HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-13; City Council; ; Adopt a Resolution authorizing an agreement for the purchase of unmetered electrical energy from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)CA Review t-fs OF CA494.90 CITY COUNCIL ° "SI t 419) °Staff Report tpock- Meeting Date:Dec. 13, 2016 To:Carlsbad City Council LI/From:Kevin Crawford, City Manager Staff Contact:Fred Gaines Jr., Management Analyst, Public Works Department Fred.Gainesk@carlsbadca.gov Subject:Adopt a Resolution authorizing an agreement for the purchase of unmetered electrical energy from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Public Works Director to execute an agreement for the purchase of unmetered electrical energy from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Executive Summary The city authorized the installation of decorative lights in Carlsbad Village as part of a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) No. 4016 in fiscal year (FY)2013-14. Electricity charges for these lights are not currently associated with meters. This agreement will allow the city to appropriately purchase energy required to power the decorative lights from SDG&E. Discussion Decorative lighting in the Village has enhanced the small town beach feel of the area.Lighting was installed as part of the CIP No. 4016 in FY 2013-14 on a trial basis and meters were not available at that time; therefore, lights were not associated with meters.Due to the success of this activity, staff began working with SDG&E to determine the best way to appropriately purchase power from SDG&E. The agreement will provide a method for adding other unmetered electrical devices, such as speed feedback signs to the purchase agreement in the future.It also gives the city the flexibility to expand the decorative lighting program as appropriate.The inventory of electrical devices can be adjusted on an annual basis or as needed, via an agreement amendment. To initiate billing,SDG&E requires an executed agreement and accurate measurements of power usage. Through this authorization, the Public Works Director will be able to execute the agreement with SDG&E on an annual basis, with the Office of the City Attorney approving as to form, with the understanding that the basic terms and conditions of the agreement remain the same. Fiscal Analysis The annual energy costs for the decorative lights is estimated to be $1,110 per agreement year. Adequate funding is available in the FY 2016-17 operating budget. Billing will be completed by SDG&E on an annual basis. Next Steps After the agreement is executed, SDG&E will initiate annual billing in 2017.Ongoing maintenance costs for the decorative lights will be evaluated. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The project is exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c)—minor alteration of existing public or private structures involving negligible or no expansion.The pending agreement with SDG&E is within the scope of the prior environmental determination and no further environmental documentation is required per CEQA Guideline Section 15162. Public Notification None required. Exhibits 1.Resolution authorizing the Public Works Director to execute an agreement for the purchase of unmetered electrical energy from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-244 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF UNMETERED ELECTRICAL ENERGY FROM SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC (SDG&E) WHEREAS,the city authorized the installation of decorative lights in Carlsbad Village as part of Capital Improvement Project No. 4016; and WHEREAS,electricity charges for these lights are not associated with meters; and WHEREAS, SDG&E requires an agreement with the city to purchase unmetered electricity; and WHEREAS,the agreement requires City Council authorization. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California,as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Public Works Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute the agreement attached hereto with SDG&E (Attachment A). 3.That the Public Works Director is hereby authorized to execute similar agreements in future years,so long as the terms remain substantially similar and the agreements are signed as to form by the City Attorney. PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 13th day of December, 2016, by the following vote, to wit: AYES:Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard. NOES:None. ABSENT:None. MAT-k6411/16t;T ALL,Mayor BAftBAIA ENGLESON,Cty Clerk to% •`NO-S BAD ///, (SEAL)c.‘%.t••'oA' ----...***-•° SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY A~ Sempra Energy· company\ Th;s Agreement for the Purchase of Electrical Energy ("Agreement") is entered into as of d, 13} I 1 ("Effective Date"), by and between the City of Carlsbad ("City") and San Diego Gas & Electric Company ("SDG&E"). In consideration ofthe mutual promises set forth herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. In accordance with Special Condition 10 in SDG&E's Lighting Rate Schedule LS 1, Street and Highway-Utility Owned Installations, and Special Condition 9 in SDG&E's Lighting Rate Schedule LS-2, Street and Highway Lighting -Customer Owned Installations, SDG&E agrees to furnish unmetered electric energy to City through timed auxiliary power device adapters ("Adapter") for ornamental street lighting installed on City- owned and/or SDG&E-owned street lighting poles (as applicable), under the terms and conditions set forth in SDG&E's electric tariffs and the terms and conditions herein. 2. T)le term of this Agreement shall extend from the Effective Date through ..:J-ab, L3 , 20 IR . In no event shall the term exceed one (1) year. 3. City shall own, install, operate, maintain and remain solely responsible for all ornamental street lighting to which SDG&E is furnishing energy to City under this Agreement. City shall also own and remain solely responsible for all Adapters installed on City-Owned Installations under this Agreement; however, SDG&E shall own and control the Adapters installed on SDG&E-Owned Installations. 4. Exhibit A describes the locations, ownership, and street light pole numbers or location numbers for each pole to which the City shall be permitted to attach ornamental street lighting and Adapters. City shall not attach ornamental street lighting or Adapters to any other installations not listed therein, whether such installations are City or SDG&E-Owned. 5. Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof, provides the formula by which the electrical load for each installed device, its operating hours and duration of energy use will be calculated for the purpose of estimating the total number of kilowatt hours of electric energy City has used for ornamental street lighting. City shall be charged for such estimated electric energy usage under SDG&E Rate Schedule A. As this service is unmetered, City agrees to pay the estimated usage as calculated. 6. SDG&E will bill City for City's electric energy usage once per calendar year in the February following the year in which such electricity was used. City shall pay such bill 1 Form 106-21600 (12/2014) when due, and if City fails to do so, City shall be charged an interest rate of ten percent (10%) per annum until such bills are fully paid. 7.As between SDG&E and City, City shall be solely responsible for and City shall indemnify, defend and hold SDG&E, and its current and future parent company(ies), subsidiaries, affiliates and their respective directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, losses, liabilities, penalties, fines, damages, cost or expenses including without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees (including fees and disbursements of in-house and outside counsel) of any kind whatsoever resulting from (a)injuries to or death of any and all individuals, including,without limitation, members of the general public, or any employee, agent, independent contractor or consultant or affiliate of either SDG&E or the Applicant, arising out of this Agreement, or (b) damage to and/or destruction of property arising out of or connected in any manner with this Agreement, or (c)third party claims of any kind, whether based on negligence,strict liability, or otherwise, arising out of City's acts or omissions in breach of this Agreement. This indemnification obligation shall not apply to the extent that injuries, death,loss, damage or destruction is caused by either the willful misconduct by SDG&E or SDG&E's sole negligence. 8.Each party's liability to the other party for any loss,cost,claim,injury,liability, or expense, relating to or arising from this agreement shall be limited to the amount of direct damages actually incurred by such party.Except as may be recoverable by SDG&E under the indemnity section,in no event shall either party be liable to the other party for any indirect, special, consequential, or punitive damages of any kind whatsoever, even if reasonably foreseeable at the time of contracting. 9.All electrical connections and appurtenant equipment installed by City under this Agreement shall conform with all applicable federal, state, municipal and local laws, orders,regulations,decisions,proceedings and rulings,and shall be subject to approval by SDG&E prior to installation. 10. City agrees to advise SDG&E of changes in connected load or number of Adapters being used within 30 days following any change so that SDG&E may recalculate the fees owed by City for the Lights pursuant to the formula described in Exhibit B.SDG&E shall have the right to rebill the City for any increases in connected load. If changes or additions are not provided to SDG&E within 30 days, SDG&E reserves the right to cancel this Agreement upon five (5) days' notice. Upon cancellation of this Agreement, City shall remove all Adapters within 30 days.If City fails to remove any Adapters within 30 days, SDG&E shall bill all unauthorized load at a rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from the date unauthorized use commenced. 2 Form 106-21600 (12/2014) 11. The City may not assign this Agreement or any rights thereunder and any attempted assignment of this Agreement, in whole or part, shall be void ab initi9. 12. The City shall pay all charges, when due, for electricity and other public services used by it in connection with the use of SDG&E's facilities, and also all taxes and license fees levied by reason of City's use of said facilities. 13. SDG&E's provisioning of service under this Agreement shall be in accordance with SDG&E's Electric Rule 14,Shortage of Electric Supply and Interruption of Delivery. Energy bills will not be adjusted because of lamp or other outages. 14. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party upon five (5)days' written notification to the other party at their address for notice listed below. Upon termination of this Agreement by either party, City shall remove all Adapters within 30 days, and a bill will be rendered to the City. If to SDG&E:San Diego Gas & Electric Company Attention:Street Lighting 8306 Century Park Court, Bldg 4 San Diego, CA 92123-1530 If to Applicant:City of Carlsbad Attention:Public Works Director 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad,CA 92008 Phone:760-602-2751 Fax: 760-603-0657 15. By signing below, City agrees to be governed by SDG&E's applicable rates and rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission, which rates and rules are made a part hereof by reference, and a copy of which will be furnished to City upon request. This Agreement shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications as said Commission may, from time to time, direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction. 16.Nothing herein shall be construed as a license to allow City to use SDG&E-Owned Installations or any other SDG&E facilities, nor does this Agreement purport to grant City any rights of way, licenses, easements or other real estate interests that City may need to install ornamental lighting on SDG&E-Owned Installations. 