HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-18; City Council; ; 2017 City Council Follow Up ItemsCITY COUNCIL Staff Report CA Review Meeting Date: April 18, 2017 To: Mayor and City Council From: Kevin Crawford, City Manager Staff Contact: Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager Jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 Subject: 2017 City Council Follow-Up Items Recommended Action Discuss and provide comments to inform continuing staff efforts on five items that were identified for follow-up action during the 2017 City Council goal setting process. Executive Summary Six 2017 City Council Goals were affirmed on March 28, 2017. Five additional items were also identified for follow-up action: 1) Overall prioritization of city projects; 2) Growth Management Plan update; 3) Municipal Code update, including discussion of campaign finance reform; 4) Environmental sustainability, including discussion of Community Choice Energy and an environmental commission; and 5) Village & Barrio development moratorium. Staff is seeking additional Council comments and discussion to inform continuing efforts on these items. Discussion The City Council held goal setting workshops on February 21, March 18, and March 21, 2017 and adopted a resolution affirming the 2017 City Council Goals on March 28, 2017. Council members, through a facilitated and segmented dialogue, chose the following six Council Goals: • Become a leader in multi-modal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. • Plan for a new city hall that will meet the future workplace and operational needs of the city and the community. • Promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and retain talent in Carlsbad. • Enhance Carlsbad's coastline to ensure an exceptional experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. • Lower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. • Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio, two neighborhoods that represent the historic heart of Carlsbad. Item #1 April 18, 2017 Page 1 of 2 Several items were also identified for follow-up action, but were not included in the 2017 City Council Goals. Per Council direction, staff is committed to continuing efforts related to these items and will periodically update City Council regarding their status. They include: • Overall prioritization of city projects, • Growth Management Plan update, • Municipal Code update, including discussion of campaign finance reform, • Environmental sustainability, including discussion of Community Choice Energy and an environmental commission, and • Village & Barrio development moratorium. To fully address each of these items will require a substantial commitment of staff time and resources. Providing an opportunity for further City Council discussion is expected to provide staff with a clear understanding of Council perspectives on continuing work on these items, as well as regarding the content, timing and frequency of updates. The staff presentation and City Council discussion will be segmented, in order to avoid any Council member conflicts of interest. Next Steps Staff will continue follow-up efforts and will provide periodic updates to City Council. Fiscal Analysis None. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. Exhibits None. Item #1 April 18, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Vickey Syage <v Monday, April17, 2017 8:14PM Planning Subject: Fwd: Temporary Moratorium in the Village/Barrio All Receive -Agenda Item # _[_ For the Information of the; CITY COUNCIL / ACM /cA ./ CC Date q. '" .nCity Manager 7 Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commissioners, Follow up Completed I'm so sorry - I mistyped your email address, but wanted you to have this. · Kind Regards, Vickey Syage Begin forwarded message: From; Vickey Syage <vickey.syage@gmail.com> Subject: Temporary Moratorium in the Village/Barrio Date: April17, 2017 at 6:25:54 PM PDT To: matt.hall@carlsbadca .gov, cori.sch umacher@carlsbadca.gov, Michaei.Schumacher@carlsbadca.gov, Mark. Packard@carlsbadca.gov, Keith.Biackburn@carlsbadca.gov, planning@carlsbad.ca.gov, kevin.crawford@carlsbadca.gov Cc: City Clerk <clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Dear City Council, and Planning Commission, I am in favor of a temporary moratorium on developments and projects in the area of the Village- Barrio pending a new, approv~d Village-Barrio Master Plan. Carlsbad hired Dover, Kohl and Partners in a very expensive contract about 3 years ago. Their plan showed a lack of understanding of our village; it was a complete failure, and fortunately for Carlsbad, is being revised Our new Village Barrio plan should be ready for review in a few short months. Approved projects could easily have a 50 to 75 year impact on our Village. None of us would build a house or undergo a significant remodel without a plan. As a matter of fact, the City of Carlsbad wouldn't allow it. Why would we ever attempt to "remodel" our village without a completed plan '" one that respects our heritage, our values, and our future? Several Planning Commissioners have expressed support for this time for us to take a breath, and regroup. We are also waiting for the results of our parking study, which should be an integral part of our Village plan. The community, the people who live in Carlsbad and support the City with our taxes, need the opportunity to give our input into the future of our home town. We don't need any more developments like the "Wave" which appears no one but the developer liked, but had no basis to stop. Our village belongs to all of us. A temporary moratorium is a reasonable request. I hope you will honor it. It makes good sense. 1 Respectfully, Vickey Syage 92011 -· 2 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: April14, 2017 Enchanted Seashells < Monday, April17, 2017 7:08 PM Planning; Matthew Hall; Cori Schumacher; Keith Blackburn; Mark Packard; Michael Schumacher; Kevin Crawford BUILDING MORATORIUM IN THE VILLAGE/BARRIO Follow up Completed REQUEST FOR BUILDING MORATORIUM IN THE VILLAGE/BARRIO I am writing in support of the implementation of a complete and total moratorium on new projects currently being approved and built in the Carlsbad Village/Barrio, until such time as a new Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have been approved are in effect (Fall2017) The cost of *e current plans and studies are now at almost $900,000 and are scheduled to be completed fall 2017. As with other decisions made by the leaders of the city of Carlsbad, this would be fiscally irresponsible to approve new projects and developments that are not being reviewed under these plans and studies, while projects may not adhere to future planning guidelines. The city of Carlsbad in the past has implemented building moratoriums in order to only move forward when there was a vision, plan, and community support in place. I support a complete building moratorium. Sincerely, 5 Rosanne Bentley 6 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Hello, Scott Engel < Monday, April17, 2017 7:42PM · Planning Village Bldg Moratorium Follow up Completed Please slam the brakes on new development in the Village before it's too late and until there's a valid Master Plan in place. Why allow more projects that the citizens and the planning commission don't want. Developers putting in aesthetically unpleasant, oversized boxes, profiting at the expense of our living standard. Best regards, Scott & Amy Engel 3 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: ( michael ajdour Monday, April17, 2017 7:36 PM Planning; Keith Blackburn; Cori Schumacher; Matthew Hall; Mark Packard; Michael Schumacher village barrio plan ---let staff do their job first please/ support temporary moraturium Follow up Completed Dear Planning Commision, Council, and Mayor, Please let city staff finish the job that so much time, money,thought, and effort has gone into before approving more buildings. It makes sen?e --otherwise every exception becomes the only rule. And then we'll be stuck with both an ugly mess and a big waste of money over lack of patience for just 6 months. We are so much better than that. 6 months is not a big deal ! Sincerely, Julie Ajdour 4 I Farah Nisan From: Sent: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Amanda Mascia Monday, April17, 2017 4:46 PM Support for moratorium in Village/Barrio Follow up Completed Dear Council, Commission and Staff, I am writing in support of implementation of a moratorium on new projects being approved and built in the Carlsbad Village/Barrio, until such time as a·new Master Plan, Parking Study and Trolley Study have been approved and are in effect. · Kindly, Amanda Mascia 7 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Public Servants, Lindsey Cohn Monday, April17, 2017 2:54PM Lindsey Cohn Request for Building Moratorium in the Village/Barrio Follow up Completed I have been a Carlsbad resident for 30 years and watched our beautiful city grow in new and exciting ways. But some of the current and proposed developments in our downtown feel unplanned (unsuited for their locations), l and come to find out, they ARE unplanned! t! So it's time to get a new Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study done before any further projects are approved. It's the right thing to do. Thank you, Lindsey Cohn Carlsbad, CA 92008 I am writing in support of implementation of a moratorium on new projects being approved and built in the Carlsbad Village/Barrio, until such time as a new Master Plan, Parking Study and Trolley Study have been approved and are in effect (Fall 2017). COST of CURRENT PLANS AND STUDIES NOW AT $872,277 There is currently a Master Plan being created by City Planners and outside consultants are being paid $112,277, on top of the previous consultant fee of$380,000 for the last draft. The revised master plan is scheduled to be completed in Fall2017. Furthermore, there is also Parking Study in the Village/Barrio being conducted for $250,000 (scheduled to be completed in the Fall of2017) and a Trolley Study in the area being conducted for $130,000. The total of these studies (not including city staffhours and city resources) comes to $872,277. It would be fiscally irresponsible to approve new projects and developments that are not being reviewed under these plans and studies, espeically when these plans and studies are being conducted to specifically address planning, design, parking, and transportation in the Village/Barrio. Projects are approved that may not adhere to future planning guidelines At each Planning Coinmission meeting and each City Council meeting, the Planning Commission and the City Council see a steady stream of projects proposed for the Village/Barrio. Many of these projects are of consequential size and mass, much more than what currently exists at these locations. Each project presents a significant change to the surrounding area. 8 Building prior to a Master Plan in place is likely to bring a checkerboard of construction with no continuity to any plan, and no protection of a village or beach feel. Both Co missioners and Council have expressed regreat over approving the projects in absence of a Master Plan, studies, antl guidelines. Precedent for a Moratorium The City of Carlsbad in the past has effected building moratoriums in order to only move forward when there was a vision and plan in place. Citizens of Carlsbad firmly request a building moratorium in the Village/Barrio until the Master Plan, Parking Study andTrolley Study are completed. 