HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-07-11; City Council; ; Request from Carlsbad Break for a Winning Team GrantQ S��ff R�port Meeting Date: To: From: July 11, 2017 Mayor and City Council (Kevin Crawford, City Manage}V CA Review fJ,v( Staff Contact: Debbie Fountain, Housing & Neighborhood Services Director Debbie.Fountain@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2935 Subject: Request from Carlsbad Break for a Winning Teams Grant Recommended Action Consider the request from Carlsbad Break for a Winning Teams Grant in the amount of $6,320. Staff is recommending denial of the grant because it does not meet the City Council's Policies (Policy No. 51) for a Winning Teams Grant through the Community Funding Program. Executive Summary In FY 2001-2002 the City Council adopted Council Policy 51, which describes the Community Funding Program that established the policies and process for distributing funds for community activities, special events, and support for winning teams as well as community spirit activities. The funding source for these grants is the City Council Contingency Fund (General Fund). In May of 2017, staff received a Winning Teams Grant request in the amount of $6,320 from the Carlsbad Break, a private youth baseball team, to attend the Cooperstown Dreams Park baseball tournament. Staff shared with the applicant that participation in the baseball tournament at Cooperstown does not meet all of the criteria set forth for the Winnings Team Grant because the team will not advance through a series of competitive levels earning a right to compete in a national or international level event, which is a key eligibility requirement per the City Council Policy. The applicant understands that the team's grant request is not consistent with the City Council's policy, but requested the opportunity to present his grant request to the City Council directly; the applicant would like to request an exception to the policies due to the great opportunity this could afford both the young athletes and the city. The applicant's request is set forth in the attached application/proposal and will be explained further at the City Council meeting. Discussion As defined in Council Policy 51, Section 7, the Winning Teams Grant is available to local teams to help offset the cost of travel expenses to national championship competitions. The policy requires that all of the following criteria be met: •Teams must advance through a series of competitive levels earning a right to compete in a national or international level event •Participants are all 18 years of age or under •Group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or unincorporated association •Request for funding must be made prior to the date of the competition • At least 90 percent of the participants are residents of Carlsbad; or if the team is participating on behalf of a local school than the school shall be physically located within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad The Cooperstown Dreams Park Tournament requests during registration that the participating teams complete an application and submit their financial deposit. Cooperstown Dreams Park Tournament does not have a team competitive qualification process for participants in the tournament; they simply apply and submit payment. Because the Cooperstown Tournament is not a national or international event that is preceded by a series of competitions earning the team the right to participate the grant request does not meet the eligibility criteria as set forth within the City Council Policy No. 51. If there is space available, the team is accepted if it meets the various financial requirements. Exhibit 3 is a copy of the registration form for the tournament. While staff agrees that the opportunity is incredible for the youth baseball team members, the event does not meet the intent of sending winning teams from Carlsbad to national championship competitions and the general public benefit for such a grant is not evident. Therefore, staff recommends denial ofthe grant request. Fiscal Analysis To date, the City Council has disbursed a total of 49 grants through the Community Funding Program for various eligible activities at total cost of $209,946. There is funding available within the Council Contingency Fund, if the City Council makes an exception and approves the grant. Exhibits 1. City Policy 51 2. Carlsbad Break -Winning Teams Grant request/application 3. Registration form for the tournament (~ CITY OF ~ CARLSBAD Council Policy Statement Category: COMMUNITY ACTIVITY FUNDING Specific Subject: Process for Funding Community Activities PURPOSE: Policy No. Date Issued: Effective Date: Resolution No. Cancellation Date: Supersedes No. 51 December 4 December 4, 2012 2012-267 May 10, 2011 To establish the process for distributing funds for community activities, special events, support for winning teams, and community spirit activities. BACKGROUND: The City Council has, in the past, chosen to fund community activities with General Fund monies. This has included the allocation of funds to agencies that provide various programs that enrich Carlsbad residents and visitors, and/or assist in enhancing their quality of life. POlfCY: 1. It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to allocate funds for "start-up costs" to initiate new programs/ideas/organizations that provide for community activities or enhancements within Carlsbad, or to celebrate community accomplishments and spirit. The program is not intended to fund ongoing services/programs. There are four (4) funding programs available under this Council policy: Community Activity Grants, Special Event Grants, Winning Team Grants, and Community Spirit Grants. A description of each program and its related eligibility criteria is provided below. 