HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-10-25; City Council; ; Approve a resolution approving contract documents, plans and specifications for Pine Ave Park Community Center CIP 4603 and authorizing City Clerk to advertise project for public bidsCA Review .ifs CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: October 25, 2016 Mayor and City Council . ,/ Kevin Crawford, City ManageV Kyle Lancaster, Parks Services Manager kyle.lancaster@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2941 Adopt a Resolution approving the contract documents, plans and specifications for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens {CIP Project No. 4603), and authorizing the city clerk to advertise the project for public bids. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving contract documents, plans and specifications for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens {CIP Project No. 4603), and authorizing the city clerk to advertise the project for public bids. Executive Summary The Parks & Recreation Department's needs assessment and comprehensive action plan was completed in late 2013. Based on the findings of the needs assessment, the elements of the action plan, and the priority rankings of the facilities/amenities identified, the master plan for Pine Avenue Community Park was updated in 2014. The updated master plan for the park includes a multi-use, multi-generational community center, and both ornamental and community gardens. The City Council reviewed progress designs on these improvements in late 2015, and is now being asked to approve the related plans and specifications, and authorize advertisement of the project for public bids. Discussion During 2013, the Parks & Recreation Department conducted an extensive assessment of the community's needs related to park facilities/amenities and recreational programs. The assessment process included a series of surveys, focus group meetings, and public workshops. The process culminated in the identification of priority rankings for park facilities/amenities and recreation programs. In December 2013, the Senior Commission, the Parks & Recreation Commission, and the City Council accepted the department's needs assessment report, and its comprehensive action plan. This action plan was to serve as a guide for priority development, capital improvement project planning, and park facility/amenity development, for the subsequent five year period. One of the recommended short term action items from that action plan was to "Update master plans for future facilities to ensure amenities are consistent with the community vision, as identified in the needs assessment." In response to that recommendation, an update to the master plan for Pine Avenue Community Park was soon initiated (as were updates to the master Item #10 October 25, 2016 1 of 12 plans for Aviara and Poinsettia Community Parks). In May 2014, after completing a request for proposals advertisement, a consulting firm was selected to assist staff in updating the master plan(s). The primary purpose of the master plan update process was to ensure that the originally planned (and yet to be constructed) facilities/amenities were consistent with the recently expressed community needs, as well as with the department's vision -"To strengthen community connectivity through world class offerings and exceptional customer service." Originally master planned in 2002, the facilities/amenities yet to be constructed at Pine Avenue Community Park included a community center and ornamental gardens. Special emphasis was placed on collecting public input in the master plan update process. A unique crowdsourcing website was created to serve as a central reference and distribution point. Additionally, the site provided a user-friendly forum for public input and feedback directly via the homepage and a link to an online survey. Stakeholder interviews, focus group meetings, community workshops, and Parks & Recreation Commission Meetings were also conducted, in order to provide further opportunities for public inp·ut. Based on the findings of the needs assessment, and the priority rankings of the facilities/amenities identified, staff recommended updating the master plan as follows: • An expansion of the original community center concept to an approximately 18,000 square foot, two story, multi-use, multi-generational facility. • An ornamental garden with a water feature, walkways, picnic seating and gathering areas, as well as a community garden with raised planter beds. In November and December 2014, the Senior Commission, the Parks & Recreation Commission, and the City Council accepted the update(s) to the community park master plan(s). Since that acceptance, much has been accomplished on the design of the referenced improvements for Pine Avenue Community Park. In timely succession, staff created a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project, acquired additional project management support, advertised a request for qualifications, and hired a highly experienced architectural firm. Over the course of the subsequent year, staff and the architectural firm worked closely with other departments, agencies, and disciplines to develop the full designs for the improvements. The Pine Avenue Community Park improvements incorporate energy and water savings features that are consistent with the city's Climate Action Plan, Environmental Guiding Principles and Landscape Manual. Specifically, those features include: >-LEED Silver equivalent design standards on the Community Center {CAP Action G-2: Commission city facilities to improve building operations and energy costs) >-Energy generating solar photovoltaic panels on the Community Center (CAP Action M-2: Incorporate renewable energy measures such as PV system installation on city buildings) >-Electric vehicle charging station in E. lot (CAP Action L-3: Construct EV charging stations) >-Porous surfacing materials (Environmental Guiding Principles -Clean Air and Water) >-Water conserving landscape palette {Landscape Manual -Water Conservation Policies) Item #10 October 25, 2016 2 of 12 In September 2016, the Senior Commission and