HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-07; City Council; ; Presentation from a representative of the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors9 CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Nov. 7,2017 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager sheila.co bian @carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2917 CA Review .c.ei- Subject: Presentation from a representative of the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors Recommended Action Receive a presentation from Tom Hersant representing the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors. Executive Summary /Discussion The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens or organizations to have an item placed on a City Council agenda by submitting a written request to the City Manager. Attached is an e- mail from Mr. Hersant (Exhibit 1) requesting that the Council receive a presentation relating to the funding needs of the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors. Fiscal Analysis None. Next Steps Should the Council wish to proceed with the request from Mr. Hersant, Council will need to find there is a public benefit in participation i_n the Sister City Program and staff will then prepare a resolution authorizing the funding request for placement on a future agenda. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for viewing at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date. Exhibits 1. Oct. 31, 2017 e-mail from Mr. Hersant. · November 7, 2017 Item #12 Page 1 of 2 From: To: Sheila Cobian City Clerk Subject: FW: Carlsbad Sister Cities presentation agenda blurb Wednesday, November 01, 2017 2:17:06 PM Date: From: Tom Hersant <thersant@att.net> Date: October 31 , 2017 at 4:22:39 PM PDT To: Marisa Lundstedt <Marisa.Lundstedt@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Carlsbad Sister Cities presentation agenda blurb Greetings Marisa, Below is a proposed summary of our requests of the City at the November 7 City Council meeting. Tom In June 2010 the City of Carlsbad requested that it's then Sister City Commission establish itself as a non-profit. It provided funds to do so and the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors (CSCA) was thereby created. On 24 April 2012 the City designated CSCA as its agent to manage Carlsbad's sister city program (Resolution No. 2012-093). CSCA requests that the City pay its required annual dues to Sister City International, allow CSCA complimentary use of City facilities for its program functions, support Carlsbad student travel to its sister cities, and host official Mayoral delegations that will visit Carlsbad (2018 marks the 30 year anniversary with Futtsu, Japan.) Exhibit 1 November 7, 2017 Item #12 Page 2 of 2 ?roviclod ~ Tam ~-1-- -:L+evn J:J I 9' Carlsbad's 30 year ()Id Sister Ci(r Progran1 Carlsbad Sister City Commission became Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors (Story) Background: Started in 1988 and was a City Commission through FY 2008-09. Final budget at $11,650. Expenditures that year included the annual Sister Cities International dues, sponsoring the reception and hosting of a visiting Futtsu delegation ($4,000), gifts to City of Futtsu commemorating 20 years as our sister city ($450), commissioned a Flower Field painting commemorating Karlovy Vary s 600th birthday ($500). Our Commission was among the fiscal cuts the next year and the City directed us to establish ourselves instead as a non-profit. It provided $300 in its 2009-10 budget to do so and the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors (CSCA) was thereby created. On 24 April 2012 the City designated CSCA as its agent to manage Carlsbad's sister city program (Resolution No. 2012-093). We have two cities: Futtsu, /OJ)an Sister City to Carlsbad since 1988. Across bay from Tokyo. Site of initial allied landing on Japanese mainland on 30 August 1945 Yoshiro Fujimura, founder of Jupitor Corp., sought relationship with Carlsbad. (St,,r:) Recent Activities • Youth exchanges from Futtsu on odd-numbered years • Sent 6 Carlsbad students there in 2016; 3 CHS and 3 Sage Creek. • Planted cherry trees in courtyard here and at La Costa Heights elementary. (Story) • Student art from Futtsu displayed at Dove 2015 and our elementary school art to Futtsu 2016 Coming Soon: Mayoral delegation 2018 in August. Mayor Seiji Sakuma assembled a delegation of24! Organizing a student trip to Futtsu, Tokyo and Kyoto in 2018 summer and an open trip in the fall. Karlovy Vary ("Carlsbad") Sister City to Carlsbad since 1991 Near German border. City since 1300's. Founded by Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV. Our namesake city since the 1880s. (St•ll>) Known for its healing spas (licensed Balneology) and healing Becherovka drink. (S1or:) Moser produces hand-blown glass to this day. Thun is the Czech's biggest porcelain producer. 