HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-28; City Council; ; Declaration of Public Nuisances in Conjunction with the City of Carlsbad Weed Abatement ProgramCITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date To: From: Staff Contact: March 28, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Managerv( Randy Metz, Fire Marshal randy.metz@carlsbadca.gov or 760-685-6403 CA Review ~ Subject Declaration of Public Nuisances in Conjunction with the City of Carlsbad Weed Abatement Program Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution declaring public nuisances in conjunction with the City of Carlsbad Weed Abatement Program and setting a Public Hearing for April 25, 2017. Executive Summary Annually, the City of Carlsbad conducts a Weed Abatement Program to eliminate the fire hazards and nuisances caused by the accumulation of dry weeds and rubbish on vacant lots within the city. The Fire Department has completed its annual hazard survey and identified 217 parcels that now have, or are likely to have, hazards upon them during the drier months. Discussion Annually, the City of Carlsbad conducts a Weed Abatement Program to eliminate the fire hazards and nuisances caused by the accumulation of dry weeds and rubbish on vacant lots within the city. The Fire Department has completed its annual hazard survey and identified 217 parcels (Exhibit 3) that now have, or are likely to have, hazards upon them during the drier months. With the adoption ofthe Resolution, and pursuant to California Government Code Section 39560, the Fire Department will mail notices to property owners explaining council action, and informing them of the scheduled dates for public hearings. A copy of the Notice to Property Owners is attached as Exhibit 2. After May 15, 2017, hazards that have not been removed by the owners will be subject to abatement for the city. The costs associated with the abatement of a particular parcel are forwarded to the San Diego County Tax Assessor for inclusion in the property tax bill. This occurs at the close of the program in August after the City Council has had the opportunity to hear property owner objections. Fiscal Analysis Contractor charges and city administrative costs associated with the abatement of each parcel are recoverable. Funds for weed abatement expenditures are budgeted in the Fire Department's budget. Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 1 of 16 Next Steps Set a Public Hearing for April 25, 2017. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require further environmental review. Public Notification N/A Exhibits· 1. Resolution declaring as public nuisances, weeds, rubbish, and refuse upon private property in the City of Carlsbad in conjunction with the City of Carlsbad Weed Abatement Program. 2. Notice to Property Owners with Hazard Reduction Information sheet, which contains weed abatement contractor information. 3. Parcel list. 2 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 2 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-048 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING AS PUBLIC NUISANCES, WEEDS, RUBBISH, AND REFUSE UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM. EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, weeds, rubbish, and refuse exist or are likely to exist on vacant parcels throughout the city; and WHEREAS, said weeds, rubbish, and refuse, because of their combustibility, constitute a hazard to the safety of the public and to private property during the drier months of the year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That this Resolution, and all action taken subsequent hereto in connection herewith, is taken pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code sections 39560, et seq. (Article 2, Alternate Procedures under Chapter 13, Weed and Rubbish Abatement). 3. Words used in this Resolution and its subsequent action in connection herewith shall be defined as outlined in said code sections. 4. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby declares as public nuisances, weeds, rubbish, and refuse upon those certain parcels of private property in the City of Carlsbad described on Exhibit 3, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 5. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby declares its intention to cause the removal of said weeds, rubbish, and refuse. A Public Hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, California on April 25, 2017 at 6:00 pm to consider property owners responses to said proposed removal of weeds, rubbish, and refuse. 6. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby directed to mail written notices of the proposed abatement of said nuisances to all persons owning the property described in the Resolution. Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 3 of 16 EXHIBIT 1 7. The Fire Chief of the City of Carlsbad is hereby designated to perform the duties imposed by the California Government Code sections 39560, et seq. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of March, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. (SEAL) Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 4 of 16 In Reference Assessor's Pa rcel No . Dear Property Owner: EXHIBIT 2 -Notice to Property Owners In an effort to reduce hazardous conditions on lots throughout t he community, the City of Carlsbad has begun its Annua l Weed and Rubbish Abatement Program. Your property has been identified due to the fact that a potential fire hazard exists upon the property. As the property owner, the reduction of hazards on the property is your responsibility. Should you no longer own the property, please notify this office immediately. In conformity with the provisions of Sections 39560, et. seq., of the California Government Code, you are hereby notified that hazardous vegetation and/or rubbish shall be removed from the above-mentioned property by May 15, 2017. Notices will not be placed on the property. PLEASE REFER TO THE NOTICE ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS LEITER. Property clea red and maintained free of combustible vegetation and/or rubbish, and in compliance with t he requirements listed on the enclosed City of Carlsbad Fire Department Hazard Reduction Information sheet, is not subject to further action by this department. After May 15, 2017, property that is not cleared of a hazardous condition and/or maintained in a safe condition is subject to abatement by City contracted crews. THE COST FOR ABATEMENT BY THE CITY, PLUS AN ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE (NOT TO EXCEED $263.00) WILL BE ADDED TO THE OWNER'S TAX STATEMENT. The condition of property remains the responsibility of the owner and legal action may be initiated to enforce applicable regulations. IN ORDER TO AVOID ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES, THE CITY URGES PROPERTY OWNERS TO MAKE PRIVATE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE CLEARING OF HAZARDS FROM THEIR PROPERTIES BY MAY 15, 2017. A list of local contractors is enclosed for your convenience. For further information or assistance, you may contact the Weed Abatement Officer Monty Kalin at 760-602-4665, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or via e-mail: Monty.kalin@carlsbadca.gov. MD:cdw Enclosure SEE NOTICE NEXT PAGE Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 5 of 16 Notice to Property Owners March 28, 2017 Page 2 of 4 NOTICE TO DESTROY WEEDS & REMOVE RUBBISH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 28th day of March 2017, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad passed a resolution declaring that noxious or dangerous weeds were growing upon or in front of the property on certain streets in the City as described in the resolution and, that rubbish was upon or in front of said property, and that the weeds and rubbish constitute a public nuisance which must be abated by the removal of the weeds and rubbish. Otherwise, they will be removed and the nuisance will be abated by the City, and the cost of removal assessed upon the land from or in front of which the weeds or rubbish are removed and will constitute a lien upon such said land until paid. (Note: PROPERTY OWNERS WITH SPECIAL CLEANING PROBLEMS MUST CONTACT THE CITY FIRE MARSHAL AT (760) 602-4665 PRIOR TO April 25, 2017). Reference is hereby made to said resolution for further particulars. A copy of the resolution is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. All property owners having an objection to the removal of such weeds are hereby notified of a meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on April 25, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. The agenda of this meeting includes a public hearing to consider objections of property owners. A public hearing will be scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on July 25, 2017, by the Carlsbad City Council