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2017-02-14; City Council; ; Adopt Ordinance No. CS-315 approving an amendment to the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, MP 178I Uptown Bressi
CA Review ilk. of "Ns.CITY COUNCIL o Staff Report %Foxe Meeting Date:February 14, 2017 To:Mayor and City Council From:Kevin Crawford, City Managal/ Staff Contact:Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager Sheila.cobiangcarlsbadca.gov 760-434-2917 Subject:Adopt Ordinance No.CS-315 approving an amendment to the Bressi Ranch Master Plan, MP 178(1)for property general located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street,north of Gateway Road,and east of Colt Place located within the southeast quadrant of the City within Local Facilities Management Zone 17. Case Name:Uptown Bressi Case No.:MP 178 (I) Recommended Action Adopt Ordinance No.CS-315 approving an amendment to the Bressi Ranch Master Plan,MP 178(1) for property general located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street, north of Gateway Road,and east of Cold Place located within the southeast quadrant of the City within Local Facilities Management Zone 17. Executive Summary /Discussion Ordinance No.CS-315 was introduced and first read at the City Council meeting held on January 24, 2017.The City Council voted 4/1 (C.Schumacher —No) to introduce the Ordinance.The second reading allows the City Council to adopt the ordinance which will become effective thirty days after adoption. Fiscal Analysis No fiscal impacts to the city have been identified as a result of the proposed project. Next Steps The City Clerk will have the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance published in a newspaper of general circulation within fifteen days following adoption of the ordinance. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) An Environmental Impact Report (EIR 15-01 —State Clearing House No. 2015081017) was prepared for the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA),the CEQA Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Procedures (Title 19)of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.The EIR addresses the environmental impacts associated with all discretionary applications for the proposed project including ultimate buildout of the entire project. On April 13, 2016, the Draft EIR was published and the City notified the Public, Responsible and Trustee Agencies,as well as other interested parties and agencies via mailings and newspaper publications.The "Notice of Completion" commenced an initial 45-day public review and comment period expiring on June 1,2016.Twenty-nine comment letters were received and responses were prepared for each of the letters and mailed to the Public Agency commenter on November 22, 2016.The "Notice of Completion" advised that the Draft EIR was available for review at four locations: the City of Carlsbad Planning Division; the City Clerk's Office; the Carlsbad Dove Library and the Georgina Cole Public library.Complete copies were also available for purchase, with the Appendices, through the Planning Division.The Draft EIR was also posted on the city website. The analysis contained in the EIR concluded that all significant impacts would be mitigated to below a level of significance.Direct impacts, also referred to as primary effects, are those caused by the project and that occur at the same time and place.In contrast, cumulative impacts refer to two or more individual impacts that,when considered together,are considerable or that compound or increase other environmental impacts.The cumulative impact of several projects is the change in the environment that results from the incremental impact of the project when added to other,closely related past,present,or reasonably foreseeable, probable future projects.The cumulative impacts all arise from the marginal contribution the proposed project will make, when combined with the impacts from existing and other future projects, to pre-existing conditions that fail to meet applicable standards currently.The CEQA Findings of Fact are attached to Planning Commission Resolution No. 7174 for the EIR. Public Notification The City Clerk will have the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance published within fifteen days, if adopted. Exhibits 1.Ordinance No.CS-315 EXHIBIT 1 ORDINANCE NO.CS-315 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE BRESSI RANCH MASTER PLAN, MP 178(1) FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EL FUERTE STREET, NORTH OF GATEWAY ROAD, AND EAST OF COLT PLACE AND LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE CITY WITHIN LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 17. CASE NAME:UPTOWN BRESSI CASE NO.:MP 178(1) WHEREAS,the City Council approved the Bressi Ranch Master Plan MP 178 on July 23, 2002 by adopting Ordinance No.NS-635; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has reviewed and considered a Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(1))for the Uptown Bressi project; and WHEREAS,after procedures in accordance with the requirements of law, the City Council has determined that the public interest indicates that said Master Plan Amendment MP 178(1) be approved. NOW, THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Carlsbad ordains as follows that: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.That Master Plan Amendment MP 178(1)dated July, 2016 incorporated herein by reference,is approved.The Master Plan shall constitute the development plan for the property and all development within the plan area shall conform to the plan. 3.That Master Plan Amendment (MP 178(1))reorganizes and amends the Bressi Ranch Master Plan,as shown in "Exhibit MP 178(1)".Removal of text is presented in a strikethrough type format, while new additional text is shown in underline type format. 4.The City Council finds and determines that the recommendations of the Planning Commission for the approval of the Master Plan MP 178(1) is approved and that the findings and conditions of the Planning Commission contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7175, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, are the findings and conditions of the City Council. 5.The city received and responded to public comments on the Draft EIR 15-01 and determined that the comments did not raise any significant environmental issues not already addressed in the Draft EIR. EXHIBIT 1 6.The city has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report EIR 15-01 ("Final EIR"),which includes the Draft EIR,technical appendices,public comments and the responses to public comments on the Draft EIR,and all other information required by CEQA Guidelines section 15132, which has been filed with the City Clerk and that the Master Plan MP 178(1) relies upon that EIR. EFFECTIVE DATE:This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the city clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the 24th day of January, 2017, and thereafter PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 14th day of February, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES:M. Hall,K.Blackburn, M. Packard. NOES:C.Schumacher. ABSENT:M. Schumacher. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 4PALZ.i CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney MATT HALL, Mayor atO.Cp)-e____\BARBARA ENGLESON, City CI (SEAL)`‘o.SBA.0 /cP:••••* '''' •••• :.- *",S. Faviola Medina From:Council Internet Email Sent:Wednesday, February 15, 2017 4:25 PM To:City Clerk Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi From: Rebecca /David Tam [mailto:socialinkllc@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 3:28 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi Dear Council Member Packard: We are disheartened at the lack of voice Bressi Ranch residents are experiencing from the City of Carlsbad over the Uptown Bressi development.Our neighbors and we are taxpayers and voters.We cannot understand why the council cannot receive our communication that we do not want this type ofdevelopment just blocks away from our homes.The lack of respect that shows us as residents of Carlsbad is sad.It's demoralizing and it erodes our faith in our elected officials. Please hear us:This is not the type of development we want in our neighborhood.We do want to see the land developed but not in this way. Dr.&Mrs. David Tam 1 Andrea Dykes From:Lewis, Pamela <plewis > Sent:Monday, February 13, 2017 3:04 PM To:Celia Brewer Cc:Matthew Hall; Council Internet Email; City Clerk; Kevin Crawford; Don Neu; van.lynch@carlsbad.gov; Riley, Heather Subject:Uptown Bressi, MP 178(I)-Amendment to the Bressi Ranch Master Plan (Ordinances CS-315), February 14, 2017 City Council Hearing Agenda Item No.12 Attachments:021317 letter.pdf Please see attached correspondence dated February 13, 2017. Pamela T. Lewis Legal Secretary to Joe M.Davidson; Michael J.Holmes; Heather S.Riley; Hina Gupta; Abby Bloetscher Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP 501 West Broadway, 15th Floor, San Diego, CA 92101 -3541 (619) 233-1155 (main) (619) 233-1155 x32262 (direct) (619) 233-1158 (fax)All Receive -Agenda Item # il—plewisa For the Information of the: CITY COUNCILAllen Matkins DAaCteM2142vCCIAty MVanacgcervi7NiaLELv „fen 1KUSS. Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this electronic e-mail and any accompanying attachment(s) is intended only for the use ofthe intended recipient and may be confidential and/or privileged.If any reader of this communication is not the intended recipient, unauthorized use, disclosure or copying is strictly prohibited, and may be unlawful.If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail, and delete the original message and all copies from your system. Thank you. 1 Allen Matkins Leek Gamble Mallory &Natsis LLP Allen Matkins Attorneys at Law 501 West Broadway, 15°' Floor I San Diego, CA 92101-3541 Telephone: 619.233.1155 I Facsimile: 619.233.1158 www.allenmatkins.com Heather S.Riley E-mail: hriley®allenmatkins.com Direct Dial: 619.235.1564 File Number: 375314-00001/SD850814.01 February 13, 2017 Celia A. Brewer City Attorney City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re:Uptown Bressi, MP 178(1)-Amendment to the Bressi Ranch Master Plan (Ordinance CS-315), February 14, 2017 City Council Hearing Agenda Item No.12 Dear Ms. Brewer: This letter is submitted on behalf of my client,SP Acquisition LLC ("Shea"), the developer ofthe Uptown Bressi project ("Project").On January 24, 2017, the City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad ("City") certified the environmental impact report ("EIR") and approved a General Plan Amendment, Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Planned .Development Permit, two Site Development Plans, and two Conditional Use Permits ("CUP") for the Project after a lengthy public hearing. Since the January 24th meeting, Shea has learned that some members ofthe community continue to have questions about the Project.The majority of those questions appear to be based on a misunderstanding of the Project.Shea believes that the information provided below will help answer those questions. The.Project Has Not Changed Contrary to statements made by some concerned residents, the Project has not changed and will not change in the future.As discussed at the January 24th hearing, the approved Project is the same one that was analyzed in the April 2016 Draft EIR, and the same one that was shown to the neighbors in community meetings and depicted in flyers.(Compare, DEIR, p.3-7; EIR, p.3-7; City Council Staff RepoTt, p. 127.)At the Planning Commission and City Council hearings, Shea showed the "bubble diagram" that was developed early on during the Project's entitlement process.1 That slide clearly demonstrates that the basic outline of the Project has remained consistent since the diagram was developed in 2013.In fact, the April 22, 2016 flyer that was mailed to local 1 A copy of the "bubble diagram" is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Los Angeles I Orange County I San Diego I Century City I San Francisco Allen Matkins Leek Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 2 residents, and which highlighted the dining area and courtyard in the southeast portion of the Project site, included a link to the Draft EIR.2 Had someone followed that link, they would have seen the same Project approved by the Council on January 24th. Further, the EIR analyzed a number of alternatives, including one that reduced the amount of retail square footage and increased the number of residential units, and another with 300,000 square feet of industrial development.The EIR's alternatives analysis, which is required by section 15126.6 of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") Guidelines (15 Cal. Code Regs. §§15000, et seq.), was for comparison purposes only.Because the City Council made specific findings rejecting both ofthose alternatives, Shea cannot "change its mind" and build one of those alternatives without coming back to the City for additional discretionary approvals. For instance, the Council rejected the reduced commercial and increased residential alternative because it would result in greater noise impacts than the Project and because it would achieve numerous project objectives to a lesser extent.(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 3; Planning Commission Resolution No. 7174, Findings of Fact, p. 15.)And, the Council rejected the planned industrial alternative because it would result in greater air quality and greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions and because it would not meet most of the project objectives. (Id. at p.14.)3 As a result, Shea cannot build either of the alternatives studied in the EIR.It only can build the approved Project, and it intends to do just that. The Project Is Consistent With Applicable Planning Documents A project need not be in exact conformity with a general plan; instead the law requires that a development be "compatible with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs" specified in an applicable planning document.(Foothill Communities Coalition v.County of Orange (2014) 222 Ca1.App.4th 1302, 1310; see also, Naraghi Lakes Neighborhood Preservation Association v.City ofModesto (2016)1 Cal.App.Sth 9,17-18.)Recently, the appellate courts explained that "Necause policies in a general plan reflect a range of competing interests, [a] governmental agency must be allowed to weigh and balance the plan's policies when applying them, and it has broad discretion to construe its policies in light of the plan's purposes."(East Sacramento Partnership v.City ofSacramento (2016)5 Cal.App.Sth 281, 305.)As shown herein and as recognized by the City Council, the Project is consistent with the goals and policies ofthe City's General Plan and the Bressi Ranch Master Plan.(EIR, pp. 5.5-11 —5.5-16, 5.5-21-5.5-23.) In fact, the EIR contains an extensive analysis of the Project's consistency with the applicable goals and policies of the General Plan's Land Use and Community Design Element, Housing Element, Mobility Element, Noise Element, Public Safety Element and Open Space, 2 A copy of the April 22, 2016 flyer is attached hereto as Exhibit B, 3 The City Council also rejected the No Project/No Development Alternative.(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 3; Planning Commission Resolution No. 7174, p. 15.) Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 3 Conservation and Recreation Element.(EIR, pp. 5.5-12 —5.5-16.)The EIR's land use analysis states that the Project "would further achievement of certain goals and policies ofthe General Plan, and would not obstruct implementation of any General Plan goal or policy, including those relating to affordable housing."(EIR, p. 5.5-11.) With regard to housing, the City did not include the Project site in its Housing Element or the pending update.That is because,as explained by the Planning Director at the January 24th City Council hearing, although the City can meet its minimum Regional Housing Needs Assessment ("RHNA")needs without this site, the City cannot chip away at the recognized jobs/housing in- balance —which is discussed in more detail below —unless the City takes steps to exceed the minimum RHNA target.4 Towards that end, and to specifically address the City's need for affordable for-sale housing, the EIR explained: Per [Carlsbad Municipal Code]Section 21.85.030,a project is required to provide 15 percent ofthe total units as affordable units. City Council Policy 43 notes that if a project is allocated units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank, the allocation is considered an incentive and the city would therefore request that 20 percent of the units be qualified as affordable units.Similarly, in September 2015, the City Council approved Planning Commission Resolution No. 7115, which required projects as part of the General Plan Update requesting units from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank, to provide a minimum of 20 percent of the total housing units on the site as affordable to lower income households.Given that no residential units were previously proposed for the project site, all 125 residential units will be allocated from the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank. Therefore, the project is required to provide 20 percent of the total units (25 units)as affordable units. The proposed project would provide a diversity of housing.The affordable housing component proposed 25 units that will provide for- sale housing opportunities for low-income households.