HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-09; City Council; ; Council Initiated Item - Board, Commission and Committee Member Appointment ProceduresItem #15 May 9, 2017 Page 1 of 43 CA Revievffl @ S~~ff R~port Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: May 9, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager sheila.cobian@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2917 Council Initiated Item -Board, Commission and Committee Member Appointment Procedures Recommended Action Discuss the current City Council laws, policies and procedures for appointing residents to boards, commissions and committees and provide direction to staff relating to any desired change in procedure. Executive Summary Council Member Cori Schumacher requested that this item be placed on a Council agenda to review and discuss the advisability of potentially changing the laws, policies and procedures for appointing individuals to boards, commissions and committees. The report describes the City's existing governing policy and procedures regarding boards, commissions and committee appointments. Staff is requesting Council guidance on any desired modifications to the procedures relating to board, commission and committee appointments. Discussion City Council Policy No. 81 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 2.06.070, 2.24.020 and 2.42.020 govern appointments to Carlsbad boards, commissions and committees. In addition, Government Code Section §54970-54974, known as the Maddy Act, provides direction on informing the community about planned vacancies. The Maddy Act requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body shall prepare a Local Appointments List which contains the appointive terms of Board and Commission members which will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee and the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. The Council approved list is posted on the City's website, at City Hall, the City libraries and published twice in the local newspaper. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk's office accepts applications (available on the City's website and in the City Clerk's office) for any upcoming vacancies. Approximately 30 days prior to a scheduled vacancy, the City Clerk's office provides the applications to the City Council for their review and consideration. The City Clerk's office then prepares a staff report for Council action. Council Policy No. 81 (Exhibit 1) governs the procedures followed to solicit applications and the appointment process for unanticipated vacancies. In preparation for this agenda item, staff was asked to research the policies and procedures followed by the cities of Del Mar, Encinitas, San Clemente and Solana Beach. In addition to following the provisions of the Maddy Act, the following is a general summary of each City's appointment process. Additional details regarding each City's process is provided in Exhibits 4-7. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 2 of 43 City of Del Mar The City of Del Mar posts their vacancies on their website along with application submittal deadlines. Their appointments are made by the City Council at a public meeting. For appointments to the Design Review Board and Planning Commission, interviews are held at a public meeting. Exhibit 4 contains additional information posted on the City of Del Mar's website. City of Encinitas The City of Encinitas has adopted Council Policy C012 (Exhibit 5) that formalizes their appointment process. The policy includes a provision for all applicants to briefly describe their qualifications and interest in serving at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting. City of San Clemente The City of San Clemente City Clerk's office accepts applications for residents to serve on its Commissions. The Council interviews the applicants at a public meeting and then each Council Member casts a vote on a written ballot. The City Clerk then announces the results. Exhibit 6 contains additional information posted on the City of San Clemente's website. City of Solana Beach The City of Solana Beach has adopted Council Policy No. 5 (Exhibit 7) that formalizes their appointment process. The policy allows for any council member to nominate a private citizen for appointment subject to ratification by a majority of the City Council. Such ratification shall take place at a regular City Council meeting. It should be noted, City staff is currently working to establish a timeline, scope and budget to begin the process of updating the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The sections pertaining to boards, commission and committee appointments will be reviewed as part of that effort and it is anticipated that any recommended changes will be brought forward for Council consideration in fall 2017. Fiscal Analysis Fiscal impact will be determined based on Council direction. Next Steps If Council wishes to make any modifications to Council Policy No. 81, the application form, or the sections of the Carlsbad Municipal Code regarding the appointment process, staff can return to Council with a resolution or ordinance incorporating desired changes. Alternatively, these changes could be considered as part of the comprehensive Municipal Code update. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was posted and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 3 of 43 Exhibits 1. Carlsbad City Council Policy No. 81 2. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.06.070, 2.24.020 and 2.42.020 3. City of Carlsbad Boards, Commissions and Committees Application 4. City of Del Mar Boards & Commission Website Information & Application Form 5. City of Encinitas Council Policy C012 & Application Form 6. City of San Clemente Boards & Commission Website Information & Application Form 7. City of Solana Beach Council Policy No. 5 & Application Form Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 4 of 43 Ccicyof Carlsbad Council Policy Statement Category: Specific Subject: Mayor and City Council appointees PURPOSE: Policy No. Date Issued: Effective Date: Resolution No. Cancellation Date: Supersedes No. 81 July 22, 2014 July 22, 2014 2014-190 To enable the City of Carlsbad Mayor and City Council to appoint members to boards, commissions and committees representing the City of Carlsbad. Gqvernment Code Sections 54970-54974 refer to local appointments. Government Code Section 54972, states that on or before December 31 of each year, each legislative body shall prepare an appointments list of all regular and ongoing boards, commissions and committees which are appointed by the legislative body of the local agency. This list shall be known as the Appointments List. The list shall contain specific information listed in Government Code Section 54972. Government Code Section 54974 refers to the unscheduled vacancy which occurs in any board, commission, or committee for which the legislative body has the appointing power, whether due to resignation, death, termination, or other causes, a special vacancy notice shall be posted in the office of the clerk of the local agency, and the library designated pursuant to Section 54973, and in other places as directed by the legislative body, not earlier than 20 days before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. Final appointments to the board, commission, or committee shall not be made by the legislative body for at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the clerk's office. This policy does not supersede laws, instead it is incorporating them into the Carlsbad Municipal Code by reference. BACKGROUND: Staff has found that the need to formalize the appointment process in a policy as an outline to staff and the public on the expectations of an appointed position on a board, commission, or committee. The process includes the notice of vacancy, acceptance of applications, review by council, the formal appointment and finally the requirements of appointee once the appointment is made. The appointments shall be made by Mayor with City Council concurrence except for the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission which are appointed by a majority of the City Council. The item will be listed on the agenda under the Consent Calendar and will list the board, commission, and committee with vacancy and the name of person to be appointed. The City Council will vote and if a majority concurs the appointment will be finalized and entered into the meeting minutes. Exhibit 1 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 5 of 43 Mayor/City Council Appointments Policy Page2 POLICY: l. Upon the notice of an unscheduled vacancy either by resignation, death, termination, or other causes, a special vacancy notice shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall on the bulletin board located outside the Council Chamber, Dove and Cole libraries and the city website under the boards, commission, and committee section. This action will take place not earlier than 20 days before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. The final appointment to the board, commission, or committee shall not be made by the legislative body for at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the City Clerk's Office. 2. Applications will be accepted in the City Clerk's Office electronically, by mail and hand delivered for a period of 10 working days. The application will be available on the city website for ease of access to the residents of Carlsbad. 3. Following the application deadline, all applications received will be provided to the Mayor and City Council for review. Depending on the board, commission, or committee requirements for appointment in the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Mayor will review applications and ask for Council concurrence at a regular scheduled City Council Meeting. 4. The appointment will be scheduled for the next regular City Council Meeting. 5. This policy applies to all Mayor and City Council appointed boards, commissions and committees of the City of Carlsbad current and future. 