to consider the Weed Abatement Cost Report. This Cost Report will be posted for one week prior to the hearing. Objections may be heard at this public hearing. For further information on the locations of these meetings, please call (760) 602-4665. Dated this 28 day of March 2017. ~2~£~ ARBARA ENGLlitoN Fire Chief City Clerk Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 6 of 16 Notice to Property Owners March 28, 2017 Page 3 of 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARD REDUCTION INFORMATION I. WEED ABATEMENT STANDARDS Items A through F are the basic standards employed by the City Of Carlsbad Fire Department when abating hazardous conditions. Properties cleaned by owners or private contractors will be evaluated by means of the following standards: A. Grass, weeds, trash, and other rubbish shall be removed from vacant lots, yards, courtyards, parkways and other locations as specified by the Fire Department. B. Native brush and chaparral that have been cleared or thinned previously in the past five years shall be modified in the same manner for a minimum distance of 60 feet measured from the closest combustible structure, discounting fences. Fuel modification shall conform to the standard requirements. Further information may be obtained from the Carlsbad Fire Department Fire Prevention Division at (760) 602-4665. C. Native brush and chaparral that have not been previously cleared or modified in the past five years must be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the removal will conflict with the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1993. Questions should be forwarded to Fire Prevention Division and to the Fish and Wildlife Service (760) 431-9440. D. Fuel breaks of 60 feet or more that have been previously required in the past five years shall be maintained by mowing. New fuel breaks may be required on a case-by-case basis and owners of affected properties will be notified by mail before abatement. E. Abatement shal! be accomplished by power mowing to three inches in height. In some areas, such as fuel breaks or problem areas involving hazards to mowing equipment, discing may be approved. Regardless of method used, standing weeds remaining around perimeters of lots after mowing or discing shall be cut to three inches in height. Cut vegetation shall be reduced on site or disposed of in an approved method. F. Open burning is prohibited. II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Eucalyptus trees (within 60 feet of structures): Remove all heavy accumulation of leaves to a maximum depth of four inches. Remove fallen limbs, litter, debris and loose bark from the ground. Trim low hanging limbs and foliage to a height of six feet. Existing native vegetation must be thinned by 50 percent. Grasses must be mowed or trimmed to 3 inches. Notice to Property Owners Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 7 of 16 March 28, 2017 Page 4 of 4 B. Inactive groves (citrus, avocado, etc.): Remove all dead growth, disc the property and maintain free of hazard. C. Palm trees on vacant lots (within 60 feet of structures) shall have dead fronds removed as necessary. Should the property be abated Palm trees will be removed. D. Trimmings from trees and other vegetation may be reduced by chipping to mulch and may be evenly dispersed on the site to a level of four inches. Ill. STRUCTURES IN BRUSH COVERED AREAS A. All chimneys, stovepipe or flue outlets are required to be equipped with an approved spark arrester. B. Remove that portion of any tree which extends within ten feet of the outlet of any chimney, stovepipe or roof line. C. Maintain any tree adjacent to any building, free of dead or dying wood. D. Trim low hanging foliage of trees located within 60 feet of structures to a height of six feet above ground level. IV. HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATIONS A. Homeowners Associations that have Fuel Modification Zones, must maintain these areas in compliance with these standards. B. Necessary maintenance should occur on both a regular schedule and as needed. C. Should a Drought Alert occur, that limits water to Fuel Modification Zones, it will be critical that these areas are monitored. Accumulations of dead material will require removal. V. COST OF CLEANING BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD A. The cost of cleaning parcels by the City is based upon a square foot unit price for discing, mowing, and handwork, and by the cubic yard for mulching or chipping. B. The cost of rubbish removal is based upon a flat rate per ton, including loading, hauling and disposal. C. The charge for cleaning by the City will also reflect an administration charge of $263.00 per parcel. Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 8 of 16 Be in the 1'Zone'' Fire prnvention eitperts often refer to three zones around Your home. The smi of each zones depeoos Ofl 11:u:al conditions and tirn codes. in Carlsb.:id, it is g.eooral~, rocommended to create ii 60foot safery·ro ne around your home. These zones :should be free of decad flammable landscapmg and mamta1noo regut;.uJy. • ··,~ -1' _"'!°""'i~---V''!:·,. f' . 20 to 40 feet ·. 'tH·-~· r:· .. l'....,,..i.~ ... - ZONE 1 ZONE2 ZONE3 , edurn the char,ce of wmd blown Mibers catchmg materials Mar )'Our home on fim. • lilem,'J've denm irom gutte~ • Cover attrc foundatrori and otm!r >Jents \\11th l /8 ir.ch metal mesh screens. • Use mck or qra:vef muldl 1115tead of wood chrps in ttlr5 area, and brick or concrete walk.ways. Koop tirewood. lumber and othP-r flammable mat.efrals aw-ay from your home. , 't'ou may plant fire-resistant, ,mgated landscaptl"ig iri thi!> area. , Create a iandsc.ape that is oot as !flr.efy to s pre.ad fire to your home. • You may keep r,atural vegetation in this are.i. , la.tive plarits/shrum that are ret.ained sooufd be thinned in a mosaic pattern 1with s.p;;ce between plants). G@ss or wl?eds-shoufd be cut bad to no morn than four ioches aoove the ground. , MOIi!;! trailers/RV~, storagi> shoos and other tlammable structur1?.; out of tt.lis arna. It unable to move. create defensible spaa;, around them. , Thinning and regurar mamtenance wrn hefp to reduce the strengttl and speed offire m this ar,ea. , Remove mead ptarns and tree branches • Thin and %!p;;rate trees and shrnbs. www.urlsbada.gm, WEED ABATEMENT CONTRACTORS HABITAT RESTORATION SCIENCES (HRS) COLES WEED CONTROL ED WHITNEY JOE WALL TRACTOR SERVICE (760) 479-4210 (760) 753-7035 (760) 510-9030 (760) 758-5219 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 9 of 16 APN 1552210500 09000 SCHOLL CATHY TRUST 04-26-91 2716 SOCORRO LN CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 1560512300 09000 SIEGEL ROBERT +DORIS CREDIT 2300 PIO PICO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1561108300 09000 BOOS DAVIDE 1365 FOREST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1561901100 09000 MARQUEZ SARAH S G 2973 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1561903400 09000 BACCUS DENNIS 4114 CONQUISTAAVE LAKEWOOD CA 90713 APN 1563510100 09000 SIEGEL JOHN M+RENEE TRUST 21935 SW LEBEAU RD SHERWOOD OR 97140 APN 1670803400 09000 CHESTNUT CARLSBAD LL C 3910 CHAPMAN ST #A SAN DIEGO CA 92110 APN 1670804100 09000 FORNAL J CURTIS+KATHLEEN M C/0 CHESTNUT CARLSBAD LLC 3910 CHAPMAN ST #A SAN DIEGO CA 92110 APN 1672500600 09000 PRESIDIO PEBBLE CREEK CARLSBAD 8 LLC 97 40 APPALOOSA RD #230 SAN DIEGO CA92131 APN 2031100100 MR CARLSBAD 11 LLC 1818 1ST AVE #100 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 APN 1560511800 09000 SIEGEL ROBERT +DORIS SURVIVORS TRUST 2300 PIO PICO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1560521200 09000 LITTLE FAMILY TRUST 06-22-06 1390 FOREST AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1561108400 09000 OLIVER GREGORY D 2705 HIGHLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1561902400 09000 HARVEY FAMILY TRUST 04-22-85 20152 EVENING BREEZE DR WALNUT CA 91789 APN 1562201700 09000 BEAUTIFUL SAVIOUR EV LUTHERAN CHURCH 3030 VALLEY ST CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1670701200 09000 MENCHERJEREMY P O BOX 301363 ESCONDIDO CA 92030 APN 1670803500 09000 ALVAREZ MARIO 500 W HILLCREST BLVD INGLEWOOD CA 90301 APN 1670804200 09000 CHESTNUT CARLSBAD L LC 3910 CHAPMAN ST#A SAN DIEGO CA 92110 APN 1675314500 09000 PRESIDIO PEBBLE CREEK CARLSBAD 8 LLC 97 40 APPALOOSA RD #230 SAN DIEGO CA 92131 APN 2031440400 09000 GOLDSTEIN FAMILY TRUST 03-27-98 160 TAMARACK AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1560511900 09000 SIEGEL ROBERT +DORIS MARITAL TRUST ET AL 2300 PIO PICO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 AP N 15609041 00 _ 09000 PE V FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST 923 PARKWOOD AVE VISTA CA 92081 APN 1561522900 09000 VAUGHN RYAN K ET AL PO BOX4415 CARLSBAD CA 92018 APN 1561903200 09000 AWAD GEORGE G+AIDA K 5480 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1563501200 09000 TONG