(EIR, p. 5.5- 13.) Affordable housing units are classified according to a range of affordability.Low-income units, which are the type that the Project must provide, are defined as affordable to those that make between 51 and 80%of the Area Median Income ("AMI").(General Plan, p. 10-18.)The 2016 4 Envision Carlsbad Working Paper 2, The Local Economy, Business Diversity, and Tourism, p. 26, Table 3-10. Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory &Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 4 AMI for San Diego County is $73,500.In 2016, the maximum annual one-person income for low- income residents was $47,600 and the maximum annual four-person income for low-income residents was $68,000.5 The City is required to provide 693 low-income units to comply with its share ofthe RHNA.(General Plan, p. 10-40.)At the end of 2012, 123 of those units were constructed and/or approved, meaning 570 more low-income units were still needed.(General Plan, pp. 10-42 —10-43.)The Project will reduce that need by 25 for-sale low-income units, which will help address the fact that "low income households would have a similar problem as very low income households in purchasing adequately sized and affordable housing, either single-family homes or condominiums."(General Plan, p.10-32.) To ensure that the Project will construct 25 affordable units, Shea is required to "enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement with the City to provide and deed restrict 25 dwelling units (20% of total dwelling units)as affordable to lower income households for 55 years, in accordance with the requirements and process set forth in Chapter 21.85 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code.The draft Affordable Housing Agreement shall be submitted to the City Planner no later than 60 days prior to the request for a final map.The recorded Affordable Housing Agreement shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest."(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 8; Planning Commission Resolution No. 7176, Condition 14.)In addition,Shea is required to "construct the required inclusionary units concurrent with the project's market rate units, unless both the final decision-making authority of the City and [Shea]agree within an Affordable Housing Agreement to an alternate schedule for development."(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 8;Planning Commission Resolution No. 7176, Condition 15.)These standard conditions will ensure that 25 for-sale low-income affordable units will be built on the Project site. With regard to the General Plan's Economy, Business Diversity, and Tourism Element, the Element itself states that it "is most closely correlated to the Land Use and Community Design Element, which provides land use designations in appropriate locations and a program to accommodate projected growth."(General Plan, p.8-3.)On that exact point, Land Use Policy 2- P.17 states: Locate commercial land uses as shown on the Land Use Map.Where applications for the re-designation ofland to commercial land use are submitted, these shall be accompanied by a conceptual development plan of the site and a market study that demonstrates the economic vitality of using the land in the way being requested,as well as the impact on the viability of commercial uses designated on the Land Use Map that may compete with shared trade areas.(General Plan, p. 2-41.) 5 A copy of the San Diego County Area Median Income (AMI)and Income Limits for 2016 is attached hereto as Exhibit C. Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 5 In its analysis, the EIR determined that the Project's "commercial development can be justified economically at the location proposed and will provide adequate commercial facilities of the types needed ...in that an extensive commercial study was prepared and the Uptown Bressi site was identified as a desirable location for commercial services to satisfy the needs ofthe greater Carlsbad residents.There is sufficient desire for additional restaurants and food options based on Sales Tax Capture and Gap Analysis reports for the City of Carlsbad in these commercial categories.The retail vacancy rate city wide remains very low (3%) which supports greater demand for retail space and indicates a need for options in the primary and secondary market areas."(EIR, p. 5.5-13.)6 Further, the new retail and commercial offerings in the Project are expected to "provide a range of job types for the community's residents," consistent with Goal 5 of the Bressi Ranch Master Plan.(EIR, p. 5.5-22.)In fact, the EIR stated that the Project would be "constructed in close proximity to existing retail and commercial development thereby encouraging non-motorized forms of transportation," consistent with Goal 3 of the Master Plan.The Project also would "enhance the character of the Master Plan area by replacing the planned industrial use with a mix of commercial and residential uses near the Master Plan's northern entrance," "complement the already successful Bressi Ranch Village Center, located on the south side of Gateway Road," "expand the commercial and restaurant uses available within walking distance to Bressi Ranch residents," create a "main street" by extending Finnila Place through the Project site to encourage increased pedestrian activity, and establish additional gathering places in the community consistent with Goals 6 and 7 of the Master Plan.(Ibid.) In light of the above, the City Council properly determined that the Project was consistent with the General Plan and the Bressi Ranch Master Plan in that the Project would "expand the City's affordable housing stock to assist the City in meeting its Regional Housing Needs Assessment and provide a variety of commercial goods and services to the community."(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 8;Planning Commission Resolution No. 7175, Finding 2.) Specifically, the City Council found that the residential portion would "provide additional housing in the form of a high density land use that adds to the diversity of housing types within the [Master]Plan in close proximity to commercial services, employment areas and [a]major transportation corridor (Palomar Airport Road) and is compatible with the existing commercial, office, hotel, and high density affordable housing."(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 8;Planning Commission Resolution No. 7175, Finding 7.)The Council also determined that the location of the Project's commercial component was appropriate because it would be adjacent to existing commercial development and centrally located along pedestrian paths to serve 6 The Uptown Bressi Retail Center Retail Market Analysis ("RMA"), prepared by the London Group and referenced in the EIR's General Plan analysis, demonstrates that there is a shortage of retail choices available in the area, and as a result, residents leave the area to shop elsewhere. RMA,pp. 55-56. Allen Matkins Leek Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 6 Bressi Ranch and the surrounding communities.(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 8;Planning Commission Resolution No. 7175, Finding 8.)Finally, the Council also found that the Project site was "a desirable location for commercial services to satisfy the needs of the greater Carlsbad residents" and address the demonstrated need for "additional restaurants and food options" and a "greater demand for retail space" and shopping options in the City.(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Finding 8; Planning Commission Resolution No. 7175, Finding 10.) Planned Industrial Misconceptions During the City Council hearing, and in subsequent communications with the City, some community members claimed that the Project site was the only parcel of a specific size zoned for planned industrial in the City.That statement is erroneous and it underscores a basic misunderstanding of the City's current and future economic status. First, the "17.7-acre project site is comprised of four vacant parcels of land identified as assessor's parcel numbers (APN) 213 -262-06,-07,-08, and -09."(EIR, p.2-1; emphasis added.) The land currently is held under common ownership, but it is not a single transferrable parcel.In fact, the four parcels are 2.2 acres,3 acres, 4.2 acres and 8.3 acres, and each could be sold off individually. Second, other planned industrial parcels in the City are available to meet the City's industrial needs.According to a slide prepared by City staff, there are approximately 25 vacant industrial, vacant entitled or vacant portions of industrial sites that exceed four acres in the City limits and 15 vacant industrial, vacant entitled or vacant portions ofindustrial sites that are less than four acres in the City limits.?A number of those parcels, both those that are more than and those that are less than four acres, sit next to each other and could be assembled into larger project sites for future planned industrial development. Third,as was explained by the Planning Director at the January 24th hearing, the City maintains 4.6 million square feet of industrial development potential, 2.6 million ofwhich is located in the northeast part of the City —much of it in industrial parks and not immediately adjacent to existing residential and commercial development.In addition, the City maintains 800,000 square feet of office space.Since a fair amount ofthe City's industrial lands are used for office space, and since many ofthe planned industrial parcels in the immediate vicinity of the Project have CUPs to allow uses other than traditional industrial development, the City Council reasonably determined that it could move forward with the Project's residential and commercial components without jeopardizing the City's future industrial development potential.8 7 A copy of the industrial acreage slide presented by staff at the January 24, 2017 City Council hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit D. 8 A copy of the CUP slide presented by staff at the January 24, 2017 City Council hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit E. Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory &Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13,2017 Page 7 Fourth, many comments speculated about the possible planned industrial development that could occur on the Project site.Setting aside for a moment that the Project site previously was the subject of a Planned Industrial Permit (PIP 05-23) that was allowed to expire with nothing ever built, it is very difficult to determine with certainty the type of jobs that might be available in an industrial development on the Project site.(EIR, p.2-1.)The primary reason for that difficulty is the large range ofpermitted and conditionally permitted uses allowed in planned industrial developments. Although generally described as office, research and development, light manufacturing, and warehouse uses, the actual list of permitted uses is extensive, including but not limited to, direct mail advertising, billing services, collection services, fund-raising counselors, industrial medical (workers comp) services, message receiving services, printing services, sales training and counseling, telephone cable companies, and tour operators.9 Further complicating the analysis is the fact that,as discussed by staff at the City Council hearing, a great many ofthe planned industrial sites in the Project's immediate vicinity are developed with hotels, fitness facilities, churches, brewery/restaurants, and indoor trampoline park.1°Given the wide range of potential and actual tenants that occupy planned industrial sites in the City,it is impossible to assume that lucrative high-tech,life science, biotech, clean-tech jobs would populate a speculative industrial development on the Project site. Fifth, there may be some confusion about the City's industrial vacancy rate.According to City staff, the current industrial vacancy rate is 91%."That number undoubtedly will fluctuate as new development projects come online and older, outdated projects get redeveloped As was recently explained in the local news, current construction in the City represents 22%of the total industrial space being built in San Diego County, and in submarkets not counting research and development, the City is number one in the County.12 There clearly is other industrial development happening in the City, and there is no indication that will change in the immediate future. Moreover,as was explained by the Planning Director at the January 24th City Council hearing, the City has —and is expected to continue to have —more jobs than housing.The Envision Carlsbad Working Paper 2, The Local Economy, Business Diversity, and Tourism report indicates that the City's jobs/housing in-balance will increase as follows: 9 A copy of Table A from Carlsbad Municipal Code section 21.34.030, which lists the permitted and conditionally permitted uses in the planned industrial zone, is attached hereto as Exhibit F. I°See,Exhibit E. 11 A copy of the vacancy rate slide presented by staff at the January 24, 2017 City Council hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit G. 12 A copy ofthe January 6, 2017 article "County's Economy Expected To Rise As Developments Continue" from the Coast News is attached hereto as Exhibit H Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 8 •2008 —1..43 •2020 —1.46 •2030 —1.55 •2040 —1.66 •2050 —1.7213 Since the Project will add new residents, as well as a variety of new jobs, in walking distance of existing Bressi Ranch residents and other existing employment opportunities, the City Council was able to make the findings cited above for the General Plan and Bressi Ranch Master Plan Amendments, and, at the4same time, take steps to address the City's for-sale low-income affordable housing need and its jobs/housing in-balance. The Project's Traffic Impacts Are Fully Mitigated The EIR clearly explained that the Project would result in 9,014 average daily traffic ("ADT") trips,and that with the addition of Project traffic,a direct impact would occur at the intersection of Gateway Road and Finnila Place and a cumulative impact would occur at the intersection of Gateway Road and Innovation Way.(EIR, p. 5.10-11.) As a result, the City Council adopted the Project's Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ("MMRP"), including Mitigation Measures T-1 and T-2, which will allow both intersections to operate at acceptable levels of service.(EIR, pp. 5.10-11, 5.10-15, 5.10-20.) Together with Mitigation Measure T-3, which requires preparation of a Traffic Control Plan to alleviate potential construction impacts, "traffic and transportation-related impacts resulting from the proposed project would be reduced to a less than significant level."(EIR, p. 5.10-20.) Based on the EIR's conclusions, the City Council approved the Project: despite the existence of certain significant environmental effects identified in Final Environmental Impact Report 15-01 and, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15091 that changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which would mitigate, avoid, or substantially lessen to below a level of significance the potential significant effects identified in the EIR ...[and] 13 Envision Carlsbad Working Paper 2, The Local Economy, Business Diversity, and Tourism, p. 26, Table 3-10. Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 9 With respect to the significant effects identified in Final Environmental Impact Report 15-01 and pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(d), the City Council hereby adopts and approves the [MMRP]...and hereby makes and adopts the provisions ofthe [MMRP]as conditions of approval for the Project.(City Council Resolution No. 2017-018, Findings 4 and 5; see also, Planning Commission Resolution No. 7174, MMRP.) As can be seen, the Project will not result in significant traffic impacts based on the implementation of the specified mitigation measures. Despite the clear record provided —and accepted by the City. Council —some members of the community have expressed confusion over vehicle miles traveled ("VMT"),a different metric of analysis used in the EIR to measure GHG emissions.I4 Specifically, when the EIR considered whether the Project would conflict with any plans adopted for the purpose of reducing GHG emissions, the analysis compared the Project's mobile source emissions with the emissions that would be produced by a 300,000 square foot industrial business park.(EIR, pp. 5.3-25 —5.3-26.) The analysis determined that "total GHG emissions for the project site would be lower under the proposed project than for the existing General Plan designation utilizing [San Diego Association of Governments]trip[]generation rates and trip lengths."(EIR, p. 5.3-36.) The EIR explained that the Project's GHG emissions impacts would be less because the average trip length associated with a planned industrial development is nine miles and the Project's average trip lengths are 7.9 miles for the residential component and 3.6 miles for the commercial component.