HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-08-23; City Council; ; Authorization to bid Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park-stables restoration and chicken coop/new restroom construction project CIP No. 4602CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date To: From: Staff Contact: August 23, 2016 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Managef·V Liz Ketabian liz.ketabian@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2978 CA Review tf; Subject Authorization to bid Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park-Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project (CIP No. 4602) Recommended Action Approval of a Resolution approving contract documents, plans and specifications for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project {CIP No. 4602) and authorizing the city clerk to advertise the project for public bids. Executive Summary Construction documents are completed for the restoration of the adobe, stone and wood- frame stables, and the construction of a chicken coop/new restroom at the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park (The Ranch). Restoration of the historic stables will allow park visitors to be able to fully tour the tri-level structure, and learn about how the stables were used to facilitate the daily operations of a real working rancho. A large multi-purpose space on the lower level will provide badly needed indoor classroom space. Leo's office and the bunkhouse, when fully restored will showcase educational and interpretive exhibits and displays. Additionally, the stables will be available for private rentals for weddings and other special events. Leo's long lost chicken coop will be replicated on the exterior and will feature a modern restroom on the interior. The new restroom will aide in supporting all of the various visitors, events and activities held at The Ranch. Discussion The Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project (CIP No. 4602) is included in Phase 3 of the Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan, and the Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan, adopted by the City Council in 1998 and 2015, respectively. Funding was allocated in the CIP FY 2015-16 budget for hiring a consultant firm specializing in historic preservation. Since October of 2015, staff has been working with such a design firm to prepare plans and specifications for the project. The plans and specifications are consistent with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, a requirement for all construction activities to preserve the historic structures at this park. The stables restoration work will include new concrete floors, repair of the existing bunk house clay tile floor, repair of worn wood features, interior lighting, replacement of the 20 year old wood shingle roof, repair of the south porch, and a new ADA ramp to the lower level (See Exhibits 2 & 3). A new set of decomposed granite and wood timber stairs, similar to those at Deedie's Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 1 of 8 house will provide connectivity from the barn/visitors center to the stables. Repairs to the old stone and concrete exterior stairs, will round out the stables' improvements. The chicken coop will be reintroduced to The Ranch as a public restroom facility with modern plumbing and a janitorial/storage area. New construction will incorporate wood cladding as depicted in the original facades shown on historical photographs taken in the 1930's and 1940's (See Exhibit 4). The interior will include six (6) unisex restroom stalls, two of which will be ADA compliant. In addition, the surrounding areas of the facility will receive minor drainage improvements, landscaping and irrigation. Completion of this project will provide another venue at The Ranch for learning opportunities about Carlsbad's rich cultural past and will also further sustain the unique historic structures on this park, so that Carlsbad residents and visitors may continue to connect as a community - through special events at, or simply by visiting the park. Fiscal Analysis Estimated construction costs for the project are $1,115,000. Available funding in the amount of $1,231,847 was approved in the FY 2016/17 Capital Improvement Program Budget for the project as part of the implementation of Phase 3 of the Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan. Next Steps Upon the City Council's approval of the plans and specifications for the project, staff will release contract documents, plans and specifications for soliciting bids. The bid due date for the project will be at the end of September, allowing for a 30 day bid phase. Staff will evaluate the responsive bids received and return to City Council with a recommendation to award the construction contract in October/November 2016. Construction activities would then be expected to begin in late November or early December. The construction phase is estimated to be in the range of 10 months. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) On Dec. 15, 1999, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 99-22} and adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the park. This project is within the scope of the prior environmental documents for the park and no further environmental documentation is required per CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. All applicable mitigation measures contained in the prior environmental document have been incorporated into the new construction documents. Climate Action Plan Consistency This project/action is not directly related to the Measures and Actions approved in the CAP, however, there are several features that will assist with the reduction of GHG emissions such as new LED lighting fixtures for both the stables and the new restroom. The stables and the chicken coop/restrooms will not be conditioned (heated or cooled) spaces, and will rely on natural ventilation, which is provided by screened louvers at the upper clerestory of the stables and walls of the restrooms. (A ventilation system will be provided in the restrooms as required by code). A proposed sink for the stables will include an insta-hot water heating device rather than a hot water storage tank. Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 2 of 8 By providing the new restrooms at The Ranch, the need for transport and use of numerous portable restroom units, such as currently used for special events and weddings, can be eliminated -thus cutting down on GHG emissions for transport of these types of accommodations required many times throughout the year. Low flush water closets and timed water faucets at sinks will help to conserve valuable water resources. The project will include installation of drought tolerant plants and irrigation in selected areas around the stable, as needed for storm water management. Public Notification Community outreach has occurred throughout the project, beginning with a public workshop on July 23, 2014, to discuss the prioritization of the remaining Phase 3 projects of the park master plan. Participation at the workshop included stakeholders such as neighbors/residents of Rancho Carrillo, representatives from Friends of Carrillo Ranch, park volunteers and other community members interested in the preservation and future programming for the park. More recently, on April 10, 2016, staff provided the City Council with an informational report on the status of the project. In addition, subsequent monthly Parks & Recreation Commission meetings included departmental reports highlighting progress of the project. Lastly, a few articles have been published in the Friends of Carrillo Ranch newsletter -which is available at the park. Exhibits 1. Resolution approving plans and specifications for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park - Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project (CIP No. 4602) and authorizing the city clerk to advertise the project for bid. 2. Floor plans of the stables restoration 3. Renderings and elevations of the stables 4. Renderings and elevations of chicken coop/restroom 5. Contract documents, plans and specifications for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park - Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project (CIP No. 4602) are on file at the Parks & Recreation Administration Office. Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 3 of 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-172 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE LEO CARRILLO RANCH STABLES RESTORATION AND CHICKEN COOP/NEW RESTROOM PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF INVITATIONS FOR BIDS, FOR CITY PROJECT NO. 4602. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that the contract documents, plans and specifications for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park-Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project (CIP No. 4602) have been prepared, are on file in the Parks & Recreation Administration Office, and are incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, Restoration of the historic stables and construction of the chicken coop/new restroom is desirable and of benefit in the public interest of sustainably protecting and managing a valuable public historical resource; and WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the 1998 City Council adopted Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Master Plan, with the 2015 City Council adopted Parks & Recreation Master Plan, and with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties; and WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available in the amount of $1,231,847 for said project in the Capital Improvement Program Budget for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Park Phase 3 projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the contract documents, plans and specifications for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park -Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project (CIP No. 4602) have been prepared, are on file in the Parks & Recreation Administration Office and are hereby approved. Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 4 of 8 3. Available funds are provided in the FY-16-17 Capital Improvement Program for the project. 4. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with State law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park-Stables Restoration and Chicken Coop/New Restroom Construction Project (CIP No. 4602), in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents referred to herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 23rd day of August, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. N, City Clerk Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 5 of 8 North Porch Carriage Drive Through Multi Purpose Space ...--Stables Stable Stable Floor Plan \,. "iu t.J c "' .c t.J .. 2 Exhibit 2 Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 6 of 8 MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION LEO CARRILLO RANCH HISTORIC PARK STABLE RESTORATION rn X I OJ -; <..v Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 7 of 8 EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION VIEW LOOKING SOUTH LEO CARRILLO RANCH HISTORIC PARK NEW RESTROOMS m X I OJ =i +>, Item #3 August 23, 2016 Page 8 of 8