CHRISTOPHER+DO MARY H 2339 PIO PICO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 1670803300 0900 CHESTNUT CARLSBAD LL C 3910 CHAPMAN ST#A. SAN DIEGO CA 92110 APN 1670803600 09000 MAY MARY ET AL 9791 FAIR TIDE CIR HUNTINGTN BCH CA 92646 APN 1671011900 09013 PRESIDIO CORNERSTONE Q C LLC 601 CARLSON PKWY #200 MINNETONKA MN 55305 APN 2031022400 09098 G PS D LLC C/0 GEORGE PUTMAN 652 CAPILANO DR BRENTWOOD CA94513 APN 2031440400 09000 GOLDSTEIN FAMILY TRUST 03-27-98 160 TAMARACK AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 1 Exhibit 3 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 10 of 16 APN 2031720500 09098 FAGRELL FAMILY TRUST 05-01-01 4114 TIERRA VISTA BONSALL CA 92003 APN 2033051000 09098 OAK+MADISON LLC 7851 MISSION CENTER CT #200 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 APN 2040911300 09000 ROSS MARTIN 1292 AMADOR AVE VISTA CA 92083 APN 2042921600 09000 HARDING STREET NEIGHBORS LP 19772 MACARTHUR BLVD #110 IRVINE CA 92612 APN 2052104900 09000 HONDA FAMILY MARITAL TRUST ET AL 1328 MAGNOLIAAVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2061200100 09000 HASSOALAN PO BOX 17358 ANAHEIM CA 92817 APN 2061201800 09000 ROOHANI KHUSROW 9500 HILLWOOD DR LAS VEGAS NV 89134 APN 2061405000 09000 RITTER SWANSON A+LAVON S 186 FLICKER LN #T OCEANSIDE CA 92057 APN 2061720100 09000 TOFF AGMISH TRUST 06-23-95 4858 PARK DR #110 CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2061720400 09000 SARKARIA DALJIT S+ELAINE FAMILY TRUST 19012 MESA DR VILLA PARK CA 92861 APN 2031730200 09098 BEACH VILLAGE LIFE C/0 TROMPOLINO INC 2 STRAUSS TER RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 APN 2040310100 09000 BENNETT RUSSELL L PO BOX 356 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 APN 2042320600 09000 GUGLIELNO LIVING TRUST 02-26-96 1011 W PLACITA QUIETA GREEN VALLEY AZ 85622 APN 2050604200 09000 FAIRBANKS GARY F+MARY TRUST 4/9/1903 1412 TENNIS CLUB DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 APN 2052803200 09000 WITKOWSKI JOANNE 29026 SPRINGSIDE PL HIGHLAND CA 92346 APN 2061200200 09000 HASSOALAN PO BOX 17358 ANAHEIM CA 92817 APN 2061201900 09000 SNUG HARBOR ENTERPRISES LL C PO BOX 22159 SAN DIEGO CA 92192 APN 2061601300 09000 MOORE CHARLES E+MOORE CRAIG S ET AL 2874 COLLEGE BLVD OCEANSIDE CA 92056 APN 2061720200 09000 TOFF AGMISH TRUST 06-23-95 6817 ADOLPHIA DR CARLSBAD CA 92011 APN 2061720500 09000 SARKARIA DALJIT S+ELAINE FAMILY TRUST 19012 MESA DR VILLA PARK CA 92861 APN 2031750500 09098 GOLDSTEIN BERNARD+MARINA FAMILY TRUST 160 TAMARACK AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2040310200 09000 BENNETT RUSSELL L PO BOX 356 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 APN 2042320700 09000 BARELMANN ROBERT H+MARGARET L PO BOX 1698 CARLSBAD CA 92018 APN 2051601600 09000 GENTILE LIVING TRUST 09-01-09 3311 DONNA DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2060424700 09000 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 43414 BUSINESS PARK DR TEMECULA CA 92590 APN 2061201600 09000 SARKARIA DALJIT S+ELAINE FAMILY TRUST 19012 MESA DR VILLA PARK CA 92861 APN 2061203600 09000 SNUG HARBOR ENTERPRISES L L C PO BOX 22159 SAN DIEGO CA 92192 APN 2061710300 09000 SARKARIA-ENGLERT FAMILY TRUST PO BOX 69 VISTA CA 92085 APN 2061720300 09000 SARKARIA DALJIT S+ELAINE FAMILY TRUST 19012 MESA DR VILLA PARK CA 92861 APN 2061720600 09000 SARKARIA DALJIT S+ELAINE FAMILY TRUST 19012 MESA DR VILLA PARK CA 92861 2 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 11 of 16 APN 2061720700 09000 APN 2061803200 09000 APN 2061804000 09000 SARKARIA DALJIT S+ELAINE FAMILY TRUST VISCAL-OLIVIER ILEANA+OLIVIER HENRY POLZIN FAMILY TRUST 19012 MESA DR 2989 SPLIT MOUNTAIN LN PO BOX268 VILLA PARK CA 92861 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 TEMECULA CA 92593 APN 2061804100 09000 APN 2061805000 09000 APN 2061805100 09000 KLOVANISH STEVEN T FERNANDEZ VICTORIA FERNANDEZ VICTORIA 2721 CARLSBAD BLVD PO BOX 395 PO BOX 395 CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARDIFF CA 92007 CARDIFF CA 92007 APN 2061920100 09000 APN 2061920700 09000 APN 2061921400 09000 MOORE CHARLES E ET AL PW LIVING TRUST 08-10-88 NEWMAN ROGER P+KAREN E 2874 COLLEGE BLVD C/0 BETTY WOOD 4400 HIGHLAND DR OCEANSIDE CA 92056 PO BOX 2794 CARLSBAD. CA 92008 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90213 APN 2061923800 09000 APN 2061924100 09000 APN 2061924500 09000 KIRK PATRICK DEVELOPMENT LL C SAHU AMIT K+AJMERA PARULBEN N GAITAUD RENEE D PO BOX 