HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-27; City Council; ; Appeal of the City Planners denial of a four-lot subdivision Project Name-El Fuerte View CT 04-13CITY COUNCIL Staff Report CA Review Meeting Date: September 27, 2016 To: Mayor and City Council From: Kevin Crawford, City Manage'' Staff Contact: Christer Westman, Senior Planner christerwestman@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Appeal of the City Planner's denial of a four lot residential subdivision Project Name: El Fuerte View Project No.: CT 04-13 Recommended Action Hold a public hearing and approve a resolution denying the appeal and upholding the City Planner's decision to deny a five lot subdivision for four single-family residential lots and one open space lot and remand the matter back to the City Planner for approval of a single-family residential subdivision with four residential lots and an open space lot. Executive Summary On October 6, 2010, with a recommendation of approval from city staff, the Planning Commission approved a seven lot single-family residential subdivision, El Fuerte View (CT 04-13), with conditions. The Planning Commission's approval of the project was subsequently appealed to the City Council by Robert Lattin, on behalf of the Architectural Committee, La Costa Meadows Unit #3. The City Council denied the appeal and upheld the Planning Commission's approval of the project on February 8, 2011, but modified the subdivision design to reflect a five lot single-family residential subdivision with one private road being accessed from El Fuerte Street. With the directed design changes, the City Council remanded the project to the City Planner for final design approval. The City Planner's decision was deemed to be final unless appealed to the City Council. In December 2015, the applicant submitted a five lot subdivision with four single-family lots and one open space lot for City Planner approval. Although city staff can support the five lot single- family residential subdivision design, it is not the design and number of lots remanded by the City Council to the City Planner and was therefore denied. Discussion The applicant has taken several years to evaluate the feasibility of the City Council directed five single-family residential lot subdivision with a private street and concluded that a subdivision of four residential lots with direct access to/from El Fuerte Street and one open space lot has fewer technical design challenges, has a lesser development footprint, and is more economically Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 1 of 17 feasible. Therefore, the applicant submitted a new subdivision of only four residential lots with three points of access to El Fuerte Street and an open space lot. This proposed design is contrary to the City Council direction to design a subdivision with five residential lots, one open space lot, and a single private road providing access for the lots. The City Planner determined that this new design does not reflect the direction of the City Council and therefore denied the proposed project. The applicant filed an appeal of the City Planner's decision and the appeal is now before the City Council. The applicant's basis for appeal is stated in the Appeal Form and is provided as Exhibit 8. Absent the previous City Council direction, the five lot single-family residential subdivision with only three points of access would be supported by city staff. The merits of the five lot subdivision include 1) that it would generate fewer average daily trips (ADT), 2) that it would require less slope disturbance/grading than the five residential lot, one open space lot, plus private street design and would therefore result in a more site sensitive subdivision than a five residential lot subdivision with one open space lot and a private street. Because the four residential and one open space lot proposal is less impactful than the five residential lot with a private street design approved by the City Council, the applicant did not conduct any further outreach to the surrounding neighborhood. However, typical public hearing notice has been given to property owners within 600 feet of the project site. Fiscal Analysis There are no direct fiscal impacts to the City associated with this project approval. All public improvements necessary to serve the project will be funded by the developer. Next Steps Remand the proposal to the City Planner for final design approval of a residential subdivision consisting of four residential lots with a maximum of three points of access onto El Fuerte Street, and one open space lot. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Staff conducted an environmental impact assessment for the project prior to the Planning Commission action in October 2010. As a result of the review, potentially significant impacts to sensitive plant species onsite were identified. Measures were included as conditions of approval and delineated in a project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program that mitigate the potential impacts to a level of less than significant. The determination that the project will not have significant adverse environmental impacts was upheld through the appeal process initiated by the Architectural Review Committee of the La Costa Meadows Unit 3 Home Owners Association which culminated with a denial of that appeal and a confirmation that the City would issue a Mitigated Negative Declaration. The applicant's request to develop the site as a five lot subdivision with four single family residential and one open space lot reduces the proposed area of disturbance, grading quantities, and ADT generation and therefore falls within the scope of the original seven residential lot project Mitigated Negative Declaration. Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 2 of 17 Public Notification Information regarding public notifications of this item such as mailings, public hearing notices posted in the newspaper and on the city website are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution 2. City Council Agenda Bill # 20,446 dated February 8, 2011 3. City Council Resolution No. 2011-019 dated February 8, 2011 4. Exhibit "X" original CT 04-13 dated February 8, 2011 5. Letter of Transmittal to City Planner 6. Exhibit "Y" proposed CT 04-13 dated January 5, 2016 7. City Planner denial letter dated January 5, 2016 8. Appeal Form Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 3 of 17 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE CITY PLANNER'S DECISION TO DENY A FOUR LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOT SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE MAP CT 04-13, EL FUERTE VIEW CASE NAME: EL FUERTE VIEW CASE NO.: CT 04-13 EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a number of public hearings on the proposed El Fuerte View subdivision, CT 04-13, the last of which was on October 6, 2010 and approved a Tentative Map, Hillside Development Permit, and Habitat Management Permit and recommended adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approval of a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for a seven lot single-family residential subdivision; and WHEREAS, the decision of the Planning Commission was appealed by the appellant, Architectural Committee, La Costa Meadows Unit 3 Home Owners Association; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on January 11, 2011 in order to hear the appeal and consider all arguments and evidence both in favor and against the appeal; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a continued public hearing on February 8, 2011 and denied the appellant's appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of El Fuerte View CT 04-13 and remanded the subdivision to the City Planner for the final design approval of a five lot single-family residential subdivision with one open space lot and a private street taking access off of El Fuerte Street; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted a five lot single-family residential subdivision application to the City Planner for approval and was denied on the grounds that the design was not consistent with the direction provided by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the applicant appealed the City Planner's decision within the ten day appeal period for reasons as stated on the Appeal Form; and -1-Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 4 of 17 EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the appeal ofthe City Planner's decision. THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the applicant's submitted subdivision design is not consistent with the direction provided by the City Council when it remanded the tentative map final design to the City Planner on February 8, 2011. 3. That the City Council denies an appeal and upholds the City Planner's decision to deny a five lot single-family residential subdivision Tentative Map CT 04-13 and remands the matter back to the City Planner for approval of a four lot single-family residential subdivision with adequate onsite vehicle turn-around on each residential lot, one open space lot, and a maximum of three points of access onto El Fuerte Street. "NOTICE TO APPLICANT" The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however, if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA, 92008. -2-Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 5 of 17 EXHIBIT 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 27th day of September, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor ~Oo,.~~ BARB ENGLESON, City Cle (SEAL) -3-Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 6 of 17 DENYING THE APPEAL AND REMANDING THE TENTATIVE MAP TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR FOR THE EL FUERTE VIEW SUBDIVISION AND APPROVING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONE CHANGE AB# 20.446 MTG. 2011 DEPT. CEO DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL Exhibit 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. 2011-019 DENYING the appeal of the El Fuerte View Tentative Map (CT 04-13), Hillside Development Permit (HDP 04-06) and Habitat Management Permit (HMP 09-10) provided the tentative map's final design is remanded to the Planning Director to approve the design of a tentative map, along with any other necessary permit approvals, with five residential lots, one open space lot, and a single access road to El Fuerte Street, adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, approving the General Plan Amendment (CPA 09-08), Hillside Development Permit (HOP 04-06), Habitat Management Permit (HMP 09-10), and INTRODUCE Ordinance No. GS-117 APPROVING Zone Change (ZC 09-09) amending Section 21.05.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by an amendment to the Zoning Map from One-Family Residential (R-1) to Open Space (OS) on a portion of the property. ITEM EXPLANATION: On January 11, 2011, the City Council held a public hearing to consider the appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of the El Fuerte View subdivision and associated permits by the Architectural Review Committee of the La Costa Meadows, Unit No.3 Home Owners Association. The City Council received the reports and recommendations from its staff and received the arguments and evidence from the appellant, the applicant and members of the public. At the conclusion of the public process, public testimony was closed and the matter was continued for deliberations by the City Council to its meeting of Tuesday, January 25, 2011. After the public testimony was closed, the Council received written correspondence from the applicant, the appellant and City staff, all of which were made part of the record. At its meeting of Tuesday, January 25, 2011, the Council determined to deny the appeal, approve the Hillside Development Permit and Habitat Management Permit, adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the project, approve the General Plan Amendment and approve the Zone Change for the project by introducing Ordinance CS-116. DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Ron Ball 760-434-2891 ron.baWcarlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC 0 O CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN 0 O RETURNED TO STAFF O OTHER—SEE MINUTES 0 councilo adopted the Re 9. oluti on a 9 emended. See Minute9 for detai 19 . Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 7 of 17 Page 2 The attached Resolution and Ordinance implements the Council's decision of January 25, 2011 and the City Council should review the documents and concur that they properly reflect the City Council's intentions in this matter. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no direct fiscal impacts to the City associated with this project approval. All public improvements necessary to serve the project will be funded by the developer. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Staff has conducted an environmental impact assessment to determine if the project could have a potentially significant impact on the environmental pursuant to CEQA Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Ordinance (Title 19) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. As a result of said review, the initial study (EIA Part 2) identified potentially significant effects on the environment, but mitigation measures, agreed to by the applicant, would avoid or mitigate the effects on the environment to a point where no significant effect on the environment would occur, and there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the project as conditioned may have a significant impact on the environment. Consequently, a notice of intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Report Program was published by the Planning Director for public review September 4, 2009 and the Planning Commission held public hearings on the project on March 17, 2010 and April 7, 2010. The project was redesigned in May 2010 so a second notice of intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program was published by the Planning Director for public review June 30, 2010. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Resolution No. 2011-019 2. City Council Ordinance No. r.s-i 17 Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 8 of 17 Exhibit 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2011-019 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DENYING THE APPEAL OF TENTATIVE MAP CT 04-13, HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT HDP 04-06, HABITAT MANAGEMENT PERMIT HMP 09-10 AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND REMANDING THE DESIGN OF THE TENTATIVE MAP TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP WITH FIVE RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND ONE CIRCULATION ROAD ACCESSED FROM EL FUERTE STREET AND APPROVING THE HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, HABITAT MANAGEMENT PERMIT, ADOPTING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING THE GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a number of public hearings on this proposed subdivision, the last of which was October 6, 2010 and approved a Tentative Map, a Hillside Development Permit, Habitat Management Permit and recommended adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approval of General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for a seven residential lot single family subdivision; and WHEREAS, the decision of the Planning Commission was appealed by the appellant, Architectural Committee, La Costa Meadows Unit 3 Home Owners Association; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on January 11, 2011 in order to hear the appeal and consider all arguments and evidence both in favor and against the appeal; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered its other legislative actions necessary for the approval of the subdivision; and WHEREAS, after considering all the evidence, public testimony and considering arguments both for and against the proposed project, the City Council 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 9 of 17 closed the public testimony and continued the matter for deliberations to its meeting of January 25, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City Council received additional written material following the close of the public testimony and before the time of its deliberations and made part of the record; and WHEREAS, the applicant and the appellant or other members of the affected neighborhood are encouraged to meet and confer over the final designs of the tentative map to be approved by the Planning Director; and WHEREAS, after carefully considering the evidence, arguments, and public testimony, the Council finds as follows: 1. That the proper environmental analysis was conducted in accordance with the procedures established by the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the Mitigated Negative Declaration is appropriate in this case and an environmental impact report is not appropriate given all of the evidence in the record including the Biological Resources Surveys that were conducted and reports submitted in June 2003, May 2004, March 2005, January 2006 and May 2009. The Council is persuaded that the site does not contain significant biological habitat or other features, which if eliminated, would be considered a significant adverse impact. The Council further determines that , no California Gnatcatchers have been identified on site and that there are no significant impacts to Gnatcatchers which could be mitigated. The appellant has not presented any substantial evidence to the contrary and has not presented a fair argument that any onsite resource or impact created by the project is significant. 2. The Council further determines that the proposed project site is not within a hardline preserve area and that all references to hardline preservation, the equivalency findings or HMP hardline amendment protocols do not apply. Figure 28 of the Habitat Management Plan mistakenly included this property as a hardline even though there was no agreement between the property owner and the City and the appropriate wildlife agencies to designate it as hardline preserve. The Council further finds that the site has been designated as developable as single family residential on both the existing General Plan and zoning maps. The Council further finds that the California Department of Fish and Game and the US Fish and Wildlife Services have agreed that the property was never intended to be designated as hardline preserve and have confirmed so in writing. 3. After having reviewed the reports by the applicants' geotechnical engineer, by the City staff and by third-party independent geotechnical engineers, the Council is persuaded that there are no geological hazards resulting from the approval of Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 10 of 17 this project. Nevertheless, prior to grading of the site, all grading of the site will be under the direct supervision of a geotechnical firm approved by the City. 4. Architectural review by La Costa Meadows Unit 3 Architectural Review Committee is irrelevant to the Council's decision on this project and disputes, if any, may be resolved by the parties without action by this Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct 2. That the appeal of the La Costa Meadows Unit 3 Home Owners Association Architectural Review Committee is denied but, based on the independent review of the City Council, a revised tentative map is approvable and the matter is remanded to the Planning Director to approve a five residential lot subdivision with a private road providing circulation for these lots and being accessed from El Fuerte Street. The decision by the Planning Director shall be final and an appeal of his decision, if any, shall be returned to the City Council for determination. 