HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-18; City Council; ; Assembly Bill 805-County of San Diego: Transportation AgenciesItem #2 April 18, 2017 Page 1 of 19 CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: April 18, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager Jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 CA Review Subject: Assembly Bill 805 -County of San Diego: Transportation Agencies Recommended Action Consider and evaluate Assembly Bill 805, as amended, and provide direction to staff. Executive Summary An overview and analysis of Assembly Bill 805, including the Legislative Counsel's Digest, as amended, and arguments both in favor of, and in opposition to the proposed legislation are presented. Staff is requesting City Council direction regarding any further action that might be taken on this matter. Discussion Assembly Bill 805 (AB 805) was introduced by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher on Feb ruary 15, 2017. The bill was amended in Assembly on March 23, 2017 and again on April 6, 2017. Exhibit 1 presents "Today's Law As Amended" for AB 805 from the California Legislative Information website: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov. "Today's Law As Amended" indicates how the current law would be changed if the bill takes effect. The proposed text additions to the code section are displayed in blue italics and the proposed deletions are displayed in red strikeout. AB 805 proposes a variety of reforms affecting the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG), the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), and the North County Transit District (NCTD). In general, the proposed legislation would affect: 1. Board compositions and memberships, 2. Voting procedures and weighted vote allocations, 3. Creation of an audit committee, 4. Annual financial and performance audits, 5. Annual reporting to the state legislature, 6. Consideration of greenhouse gas emissions and disadvantaged communities in regional comprehensive planning, 7. Jurisdictional transactions and use tax and bonding authority, 8. Reimbursement of state mandated costs. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 2 of 19 The Legislative Counsel's Digest, as amended, provides the following analysis: AB 805, as amended, Gonzalez Fletcher. County of San Diego: transportation agencies. (1) Existing law provides for the consolidation of certain regional transportation planning, programming, and related functions in San Diego County from various existing agencies including the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG}, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board, also known as the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS}, and the North County Transit District (NCTD}. Existing law provides for the consolidated agency, commonly known as SANDAG, to be governed by a board of directors of 21 city and county members selected by the governing body of each member agency. This bill would require the mayor of each city to serve on the board of directors, except in the case of the City of San Diego, where the mayor and the president of the city council would serve. The bill would require the chairperson of the County of San Diego board of supervisors to serve on the board as one of the 2 members on the board from the county board of supervisors. The bill would also revise the selection of alternate members of the board. Existing law, in order for the SAND AG board to act on any item, generally requires a majority vote of the members present on the basis of one vote per agency as well as a weighted vote pursuant to a specified process, except in the case of consent items. This bill would instead require a majority of the weighted vote of the board members present in order for the board to act on any item. The bill would also modify the weighted vote process. Existing law provides for SAN DAG to have 4 standing policy advisory committees named the executive, transportation, regional planning, and borders committees. This bill would additionally provide for an audit committee with specified responsibilities, including the appointment of an independent performance auditor. The bill would require SANDAG to submit an annual report to the Legislature, developed by its transportation committee that outlines various matters related to public transit. Existing law provides for the consolidated agency to prepare a regional comprehensive plan containing various elements, as specified. This bill would require the regional comprehensive plan to address greenhouse gas emissions reduction rules and regulations adopted by the State Air Resources Board and associated emissions limits. The bill would also require the plan to identify disadvantaged communities. The bill would require the plan to include strategies relative to those matters. (2) Existing law creates MTS and NCTD, with various public transit responsibilities in the southern and northern parts of the County of San Diego, respectively. Existing law provides for MTS to be governed by a board of 15 members, while NCTD is governed by a board of 9 members, with each board generally consisting of city and county representatives selected Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 3 of 19 by member agencies. Existing law provides that the chairperson of the MTS board is a resident of the County of San Diego selected by the board, as specified. This bill would generally require the city representatives on each board to be the mayor of the city, except in the case of the City of San Diego, where 3 of the 4 members other than the mayor would be selected by the city council. The bill would provide for the city council of the City of Chula Vista to appoint a 2nd member. The bill would provide for the chairperson of the MTS board to alternate between the mayors of the 2 largest cities. The bill would require the member of the board of supervisors to be the member representing the district with the greatest percentage of its area within the incorporated area of the county within the MTS jurisdiction. The bill would also revise the process for selecting alternate members of the MTS board. Existing law generally provides that official acts of the MTS or NCTD board require the affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the board, except that a weighted vote of the MTS board may be requested pursuant to a specified process. This bill would create a similar weighted voting process for NCTD. The bill would require all official acts of the MTS or NCTD boards to require the affirmative vote of the majority of the weighted vote of the board members present. Existing law authorizes various transportation agencies, including SANDAG, to impose a transactions and use tax for transportation purposes within its jurisdiction, subject to approval of 2h of the voters and various other requirements. Existing law provides for issuance of bonds backed by these tax revenues, as specified. This bill would additionally authorize MTS and NCTD to individually impose a transactions and use tax within their respective portions of the County of San Diego, with revenues to be used for public transit purposes, as specified, serving their jurisdictions, and to issue bonds backed by these tax revenues, subject to similar requirements. (3) By imposing additional requirements on local agencies, this bill would impose a state- mandated local program. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above. Arguments in favor of AB 805 are included in Exhibit 2, as presented on the Official Website of Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (https://a80.asmdc.org/). To summarize, it is suggested that AB 805 would: 1. Provide better equity through proportional representation on the boards of directors, 2. Create new financial controls at SAN DAG, 3. Allow MTS and NCTD to approach voters in the communities they represent with a sales tax ballot measure, Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 4 of 19 4. Increase accountability by having Mayors serve on the boards of directors, 5. Address greenhouse gas reduction rules, 6. Address the needs of disadvantaged communities, 7. Strengthen the checks and balances of the people, 8. Make each municipality's voting strength proportionate to its population. Arguments in opposition to AB 805 have been documented in the press and in recent actions taken by SANDAG member cities, including La Mesa, National City, Coronado, Poway and Escondido, which have all passed resolutions opposing AB 805. In general, arguments against AB 805 concern: 1. Diminishing the influence of small cities in regional transportation planning and funding decisions, 2. Expanding voting power and creating unfair advantage for San Diego and other large cities, 3. Taking away the autonomy of member cities by requiring Mayoral, as opposed to self- selected board representation, 4. Limiting the SAN DAG board chairmanship to alternate between San Diego and Chula Vista Mayors only, 5. State overreach into local affairs. Next Steps The City Council may direct staff to take any of the following actions on this matter: 1. Support AB 805 in its entirety, 2. Oppose AB 805 in its entirety, 3. Support certain aspects of the bill, but remain neutral or oppose other aspects, 4. Oppose unless amended, 5. Watch and report back, 6. Delay action and seek clarification. Fiscal Analysis None. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. Exhibits 1. AB 805-Today's Law As Amended (as of April 6, 2017) 2. AB 805 Strives for More Equitable Representation, Greater Transparency of Finances and Climate Goals -Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, Official Website Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 5 of 19 Exhibit 1 SECTION 1. Section 120050.2 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 120050.2. The board consists of 15 members selected as follows: (a) One member of the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors, appointed by the board of supervisors. (b) Four members of the City Council of the City of San Diego, one of whom may be the mayor, appointed by the city council. {€} (b) One member of each city council appointed individually by the City Councils of the The mayors of the Cities of Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Poway, San Diego, and Santee. W (c) One person, a resident of San Diego County, elected by a two thirds vote of the board, a quorum being present, who shall serve as chairperson of the board. The chairperson shall serve for a term of four years, except that he or she is subject to removal at any time by a two thirds vote of the board, a quorum being present. If the person elected chairperson is also a Three members of the City Council of the City of San Diego and one member of the board, the appointing power may not fill the vacancy created by the election of that member as chairperson as long as that member remains chairperson and, if removed as chairperson, that person shall resume the position on the board he or she vacated upon election as chairperson. Section 120102.S does not apply to any vote taken under this subdivision. Further, in the event that the chairperson is elected from the membership of the board, the County of San Diego shall then have two members appointed by the board of supervisors and the board membership shall remain at 1S. In the event the subsequently elected chairperson is not a member, the membership on the board of the second appointee of the County of San Diego shall be suspended and the board membership shall remain at 1S. City Council of the City of Chula Vista, each appointed by their respective city council. (d) The mayors of the largest city and the second largest city shall alternate between serving as the chairperson and vice chairperson of the board every four years. SEC. 2. Section 120050.5 of the Public Utilities Code is repealed. 1200S0.S. Any person 1Nho is a member of the board may be appointed by his or her appointing authority to continue to serve as a member of the board after the termination of his or her term of office for a period not to exceed four years after the date of termination of his or her term of elected office. SEC. 3. Section 120051 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 120051. The member of the board of supervisors appointed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 120050.2 shall represent one of the tw&-supervisorial districts district with the greatest percentage of its area within the incorporated area of the County of San Diego within the area under the jurisdiction of the transit development board as defined in Section 120054. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 6 of 19 SEC. 3.SEC. 4. Section 120051.1 of the Public Utilities Code is repealed. 120051.1. The member of the board of supervisors appointed pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 120050.2 shall represent the supervisorial district with the greatest percentage of its area \Nithin the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego under the jurisdiction of the transit development board as defined in Section 120054. SEC. 4.SEC. 5. Section 120051.6 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 120051.6. The alternate members of the board shall be appointed as follows: (a) The County of San Diego Board of Supervisors shall appoint any other county supervisor who qualifies for appointment pursuant to Section 120051 to serve as an alternate member of the transit development beaf4 fbt (a) The City Council of the City of San Diego County of San Diego Board of Supervisors shall appoint a member of the city council county supervisor who represents one of the two supervisorial districts with the greatest percentage of its area within the incorporated area of the County of San Diego within the area, not already appointed pursuant to subdivision (b} of Section 120050.2 under Section 120051, under the jurisdiction of the transit development board as defined in Section 120054 to serve as an alternate member of the transit development board for each of the members appointed by the city council to the transit de•,elopment board. {€} (b) The city councils of the cities specified in subdivision {€} (b) of Section 120050.2 shall each individually appoint a member of their respective city councils not already appointed pursuant to t-Aat . subdivision subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 120050.2 to serve as an alternate member of the transit development board for each member of the city on the board. t4} (c) At its discretion, a city council or the county board of supervisors may appoint a second alternate member, in the same manner as members first alternates are appointed, to serve on the board in the event that neither a member nor the alternate member is able to attend a meeting of the board. W (d) An alternate member and second alternate member shall be subject to the same restrictions and shall have the same powers, when serving on the board, as a member. (f) If the board elects a person other than a member of the board to serve as chairperson, the board may, upon a two thirds vote, a quorum being present, appoint a San Diego County resident as an alternate member of the board for that person elected chairperson. If the board elects a person 'Nho is a member of the board to serve as chairperson, the County of San Diego shal l appoint an alternate supervisor for the supervisor appointed pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 120050.2. SEC. 5.SEC. 6. Section 120102.5 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 120102.5. (a) A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. All official acts of the board require the affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the board. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 7 of 19 Hov,ever, after a weighted vote of the members is taken, a weighted vote may be called by any two members, at least one of whom is not a City of San Diego representative. present. However, any reference in this division to a two-thirds vote of the members of the board shall be deemed to mean the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the weighted vote of the members present. (b) In the case of a weighted vote, there shall be a total of 100 votes. Each member agency shall have that number of votes annually determined by the following apportionment formula, provided that each agency shall have at least one vote, and that there shall be no fractional votes: {1) Compute, consistent with subdivision {d}, the total population of the cities and the county, and compute the percentage of this total for each agency. (2) Boost percentage fractions in the case of each agency where the total is less than one, to one, and then add to that number only the whole numbers, excluding fractions, for all other agencies. {3} If the total cumulative number under paragraph {2} is less than 100, add one vote each to the agencies that, prior to exclusion under paragraph (2), had the highest fractional amounts, but exclude from this a/location any agency whose fraction was boosted under paragraph {2}, until a total of 100 votes is reached. (4) If the total cumulative number under paragraph (2) is more than 100, subtract one vote each from the agencies that, prior to exclusion under paragraph (2), had the lowest fractional amounts, until a total of 100 votes is reached, but in no case shall an agency have less than one vote. fa} (c) In the case of a weighted vote, each of the four representatives of the The City of San Diego shall exercise 12 allocate half'±/., weighted 'v<otes, for a total of SO votes. The County of San Diego and each city, other than of its weighted vote to the mayor of the City of San Diego, shall, in total, exercise 49 weighted votes to be apportioned annually by population. The chairperson, if not chosen from the membership of the board, shall exercise one weighted vote. and the other half shall be divided equally between the three city council members. The City of Chula Vista shall allocate its weighted vote evenly between its two members. (c) Approva l under the weighted vote procedure requires the vote of the representatives of not less than three jurisdictions representing not less than Sl percent of the total weighted vote to supersede the original action of the board. (d) The ,veighted vote procedure shall not be used on any matter of purely intracity local service, unless it is the desire of the affected city or jurisdiction. (e) The weighted vote procedure shall not be used for purposes of subdivision (c) of Section 12026S. ff} {d) For purposes of subdivision W, {b}, the population of the County of San Diego is the population in the unincorporated area of the county within the area of jurisdiction of the transit development -beaHh board pursuant to Section 120054. fg} (e) The board shall adopt a policy and procedure to implement this section. SEC. 7. Article 11 (commencing with Section 120480} is added to Chapter 4 of Division 11 of the Public Utilities Code, to read: Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 8 of 19 Article 11. Transactions and Use Tax 120480. (a) A retail transactions and use tax ordinance applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory within the area of the board pursuant to Section 120054 shall be imposed by the board in accordance with Section 120485 and Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and Section 2 of Article XIII C of the California Constitution. The tax ordinance shall take effect at the close of the polls on the day of election at which the proposition is adopted. The initial collection of the transactions and use tax shall take place in accordance with Section 120483. (b) If, at any time, the voters do not approve the imposition of the transactions and use tax, this chapter remains in full force and effect. The board may, at any time thereafter, submit the same, or a different, measure to the voters in accordance with this chapter. 120481. (a) The board, in the ordinance, shall state the nature of the tax to be imposed, the tax rate or the maximum tax rate, the purposes for which the revenue derived from the tax will be used, and may set a term during which the tax will be imposed. The purposes for which the tax revenues may be used shall be limited to public transit purposes serving the area of jurisdiction of the board, as determined by the board, including the administration of this division and legal actions related thereto. These purposes include expenditures for the planning, environmental reviews, engineering and design costs, and related right-of- way acquisition. The ordinance shall contain an expenditure plan that shall include the a/location of revenues for the purposes authorized by this section. (b) As used in this section, "public transit purposes" includes the public transit responsibilities under the jurisdiction of the board as well as any bikeway, bicycle path, sidewalk, trail, pedestrian access, or pedestrian accessway. 120482. (a) The county shall conduct an election called by the board pursuant to Section 120480. (b) The election shall be called and conducted in the same manner as provided by law for the conduct of elections by a county. 120483. (a) Any transactions and use tax ordinance adopted pursuant to this article shall be operative on the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 110 days after adoption of the ordinance. (b) Prior to the operative date of the ordinance, the board shall contract with the State Board of Equalization to perform all functions incident to the administration and operation of the ordinance. The costs to be covered by the contract may also include services of the types described in Section 7272 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for preparatory work up to the operative date of the ordinance. Any disputes as to the amount of the costs shall be resolved in the same manner as provided in that section. 120484. The revenues from the taxes imposed pursuant to this article may be allocated by the board for public transit purposes consistent with the applicable regional transportation improvement program and the applicable regional transportation plan. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 9 of 19 120485. The board, subject to the approval of the voters, may impose a maximum tax rate of one-half of 1 percent under this article and Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The board shall not levy the tax at a rate other than one-half or one-fourth of 1 percent unless specifically authorized by the Legislature. 120486. The board, as part of the ballot proposition to approve the imposition of a retail transactions and use tax, may seek authorization to issue bonds payable from the proceeds of the tax. 120487. Any action or proceeding wherein the validity of the adoption of the retail transactions and use tax ordinance provided for in this article or the issuance of any bonds thereunder or any of the proceedings in relation thereto is contested, questioned, or denied, shall be commenced within six months from the date of the election at which the ordinance is approved; otherwise, the bonds and all proceedings in relation thereto, including the adoption and approval of the ordinance, shall be held to be valid and in every respect legal and incontestable. 120488. The board has no power to impose any tax other than the transactions and use tax imposed upon approval of the voters in accordance with this article. SEC. 7 .SEC. 8. Section 125050 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 125050. There is hereby created, in that portion of the County of San Diego as described in Section 125052, the North County Transit District. The district shall be governed by a board of directors. As used in this division, "board" means the board of directors of the district. The board shall consist of members selected as follows: (a) One member of the San Die,go County Board of Supervisors appointed by the board of supervisors, which member shall represent, on the board of supervisors, the largest portion of the area under the jurisdiction of the district. (b) One member of each of the City Councils of the The mayors of the Cities of Carlsbad, Del Mar, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, and Vista, and each new city that incorporates within the district boundaries, appointed by the respective city council. boundaries. SEC. 8.SEC. 9. Section 125102 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 125102. (a) A majority of the members of the board shall constitute constitutes a quorum for the t ransaction of business, and all business. All official acts of the board ~ require the affirmative vote of a the majority of the weighted vote of the members of t he beaHh board present. However, any reference in this division to a two-thirds vote of the members of the board shall be deemed to mean the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the weighted vote of the members present. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 10 of 19 (b) In the case of a weighted vote, there shall be a total of 100 votes. Each member agency shall have that number of votes annually determined by the following apportionment formula, provided that each agency shall have at least one vote, and that there shall be no fractional votes: {1} Compute, consistent with subdivision (c}, the total population of the cities and the county, and compute the percentage of this total for each agency. {2} Boost percentage fractions in the case of each agency where the total is less than one, to one, and then add to that number only the whole numbers, excluding fractions, for all other agencies. {3} If the total cumulative number under paragraph (2) is less than 100, add one vote each to the agencies that, prior to exclusion under paragraph (2), had the highest fractional amounts, but exclude from this a/location any agency whose fraction was boosted under paragraph (2), until a total of 100 votes is reached. (4) If the total cumulative number under paragraph (2) is more than 100, subtract one vote each from the agencies that, prior to exclusion under paragraph (2), had the lowest fractional amounts, until a total of 100 votes is reached, but in no case shall an agency have less than one vote. (c) For purposes of subdivision (b}, the population of the County of San Diego is the population in the unincorporated area of the county within the area of jurisdiction of the board pursuant to Section 125052. (d) The board shall adopt a policy and procedure to implement this section. SEC. 10. Article 9 (commencing with Section 125480) is added to Chapter 4 of Division 11.5 of the Public Utilities Code, to read: Article 9. Transactions and Use Tax 125480. (a) A retail transactions and use tax ordinance applicable in the incorporated and unincorporated territory within the area of the board pursuant to Section 125052 shall be imposed by the board in accordance with Section 125485 and Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251} of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and Section 2 of Article XIII C of the California Constitution. The tax ordinance shall take effect at the close of the polls on the day of election at which the proposition is adopted. The initial collection of the transactions and use tax shall take place in accordance with Section 125483. {b} If, at any time, the voters do not approve the imposition of the transactions and use tax, this chapter remains in full force and effect. The board may, at any time thereafter, submit the same, or a different, measure to the voters in accordance with this chapter. 125481. (a) The board, in the ordinance, shall state the nature of the tax to be imposed, the tax rate or the maximum tax rate, the purposes for which the revenue derived from the tax will be used, and may set a term during which the tax will be imposed. The purposes for which the tax revenues may be used shall be limited to public transit purposes serving the area ofjurisdiction of the board, as determined by the board, including the administration of this division and legal actions related thereto. These purposes include expenditures for the planning, environmental reviews, engineering and design costs, and related right-of- way acquisition. The ordinance shall contain an expenditure plan that shall include the a/location of revenues for the purposes authorized by this section. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 11 of 19 (b) As used in this section, "public transit purposes" includes the public transit responsibilities under the jurisdiction of the district as well as any bikeway, bicycle path, sidewalk, trail, pedestrian access, or pedestrian accessway. 125482. (a) The county shall conduct an election called by the board pursuant to Section 125480. (b) The election shall be called and conducted in the same manner as provided by law for the conduct of elections by a county. 125483. (a) Any transactions and use tax ordinance adopted pursuant to this article shall be operative on the first day of the first calendar quarter commencing more than 110 days after adoption of the ordinance. (b) Prior to the operative date of the ordinance, the board shall contract with the State Board of Equalization to perform all functions incident to the administration and operation of the ordinance. The costs to be covered by the contract may also include services of the types described in Section 72 72 of the Revenue and Taxation Code for preparatory work up to the operative date of the ordinance. Any disputes as to the amount of the costs shall be resolved in the same manner as provided in that section. 125484. The revenues from the taxes imposed pursuant to this article may be allocated by the board for public transit purposes consistent with the applicable regional transportation improvement program and the applicable regional transportation plan. 125485. The board, subject to the approval of the voters, may impose a maximum tax rate of one-half of 1 percent under this article and Part 1.6 (commencing with Section 7251} of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The board shall not levy the tax at a rate other than one-half or one-fourth of 1 percent unless specifically authorized by the Legislature. 125486. The board, as part of the ballot proposition to approve the imposition of a retail transactions and use tax, may seek authorization to issue bonds payable from the proceeds of the tax. 125487. Any action or proceeding wherein the validity of the adoption of the retail transactions and use tax ordinance provided for in this article or the issuance of any bonds thereunder or any of the proceedings in relation thereto is contested, questioned, or denied, shall be commenced within six months from the date of the election at which the ordinance is approved; otherwise, the bonds and all proceedings in relation thereto, including the adoption and approval of the ordinance, shall be held to be valid and in every respect legal and incontestable. 125488. The board has no power to impose any tax other than the transactions and use tax imposed upon approval of the voters in accordance with this article. SEC. 10.SEC. 11. Section 132351.1 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 12 of 19 132351.1. (a) A board of directors consisting of 21 members shall govern the consolidated agency. (b) For purposes of this chapter, "governing body" shall mean means the board of supervisors, council, council and mayor where the mayor is not a member of the council, authority, trustees, director, commission, committee, or other policymaking body, as appropriate, that exercises authority over an entity represented on the board of the consolidated agency. (c) All powers, privileges, and duties vested in or imposed upon the consolidated agency shall be exercised and performed by and through a board of directors provided, however, that the exercise of all executive, administrative, and ministerial power may be delegated and redelegated by the board, to any of the offices, officers, or committees created pursuant to this chapter or created by the board acting pursuant to this chapter. (d) The board shall be composed of one primary representative selected by the governing body of each city in the county and a member the chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors to serve until recalled by the governing body of the city or county. The Supervisors. However, the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego shall each have a primary and secondary representati>re. each director shall be a mayor, councilperson, or supervisor of the governing body which selected him or her. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as originally selected. each city or county shall also select in the same manner as the primary or secondary representati',e, if applicable, representative, which for the City of San Diego shall be the mayor of the City of San Diego and the president of the city council. Except in the case of the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego, each director shall be the mayor of the governing body of his or her city. Each city or county shall also select one alternate to serve on the board when the primary or secondary representative, if applicable, is not available. The alternate shall be subject to the same restrictions and have the same powers, when serving on the board, as the representative for whom he or she is substituting. The alternate shall be a councilperson or supervisor, as applicable, of his or her governing body. (e) Notwithstanding subdivision (d), in those years when the chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors is from a district that is substantially an incorporated area and is appointed the primary representative to the board, area, a supervisor who represents a district that is substantially an unincorporated area shall be appointed to the board as the secondary representative. Alternatively, in those years when the chair of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors is from a district that is substantially an unincorporated area and is appointed the primary representative to the board, area, a supervisor who represents a district that is substantially an incorporated area shall be appointed to the board as the secondary representative. (f) At its discretion, each city a-AG or county may select a second alternate, in the same manner as the primary representative, first alternate, to serve on the board in the event that neither the primary representative nor the regular first alternate is able to attend a meeting of the board. This alternate shall be subject to the same restrictions and have the same powers, when serving on the board, as the primary representative. (g) The board may allow for the appointment of advisory representatives to sit with the board but in no event shall sa-iG those representatives be allowed a vote. The current advisory representatives to the San Diego Association of Governments may continue their advisory representation on the consolidated agency at the discretion of their governing body. The governing bodies of the County of Imperial and the cities in that county may collectively desig11ate an advisory representative to sit with the board. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 13 of 19 SEC. 11.SEC. 12. Section 132351.2 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 132351.2. (a) A majority of the member agencies constitute a quorum fo r the transaction of business. In order to act on any item, except consent items which only require the vote specified in paragraph (1), the follmving voting formula in both paragraphs (1) and (2) shall apply: the affirmative vote of the majority of the weighted vote of the members present is required. (1) A majority vote of the members present on the basis of one vote per agency. (2) A majority of the weighted vote of the member agencies present. (b) The governing body of the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego, as appropriate, shall determine how to allocate their single agency votes and weighted votes Diego shall allocate their weighted votes equally between their primary and secondary members. (c) For the weighted vote, there shall be a total of 100 votes, except additional votes shall be allowed pursuant to subdivision (f). Each representative member agency shall have that number of votes determined by the following apportionment formula, provided that each agency shall have at least one vote, no agency shall have more than 40 votes, vote and there shall be no fractional votes: (1) If any agency has 40 percent or more of Compute the total population of the San Diego County region, allocate 40 votes to that agency and fol 1011, paragraph (2), if not, follow paragraph (3). region and compute the percentage of this total for each agency. (2) Total the population of the remaining agencies determined in paragraph (1) and compute the percentage of this total that each agency has: (A) Multiply each percentage derived above by 60 to determine fractional shares. (B) Boost fractions that are less than one, to one and add the 1.vhole numbers. (C) If the answer to subparagraph (B) is 60, drop all fractions and the whole numbers are the votes for each agency. (D) If the answer to subparagraph (B) is less than 60, the remaining vote(s) is allocated one each to that agency(s) having the highest fraction(s) excepting those whose vote was increased to one in subparagraph (B) above. (E) If the answer to subparagraph (B) is more than 60, the excess vote(s) is taken one each from the agency(s) with the lowest fraction(s). In no case shall a vote be reduced to less than one. (3) Total the population determined in paragraph (1) and compute the percentage of this total that each agency has. fAt (2) Boost fractions that are percentage fractions in the case of each agency where the total is less than one, to BM one, and add the 1.vhole numbers. then add to that number pnly the whole numbers, excluding fractions, for all other agencies. (B) If the answer to subparagraph (A) is 100, drop all fractions and the •,vhole numbers are the votes for each agency. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 14 of 19 fQ (3) If the answer to subparagraph (/\) total cumulative number under paragraph (2) is less than 100, the remaining vote(s) is allocated one each to that agency(s) having the highest fraction(s) excepting those whose vote was increased to one in subparagraph (A) above. add one vote each to the agencies that, prior to exclusion under paragraph (2), had the highest fractional amounts, but exclude from this allocation any agency whose fraction was boosted under paragraph {2}, until a total of 100 votes is reached. fGt (4) If the answer to subparagraph (/\) total cumulative number under paragraph (2) is more than 100, the excess vote(s) is taken one each from that agency(s) with the lowest fraction(s). In subtract one vote each from the agencies that, prior to exclusion under paragraph {2}, had the lowest fractional amounts, until a total of 100 votes is reached, but in no case shall a vote be reduced to an agency have less than eHe-; one vote. (d) When a weighted vote is taken on any item that requires more than a majority vote of the board, it shall also require the supermajority percentage of the weighted vote. {€-} (d) The weighted vote shall be recomputed in the above manner formula under subdivision (c) shall be recomputed every July 1. fft (e) Any etRe-f-newly incorporated city shall receive one vote under the single vote procedure and one vote under the we ighted vote procedure specified above until the next recomputation of the weighted vete, vote formula under subdivision (c), at which time the new agency shall receive votes in accordance with the formula specified in subdivision (b). recomputed formula. Until this recomputation, the total weighted vote may exceed 100. SEC. 12.SEC. 13. Section 132351.4 of the Publ ic Utilities Code is amended to read: 132351.4. (a) The consolidated agency shall have ffiHf five standing policy advisory committees named the executive, transportation, regional planning, borders, and borders audit committees. The responsibilities of the committees shall be established by the board. Committee membership may be expanded by