3811 PO BOX 503928 4415 PARK DR MANHATTAN BCH CA 90266 SAN DIEGO CA 92150 CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2061924800 09000 APN 2061924900 09000 APN 2062000100 09000 GAITAUD RENEE D KIRK PATRICK DEVELOPMENT LL C RAFFERTY MICHAEL +ZAVALA ISABEL R 4415 PARK DR PO BOX 3811 2715 PALOMINO CIR CARLSBAD CA 92008 MANHATTAN BEACH CA 90266 LA JOLLA CA 92037 APN 2062000300 09000 APN 2062000400 09000 APN 2070226500 09000 MARTIN FAMILY TRUST 07-21-14 HUBER FAMILY TRUST 08-01-02 PACIFIC LEGACY HOMES INC 1878 SHADETREE DR 6407 EL PATO CT 16870 W BERNARDO DR 400 SAN MARCOS CA 92078 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SAN DIEGO CA 92127 APN 2070902000 09000 APN 2071004800 09000 APN 2071307400 09000 HALL FAMILY TRUST PACIFIC LEGACY HOMES INC LISCH MICHAEL L+BRYANT KIMBERLY 3810 ALDER AVE 16870 W BERNARDO DR 400 A CARLSBAD CA 92008 SAN DIEGO CA92127 3990 HIGHLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2071307500 09000 APN 2071307700 09000 APN 2071500100 09000 VECK INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LLC VECK INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LLC LOVULLO SAM A+GRACE M 3276 HIGHLAND DR 3276 HIGHLAND DR 16825 BAJIO ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 CARLSBAD CA 92008 ENCINO CA 91436 APN 2071500200 09000 APN 2071500300 09000 APN 2071800800 09000 I LOVULLO SAM A+GRACE M LOVULLO SAM A+GRACE M CZAJKOWSKI ROBERT +BARBARA A 16825 BAJIO ROAD 16825 BAJIO ROAD 305 REDROCK RD ENCINO CA 91436 ENCINO CA 91436 SEDONAAZ 86341 APN 2071800900 09000 APN 2071801000 09000 APN 2071801200 09000 CZAJKOWSKI ROBERT +BARBARA A CZAJKOWSKI ROBERT +BARBARA A CZAJKOWSKI ROBERT +BARBARA A 1348 SHOREBIRD LN 1348 SHOREBIRD LN 1348 SHOREBIRD LN CARLSBAD CA 92011 CARLSBAD CA 92011 CARLSBAD CA 92011 3 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 12 of 16 APN 2081331100 09013 CSAFTIS RYAN+CECELIA PO BOX 10070 PALM DESERT CA 92255 APN 2090412600 09013 BECKMAN COULTER INC C/0 KAYE WILLIAMS 11800 SW 147TH AVE MIAMI FL 33196 APN 2090605300 09162 WP GOLF+EQUESTRIAN L L C <LF> CAMINO CARLSBAD L L C 8294 MIRA MESA BLVD SAN DIEGO CA92126 APN 2090607000 09162 WS-L DOS COLINAS R/E LL C ATTN:DEBBIE VOUGHT 5796 ARMADA DR #300 CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2090820700 09013 TECHBILT CONSTRUCTION CORP 3575 KENYON ST SAN DIEGO CA 92110 APN 2101110800 09000 JELLEVER FAMILY TRUST 0'2-18-14 5390 CARLSBAD BLVD CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2101151900 09000 REEL CRAZY LL C C/0 ROBERT & E BONNIE SIEMER 5441 LOS ROBLES DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2121100100 09087 CARLSBAD WESTOAKS PROJECT OWNER 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 APN 2121100400 09087 CARLSBAD WESTOAKS PROJECT OWNER LLC 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 APN 2121100800 09087 CARLSBAD WESTOAKS PROJECT OWNER LLC 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 APN 2090404200 09013 LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC C/0 AUDREY INS KEEP PO BOX 12409 EL CAJON CA 92022 APN 2090602300 09162 RANCH TIMOTHY B 2014 TRUST 10/15/1914 3004 SUNNY CREEK RD CARLSBAD CA 92010 APN 2090605400 09162 CLINNIN JAMES+BONNIE L 5380 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2090607200 09162 WP GOLF+EQUESTRIAN LL C C/0 WEST DEVELOPMENT LL C 5796 ARMADA DR #300 CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2090901100 09125 WAL-MART STORES INC 1301 SE 10TH ST BENTONVILLE AR 72712 APN 2101150800 09000 MINASIAN JOHN L TRUST 06-11-10 4029 GOODLAND PL STUDIO CITYCA91604 APN 2120405600 09018 UKEGAWA JAMES S 4218 SKYLINE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2121100200 09087 CARLSBAD WESTOAKS PROJECT OWNER LLC 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 APN 2121100500 09087 CARLSBAD WESTOAKS PROJECT OWNER LLC 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 APN 2121200100 09094 SYSTEMS MACHINES AUTOMATION COMPONENTS CORP 5807 VAN ALLEN WAY CARLSBAD CA 92008 APN 2090404300 09013 LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC C/0 AUDREY INSKEEP PO BOX 12409 EL CAJON CA 92022 APN 2090604800 09162 KELLY ROBERT P+ROBINSON-KELLY KAREN R TRS 2770 SUNNY CREEK RD CARLSBAD CA. 92010 APN 2090606500 09162 SEPTON INVESTMENTS LL C ET AL 3334 E COAST HWY #345 CORONA DL MAR CA 92625 APN 2090700700 09089 MAN DANA CAL CO PO BOX 10249 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92658 APN 2091200700 09013 RAF GROUP LOT 8 LLC 1010 S COAST HIGHWAY 101 #103 