HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-10; City Council; ; Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to extend and amend Agreement with Arcadis US Inc for construction management and inspection services for Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer and Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station ProjectsCA Review tig. csiiik,ste CITY COUNCIL °Staff Report C4[IFOW'‘ Meeting Date:Jan. 10, 2017 To:Mayor and City Council From:Kevin Crawford, City Manager Staff Contact:Mark Biskup, Associate Engineer mark.biskup@carlsbadca.gov or 760-438-2722 Subject:Adopt a Resolution approving Amendment No.2 to extend and amend the Agreement with Arcadis U.S.,Inc.for construction management and inspection services for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer,Reaches VC11B—VC15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station Projects. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving Amendment No.2 to extend and amend the Professional Services Agreement with Arcadis U.S.,Inc.for construction management and inspection services for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer,Reaches VC11B-VC15,and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Project Nos. 3492, 3886 and 3949. Executive Summary Arcadis U.S.,Inc.is providing construction management and inspection services as well as environmental monitoring and reporting for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer,Reaches VC11B-VC15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station Projects under a Professional Services Agreement. The second amendment is necessary because the CEQA document requires that a paleontologist/archeologist and Native American monitor be present during all earth disturbing activities.Additionally,environmental monitoring for soil contamination is necessary during excavation in areas where soil contamination is suspected based on the initial geotechnical investigation.As a result of soil contamination discovered early in the project that required special handling and slower than estimated production rates by the contractor,additional environmental monitoring services are necessary. Discussion On May 19, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2015-124 awarding a Construction Contract in the amount of $44,195,300 to Pulice Construction for Reaches VC11B-VC15 of the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Project and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station.The Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer was constructed in 1965 and is jointly-owned by the City of Vista and the City of Carlsbad. The project includes a new 140 foot long steel truss utility bridge, a 33 million gallon per day sewage lift station, and 2 miles of large diameter gravity sewer and force main pipeline to provide increased capacity and reliability to the sewer system. The project also includes the construction of 2 miles of recycled water transmission pipeline. The project is currently 50 percent complete. On Nov. 4, 2014, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2014-257, approving an Agreement with Arcadis U.S.,Inc.to provide construction management and inspection services for the project. The Agreement was subsequently amended on May 19, 2015,as approved by Resolution No.2015-125,to include environmental monitoring and reporting services through the construction phase of the project. As a result of soil contamination discovered early in the project that required special handling and also slower than estimated production rates by the contractor, additional environmental monitoring services are necessary from Arcadis U.S.,Inc.to comply with the CEQA document and project's environmental permit requirements.Therefore, Amendment No.2 to the Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. is necessary to provide the additional environmental monitoring services through the end of the project. Fiscal Analysis The original fee for construction management and inspection services included in the Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. was a not-to-exceed fee of $3,639,920. Amendment No.1 provided for an additional $325,881 and the proposed Amendment No. 2 provides an additional $280,000 for a total Agreement amount not to exceed $3,919,920.A summary of current and projected project costs is as follows: PROJECT COST SUMMARY FOR THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, WC INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC118 —VC15, AND AVENIDA ENCINAS RECYCLED WATER LINE (PROJECT NOS. 3492, 3886, 3949) Encumbrances and Expenditures through Dec. 5, 2016 $57,408,676 Remaining Staff Administrative Costs (Estimated)$500,000 Arcadis U.S., Inc. Amendment No.2 $280,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $58,188,676 CURRENT APPROPRIATION $58,430,000 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION REQUIRED $0 Sufficient funds are currently available for the completion of the project. All project related costs will be shared between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Vista as described within the existing project agreement between the two cities. Vista is responsible for approximately 65 percent of the costs related to the sewer project and is using State Revolving Funds to pay for their portion of the project. Carlsbad's share of the project is funded from the Sewer Connection Fee Fund. Next Steps Construction on the project will continue and is expected to be complete by early 2018. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) were prepared for the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Force Main and Gravity Sewer Replacement project (PDP 00-02(C)/SP 144(L)/RP 10-26/CDP 10-17/HDP 10-05/SUP 10-02/HMP 10-03).The MND was adopted by the City Council on Dec.6,2011,in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15074. Public Notification None required. Exhibits 1.Resolution approving Amendment No.2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Arcadis U.S.,Inc.for construction management and inspection services for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches VC11B-VC15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Project Nos. 3492, 3886 and 3949. 2.Location Map. EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO EXTEND AND AMEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ARCADIS U.S.,INC.FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES VC11B —VC15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECTS WHEREAS, on Nov. 4, 2014, City Council approved an Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. for an amount not to exceed $3,314,039 for construction management and inspection services for the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC11B -VC15, and the Avenida Encinas Recycled Water Line (Project),Project Nos.3492,3886,and 3949,by adopting Resolution No. 2014-257; and WHEREAS,on May 19, 2015, City Council approved Amendment No.1 to the Agreement to include environmental monitoring and reporting during construction for an amount not-to-exceed $325,881, by adopting Resolution No. 2015-125; and WHEREAS,additional monitoring and reporting during construction is necessary to comply with environmental requirements and permits; and WHEREAS,city staff and Arcadis U.S.,Inc.have negotiated fees in an amount not-to-exceed $280,000 to provide the additional monitoring and reporting services,as described in Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement; and WHEREAS,city staff and Arcadis U.S., Inc. have agreed to extend the Agreement for a period of one year; and WHEREAS,funds have been appropriated in the Capital Improvement Program from the Sewer Connection Fee Fund and sufficient funds are currently available; and WHEREAS,Carlsbad will be reimbursed by the City of Vista for its portion of the additional monitoring and reporting services; and EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it is in the best interest of the city to execute the amendment to extend and amend the Professional Services Agreement for environmental mitigation monitoring support. