Outlook U.S. GDP Growth Rate 6 Qua rter,.,to·Qua rterG rowUl in Rea I ~G DP 6 4 -c 41 2 t: I "' D. 0 I .. 2 II Ill IV II Ill IV II Ill IV II Ill IV 2012 2013 2014 20116 Minimum Wage Volatile Revenues Consumption Picture 7 State Perspective April Unemployment Rate 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 CA Carlsbad SD County US Carlsbad’s Economic Profile •Home prices •Taxable sales •Tourism General Fund Revenues 10 $Millions 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 -3 .4% 2.0% General Fund Revenues 10.4% -0.6% 2.9% 3.7% 0.0% -0.8% 6.7% FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016e FY 2017e FY 2016-17 General Fund Revenues $146.2 million 11 Property Tax, $59.2 , 41% Sales Tax, $34.1 , 23% Hotel Tax, $20.8 , 14% Franchise, $5.7 , 4% Business License, $4.5 , 3%Other, $21.9 , 15% Median SFR Home Prices Ill ~ 600 c fa Ill = 0 ~ 400 200 0 Median SFR Home Prices 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Fiscal Year Assessed Values and Property Taxes 13 Sales Tax 14 0.6% CONSTRUCTION 3.8% SALES TAX BY CATEGORY FOURTH QUARTER 2015 TRANSPORTATION 34.4" GENERAL RETAIL 31.4" FOOD PRODUCTS 17.9% 15 HISTORICAL SALES TAX BY GEOGRAPHIC AREA( in millions) ~ ~ ~ .....r-~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..._ ...... --------------- -------------------'" ~ ..... ..... .... ..... ~ ~ ..... ~ ------------------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $0 & \:)Oj -t-Carlsbad Village ~Plaza Camino Real -A-Carlsbad Premium Outlets ~The Forum ~La Costa Town Square ~New Auto Sales Transient Occupancy Taxes (in millions) 25 0 20 c:: 0 = 15 2008 Transient Occupancy Taxes 20111 2014 2017e FY 2016-17 Operating Revenues by Fund Type = $251.1 million 17 General 58%Special Revenue 4% Redevelopment Obligation Retirement 1% Enterprise 28% Internal Service 9% 2016-17 Proposed Operating Budget Operating Budget Process City Council’s goals and priority projects and services 10 year forecast updated Budget policies set for new fiscal year Departments submit requests to Finance Budget reviewed; City Manager makes recommendations to City Council City Council adopts budget FY 2016-17 Budget Policies •Continue Excellent City Services •Modest Growth allowed in M&O •Budget & Staff Increases considered for city priorities and goals •Budgetary prudence exercised FY 2016-17 Full-Time Position Changes •Addition of 2.0 full-time positions (net): –3.0 full-time positions eliminated –5.0 full-time positions added •Hourly FTE’s 3.75 new full-time equivalents •3.0 limited-term positions for succession planning FY 2016-17 2.0 Net Full-Time Position Additions Additions (5.0): 1.0 Network Engineer 1.0 Permit Technician 1.0 Sr. Construction Inspector 1.0 Climate Action Plan Administrator 1.0 Public Works Supervisor 22 Eliminations (3.0): 1.0 Park Maintenance Worker 2.0 Street Maintenance Workers FY 2016-17 Total Labor Force •Total citywide full-time position count: 674.25 FY 2015-16 full-time 2.00 FY 2016-17 net additions 676.25 FY 2015-16 total full-time 6.00 Limited-term 163.26 Hourly 845.51 Total workforce City of Carlsbad History of Full-Time Positions (excludes hourly and limited term) 625 645 665 685 705 725 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 695.75 717.25 717.75 716.25 699 684.25 674.5 667.75 669.75 674.25 676.25 FY 2016-17 Operating Budget $250 million -expenditures GENERAL FUND $142M, 57% SPECIAL REVENUE, RORF, $13M, 5% ENTERPRISE, $72M, 29% INTERNAL SERVICE, $24M, 9% FY 2016-17 General Fund $141.8 million Policy/Leadership, 7.2M, 5% Community & Economic Dev., 10.7M, 8% Administrative Services, 7.5M, 5% Community Services, 28M, 20% Public Safety, 55.3M, 39% Public Works, 17.4M, 12% Non- departmental, 15.7M, 11% 26 General Fund Budget requests and Capital Outlay Budget Enhancements $2,800,000 Capital Outlay $515,000 27 City Council Goal: 28 Promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and retain talent in Carlsbad. –Carlsbad Student Leadership Academy ($115,000) City Council Goal: 29 Become a leader in multimodal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. –Coastal Trolley Study ($75,000) –Intern to assist with transportation and traffic programs City Council Goal: 30 Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio, two neighborhoods that represent the historic heart of Carlsbad. –Parking Study ($195,000) –Village Banner Program –Book Bike and Mobile Circulation City Council Goal: 31 Lower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. –Railroad Grade Separation ($150,000) •Lobbyist •Grant Writer •Community Outreach Climate Action Plan ($1 million in FY 2016-17) •Energy Conservation Ordinance •Public Outreach and Communication •Climate Action Plan Administrator (1 FTE) •Intern to assist with CAP implementation •Consulting for Transportation Demand Management Strategies 32 Library & Cultural Arts ($155,000) •Community Public Art Projects •Community Arts Grants •Increase for Concert in the Parks Community vision: History, the arts and cultural resources 33 Police Department •Body worn cameras ($200,000) •Funding for