HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-25; City Council; ; Adopt resolution approving the public artwork concept design for Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement ProjectCA Review ~ ( .. CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: April 25, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Richard Schultz, Cultural Arts Manager richard .schultz@ca rlsbadca .gov or 760-602-2086 Adopt resolution approving the public artwork concept design for Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving the public artwork concept design for the Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project recommended by the Carlsbad Arts Commission. Executive Summary An improvement project scheduled for Pine Avenue Community Park in FY 2017-18 results in the opportunity to provide public artwork in the enhanced park. A proposed public art concept design by artist Jenna Didier offers an innovative community space to be constructed as part of the Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project. After a well-articulated artist selection process, community members were offered a variety of opportunities to provide input to the artist. The concept design process included review by a Public Art Advisory Committee and Parks & Recreation Commission, as well as city staff in the Parks & Recreation Department, and is recommended for City Council approval by the Carlsbad Arts Commission. Discussion The City of Carlsbad has a demonstrated commitment to fostering art and culture in the community, understanding that the arts can enliven the built environment and add to the city's quality of life. One way the city supports the arts and embodies these core values is by incorporating public artwork into its eligible civic projects. Section 2.18110 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code specifies in relevant part that "all city departments shall include in all estimates of necessary expenditures and all requests for authorizations or appropriations for construction projects, an amount for works of art equal to at least one percent of the total cost of any such construction project, as estimated in the city's capital improvement program for the year in which such estimate or request is made." The Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project is one of the city's most recent civic projects identified to have a public art component included as part of its construction with a public art project allocation of $110,000, which is 1 percent of the total park improvement project budget. The Library & Cultural Arts Department manages the city's public art program and follows an established process for developing public art projects as specified in the Art in Public Places program, adopted by the Carlsbad Arts Commission and City Council, which includes stakeholder Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 1 of 11 input and involvement in the development of the artwork concept design. As part ofthis process, the City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office convened the Public Art Advisory Committee for Pine Avenue Park to select an artist for the project. This committee included a local professional artist, Pine Avenue Park project architects, a public arts consultant, four neighborhood residents and stakeholders, Arts Commissioners, and staff representing the Parks & Recreation Department. In October 2015, a national Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Design and Installation was released. Over 80 artists responded from across the United States; 22 were based in California with 11 from San Diego County. A screening committee comprised of the Cultural Arts Manager, a public art consultant and the Curator of Exhibitions vetted the finalists to qualify artists with past public art projects of $50,000 or more. The RFQ referenced the site as an opportunity for "a garden folly ... intended to serve as a focal point, a discovery, a striking and unexpected treasure that engages the multi-generationally diverse users of the park." On Jan. 25, 2016, five artists presented designs to the Public Art Advisory Committee for Pine Avenue Community Park which selected nationally renowned artist Jenna Didier. Cultural Arts staff worked closely with Didier, the Arts Commission, Parks & Recreation staff and a variety of external stakeholders, such as the Barrio residents, teen residents, business owners, ball field users, and known public artists, to develop the proposed artwork concept design for the Pine Avenue Park Improvement Project. On Sept. 12, 2016, Didier participated in a public art meeting with 28 attendees in order to