53rd International Film Festival. "Last Holiday" and "Casino Royale" shot at Grand Hotel Pupp. Joachims-thalers (Story) Recent Activities • Jr. Ambassadors (student exchanges in 2015) • Art Exchanges (6 from Carlsbad to there 2015, KV artists to here 2016 at COAL) • Six of our students to Karlovy starting 2015 and six from KarlovyVary 2015 too • Email "Pen Pals" with our students • Video conferencing with our students • Annual trip to Opening of Spa Season and "Thank You America" Festival. May 2018 is next. Coming Soon: Mayoral delegation 2018 (perhaps in March for Carlsbad 5000) Student trip to Karlovy Vary summer of2018 (International Film Festival) Art exchange in 2018 ~ We have worked diligently at fulfilling the City's mandate and now ask for its help: CSCA requests that Carlsbad: 1) Resume paying the required annual dues to Sister City International (We paid $990 this year and it is due in January, 2018) 2) Allow CSCA complimentary use of City facilities for its program functions, (Board Meetings, visiting delegation receptions, art judging, fund raisers) 3) Contribute to annual Carlsbad student travel to its sister cities (As do: Burbank, Carson, Chula Vista, Culver City, Encinitas, Long Beach and Redlands.) 4) Host receptions and local tours for official delegations visiting Carlsbad (2018 marks our 30 year anniversary with Futtsu, plus a proposed Karlovy Vary Mayoral delegation to commemorate their 650th city birthday). Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Sister City Background Information Attachments: Staff Report.DissolveSisterCityCommittee.06222010.pdf; Staff Report.AcceptPolicyToEstablishGuidelines.SisterCity.04242012.pdf Importance: High From: Marisa Lundstedt Sent: Monday, November 06, 2017 8:20 PM To: Andrea Dykes <Andrea.Dykes@carlsbadca.gov> All Receive -Agenda Item # l d- For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM:lf_ CA / CC .;' Date~ City Manager~ Cc: Sheila Cobian <Sheila.Cobian@carlsbadca.gov>; Kevin Crawford <Kevin.Crawford@carlsbadca.gov>; Marisa Lundstedt <Marisa. Lundstedt@ca rlsbadca .gov> Subject: Sister City Background Information Andi, I would like to distribute this to the Council as background information for item No. 12 (Presentation by Sister City Ambassadors). Would you be so kind to email this out to the Council in the morning and also provide them hard copies? Could you also provide hard copies to Kevin, City Attorney and the Clerk? Thanks so much, Marisa (city of Carlsbad Marisa Lundstedt Chief Operations Officer City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 www.carlsbadca.gov 760-434-2821 I marisa.lundstedt@carlsbadca.gov Facebook I Twitter I You Tube I Flickr I Pinterest I Enews 1 , CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL AB# 20,278 DEPT.HEAD MTG. 6/22/10 DISSOLVE THE SISTER CITY CITY ATTY. DEPT. Arts COMMITTEE CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2010-160 to dissolve the Carlsbad Sister City Committee, send a letter of appreciation to current and past committee members expressing thanks for their service to the city and the community, and direct the city manager to return within nine months with a report and recommendation on the city's relationship to the newly created non-profit organization, Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. · ITEM EXPLANATION: The Carlsbad Sister City program was created in 1988 by City Council Resolution 88-19, which created a Steering Committee of representatives from various Carlsbad civic and business organizations to coordinate a newly established sister city partnership with Futtsu, Japan. Responding to a request of the Steering Committee in 1990, the City Council disbanded the Steering Committee and established instead a nine-member Sister City Committee by Resolution 90-3 as an appointed Committee subject to the regulations of the Brown Act and the State of California Fair Political Practices Commission. Staff liaison and assistance was to be provided by the Cultural Arts Office; budget for the program was allocated from the General Fund. In 1991, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, was added as a second sister city to the program. Over the years, a variety of culturally oriented programs have been carried out under the Sister City program including international educational exchanges, visits to and from both sister cities by delegations and tour groups, the Carlsbad-to-Karlovy Vary Vocal Competition, the Multicultural Festival, and Japan-in-a-Suitcase school presentations. The Sister City Committee also organized various fundraising programs to augment its allocation from the General Fund. Also over the years, the Sister City Committee has continually expressed a desire to expand the program, add new partners, and increase its budget and activities, and so in 2008, a city goal assignment was approved (#9038) that directed Cultural Arts Office staff to review all aspects of the Sister City program and to recommend the most effective and efficient administrative structure for the program's future. After a year of research and interviews with many other sister city programs, it was clear to Cultural Arts Office staff that most cities had moved away from the traditional city-sponsored FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION; APPROVED DENIED CONTINUED WITHDRAWN AMENDED D D D D D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC D ---'----- CONTINUED TO DATE D UNKNOWN RETURNED TO STAFF D OTHER -SEE MINUTES D ,, PAGE 2 OF AB "DISSOLVE THE SISTER CllY COMMITTEE" committee model, in which individuals were appointed by the city council and the committee was provided administrative and budgetary support by the city, in favor of