2. The Grant Funding shall have the following term limits per organization: A. Community Activity Grants: Organizations funded by the Community Activity Grant may receive annual grants for up to a maximum of three (3) years and then will be ineligible for grant funding for a minimum of two (2) years. After at least two (2) years, organizations can again apply for Community Activity Grant funding and receive a maximum of two (2) additional years of grant funding. An organization may not receive more than five (5) years of funding through this grant program, and no other city funding may be provided during the two (2) year hiatus. B. Special Event Grants: An organization may receive no more than one [1) special event grant per year and may receive no more than five (5) years of grants total with cash assistance being provided for no more than three (3) of those years and grants for in-kind city assistance to pay for city services/facilities for special events permitted for each of the five (5) years. C. Winning Teams Grants: A team may receive no more than one (1) grant per year for a national championship competition as defined below. D. Community Spirit Grants: An organizer/organization may receive no more than one (1) grant per year for an event which reflects community pride or community spirit to help others Page 1 of 5 Exhibit 1 Policy No. 51 within the community as defined below. 3. The organization cannot receive money, or donated city services from other city sources (including CDBG) for the current fiscal year to receive one of the above noted grants. 4. All awarded grants will be disbursed on a reimbursement basis only, and will be subject to compliance with an agreement or letter of agreement approved by the City Manager or designee. The reimbursement shall be based on actual costs with receipt and proof of payment required from the applicant. 5. Community Activity Grants -Criteria and Process A. These · grants provide funding for enrichment programs for the community and/or for physical or other neighborhood enhancements within Carlsbad, with the exception that the following will not be eligible: 1) social service programs; 2) programs sponsored by educational institutions; and 3) a program that conflicts or is in competition with a city program. B. City funding shall be awarded to fund approved program/project costs only. The City funds shall not be used for operational reserves for the applicant or for future year programs/projects. The City funds received by the applicant may also not be used for donations to other organizations. C. The City Council will annually determine the amount of funds to be budgeted for Community Activity Grants. This amount shall include the interest earned on the initial $1 million set-aside for said fund, but may also include additional general funds at the discretion of the Council. D. Once the budget is adopted by the Council, interested groups will be notified of the application process to request said grants. E. The application process will consist of the following: i. Completion of city application for funds. ii. Review by city staff and a Citizens' Advisory Committee. iii. Recommendations submitted by Advisory Committee to City Council. iv. Action by City Council to approve, modify, or disapprove the request. F. The City Council will establish a review panel comprised of citizens and city staff to evaluate the applications, and make recommendations to the City Council. The review panel will be comprised of the following: one representative from each quadrant of the city, one member of the Senior Commission, the Library Board, and the Parks & Recreation Commission. G. The review panel will consider the provision of matching funds from other sources in evaluation of the applications. Every effort should be made by the applicant to leverage the city funds to develop a long term funding plan for the proposed project/program; this effort shall be evaluated by the advisory committee in evaluating the funding priorities for these funds. 6, Special Event Grants -Criteria and Process A. These grants provide city funding for startup costs related to new Special Events (as defined be low) held within the city that have a citywide interest; and shall be available to a recognized 501(C)(3) non-profit organizations, or to an organized all-volunteer, Carlsbad- based group on a reimbursement basis of actual costs only. B. For the purposes of this grant, a "special event" shall be defined as set forth in Chapter 8.17 Page 2 of S Policy No . 