obtain input from the community directly served by Pine Avenue Community Park to guide her initial concept design before presenting this design to the Public Art Advisory Committee on Nov. 3, 2016. Stakeholders and residents conveyed their passion for Carlsbad and provided insights on how they hoped the artwork would embody their community and family experiences. Comments included requests for natural elements such as floral and water, unique use of light and color, and a calming meditative quality. Her design incorporated lighting and organic elements such as vines and plants woven into two steel mesh half domes. The center of her design is a ten-foot open willow dome complemented by an interactive water feature. On Dec. 1, 2016, the Public Art Advisory Committee approved her refined artwork concept design and recommended it be forwarded to the Arts Commission for approval. The artist also presented her proposed design at a Barrio Carlsbad resident meeting the same evening and responded to questions from the 25 attendees. To encourage additional community input, a second public meeting and art-making workshop were held Dec. 3, 2016, to present the refined concept design to the community with 29 residents attending. Social media, a page on the City's website and e- blasts were utilized to publicize the community meetings. Cultural Arts Office staff distributed over 3,000 door hangers to the surrounding neighborhoods and the community announcing this public meeting with the artist. As a direct result of her interactions with the community, the artist incorporated suggested elements into her artwork concept design to reflect the community's interests and concerns. In January 2017, the design was also posted on the city's website for additional feedback. The feedback generated in public meetings has consistently been favorable and no additional feedback was received from the website posting. Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 2 of 11 On Feb. 13, 2017, the artist presented her proposed artwork concept design to the Parks & Recreation Commission and responded to questions. On March 2, 2017, the design was. presented to the Arts Commission which unanimously recommended the design be forwarded to City Council for approval (Exhibit 2). The next step in the public art process is for the City Council to approve the artwork concept design so the artist may be contracted to fabricate and install the proposed artwork at the site. Cultural Arts staff recommends that the City Council approve the public artwork concept design for the Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project. Fiscal Analysis City Council previously appropriated General Capital Construction funds in FY16-17 for the Pine Avenue Community Park CIP #4603, which generated $110,000 for the public art element. There are sufficient remaining appropriations to carry out the fabrication and installation of the proposed public art component for this project. The public art project budget is as follows: Pine Avenue Community Park Public Art Budget and Expenses Total public art allocation Costs Public Artist Selection Process Original design contract Fabrication & installation of artwork Contingency Estimated Total Project Costs Next Steps $110,000 $622 $15,000 $89,000 $5,378 $110,000 Upon approval of this resolution by the City Council, the Cultural Arts Office will execute a fabrication and installation agreement with the artist, working with Parks & Recreation representatives and assigned architects, the Public Works Project Manager and· all required agencies to comply with all requirements for final design and fabrication. Approval of the fabrication and installation agreement is within the authority of the City Manager. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA guidelines 15303 -New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures -Consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures. Public Notification None Required Exhibits 1. Resolution approving public artwork concept design for the Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project. 2. Proposed artwork design concept for Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project. Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 3 of 11 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-071 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING RECOMMENDED PUBLIC ARTWORK CONCEPT DESIGNS FOR PINE AVENUE COMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has shown its commitment to fostering art and culture in the community by incorporating public art into its eligible civic projects; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, approved an appropriation of $110,000, which is provided for by Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 2.18; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office utilized the public art process, conducted an open competition and artist Jenna Didier was selected by the Pine Avenue Park Public Art Committee; and WHEREAS, on Mar. 2, 2017, the Arts Commission approved the Didier artwork proposal and recommended the design for City Council approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. There is sufficient funding available in the FY 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program budget in CIP#4603 for the public arts elements. 3. That the proposed public artwork concept designs and $110,000 project budget for the Pine Avenue Park Improvement Project, as Exhibit 2, is hereby approved. II II II Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 4 of 11 EXHIBIT 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of April, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, M. Packard. C. Schumacher. None. ~1cd//IJ MAIT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 5 of 11 EXHIBIT 2 JENNA DIDIER BIO Jenna Didier is a Los Angeles-based public artist and founder of Materials & Applications (M&A), and Urban Applications. Didier's central focus is the creation and use of public spaces. She began her career developing technical skills in robotics, engineering and metal fabrication, while creating mechanical effects, sculpture, and architectural water features for commercial large-scale permanent projects like The Mall of America. Gradually her practice evolved into an active engagement in place-making for communities. She has shared her work and ideas across the country. Her projects have won six American Institute of Architecture (AIA) Design Honor Awards and the top award for environmental design from I.D. Magazine in 2006. In 2011 Didier received the Silver Lake History Collective Award for lasting contributions to the cultural fabric of the Los Angeles district in which M&A is located. As a socially-engaged artist she has several public art commissions completed and in-progress. Her projects explore the public experience, the built environment and the infrastructures we create to tie those forces together. Through art, she seeks to connect a community to the network of relationships that sustains it by making that pulse visible. One of her completed permanent public art projects, Orit Haj, was recognized in the Americans for the Arts' Public Art Network as among the top 50 public art pieces of 2012. Recent projects include the Gateway to Los Angeles on two bridges over the 101 freeway in downtown Los Angeles and a light installation on three pedestrian bridges at the Wilmington Waterfront Park. Pine Avenue Community Park -Public Artwork Concept Design -March 2017 Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 6 of 11 I:!:! I" I'" ,---···.-.': i •.. • .. ' . ! JIiii \ I .. "··: \.-! :iii~·. ' r· .:~·-.. / ... 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SUPPORTS CLIMBING ·[ FLOWERING VINE [1 i ~·:; ·' ~ WILLOW DOME ~t-I ,,;: 1 ~ WATERED BY RUN-t OFF CHANNELED fi FROM CENTRAL t WATER FEATURE ~- Draft Site Plan for Artwork J I .--,~---: + i / i I 1' ~ ' . L_ I • ' ":';--·----------·----J..____ ' I . I ,,.,.....,..._.,, __ r----1-----=-1-:=-: _:== T::=:=+ -= ! I I ! . I 1 ·~=i===+===~r=:=-f ===-l::-pio~EN~DE= I I . I I • f-,--··:n;;·-·!-----I i ! I ~~ Joe_~·: ~ ------z------r-·t-------------t2~·-, -fl 'Fi ,: ,. ' ... , L A j PICNIC AR -~, ~ ... l!.. ..... ~ ... ..,.,. .. ~·--.. .,.-'.il' .... --.r.,,'...;r-.--~-::-:-,il]------.-::--:'::'_--:--_----=.':-::~-:::-~..::...... ........ _________________ ~---- -----,_ --...... -. ~~""::'::::'.::..._,,......-::,:::7'."7:m::::::r::m:--~ =====--·-=~-"'"--------~----- -1 "MADISO N STREET Pine Avenue Community Park -Public Artwork Concept Design -March 2017 Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 8 of 11 C t:I.O ·v; Q) 0 +-' c.. 