sister city programs that were run by independent, non-profit, community-based volunteer organizations. City governments were still informed about sister city program activities, especially visits by governmental delegations, but were no longer directly funding or administering the programs. On June 16, 2009, at a joint special meeting of the City of Carlsbad City Council, Municipal Water District and Housing and Redevelopment Commission, city staff presented its research and recommendations as a Program Option within the 2009/2010 Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets. On a minute motion by Mayor Pro TemNice PresidenWice Chair Kulchin, the Council/Board/Commission voted to continue the Sister City Committee for one more year with $3,000 in funding and to encourage the creation of a non-profit entity to administer the program. Since the June 16, 2009 City Council meeting, members of the Sister City Committee have been researching and working on becoming an independent 501-c-3 non-profit organization; in early March of 2010, they submitted their application to the State of California and on April 22, 2010, they received notification that their 501-c-3 non-profit status had been granted. The new organization is called the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc., and the president of the Board of Directors is Jacqueline Thye. FISCAL IMPACT: The FY 2009-10 General Fund budget allocations for the Sister City program was $3,000 and with the end of the program, the allocation for FY 2010-2011 and beyond is now $0. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The proposed action to dissolve the Sister City Committee does not qualify as a "project'' under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 as it does not result in a direct or reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. ____ dissolving the Carlsbad Sister City Committee, sending a letter of appreciation to current and past committee members expressing thanks for their service to the city and the community, and directing the city manager to return within nine months with a report and recommendation on the city's relationship to the newly created non-profit organization, Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, r nc. Department Contact: Peter Gordon, Arts Manager 760-434-2921 peter. g_ordon@carlsbadca.g_ov Sister City Policy April 24, 2012 Colleen Finnegan, Commu .. nity Coordinator Purpose of Resolution • Adopt Policy for Carlsbad Sister City Program -Establish guidelines for maintenance and expansion of program -Authorize a non-profit, community-based organization to conduct the program • Authorize Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. to conduct the program History of program • Current Sister Cities -Futtsu, Japan -1988 -l<arlovy Vary, Czech Republic -1991 • Carlsbad Sister City Steering Committee 1988-1990 • City of Carlsbad Sister City Committee 1990-2010 • Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. 2010 -present Resolution 2010-160 • Dissolved Sister City Committee • Directed staff to return with recommendation on city relationship to Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. CITY OF Staff Research • Best Practices -Sister city programs run by non-profit, community-based organizations -City governments adopt policies to guide sister city programs -Policies include criteria and process for new sister cities Specifics of the policy • Program conducted by Council-authorized non-profit, community-based organization • Activities that benefit Carlsbad and support sister cities mission • No reliance on city financial support • Process for considering new sister cities • Regular reports to City Council Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. • Incorporated in 2010 as a private, non-profit organization • Currently conducts sister city relationships and activities for City of Carlsbad • "New Affiliations Policy" approved in February 2012 Recommended Action • Adopt Resolution No. 2012-093, approving Council Policy 77, establishing the guidelines for the management of the Sister City Program and authorizing the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc., to conduct the Sister City Program. CITY OF AB# MTG. DEPT. 20 880 4/24/12 Library & Cultural Arts CITY OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL ACCEPT POLICY TO ESTABLISH GUIDELINES FOR THE SISTER CITY PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZE THE CARLSBAD SISTER CITY AMBASSADORS, INC.TO CONDUCT THE PROGRAM DEPT. DIRECTOR CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDED ACTION: 11 C_r ./'¥,-~-4 Adopt Resolution No. 2012-093 , which accepts Council Policy ~.a. 77 establishing guidelines for conducting Carlsbad's Sister City Program and defining the process for the development and ratification of future sister city relationships, and which authorizes the not-for- profit, community-based organization, Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc., for the purpose of maintaining and conducting existing sister city relationships with Futtsu, Japan and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. ITEM EXPLANATION: In January 1988, the City of Carlsbad established its first sister city relationship with Futtsu, Japan (Resolution 88-18) and established a