ENCINITAS CA 92024 APN 2101150900 09000 ZIESCHE FAMILY TRUST 01-15-99 2401 CLIFF DR NEWPORT BEACH CA 92663 APN 2120911300 09104 ROYAL HOSPITALITY CARLSBAD LLC PO BOX 3872 RCHO SANTA FE CA-92067 APN 2121100300 09087 CARLSBAD WESTOAKS PROJECT OWNER LLC 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 APN 2121100700 09087 CARLSBAD WESTOAKS PROJECT OWNER LLC 888 SAN CLEMENTE DR #100 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 APN 2121200800 09094 BURKE ASTON PARTNERS LLC 260 BAKER ST E #100 COSTA MESA CA 92626 4 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 13 of 16 APN 2121200900 09094 BURKE ASTON PARTNERS LLC 260 BAKER ST E #100 COSTA MESA CA 92626 APN 2144715200 09027 EDBELL LL C 2 VIA TUNAS SAN CLEMENTE CA APN 2150700400 09165 RUDVALIS BARBARA G TR P O BOX 130665 CARLSBAD CA 92013 APN 2150705100 09165 FRANCIS MARK D 3385 BLODGETT DR COLORADO SPGS CO 80919 APN 2152203000 09058 LC INVESTMENT 2010 LLC 4001 MAPLE AVE #600 DALLAS TX 75219 APN 2152500900 09053 HARRIS JEFFREY+CHERI 2724 UNICORNIO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2153100500 09053 FONLEY FAMILY TRUST 06-25-97 1113 E EVERETT PL ORANGE CA 92867 APN 2153504200 09053 SANCHEZ REVOCABLE TRUST 07-09-99 21423 MARTIN ST CARSON CA 907 45 APN 2153903500 09183 KEWLEY RAYMONDE TRUST 11-03-97 30971 SAMANTHA LN TEMECULA CA 92592 APN 2154301500 09065 MINK HOLLOW L LC C/0 EDWARD P HOLTAWAY 2709 OBELISCO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2121201800 09013 SHAMROCK (LINCOLN) PROPERTIES L LC 23 BROOKLINE ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 APN 2150400900 09165 SEASCAPE DEVELOPMENTS LLC 1200 N JEFFERSON ST#J ANAHEIM CA 92807 APN 2150703700 09165 GHAFFARY KHOURY FAMILY TRUST 05-08-03 C/0 ESSIE GHAFFARY 6591 BLACK RAIL RD CARLSBAD CA 92011 APN 2150705200 09165 SAN DIEGO DESIGN+DEVELOPMENT 538 FRONT ST EL CAJON CA 92020 APN 2152311200 09059 7287 ALMADEN LLC PO BOX 576 CRYSTAL BAY NV 89402 APN 2152700400 09053 YACABUCCI JAMES E 2635 VISTA DEL CONQUISTADOR JAMUL CA 91935 APN 2153104100 09053 STEB PROPERTIES LL C 7149 OBELISCO CIR CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2153504800 09053 VEDDER LINDAA ET AL 14820 EAGLE RIDGE DR FOREST RANCH CA 95942 APN 2154001100 09053 BODJANAC FAMILY TRUST 09-19-02 2425 SACADA CIR #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2154401300 09053 GRANT MARY C SURVIVORS TRUST 04/01/1900 7820 SUNCUP WAY #P312 CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2130922500 09018 PALOMAR OARS BUSINESS CENTER ASSN C/0 CHARLES DUNN CO 888 PROSPECT ST #110 LA JOLLA CA 92037 APN 2150401100 09165 SEASCAPE DEVELOPMENTS LLC 1200 N JEFFERSON ST #J ANAHEIM CA 92807 APN 2150704500 09165 BAKER WILLIAM+DONNA M FAMILY TRUST 18552 ERWIN ST TARZANA CA 91335 APN 2152202400 09058 THACHER PHILIPS Ill ET AL 1732 VULCAN ST EL CAJON CA 92021 APN 2152320100 09058 TAKAMI FAMILY TRUST 10-23-00 2233 PAMPLONA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2152902900 09053 STEPHENS KEVIN F 1500 H 11TH AVE #24 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 APN 2153203600 09064 RE HAZARD CONTRACTING CO 401 B ST #2400 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 APN 2153702800 09183 HAMSAYEH GOSHTASB M+BAGHOLESTANI PARIZAD A FAMILY TRUST 10-07-97 4299 KINGSPARK DR SAN JOSE CA 95136 APN 2154001500 09053 CARLSBAD SECURITY INC C/0 SEABOARD ELECTRONICS INC 70 CHURCH ST NEW ROCHELLE NY 10805 APN 2154401900 09053 TD YAYU L TRUST 06-21-12 13 SHELBURNE DR OAK BROOK IL 60523 5 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 14 of 16 APN 2154600200 09053 APN 2154600500 09053 APN 2154600600 09053 MANANTAN ALEX O JR+LUDWINA ET HARIRI REVOCABLE FAMILY TRUST ABEDI REZA+FARIDI EFFAT AL 10/25/90 1 RUE RENOIR 2452 HAAS ST 1922 BRIARGATE PL COTO DE CAZA CA 92679 ESCONDIDO CA 92025 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 APN 2154910900 09053 APN 2154911200 09052 APN 2154913600 09053 HIALEAH WEST COAST INC RUTLAND GEORGE+DAWN FAMILY TRUST DEMPSEY JOHN E+MICHELE L FAMILY TRUST PO BOX 158 2625 ACUNA CT 7105 CORINTIAST HIALEAH FL 33011 CARLSBAD CA 92009 CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2154914601 09052 APN 2154914602 0905.2 APN 2154914701 09053 GARDENCREST TRUST GARDENCRESTTRUST GARDENCRESTTRUST 1114 GARDENCREST LN 1114 GARDENCREST LN 1114 GARDENCREST LN HOUSTON TX 77077 HOUSTON TX 77077 HOUSTON TX 77077 APN 2154914702 09053 APN 2154914800 09075 APN 2154915000 09052 GARDENCREST TRUST PRIOR FRANK E SAFAEI-SEMNANY+ABASSI FAMILY TRUST 1114 