the Parks & Recreation Commission unanimously accepted the full designs for the Pine Avenue Community Park improvements, and advised staff to seek City Council approval of the plans and specifications, and authorization to advertise the project for public bids. Fiscal Analysis The estimated construction cost for this project is $8,708,945. Construction funding for this project, in the amount of $8,759,275, was approved by the City Council in the FY 2016/17 Capital Improvement Program Budget. Project is funded with Park in Lieu and Public Facility Fee funds. Next Steps Should the City Council provide this approval and authorization, the bidding phase would be initiated by staff within the following two weeks, and would likely occupy most of November and December. Staff anticipates returning to the City Council for award of a construction contract in January, and providing the contractor with a notice to proceed with construction in February. The estimated duration of construction activity is one year. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The Negative Declaration for Pine Avenue Park was approved by the Planning Commission on December 17, 2003 (Planning Commission Resolution No. 5523). The pending improvements to the park are within the scope of the prior environmental review documents, and no further environmental documentation is required per CEQA Guideline Sections 15162. Public Notification Over the past year, there has continued to be a considerable amount of public notification on the progression of design of the park improvements, and several opportunities for public input. These notifications and opportunities have occurred through a variety of means, including: ../ Ongoing postings on the city website, Parks & Recreation Department pages ../ Approximate monthly presentations at Parks and Recreation Commission Meetings ../ Approximate bi-monthly presentations at Carlsbad Barrio Neighborhood Meetings ../ Approximate quarterly presentations at City Council Workshops, Citywide CIP Projects ../ Routine meetings/communications with the Carlsbad Community Gardens Collaborative ../ Recent installation of large display boards at each location of the pending improvements ../ Recent e-mail blasts to address lists of patrons expressing interest in Parks & Recreation Exhibits 1. Resolution approving plans and specifications for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens (CIP Project No. 4603), and authorizing the city clerk to advertise the project for public bids. 2. Site plan, renderings and elevations for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens. 3. Contract documents, plans and specifications for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens (CIP Project No. 4603) are on file at the Parks & Recreation Administration Office. Item #10 October 25, 2016 3 of 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-219 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PINE AVENUE PARK COMMUNITY CENTER AND GARDENS (CIP PROJECT NO. 4603) AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE THE PROJECT FOR PUBLIC BIDS. Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that the contract documents, plans and specifications for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens (CIP Project No. 4603} have been prepared, are on file in the Parks & Recreation Administration Office, and are incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, construction of the proposed park improvements is desirable and in the public interest of providing park amenities that are consistent with the community's vision as identified in the 2013 City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department's Needs Assessment; and WHEREAS, that needs assessment report was accepted by the Senior Commission, the Parks & Recreation Commission, and the City Council in December 2013; and WHEREAS, the project is consistent with the Pine Avenue Community Park's updated master plan; and WHEREAS, that master plan was accepted by the Senor Commission, the Parks & Recreation Commission, and the City Council in November and December 2014; and WHEREAS, the Pine Avenue Community Park improvements incorporate energy and water savings features that are consistent with the city's Climate Action Plan, Environmental Guiding Principles and Landscape Manual; and WHEREAS, In September 2016, the Senior Commission and the Parks & Recreation Commission unanimously accepted the full designs for the Pine Avenue Community Park improvements, and Item #10 October 25, 2016 4 of 12 Exhibit 1 advised staff to seek City Council approval of the plans and specifications, and authorization to advertise the project for public bids; and WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available, in the amount of $8,759,275 in the Capital Improvement Program Budget, for the construction of the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the contract documents, plans and specifications for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens (CIP Project No. 4603), on file in the Parks & Recreation Administration Office, are hereby approved. 3. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with State law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens {CIP Project No. 4603), in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract documents referred to herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of October, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MATI HALL, Mayor (SEAL) Item #10 October 25, 2016 5 of 12 EXHIBIT 2 SITE PLAN PINE AVENUE EXISTING SENIOR CENTER i i, I I -__ J ~.J EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING PARKING LOT PINE AVENUE PARK Item #10 October 25, 2016 6 of 12 COMMUNITY CENTER - FIRST FLOOR COMMUNITY CENTER - SECOND FLOOR STOR .. .. COURTYARD II II • • ----+--i ! I ... _ .. ·-~ I ! ~ LOBBY ENTRY PLAZA EXTERIOR PATIO MULTl~PURPOSE ROOM HAU WAY ACTIVITY ROOM MULTI-PURPOSE BELOW IDF STOR COMPUTER ROOM HOMEWORK ROOM r •. ,.