3. The Hillside Development Permit, the Habitat Management Permit, the General Plan Amendment are approved, the Mitigated Negative Declaration for this permit is adopted and the findings of Planning Commissions Resolutions No.'s 6669, 6670, 6671, 6672, 6674 and 6675, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. 4. Appellant has obtained significant relief on its appeal, and its appeal fees shall be refunded. /// II/ III 111 /// III Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 11 of 17 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 8th day of February, 2011, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas and Packard NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 111 MATT LL, Mayor ATTEST: ze,g OR " INE M. WOOD, City Clerk (SEAL Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 12 of 17 4/ ,P7.0 PRES CAeEMENT 13 DTY I OF CARLSBAD lc s K RING, INC. PI . Sft 05-D7-2010 7001 lAsio Cod ")llI n Dins, 10 01108 (619) 296-5555 Fax: (619) 296-5554 TENTATIVE MAP - EL FUERTE VIEW CITY OF 0004115100 CARLSBAD TRACT 04-13 / HOP 04-06 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES: 1. MEA: 3.0 NO 1E1 2. P000017 2010, 11-1-7000 3. PRCPOSED ZONE: 11-1-7500 4. PRCPOSED DENSITY: LEI D.U./AC. S. GENERAL FUN DESIGNATION: RUA / 0-4 01.1./AC. STREET RIGHT-CF-YIKR 35,400E PRIVATE DRIVE CUT MAX 21, Fll NM 21 PRELOMARY SCES RUM' BY: MINE lc MIDDLETON DIODIERING INC. TOPOGRAPHY RIM CONTOUR PIERNAL 01 2' BY MERCATOR ASSOC DATED 00/02/08 025006 DRAINAGE FEN UV SM. OS-15 MO LOW. PAD MN 1. PVC LEGAL DESCRIPTION (DEED = 2004-10271641 THE £0010 80000407 TO IN THIS REPORT-IS STUNTED IN TIE STATE OF CAUFORNIA, COUNTY Of SAN DIEGO AND IS DEMOBS] AS MIAS LOT 55000 LA COSTA MEADOWS UNIT NO. 3, N THE CITY 01 00810000. COUNTY OF SANH DIEM STATE CF CMFORNIA. ACCORDINCTO MAP THEREOF NO. 7070, FRED IN THE CFRCE 00 065 COUNTY 8000000 01 SAN DIEGO COUNTY. 0010000 10. MI TY OF EIAST MAROON R.59 COY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY MAP "r NOT 10 01010 "D I 04P 111111001.... "r 0.089 /1'4%774 at: W. I m ft-7 I I I ha 12 ZI::741 I ZIEZLQ. CITY OF VISTA PACIFIC OCEAN Ler DITCH TYPICAL LOT GRADING 005.8941I Es- . 6. L.., EY, a. D. 10, 11 EUELLSOLVIIES.A.LESIEM GAS ELECTNG TELEPHONE: MO WATISt VALLI:OTOS 001007 0510650 SEWER: air 01 04000040 (ANNE(ATION IN PROMS) FIRE PROTECTION: CITY OF WILMA] SCHOOLS CAMSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 12. ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS MOOSE REDARED BY CITY ENGINEER 671040 13. ORE HYDRANTS AS REQUIRED 01511 ENOMER MO RE MARSHAL 14. NUMBER 01 00175 STREET (PRIVATE ORM) 010 0014065 IS. AVERAM ONLY TRAFFID 0 X 10 OP TOTAL BO IN. ASSESSOR'S P4600. 0000105 215-370-23 17. SAN DIEGO COMP? WATER AUTHORITY 002050 310001 %ILL BE COLLECTED AT ISSUANCE OF APPLICATION FOR MT METER INSTALLATION IN. MBA. 01100,0 004100100 PER DAY: 550 NO-0550010 111. AVERAGE POTABLE WATER DEJAAND PER TM ON 500010-0650015. 20, $1000 01086 EMBIENTS MD IMPREMMENTS AS RECOPIED 01 1410 CITY OF CARLSBAD 21. ETRE AREA = 7 X 3.000 SF 21,D00 SF FRCP TABLE A-1, FOR 1100, 0- ONE HOAR- RE FLOW GOMM PI GALLONS PER MINUTE 2500 CP11 000 00001000 = 2701010 ESTIMATEDGRADING QUANTITIES: 0,00001. 15,5E8 CM. 12,595 DPORT OWNER/PERMITEE: 0101000 000101 13517 VNEREO STREET fC AM NUYS, CA 0I405 REFERENCE PLAN: LOT AREAS (SQ. FT.): DWG lame ts 09. 7070 ,01 MI 20 JOT An.. LOT 1 2=109,064 3,110 Xl TOTAL CRAM AREA.1.76 ACRES SOLAR STATEMENT: PURSUANT 10 CHAPTER 4, Armar I, SECTION 604731 PARAGRAPHS 1 MO SI CF TIE SUEONIDDI MM Mt THE 00004 01 THIS SUBOIVISICN PRON. PM THE FUTURE NATURAL HEATING CR =NG OPPORTUNITIES. LEGEND SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY 101 004 5050o00 WATER MAN MONO 7141DI NAN 0 PROP. SEMER SERV. s PROP. WM SEW 1155916 PAD' 6500 SF 14200 5f 0,50001 MOO SF 7,00001 0,800 SF 5,300 SF N/A NES. LOT RES LOT RIM LOT RES. LOT RES. LM 000, 001 805 401 OPDI 7AIE .5' 4,5' FUTURE DRIVEWAY 0000 001 •=s•00 00 PREP. CONC. 8000 01101 PREP. SLOPE 21 PROP. CRIB WALL DI EQUAL PROP. 04001101 01 WAIL DAVIDE UNE PREP. DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION NOTES: E ifi EUST. 30. 001 07084 ORM( TO REMAIN 0 PROP. DONCREIE SOEWNIC 0 PROP. I' REISER unN. 0 1001. 0100 MANHOLE PROP. Ia. 0015041 11011, YYYY ENGINEER OF WORK EXIST, SOEVIALX -EL GROUND RP MADE , TYPICAL STREET SECTION EL FUERTE STREET NOT 10 SCOIE Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 13 of 17 Exhibit 5 FROM THE DESK OF CLYDE WICKHAM Letter of Transmittal To: Don Neu, Planning Director Re: CT 04-13 El Fuerte View - Revisions Following the direction of City Council Resolution 2011-019, we are submitting the revised Tentative Map (CT 04-13) for your review and approval. As you will recall, City Council made various changes to the project at the public hearing of the Appeal for the project. The Appeal was denied, but with the approval of the project, one of the changes simply cannot be made. Specifically, requiring a private street to be graded almost midway up on a steep hillside with retaining walls, steep slopes and a water system to serve only 4 lots is a mistake. This project that was submitted in 2004, went thru multiple designs and countless reviews and redesigns and finally the private street idea was abandoned. Similar to the Design of Marbrissa Condominiums on La Costa Avenue from the 70's and its major slope failure just a few years ago. The idea of a perched roadway notched into a hillside consisting of expansive clay and retaining walls with a water and percolating storm drainage system is a serious mistake. The approved EIR supports the revised Subdivision design similar to that submitted. The Engineering Staff supported the concept of deleting the private road. The revised design eliminates most of the proposed retaining walls. The revised design only proposes 2:1 slopes where slopes are necessary. The revised design respects the newly created hardline habitat area. The revised design reduces the amount of grading. From an import of roughly 8,600 cubic yards to an export of 9,000 cubic yards. The revised design creates 4 estate sized lots stepping down and served by the grade of El Fuerte street. An all way stop sign was installed on El Fuerte Street adjacent to this subdivision mitigating any foreseeable traffic issues. Currently there are 2 adjacent streets to this subdivision, (Chorlito Street and Cacatua Street, both with stop signs installed. Please consider supporting the approved 4 lot subdivision as submitted. 1365 CYNTHIA LANE, CARLSBAD CA 92008 (760) 473-6116 CLYDEZZ@SBCGLOBAL.NET Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 14 of 17 £0752201 L A CAM MEADOWS MT 55. 