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California,as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is authorized and directed to execute Amendment No. 2 to extend and amend the Professional Services Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc., which is attached hereto as Attachment "A." PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of January, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES:M. Hall,K.Blackburn, M. Schumacher,C.Schumacher, M. Packard. NOES:None. ABSENT:None. "Al pi/ A HALL,Mayor I k_16.5)X BAR:&:A ENGLESON, City C erk (SEAL) ....01:0.... =° !,e - /1,7 1 N.\\ UTIL1139 AMENDMENT NO.2 TO EXTEND AND AMEND AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES 11B-15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, PROJECT NO. 3949, 3492, 3886 ARCADIS U.S., INC. This teridment No.2 is entered into and effective as of the 124 day of ,20117.extending and amending the agreement dated November 4,2014 (the "Agreement")by and between the City of Carlsbad,a municipal corporation, ("City"), and Arcadis U.S., Inc.,a Delaware corporation ("Contractor") (collectively, the "Parties")for Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer, Reaches 11B-15 and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station. RECITALS A.On May 19, 2015, the Parties executed Amendment No.1 to the Agreement to add Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Support during construction of the Project; and B.The Parties desire to alter the Agreement's scope of work to include additional Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Support; and C.The Parties desire to extend the Agreement for a period of one year; and D.The Parties have negotiated and agreed to a supplemental scope of work and fee schedule, which is attached to and incorporated in by this reference as Exhibit "A",Scope of Services and Fee. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1.In addition to those services contained in the Agreement,as may have been amended from time to time, Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit "A". 2.City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit "A" on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed two hundred thousand eight hundred eighty dollars ($280,000)dollars.Contractor will provide City,on a monthly basis,copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 3.Contractor will complete all work described in Exhibit "A" by November 3, 2018. 4.All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, will remain in full force and effect. 5.All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor pursuant to the Agreement,as may have been amended from time to time,will include coverage for this Amendment. City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 1 UTIL1139 6.The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced in it on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions of this Amendment. CONTRACTOR,CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal C,a Delaware corporation of the State of California DIMAINKOtiPn Notary Pubk -Arizona I •Wimps County 0 *4 ?P'My Comm. Expires fun.,201$ By:vintosts."...6.0241—e4-l'e-ir ----)(‘<'0 Sf /1j° (sign here MATT LL Mayor Jon Westervelt, Vice President (print name/title) ATTEST: By: /17 • 11 fp_ F -R G ,..(sign here)BARBA -li ENGLESON1.IN NOIAHY P.JP.LiC City Clerk Ar ;OR AD('Johan R.Bouten, CFO 1 .;2K.T-4C11—S4,9 VXr''C'E T"-"I 113r nt name/title)ategdd do f aClorer aald o, dC o tuhni aty6othf Douglas December, 2016 by Johann R.Bouten. /711 Notary Public k.i."If required by City, proper notarial ackn w e men of execution by Contractor must be attached. If a corporation, Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups: Group A Group B Chairman,Secretary, President,or Assistant Secretary, Vice-President CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise,the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney BY: reputy City Attorney City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 2 EXHIBIT "A" A ARCADIS Design & Consultancy for ristunlandbawds City of Carlsbad AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER FORCE MAIN AND LIFT STATION Additional Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Support November 2016 //' ,/ CONTENTS Introduction 3 Scope of Work 3 Task 1.0: MMRP Management 4 Task 1.1: Meetings 4 Task 1.2: Reporting 4 Task 2.0: Environmental Compliance Monitoring 5 Task 2.1: Compliance Monitoring 5 Cost estimate 7 TABLES Table 1.Cost Estimate 8 APPENDIX Appendix A. MMRP 9 This proposal and its contents shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed — in whale orIn part — for any purpose other than to evaluate the proposal. This proposal is not intended to be binding or form the terms of a contract. The scope and price of this proposal will be superseded by the contract ifthis proposal is accepted and a contract is awarded to Amedis as a result of— or in connection with — the submission ofthis proposal, Arcadis and/or the client shall have the right to make appropriate revisions of its terms, including scope and price, for purposes of the contract. Further, client shall have the right to duplicate, use or disclose the data contained in this proposal only to the extent provided in the resulting contract arcades corn Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the disclaimer located on the table of contents of this document. cAuserabhavortIdoasneniSitenhhilenv mosofing‘connatemenaninivaNs amendment Framer 11-01-2016.cloc.2 INTRODUCTION Arcadis is pleased to present the City of Carlsbad (City) this proposal to provide ongoing mitigation monitoring and compliance services in support of the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station and Force Main Project (Project). Arcadis has prepared this proposal to supplement Amendment No.1 to Agreement for Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches 116-15, and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station Project No. 3949, 3492, 3886 executed May 19, 2015. This proposal covers additional costs required for ongoing environmental compliance monitoring. Primary goals of the monitoring program are to: •Conduct monitoring of Project construction activities. •Evaluate compliance or non-compliance with Project mitigation measures, permits, stipulations, conditions, or other regulatory requirements. •Document compliance or non-compliance with the project specific requirements. Additional goals include: •Act as an extension of City staff by serving as the City's "eyes and ears* at the Project site during construction. •Perform compliance monitoring activities as part of the Contractor and City team in a proactive, constructive, and cost effective manner. •Provide expert compliance monitoring consulting services to develop creative and innovative solutions to unanticipated challenges that occur during construction of the Project. •Treat all project personnel and stakeholders in a professional manner with respect at all times. The Arcadis team offers the City the compliance monitoring experience, subject matter expertise, and project management expertise to deliver cost effective comprehensive compliance monitoring services. Our approach has been developed based on our experience providing similar compliance monitoring services for our clients in Southern California. Scope of Work The Arcadis team has developed a scope of work and level of effort for additional environmental compliance monitoring in careful consideration of the mitigation monitoring requirements as outlined in