3 Form 106-21600 (12/2014) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed for and on behalf of each, by their duly authorized agents, partners, or corporate officers, as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF :?LSBA~ By: ff/·~ (Signatu Name: f(tune Lvta; (Print) / Title: fi'h0 fUJi_,~ Jcbtf:./XrPc~ SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY By: (}~~+ (Signature) Name: QAJ?oLE cowU::.Y (Print) Title: C.US:C P~C..T pLAN~E:R. By: (Signature) Name: ~~ l-· t;+~ (Print) Title: ~ c~~ A~ 4 Form 106-21600 {12/2014) EXHIBIT B License agreement and contract for the purchase of electrical energy by and between City of Carlsbad and San Diego Gas & Electric: Connected Load and estimating methodology for the use of electrical energy: 1.Number and description of attachments: Number Electrical Total Connected Attached Load Load (watts) a.0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand 75 9.6W 720W Description b.0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand 86 9.0W 774 W Description c. Description TOTAL 161 9.0W/9.6W 1,494 2.Operating hours per day for each decoration using electrical energy:11 (average) 3.Duration in days decorations will be attached and in lighted operation: From dusk to and including dawn Total Days 365 4.Total number of devices using electrical energy:75 5.Total estimated energy use for the stipulated duration will be calculated as follows: Total watts x hours x days divided by 1000 =kWh 1,494 W x 11 hours x 365 days /1,000 =5,998.41 kWh per year, or 1,494W x 11 hours x 31 days per month /1,000 = 2,995.92/12 months =509.45 kWhper month 5 Form 106-21600 (12/2014) Exhibit A -Connected to LS2 Customer Owned Facility Street Light Pole Number Name PlateDescription of Location Device Description Number (If available)Rating (Watts) The below entry is an example of how the form should be filled out P123456 or 012345678 L12345 1st Street 5/0 2nd Street 270' W/S C9 LED mixed color 25' Strand 35 Begin first entry below this double line 42836001 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 30' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836003 None CARLSBAD BL S/0 GRAND AV 150' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836004 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 190' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6, 42836005 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 245' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836006 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 310' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836007 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 355' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836002 None CARLSBAD BL S/0 GRAND AV 90' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152009 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 50' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152011 None CARLSBAD BL 5/0 GRAND AV 120' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152012 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 170' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152013 None CARLSBAD BL S/0 GRAND AV 240' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152014 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 300' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152010 None CARLSBAD BL S/0 GRAND AV 70' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 34622003 None CARLSBAD BL S/0 HEMLOCK AV 115' W/S E 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152002 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 60' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152003 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 135' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152009 None CARLSBAD BL S/O GRAND AV 50' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152005 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLBAD BL 255' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152006 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 315' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152012 None CARLSBAD BL S/0 GRAND AV 170' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152008 'None CARLSBAD VLG DR @ WASHINGTON ST NE 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 47103012 None CARLSBAD VLG DR @ WASHINGTON ST NE 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654001 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 285' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654002 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 185' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654003 _None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 130' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654004 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 65' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654016 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O ROOSEVELT ST 200' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654015 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O ROOSEVELT ST 135' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 Form 106-21600 (12/2014) Exhibit A -Connected to LS2 Customer Owned Facility Street Light Pole Number Name PlateDescription of Location Device Description Number (If available)Rating (Watts) 45654014 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O ROOSEVELT ST 115' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654013 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O ROOSEVELT ST 60' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6, 42836008 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 95' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836009 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 150' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836010 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 245' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42836011 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 300' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 42152007 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O CARLSBAD BL 375'0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654005 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 305' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654006 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 215'S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654007 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 125' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654008 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O STATE ST 65' 5/5 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654009 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O STATE ST 75' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654010 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O STATE ST 135' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654011 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O STATE ST 155' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654012 