HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-26; City Council; ; Accept the Final Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan Project No.: SS 16-019 CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: September 26, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Pam Drew, Associate Planner pam .drew@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-4644 CA Review $__ Subject: Project Name: Accept the Final Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan Project No.: ss 16-01 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution accepting the Final Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan. Executive Summary The City of Carlsbad has completed a parking study for the Village, Barrio and beach area, which informed the preparation of the final Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan. The parking management plan provides recommended near-term and long-term strategies to maximize parking efficiency and improve mobility in the project area. During the planning process for the draft Village and Barrio Master Plan, it was realized that in order to identify parking management strategies and provide recommendations, it was necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of existing public and private parking supply, current use and turnover rates, and determine anticipated future parking needs in the project area. The Village, Barrio and beach area parking study, as well as the parking management plan for the area, were developed to support and help implement the Village and Barrio Master Plan. The draft parking management plan was released for public review on July 5, 2017 and the final plan has been revised based on comments received from the public, Planning Commission and City Council. Table 2 of the final parking plan (Exhibit 2) summarizes comments and responses. Discussion Since May 2016, city staff and their consulting team have conducted a thorough technical analysis of real-time parking use in the area capturing parking occupancy and duration, an updated inventory of on-and off-street parking spaces, review of best management practices of other comparable coastal cities and studying various models to predict future parking needs. The result of this effort is contained in three technical memoranda. These technical memos informed the preparation of the parking management plan and the recommended management strategies in it. Public input included more than 2,000 on-site surveys with people within the targeted areas, an online survey with 825 responses, a community meeting, Planning Commission meeting and 16 stakeholder events with neighborhood groups and various city commissions and committees. September 26, 2017 Item #15 Page 1 of 5 The draft parking management plan was posted to the city’s website on July 5, 2017 and distributed for public review to the cities libraries, Faraday Center, Senior Center and the city clerk’s office. The city has provided the public with opportunities to review and comment on the draft parking management plan in-person and on-line. Additionally, the draft plan was presented to the Planning Commission at their July 19, 2017 meeting and to the City Council at their August 22, 2017 meeting for review and comment. Staff and the consultant team used the public feedback to prepare the final parking management plan, which is shown in strike- out/underline form in Exhibit 2. The Parking Management Plan was revised to add clarifying information to address comments relating to: 1) safety of pedestrians and bicyclists; 2) meeting the needs of persons with disabilities; 3) concerns about the in-lieu fee amount; 4) the need for a trolley to improve circulation; 5) a desire that the plan be adaptable; and 6) describing what shared parking is and how it works. Additionally, two new figures were added (Figures 5 and 6) to more clearly show peak occupancy of public parking and private parking areas. As appropriate, recommendations from the parking management plan will then be incorporated into the revised draft Village and Barrio Master Plan, which is anticipated to be completed later this year and will require the approval of the City Council. The final parking management plan has been previously distributed to the City Council, posted to the City of Carlsbad website, distributed to the libraries, City Hall, Faraday Office, Senior Center and on file at the Carlsbad Planning Division. Included with the final parking management plan is an executive summary of the key findings and strategies that could be implemented in the forthcoming Village and Barrio Master Plan; and appendices containing the technical memoranda. Fiscal Analysis Preparation of the parking management plan has been fully funded and no additional funds are being requested. The plan provides ranges of potential costs associated with the recommended parking management strategies. However, City Council acceptance of the parking management plan does not obligate the city to expend any funds at this time. Rather, complete fiscal analyses and appropriation requests will be presented to the Council prior to implementation of parking strategies. Next Steps The findings from the final parking management plan will be incorporated as appropriate into the new draft of the Village and Barrio Master Plan that is currently underway. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The acceptance of the final Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan has been determined to be exempt from environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 – Planning Study. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for viewing at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date. In addition, email notices were provided to the nearly 700 stakeholders who signed up to receive email alerts on the parking study and Village and Barrio Master Plan. September 26, 2017 Item #15 Page 2 of 5 Exhibits 1.City Council Resolution 2.Final Village Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan and Technical Memoranda (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) or at: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/psreports.asp September 26, 2017 Item #15 Page 3 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-198 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE FINAL VILLAGE, BARRIO AND BEACH AREA PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN. CASE NAME: VILLAGE, BARRIO AND BEACH AREA PARKING PLAN CASE NO.:SS 16-01 WHEREAS, in support of the planning process for the draft Village and Barrio Master Plan, the City Council authorized a parking study to analyze existing public and private parking supply, current use and turnover rates, and determine anticipated future parking needs in the project area; and WHEREAS, city staff and their consulting team undertook the study beginning in May 2016, compiling an inventory of on-street and off-street parking spaces, collecting real-time parking occupancy and turnover data, analyzing best practices of comparable coastal cities, and modeling future parking needs; and WHEREAS, the study facilitated various stakeholder participation activities, including: 1) completion of more than 2,000 on-site surveys; 2) an on line survey with 825 responses; 3) a community meeting; 4) a Planning Commission meeting; and 5) sixteen stakeholder events with neighborhood groups and various city commissions and committees; and WHEREAS, the study informed preparation of a draft parking management plan and recommended near-term to long-term strategies intended to maximize parking efficiency and improve mobility in the study area; and WHEREAS, the city has provided the public with opportunities to review and comment on the draft parking management plan in-person and online; and WHEREAS, the draft parking management plan was presented to the Planning Commission at their July 19,2017 meeting and to the City Council at their August 22, 2017 meeting for review and comment; and WHEREAS, staff and the consulting team used the public, Planning Commission and City Council feedback to prepare the final parking management plan; and WHEREAS, recommendations from the parking management plan will be incorporated as appropriate into the revised draft Village and Barrio Master Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: September 26, 2017 Item #15 Page 4 of 5 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the City Council hereby accepts the final Village, Barrio and Beach Area Parking Management Plan (SS 16-01). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of September, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, M. Packard. NOES: C. Schumacher. ABSENT: M. Hall. (SEAL) September 26, 2017 Item #15 Page 5 of 5 Pam Drew and Brett Wood September 26, 2017 Village, Barrio & Beach Area Parking Management Plan Parking Study Goals •Make parking more convenient •Efficient use of existing supply •Support future parking needs •Explore alternative transportation options •Support the Village and Barrio Master Plan vision Legend P1r1<1no FacllltlH On-Slree1 -Off.Stree1 (Public) -Transit Park ng Only (NCTO) -Off.Street (Private) Study A'"*a Boundaries &urio Neighborhood e.acn Area Village Neighbofflood ' 0120 025 E11tt "ERE 0.LOr,_ v~}1rde,O()per$':.'MJ.'~p,co-.tiiwtJrs 1ndtWCtS u!Ml'I C0,.,1"11.Aly Study Process & Timeline Public Outreach, Data Collection & Analysis (May 2016 -November 2016) Technical Memorandum #1 Park+ Analysis (November 2016 -March 2017) Technical Memorandum #2 Program & Peer Review (November 2016 -April 2017) Technical Memorandum #3 Draft Parking Management Plan (April 2017 –August 2017) Final Parking Management Plan (September 2017) Key Study Findings •11,657 parking spaces •Overall demand for parking collectively peaked at 54% at 7 p.m. on a weekend in July •Localized high-demand areas •Overall parking supply is adequate but demand not “balanced” •Current supply is adequate to meet demand if managed Public Comment Themes •Shuttle or trolley service •Meeting the needs of persons with disabilities •Paid parking concerns •Oversized Vehicles •Too many cars in the area Public Comment Themes •Residential parking permits •Enhanced enforcement •Parking garage •No parking problem Revisions Based on Public Comment Themes Safety of pedestrians and cyclists •Preservation of sight lines in curb lane management •Walking and cycling infrastructure improvements Revisions Based on Public Comment Themes Parking in-lieu fee amount •PMP recommends no change at this time •Encourage participation •Prevent over building parking supply in long term •PMP recommends review for potential future increase Revisions Based on Public Comment Themes Viability of Shared Parking •Optional agreement between property owners and developers •City’s intended role is to administer programming, education and promotion to encourage participation, and monitoring of program metrics and opportunities for expansion Revisions Based on Public Comment Themes Plan adaptability •Adjustable as changes occur in the community •Implementation of any strategies should be based on regularly collected data and vetted by the Parking Manager Next Steps •Incorporate Final Parking Management Plan recommendations into the Draft Village and Barrio Master Plan •Village and Barrio Master Plan will have a separate hearing, which will provide additional opportunity for public input. Recommendation •Adopt a resolution accepting the final Village, Barrio, and Beach Area Parking Management Plan