HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-16; City Council; ; Adopt resolution to approve a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions , authorize the city manager to execute an MOU with SANDAG to accept funding and approve appropriation of fundsPage 44 CAReview ~ e CITY COUNCIL Staff Report . Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: 5/16/17 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Cindy Anderson, Senior Management Analyst cindy.anderson@carlsbadca.gov or 760-931-2170 Adopt resolution to approve a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions to begin July 1, 2017, authorize the city manager to execute an MOU with SANDAG to accept funding from SANDAG in the amount of $98,280, and approve the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $65,000 from asset forfeiture funds to purchase a 4x4 vehicle and a mobile data computer to be utilized by the Rangers. Recommended Action Adopt resolution to approve a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions to begin July 1, 2017, authorize the City Manager to execute an MOU with SANDAG to accept funding from SANDAG in the amount of $98,280, and approve the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $65,000 from asset forfeiture funds to purchase a 4x4 vehicle and a mobile data computer to be utilized by the Rangers. Executive Summary The Police Department is proposing the establishment of a one-year pilot Ranger patrol program to help patrol the open space in the city, including the preserves, trails, lagoons, beaches, and parks, to begin on July 1, 2017. The Police Department would hire two new provisional employees, classified as Rangers, who would be unarmed and have limited peace officer powers. Funds from asset forfeiture would be appropriated in an amount not to exceed $65,000 to purchase a 4x4 vehicle and mobile data computer for the Rangers to conduct patrols. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) has offered the Police Department funding in the amount of $98,280 to be used to offset the costs of the Ranger salaries during the one- year pilot program. Discussion BACKGROUND: On December 6, 2005, City Council voted to accept the City of Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan. Section 3.1.7, Issue# 16 ofthe Plan (Exhibit 3) identified several enforcement issues present in the open space areas to include off-road vehicles, transient encampments, vandalism, dogs off leash, and illegal dumping. The Plan also mentioned the frequent delay in police response regarding these issues. The Plan recommended the hiring of five Rangers to provide enforcement services. Page 45 In 2008, the city formed a multi-departmental team to study safety issues related to the City's preserves and trails system. The team found the following issues consistent throughout their research: • Vandalism; to include damaged and removed signs, graffiti to structures and plants, and damage to fences and gates. • Damage to natural habitat; to include bike riding off trail or in prohibited areas, hiking off trail, and unauthorized usage such as paintball games. • Animals; to include dogs off leash and failure to clean up after dogs. • Trespassing; to include Box Canyon trespassing. • Enforcement response; police did not respond to minor trail issues or were delayed. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Per the March 14, 2017 Settlement Agreement related to the General Plan Lawsuit, the city is required to: "within twelve (12) months, the City shall present to the City Council for consideration and, if approved by the City Council, implement a one-year pilot program to employ two provisional park rangers to patrol open space areas. Atthe end of the pilot program, the City shall evaluate the effectiveness of the program and shall make recommendations to the City Council based on the standards and objectives of the Open Space Management Plan." EXAMPLES OF QUALITY OF LIFE ENFORCEMENT ISSUES: Agua Hedionda Lagoon: The Police Department has received feedback from several residents expressing their opinions that they perceive little to no law enforcement activities upon the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Furthermore, Parks & Recreation staff also have stated the need for more proactive law enforcement patrols upon and around the lagoon to curtail illegal activities. Preserves and Trails: The 2014-2015 Habitat Management Plan annual report (Exhibit 4) documents preserve and enforcement activities within the preserve and trail system. The report identified the following issues: • Transient encampments; located within at least three preserves. • Damage to natural habitat; caused by unauthorized mountain bike activity within at least three preserves. • Animals; to include dogs off leash and failure to clean up after dogs within at least two preserves. • Vandalism; to include graffiti and kiosk damage within one preserve. • Trespassing; primarily within the Box Canyon preserve area. The report documented numerous trespass incidents. With the countywide increase in transient population, it will become ever more important to maintain a consistent, visual law enforcement presence upon the preserves and trails to prevent the establishment of encampments. Parks: The Police Department occasionally responds to calls for service, primarily from people who are attempting to enjoy City parks or from nearby residents. The calls for service frequently Page 46 are related to quality of life issues to include presence of transients, loud parties, drug usage, excessive alcohol consumption, vandalism, dogs, and park usage issues. CURRENT ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITIES: Agua Hedionda Lagoon: The Police Department currently has a boat that may be utilized to patrol the lagoon. However, the staffing of the boat only occurs on holiday weekends with the use of sworn police officers on an overtime basis. Therefore, there is a lack of consistent law enforcement presence upon the lagoon. Furthermore, these holiday patrols of the lagoon and its perimeter have consistently revealed that violations are of a minor nature related to quality of life and nuisance issues. It is expected that these types of violations can regularly be rectified by unarmed, uniformed law enforcement personnel who possess the ability to issue minor offense citations in the event education and prevention fail. Preserves and Trails: The Police Department currently patrols the preserves and trails with the use of our traffic division utilizing police off-road motorcycles. These patrols may occur up to 2- 4 hours a week. These patrols have consistently revealed that observed violations are of a minor nature related to quality of life issues and are frequently addressed through education and voluntary compliance. However, due to the infrequency of these patrols the perceived presence of the officers has failed to generate compliance with ordinances. Furthermore, the city's Parks & Recreation Department contracts with Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM) to provide monitoring of the City's preserves. In addition to conducting biological surveys, invasive species removal, wildlife monitoring, erosion control/trail maintenance, and public education, CNLM provides one employee who patrols for violations of ordinances. This employee has no enforcement authority but provides a visual deterrence. However, if enforcement action is necessary, this employee must call the police department. Parks & Recreation also contracts with a security company to provide a total of 24 hours of security patrot weekly, at four of the City's preserves. These patrols are conducted by security employees who have no enforcement authority and who must call the Police Department to affect any enforcement. The CNLM and security company will stay in place and continue to provide patrols to supplement the Ranger program. Parks: City parks receive occasional proactive patrols from police officers. However, police presence is typically on a call-by-call basis or in response to a request for extra patrol related to a specific incident. Violations observed during these patrols of the parks are typically of a minor nature and do not require an armed police officer. The Parks & Recreation Department provided a list of issues that occur within the parks which the Rangers would be able to assist, which includes but is not limited to: • Dogs in parks; owners not picking up dog waste • Trespass into posted 'keep out' areas • Graffiti Page 47 • Vandalism • Littering/Dumping • Smoking • Fireworks • Fires • Loitering • Disturbing the peace • Public urination/defecation • Motorized vehicles on pedestrian paths • Golfing • Sign erection/handbill distribution • Unpermitted uses (e.g., jump houses, slip 'n' slides) • Unpermitted sales (e.g., food concessions, craft fairs) • Operation of radio controlled vehicles/aircraft outside allowable hours/locations RANGER PROPOSAL: The Police Department is proposing the establishment of a one-year pilot Ranger patrol program to begin July 1, 2017. The proposal is for the hiring of two full-time Rangers, as provisional employees for one year. The Rangers would be unarmed, however they would have limited peace officer powers under state law. The Rangers would be required to undergo a thorough police background investigation to include both a psychological and polygraph examination prior to being hired. The Rangers would be outfitted in a distinct uniform that would clearly differentiate the Ranger from a police officer. The Rangers would be outfitted with a police radio, marked police ranger vehicle, handcuffs, OC pepper spray, a Taser, and a ballistic vest. The Rangers will complete a Peace Officers Standards and Training {POST) certified course that would authorize them to issue citations for minor ordinance violations. The Rangers will also complete a field training program with an experienced police officer and/or community service officer prior to being placed in the field for solo patrol. The Rangers will drive a marked Carlsbad Police truck which will provide off-road capabilities. It is necessary for the Rangers to have a 4x4 patrol vehicle so that they can access the off-road preserve areas when necessary. The Rangers may also patrol the preserves, trails, lagoon, and parks on foot, bicycle, ATV, motorcycle, or boat. The Rangers will be scheduled on a 4/10 schedule with Wednesday as their overlap day. This will provide for seven-day a week coverage. Furthermore, the Rangers will work under the direct supervision of police sergeants and managed by patrol lieutenants. SANDAG COOPERATIVE EFFORT: The San Diego Association of Governments {SANDAG) has offered the Carlsbad Police Department one-time environmental mitigation program funding in the amount of $98,280 to be used to offset the cost of enforcement patrols within the preserves. This funding would be Page 48 applied to the personnel cost of the two Rangers during the initial one-year pi lot program and requires law enforcement to provide enforcement patrols within habitat preserve lands. The agreement with SANDAG will require dedicated patrols of the habitat preserve areas within the city. To ensure that Ranger patrols satisfy the requirements of the SANDAG agreement, the Rangers will spend a minimum of 50% of their patrol times within the preserve areas. For the purposes of SANDAG patrols and enforcement, lagoons within the city are considered preserve areas. Patrol and enforcement records will be maintained by the Police Department to account for Ranger patrol times and locations, and to enable the Police Department to complete quarterly and year-end reports to SANDAG. During the pilot year, the Rangers will collect data during their patrols, which includes but is not limited to, the number of contacts made, number of citations and warnings given, and number and types of calls for service. At the conclusion of the 9th month of the pilot program, the collected data will be analyzed and evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the Ranger program. A report will be compiled and submitted to City Council with a recommendation on whether or not to continue the program. The recommendation will be made to City Council to determine if the program will be made permanent while the Rangers are still provisional employees. Fiscal Analysis A Ranger would receive a top-step base annual salary of $70,320 with a maximum annual fiscal expense with maximum benefits of $125,637, paid for out of the general fund. For fiscal year 2017/18, the Police Department is requesting funding for salaries of two Rangers at a maximum top-step and fully benefited annual cost of $235,600, minus $98,280 from the SANDAG funding, for the one year pilot program. The total cost of uniforms and equipment would be $6,668 per Ranger. This start-up cost would be absorbed within the current Police Department budget. A new 4x4 vehicle and mobile data computer would also be purchased and outfitted for the Rangers. The approximate cost of the outfitted vehicle and a new mobile data computer is approximately $65,000, which will be purchased using asset forfeiture funds. There are enough funds in asset forfeiture to cover this purchase Nearthe conclusion of the one year pilot program, while both Rangers are provisional employees, a review of the pilot program will determine if the Ranger program should become permanent. If the program is continued, the Police Department will be requesting funding for salaries of the two Rangers and the ongoing cost ofthe vehicle and computer replacement funds as part of the normal budgeting process. Next Steps If City Council approves the resolution, the MOU with SANDAG will be signed by the City Manager and the Police Department will accept payment from SANDAG in the amount of $98,280 on a reimbursable basis. The Police Department will work with Human Resources on hiring two full- Page 49 time Police Rangers. The Administrative Services Director will be authorized to appropriate $65,000 from Asset Forfeiture for the Police Department to purchase a 4x4 vehicle and mobile data computer for the Rangers. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification None required. Exhibits 1. Resolution to approve a pilot program establishing two Police Ranger positions, execute an MOU with SANDAG to accept a grant from SANDAG in the amount of $98,280, and approve the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $65,000 from asset forfeiture to purchase a 4x4 vehicle and mobile data computer. 2. Memorandum of Understanding between SANDAG and the City of Carlsbad Police Department, Agreement No. 5004937. 3. 2005 Open Space Management Plan (on file in the City Clerk's Office) 4. 2014-2015 Habitat Management Plan annual report (on file in the City Clerk's Office) RESOLUTION NO. 2017-085 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A PILOT PROGRAM ESTABLISHING TWO POLICE RANGER POSITIONS, AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN MOU WITH SANDAG TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM SANDAG IN THE AMOUNT OF $98,280, AND APPROVE THE APPROPRIATION OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $65,000 FROM ASSET FORFEITURE TO PURCHASE A RANGER VEHICLE AND COMPUTER. EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that in 2005, City Council voted to accept the City of Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the police department is proposing two Ranger positions to patrol the preserves, trails, lagoons, beaches, and parks for a one year pilot program; and WHEREAS, the salary of a Ranger position would be $68,267 with a maximum annual fiscal expense with maximum benefits of $117,800; and WHEREAS, the total cost of uniforms and equipment would be $6,668 per Ranger and would be absorbed in the police department's budget; and WHEREAS, the total cost of a 4 x 4 vehicle and computer terminal for the Rangers' use would be $65,000 and would be purchased using appropriated asset forfeiture funds; and WHEREAS, an MOU between SANDAG and the City of Carlsbad Police Department authorizes the city to accept $98,280 from SANDAG to offset the cost of the pilot program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad will establish two new Ranger positions for one pilot year program. 3. The City of Carlsbad Police Department will receive $98,280 from SANDAG to offset the cost of the pilot program. 4. That the Administrative Services director is authorized to appropriate $65,000 in asset forfeiture funds to purchase a vehicle and computer and transfer personnel costs for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2016/17 in an amount not to exceed $40,000 from the City Council contingency account to the police department's operating budget. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT REGARDING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION ON BEHALF OF ITS OPEN SPACE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM AGREEMENT NO. 5004937 This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is made and entered into effective as of this ~day of 11A I Y . 2017, by and between the San Diego Association of Governments ("SANDAG") and the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of behalf of its Police Department (collectively, "the Parties"). RECITALS The following recitals are a substantive part of this MOU: WHEREAS, illegal activities, such as off-road riding, trespassing, vandalism, and littering have complicated efforts to preserve and manage open space lands included in the City of Carlsbad's Habitat Management Plan, and the City of Carlsbad and the City of Carlsbad Police Department ("Police Department") have agreed a new strategy for enforcement on open space lands is required. WHEREAS, the SANDAG Board of Directors has agreed to allocate funding for local programs aimed at enforcement on conserved open space lands that are a part of larger regional Habitat Conservation Programs and have included funding as part of the FY 2016 and 2017 Environmental Mitigation Program's Regional Habitat Conservation Program budget. WHEREAS a pilot program proposed by the City of Carlsbad intends to address some of the inadequacies of existing enforcement programs by creating new positions within the Police Department dedicated to these preserves in a part-time capacity that also will coordinate enforcement activity with current efforts being carried out by preserve managers and private security firms. WHEREAS the City of Carlsbad desires to enter into an MOU with SANDAG to receive $98,280.00 from SANDAG in exchange for performing the work outlined in Exhibit A aimed at preserving sensitive and endangered species contained within City of Carlsbad conserved lands. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT SANDAG AGREES: 1. To serve as Contract Manager and will be responsible for administering invoices and review of products received from the Police Department. 2. To pay the City of Carlsbad within 30 days of receipt and approval of the Police Department's invoices. Page 53 3. To resolve any outstanding invoice questions with the City of Carlsbad within 30 days of receipt of invoice. 4. To be the liaison to the Police Department for discussion with other land managers and enforcement agencies to facilitate discussions on lessons learned. 5. To review the scope of services with the City of Carlsbad on a periodic basis and consider any improvements suggested by the Police Department to be more efficient with the available funding. Neither the City of Carlsbad nor any officer thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by SANDAG under or in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction delegated to SANDAG under this MOU. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, SANDAG shall fully defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City of Carlsbad, all officers and employees from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind, and description brought for, or on account of, injury (as defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by SANDAG under or in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction delegated to SANDAG under this MOU. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ON BEHALF OF ITS POLICE DEPARTMENT AGREES: 1. To implement the activities identified as Task 1 (in Exhibit A) Scope of Services to provide increased technical and administrative law enforcement services to reduce negative impacts on the environment through increased patrols. 2. To collaborate with the City of Carlsbad Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan Preserve Manager to identify key problem areas of enforcement on conserved habitat lands within areas of the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (as shown in Exhibit D) and to allocate increased patrols to those areas. 3. To have the flexibility to move resources as necessary to implement the Scope of Services so long as the overall cost and overhead rate does not exceed the amount identified in Exhibits A and B. 4. To keep an accounting of the locations of all activities completed under this MOU, and the hours and cost incurred to implement those activities. 5. To provide to SANDAG an invoice (no more frequently than monthly, and no longer than quarterly) that includes all supporting material including, but not limited to, the number of hours spent working on the Scope of Services and the costs incurred during that invoice period. 6. To provide a quarterly report in the form of a short summary memorandum on the activities implemented over the quarter and a status of the project. 7. To provide a final summary report on results of the increased enforcement, an assessment of the project's success in reducing unauthorized use, and recommendations for future enhanced enforcement activities as part of the final invoice under this MOU. 2 8. To attend one SANDAG Working Group meeting to present the results of the project at the conclusion of the MOU which is 12 months from the Notice to Proceed (defined in Exhibit C). 9. Cindy Anderson shall be the Police Department lead on this Project and shall not be removed from the project or reassigned without prior notification to SANDAG. Neither SANDAG nor any officer thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the City of Carlsbad under or in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction delegated to the Police Department under this MOU. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, the City of Carlsbad shall fully defend, indemnify, and save harmless SANDAG, all officers and employees from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind, and description brought for, or on account of, injury (as defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the City of Carlsbad under or in connection with any work, authority, or jurisdiction delegated to the Police Department under this MOU. THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE: 1. That all obligations of SANDAG under the terms of this MOU are subject to the appropriation of the required resources by SANDAG and the approval of the SANDAG Board of Directors. 2. Any notice required or permitted under this MOU may be personally served on the other party, by the party giving notice, or may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses: SANDAG: City of Carlsbad Police Department: San Diego Association of Governments 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 Attention: Keith Greer Email: keith.greer@sandag.org Phone: (619) 699-7390 City of Carlsbad Police Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 9201 0 Attention: Cindy Anderson Email: cindy.anderson@carlsbadca.gov Phone: (760) 931-2170 3. That unless it is amended by the Parties in writing, this MOU shall terminate on ] 1.11 y 1 , 2018, or on such earlier or later date as the Parties may agree to in writing. 4. The indemnification provisions of this MOU shall survive termination of the MOU . 5. This MOU shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. If any action is brought to interpret or enforce any term of this MOU, the action shall be brought in a state or federal court situated in the County of San Diego, State of California. 3 6. All terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the Parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. 7. For purposes of this MOU, the relationship of the Parties is that of independent entities and not as agents of each other or as joint venturers or partners. The Parties shall maintain sole and exclusive control over their personnel, agents, consultants, and operations. 8. No alteration or variation of the terms of this MOU shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the Parties hereto, and no oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the Parties hereto. 9. Nothing in the provisions of this MOU is intended to create duties or obligations to, or rights in, third parties to this MOU or affect the legal liability of the Parties to this MOU. 10. This MOU may be executed in any number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which together shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument when each party has signed one such counterpart. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Memorandum of Understanding effective on the day and year first above written. SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS [;GA~ (J Executive Director or designee Exhibits: IZl Scope of Work (Exhibit A) fZl Budget (Exhibit B) fZl Schedule (Exhibit C) fZl Enforcement Patrol Areas (Exhibit D) CITY OF CARLSBAD, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION APPROVED AS TO FORM : cZee""&<~~~~ Legal Counse 4 Page 56 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK City of Carlsbad Open Space Enforcement Program The balance between sensitive habitats and species protection, and human use of Natural Communities Conservation Planning preserves has always been challenging. In areas that contain formally approved trails, regular patrols and interaction with preserve visitors is needed to educate the visitors on proper behaviors, such as keeping dogs on leash and staying on trails. In areas off limits to human access and subject to unauthorized activities such as homeless encampments, mountain biking, and rock climbing, more active enforcement leading to eviction and potential arrest is necessary. These closed areas of the preserves contain highly sensitive resources that must be protected under the jurisdictions conservation planning efforts. On September 25, 2015, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Board of Directors approved a work plan for fiscal year 2016-2017 and allocated funds to assist local jurisdiction determine the best methods for providing enf6rcement on open space lands. Current efforts involving California Department of Fish and Wildlife wardens are limited due to a lack of staffing required for patrolling the vast amounts of open space now preserved throughout the region. This has prompted SANDAG to explore other options for open space enforcement that utilize existing policing powers of the jurisdictions to patrol these areas. As a pilot program, SANDAG is entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Carlsbad to fund localized enforcement of open space lands that are included in the City of Carlsbad's Habitat Management Plan (HMP) with exiting considered lands (See Exhibit D). The City of Carlsbad, on behalf of its Police Department will be developing two new positions under a new classification to patrol public areas as well as HMP preserve areas (identified in Exhibit D). SANDAG funding will enable these "Rangers" to spend a maximum of 1800 hours patrolling preserved lands. SANDAG funding would be limited to time patrolling conserved preserved area. Additional time not covered by SANDAG may be used by the Carlsbad Police Department to patrol others areas (e.g., beaches, public active use parks), as their authority allows. These "Rangers" will be Police Department employees with PC 832 certification that have the ability to issue citations for the most common infractions. Being Police Department employees, they also have direct radio access to Police dispatch when the need for further personnel and/or arrest is necessary. The "Rangers" would coordinate with other enforcement and public engagement efforts currently underway by preserve managers, private security, and trail volunteers. The City of Carlsbad will continue to contract with limited private security firms, and provide all administrative functions needed to serve these programs. There will be no costs associated with administrative functions pertaining to this current agreement as any duties required will be absorbed by existing administrative staff. Existing and future HMP preserve managers will also continue to provide patrolling and enforcement in accordance with their approved Preserve Management Plans and budgets. Once the project is initiated and, if after one year, it is determined to be successful, the City of Carlsbad, in its sole discretion will look to continue the program using non-SANDAG funding. 5 Page 57 Task 1: Community Services Officer (Open Space Ranger) For a period of one year, two full-time employees (FTE) will dedicate a maximum combined total of 1800 hours, to patrolling and enforcement exclusively in the HMP preserves conserved lands. Duties include: • Patrol selected HMP preserves several times per week • Educate the public on appropriate behaviors in HMP preserves and on city trails • Issue warnings and/or citations as needed • Prepare patrol logs • Track annual statistics to measure effectiveness Task 1: Deliverables The City of Carlsbad will provide the following reporting materials and any costs associated will be absorbed by existing administrative staff: • Quarterly reports tracking enforcement actions on HMP preserves. The reports will contain information on deployment time, duration and location; coordination with preserve managers; observed activities; number of encounters with public; number and types of citations. • Year-end report including a summary of quarterly report information, evaluation of program success, recommendations for future enforcement actions by City staff, private security firms, and preserve managers. 