HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-10-24; City Council; ; Adopt a Resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the city clerk to advertise and receive bids for the Simsbury Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533~ CITY COUNC I L ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Oct. 24, 2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Mark Biskup, Utilities Manager-Water Mark.Biskup@carlsbadca.gov or 760-603-7352 CA Review --- Subject: Adopt a Resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the city clerk to advertise and receive bids for the Simsbury Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the city clerk to advertise and receive bids for the Simsbury Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533. Executive Summary The Simsbury Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533 (Project), is necessary to improve sewer reliability and decrease ongoing maintenance costs. The Project will connect a new gravity flow sewer pipeline to reroute flow through the recently constructed Quarry Creek development and will eliminate the need for the existing Simsbury Sewer Lift Station, which will be decommissioned as part of the Project. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the project plans and specifications, and authorize the city clerk to advertise and receive construction bids for the Project. Discussion Sewer pipeline systems are ideally constructed to flow by gravity from higher elevations to lower elevations, relying when possible on the topography of the basin. Lift stations become necessary when there is no available gravitational alignment. The City of Carlsbad's sewer system includes 15 sewer lift stations. The two largest, the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Lift Stations have shared ownership between the Cities of Carlsbad and Vista, and are operated by Encina Wastewater Authority through a joint operation and maintenance agreement for each station. The remaining 13 stations, including Simsbury Lift Station, are solely owned and operated by the City of Carlsbad. Lift stations are significantly more complex and generally less desirable than simple gravity systems, as they consume significant electrical power and require lifelong maintenance for their multiple components. The completion of the Quarry Creek development's sewer system provides the opportunity to eliminate the Simsbury Lift Station by extending a gravity pipeline from the Simsbury sewer basin into the new adjacent gravity flow sewer system. This Project would install approximately 700 linear feet of PVC pipe by standard open cut methods. There will be no interruption to sewer services during construction. The development's sewer network was constructed and sized in anticipation of the additional flow. Also, the Project is included in the city's Sewer Master Plan. The Project includes the demolition and removal of the existing Simsbury Sewer Lift Station along with the decommissioning ofthe lift station's force main. October 24, 2017 Item#2 Page 1 of 6 Fiscal Analysis The eng_ineer's estimate of the construction cost of the Project is $374,000. The total Project cost of $544,000 includes the construction contract; contingency for change order management; construction management and inspection; and engineering and administrative support for contractor shop drawings, requests for information, meetings, and community outreach. This Project will be funded by the Simsbury Sewer Extension, CIP Project No. 5533. Staff does not anticipate a need for more funds, however, if bids are higher than the estimates below, staff will request more funding at the time of contract award. A summary of available funds and estimated construction costs are shown below: SIMSBURY SEWER EXTENSION, CIP PROJECT NO. 5533 Current Appropriation -Simsbury Sewer Extension, CIP No. 5333 $549,871 Current Year Expenditures/Encumbrances -Simsbury Sewer Extension, $989 CIP No. 5333 TOTAL AVAILABLE SIMSBURY SEWER EXTENSION, CIP NO. 5533 $548,882 SIMSBURY SEWER EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 5533 Construction Contract (Engineer's Estimate} $374,000 Construction Contingency (Estimated} $38,000 Construction Management, Inspection, and Material Testing (Estimated} $81,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $493,000 ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT (ESTIMATED) $51,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $544,000 REMAINING BALANCE AFTER PROJECT NO. 5533 $4,882 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION NEEDED $0 Next Steps A Construction Contract Request for Bids will be advertised on the city website. Staff will then return to City Council to recommend awarding a contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA} per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15302(c} -replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity, and Section 15304(f}-minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Prior to the start of construction the public will be notified of the construction activities using media methods such as signage, email, website, and other city communication channels. The construction contractor will also be required to notify the public of construction activities via changeable message signs, door hangers, letters to residents, and/or "NO PARKING" signs, as applicable. October 24, 2017 Item#2 Page 2 of 6 Exhibits 1. Resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the city clerk to advertise and receive bids for the Simsbury Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533. 2. Location Map. 3. Project plans, specifications, and bid documents are on file at Carlsbad Municipal Water District. October 24, 2017 Item#2 Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-203 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE AND RECEIVE BIDS FOR THE SIMSBURY SEWER EXTENSION, PROJECT NO. 5533. Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to connect a new gravity flow sewer pipeline to reroute sewer flows; and WHEREAS, the plans, specifications and bid documents for the Simsbury Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533 (Project}, have been prepared and are on file at Carlsbad Municipal Water District and are incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, sufficient funds exist in the Simsbury Sewer Extension, CIP No. 5533; and WHEREAS, the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA} per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15302(c} -replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity, and Section 15304(f} -minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the plans, specifications and bid documents for the Simsbury Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533, on file at Carlsbad Municipal Water District are hereby approved. 3. The city clerk ofthe City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with State law, a Notice to Contractors Inviting Bids for the construction of the Simsbury October 24, 2017 Item#2 Page 4 of 6 Sewer Extension, Project No. 5533, in accordance with the plans, specifications and bid documents referred to herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 24th day of October, 2017, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. M. Hall. \ f { ' ' I / ;-1 ') ~/ ;,,,.-1 . ', ,{ Ur'Y (, l(C..C~ rr1 m.W'--,) /,i,"<., BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk -~> (SEAL) October 24, 2017 Item#2 Page 5 of 6 {cityof Carlsbad October 23, 2017 All Receive -Agenda Item # ~...§ ~ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM v'CA~CC v Date ~ity Manager_..,.,-,--- Council Memorandum l._carlsbad Municipal Water District To: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council From: Wendy Chambers, Utilities Director/ General Manager Via: Gary Barberio, Assistant City Manager~ Re: Answers to Questions regarding the City Council Meeting on October 24, 2017 At a City Council briefing on October 23, 2017, questions were raised regarding Agenda Item #2 and Agenda Item #6. The responses are provided below: TOPIC: October 24 Agenda Item #2 -Advertise for bids for Simsbury Sewer Extension Q. Did the Quarry Creek development pay for any of the Simsbury project? A. Mark Biskup: The developer extended the sewer pipeline to the edge of their property line for the Simsbury connection and sized the pipeline to collect the flow in addition to the development flow. They also paid sewer benefit area fees, which are specific to this Local Facilities Management Zone and are in addition to connection fees. TOPIC: October 24 Agenda Item #6-Award for contract for Recycled Water Pipeline Expansion Segment 9 Q. Did the hotel developer pay fees toward the Recycled Water Segment 9 through the city's Growth Management Plan? A. Lindsay Leahy: The developer will pay for all of their own water, recycled water, and sewer infrastructure in the area, including connection/capacity fees. However, the new recycled water expansion will serve several properties in the area. Therefore, they will not pay for the recycled water pipeline expansion servicing other properties in the vicinity. The recycled water line is not a growth management facility. This line is part of the Recycled Water Expansion Ill project and is funded partially by grants and the balance by a one percent loan. cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney Kevin Crawford, City Manager Marisa Lundstedt, Chief Operations Officer Elaine Lukey, Public Works Director Mark Biskup, Interim Water Operations Manager Lindsay Leahy, Associate Engineer Carlsbad Utilities Division/ Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-2722 t