HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-13; City Council; ; Live Well San DiegoCITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: 09/13/2016 Mayor and City Council .~,v Kevin Crawford, City Managef\t COURTNEY PENE, MANAGEMENT ANALYST courtney.pene@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2812 Live Well San Diego Recommended Action CA Review ·gtl.. Accept the verbal report given by Dr. Nick Yphantides, Chief Medical Officer for the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, and approve the council resolution supporting the Live Well San Diego initiative. Executive Summary In July 2010, the County Board of Supervisors adopted a comprehensive, innovative strategy on well ness called Live Well San Diego. The purpose of this long-term strategy is to help all county residents reach a state of being healthy, safe, and thriving. Cities have been encouraged to adopt Live Well San Diego in their communities to further advance the initiative and support an enhanced quality of life throughout the region. Discussion The City of Carlsbad has many facilities, policies, programs, and strategies in place which support the objectives of the Live Well San Diego initiative as described in the attached resolution. A commitment to life-long fitness and health and learning, recreational opportunities, and maintaining a high quality of life is already a hallmark of Carlsbad and its residents. As such, Carlsbad is an ideal municipal candidate to become a Live Well San Diego partner. Fiscal Analysis No fiscal impact is associated with receiving this report. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Exhibits 1. Resolution approving the support ofthe City of Carlsbad as a partner for the county-wide Live Well San Diego initiative. Item #12 September 13, 2016 Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-190 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF THE LIVE WELL SAN DIEGO INITIATIVE EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the health and well-being of citizens is the primary concern for the County of San Diego and on July 13, 2010 the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors adopted the Live Well San Diego initiative to achieve the County's vision of healthy, safe and thriving communities; and WHEREAS, the "Live Well San Diego" initiative is a common thread that unites municipalities, businesses, public and private entities, community members and other stakeholders toward a shared vision of healthier, safe and more thriving communities; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Council adopted the community vision which aligns seamlessly with the live well efforts presented by the County of San Diego; and WHEREAS, Carlsbad has developed policies in a number of areas in support of community wellness including, but not limited to, the adoption of an updated General Plan that incorporates a mobility element supporting multi-modal transportation to maximize walkability, bikeability and livability; the designation of "complete streets" with bicyclists, motorists, public transportation vehicles, riders and pedestrians in mind; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has nearly 50 miles of trails supporting a healthy and active lifestyle while protecting and preserving open space for all residents to enjoy; and WHEREAS, the city supports employee wellness through efforts like educational seminars, employee assistance programs offered to all staff and their families, and the annual employee health fair; and WHEREAS, the city supports a thriving community based on continuously learning at every stage with CityStuff, the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy, and the Citizens' Academy; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad will collaborate and share information with the County of San Diego in support of the Live Well San Diego program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad joins the Live Well San Diego initiative. Item #12 September 13, 2016 Page 2 of 3 EXHIBIT 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 13th day of September, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Hall. LORRAINE WOOD, Mayor Pro Tern ~C1£~~"1 BARBARA ENGLEsoN, city Cle (SEAL) Item #12 September 13, 2016 Page 3 of 3 September 13, 2016 Dr. Nick Yphantides, Chief Medical Officer Health and Human Services Agency County of San Diego LIVE WELL SAN DIEGO HOW IT STARTED BEHAVIORS DISEASES PERCENTLead toResult inOVERNo Physical Activity Poor Diet Tobacco Use Cancer Heart Disease & Stroke Type 2 Diabetes Lung Disease of deaths in San Diego 1 World Health Organization (WHO). “The Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.” http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/media/en/gsfs_general.pdf(Accessed September 22, 2011). 2 3Four50, www.3four50.com (Accessed September 22, 2011). Building Better Health Living Safely Thriving Building Better Health Living Safely Thriving WHY PARTNERSHIPS ARE IMPORTANT EVERYBODY HAS SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE Live Well San Diego involves partners in all sectors –from government, to business, to schools, to faith-based and community organizations –through a shared purpose Working together allows for planning and implementation of innovative and creative projects to bring Live Well San Diego’s vision of a healthy, safe and thriving San Diego County to life RECOGNIZED PARTNERS 7 •cvsHealth San oieguito Union High Stbooi Dt.s<ritt COhiMUNITY HEAlTH j [ NORTH SAN DIEGO '"''Ro ve .... eNr """HiS BUSINESS CHAMBER •'ohna :1 (;',,,, •• ,...,< ... J"grt.·cr (.p~r~ONS .c;~.:tz-r-tttJfZ€:- CITY OF CHULA VISTA ~RURAL/METRO , ••••I• .,,;,, '"' '' ,,.,, •.. To;otl·" •• "" '' """" "'' MEDIA + ENTERTAINMENT ~. W~''f~ 'Mr.Z fOr VJW • • 'I*" lemon Grove ~<.:llouf Jn.:t11c l BAYSIDE Community Center PALOMAR HEALT H SPECIALIZING IN YOU mr-· 1 ·r1 I I a ll iance h ealt h y minds c:_.. to ~nal Chamber VONS ® • . @. 8reinitas ~ .... : Chamber of Commerce ICC San Diego City College Centennial 1914-2014 *" ~~ COMPACT ~ liAN DIEGO (OUNIY RECOGNIZED PARTNERS ACTIVELY SUPPORT LIVE WELL SAN DIEGO 5 AREAS OF SUPPORT History Partnership Promotion of Positive Choices Communication Policy, Systems, or Environmental Change LIVEWELLSD.ORG Dr. Nick Yphantides, Chief Medical Officer Health and Human Services Agency County of San Diego 9