6 Page 58 Task 1 EXHIBIT B BUDGET Description Maximum 1800 hours HMP preserve properties TOTAL 7 Cost $98,280.00 $98,280.00 Page 59 EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE Task City of Carlsbad Start Complete Police Department Lead 1 Cindy Anderson Notice to Proceed (NTP) 12 Months from NTP 8 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1.0 2.0 3.0 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure 1.1 Process and Structure for Implementation of the Carlsbad OSMP 1.1.1 Primary Entities Involved in Implementation 1.1.2 Preserve Management Decision Authority 1.1.3 Planning Documents to Guide Implementation 1.1.4 Preserve Management Plan Preparation 1.1.5 Communication to Coordinate Implementation 1.1.6 Mechanisms for Data Management and Updates l.l. 7 Phasing of Implementation 1.2 Application of Adaptive Management Concepts to Open Space Management 1.3 Management of Threats and Impacts 1.4 Goals for Preserve Management 1.5 Recreational and Educational Opportunities Organization of OSMP Areas 2.1 Management Units 2.2 Subunits 2.3 General Management Entities 2.4 Levels of Open Space/Preserve Management and Monitoring 2.4.1 Property Management 2.4.2 Preserve Management 2.4.3 Species Monitoring and Management 2.4.4 Regional Monitoring Open Space Management Issues 3.1 Key Issues of Open Space Management in Carlsbad 3.1.1 Management Responsibilities Issue 1: Issue 2: 3.1.2 Issue 3: Issue 4: 3.1.3 Issue 5: 3.1.4 Issue 6: 3.1.5 Issue 7: Issue 8: Issue 9: Wildlife Agency Management Responsibilities Preserve Management on Existing Open Space on Private Lands Management Plans Development of a Framework Monitoring and Management Plan Preserve Management Plans and Area-Specific Management Directives Management Gaps Funding to Close Management Gaps Fire Management Issues Update of Fire Management Policies Edge Effects and Encroachment Noise Impacts to Open Space Lighting Impacts to Open Space Landscaping and the Introduction of Nonnative Species 1-1 1-3 1-3 1-5 1-6 1-8 1-13 1-15 1-18 1-18 1-19 1-21 1-24 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 3-1 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-10 3-10 3-12 3-13 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan Table of Contents SECTION 4.0 3.1.6 Issue10: Issue 11: Issue 12: 3.1.7 Issue 13: Issue 14: Issue 15: Issue 16: Issue 17: 3.1.8 Issue 18: Issue 19: Issue 20: Issue 21: Issue 22: Issue 23: Issue 24: Issue 25: Issue 26: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Animal Species Interactions Invasive Ants Outdoor and Feral Animals Alteration of Ecological Communities Public Access and Recreation Off-road Vehicles Illegal Dumping Management of Recreational Uses Enforcement Itinerant Worker and Transient Camps. Biological Monitoring Responsibilities and Adaptive Management Coordination of Monitoring and Management Responsibility Trigger for Adaptive Management Data Management Coordination of Lagoon Management Restoration Erosion Control Public Information, Education, and Beneficial Use of Open Space Fencing and Signs Preserve Assembly and Integration with Habitrak List of Preparers and References 4.1 List ofPreparers 4.2 Technical Review 4.3 References 3-18 3-19 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-33 3-34 3-34 3-35 3-36 4-1 4-1 4-1 Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan ii Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION LIST OF FIGURES 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 Chain of Command and Decision Authority Among Entities Responsible for OSMP Implementation Generalize conceptual model of the Habitat Management Process within the NCCP Context Annual Cycle of OSMP Meetings and Reports Compliance Monitoring for Implementation of Development Projects Effectiveness Monitoring for of Biological Management of the Preserve System Areas Included in the OSMP Management Units in the OSMP General Management Entities and Associated Subunits in the OSMP Distribution of Open Space Management by General Management Entity LIST OF TABLES 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 3-1 3-2 Covered Species Under the Carlsbad HMP Matrix of Primary Threats and Potential Effects on Species and Habitats Managed in the OSMP Area Acres of Vegetation Occurring within Each Management Unit Acres of Vegetation Managed by Each General Management Entity Sunnnary of OSMP Issues and Conclusions/Recommendations Existing Preserve Management Plans for Open Space in Carlsbad APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIXB APPENDIXC APPENDIXD City of Carlsbad OSMP Funding Analysis (Prepared by CNLM) Invitation List for Open Space Workshop The CaiEPPC List: Exotic Pest Plants of Greatest Ecological Concern in California Guide ~nd Annotated Outline for Writing Preserve Management Plans 1-5 1-8 1-12 1-16 1-17 2-2 2-3 2-5 3-10 1-9 1-19 2-4 2-6 3-1 3-8 A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1 Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan iii Table of Contents THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan iv Table of Contents • • • , . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CARLSBAD OPEN SPACE MANAGEMENT PLAN 1.0 INTRODUCTION: OSMP PROCESS AND STRUCTURE The OSMP is the framework plan to implement the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP) that was developed, along with the Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP), with the input of the wildlife agencies, the Coastal Commission, and the public to establish a process, standards, guidelines, and conditions for long-term conservation and management of the sensitive species and habitats within the north coastal portions of San Diego County. These two documents (HMP and MHCP) provide a regulatory context with which the OSMP must maintain consistency. The purpose of the OSMP is: I. To describe a process and structure for open space management and monitoring in the City of Carlsbad . 2. To identifY and describe key open space management issues in the City . 3. To recommend strategies and solutions for effectively handling these open space management issues . 4. To quantifY expected management and monitoring costs for implementation of the OSMP . The information and analysis synthesized during the development of this plan was used to help quantifY management and monitoring costs in the Open Space Management Funding Analysis, which is contained in Appendix A. This plan was developed with substantial input from the wildlife agencies, key City of Carlsbad staff (Planning Department, Parks Department, and Police Department), interest groups, and the general public. Appendix B includes a list of people and organizations invited to participate . The MHCP is a comprehensive, multiple jurisdictional planning program designed to develop an ecosystem preserve in northwestern San Diego County. Implementation of the regional preserve system is intended to protect viable populations of key sensitive plant and animal species and their habitats, while accommodating continued economic development and quality of life for residents of this north county region. The MHCP is one of several large multiple jurisdictional habitat planning efforts in San Diego County each of which constitutes a subregional plan under the State of California's Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) Act of 1991. The current MHCP study area encompasses approximately 29,962 acres of natural habitat across seven incorporated cities in northwestern San Diego County (Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, and Vista). These jurisdictions will implement their respective portions of the MHCP plan through citywide "subarea" plans, which describe the specific implementing mechanisms each city will institute for the MHCP. The seven subarea plans will contribute collectively to the conservation of biological communities and species in the MHCP study area. In tum, the MHCP plan, in concert with other subregional plans, will contribute to continued ecosystem viability in southern coastal California. The Carlsbad HMP, which covers a total of 6,449 acres of open space (5,329 acres of natural habitat), is the MHCP subarea plan for the City of Carlsbad . The specific biological and conservation objectives of the HMP are to: • Conserve the full range of vegetation types remaining in the City, with a focus on rare and sensitive habitats . • Conserve areas of habitat capable of supporting the HMP species in perpetuity . Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-1 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • Maintain functional biological cores. • Maintain functional wildlife corridors and habitat linkages within the City and to the region, including linkages that connect gnatcatcher populations and movement corridors for large mammals. • Conserve rare vegetation communities. • Conserve narrow endemic species and maintain populations oftarget species. • Apply a "no net loss" policy to the conservation of wetlands, riparian and oak woodland habitats throughout the City, and to coastal sage scrub and chaparral within the coastal zone. Implementation of OSMP will be a critical component necessary for achieving these goals and maintaining compliance with the Implementing Agreement and endangered species take permits for species covered by the HMP and the MHCP. Therefore, compliance with the MHCP and HMP requirements is the first and guiding priority of the OSMP. An MHCP-wide monitoring plan (MHCP Volume III) was developed to provide guidance and direction for management of covered species and their habitats in compliance with the conditions for coverage identified in the biological analysis of the MHCP (MHCP Volume II). The Carlsbad OSMP will need to be consistent with the monitoring and management requirements of the MHCP monitoring plan. There are three major components to open space management in the City of Carlsbad, (I) monitoring and adaptive management of species, habitat condition, and ecological processes, (2) management of threats and impacts to species and habitats, and (3) creation and maintenance of recreational and educational opportunities. Each of these components raises a number of important open space management issues. Most of these issues are not unique to Carlsbad and have well-established open space management solutions; however, some of these issues will require further thought and consensus from the City, the wildlife agencies, the Coastal Commission, and the interested public before workable solutions can be implemented by this City-wide Open Space Management Plan (OSMP). The issues addressed in this plan are organized and discussed as they apply across the City, but in practice they will be implemented in the biogeographic and preserve management context of Management Units and Subunits, as defined for the OSMP. Individual preserve managers will identifY which management issues affect their particular subunit (preserve area) and will develop and implement area-specific management directives (ASMDs) as a part of their individual preserve management plans, but in coordination with related ASMDs and other management issues throughout the rest of the Management Unit. Note that many ASMDs already exist as they have been stipulated by the conditions for coverage in the MHCP conservation analysis and will be incorporated into individual preserve management plans. There are three additional categories of land in the OSMP planning area that are not included in the areas identified as preserved within the HMP or MHCP, including other natural lands, developed parks, and drainage basins. Other Natural Lands-The OSMP covers all of the natural lands in the City (7,345 acres). However, the HMP covers 5,329 acres of natural lands including all existing or proposed preserves (I 00% conserved) and standards areas (where a portion will be developed according to HMP/MHCP standards and the rest conserved). The remaining 2,015 acres of natural lands (mostly isolated smaller fragments of habitat) were not included in the HMP and MHCP primarily because they did not contribute significantly to the overall preserve design; however, they are included in the OSMP planning area and will continue to be managed as open space. Developed Parks -Developed parks have been incorporated into the GIS Inventory so that City-wide management can be scheduled, tracked and analyzed in this database. This category includes existing parks as well as parks developed in the future. Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-2 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Drainage Basins-The City's drainage basin facilities were also incorporated into the GIS Inventory for the OSMP so that management can be scheduled, tracked and analyzed in this database. The drainage basin parcels are included as an overlay because they are sometimes covered by other categories and may overlap with the HMP/MHCP areas . Ll Process and Structure for Implementation of the Carlsbad OSMP This section of the OSMP outlines the basic process and structure for implementation of the OSMP for monitoring, management, oversight, and reporting responsibility. Additionally, there is a description of the calendar of events to facilitate the coordination and timing of periodic meetings and reports, and guidelines for how data will be coordinated, managed and analyzed . 1.1.1 Primary Entities Involved in Implementation There are six primary entities or general groups involved in implementation of the OSMP, including the City of Carlsbad, their Preserve Steward and Preserve Managers who have direct responsibility for on the ground implementation on a daily basis, and the wildlife agencies, California Coastal Commission, and the broader scientific community, environmental NGOs and the general public who have the responsibility for reviewing and commenting on the associated planning documents, ongoing implementation process, and analysis and reports. A brief description of the roles of these entities follows below . 1. Wildlife Agencies The wildlife agencies include the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Department ofFish and Game (CDFG). USFWS and CDFG are responsible for: • Enforcing compliance by the City of Carlsbad with management and monitoring obligations of their Implementing Agreement and the Carlsbad HMP and MHCP. . • Reviewing Annual Reports and proposed annual work plans, three-year status summary reports, preserve management plans, and other associated management/research activities . 2. California Coastal Commission The California Coastal Commission's primary mission is to plan for and regulate land and water uses in the coastal zone consistent with the policies of the Coastal Act. With respect to the MHCP and the Carlsbad HMP, the California Coastal Commission is responsible for: • Overseeing development and HMP implementation in the Coastal Zone . • Approval of the OSMP as a Local Coastal Plan Amendment. • Reviewing of Annual Reports . 3. City of Carlsbad The City of Carlsbad is responsible for: • Overseeing implementation and maintaining compliance . • Tracking habitat gains/losses using Habitrak . Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-3 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • Compliance monitoring (development project review and approval) . Species and habitat monitoring via the preserve steward and preserve managers. Management and maintenance via the preserve steward and preserve managers. 4. HMP Preserve Steward: The Preserve Steward is a new role that has evolved from the necessity for the City of Carlsbad to have the services of a person with the necessary ecology, conservation biology, and statistics background to oversee the City-wide monitoring, management, and maintenance of the whole OSMP preserve system. The Preserve Steward will play the central role in preserve management, serving as the City's technical expert on preserve management. The preserve steward will be a contracted consultant or City staff person responsible for: • • • • Taking a leadership role in the overseeing and coordination of City-wide preserve management, monitoring and reporting. Frequent communication with the preserve managers, the City, and the wildlife agencies. Providing science-based technical guidance and direction to preserve managers for survey design, data collection and analysis. Supporting the City on compliance monitoring (review of predevelopment plans and post-construction conformance review) by training and updating City planning staff regarding development standards and guidelines required for development adjacent to preserve areas. The Preserve Steward will have primary responsibility for coordinating all parties having a role in preserve management, including the preserve managers, City departments, the wildlife agencies, and public interest groups, as shown in Figure 1-1. The Preserve Steward will direct the collection of all monitoring data, review all data and reports, formulate hypotheses regarding the status of species and habitats, consult with other scientists as needed to interpret monitoring data, design and carry out research within the limits of the resources available for management, prescribe adaptive management programs when needed, and prioritize threats to the preserve system and direct management actions accordingly. One of the Preserve Steward's key responsibilities will be to continuously evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of management activities in view of the resources available, and ensure that the most cost- effective measures are consistently used. When the MHCP structure is formed, the Preserve Steward role should evolve to become a subregional coordinator shared by all MHCP cities having approved plans. 5. Preserve Manager The Preserve Manager is the person with on the ground responsibility for management and monitoring of each preserve area. Preserve managers may be employees of the City, recognized professional third party biological management entities (e.g., Center for Natural Lands Management), a state or federal agency (e.g., CDFG), or another public/semi-public land management entity (e.g., North County Transit or San Diego Gas and Electric). The preserve manager is responsible for: • Development of a preserve management plan for each preserve area and updating the plan on a three-year basis. Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-4 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For the City-owned land, budgets will be spent according to the directives of their preserve management plans and annual work plans; however, budget discretion would remain with the City for annual approval of these plans and for actions and expenditures not specifically identified in these plans for adaptive management response or to address emergency situations not covered by the annual work plan for City- owned lands. The preserve steward will assist preserve managers in making the decisions for actions and expenditures not identified in the preserve management plans or annual work plans and will be responsible for obtaining City approval for additional actions or expenditures when required. If the preserve steward or the wildlife agencies determine that additional budget needs to be spent on a particular task, the preserve manager will comply with this decision. In general, the preserve manager will retain control of the budget and will be in charge ofhow it is spent. Initially, the City Planning Department will work closely with the preserve managers and preserve steward to establish a chain of command and communication with the Police Department, Fire Department and other relevant City departments (see Figure 1-1). The Rangers and other employees of the preserve manager will go through an orientation process to understand the limits of their authority and to understand when they will need to call in the Police Department. Eventually, the chain of command and communication will become routine. Through the orientation process the rangers will also learn how to identify activities that are illegal or otherwise not permitted or acceptable uses in or near the OSMP preserve system. If there is a conflict between the preserve management plans (MHCP, HMP, individual Preserve Management Plans, or annual work plans) and any other public need (such as a trail, sewer line, etc.) the City will evaluate and resolve the conflict as follows : 1. Is the public need a matter of health, safety and welfare, or is it a matter of convenience? 2. Was the project covered in the HMP as a project that would be permitted by the HMP, or is it a new project not previously addressed? 3. Is there a reasonable alternative that would avoid the impact? 4. Is the impact direct or indirect? 5. Is the impact temporary or permanent? 6. Would any covered species in the HMP be affected, directly or indirectly? 7. Can the impact be mitigated to less than significant? 8. Can the impact be mitigated by seasonal restrictions? 9. Would the impact cause an increase in costs or management effort by the preserve manager? The City and preserve steward would consult with the wildlife agencies on these points and try to arrive at a consensus decision. The preserve steward would make recommendations to the City regarding the decision, but the City would be responsible for the final decision and will evaluate the impacts of this action on covered species or the resources they use in a timely and quantitative manner. 1.1.3 Planning Documents to Guide Implementation There are several documents that City staff, the preserve steward, and preserve managers must be intimately familiar with. Because the permit duration for incidental take under the City's implementing Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-6 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • agreement is for 50 years and because the preserve system will be conserved and managed in perpetuity, there will be new staff at all levels that will eventually be a part of the implementation process. All current and future staff will be required to read and clearly understand the following documents, some of which will be updated and amended over the years: 1. The Natural Community Conservation Planning Act (NCCP) as a component of the California Endangered Species Act. This is the state-level legislation that dictates the guidelines for preparation and implementation of conservation plans that contribute to species recovery, such as the MHCP and Carlsbad HMP, and which provides a mechanism for legal incidental take of endangered, threatened, or otherwise sensitive species in California . 2. The Federal Endangered Species Act and Habitat Conservation Planning Handbook. Section lO(a) of this act and the associated handbook specify how habitat conservation plans, including the MHCP and Carlsbad HMP, should be prepared and implemented to provide for the conservation and management of federally endangered or threatened species, while allowing actions that may take listed species without precluding their recovery . 3. The MHCP subregional plan includes policies and guidelines for coordinated implementation across the entire MHCP preserve system. The MHCP Conservation Analysis (volume II) includes species-specific conditions for conservation and management. The MHCP Monitoring Plan (volume III) includes MHCP-wide guidelines for monitoring and management along with sample standardized survey protocols and data collection sheets. Recommended and required survey protocols will continue to be updated over time; therefore, current survey protocols will be obtained from and confirmed with the wildlife agencies annually . 4. The Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP) and Implementing Agreement are the two documents that contain the specific policies, guidelines, and permit conditions for management, monitoring, and reporting of species and habitat status and condition . 5. The Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan (this document) provides detailed direction regarding the coordination of entities and individuals responsible for management and monitoring, describes the primary open space management issues and recommended approaches to address those issues, and analyzes the funding requirements for open space management City-wide . 6. Preserve managers will be required to complete an individual Preserve Management Plan for each of the preserve areas they manage within one year of the time at which the preserve area is officially dedicated and recorded into the preserve system. The preserve management plans are required to be updated every three years thereafter. A draft update (or initial) preserve management plan is due in November of every third year and will be distributed to the preserve steward, City, wildlife agencies, and public for review and comment. The final preserve management plan due the following February. The specific contents of the preserve management plan are discussed in the next section . 7. Every year each preserve manager must submit an Annual Work Plan for each preserve area. A draft annual work plan is due each November to the preserve steward, City, and wildlife agencies for review and comment, and the final preserve management plan is due the following February. Each annual work plan will outline the planned monitoring and management actions for the year and include a prioritization of specific management needs and area-specific management directives (ASMDs) to be implemented in the adaptive management context. Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-7 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure 1.1.4 Preserve Management Plan Preparation At a basic level, open space management within the NCCP context is a process of taking the permit conditions specified in the Implementing Agreement and associated documents (the MHCP and Carlsbad HMP in this case) and integrating them into a preserve specific management actions. Figure 1-2 is a conceptual model of how the essential elements of habitat management interact in the NCCP context. Following the organization in Figure 1-2, each preserve manager will develop a preserve management plan that describes the regional biogeographic significance and context of the preserve, the baseline biological conditions, and the known or expected stressors and threats to the biological value of the preserve. This information creates the context in which the permit conditions apply to each individual preserve area. The obligations established in the permit conditions along with the biological and management issues will be evaluated to set resource management priorities and specific conservation objectives in each preserve management plan. These conservation objectives in turn will be used to develop management and monitoring Area-Specific Management Directives (ASMDs). The ASMDs are be paired with preserve management hypotheses (assumptions and expectations for the response or outcome of management actions), which are stated in the preserve management plans along with the ASMDs and can be tested through monitoring of the results of management actions and of species and habitat status. The preserve management plan will be developed and applied using the principles of adaptive management, where monitoring results would in tum be used to refine future management actions to better attain conservation objectives. Appendix D is an outline of the required format for preserve management plans developed in the OSMP area. The outline has been adapted from the California Department of Fish and Game's guide to preparation of land management plans (CDFG 2003). It is important to use a standardized format for the preserve management plan so that the City of Carlsbad and the wildlife agencies may easily review and confirm that the preserve management plan includes the necessary goals, objectives, actions, priorities, and area-specific management directives (ASMDs) to manage and monitor species and habitats within the context of the Carlsbad HMP and overall MHCP. Appropriately designed and developed preserve management plans will greatly facilitate the ability of the City of Carlsbad to maintain compliance with the permit conditions of its Implementing Agreement for the HMP. The CDFG land management plan format is being used for the CDFG lands within the City and provides a consistent template for the non-CDFG preserve areas. Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-8 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Table 1-1 Covered Species under the Carlsbad HMP L. t 1 S . P IS : ,pec1es ropose d~ c or d h C I b d HMP overage un er t e ar s a Scientific Name Common Name Status* MHCP Subregional Plan Vol. II Page Ref. Plants Brodiaea filifolia Thread-leaved brodiaea FT/CE/NE 4-37 Chorizanthe orcuttiana Orcutt's spineflower FE/CE/NE 4-56 Dud/eya blochmaniae ssp. b/ochmaniae Blochman' s dudley a FSC 4-74 Euphorbia misera Cliff spurge None 4-101 Hazardia orcuttii Orcutt's hazardia FSC/NE 4-111 Quercus dumosa Nuttall's scrub oak FSC 4-159 Invertebrates Panoguina errans Salt marsh skipper FSC 4-202 EuQhyes vestris harbisoni Harbison's Dun Skipper FSC/NE 4-196 Birds Pelecanus occidentalis californicus California brown pelican FE/SE 4-251 Plegadis chihi White-faced ibis FSC/SSC 4-256 AcciQiter cooQerii Cooper's hawk sse 4-264 Pandion haliaetus Osprey sse 4-269 Falco peregrinus anatum American peregrine falcon CE 4-280 Ral/us /ongirostris /evipes Light-footed clapper rail FE/CE/FP 4-285 Charadrius a/exandrinus nivosus Western snowy plover FT/SSC 4-291 Sterna elegans Elegant tern FSC/SSC 4-299 Sterna anti/larum browni California least tern FE/CE/FP 4-304 Empidonax traillii extimus Southwestern willow flycatcher FE/CE 4-314 Vireo bel/ii pusillus Least Bell's vireo FE/CE 4-321 PolioQtila californica californica Coastal California gnatcatcher FT/SSC 4-333 Icteria virens Yellow-breasted chat sse 4-360 Aimophila ruficeps canescens California rufous-crowned sparrow FSC/SSC 4-366 Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi Belding's savannah sparrow FSC/CE 4-371 Passerculus sanwichensis rostratus Large-billed savannah sparrow FSC/SSC 4-377 Reptiles Cnemidophorus hyperythrus beldingi Orange-throated whiptail sse 4-245 * See the "Key to Legal and Management Status" that follows List 4. Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-10 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .I •I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Table 1-1 (Continued) Covered Species under the Carlsbad HMP List 2: Species Coverage Contingent on Other MHCP Subarea Plans being Permitted Scientific Name Common Name Status* MHCP Subregional Plan Vol. II Page Ref . Plants Acanthomintha ilicifo/ia San Diego thornmint ** PT/CE/NE 4-9 Ambrosia 12umila San Diego ambrosia PEINE 4-16 Ceanothus verrucosus Wart-stemmed ceanothus * * PSC 4-50 Dudleya viscida Sticky dudleya PSC 4-89 Perocactus viridescens San Diego barrel cactus PSC 4-106 Quercus engelmannii Engelmann oak None 4-165 See the "Key to Legal and Management Status" that follows List 4 . * ** Coverage for this species is also contingent on funding for management of conserved areas . L. t3 S IS : ~pec1es c overage Contingent on Funding for Management of Conserve d Areas Scientific N arne Common Name Status* MHCP Subregional Plan Vol. II Page Ref . Plants Arctostaphylos glandu/osa ssp. Del Mar manzanita PEINE 4-26 crassifolia Baccharis vanessae Encinitas baccharis PT/CE/NE 4-32 fjpmfjPf/aphylis diversifo/ia ssp Summer holly PSC 4-63 tven ow Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. linifolia Del Mar sand aster None 4-68 Eryngium aristulatum var. parishii San Diego button-celery** PE/CE/NE 4-94 Iva Hayesiana San Diego marsh elder*** PSC 4-116 Myosurus minimus ss12. A12us Little mousetail * * PSCINE 4-133 Navarretia fossa/is Spreading navarretia ** PTINE 4-140 Orcuttia californica California Orcutt grass * * PE/CE/NE 4-147 Pinus torreyana ssp. torreyana Torrey pine PSC 4-154 Invertebrates Streptocephalus woottoni Riverside fairy shrimp ** PEINE 4-178 Branchinecta sandiegonensis San Diego fairy shrimp ** PEINE 4-184 * See the "Key to Legal and Management Status" that follows List 4 . ** Coverage for this species is also contingent on the City of Carlsbad receiving legal control over the protection, management, and monitoring of the vernal pools adjacent to the Poinsettia Train Station in Carlsbad . ***Coverage for this species is also contingent on other MHCP subarea plans being permitted . Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-1 1 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure Table 1-1 (Continued) Covered Species under the Carlsbad HMP L ' t4 MHCP S IS : ipecies N C ot overe d under the Carlsbad HMP Scientific Name Common Name Status* MBCP Subregional Plan Vol. ll Page Ref. Plants Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. brevifolia Short-leaved dudleya CE/NE 4-80 Lotus nuttallianus Nuttall's lotus FSC/NE 4-122 Tetracoccus dioicus Parry's Tetracoccus FSC 4-170 Invertebrates Eunhydryas editha guino Quino checkerspot butterfly FE 4-211 Reptiles and Amphibians Scanhionus [Snea] hammondii Western spade foot toad sse 4-215 Bufo califomicus Arroyo toad FE/SSC 4-222 Clemmys marmorata nallida Southwestern pond turtle FSC/SSC 4-233 Ph!:ynosoma coronatum blainvillei San Diego homed lizard FSC/SSC 4-238 Birds Aguila chrysaetos Golden eagle BEPNSSC 4-274 Camnylorhynchus brunneicanillus Coastal cactus wren FSC/SSC/N 4-328 cousei E Sialia mexicana Western bluebird None 4-355 Amnhisniza belli belli Bell's sage sparrow FSC/SSC 4-380 Mammals Dinodomys stenhensi Stephens' kangaroo rat FEIST 4-401 Perognathus longimembris nacificus Pacific pocket mouse FE/SSCINE 4-407 Chaetodinus fallax fallax N orthwestem San Diego pocket FSC/SSC 4-416 mouse L~us califomicus bennetti San Diego black-tailed jackrabbit FSC/SSC 4-421 Felis concolor Mountain lion SPM 4-425 Odocoileus hemionus fuliginata Southern mule deer RGS 4-431 Key to Legal and Management Status of Species in Lists 1 - 4 FE -Federally Endangered CE-State Endangered CT -State Threatened FT-Federally Threatened BEP A -Bald Eagle Protection Act FSC-Federal Species of Concern (former Category 2 Candidate) Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-12 SSC -State Species of Special Concern SPM -State Special Protected Mammal RGS -State Regulated Game Species None-No Federal, State, or City status NE -Narrow Endemic Species in the MHCP Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The reports and meetings are briefly described with target time periods for completion in parentheses: Annual Report (due early November) includes but not limited to: • Information, data, and analysis from all preserve areas integrated and analyzed by the preserve steward. • Update of gains/losses calculated via Habitrak • Descriptive text, maps and a GIS data layer with associated GIS calculations showing the areas conserved that year and during previous years. • Descriptive text, maps and a GIS data layer with associated GIS calculations showing how the boundary of the preserve (e.g., boundary adjustments, permitted development) has changed. • Descriptive text, maps and data for updated baseline surveys (vegetation mapping and species surveys). • Summaries of management actions undertaken during the past year with an assessment of the success and adaptive management strategy for next year for each action. • Summaries of all monitoring activities and associated data and analysis on status and trends of populations of covered species and condition of habitats. • Current status of each covered species compared to the status at the time the take permit was signed. If data was not collected that year for a given species, previous year's data will be presented. If no baseline data exists, baseline surveys will be a priority for the next year. • A list of priority open space management issues, key problem areas, and City-wide and area- specific actions to address these issues. • Information on public use of the preserve system. • Budget summaries showing actual compared to planned budget, status of endowments, etc. Annual Public Meeting (early December): • Presentation of information contained in annual report. • Opportunity for scientific community and public input, questions, and answers. • Attendance will include the wildlife agencies, the Coastal Commission, City, Preserve Steward, Preserve Managers, and other interested groups or individuals. Preserve Management Plans and Annual Work Plans (draft due early November (every third year for Preserve Management Plans), final due following February): • See Section 1.1.4 and Appendix D for required content and format. • 30 day review by wildlife agencies and preserve steward; available for public review and comment. Three-Year Summary Reports (early November): • Comprehensive monitoring report summarizing previous three years relative to status and trends, MHCP goals, City-wide effectiveness of plan implementation. Quarterly Carlsbad OSMP Workshop: • To facilitate coordination between preserve areas/managers. • To share ideas, address common problems, identify funding/grant opportunities (coordination of Section 6 and NCCP local assistance applications), etc. • Required attendance -Preserve Managers, Preserve Steward • Invited attendance -City, Coastal Commission, Wildlife Agencies, and public (key City and Wildlife Agency staff may be required for certain issues) Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-14 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Status Memo from Preserve Steward (Quarterly): • Memo to City and Wildlife Agencies providing a brief summary of the ongoing issues and progress on the work plan at each preserve area and City-wide • Meetings with City staff as needed to resolve management monitoring issues Status Memos from Preserve Managers (Monthly): • Brief memo to Preserve Steward reporting status of new/ongoing issues and progress on work plan • Discussion of management/monitoring activities of previous month Frequent communication between Preserve Steward and Preserve Managers (ongoing as needed): • Phone, email, field as needed • Emergency/critical issue reporting to City, Wildlife Agencies and/or Coastal Commission as needed (Preserve Manager and/or Steward to report depending on severity of issue) The above schedule and process for meetings and reporting will provide the structure for compliance monitoring (Is the HMP and OSMP being implemented according to the Implementing Agreement and the conditions, policies, and guidelines established therein?) and effectiveness monitoring (Is the conservation and management of the preserve system conserving the species and habitats as expected?). Figure 1-4 and 1-5 show schematically how the primary preserve management entities and reporting mechanisms interact to achieve effective compliance monitoring and effectiveness monitoring, respectively . 1.1.6 Mechanisms for Data Management and Updates Coordination of data management is important at every preserve management and monitoring level. Field data collected to monitor the success of management actions and other ASMDs need to be consistently organized and analyzed so that adaptive management lessons can be shared and applied to other preserve areas. Species and monitoring data must be collected, analyzed, and summarized with standardized methods so that data from individual preserves can be combined for City-wide analysis and reporting, as well as for integration into subregional and regional monitoring programs . Data Management Process: • Preserve managers must use consistent survey methods and protocols (MHCP Monitoring Plan, Wildlife Agency protocols, other scientific methods with review of Preserve Steward) Data Compilation and Reporting for monitoring data including habitat based monitoring and species-specific surveys . • Using standardized data entry formats preserve managers will submit data to preserve steward upon collection so that it can be analyzed by the steward, or the steward can be assured that it was collected and that it will be analyzed and interpreted in a timely manner for integration into annual report. Summary data will be prepared according to a consistent format. Resource mapping updates • Resource mapping updates (primarily vegetation mapping) will be compiled and submitted to the preserve steward and the City in GIS format. Individual research projects by preserve managers or others • Data types and formats will vary project to project; however, researchers should attempt to use consistent protocols and format whenever possible . Primary data types to be collected and summarized City-wide • GIS data Tabular data • Data summary reports Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-15 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure Ideally, data will be coordinated and managed with an Internet-based interface to make GIS mapping data accessible through the Internet. At a minimum, the City and preserve steward will provide preserve-level tabular data and pdf maps, along with preserve management plans, annual work plans, three-year summary reports and other general open space management information on City's web site. 1.1.7 Phasing of Implementation There are two basic phases of implementation of the OSMP. The first phase is intended to establish the baseline for species status and habitat condition in the preserve areas. Phase I occurs within the first three years after signing of the implementing agreement or within the first year after a property is hardlined (dedicated and/or conservation easements recorded) into the preserve system. The second phase is the ongoing monitoring and management of the preserve system in perpetuity. Phase II starts once the baseline conditions have been established. The following outline identifies the key elements in each phase. Phase I: Establish baseline database: • Update vegetation maps where needed (as determined by the preserve steward and wildlife agencies). • Conduct additional species baseline surveys where needed (as determined by the preserve steward and wildlife agencies). • Preserve steward and the wildlife agencies determine and prioritize updates. Priority 1 -Updates must be completed in first 1-2 years. Priority 2-Updates must be competed in first 3 years. New preserves areas added to system -Updates, if needed, completed in first 1 year after adding to system. • MHCP CSS Restoration Obligation -Subject to availability of regional funding or mitigation funding from other sources. Phase II: Ongoing monitoring and management (in perpetuitv): • Regular surveys at preserve level and subregional level as prescribed by MHCP and HMP. • Standard preserve management procedures. • Baseline Surveys for new preserve areas (softline/standards areas) as they come online (see new preserve areas under Phase I). 1.2 Application of Adaptive Management Concepts to Open Space Management The City and preserve managers in the OSMP area are responsible for managing individual preserve areas to ensure that conservation goals of the HMP/MHCP are met. The City expects that management and monitoring by preserve managers will occur though an adaptive management approach. The specific models for experiments, observational studies, and adaptive management will be developed by preserve managers in their preserve management plans to implement management actions and test a priori assumptions via purposeful science-based monitoring. Monitoring at the preserve area scale needs to be focused on obtaining information for management purposes. In most instances, the array of threats or stressors of preserved habitats, their mechanisms of action, and the responses of the habitats and associated species are not completely understood at this time. Information gained through monitoring will inform management decisions through the adaptive Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-18 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TABLEl-2. • • MATRIX OF PRIMARY THREATS AND POTENTIAL EFFECTS • ON SPECIES AND HABITATS MANAGED IN THE OSMP AREA • • c • 0 "@ "' " " "[) • > c " e:: 0 iE' c 0 0 "' 0 0 "0 " .e. • " " ·u "§ ·s ·c:; c.. :~ ;;;! <l) 0 " ..c: 0 "0 " > ~ 0 iE' "' • "' '6 " ... " g 0 ~ ;:: -~ 0 "£ ¥ -~ "' ·= " <l) ""§ :.§ :9 "0 • "0 .£ <l) "' > ·c:; c ""§ ~ § 0 " ·= -.; " 0 -~ " c "[) e:: iE' c.. e-:s ~ -.; "' § c.. ""' <l) • -e " " c ;;;! iE' iE' " " 0 "% .!2 ~ c 0"' -~ -~ > > c ~ .:l ,_ :a -~ -~ 0 ~ • '"' ~ ·s -~ ~ -~ 0 ~ ~ ..c: s ""0 0 "" "' c c ·n "' .... "' > ""' 2 ~ ·= "" " <l) ·= ·= c ""' "0 • r.l "' c 0 ] <l) <l) "[) <E 0 ~ 0 0 OJ) ""0 " """" ·= <l) " " " -; ...l u ·= "0 " .!2 0 " iE' .g 0 "0 .g c.. OJ) ~ "0 " :(1 . ., " "0 " • :s :s 0.. :(1 u " "' :;;; ~ "' -~ 0 0 0 0 ~ ·c " :.0 ~ s ~ ~ ;;;! ~ ~ 0 .g .g .g .g "0 " 0 "0 ;;;! B "' j:l Threats co "' ~ < <l) " 0 0 "" " <l) " " !!: 0 d • .... ~ ~ .s Q ~ r/l .s b!l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • Public Use • Off-road vehicles X X X X X X X X X X X • Noise from off-road vehicles X X X • Mountain biking X X X X X X X X • Equestrian uses X X X X X X X X X Hiking X X X X X X X • • Urban Edge • Fuel breaks X X X X X X X X X X X X • Landscaping X X X X X X X X X X • Irrigation runoff X X X X X X X X X X X X X • Herbicides and pesticides X X X X X X • Urban noise X X X X • Lighting X X X X • Unsupervised pets/children X X X X X X X X X X X • Habitat Fragmentation • Roads/utility corridors X X X X X X X X X X X • Suburban residential/commercial construction X X X • • Altered Ecological Processes • Fire regime (too frequent) X X X X X X X X X X • Hydrology (no flood/scour, altered water table) X X X X X X X • Drought (lower water table, disease resistance) X X X X X • Predator-Prey Relationships (mesopredator release) X X X X X X X X • Host-Pollinator Relationships (germination, gene flow) X X X X X X X X X X • • • • • • Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-20 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.4 Goals for Preserve Management Management of individual preserve areas must be guided by the overall goals of the preserve system. These goals are derived from HMP permit requirements, anticipated threats to the species and habitats, and general public expectations. They will be translated into Area Specific Management Directives by the Preserve Manager through analysis of the resources and threats for a given area. The goals are listed below, not in order of priority: Management Plans and Funding • Ensure that each preserve area has an up to date Area-Specific Management Plan that is adequately funded . • Ensure that funds for management are invested prudently and expended only for legitimate preserve management purposes . • Ensure that individual preserves are being properly managed, consistent with these goals, the applicable Area-Specific Management Plan, and the Open Space Management Plan . Edge Effects • Manage fire and fuel loads in the vicinity of development so that public safety is protected, while recognizing the beneficial role of fire in the ecosystem . • Manage noise sources in the vicinity of preserves . • Manage lighting in the vicinity of preserves to minimize impacts while allowing for reasonable lighting of public and private spaces . • Address erosion problems promptly, while recognizing that flood events are part of the natural ecosystem process . • Eliminate invasive, non-native plant and animal species from the preserve system. Seek to eliminate or reduce the occurrence of invasive species in adjacent areas of development. • Eliminate feral domestic animals from the preserve system. Educate the public regarding the importance of keeping pets out of preserves . • Maintain healthy populations of native predators (such as coyote and bobcat) within the preserve system Public Access • Eliminate unauthorized off-road vehicles from the preserve system . • Eliminate illegal dumping of refuse in the preserve system. • Eliminate migrant worker camps and other unauthorized uses within the preserve system. • Manage trails and other recreational uses in the preserve system such that the biological integrity of the preserve system is maintained while allowing public education, enjoyment, and appreciation of the native landscape . • Establish reasonable, enforceable regulations regarding public use of the preserve system . Maintain an effective enforcement presence in the preserves. Take appropriate and effective enforcement actions against serious violations of preserve regulations . Monitoring and Reporting • Ensure clear, effective, timely communication between all parties involved in management of the preserve system . • Collect, analyze, interpret, and report data regarding the health of the preserve system to all interested parties in a uniform and timely manner. Follow recognized survey protocols for collecting data. Use the best available scientific methods to analyze data . Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-21 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • Maintain effective forms of access controls to allow appropriate public visitation while minimizing impacts on the preserve system. • Educate the public regarding all aspects of the preserve system Other Biological Considerations • Maintain vigilant oversight of the preserve system to guard against all types of impacts and threats, including but not limited to Changed Circumstances and Unforeseen Circumstances. • Utilize Adaptive Management to address changes in the status of species at the earliest feasible opportunity. Pay particular attention to the rarest or most sensitive species, such as Narrow Endemics, vernal pool species, and species with very limited population or range. • Maintain adequate connectivity for gnatcatchers and other species between important breeding areas. Use opportunities to widen constricted corridors where possible through acquisition or the entitlement process. Manage edge effects so that constricted corridors are not further impacted by adjacent human activities. In addition to the above goals, the following table relates known and anticipated threats to areas of the preserve system where they may occur. This will allow prioritization of actions to address the threats. While many of the known threats are Citywide and affect all management units to some degree, other threats are of particular importance to specific management units. For example, while illegal offroad vehicle use has the potential to occur in any management unit, it is known to be problematic in certain management units. Preserve Managers must address these threats in their Preserve Management Plans, and annual reporting must describe how the threats are being addressed. Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-22 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • le • • • • • • • ,....._ "' • ·a • ;::J ...<:: ..... u c ~ • 0 s 0 ..8 • "' 00 c <IS ..... <IS =e ..>4 ..... ·= c c 0 "' • ro <IS 0 0 >. ro 0 ;;::J :::E ro ..... 0 ro ~ § a u "' 00 S:2 ..... '"0 0 u ~ ·;;: <IS • = ::;a c u ro u .....:! ~ 0 .....:! ...<:: .s ::a <t: u "' "-< 8 .._, :.a ro "' c "' 0 :§! 0 • ~ 0 0 .....:! 0 ro > ro c "' 00 '"0 ::r:: 0 ::=: ~ .... ~ 0 :::: 0 C<l -~ -~ ro 0 :::E 0 00 • = ro >. tf.) c > '"0 "' ~ 0 5b 0 "' 0 ro ro "' c C<l 1:: ~ 0 o;; .... ·a ~ • Potential Threats ~ a ..... ;:I ro 0 ~ ~ g;J g;J g;J u ~ .....:! Q,; • Public Use • Off-road vehicles X • X X Noise X X X X X • Mountain biking X • Equestrian uses X X X • Hiking X • • Urban Edge • Fuel breaks X • Landscaping and Invasive Species X • Irrigation runoff X • Herbicides and pesticides X • Urban noise X X X X X • Lighting X X X X X X X X Unsupervised pets/children X X X X X X X X • Illegal dumping X X X X • Migrant Worker Camps X X X X • • Habitat Fragmentation • Roads/utility corridors X • Suburban residentiaUcommercial construction X • • Altered Ecological Processes • Fire regime (too frequent) X Hydrology (no flood/scour, altered water • table) X X X X X • Drought (lower water table, disease !. resistance) X ,. Predator-Prey Relationships (mesopredator • release) X Host-Pollinator Relationships (germination, • gene flow) X • • • • • • Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-23 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • 1.5 Recreational and Educational Opportunities To be successful, the OSMP must have the full support of the public. Public support occurs when it becomes clear that there is something of value that is being protected and managed by the plan. Recreational and educational opportunities are the two most important ways in which to create and maintain a sense of value in the protection and management of open space in the City. The importance of recreational opportunities is obvious. Hiking, biking, boating, and equestrian uses are integral to many people's perceptions of open space, and integration of these public uses into the OSMP will be important. Less obvious, though are the ways in which educational opportunities create value and contribute to long- term public support of open space protection. By creating and integrating public educational opportunities into the OSMP and day-to-day preserve management, the City will have better informed "neighbors" of the open space who are more willing and educated to minimize the activities that may negatively impact the natural values (e.g., improved landscaping and watering practices, better control of pets, etc.). Furthermore, establishment of a strong educational outreach program will provide important nature learning opportunities for the City's school children, an opportunity that is often lost for many children in suburban America. Finally, education and outreach will have the effect of recruiting members of the public that live near or recreate in the OSMP area to become partners in stewardship and to be the eyes and ears for the City and other preserve managers, so that management problems or illegal uses can be quickly identified and corrected. An education/outreach component is a necessary part of most of the solutions identified in the focused analysis of management issues below (Section 3.0). Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 1-24 Introduction: OSMP Process and Structure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.0 0RGANIZA TION OF OSMP AREAS The study area, the open space covered by this management plan, has been hierarchically subdivided to facilitate organization and discussion of issues relative to the areas in which they are most applicable. The OSMP study area (Figure 2-1) includes existing open space, proposed open space, and standards areas (a significant portion of which will become future open space based on specific development and conservation standards) . 2.1 Management Units The open space areas shown in Figure 2-1 have been subdivided into Management Units based on the aggregation of remaining open space within the City and/or natural biogeographic boundaries (Figure 2-2) . The management units are defined by grouping of semi-contiguous areas that would be most effectively managed if treated as a single unit. The subdivisions were created by grouping the parcels around lagoons and lagoon margin habitat (Buena Vista, Agua Hedionda, and Batiquitos Management Units), and by grouping larger contiguous blocks of upland habitat with other smaller nearby open space areas resulting in the creation of eight more management units capturing the canyon networks throughout the remainder of the City (Arroyo La Costa, Bressi/Carrillo, Buena Vista Creek, Calavera, Faraday, Los Monos, Poinsettia/Aviara, and Rancho La Costa Management Units.). Note that parcels were not split between management units. Table 2-1 shows the acreages of each habitat type in each management unit. Note that all calculations of vegetation acreages are based on the MHCP vegetation database maintained by SANDA G . 2.2 Subunits Management units were then further subdivided into Subunits based on ownership and current (or presumed future) management entity (see below). Multiple parcels that are under the stewardship of one management entity were included in the same subunit if they were in the same management unit and semi- contiguous (connected or near enough to each other to be effectively managed as a unit). There are 57 subunits within the OSMP (Figure 2-3). Some management units contain a small number of subunits (e.g., Bataquitos Lagoon M.U.), while other management units contain many subunits (e.g., Poinsettia/Aviara M.U.) . The purpose of subdividing the OSMP into management units is to identify cohesive units with similar management issues that would be best managed in a coordinated way. The purpose of further subdividing the management units into subunits is to recognize the diverse ownerships and management entities that have or may in the future have different preserve managers, management funding sources, and that will need to coordinate among themselves within a management unit. The Carlsbad OSMP Implementation Process and Structure specifies the mechanisms for coordination of these units . Management entities are the organizations (public or private) that are responsible for maintaining and managing the open space values on the lands addressed by the OSMP. While the City of Carlsbad, to maintain compliance with the HMP and MHCP has the ultimate responsibility for open space management citywide, numerous other management entities have the day-to-day, on-the-ground responsibility for management. 2.3 General Management Entities There are five general management entities (City, Other Public/Semi-Public, Wildlife Agencies, Third Party Biological Management Entities, and Private Land Owners) for open space management in Carlsbad (Table 2-2). The City is the general management entity for all lands that Jt owns in the OSMP, which includes approximately 600 acres of open space (natural areas plus developed parks). The other public/semi-public management entity group includes the areas managed by North County Transit District, SDG&E, Cabrillo Power, and State Parks lands, which total approximate 420 acres. California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) is the only wildlife agency with managed lands in the City. CDFG manages Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 2-1 Organization of OSMP Areas THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 2-8 Organization ofOSMP Areas • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Issues Issue 5: (Key Issue) Issue 6: (Key Issue) TABLE 3-1. (CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF OSMP IsSUES AND CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Funding to Close Management Gaps Update of Fire Management Policies Conclusions/Recommendations The City will fund the additional monitoring and management activities needed to close the management gaps on lands it manages through annual budget appropriations or establishment of an endowment. However, as determined in the MHCP, the additional monitoring and management funding needed on the private/HOA open space must come from a regional funding source. Until a regional funding source is available the City will inspect the HOA lands that are a part of the preserve system at least once annually to verify that property-level management is occurring. If a regional funding source is available the City will coordinate with private landowners and HOAs to use these funds to implement and oversee active biological management on these lands at the required HMP/MHCP level. Management gaps on public/semi-public lands will be closed through coordination between the wildlife agencies, the other public/semi-public entities, and the City. The City will work with existing third party biological managers to maximize efficiency in the use of current endowments, and will work with them to identify funding for any remaining management gaps (including application of the regional funding source once it is available). The wildlife agencies will retain responsibility for funding all management and monitoring on open space they currently manage. No management gaps are expected on preserve areas established in the future for management by third party biological management entities. The City will address basic issues of fire -managemenTtliroligh a- comprehensive update of City fire management policies and guidelines based on the recommendations of the MHCP monitoring plan and the Wildland/Urban Interface Task Force or the equivalent current accepted regional fire management guidelines document. Resource-specific fire management planning will be incorporated into each individual preserve area plan to coordinate and manage the protection of sensitive resources during and after a burn event. Issue 7: Noiselmpactsto _____ The City will work with preserve managerS-todevefop public outreach and Open Space educational materials regarding the responsibility of "neighbors" adjacent to preserves to minimize their contribution to edge effects including noise impacts. The City and preserve managers with address specific noise impact problems with the adjacent residential, commercial, or industrial noise source on a case-by-case basis. Possible solutions for attenuation of roadway noise will be investigated by preserve managers and the City where Issue 8: Lighting Impacts to Open Space Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan high noise levels appear to be substantially reducing the viability of habitat. The City will work with preserve managers to develop public outreach and educational materials regarding the responsibility of "neighbors" adjacent to preserve to minimize their contribution to edge effects including lighting impacts. The City will continue to require shielding of major light sources on new development projects, with particular emphasis on light sources near preserve areas. The City and preserve managers will address specific li~~g problems OJ1~_c_~~-:l:>Y-:~~ebasis. _ _ _ _ ___ _ 3-2 Open Space Management Issues • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Issues Issue 14: (Key Issue) Issue 15: (Key Issue) Issue 16: (Key Issue) --~-----------Issue 17: (Key Issue) TABLE 3-1. (CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF OSMP IsSUES AND CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Illegal Dumping Management of Recreational Uses Enforcement Conclusions/Recommendations The City and preserve managers will ensure that potential dumpsites (relatively remote/hidden sites) in the OSMP area are inaccessible to vehicles through maintenance of gates and barriers. The City and preserve managers will establish an illegal dumping tipster hotline and post this phone number along with a non-emergency police number for real-time enforcement response. Substantial fines will be established, posted on signs, and enforced. The City and preserve managers foster a sense of community stewardship in the OSMP preserve system and "empower" the residents living near and using the open space to notifY the City and law enforcement of any illegal activities including illegal dumping. ~-c:-===--~:-:-- The City and preserve managers-will incorporate the MHCP guidelines for recreational uses into each preserve management plan. The MHCP guidelines will be used to establish a consistent set of rules for the OSMP citywide, to avoid confusion for members of the public. The City trails team and preserve managers will review the compatibility of the Carlsbad Citywide Trails Program and update or realign trails as needed in the plan to meet the biological protection goals and guidelines of the HMP/MHCP. --The ci!Yrui<r preseiVeffiaD.aiers will pool. their tun ding resources io-iii.fe five- officer/rangers who will assist in preserve enforcement throughout the OSMP area. The City, preserve managers, and police department will establish a coordinated response plan to address these issues, and will work together and with local community groups on a public education program to explain goals and regulations as well as educate the public on the area's resources. The City needs to work with existing preserve managers to address the issue of effective enforcement and deterrent methods. The City will increase the frequency of ranger patrols at preserves to increase public compliance with leash laws, trespassing, and other illegal activities. Itinerant worker and ---The city;:Wi.lrcontillue-io work wiihlocat. and regionaiagendesto find lOng- Transient Camps. term solutions for housing of low-income itinerant workers and transients. The City will also work quickly to implement short-term solutions so that further habitat degradation is ceased. Note that a continued decline in habitat quality without active intervention from the City could result in the loss of one or more endangered species permits. The City will coordinate with all preserve managers to establish a protocol for reporting and handling illegal encampments to protect the health, safety, and legal rights of everyone involved. Preserve managers and rangers will notifY the police department and the City when illegal encampments are discovered and will work with the City to remove structures and debris and revegetation the disturbed areas as necessary. Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 3-4 Open Space Management Issues • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TABLE 3-1. (CONTINUED) SUMMARY OF OSMP IsSUES AND CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Issues Issue 23: Erosion Control Conclusions/Recommendations The City and preserve managers will need to incorpomte erosion control plans into the individual preserve management plans. The City will assist in coordination and repair of severe erosion problems. Erosion control and management plans will be consistent with the guidelines provided in MHCP Volume III. ··--~~-~----~------~-~-------~----------------------------------------------------~---------·-·-·-· ---------------··-----Issue 24: (Key Issue) Issue 25: Issue 26: Public Information, Education, and Beneficial Use of Open Space Fencing and Signs Preserve assembly and integration with Habitrak The City will develop a citywide public information and education progmm to comprehensively address the public education and information needs as described above. Local public outreach to the immediate neighbors or other public users of the preserve will be conducted by each preserve manager as needed. The preserve manager will solicit assistance from the City-wide program as necessary and vise versa. Signage and fencing are the resp_o_n'-s'-;;ib:-;i-::li-ty--o-f;:;-th~e-p-n:-.m-ary--m-a_n_a_g-em-e-nt-:-entity for each preserve area. The City will work with each preserve manager to develop standardized signage and OSMP rules and regulations to avoid confusion. Signage and fencing will be installed and/or maintained as described above and in the MHCP (Volume III) . . -The-City-wl1Icoordina1:e-with-preserve-managers to estabirsh a schedule and deadlines for reporting of data and project status with preserves so that citywide data are available to the City with sufficient time to update the Habitrak accounting system and prepare the City's annual reports. 3.1 Key Issues of Open Space Management in Carlsbad There are several key issues for which the City and possibly the wildlife agencies and/or Coastal Commission will need to make policy and program decisions (e.g., how to deal with management gaps), or for which additional coordination and implementation mechanisms need to be developed (e.g., how to coordinate preserve enforcement with local law enforcement). This section highlights and outlines these key issues and makes recommendations for how best to proceed based on input received thus far in the OSMP development process. Key issues are called out where they occur. In addition, there are seveml other important management issues that, while not key issues requiring policy or progmm decisions were important to review since they are integral to open space management in the City of Carlsbad. 3.1.1 Management Responsibilities As specified in the MHCP and HMP, the City is ultimately responsible (either directly or through agreements with other agencies or organizations) for the management and biological monitoring of its own public lands (including those with conservation easements); lands obtained as mitigation (where those lands have been dedicated to the City of Carlsbad or a third party biological management entity in fee title or easement); and lands within the City that may in the future be acquired through a regional funding program. Similarly, the CDFG will manage and monitor their present land holdings, consistent with the HMP and MHCP plans. Issue 1 (Key Issue): Wildlife Agency Management Responsibilities To ensure uniformity in data gathering and analysis, the wildlife agencies will assume primary responsibility for coordinating the MHCP biological monitoring program (e.g., identifYing appropriate data collection methods, survey protocols, survey schedules, and standardized data collection forms), analyzing data at a subregional and regional level, and providing information and technical assistance to the City of Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 3-6 Open Space Management Issues • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Carlsbad and other preserve managers within the City. However, the wildlife agencies will not have the primary responsibility to implement monitoring and management. This is the responsibility of the City along with individual preserve managers. Data analysis City-wide and at individual preserves is also the responsibility of the City and individual preserve managers . The wildlife agencies have fuil financial and stewardship responsibilities for all lands they currently own and manage, and the City will not be financially responsible for ensuring that HMP/MHCP monitoring and management standards are met on currently owned wildlife agency lands (ecological reserves at Buena Vista, Agua Hedionda, and Batiquitos lagoons; a part of the former Carlsbad Highlands Conservation Bank; and 94 acres of the Holly Springs property. CDFG also manages Caltrans mitigation sites in Carlsbad). However, as per agreement among the MHCP cities, future wildlife agency acquisitions of Priority l properties (defined as areas that are highly constrained by narrow endemic species, major or critical locations of MHCP species, or wildlife corridors) within the City of Carlsbad will be the funding responsibility of the City (W. Tippets, CDFG, pers. com.) . Conclusion/Recommendation 1: The City has the ultimate responsibility for all monitoring, management, and reporting on all OSMP lands covered by the HMP/MHCP except those owned and /or managed by the wildlife agencies as of the date of the Carlsbad HMP implementing agreement. Issue 2 (Key Issue): Preserve Management on Existing Open Space on Private Lands As described in the MHCP, open space areas associated with existing residential developments and governed by homeowners associations (HOA) will be maintained according to HOA guidelines. The HOAs will be responsible for controlling trash, fire, and illegal encampments. HOA open space areas may receive active biological monitoring and management pursuant to the MHCP if there is a regional funding source for biological management activities and if there are no legal (i.e., HOA) impediments. New HOA open space conserved after the City's subarea plan implementing agreement is adopted will be managed and monitored according to the specifications in the HMP/MHCP, if it is part ofthe preserve system . If land is used as mitigation for public or private project impacts, or if private land is purchased with public funds or voluntarily dedicated in fee title, habitat management will be required consistent with the HMP/MHCP and associated habitat management plans . Private landowners within the preserve who are not third-party beneficiaries of the City's take authorizations will have no additional obligations as a result of the MHCP for management or biological monitoring of their lands. Private landowners who are third-party beneficiaries will be responsible for habitat management of preserve lands they choose to retain in private ownership to the extent required by the Carlsbad HMP and implementing regulations and as specified as conditions of development permits . Conclusion/Recommendation 2: Existing open space on private lands including existing HOA open space will be maintained by the HOA or property owner according to existing HOA guidelines and/or other agreements with the City or wildlife agencies. The HOA or private landowner will be responsible for controlling trash, fire, and illegal encampments. The City is not financially responsible for active biological monitoring on these lands. If a regional funding source is available the City will coordinate with private landowners and HOAs to use these funds to implement and oversee active biological management on these lands at the required HMP/MHCP level. 3.1.2 Management Plans Under the requirements of the MHCP, Carlsbad must prepare a framework monitoring and management plan as a condition of its implementing agreement with the resource agencies. The framework monitoring and management plan will provide general direction for all preserve management issues within the HMP boundaries and will reference the subregional MHCP Biological Monitoring and Management Plan . Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 3-7 Open Space Management Issues Issue 3 (Key Issue): Development of a Framework Monitoring and Management Plan The framework monitoring and management plan will identify and prioritize the specific species populations and vegetation communities to be managed, and will identify monitoring and management activities specific to individual regions, core areas, or linkages within Carlsbad that address specific covered species requirements and the City's preserve objectives. The framework management and monitoring plan will establish a process to develop area-specific management directives and describe how adaptive management will be undertaken based on new information on species and ecosystem needs. Existing preserve management plans will be incorporated by reference into the framework plan. Existing preserve management plans will be updated to address all the management and monitoring requirements of the HMPIMHCP as appropriate. This report is a part of the development of the Carlsbad OSMP, which will function as the City's Framework Management Plan. Within 6 months of issuance of take authorizations the City is required to prepare a draft framework monitoring and management plan to submit to the wildlife agencies for review. The framework plan will be reviewed and approved by the wildlife agencies and finalized by the city within an additional 3 months. The development ofthe framework plan will also include a mechanism for public involvement. Conclusion/Recommendation 3: The Carlsbad OSMP will be the City's framework management plan. The resource agencies, interested organizations, and members of the public have been included in the process for the development of the OSMP (see Appendix B), therefore scheduling issues and resource agency/public involvement in the development of the draft framework plan have been addressed though this OSMP development process. Issue 4 (Key Issue): Preserve Management Plans and Area-Specific Management Directives Carlsbad also will need to develop area-specific management directives (ASMDs) to address monitoring and management issues at the site-specific level. There is no minimum acreage for which area-specific monitoring and management directives must be prepared and all subunits of the OSMP that have been included in the HMP/MHCP must have area-specific directives. This includes parcels outside of Carlsbad in the unincorporated area known as the gnatcatcher core area. The ASMDs will be incorporated into the individual preserve management plans that will be prepared (or updated) for each subunit (e.g., Bataquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve, Rancho La Costa Preserve, etc.) managed by a given management entity (e.g., the City, CDFG, CNLM, etc.). It will be the responsibility of the individual preserve managers. to incorporate ASMDs identified in the HMPIMHCP into their preserve management plans and to submit those plans to the City and wildlife agencies for approval. The City will be responsible for developing ASMDs and preserve management plans for all open space areas it directly manages. Currently, preserve management plans have been developed for three preserve areas, two are in the process of revision, and six others are in various stages of preparation (Table 3-2). Preserve managers will be required to manage their areas in compliance with their approved ASMD, subject to modification by the Preserve Steward to address emergency situations or adaptive management needs. TABLE3-2. EXISTING PRESERVE MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR OPEN SPACE IN CARLSBAD Preserve Management Plan CNLM: Habitat Management Plan for the La Costa Preserve CNLM: Habitat Management Plan for the Kelley Ranch Habitat Conservation Area CNLM: Habitat Management Plan for Choumas-Pappas and Alemir Properties Perpetual Land Management Plan for Calavera Nature Preserve Calavera Hills Phase II Final Habitat Management Plan CDFG: Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve Management Plan CDFG: Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve Management Plan CDFG: Agua Hedionda Lagoon Ecological Reserve Management Plan CDFG: Carlsbad Highlands/Holly Springs Ecological Reserve UC Reserve: Dawson/Los Monos Natural Reserve Management Plan T. Dillingham, CDFG (pers. com.) 2 I. Kay, UC Natural Reserve System (pers. com.) Date Aug. 2001 Nov. 2002 June 2005 Currently being revised Currently being revised In Draft1 In Preparation1 In Preparation 1 In Preparation In Preparation2 · Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 3-8 Open Space Management Issues • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For most preserve areas the ASMDs will be incorporated into an overall preserve management plan and as a separately bound document (See Appendix D for guidelines on preserve management plan format and content). However, for some smaller, isolated open space areas (e.g., an isolated parcel with a critical location of a narrow endemic plant), the ASMD(s) may be submitted to the wildlife agencies as a brief form that includes the ASMD(s), a map of resources on the preserve property, describes site-specific threats to resources, and identifies site-specific management and monitoring actions to address these threats (a sample'ASMD form is included in Appendix B.8 ofthe MHCP Vol. III) . ASMDs will be developed and implemented to address species and habitat management needs in a phased manner for individual parcels or project areas, once conserved as part of the preserve, including any species-specific management required as conditions of the take authorizations. The project CEQA document, when necessary, will include these area-specific management directives. Preserve management plans and associated ASMDs must be developed (or updated) and approved by the wildlife agencies for preserve lands within the first year after lands are dedicated to the preserve and implemented immediately upon approval of the preserve management plan or ASMD form . Both the OSMP framework plan (generally) and preserve management plans and associated ASMDs (specifically) will address the following management and monitoring actions, as appropriate: • fire management • access road maintenance • public access control • domestic animal access control • fencing and gates enforcement of property and/or • ranger patro I • homeowner requirements • trail placement/creation evaluation • removal of invasive species • trail maintenance • nonnative predator control • visitor/interpretive services • species monitoring • volunteer services • habitat restoration • hydrological management • management for diverse age classes • signs and lighting • use of herbicides and rodenticides • trash and litter removal • biological surveys • access road maintenance • species management conditions The preparation and implementation of the framework plan (OSMP), preserve management plans, and area-: specific management directives will be coordinated among managers of the subunits within each management unit, across the City, and between subareas of the MHCP to ensure that the overall needs of species and habitats are met on a regional basis. Preserve managers will be required to review and update management plans on a three-year basis and associated ASMDs as necessary in the annual preserve work plans. Status reports shall be submitted annually to the City, and every 3 years to the wildlife agencies . The reports will summarize management activities, describe management priorities for the next 3-year period, discuss restoration activities, and evaluate funding and the ability to meet resource management goals . Conclusion/Recommendation 4: Carlsbad will work with existing preserve managers, future preserve managers, and City open space management staff to ensure that ASMDs are incorporated from the HMP/MHCP into the individual preserve management plans; and the new ASMDs are developed and incorporated as needed. The City will coordinate submittal of the ASMDs and preserve management plans to the wildlife agencies according to the timetables established in the MHCP. ASMDs and preserve management plans will be updated on a 3 to 5 year basis as needed . Preserve managers will submit annual reports to the City and the City will submit summary reports to the wildlife agencies every three years, as required by the MHCP . Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan 3-9 Open Space Management Issues   City of Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan  Annual Report   Reporting Year 11, Nov. 2014 – Oct. 2015  February 4, 2016  Revised April 8, 2016                                          City of Carlsbad   Property and Environmental Management  1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  Contact: Mike Grim, Senior Planner          Acknowledgments:     Implementing Agreement Signatories:    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service    California Department of Fish and Wildlife   Preserve Steward:    Rosanne Humphrey – ESA    Alanna Bennett ‐ ESA   Preserve Managers:    Center for Natural Lands Management    Habitat Restoration Sciences, Inc.    Helix Environmental, Inc.  San Diego Habitat Conservancy  Urban Corps San Diego    Other Contributors:    Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation  Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation  Buena Vista Audubon  Preserve Calavera                    Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 i  April 8, 2016  Table of Contents    Contents Page  ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................... iii  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……………………………………………………………...……………….E-1  1.0 PLAN ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................. 1  1.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1  1.2 HMP COMPLIANCE MONITORING AND EFFECTIVENESS MONITORING ................................................ 1  1.2.1 HMP Conservation Goals ........................................................................................................... 1  1.2.2 Compliance Monitoring ............................................................................................................... 2  1.2.3 Effectiveness Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 2  1.3  CURRENT STATUS OF PRESERVES ................................................................................................. 3  1.3.1 Categories of HMP Preserves ...................................................................................................... 3  1.3.2 Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel ................................................................................................ 5  1.3.3 Gnatcatcher Core Area Conservation Obligation ....................................................................... 8  1.3.4 In-lieu Mitigation Fee Program .................................................................................................. 9  1.4  HABITAT GAINS AND LOSSES ....................................................................................................... 9  1.4.1 Target Acreage ........................................................................................................................... 10  1.4.2 Land Acquisitions ...................................................................................................................... 11  1.4.3 Habitat Gains and Losses ......................................................................................................... 11  1.4.4 Rough-Step Preserve Assembly ................................................................................................. 11  1.5  REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ....................................................................................................... 14  1.5.1 HMP-related Permits and Amendments .................................................................................... 14  1.5.2 City Compliance with Terms and Conditions of Take Authorization ........................................ 15  1.5.3 City Compliance with HMP Zone-Wide Standards ...................................................................222  1.6  OTHER IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................... 244  1.6.1 Public Outreach .......................................................................................................................244 1.6.2 Poinsettia Fire .........................................................................................................................244 2.0 PRESERVE MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING ....................................................................266  2.1 KEY MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................ 266  2.1.1 City-Owned Preserves ..............................................................................................................266  2.1.2 Other Actively Managed Preserves ..........................................................................................266  2.1.3 Pre-Existing Natural Open Space Preserves ...........................................................................266  2.2  MONITORING ....................................................................................................................... 288  2.2.1 Species and Habitat Monitoring ...............................................................................................288  2.2.2 Wildlife Movement ....................................................................................................................299 2.3  PATROLLING AND ENFORCEMENT ............................................................................................... 30  3.0 FINANCIAL SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................333  3.1 CITY FUNDING IN SUPPORT OF HMP......................................................................................... 333  3.1.1 HMP Implementation ...............................................................................................................333  3.1.2 In-lieu Habitat Mitigation Fees ...............................................................................................333  ii                                                                              Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11      April 8, 2016    3.2  STATUS OF PRESERVE MANAGEMENT ENDOWMENTS ................................................................. 355  4.0 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................377     APPENDIX A: Management and Monitoring Summary by Management Unit   APPENDIX B: Habitrak Report Year 11       List of Figures  Contents Page  Figure 1. Categories of HMP Preserves ........................................................................................... 4  Figure 2. Lake Calavera Mitigation Sites………………………………………………………………………………………8  Figure 3. 2014 Current Conditions ................................................................................................ 12  Figure 4. Project Gains/Losses by Report Year .............................................................................. 13  Figure 5. Preserve Ownership/Management .............................................................................. 277      List of Tables  Contents Page  Table 1. Mitigation Acreage Provided at Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel in RY 10 (2013‐2014) ... 6  Table 2. Status of Carlsbad HMP Gnatcatcher Core Area Obligation through RY 11 (2014‐2015) . 9  Table 3. HMP Target Conservation of Habitats ............................................................................. 10  Table 4.  HMP Permits in Process during RY 11 (2014‐2015) ........................................................ 14  Table 5. Summary of City Compliance with HMP Implementing Agreement Requirements  through RY 11 (2014‐2015) ......................................................................................................... 166  Table 6. Summary of City Compliance with Terms and Conditions of CDFW Permit  through RY 11  (2014‐2015) ................................................................................................................................. 199  Table 7. Summary of City Compliance with the Terms and Conditions of USFWS Permit  through  RY 11 (2014‐2015) ....................................................................................................................... 199  Table 8. Compliance with Zone‐Wide Standards through RY 11 (2014‐2015) ............................ 233  Table 9. Biological Monitoring Conducted in RY 11 (2014‐2015) .................................................. 28  Table 10. In‐lieu Mitigation Fee Account Activity in RY 11 (2014‐2015) ..................................... 344  Table 11. Endowment Status for HMP Preserves in RY 11 (2014‐2015) ..................................... 366    Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 iii  April 8, 2016  Acronyms and Definitions   Annual Reports – Preserve‐specific annual reports, which summarize management and  monitoring activities, threats, and monitoring results, are due in November of every year.  Pre‐HMP preserves are generally not required to prepare annual reports unless stipulated  in previously negotiated agreements with the city and/or Wildlife Agencies. HMP‐wide  annual reports (e.g., the current report) are due to the Wildlife Agencies in December of  every year. HMP annual reports summarize gains and losses in the HMP preserve system,  current status of individual preserves and species, management and monitoring activities,  and a financial summary. Every third year, the HMP annual report includes an analysis of  species monitoring data. The latest three‐year report was prepared as part of the  2010/2011 HMP annual report.  ASMD – Area Specific Management Directive.  BLF – Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation  California Gnatcatcher Core Area – An area identified in the MHCP that is considered critical to  the recovery of the coastal California gnatcatcher. Approximately 500 acres of core habitat  must be conserved by the MHCP jurisdictions as a condition of coverage for gnatcatcher.  Although the core area is located outside of the City of Carlsbad, the city is responsible for  307.6 acres of conservation.  Caltrans – California Department of Transportation. Caltrans is responsible for the design,  construction, maintenance, and operation of the California State Highway System and  Interstate Highway segments within the state's boundaries.  City – City of Carlsbad.  CDFW – California Department of Fish and Wildlife (formerly CDFG – California Department of  Fish and Game).  CNDDB – California Natural Diversity Database, operated and maintained by CDFW.  CNLM – Center for Natural Lands Management, a non‐profit organization that provides  management and biological monitoring of mitigation and conservation lands in perpetuity.  Compliance Monitoring – Monitoring to determine if the HMP is being properly implemented  pursuant to the Implementing Agreement (IA) and state and federal take  authorizations/permits.  Conservation Easement (as defined in California Civil Code Section 815.1) – Any limitation in a  deed, will, or other instrument in the form of an easement, restriction, covenant, or  condition, which is or has been executed by or on behalf of the owner of the land subject  to such easement and is binding upon successive owners of such land, and the purpose of  which is to retain land predominantly in its natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, forested,  or open‐space condition.  iv                                                                              Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11      April 8, 2016    Critical Location – An area that must be substantially conserved for a particular sensitive species  to be adequately conserved by the MHCP. Critical locations often coincide with major  populations of the same sensitive species, but not all major populations are considered  critical.   Edge Effects – Impacts to natural open space resulting from adjacent, contrasting environments,  such as developed or disturbed land. When an edge is created, the natural ecosystem is  affected for some distance in from the edge.  Effectiveness Monitoring – Monitoring habitat and species to determine if the HMP is protecting  sensitive biological resources as planned and if any adaptive management is needed.  EMP – SANDAG’s TransNet Environmental Mitigation Program, a funding allocation category for  the costs to mitigate habitat impacts for regional transportation projects. Funding grants  from this program may be used for habitat acquisition, management, and monitoring  activities as needed to help implement the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP).  ESA – Endangered Species Act.  Existing Hardline Preserve Areas – Natural habitat open space areas, such as Ecological Reserves  and Dawson‐Los Monos Reserve that were preserved prior to final approval of the HMP, or  areas that were previously Proposed Hardline Areas or Standards Areas that have secured  preservation, long‐term management and monitoring, and a non‐wasting endowment to  fund activities in perpetuity.  FPA – Focused Planning Area.  GIS – Geographic Information System.  Habitrak – A GIS‐based tool that was developed and is maintained by CDFW for habitat  accounting. The tool calculates the acreage, type, and location of vegetation communities  that are gained (conserved), or lost (impacted) from the HMP planning area.  HCP – Habitat Conservation Plan, a planning document required as part of an application for an  incidental take permit from the USFWS that describes the anticipated effects of the  proposed taking; how those impacts will be minimized, or mitigated; and how the HCP is to  be funded.  HMP – Habitat Management Plan; serves as the MHCP Subarea Plan for the City of Carlsbad.  HOA – Home Owners’ Association  HRS – Habitat Restoration Sciences, Inc.  A for‐profit native habitat restoration and general  engineering firm specializing in installation and long term maintenance of natural areas.   Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 v  April 8, 2016  IA – Implementing Agreement.  The legal agreement between the City of Carlsbad, CDFW, and  USFWS that ensures implementation of the Carlsbad Habitat Management Plan (HMP),  binds each of the parties to perform the obligations, responsibilities, and tasks assigned,  and provides remedies and recourse should any of the parties fail to perform.  Landowner – The legal entity that owns the land in fee‐title. The landowner has the ultimate  responsibility to ensure that preserve management is secured prior to habitat impacts.  Often, the management responsibility is contracted to a third party.   LFMZ – Local Facility Management Zone, one of 25 Growth Management Plan sub‐areas of the  City of Carlsbad used for planning and financing infrastructure improvements and other city  services and facilities concurrent with development.  Major Population –  A population of sensitive species considered sufficiently large to be self‐ sustaining with a minimum of active or intensive management intervention (especially for  plants) or that at least supports enough breeding individuals to contribute reliably to the  overall metapopulation stability of the species (especially for animals). Also includes smaller  populations that are considered important to long‐term species survival.  Management Unit – Groupings of adjacent or nearby preserve parcels that have similar  management needs.  MHCP – Multiple Habitat Conservation Program – a subregional conservation plan prepared and  administered by SANDAG that encompasses the cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido,  Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, and Vista. The goal of the MHCP is to conserve  approximately 19,000 acres of habitat and contribute toward the regional habitat preserve  system for the protection of more than 80 rare, threatened, or endangered species.  NCCP – Natural Community Conservation Planning Program – a program of CDFW that takes a  broad‐based ecosystem approach to planning for the protection and perpetuation of  biological diversity throughout the State.  The MHCP is a sub‐regional component of the  statewide NCCP.  Non‐wasting Endowment – An endowment with sufficient principal that provides for the set up  costs and management/monitoring of a preserve in perpetuity through investment returns.  The endowment is designed to increase in value over time in order for the generated  revenues to increase, and thus keep pace with inflation.  Pre‐HMP preserves generally did  not require endowments to fund management, unless specified in a previously negotiated  agreement with the city and/or Wildlife Agencies.  OSMP – Open Space Management Plan, which serves as the Preserve Management and  Monitoring Plan referenced in Section 12.3 of the Implementing Agreement.  PAR – Property Analysis Record, a cost analysis that estimates the management and monitoring  costs of a specific preserve in perpetuity, often in the form of an endowment to fund long‐ vi                                                                              Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11      April 8, 2016    term management. A PAR is based on industry accepted parameters, allows an objective  cost/benefit analysis for each line item, and adjusts for inflation.  PMP – Area‐specific Preserve Management Plan, the permanent management plan developed for  a particular preserve within the preserve System. The city has contracted Center for Natural  Lands Management to develop a master PMP for all city‐owned preserves which addresses  each preserve individually.  Preserve – Land conserved with a conservation easement, restrictive covenant, deed restriction,  or transfer of fee title to the city or California Department of Fish and Game that is being  managed to HMP and MHCP standards. (Note: lands already set aside for preservation  through an open space easement prior to HMP adoption have limited management  activities until a regional funding source is available).  Preserve Manager – The entity responsible for monitoring and managing the preserve. The  majority of preserve lands are owned/managed by the city, CDFW, CNLM, or private  Homeowner’s Associations (HOAs). Pursuant to State due‐diligence legislation that took  effect January of 2007, preserve managers must be certified by either the city or CDFW  before they can begin managing lands in the city.  Priority Species – Sensitive species that have site‐specific permit conditions requiring populations  to be tracked individually using GIS.  Proposed Hardline Preserve Areas – Areas identified in the HMP as natural habitat open space  that were proposed for permanent conservation and perpetual management during the  design phase of development projects but not completed prior to final approval of the HMP.    RY – Reporting Year, or from November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015  Rough Step Assembly ‐ A policy that requires development (losses) occur in “rough step” with  land conservation (gains) during preserve assembly to ensure that development does not  greatly outpace land conservation. It is generally understood by the Wildlife Agencies that  losses should be no more than 10% greater than gains.  SANDAG – San Diego Association of Governments. SANDAG is the San Diego region’s primary  public planning, transportation, transit construction, and research agency, providing the  public forum for regional policy decisions about growth, transportation planning and transit  construction, environmental management, housing, open space, energy, public safety, and  binational topics.  SDHC – San Diego Habitat Conservancy; a non‐profit organization that provides management and  biological monitoring of mitigation and conservation lands in perpetuity. Prior to February  of 2009, SDHC was called Helix Community Conservancy.  Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 vii  April 8, 2016  SDMMP – San Diego Management and Monitoring Program; The SDMMP is a science based  program seeking to provide a coordinated approach to management and biological  monitoring of lands in San Diego that have been conserved through various programs  including the Multiple Species Conservation Program, the Multiple Habitats Conservation  Program, the TransNet Environmental Mitigation Program, and various other conservation  and mitigation efforts.  Standards Areas – Areas that were included in the MHCP Focused Planning Area (i.e., considered  high priority for inclusion into the preserve system), but for which projects had not been  proposed prior to the city’s HMP approval. Because potential protected habitat areas had  not been delineated, a set of zone‐specific conservation standards were established as a  condition of future project approval.  Take – As defined in the Federal Endangered Species Act; to harm, harass, pursue, hunt, shoot,  wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect a listed species or attempt to do so, including impacts  to the habitats upon which these listed species depend.  TET – The Environmental Trust. TET was a habitat management company that owned and  managed several preserves in Carlsbad until declaring bankruptcy in 2005. Their properties  were unmanaged until CDFW acquired title and management responsibility in early 2010.    TransNet ‐ the San Diego County half‐cent sales tax for transportation improvements first  approved by voters in 1988 and extended in 2004. The Environmental Mitigation Program  (EMP) is a component of TransNet that funds habitat related environmental mitigation  activities required to implement projects identified in SANDAG’s Regional Transportation  Plan, including a funding allocation for habitat acquisition, management, and monitoring  activities as needed to help implement the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP)  and the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP).   USACOE – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  USFWS – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  Wildlife Agencies – Term used collectively for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.    E‐1 Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11    April 8, 2016  Executive Summary    This is the eleventh annual HMP summary report, covering the period of November 1, 2014 to  October 31, 2015. This report summarizes the preserve status, implementation activities, and  preserve gains and losses that have occurred during the current reporting period.  Highlights of  HMP activities are summarized below.    Current Status of Preserves  The existing preserves continued to be managed, monitored, and/or maintained during the  reporting period. Established private and city‐owned Hardline Preserves were managed and  monitored in accordance with their approved Preserve Management Plans; California  Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) preserves were managed subject to available funding  and resources; and pre‐existing natural open space areas were maintained according to their  respective Open Space Easements, if applicable.  Descriptions of the different categories of  preserves are contained in Section 1.3.      Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel   There were no debits during the reporting period; cumulative debits and adjustments for  wetland mitigation sites to date are 90.5 acres. The total credits available were adjusted based  upon the Implementing Agreement and evaluation of habitat types, leaving a total of 115.6  acres (credits) remaining.    Gnatcatcher Core Area Conservation Obligation  The city has conserved 294.67 acres of the 307.60 acre Gnatcatcher Core Area conservation  requirement and continued to explore opportunities to conserve the remaining 12.93 acres  during the reporting period.    Land Acquisitions  There were no land acquisitions inside of the HMP Planning Area during the reporting period.     Habitat Gains and Losses  The only habitat gain and loss during the reporting period involved the Robertson Ranch West  project with 219.4 acres impacted by development and 37.9 acres set aside for preservation.  Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 E‐2  April 8, 2016  Rough‐Step Preserve Assembly  The rough step policy states that during preserve assembly, development (losses) must occur  in “rough step” with land conservation (gains). Although a precise definition of “rough step”  was not included in the MHCP or HMP, it is generally understood by the Wildlife Agencies that  losses should be no more than 10% greater than gains (C. Beck, CDFW, pers. comm. 2007).  This policy was developed for NCCP plans to ensure that development does not greatly  outpace land preservation. To date, 1,784.1 acres have been lost in Carlsbad since inception  of the HMP, and therefore, no less than 1,605.7 acres (1,784.1‐178.4) must be preserved. A  cumulative total of 5,969.7 acres have been gained in the preserve system, which greatly  exceeds the minimum required by the rough step policy. The rough step policy will continue  to be followed for all new development projects (e.g., in Standards Areas) because the city  requires that native habitat be conserved (impact mitigation/habitat gain) prior to issuing a  grading permit (habitat impact/habitat loss).     Regulatory Compliance  The city is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the Implementing Agreement, NCCP  take authorization/permit, and federal ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) take authorization/permit, and  HMP zone‐specific standards, as summarized in Tables 5 – 8 in the body of the report. Three  HMP permits were approved, and three minor amendments (two Consistency Findings and  one mapping correction) were processed during the current reporting period.    Preserve Management and Monitoring  Key management and monitoring activities in HMP preserves conducted this year included  invasive species removal, installation and maintenance of fences and signage, rare plant  counts and habitat assessments, vegetation mapping, sensitive bird species surveys, wildlife  corridor tracking, , and public outreach activities.     Patrolling and Enforcement  The Environmental Management division of Public Works continues to coordinate with  preserve managers, Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department, CDFW, and the Carlsbad and  Oceanside Police Departments on a multi‐pronged approach to enforcement within the  preserve system using education, deterrence, and patrolling.  E‐3                Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11     April 8, 2016  Financial Summary  In‐lieu Mitigation Fee Program. A total of $360,970.41 of in‐lieu mitigation fees were collected  and none was expended during the reporting period. As of October 31, 2015, the account had  a negative balance of $415,062.28. This shortfall will be reimbursed with future in‐lieu  mitigation fees.  Preserve Management Endowments. During the reporting period, a total of $385,233 was  used by CNLM, SDHC, HRS, and San Diego Urban Corps Habitat Services for management and  monitoring activities on 14 preserves. Endowment and remaining initial funds for these  properties totaled $10,361,947as of October 31, 2015.     Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  1  April 8, 2016  1.0 Plan Administration    1.1 Introduction   The purpose of this document is to provide an update on the status of the Habitat Management  Plan (HMP) preserve system, and implementation activities that have occurred during the current  reporting period (November 1, 2014 – October 31, 2015).  The information in this report will be  used in compliance monitoring to determine if the HMP is being properly implemented pursuant  to relevant regulations and permit conditions. Annual tracking and reporting of the HMP  Preserve’s gains, losses, management, and monitoring is required by Sections 12.1 and 12.2 of  the Implementing Agreement (IA), dated November 12, 2004; the Federal Fish and Wildlife  10(a)(1)(B) Permit No. TE022606‐0, dated November 12, 2004; and the NCCP Permit No. 2835‐ 2004‐001‐05, dated November 15, 2004.   This annual report covers year eight of the 50‐year HMP  implementation permits.      1.2 HMP Compliance Monitoring and Effectiveness Monitoring   1.2.1 HMP Conservation Goals  In order to evaluate the city’s compliance with the HMP, and the effectiveness of the MHCP/HMP  with respect to natural resources protection, it is necessary to understand the underlying goals of  the plan, which are summarized below (See HMP p. A‐2 for a complete list):   Conserve the full range of vegetation community types, with a focus on sensitive habitat  types.   Conserve populations of narrow endemic species and other covered species.   Conserve sufficient habitat, functional biological cores, wildlife movement corridors, and  habitat linkages, including linkages that connect coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila  californica californica) populations and movement corridors for large mammals, to  support covered species in perpetuity.   Apply a “no net loss” policy to wetlands, riparian habitats, and oak woodlands.   Implement appropriate land use measures to ensure the protection of preserve lands in  perpetuity.   Meet conservation goals stated above while accommodating orderly growth and  development in the city.   Coordinate and monitor protection and management of conserved lands within the  preserve system.   Minimize costs of Endangered Species Act (ESA)‐related mitigation and HMP  implementation.  2 Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11    April 8, 2016   1.2.2 Compliance Monitoring  Compliance monitoring, also known as implementation or regulatory monitoring, is required  pursuant to the city’s HMP Implementing Agreement (permit) with the Wildlife Agencies (CDFW  and USFWS) to ensure that the city is performing the conservation and implementation actions  described in the Implementing Agreement. Compliance monitoring tracks whether the city is  doing what it agreed to do from a regulatory perspective, such as conserving particular species  locations and acres of habitat, monitoring the condition of the habitat and species, and  performing required management actions (MHCP Vol. I). The Preserve steward assists the city by  conducting compliance monitoring and reporting for agency review. Habitat tracking results are  provided in Section 1.4; regulatory compliance is discussed in Section 1.5; and management and  monitoring activities are summarized in Section 2.0.    1.2.3 Effectiveness Monitoring  Effectiveness monitoring, also known as biological, ecological or validation monitoring,  determines the effectiveness of the conservation program.  Effectiveness monitoring evaluates  how well the conservation and management actions are achieving the biological goals stated in  the MHCP and HMP within the city and across the MHCP planning area as a whole. The preserve‐ level monitoring program is used to evaluate the effectiveness of management actions at specific  preserve areas (MHCP Vol. III). At the subregional (MHCP‐wide) level, effectiveness monitoring  involves assessing status and trends in populations of covered species, and assessing how well the  conservation strategy is working to maintain natural ecological processes (MHCP Vol. III). The city  is responsible for biological monitoring on city‐owned properties and for reporting monitoring  results from other properties within the HMP. The Wildlife Agencies are responsible for  monitoring on their own properties (i.e., reserves owned by CDFW or lands within Batiquitos  Lagoon owned by the California State Lands Commission) and for conducting subregional  monitoring and analysis.    Monitoring the effectiveness of the MHCP and HMP is more challenging than compliance  monitoring because the biological goals are broad and it may take many (upwards of ten) years  before trends in species populations and habitat conditions are detectable. Species and habitat  monitoring is conducted by the preserve managers. The city, Preserve steward, preserve  managers, and Wildlife Agencies are currently working together to develop a functional city‐wide  monitoring program that will help answer questions about population trends and wildlife  movement. In addition, the city is coordinating with the San Diego Management and Monitoring  Program (SDMMP), which is developing regional and preserve‐level monitoring and management  protocols for use throughout San Diego County.    Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  3  April 8, 2016  1.3  Current Status of Preserves  This section contains a description of the different categories of preserves within the HMP  preserve system, accounting of the mitigation credits at the city’s Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel,  status of the city’s Gnatcatcher Core Area conservation obligation, and summary of in‐lieu  mitigation fee program.   1.3.1 Categories of HMP Preserves  Lands within the HMP preserve system can be grouped into four categories: (1) established  private and city‐owned Hardline Preserves; (2) California Department of Fish and Game Ecological  Reserves; (3) pre‐existing natural open space preserves; and (4) future preserves (Proposed  Hardline Preserves and Standards Areas). These categories of preserve lands are distinguished by  the level of management, ownership, and/or status as described below and shown in Figure 1.    Established Private and City‐owned Hardline Preserves  These Hardline Preserves were established during or after the adoption of the HMP.  They have  approved Preserve Management Plans implemented by preserve managers and funded through  non‐wasting endowments or, in the case of the city‐owned preserves, through annual budget  appropriations.  The city requires annual reports for all of these preserves. The underlying  property owners for these preserves are a preserve management entity, homeowner’s  association, or the city.  Except for the city‐owned properties, all of these Hardline Preserves are  protected by a recorded Conservation Easement.  Examples of these preserves include Rancho La  Costa, Carlsbad Oaks North, Kelly Ranch, Lake Calavera, and the Crossings Golf Course, among  others.      California Department of Fish and Game Ecological Reserves  These Hardline Preserves were established prior to or subsequent to the adoption of the HMP  and are all owned by the State of California.  According to the HMP Implementing Agreement, the  level of management and monitoring of the CDFW preserves is based upon the available State  funding and resources.  Currently there are no finalized Reserve Management Plans for the CDFW  ecological reserves in Carlsbad but management follows draft plans.  CDFW obtains State Wildlife  Grant funding annually for management and monitoring activities on preserves. Management  accounts are established for Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve and Agua Hedionda Lagoon  Ecological Reserve.  The Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve is managed and monitored by CDFW  and funded through a mitigation account established by the Port of Los Angeles and held by  CDFW.  The Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve is managed by Center for Natural Lands  Management (CNLM), a non‐profit management entity, through a contract and funded by an  endowment held by CNLM.  The city receives some CDFW monitoring data for the lagoon  preserves and a CNLM prepared annual report for the Buena Vista Creek Reserve.  Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  5  April 8, 2016  Pre‐existing Natural Open Space Preserves  These Hardline Preserves predated the adoption of the HMP and are composed of natural open  space areas within subdivisions or master plan communities (owned by the respective  homeowner’s association), the University of California’s Dawson‐Los Monos Reserve, and areas  owned by Cabrillo Power, San Diego Gas and Electric, and the San Dieguito Union High School  District.  The lands were included in the HMP because of their biological resources and ecological  value.  There are no Preserve Management Plans or active management and monitoring  associated with these preserves and maintenance of the property is the responsibility of the  property owner. Generally, management consists of trash pick‐up and fence maintenance. The  HMP envisioned that future management and monitoring of these lands would be financed  through a regional funding source. All of the preserves owned by homeowner’s associations are  protected by an Open Space Easement.  The Dawson‐Los Monos Reserve is owned by the Regents  of University of California and has no open space or conservation easement protection.  Examples  of the homeowner’s association owned preserves include Calavera Hills Phase I, Aviara, and  Arroyo La Costa.    Future Preserves (Proposed Hardline Preserves and Standards Areas)  These preserves are identified in the HMP and are associated with developable lands but have yet  to begin management and monitoring.  As a condition of approval for any development on the  property, the developer is obligated to establish the preserve by gaining approval of a Preserve  Management Plan, contracting with a management entity, depositing a non‐wasting endowment  or other secure financing mechanism, and recording a Conservation Easement.  An Equivalency  Finding, approved by the city and Wildlife Agencies, is required for any alterations to the Proposed  Hardline Preserve and the final preserve design for Standards Areas must be approved by the city  and Wildlife Agencies through a Consistency Finding.  Examples of these future preserves include  Mandana and Kato.     1.3.2  Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel  The city‐owned Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel, also known as the Lake Calavera Preserve,  provides mitigation as needed for upland habitat impacts related to city construction projects.   Credits are deducted on an acre‐for‐acre basis, regardless of the type of habitat being impacted,  except for impacts to gnatcatcher‐occupied coastal sage scrub, southern maritime chaparral, and  maritime succulent scrub.  No credits can be sold to outside entities.      There is a discrepancy between the acreage of available credit shown in the HMP (Section D.3.B)  and Implementing Agreement (Section 10.7), with the former indicating 266.1 available acres and  the latter showing 206.1 available acres.  For the first five years of HMP implementation, from  2004 to 2009, the Wildlife Agencies and city used the 266.1 acre credit amount contained in the  HMP.  In reporting year 6 (Nov. 2009 to Oct. 2010), the city revised the initial credit amount to  6 Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11    April 8, 2016 256.0 acres to reflect the actual calculated acreage of the Lake Calavera property. The Wildlife  Agencies and city have agreed to use the more conservative amount of 206.1 acres shown in the  IA.     In addition to the use of the Lake Calavera for upland mitigation credits, the city also uses the  property for active mitigation through habitat creation, restoration and/or enhancement.  Once  these mitigation sites are used for active mitigation, they are no longer eligible for mitigation  credits and the acreage of the mitigation site is debited from the available balance.  The locations  of these habitat creation/restoration/enhancement sites is shown in Figure 2.  Table 1 shows the  revised accounting of credits using the 206.1 acres initial allowance contained in the IA.      Table 1. Mitigation Acreage at Lake Calavera Mitigation Parcel through RY 11 (2014‐2015)    Credits and Debits Acres1  INITIAL CREDITS 206.1  Pre‐HMP Deductions (Prior to Nov. 2004)  1. 100‐ft wide fire break on northern boundary  2. Future police shooting range  Subtotal pre‐HMP debits   17.6  10.0  27.6  Year 1 Deductions (Nov. 2004‐Oct. 2005)  1. Municipal Golf Course  2. Hub Park  3. South Agua Hedionda Sewer Interceptor  4. Approved future Water District projects  5. Lake Calavera Remedial Improvements  Subtotal Year 1 debits   20.0  10.0  0.2  22.0  1.5  53.7  Year 2 Deductions (Nov. 2005‐Oct. 2006)  1. Lake Calavera Remedial Improvements wetland and  temporary mitigation sites  2. Lake Calavera Remedial Improvements upland  creation mitigation site  Subtotal Year 2 debits     1.5    1.1  2.6  Year 3 Deductions (Nov. 2006‐Oct. 2007)  3. Fire Station No. 6  4. Rancho Carrillo Citywide Trail  5. Hosp Grove Drainage Project  Subtotal Year 3 debits   0.8  0.2  0.1  1.1  Year 4 Deductions (Nov. 2007‐Oct. 2008)  1. None  Subtotal Year 4 debits   0.0  0.0  Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  7  April 8, 2016  Credits and Debits Acres1  Year 5 Deductions (Nov. 2008‐Oct. 2009)  1. None  Subtotal Year 5 debits   0.0  0.0  Year 6 Deductions (Nov. 2009‐Oct. 2010)  1. Romeria Street Channel Improvements  2. La Costa Avenue Slope Repair  3. Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan  4. Lake Calavera Trails Master Plan upland creation  mitigation site  Subtotal Year 6 debits   0.2  0.2  0.1  1.1    1.6  Year 7 Deductions (Nov. 2010‐Oct. 2011)  1. Encinas Creek Bridge  2. Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station  3. Beech Avenue Sewer Replacement  4. Lake Calavera Boardwalk wetland mitigation sites  Subtotal Year 7 debits   0.3  1.2  0.2  0.6  2.3  Year 8 Deductions (Nov. 2011‐Oct. 2012)  1. None  Subtotal Year 8 debits   0.0  0.0  Year 9 Deductions (Nov. 2012‐Oct. 2013)  1. El Camino Real Southbound Widening  Subtotal Year 9 debits   0.1  0.1  Year 10 Deductions (Nov. 2013‐Oct. 2014)  1. El Camino Real Southbound Widening  Subtotal Year 10 debits   1.4  1.4  Year 11 Deductions (Nov. 2014‐Oct. 2015)  Romeria/La Costa Drainage wetland mitigation site  Subtotal Year 11 debits   0.1  0.1  Total Debits 90.5           TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2015 115.6  1   Rounded to the nearest tenth of an acre.                        8 Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11    April 8, 2016 Figure 2. Lake Calavera Habitat Types and Mitigation Sites        1.3.3 Gnatcatcher Core Area Preservation Obligation Acreage  As of the final approval of the HMP in 2004, 264.5 acres of the 307.6 acre Gnatcatcher Core Area  preservation obligation had been met through project related mitigation in the Core Area and  additional onsite restoration within the HMP Plan Area.  The remaining obligation consisted of  acquisition of 43.02 acres of occupied coastal sage scrub habitat and reimbursement for 50.13  acres of land that was acquired by a private developer in anticipation of the HMP Core Area  requirements.  