51 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Special Event Ordinance), with the exception that the following "special events" shall not be eligible for this grant: i. Events hosted by a commercial enterprise for profit and/or fund raiser purposes. ii. Regularly offered programs, activities or events. iii. Any event held for primarily a political or religious benefit or other similar purpose, which in the opinion of the City Attorney constitutes an unlawful use of public funds. C. Special fundraising events shall be eligible if: I. The event is hosted and coordinated by an all-volunteer, Carlsbad-based organization, and provided further that City grant funds are used only for direct costs of the event and no staff of the organization is paid for working the event, other than short-term consultants or contractors that are directly necessary for holding the event; and ii. The event is held to raise funds for a Carlsbad-based (located) organization with a community-wide benefit and no cash funds are provided directly to individuals or families; the benefit must be to an organization providing services to the larger Carlsbad community. D. Such grants can be requested any time of the year, and may not exceed $10,000 for a single grant in a year. E. Grant requests for cash assistance shall not exceed 20 percent of the total estimated event cost; total estimated event costs shall not include valuations for volunteer hours for planning or implementing the event or in-kind city services, and may not include payment or reimbursement for applicant-provided resources, such as office space, staff and other operational expenses. Total costs shall include expenses to be paid directly by the organizer to third party vendors. F. A "new event" is defined as an event that has been newly established and has been initiaHy developed within no more than three years of the date of the first grant request to the City. A change of location does not classify the event as "new" for the purposes of eligibility for this grant. G. Grant applications shall be submitted no less than 60 days prior to the event to allow for adequate processing time by the City. H. All approved grants will be funded from the City Council's contingency account. An annual appropriation maximum shall be set by the City Council at its discretion. I. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to approve grants up to $5,000, and the Finance Director shall be authorized to appropriate said funds from the City Council's general fund contingency account. The City Council shall approve grants over $5,000. J. The application process will consist of the following: i. Completion of a permit application for the special event (if applicable). ii. Completion of a Special Event Grant supplemental application. iii. Administrative review and tentative support/approval of special event by special events committee (if applicable). iv. Approval of grant by City Manager, or designee, if the grant request is $5,000 or less. Approval of grant request and appropriation of funds by City Council, if the grant request exceeds $5,000. 7. Winning Teams Grants A. These grants provide funding to youth teams to offset the cost of travel expenses to national championship competitions. To be eligible for these grants, the tearil(s) must Page 3 of 5 Policy No. 51 advance through~ series of competitive levels, earning the right to compete at a national or international level. Exhibition only or non-competitive events are not eligible for this grant. Additional eligibility requirements are provided below. B. Such grants can be requested any time of the year. C. Grant requests should not exceed 20 percent of the team's total travel cost; team costs may include participants and coaches. Eligibility does not extend to the family members or other individuals accompanying the team. Eligible travel co$ts include: airfare, lodging, entry fees, and food for the team. D. These requests will be funded from City Council's contingency account. E. Eligibility requirements are: I. The participants are all 18 years of age or under: ii. The group or team is an organized non-profit corporation or unincorporated association. iii. The request for funding must be made prior to the date of the national or international event. iv. At least 90 percent of the participants in the team or group are residents of Carlsbad; or, if the team is participating on behalf of a local school, the private or public school shall be physically located within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad. F. The application process will consist of the following: i. Written request to the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director. ii. Administrative review by the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director, or designee to determine the eligibility for a grant. iii. Consideration and approval of grant by the City Manager, or designee, if the grant is $5,000 or less. The teams approved for an administrative grant will be recognized by the City Council at a public meeting following the competitive event. iv. Consideration and approval of grant request funding by the City Council if the grant request exceeds $5,000. 8. Community Spirit Grant A. These grants shall.provide city funding for events that contribute towards a vibrant community and strengthen the residents' quality of life by demonstrating community pride or spirit to help others or celebrate the community. B. Grants to be utilized for in-kind city services only, ineligible costs include: operations, ongoing projects and capital costs; no cash assistance available under this grant program . C. Recognized non-profit or donor driven charitable organizations are grant eligible. Activities include: parades and charitable initiatives directly benefitting Carlsbad residents. D. Fund raising events are not eligible for this grant. E. Such grants can be requested at any time of the year, one grant per organization per year. F. All approved grants will be funded from the City Council's General Fund contingency account. G. The application process will consist of the following: i. Written request to the Housing & Neighborhood Services Director. ii. Administrative review by the Housing & Neighborhood Services Director, or designee, for grant eligibility and confirmation of a special event permit application (if applicable). iii. Consideration and approval of grant funding (for in-kind/city services only) by the City Manager, or designee, if grant request is for $5,000 or less. Page 4 of 5 Policy No. 51 iii. Consideration and approval of grant funding (for in-kind/city services only) by the City Manager, or designee, if grant request is for $5,000 or less. iv. Consideration and approval of grant funding (for in-kind/city services only) by the City Council if grant request exceeds $5,000. 9. This policy may be amended as necessary and appropriate by the City Council, Page 5 of 5 May 2, 2017 City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Attn: Debbie Fountain 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 To City Council Members: The Carlsbad Break, a team of passionate 12U baseball players, is submitting our request for funding under the Winning Teams Grant program. The team has its roots in Carlsbad Youth Baseball, but is 100% self-funded today and thus is requesting $6,320 to support the team achieve its goal of attending the Cooperstown Tournament. The funding will be used to support entry fees, equipment, travel, lodging, food and providing our own umpire as well. In short, our team applied for and was accepted to participate in nationally renowned, Cooperstown Dreams Park, "National Tournament Of Champions" in New York - a week long baseball tournament consisting of 100+ teams from around the USA. Over 2500 teams apply to compete in what is considered to be high caliber, tournament play, and with an acceptance rate of less than 50%. While there isn't a regional qualifier to participate in the National Tournament, this is considered the "Crown Jewel of Youth Baseball" and a venue that teams only dream of being accepted into. We believe the team, if successfully able to raise funds, will be only the second Carlsbad-represented team and among a select few in Southern California at large that have been invited to participate in this tournament. The Break as a team are residents of Carlsbad, have developed under the Carlsbad Youth Baseball program, and more importantly, they represent the Carlsbad Community Vision core values - particularly demonstrated by our small-town character, genuine connectedness, and promotion of active healthy lifestyles. Our boys love this community and are very proud of their opportunity to represent Carlsbad and demonstrate all that is great about our city and culture. We hope that you will support our tournament dreams. Should you have questions or require additional information, please contact me at 760-470-2516. Regards, .q~ Chris Lopez, Coact1c:o-l\i'lanager Carlsbad Break Exhibit 2 City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Attn: Debbie Fountain 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 To City Council Members: May 3, 2017 As the President of Carlsbad Youth Baseball (CYB), I am excited to share with you that we support the Carlsbad Break and their journey to Cooperstown Dreams Park. This is a very special group of Carlsbad boys setting out to represent us on a national stage and in a highly competitive tournament venue. By way of background, we know them as a club team that operates under the CYB "Club Team" program. Angus McDonald and Chris Lopez are the leaders of this team who, by all accounts, have dedicated themselves to developing not only ballplayers in Carlsbad, but good citizens within our community. I have no doubt they will represent the city and our league with the utmost respect and dignity as they have shown previously as Carlsbad Youth Baseball, All-Star Coaches. As they will make you aware, the cost to compete in the National Tournament is quite steep for a California-based team. It is therefore our intent to support them in their