(EIR, pp.6-5.)As a result, a planned industrial development would result in 37,800 VMT, while the Project would result in 33,076 VMT.(Ibid.)That difference accounts for the Project's lower GHG emissions.(EIR, p. 5.3-36.) Because VMT is not the standard method of analyzing traffic impacts for CEQA purposes, the EIR did not rely on it in the traffic section.As shown above, the DR did, however, use VMT to analyze the Project's GHG emissions.The two separate analysis, which were donefor two distinct purposes, are not the same and should not be treated the same.Comments made by the community that try to conflate the analyses are erroneous and should be rejected. 14 The Governor's Office of Planning &Research ("OPR") is working to update the way traffic impacts are analyzed in CEQA documents.Under the proposed methodology,VMT would be the primary metric of transportation impact across the state.Until the CEQA Guidelines are updated, the EIR's traffic methodology remains the legally accepted standard of review.A copy of OPR's "Updating the Analysis of Transportation Impacts Under CEQA" is attached hereto as Exhibit I. Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory &Natsis LLP Attorneys at Law Celia A. Brewer February 13, 2017 Page 10 Conclusion As you may know,Shea hosted a follow up "meet and greet" for members ofthe community on Thursday, February 9, 2017.Approximately thirty people attended the event and Shea was able to answer some outstanding questions in an informal setting that was open to everyone. Together with its ongoing online community outreach efforts and the information included in this letter, it is clear that Shea has gone above and beyond to ensure that the facts about the Uptown Bressi project are available to the public.Despite all of Shea's best efforts, additional questions may remain.The undersigned and Shea stand ready to answer those questions before or during the February 14, 2017 City Council hearing. Thank you for your time and attention to these matters.We look forward to the start of construction on the Uptown Bressi project. Very truly yours, (•„91 e".• Heather S. Riley HSR i cc:Mayor. Matt Hall Councilmember Mark Packard Councilmember Keith Blackburn Councilmember Michael Schumacher Councilmember Cori Schumacher Barbara Engleson, City Clerk Kevin Crawford, City Manager Done Neu, Planning Director Van Lynch, Principal Planner EXHIBIT A •-••.,•A ....„..*-li. „...,. .„,'',,,1 ,lua. 6';‘..:* ''.f.,- ......,:„.....t:R.•------11''-. •\V''..•-'--Ok..-'"" '''-'W *-L -p - •kji ''•''''.":."'•-•-•,,,...,,,,,I.....:.....#4...„- . -.....10 ••.- ..,, -- ..f....:::'.....'• --• k;7.,,,- 4.14. 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Over the past few years, we've conducted numerous community meetings, workshops, and small scale conversations to secure input on plans for a 17-acre parcel in Bressi Ranch which has been graded and is now awaiting development (utilities, sidewalks, curbs and gutters already exist around the site's edge). The parcel is located between Palomar Airport Rd. and Gateway Rd.. right across from Bressi Village retail center and Mulberry at Bressi, and next to Staybridge Suites.Based on solid market research and refined by your input, the plan for this site encompasses a new mixed-use lifestyle center we call UPtown Bressi. Envisioned for UPtown Bressi are two adjoining components including an exclusive ,, enclave of just 125 upscale "for sale" townhomes (featuring resort-style amenities :=--•— and a number of elevator-serviced single-level flats designed for more mature - if15 CD lb it homebuyers)as well as a walkable neighborhood retail center featuring a small Di 1 ..0 ss .11...a c Main Street-like entry leading to shops, services and restaurants, and anchored w Ia7-...„,.„.‘ specialty market.Your input led to adding new defined walkways, dining patios/'''°'..''.: ...41;'courtyards, and even an elevated terrace to serve as welcoming spaces for you, yaw*. family and guests to gather.Check it out a www.UptownBressi.com. p41 Prior to our plan for UPtown Bressi, the site was proposed for a 450-unit apartment t complex by then-Archstone Communities.We secured the property in 2013, and Or with your involvement, the UPtown Bressi plan reflects the very special character of Bressi Ranch by introducing distinctive gathering places and amenities which accent and help elevate the Bressi Ranch lifestyle —while also eliminating the opportunity for on-site apartments.It's now time to share the special features at Uptown Bressi's neighborhood retail center.Here's two of our favorites: SHOP414We5•.5.';,x •.1 i ,e,',es.... ..,,,,e:‘.. 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'' '''V 44$1&Z - '..a • x....... ‘- t1 -'4'-737-7\\.........'.. %,1,-47... ‘, . %V• '''-/ :,... \ 4.1 :-,, -'-'? :•/0 '\v „'',*#...`,1.. .**.r ,ve.t1",•',?- ,...,•Ct 1 e.V ..- t-,4.1 ty" 4-.:PSQE r-.......,„?.:--- -s'o Itkg ' ,,.3 :,. -•„IT;-'.. 4 .,... -..ero. ..4A -' ...."<iiet. • ... •='•4. ;,,,,t.. f.,..1.. -.1 •ve';—....-. ."!41.‘-9',.4 1:1 •:* 040100. -1 A ,c_..r v--- ..•*+,-... -;A .•*. \‹ DINING TERRACE DINING COURTYARD ii Elevated to provide hillside views •Pedestrian/stroller/wheelchair access ramp •Open dining area with banquette seating •Child-friendly play area with rubberized and lounge seating area surface and stroller parking •Dining patio with "tree table" bar seating a Lounge seating with enclosed fire table •Umbrella covered dining tables •Outdoor dining areas with shade structures While we've retained the core of our initial mixed-use concept over the past years, you helped us add key features which are destined to distinguish UPtown Bressi as an enviable lifestyle center for all ages and life stages.Here's a summary of what's planned: A neighborhood-level retail center A luxury residential neighborhood •91,164 sq. ft. of retail space •125 upscale, contemporary townhomes •Walkable Main Street-like entry •Estimated average sales price =$600,000s •Specialty market, dedicated restaurant and •Elevator-served, single-level flats designed for retail shop space more mature homebuyers •Defined. tree-shaded pedestrian walkways •Balconies, covered patios, brick and wood to connect shops and stores facades, ceramic tile inserts, hardwood and •Inviting dining patios with "tree tables," bar metal accents seating, bistro tables, and string lighting •Resident-exclusive recreational amenities •Conversation seating around coffee tables including resort-style pool/spa, outdoor kitchen and fire tables and dining patio, bocce ball court, and •Raised planters with built-in banquettes dedicated green space •A dedicated interactive children's play area •Landscaped walkways to retail center with stroller station •Homebuyer demographic profile: •An adult-oriented al fresco dining/lounge o Affluent singles and professional couples terrace with hillside views o Equity-rich/active retirees/empty-nesters •Shade structures and overhead trellises replacing large family homes with elegant •Large specimen trees and landscaped townhomes within walking distance of walkways dining, shopping, and specialty services In addition, we have some more exciting news to share.You might recall that last August, the City of Carlsbad hosted a public Scoping Session to secure input on the scope of issues to be analyzed in the UPtown Bressi Environmental Impact Report (EIR).The Draft EIR is now available at several locations including the City of Carlsbad website at http://www.carisbadca.govicivicaxifilebankiblobdioaci.aspx?Bio,b1D=30467. We're very pleased to announce that the Uptown Bressi Draft EIR concluded that there are no environmental impacts associated with UPtown Bressi which cannot be adequately addressed or mitigated to a Less Than Significant Level.We worked hard to create an environmentally sensitive plan and are proud that the UPtown Bressi Draft EIR supports our efforts. We appreciate the input we've received throughout this process.We believe Uptown Bressi compliments the unique Bressi Ranch community character.We now look forward to turning the Uptown Bressi vision into reality.Thank you! Sincerely, Kevin cCook Sarah Morrell Vice President of Acquisition and Development,Shea Properties Community Development Manager, Shea Homes 9191 Towne Centre Drive, San Diego,CA 92122 EXHIBIT C 2/6/2017 !mane Limits AMI Chart Housing & Community Development Services INFORMATION San Diego County Area Median Income (AM1)and hi come Limits 2016 Area Median Income (AMI) for San Diego County is $73,500 Stan Diego County Income Lianas Effective March 28, 2016 80% 04AMI 50% of Aivli 30%ol AMI FAMILY SIZE Low Income Very Low Income Extremely Low Income I 47,600 29,750 17,850 2 54.400 3.4,000 29,400 3 61,203 36,250 22,950 4 65,000 42,500 25,500 5 73.460 45,900 28440 6 78,900 49,300 32,580 1 84,350 52,700 36,730 89,500 56,100 40.890 FAQ AREAS SERVED FORMS http //www.sandieg0c0Unty.govicontentisdcis dhcd/r ental-tssistancoil mom o-limits-arni,htrn I EXHIBIT 13 :• ...-.4-,4 L=1 Vacant Industrial Parcel (CitY Of •'•••.I _____. ©Vacant &MedPlacid .___Carlsbad.44 :mil Vacant Portion of Industrial Panzei-... •-••..g...t11.f.'"'••":"•:-.:-4...•-4.ci.....----'11 .••••frres.....,-4.--....Z.-4 ...4.---4--..• ......_.--„,..,.....,,, 7V:27-i:.--.-2:, -!._....... ....j., ::.••".•:.-.a;.-a...a „ --...ei i C ..;,”.''S .J-:‘••`-1.1k4......L....'4 "'-'•;;,?`ecl•-.....-::'.‘'' ''.•"jk '...47...,..."--- .giti" =St cskiv:--.----T 4%.e:...;i........./1 :V.....e="-•t.62;1,•±4..r 4'..4 -1.Ise 1 ... 110:1110"7--1.•.-.*...--IZs...... 11--•P 1.• riIN• /by i._1011111r —‘ 14tif • . _ . -•-— 2 se •--, •,._...,,,,,..,...1..•-••••.litr-•.-----!_posiF IA p c.tf .--"'".. s EC1L .27 'it*-.....- . ..._,*,...I,.1v.......":.--•',_.-—--.."1"-'27`..r;'..7•••••••f. •--,- __.--•_..„-:!.-.....:-.:i..? .....:Y.i_....---•-••"- ? •-ce-li::.....t.....:;•-.::.-,-.--7 ..:1•71.'-......6_Aer....--.--......'.....---..=7.."....-:.÷le ._•''•?.-4.:..44;••.' .•.------`z.1.-*•....%..._...„.-.-f '1:-=7.1.""..1 '`•-•'--;::4./:'.......it •--/....,A.4....t.'t\.....:.... -7fr ••-,......4 ....--•-y tit -_....-..:..::-..-s•.1 .•s•-z-. ...-•"'..--:-...1 4 ;-..-........--s.i ..•.- 44.1.31se a1.7se ••••.0. 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'E'II • • .vir•-AND 1.{,Irjr..."':*.""*..... ,...,•••• 1E11 nounime sui rt.......4. kii. --...-.-=.-.— ‘.„T •. 1111 a.imoi 1 4-2... nu moms 2 ==a s .1 ._• L. ....11111111111 1 in .w .ork 1hirL...r. .• • OM tWill1.1.111;ale .1Onal 1.----------f - . MI In irigr..................'. K....M Illami:IIII millifir./Nat.--_....a.r."11171.111i...—Al EXHIBIT F P/Vit 21.34.020 Permitted uses. Carlsbad Municipal Code Previ ot is Next IA ain Search Print No frames Title 21 ZONING Chapter 21.34 P-M FLANNEL) INDUSTRIALZONt 2134.020 Permitted uses. A.Ina P-M zone, nntWilbstanding any other provision ofthis title, only the uses listed in Table A, below, shall be permitted, subject to the requirements and development standards specified by this chapter, and subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.44 of this title governing off-street parking requirements. The uses permitted by conditional use permit,as indicated in Table A, shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 21442.of this title. C.A use similar tevtliOse listed in table A may be permitted if the city planner determines such similar use falls within the intent and purposes of the zone, and is substantially similar to the specified permitted uses. D.A use category may be general in nature, where more than one particular use fits into the general category (ex. in some commercial zones "offices" is a general use category that applies to various office uses). However,if a particular use is permitted by conditional use permit in another zone, the use shall not be permitted in this P-M zone (even under a general use category) unless it is specifically listed in 'fable A of this chapter as permitted or pondidonally permitted. Table A Permitted Uses in the table, below, subject to all applicable permitting and development requirements of the municipal code: "P"indicates use is permitted. (See note 2 below) "CUP"indicates use is permitted with approval ofa conditional use permit. (See note 2 below) 1 ;Minor Conditional Use Permit (Process One), pursuant to Chapter 21.42 of this title. 2 Conditional Use Permit (Process two),pursuant to Chapter 21..42 ofthis title. 3 =Conditional Use Permit (Process Three), pursuant to Chapter 4.42 of this title. "Ace"indicates use is permitted as an accessory use. Use CUP ,Ace Accessory uses and structures where related and incidental to a permitted use X Accountants (see note 1 below)X Administrative offices associated with and accessory to a.permitted use Administrative offices (see note 1 below)X Adult businesses (subject to Chapters 8.60 and 21.43)X Advertising agencies (see note 1 below)X Advertising—direct mail (see note I below)X Agricultural consultants (see note 1 below)X Air courier service (see note 1 below)X Airlines offices, general offices (see note 1 below)X Airports 3 Alcoholic treatment centers 2 Answering bureaus (see note I below)X htte://www.geoda.uskodesicarisbaat 1f7 202017 21.34.020 Permitted uses. Use Y CUP Ace Appraisers (see note 1 below)X Aquaculture (defined: Section 21:04036) Aquaculture stands (display/sale) (subject to Section ?1:43..149(B)(10)) Arbitrators (see note 1 below)X Architect design and planners (see note I below)X Athletic clubs, gymnasiums, health clubs, and physical conditioning businesses 1. Attorney (no legal clinics) (see note I below)X Attorney services (see note 1 below)X Audio-visual services (see note 1 below)X Auto storage/impound yards (i.e., overnight product storage)2 Auto wrecking yards (defined: Section 21.94.919)2 Banks and other financial institutions without drive-thru facilities X Billing service (see note 1 below)X Biological habitat preserve (subject to Section 21..4.2140(13)(30); defined: Section 21 04 048)2 Blueprinters (see note 1 below)X Book printing and publishing X Bookbinding X Bookkeeping service (see note I below)X Breweries X Breweries with retail accessory use, including tasting rooms, up to 20%of the gross floor 3 area of the building or suite (as applicable) or 2,000 square feet, whichever is less (see note 3 below) Building designers (see note 1 below)X Building inspection service (see note 1 below)X Burglar alarm systems (see note 1 below)X Business consultants (see note 1 below)X Business offices for professional and labor organizations (sec note 1 below)X Child day care center (subject to Chapter 21.83) (defined; Section 21.04.086) (see note 5 2 below) Churches, synagogues, temples, convents, monasteries, and other places of worship 2 Civil engineers (see note 1 below)X Clubs—nonprofit, business, civic, professional, etc. (defined: Section 21:04.090) Collection agencies (see note 1 below)X Columbariurns, crematories, and mausoleums (not within a cemetery)2 Commercial artists (see note 1 below)X Commodity brokers (see note 1.below)X Communications consultants (see note 1 below) • Computer programmers (see note 1 below)X Computer service (time-sharing)X Computer systems (see note 1 below)X http:1/www.gcode.us/cedestkartsba 2t7 2/612017 21.34.020 Permitted uses. Use P CUP Ace Construction manager (see note 1 below)X Corporate headquarters office (see note 1 below)X Corporate travel agencies and bureaus (see note 1 below)X Credit rating service (see note I below)X Data communication service (see note I below)X Data processing service (see note 1 below)X Data systems consultants (see note 1 below)X Delicatessen (defined:Section 21.04.120 X Diamond and gold brokers (see note 1 below)X Display designeis (see note 1 below)X Display services (see note 1 below)X Drafting services (see note 1 below)X Drive-thru facilities (excluding restaurants)1 Economics research (see note 1 below)X Educational consultants (see note 1 below)X Educational facilities, other (defined; Section 2104:,137)1 Educational institutions or schools, public/private (defined: Section 21.04.140) (see note 5 2 below) Educational research. (see note 1 below)X Electric contractors (sales and administrative offices only) (see note I below)X Electronics consultants (see note 1 below)X Emergency shelter, more than 30 beds or persons (subject to Section 21.32,070.) (defined 3 Section Emergency shelter, no more than 30 beds or persons (subject to Section 21.32.070) (d fined X Section Energy management consultants (see note I below)X Engineering offices (see note I below)X Environmental services (see note 1 below)X s Escrow service (see note 1 below)X Estimators (see note 1 below)X Executive recruiting consultants (see note I below)X Executive search office (see note 1 below)X Executive training consults=(see note 1 below)X Export consultants (see note 1 below)X Fairgrounds 3 Fannworker housing complex, small (subject to Section 21.10.125) (defined Section 1 21.0t 148.4) Financial planners and consultants (see note 1 below)X Fire protection consultants (sec note I below)X Foreclosure assistance (see note I below)X http.