3, I AT ME my 01002710,40, Comm 01 3442 RBA 544944 01 CALORXR 2057035 448.40 NEREOF NO. 7075, MED IN RAE 050Cr oF ME 02161 RECORDER Or sAx MECO COW, .0. TB IC, LwaS pusuc STREET CALSE 040 6 . 056..711112 0. Ac PAwyc I JLS 91- :A. 4 • s --ref POO 91:656 aloe 6712 ESTIMATED GRADING QUANTITIES FILL = z000 1150own ExpoRT = C.500 'AC 18/ -Pc 1 617 SITE DEVELOPMENT AREA CROSS 101 0400 (of) 26609 16.450 Taos LBO, PAD AREA (.1) 16222 11,1115 12110 TENTATIVE MAP - EL FUERTE VIEW CARLSBAD TRACT 04-13 / HDP 04-06 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGEND SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS DOT 55, - , d : I L 1•1., _ LOT 558 EL FUERTE STREET I no so. I Zor 49 1.1 4f4p A.,.. / Lar 48 i,• a — 2625 1 . I I i k L07 547 I. 4t !,:pf '....‘Let atke •42 .440 42042 LOT 5,8 LOT 6,46. FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES T. AREA .3.0 AC. 1. PRESENT ME R-1-7000 J. PROPOSED 2008. 0.1-7000 W PROPOSED DOW, Lo NAL/AO. 00012000 put; oes66.: RLAE6-4 1277/6 it EL FDERIE sTREET 116116OP-WAN ME PAX mar 44 7. cur A. Aux 61 PRapANARy soks REPORT BN ANNLE 00004400140. TopP,Aptyr CONTI. W.. t 566117X WEB D/01/08 10 ART Z., BRA., pER 000540 6-15 11, PUBLE SERVICES AL DISIRICT6 Gas A ELEM. SOCA, MEP,. SE, WATERT VALLECTTOS ITATER DINRIEW SEWER: CI, OF cARLssio PRE PRDTEENDAD CET OF CUALS.o 5150071, cARLDBAD IMBED 001001125106 08 ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS MAY BE REWIRED BY DIT/ &MEER 51 ,RE HYDRANTS AS REWIRED BY CRY 7780875 20.0 07444 WE. 14. Num. DE LIAM 1 ORE?? SPACE: 0 10, AVERAGE DAILY MAT. 4 X 10= 420001 14 ASSESSOR'S PERM 14.61, 215-220-22 JO sin man cam, wATER AUNIORITY orArry OWEE Br COLLECTED AT ISSUANCE OF APPLICATION FOR 877 4013 wsrALLATTON 16 A.AGE 57005 cENERATION PER DAN 550 x =2.050 040 700 20(5351 POTABLE NAIRN DEWITT, P00001. 5S0 24 8200 En 2*5 Sr0164 EasaNNIs ARO 11.1PR0100ENT's AS REWARD Br IDE cur oF cAassau 21. BRE AREA= 4 x Joao sr - 110aa sr FRoM TAR, A-1. MR 51P00 . 64 FLOW DELP. TN 005 717 ORME 050 004 ROW D.Trou = 2 NOIRS OWNER/PERMITEE CNA A NAA oc FARR, TRLIST PAG Box 2,7 Da 040, Ca 92010 REFERENCE PLAN: ono NW, A, ARP 707E 052235 0505? 052241 002705 EXC. 5210841442 DEEM 07200 0414 MONO FENCE mug. Banff. 91605 FIRE forRIM ECRU, DENCRETZ 22247 OM Ammon! BOURN& PILOPosso LOT USE *04000 0010007.232 LNE PROPoso DATILCILT LIE POOP.° SEWER A601 Mop., SEWER 0071106 PROPOSED SLOPE (22 It0S.1 PROPORD 147-66 MI6 MIR. PARED. NUMMI 7050010 020 610611 PIAPosro CONCRETE MOO Mal ORM. CONCRETE' RAM PROPoso BORE7C6ox ASA MAW./ AND SONG cALLIWARBAS Co NE Avoreco D66 MK 0.1167156 — — 0 E 5 (2060 Lar LOT 6,8 LOT 642 - .., ... SOLAR STATEMENT - • ' - ' 6 LOTS WREN 11, suBonnsl. INK A WNW Or IOD 505.6 T --1' ' FEET OF S.R ACcEss FOR VCR FARE VARRAVA•ff ALLONED ' + MS SLIBODASION • • A ., EXISTING EASEMENTS CL)1,,StiNc 10' mor MIER EASEMENT To 440401044425340044 MAP 7075. EXislbo To' VADE SIM ORAN 0014055,542 345 57 CARLSBAD PER .4 No. WE. PROPOSED EASEMENTS ,L PROPOSED 10' WOE SEWER EASEATENT TO ow OF MAYA All,Oroa 20' SlOE STORM CV. 0*50253100424100 &MORRO OPEN SPACE 1762770 SITE ..ov\ LOT g, • ; • • .e'" • . PlannInglEngirALAing I-Mapping POLARIS Development ,!..titants, .01 ENGINEER OF WORK POLARIS 06000001111- CONSIBTAARS, 1511 ;go SUITE 502-11 %ONE re' 144,2222 aV"^"---- 5-5-1G EL A BUNN& 0.61. SEM DATE plas 11/.11/16 EY DALE REVISIONS DESCRIP11011 TENTATIVE TABP Mgt MAT 5, 2016 EL FUERTE VIEW CITY Or CARLSBAD CA Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 15 of 17 City of Carlsbad Exhibit 7 cp1 (10 IL9 January 5, 2016 Clyde Wickham 1365 Cynthia Lane Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: CT 04-13 — EL FUERTE VIEW The City Planner has completed a review of your plans for CT 04-13 in response to City Council direction. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission approved a seven residential lot subdivision with each lot accessed off of El Fuerte Street in October 2010. The approval was appealed to the City Council on January 25, 2011. The City Council approved CT 0443 with the direction to re-design the subdivision to include five residential lots, one open space lot, and that each of the lots should be accessed by a private street with a single point of connection to El Fuerte Street. The City Council further directed the project applicant to submit a new subdivision design conforming to their direction to the City Planner for his review and approval After careful consideration of the circumstances surrounding this request, the City Planner has determined that the subdivision design does not conform to the city Council's direction in that the proposed subdivision design does not include a common open space lot and includes individual lot access to El Fuerte Street versus from a private street with a single point of access to El Fuerte Street. This decision may be appealed by you to the City Council within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the City Planner at 1635 Faraday Avenue in Carlsbad, along with a payment of $1,097.00. The filing of such appeal within such time limit shall stay the effective date of the order of the City Planner until such time as a final decision on the appeal is reached. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Christer Westnnan at (760) 602-4614. CITY OF CARLSBAD DON NEU, AICP City Planner DN:CW:fn c: Jason Geldert, Engineering Manager File Copy Data Entry HPRM Community & Economic Development Planning Division j 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-73141760-602-4600 j 760-602-8560 ft www.carlsbadca.gov Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 16 of 17 6:6>0 Z 6 60546.; a, 7/17/..- /Z-10 er49 /2',i C"b/u5/.57-4,7- tAi/r1--/ 7271e 07/5 6 CiLie--/24-4_, /2191\1) A-1/4..4_31/0E 6 /2_if-d/iV6 a-01i(MAJC6-/ /9-Na A/MD 1(/) file. 7A-6 PIZojecr: 0(.1 .51011 (Re--5c34,L:poN' 20 )/ -01?) /5 A/0,7-. c:i4ee-5 540 eJ NAME (Print): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: DATE: Czy06--- ex1/e/./.714-r14i P45, e/AJTAt/-4- (&0) er4-46/34-/J, cA , rzoGY City of Carlsbad APPEAL FORM P-27 Exhibit 8 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Date of Decision you are appealing: Subiect of the Appeal: BE SPECIFIC Examples: if the action is a City Planner's Decision, please say so. If a project has multiple applications, (such as a Coastal Development Permit, Planned Unit Development, Minor Conditional Use Permit, etc) please list all of them. If you only want to appeal a part of the whole action, please state that here. Please see fee schedule for the current fee. /4A/A/44 -;911.