mandated training programs ($300,000) •Contract services for background investigations ($60,000) •Vehicles (2) for Community Service Officers Community vision: High quality community service Fire Department •Permit Technician •Part-time staffing (.83 FTE) –Assist with background checks and new hire process –Assist with Fire inspections –Provide general support where needed •Uniforms •Technical Rescue Equipment •Vehicle for EMS Manager Community vision: High quality community service Community and Economic Development •Staffing changes: –Succession planning –2 additional limited-term positions •Consulting services –Update Housing Element and Noise Guidelines ($60,000) –Community Engagement for Planning Projects ($25,000) •Code Enforcement abatement funding ($20,000) Community vision: High quality community service, Neighborhood revitalization, community design and livability 36 Parks and Recreation •Youth Basketball Expansion •Median Landscape improvements –Paseo Del Norte Community vision: Access to recreation and active, healthy lifestyles Community Vision: Sustainability Public Works •New Vehicles •Skiploader •Vehicles for 2 new positions •Electric Vehicle Charging Stations •Facility Access Control Upgrades Community vision: Sustainability Community vision: High quality community services FY 2016-17 General Fund Budget Recap Revenues $ 146.2 million Budget requests $ 141.8 million Projected remainder $ 4.4 million 39 General Fund Balance 40 Estimated Balance at 7/01/16 $ 87.9 million Plus: FY 2016-17 Excess 4.4 million = 6/30/17 Estimated Balance $ 92.3 million FY 2016-17 Special Revenue Funds $11.4 million Maintenance Districts, $3.1M, 27% CDBG, $0.5M, 4% Other (Grants/Donations), $1.2M, 11% Housing Programs, $6.6M, 58% 41 FY 2016-17 Internal Service Funds $23.9 million Workers' Compensation, $4.3M, 18% Risk Management, $2M, 8% Self-insured Benefits, $1M, 4% Vehicle Maint., $3.2M, 13% Vehicle Repl., $3.7M, 16% Information Technology, $9.7M, 41% 42 FY 2016-17 Internal Service Funds Expenditure highlights: •Fleet Replacement Equipment -$3.6 million –2 Fire Trucks ($1.5 million) –9 Hybrid Vehicles •Information Technology –Replacement Equipment-$915,000 –Increases in contractual and software maintenance -$778,000 –System upgrades -$433,000 –Contracted services for ETL Data Warehouse Development -$190,000 •$1.5 million transfer to Worker’s Compensation Fund –Increased settlements and claims liability FY 2016-17 Enterprise Funds $71.7 million Water Operations, $39.7M, 56% Recycled Water, $7.8M, 11% Wastewater Operations, $12.4M, 17% Solid Waste Management, $3.8M, 5% Golf Course Operations, $8M, 11% 44 Fee Update Fee Descriptions •General city fees –Charged for the usage of city services and property •Development related service fees –Charged to recover the cost of staff time & materials spent on development related activities •Development impact fees –Charged to recover the cost that growth is anticipated to have on city infrastructure 46 Fee Escalators •Updated by change in West Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI) –General city fees –Development related service fees •Updated by change in Engineering News Record Index (ENR) –Development impact fees 47 Fee Escalators INDEX ONE YEAR ASSOCIATED FEES West Urban CPI 1.80%General City and Development Related Service Fees Ambulance Inflation Factor -0.40%Ambulance Fees Fee Escalators –Development Impact Fees INDEX ONE YEAR ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES January ENR 1.60% Development Impact Fees: Planned Local Drainage Area Fees and License Tax on New Construction Mobile Homes April ENR 2.70% All Other Development Impact Fees (Public Facility Fees, Park In Lieu Fees, Sewer Benefit Area Fees, Sewer Connection Fees, Water Connection Fees, and Local Facilities Management Plan Fees) December ENR 2.00%Bridge & Thoroughfare District #3 April San Diego CPI 2.40%Habitat Mitigation Fee Cal Trans CCI 1.94%Traffic Impact Fees Cost of Service •Cost of Service Study was completed last year. –Updated every 2 years •A comparison of the cost to provide the service with the fee charged, requires that a number of fees are reduced to the cost of service Community and Economic Development Fee Changes •Consultant completed study to identify areas to simplify and consolidate fees •Recommendations: –consolidating amendments, extensions and revisions –eliminating fees that are nominally different for similar services –removal of 127 fees Other Fee Changes •Adding more categories for Safety Training Center Fees •Increase in Trash Collection Fees •Increase in Lighting and Landscape District # 2 Annexation fee •Other increases based on revised cost of service •Decrease in Street Light Energizing Fees FY 2016-17 PROGRAM OPTIONS 1. Retire Golf Course Bonds 2.Pension Stabilization Assignment QUESTIONS Council Action Set Public Hearing for June 28, 2016 END 56 Infrastructure Replacement Fund Funds the replacement of buildings and facilities (non water or sewer assets) Annual contribution FY 1998-99 to 2015-16: $ 99.6 million FY 2016-17:$ 9.5 million 57