9 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: kasey Monday, April17, 2017 2:04 PM Keith Blackburn; Matthew Hall; Cori Schumacher; Mark Packard; Michael Schumacher Kevin Crawford; Planning moratorium on Village/Barrio, Vacation rentals Follow up Completed Honorable Mayor and City Council Representatives: The lack of set""'backs, scale, height, and random design of buildings popping up in the Village/Barrio is shocking. Since there are expensive, ongoing studies I support the Planning Commissions request for a building moratorium in the Village/Barrio until the Master Plan, Parking Study and Trolley Study are ALL completed. Mayor Hall deferred to the Planning Commission decision to not allow the timeshare units on AH Lagoon, please defer also to them on this moratorium. Right now the onramp to 1-5 under the freeway is not capable of handling the amount of traffic using it and it is causing traffic jams. Please direct staff to work with Caltrans to see that this area is improved for the benefit of both residents and visitors. On Vacation Rentals: I support EVERYONE in Carlsbad having the right to rent out all or part of their property for short term rentals. We simply must change with the times. It's only FAIR and will help to keep hotel room costs down. The majority of "vacation rentals" will not create problems. The few that do can be dealth with thru policy or new ordinances. I did not think this condition (no short term rentals) should have been placed on the recently approved Lennar Dev. off Poinsettia because 1 neighbor spoke against it. Another speaker spoke in favor of short term rentals. Think this one thru as you know it is moving thru the courts. Be fair to all property owners. They will all pay T.O.T. Perhaps a survey of residents is in order to see how the majority of your constituents think on this. kasey cinciarelli Lyons Ct. Carlsbad, CA 10 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Ronee Kozlowski < Monday, Aprill7, 2017 1:32 PM Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; cori.schumaker@carlsbadca.gov Mark Packard; michael.schmacher@carlsbadca.gov; Planning Temporary moratorium Follow up Completed I request that a temporary building moratorium be put in place for the Village/Barrio area until the Parking Study, Master Plan and Trolley Study are completed and accepted. This area is precious to us Residents and Visitors alike and needs to have a cohesive look and feel to it. Some of what has been approved and has been or will be built may be unfixable for decades or more to come. A temporary halt can only aid in having a real Village. We need to provide better guidelines for everyone's sake. Thank you, Ronee Kozlowski A Carlsbad resident that wants to continue to love our Village. Sent from my iPad 11 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Kim Trujillo < Monday, April17, 2017 12:24 PM Planning Petition Follow up Completed Sent from my iPad Hi. .. good afternoon ... 1 was wondering if Anyone there knows who started the petition for Zone change near The Boys & Girls Club that would allow for a Brewery 7 Thank You ~0 13 Farah Nisan From: Sent To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag S~atus: Bonnie Hall < Monday, April17, 201711:20 AM Planning building moratorium Follow up Completed I urge the Carlsbad City Council to place a moratorium in effect immediately on new construction in the Village and Barrio until the Master Plan, Parking Study and Trolley Study are completed, reviewed and approved. What is the point of all the money spent so far and about to be spent on these studies if construction is approved without the benefit of the recommendations ofthe these studies? SLOW DOWN and wait for the studies to be completed! Thank you. Bonnie Hall . Carlsbad \ 17 Farah Nisan From: Sent: natalie shapiro < Monday, April17, 201710:20 AM To: Planning; Matthew Hall; Cori Schumacher; Keith Blackburn; Mark Packard; Michael Schumacher; Kevin Crawford Subject: Support of a moratorium on new projects in Village and Barrio until Master Plan implemented Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Completed April17, 2017 Natalie Shapiro Carlsbad, CA 92009 RE: Support of a moratorium on approving and building new projects in the Village and Barrio until a Master Plan, Parking Study, and a Trolley Study have been approved and are in effect I support implementation of a moratorium on the approval and building of new projects in the Carlsbad Village and Barrio until a Master Plan, Parking Study, and a Trolley Study have been approved and are in effect. These studies are currently being done by City Planners and consultants and are scheduled to be completed this fall. These studies cost quite a bit of money and it would be a waste of taxpayer money to disregard these studi~scland go ahepd and approve new projects before the studies are approved and implemented. It is also important to make sure new projects are consistent with a Master Plan. We really need a Master Plan to guide development in this area! The Barrio and Village are the 'hearts' of Carlsbad and it is so important to all of us to make sure development is done right. I am sure that the Planning Commissioners and City Council members would ~lso appreciate guidelines for future development. A Master Plan would guide this. Sincerely, Natalie Shapiro CC: Planning Commission planning@carlsbadca.gov Mayor Matt.hall@carlsbadca.gov Council Members Cori.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov Keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov 19 Mark.packard@carlsbadca.gov Michael.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov City Manager kevin .crawford@carlsbadca:gov 20 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: April16,2017 To Whom this may concern: Sue I. Sunday, Aprill6, 2017 6:52PM Matthew Hall Cori Schumacher Carlsbad City Council; Keith Blackburn; Mark Packard; Michael Schumacher; Kevin Crawford; Planning Building moratorium Follow up Completed I am writing to ask the Carlsbad Planning Commission and Carlsbad City Council to consider a halt to any new building in the Barrio area of the downtown until some new and agreeable guidelines are in place. I do believe the Village is a special area of our city and I think we should have a cohesive place in plan before any more building proceeds in that area. This is the precious Village area of our city. We should want to attract new and old businesses, more restaurants and activities for our residents a~d guests. If that area can be cordoned off to include local and small businesses with a walk ability provided it would greatly increase the visitor and resident accessibility. I realize two different studies have already been done to the tune of over $850,000.00, not including staff hours and city resources. I cite a few examples of how this building is becoming an eyesore. At the corner of Jefferson St and Arbuckle which may not be directly in the Village Plan there is a three story office building with underground parking, the neighbor directly behind that project on Arbuckle St (an older one story home) has the lights from the parking garage shining directly into their back bedroom window. I understand there is a six foot clearance, but an issue that unthoughtful does not represent who we as a city are to approve that project. We need cohesiveness of design and and a workable, livable downtown! I would urge the honorable members of the Planning commission and honorable Mayor and City council to enact a building moratorium until at the very least the Master Plan is in place. I lov~ our city, I love the quaintness and history in our downtown. I would hate to see any Frankenstein four story buildings either business or condo's in that area. It's a special place and the decisions we make today are carried forth to our future generations. We are the current guardians and must be responsible and thoughtful. We need to seriously consider our children as well. Can they live and work in Carlsbad? I would love to have my children stay in this area but housing costs are so high they must make other plans. Thank you kindly, Susan lg_oe Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 22 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: From E-Mail Phone Date Message Sunday, Aprill6, 2017 6:00 PM Planning Customer E-Mail Inquiry Follow up Completed Robert Gilbert 04-17-2017 01:00:09 I support a review and change of allowable density in the City of Carlsbad. It is astounding the amount of single family homes being razed for very high density projects. It is ruining the city. Carlsbad resident since 1956. Thank You RJ Gilbert 25 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Mr. Packard, Patricia Amador < Sunday, April 16, 2017 3:59 PM Mark Packard; Planning Fwd: Request for a Building Moratorium in the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Districts/Transit Districts/ Areas Follow up Completed My apologies, I had an incorrect email address for you in the previous email. Regards, Patricia Patricia Amador 858 205-855 7 ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Patricia Amador Date: Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 3:54PM Subject: Request for a Building Moratorium in the Carlsbad Village and Barrio Districts/Transit Districts/Areas To: planning@carlsbadca.gov · Cc: matt.hall@carlsbadca.gov, Keith Blackburn <keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov>, Cori Schumacher <cori. schumacher@carlsbadca.gov>, mark.packard@carlsbad.ca. gov, michael.schumacher@carlsbad.ca.gov, kevin.crawford@carlsbadca.com, celia.brewer@carlsbadca.com To Carlsbad, Ca Planning Commissioners, Mayor Matt Hall and City Council Members: It comes as no news to our Planning Commission, Mayor and City Council Members that the Village and Barrio districts/transit districts/areas are in the process of being selected for development. We are all waiting for the updated Master Plan , the new Trolley Study and the Parking Study. Until such time as those studies and the Master Plan is approved and in effect (target Fall 2017), I would like to support the following: That the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission, Mayor and City Council support and implement a building moratorium in the Village and Barrio areas of Carlsbad, California. Thank you and regards, 27 sf Patricia Amador Carlsbad, Ca 92008 , 28 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Jan Bandich Saturday, AprillS, 2017 9:54PM Planning Subject: Request for Building Moratorium in the Village/Barrio Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Follow up Completed Request for Building Moratorium in the Village/Barrio I am writing in support of implementation of an immediate Moratorium on new projects being approved and built in the Carlsbad Village/Barrio, until such time as a new Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have been approved, and are in effect (Fall2017). COST of CURRENT PLANS AND STUDIES NOW AT $872,277 There is currently a Master Plan being created by City Planners and outside consultants are being paid $112,277, on top of the previous consultant fee of $380,000 for the last draft. The Parking Study in the Village/Barrio is being conducted for $250,000 (scheduled to be completed in the Fall of2017) and a Trolley Study in the area being conducted for $130,000. The total of these studies (not including city staff hours and city resources) comes to $872,277. It would be fiscally irresponsible to approve new projects and developments that are not being reviewed under these plans and studies, especially when these plans and studies are being conducted to specifically address planning, design, parking, and transportation in the Village/Barrio. Projects are approved that-may not adhere to future planning guidelines At each Planning Commission meeting and each City Council meeting, the Planning Commission and the City Council see a steady stream of projects proposed for the Village/Barrio. Many ofthese projects are of consequential size and mass, much more than what currently exists at these locations. Each project presents a significant change to the surrounding area. Building prior to a Master Plan in place is likely to bring a checkerboard of construction with no consistency to any plan, and no protection of the Village or beach feel. Both Commissioners and Council have expressed regret overapproving the projects in absence of a Master Plan, studies, and guidelines. Precedent for a Moratorium The City of Carlsbad has enacted building moratoriums in the past in order to move forward only when there was a vision and plan in place and has had a Design Review Board to ensure consistency with the Village feel. Citizens of Carlsbad firmly request an immediate building moratorium in the Village/Barrio until the Master Plan, Parking Study and Trolley Study are completed. Sincerely, Jan Bandich, 4529 Cove Dr., Carlsbad CC: Planning Commission planning@carlsbadca.gov Mayor Matt.hall@carlsbadca.gov Council Members Cori.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov Keith.blackburn@carlsbadca.gov Mark.packard@carlsbadca.gov Michael.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov City Manager kevin.crawford@carlsbadca.gov 30 May you always have: Love to share, Friends who care, and Health to spare. 