efforts to raise or capture funds through corporate sponsorships, private donations, and city grants. This will help them offset the significant costs for players (and families) to attend. Given the long-term value they are offering our city and CYB, along with the impact of being able to participate and compete at a national level, we stand behind and support their submission for the city's "Winning Teams Grant". It is the league's hope that you seriously consider them for approval and vote "yes" to their request. I am available to discuss should you have questions and may be reached at 760.525.8053 Warm Regards, ilj I f (\, )'--/ I/ '1 , , / ', i J. , ; , h/ I --· r-v. {' -,.. ,___. , . ,, I I { r , l Jeff Johnson President, Carlsbad Youth Baseball GIVE PRESS REL/i4SE TO YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER For more information please contact: Angus McDonald, contact 619-520-9923, phone COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK America's First and Foremost Youth Baseball Tournament 1-704-630-0050 www.cooperstowndreamspark.com Carlsbad Break Competing for National Title in Coop_erstm1,n1 NY The Carlsbad Break from Carlsbad has been selected to play in the Cooperstown Dremns Park and Amedcan Youth Baseball Hall of Fame Invitational Tournament, dur.ing the week of Aug 26 in the Magical Mythical Home of Baseball ... Cooperstown, NY. In addition to competing against teams from arol!nd the country, members of the Carlsbad Break will be enshrined in tl1e prestigious American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame. America's First and Foremost Youth Baseball Experience The Cooperstown Dreams Park Experience, since 1996, offers more than baseball. This cu.ltural and life enriching experience for tl'am and family members will create memories to last a lifetime. Players and coaches will, like the heroes of the game before them, visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame, share hometown stories, trade pins and compete with players from around the United States for a weekly national title. Team records and photographs will be displayed in the American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame. The C1·owt1 Jewel of Youth Baseball Cooperstown Dreams Park, the .First and Foremost Youth Baseball Facility, has 22 professionally groomed and lighted fields. Dreams Park is situated on I 50 acres and features baseball diamonds with grass infields enclosed by eight-foot-high stadium walls. Teams will spend seven.days and six·nights in the .Baseball Village clubhouses and eat three meals daily in the team-dining pavilion. Teams will arrive .on Saturday and depart the following Friday. Each team is guaranteed at least seven games (weather permitting) and will earn a seed to play in the singl.e-elimination championship tournament. All teams will be represented in the "King of Swat'', "Road Runner", "Golden Arm", and "Around the Horn Plus·'' skills competitions. Players will receive a Cooperstown Dreams Park home and away jersey, socks, hat, and the prestigi.ons American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame ring. All teams/players will have a photo session and receive personalized Cooperstown Dreams Park baseball. c<1rds. Throughout the. summer of 20 J 7, Cooperstown Dreams Park plans for over 100 teams weekly participating in thirteen weeks of national tournaments hosted between June 3"1 and September I". The "Tournament of Champions" offers over 1,350 championsl1ip teams the opportunity to participate in the Cooperstown Dreams Parle premier youth baseball tournaments ... Teams from across the coui1try will compete for a true I 2 and under National Title. The Statue of Liberty of Youth llaseball Cooperstown Dreams Park and the Dreams Park "Road to Cooperstown" program are where all independe.nt travel/select and sanctioned teams are unrestricted to pl<1y baseball as it was meant to be played. The tournaments are open to athletes 12-years old and \lnder with teams participating for a weekly National Title. Players and coaches will come in pursuit of their dreams i.n the legendary home ofbaseball .. .''reaching back to the heritage of baseball when people played for the love of the game and heroes were truly that." A Summer Trndition All teams arc winners l-lt Cooperstown Dreams Park. The Cooperstown Dreams Park mission and goal is to promote a high caliber of play and allow young players to experience the purity of baseball ·as it was meant to be. By stepping up to rhe plate, regardless of outcome, players will leave with a sense of pride, dignity and accomplishment for having participated and becoming a paii of history. Cooperstown .Drellms Park is a place in time where the plnyers are their own heroes. America's Youth: Pride of the Present, Hope for the Future (' ... .,.. V Q ,-1 t , r ,,.fl, " ' !,i WINNING TEAMS GRANTS APPLICATION Please complete the following application using the instructions provided on the last page of this application. Attach additional pages if necessary. Name of Applicant: __ C_a_rl_sb_a_d_B_re_a_k--'(_B_a_se_b_a_l~I) _________________ _ Address: 1664 