GARDENCREST LN 341 LAURINDAAVE 11695 SW TEAL BLVD #A HOUSTON TX 77077 LONG BEACH CA 90803 BEAVERTON OR 97007 APN 2154920200 09052 APN 2154921600 09061 APN 2154931400 09061 JAVAHERI FAMILY TRUST 03-25-06 SANTISTEVAN DAVID R BYTHEWAY JANN S SURVIVORS TRUST 03/08/1989 6782 OBSIDIAN PL 4660 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR 200 9132 GOLDEN GATE AVE CARLSBAD CA 92009 SAN DIEGO CA 92122 ORANGEVALE CA 95662 APN 2154931800 09053 APN 2154942200 09061 APN 2154942900 09061 KURKCHUBASCHE ARLET G ET AL BODJANAC FAMILY TRUST 09-19-02 RUSSELL RICHARD L TRUST 07-27-89 2337 CALLE CORTA 2425 SACADA CIR #A 5425 PARKVIEWDR LA JOLLA CA 92037 CARLSBAD CA 92009 LA JOLLA CA 92037 APN 2158301400 09027 APN 2161241600 09102 APN 2161241700 09186 AVIARA RESORT ASSCOCIATES LTD PARTNERSHIP A G-C P LA COSTA OWNER LP VONS 'LF> A G-C P LA COSTA OWNER LP C/0 CONTINENTAL HOMES C/0 SCOTT SCHONFELD C/0 SCOTT SCHONFELD 12636 HIGH BLUFF DR #300 1640 5TH ST #101 1640 5TH ST 101 SAN DIEGO CA 92130 SANTA MONICA CA 90401 SANTA MONICA CA 90401 APN 2161242601 09186 APN 2161242602 09186 APN 2161600500 09046 LACOSTA TRUST 08-19-14 LACOSTA TRUST 08-19-14 ISLAS JOSE L PO BOX 7244 PO BOX 7244 2348 LA COSTA AVE 311 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90212 CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2161601000 09046 APN 2161601800 09046 APN 2161602300 09046 CAPARACHINI ITALO J EST OF 2474/76 LA COSTA AVENUE LL C CHANG KUO TSUN+ROSE FEI TRS 135 CAMINO DE LAS FLORES 7668 EL CAMINO REAL #104 19174 DEHAVILLAND ST ENCINITAS CA 92024 CARLSBAD CA 92009 SARATOGA CA 95070 APN 2161701400 09046 APN 2161701500 09046 APN 2161701900 09046 BNR INVESTMENT +DEVELOPMENT LL C BNR INVESTMENT +DEVELOPMENT LL C COASTAL LIVING 10LLC 23800 VIA DEL RIO 23800 VIA DEL RIO 814 S WESTGAYE AVE #15 YORBA LINDA CA 92887 YORBA LINDA CA 9288-7 LOS ANGELES CA 90049 6 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 15 of 16 APN 2161900100 09047 KWONG FAMILY TRUST ET AL C/0 ERNA KWONG 1915 MANDEVILLE CANYON RD LOS ANGELES CA 90049 APN2161902200 09047 SELLARDS FAMILY TRUST 07-02-96 C/0 ROBERT SELLARDS 57-091 LALO KUILIMA PL #52 KAHUKU HI 96731 APN 2162306200 09186 VALENZUELA NANCY N ET AL 7023 SNAPDRAGON DR CARLSBAD CA 92011 APN 2162801200 09046 COUPAL NANCY F REVOCABLE TRUST 420 GOLDEN OAK DR PORTOLA VALLY CA 94028 APN 2163000600 09046 LA COSTA AL CL LC 7668 EL CAMINO REAL #104-463 CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2163600900 09046 DUNNING GILMORE J ET AL 504 HIGHVIEW ST NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 APN2231200200 09073 STEPHENS KEVIN 1500 W 11TH AVE #24 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 APN 2232211300 09186 JOE WAYLAND B+JULIEANNE W 947 BAYTREE DR BARTLETT IL 60103 APN 2232501200 09186 KO SUNG-TAO+LIN MALI 42 SAYBROOK LANE OAK BROOK IL 60523 APN 2161902000 09047 ANDERSON CHRISTOPHER H+VELYN G 3314 VENADO ST CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2161903900 09047 TRINIDAD FAMILY TRUST A 03-21-88 POBOX4623 WEST HILLS CA 91308 APN 2162401800 09047 DOSHI ASHOK+MEGHAMALA 931 W GOLDENROD LN LAKEFOREST IL 60045 APN2163000400 09046 M 8 M DEVELOPMENT INC 1608 LAKE DR CARDIFF CA 92007 APN 2163001200 09046 BNR INVESTMENT +DEVELOPMENT LL C 23800 VIA DEL RIO YORBA LINDA CA 92887 APN2165920100 09046 LC INVESTMENT 2010 LL C 4001 MAPLE AVE #600 DALLAS TX 75219 APN2231200300 09073 STEPHENS KEVIN 1500 W 11TH AVE #24 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 APN 2232402300 09186 HAWKS VIEW GROUP 3312 CASO CT CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2232601100 091.86 MIHOLICH FAMILY TRUST 12-14-98 2735 CAZADERO DR CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN2161902100 09047 BODJANAC FAMILY TRUST 09-19-02 2425 SACADA CIR #A CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2162201000 09186 KINNEY AUSTIN C+BRITTA K TRUST 2711 GALICIA WAY CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2162506300 09186 CURTRIGHT MARIES TRUST 07-12-91 PO BOX 3063 PASO ROBLES CA 93447 APN 2163000500 09046 LACOSTAAL CL LC 7668 EL CAMINO REAL #104-463 CARLSBAD CA 92009 APN 2163001300 09046 BNR INVESTMENT +DEVELOPMENT LL C 23800 VIA DEL RIO YORBA LINDA CA 92887 APN2231200300 09073 STEPHENS KEVIN 1500 W 11TH AVE #24 ESCONDIDO CA 92029 APN 2231305000 09186 NOVELLO GENE N+SHEILA N 7901 E DAVENPORT DR SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 APN 2232500700 09186 LO PETER+SUNNY 11480 N 99TH ST SCOTTSDALE AZ 85260 7 Item #3 March 28, 2017 Page 16 of 16