31 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commission, Brian Mcinerny <beyondthemack@yahoo.com> Saturday, April15, 2017 4:45 PM Planning moratorium planning commish letter 5 2017.rtf Follow up Completed I am writing in regard to the lack of an updated Master plan for the Village/Barrio area of Carlsbad. As a 62 year resident of this fine community I am concerned. I recently attended a Planning Commission meeting where a project that was already approved was revisited by the developer. He wanted to change the project and needed Planning Commission approval. While some commission members admitted that they did not care for the original plan that they had approved they still voted to allow the changes the developer asked for. After the meeting the developer told me that he was not going to build the original project because it would not be profitable. The architect stated he could have designed a building that was much more compatible with the ' architecture of Carlsbad. Why is there this disconnect? So the Planning Commission approves this new design and makes some argument about property rights. If the current trend of approving projects that are in stark contrast with the charm of the village continues I fear we will lose the remaining attractive qualities that Carlsbad still holds. If we could hold off on the building by means of a moratorium there is still hope.· The residents and property owners could come together and form a cohesive path forward. It seems we r:ely on well paid outside consultants to tell us how to make our commup.ity better. The question is why is there such a rush to develop? The boom and bust style of growth we have experienced in the past is not the best way forward. The proper way to grow is at a steady and well thought out pace. The future of Carlsbad's quality of life is in your hands. The people of Carlsbad live here the developer comes here to make money there has to be a balance. Thank you for your time. r Brian G. Mcinerny 32 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: John Bailey Saturday, April15, 20171:02 PM Matthew Hall; Keith Blackburn; Mark Packard; Cori Schumacher; Michael Schumacher Planning; Kathi LaCroix; Scott Donnell; Austin Silva Carlsbad I Village & Barrio Master Plan I Building Moratorium Carlsbad-4-18-17 Portions of Agenda-Staff Report .pdf Follow up Completed Dear Honorable Council Members and Mayor, My wife and I own a home in the Barrio on Magnolia Avenue. It is my understanding from the relevant portions of the attached "Agenda" and "Staff Report" that on AprillS, 2017 you will be discussing, among other things, a building moratorium in the Village & Barrio pending the finalization of the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Neither my wife nor I will be able to attend the AprillS council meeting but we do fully support a temporary moratorium. As we are sure you are all aware, the pending Village & Barrio Master Plan proposes building standards and community goals/visions that are significantly different and, in some instances, in direct conflict with some projects (i.e. Pacific Wind) now coming before the Planning Commission. Unfortunately the Planning Commission is currently in the very difficult position of trying to balance the property owner's rights to build under the existing [outdated Master Plan] against the building standards and/or the communities visions/interests as set forth in the pending Village & Barrio Master Plan. We respectfully request that each of you please support and pass a resolution declaring a temporary moratorium on all NEW commercial and residential (above 5 units) development projects in the Village & Barrio until such time as the Village & Barrio Master Plan can be fmalized. Best Regards, John Cc, Planning Commission Members, via email only c/o Planning Commission Clerk <planning@carlsbadca.gov> John Bailey The Bailey Legal Group 33 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Doris Schiller Saturday, AprillS, 2017 12:46 PM Planning; Matthew Hall; schumacher@carlsbadca.gov; blackburn@carlsbadca.gov; packard@carlsbadca.gov; Cori Schumacher; Kevin Crawford moratorium village/barrio Follow up Completed In light of the Parking Study and Master Plan Revisions that are in process, it seems prudent to have a moratorium on building in the Village and Barrio area until the plans are completed. The studies, at a cost of $872,277 will be undermined if a flurry of development is allowed to move forward immediately prior to their completion. The current rules that seem to allow massive 4 story architecturally unattractive buildings with inadequate parking on every parcel are not in the best interests of our city. The City Council should do what is best for Carlsbad rather than only the fmancial interests of individual land developers -complete your plans and then proceed. Thank. you, Doris Schiller 34 Farah Nisan From: Sent To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commissioners, N & B Hacker Saturday, April15, 201711:12 AM Planning Moratorium on Village/Barrio projects Follow up Completed I am writing this to express my concern for our city of Carlsbad. I'm concerned about the projects that have been approved without the benefit of a updated Master Plan. As I understand it, a Master Plan, Trolley Study and Parking Study are being paid for ($872, 277) and are due to be completed this Fall. · I strongly support a moratorium be placed on these projects until such time they can be viewed with respect to the updated Master Plan. I do not believe we should be building here and there without such a comprehensive plan in place. And to spend $872,277 on such a plan and then to go ahead and build before it's approved alld in effect is irresponsible. Sincerely, Nancy and Barry Hacker Carlsbad residents 35 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: To Whom it May Concern, Michelle Breyer < Saturday, AprillS, 2017 9:59AM Planning Matthew Hall; Cori.shumacher@carlsbadca.gov; Keith Blackburn; Mark Packard; Michael.shumacher@carlsbadca.gov; Kevin Crawford PLEASE HOLD A BUILDING MORATORIUM Follow up Completed We are Carlsbad residents who have lived in our fair city for almost 30 years. One of the chief reasons we selected Carlsbad as our forever home was its sound master plan for growth and density. However, over the past 10 years we have seen this plan be thrown out the window by a city council filled with developers and business owners who .have been changing zoning and density without full disclosure and transparency to benefit , their own self interests and NOT the will of the majority_ofresidents. (As proven during prop A when we had to fight desperately to even be given the right to vote on a major new zone changing development) The citizens of Carlsbad are not anti-growth. We are however pro-growth that maintains the "village" aspect of our city and downtown/beach regions, with a priority put on recreational use ofopen space (as seen in the trails plan that has money set aside but our city council refuses to actually implement the plan), good schools, well planned housing/residential neighborhoods (not high density), thoughtful retail/entertainment, sound industrial/business regions, and manageable tourism. We are NOT Orange County or LA .... nor do WE (meaning the actual people who live here, work here, go to school here, use our beaches and parks and trails,and pay property taxes here) want a giant neon filled, parking structure filled, 4-5 story building filled, high density, time-share filled, congested and urban beach community. NONE OF THIS BENEFITS THE RESIDENTS ... in fact it harms us by ruining our quality of life to use the roads, the beach, and the downtown area. In other words .... the entire reason we chose to live here. This only benefits the developers and property owners, many of whom do not even reside in Carlsbad. PLEASE, we respectfully request implementing a moratorium on any new projects being approved and built in the Carlsbad Village/Barrio until the new Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have been completed, approved and are in effect. This would seem to be a sound and reasonable request by the citizens who would be affected by these new projects. We are also very disturbed by the rising cost of the current Master plan, trolley study, and parking study (in which we are paying OUTSIDE consultants) and all of this money would be wasted if projects are being approved prior to the completion of these studies. Again, this is a sound and reasonable request from a fmancial stand point since this is WHY we are doing these studies and making a PLAN. So, we ask as citizens to be heard and firmly request a building moratorium in the Village/Barrio until the Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study are completed. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, 36 Richard and Michelle Breyer Carlsbad CA 92008 37 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commissioner- J Cannon Friday, Aprill4, 2017 4:57 PM Planning Cart Before the Horse Follow up Completed Last week, after a beach walk, I was waiting at the crossing on Carlsbad Village Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard among a group of people. I chatted with a young couple with a toddler boy. They said they were from La Jolla and that they regularly come up to Carlsbad to "Get away from it all." I used to love going to La Jolla years ago to swim in its spectacular cove ~nd have coffee in an old house overlooking the shore. ' Lack of parking and extreme traffic congestion gradually drove me away from this beautiful place and I no longer visit. Ever. Have been walking the Carlsbad village for decades and regularly speak/trade with shop owners. Most of the individual/family-owned business people who rent the small older buildings feel-with good reason-that their shops are on the block to be sold to speculators who will raze the sites and build condos. The shop owners don't know where they will go as rents are going up beyond what their businesses can sustain. Some are contemplating retirement and mewing away from Carlsbad. We who spend a lot of time in the village are looking around, seeing 3-story residential complexes encroaching at record pace with out-of-town developers and property flippers taking over block after block of the village, building with only one thing in mind. Maximum profit. These residential developments are (at best) sterile in design/character, there is no real accommodation for the extra cars that come with the high density units, and the spirit of the village is gradually dying as wealthy homeowner/renters displace real businesses that provide services--with boring cubicle housing and generic franchise businesses. Clogged traffic and no parking are becoming the norm. Is Carlsbad going to become a place to escape FROM--like La Jolla? I have been witnessing years of struggle by the citizens to keep our town from becoming a cookie-cutter cartoon of what a real vibrant village actually is. The Village/Barrio Master Plan has been suspended, delayed and is muddling along due to conflicts in vision as to how to best accommodate the varying interests of our city's population as it grows. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been paid by the City to consultants who interact with the Village/Barrio community time and again, all getting the same answer. The majority of carlsbad citizens want 39 our village to be a friendly, exciting, beautiful, fun, bike/pedestrian-safe, tourist/local center of entertainment and commerce for EVERYBODY. Why are these numerous, costly recommendations being ignored? I have watched some of your panel struggle to make decisions on projects that aren't in the best interest of long term village planning but you have no guidelines to go by-because the Village/Barrio Master Plan is delayed. In the meantime, high-density, cheaply made residential infill clusters are being crammed into the village as fast ~s possible-as if developers are trying to squeak in before any real standards are enacted ... standards_that might require them to spend more on design, parking and other aspects aimed to lower the overall negative impact of the development. It is time to STOP all projects NOW until Carlsbad has a MASTER PLAN. Once a wealthy enclave of boring housing cubicles gets ' established in the Village, they will hinder future attempts to put anything there that is of any interest. It's hard to admit-but sometimes property owner's rights to maximum profit are not in the overall interest of a city. 'Make our village a friendly, exciting, beautiful, fun, bike/pedestrian-safe, tourist/local center of entertainment and commerce for EVERYBODY. Put the brakes on blind development for its own sake and be a part of creating a city that is a place where people want to escape to--not escape FROM. Respectfully, Janell Cannon 40 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 4:17PM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Building Moratorium From: Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 1:05PM All R~calve -Agenda Item # L For ttH3 Information of the: crTY couNCIL ~ ACM _£. CA .