- q76 V4/25C-761725 40''1 1 5/16,1A/ eq)6727&-- - 41-7774ct4e0 Le-77Oie Reason(s) for the Appeal: PLEASE NOTE: The appeal shall specifically state the reason(s) for the appeal. Failure to specify a reason may result in denial of the appeal, and you will be limited to the grounds stated here when presenting your appeal. BE SPECIFIC How did the decision-maker err? What about the decision is inconsistent with local laws, plans, or policy? Please see Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) Section/21.54.140(b) for additional information (attached). Please attach additional sheets or exhibits if necessary.,/ 47-rmet---/-e4 Lel're-R /°)/-9/2/V47& /ee/9-e 7i7 ez27-5 /S 4J3 IW1C4W/ ,o/9,v6c---7,20u5 ;0-5voi.44 V6S- PC72-e /716720 404-17-W- 777%-1566-3 64/2-&c-- 12e-7-7:-uduco 47uo (ccC5/VE JJ4tI)MJ 1,2 UU9 Cd4u56-. (3014- F-:/9/44/72e. P-27 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 05/12 Item #9 September 27, 2016 Page 17 of 17 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ro: miTe~~ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: . qj 2] }!({) SUBJECT: El fuev1e \Jl~ ~ LOCATION: lkCO C8v1S\zad VL~\~ DYlVB DATE NOTICES MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS: ~ L I 'S ) I 6 NUMBER MAILED: 1 colo -; 1 I declare under penalty of peijury under the laws of the State .of California that I am employed by the City of Carl~bad and the foregoing is true and correct. (Date) R PUBLICATION VIA E-MAIL TO: 0 _Union Tribune . ~Coils!News PUBLICATION DATE: Union Tribune --------~--~--------~--- Coast News_~-CJ~,/..,..,_/ --=-la-+-)_,_/ V?r==-·---- I decfare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am employed by the City of Carlsbad in the City Clerk's Office a the going is true and correct. Date: -9-~----+--""l ~~Jl /~(2 _ Attachments: 1) Mailing Labels 2) Notice w/ attachments NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you, because your interest may be affected, that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California, at 6:00p.m. on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, to consider an appeal of a City Planner decision to deny a four residential lot subdivision on property generally located on the west side of El Fuerte Street north of Cacatua Street and more particularly described as: Lot 552 of La Costa Meadows Unit 3 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof No. 7076, filed in the Office of the County recorder of San Diego County, October 16, 1971 Whereas, on January 5, 2016 the City Planner denied a request by the applicant to approve a four residential lot subdivision finding that the subdivision design is not consistent with the direction provided by the City Council when they remanded the tentative map design to the City Planner for approval. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. Copies of the agenda bill will be available on and after Thursday, September 22, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Christer Westman in the Planning Division at (760) 602-4614 or christer.westman@carlsbadca.gov. If you challenge the City Council's decision in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Carlsbad, Attn: City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, at or prior to the public hearing. CASE FILE: CT 04-13 CASE NAME: El Fuerte View PUBLISH: Friday, September 16, 2016 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL SITE MAP • N NOT TO SCALE El Fuerte View CT 04-13/ PUD 04-11/ HOP 04-06 09 Ul/09 LS® f.J&AV !)9JIB &jql}'!!dwoo WW L9 X WW SZ iBWI~ op ~nb!l~ 09 Ul/09 ~S® NGAV liUM &jqg.BdWOO .,Q/9 (; X • ~ GZJS p;!Ql!! 215-030-13 1 PONDEROSA COUNTRY HOMEOWNERS ASSN 23382 MILL CREEK DR #120 LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 215-350-66 4 REMSEN DOUGLAS JR TR 2786 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-69 7 JACOB TANNER 2774 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-72 10 MARK E & CHRISTINE OMALLEY 2762 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-01 13 LEEPER K RONALD 2142 CAMBRIDGE AVE CARDIFF CA 92007 215-360-25-02 18 DAVID PALMER 2824 UNICORNIO ST #B CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-25-05 21 ADRIAN BOGDAN 2824 UNICORNIO ST #E CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-25-08 24 DEAN DEANGELIS 2826 UNICORNIO ST #C CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-31 27 TANHSU FAMILY TR 2958 EMERALD PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-46 30 ANDREW & JUNGEUN LEE V ARI-IOLA 2944 HAWKS EYE PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 2 I 5-350-58 2 TRAVIS & JAMIE RUSSELL 2752 UN1CORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-67 5 NADEZHDA VITCHEV 2782 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-70 8 MCNAUGHTON FAMILY TR P 0 BOX 928408 SAN DIEGO CA 92192 215-350-73 II METT A JOSEPH A TR 2758 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-03-05 14-16 M T D PROPERTIES SAN DIEGO INC 4888 GLENHOLLOW CIR OCEANSIDE CA 92057 215-360-25-03 19 ALEJANDRO & YELILA MORALES 2824 UNICORNIO ST #C CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-25-06 22 LIZ RUTHERFORD 2826 UNICORNIO ST #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-25-09 25 ROSEMARY GOEHNER 2826 UNICORNIO ST #D CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-32 28 JAMES A & BARBARA C SMITH 2960 EMERALD PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-47 31 LLOYD & SNOW DEBRA TUCKER 2948 HAWKS EYE PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-59 3 RONALD & TALMADGE AMY LEE 2756 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-68 6 JEFFERY J NASON 2778 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-71 9 BAO.DUC NGUYEN 2766 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-350-74 12 MARVISTA II AT LA COSTA MAINTENANCE CORP 411 IVYST SAN DIEGO CA 92101 215-360-25-01 17 JESSE & BRYCE SARAH DA WBER 2824 UNICORNIO ST #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-25-04 20 GALLO ADELINE TR 2824 UNICORNIO ST #D CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-25-07 23 KUBOTA JACK FAMILY TR 536 MERIDIAN WAY CARLSBAD CA 92011 215-360-30 26 LYLE & MICHELLE SWENSON 2956 EMERALD PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-33 29 MATTHEW & PAMELA BROTHERS 2962 EMERALD PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-360-48 32 MICHAEL & CHRISTINE DORING 2950 HAWKS EYE PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 STAPlES~ label size 1" x 2 5/8'" compatible with Avery ®5160/8160 ttlquette do format 25 mm x 61 mm compatible avec Avery ®5160/8160 04A • II VtO 09 ~S/09 ~9® !JSAV :laA\1 SfQ(il'ldWO:.J WW 1.9 X WW 9~ tBWJOJ Op S:jianb~~ 09 UJ/09 ~9® !JaAV 4P.M S!Q!lOOWO:l uSIS Z X • ~ SZ!S JSQBI 215-360-49 33 WILLIAMS FAMILYTR 2954 HAWKS EYE PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-03 36 TEllNDER NEELON 2914 PEARL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-06 