The history of the Gnatcatcher Core Area, including how the previous obligations  were met, is detailed in earlier annual reports.    The city has conserved 294.67 acres of the 307.60 acre Gnatcatcher Core Area conservation  requirement and continued to explore opportunities to conserve the remaining 12.93 acres  during the reporting period. Table 2 shows the current status of Core Area conservation credits.  Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  9  April 8, 2016  Table 2. Status of Carlsbad HMP Gnatcatcher Core Area Obligation through RY 11 (2014‐2015)  Core Area Components Component  Acreage  Total  Acreage  TOTAL CORE AREA CONSERVATION REQUIREMENT  307.60       1. Acquisition by the City             Alemir Property – land in excess of mitigation  requirements.         Perkins Property – 30.09 acres of conservation  credit for endowing long‐term management on portion  of property.            October 24, 2011            October 11, 2012                   October 21, 2013                   October 22, 2014  50.13       7.53   7.52  7.52  7.52      Subtotal of Acquisition      80.22        2. Project‐Related Mitigation  150.26        3. Onsite Conservation Restoration Credits 64.19   Total Core Area Conservation    294.67  REMAINING CORE AREA CONSERVATION REQUIREMENT  12.93    1.3.4  In‐lieu Mitigation Fee Program  Under certain circumstances, project impacts to non‐sensitive upland habitats that occur outside  of the HMP preserve may be mitigated through a fee rather than onsite or offsite conservation.  These funds can only be used to offset the cost of Gnatcatcher Core Area conservation. A total of  $360,970.41 of in‐lieu mitigation fees were collected during the reporting period.  A detailed  accounting of the in‐lieu mitigation fees and expenditures is given in Section 3 (Financial  Summary).    1.4  Habitat Gains and Losses  Pursuant to the HMP and IA, the city is required to provide an annual accounting of the amounts  and locations of habitat lost and conserved over time due to public and private development  projects and land acquisition. This information will be used to demonstrate to the Wildlife  Agencies that (a) the HMP preserve is being assembled as anticipated; (b) the habitat conservation  goals of the HMP are being achieved; and (c) habitat conserved is in rough step with development.  Habitrak is a GIS database tool that was designed to satisfy these tracking and reporting  requirements by providing standard tracking protocols and reporting output. It uses standard  baseline spatial databases (e.g., vegetation, preserve boundaries, and parcel boundaries) and  development project footprints to prepare standardized tables and maps for annual reporting.   10 Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11    April 8, 2016 1.4.1 Target Acreage  Habitrak, a CDFW maintained database, is used by the city to calculate the number of acres added  to the HMP preserve every year (although it does not calculate gains within the Gnatcatcher Core  Area which is outside of the city limits). Some of the habitat types used in the standard Habitrak  table outputs are more specific than those used in HMP Table 8. To make it easier to compare the  Habitrak tables with the HMP table for compliance monitoring, Table 3 below lists acres of target  conservation and compares habitat categories in HMP Table 8 to categories used in Habitrak.   Note that the GIS data layers used for this analysis included the more detailed habitat categories.  Table 3. HMP Target Conservation of Habitats  (Comparison of Habitat Categories in HMP and Habitrak)    HMP Table 8 Habitrak  Habitat Type Target  Acres Habitat type Target  Acres  Coastal sage scrub 2,139  Maritime succulent scrub 29  Coastal sage scrub 2,003  Coastal sage‐chaparral scrub 107  Subtotal  2,139  Chaparral 676 Chaparral 676  Southern maritime chaparral 342 Southern maritime chaparral 342  Oak woodland 24  Coast live oak 20  Other oak woodland 4  Subtotal 24  Riparian 494  Riparian forest 82  Riparian woodland 17  Riparian scrub 395  Subtotal 494  Marsh 1,252  Southern coastal salt marsh 143  Alkali marsh 9  Freshwater marsh 165  Freshwater 53  Estuarine 789  Disturbed wetland 93  Subtotal 1,252  Grassland 707 Grassland 707  Eucalyptus woodland 99 Eucalyptus woodland 99  Disturbed lands 745  Agriculture 185  Disturbed Land 244  Developed 316  Subtotal 745  Total Target Conservation  within Carlsbad 6,478  Total Target Conservation  within Carlsbad    6,478  Carlsbad’s Gnatcatcher Core  Area Contribution 3081 Not tracked in Habitrak N/A  Total HMP Target  Conservation     6,786    1 Rounded to the nearest acre.  Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  11  April 8, 2016    1.4.2  Land Acquisitions  There were no land acquisitions inside of the HMP planning area during the reporting period.     1.4.3  Habitat Gains and Losses   Habitat gain and loss during the reporting period involved the Robertson Ranch West project with  219.4 acres impacted by development and 37.9 acres set aside for preservation.  The current  HMP conditions are shown in Figure 2 and the areas of gains and losses in the HMP during  the reporting period and from previous years are displayed in Figure 3.      1.4.4  Rough‐Step Preserve Assembly  As stated in the IA (12.1 Record Keeping) “Habitat conservation under the HMP must proceed  concurrently and in rough step with development.”  Although ‘rough step’ has not been defined  in the HMP or MHCP, the general standard adopted by the Wildlife Agencies is that acres of  habitat gain must be within approximately 10% of habitat losses (Christine Beck, CDFG, pers.  comm. 2007). This policy was developed for NCCP plans to ensure that development does not  greatly outpace land preservation. To date, 1,784.1 acres have been lost in Carlsbad since  inception of the HMP, and therefore, no less than 1,605.7 acres (1,784.1‐178.4) must be  preserved. A cumulative total of 5,969.7 acres have been gained in the preserve system, which  greatly exceeds the minimum required by the rough step policy. The rough step policy will  continue to be followed for all new development projects (e.g., in Standards Areas) because the  city requires that native habitat be conserved (impact mitigation/habitat gain) prior to issuing a  grading permit (project impact/habitat loss) pursuant to the mitigation ratios described in the  HMP. Measures required to be in place prior to permit issuance include: management cost  analysis, non‐wasting endowment for perpetual management, conservation easement, preserve  management plan, and a contract with an approved preserve manager. Some projects that were  approved prior to final HMP approval were issued grading permits before all of these elements  were put in place. The city continues to work towards ensuring permanent management for these  properties, either in concert with Wildlife Agency sign‐off of project mitigation sites or assisting  USACOE and USFWS in enforcing the provisions of the project Biological Opinion. Habitat  impacted outside of the HMP is mitigated through an in‐lieu mitigation fee.   14 Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11    April 8, 2016 1.5  Regulatory Compliance    To ensure regulatory compliance, the city is implementing the HMP (1) through the project review  process for new development projects; (2) by issuing HMP permits when impacts to habitat or  covered species are involved; (3) by issuing incidental take permits when take of a listed  species is involved; and (4) by ensuring consistency with the terms and conditions of the IA, and  State NCCP and Federal Fish and Wildlife permits.     1.5.1  HMP‐related Permits and Amendments   During the current reporting period, two HMP permits for private development projects were  approved by the city. Table 4 also includes a status update for HMP permits that have been  submitted but are currently pending or incomplete. No incidental take permits were issued this  reporting period.     Table 4.  HMP Permits in Process during RY 11 (2014‐2015)  HMP Permit No. Project Name Date Status  HMP 07‐05 Villagio – Kelly Ranch 05/14/2007 Pending  HMP 14‐02 College Blvd Mitigation 07/28/15 Approved  HMP 14‐04 Poinsettia 61 04/13/15 Complete  HMP 15‐01 Martin Residence 01/27/15 Incomplete  HMP 15‐02 Cantarini Ranch 02/03/15 Pending  HMP 15‐03 Afton Way 09/02/15 Approved  HMP 15‐04 Ponto Beachfront Village West 04/10/15 Incomplete  HMP 15‐05 Ocean View Point 09/24/15 Complete  HMP 15‐06 Rafferty Residence 06/26/15 Incomplete    Three Minor Amendments were processed during the reporting period as described below.  See  HMP Section E‐3 and Implementing Agreement Section 20.1 for a description of Minor  Amendment types and the HMP amendment process.    1. Consistency Finding. Two Consistency Findings were processed during the reporting  period. The College Boulevard Reach A development project removed the alignment of  future College Boulevard and associated improvements from a Standards Area in LFMZ  15 and was approved by the Wildlife Agencies on April 9, 2015.  The College Boulevard  Reach A mitigation site project, also within a Standards Area in LFMZ 15, received Wildlife  Agency approval on May 18, 2015.  The project will create, enhance, and preserve 3.1  acres of wetland/riparian habitat and 5.6 acres of coastal sage scrub in and adjacent to  Agua Hedionda Creek.  Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  15  April 8, 2016  2. Equivalency Finding. A modification to the boundary of the Quarry Creek Master Plan  Preserve was processed and approved by the Wildlife Agencies on December 16, 2014,  resulting in a net gain of 7.96 acres.  3. Other Minor Amendments (pursuant to Section 20.1 of the Implementing Agreement).  No other minor amendments were processed during the reporting period.  1.5.2  City Compliance with Terms and Conditions of Take Authorization   To satisfy the terms and conditions of the state and federal take authorization, the city is required  to fulfill the obligations outlined in Sections 10 – 14 of the IA, the Conditions of the State NCCP  Permit, and Terms and Conditions of the Federal ESA Section 10(a)(1)(B) Incidental Take  Authorization/Permit. Implementation tasks associated with these regulations are completed or  ongoing, and are described in Tables 5‐7. In cases where a particular condition is worded the same  in more than one document, a reference is made to a previous table in which compliance is  described, to avoid redundancy.                                                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                            April 8, 2016 Table 5. Summary of City Compliance with HMP Implementing Agreement Requirements through RY 11 (2014‐2015)  IA Section Obligation City Compliance10.10 Duty to Enforce: To enforce the terms of the Take Authorization, HMP, and IA and ensure HMP lands are conserved in perpetuity.  The city requires compliance with the HMP as a condition of approval for new development projects, which includes conservation in perpetuity, a non‐wasting endowment, and a management agreement with a preserve manager.  On March 14, 2006 the city passed the Habitat Preservation and Management Requirements Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code § 21.210), which includes a section on enforcement (§21.210.19) for violations of the HMP.  The city is developing a coordinated multi‐departmental trail enforcement program (Section 2.1.6) and continues to work with local preserve managers for enforcement activities.  Complaints made by citizens regarding possible violations of the HMP within preserves are investigated on a case by case basis.   11.1 Preserve System: To ensure the establishment and management in perpetuity of a 6,757‐acre preserve system.  The city has currently gained 5,969.7 acres of habitat within the HMP planning area and 294.67 acres of habitat within the MHCP Gnatcatcher Core Area (over 95% of the overall target acreage). See Section 1.4.3 for more details.  11.2  Project Mitigation Measures: To require additional mitigation measures to mitigate impacts to covered species in all future development projects.  As a condition of approval for new development projects, the city requires that all potential impacts to HMP covered species be avoided, minimized, and/or mitigated. 11.3 Regulatory Implementation: A. Urgency Ordinance – interim HMP enforcement B. Amend Open Space and Conservation Element of General Plan to incorporate HMP C. Amend Open Space Ordinance to incorporate Conserved Habitat Areas D. Amend Municipal Code to incorporate Standards Area compliance  E.  Amend General Plan to identify HMP as priority use for open space lands F.  Wetlands Protection Program A. The Emergency Ordinance was approved by the City Council November 9, 2004. B. Revisions to the policy statements regarding the HMP were approved by the City Council in July, 2005.  C. Revisions were made to Carlsbad Municipal Code § 21.53.230 and approved by the City Council in March, 2006. Conserved Habitat Areas were included as undevelopable open space lands preserved exclusively and in perpetuity for conservation purposes consistent with the HMP. Submitted to California Coastal Commission on April 3, 2006 – application is under review.  D. A new chapter (§ 21.210) was added to the Zoning Ordinance to address habitat preservation and management requirements. Section 21.210.040 B. specifically addresses Standards Area compliance. Approved by the City Council in March 2006. City staff is working with Coastal Commission staff on the related implementation plan for the Local Coastal Program.  E. The General Plan was revised to make conservation of habitat a priority use for the 15% of otherwise developable land which the Growth Management Plan already requires to be set aside for open space purposes (the city defines five categories of open space). Approved by the City Council July 2005. F. New subsections (§21.210.040 D.5 and §21.210.070 A.5) were added to the Municipal Code to address the protection of wetland habitat. The ordinance states that wetlands impacts will be avoided, minimized, or mitigated (in that order). Approved by the City Council in March 2006. Submitted to Coastal Commission on April 3, 2006. Compliance is enforced on a project‐by‐project basis during environmental review and in conjunction with other wetland permitting agencies such as Coastal Commission, CDFW and USACOE.    Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11  17 April 8, 2016 Table 5. Summary of City Compliance with HMP Requirements through RY 11 (2014‐2015) continued   IA Section Obligation City Compliance11.4 Additional Implementation Measures: To implement measures included in MHCP.  The MHCP, HMP, and OSMP conservation measures are currently being implemented during the approval process for all development projects and preserve management activities.   See Section 1.6 for details about additional implementation measures. 11.5 Regional Conservation: To effectuate the conservation of 307.6 acres of land within the MHCP Gnatcatcher Core Area, and convey the property to a qualified preserve manager.  The city has met 294.67 acres of its coastal sage scrub conservation obligation through acquisition (80.22 acres), project mitigation (150.26 acres), and habitat enhancement credit (64.19 acres).   The city reimbursed Lennar (developer) for the 50.13 acres that were purchased up‐front (see above) on April 26, 2011  The city entered into an agreement on July 26, 2011 with the Wildlife Agencies and Conservation Fund to acquire 30.09 acres of conservation credit over four years. The city made the fourth payment on October 22, 2014 and received 7.52 acres of credit.  The Core Area properties are protected under a Conservation Easement, and are being monitored and managed by the Center for Natural Lands Management (CNLM). 11.6 Cooperative Regional Implementation: To participate in MHCP Elected Officials Committee.  To date, the City of Carlsbad is the only MHCP jurisdiction with an approved subarea plan, so this is not applicable at this time; however, the city participates in meetings to discuss MHCP‐wide issues with other MHCP jurisdictions and SANDAG as needed. 12.1  12.2 12.4 12.5 Monitoring and Reporting: To track habitat gains and losses within the HMP area (which should occur in rough step with one another); to maintain its database of biological resources; to submit an annual report by December 1 of each year; to hold a public meeting to discuss HMP implementation; and to provide the Wildlife Agencies with additional reports if necessary for compliance monitoring; and to certify all reports.  Habitat gains and losses are being tracked through Habitrak. Rough step preserve assembly is built into the city’s permitting process (See Section 1.4.4 for details.)  Currently the city is working with the Preserve steward, preserve managers, city GIS staff, the San Diego Management and Monitoring Program, and SDSU’s Institute for Environmental Monitoring and Management to determine the best approach to develop and manage monitoring data.  Protocols and standards will be developed with regard to baseline surveys and monitoring (survey methods and data format), entry and attributing of GIS data, and data management.  Annual public HMP workshops are held every year to give participants an opportunity to learn about current HMP preserve assembly, management, and monitoring, and to ask questions and provide comments.   Annual HMP status reports are submitted to Wildlife Agencies each year. The public also has an opportunity to view these reports prior to the annual meeting and provide comments.                                                                                              Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                            April 8, 2016 Table 5. Summary of City Compliance with HMP Requirements through RY 11 (2014‐2015) continued   IA Section Obligation City Compliance 12.3 Preserve Management and Monitoring Plan: To prepare a preserve management and monitoring plan that will detail recommendations in HMP Section F. The Open Space Management Plan (OSMP) is the Preserve Management and Monitoring Plan described in IA Section 12.3, and the subarea framework management plan described in MHCP Vol. III, Section 1.2. The first complete draft was finalized in May 2004. The document was completed in September 2004 and accepted by the Carlsbad City Council in December 2005. Currently the OSMP is being reviewed by the California Coastal Commission as part of the HMP Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan; the city is implementing OSMP policies citywide. 13.0 Adaptive Management: To ensure that adaptive management actions do not result in less mitigation than provided for the HMP Covered Species under the original terms of the HMP, unless approved by the  Wildlife Agencies.  The city complies with this policy by having ongoing discussions with preserve managers on management activities and by requiring adaptive management within all actively managed preserves.   The city is coordinating with the regional adaptive management and monitoring through the San Diego Management and Monitoring Program.   The city has developed a compliance checklist for the preserve managers; the checklist includes a section on adaptive management activities (pilot study design, methods, results, etc.). 14.0 Funding:  14.1 MCHP Core Area Participation 14.2 Preserve Management and Monitoring Plan 14.3 Management of City‐owned public lands 14.4 Management of private lands in HMP area 14.5 Management of Existing Hardline areas 14.6 Program Administration  14.7 Habitat In‐lieu‐Mitigation Fees 14.1 The city has met 294.67 acres of its 307.6‐acre coastal sage scrub conservation obligation. The city must cause conservation of an additional 12.93 acres; this obligation will be funded through in‐lieu mitigation fees. 14.2 The Preserve Management and Monitoring Plan (known as the Open Space Management Plan or OSMP) was completed in September 2004 using city funds and a Local Assistance Grant from CDFW. 14.3 City‐owned preserves are currently being actively managed and monitored by CNLM.  14.4 The city requires all private development projects within the HMP to fully fund perpetual management of associated preserve land prior to issuing a grading permit. 14.5 Hardline preserves in existence before final HMP approval are owned and managed by several other entities, including the CDFW, private HOAs, University of California, SDG&E, Cabrillo Power, and SDUHS. 14.6 The HMP program is being overseen by Michael Grim (City of Carlsbad Property and Environmental Management Department). In addition, the city has contracted with Environmental Science Associates (ESA) to serve as the city’s Preserve steward, who coordinates management throughout the HMP Preserve, and monitors HMP compliance and management effectiveness.  14.7  The city has implemented an in‐lieu‐mitigation fee program for new development that will fund the city’s remaining Gnatcatcher Core Area obligations.    Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 19  April 8, 2016  Table 6. Summary of City Compliance with Terms and Conditions  of CDFW Permit through RY 11 (2014‐2015)    CDFW NCCP Permit Terms and Conditions (T&C) Description of City Compliance  Section 6.1 Conditions A through F are the same as those stated in A through F of the  IA, Section 11.3 (See Table 12). They are summarized below.  A. Urgency Ordinance –interim HMP enforcement.  B. Amend Open Space and Conservation Element of General Plan to  incorporate HMP.  C. Amend Open Space Ordinance to incorporate Conserved Habitat Areas.  D. Amend Municipal Code to incorporate Standards Area compliance.  E.   Amend General Plan to identify HMP as priority use for open space lands.  F.   Wetlands Protection Program.  See Table 9, IA Section 11.3.  G.  This permit is subject to compliance with the MHCP Volumes I‐III, HMP,  including Addenda 1 and 2, and the IA.  All project approvals within the city are  subject to these requirements as a  condition of approval.  H. Coverage for thread‐leaved brodiaea and approval of the Fox‐Miller Project.  The conditions are as described in the USFWS 10(a) Permit Condition 7  (Table 12).   See Table 11, USFWS 10(a) Permit  Condition 7 for a description of compliance.  I. All monitoring and reporting must comply with MHCP Vol. I and III, and IA  Section 12. Annual reports are due no later than December 1 of each year.    MHCP Volume II includes the following policies and conditions:   Standard Best Management Practices (Appendix B)   General Outline for Revegetation Plans (Appendix C)   Narrow Endemic Species and Critical Population Policies (Appendix D)   Conditions for Estuarine Species (Appendix E)   CEQA requirements for quantifying and mitigating impacts  See description for Condition G.  MHCP Vol. II policies and conditions are  reviewed during regular HMP compliance  review for all new projects within Carlsbad.  In addition, these policies have been  integrated and/or referenced in the city’s  Guidelines for Biological Studies.      Table 7. Summary of City Compliance with the Terms and Conditions  of USFWS Permit through RY 11 (2014‐2015)    Federal ESA 10(a) Permit Terms and Conditions (T&C) Description of City Compliance  1. All sections of Title 50 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 13, 17.22, and 17.32 are  conditions of this permit.  Appropriate language has been integrated  into the HMP and IA; therefore, compliance  with these documents ensures compliance  with Title 50 CFR sections.  2. The permittee is subject to compliance with the MHCP, HMP, and IA. The city complies with all regulations as  described in Tables 10 and 11.  3. The amount and form of take are authorized as described below. Referenced  tables are from Attachment 2 of the T&C, and are the same as List 1‐3 Species in  HMP Section C. Coverage for species in HMP Tables 2 and 3 below require the city  to submit in writing a request for coverage, including documentation showing  compliance.  See next page.  20                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016 Table 7. Summary of City Compliance with Terms and Conditions  of USFWS Permit through RY 11 (2014‐2015) continued    Federal ESA 10(a) Permit Terms and Conditions (T&C) Description of City Compliance  3. continued  Table 1. (a) No take authorized for the following species:  Chorizanthe orcuttiana – Orcutt’s spineflower  Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochmaniae – Blochman’s dudleya  Euphorbia misera – Cliff spurge  Hazardia orcuttii – Orcutt’s hazardia  Quercus dumosa – Nuttall’s scrub oak  Pelecanus occidentalis californicus – California brown pelican  Falco peregrinus  – American peregrine falcon  Rallus longirostris levipes ‐ Light‐footed clapper rail  Sterna antillarum browni – California least tern   Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus – Western snowy plover  Sterna elegans – Elegant tern    Table 1. (b) Take authorization is or will be (upon listing) granted for:  Listed species:  Empidonax traillii extimus – Southwestern willow flycatcher  Vireo bellii pusillus – Least Bell’s vireo  Polioptila californica californica – Coastal California gnatcatcher    Not yet listed:  Panoquina errans – Salt marsh skipper  Euphyes vestris harbisoni – Harbison’s dun skipper   Plegadis chihi – White‐faced ibis  Accipiter cooperii – Cooper’s hawk  Pandion haliaetus ‐ Osprey  Icteria virens – Yellow‐breasted chat  Aimophila ruficeps canescens – So. California rufous‐crowned sparrow  Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi – Belding’s savannah sparrow  P.s. rostratus – Large‐billed savannah sparrow  Cnemidophorus hyperythrus beldingi – Orange‐throated whiptail    Table 2. Take authorization contingent upon other MHCP subarea plans being  permitted for the following species:  Acanthomintha ilicifolia – San Diego thornmint  Ambrosia pumila – San Diego ambrosia  Ceanothus verrucosus – Wart‐stemmed ceanothus  Dudleya viscida – Sticky dudleya  Ferocactus viridescens – San Diego barrel cactus  Quercus engelmannii – Engelmann oak    Table 3. (a) Take authorization contingent upon adequate funding and legal  access to manage and monitor the following species:  Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia – Del Mar manzanita  Baccharis vanessae – Encinitas baccharis  Brodiaea filifolia – Thread‐leaved brodiaea  Comarostaphylis diversifolia ssp. diversifolia – Summer‐holly  Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. linifolia – Del Mar sand aster  Pinus torreyana ssp. torreyana – Torrey pine    Table 1 (a).   No take of these species has been  authorized by the city.                    Table 1 (b). The city did not authorize take for  any of these species during the current reporting  period.                              Table 2. No other MHCP subarea plans have been  permitted, and therefore take authorization for  these species has not been granted by the city.              Table 3 (a). Take authorization for thread‐leaved  brodiaea was granted by the Wildlife Agencies to  the city on December 2, 2005 based upon the  management required for Fox‐Miller property.  Take of this species was not granted during the  reporting period. No take of any other species  from this list has been granted by the city.  Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 21  April 8, 2016  Table 7. Summary of City Compliance with Terms and Conditions  of USFWS Permit through RY 11 (2014‐2015) continued    Federal ESA 10(a) Permit Terms and Conditions (T&C) Description of City Compliance  Table 3. (b) Take is contingent upon (a), described above, and the city receiving  legal control over the vernal pools adjacent to the Poinsettia Train Station.  Eryngium aristulatum var. parishii – San Diego button‐celery  Myosurus minimus ssp. apus – Little mousetail  Navarretia fossalis – Spreading navarretia  Orcuttia californica – California Orcutt grass  Streptocephalus woottoni ‐ Riverside fairy shrimp  Branchinecta sandiegonensis ‐ San Diego fairy shrimp    Table 3. (b) Take is contingent upon (a) and (b), described above, and upon  other MHCP subarea plans being permitted.  Iva hayesiana – San Diego marsh‐elder    Table 3 (b). The city has not taken legal control  of the Poinsettia Lane Vernal Pools and has not  requested take for vernal pool species.    No other take authorizations have been  requested.  4. The FESA Section 10(a) constitutes a Special Purpose Permit for the take of HMP  covered species which are listed as threatened or endangered under the FESA,  and which are also protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as  amended. The Special Purpose Permit will be valid for three years after effective  date and may be renewed as long as 10(a) permit conditions are being met.  Sterna antillarum browni ‐ California least tern  Empidonax traillii extimus ‐ Southwestern willow flycatcher  Vireo bellii pusillus ‐ Least Bell’s vireo  Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi ‐ Belding’s savannah sparrow    The Special Purpose Permit has been in effect  during the current reporting period. No take of  these species has been granted.  5. The Permittee shall not allow clearing and grubbing in known or potentially  occupied California gnatcatcher habitat between February 15 and August 31.  This requirement is included in Municipal Code  21.210.040 and HMP Table 9. Compliance is a  condition of approval for every new  development project.  6. Specific standards (described in the T&C) must be met if the city proceeds with  any of the following plans:  (a)  Cannon Road Reach 4  (b)  Extension of Melrose Drive through the Shelley Property  (c)  Marron Road through Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve  None of these projects have been proposed at  this time.   7. To receive coverage for thread‐leaved brodiaea, the city must demonstrate that: (a)  The Fox‐Miller project meets the narrow endemic standards for this critical  location and major population of this species;  (b)  The proposed hardline shown in Addendum 2 (2003) of the HMP is not  permitted (it does not meet the MHCP standards);  (c)  The Wildlife Agencies must concur with the Fox‐Miller project proposal, and  the conserved area must be managed and monitored to MHCP standards in  perpetuity; and   (d)  If all conditions are met, the Fox‐Miller project can be permitted under the  HMP through the HMP amendment process  (a)  The boundary for the brodiaea population  has been established.  (b)  The boundary was expanded.  (c)  The Wildlife Agencies have approved the  Fox‐Miller project. The restoration and  non‐restoration areas are currently under  management and monitoring by Helix via  annual contract with the landowner.   Long term management of the property  will be provided by SDHC when the 5‐year  restoration areas are signed off by the  Wildlife Agencies.   (d)  Brodiaea coverage was granted by the  Wildlife Agencies through a minor  amendment December 2, 2005.  22                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016 Table 7. Summary of City Compliance with Terms and Conditions   of USFWS Permit through RY 11 (2014‐2015) continued    Federal ESA 10(a) Permit Terms and Conditions (T&C) Description of City Compliance  8. To minimize impacts to the California gnatcatcher, rufous‐crowned sparrow, and  orange‐throated whiptail the city must:  (a)   Maintain and/or widen the habitat corridor between the city and Oceanside as  much as feasible, and   (b)   If the driving range adjacent to the Kelly/Bartman property is proposed for a  different use, the city will ensure that an on‐site corridor is established on the  driving range property.  (a)  The corridor on the NE boundary of  Carlsbad is conserved. Along the  northern boundary, the Buena Vista  Creek ER was acquired in 2007,  resulting in 100% conservation, and the  Summit (Kelly‐Bartman) property was  acquired by CDFW in 2010.  (b)  No other uses for this property have  been proposed at this time.    9.  As part of the project review process, a qualified biologist shall survey for all  species with immediate and conditional coverage.  The city has included this as a condition of  approval for all new projects.  10.  The city will contact the USFWS Carlsbad Office immediately regarding any  violations or potential violations of the FESA or the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  The city regularly communicates with the  USFWS on regulatory issues, and contacts  the appropriate personnel immediately  upon learning of any potential problems.   11.  The city will notify the USFWS within one working day of finding any dead,  injured, or sick threatened/endangered species.   No such individuals have been reported to  or observed by the city.  12.  All monitoring and reporting for this permit shall be in compliance with the  MHCP (Vol. I and III) and the IA (Section 12).  See IA Section 12 discussion in Table 10  above for compliance information.  13.  A copy of this permit must be on file with the city, its authorized agents, and third  parties under the jurisdiction and direct control of the city.  A copy of this permit is on file with the city  and is available to any interested parties.      1.5.3 City Compliance with HMP Zone‐Wide Standards  The city is also required to ensure that all projects within Standards Areas comply with the zone‐ specific standards outlined in HMP Section D (Table 8). All projects that occur within a Standards  Area are processed as a Consistency Finding. During this process, projects must demonstrate  compliance with the standards before they receive concurrence from the Wildlife Agencies and  are approved by the city; therefore, all approved development within Standards Areas is  consistent with the HMP.     A total of 182.6 acres of coastal sage scrub occurs within Standards Areas throughout the HMP.  To date, 16.1 acres have been lost (8.8%), and 62.5 acres have been conserved (34.2%). Zone‐ wide standards require at least 67% (122.3 acres) of the coastal sage scrub to be conserved.  Therefore, the city must conserve at least 59.8 more acres of coastal sage scrub within the  Standards Areas. Table 8 summarizes property‐specific and linkage‐related standards and current  status. Refer to HMP Section D pp. D‐73 through D‐82 for additional zone‐specific standards.  Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 23  April 8, 2016  Table 8. Compliance with Zone‐Wide Standards through RY 11 (2014‐2015)    Zone Zone‐Specific Standard Current Status  All Zones A minimum of 67% of coastal sage scrub and  75% of the gnatcatchers shall be conserved  overall within the Standards Areas.  Total coastal sage scrub habitat within Standards Areas:   182.6 acres. Coastal sage scrub loss = 16.1 acres (8.8%).  Coastal sage scrub gains = 62.5 acres (34.2%). An  additional 59.8 acres must be conserved to meet 67%  conservation in the Standards Areas.   Occupied gnatcatcher habitat is mitigated at 2:1,  therefore there will be no net loss of gnatcatcher  habitat within Standards Areas. The 75% standard is  applied to every project individually.  Zone 1 Preserve at least 50% of coastal sage scrub and  avoid areas occupied by gnatcatchers. Applies  to several vacant lots on north shore of Agua  Hedionda Lagoon and a larger, vacant in‐fill lot  SW of El Camino Real and Kelly Drive.  Vacant lots on north shore of Agua Hedionda: no projects  have been finalized for these parcels. In‐fill parcel (Aura  Circle): property changed to a Proposed Hardline  preserve during Coastal Commission processing of HMP.  A tentative map conserving the Proposed Hardline  preserve was approved however no grading permit has  been issued.  Zone 2 1. Kelly/Bartman property: 50% of this property  shall be conserved and must form a continuous  corridor from the SE corner of the property to  the northern edge.  2. Spyglass property:  grasslands impacted on this property shall have  offsite mitigation at 2:1 ratio.  Kelly‐Bartman property (Summit): Existing Hardline  preserve approved with 50% conservation including an  open space corridor from the SE to the northern site  boundary. Spyglass property: has been developed and  grassland impacts were mitigated at a 2:1 ratio through  restoration at Carlsbad Highlands Mitigation Bank.  Zone 8 1. Kirgis property: a maximum of 25% can be  developed. 2. Callaghan property: a maximum  of 50% can be developed. No impacts to narrow  endemic species on either property.  Kirgis property: tentative map approved with 75%  percent conservation however no grading permit has  been issued.  Callaghan property: no tentative map has  been approved for this property.  Zone 14 Areas of upland habitat outside Linkage B may  be taken in exchange for restoration and  enhancement inside of the linkage as long as  the result is conservation of at least 67% coastal  sage scrub and associated gnatcatcher  populations within southern portions of the  zone.   Robertson Ranch encompasses the entirety of Zone 14.  Due to agricultural activities, very little coastal sage  scrub existed in the southern portion of the zone. The  Existing Hardline Preserve, as approved by the Wildlife  Agencies in 2005, 2007 and 2012, preserves 70% of the  coastal sage scrub throughout the zone.   Zone 15 Maintain and enhance habitat linkages across  Linkage C and adjoining Cores 3 and 5. Areas of  upland habitat outside Linkage C may be taken  in exchange for restoration and enhancement  inside of the linkage as long as there is a no net  loss of coastal sage scrub and associated  gnatcatcher populations within southern  portions of the zone.  Terraces at Sunny Creek and Rancho Milagro, occur  within Core Area 5 in the southern portion of Zone 15.  No net loss of coastal sage scrub has occurred.   Zone 20 Create continuous habitat through Linkage F  between Core Areas 4 and 6. No net loss of  coastal sage scrub or maritime succulent scrub  within standards areas of the zone.  Projects: Emerald Pointe, North Coast Calvary Chapel,  and Muroya. All three projects were processed through  a Consistency Finding and approved by the City and  Wildlife Agencies. No net loss of coastal sage scrub or  maritime succulent scrub occurred.  Zone 21 Ensure habitat connectivity and wildlife  movement east‐west across the zone.  Projects: Poinsettia Place and Manzanita Partners, both  Existing Hardline Preserves, provide east‐west  connectivity from El Camino Real to the Local Facilities  Management Zone boundary.  Zone 25 At least 75% of the Sherman property must be  conserved.  As of March 2007, 100% of the Sherman property  (Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve) has been  conserved.  24                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016 1.6  Other Implementation Activities    1.6.1  Public Outreach  In coordination with the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department, the Center for Natural Lands  Management and the City’s Preserve Steward offer information about the HMP and preserve  management at volunteer events such as National Public Lands Day, National Trails Day, and trail  maintenance events.  The city also conducted the HMP Annual Meeting at the City Faraday Center  on April 30, 2015. 1.6.2  Poinsettia Fire  During the reporting period, the city continued to work with open space property owners affected  by the Poinsettia Fire, which burned 295 acres within 18 existing and four future HMP preserves.    Based on existing vegetation mapping data, the dominant native vegetation types included in the  burn area are southern maritime chaparral (150.3 acres), southern mixed chaparral (60.9 acres),  coastal sage scrub (27.1 acres), grasslands (15.5 acres), oak woodland (9.2 acres), and the vernal  pool complex in the Manzanita Partners preserve.  The fire also burned agricultural (28.3 acres)  and disturbed areas (22.0 acres).   Sensitive species previously mapped within the burn area include: Coastal California gnatcatcher  (Polioptila californica californica), Thread‐leaved brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia), Nuttall’s scrub oak  (Quercus dumosa), Wart‐stemmed ceanothus (Ceanothus verrucosus), Engelmann oak (Quercus  engelmanni), Del Mar manzanita (Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia), Summer holly  (Comarostaphylis diversifolia ssp. diversifolia), Del Mar mesa sand aster (Corethrogyne filaginifolia  var. linifolia), Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), and Ashy spike moss (Seleginella cinerascens).    In order to maximize the opportunity for natural habitat recovery on the preserves, the city,  preserve managers and property owners focused on  invasive weed treatment,  access control,  and erosion control.  In January 2015, virtually all locations of castor bean (Ricinus communis) and  pampas grass (Cortaderia ssp.) were treated through the Carlsbad Watershed Network’s invasive  vegetation control program, operated by San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy.  For those property  owners that did not immediately install fencing, the city continued to coordinate the location for  future fencing and signage.  In January 2015, the city installed erosion control measures in areas  of high erosion potential and inspected and maintained them throughout the rainy season  through agreements with the property owners to assume maintenance thereafter.  To gauge the status and trajectory of habitat regrowth, the city’s Preserve Steward and preserve  managers implemented the Carlsbad HMP Post‐Fire Monitoring Protocol (City of Carlsbad, 2014).   The protocol was based on CNLM’s Blossom Valley Habitat Conservation Area Post‐fire Monitoring  Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 25  April 8, 2016  and Management Strategy (Tierra Data Inc., 2005), which includes a strong foundation in fire  ecology by providing conceptual models relating fire to vegetation communities and species  populations. A total of 24 study plots were established on eight preserves, which captured percent  cover of native and non‐native vegetation, shrub density, species richness, and  photodocumentation.  Areas with oaks were also inventoried.    Overall habitat recovery is currently following the trajectory envisioned by conceptual models,  with many shrub species resprouting and/or providing seedings.  Total cover of upland vegetation  communities is still low, but this is to be expected so early after the fire and most of the upland  habitat has low non‐native species cover.  Species diversity is also following the expected course,  with many “fire‐follower” species being observed.  Most scrub oaks are recovering from seedlings  as well.  The riparian and vernal pool areas are slower to recover, with high non‐native species  cover, and will likely need additional weed treatment.    The post‐fire monitoring program is expected to continue for at least another four years and  results will be included in subsequent HMP annual reports.                       26                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016 2.0  Preserve Management and Monitoring     2.1 Key Management Activities  2.1.1  City‐Owned Preserves  All city‐owned preserves have been actively managed by CNLM since December, 2008. The city  preserves consist of 13 properties scattered throughout Carlsbad totaling 600.4 acres (Figure 4).  Management activities this year included evaluation, assessment, and treatment of medium and  zero tolerance invasive non‐native plant species, enforcement patrols, installation of signs and  kiosks, public education/outreach, participation in volunteer events, and coordination with police  and fire departments on enforcement issues.   2.1.2  Other Actively Managed Preserves   Areas conserved since approval of the HMP are actively managed and monitored as required by  the HMP and MHCP (Level 3, as defined in the MHCP). The preserves in this category are managed  by CNLM, CDFW, San Diego Habitat Conservancy, San Diego Urban Corps Habitat Services, Habitat  Restoration Sciences, and Helix Environmental.  Ongoing management and monitoring activities  on preserves throughout the HMP consist of invasive species removal, patrolling, vegetation  mapping, species and habitat monitoring, installation and maintenance of fences, signs, and  kiosks, and public outreach. These activities are summarized in Appendix A. A more detailed  preserve‐specific account of these activities is available in the preserve‐specific annual reports  submitted by preserve managers, which are available from the preserve managers upon request.     2.1.3  Pre‐Existing Natural Open Space Preserves   Pre‐existing natural open space preserves (i.e., areas that were already conserved at the time the  HMP was approved) continue to be managed according to pre‐existing management funding and  arrangements. The majority of these preserves are managed by various HOAs. Other landowners  responsible for management include University of California San Diego (Natural Reserve System),  SDG&E, Cabrillo Power, North County Transit District (NCTD) and San Dieguito Union High School  District. Pre‐existing natural open space preserves are managed at a property maintenance level,  which generally consists of fence maintenance and trash removal.     28                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016 2.2  Monitoring   2.2.1 Species and Habitat Monitoring  A variety of biological surveys were conducted throughout the preserve system during  the reporting period (Table 9).  In addition, incidental observations of sensitive plants and  wildlife were recorded by CNLM on properties it manages.     Table 9. Biological Monitoring Conducted in RY 11 (2014‐2015)    Preserve Surveys Conducted  Agua Hedionda  Ecological Reserve  Western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrines nivosus) breeding and wintering  window surveys; light‐footed Ridgeway’s rail (Rallus obsoletus) and Belding’s  savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi) nesting surveys.   Batiquitos Lagoon  Ecological Reserve  California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni) breeding season surveys; Western  snowy plover breeding season and wintering window surveys, including banding;  light‐footed Ridgeway’s rail and Belding’s savannah sparrow nesting surveys; monthly bird counts.   Buena Vista Creek  Ecological Reserve  Thread‐leaved brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia) population and life‐stage monitoring;  vegetation mapping using new classification system.  Buena Vista Lagoon  Ecological Reserve  Western snowy plover breeding season and wintering window surveys; monthly bird  counts.   Carlsbad Highlands Thread‐leaved brodiaea surveys.  Calavera Hills/  Robertson Ranch  Coastal sage scrub monitoring; thread‐leaved brodiaea population and life‐stage  monitoring; coastal sage scrub vegetation study plot monitoring; native grasslands  assessments.  Carlsbad Raceway Vegetation monitoring; vernal pool assessments; wildlife movement documentation  using cameras.  Carlsbad Oaks North  Thread‐leaved brodiaea index plot monitoring; flowering Blochman’s dudleya  (Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochmaniae) census; San Diego thornmint  (Acanthomintha ilicifolia) census; coastal sage scrub vegetation study plot  monitoring; gold spotted oak borer trap monitoring.  City Preserves  Thread‐leaved brodiaea counts and habitat assessments; coast live oak (Quercus  agrifolia) reconnaissance; gold spotted oak borer trap monitoring; sensitive animal  sightings.  Emerald Pointe San Diego thornmint focused survey.  Encinas Creek  Least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) focused surveys; wildlife movement monitoring  using cameras; coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica)  presence/absence surveys.  Kelly Ranch Clay lens opening assessments.  La Costa Collection Del Mar sand aster (Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. linifolia) population counts;  Nuttall’s scrub oak mapping.  Manzanita Partners Post‐fire vernal pool habitat transect monitoring.  Poinsettia Place Post‐fire southern maritime chaparral habitat transect monitoring.  Rancho La Costa  Wildlife corridor tracking; Orcutt’s hazardia (Hazardia orcuttii), Orcutt’s brodiaea  (Brodiaea orcutti), and San Diego thornmint focused surveys;;  thread‐leaved  brodiaea index plots and life stage tracking; coastal sage scrub vegetation study plot  monitoring; gold spotted oak borer trap monitoring; post‐fire southern maritime  chaparral and oak monitoring.  Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 29  April 8, 2016  2.2.2 Wildlife Movement  On March 31, 2015, the city completed the City of Carlsbad Wildlife Movement Analysis Final  Report.  The analysis was partially sponsored by a Local Assistance Grant from the California  Department of Fish and Wildlife and included efforts by city staff, the city’s Preserve Steward, the  Center for Natural Lands Management and San Diego Tracking Team, with funding from Preserve  Calavera.  The purpose of the study was to:   Inventory the potential wildlife movement corridors and pinchpoints within Carlsbad,  including those noted in the MHCP;   Document wildlife movement through selected corridors;   Evaluate functionality of movement corridors;   Identify adaptive management recommendations to potentially improve wildlife  movement, and;   Note areas of future study.  Linkages were categorized by size and anticipated function: major linkages generally trended east‐ west following the three major riparian systems of Buena Vista Creek, Agua Hedionda Creek, and  San Marcos and Encinitas Creek; core‐to‐core linkages generally trended north‐south and  connected larger open space areas; minor linkages generally trended north‐south and connected  other linkages.  The study focused on larger species, such as deer, coyote and bobcat; however,  observations of smaller species, such as raccoon, opossum, rabbit, skunk, weasel, and squirrel  were noted.     Documentation of wildlife movement spanned the period between January 29, 2014 and March  28, 2015 and included 23 wildlife camera locations and six tracking transects.  Generally,  movement was good through two of the three major linkages and most other linkages, with  bobcat and coyote appearing at 18 and 19 locations, respectively.  Although deer were only  observed in the southwest portion of the city, there have been anecdotal deer sightings in the  central and northern portions of the city and a camera at Agua Hedionda Creek after conclusion  of the study period.  It is likely that the Buena Vista Creek linkage has lower functionality for larger  species due to the major circulation crossings such as Interstate 5 and El Camino Real, the  constant presence of high water levels, and intense homeless activity.  Smaller species were  observed at all monitoring locations.    The study contained several adaptive management recommendations that could potentially  improve animal movement, most commonly the clearing of vegetation at the entrances and  approaches to pinchpoints.  CNLM and Preserve Calavera have selected several linkages and  pinchpoints to implement these recommendations.     A copy of the final report is available via the CDFW website at:  https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=99723.  30                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016 2.3  Patrolling and Enforcement  Enforcement, as used in the habitat conservation and preservation realm, involves a combination  of education, deterrence, and punitive actions.  The goal of enforcement is to reduce or ideally  eliminate human impacts to native flora and fauna, habitats, and ecological preserves from  unauthorized human activities.  The city continues to coordinate and cooperate with local  preserve managers and the Carlsbad and Oceanside Police Departments in enforcing the rules  and regulations within HMP preserves.      In general, human activity within most preserves, has minimal effect on the sensitive plant and  animal species.  There have been no reports of threatened or endangered plant populations being  impacted or vernal pools being damaged by human activity.  The majority of people accessing the  preserves do so using authorized trails.  However, serious impacts can occur with only a few  individuals therefore frequent education and outreach, access control efforts, and patrolling are  needed on an ongoing basis.  Below is a summary of the reported enforcement activities on HMP  preserves.  Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve (CDFW, managed by CNLM)   Conducted biweekly visits;   Removed 6 encampments;   Continued to evict homeless individuals, resulting in reduced attempts to establish  encampments.  Carlsbad Oaks North   Conducted visits at least four times per month, combining patrolling with trash clean‐up  and invasive weed treatments;   Responded to inquiries from neighboring residents about human usage of preserve;   Stopped construction of an unauthorized mountain bike trail in progress.  Carlsbad Highlands   Removed mountain bike jumps and ramps.  Carlsbad Raceway   Conducted quarterly visits, combining patrolling with trash clean‐up, mapping of invasive  weeds, biological monitoring, and observations of biodiversity and coastal California  gnatcatcher;   Prepared and distributed informational brochure to adjacent Owner’s Association.  City Preserves   Conducted patrols for 12 to 16 hours per week at Lake Calavera preserve;   Blocked entrances and destroyed 200 foot long bike trail at Lake Calavera preserve;   Noted steady decline in unwanted activities at Lake Calavera preserve, with graffiti, kiosk  vandalism, dogs‐off‐leash, dog excrement, and skateboarding in the dam spillway being  the primary issue areas;   Conducted quarterly to monthly patrols at other city preserves;  Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 31  April 8, 2016   Participated in city events to assist with public outreach and education about human  usage of preserve;   Repaired and maintained kiosks, and replaced damaged signs, as needed.  Emerald Pointe   Conducted quarterly visits, combining patrolling with trash clean‐up, mapping of invasive  weeds, biological monitoring, and observations of biodiversity;   Conducted public outreach with neighboring residents and adjacent Homeowner’s  Association.  Encinas Creek   Conducted monthly visits, on average, combining patrolling with trash clean‐up and  invasive weed treatments;   Noted dogs‐off‐leash resulting in minimal impacts to habitat.  Kelly Ranch   Conducted visits two to three times per month, combining patrolling with trash clean‐up  and invasive weed treatments;   Met with neighboring residents about preserve management;   Removed a bench at a kiosk location due to homeowner association complaints about  noise and trash.  La Costa Collection   Conducted quarterly visits, combining patrolling with trash clean‐up and biological  monitoring;   Removed burlap sacks of landscaping debris from an adjacent slope.  La Costa Glen   Regular visits, combining patrolling with trash clean‐up, invasive weed treatments, and  sensitive species observations;   Responded to inquiries from neighboring residents about human usage of preserve;   Removed a few small encampments.  Manzanita Partners   Conducted regular visits, combining patrolling with habitat and sensitive species  monitoring;   Removed trash exposed by the Poinsettia fire to increase aesthetic value of the preserve  Poinsettia Place   Conducted quarterly visits, combining patrolling with biological monitoring;   Removed bike jumps and leftover tools;   Removed trash exposed by the Poinsettia fire to increase aesthetic value of the preserve  Rancho La Costa   Portions of preserve visited weekly, sometimes combined with biological surveys;   Noted significant increase in trespass attempts at Box Canyon, with 178 individuals in 56  trespass events during summer and an 86% deterrence rate;   Former encampment site was reoccupied and trash and debris were removed;  32                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016  Continued coordination with San Diego Mountain Biking Association to block  unauthorized trails and educate public about proper trail use within the preserve.  With regard to CDFW Ecological Reserves, Law Enforcement promotes compliance with laws and  regulations protecting fish and wildlife resources; investigates habitat destruction, pollution  incidents and illegal commercialization of wildlife.  Wardens also serve the public through general  law enforcement, mutual aid and homeland security.  In the City of Carlsbad, CDFW enforcement  officers conduct regular patrols of the CDFW preserves (i.e. Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological  Reserve, Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and Batiquitos Lagoon). Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 33  April 8, 2016  3.0 Financial Summary     3.1 City Funding in Support of HMP  The city uses funding to support implementation of the HMP in two ways: (1) permanent funding  allocated specifically for HMP coordination and management of city lands, and (2) existing  resources, including administrative staff and staff from the Property and Environmental  Management Department, the Planning Division of the Community Development and Economic  Department, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Police Department.    3.1.1  HMP Implementation  The majority of the city’s ongoing costs to support HMP implementation are activities required by  the HMP or the IA. Two of the city’s main responsibilities are (1) oversight of the HMP Preserve,  and (2) direct, active management of 600.4 acres of preserve land owned by the city.     To fulfill the first responsibility, the city dedicated a senior‐level staff planner and provides other  administrative support for HMP coordination.  The city also contracted with a biological consulting  firm to serve as the city’s Preserve steward, coordinating management throughout the HMP  preserve, and monitoring HMP compliance and management effectiveness.  According to IA  Section 14.6, at the time of HMP adoption the annual cost of program administration was  estimated to be approximately $100,198 in 2015 dollars (U.S. Department of Labor Consumer  Price Index). This reporting period, the city provided $95,000 in the annual budget to fund the  contract for Preserve steward costs.     The second responsibility is being accomplished through the city’s contract with CNLM, a non‐ profit preserve management company for the management of city‐owned HMP preserves.  Installation and maintenance of boundary fencing was provided by the city; therefore, the cost  for fence installation was not the responsibility of CNLM.  However, CNLM installs and maintains  sections of interior fencing to block off unauthorized trails as feasible.    3.1.2  In‐lieu Habitat Mitigation Fees  As described in Section 1.3.5, in‐lieu habitat mitigation fees are collected from developers for  project‐related impacts to certain types of native habitat outside of the preserve. These habitats  include non‐native grassland, disturbed lands, eucalyptus, agricultural lands, unoccupied coastal  sage scrub, coastal sage/chaparral mix, and chaparral (except southern maritime chaparral).      The purpose of these fees is to fund the city’s obligation to acquire, protect, and manage the  Gnatcatcher Core Area. As noted in Section 1.3.3, the city conserved 30.09 acres of the Perkins  34                                                                                      Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                             April 8, 2016 property between 2011 and 2014.  The cost of this conservation exceeded the available In‐lieu  Mitigation Fee funds, requiring an advance from the General Fund.   In‐lieu fees will continue to  be collected for habitat impacts, as appropriate, and will be used to reimburse the General Fund  and to purchase the remaining required Core Area acreage.     As shown in Table 10, nine mitigation fees (totaling $360,970.41) were collected during the  current reporting period.  As of the end of the reporting period, the shortfall in the In‐lieu  Mitigation Fee account was reduced to $415,062.28.     Table 10. In‐lieu Mitigation Fee Account Activity in RY 11 (2014‐2015)    Date Description Habitat Impacted Total  11/01/14 Beginning Fund Total  $(776,032.69)  Fees Collected 11/01/14– 10/31/15   11/20/14 Hallmark Home 0.20 ac. of disturbed lands $612.60  01/08/15 Bagher Residence 0.17 ac. of disturbed lands $514.08  02/19/15 Coastal Living 10 0.49 ac. of disturbed lands $1,481.76  03/11/15 Highland James  Subdivision  0.57 ac. of non‐native grassland,  0.04 ac. of disturbed lands $8,737.08  04/01/15 Sohaei Minor  Subdivision 0.82 ac. of disturbed lands $2,479.68  05/07/15 La Costa Villas 0.39 ac. of disturbed lands $1,179.36  07/21/15 Miles Pacific  Subdivision 5.40 ac. of disturbed lands $16,540.20  08/13/15 Hirschkoff Residence 0.18 ac. of disturbed lands $551.34  10/02/15 Robertson Ranch 107.37 ac. of disturbed lands $328,874.31  Total Fees Collected 11/01/14 – 10/31/15 $360,970.41  Total Revenue 11/01/14 – 10/31/15 $360,970.41  Funds Expended for Core Area Conservation 11/01/14 – 10/31/15     $0.00  Total Funds Expended 11/01/14 – 10/31/15 $0.00  10/31/13 Account Balance  $(415,062.28)      Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 35  April 8, 2016  3.2  Status of Preserve Management Endowments  The endowment activity and status for preserves funded through endowments are given in Table  11. This includes all preserves managed by CNLM, SDHC, HRS, and San Diego Urban Corps Habitat  Services.  CDFW’s Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve and Agua Hedionda Lagoon Ecological  Reserve are funded through State Wildlife Grant funding.  The Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological  Reserve is funded through a mitigation account established by the Port of Los Angeles and held  by CDFW.    36                                                                                               Annual Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11                               April 8, 2106 Table 11. Endowment Status for HMP Preserves in RY 11 (2014‐2015)  Site Name Preserve Manager1 Inception Date Original Endowment Inflation Adj. Original Endowment  as of 9/30/152  Endowment 9/30/15  RY 14‐15Budget RY 14‐15Expend. Initial & Capital 9/30/15 Total Funds as of 09/30/15 Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve CNLM 4/2007 $776,644 $891,274 $1,101,084 $38,901 $34,282 $0 $1051321 Calavera Hills II/Robertson Ranch E3 CNLM 6/2006 $1,650,293 $1,947,812 $2,427,928 $84,216 $91,458 $128,830 $2,522,484 Carlsbad Oaks North CNLM 3/2006 $1,020,311 $1,204,255 $1,414,889 $52,034 $49,981 $0 $1,365,161 Cassia Professional Offices CNLM 1/2007 $100,844 $115,728 $144,429 $5,175 $5,180 $0 $139,426 Emerald Pointe SDHC 12/2006 $194,068 $229,055 $232,272$9,570 $9,953$0$212,122 Encinas Creek  CNLM 5/2008 $427,004 $471,909 $609,517 $20,657 $20,768 $0 $588,022 Kelly Ranch CNLM 3/2002 $296,125 $391,670 $488,346 $15,856 $14,917 $0 $474,208 La Costa Collection SDUCHS 2012 $378,756 $392,532 $436,107 $12,671 $17,429 $0 $398,581 La Costa Glen CNLM 1/2013 $624,800 $638,178 $811,287 $28,638 $31,017 $38,115 $796,462 La Costa Villages CNLM 2/2002 $1,364,400 $1,804,626 $2,062,354 $89,515 $97,228 $0 $2,011,109 Manzanita Partners HRS 10/2012 $51,000 $52,855 $51,565 $1,600 $1,600 $0 $53,103 Nelson CNLM 6/2001 $72,180 $96,938 $104,379 $4,452 $3,965 $0 $100,646 Poinsettia Place SDUCHS 7/2011 $167,935 $177,645 $187,792 $6,991 $7,417 $0 $170,763 Southern Preserve SDUCHS 11/2013 $428,747 $437,927 $426,251 $0 $0 $52,288 $478,539 TOTAL    $7,124,360 $8,852,404 $10,498,200 $370,276 $385,195 $219,233 $10,361,947 1  CNLM = Center for Natural Lands Management, SDHC = San Diego Habitat Conservancy, HRS = Habitat Restoration Sciences, SDUCHS = San Diego Urban Corps Habitat Services. 2   Adjusted for inflation to the current dollar value as of 9/30/15 based on Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index. 3   CNLM combined funds for these two projects to provide a cost savings for Robertson Ranch East Village    Annual   Report for the Carlsbad HMP, Reporting Year 11 37  April 8, 2016  4.0 References    Beck, Christine. 2007. Personal communication. Biologist. California Department of Fish and  Game, San Diego, California.  City of Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan (TAIC). 2005  Habitat Management Plan for Natural Communities in the City of Carlsbad (City of Carlsbad). 2004.   Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP). 2003. Final MHCP Plan. Volumes I‐III. Prepared  for the Cities of Carlsbad, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, and  Vista, March 2003.                       Appendix A    Summary of Management and Monitoring  Activities within HMP Management Units  November 1, 2014 ‐ October 31, 2015    Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐1   Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities Agua Hedionda Preserve Manager: CDFW Agua Hedionda Lagoon Ecological Reserve ▪ Continued habitat restoration along Park Drive ▪ Conducted snowy plover breeding and wintering window surveys ▪ Conducted light‐footed Ridgeway rail and Belding’s savannah sparrow nesting surveys AH Lagoon Foundation Agua Hedionda Lagoon  ▪ Public education including: bat pollination talk, World Water Day (water conservation, pollution, and wetlands education), Rubber Ducky Derby (Caulerpa taxifolia talk), and coyote spotlight hike ▪ Environmental Stewardship School field trip serving all CUSD students, other students residing in Carlsbad ▪ Community Outreach at businesses, schools, and City of Carlsbad events ▪ Conducted monthly basic birding walks around the lagoon  ▪ Monitored trails and easements weekly ▪ Additional weekly monitoring and trash pick‐up of the North Shore Hubbs Trail by volunteers  ▪ Established trail of the month program that incorporates volunteer maintenance events on weekdays and weekends  ▪ Assisted the City of Carlsbad and CDFW in maintenance of the Discovery Center Trail, and Kelly Trail   ▪ Continued maintenance and monitoring of public access easements (Hubbs Sea World, Abeledo, Gallagher, Cade, and L&R Partnership) in conjunction with stakeholders, California Coastal Commission, and City’s ongoing programs  ▪ Accepted OTD’s for four new conservation easements surrounding the Agua Hedionda Lagoon ▪ Mechanical removal of non‐native species including fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana), fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum), tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca), and black mustard (Brassica nigra) ▪ Erosion repairs to disturbed areas on public access easements and trails. ▪ Worked with eagle scouts and other groups to install new kiosks on Kelly and Hubbs Trail. ▪ Redesigned and replaced informational signage along trails and public access easements. ▪ Native plant outreach, as well as weekly native plant gardening by volunteers and the Carlsbad Garden Club. ▪ Partnered with the city on several trail maintenance projects surrounding the lagoon  ▪ Produced new interpretive signage for Hubbs Trail       Arroyo La Costa      Preserve Manager: CNLM La Costa Glen ▪ Conducted biweekly patrols to deter homeless encampments from being established; removed trash from such encampments ▪ Treated six acres of veldt grass (Erhardta calycina) with herbicide ▪ Removed castor bean (Ricinus communis), pampas grass, fountain grass, fennel, and several other non‐native plant species ▪ Updated detailed vegetation maps ▪ Mapped all sensitive flora and fauna encountered ▪ Conducted two California Native Plant Society (CNPS) rapid Relevé assessments in the southern maritime chaparral  ▪ Operated wildlife cameras, monitored cameras, and tabulated data ▪ Contacted adjacent land owners regarding invasive species control ▪ Organized public outreach for the National Trails Day Event with the City of Carlsbad  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 continued  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐5  Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities Arroyo La Costa (cont’d) HOAs Property‐level management                   Batiquitos Lagoon                        Preserve Manager: CDFW       Batiquitos Lagoon Ecological Reserve ▪ Site preparation including control of nonnative plant species with herbicide application, weed‐whipping, raking, and removing off‐    site at the W1, W2, E1 and E3 nest sites. ▪ Enhancement of W1 and E1 through the addition of oyster shells for better camouflage of eggs and chicks and to help control sand     erosion. ▪ Enhancement of E1 snowy plover habitat using cut typha covered with sand to create small hummocks and artificial dunes to build     topography on the west side of E1 and help with sand erosion. ▪ Enhancement of snowy plover foraging habitat by mowing northern shoreline vegetation to improve shoreline access for snowy     plover broods.  ▪ Attempted to create more unvegetated shoreline for foraging snowy plovers by digging a shallow pit along the northern shoreline.  ▪ Funded predator control for the protection of least tern and snowy plover.  ▪ Conducted breeding season monitoring for least tern and snowy plover.  ▪ Initiated a color‐banding study of the breeding snowy plovers on E1. A total of 6 adults and 12 chicks were uniquely color‐banded and monitored throughout the breeding season. Post‐breeding movement data for the adults has also been collected.  ▪ Conducted snowy plover breeding and wintering window surveys in appropriate habitat areas. ▪ Conducted light‐footed Ridgway’s rail and Belding’s savannah sparrow nesting surveys.          Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation          Batiquitos Lagoon ▪ Continued management of Cholla Point property, including erosion control and installation of new signage  ▪ Maintained native plant demonstration garden near Park Hyatt‐Aviara North Shore trailhead  ▪ Managed Weed‐Whacking/Trail Maintenance program for community, colleges, high schools, elementary schools, scouting organizations, corporations and other groups, which takes place twice a month  ▪ Conducted ninth annual Kayak Batiquitos Lagoon Clean‐Up two‐day event ▪ Released six Ridgeway rails as part of the breeding program, bringing total to 50 released as part of a breeding program ▪ Conducted monthly bird counts  ▪ Conducted educational public walks and talks ▪ Hosted over eleven thousand visitors at the educational nature center ▪ Hosted City of Carlsbad Arts Council Club Pelican art and environmental education program ▪ Operated educational nature center, open to the public ▪ Hosted six high school and college interns, as well as six Eagle Scout projects ▪ Continued work to acquire approximately 11 acres of additional property adjacent to the ecological reserve ▪ Removed non‐native trees and replanted with fast‐growing natives to improve nesting habitat along the North Shore Trail ▪ Obtained all permits required to build new and expanded nature center ▪ Hosted community service and Earth Day events for Marstel‐Day, North Coast Church, Thermo‐Fisher Scientific Solana Beach Presbyterian Church, Callaway Golf, and Eli Lilly ▪ Received and continued to work on grants to restore habitat along North Shore trail ▪ Worked with local and state agencies to implement  California’s Marine Life Protection Act  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 continued  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐5  Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities   Batiquitos Lagoon (cont’d)  Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation (cont’d) Batiquitos Lagoon (cont’d) ▪ Served on Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project Task Force, North San Diego County Land Management Group, Carlsbad Watershed Network, San Diego Conservation Resources Network, City of Carlsbad Open Space Advisory Council, and Envision Carlsbad Citizens Committee  ▪ Public outreach and education about open space, lagoons, and marine environment at Street Faire, Science Saturday at Dove Library, and community service sessions at Palomar College and Thermo‐Fisher Scientific.    Bressi/Carrillo      Preserve Manager: San Diego Habitat Conservancy Carlsbad Raceway ▪ Conducted quarterly property inspections to assess the condition of the preserve, remove trash, and flag non‐native plants ▪ Documented quarterly inspection, including observations and activities using quarterly log reports ▪ Installed preserve signs  ▪ Conducted presence/absence surveys for Cooper’s hawk and yellow‐breasted chat ▪ Conducted baseline documentation and sensitive species surveys to map habitat and locations of sensitive plants and animals. ▪ Established an additional two photo monitoring points to monitor preserve health ▪ Installed an additional wildlife camera  ▪ Assessed vernal pool on preserve ▪ Performed non‐native plant flagging, mapping, and removal  ▪ Provided public outreach and education in the form of an annual newsletter Buena Vista Creek    Landowner: CDFW Preserve Manager: CNLM   Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve  ▪ Removed trash from former encampments and other localities ▪ Treated invasive plant species in riparian corridors and upland enhancement areas, monitored for new occurrences ▪ Installed native forb and trees in riparian corridor ▪ Continued maintenance of Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) restoration area ▪ Conducted thread‐leaved brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia) population assessments and life‐stage monitoring Preserve Calavera Buena Vista Creek  ▪ Continued to work towards mitigation plan and site clean‐up after sewer spill ▪ Supported planning for public trails. ▪ Implementation of settlement agreement conditions to reduce impacts of development ▪ Continued work with Coastkeeper to conduct water quality and stream condition evaluations of Buena Vista Creek Preserve Manager: San Diego Habitat Conservancy Quarry Creek ▪ Conducted property inspection  ▪ Performed baseline documentation including: general biological surveys for habitat and sensitive species mapping, establishing photo points, and preparing for future work.  ▪ Work next year will include: presence/absence surveys for coastal California gnatcatcher, (Polioptila californica californica), least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus), white‐tailed kite (Elanus leucurus), yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia), and yellow‐breasted chat (Icteria virens); installation of up to 45 permanent preserve signs; monthly inspections and log reports; non‐native plant removal; outreach and education; and other tasks as needed.  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 continued  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐5  Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities Buena Vista Lagoon  Preserve Manager: CDFW Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve ▪ Removed cattails to improve habitat for Ridgway’s rail and improve site conditions for vector control activities. ▪ Conducted snowy plover breeding and wintering window surveys in appropriate habitat areas. Preserve Calavera Buena Vista Lagoon/Watershed ▪ Partnered with Buena Vista Audubon Society to hold third Endangered Species Day event ▪ Supported community education on native plants, wildlife, and preserve management issues at various fairs and outreach events. Buena Vista Audubon Society Buena Vista Lagoon Ecological Reserve ▪ Conducted monthly bird counts, birding walks, and classes ▪ Conducted school tours and summer camps ▪ Performed weekly lagoon clean‐up with challenged individuals ▪ Conducted native plant club, outreach, and gardening ▪ Raised $1.6 million in grants for the acquisition of a neighboring 3.5‐acre parcel ▪ Provided lagoon access and staging area for mosquito abatement program          Calavera          Preserve Manager: CNLM Calavera Hills Phase II/Robertson Ranch East ▪ Assessed clay lens habitat  ▪ CSS Restoration of Village H was continued  ▪ CSS plots were monitored ▪ Native grasslands in Village H were assessed ▪ Village X area was enhanced and maintained ▪ Both chemical and mechanical treatments of non‐native plant species were performed at Village X ▪ Thread‐leaved brodiaea index plots and population trend monitoring was performed ▪ Non‐native plant species were controlled throughout the property ▪ Annual work plans, budgets, and annual reports were developed ▪ Controlled seepage issues in Village U ▪ Performed regular patrol, site enforcement, and trash pickup   ▪ Existing trail blockages were maintained and new blockages were added Preserve Manager: CDFW Carlsbad Highlands Ecological Reserve  Took down jumps and ramps to deter unauthorized uses in the Reserve.  Surveyed for Brodiaea filifolia in areas where it was previously known to occur.   Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 continued  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐5  Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities     Calavera (cont’d) Preserve Calavera Calavera area ▪ Continued quarterly wildlife tracking surveys ▪ Supported planning and implementation and provided continued funding of Phase 2 of study of wildlife pinchpoints ▪ Conducted trail user survey and documented reported results. ▪ Held public education hikes on native plants and birds ▪ Partnered with the city on several trail building and clean‐up projects ▪ Continued Year 2 of Village H restoration grant ▪ Served as trail co‐captain—stocking kiosks, picking up dog feces, and monitoring trail conditions Faraday Preserve Manager: CNLM Kelly Ranch  ▪ Noted and mapped sensitive plants and animals when observed ▪ Completed two clay lens habitat assessments ▪ Counted Orcutt’s hazardia (Hazardia orcuttii) seedlings and adults ▪ Removed or treated non‐native plant species, including dozens of Natal grass (Melinis repens) and dozens Saharan mustard (Brassica tournefortii) individuals  ▪ Performed regular patrol, site enforcement, and trash removal ▪ Conducted annual CE compliance visit  ▪ Replaced kiosk materials as necessary Preserve Manager: CDFW Thread‐leaved Brodiaea Reserve ▪ Nonnative plant control through hand weeding and herbicide application. Los Monos Preserve Manager: CNLM Carlsbad Oaks North  ▪ Any sensitive animals observed were mapped   ▪ Performed coastal sage scrub monitoring ▪ Index plots and life‐stage tracking studies of thread‐leaved brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia) were performed ▪ Maintained thread‐leaved brodiaea impact area  • Blochman’s dudleya (Dudleya blochmaniae spp. blochmaniae) index plots were installed and assessed ▪ San Diego thornmint (Acanthomintha ilicifolia) population was counted and habitat conditions were assessed ▪ Non‐natives were controlled within the preserve ▪ Conducted CE compliance on County parcels ▪ Developed annual work plan for coming year ▪ Patrolled the area regularly, cleaned up trash, and performed site enforcement Preserve Calavera Dawson Los Monos Preserve ▪ Supported clean‐up along Agua Hedionda Creek  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 continued  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐5  Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities    Poinsettia/Aviara Helix Environmental North Coast Calvary Chapel Open Space ▪ Performed wart‐stemmed ceanothus (Ceanothus verrucosus) assessments  ▪ Treated non‐native invasive species, including black mustard, castor bean (Ricinus communis), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) ▪ Noted presence of coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica) Aviara Master HOA Property‐level management Other HOAs Property‐level management Preserve Manager: San Diego Habitat Conservancy Emerald Pointe ▪ Performed quarterly inspections to document habitat composition and needs, remove trash, and flag non‐native plants ▪ Documented quarterly inspection, including observations and activities, using quarterly log reports ▪ Reviewed vegetation mapping in the field to determine if vegetation mapping data from 2009 was still accurate for the area ▪ Performed non‐native plant flagging, mapping, and removal  ▪ Monitored San Diego thornmint (Acanthomintha ilicifolia) population ▪ Provided public outreach and education in the form of an annual newsletter Preserve Manager: San Diego Urban Corps Habitat Services City Ventures ▪ Annual biological monitoring ▪ Non‐native plant species mapping and removal ▪ Trash and debris removal and monitoring ▪ Landscaping debris clearing ▪ Del Mar mesa sand aster (Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. linifolia) monitoring ▪ Conducted site monitoring to inspect overall condition, remove trash and debris, monitor sensitive plant and animal species Preserve Manager: CNLM Encinas Creek/North County Habitat Bank ▪ Performed surveys for least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) ▪ Performed camera surveys to determine presence and use of the preserve by large mammals ▪ Controlled non‐native plant species ▪ Habitat restoration continued in the southeastern area of the property ▪ Conducted regular patrols, site enforcement, and trash pickup ▪ Composed budgets, annual reports, and work plans ▪ Performed revisions to the management plan  Preserve Manager: Habitat Restoration Sciences Manzanita Partners ▪ Controlled and removed non‐native species ▪ Patrolled and conducted site assessments on a regular basis, removed trash, and monitored non‐native presence ▪ Noted all animal and plant species observed and mapped locations of any sensitive species  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 continued  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐5  Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities Poinsettia/Aviara (cont’d) Preserve Manager: Dudek Morning Ridge ▪ Conducted qualitative biological monitoring ▪ Performed post‐fire monitoring ▪ Provided guidance to Green Valley Landscape. Green Valley Landscape removed trash and debris, controlled invasive species, installed straw wattles and applied hydromulch, planted containerized plants next to walking trail, and maintained supplemental irrigation for newly installed plants.   Preserve Manager: San Diego Urban Corps Habitat Services Poinsettia Place ▪ Performed annual biological monitoring/post‐fire monitoring ▪ Removed burnt tree stumps ▪ Conducted general monitoring to survey for fire‐breaks, trash, and illegal encampments ▪ Removed trash and debris on‐site and disbanded bike jumps  Preserve Manager: San Diego Habitat Conservancy Muroya ▪ Performed initial property inspection and baseline documentation ▪ Conducted first quarterly monitoring and removed or flagged trash and invasives for future removal ▪ Future planned tasks include continued baseline documentation, community outreach, sensitive species surveys, protocol‐level coastal California gnatcatcher survey.           Villages of La Costa                Preserve Manager: CNLM         Rancho La Costa ▪ Installed monitoring transects at Cocos‐Washingtonia and Poinsettia Fire burn areas. These areas were also monitored for invasive plant species. ▪ Continued long‐term monitoring plots for coastal sage scrub ▪ Performed wildlife corridor tracking  ▪ Focused surveys were conducted for sensitive plants: San Diego thornmint (Acanthomintha ilicifolia), Orcutt’s brodiaea, and Orcutt’s hazardia  ▪ Habitat conditions of the San Diego thornmint were assessed ▪ Orcutt’s hazardia habitat improvements were made ▪ Continued long‐term research of the sensitive thread‐leaf brodiaea; index plots and a life stage tracking study were continued ▪ Non‐native plant species were controlled; a long‐term eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.) removal project was initiated in Copper Creek ▪ To capture human and wildlife activity, motion‐sensing cameras were installed within Copper Creek ▪ Erosion control was installed and replaced, as necessary ▪ Considerable time was spent dealing with internment camps, cleaning up trash, preventing trespass, and educating the public about conservation and site sensitivities of the HCA ▪ Trail improvements were conducted by staff and volunteers   Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 continued  Summary of HMP Management and Monitoring Activities, Nov 2014 – Oct 2015 A‐5  Management Unit (MU) Management Entity1 Management and Monitoring Activities  Villages of La Costa (cont’d)  Preserve Manager: CNLM (cont’d) Rancho La Costa (cont’d) ▪ Volunteers made improvements to various structures and trails ▪ Fence and signs were installed at locations throughout ▪ Fuel breaks were maintained per City of Carlsbad Fire Department regulations ▪ CE compliance monitoring was conducted and all required documents were prepared ▪ Rangers patrolled the HCA throughout the year and ensured summer visitors to Box Canyon did not enter the area Multiple MUs Preserve Manager: CNLM City of Carlsbad Preserves ▪ Performed habitat assessments and counts of thread‐leaved brodiaea   ▪ Non‐native species considered to be zero or moderate‐tolerance plants were treated or removed ▪ Non‐native plant species occurring within the Crossing Golf restoration area were removed ▪ Conducted routine patrols to protect the preserve, maintain fences, and provide information to visitors ▪ Visitors to Lake Calavera were provided with outreach materials ▪ CNLM staff met with City staff and the Preserve Steward to discuss Preserve management, monitoring , and other issues within the city  ▪ Oak tree assessment was conducted and gold‐spotted oak borers (Agrilus coxalis) were trapped ▪ Participated in volunteer events organized by the City  City Parks and Recreation Department ▪ Trail clean up and maintenance monthly through volunteers  ▪ Quarterly trail volunteer meetings ▪ Public outreach events such as National Trails Day and National Public Lands Day               Appendix B    Habitrak Reports  Year 11  November 1, 2014 ‐ October 31, 2015     From 11/1/2014 To 10/31/2015 MHCP West San Diego County Summary of Project Gains City of Carlsbad Project Tracking #Project Name Location Applicant APN Date Cons.Status Mgmt Resp. Conservation Type Mit. Bank Credits Used Acres Outside Habitat Preserve Acres Inside Habitat Preserve Total Acres CT 13-03 Robertson Ranch West Planning Systems 208-010-44 11/3/2014 Gain Non-Profit Easement 0.00 0.54 37.31 37.85 Total for Agency: City of Carlsbad 0.00 0.54 37.31 37.85 Page 1 of 1Friday, April 08, 2016 2:40 PM Report generated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife From 11/1/2014 To 10/31/2015 MHCP West San Diego County Summary of Project Losses City of Carlsbad Project Tracking #Project Name Location Applicant APN Date of Loss Status CEQA Doc.Activity Type Acres Outside Habitat Preserve Acres Inside Habitat Preserve Total Acres CT 13-03 Robertson Ranch West Planning Systems 208-010-44 11/3/2014 Loss 2.63 121.77 124.40 Total for Agency: City of Carlsbad 2.63 121.77 124.40 Page 1 of 1Friday, April 08, 2016 2:40 PM Report generated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Project Gain Status: Gain Project Loss Status: Loss City of Carlsbad Acres Inside the Habitat Preserve Planning Area Acres Outside the Habitat Preserve Total Acres Habitat Loss Habitat Gain Habitat Loss Habitat Gain Habitat Loss Habitat Gain Habitat Type Target Cons. Current Period Cummulative Current Period Cummulative Cons. to Date % Current Period Cummulative Current Period Cummulative Current Period Cummulative Current Period Cummulative Southern Coastal Bluff Scrub 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Maritime Succulent Scrub 29 0.00 1.55 0.00 25.51 87.96 %0.00 0.03 0.00 5.54 0.00 1.58 0.00 31.05 Coastal Sage Scrub 2,003 10.27 27.15 16.03 1,686.22 84.18 %0.18 177.48 0.18 15.37 10.45 204.63 16.22 1,701.59 Chaparral 676 0.00 1.92 0.00 605.27 89.54 %0.00 65.68 0.00 0.03 0.00 67.60 0.00 605.29 Southern Maritime Chaparral 342 0.00 3.55 0.00 344.64 100.77 %0.00 16.24 0.00 1.52 0.00 19.79 0.00 346.16 Coastal Sage-Chaparral Scrub 107 0.00 0.00 0.00 112.43 105.08 %0.00 153.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 153.48 0.00 112.44 Grassland 707 0.13 25.57 0.00 638.90 90.37 %0.00 230.50 0.00 2.02 0.13 256.06 0.00 640.92 Southern Coastal Salt Marsh 143 0.00 0.00 0.00 127.79 89.36 %0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 127.80 Alkali Marsh 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 Freshwater Marsh 165 0.00 0.00 0.00 138.83 84.14 %0.00 0.89 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.89 0.00 139.10 Riparian Forest 82 0.00 0.92 0.00 62.84 76.64 %0.00 1.25 0.00 0.42 0.00 2.18 0.00 63.27 Riparian Woodland 17 0.00 1.33 0.00 11.66 68.59 %0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.33 0.00 11.66 Riparian Scrub 395 0.00 0.16 0.00 376.57 95.33 %0.00 9.81 0.00 0.59 0.00 9.97 0.00 377.16 Englemann Oak Woodland 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Coast Live Oak 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.65 38.27 %0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.65 Other Oak Woodland 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.82 120.54 %0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.82 Freshwater 53 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.42 97.03 %0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.42 Estuarine 789 0.00 0.00 0.00 776.50 98.42 %0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 776.51 Disturbed Wetland 93 0.01 0.01 1.60 90.23 97.02 %0.07 11.79 0.01 0.50 0.08 11.80 1.60 90.72 Natural Floodchannel 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Beach 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Saltpan/Mudflats 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Agriculture 185 111.01 239.55 18.86 241.63 130.61 %1.95 464.11 0.33 3.54 112.96 703.67 19.19 245.17 Eucalyptus Woodland 99 0.00 1.34 0.00 94.92 95.88 %0.00 0.47 0.00 0.02 0.00 1.81 0.00 94.94 Disturbed Land 244 0.09 3.37 0.00 239.25 98.05 %0.17 190.72 0.02 18.20 0.26 194.10 0.02 257.45 Urban/Developed 0 0.25 13.31 0.82 307.83 0.26 42.61 0.00 0.86 0.52 55.92 0.82 308.69 Southern Foredunes 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Agency Total:121.77 319.75 37.31 5,944.91 2.63 1,365.19 0.54 48.92 124.40 1,684.95 37.85 5,993.84 Note: The Agriculture and Urban/Developed category is included to account for all land included within a project and habitat preserve planning area. Summary of Habitat Losses and Gains Plan: MHCP West San Diego County Date Range: 11/1/2014 - 10/31/2015 Page 1 of 1Friday, April 08, 2016 2:39 PM Report generated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife Chief Neil Gallucci Captain Mickey Williams May 16, 2017 Ranger Pilot Program Historical Background •2005-City Council accepted the Open Space Management Plan •2008-Multi-departmental team studied safety issues within city preserves •Identified Issues: Trespassing, off-road vehicles, vandalism, dogs off-leash, damage to natural habitat, and lack of police presence Recent Quality of Life Enforcement Issues •2014-2015 Habitat Management Plan annual report documented the following: –Transient encampments –Damage to natural habitat –Dogs off leash and failure to clean up –Vandalism –Trespassing Ranger Proposal •One year pilot program •Hire two full-time unarmed rangers •Provide seven days a week coverage •Rangers will have authority to issue citations for minor offenses •Patrol preserves, parks, trails, lagoons, and beaches SANDAG Cooperative Effort •SANDAG will provide $98,280 to off-set cost of pilot program •Rangers will complete daily statistic reports •PD will provide quarterly reports to SANDAG Cost of Pilot Program •Maximum top-step fully benefited cost of two rangers is $235,600 (minus SANDAG funding of $98,280) •Purchase 4x4 patrol vehicle and mobile data computer for less than $65,000 (from PD asset forfeiture) •Total approximate cost of equipment for both rangers is $13,000 (to be absorbed in PD budget) Pilot Program Assessment •After the 9th month, PD will compile a statistical report for City Council detailing the activity of the rangers •City Council will determine if the ranger program becomes permanent Staff Recommendation Adopt resolution to approve a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions to begin July 1, 2017, authorize the City Manager to execute an MOU with SANDAG to accept funding from SANDAG in the amount of $98,280, and approve the appropriation of an amount not to exceed $65,000 from asset forfeiture to purchase a 4x4 vehicle and a mobile data computer to be utilized by the Rangers.