-JL_ CO~· Date~ City Manager- To: Planning <Pianning~CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Building Moratorium I am writing to express my concern for buildings being approved and built prior to completion of the Village & Barrio Master Plan. This seems backwards. Would you build your new home before the architect draws the plans? I totally support a building moratorium until completion ofthe Village & Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study & Trolley Study have all been completed. It seems like the prudent thing to do. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Casandra Tompkins Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7. 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, April 17, 2017 4:16 PM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Customer E-Mail Inquiry From: Sent: Monday, April17, 201712:46 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Customer E-Mail Inquiry From E-Mail Phone Date Message Holly Moyer .. hollymoyer 1 @me.com 760-518-8119 04-17-2017 19:45:43 Dear Council Members,Please vote to put a Moratorium on development in the Village/Barrio until the Master Plan is completed. Please be considerate of all of the citizen's and staff member's hard work and input into the plan. Any developers who really value our wonderful city should be willing to waita few months. Our goal should always be to continue to make Carlsbad the best it can be! Thank you! Holly Moyer 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 4:13PM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Moratorium on new projects From: Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 11:49 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Moratorium on new projects City of Carlsbad-Planning Commission and City Council I am in support of a moratorium on approval and building of new projects in Carlsbad Village and Barrio until the new Master Plan has been approved and implemented. I am requesting an immediate moratorium as many ofthe projects are of size and scope that and far exceed the size currently in those locations and have a potential detrimental effect to adjacent properties. It is fiscally irresponsible as well to approve new projects prior to the nearly $500,000 new Master Plan"s implementation. Why has the city chosen to spend such a large sum of taxpayers money only to circumvent the new Master Plan prior to its inception? It appears that the new Master Plan may be an appeasement to those who oppose the new projects and therefore a very expensive and unnecessary expenditure which I am sure will be pointed out in the next election. Regards, Timothy J. O'Healy Carlsbad, 92011 1 Andrea Dykes From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear City Council Members, Re; Moratorium vincent sgueglia Tuesday, April18, 2017 12:12 AM Council Internet Email Village plan meeting 4/18/17 All Receive -Agenda Item # l For the Information of the:- CITY COUNCIL ACM /cA /cc v Date ~City Manager v The village redevelopment plan has been in the process for at least 14 years that I have owned, lived and operated a business in the Village of Carlsbad. During this time the city developed a plan which is in place and the only thing to do is move forward. Since we are blessed to have a transit system right in the center of our Village it only makes economic sense to build high density housing. This would be a revitalization for the Village with all adjacent communities benefiting. I see no negatives with continuing with this plan. Sincerely, Nina and Vincent Sgueglia 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 4:18PM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Customer E.-Mail Inquiry From: Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 2:25 PM To: Couhcillnternet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Customer E-Mail Inquiry From E-Mail Phone Date Message Doug Avis 04-17-2017 21:24:28 Members of the City Council. I have been made aware that one of the agenda items at your workshop tomorrow is consideration to a Moratorium of new development in the Village. I believe this is the worst possible matter for the council to consider. A Moratorium would cause a complete lack in financial confidence in Village new development. We have seen some very positive projects in the Village. These will result in a whole new economy based upon the quality of residents and visitors into the village resulting from this development. Please give no consideration to a Moratorium. I cannot make your workshop tomorrow, but would attend any future discussions on this topic. Hopefully there will be none. Doug A vis Property owner 1 and Chairman of Carlsbad Village Association. Doug A vis Carlsbad 2 ,- Morgen Fry From: Andrea Dykes Sent: To: Monday, April17, 2017 4:12 PM Morgen Fry Cc: Jason Haber Subject: FW: Moratorium for VB Please distribute. From: Kris Wright Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 10:34 AM To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; City Clerk <Cierk@carlsbadca.gov>; Matthew Hall <Matt.Hall@carlsbadca.gov>; Mark Packard <Mark.Packard@i:arlsbadca.gov>; Cori Schumache·r <Cori.Schumacher@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Michael Schuma~her <michael.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov>; Keith Blackburn <Keith.Biackburn@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Moratorium for VB To city officials, I have been regularly attending the Planning Commission meetings and have seen the frustration and stayed for the late night meetings (sometimes after 11 pm). I have spoke with planning commissioners who over time have said that they wished they had more of a defined set of regulations in order to perhaps tum back proposed developments in the Village Barrio. I have seen the frustration by several members of the Planning Commission in not having enough guidelines in which to even deny a project. I love our village and barrio. I think Scott Donnell is doing a tremendous job and I have spoken with him many times .. He is hoping that the new consultant will provide architectural guidelines that will keep our village and batno from looking like a patchwork quilt. · -.. I have spoken at the Goals Setting meeting and with the mayor in my :request to get a citizen review board (consisting of professional architects, people who know planning and stake holders along with residents of the VB) in order to be a first step in the process in order to ease the difficulty or'the Planning commissioners. A moratorium, I think would be a reasonable call at this point since I have seen some horrible projects approved. I would like us all to have an overall PLAN so that we can be proud of our downto:vn and surrounding areas. The center core, for example (district one) I think should have guidelines s'o that offices, businesses can be built there, with surrounding areas incorporating residential. But that is just me. I am concerned (as I spoke at the Goal Setting workshop) that it seems that residential buildings give more bang for the buck so developers are keen to provide that over office space. I do realize the importance of having residential in the Village, but at the expense of a grocery store and post office???? We want our Village to be livable and walkable. We want our town to attract visitors. Please consider a moratoriUm JUST until a PLAN is in place, so we have the results of the parking study. It only makes sense. ' Thank you! Kristine Wright 1 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Kris Wright -, 2 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, Aprill7, 2017 4:15PM Morgen Fry City Clerk FW: Village & Barrio Development Moratorium Discussion From: Dan We is [mailto:d Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 12:02 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Jason Haber <Jason.Haber@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village & Barrio Development Moratorium Discussion 4/17/2017 To: Carlsbad City Council 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 From: DanWeis Carlsbad CA 92011 Subject: Village & Barrio Development Moratorium Discussion Dear Mayor Hall and Carlsbad City Council Members Blackburn, Packard, Schumacher (Cori) and Schumacher (Michael): Although myself and many in my circle of peers are moderate when it comes to development approvals and the build out of Carlsbad, and we were not major champions of every project in the Village area that has been approved by the Planning Commission and City Council in the past year, the mere discussion of a development moratorium in any portion of our City is economically hazardous, and I am sorry that the Council has been put on the spot due to this Planning Commission action. It is my understanding that the PC's role is to make project findings and recommendations to Council based on existinQ zoning and other ordinances and standards, but not to debate and/or recommend debate of ordinances and other policy such as a development moratorium. I have no idea who is truly behind the pushing of a moratorium concept but whoever it may be, but it would appear that they have pushed the PC to go outside of its typical scope of work. You may hear terms being used during public comment about how this is a much-needed pause, a minor slowdown or just a short period of time before the plan is approved later this year. I urge you all not to take the bait Some would love to see a development moratorium put in place for the Village that can only be lifted upon the successful approval of a major planning document, a very risky move. If such a concept is successful, in the future when the master plan is issued what could very well happen is .... KABOOM!. ... Iitigation lead by organizations who feel it is appropriate to abuse the California Environmental Quality Act, subsequent actions brought by building, labor and development related entities and years of delays in getting ~ plan approved. A legal nightmare leading to serious economic impacts to our City. Some may think I am being overly concerned or speculative, but I feel in my gut that this scenario it is an entirely possible outcome should this concept successfully move forward after it is debated and discussed. With yours' and the PC's political and professional savvy and knowledge, I would hope that the two can work together to come up with an alternative to something an extreme as a moratorium (regardless of the planned length). The people who have orchestrated this concept may not realize that it'could very well put our City in a position that invites litigation with a red carpet and could impact our economy for years and years .... or maybe they do. I look forward to listening to and hearing the results of the discussion. Best Regards, DanWeis Carlsbad, CA 92011 760-672-6338 Andrea Dykes From: Sent: To: Subject: Marianne Bremseth < Tuesday, Aprill8, 2017 5:40AM Council Internet Email Please Vote: In Favor Of A Building Moratorium for the Village/Barrio area at your April 18th City Council Meeting Dear Mayor and Honorable Council Members: Please Vote: In Favor Of A Building Moratorium for the Village/Barrio area at your April 18th City Council Meeting. Reasons include insufficient parking; traffic congestion without ample parking and safety concerns of school children and residents. The Carlsbad Village Barrio Master Plan should be finalized before any more building is approved. Thank you, Marianne Bremseth Carlsbad, CA 92008 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 11:41 AM Morgen Fry Jason Haber; City Clerk FW: Moratorium on building From: Chris Rossman [mailto Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 9:44AM All Receive -Agenda Item # i' For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM_..£_ CA _L. CC / Date ~City Manager:JL To: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Moratorium on building This is Chris J. Rossman , Carlsbad, CA 92008. I am asking the Carlsbad Planning' Commission and Council to place a moratorium on building until the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have all been fully completed (Fall20 17). , 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, April 17, 2017 11:42 AM Morgen Fry Jason Haber; City Clerk FW: Village/Barrio moratorium From: L HENDRICKSON [mailto:l Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 11:14 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Linda Breen <; City Clerk <Cierk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village/Barrio moratorium To: Members of the Carlsbad City Council From: Linda Breen, Carlsbad CA 92010 I am writing to request that you implement a temporary moratorium on building and development projects in the Village and Barrio area until current studies are completed and the Village/Barrio master plan is in place. ' Studies being paid for by the City of Carlsbad will impact future development. These include a parking study, trolley study, and the development of the master plan. If developments are approved prior to the completion of these studies, tne studies may become obsolete before they are completed, resulting in a waste of taxpayer dollars, and a downtown which i$ less attractive to residents and visitors. Council has authorized over $800,000 to finance these studies, and I would prefer to see them used in a way which will have the most benefit for our city. I recently heard a presentation by the "Imagine Carlsbad" group, which includes a very attractive and reasonable proposal for how a renovated City Hall at the current location may be linked to a revitalized village and beach area. I would like to see this kind of proposal be given a chance to be evaluated by residents and city planners, prior to any developments which may impact its viability. Additionally, it is very important to me as a resident, that the charm of the Village and Barrio area be retained and enhanced. To me, this would require design guidelines so that new developments will fit into the character of the surrounding area, and that excessive building height would not impact the open feeling of streets and nearby properties. In my observation of planning commission and council decisions on development proposals, it does not appear to me that our city leaders have the necessary framework in place to ensure that new designs will enhance our city. Thank you for your consideration. 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 11:42 AM Morgen Fry Jason Haber; City Clerk FW: Mater Plan development From: Sent: Monday, April17, 201711:38 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Mater Plan development Dear City Council and Planning Commission - I am writing to voice my support for immediate application of a building moratorium in Carlsbad Village/Barrio · until completion of the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have all been fully completed later this year. It is unacceptable and irresponsible to approve projects prior to the Master Plan being approved. I would also like to express that I feel solar panels should be incorporated on existing buildings in the Village/Barrio and the city should look into requiring LEED certified buildings for any new buildings as it could be a beneficial step in the city achieving its Climate Action Plan targets. LEED certified buildings would save water and energy resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money and create a Village/Barrio that would be an example to other c~ties in the county and state. Regards, Misty O'Healy 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Council Internet Email Monday, Aprill7, 2017 11:44 AM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber Subject: FW: In favor of a temporary Village-Barrio moratorium + reasons Please distribute to council. From: Brian Flock [mailto: Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 11:39 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: In favor of a temporary Village-Barrio moratorium+ reasons Dear City Council and Planning Commission, I am in favor of a temporary moratorium on developments and projects in the area of the Village-Barrio pending a new, approved Village-Barrio Master Plan. Carlsbad hired Dover, Kohl and Partners in a nearly $400K contract more than three years ago. The resulting plan showed a lack of awareness and sensitivity to strong issues in the local culture, and the plan was ultimately scrapped. Next we hired a local company to do a proposal and are also awaiting results from the parking study of the same vicinity. I look forward to broad outreach of the new plan to the community. (As of this date, I don't recall being exposed to any outreach efforts other than the parking survey.) Please consider the following reasons in favor of a moratorium: • Two planning commissioners have recently and publicly mentioned the desire for one. • My understanding is that Hap L'Heureux (before the end of his term) was dissatisfied the current situation and that various members of the commission had voiced their concern to Staff and Council. • Approved projects like "The Wave," 800 Grand, and other don't seem to follow anything we can define as a vision or accepted plan of the city, even if it meets the "checkbox" requirements of our codes. For example, "The Wave" was such an oddball project that even banks wouldn't lend to it. How did this get through all the checks and balances of our systems? • Parking is a notorious problem in the Village and is one ofthe detractors to me as a south Carlsbad resident from spending more time there. We still don't have the marriage of a parking study and an updated Village- Barrio plan. • We need broader outreach of the upcoming plan by the new consulting company to help mitigate last- minute challenges as happened before with the Florida company's proposal. • We need some kind of Design Review Board with a new infill "redevelopment" vision to take the Village to the next level. Approved projects may have a 50-year impact on the city and I request that the City Council and Planning Commission seriously consider this request for a moratorium accordingly. Sincerely yours, Brian Flock 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Council Internet Email Monday, Aprill7, 2017 9:24AM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber Subject: FW: Important Agenda Item Regarding agenda Item 1 tomorrow. Please distribute to Council. From: Fred Johnson [mailto:d Sent: Sunday, April16, 2017 4:39 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Fred Johnson <drfmjohnson@hotmail.com> Subject: Important Agenda Item Dear Mayor and Honorable City Council Members: The forthcoming City Council Agenda lists an item that is extremely important for all of us in the Carlsbad Village\Barrio neighborhood: Please vote YES in FAVOR of a Building Moratorium for the Village\Barrio Area. This would allow for a comprehensive review and analysis of the many critical and unresolved issues facing our wonderful city. We want a PLAN that WILL DEVELOP THE AREA INTO SOMETHING WE ALL CAN BE PROUD OF. APPROVING ANY NEW CONSTRUCTION NOW, IS COUNTERPRODUCTIVE TO THIS. Sincerely yours, Fred M. Johnson, PhD 3784 Jefferson St 1 Morgen Fry From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Monday, April 17, 2017 9:24 AM Morgen Fry Cc: City Clerk; Jason Haber Subject: FW: Building Moratorium for Carlsbad Please distribute to Council. From: Mary Schrader [mailto: Sent: Sunday, April16, 2017 5:34 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Building Moratorium for Carlsbad bear Carlsbad City Council, I am concerned that the City Of Carlsbad is not waiting for completion of the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study and Trolley Study in the Fall of2017. It seems like common sense and a short time to wait and have these studies ready before moving forward with any building pJ~ns. Please implement a building moratorium until these studies are complete. Thank you, Mary Schrader <1 Carlsbad resident 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to Council. -----Original Message----- Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 9:25 AM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Moratorium From: Stephanie Harrell [mailto Sent: Saturday, AprillS, 2017 10:05 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Moratorium Hello, my name is Stephanie harrell and my address is Carlsbad , Ca 92008: I am asking the Carlsbad Planning Commission and Council to consider a moratorium on building until the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have all been fully completed (Fall2017). 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to Council. -----Original Message----- Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 9:26AM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Village/Barrio building moratorium From: a Sent: Friday, April14, 2017 4:34PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; City Clerk <Cierk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village/Barrio building moratorium I am writing to express my support for a building moratorium until the Village/Barrio plan is finalized, approved, and in effect. Regards, Amanda Macey 92008 Resident 1 Morgen Fry From: Council Internet Email Sent: To: Monday, April17, 2017 9:27AM Morgen Fry Cc: Subject: Please distribute to Council. City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Pacific wind From: Marie moreland [m Sent: Friday, April14, 2017 4:37PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Pacific wind Dear Mayor and Honorable Council Members: Please Vote: In Favor Of A Building Moratorium in the Village/Barrio Area at your April 18th City Council Meeting. (You can add a reason or two here--) Thank you, Marie Moreland & Michael Moreland Sent from my iPhone 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to Council. Coundl Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 9:28AM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Moratorium on building From: Cherine N. Rossman [mailto Sent: Friday, April14, 2017 11:27 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Planning <Pianning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Moratorium on building · This is Cherine N. Rossman of , Carlsbad, CA 92008. I am asking the Carlsbad Planning Commission and Council to consider a moratoriUm. on building until the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have all been fully completed (Fall2017). 1 Morgen Fry To: Andrea Dykes Subject: RE: Moratorium for the Village and Barrio From: Andrea Dykes Sent: Monday, April17, 201710:18 AM To: Mo~gen Fry <Morgen.Fry@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Jason Haber <Jason.Haber@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FW: Moratorium for the Village and Barrio Please distribute to council. From: G Gutierrez [mailto:g Sent: Saturday, April15, 2017 10:07 AM To: City Clerk <Cierk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Moratorium for the Village and Barrio Dear City Council and Planning Commission, I am writing today, in support of a proposed moratorium to the approval of any buildings in the Village and Barrio areas as being considered by the Planning Commission. I think the study by consultants was not correctly done. I also think that Carlsbad's density is already too high. What attracts tourists is not buildings, but improved services, like bathrooms and orientation aids. Sincerely, German Gutierrez A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law. In a legal context, it may refer to the temporary suspension of a law to allow a legal challenge to be carried out. 1 Morgen Fry Subject: FW: moratorium for the Village Barrio From: susan gutierrez [mailto:s Sent: Friaay, April14, 2017 11:44 AM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: moratorium for the Village Barrio Dear City Council and Planning Commission, \ I am writing today, in support of a proposed building approval moratorium for the Village/ Barrio area as being considered by the Planning Commission. It is my understanding that the Planning Commission is considering this moratorium for the Village/ Barrio area as suggested by Kerri Siekmann, and Velyn Anderson until the Village Barrio Plan is approved later this year. I feel a moratorium would be a prudent, and wise move considering the impact development has on all of Carlsbad's citizens but most importantly on those who reside or work in the Village/Barrio. Sincerely, Sue Gutierrez Sue Gutierrez 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to council. -----Original Message----- Andrea Dykes Monday, April17, 2017 10:19 AM Morgen Fry Jason Haber FW: Village Barrio Building Moratorium Request From: Sent: Monday, April17, 2017 12:31 AM To: City Clerk <Cierk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village Barrio Building Moratorium Request Dear City Planners, Planning Commissioners, City Manager and City Council Members, I hope to attend your discussions about the Village and Barrio Plan on Tuesday. In the event that I am unable to make it due to family constraints. In fact, my sons have baseball games at Chase Field and my other at Poinsettia Park. I would like to ask that you consider a moratorium on build,ing until the VB Plan is in place. Each decision made prior to the plan can have a downstream effect to the final version. I am not a VB resident, but I am a Carlsbad resident. I do have a strong desire to encourage residents and the city government to seek environmentally friendly ways to plan our communities. Each opportunity for a new plan provides the potential to impact our community in such a positive way. It gives us the chance to rethink the way we organize our transit systems, our power supply, our green space, our gathering spaces, and our business and residential zoning. In total, it provides us with the ability to give thought to the character, history and future of our community. I have two of Carlsbad's young, but hopefully, future residents living in my home. We need a little more time to do that work. Thank you for you consideration. Stacy King 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Subject: From E-Mail Phone Date Message noreply@convertcontacts.com Monday, April17, 2017 7:50AM Manager Internet Email Customer E-Mail Inquiry janice rupert 04-17-2017 14:49:33 village barrio moratorium should be established to allow residence to study the inconsistencies being approved for the village. 