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O STATE ST 220' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 _ 60277015 None STATE ST S/0 GRAND AV #1 W/S (2917 STATE)0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =10)9 15272021 None STATE ST S/O GRAND AV 200' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =10)9 60277017 None STATE ST S/O GRAND AV #3 W/S (2965 STATE)0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =11)9 15272015 None STATE ST N/O CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 90' W/S 0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =11)9 15272020 None STATE ST S/O GRAND AV 80' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =11)9 60277016 None STATE ST S/0 GRAND AV #2 E/S (2946 STATE)0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =11)9 15272014 None STATE ST N/O CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR 180' E/S 0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =11)9 60277018 None STATE ST S/O GRAND AV #4 W/S (2970 STATE)0.08 AMP LED white 25' strand (qty =11)9 45654022 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O MADISON ST 135' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654023 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O MADISON ST 175' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654024 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O MADISON ST 200' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654021 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O MADISON ST 75' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654032 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O JEFFERSON ST 240' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654031 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O JEFFERSON ST 180' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654030 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O JEFFERSON ST 140' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654029 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O JEFFERSON ST 80' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654040 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O HARDING ST 235' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 Form 106-21600 (12/2014) Exhibit A -Connected to LS2 Customer Owned Facility Street Light Pole Number Name PlateDescription of Location Device Description Number (lf available)Rating (Watts). 45654038 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O HARDING ST 135' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654037 None CARLSBAD VLG DR W/O HARDING ST 70' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654017 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O ROOSEVELT ST 65' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654018 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O ROOSEVELT ST 125' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654019 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O ROOSEVELT ST 145' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654020 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/0 ROOSEVELT ST 205'S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654025 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O MADISON ST 70' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654026 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O MADISON ST 125'S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654027 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O MADISON ST 150'S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654028 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O MADISON ST 235'S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654033 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O JEFFERSON ST 60' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654034 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O JEFFERSON ST 115' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654035 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O JEFFERSON ST 145' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654036 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O JEFFERSON ST 200' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654046 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/0 HARDING ST 165' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654047 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 220' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654051 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 340' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654055 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 470' N/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654048 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 240' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654050 None ,CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 300' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654052 None ,CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 370' 5/5 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 45654054 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 450' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6, 45654056 None CARLSBAD VLG DR E/O HARDING ST 515' S/S 0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand (qty =1)9.6 Form 106-21600 (12/2014) EXHIBIT B License agreement and contract for the purchase of electrical energy by and between City of Carlsbad and San Diego Gas & Electric: Connected Load and estimating methodology for the use of electrical energy: 1.Number and description of attachments: Number Electrical Total Connected Attached Load Load (watts) a.0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand 75 9.6W 720W Description b.0.08 AMP LED white 34' strand 86 9.0W 774W Description c. Description TOTAL 161 9.0W/9.6W 1,494 2.Operating hours per day for each decoration using electrical energy: 11 (average) 3.Duration in days decorations will be attached and in lighted operation: From dusk to and including dawn Total Days 365 4.Total number of devices using electrical energy:75 S.Total estimated energy use for the stipulated duration will be calculated as follows: Total watts x hours x days divided by 1000 =kWh 1,494 W x 11 hours x 365 days /1,000 =5,998.41 kWh per year, or 1,494W x 11 hours x 31 days per month /1,000 = 2,995.92/12 months =509.45 kWhper month 5 Form 106-21600 (12/2014)