the MMRP as well as our experience providing these services on multiple similar projects in Southern California. Core project objectives include construction of the Project in compliance with all applicable environmental permit conditions and approved mitigation measures, meeting regulatory expectations, and creating a positive impression on stakeholders and regulatory agencies. The following sections describe how Arcadis will accomplish the primary tasks associated with implementation of the MMRP. Assumptions utilized in developing the scope of work that in turn drive the cost estimate are provided where appropriate per task and subtask. arrad's con Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the disclaimer located on the table of contents of this document c aersyttaworMocurnordsWes \ ahWenv monitoring \ cordractUrnendrnentaNs amencknent proposal 11-01-2016 doer 3 Task 1.0: MMRP Management Arcadis will manage the overall implementation of the MMRP and associated permit conditions such as those contained in the USAGE of Engineers 404 Permit and California Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit (CDP). Attached in Appendix A is an annotated copy of the MMRP indicating the specific mitigation measures Arcadis will lead and those assumed to be managed by others such as the City of Carlsbad and the construction Contractor. Arcadis will provide a Compliance Manager to oversee implementation of MMRP tasks our team is responsible for implementing. The Compliance Manager will serve as the liaison between the monitoring team and the City and direct the monitoring activities as well as providing progress reports, budget status reports, compliance reports and other communications with the City as necessary. Task 1.1: Meetings The Compliance Manager will attend and participate in project meetings including: •Construction progress meetings held at City offices (assumed to occur once per month) •Weekly project conference calls (meetings assumed to last up to one hour) Task 1.2: Reporting Routine Reporting To keep the City apprised of the status of the construction compliance program as well as provide environmental documentation as required by the State Revolving Funding agreement, Arcadis will assist in the preparation of quarterly compliance status reports using standard compliance report formats. Notice of Violation or Emergency Reporting In the event of a serious non-compliance event (after responding to the serious non-compliance via stop work), the City will be notified immediately via phone, email, or other means. The purpose of the notification will be to provide the City with real-time information about the incident, the plan for mitigation, corrective action, and respond to media, public, or other stakeholder inquiries as needed. Additionally, the notification will allow the Compliance Manager to confer with the City regarding appropriate steps to address the incident. A summary report of the incident will be provided to the City within 24 hours of the incident, followed by a non-compliance report within 48 hours in the event of any non-compliance event. Assumptions: 1.City to provide list of Notice of Violation and emergency contacts. 2.Written notifications to be provided to City in digital format Project Completion Environmental Compliance Report Arcadis will prepare a Project Completion Environmental Compliance Report within 30 days of Project completion that summarizes the environmental monitoring activities conducted throughout the construction process. The report will draw from the weekly and monthly compliance reports submitted to the City during the construction phase and provide information on environmental compliance in a tir dd .Orl'Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the disclaimer located on the table of contents of this document. \usentWhavottdocurneeesWettatesetnv monitonnincontrathemendmennalis amendment proposal 11-01 -2016. none 4 summary tabular format. Any reports generated during the course of environmental compliance monitoring or summary reports for biological or cultural resources monitoring will be appended to the Project Completion Environmental Compliance Report. Assumptions: 1.Draft Project Completion Environmental Compliance Report to be provided to City within 30 days of Project completion. 2.Project Completion Environmental Compliance Report to be revised and finalized within two weeks of receipt of consolidated comments from City. Project Completion Environmental Compliance Report to be provided to City in hard copy and digital formats. Assume three hard copy reports to be produced Task 2.0: Environmental Compliance Monitoring Construction projects are subject to changing conditions associated with weather, construction sequencing, means and methods, biological and cultural resources, agency inspection/permit requirements, availability of construction crews, traffic conditions, and a wide array of other challenges. The Arcadis team has the experience and expertise to appropriately and efficiently recognize and rapidly communicate changing conditions to our compliance monitoring team and the City, work collaboratively to develop corrective actions or implement contingency measures, and prepare the necessary compliance and inspection documentation. Accordingly, Arcadis will work closely with the City and the construction Contractor to: •Anticipate, define, manage, and document field activity, schedule, and staffing changes •Identify, assess, communicate, document, and obtain necessary authorizations for deviations from required mitigation measures •Identify, document, evaluate, and correct near-miss environmental compliance issues •Identify, document, evaluate, communicate, and resolve environmental compliance incidents Non-compliance issues commonly occur when there has been a change in conditions or when the project construction approach has been modified. As such, Arcadis closely monitors and addresses changes in construction to achieve project compliance. Arcadis believes that it is crucial to identify and document construction changes in advance of deployment through weekly and monthly schedule review and evaluation of near-miss conditions for environmental compliance and monitoring. Through this process of evaluating proposed construction changes and near-miss conditions we are able to recognize potential risk factors, develop corrective actions to reduce the potential for an environmental compliance violation or other significant incident, and communicate recommended corrective actions to the construction team. Task 2.1: Compliance Monitoring Arcadis will provide compliance monitors in the following subject matter areas: •Cultural Resources •Paleontological Resources :,r(cols cow Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the disclaimer located on the table of contents of this document. c‘usarabhrreroitIdocumentWitserrhiMenv moratosindtcontractdrnendmennahla amendment pnapose111-01-2016.doot 5 Archaeological and Paleontological Monitoring: As required by mitigation measure CUL-1 and CUL-3, Arcadis will subcontract with Brian F. Smith & Associates, Inc. (BFSA) to monitor ground-disturbing activities and will be on-site during all grading, trenching, and other ground disturbing activities. Arcadis proposes to utilize the services of BFSA to provide cross-trained archaeological and paleontological monitors resulting in significant cost savings rather than staffing this monitoring effort with separate archaeological and paleontological monitors. Following completion of the project, BFSA will prepare a summary report of the archaeological and paleontological resources monitoring task. Please note that this scope of work does not include costs associated with artifact evaluation, data recovery, artifact processing, reporting, or curation of significant finds. Should field data analysis and recovery be required, Arcadis will provide the City with an estimated cost to complete the work for review and approval prior to conducting the work. Assumptions: 1.One cross-trained archaeological-paleontological monitor will be sufficient to monitor trenching and other ground disturbing activities. 