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Subject: From E-Mail Phone Date Message noreply@convertcontacts.com Monday, April17, 201712:53 PM Manager Internet Email Customer E-Mail Inquiry Holly Moyer 04-17-2017 19:53:04 Dear Mr. Crawford, It is important that a moratorium is put on development in the Village/Barrio until the Master Plan is completed. Please be considerate of all of the citizen's and staff member's hard work and input into the plan. Any developers who really value our wonderful city should be willing to wait a few months. Our goal should always be to continue to make Carlsbad the best it can be! Thank you! Holly Moyer 1 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to Council. Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 9:26' AM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Public Comment-April18 Council Meeting From: Barbara Hamilton [mailto:b Sent: Saturday, April15, 2017 9:01AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: P!Jblic Comment-April18 Council Meeting Dear Council Members, I am sorry that I cannot attend the April18 Council Meeting, but am working full time and have a full calendar of commitments. I would like to be in the room and hear staff and Council statements, and other citizen concerns as well, but I cannot. In lieu of my presence at the meeting and the benefit of comment in the room, please accept my written comments. Village & Barrio development moratorium . I am particularly concerned about the development process utilized in all of our Olde Carlsbad neighborhoods, including, but not just limited to the Village and the Barrio. I adamantly support a moratorium on development in the Village and Barrio until a Master Plan is finalized. This is our treasure. rRight now it seems like a free for all of ail sort of buildings and uses that are not consistent with the clear desires of the residents that came out of the Envision Carlsbad process, especially the small town feel. beach community character and connectedness. We were not kidding; we really want to keep that. We need building standards and uses that fit the character of the neighborhood, not an overall standard for the entire city. What fits in Aviara does not fit into the Village, Barrio, or other Olde Carlsbad neighborhoods. We need a plan, and we need to abide by it. We want the Village and Barrio to be safer and more welcoming for bikes and pedestrians. This means slowing cars down, and providing enough off-street parking so that there is still room for bikes on the road. Safe crosswalks, perhaps with the bricks like the ones on grand--and not too many flashing lights because although they work on Coast Highway, they are somewhat garish and not the solution for every area. It would also be prudent to consider the types of businesses coming into the Village area. As there is an increase in alcohol-themed businesses, other issues with safety and public drunkenness may arise. There is also an increase in businesses with wood fires, which is contaminating the air in the village with unhealthy particulate pollution. These issues should also be addressed in the plan before approving more of the same. Growth Management Plan I am also interested in ensuring that our Olde Carlsbad neighborhoods surrounding the Village and the Barrio are properly supported with the Growth Management Plan and the related protections and services associated with that, such as parks and protection of nature and culture, access to trails, density, multi-modal transportation and traffic, etc. 1 Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in particular has unique ql!alities that should be preserved and enhanced. These older neighborhoods are being radically impacted by in-fill development that is not consistent with the neighborhoods. Each new infill development is considered only on its own, and not how multiple developments in one community have cumulative impacts. And the developers are not being held accountable for their impacts. These older neighborhoods do not need to be enhanced in a manner to make it look and feel like the newer neighborhoods in south Carlsbad, but rather with an eye to the value Uust like the Barrio and Village) of our distinct small town feel, beach community character and connectedness. These neighborhoods need an Olde Carlsbad Overlay, with options that better suit the qualities and charms, as well as challenges that they each possess. Environmental Sustainabilitv Although I am proud of our City for developing a Climate Action Plan and hiring staff to specifically address sustainability, I also support the development of a Sustainability Commission in order to engage more fully our community and professional perspectives. I would even offer my own personal time and experience to serve on this commission, if I were selected. Thank you, BARBARA HAMIL TON Master of Applied Science (MAS) Environmental Policy and Management LEED Green Associate Eco-Stream Sustainability When we try to pick out anything by itself, we finr;l it hitched to everything else in the Universe. ---John Muir 2 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Please distribute to Council. Council Internet Email Monday, April17, 2017 9:28AM Morgen Fry City Clerk; Jason Haber FW: Customer E-Mail Inquiry From: noreply@convertcontacts.com [mailto:noreply@convertcontacts.com] Sent: Saturday, April15, 2017 12:31 AM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Customer E-Mail Inquiry From E-Mail Phone Date Message Marcel Verdugo 04-15-2017 07:31:20 I am writing this letter to request that council put a moratorium on further building approval in the Barrio/Downtown region of Carlsbad. Ifbuilding is approved before there is a plan or strategy in place, why even move forward with the Village Barrio Master Plan? I don't see why there is such a rush. Approving a "face lift" for the region before a master plan is in place is the classic example of putting the cart before the horse. I urge that you get on the right side of local history by waiting until a plan is in place. There are legacies at stake-- yours as to your vision of Carlsbad as well as the legacies of its citizens. I think citizens are willing to accept change in the area but please consider our input by allowing us to engage in the process. By waiting and putting a moratorium on building until the plan is created, you will create a sense of urgency for the public to put this to the front of the agenda, good for the public and good for the politician. I wish I could attend Tuesday's meeting. Feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss my position and thank you for lending me your ear. 2 Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: lisa mckethan <l Sunday, April16, 2017 6:31PM Manager Internet Email Subject: Village I Barrio (' I am writing to express my concern about several projects that have been approved by the Planning Commission. The Commissioners struggled and reluctantly approved 'The Wave' on State St, 800 Grand and Grand Madison projects. One of the comments made by .commissioners during the hours of discussion ... "we have no concrete standards to tum down these developments". The optic as observer is the planning department checks the boxes to get projects passed. The Commissioners feel they must approve projects that meet all the criteria~ However, the idea of design compatibility within neighborhoods has not been address nor has the importance of having a clear vision for the Village and Barrio been discussed. We are in the midst of a redo of the V /B Master Plan, a parking study and 'a trolley study'. Ih my opinion, it would be prudent to wait a few months for these studies to be completed. From the General Plan - As the Village continues to evolve, it will be important to redevelop and strategically focus improvements in the neighborhood to best express the city's small-town b~ach­ community lifestyle.... · The three approved projects mentioned above are not strategically focused improvements in the neighborhood that best express the city's small-town beach-community lifestyle .... 2-G.30 Develop a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging a variety of uses and activities, such as a mix of residential, commercial, office, restaurants and specialty retail shops ... The three approved projects do not help create a distinct identity for the Village ... 2-P.69 The Village Master Plan and Design Manual is the guide for land use planning and design in the Village. Comprehensively update .... as necessary ... I respectfully ask the Council with support from the Planning Commission to implement a brief moratorium in the Village and Barrio until we have an updated V IB Master Plan and Design Manual. In addition, please wait for the completion of the parking study and trolley study when considering parking in lieu and other variances. I appreciate your time and thoughtful response with this matter. Kindly, Lisa McKethan Faviola Medina From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 8:23 AM City Clerk; Planning Matthew Hall; Michael Schumacher; Cori Schumacher; Keith Blackburn; Mark Packard request for temporary building moratorium in the Village/Barrio area Dear City Council and Planning Commission: Please vote for a temporary moratorium on developments and projects in the area of the Village-Barrio, pending a new, approved Village-Barrio Master Plan. I was at the roll-out by the hired firm of Dover Kohl, in December 2015, when it was presented to the public at the Senior Center. This plan did not seem to fit with our community, and the Florida consultants showed an extreme lack of knowledge of our city, its history, and its character. It is unfortunate that $383,000 of taxpayer money was spent on this consulting firm. Thankfully, their recommendations were not followed. I understand there is a local company that will be doing a similar consulting project. I'm hoping their recommendations will be more in keeping with the spirit of our city. As residents, we heard loud and clear, that the Planning Commission did not want to approve some recent, very questionable projects, but they stated that they had no guidelines or reference points for any Master Plan for the Village- Barrio. I also understand that 2 planning commission members expressed a desire to have a temporary moratorium until such a plan could be adopted. I also request that the City reinstate a Design Review Board. Most cities have such a board, and Carlsbad had one until a few years ago, when it suddenly "disappeared". Even the City of Los Angeles has one. Thanks you for your consideration for this temporary moratorium. Sincerely, Diane Bedrosian Carlsbad 92010 Dear City Council and Planning Commission: I am in favor of a temporary moratorium on developments and projects in the area of the Village-Barrio pending a new, approved Village-Barrio Master Plan. Carlsbad hired Dover, Kohl and Partners in a nearly $400K contract more than three years ago. The resulting plan showed a lack of awareness and sensitivity to strong issues in the local culture, and the plan was ultimately scrapped. Next we hired a local company to do a proposal and are also awaiting results from the parking study of the same vicinity. I look forward to broad outreach of the new plan to the community. (As of this date, I don't recall being exposed to any outreach efforts other than the parking survey.) Please consider the following reasons in favor of a moratorium: • Two planning commissioners have recently and publicly mentioned the desire for one. • My understanding is that Hap L'Heureux (before the end of his term) was dissatisfied the current situation and that various members of the commission had voiced their concern to Staff and Council. • Approved projects like "The Wave," 800 Grand, and other don't seem to follow anything we can define as a vision or accepted plan of 1 the city, even if it meets the "checkbox" requirements of our codes. For example, "The Wave" was such an oddball project that even banks wouldn't lend to it. How did this get through all the checks and balances of our systems? • Parking is a notorious problem in the Village and is one of the detractors to me as a south Carlsbad resident from spending more time there. We still don't have the marriage of a parking study and an updated Village-Barrio plan. • We need broader outreach of the upcoming plan by the new consulting company to help mitigate last-minute challenges as happened before with the Florida company's proposal. • We need some kind of Design Review Board with a new infill "redevelopment" vision to take the Village to the next level. 