HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-16; City Council; ; North Beach Lifeguard Service Options~ CITY COUNCIL '1i!7 Staff Report Meeting Date To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: January 16, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Mike Davis, Fire Chief Michael.davis@carlsbadca.gov or 760-685-6403 Jason Haber, Assistant t<? the City Manager Jason .haber@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 North Beach Lifeguard Service Options Recommended Action CA Review ..lf;1_ Provide policy direction to guide the city's next steps regarding the provision of lifeguard services on North Beach. Executive Summary Lifeguard services are not currently provided on the beach between Oak Avenue and the northern Carlsbad city limit (North Beach). In 2017, the city implemented a peak season lifeguarding pilot program on North Beach, which operated from Memorial Day to Labor Day. A pilot program summary report was presented to Council on December 12, 2017, and staff committed to return to Council in January 2018 to discuss future lifeguard service options. Council's decision regarding whether and how to provide lifeguard services on North Beach could result in a significant new operating program for the city. Therefore, this report presents three fundamental policy questions and four service options for Council to consider, along with a comparative analysis intended to assist Council in deciding the city's next steps. To determine how best to move forward regarding the provision of lifeguard services on North Beach, the following policy questions are presented for Council to decide: 1. Should the city provide lifeguard services on North Beach, or not? 2. If the city does provide lifeguard services, what level of service should be provided? 3. lfthe city provides lifeguard services, who should perform those services? Answering these questions will help clarify the Council's policy direction, guiding the city to implement one ofthe following service delivery options, in accordance with Council direction: 1. Allow North Beach to continue as-is, without dedicated lifeguard services. 2. Contract with a third-party provider for lifeguard services on North Beach. 3. Initiate a North Beach lifeguard program staffed by City of Carlsbad employees. 4. Initiate an interim in-house lifeguard program concurrent with a bid solicitation for contracted services. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 1 of 29 North Beach Lifeguard Services: Policy Decisions The following questions are presented to help clarify Council's policy direction and determine how best to move forward regarding the provision of lifeguard services on North Beach: Policy Decision 1: Should the city provide lifeguard services on North Beach, or not? Although the City of Carlsbad has the jurisdiction to provide lifeguard services on North Beach, there is no legal obligation to do so. As such, Council is faced with a policy decision to either provide lifeguard services on North Beach, or not. Historically, North Beach has been unguarded, although lifeguards from California State Parks and the City of Oceanside respond to incidents when needed, and as conditions in their primary jurisdictions allow. 911 emergency response is provided on North Beach by the city's Police and Fire departments. Over the past several years, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of North Beach, and current beach usage patterns have raised a variety of public safety and quality of life concerns. Early in the Council's discussion of providing lifeguards on North Beach, staff was directed to address the matter in the context of broader discussions that the city was engaging in with California State Parks. The Council initially thought that the question of how best to provide lifeguard services could be addressed as part of a solution addressing the maintenance and operational needs of the entire Carlsbad coastline. Staff continues to pursue those discussions with California State Parks; however, the conversation has not progressed to a point that offers an immediate solution for North Beach. Prior to authorizing the city's 2017 pilot program, Council directed staff to gather community feedback and evaluate the public safety service needs on North Beach. The community provided feedback at public meetings, through an online survey, and in emails and phone calls to staff. Staff research included direct observations, data analysis, and discussions with several Southern California lifeguarding agencies, including those operating in neighboring municipalities and on Carlsbad State Beach. Lifeguards from California State Parks and the cities of Oceanside and Encinitas provided the city with valuable advice and operational support, assisting staff in identifying and implementing best practices during the pilot program. The pilot program summary report includes data on program operating costs, rescues, preventive safety actions, and public education and outreach performed by Carlsbad lifeguards. The report also includes community feedback and lessons learned, along with a discussion of risks and unanticipated costs incurred because of a severe injury sustained during the pilot program. Policy Decision 2: If the city does provide lifeguard services on North Beach, what level of service should be provided? If Council decides that the city will provide lifeguard services on North Beach, it will be necessary to clarify expectations regarding the level of service to be provided. The United States Lifesaving Association (USLA) sets the professional standard for ocean lifeguard training and operations. Two different agency certifications are available; USLA and USLA 2 January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 2 of 29 Advanced (See USLA Guidelines for Open Water Lifeguard Certification -Exhibit 1). The Advanced certification requires agencies to meet higher standards for work experience, emergency medical training, and continuing education. California State Parks, which provides lifeguard services on Carlsbad State Beach, operates as a USLA certified lifeguard agency, while the lifeguard programs operated by the cities of Oceanside, Encinitas and Solana Beach are certified as USLA Advanced. The city's 2017 lifeguard pilot program operated according to the USLA Advanced certification standards, with Fire Department paramedics serving as lead lifeguards. The water rescue services provided by a USLA certified agency would be equivalent to those provided by a USLA Advanced certified agency. Under most conditions, the user experience on a beach guarded by a USLA Advanced certified agency would be indistinguishable from that on a beach guarded by a USLA