39 RYAN & MELISSA OCONNOR 2920 PEARL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-09 42 WAYNE & KAREN AGENO 2926 ZIRCON PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-12 45 DEBY WILLIAMS 238 ASPEN CIR DIVIDE CO 80814 215-361-15 48 LIAO CHRISTOPHER & KATHERINE TR 2938 GARNET PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-18-21 51-54 MAR VISTA MAINTENANCE CORP 2185 FARADAY AVE #140 CARLSBAD CA 92008 215-370-04 57 BRIAN & YONG FENLON 2816 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-07 60 ALEX DOBROVODSKY 12250 TULIPTREE CIR RIVERSIDE CA 92503 215-370-10 63 CHARLES MARSHALL 2840 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-01 34 FISCHER FAMILY TR 4870 BROOKBURN DR SAN DIEGO CA 92130 215-361-04 37 DAVID & OREILLY-READMAN SUSANNE 2916 PEARL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-07 40 ANN K SEGARINI 2922 ZIRCON PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-10 43 GRANT & LINDSEY LUPO 2928 ZIRCON PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-13 46 MICHAEL & BRUNO SARAH HENRY 2934 GARNET PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-16 49 MICHAEL GRAVEN 2940 GARNET PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-02 55 BRIAN & MARY MALLOY 428 LA VENTURE MT VERNON W A 98273 215-370-05 58 ENGLISH FAMILY TR 2820 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-08 61 MICHAEL & PATRICIA SLATOR 2832 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-1 I 64 JONATHAN S SPOONER 2844 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-02 35 DEVITT BARBARA A S TR 2912 PEARL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-05 38 CARL TON-SIEGLINDE TR 2918 PEARL PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-08 41 MARC & SHARYN BUKSBAUM 2924 ZIRCON PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-11 44 ABHIJTT & DEAN SARAH BHATIA 2930 ZIRCON PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-14 47 EFIMOFF FAMILY TR 2936 GARNET PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-361-17 50 HOLLEE OSBORNE 2942 GARNET PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-03 56 TROYAZMOON 2812 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-06 59 MARIE L BRADLEY 2824 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-09 62 ALTHOUSE FAMILY LIVING TR 2836 CACA TUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-12 65 ANDERSON JOSEPH & LORI TR 2848 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 label siza1" x 2 518w oompatible With Avery ®5160/8160 ~tlquette do format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Avery ®516018160 04A • 215-370-13 66 RICHARD & JENINA WESTON 2852 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-16 69 NICOSIA JOSEPH & ELOISE TR 2861 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-19 72 AARON & KARMEN LINDSEY ROSENZWEIG 2855 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-22 75 GURPRIT S CHEEMA 2845 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-25 78 MICHAEL & STACY DANIELS 2833 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-28 81 HAM SA YEH GOSHT ASB & BAGHOLESTANI PARIZAD FAM 2245 LA AMA TIST A RD DEL MAR CA 92014 215-370-29-03 84 DENNIS L DYER 508 ORPHEUS AVE ENCINITAS CA 92024 215-370-29-06 87 HERBERT E TRIBINO 8586 CRESCENT DR LOS ANGELES CA 90046 215-380-03 90 HENSLEY LIVING TR 2841 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-06 93 PAUL & DWANA BAUMANN 2819 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 09 ~S/09 ~S(il) liJaA"i/ OaAB SIQ!JBdWOO WW i.9 X WW SZ lB!l.LIOJ OP qenb~t~ 09 LB/09 ~S® Kl&A"i/ lUlM 9i<m00WOO ~IllS ~ X .. ~ &liS IBQGI 3ld'dlS 215-370-14 67 MARK & TULLAO MARY ANDERSON 2854 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-17 70 CRAIG & TRACIE HOGENCAMP 2859 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-20 73 RICHARD D KALISH 2853 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-23 76 HARRY & JENNIFER COTTAM 2841 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-26 79 DAVID W & CAROLINE HONDA 2821 CACA TUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-29-01 82 JESSICA SMITH 2806 CACATUA ST #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-29-04 85 DEBBIE KEMMERER 2804 CACA TVA ST #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-01 88 FREDERICK & MILAGROS ASUNCION 2902 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-04 91 BLACK FAMILY TR 2833 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-07 94 SAMUEL & JENNIFER GAZZO 2813 ESTUR10N ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-15 68 BARTLEY FAMILY TR 2856 CACA TUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-18 71 MATTHEW & PATRICIA WALLACE 2857 CACA TUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-21 74 LAFLIN-SMITH TR 2849 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-24 77 SANDERS FAMILY TR 2837 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-27 80 BJORN & CHRISTINE DEBOER 2811 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-370-29-02 83 BARRIOS MICHELE F AM TR 2044 VERALN ESCONDIDO CA 92026 215-370-29-05 86 GUENDERT ELEANOR V REV TR 2804 CACATUA ST #B CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-02 89 PATRICIA LANGOWSKI 2849 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-3 80-05 92 ESTES FAMILY TR 2825 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-08 95 MAKHSUDOVA TR 2809 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 label size 1• x 2 518" compatible with Avery ®5160181 SCI ttlquette do format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Avery ®5160/8160 • • 215-380-09 96 DAVID R & DONNA L ORR 2805 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-12 99 HARIPRIY AN J HAMPAPURAM 6319 CHORLITO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-15 102 RONALD LEBROKE 6308 CHORLITO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-18 105 VIKRANT & JENNIFER A BATRA 2806 ESTURION CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-21 108 TILT RAY & BETTYFAM SURVIVORS TR 2818 ESTURION CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-24 Ill ROSENFIELD FREDERICA TR 2830 ESTUR10N PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-27 114 SANDRA L JASPERSEN 2844 ESTURION PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-30 117 SUSAN A MCDONALD 2858 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-390-06 120 WILLIAM & CHERIE HUFFMAN 3016 XANA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-390-17 123 ROBERT & JENNIFER WINSTON 2909 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 09 U?/O!HS® f..JMV 391\B G!Q!lgdUJO() UIUI l9 X UIUI SG l,llLWQ4 op G+lOOOil;l 09 ~S/09 Hi® f..J9AV mJM G(QlllWUIOO .SIS Z X • ~ &z!