Harrier Court ----------------------------------- Phone: (_l§Q__) _4_70_-_2_5_16 ________ E-mail: __ cj_lo_p_e_z_32_@_g_m_a_il_.c_o_m ____ _ Contact 1 Chris Lopez 760-470-2516 -----------------------------------Name Phone contact 2 Angus McDonald 619-520-9923 -----------------------------------Name Phone Federal Tax ID# or Social Security#: ___ 1_3_9_-8_0_-_95_4_8 ____________ _ TOT AL GRANT FUNDING REQUEST: $ ---,-..,...6...,..,3_2_0...,...0.....,0---,----,--,------------- .Request cannot exceed 20 percent of the total travel cost. See attached travel budget breakdown. I ELIGIBLITY REQUIREMENTS Please answer the following questions to determine if your team is eligible for City grant funds: Are all participants on the team 18 years of age or younger? Is the group or team organized as a non-profit corporation or agency? Is this request for grant funding being made prior to the date of the competition? Are at least 90% of the participants in the group or team residents of Carlsbad? Will the grant be used to offset the cost of travel to a national championship/ competition? y N D []l D D D If you answered yes to all of the above questions, your request is eligible for this grant program. If you answered no to any of the questions, please contact Courtney Enriquez at the City of Carlsbad (760- 434-2812) to further discuss your eligibility for the winning teams grant. City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Winning Teams Grant Application www.carlsbadca.gov • REQUEST DESCRIPTION (if necessary, please attach suppfementalpages to document) Applicant Background Name of Team (if different than applicant name):_C:....:a.c.:..r.:...c.ls-"-b-'--ad-'---'--B--'-re-'-a=k..:...._ ___________ _ What type of group/team (e.g. baseball, debate, rugby): Youth Baseball Team Number of group/team members: _ _;_12=------------------------- Number of Coaches: 2 ------------------------------- Affiliated organization: __ C_a_r_ls_b_~d_Y_o_u_th_B_a_s_e_ba_l_l ________ , _________ _ Name of the competition attending: __;C:c..o=o"-'pi::.ce=..cr-=sc::.:to=..:wc:..n:..:....:D:..:.r-=e=a;.;_m..:.:s:....:_P.=.a;.;_rk_,__ ____________ _ Location of competition: -~C=o=o=p=e~rs~to=w~n~,~N=e=w~Y=o~rk~------------------ Competition date: __ A_u...,..g'-u_st_2_5_-S~ep._t_e-'-m_b_e_r_1-'-, _2_0_17 _________________ _ Estimated cost per individual: $_2-'--,2_5_7_.0_0 _____________________ _ Estimated cost for entire group/team: $_..::.3....:...1 L..::6....:;0...;;.0.;..:;.0....:;0 __________________ _ Please list the years in which your team has received prior funding from the City: __ N_/A ____ _ Names of Officers and Board of Directors (if applicable): . Name Title Describe your group/team: See supplemental Exhibit 1 City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Winning Teams Grant Application www.carlsbadca.gov How will a grant to your group/team benefit the Carlsbad community or provide citywide interest? See supplemental Exhibit 2 I FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES/BUDGET Do you have any additional funding opportunities (i.e. corporate or private sponsors, matching grants, family or individual contributions, or other fundraising efforts such as car washes) currently committed or pending? Please include any financial support (including in-kind services) that you will be receiving from any other City source. Please complete the information below: Name Percentage of financial contribution towards goal Private sponsorships Corporate sponsorships Various fundraising * We are 6 months behind in planning/fundraising since we were just notified 3 weeks ago. While other teams have had 6 months to plan , we are just kicking off a series of private fund drives, grant submissions to corporate sponsors and the planning of 1-2 fundraising events. City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Winning Teams Grant Application www.carlsbadca.gov Team: Carlsbad Break CARLSBAD WINNING TEAMS GRANT Team Travel Budget Travel dates: August 25 -September 1, 2017 Number of team members traveling (includes participants, one head coach and assistants•): 14 *Assistants do not include the Team Coordinator, Team Parent, ·Communications Manager, chaperones, etc. ELIGIBLE REIMBURSEMENT EXPENSES ESTIMATED COSTS Airfare $ 12,100 Competition entry fees $ 14,500 ···- Food $ 5,000 Lodging $ ESTIMATED TOTAL TEAM TRAVEL $ 31,500 Estimated travel cost per individual (basectoffofcostsnotectabovel: $ 2,257.00 Total grant request (maximum of 20% of the total team travel cost): $ 6,320.00 City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Winning Teams Grant Application www.carlsbadca.gov I CERTIFICATION We, the undersigned, do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowl1:;..dge.. JTw. o si.9n) ... url}S req. uired) /""' ~.,,/' /'. / / J// /., // ·--~-----G ,,,,,-· , '/ .. ,, .. -- ""'. .,, •' / /~ . ,,,/''' 'J J . / -/ / .,.. '{/i .• .,,,, ~ ,. ·" o I (A.A,,, Z/ _,-· Signature _,,.. . .