the consolidated agency, and shal l be selected in accordance with a process established by the conso lidated agency. The membership shall be as follows: (1) The executive committee shall consist of six voting members with board members representing east county, north county coastal, north county inland, south county, and the representative, or the representative's alternate in their absence, from the City of San Diego and the county. The chairperson ef the consolidated agency shall be one of the six voting members. The and the vice chairperson of the consolidated agency shall each be one of the six voting members if the vice chairperson represents an area of the region that is different from the area of the region represented by the chairperson, as those areas are described in subdivisions (d) to (g), inclusi1v<e, of Section 132350.2. members. (2) (A) The transportation committee shall consist of nine voting members with board members or alternates representing east county, north county coastal, north county inland, south county and the mayor or a council member from the City of San Diego, a supervisor from the County of San Diego, a member of the board of the MTDB appointed by the board of the MTDB, a member of the board of the NCTD appointed by the board of the NCTD, and a member of the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority appointed by the airport authority. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 15 of 19 (B) Among its transportation responsibilities, the transportation committee shall provide a strong focus and commitment to meeting the public transit needs of the San Diego region, set transit funding criteria and recommend transit funding levels, and undertake transit responsibilities resulting from consolidation, as delegated by the board. (C) The board shall provide a report, developed by the transportation committee, to the Legislature on or before July 1 of each year that outlines the public transit needs, transit funding criteria, recommended transit funding levels, and additional work on public transit, as delegated to the transportation committee by the board. The report shall specify the funds spent explicitly on public transportation. The report shall be submitted consistent with Section 9795 of the Government Code. (3) The regional planning committee shall consist of six voting members with board members or alternates representing east county, north county coastal, north county inland, south county, and the mayor or a council member from the City of San Diego, and a supervisor from the County of San Diego. (4) The borders committee shall consist of seven voting members with board members or alternates representing east county, north county coastal, north county inland, south county, the mayor or a council member from the City of San Diego, a supervisor from the County of San Diego, and a mayor, council member, or supervisor from the County of Imperial. (5) The audit committee shall consist of five voting members with two board members and three members of the public to be appointed by the board. The audit committee shall recommend to the board the contract of the firm conducting the annual financial statement audits and the hiring of the independent performance auditor and approve the annual audit plan after discussion with the independent performance auditor pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 132354.1. (b) The board may appoint other standing and ad hoc working groups to advise it in carrying out its responsibilities. (c) No board member may serve as a member of more than two standing policy advisory committees at any one -1:+m& time, except those board members serving on the audit committee. SEC. 13.SEC. 14. Section 132352.3 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 132352.3. The officers of the board are the chairperson and the vice chairperson. The mayors of the largest city and the second-largest city shall alternate between serving as chairperson and vice chairperson for four-year terms. The board may create additional officers and elect members to those positions. However, no member may hold more than one office. The term of office for tRe any officers of the board other than the chairperson and the vice chairperson shall be established by the board. SEC. 14.SEC. 15. Section 132354.1 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 132354.1. (a) The board shall arrange for a post audit of the financial transactions and records of the consolidated agency to be made at least annually by a certified public accountant. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 16 of 19 (b) (1) The audit committee shall appoint an independent performance auditor, subject to approval by the board, who may only be removed for cause by a vote of at least two-thirds of the audit committee and the board. (2) The independent performance auditor shall have authority to conduct or to cause to be conducted performance audits of all departments, offices, boards, activities, agencies, and programs of the consolidated agency. The auditor shall prepare annually an audit plan and conduct audits in accordance therewith and perform those other duties as may be required by ordinance or as provided by the California Constitution and general laws of the state. The auditor shall follow government auditing standards. All officers and employees of the consolidated agency shall furnish to the auditor unrestricted access to employees, information, and records, including electronic data, within their custody regarding powers, duties, activities, organization, property, financial transactions, contracts, and methods of business required to conduct an audit or otherwise perform audit duties. It is also the duty of any consolidated agency officer, employee, or agent to fully cooperate with the auditor, and to make full disclosure of all pertinent information. (3) The auditor shall have the power to appoint, employ, and remove assistants, employees, and personnel as deemed necessary for the efficient and effective administration of the affairs of the office and to prescribe their duties, scope of authority, and qualifications. (4) The auditor may investigate any material claim of financial fraud, waste, or impropriety within the consolidated agency and for that purpose may summon any officer, agent, or employee of the consolidated agency, any claimant, or other person, and examine him or her upon oath or affirmation relative thereto. All consolidated agency contracts with consultants, vendors, or agencies will be prepared with an adequate audit provision to allow the auditor access to the entity's records needed to verify compliance with the terms specified in the contract. Results of all audits and reports shall be made available to the public in accordance with the requirements of the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250} of Division 7 of the Title 1 of the Government Code). ( c) The board shall develop and adopt internal control guidelines to prevent and detect financial errors and fraud based on the internal control guidelines developed by the Controller pursuant to Section 12422.5 of the Government Code and the standards adopted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. (d} The board shall develop and adopt an administration policy that includes a process to conduct staff performance evaluations on a regular basis to determine if the knowledge, skills, and abilities of staff members are sufficient to perform their respective functions, and shall monitor the evaluation process on a regular basis. SEC. 15.SEC. 16. Section 132360.1 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 132360.1. If the consolidated agency prepares a In preparing and updating the regional comprehensive plan, it is the intent of the Legislature that: (a) The regional comprehensive plan preserve and improve the quality of life in the San Diego region, maximize mobility and transportation choices, and conserve and protect natural resources. (b} The regional comprehensive plan shall address the greenhouse gas emissions reduction rules and regulations adopted by the State Air Resources Board pursuant to Section 38560 of the Health and Safety Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 17 of 19 ( Code and the statewide greenhouse gas emissions limit set forth in Section 38566 of the Health and Safety Code and include strategies in that regard, including the establishment of aggressive nonautomobile modal share targets for the region. (c) The regional comprehensive plan shall identify disadvantaged communities as designated pursuant to Section 39711 of the Health and Safety Code and include transportation strategies to reduce pollution exposure in these communities. {b} (d) In formulating and maintaining the regional comprehensive plan, the consolidated agency shall take account of and shall seek to harmonize the needs of the region as a whole, the plans of the county and cities within the region, and the plans and planning activities of organizations that affect or are concerned with planning and development within the region. W (e) The consolidated agency shall engage in a public collaborative planning process. The recommendations resulting from the public collaborative planning process shall be made available to and considered by the consolidated agency for integration into the draft regional comprehensive plan. The consolidated agency shall adopt a procedure to carry out this process including a method of addressing and responding to recommendations from the public. fa.} (f) In formulating and maintaining the regional comprehensive plan, the consolidated agency shall seek the cooperation and consider the recommendations of all of the following: (1) Its member agencies and other agencies of local government within the jurisdiction of the consolidated agency. (2) State and federal agencies. (3) Educational institutions. (4) Research organizations, whether public or private. (5) Civic groups. (6) Private individuals. (7) Governmental jurisdictions located outside the region but contiguous to its boundaries. fet (g) The consolidated agency shall make the regional comprehensive plan, policies, and objectives available to all local agencies and facilitate consideration of the regional comprehensive plan in the development, implementation, and update of local general plans. The consolidated agency shall provide assistance and enhance the opportunities for local agencies to develop, implement, and update general plans in a manner that recognizes, at a minimum, land use, transportation compatibility, and a jobs-to- housing balance within the regional comprehensive plan. ff} (h} The consolidated agency shall maintain the data, maps, and other information developed in the course of formulating the regional comprehensive plan in a form suitable to assure a consistent view of developmental trends and other relevant information for the availability of and use by other government agencies and private organizations. {g} (i) The components of the regional comprehensive plan may include, but are not limited to, transportation, housing, water quality, infrastructure, and open space, including habitat. At some future date, components such as water supply, air quality, quality and supply, infrastructure, air quality, energy, solid waste, economy, and energy should be part of the regional comprehensive plan . open Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 18 of 19 space, including habitat. Performance standards and measurable criteria shall be established through a public process to ensure that the regional comprehensive plan is prepared consistent with these measures as well as in determining achievement of the regional comprehensive plan goals throughout its implementation. W (j) Any water supply component or provision of the regional infrastructure strategy regarding water supply contained in the regional comprehensive plan shall be consistent with the urban water management plan and other adopted regional water facilities and supply plans of the San Diego County Water Authority. SEC. 17. If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 ( commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code. Item #2 April 18, 2017 Page 19 of 19 @ ASSJ:MBLYWO.'-'AN - Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher -DISTRICT 80 Published on Official Website -Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Representing the 80th California Assembly District Monday, March 13, 2017 Exhibit 2 AB 805 Strives for More Equitable Representation, Greater Transparency of Finances and Climate Goats SACRAMENTO -(Monday, March 13, 2017) -California State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego) unveiled today a proposal to reform how the San Diego region spends and tracks the billions of dollars in transportation funding it receives from taxpayers. Assembly Bill 805 would overhaul the decision-making process at the region's transportation planning agency, the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG), as well as the two transit districts that serve portions of San Diego County to provide better equity through proportional representation on the boards of directors that oversee those agencies. Additionally, the bill would create new financial controls at SANDAG by requiring that it employ an independent auditor who would report to a newly formed Audit Committee, comprised of members of the public, to oversee the agency's spending plans, financial forecasts and annual budget. "Taxpayers deserve more than they've received in the past from SANDAG," Assemblywoman Gonzalez Fletcher said. "Anyone who watched the Measure A debacle and its fallout knows it's time to reform the way we raise and spend transportation dollars in the San Diego region." Measure A, which would have raised the sales tax by one-half cent across San Diego County to fund projects that SANDAG controls, failed on the November 2016 ballot. AB 805 would also provide the two local transit operators -the Metropolitan Transit System and the North County Transit District -the ability to approach voters in the communities they represent with a ballot measure to raise the sales tax to fund transit projects and operations. The bill includes additional accountability measures, such as placing more decision-making authority in the hands of the mayors of each city, requiring annual reports are made to the state accounting for SANDAG's plans to fund public transit needs, and insisting that regional transportation plans address greenhouse gas reduction rules and the needs of disadvantaged communities. "When billions of dollars of taxpayer money are at stake, as well as the work commutes and public health of every San Diegan, we need to strengthen the checks and balances of the people," Assemblywoman Gonzalez Fletcher said. "The current system is beholden to an arcane voting system that doesn't reflect the county's population and concentrates too much power with bureaucrats instead of the leaders that are elected to make tough decisions." AB 805 would eliminate the "single agency vote" in the three transportation agencies, a process that allows every municipality within the agency's jurisdiction to cast a vote of equal weight, regardless of the population. AB 805's reform to base decisions such as regional transportation plans, operating budgets and funding priorities on the weighted vote -meaning a municipality's voting strength would be proportionate to its population -more closely aligns with the principal of "one person, one vote." "Db+v-~ b'Jtec\ ~ ~~oC' \-\a\.\ .{6r .:r:~~ ~ .l d 'j-/8~ 1 ?