6. This policy requires that an image of the vacancy notice be scanned into the records management system for a retention term according to the City adopted records retention schedule. 7. The appointment recommendation and results of City Council action shall be memorialized in the official City Council meeting minutes. 8. Once an appointment is made staff in the City Clerk's Office will be responsible for contacting the appointee with instructions on conflict of interest filings, AB 1234 Code of Ethics training requirements the Oath of Office will be administered and a binder will be provided that includes an outline on the specific requirements of board, commission, or committee the person is appointed to, a copy of the Brown Act, the Public Records Act and the Parliamentary Procedures. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 6 of 43 2.06.070 Appointments. Carlsbad Municipal Code .Y.p Pre:it:ious .Next Main Title 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL Chapter 2.06 MAYOR 2.06.070 Appointments. Page 1 of 1 .Search frint No Frames The appointments shall be made by the mayor with city council concurrence except for the planning commission (CMC 2.24.020) and historic preservation commission (CMC 2.42.020) which are appointed by a majority of the city council. If a mayoral appointment, the item will be listed on the agenda under consent calendar and will list the board, commission, and committee with vacancy and the name of person to be appointed. The city council will vote and if a majority concurs the appointment will be finalized and entered into the meeting minutes. (Ord. CS-259 § I, 2014; Ord. 1258 § 3, 1982) View the mobile version. http://www.qcode.us/codes/carlsbad/view.php?topic=2-2 _ 06-2 _ 06 _ 070&frames=on 4/27/2017 Exhibit 2 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 7 of 43 2.24.020 Composition-Appointment. Carlsbad Municipal Code YP Pre~ious Next Main Title 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL Chapter 2.24 PLANNING COMMISSION 2.24.020 Composition-Appointment. Page I of I .Search _erint No Frames The planning commission shall consist of seven members to be appointed by a majority vote of the council, and of four ex officio members who shall be the community and economic development director, the city engineer, the city attorney and the city planner. Of the seven members of the commission first appointed under this chapter, two shall be appointed for one-year terms, two shall be appointed for three-year terms, and one shall be appointed for a four-year term. Their successors shall be appointed for terms of four years. If a vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of term, it shall be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the council for the unexpired portion of the term of the member so vacating. The terms of ex officio members shall correspond to their respective official tenures. No ex officio member shall be entitled to a vote. Each member shall hold office until the member is reappointed or the member's successor is appointed. (Ord. CS- 164 §§ 10, 14, 2011; Ord. CS-040 § I, 2009; Ord. NS-676 §§ 1, 2, 2003; Ord. 1256 § 1, 1982; Ord. 1200 § I, 1977; Ord. 1157 § 1, 1973; Ord. 1020 § 2) View the mobile version. http://www.qcode.us/codes/carlsbad/view.php?topic=2-2_24-2_24_020&frames=on 4/27/2017 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 8 of 43 2.42.020 Membership. Page I of I Carlsbad Municipal Code Jlp Prey:ious ,Next Main ~earch frint No Frames Title 2 ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL Chapter 2.42 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2.42.020 Membership. Membership on the historic preservation commission shall consist of the following: A. Five regular members and one ex officio representative from the planning commission. All regular members of the commission must have knowledge of and a demonstrated interest in historic preservation and local history. Three members will have a background or an interest in architecture, archaeology, history, biology, engineering, geology or a related field. Two members will have an interest in local history and will serve at large from the community. B. All members of the commission must be Carlsbad residents and registered voters. The ex officio representative shall not be entitled to a vote. Appointment to the historic preservation commission shall be made by the city council. The planning commission shall appoint a member to serve as the ex officio representative. (Ord. NS-433 § 1, 1997) View the mobile version. http://www.qcode.us/codes/carlsbad/view.php?topic=2-2 _ 42-2 _ 42 _ 020&frames=on 5/1/2017 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 9 of 43 CITY OF CARLSBAD BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS (Please read before completing application) Information on the individual City Council appointed boards, commissions and committees is available in the Office of the City Clerk, on the City website and in the City Council Chamber lobby area. A brief statement of the functions and responsibilities assigned to the various groups which serve the City of Carlsbad is available with specific requirements of the position available. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the board, commission or committee you are interested in by attending several meetings, speak with the current members regarding time commitment and knowledge required to adequately represent your community. While previous experience and education in the subject matter handled by the board, commission or committee are considered in the appointment process, these factors are not the only determinants. Avocations, previous and current occupations, and familiarity with community affairs are also relevant. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.08.090 requires that those appointed to any city board, commission or committee must be registered to vote and a resident of Carlsbad. Applications are valid until December 31 of that current year and are open for public inspection. In the event that an applicant has applied for appointment to multiple positions on board, commission or committee, and is appointed to serve on one, all other applications become null and void since members can only serve on one board at a time. If appointed you will be required to file a financial disclosure statement when appointed to one of the following: Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Board of Trustees, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Senior Commission, Traffic Safety Commission, Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board (CTBID), and the Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District Board (CGLBID). Upon completion of your application please submit by either printing the document and mail or deliver the application to City Hall, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008, or simply select the "Submit" button at the bottom of the last page and the application will be e- mailed directly to the City Clerk's Office staff. If appointed you will also be required to complete two hours of State mandated ethics training upon 30 days of appointment and then every two years thereafter during the term of appointment. Questions regarding this application or the process please contact the City Clerk's Office at: (760) 434-2808 Exhibit 3 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 10 of 43 CITY OF CARLSBAD BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES BOARD, COMMISSION OR OTHER SPECIAL MEETINGS STAFF LIAISON (CONTACT) COMMITIEE REQUIREMENTS* DAY OF WEEK AND TIME Arts Commission No First Thursday of the month, 9:00 a.m. Cultural Arts Office Manager Beach Preservation Committee No Second Tuesday of the month, 3:00 p.m. Associate Engineer, Parks and Recreation Department Historic Preservation Commission see Carlsbad Second Monday of the month, 5:30 p.m. History Librarian Municipal Code 22.04 Housing Commission see Carlsbad Second Thursday of the month, 6:00 p.m. Housing Director Municipal Code 2.40 Library Board ofTrustees No Third Wednesday of the month, 4:00 p.m. Library and Cultural Arts Director Parks and Recreation Commission No Third Monday of the month, 5:30 p.m. Recreation Services Manager Planning Commission No First and Third Wednesday of the month, City Planner 6:00 p.m. Senior Commission No Fourth Thursday of the month, 3:00 p.m. Recreation Services Manager Traffic Safety Commission No First Monday of the month, 6:00 p.m. Deputy Director/Traffic Engineer It may be prerequisite for appointment to any City board, commission or committee, that the applicant be a resident of the City of Carlsbad and a registered voter (see Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.08.090). Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District and Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District members are appointed from member hotels and organizations. Both meet on an as-needed basis but are required to meet once a year to develop the annual report and expenditure recommendations for the coming fiscal year to Council -usually in May. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 11 of 43 APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT FOR BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES (' Arts Commission (' Housing Commission (' Planning Commission (' Other: Name: Address: City: Home Phone: E-mail Address: Present Occupation: Employer: Address: (' Beach Preservation Committee (' Library Board ofTrustees (' Senior Commission Cell Phone: Citizen Academy Graduate? (' Yes (' No Resident of Carlsbad? (' Yes (' No Registered Voter in Carlsbad? (' Yes (' No (' Historic Preservation Commission (' Parks and Recreation Commission (' Traffic Safety Commission Zip Code: Work Phone: I._ ______ ~ I am familiar with the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s), Commission(s), or Committee(s) on which I wish to serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements if required. I am willing to complete two hours of State Mandated ethics training every two years. Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print please select "print form" button and sign document and mail to: City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature: I (Only required to sign if submitting paper form, if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement). '------------------~ PRINT FORM I SUBMIT BY E-MAILj Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 12 of 43 APPL/CATION FOR APPOINTMENT -PAGE 2 Education: Experience: Community Activities: Additional Information or Comments: Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 13 of 43 Del Mar, CA -Official Website How can I find out about volunteering on a City Committee? he City Clerk's office posts upcoming committee vacancies and the application deadline on the bulletin board at City Hall, and also the Committee Vacancy page of this site. There is a list of City Council Advisory Committees posted on the City's Web page. You may download the Citizen's Interest Form in order to apply for a committee. We suggest that you contact the City Clerk for copies of resolutions that describe the committees that you are interested in and provide additional information. You may also sign up to be notified by email when new vacancies are posted.Volunteer Opportunities T Get Involved Show All Answers 1. Where can I register to vote? 2. How can I find out about volunteering on a City Committee? http://www.delmar.ea.us/Faq.aspx?QID= 155 Categories • All Categories • Animal Removal & Inquiries • Beach & Park -Dogs at the Beach • Beach & Park -Hours • Beach & Park - Lifeguards • Beach & Park -Permits • Beach & Park - Swimming at the Beach • Budget • Business Licensing • City Codes • City Council • City Solid Waste Franchise Agreement • Clean Water Program • Design Review Board • Employment • Fire Department • Get Involved • Hazardous Waste Disposal • Massage Tech/HHP/Massage Establishments • Parking & Traffic Enforcement • Planning Permits • Recycling • Sewer Service • Streets • Water & Sewer Billing • Water Service Page I of I Exhibit 4 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 14 of 43 City of Del Mar 1uc:;o Cci mi 110 I I M r Del Mar, Ci\ 2011 CITIZEN INTEREST FORM Last Name First Name Middle Initial Home Street Address City, State Business Street Address (if applicable) City, State Home Phone Number Business Phone Number E-mail Address I am interested in serving on the following Board(s) or Commission(s) in order of preference (indicate 151, 2"d choice, etc.): Design Review Board1 Sustainability Advisory Board Parks and Recreation Committee San Dieguito Lagoon Committee Sea-Level Rise Stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee Other(s) (please indicate): Planning Commission2 Traffic and Parking Advisory Committee Finance Committee Business Support Advisory Committee Shores Advisory Committee Ad-Hoc Development Review Process Citizens' Advisory Committee Qualifications for appointment and/or reasons for application (attach additional pages as needed): Education: Job Experience: THIS IS A PUBLIC RECORD SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE. Note: Personal information may be withheld from public view as allowed by law. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 15 of 43 Name all of the Del Mar Advisory Committees/Boards/Commissions that you now serve: Have you ever applied for a Del Mar Committee and not been appointed? Oves If Yes, what Committee and When? Please list three Del Mar residents who can provide a reference: NAME STREET NAME (no house number) Phone Number Month Vear I have been a resident of California since: I have been a resident of San Diego County since: I have been a resident of Del Mar since: I am a registered voter in Del Mar: Oves 0No 1. All members of the Design Review Board shall be persons who by experience, training, education or occupation have demonstrated talent and interest in developing the aesthetics of environmental design within the framework of practical considerations. Members must be a registered voter in Del Mar and shall serve without compensation. 2· The Planning Commission shall perform such duties as may be specified by ordinance or resolution of the City Council or by law. Further, the Planning Commission shall study and report to the City Council upon any matter referred to it for such action by the City Council, and shall keep the City Council currently advised of all matters pending, and shall furnish any specific information, reports or materials which the City Council may request. The Planning Commission shall consist of five members who shall be qualified electors of the City. Members of the Planning Commission must be registered voters in Del Mar and shall receive no compensation for their services. The Del Mar Municipal Code requires that all members of its committees file Conflict of Interest Statements with the Administrative Services Director in conformance with the Fair Political Practices Commission. By signing below, I am acknowledging that I have received a copy of the Del Mar Resolution(s) and/or Ordinance describing the committee for which I am applying. RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: City of Del Mar Administrative Services Department 1050 Camino del Mar Del Mar, CA 92014 Signature Date THIS IS A PUBLIC RECORD SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE. Note: Personal information may be withheld from public view as allowed by law. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 16 of 43 CITY OF ENCINITAS ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL Policy Title: Commission/Board/Committee Recruitment and Appointment Procedures Section: Council Policy Responsible Department: ""C""'it .... y_C_l __ e __ rk ____________ Policy Number: C012 Approved by: City Council I. Philosophy Date Approved: 03/24/93 Amended: 11/20/2013 It is the intent of the City Council that a uniform system for processing applications for appointment to Council appointed Commission, Boards, Committees be established. II. Method A. In accordance with Government Code Section 54972 and Municipal Code Section 2.30.0108, before December 31 of each year, the City Clerk shall prepare and post an appointment list of all regular and ongoing commission, boards and committees which are appointed by the City Council B. In late December/early January of each year the City Clerk shall prepare a notice of the terms which are expiring and the requirements for appointment for all commissions to include application deadlines. The notice shall be published two (2) or more times in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Encinitas. Two shall be the minimum number of publications. If deemed necessary to get a sufficient number of applicants the notice may be published more than two times. In addition, the notice shall be mailed to various civic organizations on a list to be maintained by the City Clerk's office. Each member whose term is expiring shall receive a reminder letter advising her/him of the deadline for receipt of applications and a form for reapplication if interested in continuing to serve. C. Each year a deadline for accepting applications shall be established by the City Clerk, near the middle of February and strictly adhered to, which will allow a sufficient amount of time for submission of applications. Two deadlines will be established, one deadline for incumbents and a second extended deadline for new applicants. D. After the closing date for receipt of all applications, the City Clerk shall by memo notify the City Council of the number of applicants for each position. If the number of applicants for consideration for any given position is considered insufficient, the Council may place an item on a City Council agenda to direct the City Clerk to take further steps, as directed by Council, to secure additional applications. Exhibit 5 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 17 of 43 E. Applicants for positions for which a sufficient number of applications have been received, will be notified by the office of the City Clerk of the meeting date and time set forth in the adopted timeline (normally the last regular meeting in February) at which the City Council will meet all applicants to hear briefly (no more than 3 minutes) from each applicant her/his qualifications and interest in serving. F. Individual members of the City Council may, if they wish, also contact any or all of the prospective appointees by phone to secure any additional information. G. At a subsequent meeting (no later than the first meeting in March) the Council shall vote by paper ballots, to be read aloud in the public meeting, on appointments for each of the commissions, boards, committees. Three affirmative votes of members of the City Council are required (Municipal Code Section 2.30.020A) for appointment. Beginning in January 2015, the Elected Mayor will make recommendations for appointments with Council confirming the appointments. For scheduled term expirations, Commission seats shall not be deemed vacated until a successor is appointed and seated. H. Whenever an unscheduled vacancy occurs, the City Clerk shall post a notice and publish said notice. Final appointment shall not be made to fill the vacancy for at least 10 days after the posting/publishing of the notice. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 18 of 43 City of Encinitas Boards & Commissions Profile First Name Middle Initial Last Name Email Address Street Address Suite or Apt City State Postal Code Primary Phone Alternate Phone Which Boards would you like to apply for? Interests & Experiences Why are you interested in serving on a commission and what do you hope to accomplish if appointed? Upload a Resume Page 1 of 1 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 19 of 43 San Clemente, CA Code of Ordinances Page 1 of 1 2.32.010 -Establishment-Composition. There is established a Planning Commission which shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the City Council. The Planning Commission shall operate in accordance with the planning and zoning laws of the State of California and the laws and ordinances of the City. (Ord. 1156 § 2, 1995: prior code§ 2A-l.l) 2.32.030 -Terms of office. The terms of office of members of the Planning Commission shall be for two (2) years from July 1st to June 30th of the second following year, and with such terms staggered so that three (3) commissioners are appointed in odd-numbered years and four ( 4) commissioners are appointed in even-numbered years. The City Council shall endeavor to ensure that at least two (2) members of the Planning Commission have backgrounds in architecture, landscape architecture, or planning. It is also herein declared to be advantageous to have one (1) member of the Planning Commission possess a background in cultural heritage or similar field. Not less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the terms of any member of the Planning Commission, the City Clerk shall notify the City Council of the forthcoming vacancies, and the City Council shall make the necessary appointments prior to the expiration of the terms. In the event the City Council does not make the necessary appointments prior to the expiration of the terms, existing members with expiring terms shall continue to serve as Planning Commissioners until successors are appointed by the City Council and such successors assume office. Annually, at the first meeting after new appointments have been made, the Planning Commission shall select a chair and vice-chair from among its members. (Ord. 1156 § 3, 1995: prior code§ 2A-l.2) 2.32.050 -Filling of vacancies-Removal of members. Any vacancy occurring in the office of a member of the Planning Commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, and a successor shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of his or her predecessor. Each member of the Planning Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed from office with or without cause during his or her term in office by a majority vote of all members of the City Council. (Prior code § 2A-l .4) 2.32.070 -Commission subject to state law, etc. The Planning Commission shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the planning and zoning law of the State of California, the rules and regulations regarding the conduct of meetings under state law, and to the provisions of this code and any other ordinance of the City. (Prior code § 2A-l .6) about:blank Exhibit 6 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 20 of 43 City of San Clemente, CA : Planning Commission Planning Commission STAFF TITLE DEPARTMENTS PHONE EMAIL Blackwell, Michael Chair Pro Tern Community Development (949) 361-6195 Email Brown, Donald Chair Community Development (949) 361-6195 Email Crandell, Barton Vice Chair Community Development (949) 487-2320 Email Eggleston, Wayne Commissioner Community Development (949) 361-6195 Email Smith, Michael Commissioner Community Development (949) 361-6195 Email Talley, Jason Commissioner Community Development (949) 361-6195 Email Wu, Zhen Commissioner Community Development (949) 361-6195 Email What is the purpose of the Planning Commission? The purpose of the Planning Commission is to advise the City Council on land use policies and laws, and to make final decisions on certain kinds of development and use permits. When and where do they meet? The Planning Commission meets on the Wednesday night which follows the City Council's normal Tuesday night meetings. Their public hearing agenda begins at 7:00 PM. Click on the following link for a map to our normal meeting location. Click here for a map to City Hall How can I present my comments to the Planning Commission? The Planning Commission conducts its business in public hearings. Your input is very important. You may contact the Planning Commission via the City's Planning Division at (949) 361-6184. You may also e-mail us at Planning@san-clemente.org. Who is on the Planning Commission and how do they get their positions? The Planning Commission consists of seven citizens who are appointed by the City Council to 2 year terms. Click on the links at the top of this page to meet the current Commissioners. I want to speak at a Planning Commission Meeting. What do I do? To speak at a Planning Commission meeting, you are asked to fill out a speakers slip at the meeting, prior to the time the agenda item you are interested in begins. Speakers usually are allotted three minutes to testify. You will be asked to provide your name and city of residence for the record. The agenda also has a time for 'public comment' to the Planning Commission on matters within the responsibility of the Planning Commission but which are not subject to a particular public hearing that night. How can I serve on the Planning Commission? To become a member of the Planning Commission citizens are asked to file an application with the City Clerk, prior to an interview and selection by the City Council. These selections normally occur in June of each year, or at other times when an vacancy on the Commission occurs. For more information on applications for Planning Commission please send an email to CityClerk@san-clemente.org or Click Here to get more information. · http://san-clemente.org/govemment/commissions-committees/planning-commission Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 21 of 43 CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION 1. Name: 2. How long have you lived in San Clemente? 3. What is your occupation? 4. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. 5. Please explain how your background and experience would contribute to the Planning Commission. 6. What is your educational background? High School/Colleges Attended Major Field of Study Degree? I I I I Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 22 of 43 7. In your opinion, what are the three top qualities of San Clemente that should remain unchanged for future generations? 1. 2. 3. 8. In your opinion, what are three characteristics of San Clemente that are most in need of correction? 1. 2. 3. 9. Please explain any experience that you have had in community, governmental, charitable or educational affairs. 10. Please describe your ideal vision for San Clemente's future (as it pertains to growth and development). Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 23 of 43 11. The Planning Commission meets on the Wednesday following the City Council's Regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. Please explain any challenges, if any, you may have in meeting this commitment. 12. If you could influence the City of San Clemente in just one way, what would that be? 13. Do you have any experience with historic preservation or architectural history? If so, please explain: 14. Please use the space below to explain any other factors about yourself that you would like for the Councilmembers to consider as they review your application. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 24 of 43 CONFIDENTIAL The following information will only be used by Staff unless you authorize it to be released to the public. Applying for: Name: Please select one of the following: Address: Zip: I Home Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone: E-mail Address: THANK YOU for your willingness to serve your community through membership on the Planning Commission. Please print your application, sign, and mail or deliver your application to the San Clemente City Clerk at the below address: City Clerk City of San Clemente 100 Avenida Presidio San Clemente, CA 92672 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joanne Baade, City Clerk at 949-361-8200. Signature Date Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 25 of 43 San Clemente, CA Code of Ordinances 2.28.030 -Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission-Term of office. The term of office of members of the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission shall be for two (2) years and such terms are to be staggered with three (3) Commissioners appointed one (1) year and four (4) Commissioners appointed the following year. Annually, at the first meeting in July, said Commission shall select a chair and vice-chair from among its members. The term of office of the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commissioner shall expire on June 30th. No less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the term, the City Clerk shall notify the City Council of the forthcoming vacancies; the City Council shall make the necessary appointments prior to the expiration of the term. In the event the City Council does not make necessary appointments prior to the expiration of the term, existing members with expiring terms shall continue to serve as Beaches, Parks, and Recreation Commissioners until successors are appointed by the City Council and assume office. (Ord. 1178 § 1 (part), 1996: prior code§ 2A-3.2} (Ord. No. 1528, § 3, 12-7-2010) 2.28.050 -Filling of vacancies-Removal of members. Any vacancy occurring in the office of a member of the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, and a successor shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of his or her predecessor. Each member of the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed from office with or without cause during his or her term in office by a majority vote of all members of the City Council. (Prior code§ 2A-3.4) (Ord. No. 1528, § 5, 12-7-2010} 2.28.070 -Commission subject to state law, etc. The Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission shall be subject to the rules and regulations regarding the conduct of meetings under state law and to the provisions of this code and any other ordinance of the City. (Prior code § 2A-3.6} Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 26 of 43 City of San Clemente, CA : Beaches, Parks & Recreation Commission How can I serve on the Beaches, Parks & Recreation Commission? To become a member of the Beaches, Parks & Recreation Commission, citizens are asked to file an application with the City Clerk, prior to an interview and selection by the City Council. These selections normally occur in June of each year, or at other times when an vacancy on the Commission occurs. For more information on applications for Parks & Recreation Commission please send an email to CityClerk(cDsan-clemente.org for more information. How do I get an agenda or minutes of the Beaches, Parks & Recreation Commission Meetings? Agenda and minutes are available on the City's website under the links at left. You may also call (949) 361-8237 or drop by the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Department administration is located at 100 N. Calle Seville, San Clemente, 92672. Where do I find out more information about the Beaches, Parks & Recreation Commission You are welcome to e-mail at Recreation@san-clemente.org or call us for more information at (949) 361-8237. http://san-clemente.org/government/beaches-parks-rec-commission Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 27 of 43 CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE BEACHES, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPLICATION 1. Name: 2. How long have you lived in San Clemente? 3. What is your occupation? 4. Please explain why you would like to serve on the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission. 5. Please explain how your background experience would contribute to the Beaches, Parks and Recreation. Commission. 6. What is your educational background? High School/Colleges Attended Major Field of Study Degree? I I I I Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 28 of 43 7. Please explain any experience that you have had in community, governmental, charitable or educational affairs. 8. The Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission meets on a regular basis on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Please explain any challenges, if any, you may have in meeting this commitment. 9. Please describe your views on the quality of City parks, including any steps you feel should be taken to improve the parks system. 10. Please use the space below to explain any other factors about yourself that you would like for the Council members to consider as they review your application. Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 29 of 43 CONFIDENTIAL The following information will only be used by Staff unless you authorize itto be released to the public. Applying for: Name: Please select one of the following: Address: Zip: I I Public Information Home Phone: I Public Information Cell Phone: Public Information Work Phone: Public Information E-mail Address: 'Public Information THANK YOU for your willingness to serve your community through membership on the Beaches, Parks and Recreation Commission. Please print your application, sign, and mail or deliver your application to the San Clemente City Clerk at the below address: City Clerk City of San Clemente lOOAvenida Presidio San Clemente, CA 92672 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joanne Baade, City Clerk at 949-361-8200. Signature Date Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 30 of 43 CITY OF SOLANA BEACH Policy No. 5 Adopted: May 15, 1989 COUNCIL POLICY Revised: January 23, 2008 by Resolution 2008-23 GENERAL SUBJECT: Citizen Boards, Commissions & Committees SPECIFIC SUBJECT: Appointments of Citizens to Boards, Commissions, Committees and Task Forces. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent process and procedure for appointments to City sponsored Citizen Boards, Commissions, Committees and Task Forces. POLICY STATEMENT: Appointments to Citizen Boards, Commissions, Committees and Task Forces are made in accordance with the municipal code and/or specific guideline, as provided, to provide consistency. POLICY PROCEDURES: 1. All private citizens interested in serving on any Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force or similar group must complete and file with the City Clerk a Citizen Interest Form (application) which may be obtained from the City Clerk's office. 2. Nominations Councilmembers may nominate private citizens for appointment subject to ratification by a majority of the City Council. Such ratification shall take place at a regular City Council meeting and a duly docketed agenda item. 3. Appointment Protocol a. Appointments will be made in accordance with municipal code requirements. For example, the municipal code may require that a Commission have five positions appointed by individual Councilmembers. b. Appointments that are not outlined in the municipal code and are at-large appointment positions may be nominated by any Councilmember. In the event of multiple appointments, appointments may be divided among individual Councilmembers to share the appointment responsibilities. If the appointments are Page 1 of 2 Exhibit 7 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 31 of 43 shared, it will be for that one time and will not be construed as official individual appointments that would carry forward. c. The decision to proceed with an individual appointment alternative for at-large positions will be subject to majority vote of the City Council with such vote taking place at a regular City Council Meeting. 4. Appointments to Outside Agencies When the City is asked by an outside agency to recommend a private citizen to serve on a Board, Commission, Committee or Task Force or similar group, such recommendation shall be made by the Council and approved by a majority vote of the City Council. Page 2 of 2 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 32 of 43 5/3/2017 Print Preview Chapter 2.60 CITIZEN BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Sections: 2.60.005 General provisions. 2.60.010 Vacation of position due to multiple absences. 2.60.005 General provisions. Citizen boards, commissions and committees are advisory bodies, unless otherwise specified, made up of members appointed by the city council and therefore are defined as a legislative body which must comply with the Ralph M. Brown Act. Additional requirements may be adopted by resolution. A. Member Requirements. 1. All members are required to be a resident of the city of Solana Beach and at least 18 years old, unless otherwise specified. 2. During the term of appointment, if such person ceases to reside within the city, the appointment of such person shall be deemed to have been terminated. 3. Additional requirements may be added by resolution. B. Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions. 1. Pursuant to this code and Government Code Sections 40605, 54974 and 65100 through 65101, the following procedures shall be employed in filling vacancies on boards, commissions and committees in the city: a. The city clerk shall prepare a list of all regular and ongoing citizen boards, commissions and committees, which are appointed by the city council, on or before December 31st of each year, as provided for in the Maddy Act. b. After the expiration of a term, a member may continue to serve until the member's successor is appointed and qualifies. If vacancies occur otherwise than by expiration of the term, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment to the unexpired term in the same fashion as the original appointment of members. c. Whenever a vacancy occurs, the city clerk shall post notice. Final appointment shall not be made by the city council for at least 10 days after the posting of notice. d. Notwithstanding subsection (B)(1 )(a) of this subsection, the city council may, if it finds that an emergency exists, fill the unscheduled vacancy immediately. Such emergency appointments shall be made by the majority of the city council. A person appointed to fill the vacancy shall serve only on an acting basis until the final appointment is made pursuant to this section. http://www.codepublishing.com/CNSolanaBeach/cgi/menuCompile.pl 1/4 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 33 of 43 5/3/2017 Print Preview e. Members shall notify the city clerk of their declared vacancy pursuant to the provisions of this code or state law. The city clerk shall in turn advise the city council of such notifications. f. The city council shall provide by resolution any additional procedures necessary for appointments. g. All appointments shall be made by the approval of the city council as specified under each board, commission and committee. 2. Conditions of Appointment. a. All members shall take an oath of office administered by the city clerk. b. All members shall file with the city clerk a statement of economic interest set forth by the Fair Political Practices Commission upon assuming office, leaving office, and on an annual basis to the extent of the Solana Beach conflict of interest code defined for each board, commission and committee. c. All members shall complete ethics training within 60 days upon assuming office and every two years thereafter as per Government Code Section 53235. d. Additional terms may be added by resolution. C. Rules and Regulations. 1. All citizen boards, commissions and committees are declared to be subject to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act contained in the California Government Code or any amendments thereto, adhering to open meetings with public comment. a. All matters are discussed and acted on in an open forum meeting which includes access to the meeting. b. All meetings shall allow the public to speak on any agenda item. c. All agendas shall be posted in accordance with the Brown Act, 72 hours prior to a regular meeting on the city's physical bulletin board for the official posting. d. Only items listed on the agenda shall be discussed at the meeting. All new topics identified may be placed on a future agenda. 2. Members may adopt by-laws or other such rules and regulations of procedures for conducting its meetings, including setting the term for chairperson, not to be inconsistent with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act. 3. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting the business of the commission. 4. Additional rules and regulations may be added by resolution. http://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SolanaBeach/cgi/menuCompile.pl 2/4 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 34 of 43 5/3/2017 Print Preview D. Officers. 1. A chair shall be elected on an annual basis once annual vacancies have been filled. A vice-chair may be elected to fill in for the chair when needed. a. The chair will preside at all regular and special meetings of the committee. b. The chair shall perform other such duties as established by this chapter, as designated by the majority of the commission and as are normally incident to such office. 2. The chairperson shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations to any person appearing during the course of an investigation or hearing. 3. The chair may serve successive terms. 4. Additional terms may be added by resolution. E. Staff Support. The city manager shall provide staff support to include the facilitation of meetings, preparation and distribution of the agenda and minutes, for the commission to carry out its duties and powers; provided, however, that the commission shall not give additional direction to staff without the approval by the city manager. F. Meetings. Members shall establish a standing hour, day of the month and location for its regular meetings. Any meeting scheduled for any time other than the standing date and time shall be considered a special meeting. If the commission decides to change the regular standing date and time of the meetings, it must be done so by majority vote at a meeting and noted in the record. G. Records. 1. All original notices and agendas of regular and special meetings shall be filed with the city clerk and maintained as a public record. 2. A complete set of all documents reviewed at the meeting as well as incoming and outgoing correspondence of the commission shall be maintained in the office of the staff liaison and become a public record. H. Compensation. Members of boards, committees, and commissions shall serve without compensation unless otherwise specified. (Ord. 370 § 1, 2008) 2.60.010 Vacation of position due to multiple absences. All members shall be active participants representing the seat they were appointed to in order for boards, commissions and committees to function effectively and accomplish goals. A member's attendance is required during the entirety of an agenda item in order to participate in discussion or votes. A. Absence shall be defined as a failure of a board, commission or committee member to be present during at least two-thirds of the entire meeting. http://www.codepublishing.com/CNSolanaBeach/cgi/menuCom pi le.pl 3/4 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 35 of 43 5/3/2017 Print Preview B. A member who is unable to attend a meeting, with cause, is responsible for notifying the chair or staff liaison at the earliest possible time. Attendance records for each meeting will be submitted to the city clerk. C. Cause shall include, but not be limited to, illness, family emergency, or schedule conflicts directly related to the businesses and interest of the district. D. If a member does not attend two consecutive regular meetings, without notice, the position shall be vacated automatically in order that it be filled with a new appointment able to attend all meetings for that term. E. Any member who is absent from three regular meetings shall be referred to the city manager, based on the city clerk's attendance records on file, for further review and determination of cause. Termination may be appealed to the city manager. F. Three unexcused absences within one year is generally grounds for dismissal from the board, commission or committee in order for the position to be refilled. (Ord. 370 § 1, 2008; Ord. 253 § 1, 1998) httpJ/www.codepublishing.com/CA/SolanaBeach/cgi/menuCompile.pl 4/4 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 36 of 43 Cit,y of Solana Beach This document is a public document. To assist the City Council in evaluating each applicant in the selection of Commission Members, please provide as complete of a response as possible to all questions. Name: Phone Number: Residence Address: Street City State Zip Code Mailing Address: (if different than above) Street I P.O.Box City State Zip Code Email: business or personal to be used for commission communications Employer: Position: Business Address: Street City State Zip Code Business Phone: Are you a resident of Solana Beach? --Yes --No How long: Do you own property in the City? Yes --No If yes, please list the address(es) of the properties: Do you own or operate a business in Solana Beach? __ Yes --No If yes, please state the name and nature of the business(es): Member Commitment I am willing to fulfill all requirements of a Citizen Commission, including but not limited to: . I am willing to file financial disclosure statements (Form 700), a public record, as required by the State and the City's Conflict of Interest Code. . I understand that 3 unexcused absences within 365 days are grounds for vacating my position . . I am willing to attend/complete the required two hours of State mandated Ethics Training every two years . • I am willing to complete the required Department of Justice background check . o Submit fully executed and signed hard copy (8 pgs min.) application to the City Clerk's Office, City of Solana Beach, 635 S. Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA 92075. Email with a hard copy to follow is acceptable. o Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of this application, only attached in addition to. o Two recommendations must be comoleted bv Solana Beach residents. An original signature is required on all applications. I agree to all requirements mentioned above, per Solana Beach Municipal Code, and have provided all correct and truthful information in this application. Applicant signature Date Citizen Interest Form & Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Page i of B Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 37 of 43 I} Please indicate which of the five Citizen Commissions that you are interested in and answer the relative question(s). If you are willing to consider serving an alternative Commission to your primary preference, or an additional Commission, please indicate your preferences in order. Example: Indicate 1, 2, 3 for each Commission applying for in order of interest. --Budget and Finance Commission (Must be at least 18 years old, a city resident, and property owner within the City of Solana Beach) What is your understanding of the duties as a member of the Budget & Finance Commission? Climate Action Commission -check one below _ Resident (Must be at least 18 years old and a city resident) __ Professional: From the environmental and/or scientific community (Resume/CurriculumVitae) Resident or Non-Resident What is your understanding of the duties as a member of the Climate Action Commission? --Parks and Recreation Commission (Must be at least 18 years old and a city resident) What is your understanding of the duties as a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission? --Public Arts Commission (Must be at least 18 years old and a city resident) What is your understanding of the duties as a member of the Public Arts Commission? --View Assessment Commission (Must be at least 18 years old, a city resident, and property owner within the City of Solana Beach.) What is your understanding of the duties as a member of the View Assessment Commission? Citizen Interest Form & Supplemental Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Page 2 of 8 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 38 of 43 If you would like to request to serve on more than one Commission at the same time, please explain. Maintain your preference order (1,2,3) but explain why and which Commissions you would like to serve simultaneously. You are a current member of the following Solana Beach Citizen Commission(s): Past Solana Beach Citizen Commissions on which you have served: List committee(s) you have served outside of Solana Beach: ____________ _ List memberships in local, state, or national organizations: -------------- Have you ever participated in Solana Beach Citizen Commission events? If yes please list events you have participated in: Professional Certifications I Affiliations What are your main areas of interest in Solana Beach City government? 1) Recommendations Completed by Solana Beach Residents Yes No Please provide 2 letters of recommendation on forms attached (list the names of references below who will be providing the letters). All references must be completed by City residents and may not be City Staff or City Council. Copies may be submitted, if signed, with a hard copy to follow. I rsident Name I Resident Address 2) Resume I Curriculum Vitae (only required for Climate Action Commission) Please attach your professional resume I curriculum vitae with this application. Cilizen ln!eresl Form & Supplemental Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Page 3 of 8 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 39 of 43 Please submit this supplemental questionnaire with your application. Please answer the following general questions to assist Council in making appointments to the Citizen Commissions. 1. How do you feel the role of a Commission member relates to the community? 2. What is your understanding of a Commission member's relationship with: City Staff:--------------------------- City Council:------------------------------ 3. What do you expect to accomplish as a Commission member? 4. Please list your interest(s) in applying for a Commission. 5. Please list any qualifications you have that would contribute to becoming a Commission member. (Education and work experience may be included in this section). Climate Action Commission: Include any specific scientific or professional background that would be relevant and beneficial to the Commission. C!l(zen Interest Form & Supplemental Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Page 4 of B Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 40 of 43 I Please answer ONLY the question(s) that pertain to the Commission(s) that you are applying for. Failure to answer all of the relative questions may result in the application being deemed incomplete. lllll;] lll11i11.,_ .... ANl'&: 1. What is your understanding or philosophy of Municipal Finance? 1. What is your understanding of the cause(s) of Climate Change and what is your viewpoint on the urgency of taking action? 2. How might Climate Change impact Solana Beach and/the San Diego region? What role can cities like Solana Beach play in America's response to Climate Change? 3. What is your understanding of the current obstacles to implementing action on Climate Change? How would you suggest overcoming those obstacles? 4. What do you see as the Commission's role to assist the City in developing and implementing Climate Change strategies? Ciltzen Interest Form & Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Page 5 of 8 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 41 of 43 5. As a Commission Member, what tools would you use in making a decision on a controversial issue? 1. What is your opinion of recreation activities in Solana Beach? 1. Do you have an opinion of public art in Solana Beach? 1. What tools will you use in making a decision for a potentially controversial issue? Clze,, Interest Form & Supplemental Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Pago 6 Gf 8 Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 42 of 43 City Clerk's Office City of Solana Beach 635 S. Highway 101 Solana Beach CA 92075 858-720-2400 Dear Councilmembers, SUBMIT RECOMMENDATIONS WITH APPLICATION Recommendations must be completed by City of Solana Beach residents. I am a Solana Beach resident and am recommending _____________ _ Print Name of Applicant for a position on the---------------------Commission(s). Name of Commission(s) I recommend him/her for the following reasons: Please list 3 reasons why you recommend this applicant for the commission(s) listed above. 1) 2) 3) Your Relationship to the Applicant? ~--------------------~ How long have you known the Applicant?------------------ How long have you lived in Solana Beach? _________________ _ Please provide this required contact information for verification purposes. Print Name Signature Date Address City State Zip Code Phone number Email This recommendation should be submitted to the applicant so that it can be submitted with their application. Citizen Interest Form & Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Item #15 May 9, 2017 Page 43 of 43 City Clerk's Office City of Solana Beach 635 S. Highway 101 Solana Beach CA 92075 858-720-2400 Dear Councilmembers, SUBMIT RECOMMENDATIONS WITH APPLICATION Recommendations must be completed by City of Solana Beach residents. I am a Solana Beach resident and am recommending _____________ _ Print Name of Applicant for a position on the ____________________ Commission(s). Name of Commission I recommend him/her for the following reasons: Please list 3 reasons why you recommend this applicant for the commission(s) listed above. Your Relationship to the Applicant?-------------------- How long have you known the Applicant? _________________ _ How long have you lived in Solana Beach?------------------ Please provide your contact information for verification purposes. Print Name Address Code Phone number Signature City State Email Date Zip This recommendation should be submitted to the applicant so that it can be submitted with their application. Citizen Interest Form & Supplemental Questionnaire (Revised November 2016) Page S of B Andrea Dykes From: Sent: ·To: Cori Schumacher Tuesday, May 09, 2017 6:18 AM Andrea Dykes Marisa Lundstedt; Kevin Crawford; Celia Brewer All Receive -Agenda Item # IS For the Information of the: Cc: subject: Attachments: Fwd: (PLEASE PRINT) Item #15_Draft Example DRAFT_EXAMPLE_Council Policy 81.pdf; ATIOOOOl.htm CITY COUNCIL AC~,_+-CA -.1L.. CC _,L Date. City Manager v Dear Andi, Of the two "Draft Example" pdfs I have sent this morning, this is the one that I would like to request that you please print and distribute to Council for this evening's Council meeting, if approved for distribution by Senior Staff ( cc'd). Thank you! Cori Schumacher Councilmember City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 760.434.2830 I cori.schumacher@carlsbadca.gov Begin forwarded message: From: Cori Schumacher< Date: May 9, 2017 at 6:15:38 AM PDT To: Cori Schumacher<:.:_ Subject: (PLEASE PRINT) Item #lS_Draft Example 1 DRAFT EXAMPLE-Council Policy #81 May 9, 2017 General Subject: Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees Specific Subjects: The appointment process and term limits for boards, commissions and committees. Policy No. 81 Date Issued: May 9, 2017 Effective Date: May 9, 2017 Resolution No. TBD Cancellation Date: Supersedes No. 47 (dated February 17, 1993) & 81 (dated July 22, 2014) PURPOSE: To enable the City of Carlsbad Mayor and City Council to appoint members to boards, commissions and committees representing the City of Carlsbad. To reaffirm term limits for appointments to all boards, commissions and committees. Governm~nt Code Sections 54970-54974, known as the Maddy Act, refer to local appointments. Scheduled vacancies: Government Code Section 54972, states that on or before December 31 of each year, each legislative body shall prepare an appointments list of all regular and ongoing boards, commissions and committees which are appointed by the legislative body of the local agency. This list shall be known as the Appointments List. The list shall contain specific information listed in Government Code Section 54972. Unscheduled Vacancies: Government Code Section 54974 refers to an unscheduled vacancy which occurs in any board, commission, or committee, for which the legislative body has the appointing power, whether due to resignation, death, termination, or other causes. a A special vacancy notice shall be posted in the office of the clerk of the local agency, and the library designated pursuant to Section 54973, and in other places as directed by the legislative body, not earlier than 20 days before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. Final appointments to the board, commission, or committee shall not be made by the legislative body for at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the clerk's office. This policy does not supersede laws, instead it is incorporati ng them into the Carlsbad Municipal Code by reference. BACKGROUND: Staff has found tAat the need to consolidate and formalize the appointment process in a policy as an outline to staff and the public on the expectations of aR the nomination process and appointed positions on a boards, commissions, or committees. The appointment process includes the notice of vacancy, acceptance processing of applications, review by council and nomination by the Mayor and City Council, the formal appointment and finally, the requirements of the appointee once the appointment is made. 1 of 4 DRAFT EXAMPLE-Council Policy #81 · May 9, 2017 Ttie appointments shall be made by the Mayor, with City Council concurrence, except for the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission, which are appointed by a majority of the City Council. The item ·.viii be listed on the agenda under the Consent Calendar and will list the board, commission, and committee 'Nith vacancy and the name of person to be appointed. The City Councii'Nill vote and if a majority concurs the appointment will be finalized and entered into the meeting minutes. The Mayor shall submit appointments, except for the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission, to the City Clerk. The Mayor's appointments shall be listed on the agenda under the Consent Calendar and shall list the board, commission and committee with the vacancy, the term of the appointment and the name of person to be appointed. The City Council shall vote and, if a majority of the City Council concurs, the appointment shall be finalized and entered into the meeting minutes. Appointments to the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission shall b.e decided by a majority of the City Council. Nominations for appointments to the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission shall occur at properly noticed regular meetings of the Council. Any applicant who wishes to make a public statement prior to Council nominations may do so during public comment for this agenda item (not to exceed 3 minutes each). The City Council shall present their nominations, after public statements by applicants, and discuss. The appointment shall be finalized by a majority vote of the Council and entered into the meeting minutes. Individual members of the City Council may choose to interview any or all prospective appointees who submit an application for a board, commission or committee. POLICY: Scheduled Vacancies: 1. The Appointments List of scheduled vacancies shall be posted per the Maddy Act. The Appointments List shall remain posted throughout the year in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall on the bulletin board located outside the Council Chamber, at Dove and Cole libraries, and on the city website under the boards, commission, and committee section. Individual upcoming scheduled vacancies shall be posted on the city website under the boards, commission, and committee section. Interested volunteers may sign up to be notified by email when new scheduled vacancies are posted to the city website. 2. Each year, the City Clerk shall establish two deadlines for accepting applications for scheduled vacancies within the first 2 months of the year: one deadline for incumbents and a second extended deadline for new applicants. These deadlines will be strictly adhered to. Applications will be accepted in the City Clerk's Office electronically, by mail and hand delivered. 3. After the closing date for receipt of applications for the year's scheduled vacancies, the City Clerk shall by memo notify the City Manager of the number of applicants for each position. If the number of applicants for consideration for any given position is one or less, the City Manager shall direct the City Clerk to take further steps to secure additional applications .. 2 of 4 DRAFT EXAMPLE-Council Policy #81 May 9, 201 7 Applicants for positions for which 2 or more applications have been received shall be notified by the City Clerk of the tentative dates they might expect decisions to be made by the Mayor and City Council for their respective appointments. In addition, the City Clerk shall insure those who have applied to the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission are informed of the public nomination process at this time. 4. Approximately 30 days prior to a scheduled vacancy, the City Clerk's office shall provide the applications to the Mayor and City Council for their review and consideration. The City Clerk's Office shall receive the Mayor's appointments and prepare a staff report which shall include the name of the Mayor's appointment recommendation and the applications. For the Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission nominations, the City Clerk's Office shall include the applications in the staff report. Unscheduled Vacancies: + 5. Upon the notice of an unscheduled vacancy either by resignation, death, termination, or other causes, a special vacancy notice shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall on the bulletin board located outside the Council Chamber, Dove and Cole libraries and the city website under the boards, commission, and committee section. This action shall take place not earlier than 20 days before or not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs. The final appointment to the board, commission, or committee shall not be made by the legislative body for at least 10 working days after the posting of the notice in the City Clerk's Office. Interested volunteers may sign up to be notified by email when unscheduled vacancies are posted to the city website. ~ 6. Applications for unscheduled vacancies shall be accepted in the City Clerk's Office electronically, by mail and hand delivered for a period of 10 working days. The application will be available on the city website for ease of access to the residents of Carlsbad. ~ 7. Following the application deadline, all applications received shall be provided to the Mayor and City Council for review. Applicants shall be notified by the City Clerk of the tentative date they might expect a decision about the appointment. If the vacancy is on the Planning Commission or the Historic Preservation Commission, the City Clerk shall insure the applicants are informed of the public nomination process at this time. Depending on the board, commission, or committee requirements for appointment in the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Mayor 'l.'ill revie'.v applications and ask for Council concurrence at a regular scheduled City Council Meeting. 4-8. The appointment will be scheduled for the next regular City Council Meeting. 9. Depending on the board, commission, or committee requirements for appointment in the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Mayor shall ask for Council concurrence at a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting or nominations shall occur at a properly noticed regular meeting of the Council. + 10. The Mayoral appointment recommendation or Council nominations, and results of City Council action shall be memorialized in the official City Council meeting minutes. 3 of 4 DRAFT EXAMPLE-Council Policy #81 May 9, 201 7 g 11 . Once an appointment is made, staff in the City Clerk's Office will be responsible for contacting the appointee with instructions on conflict of interest filings, AB 1234 Code of Ethics training requirements, the Oath of Office will be administered and a binder will be provided that includes an outline on the term limits and specific requirements of the board, commission, or committee the person is appointed to, a copy of the Brown Act, the Public Records Act and the Parliamentary Procedures. e 12. This policy requires that an image of the vacancy notice be scanned into the records management system for a retention term according to the City adopted records retention schedule. Term Limits: 13. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will appoint members of the Planning Commission, Design Review Board, and Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee all current and future boards, commissions and committees to a maximum of two consecutive terms. (Council Policy 47) 14. An individual retiring after two terms will be immediately eligible for consideration for any other board, commission or committee, or could be reconsidered for appointment to the same board or commission after a two year waiting period. (Council Policy 47) 15. Individuals initially appointed to an unexpired term would be eligible to be reappointed for two consecutive terms. (Council Policy 47) 16. The City Council may make an exception to this policy and extend an individual's term if there are extenuating circumstances, such as the need for a suitable number of experienced members. The extension shall not exceed one year and can be granted only one time. (Council Policy 47) 9--17. This policy applies to all Mayor and City Council appointed boards, commissions and committees of the City of Carlsbad current and future. KEY: Black: Existing text Strikethrough: Deleted text Red : New text Bold: For emphasis only. 4 of 4 CI1Y OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees Policy No. 47 Date Issued Feb. 17. 1993 Effective Date Feb. 17, 1993 Cancellation Date _____ _ Supersedes No. 47 dated June 18, 1991 Specific Subject: Term Limitations for Appointments of Members to the Planning Commission, Design Review Board and the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: In order to provide more citizen participation in decisions affecting Carlsbad, appointments to the Planning Commission, Design Review Board and Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Committee, shall be limited to two consecutive terms. POLICY: 1. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad will appoint members of the Planning Commission, Design Review Board, and Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee to a maximum of two consecutive terms. 2. An individual retiring after two terms will be immediately eligible for consideration for any other board, commission or committee, or could be reconsidered for appointment to the same board or commission after a two year waiting period. 3. Individuals initially appointed to an unexpired term would be eligible to be reappointed for two consecutive terms. 4. The City Council may make an exception to this policy and extend an individua]'s term if there are extenuating circumstances, such as the need for a suitable number of experienced members. The extension shall not exceed one year and can be granted only one time. Leticia Reyes To: City Clerk . Subject: RE: Agenda Item #15: Appointment process for commisMlfleceave -Agenda Item # J;i ''For the Information of the: From: Brian Flock [mailto:b ] Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 11:53 AM CITY COUNCIL / ACM v'cA /cc v Date 5·i·11City Manager v To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Sheila Cobian <Sheila.Cobian@carlsbadca.gov>; Kevin Crawford <Kevin.Crawford@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Agenda Item #15: Appointment process for commissions Dear Mayor, Council and Staff, Thank you for discussing the appointment process for Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission at the next Council session. I request that the Council direct Staff to create and/or clarify a process that is more inclusive of and fair to the voting citizens who volunteer their time to the City of Carlsbad. Specifically, I propose the following for your discussion Tuesday night: • Application deadlines are prominently noted for the relevant commission appointments and such deadlines are followed as policy. • All the details of all upcoming Commission appointments are prominently noted on the City website, most particularly on the Web page for the commission in question. • The City Communication Department announces such upcoming openings and deadlines to all participants in the topics of interest maintained by the city. o I recommend this happen at least twice for each upcoming appointment, including one a couple weeks before the deadline. • All applicants, including incumbent appointees who desire another term, complete an application so the public can compare their qualifications vis-a-vis all other applicants. • All applicants address the Council in a public session at least three weeks in advance of the actual appointment to give the Council the opportunity to interview specific applicants and to give the public time to formulate an opinion on the applicants. • The Council individually interviews the applicants of interest to them after the presentations. o The Council is not obligated to interview all candidates. • Each Council member publicly reports which applicants they interviewed at the final appointment hearing. o It is not necessary for Council member to comment on applicants that they do not ultimately pick or recommend. • At the appointment public hearing, it would be strong leadership for Council members to talk about the qualifications and virtues of their preferred candidate. o Again, it is not necessary to talk about why other applicants were not chosen. • At the final appointment hearing, the Council votes for their preferred applicant on a written ballot or other similar technique. • The Council shows regard for citizen participation by thanking all applicants for their offer of voluntary service. Although not exhaustive as a policy document, these were the points of highest interest to me after what I experienced applying for the Planning Commission last time. I appreciate your attention to them and welcome any feedback or discussions for clarification. 1