2 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Tim and Misty O'Healy Monday, April17, 2017 11:49 AM Council Internet Email; Planning Moratorium on new projects Follow up Completed City of Carlsbad-Planning Commission and City Council I am in support of a moratorium on approval and building of new projects in Carlsbad Village and Barrio until the new Master Plan has been approved and implemented. I am requesting an immediate moratorium as many of the projects are of size and scope that and far exceed the size currently in those locations and have a potential detrimental effect to adjacent properties. It is fiscally irresponsible as well to approve new projects prior to the nearly $500,000 new Master Plan"s implementation. Why has the city chosen to spend such a large sum of taxpayers money only to circumvent the new Master Plan prior to its inception? It appears that the new Master Plan may be an appeasement to those who oppose the new projects and therefore a very expensive and unnecessary expenditure which I am sure will be pointed out in the next election. Regards, Timothy J. O'Healy Carlsbad, 92011 14 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Tim and Misty O'Healy < Monday, April17, 2017 11:38 AM Council Internet Email; Planning Mater Plan development Follow up Completed Dear City Council and Planning Commission - I am writing to voice my support for immediate application of a building moratorium in Carlsbad Village/Barrio until completion of the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have all been fully completed later this year. It is unacceptable and irresponsible to approve projects prior to the Master Plan being approved. I would also like to express that I feel solar panels should be incorporated on existing buildings in the Village/Barrio and the city should look into requiring LEED certified buildings for any new buildings as it could be a beneficial step in the city achieving its Climate Action Plan targets. LEED certified buildings would save water and energy resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money and create a Village/Barrio that would be an example to other cities in the county and state. Regards, Misty O'Healy 16 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Carlsbad Planning Commission, Mary Schrader Sunday, April16, 2017 5:36PM Planning Building Moratorium Follow up Completed I am concerned that the City Of Carlsbad is not waiting for completion of the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study and Trolley Study in the Fall of2017.1tseems like common sense and a shorttimetowait and have these studies ready before moving forward with any building plans. Please implement a building moratorium until these studies are complete. Thank you, Mary Schrader a Carlsbad resident 26 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commission, Brian Mcinerny < Saturday, April 15, 2017 4:45 PM Planning moratorium planning commish letter 5 2017.rtf Follow up Completed I am writing in regard to the lack of an updated Master plan for the Village/Barrio area of Carlsbad. As a 62 year resident of this fine community I am concerned. I recently attended a Planning Commission meeting where a project that was already approved was revisited by the developer. He wanted to change the project and needed Planning Commission approval. While some commission members admitted that they did not care for the original plan that they had approved they still voted to allow the changes the developer asked for. After the meeting the developer told me that he was not going to build the original project because it would not be profitable. The architect stated he could have designed a building that was much more compatible with the architecture of Carlsbad. Why is there this disconnect? So the Planning Commission approves this new design and makes some argument about property rights. Ifthe current trend of approving projects that are in stark contrast with the charm of the village continues I fear we will lose the remaining attractive qualities that Carlsbad still holds. If we could hold off on the building by means of a moratorium there is still hope. The residents and property owners could come together and form a cohesive path forward. It seems we rely on well paid outside consultants to tell us how to make our community better. The question is why is there such a rush to develop? The boom and bust style of growth we have experienced in the past is not the best way forward. The proper way to grow is at a steady and well thought out pace. The future of Carlsbad's quality of life is in your hands. The people of Carlsbad live here the developer comes here to make money there has to be a balance. Thank you for your time. Brian G. Mcinerny 32 CITY COUNCIL Agenda April181 2017, 9 a.m. we wetcome Your f'antctpatton Addressing the Council If you would like to provide comments to the City Council, please: 1. Fill out a "speaker card" located in the foyer. 2. Submit to the City Clerk or City Clerk Services Manager. Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 3. Speakers will be provided a maximum of three minutes, which may be shortened at the discretion of the Mayor, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. 4. Groups; Group representatives will be permitted only for items listed on the agenda. Group speakers will speak first. Groups of six or more speakers may appoint one person to speak on their behalf. All members of the group must be present and fill out a speaker card. The group's representative will be given 10 minutes to speak. Written MateriaJs Written agenda related items provided to the city's legislative leaders after distribution of the agenda packet will be available for inspection during normal business hours at the City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. All agenda related items will also be available at the meeting. Please see the City Clerk to review. Decorum Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 1.20.320 and 1.20.330 require members of the public to observe order and decorum at this meeting and to conduct themselves in a courteous manner. California Penal Code section 403 makes it a misdemeanor for any person to willfully disturb or break up any assembly or meeting with lawful authority. The ordinances were adopted to allow for public input and to facilitate city business without disruption of the meeting. The Mayor, as presiding officer, has the authority to run the meeting. This includes the authority to issue warnings, call for recesses or even clear the Council Chamber in the event of disruptive behavior, such as applause or heckling. Applause is appropriate for items listed under the Presentation portion of the agenda only. Future Agendas Members of the public may have an item listed on a future agenda by submitting a letter to the City Manager. Unless the Mayor, with the consent of the Council, otherwise directs, such presentations shall be limited to 10 minutes. No action may betaken on public presentation items. Visual Materials Please coordinate with the City Manager's Office regarding submission of visual materials for Council meetings. All visual materials must be submitted to the City Manager's office by noon the Monday prior to the Council meeting. Visual materials will only be permitted for items listed on the agenda, not as part of the Public Comment portion of the agenda. Please label all materials with the related agenda item number and observe stated time limits. Visual materials are considered part of the maximum time limit provided to speakers. All materials exhibited to the Council during the meeting (slides, maps, etc.) are part of the public record. Your materials will be returned upon written request. Video cannot be accommodated. Persons with a disability may request an agenda packet in appropriate alternative formats as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Reasonabfe accommodations and auxiliary aids will be provided to effectively allow participation in the meeting. Please contact the City Managers 0/ftce at 760-434-2821 (voice), 711 (free relayseNice for TTY users), 760-720-9461 {fax) or manager@carlsbadca.grN by noon on the Monday preceding tile meeting to make arrangements. CAU TO ORDER: ROlLCALL: INVOCATION: None. PlEDGE OF AllEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PRESENTATION: None. PUBLIC REPORT OF ANY ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: None. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: None. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three {3} minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and provide it to the City Oerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name. PUBLIC HEARING: None. DEPARTMENTAl AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 1. 2017 CITY COUNCIL FOLLOW-UP ITEMS -Discuss and provide comments to inform continuing staff efforts on the following five items that were identified for follow-up action during the 2017 City Council goal setting process: 1) Overall prioritization of city projects; 2) Growth Management Plan update; 3) Municipal Code update; 4) Environmental C Sustainability; 5) Village & Barrio development moratorium. (Staff contact: Jason Haber, City 1 --~M~a~n=ag~e~r~D~e~p~a~rt~m~en~t~)_____ J City Manager's Recommendation: Discuss and provide comments to inform continuing staff efforts. April 18, 2017 Page 2 tv( CA Review t -'\ CITY COUNCil Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: April18, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager Jason.haber@carlsbadca,gov or 760-434-2958 2017 City Council Follow-Up Items Recommended Action Discuss and provide comments to inform continuing staff efforts on five items that were identified forfotlow-up action during the 2017 City Council goal setting process. Executive Summary Six 2017 City Council Goals were affirmed on March 28, 2017. Five additional items were also identified for follow-up action: 1} Overall prioritization of city projects; 2) Growth Management Plan update; 3) Municipal Code update, including discussion of campaign finance reform; 4) Environmental sustainability, including discussion of Community Choice Energy and an 1.,. env~r?nmental c~mmission; and 5) ~iiJag: & Ba~rio develop.me_nt moratorium. Sta~ is seeking J \... ~ddlt1onal Council comments and d1scuss1on to tnform cont1numg efforts on these Jtems. Discussion The City Council held goal setting workshops on February 21, March 18, and March 21, 2017 and adopted a resolution affirming the 2017 City Council Goals on March 28, 2017. Council members, through a facilitated and segmented dialogue, chose the following six Council Goals: • Become a leader in multi-modal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. • Plan for a new city hall that will meet the future workplace and operational needs ofthe city and the CQmmunity. • Promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and retain talent in Carlsbad. • Enhance Carlsbad•s coastline to ensure an exceptional experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. • lower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. • Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio1 two neighborhoods that represent the historic heart of Carlsbad. Item #1 April18, 2017 Page 1 of 2 Several items were also identified for follow-up action, but were not included in the 2017 City Council Goals. Per Council direction, staff is committed to continuing efforts related to these items and will periodically update City Council regarding their status. They include: • Overall prioritization of city projects, • Growth Management Plan update, • Municipal Code update, including discussion of campaign finance reform, • Environmental sustainability, including discussion of Community Choice Energy and an environmental commission, and G • Village & Barrio development moratorium] To fully address each of these items will require a substantial commitment of staff time and