Sister City Steering Committee (Resolution 88-19), made up of representatives from several community organizations. This body worked together for 18 months and then requested a new structure with additional assistance from the City. The Carlsbad Sister City Program was established in 1990 by City Council Resolution 90-3. The Resolution established a nine-member Sister City Committee which worked with the City's Cultural Arts Office to assume management of the sister city relationship with Futtsu, Japan. In 1991, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, was added as a second sister city to the program by Resolution 90-452. In June 2010, the City Council dissolved the Sister City Committee by Resolution 2010-160, and suggested that the sister city program should be conducted by a not-for-profit, community- based organization rather than through continued city management. At the same time, the Council directed the city manager to return with a report and recommendation on the City's relationship to the newly created non-profit organization, Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. · Staff performed a review of practices of other cities in California and nationwide whose sister city programs are conducted by not-for-profit, community-based organizations and found that the most successful programs have policies adopted by their city councils to guide the relationship. This is the case particularly in situations where sister city relationships were established prior to the incorporation of the not-for-profit, community-based organization. Such DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Colleen Finnegan, Community Arts Coordinator 760-434-2900; colleen.finnegan@carlsbadca.gov FOR CITY CLERKS USE ONLY. COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED V DENIED "d,. CONTINUED D WITHDRAWN D AMENDED D CONTINUED TO DATE SPECIFIC O ____ _ CONTINUED TO DATE UNKNOWN 0 RETURNED TO STAFF 0 OTHER -SEE MINUTES D I Page2 policies regularly include the criteria and procedures to be used in developing new sister city affiliations. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution accepting Council Policy No. 77 (Exhibit #2). The Policy defines the relationship between the City and a not-for-profit, community-based organization which would be authorized to conduct Carlsbad's Sister City Program and existing relationships with Futtsu and Karlovy Vary. It further requires said organization to maintain the sister city program without dependence on or expectation of direct financial support from the City and to seek support from independent funding opportunities available in the community. The Policy also defines the criteria and procedures for the development, establishment and endorsement of any future sister city relationships and directs that such relationships be enacted between the government of the future sister city and the not- for-profit, community-based sister city organization, followed by a vote of endorsement by the City Council. Finally, the Policy directs that from time to time said organization present reports of its activities to the City Council. Staff further recommends that within the same resolution the City Council authorize the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. to be the not-for-profit, community-based organization to conduct and manage Carlsbad's Sister City Program. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed action has no fiscal impact, as there is no current budget for sister city programs or activities and no fiscal support of the authorized not-for-profit, public benefit corporation is recommended. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. 2012-093 adopting Council Policy No. 77 and designating Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. to be the not-for-profit, community-based organization to conduct and manage Carlsbad's Sister City Program. 2. Council Policy No. 77 establishing guidelines for the management of Carlsbad's Sister City Program and existing and future sister city partnerships involving the City of Carlsbad. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-093 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING COUNCIL POLICY NO. 77 TO ESTABLISH GUIDELINES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CITY'S SISTER CITY PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE CARLSBAD SISTER CITY AMBASSADORS, INC. TO CONDUCT THE SISTER CITY PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad entered into sister city agreements with the cities of Futtsu, Japan in 1988 and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic in 1991 and has enjoyed ongoing friendships with these cities over the ensuing years; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has determined that it is necessary and in the public interest that these relationships and any future sister city relationships should be conducted by a community-based, not-for-profit organization whose primary purpose is to maintain and conduct sister city relationships and programs; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has determined that it is necessary and in the public interest to establish a policy that guides the authorization and endorsement of such an organization and that defines the criteria and procedures