//www.qcods.usicodeskerisbad/43/7 2/612017 2134.020 Permitted uses_ Use CUP Ace Foundation-educational research (see note I below)X Franchise services (see note 1 below)X Fund-raising counselors (see note I below)X Gas stations (subject to Section 21:4224140(B)(65))2 Gemologists (see note 1 below)X General contractors (no equipment storage permitted) (see note 1 below)X Geophysicists (see note 1 below)X Government contract consultants (see note 1 below)X Government facilities and offices X Governmental agencies (general and administrative offices only) (see note I below)X Graphics designers (see note 1 below)X Greenhouses >2,000 square feet (subject to Section 21.42.140(B)(70))1 Hazardous waste facility (subject to Section 21:42140(B)(75); defined: Section ......3 Hospitals (defined; Section 21.94179)2 Hospitals (mental) (defined: Section 21:24.1 75)2 Hotels and motels (subject to Section V9.0.2(8)(80))3 Human factors research and development (see note I below)X Human services organization (administrative offices only) (see note 1 below)X Importers (see note 1 below)X Incorporating agency (see note 1 below)X Industrial medical (workers comp.) (see note 1 below)X Information bureaus (see note 1 below)X Insurance companies (administrative offices only) (see note 1 below)X Interior decorators and designers (no merchandise storage permitted) (sec note 1 below)X Investigators (see note .1 below)X Investment advisory (see note I below)X Investment securities X Kennels (defined: Section 21.04.195) Labor relations consultants (see note 1 below)X Leasing services (see note 1 below)X Lecture bureaus (see note 1 below)X Literary agents (see note 1 below)X Magazine subscription agents (see note 1 below)X Mailing list service (see note 1 below)X Management consultants (see note I below)X Manufacturers agents (see note:1 below)X Manufacturing and processing facilities X Marketing research and analysis (see note 1 below)X Message receiving service (see note 1 below)X http://www.eceida.ustedeskaristxid/417 X1/201"1 21.34.020 Permitted uses. I Use P CUP Ace Mini-warehouses/self storage 2 Mobile buildings (subject to Section 31.5:149.(13)(90); defined: Section 21.04.265)1 Mutual thuds (see note 1 below) ;Newspaper/periodical printing and publishing X Oil and gas facilities (on-shore) (subject to Section 21.4140(B)(95))3 On-site recreational facilities intended for the use of employees of the planned industrial X ti zone Outdoor dining (incidental) (subject to Section 2126.9.11; defined: Section Packing/sorting sheds >600 square feet (subject to Section 3143.19(B)(70)) Parking facilities (primary use)(i.e., day use, short-term, nonstorage) . Patent searchers (see note 1 below)X Pension and profit sharing plans (sec note I below)X Personal service bureau (see note 1 below)X Photographic (industrial and commercial only) (see note 1 below)X Printing services (see note 1 below)X Product development and marketing (see note I below)X Public meeting halls, exhibit halls, and museums 2 Public relations services (see note 1 below)X Public utility companies (see note 1 below)X Public/quasi-public buildings and facilities and accessory utility buildings/facilities (defined:2 Section 21.04.297) Publicity services (see note 1 below)X Publishers representatives (see note 1 below)X Racetracks 3 Radio communications (see note 1 below)X Radio/television/microwave/broadcast tower 2 Real estate brokers (commercial and industrial only) (see note 1 below)X Real estate developers (see note 1 below)X Recording service (see note 1 below)X Recreation facilities Recreational vehicle storage (subject to Section 21:.42J40(B)(120); defined; Section 1 1t4.299) Recycling collection facilities, large (subject to Chapter 21,195.of this title) (defined:2 Section 21:.105015) Recycling collection facilities, small (subject to Chapter 21495 of this title) (defined:1 Section 21.105110 Recycling process/transfer facility r 2 Relocation service (see note 1 below)X Repossessing service (see note 1 below)X Research and testing facilities X 111p://www.qcode.usicodesicarlsbadi 5/7 2X42017 21.34.020 Permitted uses. Use P CUP Ace Research labs (see note I below)X Residential uses in P-M Zone (subject to Section 21:42)40(B)(1.35)) (see note 5 below)3 Restaurants (bona fide public eating establishment; defined: Section 21 .p1.259 Retail, accessory use, including tasting/sampling rooms, showrooms, miscellaneous retail,1 up to 20%of the gross floor area of the building or suite (as applicable) or 2,000 square feet, whichever is less (see note 3 below) Retail, primary use (see note 4 below)2 Retirement planning consultants (see note 1 below)X Safety consultants (see note I below)X Sales training and counseling (see note 1 below)X. Satellite antennae (>1 per use) (defined: Section 21.04.302)1 Satellite television antennae (subject to Section 21.53.130-21.53.150; defined: Section X 21,t143U2) Searchers of records (see note 1 below)X Securities systems (see note 1 below)X Security firms (see note 1 below)X Shooting ranges (indoor), subject to Section 21.43.1119(B)(137) a 3 Signs (subject to Chapter 440 X Sound system consultants (see note I below)X Space planning consultants (see note 1 below).X Space research and developments (see note 1 below)X Stadiums 3 Stock and bond brokers (see note 1 below)X Storage, wholesale, and distribution facilities X Surveyors (see note 1 below)X Tax service and consultants (see note 1 below) r X Telephone cable companies (see note 1 below)X Telephone systems (see note 1 below)X Title companies (sec note 1 below)X Tour operators (see note 1 below)X Trademark consultants (sec note 1 below)X Transit passenger terminals (bus and train)2 Translators and interpreters (see note.1.below)X Trust companies (see note I below)X Veterinary clinic/animal hospital (small animals) (defined: Section 21z04,37)1. Windmills (exceeding height limit of zone) (subject to Section 21w42,140(B)(160))2 Wireless communication facilities (subject to Section 21.42.140(B)(165); defined: Section 1 /2 Notes; I.Business and professional offices which are primarily not retail in nature and are compatible with the industrial uses in the vicinity.. http://www.qcode.usteades/earisbeiii 6/7 2/6/200 21.34.020 Permitted uses. 2.,may use meeting the definition ofan entertainment establishment,as defined in Section 8.09.020 ofthis code, shall be subject to the requirements of CMC Chapter 8.29. 3.The retail use shall be accessory to the permitted use and wholly contained within the building.All products for retail sale shall be produced, distributed, and/or warehoused on the premises. No outdoor display ofmerchandise or retail sales shall be permitted unless customarily conducted In the open. Parking for the accessory retail use shall be determined based on the parking requirement for the primary use pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.44. 4.7Cpiinary retail use shall titter to or support the industrial and office uses in the P-M zone...Subject uses shall comply with the distance requirements in Section 31.42:149(D)(137), (Ord. CS-290 §§ 4, 5, 2015; Ord. CS-225 §§XI, XII,2013; Ord.M-224 §XXXII,2013; Ord.-CS-10 §VI,2012; Ord. CS-189 §§XXXIX, XL,2012; Ord. CS-164 §10, 2011; Ord. CS-102 §LXXVTII, LXXIX,2010; Ord. CS-063 §V, 2009; Ord. NS-791 §26, 2006; Ord. NS-675 §76, 2003; Ord. NS-87 § 5,1989; Ord. 9804 § 6,1986; Ord. 9785 §21, 1986; Ord. 9693 §1,1983) View the mobile version. • httpl/v.iww.qcode.udoodesicarlebtkdi 7/7 EXHIBIT G Industrial Retar„'t I ,•nifl479R.ku.ddIng inve.ry el 7 Rni for it3j (- vn rate--.),.1%0 'tvacancy rate Q-4 01 EXHIBIT H 2/&2017 County's economy expected to rise es developments continue— The Coast News Group County's economy expected to rise as developments continue by Steve Puterski Atatpti/www.thecoastnews.ce January 6, 2017 Outp://www.thecoastnews.coi essmomy-expeeted- developments- centittne/),0 IP Mtn ://www.thccoostnews.co economy-expected- to-rise4se. developments- tonttnu thicommerts) Current developments underway In North County ere expected to add jobs, goods and services and additional tax revenues to city coffers. Photo by Steve Puterski REGION As the boom of commercial and industrial developments continues, the economic haul is also expected to rise. Building permits, tax revenue, busitest licenses and other factors will add more money to city coffers. Developers are in the midst of adding more than 1.5 million -square feet of space to North County. There are a number of major projects throughout the region including six in Carlsbad and three in Escondido. The fInancials, though, are difficult to forecast,as much of the space is not yet ready for tenants. Still, nicker Hohenstein,execute vice president San Diego Region of Colliers International and member ofthe San Diego North Economic Development Council, said the increase in activity is a welcome sign for the region's economy. Istp://www.thecoastnews.com/2017101/06/countyll4KOMYstiVelkstiNiSts•as-developtitents-contincentitm souroCouncll+Newsletter &dm carnpaigncte... 216/2017 County's economy expected to rise as developments continue—The Coast News Group "There arc a variety of benefits from delivery of new industrial buildings in the North County market," Hohenstein said. Those include nearly a dozen fees associated with construction. In addition,fees from developers help offset the cost of cities' building departments. "Up and down the food chain, there is a lot of short-term development," Hohcnstcin said. "The fcc component of the development is often overlooked as an economic benefit and often a strong benefit. There arc probably over a dozen fees associated with a new project." As for long-term benefits, all of those goods and services that flow into and out of an industrial building are valuable, Hohenstein noted. "The reason industrial jobs are so important to the community is they are long-term providers of goods and services. The higher the wage paying jobs, the better." "The No.I thing cities focus on is recruiting employers to build industrial manufacturing plants," I-Iohcnstein. said."It's an economic benefit to the city. Those cities aren't as economically prosperous as cities that have those." Carlsbad's place In Carlsbad, Christie Marcella, the city's economic development manager, said the uptick in commercial buildings is a sign the market has recognized growth opportunities in Carlsbad and North County. Although Carlsbad has the highest vacancy rate among the five cities Escondido, Oceanside, Vista and San Marcos —in North County, the number has dropped steadily over the past five years. In fact, Carlsbad ended the third quarter of 2016 with a 6.9 percent vacancy rate, according to Chris Reutz,a research director for Colliers International. Marcella, though, reported the city's vacancy rates are 2.5 percent in retail, 8.3 percent in industrial and 18.2 percent for office. "The vacancy rates have steadily been declining over the past five years," she said "This shows confidence in our commercial real estate market and provides opportunities for growth of existing businesses and the establishment of new businesses here in Carlsbad. While we won't have concrete numbers on the impact of this development activity until tenants are in place, we do expect to see dollars come from business licenses, TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) revenue and property tax." http:ftwww.thecoasinews.com/2017101/06icounlys-economy-expected-to-rise-es-developments-continuenutm source=Council+Newsletter&utm campaign=e. 21612017 County's economy expected to rise as developments continue—The Coast News Group Although Carlsbad sits No.1 in vacancy rates, the city is undergoing numerous new projects to increase its high-end manufacturing, research and development and warehousing sectors. Reutz's report said Carlsbad is the fastest growing submarket in San Diego County since the end of the recession. Also, Carlsbad average rent for industrial space is $1.08 per square foot, which is 1.9 percent higher than the third quarter of 2015. Reutz also noted the 390,204-square feet of space under construction is 22 percent of the total space being built in the county, and among submarkets not counting research and development Carlsbad is No.1. "Many of these developments also include infrastructure improvements to the city's streets and sidewalks, maintaining the city's standards when new development is in place," Marcella said. "The new buildings provide flexibility to businesses, offering more opportunities to find the space that best suits their company's needs. As the portfolio of North County expands,a city is better able to help a broader population of businesses, from those starting out and needing a small space, to larger corporations looking to grow or move here for our quality of life and highly educated talent pool. Escondido In North County's second largest city, meanwhile, space is limited and difficult to rent, according to Economic Development Manager Michelle Geller. Like Marcella and Hohenstein, Geller said there is no way to determine the actual financial impacts of current projects until tenants move in. Still,the city landed its two largest projects in 10 years when La Jolla-based Badiee Development was approved for two large projects. "Obviously, jobs will be created and that will be the biggest impact to us," Geller said."We are pretty heavy in retail.So when new developments that are geared more toward high-end manufacturing,it diversifies our job base." Although the city will miss out on sales tax from those industries, the trickle down effects are positive. Companies still must pay property taxes, water, but is a smaller slice. More jobs, higher paying employment increases spending and thus adds to sales tax revenues. "Sales tax will be generated in the supply chain," Geller added. "These employees arc obviously getting gas, going out to lunch and getting these sorts of things. So that helps too." http //www.thecoastnews.com/2017/0110edoountys-economy-expected-to-nse-as-developments-continueNutm source...Council+ Newsletter&utm cam pal gn=e. 2/6/2017 County's economy expected to rise as developments continue —The Coast News Group Still, Escondido has the third-lowest vacancy rate for industrial at 2.8 percent, although it did increase by 0.4 percent over the second quarter of 2016. Rents, meanwhile, average $0.92 per square foot, which is second highest in North County behind Carlsbad, according to Reutz's report, although rates did increase 12.2 percent from third quarter 2015. As for the new developments, Geller stressed the importance of those additions to the city. "it is very needed,"she added."We have companies ... that unfortunately that had to leave Escondido because we didn't have space for them to grow in to. Having nice, big industrial spaces will help us retain these businesses as they grow. The rest of North County As a whole, North County offers 52.7 million-square feet of industrial space with a 3.75 vacancy rate, which includes research and development facilities. Rental rates are going up faster in North County than anywhere else in San Diego County, according to Reutz. The average rate is $0.89, which is 3.5 percent higher than last year, while the county average increased by just one percent. Construction is "robust"as 415,970-square feet of space were completed in the first nine months of 2016. Another 605,363-square feet is currently under construction. Expansion is underway with Coca-Cola adding 193,800-square feet in Oceanside,a 21,359-square foot addition in Vista and three projects in Carlsbad. San Marcos, meanwhile,has the second highest vacancy rate at 4.55 percent, while Vista is the lowest at 1.7 percent followed by Oceanside at 1.96 percent. More than $100 million in sales of current buildings transpired in the first three quarters of 2106, Reutz reported. Correction: An earlier version incorrectly stated rents in Escondido were $0.02 per squarefoot and the largest city in North County. No Comments Yet 0 4.(http://www.thecoastriews, com/2 0 1 7/01 /0 6/countys-economy-expected-to-rise-as- developments-continue4comments) nttpwwww thecoastriews.com/2017101/06/countys-economy-expected-to-rise-as-developments-continuePutm source=-Council+Newsletter&utmcampaign=e... EXHIBIT I •git9201/Office of Planning and Research -Alternative Transportation Metrics (SB 743) AboutOM I Public:8We%I 1 Contact aiersiti ILt •••:„. ••?1'krirlin "O =. .,/ HW.4 LAND USE SCH CLIMATD CHANGE MA LOCAL GOVT..WATER Updating the Analysis of Transportation Impacts Under CEQA PUBLIC MEETINGS The Governor's Office of Planning and Research will conduct two public meetings to discuss and to receive input on the revised proposal updating methodologies for transportation analysis in the CEQA Guidelines. The format will include both a penal discussion and lime for audience questions and comments. Both meetings will be webosist for those That cannot attend In person. The first meeting wes held on February 18,2016 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. at the Southern California A.ssociation of Governments. 818 Wost 7th Street, 12th Fleet..Lott Angeles, CA 90017. For those participating in the webcast the web link is httrdiscag.adobeconneacem/sh7431, the conference number is 1-800-832-0736, and the conference ID Is 8891988. The second meeting was held on February 22, 2016 from 10:00 to noon.In the Cal/EPA Headquarters Building, Byron Sher Room, 2nd Plettr0001 1,0001. Sacramento, CA 95814. We beast intormation is availableat htflyucalepa.ca.gov/Broadcase. Additional information regarding the revised proposal is available on °PR's website: hilps://wwfteopece.govis sb743.pho. DRAFT CEQA GUIDEUNES AND TECHNICAL ADVISORY NOW AVAILABLE On January 20. 