-A jefl d._ Thank you. That was very well said. I haven't had a cha·nce to meet you yet. That was very well said, thank you. I'm not going to repeat all of the comments. I was at the MTS meeting yesterday and I thought Supervisor Cox made some really good suggestions. This started about giving communities, especially in the south bay, the authority to tax, so that they could have transit, and then I think the audit part is worth looking at. But then you've just rolled in this whole thing now suddenly this whole governance part is rolled in. So as far as doing a two-year bill and having some thoughtful consideration I thought made a lot of sense. I've confirmed with the San Diego Mayor's office that nobody was contacted there, at all, to even see what they thought, or give input, or see if they wanted to be the Chair, or anything. So, when you talk about, Ms. Salas, an examination of how SANDAG operates, an examination takes some time and an examination actually has a collaborative effort and input, and so, this is just written by a few people, apparently, you know, yesterday the Assembly member was talking about how she met with some people, and she did make it very, very clear on several occasions that she was only representing her constituents in the south bay. She said that a few times.\And she also said that if, essentially if, well regardless of what they did, that she was going to get this bill through. She said that as well. So, you know, I've been thinking about it the last 24 hours, and I just thought what happened yesterday was so unfortunate, unnecessary, divisive, the absolute opposite of collaboration. And disrespectful, to all of, you know, I am representing the big city, but seriously disrespectful to every single smaller city. It's like taking the senate and changing it and saying California gets 10 senators and Rhode Island gets 1. It's just not right, and it's not right, you know some of the things I heard yesterday during the discussion were micromanaging the governance, the solution in search of a problem. There was all kinds of things, and yet, at the end of the day, when it was a nine to six vote, we were threatened before the vote, saying if it doesn't go to support, we're going to go nuclear. And it could have gone nuclear with, you know Ms. Salas initially was holding out for a neutral, but then changed to support. The nuclear could have gone with neutral. But it didn't. It went with support. And so, what we heard today, in the, when we were getting the presentation was that yesterday, MTS did a support with amendments. This is exactly what we knew would happen. And that would be communicated up to the legislature, that MTS is supporting with amendments. No word whatsoever that it was a nuclear option first time used in decades and that the majority, including a lot of the small cities, everyone in the north was disenfranchised from that vote. I think that's just wrong on every level. And so, and it's not true, if you go back to Ms. Gonzalez and say that ok they opposed it and so they don't want any discussion and they don't want any input, that is not at all what this board has said. In any way shape or form. And so, I'm just saddened by this whole thing. And I don't think it's necessary, and it's so divisive. And I hope we can get past this and continue to work together as a region and have the smaller cities have the input that they deserve, and the representation. And the idea that you're going to eliminate a tally vote, blows my mind, just blows my mind. So anyway, those are my comments. Thank you. Jason Haber April 18, 2017 Assembly Bill 805 San Diego Transportation Agencies Assembly Bill 805 (Gonzalez Fletcher) •Proposed legislation amends Public Utilities Code, affecting: –SANDAG, MTS & NCTD Board compositions and memberships –Voting procedures and weighted vote allocations –Creation of a SANDAG audit committee –Annual SANDAG financial and performance audits Assembly Bill 805 (Gonzalez Fletcher) •Proposed legislation amends Public Utilities Code, affecting: –Annual SANDAG Transportation Committee report to CA legislature –Consideration of greenhouse gas emissions and disadvantaged communities in SANDAG regional comprehensive planning –MTS & NCTD jurisdictional transactions & use tax / bonding authority –Reimbursement of state mandated costs SANDAG Background •1972:Comprehensive Planning Organization established as independent joint powers agency •1980:CPO renames itself SANDAG •SB 1703 (2003):SANDAG as consolidated regional agency for transit planning, programming, project development, and construction •Organizational, governance and voting structures of SANDAG, MTS and NCTD prescribed by statute SANDAG Board •Governed by a 21-member Board of Directors –Mayors, councilmembers, and county supervisors –From each of the region's 19 local governments •Each jurisdiction appoints one primary member •The City of San Diego and the County of San Diego, each have two members SANDAG Board Composition Current SD County has 2 reps –1 from incorporated, 1 from unincorporated SD City has 2 reps –appointed by City Each jurisdiction appoints its rep(s) Chair & Vice Chair selected annually by Board Proposed w/ AB 805 County has 2 reps –Chair of Board & secondary rep (un/incorporated) City has 2 reps –Mayor & Council President Each rep shall be Mayor of jurisdiction Mayors of largest & 2nd largest cities alternate Chair/Vice every 4 years SANDAG Voting Current SD City decides how to split its votes Consent items require majority tally vote (*one vote per agency) Non-consent items require majority of weighted and tally votes based on member agencies present Proposed w/ AB 805 City must split votes equally between reps Consent items require majority weighted vote of members present Eliminates tally vote. Only weighted vote of members present required. SANDAG Weighted Vote Carlsbad 3 Encinitas 2 Poway 1 Chula Vista 8 Escondido 5 San Diego A 20 Coronado 1 Imperial Beach 1 San Diego B 20 County of San Diego A 8 La Mesa 2 San Marcos 3 County of San Diego B 8 Lemon Grove 1 Santee 2 Del Mar 1 National City 2 Solana Beach 1 El Cajon 3 Oceanside 5 Vista 3 The weighted vote distribution is calculated based on the State Department of Finance population estimates as of May 1 of each year. The current weighted vote distribution is as follows: AB 805: SANDAG Weighted Vote Carlsbad 3 Encinitas 2 Poway 1 Chula Vista 8 Escondido 45 San Diego A 2120 Coronado 1 Imperial Beach 1 San Diego B 2120 County of San Diego A 7.58 La Mesa 2 San Marcos 3 County of San Diego B 7.58 Lemon Grove 1 Santee 2 Del Mar 1 National City 2 Solana Beach 1 El Cajon 3 Oceanside 5 Vista 3 SANDAG estimates that the weighted vote distribution under AB 805 would be modified as follows: NCTD Background •SB 802 (1975):North San Diego County Transit Development Board •plan, construct and operate public transit systems •SB 1703 (2003):transit planning, programming, development and construction to SANDAG •Organizational, governance & voting structure •NSDCTDB operates BREEZE, COASTER and SPRINTER •AB 1238 (2005):NSDCTDB renamed NCTD NCTD Board •Governed by a 9-member Board of Directors –Mayors, councilmembers, and a county supervisor –From each of the region's 9 local governments •Carlsbad, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido, SD County •Each jurisdiction appoints one member and an alternate NCTD Board, Voting, Taxing Current Each jurisdiction appoints its rep All official acts of the Board require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board No taxing authority Proposed w/ AB 805 Each rep must be Mayor of jurisdiction All official acts of the Board require a majority of the weighted vote of members present Authorizes Board to levy a ½ cent sales tax for transit purposes upon voter approval Weighted Vote: NCTD 112,930 9.23 9 4,274 .34 1 61 ,928 5.06 5 150,760 12.33 12 175,948 14.39 14 93,295 7.6 8 Solana Beach 13,494 1.10 1 98,896 8.08 8 County of San 511,119 41.80 42 Diego Next Steps •AB 805 has been scheduled for its first hearing by the Assembly Committee on Local Government on April 19, 2017 •AB 805 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Transportation; hearing date has not been set •City of Carlsbad Legislative Platform does not provide definitive guidance concerning the proposed legislation City Council Action •Council may direct staff to take any of the following actions: –Support AB 805 in its entirety –Oppose AB 805 in its entirety –Support certain aspects of the bill, but remain neutral or oppose other aspects –Oppose unless amended –Watch and report back –Delay action and seek clarification –Take no further action