to be used in the creation of any future sister city relationships between Carlsbad and other cities; and WHEREAS, the Library and Cultural Arts Department has researched the policies, guidelines and procedures used by other cities with sister city programs conducted by community organizations to determine the best practices among these cities and has proposed that Council Policy No. 77, Guidelines for the establishment and management of sister city relationships involving the City of Carlsbad, be adopted to provide for the management of existing sister city relationships and the process for establishment of any future sister city relationships; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. was granted not-for-profit, public benefit corporation status by the State of California in April, 201 O with its stated purpose of conducting Carlsbad's Sister City Program; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19· 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, staff recommends that the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. receive designation as the organization approved by the City of Carlsbad to conduct the relationships with Futtsu, Japan and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic and to promote the sister cities program for the benefit of the City of Carlsbad and its residents; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: II II II II II II If II II II II 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That Council Policy No. 77 regarding the designation of a not-for-profit, community- based organization for the establishment and management of sister city relationships involving the City of Carlsbad is hereby adopted. 3. That Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc. is hereby designated and approved as the not-for-profit, community-based organization to conduct and manage the City of Carlsbad's Sister City Program. I/- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 24th day of April, 2012, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Council Members Hall, Kutchin, Blackburn and Packard. NOES: None. ABSENT: Council Member Douglas. ATTEST: ~~~00~~ (SEAL) Council Policy Statement Category: CARLSBAD SISTER CITY PROGRAM EXHIBIT 2 Page 1 of 2 Policy No. Date Issued: Effective Date: Resolution No. Cancellation Date: Supersedes No. 77 April 24, 2012 April 24, 2012 2012-093 N/A N/A Specific Subject: Guidelines for the establishment and management of sister city relationships involving the City of Carlsbad PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to • Establish guidelines for the maintenance and expansion of Carlsbad's Sister City Program. • Encourage sister city programs for the benefit of the City of Carlsbad and its residents. • Duly authorize and endorse a not-for-profit, community-based organization to be the managing organization for the sister city relationships with Futtsu, Japan and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic and for sister city program activities conducted for the benefit of Carlsbad citizens. BACKGROUND: The Sister City Program was officially established in 1956 by President Eisenhower for the purpose of aiding in the development of mutual understanding between U.S. cities and international cities. One facet of the program was furthering economic and cultural cooperation and interchange between the participating entities. In January 1988, the City of Carlsbad established its first sister city relationship with Futtsu, Japan (Resolution 88-18) by invitation of that city. It also established a Sister City Steering Committee (Resolution 88-19), made up of representatives from several community organizations, to be responsible for the sister city program in Carlsbad. This body worked together for 18 months, and then requested a new structure with additional assistance from the city. The Carlsbad Sister City Committee and Program were established in 1990 by City Council Resolution 90- 3 which created a nine-member Sister City Committee with a staff liaison in the Cultural Arts Office to assume management of the existing sister city relationship with Futtsu, Japan. In early 1991, Karlovy Vary, Czech Repu~lic requested a formal relationship with its namesake, Carlsbad, California, and became the program's second sister city (Resolution 90-452). In June 2010, the City Council dissolved the Sister City Committee by Resolution 2010-160, and suggested that the sister city program should be conducted and managed by a not-for-profit, community-based organization rather than through continued city management. POLICY: It is the policy of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that the relationships between the City of Carlsbad and its sister cities be conducted by a not-for-profit, community-based organization whose City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2820 I 760-720-9461 fax I www.carlsbadca.gov purpose is the operation of international relations with sister city partners and the presentation of appropriate recommendations to the City Council concerning the establishment of possible additional sister city relationships. Activities undertaken in pursuit of this purpose should increase the visibility, effectiveness, efficiency and viability of Carlsbad's existing sister city