2016, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) released for public review a revised proposal for changes to the CEQA Guidelines that will change the way that transportation impacts are analyzed under CEQA. A media release describing the revised proposal is available here. OPR invites your input on this revised draft_ Please submit all written comments to CEQA.Guidelines@resources.caoov by 5:00pm on February 29, 2016. Recommendations that remain similar to the August 2014 preliminary discussion draft •Vehicle miles traveled Is the primary metric of Insnsponallon Impact across the state •Land use development near transit or In VMT-efficlent areas should be presumed to cause a less then significant transportation impact •Transit, active transportation. and rehabilitation projects that do not add motor vehicle capacity should also be presumed to cause a less than signlacent impact •Implementation should be phased In over time Recommendations that ere now or different from the August2014•1001irrilfterry-dhletiallion draft: 4 Detailed recommendations on thresholds. safety and mitigation now appearIn a draft Technieal Advisory, rather than In the regulatorytos1.•New threshold recommendations are now more closely aligned with California's long-term greenhouse gas emissions raduction goals Ai Updated methodological recommendations for estimating vehicle miles traveled for commercial projects •Clarification of which transportation projects may Induce additional vehicle miles traveled, and those that would not likely do so •Updated recommendations regarding rural development and small projects•Recommended phase-In period of two years during which the new procedures would be optional, allovAng those agencies that are ready for the change to dg so immediately Data availability and demonstration of mebved& •Data regarding vehicle miles traveled from the California Statewide Travel Demand Model is now available•Case studies (resIdentlahretail mixed use. office, and roadway expansion) have been inducted in the proposal to illustrate the analysis WHAT DOES SB 743 CHANGE? Governor Brown signed Senate Bill (SB) 743 (Steinberg, 2013). which creates a process to change ale way that transportaliOn Impacts era analyzed under CEQA. Specifically, SB 743 requires the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to amend the CEQA Guidelines to provide en altemative to LOS for evaluating transportation impacts. Particularly within areas served by transit, those alternative criteria must "promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the developmentofmultImodel transportation networks, and a diversity °fiend uses:(New Public Ftesourtes Code Section 21099(bX1).) Measurements of transportation impacts mayinclude "vehicle miles traveler), vehicle miles traveled per capita. automobile trip generation rates, or automobile trips generated." (Ibid.) Once the CEQA Guidelines are amended to include those alternative criteria, auto delay will no longer be considered a significant impact under CEQA. (id. at subd. (b){2).) Transportation Mimic% related to air quality, noise and safety must still be analyzed under CEQA where appropriate. (Id. at subd. (b)(3).) SB 743 also amended congestion management law to allow cities and counties to opt out of LOS standards within certain infill areas. (Sea Amended Government Code Sections 65088.1 and 65088.4.) Aside from changes to transportation analysis. SB 743 ale* included several important changes to CEQA that apply to transit oriented developritatillik Includingaesthetics and parking. HISTORY OPR published a preliminary evaluation of possible metrics In replace level of service"In transportation analyses in December 2013, and invited public comment onthat evaluation. OPR reviewed all ofthe commonis that it received on the preliminary evaluation to develop the preliminary discussion drall In August 2014; OPR released a Preliminary Discussion Draft of Updates to the CEQA Guidelines Implementing SB 743, and a Frequently Asked Questions document, accepted comments, and provided a summary of those comments. Those that would like to receive notice of the availability of the draft proposal, as well as other future Guidelines activities. are encouraged to sign up on the CEQA Guidelines listserv. WORKSHOP MATERIALS AND RECORDINGS February 2, 2016 Webinar1.0106 dire February 9,.2016 Webb*" WebinarPowerPoIMPresentelloo.. February 22.2016 Webinar Ram:ding https://www.opr.ca.govis_sb743.php Ail Receive -Agenda Item # :7-- For the Information of the: CitycA./ COUNCILcc Manager -7' February 13, 2017 Carlsbad City Council DAaCtert,t14:701 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: SUPPORT FOR UPTOWN BRESSI Dear Carlsbad City Council: As a 4 year resident of Carlsbad,I support the approval of Uptown Bressi. The zone change approved on January 24 meets the City's need for more housing as outlined in the General Plan and Carlsbad's Housing Element. Some may express concern around adding more housing, but this new housing stock will address a City need while preserving our local resources by appropriately encouraging infill development. In addition to adding market rate, for-sale options, Shea is incorporating affordable housing on-site, making it possible for more families in our community to make Carlsbad their permanent home. Shea is planning on reserving 20% of the units for affordable housing, which is in compliance with Carlsbad policy.I also support the provision of additional housing along the Palomar Airport Road thoroughfare so that housing opportunities are created closer to employment centers thereby decreasing commuting distances. I also look forward to the opportunity for additional shopping and dining opportunities that will be afforded by the proposed Uptown Bressi plan. I believe that these combined development proposals have been well developed and offer excellent architectural stylings that will complement the existing Trader Joe's shopping center and the existing multi-family homes established within Bressi Ranch. • Support for Uptown Bressi is support of smart, infill, community oriented planning. I'm looking forward to seeing more thoughtful proposals such as this coming through our City. Sincerely, ‘'- ''10141nB.Vance Carlsbad, CA 92009 5 Mayor Hall and City Council Members - My wife and I have lived in La Costa Greens for four years. We have seen a lot of growth and change here in Carlsbad over the years. Some done better than others. UPtown Bressi is an example of one done right! Maintaining the status quo is getting old. It's time for those who want to build in our neighborhoods to make sure that what they're proposing fits: that new developments help the City meet its needs, while also addressing the concerns of those of us who call Carlsbad home. And that's why I'm writing to say thank you. What I like about UPtown Bressi is that it is not a copy and paste of other projects. Shea took the time to meet with residents and get our feedback so that this site could be unique to our community. Neighbors told them we wanted social gathering places, so the plaza has outdoor dining and lounge areas incorporated into it. Carlsbad's Housing Element expresses a need for housing, so Shea is proposing two housing types that are not yet available in Bressi Ranch to help diversify our housing market. It was suggested in a community workshop that some residents were interested in downsizing, yet staying in Bressi Ranch, so Shea added the single level flats to the plan. At each step of the way, Shea has responded to ensure their plan fit. We do not need another corporate headquarters. Carlsbad is badly lacking unique restaurants and stores.We need a proposal that reflects the unique character of our neighborhood —and that's what we have in UPtown Bressi. It's good for Bressi Ranch, and it's good for Carlsbad. Sincerely, e.../.°''.... Andrew Meyers Carlsbad, CA 92009 Andrea Dykes From:Marin Maelstrom <marinmaelstrom Sent:Saturday, February 11, 2017 11:25 AM All Receive -Agenda Item #12... To:Council Internet Email For the Information of the: Subject:Feb 14 agenda, Uptown Bressi CITY COUNCIL ACM V CA ty.CC V Date26317nCity Manager V Dear Council: I have communicated earlier regarding Uptown Bressi whose approval I am against.In that earlier written communication I pointed out various shortcomings of the project centered around pollution ,congestion, and revising the General Plan.In short there is problematic congestion aggravated by the new strip mall.The project calls for changes to the one lane Gateway road between Uptown Bressi and Bressi Village to accommodate the project.This slows traffic normally traveling to the industrial and other businesses on the road and means more backup in the area of Bressi Village.The proposed project suggests that there is a credit to the amount of parking needed by the inclusion of residences.This concept failed miserably in the example of parts of Bressi Village by a similar developer.The Uptown Bressi group misleadingly associates itself with Bressi Ranch and is so doing believes many pedestrians will be crossing Gateway to the new businesses.This creates more need for road change. By intension or otherwise the original Carlsbad Master Plan contains a very forward thinking and now timely feature.It does s provide for no construction of residential housing next to the main thoroughfare of Palomar Airport road.As we now know there is high air pollution and noise next to heavily used roadways.This makes it not only unhealthy but discourages residents from wanting to be outside and thus is a degradation to quality of life.Uptown Bressi later countered that plan stipulation by pointing out that San Marcos has housing next to Palomar Airport road.I restate that there is no residential housing approved for the length of Carlsbad from the sea to Melrose on Palomar Airport Road..If San Marcos is to be the arbiter (forget the proximity of the airport) the variance would not be before Carlsbad City Council.There is no legitimate reason for suggesting this housing benefits,is mandated or needed at this commercial location. I am all too aware that the General Plan has been amended in many ways.Approval of residences on Palomar Airport road would set a troubling precedent.However, if that is the Council's desire, it will happen and we set off on a new vision. A simple look at the proposed businesses will reveal that what they would offer in product is already available to Bressi Village.The addition simple makes a larger, shopping complex which was never proposed, imagined or revealed to the 700+ residents of Bressi Ranch.The community in this case is better served by staying with the current and long term plan of light industry and office buildings.I would even go so far as to say just developing more parking for the already cramped businesses would lead to better outcome. I request that you vote against the Uptown Bressi development proposal. Thank you Dave Ohlson . Ca 92009 7609318467 1 Andrea Dykes From:Crys Spires < Sent:Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:05 PM To:Council Internet Email Subject:New Center in Bressi Ranch I am writing to let you know that just link most other residents I oppose the new Shea development. The public was misinformed about what stores and residences would be put in there. We were especially not told of a drive thru CVS that is now being included. Please listen to the people of your city. Thank you, Crys Spires 1 Andrea Dykes From:Amy Sent:Monday, February 13,201712:43 PM To:Council Internet Email Cc: Subject:Here is a visual to see what we see Dear City Council and Mayor Hall, Here is a google earth shot ofthis parcel ofland. Please notice the condos and the space 100 condos take up, without a pool and all the amenities, so times just the condos by two and try to visualize it on the Shea lot, with the pool park, any other amenities they mentioned. Also know when the condos went in there should have been enough parking for the condo residents, but there is not and they park on Village Green, Dartington, and Town Garden.Also you can see the retail and how much that takes up and the inadequate parking,so again please just look and try to visualize the plan Shea said they will put in. Also the the intersection of Village Green and Gateway the home there and the bottom condo both have small children according to the SANDAG traffic report the average daily trips will INCREASE by 4,000 trips per day, there is nothing between the children in our neighborhood and those 4,000 cars traveling through here.I asked Mr. Lynch about employee parking for this project and if there would be enough, he answer was,"it is first come first serve and they can park on my street and residential streets because they are public streets".So the extra traffic driving down Village Green looking for parking affects all the families with small children up here and there are several families right here with children under five. This project diminishes our quality of life and disrupts the community we wanted for our children, we pay Mello Roos just to protect that, and that has been taken away. So as we know there has already been one death on Gateway and I worry as do those with small children who live close to this development that there will be accidents and there is nothing to stop a car from crashing into a house or a condo at the intersection of Village Green and Gateway.Plus the outside traffic of those coming into the drive thru pharmacy and Bevmo, I as well as local neighbors do not care how you dress up Bevmo, it is still a liquor store and a drive thru does not belong in a walking community,as our Master Plan states. But looking at this and the to scale map Shea presented you, how can you believe it will all fit, with enough parking and please understand the SANDAG report with the increase of traffic and the dangers that brings with it. Plus Shea built the large industrial building at Innovations and with this development we are trapped between the two and the traffic it brings. My understanding was that • Shea did not believe a traffic signal was necessary at the intersection, how can that be possible with 4,000 extra trips a day with just the Uptown Bressi project, we already need a light at that intersection without Uptown going in. Please hold Shea responsible for the safety ofthe residents, and those you are supposed to help protect. Please reconsider your vote to approve this project. Thank you again for your time, Amy Hagen ill .1-?PAR=41 A :L...1..62?1 volege green fir carl$b .1 ea .(:) ''' . '' ' .' '.il.'1'4'....4"4•Y ---.-X‘''•,,.•.. _..2.7..-lit'-'' trtg'4 '- A,,,v, \'._....-.....•••-. 4.•..14.44-...\-,4. ' 4._ '— 4 .a. .... .4'.„'44-•......- • ''-4- '.. r•'-l'., .441 ' , . •'i ..' 4.4 . ,4...,.,..,.„.4444..-'..,"ti ;•-0.'4i .414 .....•',4..•.4 .)-1 \ •4 4..., ''k.N....:.•-*..14.''.-''4 I:. ' - 1 .... 1 '',...---4r ---111(,,• ' .•_, ..40.--- I.;••'•i ...•_ ,z i al --- 4 ''"* .4 •: - s .-.114.k .14 'ea ''1 - 4/'''-' .--'' '"•.,'' -.•-.7°14''-\.• '''' JP/ '14'.4 ''-4.`" '' •N 1 _'•41" ,....'1,\• : 4tilt -.,„ifr.''•--- •1 e „ .A'..1411t41 "-,.. ri.'