2.Trenching and other ground disturbing activities will occur over an additional 60 weeks. 3.Construction trenching will occur 5 days per week, 6 hours per day. 4.This scope of work does not include costs associated with artifact evaluation, data recovery, artifact processing, reporting, or curation of significant finds. Native American Monitoring: As required by mitigation measure CUL-2, Arcadis will subcontract with Saving Sacred Sites, a qualified Native American monitor, to monitor ground-disturbing activities and will be on-site during all grading, trenching, and other ground disturbing activities. Assumptions: 1.Native American monitoring will occur during trenching and other ground disturbing activities over an additional 60 weeks, 5 days per week, 6 hours per day. Final Monitoring Compliance Report: A final monitoring report will be prepared for compliance documentation.The report will include the paleontological context for the general site area, site- specific geology and stratigraphy, summary of the field techniques, results of monitoring and analyses,and conclusions including future mitigation recommendations.Field forms will be attached to the report as an appendix. The report will meet or exceed all local,state,and federal standards and will be provided in electronic (PDF) format.For the purposes of the cost proposal, a negative findings report is assumed. Assumptions: 1.One cross-trained archaeological-paleontological monitor will be sufficient to monitor trenching and other ground disturbing activities. 2.Trenching and other ground disturbing activities will occur over an additional 60 weeks. 3.Construction trenching will occur 5 days per week, 6 hours per day. 4.This scope of work does not include fossil recovery, identification, or curation. -r r 1i:16.I el1 I Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the disclaimer located on the table of contents of this document c tutenebterworndocutnetteleatnAtehlMenv mannormateontrecaarnendmenfeelas amendment proposal 11.01-2016sloce 6 COST ESTIMATE ARCADIS' cost estimate to provide the services described in this proposal is presented below. Work will be billed on a time and materials basis with a not to exceed limit of $260,040 that will not be exceeded without prior authorization from the City. Project pricing detail is provided on the attached table. arcadis corn Use or disclosure of this information is subject to the disclaimer located on the table of contents of this document. canentathawornclocurnantstsitestahlMenv monemingleontracttomandmandahls amendment proposal 11-01-2016.d=7 TABLE Cost Estimate ///7/ Table 1 -Cost Summary Agua liedlonda Sewer Force Main and Litt Station A ARCADIS I St .r...CO 14 L.')MangSi I baws. Additional Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Support Task 1 Task 2 Additional ComplianceProject Management TotalMonitoring In Rate Hours Cost Hours Cast Total Hours Total Cast-•s Compliance Manner S 150 180 S 27,000 $-180 S 27,000 Principal Archeoceiso Consultant S 150 $20 $3,000 20 S 3,000 Senior Archaeologist S 90 $-80 S 5,400 60 S 5,400 Archaeo/Paleo Monitor S 65 S -1800 $117,000 1800 S 117,000 Native Atnetican Monitor S 55 S -1800 $99,000 1800 $99,000 LABOR SUBTOTAL 5 27,000 $224 400 S 251,400 Other Direct Costs Unit Rates Units Cost Units Cost Units Cost Report Materials and Mailing S --S S - Misc. field consonables S --S S - Truck $--2 S - M'•10.540 $-16000 S 8 840 16000 S 8 840 ODC SUBTOTAL S -S 8 640 $8 640 Total Cost Estimate:1 27,000 S 233,040 S 260,040 AILS Amosirmord Cost Tale 11012016 1/1 APPENDIX A MMRP / / Page 1 of 14 Mitigation Measure Primary Responsibility Codes City of Carlsbad Contractor ARCADIS Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation AIR QUALITY AQ-1 -All construction equipment will be maintained at Project Engineering -Construction appropriate mechanical and electronic tuning levels per Utilities Contractor the manufacturers specifications.Diesel equipment Department &responsible standing idle for more than five minutes shall be turned off.Construction per This would include dump trucks waiting to deliver or Contractor Construction receive soil, gravel, aggregate or other bulk materials.Plans andSpecifications Environmental Note #1. AQ-2 -Project construction shall implement the following Project Engineering -Construction measures in order to minimize construction-related Utilities Contractor emissions due to dust:Department &responsible •Water all active construction areas at least twice Construction per Constructiondaily.Contractor Plans and•Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose Specificationsmaterials or require all trucks to maintain at least 2 Environmental feet of freeboard.Note #2. •Pave,apply water three times daily,or apply soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads,parking areas, and staging areas at the construction sites. •Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. •Apply soil stabilizers or hydrosseed to previously- graded inactive construction areas. •Cover,enclose or apply soil binders to exposed stockpiles. gxolipatIon of Hoodinoc. Type =Project ongoing. cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented. Monitoring Dept. a Department, or Agency, responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =Wien mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 2 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation •Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph. •Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. AQ-3 -Grading,construction and pipe laying operations Project Engineering - on the north side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon channel,Utilities including construction of the channel bridge,shall be Department & accomplished with the cooperation of the YMCA youth Construction recreation facility staff to ensure no children are present Contractor during construction of this segment. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES B10-1 -Mitigation for permanent and temporary impacts to Project Planning upland vegetation communities (HMP Habitat Groups D,E Division and F)will be mitigated by debiting the appropriate acreage (total 1.20 acres)from the Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel at the ratios indicated in Table 4 in the EIA Part II (except Diegan coastal sage scrub mitigation acreage shall include a minimum 1:1 creation component, as indicated in Mitigation Measure #2 below).The Lake Calavera property was identified in the City's Habitat Management Plan as a public project mitigation parcel for municipal projects.The total acreage available for credit at its inception was 186.55 acres.That acreage is available to mitigate for habitat impacts from City projects on an acre-for-acre basis regardless of the type of habitat being impacted, except for Group A, B or C habitat groups, none of which are impacted by the proposed project The mitigation provided for each City project by the Lake Calavera parcel is tracked and reported on an annual basis in the City's HMP Annual Report.As of the end of the last reporting period (October 2009), a total of 183.8 acres of mitigation land was still available. B10-2 -Pursuant to Conservation Standards 7-8 and 7-9 Project Planning (p. D-115) of the HMP, the project applicant shall mitigate Division 8.1 for the loss of 0.09 acre of coastal sage scrub by creation Engineering- explanation of Heaclinac, Type =Project. ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =Wren mitigation measure has been implemented, Monitoring Dept.