· Item #10 October 25, 2016 7 of 12 FIRST FLOOR -LOBBY FIRST FLOOR-MULTI-PURPOSE GYM Item #10 October 25, 2016 8 of 12 SECOND FLOOR -TEEN CENTER SECOND FLOOR -TEEN CENTER Item #10 October 25, 2016 9 of 12 COMMUNITY CENTER -VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER -VIEW LOOKING NORTHEAST Item #10 October 25, 2016 10 of 12 SITE PLAN -ORNAMENTAL & COMMUNITY GARDENS I I I ~ I II > o ' (F, I i I C : i ,, z ,, ( ,, .~ :r/,Y )] I n I vi' ! rn I ! --{ I I ! I I i I I I j I ! Item #10 October 25, 2016 11 of 12 GARDEN AREA-VIEW LOOKING NORTHEAST GARDEN AREA-VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST Item #10 October 25, 2016 12 of 12 Pine Avenue Community Park Improvements City Council Meeting October 25, 2016 Kyle Lancaster, Parks Services Manager Parks & Recreation Needs Assessment •Community-wide assessment of what was needed in parks & rec. Conducted surveys, focus groups and public input meetings during 2013 Identified priority rankings for park facilities/amenities and rec. programs Report/action plan accepted by Commissions & Council in December 2013 Short term actions included updating the Community Parks Master Plans Pine Avenue Community Park Master Plan Update •Updates specific to Pine Avenue Community Park Conducted surveys, focus groups and public input meetings during 2014 Identified new facilities/amenities for each park based on the input received Developed concept renderings, incorporating the new facilities/amenities Master plan updates accepted by Commissions & Council in Nov./Dec. 2014 Pine Avenue Community Park Master Plan Update •The pending improvements were reviewed by the Planning Division Determined to be consistent with park’s original Conditional Use Permits Any original mitigation measures that are applicable will be addressed Existing amount of parking spaces was surveyed, and found to be sufficient Pine Avenue Community Park Master Plan Update •Proceeded with steps to develop a project and commence designs Submitted request in the FY 2015-16 Capital Improvement Program Budget Conducted Request for Qualifications process on architectural design firm Awarded contract to design firm for preparation of construction plans/specs Pine Avenue Community Park Master Plan Update •Provided opportunities for public input throughout design period Quarterly updates at focus group meetings and in as-needed communications Monthly updates at Parks & Recreation Commission Meetings Periodic updates at City Council Meetings Ongoing postings of status/images on city’s website and at amenity locations Pine Avenue Community Park Master Plan Update Pine Avenue Community Park Master Plan Update Pine Avenue Community Park Location Map Pine Avenue Park New Community Center Ornamental / Community Gardens Pine Avenue Community Park Site Opportunities (E) Senior Center New Community Center Pine Avenue Madison StreetExisting Playfields Existing Parking Harding StreetChestnut Avenue Existing Parking Chase Field New Ornamental / Community Gardens Existing Parking Basis of Design Work with Existing Context Gateway to Pine Ave. Park “This is Carlsbad; Not Anywhere USA” Pine Avenue Community Park Site Plan NEW COMMUNITY CENTER NEW ORNAMENTAL / COMMUNITY GARDENS PINE AVENUE HARDING STREETCHESTNUT AVENUEMADISON STREETEXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING PARKING LOT EXISTING PLAY FIELDS EXISTING SENIOR CENTER PINE AVENUE PARK Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center Visual & Physical connection to Senior Center Building orientation towards street frontages New Drop-off area New EV charging station Sustainable Design Features NEW COMMUNITY CENTER HARDING STREETPINE AVENUE EXISTING SENIOR CENTER NEW DROP OFF NEW COURTYARD ENTRY PLAZA EV CHARGING Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center -View looking southwest Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center -First Floor Covered Entry Plaza Lobby Office / Reception Activity / Meeting Room Multi-Purpose Gymnasium Restrooms Courtyard with trellis MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM STOR RECEPTION ELEV EQUIP LOBBY OFFICE ELEC HALLWAY WOMENS MENSCUST ACTIVITY ROOM IDF STOR STAIR 2STAIR 1 FR COURTYARD ENTRY PLAZA ELEV Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center –1st Floor Lobby, and Multi-Purpose Gym Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center -Second Floor Teen Center Activity Room Homework Room Computer Room Exterior Patio Office & Storage Restrooms OFFICE WOMENS MENS CUST STOR STAIR 2STAIR 1 TEEN CENTER KITCHENETTE COMPUTER ROOM HOMEWORK ROOM EXTERIOR PATIO ELEV VESTIBULE MULTI-PURPOSE BELOW Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center –2nd Floor Teen Center Pine Avenue Community Park Community Center -View looking northeast Pine Avenue Community Park Ornamental & Community Gardens Ornamental Garden (drought tolerant) Community gathering plaza w/ shade structure Picnic and Seating areas Community Garden w/ raised planters Demonstration area Public Art ORNAMENTAL GARDEN COMMUNITY GARDENMADISON STREETEXISTING PLAY FIELDS CHESTNUT AVENUE PLAZA DEMONSTRATION ART Pine Avenue Community Park Garden Areas -View looking northeast Pine Avenue Community Park Garden Areas -View looking southwest Recent Action by Commissions •On September 19, 2016, Parks & Recreation Commission acted to: Accept a report on the Pine Avenue Park Improvements (Community Center and Gardens), and advise staff to seek City Council approval of the projects’ plans/specifications, and authorization to advertise the projects for public bids. Recent Action by Commissions •On September 22, 2016, Senior Commission acted to: Accept a report on the Pine Avenue Park Improvements (Community Center and Gardens), and advise staff to seek City Council approval of the projects’ plans/specifications, and authorization to advertise the projects for public bids. Next Steps in the Process •Pine Avenue Community Park Improvements: Advertise project for public bids: November Request award of contract to construction contractor: January Issue Notice to proceed on construction: February Recommended Action •Adopt a Resolution approving the contract documents, plans and specifications for the Pine Avenue Park Community Center and Gardens (CIP Project No. 4603), and authorizing the city clerk to advertise the project for public bids. Questions and Answers