.I.4 .0 ,•••,,,4 ,•.. ''''L .. •. . Sent from my iPad 2 Andrea Dykes From:Heidi Collins <heidicolli _ Sent:Monday, February 13,2017 2:11 PM To:Council Internet Email Subject:Bressi Ranch Propasal To Whom It May Concern, Please do not develop the section of land across from Trader Joe's in Bressi Ranch. Traffic is already so congested in that area. At lunch time it is already impossible to get groceries at Stater Brothers due to the restaurants that are already there. We do not want a drive-thru, or a CVS. Please let the last bit of space remain unused. Thank you for your time. Heidi Collins, Carlsbad resident Sent from my iPhone 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Friday, February 10, 2017 8:23 AM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi Original Message From: Ruth Wilson [mailto:nwruthann@ Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 8:09 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi Dear City Councilmembers,Some things that are said to be included in the proposed Uptown Bressi are: -Affordable housing -Nice restaurants w/outdoor seating -Health-food store -BevMo -CVS If these would be beneficial to Carlsbad, why not put it on a more suitable parcel of land? The parcel of land that is being considered for Uptown Bressi is not suited for this; it will be a traffic-congested shopping center across from an already traffic-congested shopping center. How can that be a good thing? I've noticed a few other parcels of land near the Bressi area that seem better suited for these things, if indeed these things are "needed." Why not use the Bressi parcel of land in a creative way that would actually enhance the existing Bressi shopping center- -to provide more walkable parking for the existing Bressi shopping center & possibly a nice restaurant or two? Something to consider,if you haven't already. Thank you for listening. Sincerely, Ruth Wilson Bressi resident Carlsbad, CA 92009 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:41 PM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi Original Message From: Ruth Wilson [mailto:nwruthann@g Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 2:44 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi Carlsbad City Coucilmembers: I am a resident in Bressi Ranch of Carlsbad. It greatly concerns me that it has been stated that Bressi residents are "in favor" of the proposed Uptown Bressi project. Where are the statistics that support that statement/idea? Who did the survey & how was it done?I don't think an accurate survey was done, & therefore,I don't think that is an accurate statement. To become informed about this project,I attended an informational meeting by the developers about it,a city planning meeting about it, &I have read information about this project. Though I feel I am informed about it now,I did not speak at those meetings,as I was gathering information & also I was not familiar with the political processes involved for projects such as this, &I didn't feel comfortable speaking up at the time. I was hoping that other residents would speak who were more knowledgeable of the impact of the project & more savvy of the political process & more outspoken than I.And that the residents' voices would be heard & valued by the City Council--valued as more important than developers. However, what I have observed is that the developers were more organized & had more representation (possibly paid?) than us ordinary residents of the Bressi community. And so their voices/statements overpowered the voices of the residents who were brave enough & generous enough with their (voluntary) time to attend the lengthy council meetings & speak out. The odds seem to be stacked against ordinary citizens who do not want this project. And the odds seem to be stacked in favor of the developers, who appear to be running the show. All with the apparent approval of the City Council. That is very disappointing to me. Many Bressi residents may be unaware of the politics involved (such as re-zoning) & the detrimental impact this project will have on our lovely Bressi community. Many residents may not have the time nor energy to understand what is involved in this project. I don't know all that is going on with this project behind the scenes, but I hope that you are considering your residents' opinions as more valuable than that of developers. And,if the developers are the ones saying that the Bressi community is "in favor" of this proposed project, please check the facts & the source carefully.I don't think that is true. This Bressi resident, along with other Bressi residents whom I know, are not in favor of the proposed Uptown Bressi project. Sincerely, Ruth Wilson Bressi Ranch resident Carlsbad, CA 92009 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:44 PM Cc:Van Lynch; Don Neu Subject:FW:UpTown -Bressi Ranch City Council Members, This email has been forwarded to the Planning Department staff. Andi From: Bruce Bandemer [mailto:bruceb@b Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 4:15 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Cori Schumacher <Cori.Schumacher@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: UpTown -Bressi Ranch Mayor & Council; I am writing you a week and a half after your approval of the Uptown Bressi Ranch approval.It is unfortunate that you were misled by Shea as to the approval of residents in Bressi.I don't believe they have 70% approval even though they represented that. I am the Bressi HOA President.I was turned away by police or security at the door saying the room was at capacity.I could hardly get near the door.I left to go watch on the internet, only to find that this feed is down.Many of the people speaking in support of Shea don't even live in Bressi.Maybe not even in Carlsbad.Why do Bress residnets have to keep defending our MASTER PLANNED COMMUNITY?Why would you encroach on your own master planned area that is designated for business.Sure,it is easy to say we need housing.We need to re-fresh Bressi... Bressi is still a young community.Let it mature as designed.Your airport manager did not even know that this was being proposed!Apparently the city planning never got airport input...How could that be?Such an important thing when you are going to put 125 residential units very close to the flight pattern. On Thursday, after your Tuesday vote, we had many people ask us at the Bressi HOA monthly board meeting what we as an HOA could do.They felt mislead by Shea.Why a liquor store (BevMo) in a residential area that has a Boys & Girls Club?People at our HOA meeting were very upset. I asked the HOA management company to do an email blast to our resident members to take a poll.The results as of today are: 54 -Oppose, 28 -Approve, and 6 -indifferent to the project. These are the real numbers — The question now is what can be done.Yes,this is a week late.But you should do the right thing and allow input from all the people who wanted to be at the hearing and speak. I look forward to your response that would allow the proper input from all affected. This is what we were told by Van Lynch;Let's hope we have some way to re-consider. 1 Ijust got off the phone with Van Lynch from the planning department regarding the meeting scheduledfor the 14". It is the "second reading"of the ordinance with the changes to the Uptown Bressi plan. But from what Van told me, this meeting on the 14'is really just aformality.The ordinancefor the revised plan already passed the Council by a 4-1 vote at meeting on the 24th. He said that the Council could potentially cover the second reading under the "consent calendar", meaning it would just be approved in a blanket motion with all the other items on their agenda and they don't even have to allowfor public comment. He doesn't know if this is going to happen, and ifpeople show up on the 14", the Council may as a courtesy to their residents allow comment-but they are not obligated to open it up to public comment.The timefor that was really at the meeting on the 24th. But because it already passed, a motion would have to be made by a Council member to reconsider ordinance and then that would have to be seconded by another Council member and approved by a majority vote. Since the initial review passed 4-1 it is unlikely that it will get to that point, unless there is some overwhelming reason why any of the Council members who voted in favor would change their minds. And even then,ifapprovedfor reconsideration any changes would then need to be approved by at least a 3-2 vote according to Council policy. He said in his 30+ years, he has never seen the Council reconsider something during the second reading, but that is not to say that it couldn't happen. So,we can encourage all those interested in this matter to attend the meeting, but should caution them that it will be up to the City Council to determine if any public comments will be heard. Thank you for your consideration. Bruce Bruce H Bandemer,CPA PFS Bandemer Accountancy Corp Carlsbad CA 92008 760-434-1522 ext 100 760-434-7653 facsimile bruceb@b 2 Van Lynch From:Brenna Weatherby <BWeatherby Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 12:40 PM To:Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Mark Packard; michael.schumacher@carlsadca.gov; Cori Schumacher; Council Internet Email Cc:Van Lynch Subject:UPtown Bressi Meet and Greet Dear Mayor Hall and Honorable Councilmembers, Thank you for approving Shea Properties and Shea Homes' proposal for a mixed residential and commercial project, known as Uptown Bressi, on January 24th.We appreciate that you took the time to listen to all of the speakers and read all of the emails that were submitted for and against the project. It has come to our attention that there have been a handful of residents who have reached out to you and City Staff since the January 24th public hearing.We are concerned that many of these individuals have received misinformation on the project, which is leading to confusion in the community over what was actually approved.In response, Shea Homes &Shea Properties have scheduled a "Meet and Greet" on Thursday evening that is open to all who are interested.The intent of the "Meet and Greet"is to provide another opportunity for residents to ask questions and clarify any misconceptions.The invitation that you will find below has been emailed to over 180 individuals, including all who have submitted emails and letters, those who spoke at the City Council hearing, and anyone who signed up on the Uptown Bressi website at some point over the past 3 years. If you have any questions about this community outreach meeting, please feel free to contact me or Mike Howes at 760- 929-2288.Thank you again for your time and consideration. Brenna Weatherby Brenna Weatherby Senior Planner Carlsbad, CA 92010 Phone:760.929.2288 Ext. 406 www.hwplanning.com ,"LIM Forwarded message From: Shea Properties <hello@uptownbressi.com> Date: Mon, Feb 6,2017 at 4:16 PM Subject: UPtown Bressi Meet and Greet Invite To: Shea Properties <hello@uptownbressi.com> Good evening, You are receiving this email because you participated in the community outreach process for UPtown Bressi, provided a letter to the City, or spoke at a public hearing on the project. We have planned a Meet and Greet for this Thursday (2/9) on the patio of Tommy V's to answer any outstanding questions you or anyone else may have about UPtown Bressi. This will be an informal opportunity to meet our project team,so feel free to drop in any time between 6:30 —8:00 pm. Appetizers and refreshments will be provided. While we understand this is short notice, we hope you will join us on Thursday.And,if you cannot make it, we can always be reached at hello@uptownbressi.com. We encourage you to get in touch with us. Thank you, Shea UPtown Bressi Community Outreach Team 2 Van Lynch From:Don Neu Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 9:49 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi project (revised email 2-7-2017) Original Message From: Kim Kipnis [mailto: Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 9:27 AM To: Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>;bill.horn@sdcounty.can.gov Cc:Building <building@CarlsbadCA.gov>;Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; bressidirector@waltersmanagement.com Subject: Fw: Uptown Bressi project (revised email 2-7-2017) ---On Mon, 2/6/17, Kim Kipnis wrote: >From: Kim Kipnis >Subject: Uptown Bressi project >To: bressidirector@waltersmanagement.com >Date: Monday, February 6, 2017, 9:01 PM Hello Clarissa, City of >Carlsbad Building Department, and Uptown Bressi developers >My name is Kim Kipnis and I have lived in Mulberry at Bressi Ranch >since March 2006.1 am one of the original owners in Mulberry. As a >single woman,I have felt safe up until now, walking to the mailbox, >around the park and to Trader Joes. Two of my bedroom windows face >Gateway and Colt Streets.In the evenings,Gateway is full of drivers >driving as fast as they can racing other drivers.I have heard and >seen cars driving too fast and hitting the streetlight. My bedroom >walls and my downstairs neighbor's walls are not protected by any >barriers in the event of car accidents,or drunk or just horrible >drivers running off of Gateway, over the embankment right into the >trees and our units. Uptown >Bressi will have stores that sell and serve alcohol which increases >the possibility of drivers and under aged teenagers drinking in the >park, drunk driving and getting into car accidents. >Prior to buying and moving into my condo,when I was looking at the >Bressi Ranch community,I was told the plans for the North side of >Gateway was zoned only for industrial and commercial use. Now The >"Mixed plan" of Uptown Bressi of 125 homes,a drive thru pharmacy,a >wine and bottle shop, Whole Foods,a fine dining restaurant, parks and >other retail stores and restaurants will create an atmosphere with 1 >multiple places to linger and "just hang out."I picked my condo- >home with the knowledge that with commercial and industrial neighbors >the noise level, my safety and increased noise with vehicle and foot >traffic would be minimial on the weekends. >With so many retail stores and restaurants, homes and public places to >walk and drive thru,I am concerned.I know that patrons, residents >and their guests, trucks making deliveries to each store at all hours, >the exhaust and the noise of the vehicles idlying and driving in and >out of Uptown Bressi, in addition to walking traffic, conversations, >music and cars screeching in and out of the lots will create chaos.In >addition,I feel this development will warrant unsafe roads, people >jaywalking and possibly crossing the streets illegally. Uptown Bressi >will have hundreds of people walking and talking on the sidewalks on >Gateway and at Uptown Bressi. Outside my unit the noise level will be >heightened at all hours of the day and night.I anticipate there will >be people who are lost or are looking for parking spaces, radios >playing and loud voices of those who drive into our Mulberry community. >With Mulberry"s already limited parking,I anticipate individuals will >illegally park when in a hurray to cross the street to go to Uptown >Bressi.Mulberry residents, their children and pets and our guests >will not be safe with so many strangers walking and aimlessly driving through our parking lots at all hours. It might be an excellent time to create parking stickers for the residents of Mulberry, for our vehicles and be given two or three placards for our guests. Any car that doesn't have a resident sticker or guest placard will be towed. Any resident who parks in guest parking more than 24 hours should also be towed. Will there be a stoplight at Gateway and Colt streets or someone directing traffic? >I am not able to attend the meeting at Tommy V"s on February 9th. >Yesterday's email announcing this meeting by the Uptown Bressi >developers, was inconsiderate by not giving the Bressi Ranch -Mulberry >residents more than 72 hours notice. >In conclusion,I am against the Uptown Bressi development as it is >currently planned. Please keep me informed of any future developments. >I will have a neighbor hand deliver this email to The Uptown Bressi developers. >Best Regards, >Kim Kipnis >Carlsbad, CA 92009 >Mulberry of Bressi Ranch 2 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 9:39 AM Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi This email has also been sent to City staff. From: Karyn Kobayashi [mailto:k Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 9:11 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi Hi ,I have been a resident of Bressi Ranch for 11 years plus since it was being built.I wanted to have my say as a resident that Over the past 5 years Gateway ,Town garden ,El Fuerte has been over congested with traffic and crime issues. We were only disclosed this is a masterplanned community meaning you will have all issues under control within this neighborhood. However this Additionaly Up town Bressi -congestion isn't being considered as part of this masterplanned community. Over past 5 years the traffic as well as CRIME RINGS have continually spiked. From our cars being broken in. Our houses garages as well as Vandalism. People jumping fences and also using and vandalizing our community red pool. I feel it's your due diligence to look at the situation you are creating for our city and area and not be concern with just monies from investors! Affluent people like us all who live here that first purchased will soon be downgraded by this. This used to be a quaint charming lovely place to live. The congestion and crime will only get worse with the new development. What are your proposal to keep our area more safe ?less congested ? And protect the Carlsbad area as a safe place to live. Bressi is on the edge of San Marcos and Vista. I've seen this demographic spread in other areas like this over the years. You need to reconsider this if you value Carlsbad city. I own 2 properties in Bressi ! Regards, Karyn Kobayashi Owner /resident of Bressi Ranch Sent from my iPhone Get Outlook for iOS Van Lynch From:Allison Taylor on behalf of Building Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 9:05 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Not in favor of Uptown Bressi From: Sara Nelson [mailto: Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 9:00 AM To: Building <building@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Not in favor of Uptown Bressi To whom it may concern I'm a resident in the Condos, 6203 Liberty Place, and I am not in favor of the project that has been approved by the city council. I have expressed concerns to the city council and can share with you the concerns I have for our community. I'm not in favor for the following reasons: 1.1 don't believe the dwelling units is sustainable for our community. 2. this does not follow Bressi Ranch's Master Plan. Plus this community can not support the parking space needed for this plan and this will greatly impact our neighborhood. 3.The retail that is suggested will hurt the existing retail already established. And will bring unwelcome traffic into our community. I'm mostly concerned with this one because my house faces gateway and have had disgruntle industrial residents dump undesired waste at the corner of Village Green and Gateway in front of my bedroom Window. 4. the local schools is already overwhelmed with student population. 