=Department. or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure, or for other Information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD •Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 3 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation of at least 0.09 acre (no net loss) of creation of coastal Utilities sage scrub in a location acceptable to the Carlsbad Department Planning Department and the Wildlife Agencies.Upon agreement as to the selected site,the applicant shall prepare a restoration program for review and approval by the City and Wildlife Agencies.The restoration program shall include a five-year maintenance and monitoring program,with a requirement to meet City/Wildlife Agencies-approved success criteria.This restoration program shall be approved prior to the commencement of any clearing of coastal sage scrub associated with project construction.The restoration program shall include site preparation guidelines,implementation monitoring, performance standards,long-term maintenance and monitoring methodology, and contingency measures with a commitment to funding. B104 -In order to avoid impacts to adjacent open space Project Planning Construction habitats during construction,all impacted open space Division &Contractor interfaces will require temporary orange construction Biological responsible fencing which clearly delineates the edge of the approved Monitor photo limits of grading and clearing and environmentally documentation sensitive areas beyond.This fencing shall be installed in and forinstallation ofall areas adjacent to protected open spaces, and shall be temporary installed prior to construction,and maintained for the orange duration of construction activity.Fencing shall be installed construction in a manner that does not impact habitats to be avoided.fencing per The applicant shall submit to the City for approval, at least Construction seven days prior to initiating project impacts,the final Plans and plans and photographs for initial clearing and grubbing of Specifications habitat and project construction.These final plans shall Environmental include photographs that show the fenced limits of impact Boo#4.Biologicaland all areas to be impacted or avoided.If work occurs Monitor tobeyond the fenced or demarcated limits of impact, all work verify shall cease until the problem has been remedied and compliance. gkommtion of Headings: Type =Project. ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented. Monitoring Dept.=Department. or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column MU be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans, this column wig be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 4 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigationMeasureRemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation mitigation identified,to the satisfaction of the biological monitor.Temporary orange construction fencing shall be removed upon project completion of construction of the project 810-4 -The developer shall hire a biological monitor to Project Planning monitor the construction operations.The biological Division & monitor shall have the ability to halt construction work,if Engineering- necessary and confer with the City and Wildlife Agencies Utilities to ensure the proper implementation of species and habitat Department protection measures.The biologist shall report any violation to the USFWS within 24 hours of its occurrence. The biological monitor shall be present to monitor clearing, grading,and construction activities in the vicinity of biological open space areas.The biological monitor shall have the authority to stop construction and require additional precautions or conservation measures to protect the proposed open space preserve areas,including the wildlife movement corridor, as necessary.Implementation of this measure shall be verified by the City prior to and concurrent with construction. 8104 -Prior to the commencement of any ground-Project Planning disturbing activities (i.e.,clearing,grubbing,trenching,Division & grading)that occur between January 15 and September Biological 15,a preconstruction (s 3 days),biological survey by a Monitor qualified biologist shall be conducted of the project area.If active raptor and/or migratory bird nests are observed during the construction phase, a buffer area of adequate width (typically 500 feet), as determined by the monitoring biologist,shall be established between the construction activities and the nest so that nesting activities are not interrupted.To avoid potential impacts,trees shall be removed outside of the breeding season of local raptor species (trees shall be removed between September 15 and January 15).Noise attenuation and buffer (if required) Expiration of Headings' Type =Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been Implemented, Monitoring Dept.=Department. or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 5 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation shall remain in place until the construction activities are completed or the nest is no longer active. Implementation of this measure shall be verified by the City. B104 -Construction noise created during the breeding Project Planning Biological season that could affect the breeding of the California Division &Monitor to gnatcatcher,migratory songbirds and other bird species Biological monitor noise associated with the adjacent sensitive open water,Monitor in proximity to wetlands, riparian, and coastal sage scrub habitat shall be breeding/nestingbirds.avoided.This restriction can be waived by the City, with Contractorconcurrence from the Wildlife Agencies, upon completion responsible for of a breeding/nesting bird survey of the area in accordance modifying work with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.A biological monitor of if required to the construction operation is required.If nests are comply with present,no loud construction (exceeding 60 dBA hourly noise average, adjusted for ambient noise levels, at the nesting limitations per site) may take place within 500 feet of active nesting sites Construction during the nesting/breeding season (January 15 through Plans and SpecificationsSeptember 15).Environmental Note #7. B10-7 -The developer shall train all contractors and Project Planning This training construction personnel on the biological resources Division &will also satisfy adjacent to portions of this project and ensure that training Biological USAGE 404 is implemented by construction personnel.At a minimum,Monitor Permit Pie- training shall include:1)the purpose for resource Construction protection;2)a description of the gnatcatcher and its condition #6. habitat;3)limiting activities,vehicles,equipment,and construction materials to the fenced project footprint to avoid sensitive resource areas in the field (i.e.,avoided areas delineated on maps or on the project site by fencing); 4) the protocol to resolve conflicts that may arise at any time during the construction process:and,5)the general provisions of the Endangered Species Act,the need to adhere to the provisions of the Endangered Species Act,the penalties associated with violating the twlanstIon of HoodInas: Type =Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented, Monitoring Dept. =Department. or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other Information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans, this column vAll be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 6 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation Endangered Species Act. BIO-8 -In order to adequately protect the adjacent open Project Engineering — spaces,the applicant shall ensure that the following Utilities mitigation measures are implemented during project Department & construction:Construction Contractor •Employees shall strictly limit their activities, vehicles, equipment and construction materials to the fenced project footprint; •Pets of project personnel shall not be allowed on the project site; •Disposal or temporary placement of excess fill, brush or other debris shall not be allowed in waters of the United States or their banks; •All equipment maintenance,staging,and dispensing of fuel, oil, coolant, or any other such activities shall occur in designated areas within the fenced project impact limits and in such a manner as to prevent any runoff from entering offsite open spaces,and shall be shown on the construction plans.Fueling of equipment shall take place within existing paved areas greater than 100 feet from the Agua Hedionda Lagoon channel shore. Contractor equipment shall be checked for leaks prior to operation and repaired as necessary. "No- fueling zones" shall be designated on construction plans; and •Night lighting, if any, of construction staging areas shall be of the lowest illumination necessary for human safety,selectively placed,shielded,and ixolanatIon of Hemlines; Type =Project. ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented, Monitoring Dept. =Department. or Agency, responsible for monitoring a particular this column v411 be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for desalbing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 7 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation directed away from adjacent natural habitats. B10-9 -The hydroseed mix or landscape mix in areas Project Engineering —Construction adjacent to open spaces shall not involve the use of Utilities Contractor invasive exotic seeds or plants.The list of invasives shall Department &responsible for be those identified on List A and List B of the California Biological application of Exotic Plant Council's List of Exotic Plants of Greatest Monitor hydroseed. BiologicalEcological Concern in California, as of October, 1999, and Monitor willupdatedif applicable.Implementation of this measure review seedshall be verified by the City during review of the Erosion mix for Control Plans.compliance with approved seed lists. B10-10 -During construction,the project applicant shall Project Engineering—Construction install temporary sift barriers along the limits of project Utilities Contractor impacts (including construction staging areas and access Department &responsible for routes)adjacent to open space habitats to prevent Biological installation of additional habitat impacts and prevent the spread of sift Monitor temporary sift fencing perfromtheconstructionzoneintoadjacenthabitatstobeConstructionavoided.Sift fencing shall be installed in a manner that Plans anddoes not impact habitats to be avoided.All work activities Specifications occurring near the Agua Hedionda Lagoon channel in Environmental particular will utilize sift fencing to completely control any Note #10. disturbed soils from entering the Agua Hedionda Lagoon channel.Runoff from project construction and landscaped areas shall not be allowed to enter the channel.All runoff will remain within landscaped areas or be filtered through appropriate storm drain facilities. B10-11 —Prior to beginning construction work, the project Project Planning contractor shall notify the City Engineer, City Planner and Division, Coastal Commission Staff as necessary, of the completion Engineering — of a final, site specific, Spill Contingency Plan that outlines Utilities actions to be taken in the event that an accidental Department & Bilogicaldischargeofconstructionfluidsoccurs.Such Spill MonitorContingencyPlanshallinclude,at a minimum,the Exalsoillansthosilna Type =Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been Implemented, Monitoring Dept.=Department, or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans, this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 8 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigaUon Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation following requirements: a.In the event that a "frac-out,' (escape of bentonite slurry into the environment) or other spill or accidental discharge of drilling fluids occurs during the drilling operations,all construction shall cease and shall not recommence except as provided below: b.Following discovery of the sfrac-out," spill or accidental discharge of drilling fluids, the applicant shall immediately implement the above stated Spill Contingency Plan.No work shall continue until all spilled fluids have been contained and/or removed and measures taken to prevent a recurrence consistent with the approved contingency plan.If the spill or accidental discharge results in a change to the approved project description or to the scope of the impacts to resources, the permittee shall notify the biological monitor to immediately conduct an assessment of the biological impacts, and submit to the City Planner, and Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission as necessary,a revised project and restoration plan prepared by qualified professional(s) that provides for (1)necessary revisions to the proposed project to avoid further spill or accidental discharge of fluids;and (2)restoration of the area(s)affected by the spill or accidental discharge to pre-project conditions.The revised project and restoration plan shall be consistent with any applicable requirements of the USFWS,CDFG and/or San Diego RWQCB.The revised project and restoration plan shall be processed as an amendment to the coastal development permit.The trenchless construction operations may not recommence until after an amendment to this permit is approved by the City Planner, and Executive Director of the Califomia Coastal Explanation of Headincis: Type =Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented, Monitoring Dept. =Department. or Agency, responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure, or for other Information. Shown on Plans =Mien mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 9 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigadon Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation Commission as necessary,unless the City Planner,and the Executive Director as necessary,determines that no amendment is legally required. B10-12 -Prior to removal of the existing sewer and/or gas Project Engineering — trestle bridges or construction of the new bridge over the Utilities Agua Hedionda Lagoon channel,the project proponent Department shall apply for and receive approval of a Nationwide Permit 12 (Utility Line Activities)pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbors Act.This bridge removal and construction activity shall also necessitate water quality certification issued by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Action,and issuance of a Streambed Alteration Agreement with the California Department of Fish and Game.No additional mitigation beyond removal of the existing trestle bridges is anticipated to be required. CULTURAL RESOURCES CUL-1 -Prior to the commencement of ground-disturbing Project Planning activities,the project developer shall retain a qualified Division, archaeologist to monitor ground-disturbing activities.The Engineering— qualified archaeologist shall be on-site during all grading,Utilities trenching,and other ground-disturbing activities unless Department otherwise agreed upon by the archaeologist and City Staff. In the event any potential cultural resource is uncovered during the course of the project construction,ground- disturbing activities in the vicinity of the find shall be redirected until the nature and extent of the find can be evaluated by the archaeological monitor.If cultural resources are encountered,the archaeologist shall have the authority to temporarily halt or redirect grading/trenching while the cultural resources are documented and assessed.If archaeological resources are encountered during excavation or grading,the archaeological monitor shall direct the contractor to avoid gisofination of Headlnar Type Project. ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation -When mitigation measure has been implemented. Monitoring Dept.=Department. or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 10 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation all work in the immediate area for a reasonable period of time to allow the archaeologist to evaluate the significance of the finding and determine an appropriate course of action. The appropriate course of action may include, but not be limited to avoidance,recordation,relocation, excavation,documentation,curation,data recovery,or other appropriate measures.The Project Contractor shall provide a reasonable period of time for pursuing the appropriate activities,including salvage of discovered resources.Salvage operation requirements pursuant to Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines shall be followed. Recovered artifactual materials and data shall be cataloged and analyzed.A report shall be completed describing the methods and results of the monitoring and data recovery program.Artifacts shall be curated with accompanying catalog to current professional repository standards or the collection will be repatriated to the appropriate Native American Tribe(s),as specified in the pre-excavation agreement.If any human remains are discovered,all construction activity in the immediate area of the discovery shall cease immediately,and the Archaeological monitor shall notify the County Medical Examiner pursuant to California Health and Safety Section 7050.5.Should the Medical Examiner determine the human remains to be Native American;the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98.The Native American Monitor (pursuant to Mitigation Measure CUL-2), in consultation with the Native American Heritage Commission,shall inspect the site of the discovery of the Native American remains and may recommend to the City of Carlsbad and the Project Contractor actions for treating or disposing,with appropriate dignity,the human remains and any palmation of Madinat Type a Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented. Monitoring Dept. =Department. or Agency, responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks -Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans a When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. Initialed and dated. Page 11 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation associated grave goods.The recommendation may include the scientific removal and nondestructive analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American burials.The Project Contractor shall provide a reasonable period of time for salvage of discovered human remains before resuming construction activities. CUL-2 -Prior to the commencement of ground disturbing Project Planning activities, the project developer shall retain the services of Division, a Native American monitor.The purpose of this Engineering— monitoring will be to allow for tribal observation of Utilities trenching excavation including formalized procedures for Department the treatment of Native American human remains and burial, ceremonial, or cultural items that may be uncovered during any ground disturbance activities.Prior to implementation of the monitoring,a pre-excavation agreement shall be developed between the appropriate Native American Tribe and the City of Carlsbad.The Native American representative(s)shall attend the pre- grading meeting with the contractors to explain the requirements of the program.The Native American monitor shall be on-site during all grading, trenching, and other ground-disturbing activities unless otherwise agreed upon by the monitor and City Staff. CUL-3 -Prior to any excavation or trenching into Project Planning undisturbed,older Pleistocene sediment,the project Division, developer shall retain a qualified paleontologist during Engineering— construction excavations within these sediment deposits,ifUtilities any, to observe construction excavations.In the event that Department any unique paleontological resources are encountered, the resources shall be salvaged, recorded, and curated, under the direction of the monitoring paleontologist. GEOLOGY AND SOILS GEO-1 -Grading and construction of the southern bridge Project Engineering — abutment shall comply with the geotechnical Utilities Explanation of Ifoadenos: Type a Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =when mitigation measure has been implemented, Monitoring Dept. a Department. or Agency, responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure, or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 12 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation recommendations contained in the Geotechnical Department Evaluation prepared by Ninyo & Moore, dated August 3, 2009, in order to reduce the potential for settlement due to seismically-induced liquefaction or lateral spread.These recommendations shall include the use of deep foundations and the removal and recompaction of surface soils prior to construction. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZ-1 -A site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP)Project Engineering— shall be prepared prior to subsurface construction activities Utilities in the vicinity of;(a)the lift station site and (b)Avenida Department Encinas just south of Palomar Airport Road.The HASP shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, and with the California OSHA requirements for hazardous waste operations and emergency response regulations.The HASP shall be reviewed and signed by a Certified Industrial Hygienist and include a community health and safety component.Anyone performing subsurface work in these areas should be alerted to the potential for encountering petroleum hydrocarbons and/or pesticides in soil and petroleum hydrocarbons and/or VOCs in groundwater and have received the appropriate training in accordance with the approved site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP). HAZ-2 -A Soil Management Plan (SMP) shall be prepared Project Engineering — prior to subsurface construction activities in the vicinity of,Utilities (a) the lift station site, (b) approximately 300-400 feet south Department of the lift station site,(c)Avenida Encinas just south of Palomar Airport Road,and in Avenida Encinas just south of Cannon Road and 400-500 feet north of Palomar Airport Road,if dewatering activities are determined to be necessary.If dewatering activities are to be performed during construction,the SMP should include a ZolipatIon of Headings: Type 22 Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented, Monitoring Dept.=Department, or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 13 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation groundwater management component for dewatering activities.If dewatering activities are proposed to be discharged to surface waters or the sewer system,the concentrations of metals in the extracted groundwater should meet the requirements provided in the permit from either the RWQCB (General Waste Discharge Requirements and NPDES permit or the City of Carlsbad. The SMP shall be prepared by a professional environmental consultant in accordance with the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health's Site Assessment and Mitigation Manual,RWQCB guidelines, and the standard of care of the industry. HAZ-3 -Prior to any excavation or trenching,the Project Engineering— construction contractor shall prepare a contingency plan Utilities documenting the procedures to be used should an Department unexpected pocket of hazardous materials be encountered during excavation and/or trenching activities.This plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. HAZ-4 -A qualified air monitor shall be retained to monitor Project Engineering — air quality during trenching and grading operations.Air Utilities monitoring shall be conducted in accordance with the Department requirements of HAZ-1 and HAZ-2 and the recommendations of the HASP and SMP. This instrument is capable of detecting both petroleum hydrocarbons and organic solvents and will provide assurance that construction workers are not inadvertently exposed to potentially harmful organic vapors. HAZ-5 -A minimum 12-foot wide,unobstructed Project Engineering - emergency,construction and operations access shall be Utilities maintained at all times during construction trenching and Department & installation of the recycled water line segment between the Construction sewer lift station site and Cannon Road.Contractor TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC TRAF-1 -Prior to the commencement of development of Project Engineering — giuslimation of HeadInas; Type =Project. ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented. Monitoring Dept.=Department. or Agency, responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans, this column will be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. Page 14 of 14 Monitoring Monitoring Shown on VerifiedMitigation Measure RemarksTypeDepartmentPlansImplementation the proposed project, the developer shall coordinate with Utilities NCTD to determine an acceptable routing during the Department construction period of NCTD transit service for buses that are scheduled on Avenida Encinas,south of Palomar Airport Road, within the alignment of the proposed project. laolanallon of Headinas; Type =Project, ongoing, cumulative.Verified Implementation =When mitigation measure has been implemented, Monitoring Dept. a Department. or Agency. responsible for monitoring a particular this column will be initialed and dated. mitigation measure.Remarks =Area for describing status of ongoing mitigation measure. or for other Information. Shown on Plans =When mitigation measure is shown on plans. this column WA be RD -Appendix P. initialed and dated. A ARCADIS DesignFLConsultancyfornotunintbueassets Arcadis U S Inc 2175 Salk Avenue Suite 130 Carlsbad, California 92008-7346 Tel 760 602 3800 Fax 760 602 3838 www.arcadis.com LOCATION MAP BUENA VISTA _...___-_...,.-__.;%::"11.1.4Zez_.:4-Z.(43..,'11 -.1;1r177—----..--LIFT STATION --".---- -----.........--....*".1(VISTAVC2w----:-.....-A#,METER STATION. 'VC3 j.z-1. --/-II__'---`•%11'... --W--7- 1. j -Rofj`)------ -,_,---------_N\__ 1 I ;\\ _1 ___I • ------/'\P.,---------2' c.\..SOP ;s 0- '' I ,z-)\i' 'l .....;,_, -\\•\d"41VP4.A \)\ (e/-\CCP NOT TO ------ }SCALE sso \- - •(5)'' -" --\,,.___-,,------- ... - 29-5%4C),"-•\`-.........CAMINO r..-------------- -----....„ 434....4.14 .••l—• EXISTING \4. C).LAGOON BRIDGE ,-15iiik \•.5 --. VC11B \i (197 ------ liw'i*,o EXISTING ., AGUA HEDIONDA '‘,_logs al D )LIFT STATION 1111 CD DESALINATION \C3.(3.44°&PLANT I ,i r-------- FUTURE ....01 ---------..._______•:. POWER PLANT - ..\... .. co.„ LEGEND:.N,...... -;/,-- , -. Tr.i- Imil VC11B -VC15 NI4p-•i cl‘C)%i ;.V -,,,,‘;‘,R ,...------)'411:?PORTVC1 -VC11A ''t ..441‘.rx __________00 \I li "k _‘ •_.______LLD._ENCINA WATER \I--. POLLUTION -z-l o ic-'''CONTROL FACILITY ‘L'' PROJECT NAME PROJECT EXHIBIT AGUA HEDIONDA LIFT STATION &VISTA/CARLSBAD NUMBER 3492, INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC11B THROUGH VC15 3886 &3949 DRAW BY:SCOTT EVANS:CARLSBAD UTILITIES DEPT.1/13/11 C:\UTILITIES DEPARTMENT\LOCAVON MAPS\AHLS &VC11B-VC15.DWG All Receive -Agenda Item #aFor the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM VCA VOC (City of Date ymi I?City Manager Carlsbad Memorandum January 10, 2017 To:Mayor and City Council Members From:Mark Biskup, Associate Engineer Via Wendy Chambers, Utilities Director Re:Additional Material/Information Regarding Staff Report Item #2 -Adopt a Resolution approving Amendment No.2 to extend and amend the Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc.for construction management and inspection services for the Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer,Reaches VC11B-VC15,and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station Projects. The fee for construction management and inspection services included in the Fiscal Analysis section of the above referenced staff report was incorrectly reported.The original fee for construction management and inspections services included in the Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. was not to exceed $3,314,039 rather than $3,639,920 as included in the report. The following is the corrected Fiscal Analysis language: Fiscal Analysis The original fee for construction management and inspection services included in the Agreement with Arcadis U.S.,Inc.was a not-to-exceed fee of $3,639,920 $3,314,039. Amendment. No.1 provided for an additional $325,881 and the proposed Amendment No.2 provides an additional $280,000 for a total Agreement amount not to exceed $3,919,920. The attached Resolution reflects the correction to the original agreement amount along with the correct Resolution number approving the initial agreement in November 2014. Attachment:Exhibit 1— Revised resolution approving amendment No.2 to extend and amend the Professional Services Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. C:City Manager City Attorney City Clerk Services Manager egili bl+I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO EXTEND AND AMEND THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ARCADIS U.S.,INC.FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR THE VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER, REACHES VC11B —VC15, AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECTS WHEREAS, on Nov. 4, 2014, City Council approved an Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc. for an amount not to exceed $3,639,920$3,314,039 for construction management and inspection services for the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC11B - VC15, and the Avenida Encinas Recycled Water Line (Project), Project Nos. 3492, 3886, and 3949, by adopting Resolution No. 2015 1212014-257; and WHEREAS, on May 19, 2015, City Council approved Amendment No.1 to the Agreement to include environmental monitoring and reporting during construction for an amount not-to-exceed $325,881, by adopting Resolution No. 2015-125; and WHEREAS,additional monitoring and reporting during construction is necessary to comply with environmental requirements and permits; and WHEREAS,city staff and Arcadis U.S.,Inc.have negotiated fees in an amount not-to-exceed $280,000 to provide the additional monitoring and reporting services,as described in Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement; and WHEREAS,city staff and Arcadis U.S., Inc. have agreed to extend the Agreement for a period of one year; and WHEREAS, funds have been appropriated in the Capital Improvement Program from the Sewer Connection Fee Fund and sufficient funds are currently available; and WHEREAS,Carlsbad will be reimbursed by the City of Vista for its portion of the additional monitoring and reporting services; and WHEREAS;the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it is in the best interest of the city to execute the amendment to extend and amend the Professional Services Agreement for environmental mitigation monitoring support. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California,as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is authorized and directed to execute Amendment No. 2 to extend and amend the Professional Services Agreement with Arcadis U.S., Inc., which is attached hereto as Attachment "A." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the day of ,2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL)