HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-28; City Council; ; Prop D Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space Zone-Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-317CA Review {lv(_ CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: March 28, 2017 To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: Case Name: Case No. Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager ti(' Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager sheila .cobian@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2917 Adopt Ordinance No. CS-317 approving an Amendment to Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 21 to add Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space Zone and recommending approval of other related amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, and the Local Coastal Program Prop D Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space Zone ZC 16/04/ZC 16-02/SP207L/LCPA 16-03 Recommended Action Adopt Ordinance No. CS-317 approving an Amendment to Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 21 (Zoning Ordinance) to add Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space Zone (CR-A/OS) and recommending approval of other related amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, and the Local Coastal Program. Executive Summary /Discussion Ordinance No. CS-317 was introduced and first read at the City Council meeting held on March 14, 2017. The City Council voted unanimously 5/0 to introduce the Ordinance. The second reading allows the City Council to adopt the ordinance which will become effective thirty days after adoption. Fiscal Analysis There is no anticipated fiscal impact from this item. Next Steps The City Clerk will have the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance published in a newspaper of general circulation within fifteen days following adoption of the ordinance. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA} CEQA Guidelines section 15164(b) provides that an addendum to an adopted negative declaration may be prepared if none of the conditions described in section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent negative declaration has occurred. The proposed revised amendments are substantially within the scope of the Negative Declaration for "Prop D-Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space Lands -ZCA 09-02/ZC 09-06/LCPA 09-05/SP 207(1)/SP 144(K)" previously adopted by City Council on May 24, 2011. Staff has determined that the proposed project will have no significant effects that were not identified in the previously adopted negative declaration and none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 that require adoption of a subsequent environmental document have occurred. An addendum to the negative declaration has been prepared pursuant to CEQA guidelines sections 15162 and 15164. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 1 of 166 Public Notification The City Clerk will have the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance published within fifteen days, if adopted. Exhibits 1. Ordinance No. CS-317 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 2 of 166 Exhibit 1 · ORDINANCE NO. CS-317 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TITLE 21 (ZONING ORDINANCE} TO ADD CHAPTER 21.209 -CANNON ROAD AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE ZONE (CR-A/OS} AND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF OTHER RELATED AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ZONING MAP, CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN, AND THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM. CASE NAME: PROP D CANNON ROAD AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE ZONE CASE NO.: ZCA 16-04/ZC 16-02/SP207L/LCPA 16-03 WHEREAS, the recommended amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (ZCA 16-04}, Zoning Map (ZC 16-02}, Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (SP 207(L}}, and Local Coastal Program (LCPA 16-03} are necessary to implement Proposition D "Preserve the Flower and Strawberry Fields and Save Tax Payers Money," which was approved by Carlsbad voters in November 2006; and WHEREAS, the City Council did on March 14, 2017 hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider PROP D CANNON ROAD AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE ZONE ZCA 16-04/ZC 16-02/SP207L/LCPA 16-03; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors relating to PROP D CANNON ROAD AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE ZONE ZCA 16-04/ZC 16-02/SP207L/LCPA 16-03. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, ordains as follows that: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The findings and conditions of the Planning Commission as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 7218 constitute the findings and conditions of the City Council. 3. The list of chapters contained in Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to list the following chapter in numerical order: 21.209 CR-A/OS Cannon Road -Agricultural/Open Space Zone 4. Section 21.05.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 21.05.010 Names of zones In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segregate the uses of land and buildings, to regulate and restrict the height and bulk of buildings, to regulate the area of yards and other 16 open spaces about buildings, and to regulate the density of population, thirty-six classes of zones and overlay zones are established by this title to be known as follows: Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 3 of 166 C-1-Neighborhood Commercial Zone C-2-General Commercial Zone C-F-Community Facilities Zone C-L--Local Shopping Center Zone C-M-Heavy Commercial-Limited Industrial Zone CR-A/OS -Cannon Road -Agricultural/Open Space Zone C-T-Commercial Tourist Zone E-A-Exclusive Agricultural Zone L-C-Limited Control Zone M-lndustrial Zone 0-0ffice Zone 0-S-Open Space Zone P-C-Planned Community Zone P-M-Planned Industrial Zone P-U-Public Utility Zone R-1-0ne-Family Residential Zone R-2-Two-Family Residential Zone R-3-Multiple-Family Residential Zone R-A-Residential Agricultural Zone R-E-Residential Estate Zone R-P-Residential-Professional Zone R-T -Residential Tourist Zone R-W-Residential Waterway Zone RD-M-Residential Density-Multiple Zone RMHP-Residential Mobile Home Park T-C-Transportation Corridor Zone V-R-Village Review Zone BAO-Beach Area Overlay Zone Coastal Agriculture Overlay Zone Coastal Resource Protection Overlay Zone Coastal Shoreline Development Overlay Zone Coastal Resource Overlay Zone Mello I LCP Segment C/V-SO-Commercial/Visitor-Serving Overlay Zone F-P-Floodplain Overlay Zone H-0-Hospital Overlay Zone Q-Qualified Development Overlay Zone 5. Section 21.05.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the zoning map, is amended as shown on Exhibit 2A-1-Amendment to Zoning Map dated January 4, 2017, attached hereto. 6. Section 21.06.010 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 21.06.010 Intent and purpose A. The intent and purpose of the Q qualified development overlay zone is to supplement the underlying zoning by providing additional regulations for development within designated areas to: Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 4 of 166 1. Require that property development criteria are used to insure compliance with the general plan and any applicable master plan or specific plan; 2. Provide that development will be compatible with surrounding developments, both existing and proposed; 3. Insure that development occurs with due regard to environmental factors; 4. Allow a property to be granted a particular zone where some or all ofthe permitted uses would be appropriate to the area only in certain cases with the addition of specific conditions; 5. Provide for public improvements necessitated by the development; 6. Promote orderly, attractive and harmonious development, and promote the general welfare by preventing the establishment of uses or erection of structures which are not properly related to or which would adversely impact their sites, surroundings, traffic circulation or environmental setting; 7. Provide a process for the review and approval of site development plans as called for by this chapter or other provisions of this title. 7. Sections 21.06.030 through 21.06.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: 21.06.030 Site development plan requirement A. Unless specifically exempted from the requirements of this chapter, no building permit or other entitlement shall be issued for any development or use in the Q zone unless there is a valid minor site development plan or site development plan approved for the property. 21.06.040 A. Exceptions The following developments or uses are exempted from the site development plan requirements: 1. One single-family residential structure may be constructed or enlarged on any residentially zoned lot; 2. One office building of less than one thousand square feet may be constructed on any commercially or industrially zoned lot; 3. One enlargement of less than one thousand square feet of any existing commercial or industrial building on any commercially or industrially zoned lot. 21.06.050 Application and fees A. An application for a minor site development plan or site development plan may be made by the owner of the property affected or the authorized agent of the owner. The application shall: 1. Be made in writing on a form provided by the City Planner; 2. State fully the circumstances and conditions relied upon as grounds for the application; and 3. Be accompanied by adequate plans, a legal description of the property involved and all other materials as specified by the City Planner. B. At the time of filing the application, the applicant shall pay the application fee contained in the most recent fee schedule adopted by the city council. 8. Chapter 21.209 is added to the Carlsbad Municipal Code as follows: Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 5 of 166 Sections: 21.209.010 21.209.020 21.209.030 21.209.040 21.209.050 21.209.060 21.209.070 21.209.080 21.209.090 21.209.010 A. to: Chapter 21.209 CR-A/OS CANNON ROAD AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE ZONE Intent and purpose Definitions Guiding principles for permitted uses Permitted primary and secondary uses Conditional use permit requirement Site development plan requirement Pre-submittal community input process Development and design standards Severability Intent and purpose The intent and purpose of the Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS) zone is 1. Implement Proposition D, the "Preserve the Flower and Strawberry Fields and Save Taxpayers Money" proposition enacted by the voters of Carlsbad in November 2006. 2. Promote and support the continuation of agriculture in the zone for as long as the landowners determine that it is economically viable to do so; 3. Protect, encourage, and enhance public uses, public access, public views/vantage points, and community gathering places; 4. Ensure that all uses in the zone address traffic, circulation and transportation impacts; 5. Provide for agricultural and other active, passive, and cultural open space uses in the zone that provide economic benefit to the landowners as set forth in Table A of this chapter; 6. Create a sustainable area, which means an area that contains agricultural and open space uses that balance social, economic, and environmental values important to the community; 7. Provide for community input on the design of proposed development and uses; 8. Protect areas of existing natural habitat in conformance with the city's habitat management plan and local coastal program; and 9. Implement the goals and objectives of the general plan. In particular, the goals and objectives related to the Cannon Road Open Space, Farming and Public use Corridor. 21.209.020 Definitions A. Whenever the following terms are used in this chapter, they shall have the following meaning established by this section: 1. "Primary use" means a use that is not required to be developed in conjunction with or on the same site, lot, or parcel of land as another permitted and/or secondary use. 2. "Secondary use" means a use that is permitted only if developed in conjunction with and/or in support of at least one primary use. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 6 of 166 21.209.030 Guiding principles A. The following principles, as set forth below, are intended to guide the planning of development and establishment of uses in the zone to create a sustainable area that balances social, economic and environmental values that are important to the community. All proposed development, uses, or grouping of uses shall be reviewed for conformance with the applicable guiding principles. 1. Social principles. a. Encourage open space uses that have a strong community orientation and that provide maximum opportunities for people to gather, interact, and socialize. b. Create an area that is unique, vibrant and exciting by providing a diversity of open space uses. C. the zone. Integrate art, culture and history into the agricultural and open space uses permitted in 2. Economic principles. a. Recognize that the zone consists of privately owned lands and that community desires for certain open space uses depend on economic feasibility and benefit to the property owners. b. Support uses that economically benefit the continuation of agriculture in the zone, including organic farming, community farming, and other innovative or mixed-use agricultural operations. 3. Environmental principles. a. Balance natural open space uses with improved or developed public uses. b. Protect and preserve existing natural habitats and encourage the restoration of disturbed areas of habitat. c. Provide safe walking and biking through trails and pathways that interconnect uses and sites in the zone and surrounding area, which maximize public access to, and preserve and enhance, ocean and lagoon views. 21.209.040 Permitted primary and secondary uses A. In the CR-A/OS zone, notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, only the uses listed in Table A, below, shall be permitted. B. Uses similar to those listed in Table A may be permitted if the City Planner determines such similar use falls within the intent and purpose of this zone. C. Other uses that are not listed in Table A, and which cannot be found to be similar to those uses listed in Table A, may be recommended for approval as a permitted use to the Planning Commission provided that the City Planner ascertains all pertinent facts and the Planning Commission, by resolution of record, sets forth its findings and its interpretations that the use is substantially consistent with the intent and purpose and guiding principles (Sections 21.209.010 and 21.209.030) of this zone. Such Planning Commission resolution shall be forwarded to the City Council as a recommendation and, if approved by resolution of the City Council, thereafter such interpretation shall govern. An LCP amendment may be required for any change or addition to permitted uses. D. The establishment and continuation of agricultural uses in the zone is encouraged for as long as the land owners determine that it is economically viable. When agriculture is no longer economically viable for the landowners, only the other open space uses listed in Table A shall be permitted. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 7 of 166 TABLE A -PERMITIED USES In the table, below, subject to all applicable permitting and development requirements of the municipal code: "P" indicates that the use is permitted. "CUP" indicates use is permitted with approval of a conditional use permit. 1 = Administrative hearing process. 2 = Planning Commission process. Agricultural Uses Primary Agricultural Uses p Agricultural crop production (wholesale) X (including floriculture and horticulture, and structures necessary for production, maintenance, harvesting, storage and distribution functions associated with directly supporting the on-site primary agricultural crop production use) Agricultural-related educational, research and development facilities Community farming X (example: individual citizens or community groups growing agricultural crops) Agricultural farm worker housing (see note 1 below) X Energy transmission and distribution facilities, including but not limited to rights-of-way and pressure control or booster stations, X substations, gas metering/regulating stations or operating centers for gasoline, electricity, natural gas, synthetic natural gas, oil or other forms of energy sources, with the necessary accessory equipment incidental thereto Farmers market (sale of primarily agricultural products) Floral trade center (wholesale or retail) Greenhouses X Plant nurseries and supplies (retail) Tree and seed growing farms X Utility buildings/facilities that are built, operated, or maintained by a public utility to the extent that they are regulated by the California X Public Utilities Commission Vineyards and wineries X Secondary Agricultural Uses p Agricultural distribution facilities Other accessory or related uses that promote the continuation of a primary permitted agricultural use, as determined by the City Planner Public/private events and activities (permanent or temporary) related to promoting a primary permitted agricultural use X (examples: demonstrations, seasonal sales/temporary sales, special events, tours) (see note 2 below) CUP 1 1 2 1 CUP 2 1 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 8 of 166 Retail sales of agricultural crops and related products limited to a cumulative area of 1,000 square feet or less X (examples: on-premise sale of crops to the public, produce store, "you pick" operations, sale of products made from crops) Retail sales of agricultural crops and related products with a cumulative area of more than 1,000 square feet 1 (examples: on-premise sale of crops to the public, produce store, "you pick" operations, sale of products made from crops) Open Space Uses Primary Open Space Uses p CUP Amphitheater 2 Civic and public gathering spaces (examples: art display, gazebos, public plazas, sitting areas, water X features, wedding areas) Community meeting center 1 Dog park 1 Energy transmission and distribution facilities, including but not limited to rights-of-way and pressure control or booster stations, X substations, gas metering/regulating stations or operating centers for gasoline, electricity, natural gas, synthetic natural gas, oil or other forms of energy sources, with the necessary accessory equipment incidental thereto. Gardens (public or private) 1 (examples: botanical, rose, tea, and meditation gardens) Habitat preserves and natural areas X Historic center 1 Agricultural or natural history related museum 1 Parks (public or private) 1 Picnic areas 1 Sports or recreation center (public outdoor) 2 (examples: athletic courts and fields, lawn bowling, swimming pools, tennis courts) Trails (examples: bicycle, exercise, equestrian, nature, pedestrian) X Utility buildings/facilities that are built, operated, or maintained by a public utility to the extent that they are regulated by the California X Public Utilities Commission Secondary Open Space Uses p CUP Food service, including restaurants and cafes, limited to a X cumulative area of 500 square feet or less Food service, including restaurants and cafes with a cumulative area 1 of more than 500 square feet Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 9 of 166 Other accessory or related uses that promote the continuation of a 1 primary permitted open space use Public/private events and activities (permanent or temporary) related to promoting a primary X permitted open space use (examples: demonstrations, seasonal sales/temporary sales, special events, tours) (see note 2 below) Retail sales of goods and products, related to a primary X permitted open space use, limited to a cumulative area of 500 square feet or less Retail sales of goods and products, related to a primary 2 permitted open space use, with a cumulative area of more than 500 square feet Notes: 1. Agricultural farm worker housing consisting of no more than 36 beds in group quarters or 12 units or spaces designed for use by a single family or household is permitted in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 17021.6. 2. Subject to Special Events (Chapter 8.17 of this Code), Minor Special Events on Private Property and/or Temporary Sales Location permits as appropriate. 21.209.050 Conditional use permit requirement A. Decision-making process. The conditionally permitted primary and secondary uses, as indicated in Table A, shall be processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 21.42 (Minor Conditional Use Permits and Conditional Use Permits) of this title and the requisite findings therein. B. Finding of fact. In addition to the findings for approving a minor conditional use permit or a conditional use permit as set out in Chapter 21.42, a finding shall be made that: 1. The proposed use or grouping of uses implements the intent and purpose of the Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS) zone as set forth in Section 21.209.010 of this chapter. 2. The proposed use or grouping of uses conforms to the applicable guiding principles contained in Section 21.209.030 of this chapter. 3. The proposed development complies with the applicable development and design standards contained in Section 21.209.080 of this chapter. 4. Feasible and appropriate public art, public access, and civic and public gathering space elements have been incorporated into the design of the proposed development. 21.209.060 Site development plan requirement A. A site development plan shall be required for development in the zone as noted below. 1. Exemptions. The following types of development are exempt from the requirement for a minor site development plan or site development plan: a. Structures associated with primary or secondary agricultural uses which include: i. Structures containing a cumulative area of 2,000 square feet or less. ii. Greenhouses or plant protection (shade, wind, etc.) structures containing a cumulative area of 10,000 square feet or less. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 10 of 166 111. Temporary or seasonal plant protection (shade, wind, etc.} structures. Temporary or seasonal as used herein shall mean a structure that is in place for no more than 180 days in any 12 month period. iv. Open shade structures (gazebo, trellis, patio cover, etc.} containing a cumulative area of 1,000 square feet or less. b. Structures associated with primary or secondary open space uses which include: i. Structures containing a cumulative area of 1,000 square feet or less. ii. Open shade structures containing a cumulative area of 1,000 square feet or less. 2. Minor Site Development Plan. A minor site development plan shall be required for the following: a. i. square feet. Structures associated with primary or secondary agricultural uses which include: Structures containing a cumulative area of more than 2,000 square feet and up to 10,000 ii. Greenhouses or plant protection structures containing a cumulative area of more than 10,000 square feet and up to 50,000 square feet. b. Structures associated with primary or secondary open space uses which include: i. Structures containing a cumulative area of more than 1,000 square feet and up to 5,000 square feet. ii. Open shade structures containing a cumulative area of more than 1,000 square feet and up to 5,000 square feet. 3. Site Development Plan. A site development plan shall be required for, but not limited to, the following: a. Structures associated with primary or secondary agricultural uses which include: i. Structures containing a cumulative area of more than 10,000 square feet. ii. Greenhouses or shade structures containing a cumulative area of more than 50,000 square feet. b. Structures associated with primary or secondary open space uses which include: i. Structures containing a cumulative area of more than 5,000 square feet. ii. Open shade structures containing a cumulative area of more than 5,000 square feet. B. Decision-making process. 1. A minor site development plan shall be processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 21.209.060((} and Chapter 21.06 (Q-Qualified Development Overlay Zone} of this title, including the requisite findings therein. The City Planner shall be the decision maker for a minor site development plan required by this chapter. 2. A site development plan shall be processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 21.209.060((} and Chapter 21.06 (Q-Qualified Development Overlay Zone} of this title, including the requisite findings therein. The Planning Commission shall be the decision maker for a site development plan required by this chapter. C. Findings of fact. In addition to the findings for approving a minor site development plan or site development plan as set out in Chapter 21.06, findings shall be made that: 1. The proposed development implements the intent and purpose of the Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS} zone as set forth in Section 21.209.010 of this chapter. 2. The proposed development conforms to the applicable guiding principles contained in Section 21.209.030 of this chapter. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 11 of 166 3. The proposed development complies with the applicable development and design standards contained in Section 21.209.080 of this chapter. 4. Feasible and appropriate public art, public access, and civic and public gathering space elements have been incorporated into the design of the proposed development. 21.209.070 Pre-submittal community input process A. Prior to the submittal of a minor site development plan, site development plan, minor conditional use permit, and/or conditional use permit application for a proposed development, uses, or grouping of uses, the applicant shall submit to the City Planner a proposed strategy for allowing the community to provide pre-submittal input on the proposed development, uses, or grouping of uses. B. The strategy shall include at least one publicly noticed community workshop or similar event. C. The public outreach must be completed prior to submitting a formal application. D. The application submittal shall be accompanied by a written description of the outcome of the community input strategy, description of public noticing, and any features of the proposed development, uses, or grouping of uses that have resulted from the community input. 21.209.080 Development and design standards A. Lot Coverage. 1. Lot coverage shall not exceed 50% of the lot. B. Lot Area, minimum 1. There shall be no minimum lot area established for the CR-A/OS zone district. The size of the lot shall be dependent upon the existing or proposed use. C. Building Design. 1. The design of all buildings in a proposed development shall reflect a human scale (proportionate and attention to details) in terms of the size, bulk and massing of structures. D. Building Height. 1. No building or structure shall exceed twenty-five feet in height unless a higher building height is authorized through a minor site development plan or site development plan approval. Additional building height authorized through a minor site development plan or site development plan approval shall not exceed a maximum of thirty-five feet. 2. In approving the increased building height, the decision maker shall determine that the buildings or structures require an increased height in order to provide the function needed for the development, use, or grouping of uses that the building is intended to serve. E. Habitat Preservation. 1. Consistent with guiding principle 21.209.030.A.3.b contained in this chapter, proposed development shall be consistent with the city's habitat management plan and shall conform to the applicable provisions of Chapter 21.210 and the local coastal program. Restoration of disturbed habitat shall be encouraged for proposed development located adjacent to existing preserve areas. F. Parking Requirements. 1. Off-street parking requirements for proposed uses in the zone shall be governed by Chapter 21.44 of this title. 2. Where a parking requirement for a use permitted in the zone is not specifically identified in Chapter 21.44, the City Planner shall determine which use identified in Chapter 21.44 is the most similar to the use being proposed in the zone and that parking requirement shall apply. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 12 of 166 3. As an alternative, a parking study may be submitted by the applicant for a proposed development, use, or group of uses in the zone for review by the City Planner in order to determine an appropriate parking requirement. G. Public Art. 1. Any development proposal that requires a minor site development plan or a site development plan, and/or a minor conditional use permit or conditional use permit shall incorporate feasible and appropriate public art elements into the design of the proposed development. 2. Art elements may include, but are not limited to, art features on building facades, freestanding sculptures or structures, and mosaics or paintings on public furniture (i.e. benches, fountains, gazebos). 3. Art elements are encouraged to reflect the cultural, historical and agricultural significance and heritage of the zone. H. Public Access. 1. Any development proposal that requires a minor site development plan or a site development plan, and/or a minor conditional use permit or conditional use permit shall incorporate feasible and appropriate public access elements for walking and bicycling that interconnect uses and sites in and through the zone. 2. Public access elements shall connect to the City's proposed public trails as established in the City of Carlsbad Trails Master Plan or the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan; implementation of these public trail elements shall be completed concurrent with adjacent proposed development. I. Public Views. 1. Development shall be sited and designed to preserve all significant public view corridors and vantage points as established within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. All development proposals adjacent to identified view corridors and vantage points shall include adequate setbacks and buffering. J. Civic and Public Gathering Places. 1. Any development proposal that requires a minor site development plan or a site development plan, and/or a minor conditional use permit or conditional use permit shall incorporate feasible and appropriate civic and public gathering place elements into the design of the proposed development. Civic gathering places may include, but are not limited to, such things as art display areas, gazebos, public plazas, sitting areas, water features, and wedding areas. K. Signs. 1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, signs shall be permitted in the zone according to the provisions of Chapter 21.41 of this title. 2. The design of all permitted signs in the zone is encouraged to reflect aspects of the cultural, historical, and agricultural significance and heritage of the zone. 3. Temporary or seasonal signs shall be permitted on a project site for primary and secondary agricultural uses as allowed in Section 21.209.040 of this chapter, subject to the approval of a sign permit consistent with Section 21.41.050 of this title. The total sign area allowable for temporary or seasonal signs shall be limited to a maximum of 160 square feet per project site and a maximum of 32 square feet per individual sign. L. Traffic and Circulation. 1. A traffic and circulation study shall be submitted, pursuant to the City's circulation impact analysis thresholds, in conjunction with all proposals for new development, uses, or grouping of uses in the zone that require a minor site development plan, site development plan, minor conditional use permit, or conditional use permit, except for the establishment or expansion of Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 13 of 166 agricultural crop production. The study shall analyze how the proposal affects previously-approved traffic (ADT) projections for the local facilities management zone in which the proposal is located. If the study shows that previous projections are being exceeded as a result of proposed development, uses, or grouping of uses, the study shall identify traffic and circulation improvements that must be constructed to accommodate additional traffic in the zone. 2. The requirement for a traffic and circulation study may be waived at the discretion of the City Engineer and City Planner. 21.209.090 Severability A. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or part of this chapter is for any reason found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter, which shall be in full force and effect. The city council hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter with each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or part thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or parts be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 9. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (SP 207) is amended as shown on Attachment 2A-2 dated January 4, 2017, attached hereto. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption; and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and cause the full text of the ordinance or a summary of the ordinance prepared by the City Attorney to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad within fifteen days after its adoption. (Notwithstanding the preceding, this ordinance shall not be effective until LCPA 16-03 is approved by the California Coastal Commission.) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 14 of 166 EXHIBIT 1 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a Regular Meeting of the Carlsbad City Council on the March 14, 2017, and thereafter PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of March, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ~a&;.....j~~A.ol~~kG~<-E~~~t..""~~=E:::::.-<<Co:::=-) CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 15 of 166 A. B. C. Amendment to Zoning Map January 4, 2017 Prop D Cannon Road Agriculture Open Space Zone ZC 16-02/LCPA 16-03 EXISTING PROPOSED Related Case File No(s): ZCA 16-04 / SP00207(L) I LCPA 16-03 Zoning Designation Changes Property From: To: 211-023-11-00 OS CR-A/OS 211-023-13-00 OS CR-A/OS Exhibit 2A-1 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 16 of 166 Exhibit 2A-2 Specific Plan Amendment SP 207(L) January 4, 2017 CARLSBAD RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIFIC PLAN 207{K.b) Prepared for: Carlsbad Ranch Company Prepared by: Hofman Planning Associates February 27, 1995 Revised April 1995 Revised October 1995 Revised January 1996 Revised May 1996 June 1999 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 17 of 166 SP 207 Specific Plan on approximately 423.5 acres of land located north of Palomar Airport Rd, south of future Cannon Rd, east of Paseo Del Norte and west of Local Facilities Management Zones 5 and 8 Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 3480, January 6, 1993 City Council Ordinance No. NS-227 California Coastal Commission, June 10, 1993 * * * SP 207(A) Increase the land area of the original specific plan by 23.89 acres; including the transfer of 20.56 acres from Zone 5 to Zone 13, which is located along the southeast boundary of the project and the inclusion of 3.33 acres south of Cannon Road. Proposed land uses were changed to reduce office/research and development and focus on recreational, retail, and visitor serving land uses -(LEGOLAND) Replaced SP 207, in its entirety Approved by: Planning Commission Resolution No. 3848, December 6, 1995 City Council Ordinance No. NS-344, January 9, 1996 California Coastal Commission Application No. 6-96-9, April 11, 1996 * * * SP 207(B) Minor amendment to permit the realignment of the flower field trail, modifying the alignment and width of the trail to more closely approximate the existing agricultural road, eliminating proposed non-agricultural landscaping, reducing the viewpoint at what was previously the eastern terminus of the trail, and adding an alternative access point north of the new alignment. Approved by Planning Director, August 25, 1995 California Coastal Commission Application No. 6-93-34-A4, December 5, 1995 *** SP 207(C) Hotel/Time Share Amendment Withdrawn June 3, 1996 * * * Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 18 of 166 SP 207(0) To allow a museum open to the public, with incidental retail sales related to the museum (Museum of Music Making, located in the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) building) Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 4538, April 21, 1999 City Council Ordinance No. NS-488, June 8, 1999 California Coastal Commission Application No. 3-99A, December 8, 1999 *** SP 207 (E) To allow the development of Planning Area 5 with a hotel/time-share resort Independent of development of Planning Area 8 Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 5693, September 1, 2004 City Council Ordinance No. NS-727, October 19, 2004 California Coastal Commission Application No. 3-04A, March 17, 2005 * * * SP 207 (F) To allow for an administrative approval process for Legoland Inner Park improvements, modify the allowed uses to include overnight uses, and to define Minor and Major Specific Plan Amendments Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 6356, December 5, 2007 City Council Ordinance No. NS-875, February 8, 2008 Coastal Commission Application No. 1-08B, August 14, 2009 * * * SP 207 (G) To allow for a second driveway access for ingress only into the Armstrong Garden Center/Flower Fields®. Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 6414, April 5, 2008 City Council Ordinance No. NS-893, June 24, 2008 Coastal Commission Application No. 1-08A, August 14, 2009 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 19 of 166 * * * SP 207 (H) To add hotel and accessory hotel uses to Planning Area 4, modify the parking rates for LEGOLAND and gyms within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan and reflect the previous street name change of Hidden Valley Road to The Crossings Drive Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 6524, January 21, 2009 City Council Ordinance No. CS-025, March 10, 2009 Coastal Commission Application No. 1-09B, October 9, 2009 City Council Ordinance No. CS-069, December 1, 2009 * * * SP 207 (I) To implement "Proposition D -Preserve the Flower and Strawberry Fields and Save Taxpayer's Money" for Planning Area 8 by re-designating the land use from "Golf Course" to "Agricultural/Open Space" and allowing development pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS) Zone. Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 6737, December 1, 201 O City Council Ordinance No. CS-145, May 24, 2011 Withdrawn from Coastal Commission. September 26, 2012 * * * SP 207 (J) Text amendment limited to Planning Area 5 allowing development to include four stories within a maximum height of 45 feet. Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 7091, March 18, 2015 City Council Ordinance No. CS-274, May 5, 2015 Coastal Commission Minor Amendment No. LCP-6-Cll-15-0012-1, August 13, 2015 * * * Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 20 of 166 SP 207 (K) Annexation of 3.6 acres into the specific plan Planning Area 5 as Planning Area 5A and establishing development standards for Planning Area 5A. Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 7142, December 16, 2016 City Council Ordinance No. CS-293, March 8, 2016 Coastal Commission Amendment No. LCP-6-CAR-16-0015-2 Part A, July 13, 2016 City Council Resolution No. 2016-178, August 23, 2016 * * * SP 207 (L) To implement "Proposition D -Preserve the Flower and Strawberry Fields and Save Taxpayer's Money" to resubmit a revised version of SP207(1) to the Coastal Commission with some additional minor amendments re-designating the land use from "Golf Course" to "Agricultural/Open Space" and allowing development pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space (CR- A/OS) Zone. Approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. City Council Ordinance No. Coastal Commission Application No. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 21 of 166 INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PREPARATION OF THIS SPECIFIC PLAN Hofman Planning Associates 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 438-1465 Bill Hofman Mike Howes Stan Weiler Lisa King Dan King OTHERS CONTRIBUTING TOWARD THE PREPARATION OF THIS SPECIFIC PLAN O'Day Consultants 7220 Avenida Encinas, Suite 204 Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 931-7700 EDAW, Inc. 1920 Main Street, Suite 450 Irvine, CA. 92714 (714) 660-8044 Pointe Design Group, Inc. 3130 Bonita Rd., Ste. 200 Chula Vista, CA. 91910 (619) 691-1800 Krommenhoek McKeown Associates 1515 Morena Boulevard San Diego, CA. 92110 (619) 275-7421 City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA. 92009 (619) 438-1161 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 22 of 166 OTHERS CONTRIBUTING TO THIS SPECIFIC PLAN Carlsbad Ranch Company 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (619) 431-5600 Chris Calkins John White Lizbeth Ecke LEGO 7040 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad CA. 92008 (619) 438-5346 John Jakobsen Flemming Jensen Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan ii Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 23 of 166 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 A. INITIATION OF THE PLAN .............................................................................. 1 B. PROJECT LOCATION AND OWNERSHIP ........................................................ 1 C. SPECIFIC PLAN ACREAGE AND SITE DESCRIPTION .................................... 1 D. PURPOSE OF THE PLAN .............................................................................. 5 E. PROPOSED LAND USES .............................................................................. 5 F. ISSUES ADDRESSED IN THE PLAN ............................................................ 7 G. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PLAN'S POLICIES TO ITS REGULATIONS ............ 7 H. COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN .................................................... 7 1. LAND USE ELEMENT ......................................................................... 7 2. OPEN SPACE & CONSERVATION ELEMENT .................................... 11 3. CIRCULATION ELEMENT .................................................................. 12 4. NOISE ELEMENT ............................................................................... 13 I. AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE ....................................................................... 14 J. ENTITLEMENT AND APPROVALS PERMITTED BY THE SPECIFIC PLAN ... 16 K. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE .............................................................................. 16 II. LAND USE AND CIRCULATION .................................................................................... 17 A. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 17 B. OVERVIEW OF PLANNING AREA OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS .. 17 1. COMMUNITY CONTEXT .................................................................... 17 2. NATURAL AND CULTURAL FEATURES .......................................... 18 3. INFRASTRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................... 20 4. INSTITUTIONAL AND JURISDICTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ............ 20 5. NOISE AND AIRPORT COMPATIBILITY .............................................. 21 C. DESCRIPTION OF THE CARLSBAD RANCH PLAN CONCEPT ..................... 21 D. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES ........................................................ 31 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan iii Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 24 of 166 TABLE OF CONTENTS Ill. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ......................................... 66 A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES ........ 67 1. BUILDING HEIGHT ............................................................................ 67 2. BUILDING LOT COVERAGE ............................................................. 68 3. PARKING STANDARDS ........................................................ ., .......... 68 4. SIGNAGE ........................................................................................... 73 5. EMPLOYEE EATING AREAS ............................................................ 74 6. SERVICE LOADING AREAS AND TRASH ENCLOSURES ................. 74 7. OPEN SPACE TRANSITION AREAS ............................................... 75 a. Perimeter Wall ........................................................................................... 75 b. Berms ........................................................................................................ 75 c. Drainage .................................................................................................... 76 8. ROADWAYS ....................................................................................... 79 a. Palomar Airport Road ................................................................................. 79 b. Cannon Road ............................................................................................. 80 c. Armada Drive .............................................................................................. 81 d. LEGO Drive ................................................................................................ 82 e. Hidden Valley Road .................................................................................... 84 f. Street .......................................................................................................... 8 5 9. LANDSCAPE CONCEPT ................................................................... 86 a. Golf Course Cannon Road Open Space, Farming and Public Use .......... 89 b. Parking Areas ............................................................................................ 90 c. Project Entries ........................................................................................... 92 B. PLANNING AREA 1 -GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA ................ 97 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ........................................................ 99 PLANNING AREA 2 -RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ...................................... 102 2. DESIGN GUIDELINES ...................................................................... 106 D. PLANNING AREA 3 -HOTEL/RETAIL. ....................................................... 108 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................................... 108 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan iv Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 25 of 166 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. DES I G N GU ID ELIN ES ......................... ,,,, .............. ,, ......................... 110 E. PLANNING AREA 4 -LEGOLAND Carlsbad ................................................ 113 1. PLANNING AREAS ........................................................................... 113 2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................................... 120 3. DESIGN GUIDELINES ...................................................................... 137 4. LANDSCAPE AREAS ....................................................................... 143 F. PLANNING AREA 5 -RESORT ................................................................... 155 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................................... 155 2. DESIGN GUIDELINES ...................................................................... 158 G. PLANNING AREA 6 -SPECIALTY RETAIL .................................................. 160 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................................... 160 2. DESIGN GUIDELINES ...................................................................... 163 H. PLANNING AREA 7 -FLOWER FIELDS .................................................... 166 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................................... 166 I. PLANNING AREA 8 -GOLF COURSEAgriculture and Open Space ........ 172 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................................... 172 J. PLANNING AREA 9 -NATURAL OPEN SPACE .......................................... 178 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ....................................................... 178 IV. COMMUNITY FACILITIES .......................................................................................... 180 A. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 180 B. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES ......................................................... 180 C. LIBRARY FACILITIES .................................................................................. 181 D. PARK FACILITIES ........................................................................................ 181 1. GOLF COURSE ................................................................................ 181 b 1. TRAIL SYSTEM/PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ................................... 182 -3-,, 2. PARK MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS .................................. 182 E. OPEN SPACE .............................................................................................. 182 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan V Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 26 of 166 TABLE OF CONTENTS F. FIRE .............................................................................................................. 184 G. SCHOOLS .................................................................................................... 18 5 V. UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ......................................................................... 186 A. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 186 B. DOMESTIC WATER .................................................................................... 186 C. RECLAIMED WATER .................................................................................. 191 D. STORM DRAINAGE ..................................................................................... 192 E. SEWER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES ................................................ 193 F. SOLID WASTE ............................................................................................. 195 G. ELECTRICITY .............................................................................................. 195 H. NATURAL GAS ............................................................................................ 195 I. TELEPHONE ................................................................................................ 195 J. CIRCULATION ............................................................................................. 195 VI. SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES ...................................................... 208 A. ORDINANCES TO BE ADOPTED .............................................................. 208 B. SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE SPECIFIC PLAN .......................................................................................... 208 C. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ...................................................... 213 D. PHASING PROGRAM .................................................................................. 214 E. GRADING/EROSION CONTROL ............................................................... 226 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 226 2. GUIDELINES .................................................................................... 226 3. CONFORMANCE WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD ORDINANCES ......... 229 4. PHASING OF GRADING ................................................................. 229 5. LANDSCAPE MITIGATION ............................................................. 230 VII. SPECIFIC PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ............................................................. 231 A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (94-01) ............................................. 231 R OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS .................................................... 231 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan vi Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 27 of 166 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES ...................................................... 231 2. AIR QUALITY ................................................................. ,. ................. 231 3. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES ........ 232 4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ........................................................... 234 5. TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION ................................................................. 236 6. HAZARDOUS WASTE/PESTICIDE RESIDUE .................................. 239 7. LAND USE COMPATIBILITY ........................................................... 239 8. NOISE ............................................................................................... 240 9. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES .............................................. 240 a. Fire Protection Services .......................................................................... 240 b. Police Protection Services .................................................. ,. ................... 240 c. Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Facilities ........................................... 240 d. Schools ..................................................................................................... 241 e. Water Supply/Reclaimed Water ............................................................... 241 10. SOLID WASTE .................................................................................. 241 11. VISUAL AESTHETICS/GRADING ................................................... 242 12. WATER QUALITY ............................................................................ 242 C. SUBSEQUENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ........................................... 243 VIII. SPECIFIC PLAN ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................... 244 A. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 244 B. STATE REQUIREMENTS ........................ , .................................................. 244 C. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 244 1. AMENDMENTS ................................................................................ 245 IX. SPECIFIC PLAN ENFORCEMENT ............................................................................ 246 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan vii Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 28 of 166 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure 31 Figure 32 Figure 33 Figure 34 Figure 35 Figure 36 Figure 37 Figure 38 Figure 39 Figure 40 LIST OF FIGURES Regional Context ....................................................................................... 2 City Context ............................................................................................... 3 Vicinity Map ............................................................................................... 4 Development Summary ............................................................................. 6 Williamson Act Lands ............................................................................... 15 Site Features ........................................................................................... 19 Airport Flight Line Analysis ...................................................................... 23 General Plan Uses ................................................................................... 26 Zoning Designations ................................................................................ 27 Planning Areas ........................................................................................ 28 Development Program ............................................................................. 29 Parcelization ............................................................................................ 30 Grading Concept. ..................................................................................... 40 Storm Water Management Concept ........................................................ 41 Circulation Plan ........................................................................................ 50 Typical Street Cross Section .................................................................... 51 Typical Stree Cross Sections ................................................................... 49 Typical Street Cross Sections .................................................................. 53 Typical Street Cross Sections .................................................................. 54 Typical Street Cross Sections .................................................................. 55 Typical Street Cross Sections .................................................................. 56 Typical Street Cross Sections .................................................................. 57 Typical Street Cross Sections .................................................................. 58 Typical Street Cross Sections .................................................................. 59 Pedestrian Walk In Flower Field .............................................................. 62 Typical Surface Parking ........................................................................... 71 Typical Parking Structure Treatment ....................................................... 70 Agricultural Buffer .................................................................................... 77 Typical Berm Treatments ......................................................................... 78 Landscape Concept ................................................................................. 87 Planning Area 1 -Gemological Institute of America ................................. 98 Planning Area 2 -Research and Development ...................................... 103 Planning Area 3 -Hotel/Retail. ............................................................... 109 Planning Area 4 -LEGO LAND Carlsbad ............................................... 116 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Planning Areas ................................................. 118 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Conceptual Site Plan ....................................... 119 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Key Setbacks ................................................... 124 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Parking Concept Plan ...................................... 128 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Parking Geometries ......................................... 129 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Circulation Plan ................................................ 130 Carlsbad Ranch Specllic Plan viii Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 29 of 166 Figure 41 Figure 42 Figure 43 Figure 44 Figure 45 Figure 46 Figure 47 Figure 48 Figure 49 Figure 49A Figure 50 Figure 51 Figure 52 Figure 53 Figure 54 Figure 55 Figure 56 Figure 57 Figure 58 Figure 59 Figure 60 Figure 61 Figure 62 Figure 63 Figure 64 LIST OF FIGURES LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Landscape Concept Plan ................................. 144 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Cross Sections ................................................. 145 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Cross Sections ................................................. 146 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Cross Sections ................................................. 147 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Cross Sections ................................................. 148 Planning Area 5 -Resort ........................................................................ 156 Planning Area 6 -Specialty Retail ......................................................... 161 Planning Area 6 -Specialty Retail ......................................................... 165 Planning Area 7 -Flower Fields ............................................................. 169 Planning Area 7 -Flower Fields Planting Area ................................. 172 Cross Section -Wall & Promenade ....................................................... 171 Planning Area 8 -Golf CourseAgriculture and Open Space ............... 175 Trail at LEGO I Ge-If Agriculture and Open Space Boundary .............. 176 Cannon Road Golf Course Crossing Illustrative .................................... 177 Planning Area 9 -Natural Open Space .................................................. 179 Open Space ........................................................................................... 183 Existing Utilities ...................................................................................... 189 Water ..................................................................................................... 190 Sanitary Sewer ...................................................................................... 194 Capital Improvement Program ............................................................... 215 Earthwork Phasing -Previous Grading Done For CT 92-07 .................. 221 Earthwork Phasing -Phase 1 CT 94-09 ................................................. 222 Earthwork Phasing -Phase 2 CT 94-09 ................................................. 223 Earthwork Phasing -Phase 3 CT 94-09 ................................................. 224 Phasing Program ................................................................................... 225 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan ix Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 30 of 166 APPENDICES A. Project Summary Sheet B. Legal Description C. Glossary of Specific Plan Terms D. Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix E. Williamson Act Contract F. Potential LEGOLAND Attractions Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 31 of 166 I. INTRODUCTION A. INITIATION OF THE PLAN The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment was prepared at the request of the major property owner, the Carlsbad Ranch Company. A portion of the subject property is within the Palomar Airport Influence Area which is designated a Special Treatment Area by the City's General Plan. As required by the General Plan's Special Treatment Area Guidelines, a specific plan must be processed and approved prior to development of this property. In addition, a combination district is proposed for the subject property which also necessitates the preparation of a specific plan pursuant to the General Plan. The property is also located within the boundary of the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) which also requires a specific plan for development of the site. B. PROJECT LOCATION AND OWNERSHIP The Carlsbad Ranch site is located within the northwest quadrant of the City of Carlsbad. The site is located entirely within the boundary of Local Facilities Management Zone 13. A regional map depicting the location of the property within the County and a city context map presenting the location of the property within the City of Carlsbad are provided in Figures 1 and 2 on pages 2 and 3 respectively. The specific project site is shown on Figure 3 on page 4. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific plan is largely under the ownership of the Carlsbad Ranch Company. The Gemological Institute of America also owns approximately 29.0 acres within the specific plan. C. SPECIFIC PLAN ACREAGE AND SITE DESCRIPTION The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment area is 447.40 450.54 acres in size. This specific plan amendment increases the land area of the original specific plan by 23.89 acres. This increase includes the transfer of 20.56 acres from Zone 5 to Zone 13 1.vhich is located along the southeast boundary of the project. The remainder of this increase is due to the inclusion of additional right of 'Nay from Cannon Road along the northern boundary of the project. Of this area, 412.52 415.66 acres are considered developable pursuant to Section 21.53.230 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The site is composed of gently rolling topography and contains three north-south trending ridges. Almost all of the site has been disturbed by agricultural operations. Environmentally constrained areas of the site consist of steep slopes in the northeast and southeast corners of the property. Some of these slopes are covered with sensitive vegetation, including coastal sage scrub and mixed coastal chaparral. Carlsbad Ranch Speclfic Plan 1 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 32 of 166 No Changes to pages 2-4 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 33 of 166 D. PURPOSE OF THE PLAN The purpose of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is to provide a comprehensive set of guidelines, regulations and implementation programs for guiding and ensuring the orderly development of the Carlsbad Ranch in accordance with the City's General Plan. The specific plan defines the allowable type and intensity of land use, provides detailed development and design standards and criteria, and describes the method by which the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will be implemented. City Council adoption of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will establish the zoning and development standards for this property. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amendment will ensure that the subject property is developed in full accordance with the following: City of Carlsbad General Plan • Local Coastal Program -Mello II Segment • Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan • McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Compatibility Plan • Land Conservation Contract 76-1 E. PROPOSED LAND USES The proposed land uses for the Specific Plan Amendment will be similar in type to the original Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, but with a significantly reduced office/research & development component and the addition of recreational, retail, and visitor-serving land uses. Proposed land uses for the Specific Plan Amendment reflect a mix of compatible and complementary non-residential uses, including office, research and development, related light manufacturing, commercial, hotel, destination resort, golf course, agriculture, open space, a vocational school campus and LEGOLAND Carlsbad. The integrated uses will allow for the creation of a diverse, high quality development with appropriate recreational opportunities and services for the community. It will enhance the regional focus that the Carlsbad Ranch now holds as entry to the business and industrial corridor and as a visitor and community destination for its agricultural, open space, aesthetic, retail and entertainment characteristics. A table detailing the proposed land uses and associated square footage is provided as Figure 4 on page 6. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 5 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 34 of 166 .\\) \ \ \:~ I \\\ ·~ \\ ~ ' \ \ ~:;~ ~ Z> ~ (\-\ ...... , _ _,,_, i''\ ~ \ \ \ \ FIGURE 4 DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY n:::::~}:tj DEVELOPMENT AREAS AGRICULTURE /OPEN SPACE AGRICULTURE ~ 601:F--eOORS-E O WATER TANK NUMBER LAND USE ACRES (NET) DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2o, b 3 40, b, C 5 6-12, 14-15 13 16 17 18 19 20 AGRICULTURE 53.42 SPECIAL TY RETAIL 26.65 -GQbFAGRICUL TURE/OPENSPACE 45.61 G.I.A. VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 28.93 f;etf AGRICUL TURE/OPENSPACE 26.46 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 40.01 STREET "D" (PRIVATE) 1.97 OPEN SP ACE 10. 00 RESORT 55.94 LEGO FAMILY PARK 128.32 LEGO DRIVE (PRIVATE) 0.94 COMMUNITY HOTEL & RETAIL 10.48 PUBLIC ROADS 21.81 TOTAL SPECIFIC PLANS 450.54 AC 6 EXISTING FLOWER FIELDS 300,000 SF 4--r-!Gb.-€:.£.--Gf..--GQbf.. AGRICULTURE/OPEN SPACE 550,000 SF 3--ttet:ES--OF--&et:f"-AGRICULTURE/OPEN SPACE 800,000 SF PRESERVE IN NATURAL STATE 425,750 SF 212,080 SF; 280 ROOMS 2,934,830 SF Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 35 of 166 F. ISSUES ADDRESSED IN THE PLAN Issues addressed by this plan include land use compatibility with the existing and future agricultural operations and Palomar Airport to the east, preservation of open space, visual aesthetics of the development, provision of adequate public facilities and improvements, and consistency with the General Plan, Local Coastal Plan -Mello II Segment and the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan. G. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PLAN'S POLICIES TO ITS REGULATIONS The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is both a policy and a regulatory document. The Plan will serve as the zoning ordinance for the subject property. Where the plan varies from existing City regulations, specific policy statements are presented to clarify the intent and purpose of the proposed regulation. The specific plan goals, objectives and policies will serve to generally guide and direct development within the Carlsbad Ranch. The specific plan regulations will implement these goals, objectives and policies. Detailed regulations will control the type, location, intensity and appearance of development in Carlsbad Ranch. The illustrative plans contained in this document are conceptual in nature only. Specific project site design shall be subject to future City review and must conform to all applicable codes, standards and design requirements. H. COMPLIANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is consistent with and implements the Carlsbad General Plan. The following highlights some of the major General Plan goals applicable to Carlsbad Ranch and discusses the relationship between these goals and the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. 1. LAND USE & COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT OVERALL LAND USE PATTERN Community Character, Design and Connectedness a. Goal M 2-G.16 -A City which preserves and enhances the environment, Enhance Carlsbad's character and image of itself as a desirable residential, beach and open-space oriented community. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 7 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 36 of 166 The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is consistent with the intent of this goal, since the majority of the project will remain as an open family park, golf course open space, and agricultural area. The project has been designed to concentrate development along Paseo Del Norte, the site's developable western ridge and the flatter portions of the eastern boundary, thus preserving significant amounts of open space including the well-known "flower fields". b. Goal A.2 /\ City 'Nhich provides for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses. 2-G.1 Maintain a land use program with amount. design and arrangement of varied uses that serve to protect and enhance the character and image of the city as expressed in the Carlsbad Community Vision. and balance development with preservation and enhancement of open space. The specific plan meets this goal by providing varied uses, such as public recreational uses and amenities, employment uses. and visitor serving accommodations. entertainment, shopping and restaurants. These varied uses assist in achieving the image of the city as expressed in the Carlsbad Community Vision by providing access to recreation. supporting the city's strong and diverse economy, increasing dining and shopping opportunities. and promoting Carlsbad's tourism. including a family park, a golf course open to the public, a pedestrian promenade and a trail through the flower fields, which \Nill channel foot traffic through the fields. The private uses that contribute to balance the specific plan include LEGOL/\ND Carlsbad, the Resort, the Gemological Institute, the Hotel/Timeshare area and the Specialty Retail shops. Growth Management and Public Facilities c. Goal A4 2-G.21 -l\ City 1Nhich ensures the timely provision of Ensure that adequate public facilities and services are provided in a timely manner to preserve the quality of life of the residents. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan includes provisions which ensure that all necessary public facilities will be available concurrent with need. The specific plan has been developed to be consistent with and to implement the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) as identified in the Community Facilities (IV}, Utilities and Infrastructure (V) and Specific Plan Implementation Measures (VI) chapters of this document. The Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment is being processed concurrently with this Specific Plan Amendment. Development Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 8 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 37 of 166 within the Carlsbad Ranch has been anticipated and provisions have been established to ensure the availability of public facilities. Cannon Road Open Space, Farming and Public Use Corridor c. Goals 2-G.23 -2-G.28 2-G.23 Create a unique, community-oriented open space area along the Cannon Road corridor located immediately to the east of the Interstate 5 freeway including the existing flower fields and strawberry fields. 2-G.24 Ensure that this area is permanently protected and preserved for open space uses. 2-G.25 Enhance the protection of the existing flower fields. 2-G.26 Allow farming operations in the area such as the existing strawberry fields and flower growing areas to continue. 2-G.27 Provide for the protection and preservation of environmental resources in the area. 2-G.28 Increase public access and use in the area primarily though the incorporation of public trails and active and passive recreation. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan includes parcels that are part of the Cannon Road Open Space, Farming and Public Use Corridor, including the Flower Fields. This specific plan is consistent with the General Plan goals list above by: 1) requiring compliance with Zoning Ordinance Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space Zone (CR-A/OS), which is intended to create a unique, community-oriented open space area; 2) the plan designates parcels within the corridor for open space uses; 3) the plan ensures the protection of the Flower Fields; 4) the plan allows the continuation of agricultural uses on the parcels; 5) the plan requires protection of environmental resources; and 6) the plan increases public access in the corridor area by requiring future trails within Planning Areas 7 and 8. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 9 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 38 of 166 COMMERCIAL LAND USE d. Goal A 1 A City that achieves a healthy and diverse economic base by creating a climate for economic grmvth and stability. 2-G.9 Accommodate a diversity of business establishments in appropriately- scaled setting, including large-scaled industrial and research and development establishments proximate to the McClellan-Palomar Airport, regionally-scaled shopping centers, and neighborhood-serving commercial centers with smaller-sized stores, restaurants and offices to meet shopping, recreation, and service needs of residents and visitors. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will provide a family oriented theme park, destination resort and golf course, as well as a diverse range of commercial services including restaurants, specialty shops, regional retail, etc. The commercial uses of the specific plan will also serve to attract and accommodate local residents as well as meet the needs of the specific plan's tenants and guests. INDUSTRIAL e. Goal A A City which develops an industrial base of light, pollution free industries. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan incorporates research and development uses into the Specific Plan Program, thus maintaining consistency with the intent of this goal. The research and development uses contribute a light industrial component to the specific plan that will serve to strengthen the City's tax base as well as increase job opportunities for local residents. AGRICULTURE LAND USE .f:.e. Goal A± 2-G.15 - A city which s§.upports agricultureal uses throughout the city while planning for possible the transition of agriculture to tlfl3a.A: other uses. The proposed development on the site will provide supplemental income to help sustain agricultural operations in Planning Area 7, the Flower Fields. The specific plan will increase the amount of acreage preserved as permanent Open Space for agricultural purposes. Agricultural uses shall be allowed to continue in Planning Area 8 for as long as it remains economically viable for the landowners. When the landowners determine that agriculture is no longer economically viable, other open space uses shall be permitted. ENVIRONME~JTAL Carlsbad Ranch Speciffc Plan 10 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 39 of 166 g. Goal A ,A, City which protects and conserve natural resources, fragile ecological areas, unique natural assets and historically significant features of the community. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan contains provisions to preserve the community landmark of the "Flmver Fields". This is made possible by the revenue created by the other proposed uses. SPECIAL PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS AIRPORT -h-,.f. Goal A 2-G.13 -A City which mMaintains land use compatibility between McClellan-Palomar Airport and surrounding land uses, and encourage the airport's continued operations while ensuring it does not unduly impact existing neighborhoods and communities. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan area is located within the area affected by the McClellan Palomar Airport (noise. traffic pattern zone. overflight notification area)Special Treatment /\rea, as defined by the McClellan Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan"Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Palomar/\irport". As discussed in the Land Use Element of the General Plan, specific plans should be developed for properties located \Nithin the Airport Influence Area to ensure definite work programs for those identified key areas that affect the character of the entire community. Through the development of comprehensive design guidelines, the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan sh-al.J.-ensure.§. the orderly and consistent development of all properties within the specific plan consistent with the McClellan Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. 2. OPEN SPACE, & CONSERVATION AND RECREATION ELEMENT a. Goal A.1 4-G.1 -Preserve and create an Develop a balanced and integrated open space system reflecting a variety of considerations - resource conservation. production of resources. recreation. and aesthetic and community identity -and ensuring synergies between various open space components and compatibility with land use planning. The first goal of the Open Space, & Conservation Element identifies the need to preserve and create open space systems that maintain community identity, achieve a sense of natural spaciousness, and provide a certain degree of 1.iisual relief to the cityscape. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan provides for the preservation of all existing General Plan Open Space, such areas include areas for resource protection. agriculture. recreation and public access to views of scenic areas.in addition to proposing additional General Plan Open Space for a golf course open to Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 11 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 40 of 166 the public. The open space areas also include an area of native vegetation in the northeast corner of the specific plan area. 3. CIRCULATION MOBILITY ELEMENT STREETS /\ND TRAFFIC CONTROL a. Goal.§. A4 3-G.1 -3-G.3 /\ City with an integrated transportation network serving local and regional needs. 3-G.1 Keep Carlsbad moving with livable streets that provide a safe, balanced, cost-effective, multi-modal transportation system (vehicles, pedestrians, bikes, transit), accommodating the mobility needs of all community members, including children, the elderly and the disabled. 3-G.2 Improve connectivity for residents, visitors and businesses. 3-G.3 Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan shall provide a comprehensive circulation system that will serve the present and future traffic needs of Carlsbad and the region as a whole. The proposed internal circulation system of the project creates a circulation pattern which provides logical links with the existing. system. The Carlsbad Ranch's internal circulation system is also intended to enhance the existing network by providing alternative routes for movement. Signage will direct traffic generated by LEGOLAND Carlsbad and the resort to access these areas by using Cannon Road. This will preserve the capacity along Palomar Airport Road. ALTERNATE MODES OF TRANSPORTATION b. Goal l\ l\ City which promotes, encourages and accommodates a variety of transportation modes as alternatives to the automobile. This specific plan proposes goals, objectives and policies to address potential transit services and opportunities provided for alternate modes of transportation for the tenants and guests of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific -P-laH-Area. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 12 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 41 of 166 The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will provide a pedestrian circulation system, which is both safe and comfortable thus encouraging non-vehicular traffic. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will provide a pedestrian oriented environment, which will provide views of the surrounding open space and natural features while supplying access between the various uses. Sidewalk widths within the specific plan will be increased to 15 feet along portions of Armada Drive. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan also identifies potential locations for future bus stops within the specific plan area. The potential bus stop locations are as shown on Figure 15 on page 47. 4. NOISE ELEMENT AIRPORT a. Goal A 5-G.4 -A City that achieves Ensure long-term compatibility between the airport and surrounding land use. The subject property is impacted by noise from Palomar Airport and Interstate 5. The land uses proposed in the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan are in full compliance with the noise standards contained in the City's Noise Element and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Palomar Airport. (See Appendix E for the Airport Noise/Land Use Compatibility Matrix.) Noise impacts will be evaluated in the accompanying Environmental Impact Report. All future development within the specific plan shall incorporate the applicable noise mitigation measures identified in the EIR to reduce indoor noise levels to acceptable levels consistent with the Airport's Land Use Plan and the City's Noise Element. Carlsbad Ranch Speciffc Plan 13 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 42 of 166 No changes to pages 14-20 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 43 of 166 used for growing flowers. Several measures aimed at reducing potential conflicts between urban and agricultural uses on Carlsbad Ranch were adopted by the Coastal Commission at the time approvals were granted. These measures have been refined, where appropriate, and incorporated into the specific plan policies and standards. In 1993, the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan was approved by City Council (City Council Ordinance No. NS-227) for the development of 117.1 acres. A corresponding amendment to the City's General Plan which converted some Non- Residential Reserve to Open Space, Commercial, Office, Planned Industrial and Travel Service was also approved by the City Council. The proposed amendment to the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan will increase maintain the size of the specific plan area from 423.51 acres to 447.40 at 450.54 acres. The amendment 1Nill change several of the previously approved land uses 1,,vhich 1Nill include the provisions for a golf course open to the public, a destination resort and LEGOL/\ND Carlsbad adds trails to Planning Area 8a and updates references throughout the specific plan including General Plan goals and references to the City Planner. 5. NOISE AND AIRPORT COMPATIBILITY The site is also located in the Palomar Airport Influence Area. A portion of the site is within the projected 60 and 65 CNEL noise contours for Palomar Airport. Specific mitigation measures have been incorporated in this specific plan to ensure the compatibility of development with airport operations and consistency with the Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (see Chapter VII, Section B - Environmental Mitigation Measures). Building height, although a consideration, is not an issue in regard to airport operations as the proposed development lies well below the 100:1 flight line as illustrated by Figure 7 on page 20. C. DESCRIPTION OF THE CARLSBAD RANCH PLAN CONCEPT The concept underlying the plan for the Carlsbad Ranch is to create a mix of distinctive, complementary and compatible non-residential land uses including offices, research and development, commercial, destination resort, agriculture, ~open space, education institute and LEGOLAND Carlsbad. The mix of uses is supported by a pedestrian-scale circulation plan that encourages guests, employees, students and visitors to conveniently attend classes, work, shop, dine, exercise, iJ6U--and enjoy wholesome entertainment within walking distance. The plan concentrates building development within a limited area so that open space can be preserved and enhanced Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 21 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 44 of 166 No change to page 22 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 45 of 166 .,,,,·' _/,.-· 8-/PI FIGURE 8 GENERAL PLAN LAND USES D D'100'200' (D = il_fj OS OPEN SPACE R REGIONAL COMMERCIAL -0/.PI -9F FIBE/PLANNED INDUSTRIAL fR--------"fR1'iv'Et--RE-e-Rt:~iffiN"-eeMM . e----------eefQIIQI E"Rel~t-t:tNt'fi"'-ee!v1tvtf:itet1'it VC VISITOR COMMERCIAL 23 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 46 of 166 Much of the most visible west-facing slope will maintain agricultural use of the site as flower fields. Formal elements will heighten the sense of the hillside landscape and will reinforce the visual importance of the ridgeline extending through the site and creating a prominent brow at the southwest end. A transitional wall will create an edge to the flower fields that will become a promenade providing scenic vistas to the fields, the city and the ocean. Development will be concentrated within a limited area along the western-most ridge and areas to the east. A hotel/timeshare will occupy a prominent location at the southern end of the site. The hotel/timeshare will serve a role in Carlsbad much like the La Valencia Hotel in La Jolla and the Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado as a major landmark and social gathering place for the community. The use of courtyards, terraces, landscaping, sloping and tiled roofs, distinctive massing and many of the qualities characteristic of Mediterranean buildings are envisioned. The focus of development in the north and central portion of the specific plan will be on Biotech, research/corporate users and a vocational campus housing the Gemological Institute of America. The development will be a mix of one, two and three- story buildings. Design standards will continue to require architectural articulation on all buildings, incorporating a vocabulary, which is compatible with the overall Mediterranean character of the Carlsbad Ranch. LEGOLAND Carlsbad will be situated on the southeast quadrant of the Carlsbad Ranch. It will consist of an inner park of active and passive clusters, along with a service and administration area and an outer park containing a hotel and parking. All areas of the park will be heavily landscaped. The inner park will also contain water features. All areas of the park will be child and pedestrian oriented. All structures will be designed to blend in with the extensive landscaping in garden-like settings. LEGO models will be featured in LEGOLAND Carlsbad. A full-service destination resort, which may include up to 700 suites is proposed to be located on the northeast corner of the Ranch. The architecture will be compatible with the same Mediterranean vocabulary prevalent throughout the Ranch and features such as sloping tile roofs, terraces, arches, and elevated walkways connecting the various buildings should be encouraged. A golf course open to the public, Agriculture and open space uses will be situated below the resort adding to the open space in the Ranch. The western-most portion of the Ranch below the flower fields and adjacent to Paseo Del Norte will be developed as a specialty retail center. Buildings will be designed and oriented to allow for views of the flower fields to the east. There will be a focus on food service at the end of the pedestrian access to the flower fields and ridge promenade. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 24 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 47 of 166 Figures 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, found on pages ~ 26 through 2:.+ 30, identify the proposed location of land uses and the development program to be achieved on the developable portion of the Carlsbad Ranch, which is expected to build out over a 10 to 15 year time period. The acreage contained in the Parcelization map on page 2:.+ 30 does not directly correspond with the land use acreage as contained in the Zone 13 LFMP. The Parcelization map provides separate lots for the developable land and the roadways. While the land use maps contained in the Zone 13 LFMP provides acreage that includes the adjacent roadways in the land use area. The plans and maps provided in this specific plan are conceptual in nature only. Site Development Plans and/or Conditional Use Permits will be required prior to development in any of the Planning Areas within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, or as otherwise stated within the Implementation section of each Planning Area. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 25 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 48 of 166 No Change to Page 26 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 49 of 166 QJ PM) C·!J CR-A/OS_J OFFICE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL-TOURIST CANNON ROAD - AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE C-T-Q C-.2.J GENERAL COMMERCIAL 0-~ OPEN SPACE QI QUALIFIED DEVELOPMENT ::.I OVERLAY . Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 50 of 166 FIGURE 10 PLANNING AREAS .. 1 GEMOLOGICAL INSTJTIJTE OF AMERICA 2 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT /OFFICE 3 COMMUNITY HOTEL & RETAIL 4 LEGO FAMILY PARK 5 RESORT 5a RESORT 6 SPECIALTY RETAJL 7 FLOWER FIELDS D Ba -Ge!::F-001::JR-SE-AGRICULTURE/OPEN SPACE Bb -Ga.f--001:ffi-SE-AGRICULTURE/OPEN SPACE 9 NATURAL OPEN SPACE O' 100' 2od 600' n__r--i Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 51 of 166 No change to page 29 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 52 of 166 \ FIGURE 12 . PARCELIZATION \. Parcel Acres (net) 1 -AGRICULTURE 53.42 2 -RETAIL 15.95 3 -GO!::.FAGRICUL TURE/OS45.61 4 -G.l.A./ALT. 10.87 5 -GOl:FAGRICUL TURE/OS26.46 6 - R & D 5.78 7 - R & D 5.78 8 - R & D 4.84 9 - R & D 4.00 10 - R & D 4.95 11 - R & D 4.03 12 - R & D 3.79 13 -STREET "D" 1.97 14 -R & D 3.38 15 - R & D 3.46 Parcel 16 -OPEN SPACE 17 -RESORT 18 -LEGO 19 -LEGO DR. (PRIVATE) 20 -RESORT Acres (net) 10.00 52.80 128.32 0.94 MAP 13078, LOT 3 -RETAIL MAP 13078, LOT 5 -G.I.P:. MAP 13078, LOT 6 -GJ.A 3.14 10.70 10.30 7.76 10.48 0.08 . CT92-7, LOT 14 -HOTEL/RETAIL PASEO DEL NORTE POINTE PKWY. CANNON RD. LEGO DR, ARMADA DR. HIDDEN VALLEY RD. PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. TOTAL SPECIFIC PLAN 0.10 3.02 · 2.49 10.89 2.84 2.39 450.54 QC 18 NOTE: REFER TO TENTATIVE MAP FOR PRECISE PARCEL LINES AND ACREAGES. Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 53 of 166 D. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES The following section presents the goals, objectives and policies which provide the basis of the land use plan and will serve as a guide for future development and use of the Carlsbad Ranch property. GOAL1 Create an open space system that builds upon the visual prominence and agricultural traditions of the site. GOAL2 Establish an attractive, mixed use development which preserves the open space character of the Carlsbad Ranch and enhances the scenic qualities and identity of the Carlsbad community. GOAL3 Intensify development within designated development areas to create an appropriate level of pedestrian activity and vitality; to provide increased opportunities for mass transit; and to preserve larger areas of recreational open space on the site. GOAL4 Create a business center and community destination at this significant location within the City of Carlsbad. GOALS Provide for a circulation system that facilitates movement and access needs of automobiles, pedestrians and bicyclists, and provides structure and amenity to the Carlsbad Ranch development. GOALS Encourage and facilitate the use of travel modes other than the private automobile for trips made to, from and within the Carlsbad Ranch. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 31 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 54 of 166 GOAL7 Ensure that new development and new roadways meet City of Carlsbad growth management standards for traffic levels of service. GOALS To establish a family oriented theme park and destination resort that will benefit both the citizens of and visitors to the City of Carlsbad. The plan for the development of the Carlsbad Ranch property recognizes the prominent location and key role the site occupies within the larger Carlsbad community. Development on the Carlsbad Ranch is planned with a strong public orieritation that will invite use by the community. Central to the proposed development is LEGOLAND Carlsbad which will focus on providing fun and creative, educational experiences for children in the 2-13 age group and their families. This will be complemented by a destination resort, golf course open to the public, hotel, retail, agriculture, and open space. Other uses such as professional office and research and development will be integrated in the site. Development of a golf course open to the public, :12:.Erovision of pedestrian paths and promenades that link to the planned citywide trail system, and integration of community serving retail uses with employment opportunities will encourage use of the site by the community. OBJECTIVE 1: Plan for a variety of compatible land uses separated and buffered by open space areas and landscape setbacks. POLICY 1-A: Allow for the development of approximately 2.93 million square feet of professional office, corporate headquarters, research and development, tourist recreational uses and a destination resort, which includes a 550,000 square foot vocational campus, a 700-suite destination resort (647,000 square feet), the 128- acre LEGOLAND Carlsbad, a 9 hole golf course open to the public, 326,000 square feet of retail uses, and one 280 room hotel (commercial living unit) (192,080 square feet), as well as agricultural and open space uses, as shown on the Carlsbad Ranch Development Program (Figure 11 on page 26). The land uses proposed by the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan are illustrated on the General Plan Designations Figure 8 on page 23. The specific plan divides this site into five four land uses: Office/Planned Industrial, Regional Commercial, Travel/Recreation Visitor Commercial, Travel/Recreation Commercial/Community Commercial and Open Space. These proposed land uses are defined below: Carlsbad Ranch Speciffc Plan 32 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 55 of 166 OFFICE/PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (GtPI): This category includes most business and administrative office uses. Research and development uses and their related manufacturing uses are also included within areas designated "GtPI" provided they are compatible in character with the business and administrative uses. The specific plan also allows for the development of a vocational campus in Planning Area 1. REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (R) This category applies to Planning Area 6 for a specialty retail center with a regional focus. Due to its location along Paseo Del Norte near the 1-5 interchange, the Specialty Retail Area is planned as a more automobile oriented retail center. This would be an appropriate location for uses such as a factory outlet center, eating establishments, commercial uses related to agriculture, movie theaters, and other similar entertainment. TRi\VEL/RECREATION COMMERCIAL (TR) VISITOR COMMERCIAL (VC): These This designations are is applied to Planning Areas~ 4 and 5. The Travel/Recreation Visitor Commercial category includes establishments which serve business and industrial areas as well as the traveling public. The Travel Recreation Visitor Commercial designation is applied to LEGOLAND Carlsbad and the resort area. The land uses will be primarily visitor serving commercial and recreational. Carlsbad Ranch is well situated for this use given its visibility from and proximity to Interstate 5, Palomar Airport Road and Cannon Road. Central to this use will be LEGOLAND Carlsbad in Planning Area 4 which will attract families from throughout the region. A destination resort in Planning Area 5 will be designed to complement LEGOLAND Carlsbad and provide accommodations and other services to those who visit the Park. TRAVEL/RECREATION COMMERCIAL/COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (TR/C): The Travel/Recreation Commercial/Community Commercial designation is a split General Plan land use designation. This split land use designation is utilized only for Planning Area 3. Planning Area 3 is well situated to serve interregional traffic given its visibility from Interstate 5 and Palomar Airport Road. It is also convenient to nearby business and industrial areas. A business quality hotel or timeshare project and related retail uses could be developed \Nithin Planning Area 3 in addition to commercial retail and office uses. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 33 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 56 of 166 OPEN SPACE (OS): The Open Space category provides for agricultural and recreational uses. Approximately 39.1 acres of land near the southwestern corner of the property are presently designated as Open Space. This area (Planning Area 7) is proposed to increase in size to 53.422 acres and is intended to remain in floriculture to maintain the local landmark "Flower Fields". An additional 72.07~ acres is proposed for designation as Open Space to provide a golf course open to the public. The golf course open to the public, on a fee basis, ,.viii consist of ti.vo areas. A portion of the golf course will be located north of the f1011.1er fields between Car Country Carlsbad on the west and the Gemological Institute of America on the east. The other portion of the golf course area will be located north of LEGO LAND Carlsbad, south of future Cannon Road and beti.veen the Gemological Institute on the west and the resort on the east. An additional 72.072 acres (Planning Area 8) is designated as Open Space as part of the Cannon Road Agricultural and Open Space (CR-A/OS) Zone. Agricultural uses shall be allowed to continue on these areas for as long as it remains economically viable for the landowners. When the landowners determine that agriculture is no longer economically viable, other open space uses shall be permitted on the 72.072 acres pursuant to the CR-A/OS Zone (CMC Chapter 21.209). POLICY 1-8: Plan for the intensification of areas designated for development in order to maximize the amount of land retained in agriculture, recreation and open space uses. The development program for the Carlsbad Ranch establishes levels of development that encourage the maximum utilization of land set aside for development, thereby preserving larger land areas for agriculture, recreation and open space use, as well as establishing a pedestrian environment. OBJECTIVE 2: Establish a mixed-use development by combining complementary uses around LEGOLAND Carlsbad that will become a focus and activity center for the City of Carlsbad. The focus of the Specific Plan Amendment is to establish a family oriented theme park and create a destination resort. LEGOLAND Carlsbad will gain inspiration from the original LEGO Family Park in Billund, Denmark and the LEGO Family Park in Windsor, UK, presently under design. The Resort will further contribute to the success of LEGOLAND Carlsbad by providing amenities, which will interact directly with the Park, such as providing quality lodging. Acreages in this specific plan are based on tentative map level of analysis. The acreages may vary from those shown in LFMP 13 due to slight differences in the geographic area described and in the constraints considered (e.g. non-circulation element streets). Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 34 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 57 of 166 POLICY 2-A: Organize the office development in a compact pattern of buildings and streets. Adequately screen the parking areas from the primary cross streets. POLICY 2-B: Emphasize pedestrian activities and linkages in the specific plan area. OBJECTIVE 3: Establish recreational, agricultural and open space uses that maintain the open character and scenic quality of the Carlsbad Ranch property. Build out of the specific plan will result in the utilization of a significant portion of the Carlsbad Ranch property in recreational, agricultural and open space uses. In contrast to more conventional development patterns which spread development over a site, and set aside fragmented pieces of land for open space uses, the planning and design of Carlsbad Ranch has balanced the research and development, the recreational uses and open space areas. POLICY 3-A: Allov.' the development of a golf course open to the public on a fee basis and clubhouse on lands proposed as Open Space. Agricultural uses shall be allowed to continue for as long as it remains economically viable for the landowners. When the landowners determine that agriculture is no longer economically viable, other open space uses shall be permitted. /\ privately ovmed golf course open to the public on a fee basis ',Nill be developed in Planning Area 8. This •,e,iill be accomplished by a design allov,ing a portion of the golf course to be located on SDG&E land to the north of the specific plan area.Proposition D "Preserve the Flower and Strawberry Fields and Save Taxpayers Money" was approved by the City of Carlsbad voters in November 2006. Prop D placed a permanent open space zone on the privately owned agricultural lands within Planning Area 8. The Cannon Road Agriculture and Open Space (CR-A/OS) zone designation for Planning Area 8 allows agricultural uses for as long as it remains economically viable for the landowners. When the landowners determine that agriculture is no longer economically viable, other open space uses as specified in the CR-A/OS Zone (CMC Chapter 21.209) shall be permitted. POLICY 3-B: Provide for the continuation of agricultural uses in Planning Area 7 (Flower Fields) The continuation of agricultural uses is planned over the highly visible west facing slopes currently used for flower farming. OBJECTIVE 4: Minimize conflicts between agricultural and urban uses. There is the potential for conflicts between uses at the interface of urban and agricultural areas. The primary physical impacts that would be expected to occur in this area involve the drift of dust and pesticides from the agricultural to urban areas, inability of farm vehicles to move through the agricultural areas, and the transport of urban pollutants from the development area to the agricultural fields through storm and irrigation water runoff. Previous planning actions on the Carlsbad Ranch identified a number of mitigation measures aimed at minimizing potential conflicts between agricultural and urban uses. Those measures have been refined, where appropriate, and incorporated as the following policies into the specific plan. Grading and storm water management concepts are also addressed in this chapter under Objective 6. More specific design standards addressing the perimeter wall and berm treatment are discussed in the design guidelines. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 58 of 166 LAND USE AND DESIGN MEASURES POLICY 4-A: Establish a 25-foot building setback from adjoining agricultural areas. Structures must be set back 25 feet from adjacent agricultural areas in order to ameliorate the impacts of agricultural dust, pesticides and noise on the commercial uses. POLICY 4-8: A 6 foot solid wall or 3 foot high berm with 3 foot high landscaping on top shall be installed around the perimeter of the area designated for development adjacent to agricultural areas, to provide a physical barrier between urban and agricultural uses and to restrict access into agricultural areas. Construction of the perimeter wall and/or berms will occur concurrent with development. Installation of temporary barriers are required if the construction of Armada Drive precedes development on portions of the site. A combination of a wall and landscaped berms are located around the perimeter of the development area to provide a barrier between agricultural and urban uses, as shown on Figures 28 and 29 on pages 72 and 73. Along the western edge of the ridge developable area, a solid wall is proposed as a barrier between uses. Due to the high visibility of the wall, design guidelines provided in the following chapter will ensure that the wall is treated to provide a positive contribution to the project design. An illustrative plan and section of the wall appears in Figure 50 on page 164. Landscaped earth berms are proposed around the remainder of the developable areas and the agricultural area where a barrier which is softer in appearance is desirable. Berms will be 3 feet in height and supplemented with 3 feet of plant material, to achieve a 6-foot barrier. Typical berm treatment is illustrated in Figure 29 on page 73. POLICY 4-C: Re-grade the road cut adjacent to Palomar Airport Road in the area designated as "Open Space" to allow agricultural use of the land. Soils in the regraded area should be amended to be equivalent to the existing Class Ill Marina soils. The grading concept prepared for the specific plan regrades road cuts at the south edge of the property to a slope of 6:1 in order to allow agricultural use of the land. The grading concept is illustrated by Figure 13 on page 37. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 36 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 59 of 166 No changes to pages 37-41 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 60 of 166 The proposed storm water management approach for the Carlsbad Ranch varies somewhat from the approach assumed by the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan. The Zone Plan assumed runoff would be conveyed on-site through underground storm drains, whereas the specific plan advances the concepts of segregating flows based on land use and incorporating above ground flows on the golf courseagricultural and open space areas, and extended detention in order to improve the quality of water runoff. The Carlsbad Ranch system works within the limitations set by the surrounding citywide drainage improvements. As allowed by the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan, and subject to the approval of the City l;:ngineer, alternative storm water facilities such as those proposed herein shall be acceptable to accommodate future development within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan area. The Carlsbad Ranch contributes storm runoff to two watersheds, the Agua Hedionda Creek Watershed, which discharges into Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the north, and the Canyon de las Encinas Watershed, discharging into the Pacific Ocean to the south and west of Carlsbad Ranch. The potential for the degradation of water quality at storm water runoff discharge points is largely determined by land use. Moreover, the characteristics of pollutants contributed by different land uses, determine different facilities that are best suited to specific pollutant removal. To best address water quality degradation that may be associated with specific land uses, this storm water management plan segregates runoff based on land use. By doing so, different facilities that target particular pollutants can be most efficiently located in the system. Distinctions have been made between three land use types: urbanized development, landscaped open space/golf course and agricultural land (Flower Fields). The urbanized areas with increased impervious cover (streets, parking lots, roof tops) will contribute the highest increase in storm runoff compared to pre-development conditions. The increase in runoff quantity can be mitigated by providing permanent ponds that have sufficient added capacity to detain or hold back additional storm water, while only releasing water at pre-development rates. Pollutants that may potentially be introduced are primarily associated with streets and parking areas that collect oil-related and other automotive by-products on their hard surfaces. Leaves, dust, and accumulated litter also are often washed from these surfaces by storm water. Urban landscape areas have the potential for contributing nutrients and pesticides to runoff from fertilizers, soil amendments and spraying. Similarly, landscaped open space and golf course areas are potential sources for the introduction of increased nutrients and pesticides in storm water. Agricultural areas, due to their cultivated state, are known to be potential sources for suspended silts and sediment loads in storm water. Agricultural fertilizers and pesticides also present the potential for additional nutrient loads and pesticide-related tainting of storm runoff. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 42 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 61 of 166 The primary goal of this storm water management plan is to prevent flooding and protect property by providing safe, effective site drainage. This plan also addresses the potential impacts that the proposed land uses may have on the environmental quality of the water. To mitigate these potential impacts, this plan relies on a variety of facilities each specifically located within the system to provide incremental removal of urban pollutants. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide Best Management Practices to control discharges of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable to waters of the United States. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to, or concurrent with, approval of the final map, issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first, in the affected area. Said plans shall include, but not be limited to the following, which shall be included in the project's CC&Rs: The owner's association shall coordinate the use of the City's established program to assist owners with the removal and proper disposal of toxic and hazardous waste products. Toxic chemicals or hydrocarbon compounds such as gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze, solvents, paints, paint thinners, wood preservatives, and other such fluids shall not be discharged into any street, public or private, or into storm drain or storm water conveyance systems. Use and disposal of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers and other such chemical treatments shall meet Federal, State, county and City requirements as prescribed in their respective containers. Best Management Practices shall be used to eliminate or reduce surface pollutants when planning any changes to the landscaping and surface improvements. All parking and driving areas shall be swept and vacuumed on an established schedule to prevent the accumulation of dirt/oil/grease which could be washed into the storm drain system. The sweeping schedule shall be determined durlng the processing of the Site Development Plan for each Planning Area. AGUA HEDIONDA CREEK WATERSHED The proposed development establishes four drainage basins within the Agua Hedionda Creek Watershed. Basin One captures storm drainage from the golf course agricultural and open space areas. Surface water will be conveyed through swales to an NPDES storm drain system which will connect with the existing system in Cannon Road. This system will empty onto the SDGE property north of Cannon Road. A temporary depolluting/desilting basin will be constructed in November 1995, to provide protection for SDGE. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 43 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 62 of 166 Basin Two runoff is generated from the agricultural flower fields, a portion of the golf course open space areas and the Specialty Retail commercial area. Runoff from these three areas is treated independently prior to being combined and discharged from the site. Runoff from agricultural areas is proposed to be collected and conveyed through a swale system to the lower reaches of the site. Check dams and periodic NPDES sedimentation basins are proposed, as necessary, to reduce velocity of runoff and promote settling of suspended sediments, prior to reaching the Specialty Retail commercial area. Upon reaching this area, storm runoff will be conveyed in storm drains along Paseo del Norte and released to the west in an extension of the existing culverts under Paseo del Norte. Storm runoff generated from the Specialty Retail will be conveyed through a swale system in the landscaped setback incorporating Best Management Practices and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to release into the storm drain system. These facilities are intended to capture urban runoff pollutants resulting from parking lot/automotive sources. Basin Three runoff is generated from a small portion of the golf course agricultural and open space area east of LEGO Drive and a small northerly portion of the resort site. Runoff will surface-flow to a basin just southeast of the Cannon/Armada intersection. This facility will allow for elimination of urban pollutants, regulated release of the runoff, as well as reduction of velocity, and promotion of settlement of suspended sediments. After treatment, the water will be discharged into a storm drain system crossing both Armada Drive and Cannon Road and emptying onto the north side of Cannon Road within the SDGE property. A temporary depolluting/desilting basin will be constructed in November 1995, to provide protection for SDGE. Basin Four of the Agua Hedionda Creek Watershed is located in the extreme northeast corner of the site. As no development is proposed for this portion of the site, due to extreme slope conditions and habitat value, no storm drainage improvements are proposed. The proposed resort entrance drive must therefore be designed so as not to release storm water into this portion of the watershed. CANYON DE LAS ENCINAS WATERSHED The proposed development establishes three drainage basins within the Canyon De Las Encinas Watershed. Basin One consists of the southern portion of the resort, the majority of the 0/Pl site, the hotel site, and all of LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Runoff will be conveyed by an underground storm drain system to a vegetated swale/detention system on the north side of Palomar Airport Road which will also provide depolluting before discharge into the existing culverts crossing Palomar Airport Road. Basin Two consists of golf course agricultural, open space, and resort areas. Drainage will flow on the surface, either through swales or lined channels, to a basin just Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 44 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 63 of 166 east of the Armada/Lego intersection. After depolluting in the basin, these flows will be carried into the underground system and carried south to join flows from Basin One and into Palomar Airport Road. Basin Three consists of the GIA site and the northerly portion of the R & D lots. Flows will be carried in the underground system in Armada Drive, and then into the Lego Drive underground system to be carried south to join flows from Basins One and Two and into Palomar Airport Road. Removal of urban pollutants for Basins One and Three will be accomplished with long, flat grassy swale systems within the longitudinal basins north of Palomar Airport Road. The gentle slopes will allow for settling of the pollutants, and the vegetation will allow for some filtering. Periodic cleaning of basins to remove accumulated pollutants will be recommended. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE The ongoing maintenance of facilities in the system and the surface areas that contribute runoff will be essential to the storm water system's success. The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of drainage facilities and parking area surfaces. In urban areas, regular street and parking lot sweeping are important to prevent unnecessary loading of the system with dust and debris. Landscape and landscaped open space areas, including the golf course, shall institute integrated maintenance and pest control policies to avoid unnecessary application of fertilizers and pesticides. Soil conservation practices to minimize soil erosion and silt loading in runoff will contribute to the efficiency of the system. Since the facilities of the system are intended to remove silt and other contaminants from storm water, they will require periodic cleaning to remove accumulations that could eventually render them ineffective. Vegetated filter strips, sediment basins and detention ponds will require periodic dredging, regarding and replanting as sediments they trap eventually reduce flow and storage capacities. Water quality inlets will also require periodic removal of the accumulated petroleum-based products that they capture. The final design of these facilities will need to consider these requirements, providing reasonable maintenance access. The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of drainage facilities. Where the storm water management system relies on overland flow courses, its appearance must be carefully integrated into the overall landscape of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan area. The coarse grasses and riparian plants that are best suited to nutrient uptake and variably wet conditions will offer a natural appearance that is desired as part of the landscape identity for the golf course. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 45 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 64 of 166 CIRCULATION In developing the specific plan for the Carlsbad Ranch, consideration has been given to the larger regional issues of automobile dependency, urban sprawl, and air quality as well as project specific circulation. Given the strategic location of the Carlsbad Ranch near the 1-5 corridor, and within one-half mile of the San Diego Northern Railroad rail line, there are clear opportunities to develop a land use plan and circulation system for the planning area that will encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation, while conveniently accommodating automobiles. While the current mode of transportation is clearly dominated by private automobile use, there are indications that in the future there will be a greater reliance on alternative forms of transportation. The primary impetus for this change stems from the need to reduce air pollutants in order to achieve state and national standards for air quality. This portion of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan addresses internal project circulation systems within the context of the regional transportation setting of San Diego County. Policies and guidelines for the overall design and configuration of the project road system, transit accommodation, Transportation Demand Management (TOM), bicycle and pedestrian circulation are contained herein. Specific provisions regarding the phasing and implementation of circulation system improvements are contained within Chapter 6, Specific Plan Implementation Measures. Design Guidelines for the project roadways are found within Chapter 2, Land Use and Circulation. Transportation Context The Carlsbad Ranch is situated immediately east of 1-5 and accessible via the Palomar Airport Road interchange to the south and the Cannon Road interchange to the north. The site is bounded by Palomar Airport Road, a 6-lane primary arterial on the south, and Paseo Del Norte, a 4-lane secondary arterial on the west. At the present time, Cannon Road terminates at the northwestern corner of the site. In terms of the regional transit system, the City of Carlsbad is served by the North County Transit District (NCTD) which provides bus transit services to the north county coastal communities, including the Cities of Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, and Del Mar. The NCTD currently operates two local bus routes through the city of Carlsbad, two "corridor" bus routes which run along the coastal corridor and the El Camino corridor inland, and one express line that provides bus service from Oceanside to La Jolla and San Diego. The specific plan identifies potential locations for future bus stops within the specific plan area. These locations are shown on Figure 15 on page 47. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 46 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 65 of 166 A commuter rail service has been established linking Oceanside with San Diego along the existing San Diego Northern Railroad rail line, which connects Los Angeles and San Diego. Two station locations in the City of Carlsbad, on Grand Avenue and on Poinsettia Lane have been constructed along the proposed 42-mile transit line. Support transit service between the Carlsbad commuter rail stations and residential and employment centers are being developed. Circulation Concept The circulation plan for the Carlsbad Ranch has been designed to comfortably accommodate automobile, mass transit, pedestrian and bicycle needs. The plan recognizes that LEGOLAND Carlsbad in Planning Area 4 and the Resort and Hotel in Planning Area 5 will become a destination for visitors, recreational users and local residents in addition to the employees associated with these uses. This diversity of users and activities demands a circulation system that can accommodate a multiplicity of needs in a comfortable and attractive setting. The basic vehicular circulation system will route most of the visitor traffic for the park, and resort and golf course via Cannon Road to LEGO Drive and Armada Drive. Access to the office/commercial uses may be via either Cannon Road or Palomar Airport Road to Armada Drive. Because most of the visitor trips are by choice, they will typically not coincide with the employment generated trips to the business section of the development. By separating the predominant visitor serving traffic from Palomar Airport Road, the overall projected levels of service of the roadways can be improved. Roadway System The primary circulation system of the Carlsbad Ranch includes a four-lane north-south secondary arterial (LEGO Drive I Armada Drive) that links Cannon Road to the north and Palomar Airport Road to the south. A "roundabout" intersection is planned for the intersection of LEGO Drive and Armada Drive. A four lane private road is planned to provide access to the LEGO parking lot. Both of these roadways provide logical and direct connections to the larger city-wide circulation system. Each of these roadways is configured and designed to meet pedestrian and recreational needs, provide clear linkages between project activity areas, and create memorable public spaces, which are comfortable for pedestrian use, in addition to providing efficient automobile circulation. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 47 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 66 of 166 OBJECTIVE 7: Establish an attractive roadway system that provides access to the Carlsbad Ranch from the north and south. POLICY 7-A: Provide a north-south arterial roadway (LEGO Drive I Armada Drive) linked to Palomar Airport Road on the south and Cannon Road on the north. Establish a pedestrian promenade along the central segment of the roadway that allows public use and enjoyment of the ocean views, and links the office sites with LEGOLAND Carlsbad and the resort. POLICY 7-8: Provide parking pockets along the central portion of Armada Drive for visitors to the Carlsbad Ranch development. Punctuate parking lanes with landscaping to provide amenity and reduce the impact of the road on the adjoining walkways. The primary roadway through the project area, (Armada Drive), will serve as the primary point of access to the development in Planning Areas 2 and 3 from Palomar Airport Road to the south and Cannon Road to the north, as shown in Figure 15 on page 47-. Armada Drive will serve as a secondary arterial in the planning area, with four lanes to accommodate traffic flow. Armada Drive has been carefully configured to provide a sequence of visual experiences as the visitor travels through the site. Along the southern portion of the roadway, views of the agricultural areas on the west side of the road will provide a dramatic entry to the project area. The central segment of the roadway is configured as a single loaded roadway, which maximizes public views of the flower fields, the ocean and the City of Carlsbad. Along this leg of Armada Drive, a landscaped pedestrian promenade will invite passive (viewing, sitting, eating lunch, watching passersby) and active (strolling, jogging) recreational activities. Similar to the southern segment of the roadway, the northern section of Armada Drive that links to Cannon Road via LEGO Drive will derive its character from the views of the adjoining golf courseCannon Road open space, farming, and public use corridor. Prototypical roadway sections for Armada Drive are illustrated on Figures 20 and 21 on pages 52 and 53. The parking pockets to be located along Armada Drive are permitted only on the west side of Armada Drive from the southerly boundary of Planning Area 1 to the northerly boundary of Planning Area 3. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan also provides for a private street within Planning Area 2. The private street will allow for the total separation of the adjacent office/research and development uses from the tourist recreational use. Although the two land uses are adjacent to each other, the people visiting LEGOLAND Carlsbad will not be required to interact with the people working in Planning Area 2. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 48 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 67 of 166 The private street will provide special landscape treatment adjacent to the street which would not be possible along a public street. Since the City has strict requirements regarding landscaping within the public right-of-way, the private street will allow for a greater flexibility in the landscaping adjacent to the street. This flexibility will allow for an enhanced landscaping treatment along the private street. The proposed private street is a workable solution to resolve the potential vehicular conflict between the two separate uses without providing a full public street through the middle of Planning Area 2. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 49 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 68 of 166 :\, \' \ \ \ \ \ __ .,.,,,. ~··"' ___ ..,....l-----.,_.:...... __ ~ ___ , .... ----..___ -1'.l \ '·· '• '· \, --~ ~' \ ·•· .. ~--~. c• \ \ \ ) . \\ \ \\\ / \ '7-, \ 1\ \ \\\ .)\ FIGURE 15 CIRCULATION PLAN . . D B EXISTING CIRCULATION PLANNED CIRCULATION PROJECT PROPOSED CIRCULATION D PROJECT PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN WAYS & TRAILS GRADE SEPARATED CROSSING FOR ffBES-'fftl-ANS--&:--oot-F--6-A'R-, PEDESTRIAN/BIKE ACCESS POTENTIAL TRANSIT STOP LOCATtON. THE EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL ,. so (J) 1' 100'200' 400' nr-1 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 69 of 166 Off Site ' 4.5'~ : Landscape ~·..,._,t,ir"r.,i'--~......,.,--~3~2~',......~~~~~..,..,...1~8~'~~-+~~V~a~r~ie~s~~3~~~·,......-__;4~4~'~+:5~-~5'~1JL.-Travel Lane Median Travel Lane 1walk Vorias 82' -94' Roadwo ' 10' Varies 102' -114' R.O.W. EXISTING & PROPOSED CANNON ROAD <Public) !looking east> AddlHono1--------. 12' Wld• '. Oec•lenrllon Lane ct Armoda f"cf•reectto" PROPOSED PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD (Public> !looking east> Figure 16 TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTIONS 4.5' Landseai:,e Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 70 of 166 No change to page 52 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 71 of 166 G.I.A. 22' LEGO DRIVE (Pubtlc) From Cannon Road to Northerty ACCNa to GJA Oooklng north) s· 8' 1 o• 10' loledlan Turn Lane Tum Lant 82'Roadwa 110' R.O.W. Clo1ed Lane Rl9h1 Tum (rutu,.. Rltht lOl'I• Only Turn) 22' 22' Slkt Turn Lan• 121' R.O.W. LEGO DRIVE (Public) From Northlrty Accela to GJ.A. to Rou,d•bout (looktng north) Figure 18 s· a• s· Bike andscapt Walk 14' 5' 8' 6' GOl:F--- AGRICUL TUR I OPEN SPACE Gotf··-AGRICUL T RE/ OPEN SPA E Bike an scape Walk 14' TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTIONS Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 72 of 166 10' 48' -53' * Roadwa 1 an •cop 68' -81': LEGO DRIVE <Private> From Roundabout to Northerly Boundary of Lego <looking north) 21·-23• --·ootr· AGRICULTURE/ OPEN SPACE I ,. ,1-~~~-3-5~·~-,--,-~...!!--!-'10~·--,,.~~-,-~---'4~8-'~R~o~ad~w~a=--,--,-~~-,-_,.___,..,,___....,.,.,_,..,,i....:~:..-Jr. W"ndertng S•iba<I< on Rf<D Site <1nd 1L<11\d1cape Walk Lol'\dscape Eas•m•nf I ' y-Lot 1 Lin• LEGO DRIVE (Private) Within Lego <looklng northt Figure 19 68' TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTIONS Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 73 of 166 No changes to pages 55-57 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 74 of 166 Golt ••••• AGRICULTURE/ OPEN SPACE 73' R.O.W POINTE PARKWAY o CANNON ROAD Oooklng north) R&D 8' Parking This Side Only 8' LandKapt 40' Roadwa 58' R.O.W. General Access and Utlllty Easement "D• STREET (Prtvate) Oooklna l'IClrlh) Figure 23 10' Londscopt R.tD Open Spaee Setback Measured F'rom Lot Line (both sides) TYPICAL STREET CROSS SECTIONS Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 75 of 166 No changes to pages 59-61 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 76 of 166 Bicycle Circulation OBJECTIVE 10: Provide bicycle facilities that promote the use of the bicycle as an alternative mode of transportation. POLICY 10-A: Incorporate bikeways into the circulation system of the Carlsbad Ranch. Development of the Carlsbad Ranch will also promote the use of bicycles for commute and recreational trips. A Class Ill (shared route) bicycle route is planned along Armada Drive and the north portion of LEGO Drive where the bicycle route would connect with Cannon and Palomar Airport Roads, both designated bicycle routes in the City's General Plan. Pedestrian/Bicycle trails within the specific plan shall be designed to connect into the Citywide Trail System. POLICY 10-B: Provide facilities for bicycle parking at each development site The Carlsbad Ranch will be an attractive destination for both commuter and recreational bicyclists. To accommodate and encourage the use of bicycles for these trips, conveniently located bicycle-parking facilities should be provided within each development site. Pedestrian Circulation OBJECTIVE 11: Develop a strong pedestrian circulation network within the Carlsbad Ranch that connects with planned citywide trail systems. POLICY 11-A: Establish a pedestrian promenade along the western perimeter of the planning area, which will serve as an active public gathering place for the development, and the City of Carlsbad. In planning the Carlsbad Ranch, emphasis has been placed on developing a friendly environment for the pedestrian. The promenade along the main road (Armada Drive) will be the backbone of the Carlsbad Ranch pedestrian network that will link together the various destinations within the Ranch and beyond. Located along the western ridge of the development area with sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and flower fields, the promenade will provide an attractive setting for pedestrian use. An illustrative section and plan of the pedestrian promenade can be found in Figure 50 on page 164 167. POLICY 11-B: Provide a pedestrian walkway linking the Carlsbad Ranch to the planned city-wide trail system. A pedestrian system in the specific plan is designed to allow connection between the Carlsbad Ranch and the City of Carlsbad's citywide trail system. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 62 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 77 of 166 POLICY 11-C: Establish a pedestrian trail connection between the Specialty Retail area (Planning Area 6) and the promenade along Armada Drive. Design the trail to allow movement of farm vehicles across the trail to adjoining agricultural uses. A pedestrian path is planned to connect the Specialty Retail area (Planning Area 6) on Paseo del Norte with the promenade along Armada Drive. The pedestrian connection would serve to channel foot traffic which presently traverses the fields, particularly when flowers are in bloom. The path will be gated at both ends so that pedestrian access can be cut off completely, if warranted by the farming operations. A cross section of the pedestrian path is shown on Figure 25 on page 61. POLICY 11-D: In addition to the pedestrian trail identified in Policy 11-C, establish another pedestrian trail through Planning Area 8a that provides a connection between the Specialty Retail Area (Planning Area 6) on Paseo del Norte with the promenade along Armada Drive. A pedestrian trail through Planning Area Sa is planned to connect the Specialty Retail area (Planning Area 6) on Paseo del Norte with the promenade along Armada Drive. subject to the following: 1. The exact location of the trail shall be determined concurrent with city review of any discretionary permit for future development in Planning Area Sa. 2. The trail should be designed to allow movement of farm vehicles across the trail to adjoining farming operations. The pedestrian connection would serve to channel foot traffic which presently traverses the fields. particularly when flowers are in bloom. 3. The trail will be gated at both ends so that pedestrian access can be intermittently closed off completely. if warranted by farming operations, such as during application of pesticides. a. When either agricultural uses are determined to no longer be economically viable and the site converts to an allowed open space use in Planning Area Sa, or when onsite agricultural operations change to allow permanent through access for the public. then the trail shall be made a permanent trail connection with any gates removed. 4. Construction of the trail shall be completed prior to occupancy of any future development within Planning Area Sa that is subject to a discretionary permit approval. POLICY 11-E: Establish a pedestrian trail along the eastern boundary of Planning Area 8a that provides a connection between the promenade along Armada Drive and the pedestrian under crossing at Cannon Road just east of Car Country Drive. A pedestrian trail is planned to connect the promenade along Armada Drive with Cannon Road and the pedestrian under crossing, subject to the following: 1. The trail shall be located along the easterly boundary of Planning Area Sa on the highest portion of the planning area taking advantage of the sweeping coastal and lagoon views. 2. The trail should be designed to allow movement of farm vehicles across the trail to adjoining farming operations. 3. The trail will be gated at both ends so that pedestrian access can be intermittently closed off completely. if warranted by the farming operations, such as during Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 63 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 78 of 166 application of pesticides. a. When either agricultural uses are determined to no longer be economically viable and the site converts to an allowed open space use in Planning Area 8a, or when onsite agricultural operations change to allow permanent through access for the public, then the trail shall be made a permanent trail connection with any gates removed. 4. Construction of the trail shall be completed prior to occupancy of any future development within Planning Area 8a that is subject to a discretionary permit approval. Parking OBJECTIVE 12: Provide adequate parking facilities to serve the needs of the commercial and recreational uses on the Carlsbad Ranch. POLICY 12-A: Encourage the shared use of parking lots and structures. POLICY 12-B: Review and update parking standards to respond to changes in transportation modes. Development within the specific plan is required to comply with the requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In the future there may be a need to reduce the current parking standards in order to encourage the use of alternative commute modes, such as transit, bicycle and carpools. Most transit experts agree that an abundance of free parking is one of the most significant deterrents to reducing drive alone vehicle trips. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 64 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 79 of 166 No change to page 65 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 80 of 166 Ill. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES The purpose of this chapter is to establish the development standards and design guidelines that address the critical issues of visual quality and urban design for the Carlsbad Ranch. The standards and guidelines shall serve as the planning regulations for the Carlsbad Ranch development, and as such shall serve as the zoning for the site upon adoption of the specific plan. The following standards and guidelines are based on land use and zoning standards contained within the Carlsbad General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and are specifically adapted to suit development on the Carlsbad Ranch. The regulations included v.-ithin the City's zoning code •.viii apply unless othenvise stated herein. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan has been divided into the following 9 Planning Areas as depicted in Figure 10 on page 25. Planning Area 1 -Gemological Institute of America, located at the southeast corner of Armada Drive and Cannon Road; Planning Area 2 -Office/Research and Development, located in the central portion of the specific plan area, south of Planning Area 1 on the east side of Armada Drive; Planning Area 3 -Hotel/Retail, located south of Planning Area 2 on the west side of Armada Drive overlooking the Flower Fields; Planning Area 4 -LEG OLAND Carlsbad, located in the southeast corner of the specific plan area; Planning Area 5 -Resort, located north of Planning Area 4 at the eastern edge of the specific plan area; Planning Area 6 -Specialty Retail, located on the east side of Paseo Del Norte; Planning Area 7 -Flower Fields, located east of Planning Area 6, west of Planning Areas 2 and 3 and north of Palomar Airport Road; Planning Area 8 -Golf CourseAqricu/ture and Open Space, located on the south side of Cannon Road; Planning Area 9 -Open Space, located east of Planning Area 5 in the northeast corner of the specific plan area. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 66 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 81 of 166 Plans contained herein are conceptual in nature only. Specific project site design shall be subject to future City review and must conform to all applicable codes, standards and design requirements. The requirements of the following General Development Standards and Design Guidelines shall apply to each individual Planning Area unless review of a Planning Area's Development Standards and Design Guidelines indicate that they are not applicable. The regulations included within the City's zoning code will apply unless otherwise stated herein. Within Planning Area 81 the design and development standards of CMC Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS) Zone shall take precedence over the Building Height, Lot Coverage, Parking Standards, and Signage Regulations stated herein. A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES 1. BUILDING HEIGHT Building heights shall conform to the building height standards of the City's Zoning Ordinance (Chapters 21.04 and 21.29.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) except as modified in this section. All buildings within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan shall not exceed the height of thirty-five feet or three levels. Additional building height may be permitted to a maximum of forty-five feet through a Site Development Plan approved by the City Council provided that: a. The building does not contain more than three levels; b. All required setbacks shall be increased at a ratio of one horizontal foot for every one foot of vertical construction beyond thirty-five feet. The additional setback area will be maintained as landscaped open space; c. The building conforms to the requirements of Section 18.04.170 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; d. The allowed height protrusions as described in Section 21.46.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code do not exceed 45 feet; with the exception of architectural features and exhibits which may be permitted up to 55 feet in height if the City Council makes the specific findings that the protruding architectural features or exhibits (1) do not function to provide usable floor area; (2) do not accommodate Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 67 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 82 of 166 and/or screen building equipment; (3) do not adversely impact adjacent properties; (4) are necessary to ensure a building's or exhibit's design excellence; and (5) are restricted to no more than 3 percent of the total roof surface area of the structure from which it protrudes, or in the case of exhibits within Planning Area 4, that they be restricted to no more than 3% of the aggregate of the exhibit as measured from each exhibit's base, upon review of a Site Development Plan approved by the City Council. 2. BUILDING LOT COVERAGE For developments which utilize surface parking, all structures shall not cover more than fifty percent of the lot on which they are located. For developments which include a parking structure or parking is located within or under the building it serves, the total coverage of all structures shall not exceed seventy-five percent of the lot. This provision shall apply only if seventy- five percent of the required parking is located in the parking structure or within or under the building it serves. 3. PARKING STANDARDS Parking spaces for all permitted and ancillary uses shall be provided consistent with the parking standards and parking ratios set forth in this specific plan. Facilities for bicycle parking shall be provided within all planning areas. The parking requirements for LEGOLAND Carlsbad are provided in the development standards for Planning Area 4. If the parking standards or parking ratios are not specifically addressed in this specific plan then Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code shall be utilized. a. Parking Ratios Parking ratios shall conform with the following standards: Art Galleries/Museums Financial Institutions Gyms and Health Clubs Hotels Manufacturing Medical Offices Pre-schools/Daycare Facilities Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 68 1 space per 500 GSF 1 space per 250 GSF 1 space per 200 GSF 1.2 spaces per room 1 space per 400 GSF plus 1 space for each vehicle used in conjunction with the use 1 space per 200 GSF 1 space per employee and 1 space per 1 O students Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 83 of 166 Professional Offices Research and Development Bio Industrial - Research and Development Restaurants -<4000 sq.ft. Restaurants ->4000 sq.ft. Retail Timeshare Vocational School Warehouse b. Size and Access 1 space per 250 GSF 1 space per 250 GSF 1 space per 300 GSF 1 space per 100 GSF 40 spaces plus 1 space per 50 sq.ft. over 4000 sq.ft. 1 space per 200 GSF 1.2 spaces per each room 1 space per employee plus 1 space for each three students 1 space per 1000 GSF plus 1 space for each vehicle used in conjunction with the use The size and access of all parking spaces and aisle-ways shall follow the standards as provided in Section 21.44.050(a)(1) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. c. Parking Overhang 1. No parking overhang will be allowed into any required setback area. 2. Parking overhang will be allowed only in special, specific situations as reviewed and approved by the Planning Director City Planner on a case-by-case basis. 3. In no case shall parking overhang be allowed for compact car spaces. d. Landscaping Section 9.b. of this chapter identifies the landscaping standards within the parking lot areas. Also see Figure 27 regarding the landscape concept for parking structures. e. Parking Structures Parking structures shall be located away from LEGO Drive and Armada Drive and shall be screened from public view to the maximum extent possible. Above ground structures should utilize landscaped earth berms around the edges to reduce the apparent height of the structures. Architectural treatment, building materials and colors shall be consistent with surrounding buildings. Architectural treatment (e.g., moldings and Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 69 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 84 of 166 No changes to pages 70-72 (pages omitted here) Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 85 of 166 4. SIGNAGE Signage shall conform to the requirements of the City's zoning regulations (Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code}, the Mello II segment of the LCP, as well as the following guidelines: Signage design should be integrated within the site and building design to create a unified appearance for the total property. Signage should be designed to be viewed by the pedestrian or motorist on the immediately adjacent street. Freeway oriented signage is not allowed. Signage which is illuminated by projecting light onto a sign face is encouraged. Backlit plastic "box" signs, flashing or moving signs are not allowed. Monument project directional and community identity signs shall be permitted at the locations shown on Figure 30 on page 83. These signs shall have a maximum height of 8 feet. Monument project directional and community identity signs shall be constructed of materials that are compatible with the architectural styles of the Carlsbad Ranch. Monument project directional signs shall not block vehicular sight distance and placement must be approved by the City Engineer. The aggregate sign area of all signs in the specific plan project directional and community identity sign program shall not exceed a total of one hundred square feet, plus three square feet per acre of property within the specific plan (1,342.2 square feet). No individual sign shall have an area larger than one hundred and fifty feet. A sign program shall be approved by the Planning Director City Planner for the specific plan project directional and community identity sign program prior to the issuance of any permits to construct any such signs. Each Planning Area shall provide a detailed sign program to be approved along with the Site Development Plan for that area. The sign program shall provide guidelines for the size, locations, materials and structure of all signs within that particular Planning Area. The sign program must conform with the requirements of this section as well as the Mello II portion of the Local Coastal Program. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 73 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 86 of 166 5. EMPLOYEE EATING AREAS Outdoor eating facilities for employees shall be provided outside all industrial/office buildings containing more than five thousand square feet, as follows, except as noted below: A minimum of three hundred square feet of outdoor eating facilities shall be provided for each five thousand square feet of building area. Credit towards the required amount of square footage will be given for indoor eating facilities on a 1 :1 basis, as determined by the Planning Director City Planner. The area shall be easily accessible to the employees of the building. The area shall be located such that a sense of privacy is apparent. The area shall be landscaped and provided with attractive outdoor furniture (i.e., metal, wood, or concrete picnic tables, benches/chairs and trash receptacles). The site, size, location, landscaping and furniture required above shall be approved as part of the required discretionary action (site development plan or planned unit development) required under Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. These standards shall not apply to industrial/office buildings which are located within one thousand feet of an approved mini-park or city park which is accessible by walking as determined by the Planning Director City Planner. 6. SERVICE LOADING AREAS AND TRASH ENCLOSURES Most buildings on the Carlsbad Ranch will be in public view from every direction. Service and loading areas shall be architecturally detailed so as to not appear as a service area and shall be designed in accordance with City Engineering standards and design requirements. All loading areas shall be screened by berming and/or landscaping or other methods acceptable to the Planning Director City Planner. Trash collection containers shall be completely screened and located as inconspicuously as possible. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a six- foot high masonry wall with gates, as required by City standards. The enclosure shall be of similar colors and/or materials as the project, subject to review and approval by the Planning Director City Planner. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 74 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 87 of 166 7. OPEN SPACE TRANSITION AREAS The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan provides for the continuation of agricultural uses along with the development of urban uses. The following design guidelines are intended to provide for the establishment of transitional elements and other mitigation measures that will minimize conflicts between agriculture and urban or open space uses. The primary impacts that may occur include the drift of dust and pesticides from agricultural operations and runoff from urban uses to agricultural fields. a. Perimeter Wall A 6-foot wall shall be provided along the majority of the western edge of Planning Areas 2 and 3, adjacent to the flower fields, as illustrated on Figure 28 on page 72. The wall should be situated with the hillside topography in a manner that will allow views over the wall from the roadway and development sites east of the wall. The design character of the wall shall complement the architectural character of the larger development, incorporating a Mediterranean style, utilizing light colored sandblasted concrete, stucco or slump block building material. The perimeter wall is conceived as an element that will make a positive design contribution to the project, by providing a hard edge that clearly defines the open space areas. In addition to providing a buffer between agricultural uses and urban uses, a landscaped pedestrian promenade is planned along the wall, to provide connections between the Hotel/Retail and Research and Development areas, and allow public views of Carlsbad and the ocean. Landscaping along the promenade shall incorporate evergreen and flowering accent trees to provide screening from dust and pesticides, shade in the summer months and seasonal interest. An illustrative plan and typical cross section of the wall and landscaped promenade are presented in Figure 50 on page 164. b. Berms Where perimeter walls are not planned, densely landscaped earth berms should be provided along the edge of the developed area, as illustrated by Figure 29 on page 73. Earth berms should be a minimum of three feet in height and planted with 3' shrubs to create a 6' barrier. Variations in the height and slope of the berms are required to create a more natural appearance. Trees and shrubs should be planted along the berms in an informal, natural pattern. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 75 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 88 of 166 Landscaping around the perimeter of the development at the agricultural interface shall utilize shrubs in addition to trees to create a buffer suitable to reduce conflicts between agricultural and urban land uses. The proposed landscaping shall be approved by the Planning Director City Planner prior to issuance of a grading permit. c. Drainage Each parcel shall collect all storm water and irrigation runoff and release it in an approved point or points in the drainage system serving the development area. Drainage systems are to be designed to ensure that runoff from the development area does not flow to the surrounding agricultural areas. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 76 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 89 of 166 No change to page 77 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 90 of 166 KVl'.LOPW(NT 25' IULDtMG stTBACK Typical Berm Treatment Between Development and Agricultural Land ... , z. ::1. t: I .... ... ii ... • Open Space Typical Berm Treaiment Between Co!f.--G-1•s.-and Agricultural Land Figure 29 TYPICAL BERM TREATMENTS 31 Pl..lNTINC 3' IIEIIW Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 91 of 166 No changes pages 75-80 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 92 of 166 If the City of Carlsbad develops the property to the east of The Crossings Drive as a public golf course, Segment 28 of the Citywide Trail System may be located along the eastern side of The Crossings Drive, subject to the approval of the City. ii. Landscaping/Street Trees Landscaping shall be installed concurrent with the development of the roadway in conformance with all applicable City standards. The Landscaping of The Crossings Drive shall be compatible with the landscaping of LEGOLAND Carlsbad. As a guideline, one tree should be provided for every 40 linear feet of road frontage, to comply with the City's minimum standards. iii. Lighting Street lighting should be compatible with the lighting provided in LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Lighting fixtures should be 30' in height and should be spaced to meet City standards for luminosity. High- pressure sodium vapor fixtures shall be used for the best representation of natural tones. f. Street "D" Fleet Street i. Roadway Character Street "D" Fleet Street will provide the primary access to the lots in Planning Area 2 that do not have frontage on Armada Drive, and secondary access to those lots with frontage on Armada Drive. This street is being developed as a private street with a curb-to-curb width of 40' with parking on the west side only. A 6' wide sidewalk will be provided along the east side of Street "D" Fleet Street. This sidewalk will provide access to the pedestrian walkways along Armada Drive. A 6' wide sidewalk will be provided on the west side of Street "D" Fleet Street from its northern intersection with Armada Drive to the first driveway on Street "D" Fleet Street south of this intersection. ii. Landscaping/Street Trees Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 85 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 93 of 166 As a guideline, one street tree should be provided for every 40 linear feet of road frontage to meet the City's minimum standards. iii. Lighting Light fixtures should be 30' in height unless a lower height is approved by the City Engineer and should be spaced to meet City standards for luminosity. High-pressure sodium vapor fixtures should be utilized for the best representation of natural tones. 9. LANDSCAPE CONCEPT The landscape concept for the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is illustrated in Figure 30 on page 83. Key elements of the landscape are arranged to heighten the contrasts between urban and rural features, cultivated and natural, formal and informal: • The golf course \Nill active open space areas may be landscaped in an informal fashion, making reference to the large open spaces that surround the property. Landscaping within the various development parcels will be more manicured and urban in character. Landscaping is used to enhance architecture and create a pedestrian scale with defined entries, walkways and outdoor spaces. • Parking areas will be planted in an informal manner with an emphasis on screening and reducing the impact of large expanses of pavement. In contrast to the informal pattern of the golf courseagricultural, open space, and parking areas, streets and pedestrian paths through the development area are given a formal landscape treatment, which clearly marks the importance and public nature of these spaces. • The Landscape Guidelines provided in this section are applicable to all portions of the specific plan except for LE GOLAN D Carlsbad. See the Landscape Guidelines for LEGOLAND Carlsbad provided in Planning Area 4 for additional information. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 86 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 94 of 166 \\ AGUA H6DIOIIDA U.QO()JI Figure 30 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT SCENIC CORRIDORS: PLANTING ?ER C!TY GUIDELINES STREEiSCAPES: F'ORMAL PLANTING PEDESTRIAN W/1..YS: FORMAL/INFORMAL PLANTING DEPENDING ON LOCATION PROJECT ENTRIES: ACCENT PLANTING/ DIRECTIONAL MONUMENT SIGNS . , Li I m i ., ........ ,e .an j n..r-1 AGRICULTURAL AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE ®t:f'··-eO~E: INFORMAL PUNTING DEVELOPMENT PARCELS: PLANTING PER LANDSCAPE CHAPTER, LEGO CHAPTER & CITY LANDSCAPE MANUAL ' Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 95 of 166 Landscape Zones & Guidelines "Landscape zones" will be established within the Carlsbad Ranch as defined in the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. Plant species, methods of arrangement (formal vs. informal), water use and maintenance requirements are some of the elements used to define the zones. Four "landscape zones" are defined in the Landscape Manual and are briefly summarized as follows: Zone 1 -Lush Landscape: a traditional landscape, green, lush and flowering, requiring large amounts of water and intensive maintenance. Should be used only in areas of high use or visual importance (entries, courtyards, pedestrian ways, recreation areas, etc.). Zone 2 -Refined Landscape: an unmanicured appearance, not unkempt, but requiring less water and maintenance. Ornamental, low water using plants suited to the climate and soils and used in areas of moderate use and visual importance. Zone 3 -Naturalizing Landscape: a "self-sufficient" landscape characterized by plants (not necessarily native) that can adapt to the region's natural rainfall, climate and soils. Planted in low use areas whose visual character need not have a refined appearance. Zone 4 - Native Landscape: areas of existing natural, native or naturalized vegetation which will remain with very little disturbance from site improvements. May be wildlife habitat or open space areas where passive recreation or other low activity uses may occur. No irrigation and a minimal level of upkeep required. The landscape zones that will occur within the Carlsbad Ranch (excluding agricultural lands) will be primarily composed of Refined and Naturalizing Landscape (Zones 2 and 3). Lush (Zone 1) landscaping will occur •;.iithin the golf course and areas within the development parcels that are of intensive use or visual importance such as entries, courtyards, pedestrian and recreational areas. The landscape of the golf courseactive open space and parking areas will be informal in appearance using "refined" and "naturalizing" plant materials. In contrast, the streets and pedestrian paths in the development will be planted in an urban and formal manner to provide clarity and orientation to visitors to the site. Streets and pedestrian paths are within the Refined Landscape (Zone 2), as appropriate to their use in highly visible, pedestrian oriented areas. The main entry into the Carlsbad Ranch from Palomar Airport Road will be dominated by the landscape of the cultivated agricultural fields. The entry from Cannon Road will be characterized by the golf courseagricultural and open space landscape and views to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Informal massing of Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 88 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 96 of 166 flowering accent trees are planned near the project entries to provide an informal yet distinct entry image. The informal planting of the project entries and suggested plant material for these areas are consistent with the guidelines for arterial streets included within the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. The following landscaping guidelines address the framework elements for the Carlsbad Ranch parking areas, golf courseactive open space and project entries. The recommended plant palettes given for these areas will be the dominant, reoccurring species providing for project unity, but may be supplemented with other species for variety and interest. Planting palettes are not specified for each development parcel. Landscaping within development parcels may have a wider range of plant material than described in these guidelines, but should incorporate material used in the framework elements to unify the development. LEGOLAND Carlsbad will be extensively landscaped and has special landscape objectives and guidelines of its own as detailed in the text for Planning Area 4. a. Golf CourseActive Open Space i. Landscaping Objectives: Planting, excluding turf areas should be informal, unmanicured, and natural looking; designed to require low maintenance. Plant material should be drought resistant and tolerant of marine exposure. ii. Recommended Plant Material: Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (a) Dominant trees (15-gallon minimum): Turfed areas: Pinus torreyana Pinus halepensis Pinus canariensis Pinus pinea Platanus racemosa Melaleuca /eucadendra Metrosideros exce/sus Torrey Pine Aleppo Pine Canary Island Pine Italian Stone Pine California Sycamore Cajeput Tree New Zealand Christmas Tree Transition areas--not turfed (15 gallon minimum): Quercus species Oak 89 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 97 of 166 Platanus racemosa Pinus torreyana Schinus mo/le Acacia melanoxylon (b) Accent trees (24" box minimum): Jacaranda acutifolia Tipuana tipu Erythrina caffra Cocos plumosa Washingtonia robusta California Sycamore Torrey Pine California Pepper Black Acacia Jacaranda Tipu Tree Coral Tree Queen Palm Mexican Fan Palm Planting should be 25' to 40' o.c., informal massing, with a mix of 15 gallon through 48" box. Some 60" box trees should be used in key areas (e.g., entries). Accent trees should be planted in specific locations to emphasize view corridors through the golf course and around greens and tees. (c) Shrubs: A combination of itnformal massing of both large and medium size shrubs (see Shrub List on page 92) should occur around golf faiANays mixed with native ornamental grasses should occur around the development areas. A hydroseed California coastal range wildflower mix should be applied between shrub massing and grasses for accent. Shrubs shall be a mix of 5 gallon (75%) and 15 gallon (25%) sizes. b. Parking Areas i. Landscaping Objectives Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Parking areas will be screened using a combination of berms and landscape treatment. Planting and irrigation shall conform to guidelines within the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual and as described below. Landscaping shall establish a densely planted informal massing of plant material to screen parking lots from adjacent property and streets. Plant material should promote low maintenance, be drought resistant, and tolerant of marine exposure. 90 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 98 of 166 Parking lot landscaping shall meet the following guidelines: One tree for every four parking spaces shall be provided. No less than 3% of the parking area shall be planted and maintained with trees listed on the Recommended Plant Material palette contained on page 88 in this specific plan. Trees planted in parking areas shall be contained in planting areas with a minimum dimension of four feet and bounded by a concrete or masonry curb of a minimum of six inches in height. Planting should be 25' to 30' o.c., with informal massing in and around parking areas, at a minimum rate of 1 tree for every 4 parking spaces. An even mix of 15 gallon (50%) and 24" box (50%) sizes minimum should be included. All landscape areas shall be served by an automatic irrigation system and be supplied with bubblers, spray type sprinklers or drip irrigation. All landscaping shall be approved as a part of the Site Development Plan. ii. Recommended Plant Material Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (a) Dominant trees (15-gallon minimum): Quercus species U/mus parvifolia A/nus rhombifolia Metrosideros excelsus Populus fremontii Cupaniopsis anacardiodes Oak Evergreen Elm Alder New Zealand Christmas Tree Western Cottonwood Carrotwood (b) Accent Trees (24" box minimum): Cassia leptophylla Chorisia speciosa Jacaranda acutifolia 91 Golden Medallion Tree Floss Silk Tree Jacaranda Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 99 of 166 Prunus "Krauter Vesuvius" Magnolia grandiflora Tipuana tipu Erythrina caffra Cocos plumosa Washingtonia robusta (c) Shrubs: Purpleleaf Plum Southern Magnolia Tipu Tree Coral Tree Queen Palm Mexican Fan Palm Informal massing of both medium and small size shrubs/groundcover (see Shrub List on page 92) should occur. 50% of the shrubs (except on slopes 3: 1 or steeper) shall be a minimum of five (5) gallons in size. The remaining 50% of the shrubs shall be a minimum of one (1) gallon in size. Vine planting for trellis on walls and roof of parking structures should be provided. c. Project Entries The two main project entries to the Carlsbad Ranch are at the intersections of Cannon Road with LEGO Drive at the north and Palomar Airport Road with Armada Drive at the south. Special landscape treatment will be used at these areas to help the motorist identify the development, provide character and a sense of arrival. i. Landscape Objectives Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (a) Intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Armada Drive: Provide an informal yet distinct entry into the Carlsbad Ranch. Provide a continuation of cultivated flower color across Armada Drive so that the visual character of the cultivated fields becomes part of the entry image. Provide a backdrop of large accent trees adjacent to the Community Hotel/Retail parcel and LEGOLAND Carlsbad parcel flanking Armada Drive to create an informal gateway. Do not use landscape elements to identify this intersection as an entry to LEGOLAND Carlsbad. (b) Intersection of Cannon Road and LEGO Drive: 92 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 100 of 166 Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Provide an informal yet identifiable entry into the Carlsbad Ranch, continuing the landscape theme of the golf course and Cannon Road Scenic Corridor. Provide clear identification of this intersection as the access route to LEGOLAND Carlsbad through the use of signage and landscape treatment. Provide informal massing of evergreen trees (pines, and/or melaleuca) and a clean ground plane of groundcover as a base for project signage. Limit use of accent trees and bedding color at this entry. (c) Intersection of LEGO Drive and Armada Drive (Roundabout): Provide an enhanced landscape treatment and LEGO theme signage for the main entry into LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Directional and identification sign(s) shall be permitted in and around this intersection (roundabout). Said sign(s) shall be subject to the approval of a detailed sign program by the Planning Director City Planner prior to the issuance of a building permit for the first project that proposes such signing. Use planting and signage to clearly distinguish for the motorist the LEGO entry vs. the Armada Drive entry to the other developed parcels. Provide specimen size accent trees (minimum 36" box size) at the intersection. Allow filtered views into the golf course landscape beyond. All signs and landscaping in the roundabout shall be designed so that they do not create obstructions to vehicular sight distance through the roundabout (d) Individual Parcel Entries: In addition to the two main Carlsbad Ranch entries and the LEGOLAND Carlsbad entry described above, there are various driveway entries to individual development parcels which may be embellished with special landscape treatment consistent with the theme of each parcel. 93 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 101 of 166 Provide accent trees, landscape color, low walls, signage, lighting, decorative paving surfaces, or other landscape elements to direct the motorist and add significance to the main entries. Creative design of such features can reflect the architectural design themes of the individual parcels as long as general compatibility is maintained with the overall Carlsbad Ranch landscape and signage concepts presented in this specific plan. De-emphasize secondary service and emergency access driveways. ii. Recommended Plant Material Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan (a) Accent Trees -(36" box minimum): Cassia !eptophylla Tipuana tipu Chorisia speciosa Jacaranda acutifolia Erythrina caffra Prunus "Krauter Vesuvius" Magnolia grandiflora Cocos plumosa Washingtonia robusta Phoenix dactylifera Phoenix canarilusis Golden Medallion Tree Tipu Tree Floss Silk Tree Jacaranda Coral Tree Purpleleaf Plum Southern Magnolia Queen Palm Mexican Fan Palm Date Palm Canary Island Palm Plant 20' to 25' o.c., informal massing, 36" box minimum. (b) Bedding Color -Similar to flower fields (in season). (c) Shrubs: The following plant list is intended to provide a basis for developing a planting palette. This list only suggests some of the shrubs, groundcovers, and vines that could be used for the project. Other species may be used subject to the approval of the City's Landscape Architect and/or Planning Director City Planner. Also see the shrub list beginning on page~95. 94 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 102 of 166 No changes to pages 95-97 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 103 of 166 ,-PEDESTRIAN WALK IN R.O.W. I PHASE H I 30' BLOG & LANDSCAPE SETBACK FROM R.O.W. 1 1 GEMOLOGICAL 1 INSTITUTE OF ' ' ' ~ \ ·. ' '. ' \~ ~ .. ' \ "\ " \ ' ' \ ·. . 20' BLDG SETBACK & 1 O' LANDSCAPE . SETBACK AT ·OOtf· \, AGRICULTURE/OPEN SPACE.1 WALK (IN BOUNDARY & LOT LINE t LAND USE: VOCATIONAL SCHOOL I AMERICA LOT LINE: PHASE I PRIMARY SITE NET PARCEL AREA: 28.93 ACRES (3 PARCELS) DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: PHASE 1: 325,000 sr PHASE 2: 225,000 sr TOTAL: 550,000 sr Figure 31 (18.06 ACRES) ( 1 0 .87 ACRES) PLANNING AREA 1 /,..,,\ I I -001:P-- RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT 0' 300' GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 104 of 166 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are specific development standards and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. However, Chapter Ill, Section A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63, contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Areas within this Specific Plan Amendment. a. Permitted Uses (1 ). Principal permitted uses within Planning Area 1 are as follows: Professional, business, administrative and financial service uses; Research and development uses; such as research and testing enterprises, which function within buildings whose general characteristics are compatible with facilities for office uses, as determined by the Planning Director City Planner; Educational institutions including all related facilities such as classrooms, auditoriums, research and laboratory facilities, libraries, administrative offices, dining and recreational facilities and dormitories. A Conditional Use Permit will not be required for the educational institution. A Site Development Plan, however, will be required to be approved prior to issuance of any building permits on these parcels; Related manufacturing, processing, storage, wholesale, and distribution facilities which are an integral and/or essential component of the vocational school. (2) Daycare facilities for child care are permitted by a Conditional Use Permit within Planning Area 1. b. Building and Landscape Setbacks Building setbacks shall conform with the requirements of the Office (0) Zone requirements (Chapter 21.27 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 99 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 105 of 166 the setback requirements of the Building Height Ordinance (Chapter 21.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code), which apply to the project as follows: Building Setbacks Front or Side Yard on an Arterial (LEGO Drive, Armada Drive and Cannon Road) Interior Side Yard Rear Yard (Planning Area 8A)(Golf Course) Landscape Setbacks Front or Side Yard on an Arterial (LEGO Drive, Armada Drive and Cannon Road) Interior Side Yard Rear Yard (Planning Area BA) (Golf Course) 30 feet 10 feet 20 feet 30 feet 10 feet 10 feet These base setback requirements assume 2 to 3 story buildings up to 35 feet. For buildings which exceed 35 feet in height, all required setbacks shall be increased at a ratio of one horizontal foot for every one foot of vertical construction above 35 feet. The additional setback area must be maintained as landscaped open space. c. Parking Areas Office buildings and parking areas in Planning Area 1 shall be sited and designed to minimize unfavorable views of the development from the west. Parking areas shall be sited between the public street section of LEGO Drive and Armada Drive and the buildings, to screen views of parking from the west. Berms and landscaping shall be utilized to screen parking areas to the maximum extent possible while still meeting other City ordinances and standards for sight distances. 2. DESIGN GUIDELINES a. Building Orientation Primary building entrances shall be oriented to the onsite parking area and not facing Armada Drive. Secondary building entrances are permitted to be oriented toward Armada Drive; however, as each office building is visible from all sides, no building elevation can appear as a "backside". Special landscaping treatment shall be used to define project Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 100 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 106 of 166 entries at LEGO Drive and Armada Drive. Provision for comfortable pedestrian as well as vehicular linkages between LEGO Drive and Armada Drive and the buildings shall be provided. b. Building Form and Massing Office buildings shall be well articulated by changes in height and vertical planes to reduce the appearance of bulk and create interesting building silhouettes. The use of special architectural features such as dormers, cupolas, loggias, balconies, arcades and window and entry recesses, are encouraged to provide visual interest and detail. c. Architectural Character Architectural features such as tower, roof and courtyard elements, that provide building articulation, diversity and pedestrian amenity shall be provided. Building design shall incorporate or be generally compatible with a mediterranean vocabulary. d. Building Materials Building materials shall incorporate or be generally compatible with a mediterranean architectural vocabulary and shall use durable, high quality building and roofing materials. Exterior wall and roof colors shall be low intensity earth tones. Stucco with accent materials such as tile, natural stone, or other compatible natural building materials shall be preferred. Roof colors shall be low intensity colors, which blend with the environmental setting of the project. Glass curtain walls and other highly reflective building materials are considered inappropriate for building walls. Substantial use of mirrored, reflective or darkly tinted glass should be avoided, as it would give the appearance of a glass curtain wall. e. Roofs Sloping roofs, varying roof heights and forms are encouraged to provide interesting building silhouettes. As a guideline, roof planes should be broken in height or form every 75 to 100 feet. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened, enclosed and architecturally incorporated into visually interesting building tops. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 101 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 107 of 166 C. PLANNING AREA 2 -RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT A combination of approximately 300,000 square feet of office and approximately 500,000 square feet of research and development uses will be developed in Planning Area 2, east of Armada Drive. As the nine lots in Planning Area 2 are developed, the City will monitor the square footage of the different uses. This monitoring will enure that the square footages proposed by the Site Development Plans do not exceed the estimates of the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan, unless a future amendment to the LFMP would allow for a greater amount. The development standards and design guidelines of Planning Area 2 are compatible with the Gemological Institute of America's campus in Planning Area 1, with the exceptions of the permitted uses listed below. Buildings within Planning Area 2 should be oriented towards Armada Drive or LEGO Drive to provide screening of the parking areas from these access points. 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are specific development and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. However, Chapter Ill, Section A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63, contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Areas within this Specific Plan Amendment. a. Permitted Uses (1 ). Principal permitted uses within the parcels designated Professional Office and Research and Development are as follows: Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Amended June 8, 1999 Professional, business, administrative and financial service uses; Research and development uses; such as research and testing enterprises, which function within buildings whose general characteristics are compatible with facilities for office uses, as determined by the Planning Director City Planner; A museum open to the general public, including retail sales related to the museum, not to exceed a total floor area of 325 square feet on only Lot 11 (Shown on Figure 21; Lot 8 of Final Map 13357) 102 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 108 of 166 // ( PLANNING AREA ,.,-- & LOT LINE: I / ~--1--: ..... J NO ACCESS TO LEGO DRIVE PERMITTED FROM R&D/OFFICE PARCELS. \ ENHANC~ L.ANOSCA E AT ENTRY -GGl-F- AGRICUL TURE/ OPEN SPACE 30' BLOG & LANDSCAPE SET.BACK FROM WESTERN LOT LINE ____ ...._ ___ 20' BLOG. t.c LANDSCAPE SETBACK EACH SIDE: or PRIVATE ROAD ~T"!,""+---1 O' Bl.DG. &: LANDSCAPE I SETBACK EACH SIDE or SIOEYARD LOT LINES \ \ ~ ... .-···· ..... ----35' BLOG. Ile LANDSCAPE \ \ \ \ \ \ /) / _..,.•'CONCEPT l::: • OFF'ICE BLDG. \ I SITE PLAN FLOWER FlELDS ENHANCED -----'"""-.J LANDSCAPE AT ENTRY LANO USE: RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT / OF"f'ICE SETBACK ,ROM EASTERN LOT LINE LEGOLAND NET PARCEL AREA: 40.01 ACRES (9 PARCELS PLUS STREET "D") DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: 800,000 sf (500,000 sf R&D 300,000 sf office) o· Figure 32 PLANNING AREA 2 RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT 500' Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 109 of 166 No changes pages 104-116 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 110 of 166 RESORT \ ! ~--\ i \: PEDESTRIAN, BIKE .!c ~ r-· :0 • • • • • LEGO DRIVE MAIN ---VISITOR ENTRY (PRIVATE: ROAD) -: .-1· \ LEGOLAND Carlsbad I FLOWER FIELDS -----P-=A...::L:_::0_:l(:__::A.:._:R __ A.~I R p O R T LAND USE: LEGOLAND £)(ACT LOCATION OF PED. PATH TO BE DETERMINED BY SITE DEV'T PLAN FOR PLANNING AREA 4. 300' BUILDING SETBACK fROM R.o.w. t 40' LANDSCAPE .!c RO AD ...... -. BUS, EMPLOYEE &: EMERGENCY ACCESS ONLY • • • • PARK PARCEL AREA: 131.62 ACRES (GROSS); 128.32 ACRES (NET) LEGO DRIVE (PRIVATE) PARCEL AREA: 0.94 ACRES (GROSS/NET). DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: 425,750 s.f. Figure 34 O' PLANNING AREA 4 -LEGOLAND CARLSBAD 500' Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 111 of 166 No changes to pages 118-119 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 112 of 166 2. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are specific development and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. However, Section Ill.A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63 contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Areas within this Specific Plan Amendment. a. Permitted uses within LEGOLAND Carlsbad are as follows: Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Entrance facility; Toll "plaza"; Retail shops, not including drive-up or drive-in services; Restaurants, not including drive-up or drive-in services; Service buildings associated with Park activities; Offices related to Park activities, business and administration; Ancillary uses related to LEGO park; Hotel and accessory uses to the hotel including: Retail Restaurants, not including drive-up or drive-in services Health and Fitness Clubs Staged entertainment Recreational facilities for water play Rental car agency Childcare facilities Personal services, Barbers, Beauty shops, etc. Bars and Nightclubs Art Galleries/Museums Administrative and Business Offices Indoor and outdoor facilities for children related to entertainment and education including overnight uses, but not including high-speed thrill rides (those rides typically oriented towards the teenage and young adult audience); Water features, lakes; Picnic areas; Landscaped areas; Guest services and facilities; Accessory uses which are clearly incidental or necessary to principal permitted uses; People moving systems; Signs related to Park activities; Parking; 120 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 113 of 166 Any other uses as determined by the Planning Director City Planner to be of the same general character as the uses listed above. b. Permitted temporary uses within LEGOLAND Carlsbad which are limited in duration, but occur from time to time, are as follows: Festivals; Craft fairs; Markets; Construction facilities; trailers, equipment and material storage areas; ancillary uses related to project construction. c. Uses not permitted within Legoland Carlsbad are as follows: Hotel Conversions. Any hotel rooms within Planning Area 4 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan shall not be converted to a limited use overnight visitor accommodation. d. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Setbacks Figure 37 on page 121 depicts the proposed setback conditions for LEGOLAND Carlsbad at four key locations. i. LEGO Drive (Area 1) Building Setbacks No building shall be closer than 50 feet from the eastern curb of LEGO Drive. Landscape Setbacks Landscaping shall extend a minimum of 35 feet from the eastern curb of LEGO Drive. Parking Setbacks No parking area shall be allowed closer than 35 feet from the eastern curb of LEGO Drive. ii. Northeast Boundary of the Park (Area 2) Building Setbacks Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan No building shall be closer than 35 feet from the property line of LEGOLAND Carlsbad. 121 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 114 of 166 No changes pages 122-142 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 115 of 166 4. LANDSCAPE AREAS The following have been identified as the key landscape areas for LEGOLAND Carlsbad. A total of twelve distinct landscape areas have been identified as shown on Figure 41 on page 138. Some of these areas fall outside of the 128-acre LEGO property. The landscape treatment of these "outside areas" (which include areas a-e) is further described in Chapter Ill, Section A.9. LANDSCAPE CONCEPT of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. The following provides a brief description of landscape character and planting scheme for each of the twelve areas. The proposed tree and plant palette for the entire LEGOLAND Carlsbad site is provided on page 146 and follows the concept statements provided below. a. Area A -1-5 Intersection Concept Statement The CalTrans landscaping shall be upgraded and a minimum of 4 signs identifying LEGO Family park access shall be incorporated along 1-5 in locations approved by CalTrans. An informal planting scheme with the potential for color ground plane treatment shall be utilized. Primary tree species in accordance with CalTrans guidelines are to be Melaleuca, Pines, Palms, California Pepper Trees, Jacarandas, Erythrina and Chorisia Speciosa. b. Area B -Cannon Road Concept Statement An informal planting scheme per the City of Carlsbad's scenic corridor guidelines shall be used along Cannon Road. This informal scheme will create an open character with views to the lagoon and adjacent agricultural and open space areasgolf course. Primary tree species in accordance with City guidelines are to be Melaleuca, and Pines. Mass planting of shrubs and potential for flowering ground plane treatment should also be considered. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 143 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 116 of 166 No changes pages 144-148 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 117 of 166 c. Area C -Cannon Road/LEGO Drive Intersection Concept Statement Informal massing of pines shall occur at this intersection. This will serve as a transition landscape with no color. A clean ground cover will create a base for secondary LEGO signage. Primary tree species are to be Carrotwood and Queen Palm which are consistent with the landscape improvement plans approved for CT 92-07 Units I and II. d. Area D -LEGO Drive Concept Statement LEGO Drive landscaping will be a continuation of the theme of Area C. The landscape concept addresses and includes only the portion of LEGO Drive from Cannon to the roundabout intersection. The informal massing of this landscape will serve as a transition from Cannon Road to the roundabout. No other color will be used in this area. The open character of this landscaping will allow views to the adjacent golf courseagricultural and open space areas. Views to the adjacent Gemological Institute parking areas will be screened. The primary tree species could include Pines and others. e. Area E -Roundabout/LEGOLAND Carlsbad Entry Concept Statement This area serves as the primary entry into LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Color massing shall be used in the center island of the "roundabout" with specimen trees around perimeter. The primary LEGO signage as well as signage for other uses within the specific plan shall appear in this area. Landscaping in this area will be located and sized to avoid creating obstructions to vehicular sight distance through the roundabout. Landscaping shall create filtered views of the golf courseagricultural and open space areas. This landscaping begins the distinct LEGO Drive landscape treatment. Primary tree species could include Melaleuca and Pines. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 149 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 118 of 166 f. Area F -LEGO Drive (Private Section) Concept Statement The primary entrance sequence into LEGO LAND Carlsbad occurs in this area. The west side of LEGO Drive shall be landscaped with evergreen trees to create a visual buffer to adjacent office/R&D uses. The east side of LEGO Drive will create an introduction to LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Flower fields may be used in this area to create broad vistas with filtered views of LEGOLAND Carlsbad attractions. Primary tree species could include Melaleuca, and Pines. Figure 42 Cross Sections depicts the relationship between LEGO Drive and the landscape setback areas. g. Area G -Parking Area Concept Statement Landscaping shall be designed to provide visual mitigation of the parking area from adjacent uses. Landscaping shall include planting islands, evergreen trees, and a pedestrian system channeling visitors to the LEGOLAND Carlsbad main entrance. Primary tree species are to be Melaleuca and Pines. The City requirement of 1 tree per 4 stalls may be accommodated in larger planting areas, which will permit larger tree sizes. Figures 44 and 45 on pages 141 and 142 contain Cross Sections depicting the relationship between the parking area, the Outer Park, and Palomar Airport Road. h. Area H -Palomar Airport Road Buffer Concept Statement The landscape concept addresses only the portion of the 150' Palomar Airport Road buffer along the LEGO site. An "oak woodland theme" is proposed for this roadway. Screen trees will be located at the top of slope. There will be a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees, flowering shrubs and groundcovers. The primary tree species will be in accordance with City standards contained in the Landscape Manual and supplemented with pines, oaks, sycamores, and alders for screening purposes. Figures 43 and 44 contain cross sections depicting the relationship between Palomar Airport Road, the parking area and the Outer Park areas. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 150 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 119 of 166 i. Area I -Service Areas Concept Statement Service areas shall be screened from public view as shown in Figure 45 on page 142. This area will be a continuation of the Area H plant palette utilizing evergreen trees throughout for continuity. Trees can include pines, oaks, sycamores, alders and others. j. Area J -The Resort Edge Concept Statement Transitional landscape from the resort to LEGOLAND Carlsbad will be planted in this area. Landscaping will create a park-like character, with an undefined edge through the use of informal tree and shrub massing. Screening will be provided where necessary. Trees can include Melaleuca, and Pines. Figure 44 Cross Sections depicts the relationship between the LEGO property and resort property. k. Area K -Passive Clusters Concept Statement Canopy trees combined with evergreen massing shall be used to create a park-like character. Turf shall be planted in passive use areas. Trees can include Melaleuca and Pines. I. Area L -Active Clusters Concept Statement A unique identity for each active cluster will be created with a unified planting scheme. Small-scale accent trees and shrubs combined with evergreen massing, flowering shrubs and ground covers and bedding/bulbs shall be used in these areas. Trees can include Melaleuca and Pines. m. Plant Material Size, Spacing and Quality Plant material size, spacing and quantity shall be consistent with the City of Carlsbad's Landscape Guidelines Manual. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 151 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 120 of 166 No changes to pages 152-154 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 121 of 166 F. PLANNING AREA 5 and SA-RESORT Planning Areas 5 and 5A are designated as full-service destination resort on approximately 56.4 acres in the northeast corner of the Carlsbad Ranch. This resort(s) will include up to a maximum of 380 timeshare suites and 409 hotel rooms and will target the large group professional and business meeting market as well as the leisure market. The meeting market typically combines business with recreation and increasingly includes family members of the business representative. The surrounding uses of Carlsbad Ranch including LEGOLAND Carlsbad, The Crossings municipal golf course, agriculture, open space, retail facilities and nearby beaches make this a particularly desirable meeting and leisure destination. Accommodations at the resort(s) will vary from single hotel rooms to two-bedroom suites with kitchens integrated into the topography using terraced buildings and featuring ocean views, overlooking extensively landscaped open areas and courtyards. Elevated walkways may be used to connect resort buildings linking meeting facilities, suites, and a selection of dining experiences. The meeting and conference center(s) will offer function space with the ability to mix and match agendas to accommodate groups from 10 to 2,700 guests. Adjacent gardens and landscaped terraces will provide additional meeting and function areas. Resort facilities including the spa and dining will be designed to encourage use by the general public as well as the resort guests. A pedestrian/bike/golf cart trail shall be provided from the eastern portion of Planning Area 88The Crossings municipal golf course along the southerly edge of Planning Area 5 to provide a link to the pedestrian and bike paths along The Crossings Drive and the pedestrian trail through The Crossings municipal golf course the City golf course to the east of the specific plan. 1. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: PLANNING AREAS 5 AND 5A The following are specific development and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. However, Section Ill.A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63 contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Areas within this Specific Plan Amendment. a. Permitted Uses Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Hotels; Commercial Living Units (Timeshare) may be permitted by the City Council in conjunction with a hotel project; 155 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 122 of 166 I r1l G) 0 FIGURE 46 LEGOLAND PLANNING AREA ·5/5A -RESORT. LAND USE : RESORT NET PARCEL AREA: 55.94 ACRES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: DESTINA T!ON RESORT HOTEL, MEETING SPACE, RESTAURANT, RECREATION AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES: TOTAL 647,000 SF. D 0'100'200· 400' ilJI Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 123 of 166 Accessory Uses -The following uses are permitted only as accessory uses when incorporated into the main resort building(s). Retail related to the resort; Restaurants, not including drive-up or drive-in services; Health and Fitness Clubs; Daycare facilities for child care; Personal Services; Barbers, Beauty Shops, etc.; Art Galleries/Museums; Administrative and Business Offices for the resort; Bars and Nightclubs as a part of the resort or restaurant; b. Building and Parking Setbacks The following building and parking setbacks shall be landscaped and conform to the requirements of the Commercial Tourist (C-T) Zone requirements (Chapter 21.29 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and as follows: Building Setbacks - From Cannon Road right-of-way: From The Crossings Drive right-of-way: From outer western perimeter boundary and LEGOLAND Carlsbad From outer eastern perimeter boundary From internal lot lines Parking Setbacks From all outer perimeter boundaries c. Building Height 50 feet 20 feet 50 feet 20 feet Zero 15 feet Building heights shall conform to the building height standards of this section. The habitable portion of buildings shall not exceed a height of 35 feet and/or three levels, and allowed height protrusions as described in C.M.C. Section 21.46.020 shall not exceed 45 feet. Additional habitable building height may be permitted up to a maximum of 45 feet in height and/or four levels, through a Site Development Plan approved by the City Council. Allowed height protrusions as described in C.M.C. Section 21.46.020 shall not exceed 55 feet, with the exception of an elevator tower connecting resort facilities and buildings on PA-5 and PA-5A that may be allowed up to 80 feet in height, subject to the following: Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 157 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 124 of 166 i. All required street and perimeter setbacks shall be increased at a ratio of one horizontal foot for every one foot of vertical construction beyond 35 feet; and ii. The building conforms to the requirements of Section 18.04.170 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and iii. The allowed height protrusions as described in Section 21.46.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (1) do not function to provide usable floor area; (2) do not accommodate and/or screen building equipment; (3) do not adversely impact adjacent properties; (4) are necessary to ensure a building's design excellence. d. Parking Standards Joint and common use parking facilities, up to 15% of the total required onsite, are allowed within the resort(s) based on the potential for shared/off-peak uses. Specific percentages allowed shall be determined based on provisions set forth in Section 21.44.050(a)(4) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. ii. Hotel and timeshare units: Conventional Lock-off 2. DESIGN GUIDELINES a. Building Orientation 1 .2 parking stall 1.5 parking stall The main building will be located near the resort entrance off Cannon Road. It will be oriented to provide views of Carlsbad Ranch and the ocean beyond from a maximum number of suites. Likewise, the other lodging buildings will be sited on the steeper terrain to the south of the main building to maximize views. b. Architectural Character All buildings shall reflect a Mediterranean vocabulary. Distinctive architectural features characteristic of this style such as courtyards, arcades, balconies, terraces, arches and arbors shall be encouraged to create richness and visual interest to the buildings. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 158 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 125 of 166 c. Building Materials Building materials should incorporate or be generally compatible with a Mediterranean architectural vocabulary and shall be durable and high quality. Exterior wall and roof colors should be of low intensity earth tones. The buildings should be predominantly stucco walls with sloping tile roofs. Other materials which are permitted as accents for exterior walls are ceramic tile, ornamental wrought iron, natural stone, decorative block, wood or other compatible natural building materials. d. Building Form and Massing The resort buildings shall be well articulated by changes in horizontal and vertical planes to reduce the appearance of bulk and create interesting building silhouettes. Features such as arches, loggias, balconies, elevated walkways and window and entry recesses will be used to provide additional visual interest and detail. e. Building Roof Tops Sloping roofs, varying roof heights and forms shall be used to provide interesting building silhouettes. Rooftop mechanical equipment, with the exception of photo voltaic systems, shall be screened, enclosed and architecturally incorporated into visually interesting building tops. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 159 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 126 of 166 G. PLANNING AREA 6 -SPECIAL TY RETAIL Located along Paseo Del Norte at the western edge of the planning area, the Specialty Retail area is planned as a more traditional automobile oriented retail center, in keeping with the surrounding uses along this road corridor. Special design guidelines are recommended to ensure that the center is a visually interesting and high quality commercial development. Figure 47 on page 154 shows some of the planning features for the specialty retail area. Figure 48 on page 158 represents a conceptual plan only intended to show how driveway locations, building locations, etc. could be arranged. The actual site plan could vary and would be approved as part of the Site Development Plan required for Planning Area 6. Any future site plan changes with regards to building and/or parking layout within the approved boundaries of Planning Area 6 will not necessitate a revision to the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are specific development and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. However, Section Ill.A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63 contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Areas within this Specific Plan Amendment. a. Permitted Uses Within the Specialty Retail area, the following uses are permitted: Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Retail business uses; Garden centers and nurseries; Restaurants; Professional, business and administrative office uses; Medical offices; Personal services, such as barbers shops, beauty shops and exercise studios; Other retail services and administrative uses, except new or used car sales, determined by the Planning Director City Planner to be consistent with the general character of the above listed uses. 160 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 127 of 166 I \ \ \ CAR COUNTRY 25' BLDG & LANDSCAPE SETBACK SERVICE ACCESS PRIMARY RETAIL ACCESS \ AGRICULTURE/ OPEN SPACE GGtF \ \ \ \ PEDESTRIAN--.., ---- WALK ~ ------------ I.::.\ ---- 25' BLOG &: 15' LANDSCAPE SETBACK \ __;,\ SPECIAL TY \~ RETAIL \\ ..--PLANNING AREA ' • '-. 30UNOARY &: \:, LOT LINE \, \. \\ \. \'I FLOWER FIELDS EXISTING DRIVEWAYS PEA SOUP ANDERSEN'S NOTE: THE EXACT LOCATION OF' DRIVEWAYS F'OR PLANNING AREA 6 WILL BE DETERMINED AT THE TIME OF' SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW. LANO USE: SPECIALTY RETAIL NET PARCEL AREA: 26.65 ACRES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: 300,000 Sq.Ft. Figure 47 PLANNING AREA 6 SPECIAL TY RETAIL ' "' ·.,, 25' BLDG & 15' \ '~ LANDSCAPE SETBACK \ \ ~ \ \ ' O' 300' Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 128 of 166 b. Building and Landscape Setbacks Building Setbacks - Front Yard on Paseo Del Norte Street Side Yard Interior Side Yard (Agricultural Setback) Rear Yard (Agricultural Setback) Landscape Setbacks - Front Yard on Paseo Del Norte Street Side Yard Interior Side Yard (Agricultural Setback) Rear Yard (Agricultural Setback) c. Access 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 15 feet 15 feet Planning Area 6 shall gain its main access from Paseo Del Norte. The location of this driveway and other driveways providing access to Planning Area 6 may be changed during the processing of the Site Development Plan to comply with all requirements of Carlsbad's Engineering Standards. A 32-foot wide service access road from Car Country Drive to the northeast corner of this site may be permitted if it can be designed in conformance with the requirements of Carlsbad's Engineering Standards. This 32 foot wide service road may extend along the entire easterly boundary of Planning Area 6. A 15 foot wide heavily landscaped strip shall be planted between this road and the agricultural ai=eas and golf course open space areas to the east of this Planning Area. d. Building Height In order to preserve the views of the flower fields from 1-5 and Paseo Del Norte, special height restrictions are necessary for Planning Area 6. In addition to the height requirements as specified in Chapter Ill. Section A.1. Planning Area 6 shall comply with the following requirements: i. The single story parapet height of any building shall not exceed 28 feet. ii. The two-story parapet height of any building shall not exceed 38 feet. No building shall have more than two stories of usable floor area. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 162 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 129 of 166 iii. Architectural features, such as towers having no usable floor area, shall not exceed 42 feet. iv. No more than 2% of the total building square footage built within Planning Area 6 may be utilized as usable second story floor area or architectural features. 2. DESIGN GUIDELINES a. Building Orientation A continuous covered walkway or arcade shall be developed along the building frontage facing the parking area. A focus at the juncture of the pedestrian walkway and the Specialty Retail area must be created with gardens or a plaza with benches for foot traffic. Building massing, two-story elements and any architectural features shall be sensitive to views of the flower fields from 1-5 and Paseo Del Norte, retaining view corridors with single story uses where feasible. b. Architectural Character Retail buildings shall reflect a Mediterranean vocabulary. Distinctive architectural features characteristic of Mediterranean style buildings, such as courtyards, arcades, loggias, balconies, and arbors are encouraged to add richness and visual interest to the buildings. c. Building Materials Building materials shall be those associated with Mediterranean style architecture. Buildings shall be predominately stucco walls with tile roofs. Other materials which are permitted as accents for exterior walls are colorful ceramic tiles, ornamental iron work, natural stone, decorative block, wood or other compatible natural building materials. The material utilized for the sloping roofs shall be clay roof tiles with mottled tones or metal roof panels of copper, aluminum or steel. Exterior wall colors shall be white or earth tones. Roof colors shall be mottled tones of terracotta or low intensity colors which blend with the Mediterranean style architecture. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 163 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 130 of 166 Glass curtain walls and other highly reflective building materials are considered inappropriate for building walls. The use of mirrored, reflective or darkly tinted glass should be avoided. d. Roofs Roof planes shall be varied to create interesting building silhouettes. As a guideline, roof planes should be broken every 50 to 75 feet. e. Circulation Planning Area 6 shall be designed such that there is full integration of the parking lot and internal access roads. A complete layout of the building placement, site uses, circulation and parking layout shall be submitted with the Site Development Plan. Concurrent with the development of the site if developed in phases under separate ownership, the property owner shall place a covenant over the property agreeing to grant reciprocal access rights over the parking lot and internal circulation roads to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The covenant shall include provision for shared maintenance and liability over the internal circulation roads and driveways. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 164 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 131 of 166 No change to page 165 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 132 of 166 H. PLANNING AREA 7 -FLOWER FIELDS Planning Area 7 is located on the site's western ridge; this area has traditionally been known as the "Flower Fields". Figure 49 on page 162 shows the Flower Fields planning features and Figure 50 on page 164 displays features of the wall and promenade. To minimize impacts on surrounding land uses, agricultural activities in Planning Area 7 shall comply with the Policies of Objective 4 of this specific plan, pages 32 -35. 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following are specific development and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. However, Section Ill.A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63 contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Areas within this Specific Plan Amendment. a. Permitted Uses i. The Flower Fields shall remain in flower production in perpetuity. The landowner will plant an open-field flowering crop every year, substantially in the area as shown in the Flower Field Figure 49(A). If the landowner desires to change or modify this obligation, landowner will provide a five-year advance notice to the City Council, accompanied by an alternative agricultural use proposal which landowner intends to initiate at the end of said five years. The City Council shall hold a hearing to review and approve the proposed alternative. Additionally, the City and landowner shall investigate and may implement any methods available to allow the continuation of flower production in accordance with the General Plan. This Condition shall be evidenced by a deed restriction and inclusion of notice in the CC&R's restricting Planning Area 7 to agricultural use. Subject to any Right of First Offer held by LEGO Park Planning, Inc., Landowner shall grant to City an exclusive Right of First Offer ("First Offer Right") to acquire the Flower Fields at a purchase price and upon such other terms and conditions, as Landowner would be willing to accept from any third party. Landowner shall not sell all or any portion of the Flower Fields (other than to a party purchasing for purposes of continuing the open field flower business with a continued obligation to provide this First Offer) without (i) first offering the property to City by written notice at a purchase price and upon such other terms and conditions that Landowner would be willing to accept from any third party, and (ii) City's failure to elect to purchase on such terms and conditions by written notice to Landowner within 90 days Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 166 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 133 of 166 of said notice. Any sale at a purchase price of less than 90% of the price at which the property has been offered to the City shall not be made without first offering the City the right to purchase at this price upon 60 days notice, to purchase the property. The foregoing First Offer Right shall survive any transfer by the Landowner to any affiliate of Landowner and shall be included in a deed restriction for Planning Area 7. ii. Principal permitted uses within Planning Area 7 designated as Open Space are as follows: Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Bicycle/Pedestrian Paths; Open Space Easements; Public Parks; City Picnic Areas; City Playgrounds; Public Access easement, non-vehicular; Public Lands;. Scenic Easement; Slope Easement; Transportation Right-of-Way; Vista Points; Agricultural uses as follows: Green houses of 2,000 sq.ft. or less; Field and seed crops; Truck crops; Horticulture crops; Orchards and vineyards; Pasture and rangeland; Tree farms; Fallow lands; Produce sheds. 167 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 134 of 166 iii. Accessory uses and structures permitted: Public Rest Rooms, Changing Rooms; Playground Equipment; Fencing, Patios, Stairways, Barbecue and Fire Pits; Parking, Staging, Processing and Storage Areas for agricultural crops; Shade Houses; Facilities for the sale of flowers, produce and other items related to the promotion of the "Flower Fields"; Other similar accessory uses and structures, determined by the Planning Director City Planner to be required for the conduct of the principal uses. iv. The following uses and structures are permitted by a conditional use permit: Farmers markets; Private picnic area; Green houses greater than 2,000 sq.ft.; b. Parking Standards Parking spaces for all permitted and ancillary uses shall be provided consistent with Section 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. c. Building Height Building Height for all structures within the open space parcels shall not exceed twenty-five feet in height, unless a higher elevation is approved by a conditional use permit issued by the Planning Commission. d. Signs Signs consistent with the style and character of the specific plan shall be utilized for all agricultural, recreational and accessory uses on Open Space Area 7. Signs shall be consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.41. e. Access Vehicular access to Planning Area 7 shaUbe at two (2) City Engineer approved locations. One on the east side of Paseo del Norte north of the intersection of Paseo del Norte and Palomar Airport Road, and the other (for ingress only), on the north side of Palomar Airport Road east of the intersection. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 168 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 135 of 166 AGRICULTURE/ OPEN SPACE GOt.1"· eE>URS~-- LAND USE: AGRICULTURE FLOWER FIELDS· I I I t1 I t:J I§ I I I tJ I ;o IH I iii I I l I I \ I \ \ ' \ \ \ LEGO LAND \ \ '\ ' ' NET PARCEL AREA: 53.42 ACRES ~ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: CONTINUATION OF CURRENT USE-: I J FLOWER BULB, CUT FLOWER PRODUCI'ION. 0' 500' FIGURE 49 PLANNING AREA 7 -FLOWER FIELDS Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 136 of 166 No changes to pages 170-171 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 137 of 166 I. PLANNING AREA 8 -GOLF COURSEAGRICULTURE AND OPEN SPACE The golf course 1Nill be a 9 hole course and will cover over 70 acres in the northern portion of the specific plan. As proposed, the golf course 1Nill provide desirable open space buff.ers in the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan bet\veen Car Country, the Gemological Institute and the resort. The Carlsbad General Plan Land Use and Community Design Element identifies an area of special planning considerations titled "The Cannon Road Open Space, Farming and Public Use Corridor;" Planning Area 8 is part of this corridor. Within the corridor, agricultural uses are encouraged to continue for as long as they remain economically viable for the landowners. When the landowners determine that agriculture is no longer economically viable, Planning Area 8 may be developed with open space and compatible public uses consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road-Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS) Zone, which is herein incorporated by reference. Access shall be provided between the eastern and western parts of #le ~Planning Area 8 and shall be provided on the SDG&E property on the north side of Cannon Road as shown on Figure 51 on page 168. One or r;.io holes of the golf course may be located in this area. Golf cart Pedestrian/bike overcrossings or under crossings of Cannon Road shall provide access to this area. If an overcrossing is determined to be the most viable alternative, then the design of the overcrossing shall be similar to the design shown on Figure 53 on page 170. An amendment to the SDG&E Specific Plan shall be required for this area to be used for a golf course. The portion of SDG&E property used for this section of the golf course will not be a part of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. The design and layout of the holes in this area as well as the rest of the golf course shall be determined as a part of the Site Development Plan for Planning Area 8. A pedestrian/bike/golf cart trail shall be provided along the southerly edge of Planning Area 5 to provide a link from the specific plan golf course to the future City golf course to the east of the specific plan. The trail shall be designed as shown on Figure 52 on page 169. A golf cart undercrossing on The Crossings Drive shall be provided to facilitate the joint use of the golf courses. Sophisticated computerized ',•.,eather and 1Nater monitoring and delivery systems and reclaimed water will be used for irrigation. The course will be open to the public on a f.ee basis. 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Allowable agricultural and open space uses in Planning Area 8 and the development standards and processing procedures applicable to those uses shall be subject to the provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 172 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 138 of 166 Road -Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS) Zone. Where any inconsistencies exist between the provisions of the CR-A/OS Zone and any other provisions of this specific plan relating to Planning Area 8, including the development standards specified in Section Ill of this plan, the provisions of the CR-A/OS Zone shall prevail and take precedence. The following are specific development and design guidelines applicable to this Planning Area. Ho•.vever, Section Ill.A. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES beginning on page 63 contains additional development standards and design guidelines that are applicable to all Planning Area within this Specific Plan Amendment. a. Permitted Uses i. Agricultural Uses Field and seed crops; Truck crops; Horticulture crops; Orchards and vineyards; Pasture and rangeland; Tree farms; Fallow lands; Produce sheds. ii. Non Agricultural Uses Golf course, driving range, putting green; Public parks; City picnic areas; City playgrounds; Public Trails; Public access easements and right of 1.vay; Public rest rooms; Fencing; Transportation right of 1.vay; Vista points; Other similar accessory uses and structures, determined by the Planning Director to be required for the conduct of principal use. iii. Accessory uses and structures permitted; Public Rest Rooms, Changing Rooms; Playground Equipment; Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 173 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 139 of 166 Fencing, Patios, Stairways, Barbeque and Fire Pits; Parking, Staging, Processing and Storage Area for agricultural crops; Shade Houses; Other similar accessory uses and structures, determined by the Planning Director to be required for the conduct of the principle uses. b. Parking Standards Parking spaces for all permitted and ancillary uses shall be provided consistent 1.vith Section 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Joint use of parking facilities is alloi.ved based on the potential for shared/off peak uses. Specific reductions in parking requirements shall be determined based on provisions set forth in Section 21.44 .050(a)(4) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. c. Building Height Building Height for all structures 1.vithin Planning Area 8 shall not exceed ti.venty five feet in height, unless a higher elevation is approved by a conditional use permit issued by the Planning Commission. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 174 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 140 of 166 \ \ \ r 1181:£!1 ilN SHE bf<ND ACCESS/ (tlNDlll SfP-f! PEIIMIT, COLI' e&lt'I' * P[D[STIIIAN Net ,. '""' or THIS UNDER -ett-e¥Elt-CROSSINGS S'tclf'1C l"UN) --------"' \ -------~ GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTI! OF AMEIICA LAND USE: GOtf'"··CetJff5€ AGRICUL TURA.L/OPEN SPACE NET PARCEL AREA: 72.07 ACRES (2 PARCELS) DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: 7 I !OLES eetf (2 A661TIOt•At I !OLES PROPO!rn 014 sae&:E LAtie UNBER SEPARATE PERMIT) DEVELOPMENT IS ALLOWED PURSUANT TO THE CANNON ROAD-AGRICULTURAL/OPEN SPACE (CR-A/OS) ZONE. LEGOLAND O' 600' Figure 51 PLANNING AREA 8 AGRICULTURE AND OPEN SPACE GOLF COURSE Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 141 of 166 L£COl.lND I I t ~------STRll'IHC AGRICULTU ~PENSPAC ----c:cn:r-AND IIESOIIT SITES ASPHALT 0~ ;-~~~gE!frH 22' Traff Wldtt, Trail Moy Meander Within EaHment $0' Bulldli,9 ond Landscape Sotbock at RHorl Sll• "GtltF AG RIC UL TURE/ -e~URSE-OPEN SPACE A.SPHAl T OR CONCR£TE PAVED 911<E PATIi I I, Figure 52 AGRICULTURE/OPEN SPACE TRAIL AT LEGO/GOLF BOUNDARY Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 142 of 166 -µ·..-::. Figure 53 CANNON ROAD GOLF COURSE CROSSING ILLUSTRATIVE Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 143 of 166 J. PLANNING AREA 9 -NATURAL OPEN SPACE Planning Area 9 consists of steep slopes covered with native vegetation. No grading or construction is anticipated in this area by the specific plan. Planning Area 9 will remain in its existing condition. 1. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS a. Principal permitted uses within Planning Area 9 are as follows: Open Space Easements; Bicycle & Pedestrian Trails; Vista Point. b. Accessory uses and structures permitted in Planning Area 9 are as follows: Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Fencing; Other similar structures and uses required for the maintenance of this area. 178 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 144 of 166 No change to page 179 (page omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 145 of 166 IV. COMMUNITY FACILITIES A. INTRODUCTION The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan land area lies entirely within Local Facilities Management Zone 13. The public facility requirements for this property are fully addressed in the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP). The approved Zone 13 LFMP was prepared pursuant to the City's Growth Management Program. The Zone 13 LFMP: (1) provides a detailed description of how the zone will develop, (2) demonstrates how and when each required facility and improvement will be constructed to accommodate phased development within the zone, and (3) provides a complete description of how each facility and improvement will be financed when mitigation is necessary. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan implements, but does not supersede the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan. The specific plan has been designed to be consistent with the purpose and intent of the Zone Plan. The following are the development policies as they pertain to the community facilities identified in the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan. The following also identifies specific mitigation requirements of the Zone 13 LFMP. Development within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan shall be responsible for providing its fair share of required facilities within Zone 13 as well as impacted facilities outside of Zone 13. 8. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE FACILITIES Zone 13, including the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Area, will be developed with entirely non-residential uses. Therefore, no impacts will be generated by development in Zone 13 to the City's adopted performance standard, which requires that 1,500 square feet of City Administrative Facilities per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five-year period. Although the specific plan's non-residential uses include a vocational campus and associated dormitories, the City's Growth Management Ordinance does not count dormitory rooms as dwelling units nor are they considered to be permanent residences. For this reason, the vocational campus will not be subject to the City Administrative Facility Performance Standard. The landowner is compensating for any impacts generated by the dormitory uses through the payment of public facility fees and participation in the Citywide Mello-Roos Community Facilities District, which contribute toward the construction of City Administrative Facilities. As concluded in the Zone 13 LFMP, no mitigation is required for Zone 13 to meet the adopted performance standard. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 180 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 146 of 166 C. LIBRARY FACILITIES Zone 13, including the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Area, will be developed with entirely non-residential uses. Therefore, no impacts will be generated by development in Zone 13 to the City's adopted performance standard, which requires that 800 square feet of Library Facilities per 1,000 population must be scheduled for construction within a five- year period. As mentioned under the City Administrative Facilities section, the City's Growth Management Ordinance does not count dormitory rooms as dwelling units nor are they considered to be permanent residences. For this reason the vocational campus will not be subject to the Library Facility Performance Standard. The landowner is compensating for any impacts generated by the dormitory uses through the payment of public facility fees and participation in the Citywide Mello Roos Community Facilities District, which contribute toward the construction of Library Facilities. As concluded in the Zone 13 LFMP, no mitigation is required for Zone 13 to meet the adopted performance standard. D. PARK FACILITIES Since the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan and the entire Zone 13 LFMP will be developed for non-residential uses, the established performance standard of 3 acres of Community Park or Special Use Area per 1,000 population within the Park District does not apply to Zone 13 or the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. However, the City has concluded that non-residents who work in the City also have an impact on the City's recreational facilities. This specific plan proposes the development of a golf course open to the public and accessory uses as well as various trails and pedestrian walkways. These facilities will contribute to the recreational needs of the employees working within the specific plan area. Recreation facilities will be implemented by the specific plan. A brief description of the recreation uses and facilities are as follows: 1. GOLF COURSE A 9 hole golf course 1.vill be developed in Planning Area 8. Although privately ovmed, this golf course 1.vill be open to the public. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 181 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 147 of 166 ~.1. TRAIL SYSTEM/PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY The proposed trail and pedestrian system have been incorporated into the design of the Plan to encourage pedestrian movement within the specific plan. These trails allow occupants to move freely within the Carlsbad Ranch and to access both the open space and recreational amenities provided. They are also designed to tie in to the future citywide trail system. Signage for the specific plan's proposed trail system will be consistent and meet the sign age requirements for the Future Citywide Trail System. Figure 15 on page 4 7 identifies the location of trails, which will be provided. An extensive pedestrian walkway will be located along the developable ridge's western wall. The pedestrian walkway will be separated from Armada Drive by a planting area. The wall will serve a dual purpose by functioning as a barrier between the agricultural and developed portion of the specific plan as well as providing a walkway with scenic views of the flower fields and the ocean. ~2. PARK MITIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS The Zone 13 LFMP recommendation for park mitigation is to establish a park fee of $0.40 per square foot on the zone's non-residential development. This fee would be collected at the time of building permit issuance and would be used to construct recreational facilities to offset the demand created by employees within Zone 13. E. OPEN SPACE The Growth Management performance standard requires that 15% of the total land area in the zone exclusive of environmentally constrained non-developable land be set aside for permanent open space and must be available concurrent with development. There are 531.33 net acres per the LFMP constraints analysis in Zone 13; therefore, at build out, Zone 13 will require 79.70 acres of performance standard open space. This demand is satisfied by the provision of 119.03 acres (Zone 13 LFMP: OS-1, OS-3 and OS-5) of performance standard open space. The performance standard open space does not include the areas to be utilized for the golf course agriculture and open space (Zone 13 LFMP: OS-2 and OS-4). In addition, approximately 19 acres of 08 1 are proposed as a part of the 9 hole golf course at Point Resort and this acreage is not included in the performance standard open space supply. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 182 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 148 of 166 No changes to pages 183-185 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 149 of 166 V. UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE A. INTRODUCTION Of the utilities required to serve the project the most critical are water and storm drainage. Facilities for reclaiming water are now being implemented along with the facilities for transmission, distribution and storage. Storm drainage runoff must employ Best Management Practices to control flooding, detention, desiltation and urban pollution removal prior to being discharged into natural watersheds, wetlands and coastal lagoons. Sewage from the project will be received by the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility through existing sewer mains and trunk lines and the extension of an existing 1 O" line in Cannon Road. San Diego Gas and Electric Company will provide both gas and electric services to the site. Water service is provided by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The project is within the service boundaries of Pacific Bell for telephone, and Daniel's Cablevision for cable television services. Solid waste removal will be provided by Coast Waste Management, a local private company. B. DOMESTIC WATER The City of Carlsbad is divided into three water districts: the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, the Vallecitos Water District and the Olivenhain Municipal Water District. The Carlsbad Ranch is entirely within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. As discussed in the Growth Management Ordinance, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has established two performance standards to ensure adequate water services. The performance standards serve to: 1) ensure line capacity to meet demand and 2) require that a minimum 10-day average storage capacity be provided. These performance standards must be met prior to any development occurring within the zone. The line capacity will be provided with development. Minimum average storage capacity shall be determined by the local agencies; of these the requirement for fire flow is the most demanding. The project lies entirely within Local Facilities Management Zone 13. Currently, the citywide storage capacity is 12.9 days. The projected storage capacity at build out is 254.5 million gallons with an average daily demand estimated to be 24.54 million gallons. This will provide for a projected storage at build out of 10.4 days. The specific plan area will be served by two water pressure zones. Parcels 1, 2 and 3 will be provided water service from the lower 255 Pressure Zone. The remaining Parcels numbered 4 through 23 will be provided service from the higher 375 Pressure Zone. Carlsbad Ranch Speciffc Plan 186 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 150 of 166 The existing water facilities for the 255 Pressure Zone include: A 1.5 MG steel tank reservoir located adjacent to the east boundary of the specific plan. • Two pressure reducing stations, one at the 1.5 MG steel tank, and the other at the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Armada Drive. • A 16-inch and 12-inch pipeline from the 1.5 MG steel tank aligned southwesterly to Palomar Airport Road. • A 10-inch pipeline in Palomar Airport Road from Armada Drive to Paseo Del Norte. • A 12-inch pipeline in Paseo Del Norte and Car Country Drive. The existing water facilities for the 375 Pressure Zone include: • One 8.5 MG steel tank reservoir (now under construction to replace 1.25 MG). • A 16-inch pipeline in Palomar Airport Road. • A 16-inch pipeline form the existing 1.5 MG reservoir to Palomar Airport Road. • Removal of the existing 12-inch and 16-inch transmissions lines. The existing water facilities are shown on Figure 57 on page 183. To provide adequate water service, the following facilities are required in the 375 Pressure Zone only: • A 16-inch pipeline in The Crossings Drive extending from Camino de Los Ondas north to the vicinity of the existing 1.5 MG reservoir. This will enable the fire flow to be provided to the area from the 8.5 MG reservoir now under construction. • A 12-inch pipeline extending in on easement across Parcel 11 from The Crossings Drive to Cannon Road. • A 16-inch pipeline in Armada Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Cannon Road. • A 10-inch pipeline in LEGO Drive. • A minimum 8-inch pipeline in "D" Street Fleet Street. Carlsbad Ranch Speciffc Plan 187 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 151 of 166 • A minimum 12-inch pipeline east of Car Country Drive to the easterly boundary of Zone 13 in Cannon Road. • A pressure reducing station east of Car Country Drive. The location and sizes of the above facilities have been approximated. Figure 57 on page 183 provides a conceptual recommendation of where these facilities shall be located. The exact sizes and locations will be determined as areas within the specific plan develop. The water distribution system interior to the project site will be designed at the time of the development of final engineering plans. This specific plan lies entirely within the boundaries of Zone 13 which currently conforms with the adopted performance standards. Since the water district requires development to install domestic water and fire flow needs as conditions of approval to future development, conformance with the adopted standards will be maintained to ultimate development of the project. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 188 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 152 of 166 No changes to pages 189-190 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 153 of 166 C. RECLAIMED WATER On March 21, 1989 the City of Carlsbad adopted an interim Reclaimed Water Use Policy for new land development projects. The policy specified that all new development shall use reclaimed water when reasonably available and that the installation of dual irrigation systems may be required subject to the terms of the Water Reclamation Master Plan. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District operates and maintains two reclaimed water pipelines in the specific plan area. There is an existing 8-inch pipeline in Palomar Airport Road. Another 8-inch pipeline is in The Crossings Drive extending from Palomar Airport Road north to the vicinity of an existing 1.5 MG steel tank. The water pressure in these pipelines is the same as the 375 Pressure Zone for domestic water. However, it is noted that the pipeline in The Crossings Drive may need to be relocated based on proposed site grading plans. To utilize the reclaimed water supply will require the following: A 12-inch pipeline in The Crossings Drive and an easement from Palomar Airport Road to Cannon Road. (There is an existing temporary 8-inch water line in The Crossings Drive from Palomar Airport Road to the reservoir.) • A 20-inch pipeline in Cannon Road from Car Country Drive to the proposed 12- inch pipeline described above. An 8-inch pipeline in Armada Drive from Palomar Airport Road to Cannon Road (Carlsbad Ranch Unit No. 1 has been designed and approved as a part of CT 92- 07 on December 23, 1993.) • An 8-inch pipeline in LEGO Drive. An 8-inch pipeline in Paseo Del Norte from Palomar Airport Road to Car Country Drive. There also exists a 16" line located within and south of Palomar Airport Road belonging to the Vallecitos Water District. The City of Carlsbad has the rights to use reclaimed water from that line. That line has the capacity of two million gallons per day. As long as there is a surplus of reclaimed water available, development within this project could use this pipeline as a source of reclaimed water. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 191 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 154 of 166 The Encina Water Pollution Control Facility currently does not have the capability to generate reclaimed water and no transmission or distribution lines have been constructed from the facility. Studies are now being performed regarding the construction of such facilities. The generating capacity requirements or the location of such a facility have not yet been determined. As mentioned earlier, new development must agree to use reclaimed water when feasible and available. The existing pipeline in Palomar Airport Road makes access to reclaimed water feasible and readily available as long as surplus reclaimed water capacity exists. Although rReclaimed water will be used in the landscape irrigation of the commercial and office complexes, its greatest use will be for the proposed golf course and for the agricultural and open space usesfie.14s. Therefore, a dual irrigation system shall be installed for this project. D. STORM DRAINAGE In the past, the major concern when designing storm drainage systems was flooding. Today, with the growth of urban areas and concerns over the protection of wetlands and habitat areas, the need for the removal of urban pollutants from urban drainage has increased. Storm drainage facilities required to prevent flooding will be constructed concurrent with development. Currently, there are no major facilities within the project area. All major facilities outside the project boundaries have been constructed except one which will be constructed when development occurs in that area. This facility is a 51" storm drain and the double 60" storm drain and channel grading collectively referred to as line BAA. The primary components of the storm drainage system are the subsurface pipes, overland drainage swales and detention basins. As for storm water management, the basins serve three purposes: flood prevention, detention, and desiltation and removal of urban pollutants. Detention requirements have been imposed to regulate the volumes of water being discharged into the downstream wetland areas of the watershed. The desiltation and removal of urban pollutants will also be factors of the storm drainage systems. Water quality control guidelines have recently been adopted by the State Water Quality Control Board and Environmental Protection Agency. These guidelines will be implemented in the proposed system. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide Best Management Practices to control discharges of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable to waters of the United States. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to, or concurrent with, approval of the final map, issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first, in the affected area. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 192 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 155 of 166 Construction of the above facilities will occur concurrent with development. E. SEWER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES The site is divided into two sewer basins. The existing and proposed facilities are illustrated on Figure 58 on page 187. To the north is a 1 O" sewer line within existing Cannon Road. This line is adequate in size and remaining capacity to serve the northerly sewer basin of the specific plan. This line travels westerly and is eventually intercepted by the Vista-Carlsbad Interceptor which transports wastewater to the treatment plant. The line in existing Cannon Road shall be extended easterly to Armada Drive within Cannon Road. There are plans for the future development of the South Agua Hedionda Interceptor which will serve development to the east. This line will replace the existing and proposed sewer main in Cannon Road, however, it is not required for development within the specific plan. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District is presently preparing a preliminary design on the interceptor and may schedule construction within Cannon Road. In addition, the South Agua Hedionda sewer force main is located across the SDG&E property and serves development outside Zone 13. The portion of the South Agua Hedionda sewer line adjacent to Zone 13 is known as SAHi 3 and 4. These lines flow to the west into the Vista Carlsbad Interceptor sections VC 13, 14 and 15, beginning at Cannon Road and terminating at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. To the south, the BuenaNallecitos Interceptor runs in a westerly direction on the south side of Palomar Airport Road. This existing line is in use and is sufficient in size and available capacity to serve the southerly and central development phases of the specific plan. The project will be required to extend the 8" sewer from Armada Drive across Palomar Airport Road to the existing sewer at Price Club. The BuenaNallecitos line also transports wastewater through to the treatment plant without being intersected by other lines. The line has sufficient capacity to sewer the entire sewer basin at ultimate build out. Therefore, no additional improvements are needed for this line. No major facilities are required off-site within either sewer drainage basin for development within this project. Carlsbad Ranch Speciffc Plan 193 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 156 of 166 An internal sewer system will be required to be designed consisting of 8" sewer mains as shown on Figure 58 on page 187. These lines will connect to the existing sewer main and interceptor located adjacent to the project boundaries. As a condition of approval for future development the design of this system will be required to be in conformance with the adopted standards and to be maintained through ultimate development of the project. No lift stations are anticipated to be constructed to serve the Carlsbad Ranch's internal sewer system. Wherever practical, the sewer system shall be constructed within the public right-of-way. Figure 58 Sanitary Sewer Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 194 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 157 of 166 No changes to pages 195-207 (pages omitted here) Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 158 of 166 VI. SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES A. ORDINANCES TO BE ADOPTED As this specific plan is both a policy and regulatory document, it is to be adopted by ordinance to legally serve as the zoning for the Carlsbad Ranch. Unless otherwise stated in the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, the requirements of the underlying zone and the City of Carlsbad's Municipal Code shall apply. The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is supplemental to the existing certified Mello II Implementing Ordinances. Unless otherwise stated in the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, all of the municipal code provisions and implementing ordinances of the existing Mello II Implementation Plan are applicable to the Carlsbad Ranch. B. SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE SPECIFIC PLAN The Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is accompanied by a General Plan Amendment, Local Coastal Program Amendment, Local Facilities Management Plan Amendment, Land Conservation Contract Cancellation, Zone Change, Tentative Map, Non-Residential Planned Unit Development, Hillside Development Permit and an Environmental Impact Report. Prior to development of any property within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, a Coastal Development Permit must be obtained. The Coastal Development Permit must be provided to the City of Carlsbad prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. Subsequent permits and approvals shall be required prior to development within the individual planning areas as follows: 1. Planning Area 1 Any development of the property shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Contained within the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan, the Environmental Impact Report, Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 and a Site Development Plan application submitted to the City of Carlsbad Planning Department is sufficient information to make the following findings with respect to a vocational school for the Gemological Institute of America: a. The requested use, a vocational school, is desirable for the development within the City of Carlsbad and is essentially in harmony with the elements and objectives of the General Plan. In addition, the development of a vocational school is not detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and visitors of Carlsbad, Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 208 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 159 of 166 to the existing uses within this portion of the City of Carlsbad or to uses specifically permitted in the zone that the proposed use will be located. b. Planning Area 1 of the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan is of adequate size and shape to accommodate the use of this site for a vocational school. c. All yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and any other features necessary for the intended use of a portion of Planning Area 1 as a vocational school will be provided and maintained in accordance with the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan and the Municipal Code for the City of Carlsbad. d. The street system serving the site is adequate to handle all traffic generated from this use. These findings are supported by the facts, findings, conditions and mitigation measures of this specific plan, the Environmental Impact Report (EIR 94-01 ), the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 13 and an approved Site Development Plan (SOP 94 -06). These documents are incorporated herein by reference. Any other uses proposed for this site that are not specifically addressed herein shall be subject to all applicable processing requirements of the underlying zone and Title 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. Planning Area 2 Any development of the property shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A Site Development Plan application may be submitted for the entire planning area, for any combination of contiguous lots or for any individual lot as may be requested by the property owner or his authorized agent, subject to the approval of the Planning Director City Planner. Any other uses proposed for this site that is not specifically addressed herein shall be subject to all applicable processing requirements of the underlying zone and Title 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 209 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 160 of 166 3. Planning Area 3 Any development of the property including hotels and/or commercial living units (timeshares) shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, a hotel or commercial living unit (timeshare) project shall be subject to the requirements of Section 21.42.010(10) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition to the above requirements, the City Council shall make the final decision to approve or disapprove the Site Development Plan. Any other uses proposed for this site that is not specifically addressed herein shall be subject to all applicable processing requirements of the underlying zone and Title 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 4. Planning Area 4 (LEGOLAND Carlsbad) Planning Area 4 contains the entire LEGOLAND theme park. As shown on Exhibit 35, the park is divided into the inner park and the outer park. The inner park contains all of the existing attractions, food services and administrative services and areas for future expansion. The outer park is the area reserved for LEGOLAND theme park visitor parking, LEGOLAND hotel and hotel guest parking and a large portion of the perimeter landscape buffer. This specific plan authorizes and approves a LEGOLAND family park as a permitted use subject the approval of a Site Development Plan. A Site Development Plan (SOP 96-14) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP 96-16) were approved for the entire park by City Council Resolution 97-670 on May 20,1997. This specific plan authorizes and approves a LEGOLAND family park as a permitted use of the Planning Area for zoning purposes and, therefore, a conditional use permit shall not be required pursuant to Section 21.42.010(5)(F) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any development of the property shall be subject to the processes as described below. Outer Park Any development within the Outer Park shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Inner Park All future park projects within the Inner Park that comply with the development standards and design guidelines set forth in this Specific Plan shall be processed as a Minor Site Development Plan and Minor Coastal Development Permit subject to Planning Director City Planner approval. The Planning Director City Planner shall ascertain all facts pertinent to the proposed development and Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 210 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 161 of 166 shall approve, conditionally approve, disapprove or give notice of referral to the Planning Commission, together with the findings and reasons for such action. An application for a Minor Site Development Plan/Minor Coastal Development Permit shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth below: (1) An application for a Minor Site Development Plan/Minor Coastal Development Permit may be made by the record owner or owners of the property affected or the authorized agent of the owner or owners. The application shall be filed with the Planning Director City Planner upon forms provided by him. The application shall be accompanied by adequate plans which allow for detailed review, a legal description of the property and all other materials and information specified by the Planning Director City Planner. (2) At the time of filing the application, the applicant shall pay a processing fee in an amount specified by City Council resolution. (3) If the applicant contemplates the construction of a LEGOLAND project in phases, the application shall so state and shall include a proposed phasing schedule. (4) For minor coastal development permits, notwithstanding Section 21.201.080, all applications regardless of the cost of development shall be approved or disapproved by the Planning Director City Planner. Findings of the Planning Director City Planner. In approving a Minor Site Development Plan/Minor Coastal Development Permit, the Planning Director City Planner shall make the following findings: (1) That the requested use is properly related to the site, surroundings and environmental settings, is consistent with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the proposed use is to be located, and will not adversely impact the site, surroundings or traffic circulation; (2) That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use; (3) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained; Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 211 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 162 of 166 (4) That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use (5) The development has no adverse effect individually or cumulatively on coastal resources or public access to the shoreline or along the coast. Notification. The planning director City Planner shall notify the applicant in writing of any decision made on a Minor Site Development Plan/Minor Coastal Development Permit. Effective Date of Order and Appeal of Planning Director City Planner Decision. The effective date of the Planning Director's City Planner's decision and method for appeal of such decision shall be governed by Section 21.54.140 of the municipal code. Development Agreement Additionally, a Development Agreement may be entered into between the City of Carlsbad and LEGO. This Development Agreement shall not conflict with the requirements of this specific plan. Amendments to the Site Development Plan The following types of minor amendments may be approved administratively by the Planning Director City Planner: a. Changes to the design and location of landscaping within the interior of the park. b. Revisions to the design and landscaping of the parking area that will not substantially impact vehicular or pedestrian access. c. The relocation of attractions within the interior of the park that will not substantially alter the appearance of the park from any adjacent public road. d. Revisions to the architecture of buildings as long as the revisions are in conformance with the Design Guidelines of Section IV.E.3 ( LEGOLAND Carlsbad Design Guidelines) of this specific plan. e. Any other similar type of revisions determined to be minor in nature by the Planning Director City Planner. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 212 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 163 of 166 5. Planning Area 5 Any development of the property including hotels and/or commercial living units (timeshares) shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition, a hotel or commercial living unit (timeshare) shall be subject to the requirements of Section 21.42.010(10) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition to the above requirements, the City Council shall make the final decision to approve or disapprove the Site Development Plan. Any other uses proposed for this site that are not specifically addressed herein shall be subject to all applicable processing requirements of the underlying zone and Title 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 6. Planning Area 6 Any development of the property shall be subject to the approval of a Site Development Plan pursuant to Section 21.06 (Qualified Overlay Zone) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Any other uses proposed for this site that are not specifically addressed herein shall be subject to all applicable processing requirements of the underlying zone and Title 21 (Zoning) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. In addition to the above requirements, the City Council shall make the final decision to approve or disapprove the Site Development Plan for Planning Area 6. 7. Planning Area 8 A Site Development Plan in lieu of is required for development and a Conditional Use Permit may be allo·Ned for the development of a golf course is required for certain uses in this Planning Area, consistent with Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.209 -Cannon Road-Agricultural/Open Space (CR-A/OS) Zone. C. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The matrix presented in Figure 59 on page 205, identifies the estimated costs of the public works projects contained as special conditions in the Zone 13 Local Facilities Management Plan and described in the Public Facility and Infrastructure chapter of this plan, the measures by which each public works project will be financed, and the persons or agencies responsible for financing and carrying out each proposed improvement. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 213 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 164 of 166 These improvements are categorized into projected improvements needed for specific years. These years represent milestones as opposed to actual completion dates. The milestones are based on projected growth assumptions and therefore are intended to be used for planning purposes only. D. PHASING PROGRAM Although this specific plan is regulatory in nature, it does not regulate the rate of development within Carlsbad Ranch. Other than general market conditions and contractual limitations set forth in the Land Conservation Contract, development within Carlsbad Ranch will be controlled by the availability of adequate public facilities. Figures 60, 61, 62 and 63 on pages 211 through 214 depict the potential sub- phases of development on the Carlsbad Ranch that might occur if the property owners choose not to grade the site and provide the infrastructure in a single phase. The phasing diagrams do not suggest the sequence or suggested timing of new development, but rather identify the grading and circulation improvements that would occur with the development of portions of the project. See the text beginning on page 221-1-9 for a detailed description of the phasing of grading and development. A phasing program was developed for public facility planning purposes. The phasing program, which is consistent with the Zone 13 LFMP analysis, is presented in Figure 64 on page 215. Other than the scheduling of needed public facilities, the specific plan is not influenced by this phasing program. Development within Carlsbad Ranch may differ from the schedule presented in Figure 64 given the availability of adequate public facilities and services. Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan 214 Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 165 of 166 No Changes for remainder of the document Item #8 March 28, 2017 Page 166 of 166