5.traffic will increase not just during the day hours, but also through out the night with the open retail. As of now busy traffic commences before 5 am.I am sadly aware of this for the same reason my bedroom window faces gateway. I hope my thoughts are helpful in how this will proceed forward. Thanks so much for your time Respectfully, Sara Nelson Van Lynch From:Allison Taylor on behalf of Building Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 8:12 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Proposed Uptown Bressi project From: Ruth Wilson [mailto:n Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 8:43 PM To: Building <building@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Proposed Uptown Bressi project Carlsbad Building Department: I am opposed to Uptown Bressi. Please stop this proposed project. Reasons: (1)It is not what was planned for our community. (2) Keep it zoned as light industrial,as originally planned & promised to Bressi residents. (3)It would add dangerous, congested &unwanted traffic to our community. (4) We don't need more stores or restaurants or residential. (5) Current residents' opinions are more important than outside interests. (6) We have a beautiful, desirable community in Bressi Ranch, which would be adversely affected in many ways by this project, making it less desirable &less beautiful. Please hear me &consider this carefully. This would impact me & my neighborhood greatly, in negative ways. I am a retired teacher who lives in Bressi Ranch;I love the community here,& I do not want the changes that the proposed Uptown Bressi project would bring. I do not want Uptown Bressi. Sincerely, Ruth Wilson Bressi Ranch resident Carlsbad, CA 92009 Van Lynch From:Don Neu Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 7:51 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Building Project on Gateway & Cobalt Place in Bressi Ranch From: heather [mailto:h Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 7:08 PM To: Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Building Project on Gateway & Cobalt Place in Bressi Ranch Dear Don Neu: My name is Heather Gertzki and my family and I have lived here in Bressi Ranch since we purchased our Condo in Mulberry in August of 2005. We have seen many, many changes and developments since the "original" plan that we were shown when considering to buy in the then New Community of Bressi Ranch. • We were some of the 400+ residents who opposed the first purposal to put the 425 apartments onto that specific lot over 5 years ago -this "mixed plan" has some different ideas and I guess looking at 125 homes rather than 425 is a better number -however the shops/resturants that goes with it is my/our problem. The lot was originally zoned for commerical/industrial use. Which would have only had the "normal/usual" traffic of Monday-Friday 9am-5pm coming/going from professional people. Most likely would have been relatively "quiet/less traffic" during evening and weekend hours. This is what we and most of our neighbors thought was coming into that space. Living in such close proximity to it (less than 500 yards from Cobalt Street) the traffic of full time housing and full time retail businesses is a HUGE concern. There could be potential traffic 24/7 within 500 yards of my living room and bedrooms. Also the rise in traffic is a huge concern with regards to my teenagers being able to "move about" the community in a safe manner. Whether they are walking our dog, riding thier bicycles/scooters, walking to go babysit/pet sit for neighbors or simply just "hanging out" with their friends in the community -the volume of traffic and people whom may be coming into this area only to fill their prescriptions and buy wholesale alcohol is a much different type of driver/consumer than someone parking, walking/browsing, buying a cup of coffee and spending time in our community. Also without trying to sound too paranoid, but with having underage children -I worry about the increase in traffic with regards to people coming into the community with a "fast-food/fast-track" frame of mind -and being able to get into and out of the community quickly and back onto main highways like Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. With a drive thru drug store and a wholesale alcohol retailer opened potentially into the later hours of the night... there's an increase in possibilities of child/person abduction, crime from break-ins/theft, hit and runs, speed/traffic violations, etc. These are NOT the type of activites that we want at our doorsteps. 1 We bought into a WALKING -'Village Type" Community Master Plan... it's been tweeked too many times already! The City needs to listen to it's Tax Paying Citizens not outsiders who just want to make a buck. I also want to add -that my family feels it's fairly shady that we were only given less than 48 hours notice when this was going up before the council -with busy family/work schedules this last minute noticiation hardly seems fair and is NOT "due diligence" on the part of the developers. Also being an employee of one of the major business in the Bressi Village -my employer (one of the MAJOR anchor stores and internationally known company) did not receive notice nor did many of the other businesses in the Village get notice of the meetings date or times so that they are business owners could show their support or non-support of the project. Again, hardly adequate due diligence on the developers part. Of course, with no decent notice of the meeting -the supporters (whom were business owners and residents from a DIFFERENT city -NOT Carlsbad) where out in numbers while the residents/citizens that this project will DIRECTLY effect -were not represented sufficiently. Please add us to a list of longterm residents that are OPPOSED to this plan and do NOT want the zoning of this area changed.It must stay as a commerical/industrial zoned area for the safety and sanity of this community. Sincerely, Heather Gertzki Carlsbad, CA 92009 Mulberry @ Bressi Ranch Resident/Owner since 2005 Sent from Outlook 2 Van Lynch From:Don Neu Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 7:50 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW: Proposed Uptown Bressi project From: Ruth Wilson [mailto: Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 8:41 PM To: Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.goy> Subject: Proposed Uptown Bressi project Carlsbad City Planner: 1 am opposed to Uptown Bressi. Please stop this proposed project. Reasons: (1)It is not what was planned for our community. (2) Keep it zoned as light industrial,as originally planned &promised to Bressi residents. (3)It would add dangerous, congested &unwanted traffic to our community. (4) We don't need more stores or restaurants or residential. (5) Current residents' opinions are more important than outside interests. (6) We have a beautiful, desirable community in Bressi Ranch, which would be adversely affected in many ways by this project, making it less desirable &less beautiful. Please hear me &consider this carefully. This would impact me & my neighborhood greatly, in negative ways. I am a retired teacher who lives in Bressi Ranch;I love the community here,& I do not want the changes that the proposed Uptown Bressi project would bring. I do not want Uptown Bressi. Sincerely, Ruth Wilson Bressi Ranch resident Carlsbad, CA 92009 Van Lynch From:Don Neu Sent:Tuesday, February 07, 2017 7:48 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW: Original Message From: Elisa Afshari-Kashanian [mailto:a Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 12:42 AM To: Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov>; Building <building@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>;bill.horn@sdcounty.ca.gov Subject: Hello My name is Elisa afshari and I have lived with my daughter here in Bressi Ranch since we purchased our Condo in Mulberry in August of 2007.We have seen many, many changes and developments since the "original" plan that we were shown when considering to buy in the then New Community of Bressi Ranch. We were some of the 400+ residents who opposed the first purposal to put the 425 apartments onto that specific lot over 5 years ago -this "mixed plan"has some different ideas and I guess looking at 125 homes rather than 425 is a better number -however the shops/resturants that goes with it is my/our problem.The lot was originally zoned for commerical/industrial use. Which would have only had the "normal/usual" traffic of Monday-Friday gam-5pm coming/going from professional people. Most likely would have been relatively "quiet/less traffic" during evening and weekend hours. This is what we and most of our neighbors thought was coming into that space. Living in such close proximity to it (less than 500 yards from Cobalt Street) the traffic of full time housing and full time retail businesses is a HUGE concern. There could be potential traffic 24/7 within 500 yards of my living room and bedrooms. Also the rise in traffic is a huge concern with regards to my teenagers being able to "move about" the community in a safe manner. Whether they are walking our dog, riding thier bicycles/scooters, walking to go babysit/pet sit for neighbors or simply just "hanging out" with their friends in the community -the volume of traffic and people whom may be coming into this area only to fill their prescriptions and buy wholesale alcohol is a much different type of driver/consumer than someone parking, walking/browsing, buying a cup of coffee and spending time in our community. Also without trying to sound too paranoid, but with having underage children -I worry about the increase in traffic with regards to people coming into the community with a "fast-food/fast-track" frame of mind -and being able to get into and out of the community quickly and back onto main highways like Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. With a drive thru drug store and a wholesale alcohol retailer opened potentially into the later hours of the night... there's an increase in possibilities of child/person abduction, crime from break-ins/theft, hit and runs, speed/traffic violations, etc. These are NOT the type of activites that we want at our doorsteps. Please add us to a list of longterm residents that are OPPOSED to this plan and do NOT want the zoning of this area changed. It must stay as a commerical/industrial zoned area for the safety and sanity of this community. 1 Thank you for gathering the information and for passing it on.I will be copying this and also sending it to the City of Carlsbad personally -hoping to flood their offices with our concerns. Sincerely, Elisa afshari Mulberry @ Bressi Ranch Resident/Owner since 2007 Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPhone 2 Van Lynch From:Wendy Wiegand <wendy@ _ Sent:Monday, February 06, 2017 10:05 AM To:Council Internet Email Cc:Van Lynch Subject:UpTown Bressi Attachments:UpTown Bressi.docx Dear Mayor Matt Hall & City Council Members, I am an original Bressi Ranch home owner and support this project, please find attached a letter supporting this project.Thank you! wev‘.011/Wita2 n01, Agri,c(R_I, CFs,C.r_PE,Cfis(..„ Real Estate Broker Wiegand Realty 760-579-9979 • NMLS # 343369 tt f:EGAND Realty , -• \-MS -4* 1 Van Lynch From:Aric Starck/USA < Sent:Monday, February 06, 2017 10:16 AM To:Council Internet Email Cc:Van Lynch Subject:UPtown Bressi •Hello members of the City Council, I spoke in favor of Shea's proposal for UPtown Bressi at the Planning Commission public hearing in December, yet was unable to attend City Council last week. None the less,I was happy to hear you voted to approve! UPtown Bressi adds value to the area and Shea's proposal makes more sense for this neighborhood than industrial.As a homeowner here, I'm glad to see that UPtown Bressi will add more of what makes this community great. Thank you again, Aric Starck Carlsbad, 92009 The information contained in this communication is confidential, may be privileged and is intended for the exclusive use ofthe above named addressee(s).If you are not the intended recipient(s), you are expressly prohibited from copying, distributing, disseminating, or in any other way using any information contained within this communication.If you have received this communication in error please contact the sender by telephone or by response via mail. We have taken precautions to minimize the risk of transmitting software viruses, but we advise you to carry out your own virus checks on any attachment to this message. We cannot accept liability for any loss or damage caused by software viruses. Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Monday, February 06, 2017 8:59 AM Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi From: John@mclaughlinj.com [mailto:j Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2017 8:27 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi Once again I am utterly disappointed with the city council's alignment with. developers.First with the Lagoon debacle and now with changing the zoning in Bressi and allowing high density housing and another strip mall.Don't worry Matt and and other current council members,I will defiantly be voting to express my displeasure with the current leadership at the next election.How about standing up for the Bressi residence who purchased their homes on the understanding of the current zoning.Changing the zoning to accommodate another developer, some out of town proponents and a minority of other local businesses who stand to gain financially is a complete disregard of what we owners understood when we purchased our homes.Once again the mayor and council place tax revenue and business ahead of the wishes of the residents.We don't need a Bevmo or another grocery store, or a drive through pharmacy.Try visiting the current Bressi Village at lunch and watch cars speed down Towne Garden,a residential street.We have enough retail and housing in the area and certainly enough traffic.When I hear people say that Bressi is a walking community I have to laugh.I have lived he for over 10 years and I have walked to the Bressi Village probably 10 times and I could honestly say that my immediate neighbors are likely similar to me. When I listen to the council meetings concerning this project it is apparent that the Mayor and council are alligned with the developer as they were during the Lagoon mall.The fact that the Mayor was at the developers "Victory" party at the night of the election made it obvious that his support was for them. Take a stand to the owners how live in Bressi Ranch. Take a stand for the residence for a change. John McLaughlin Carlsbad,Ca 92009 760-804-8889 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Monday, February 06, 2017 8:58 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW: NO uptown Bressi!• From: Kelly@kmclaughlin.net [mailto: Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2017 8:50 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: NO uptown Bressi! NO thank you !NO way!NO uptown Bressi! I have been to the planning meeting and the council meeting.I spoke both times.I wanted Walters Management our HOA to get involved because I know the neighborhood is not clear on that is being built or the process.It has been over 3 year in the making! The builder Shea's outreach program did not finish strong and is misleading. Carlsbad 92009 nx Kelly McLaughlin . REALTOR* Serving all of San Diego County KellyMeLaughlimnatnorg C..IBR.E 01475708 AARE www.AARE.arg C 760.310:230.5 I '2173 Salk Ave.pm I Itriirtnictaughlin_net 1 Van Lynch From:Ruth Wilson < Sent:Sunday, February 05, 2017 8:12 PM To:Council Internet Email Cc:Van Lynch Subject:Proposed Uptown Bressi project City Councilmembers: I am opposed to Uptown Bressi. Please stop this proposed project. Reasons: (1)It is not what was planned for our community. (2) Keep it zoned as light industrial,as originally planned & promised to Bressi residents. (3) It would add dangerous, congested & unwanted traffic to our community. (4) We don't need more stores or restaurants or residential. (5) Current residents' opinions are more important than outside interests. (6) We have a beautiful, desirable community in Bressi Ranch, which would be adversely affected in many ways by this project, making it less desirable & less beautiful. Please hear me & consider this carefully. This would impact me & my neighborhood greatly, in negative ways. I am a retired teacher who lives in Bressi Ranch;I love the community here, &I do not want the changes that the proposed Uptown Bressi project would bring. I do not want Uptown Bressi. Sincerely, Ruth Wilson Bressi Ranch resident Carlsbad, CA 92009 1 February 5,2017 Dear Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council - Thank you for voting to approve Shea's proposal and make the vision for UPtown Bressi a reality. As a Bressi Rancho homeowner,I too support Shea's proposal because I believe it is the missing puzzle piece for the Bressi Ranch community. UPtown Bressi is in line with what was envisioned for the neighborhood as it provides numerous social gathering plazas, and the proposed traffic mitigation will improve pedestrian safety and reduce overall congestion in the area. The social gathering places throughout the project reinforce the character of the community and provide more opportunities for neighbors to connect.By providing another retail center that has additional services and