-Title I A,t1Ni/A~t c: ... JA~.. /e,,,,,_ L.._ I I Signature (, -I 1 Title . Date I SUPPLEMENT AL INFORMATION & ALTERNATIVE FORMAT Please submit this application together with a written request (cover letter) to the City Council stating the amount of funding requested and state the intended use for this funding. City of Carlsbad will provide written materials in alternative formats and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request. I RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION Please hand deliver, U.S. mail, e-mail or fax completed application packet together with your cover letter to : City of Carlsbad Housing & Neighborhood Services, Attn: Courtney Enriquez 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad , CA 92008 Telephone Number: 760-434-2812 Fax Number: 760-720-2037 E-mail : Courtney.Enriguez@.carlsbadca.gov City of Carlsbad use only: Received: _____________________________ _ Staff Administrative approval (if eligible): _______ ----~--- City Manager I City Councilpresentation (if necessary).'------~-.,'-'--,~--- Date City of Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Date Date Winning Teams Grant Application www.carlsbadca.gov Carlsbad Break Winning Teams Grant Submission Exhibit l "Describe Your Group/Team" Carlsbad Break -Background: The Carlsbad Break is a highly motivated -self-funded, not-for-profit -team of baseball players aged 12 years or under. All of the children are products of Carlsbad Youth Baseball (CYB), some of whom started int-ball. The team is not only passionate about baseball, but they are enthusiastic and proud members of the Carlsbad Community and represent the community well through their civic participation, involvement in school and church, and their commitment to maintain high academic standards. The boys represent Carlsbad Community Vision core values of small town, connectedness and they work hard to model active lifestyles for their peers and other youth. The team consists of coaches who have a combined 11 years of volunteer experience in CYB, including coaching regular and all-star teams. The team is comprised of a diverse group of CYB players, five of whom also volunteer time to assist special needs ballplayers and one who was name last year's Mitchell Thorp award winner for the Bronco Division of CYB. Cooperstown Dreams Park-National Tournament of Champions: The Carlsbad Break was recently accepted to participate in the greatest youth tournament in America at the Cooperstown Dreams Parle While a regional qualifier doesn't exist for this National Tournament of Champions, the team completed a registration process that carries with it a less than 50% acceptance rate. This is a weeklong tournament that brings together hundreds of teams to compete for a championship. Beyond promoting a high-caliber of play, the mission of Cooperstown Dreams Park is to provide a cultural and life enriching experience for young boys and girls who love the game of baseball. The event will involve traveling to the legendary Home of Baseball and representing our hometown. As one of the first teams to be invited from Carlsbad and the only team in our week to be representing San Diego County, the.team is proud to represent not only our beloved City of Carlsbad, CA but the San Diego region at large. City and League Support: Historically, both the city and the baseball leagues from which participating teams live and operate, support their teams in different ways -from building support and enthusiasm within the community, to funding various aspects of the trip, to highlighting various fundraising efforts and publicizing this once- in-a-lifetime experience. In all, this is a team that will represent the City of Carlsbad with dignity. Beyond that, this is a special group of boys who have not let the competition of the game interfere with their positive attitudes and genuine regard for each other and the sport. They are a special breed of compassionate, caring individuals who deserve to have an enormously positive moment like this. Carlsbad Break Winning Teams Grant Application Carlsbad Break Winning Teams Grant Submission Exhibit 2 "How will a grant to your group/team benefit the Carlsbad Community or provide citywide interest?" The low acceptance rate to this tournament makes it quite difficult for any 12U team to plan on participating in any given year. However, once a team is accepted and competes in the tournament, they are provided what is referred to as the "Grandfather Clause". This equates to the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Youth Baseball having the right to send a team annually to participate with an automatic bid I acceptance. Further, it would be the mission and intent of the Carlsbad Break baseball team to provide the Grandfather Clause to the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Youth Baseball such that it starts a wonderful community tradition and serves as a source of pride for Carlsbad residents and ballplayers. In addition, we anticipate that it would provide a boost to Carlsbad Youth Baseball since there is a lot of pride and enthusiasm around any city and league that offers competition on a national stage. Finally, and while harder to prove, we also have reason to believe that the general recognition of Carlsbad's