resources. Providing an opportunity for further City Council discussion is expected to provide staff with a dear understanding of Council perspectives on continuing work on these items, as well as regarding the content, timing and frequency of updates. The staff presentation and City Council discussion will be segmented, in order to avoid any Council member conflicts of interest. Next Steps Staff wiU continue follow-up efforts and will provide periodic updates to City Council. Fiscal Analysis None. Environmental Evaluation {CEQA) The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act {California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. Exhibits None. Item #1 April 18, 2017 Page 2 of2 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commissioners, N & B Hacker Saturday, April15, 2017 11:12 AM Planning Moratorium on Village/Barrio projects Follow up Completed I am writing this to express my concern for our city of Carlsbad. I'm concerned about the projects that have been approved without the benefit of a updated Master Plan. As I understand it, a Master Plan, Trolley Study and Parking Study are being paid for ( $8 7 2 , 2 7 7) and are due to be completed this Fall. I strongly support a moratorium be placed on these projects until such time they can be viewed with respect to the updated Master Plan. I do not believe we should be building here and there without such a comprehensive plan in place. And to spend $872,277 on such a plan and then to go ahead and build before it's approved and in effect is irresponsible. Sincerely, Nancy and Barry Hacker Carlsbad residents 35 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Cherine N. Rossman Friday, April14, 2017 11:27 PM Council Internet Email; Planning Moratorium on building Follow up Completed This is Cherine N. Rossman of , Carlsbad, CA 92008. I am asking the Carlsbad Planning Commission and Council to consider a moratorium on building until the Village/Barrio Master Plan, Parking Study, and Trolley Study have all been fully completed (Fall2017). 38 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Dear Planning Commissioner- J Cannon Friday, April14, 2017 4:57PM Planning Cart Before the Horse Follow up Completed Last week, after a beach walk, I was waiting at the crossing on Carlsbad Village Drive and Carlsbad Boulevard among a group of people. I chatted with a young couple with a toddler boy. They said they were from La Jolla and that they regularly come up to Carlsbad to "Get away from it all." I used to love going to La Jolla years ago to swim in its spectacular cove and have coffee in an old house overlooking the shore. Lack of parking and extreme traffic congestion gradually drove me away from this beautiful place and I no longer visit. Ever. Have been walking the Carlsbad village for decades and regularly speak/trade with shop owners. Most of the individual/family-owned business people who rent the small older buildings feel-with good reason-that their shops are on the block to be sold to speculators who will raze the sites and build condos. The shop owners don't know where they will go as rents are going up beyond what their businesses can sustain. Some are contemplating retirement and moving away from Carlsbad. We who spend a lot of time in the village are looking around, seeing 3-story residential complexes encroaching at record pace with out-of-town developers and property flippers taking over block after block of the village, building with only one thing in mind. Maximum profit. These residential developments are (at best) sterile in design/character, there is no real accommodation for the extra cars that come with the high density units, and the spirit of the village is gradually dying as wealthy homeowner/renters displace real businesses that provide services--with boring cubicle housing and generic franchise businesses. Clogged traffic and no parking are becoming the norm. Is Carlsbad going to become a place to escape FROM--like La Jolla? I have been witnessing years of struggle by the citizens to keep our town from becoming a cookie-cutter cartoon of what a real vibrant village actually is. The Village/Barrio Master Plan has been suspended, delayed and is muddling along due to conflicts in vision as to how to best accommodate the varying interests of our city's population as it grows. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been paid by the City to consultants who interact with the Village/Barrio community time and again, all getting the same answer. The majority of carlsbad citizens want 39 our village to be a friendly, exciting, beautiful, fun, bike/pedestrian-safe, tourist/local center of entertainment and commerce for EVERYBODY. Why are these numerous, costly recommendations being ignored? I have watched some of your panel struggle to make decisions on projects that aren't in the best interest oflong term village planning but you have no guidelines to go by-because the Village/Barrio Master Plan is delayed. In the meantime, high-density, cheaply made residential infill clusters are being crammed into the village as fast as possible-as if developers are trying to squeak in before any real standards are enacted ... standards that might require them to spend more on design, parking and other aspects aimed to lower the overall negative impact of the development. It is time to STOP all projects NOW until Carlsbad has a MASTER PLAN. Once a wealthy enclave of boring housing cubicles gets established in the Village, they will hinder future attempts to put anything there that is of any interest. It's hard to admit-but sometimes property owner's rights to maximum profit are not in the overall interest of a city. Make our village a friendly, exciting, beautiful, fun, bike/pedestrian-safe, tourist/local center of entertainment and commerce for EVERYBODY. Put the brakes on blind development for its own sake and be a part of creating a city that is a place where people want to escape to-not escape FROM. Respectfully, Janell Cannon 40 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Friday, Aprill4, 2017 4:34 PM Council Internet Email; Planning; City Clerk Village/Barrio building moratorium Follow up Completed I am writing to express my support for a building moratorium until the Village/Barrio plan is finalized, approved, and in effect. Regards, Amanda Macey 92008 Resident 41 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Kim Trujillo Friday, April14, 2017 12:31 PM Planning PETITION Follow up Completed Sent from my iPad Hello ... can Someone please tell Me Who initiated the Petition to change the zoning in District 6 .... allowing for a bar ... restaurant across from The Boys & Girls Club? ... THANKS Kim Trujillo 160 42 · Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Importance: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Hope Nelson Wednesday, Aprill2, 2017 7:42PM Planning Building Moratorium High Follow up Completed Planning Commissioners Anderson, Black, Goyarts, Montgomery, Segall, Siekmann and Rodman, I am writing in support for implementation of a building moratorium in the Carlsbad Village/Barrio until such time as a new Master Plan has been approved and is in effect. It is important to all living in the Carlsbad community that the City Council address this immediately. With each passing week, at each Planning Commission meeting and each City Council meeting, the Planning Commission and the City Council see a steady stream of projects proposed for the area. Many of these projects are of consequential size and mass, much more than what currently exists at these locations. Each presents a significant change to the surrounding area. Plans being presented may technically meet the specifics required, however they do not adhere to the important "Village Feel, Connectedness and Beach Community Character that have forever denoted Carlsbad-by-the-Sea. Building prior to a Master Plan in place is likely to bring a checkerboard of construction with no continuity to any plan. Builders know a Master Plan will potentially bring constraints to size and scope of projects that will need to be followed. A Moratorium could be crafted adhering to the following: "No new construction, no change of use for any property or building other than what is already approved, no Tennant Improvements that change the nature of use or expand the physical building or building use. The moratorium would be in effect until a new Village/Barrio Master Plan is approved and in place." Please, I ask you to support a building moratorium in the Village/Barrio before it's too late, before the Village Feel and Barrio History is lost and irretrievable. Put a building moratorium in place until we have an updated Master Plan for the Village/Barrio and THEN build accordingly. Sincerely, Hope Nelson 43 Farah Nisan From: Sent: To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Thank You ..... K~Dill Sent from my iPad Kim Trujillo Wednesday, April12, 2017 11:33 AM Planning Re: Village Barrio building moratorium Follow up Completed >On Apr 12, 2017, at 11:31 AM, Kim Trujillo <t4cbad1@sbcglobal.net> wrote: > > > >Sent from my iPad > #1 Don Neu > #2 Jeff Segall > #3 Marty Montgomery > #4 Lisa Rodman > # 5 Kerri Siekmann > # 6 Patrick Goyarts > # 7 Neil Black > # 8 Verlyn Anderson > > Hello I'm sending this in hope that ALL OF YOU CONSIDER WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please do as Hope Nelson asked for ..... Don't allow for district Zone 6 to change ANY ZONING UNTIL V/B Plan is completed! Thank You ..... No ALCOHOLIC Drinking across from The Boys & Girls Club ..... Shame on Matt Hall !. ...... Could You put a bar across the street from a school? Kids MADER ..... ~0 45 Carlsbad City Council e-mail address council@carlsbadca.gov Date: 1-)c6"~ q Dear Mayor and Honorable Council Members: Please Vote: In Favor Of A Building Moratorium for the")(' Village/Barrio area at your April 18th City Council Meeting. At \, ,) ad, ap ( 'Oi Reasons include: o Insufficient parking o Traffic congestion o Environmental impact o Safety / 7-Other hl , "">; -"\-\..,~; :~>~bo v=b / ---eaz::u:::::._! The Carlsbad Barrio Master Plan should be finalized before any more building is approved. Thank you, Name: ~~~C...~ ..... Address:. ... .. ·· . ~11B\sW c;!4~~., -- Carlsbad City Council e-mail address council@carlsbadca.gov Date: t.j.-lk--/7 Dear Mayor and Honorable Council Members: Please Vote: In Favor Of A Building Moratorium for the Village/Barrio area at your April 18th City Council Meeting. Reasons include: o Insufficient parking o Traffic congestion o Environmental impact o Safety o Other Ptll oc:j A-fJOU-e The Carlsbad Barrio Master Plan should be finalized before any more building is approved. Thank you, Jason Haber April 18, 2017 2017 City Council Follow-Up Items 2017 City Council Goals •Transportation •City Hall •Education •Coastline •Railroad Trench •Village & Barrio Follow-Up Items 1.Overall prioritization of city projects 2.Growth Management Plan update 3.Municipal Code update (campaign finance reform) 4.Environmental sustainability (Community Choice Energy & environmental commission) 5.Village & Barrio development moratorium Council Discussion •Council Discussion (Segmented -Part I & II) •Continuing Work •Future Updates Follow-Up Items 1.Overall prioritization of city projects 2.Growth Management Plan update 3.Municipal Code update (campaign finance reform) 4.Environmental sustainability (Community Choice Energy & environmental commission) 5.Village & Barrio development moratorium Prioritization of City Projects -Programs : New : Maintenance : Reconfiguration -Council directive / policy -Organizational capacity -Interdepartmental coordination -CIP Selection Criteria Growth Management Plan Update -Growth Management Plan 101 -Housing / Public Facilities / Performance Standards -Growth Management Plan 2.0 -Maintenance / Infill Scenario / RHNA -Timing: Capacity / Regulatory Triggers Municipal Code Update -CMC Update -Council Procedures -Campaign Contributions -Compliance / Consistency / User friendly -Schedule & budget: TBD -18 to 24 month process Environmental Sustainability -Informational reports -CAP annual report –Q3 2017 -Current policies & operations –CAP, General Plan, Guiding Principles, SOPs -Community Choice Energy –Q2 2017 -Environmental commission Follow-Up Items 1.Overall prioritization of city projects 2.Growth Management Plan update 3.Municipal Code update (campaign finance reform) 4.Environmental sustainability (Community Choice Energy & environmental commission) 5.Village & Barrio development moratorium Village & Barrio Development Moratorium -Legal requirements -Village & Barrio Master Plan -Q4 2017 -Development Standards, Design & Character -Streets, Parking & Circulation -Land Use