restaurants, residents will have access to even more options close to home which will increase walkability factor and help take cars off the road. In addition to the retail center,I also support what is proposed for the new residences. Carlsbad's job market is strong, but the lack of nearby housing is impacting traffic because everyone is commuting at the same time. Providing additional housing allows opportunities for people to walk or bike to work. With Bressi Ranch's proximity to ViaSat and other large employers, there is a high demand for workforce housing. I have seen the demand for this type of neighborhood first-hand! Carlsbad needs places like UPtown Bressi if our City is to remain strong and vibrant. Thank you for supporting this project. Sincerely, Wendy Wiegand Bressi Ranch original owner Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Friday, February 03, 2017 10:00 AM To:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Opposition to Uptown Bressi Ranch Project FYI From: Linda Sinclair [mailto Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 6:34 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Opposition to Uptown Bressi Ranch Project Hello: I am writing to express my opposition to the Uptown Bressi Ranch project due to the changes in the project.In particular, the plan was originally proposed to include upscale retail shops, open dining areas, new restaurants (not fast-food, but nice, sit-down places), gathering places with fire pits and perhaps a wine bar (in addition to high- density housing).Now we are told that those items are out and the plan is to have a drive-through CVS and a liquor store (BevMo), neither of which is needed.Further, there is no legitimate reason in the world to put a liquor store in the middle of residential areas.All this on top of the fact that the area was zoned for industrial/office and the zoning is being changed to accommodate a developer. Residents are not getting what they were promised.Instead, they are essentially getting nothing except increased traffic and increased impact on already overcrowded schools (from the influx of new students who will live in the high-density housing that will bring Shea the biggest profits). I also note that the plan is to install chicanes along Gateway and perhaps other streets.From my observations of traffic on Cassia, where chicanes were installed, they result in little improvement in slowing traffic, but increase the danger to pedestrians and bicyclists. I ask that the City Council give further thought to the impact of Shea's plans for the project.It is simply not right for the area. Thank you. 13. Linda Sinclair Carlsbad, CA 92009 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Wednesday, February 01, 2017 9:27 AM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi Plan From: Christi Soukup [m Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 9:02 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi Plan We are writing to inform you that we, Ryan &Christina Soukup, do not agree with the new Uptown Bressi plan.We purchased our home in Bressi Ranch in July of 2015.We purchased in this neighborhood due to the convenient location and walkability within the neighborhood.We were thrilled to be so close to so many amenities.Our expectations for the community have been severely dampened by the immense traffic that we experience on a daily basis.The parking on our end ofthe neighborhood is insane!We can't even park in front of our own home due to the adjacent condominium complex residents using our residential home street parking.The current traffic situation is ridiculous!Our 11 and 13 year old cannot even walk the dog on their own due to the high traffic volume.We have had 2 incidents where we,as adults, were almost hit by cars trying to get to the neighborhood basketball court!To add additional traffic to our community would be ignorant on the City of Carlsbad's part. Bressi Ranch is a sought after community for families due to the nature ofthe family based amenities!However, the amount of traffic and outsiders already taking place is creating a downhill path for our neighborhood and community.For those ofyou questioning this -please by all means, come to my home and watch the traffic between 5-7pm every night!It's ridiculous, loud, and drivers SPEED!It is completely negligent on your part to add to and increase the already apparent problems ofthis community. With the added people coming into our community, we will inevitably add more crime!Many of you may not be aware, but the crime in our neighborhood has been horrible lately!Between home break-ins, and car break- ins, we don't even feel safe walking around after dark anymore!Who wants to live in a community that isn't safe after dark? To say we are disappointed in the city's selfish, money hungry reasons for adding a drive-thru drug store and a liquor store within blocks of family homes would be a complete understatement!To the City Council member who was excited to drive-thru a CVS in his pajamas to get his drugs -put one in your own neighborhood!!!We don't want this in ours!!!How unbelievably selfish and ignorant to believe that any ofus in this neighborhood would want to support a drug store and liquor store within walking distance to our homes! We are not ignorant to the fact that the land will be developed, we understand the need to use the land.Put office buildings and food options, which are the largest need!If you have ever driven up to the Bressi Village shopping area at lunch time it will be apparent to you that more parking and food options are needed!NOT A LIQUOR AND DRUG STORE! As far as the housing, the fact that you would put $600,000+ town homes on that busy corner shows a complete lack ofknowledge in residential real estate!The fact that you would add more low income housing where we 1 are already dealing with the current condo low income properties in ridiculous!I have. owned and saved for 20 years to be able to purchase a home in this community.My last 6 homes were located in more budget friendly cities because we could not afford to be here!That's life -you save and build equity to live in more desirable locations.To continue to subsidize $600,000+ properties is unbelievable! Shea has done nothing but undermine the Bressi residents with bait and switch plans!It is time for Shea and the City of Carlsbad to be upfront and honest with the Bressi Ranch residents.The hidden agenda that seems to be taking place is disgusting! Please feel free to reach out to us. Sincerely, Ryan &Christina Soukup Carlsbad, CA 92009 612-735-7870 2 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Monday, January 30, 2017 10:02 AM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi Development Original Message From: Stacey Brotman [mailto:s Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 8:25 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi Development I am a resident of Bressi Ranch and live at 6225 Village Green Drive.This is in very close proximity to the new development that was just approved.I am writing to tell you that I am in extreme disapproval of this new project.The residents of Bressi Ranch were NOT properly informed of the changes that Shae made to the plans.They were extremely deceptive in how they handled this project.They showed the residents a plan that looked entirely different from the one that is now going in.They made great efforts reaching out to the residents when they wanted to get approval and sold us on a very nice plan that included all walking and parks and made it out to be an amazing center. Then they do NOTHING to reach out to the residents when they change the plans to an ugly drive through strip mall that is ALL driving.They took away the walking paths and now we will have a liquor store a block from our home.There was no one that told us about these changes other than some of the residents who found out about it.Shae never came to our door, dropped of any flyers or sent anything in the mail about the change to the plans.This is criminal! They claim no one showed up at the meeting...well how do you show up if you don't even know about it? And if you do hear that they are voting on the "uptown bressi" development you assume it is the same plan that you already THINK is going in and you approve of?People did show up and were turned away by the police because the room was too full! That is because Shae already had all their people show up early and fill the room with those on their side.No one should be voting on this project other than those that live in Bressi!And no one did nothing to inform the residents of the condos across the street.Those people who live directly next to this development know nothing about the changes that were made.Do you think that is fair? I have lived in Carlsbad since 1977 when I moved here at the age of 3.I have watched all the development happen and I have seen Carlsbad change and not for the better.Carlsbad has lost its vision and is becoming a town like all others.I thought Carlsbad was against drive throughs?And now you are putting in a liquor store across the street from a residential neighborhood?And where will all these people park?On my street??????I can hardly even find parking now in the trader joes and stater bros parking lots.It is a total zoo.I can't let my kids walk around as I fear them being hit by a car.And now it will only be way worse.My street will become a throughway out to El Camino Real. This is so sad.I am thoroughly disgusted with the city of Carlsbad and even more with Shae for this back door deal.I can assure you that we are getting the word out and NO one even knew about this meeting or the changes that were made.That should tell you everything that you need to know about the developer of this property.What a complete shame city of Carlsbad. Stacey Baker Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Monday, January 30, 2017 7:50 AM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Turning People Away Who Went to the Uptown Bressi Meeting to Speak Against the Project Original Message From: amyhagen@cox.net [mailto: Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2017 6:15 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Turning People Away Who Went to the Uptown Bressi Meeting to Speak Against the Project Hello, It was said many times by the Mayor and other board members that they was no opposition to Uptown Bressi so therefore you passed it, now we know why only a few of us got in. There were Bressi residence who showed up, many residence wanted to speak against where stopped at the door STOPPED. They were told it was too crowded and they had to go home to watch it on TV, you blocked those who came to speak against the project.I say you because you are fully responsible for the switched plan that Bressi Residence are just finding out about, and they are not happy. You all knew they told us one plan and proposed another and blocked those against it from coming in. Once again shameful and hopefully as the residence find out about this it is not the end and it will be stopped, on the many grounds, your decision was based on erroneous information and you all were a party to it that voted for the plan and your reason for no opposition is going to fall apart. Amy Hagen 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Monday, January 30, 2017 7:49 AM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi -I support it Original Message From: Kurt Watson [mailto: Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2017 5:37 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi -I support it Hello, Just a quick email from a Bressi Ranch resident that supports the Uptown Bressi development, to let you know that some of us are fine with the plan. I support mixed use development and/or commercial and residential in very near proximity. These kinds of developments are forward-looking and embrace the better ideas we've learned about urban planning. Thank you, Kurt Watson Sent from my iPhone II Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Friday, January 27, 2017 4:18 PM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW: UPTOWN BRESSI From: Jon Naples [mailto:j Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 4:00 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: UPTOWN BRESSI I was advised by the B.Ranch Board to express concern about this development. Like many homeowners at BR, I am right properly concerned this is happening. We need this like a hole in the head, although expressing concern at this time is going to make a huge difference, no doubt. John Naples BR resident since 2005. Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Friday, January 27, 2017 3:56 PM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Uptown Bressi Original Message From: toni risley [mailto:1 Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 3:24 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Uptown Bressi I am a resident of Bressi Ranch and understand that the council has approved the rezoning and development plan for Uptown Bressi. I am very concerned about the issue of the traffic that this development will generate,I would recommend that the council members try navigating the area during lunch hours 11-1 daily to observe the amount of traffic and congestion that already occurs without the added developments contribution. I live adjacent to Town ?Garden Rd which is a major route to and from the shopping center area, and the traffic speed and near collisions at the round about are very distressing. I would hope that this project is not yet finalized and that you consider the impact on the community before going any further.I know that members of our community have been opposing this for years and I would hope that you would take our concerns to heart. We do not need another near disaster as we had with the lagoon project. 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Friday, January 27, 2017 3:55 PM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:Rezoning in Bressi Ranch From:Cee alan [mailto:c Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 12:44 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Rezoning in Bressi Ranch Mayor Hall and City Council Members: I cannot believe you allowed Shea to come in and pull a fast one on the community. There was NO mention whatsoever about a LIQUOR store or a DRIVE-THRU in the beautiful luxuries and upscale plan they emailed us. Please tell me what is upscale and luxuries about any ofthis!You are supposed to represent US, not the deep pocket developers. Actually, I apologize, the word is, Cori is the ONLY one who asked intelligent questions and brought up valid concerns and opposed the project...the ONLY one and she is new!It sounds like she was also the only one that even READ and understood what was going on.I am utterly disgusted.I cannot believe that you are allowing a LIQUOR store to be that close to residential homes. Really, a LIQUOR store in Carlsbad!! We pay HIGH prices, extra taxes, and high HOA's to be able to live here in this "award winning master plan" and "world class city"....doesn't sound world class to me! This is so irresponsible, and to allow housing so close to the flight path and Palomar Airport Rd because it is "allowed" is inexcusable and negligent. You also have a moral and ethical responsibility to the people. You had the chance (AGAIN) to represent the people of Carlsbad who ELECTED you, and once again you have let us down, and sided with the wealthy developer. 1 Van Lynch From:Council Internet Email Sent:Friday, January 27, 2017 3:54 PM Cc:Van Lynch Subject:FW:UpTown Bressi Original Message From: Joie Bernard [mailto:j Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 11:31 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: UpTown Bressi Dear Mayor Hall and Council Members, I am writing as a very concerned citizen of Carlsbad and resident of Bressi Ranch.I live at which is the closest home in the neighborhood to the proposed Up Town Bressi development.This development will markedly increase the traffic to and around my house and negatively impact the value of my property.When I purchased my home in 2012, this area was permitted for the development of up to 300,000 square feet (sf) of office/industrial park.This proposed development is vastly different, including 125 high density residential units right across from my home and would dramatically change the entire neighborhood.Clearly this wasn't taken into account when the zoning change was approved. I ask that you reject this project and consider the residents of Bressi Ranch, and particularly those on the edge of this zoning change.We purchased our homes with this area already zoned for industrial and it would be an unfair travesty to have them change the proposed plan after we have committed to our home and our neighborhood.As a representative of the community,I hope you take this into consideration.This community and area cannot possible handle anymore traffic and congestion and does not need additional retail. If you do move forward, which I am guessing you will not be listening to the community,I would ask that you look at the road and traffic and consider stop lights where necessary to avoid accidents and congestion. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Warm regards, Dr. Joie Bernard Carlsbad, CA 92009 619-315-9072 1