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Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 9 of 11 Pine Avenue Community Park -Public Artwork Concept Design -March 2017 Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 10 of 11 Artwork Front and Side Elevations ~~ I FRONT SIDE, Pine Avenue Community Park -Public Artwork Concept Design -March 2017 Item #12 April 25, 2017 Page 11 of 11 Heather Pizzuto Library & Cultural Arts Director April 25, 2017 Public Artwork Concept Design Pine Avenue Community Park Tonight’s Overview •Review artist selection process •Outline design development process •Discuss community engagement •Share insights from the artist •Request City Council approval History, the Arts and Cultural Resources •Delivers on the community vision •Adds to the city’s quality of life •Reflects the community and its residents’ values and qualities •Creates a memorable and thought-provoking experience Public Art Policies •Carlsbad Municipal Code •Art in Public Places •Public Art Vision Plan Artist Selection •Formed Public Art Advisory Committee •Released Request for Qualifications for design and installation (October 2015) •Received responses from 80 artists across the U.S. •Five finalists selected with experience in projects of $50,000+ Artist Selection •Finalists presented to Public Art Advisory Committee (January 2016) •Artist Jenna Didier selected Public Engagement •First meeting on public art (Sept. 12, 2016) •28 residents attended •Feedback included how to ensure art reflects Carlsbad community •Consistent themes: calm, reflective; color, light, natural elements Public Engagement •Presentation to Barrio Carlsbad meeting (Dec. 1, 2016) •Second meeting/interactive workshop (Dec. 3, 2016) •29 residents attended •Posters/doorhangers Public Engagement •Eblasts to stakeholder lists •Facebook post reaching 3,907 •Twitter post to 9,472 followers Public Engagement •Designs revised and presented to the Parks & Recreation Commission (Feb. 13, 2017) •Designs revised and presented to the Arts Commission (March 2, 2017) •Arts Commission unanimously approved designs and recommended bringing forward to City Council Artist Jenna Didier •Design process •Final conceptual design Budget Details Total Public Art Allocation……………………………….$110,000 •Public Artist Selection Process………………......$622 •Original Design Contract……………………...…….$15,000 •Fabrication and Installation of Work………..…$89,000 •Contingency……………………………………………....$5,378 Staff Recommendation Adopt a resolution approving the public artwork concept design for the Pine Avenue Community Park Improvement Project recommended by the Carlsbad Arts Commission Questions? Jenna Didier’s Projects Jenna Didier’s Projects JENNA DIDIER, ARTIST The City of Carlsbad, California PINE AVENUE PARK PUBLIC ART CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION 25 APRIL 2017 an Unfolding and a Gathering ci 0 ..... Ill x w I I I I ! ! i ! ! i\!!ill -·~-=-u -=····-···-··--·--·-···-···--·-····-····-··-·-····~J·~ c:::::::J g . ! rl;nt=~=--=~~~-l. ;;; : mm COMMUNITY GARDEN MADISON STREET = = = = = = = ~ = i I ! i ! I i 1 I I I would like colorful, brilliant designs. The sunsets in Carlsbad are the best in the world! Something with natural materials that blend with a garden environment... Sheltered, shady ...and restful. Some words that come to mind: movement, light, natural, sustainable, color. ...some floral feeling Depth and breadth ...casual, calming like being under a great tree. which is sooo Southern California! and incorporating water and movement! Cooling water! Many people use the park until 10pm. To see a structure that is lit would make me feel safe. It's something I would want to visit at night. Also, something that is an open structure, no hiding places. Many people use the park until 10pm. To see a structure that is lit would make me feel safe. It's something I would want to visit at night. Also, something that is an open structure, no hiding places. FRONT SIDE :z: <( _J a_ LLJ (_) LLJ a_ ~ 0:::: <( ~ 0:::: <( a_ LLJ ::::::> :z: LLJ > <( LLJ :z: a_ " OU~ER LL Sl!PPOltT.$ CLI lNG '1;: IJWERING ~E WILLOW D~ME --rltt-----......._ WATERED BY RUN- O~F CHANNELED ltl ROM CENTRAL W ft1TER FEATURE / /<Jt!JAITER FEATURE -'-Itt-----++--+---~~~ / I \ I (, NEST. D STEE H(( -R.--------'r.:--~-~ r-.---SHELJ PICNIC AR ~--~·-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------____ .-- MADISON STREET WEAVING WORKSHOP DEC 2ND, 2016 WILLOW HEADER AT 6'-8” PLANTED IN CLUSTERS AT BASE TEN FOOT DIAMETER BAMBOO “LIVING ROOM” Intimately scaled, a place to gather or a place for solitude. Lush, calming, casual –a “living” room. WILLOW ROOM WATER FEATURE IN CENTER OF WILLOW DOME NON-SLIP / STAMPED PATTERN TO GUIDE WATER FROM THE BASE OF THE WATER FEATURE TO THE PLANTED WILLOWS (I) ~ -t::: (/) I (/) ~ + FRT2A control RopG27, FRT2A --• .J. DHTMii co. - TH£" f'"AMOIIS CAl.IFOilNIA NAVEl. ORANG~ UJ > C> 0:: C) V) ::> 0::: I- <-> UJ C) ~ 0:: UJ ::c ~ 0::: ~ UJ ::> :z: UJ ~ UJ :z: a... LEMON TREE HEIRLOOM ORANGE TREE TANGERINE TREE HERITAGE FRUIT TREES FLANK ENTRIES TO COMMUNITY GARDEN w I- (/) COMMUNITY GARDEN t> w -. 0 a:: a.. ~ a:: "'~ PROMENADE _\__;;:;;:~ < I a.. (!) I w 0 I ...J ::> ID I z r;1 w > < I w I z I a.. -I I (!) I ·o I x...J I PUBLIC ART WID I PICNIC AREA I I I I I I ~ ------- ---------- -- ----------- - MADISON STREET Thank you!