participation in this national venue can reinforce and highlight the special city we live in, thereby impacting the community in various ways. Carlsbad Break Winning Teams Grant Application 2017 REGISTRATION (subject to change) This is your invitation to register for the summer of 2017 to experience and play baseball in the legendary home of baseball. Total All Inclusive Package per player/coach as stated below (minimum team requirement 11 players and 2 coaches). • One CDP approved umpire is required per team (umpire stays FREE). • Scheduled shuttle bus provided to and from Cooperstown for all guests. Total Package Includes: The team will also receive a hanging bat bag, scorebook, lineup cards, attache case and ball bucket. All Inclusive ($995 per player/coach) Meals and Accommodations Player Home and Away Uniform (hat, jerseys, and socks) Player Warm-up Set (tournament & mock Ts, batting practice jacket and hat) Coaches Gear (hat, 2 polos, pullover and jacket) Secondary Insurance (team coverage) Laundry Service (Sunday thru Wednesday) 7 Games Guaranteed (weather permitting) Personalized Player Baseball Cards Induction into the American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame American Youth Baseball Hall of Fame Tournament Ring DVD of Team Webcast Game and Weekly Highlights (in the event of weather or technology issues -Highlights only) Ticket to the National Baseball Hall of Fame Pass to Ride the Cooperstown I Charlotte Valley Railroad Cooperstown Dreams Park Entrance Fee Schedule (All fees are non-refundable after November I, 2016) With Registration Form* $ 1,000 Deposit (registers team) November l, 2016 $ 3,000 Second Installment (required if team is placed in a week) March l, 2017 Final balance due (guarantees team placement) *When your registration form and deposit are received, you will be sent a confirmation of deposit letter. Written notification of your team's status, placement for specific weeks or waiting list placement letters will be mailed after October l, 2016. Please indicate preferred weeks, with l being your first choice. Only indicate weeks of play that your team can participate. June 3 thru June 9 June JO thru June 16 June 17 thru June 23 June 24 thru June 30 __ July 1 thru July 7 __ July 8 thru July 14 __ July 15 thru July 21 __ July 22 thru July 28 __ July 29 thru August 4 __ August 5 thru August 11 __ August 12 thru August 18 __ August 19 thru August 25 __ August 26 thru September l City: -----------~----------State: ________ ZIP Code: _____________ _ Home Phone Number: ___________________ Cell Phone Number:------------------- Office Phone Number:------------------Fax Number:---------------------- E-mail Address: ________________________________________________ _ Returning Team/Organization Yes:_ No:_ If yes, what year: ___ _ Head Coach/Manager: _____________________________________________ _ (Please Print) All payments must be in the form of a CASHIER'S CHECK or U.S. MONEY ORDER ONLY! Make payable and send to: Cooperstown Dreams Park 330 South Main Street, Salisbury, NC 28144 Phone: (704) 630-0050 Fax: (704) 630-0737 Web Site: www.cooperstowndreamspark.com Cooperstown Dreams Park reserves the right, at any time, to cancel a team's registration or placement and refund all deposit(s). In addition, failure to comply with Dreams Park requirements, policies or deadlines will also cause cancellation of a team's registration or placement. The team contact is the only person eligible to discuss and/or change team information. Exhibit 3 Sheila Cobian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Debbie Fountain Monday, July 10, 2017 1:08 PM Council Archive r,.n Receive -Agenda Item# 1(;; For the Information of the: · CITY COUNCIL / ACM~ CA~ CC...:::'._/ Date "1 dL City Manager .,,,, Kevin Crawford; Marisa Lundstedt; Celia Brewer; Sheila Cobian Comments on the Carlsbad Break request for Winning Team Grant (#16) A request was made to Housing and Neighborhood Services to have the following comments from team members of Carlsbad Break shared with the City Council and added to the public record on the team's grant request for City Council consideration on July 11, 2017 (Item #16): From Henry McDonald My name is Henry McDonald and I am a player on the Carlsbad Break. I have played 6 years of baseball at CYB and I am very proud to represent the league and the city of Carlsbad when my team travels to Cooperstown. I hope I can make a good impression during the tournament and make the city and CYB proud. From Zachary DuBourdieu I have played baseball for CYB for 8 years and now I have the chance to play at Cooperstown dream park. Only 12u team can play in this tournament and the Carlsbad Break was chosen to represent Carlsbad. This is a huge deal because we won't ever have a chance to go to Cooperstown aging. We also get to play teams from all across the USA we also will be inducted into the hall of fame. BCC: City Council Thank you, Debbie Fountain Housing & Neighborhood Services Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Debbie. fa unta in@ca rlsbadca .gov (760) 434-2935 -office (760) 720-2037 -fax www.carlsbadca.gov 1