$ !EIQBI 215-380-10 97 PATTI L HOPKINS 2801 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-13 100 SALOUR MICHAEL LIVING TR 6311 CHORLITO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-16 103 STEPHEN B HULSE 63 12 CHORLITO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-19 106 SMITH FAMILY LIVING TR 2810 ESTURION CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-22 109 HINKLEY JAMES & EMIKO REV TR 2822 ESTURION PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-25 112 RICHARD & PATRICIA WONG 2834 ESTURION PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-28 115 SNYDER FAMILY TR 2848 ESTURION ST CARI~SBAD CA 92009 215-390-04 118 GOFORTH PAUL F TR 3012 XANA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-390-15 121 CHRISTOPHER & JANELLE DODK1N 2921 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-390-18 124 MARK & ELIZABETH CRAMER 2903 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-11 98 JOHNSON DONNA TR 6327 CHORLITO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-14 101 MARION FAMILY TR P 0 BOX 130351 CARLSBAD CA 92013 215-380-17 104 MICHAEL & DIANNE HURT 2802 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-20 107 BERRY DIANE TR 2814 ESTURION CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-23 110 GUTHRIE DAVID & JULIA TR 2826 ESTURION PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-380-26 113 SMIT FAMILY LIVING TR 2840 ESTURION PL CARLSBAD CA 92009 2l5-380-29 116 JAMES & MEGAN DEWITT 2852 ESTURION ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-390-05 119 DREW & INGER JIMENEZ 3014 XANA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-390-16 122 HYUNG & YOUNG YANG 2915 CACATUA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-390-19 125 JESSE & KATHERINE MAUSER 2906 CAPAZO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 label size 1" x 2 5/8" compatible wi1h Avery ®5160181 00 ttlquatte do format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Avery ®5160181 00 • 04A 215-390-20 126 NANCY L CARLIN 2910 CAPAZO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-07 129 CONLANJAMESEREVTR 2714 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-10 132 IRENE E TSUTSUI 2647 GATEWAY RD #295 CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-13 135 BRADLEY & CLIFTON SARAH ANDERSON 6426 CHIRIQUI LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-16 138 T AKENORI MURAOKA 6432 CHIRIQUI LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-19 141 OLSEN 2004 TR 2725 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-01 144 CARRO FAMILY TR 6428 EL PERI CO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-04 147 09Ul/O!HS® oov oa11u &lqn-edwro ww J.9 x ww sz jWI.It:lt op ananbn~ 09 U!/09LS® $JS11y I.!UM GjQWZdWOO ,.SIS Z X * i &ljS lSQUI 215-541-05 127 GRIFFIN ZIEGLER FAM LIV TR 2710 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-08 130 KRALL FAMILY TR 2716 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-11 133 ELLEN M ALAKA 2722 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-14 136 KARLE JOHNSON 6428 CHIRIQUI LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-17 139 KEITH & LAURA GALLOWAY 6434 CHIRIQUI LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-20 142 SALAS FAMILY TR 2723 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-02 145 HOWARD & PATRICIA SWEATTE 2713 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-05 148 215-541-06 128 MICHAEL & KENNEDY KATHLEEN FARR 2712 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-09 131 GRIFFITH FAMILY TR 2718 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-12 134 ERIC & LUCILLE OLSON 110 KILKENNY DR CARDIFF CA 92007 215-541-15 137 FELBER WALTER TRUST 6430 CHIRIQUI LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-18 140 MICHAEL & MELANIE CLARK 6436 CHIRIQUI LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-541-21 143 KEENE JUDITH TR 2721 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-03 146 CURT & DIANA SCHOEPPNER 2715 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-06 149 HOWARD & BOZEK AMY GRUNLOH 2717 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 PETER & KARIN BRAEMER 2719 LA GOLONDRINA ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 CESENA TRUST 17015 EL SOL RD RAMONA CA 92065 215-542-07 150 ASHLEY-BATTENBERG FAM TR 2722 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-10 153 SCHOLL CATHY TR 2716 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-08 151 RAYMOND & GUZMAN GEORGINA SMITH 2720 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-11 154 GAYLE N FULBRIGHT 2714 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 215-542-09 152 GILLILAND REBECCA FAMILY TR POBOX4406 RIO RICO AZ 85648 215-542-13 155 CAROL A MEEKS 6432 EL PERICO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 label s1m1• x 2 5/8" compatible with Avery ®5160/8160 Blquatte do format 25 mm x ~ mm oompatlble avec Avery ®516018100 04A • • VtO 09 Ul/09 ~9® f.JSAV 091\la 9iQ!+SdUJOO UJUJ l.9 X UJUJ Si! ~UUI.I()j Op auan!:l!+~ 09 UU09l9® f.J&A'rJ l.ll!M 91Q!ln<IU103 "S/9 C: X • ~ 9Z!S 19tl'el 215~542-14 156 MARTIN & GRETCHEN JACKSON 6430 EL PERICO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 222-662-07 159 ANTHONY & JONI REEVES 2829 CARRILLO WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 222-662-1 0 162 COOPER FAMILY TR 2817 CARRILLO WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 222-662-26 165 RANCHO CARRILLO MASTER ASSN 2237 FARADAY AVE#lOO CARLSBAD CA 92008 215-543-01 157 KENNETH & YANG TI~SHAN LYNCH 2717 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 222-662-08 160 ROUQUETTE FAMILY TR 5079 ROYAL PINES WAY DUBLIN CA 94568 222~662-11 163 BIRGITTE ATME 2813 CARRILLO WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 222-662-31 166 TRINITY S P P 0 BOX 2573 CARLSBAD CA 92018 215-543~02 158 MONTGOMERY CHRYSTINE TR 3693 NORTH WAY OCEANSIDE CA 92056 222~662-09 161 TERRY & JUDY THOMAS 2821 CARRILLO WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 222~662-14 164 WOOLFTR 280 1 CARRILLO WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 222-662-32 167 DOUGLAS & MARYANN GROSET 2805 CARRILLO WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 label size 1" x 2 518" compatible wfth Avery ®5160/8160 ttlquette do format 25 mm x 67 mm compatible avec Avery ®5160/8160 04A •• El Fuerte View CT 04-13 Location Map El Fuerte View •2011 –Five Residential Lots –One Private Drive –One Open Space Lot El Fuerte View •2016 –Four Residential Lots –Three Driveways –One Open Space Lot El Fuerte View Recommendation •Deny the Appeal •Remand the Four Residential Lot with Three Driveways and One Open Space Lot Configuration to the City Planner for Final Design.