partnerships, thereby supporting their missions in the areas of cultural, educational and economic relationships. At all times the benefits to the residents of Carlsbad should serve as the primary objectives of the not-for-profit, community-based organization as it develops its relationships, programs and activities. The City Council reserves to itself the right to rescind, restrict or transfer its appointment and endorsement by a vote of the majority of the City Council members. The not-for-profit, community-based organization must maintain and demonstrate the ability to fund its activities without reliance on direct financial support from the City of Carlsbad. In considering the establishment of additional sister city relationships, the not-for-profit, community- based organization should use sound policy and practices of its own development, should recommend additional relationships only if the following requirements are satisfied: 1. There must be a logical area of mutual interest with the city in prospect, in the fields of culture, commerce, education or history. 2. The not-for-profit, community-based organization must favor the proposed affiliation and intend to pursue a meaningful program after the relationship is established. The not-for-profit, community-based organization must be in a position to finance the resulting expanded activities without expectation of financial backing by the City. 3. A similar identifiable civic or official group must exist in the city with which affiliation is proposed, with a clear indication of intent to carry out active mutual programs. The government of the foreign city itself must evidence a desire to affiliate. Recommendations of new sister cities will be brought before the City Council for consideration and approval before the not-for-profit, community-based organization proceeds with the formation of a Sister Cities Agreement (Agreement) with any proposed sister city. The Agreement will be executed between the officials of the sister city and the not-for-profit, community-based organization and the City of Carlsbad will not be a party to any specific obligations and commitments undertaken within the scope of the Agreement. After execution of the Agreement, and following a vote in favor by the City Council, the City of Carlsbad will sign an Acknowledgement recognizing the partner city as a Sister City of Carlsbad. As a condition of its authorization to manage and operate Carlsbad's Sister City Program, the not-for- profit, community-based organization will appear before the City Council from time to time to submit current reports on its programs, relationships and finances. Within its appropriate scope of activities as an incorporated not-for-profit organization, the not-for-profit, community-based organization is encouraged to pursue independent funding opportunities in the community. John Coates From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello, John: Heather Pizzuto Friday, March 30, 2012 2:36 PM John Coates Sister City Ambassadors Recently, an inquiry was received from Tom Hersant about the status of a report and recommendations on the relationship between the city and Sister City Ambassadors. As Tom mentions, the Sister City Ambassadors presented to the Cultural Arts Office its proposed affiliations policy for establishing new sister cities, which is a good start. In turn, the Cultural Arts Office has been working on a policy guiding the maintenance and expansion of the sister city program through the city's relationship with the Sister City Ambassadors. That policy draft has been circulated for review. We are aiming for the April 27 City Council meeting to bring it forward for approval. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. CARLSBAD. CITY LIBRARY Heather Pizzuto Library & Cultural Arts Director City of Carlsbad www.carlsbadlibrary.org P: 760-602-2056 E: heather.pizzuto@carlsbadca.gov 1 ioate: 't-,(~/;~ Distribution: 7 City Clerk Asst. City Clerk Deputy Cleric ·~sF ?.0. Box 1 31202 Carlsbad CA 92013 USA www.CarlsbadAmbassadors.us Honorable Mayor Matt Hall; 23 March 2012 I want to once again thank you for your continuing support of Carlsbad's Sister City programs. Could we count on your help once again? We still await the promised "report and recommendation on the city's relationship to the newly created non-profit organization, Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, Inc" {Resolution No. 2010-160, attached). I reviewed a draft of the "Acceptance Policy" with Peter Gordon and Colleen Finnegan in January. Our CSCA Board unanimously approved a revised draft and delivered an officially approved copy to them that week. We were told that it was approved by the City Attorney's office and the next step would be the process to get it and the report and recommendation prepared for a Council agenda meeting. As you know you and we were again invited to represent Carlsbad at Karlovy Vary's annual Festive Opening of the Spa Season in May. Pending official recognition we have been circumspect in how we describe our position when dealing with Futtsu and Karlovy Vary. Can you help us in getting the promised report and recommendation on the next Council agenda? ~ ~ c/_ / .,{->7t-1 /4 -;~4---' I -- Tom Hersant, President C: Lisa Hildebrandt, City Manager ,,.{;;-