certified agency. However, in the event of a medical emergency, the user could exp.ect to receive a higher level of medical care. Should Council move forward with lifeguard services, staff is requesting that Council provide guidance on the minimum level of USLA certification to be required. Policy Decision 3: If the city provides lifeguard services on North Beach, who should perform those services? If Council determines that the city should provide lifeguard services, and direction is given on the level of service to be provided, the final question seeks to identify the preferred method for delivering that service. Specifically, should the city contract with a third-party service provider, establish an in-house program, or implement an interim in-house program while seeking proposals from third-party service providers for consideration? North Beach Lifeguard Services: Service Options A range of service options are described below for Council consideration. Option 1: Allow North beach to continue as-is, without dedicated lifeguard services. Should Council decide not to provide lifeguard services on North Beach, the current operating model would continue as-is. California State Parks and City of Oceanside lifeguards would perform rescues and emergency services on North Beach if available, and the Carlsbad Police and Fire departments would provide 911 emergency response. Choosing not to provide lifeguard services offers a no-cost option to the city. However, the public safety and quality of life issues that have been identified in the area would persist. No preventive safety actions would occur, and neighboring lifeguard agencies would continue to be impacted by the lack of lifeguards on North Beach. Furthermore, the city may experience a higher number of emergency responses to the North Beach area as a result of not having a regular lifeguard presence. Option 2: Contract with a third-party provider for lifeguard services on North Beach. In October 2017, staff contacted neighboring lifeguard agencies and OC Lifeguards, a private lifeguard service contractor, to gauge their interest in delivering contracted lifeguard services on 3 January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 3 of 29 North Beach. As an example, the city's inquiry letter to California State Parks is attached as Exhibit 2. Similar letters were sent to OC Lifeguards and the cities of Oceanside and Encinitas. In response, OC Lifeguards, the City of Encinitas, and California State Parks indicated that they would be interested in submitting bid proposals, if requested (See Exhibits 3, 4, and 5). The city would have the option of either negotiating directly with another governmental agency, or seeking proposals from both governmental and non-governmental contractors to deliver best- value contracted lifeguard services on North Beach. The actual cost of providing contracted lifeguard services would only be known upon completing an open bid solicitation and/or contract negotiation process. Option 3: Initiate a North Beach lifeguard program staffed by City of Carlsbad employees. With this option, the City.of Carlsbad Fire Department would initiate a new ongoing program to provide lifeguard services on North Beach using city personnel. In-house lifeguard services could begin as soon as March 1, 2018. Two full-time lead lifeguards would supervise part-time lifeguards deployed on an as-needed basis. It is estimated that the city could provide an ongoing in-house lifeguard program at a cost of approximately $450,000 per year for staffing, plus annual operating expenses of approximately $100,000. One-time miscellaneous expenses, including lifeguard towers, are estimated at approximately $50,000. Option 4: Initiate an interim in-house lifeguard program concurrent with a bid solicitation for contracted services. Under this scenario, the City of Carlsbad Fire Department would implement an interim in-house lifeguard service between March 1, and October 31, 2018, guaranteeing North Beach lifeguard services for Summer 2018, while a bid solicitation process would . be conducted concurrently. In October, Council would have the option to either discontinue lifeguard services entirely, award a contract to a third-party provider, or authorize an ongoing in-house city lifeguard program. This option could be accomplished by temporarily reassigning two existing city Fire personnel to serve as Lead Lifeguards. It is estimated that the city could provide an interim in-house lifeguard service, at a cost of approximately $250,000 for staffing, plus additional operating expenses of approximately $100,000. As this option only provides services through October 2018, additional cost would be incurred if Council decides to extend services beyond that. Comparative Analysis In considering the policy questions and evaluating the service delivery options presented above, Council may wish to examine the following additional program characteristics for comparison: 1. Risk/Liability Exposure a. Option 1 -No Lifeguard Service: There would be no change in the city's current workers compensation liability exposure, and general liability exposure would be limited to cases of negligence. 4 January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 4 of 29 b. Optio1i 2 -Contracted Lifeguard Service: In a contracted service scenario, workers compensation costs would be borne by the contractor. It would be expected that those costs would be reflected in the contract price. In addition, the city would seek indemnification for liability claims. c. Option 3 -In-House Lifeguard Service: The city is self-insured for up to $750,000 per workers compensation claim for non-safety "Miscellaneous" employees, and up to $1,000,000 for safety personnel. Staffing a lifeguard program with city personnel will increase the risk profile ofthe "Miscellaneous" employee pool, and claims generated due to work-related injuries may cause an increase in the city's insurance rates for that employee classification. The city would have general liability exposure limited to cases of negligence. d. Option 4 -Interim In-House Lifeguard Service and Bid Solicitation: See Option 3. 2. Program Start Date a. Option 1 -No Lifeguard Service: N/ A. b. Option 2 -Contracted Lifeguard Service: Inquiries made during December 2017 revealed that interested third-party lifeguard providers may be al:>le to meet the timeline required to initiate lifeguard services by Memorial Day 2018. However, if no viable proposals were received, the city could be left without a program option to implement for Summer 2018. More certainty was indicated for service beginning after Summer 2018. c. Option 3 -In-House Lifeguard Service: Lifeguard services could begin as soon as March 1, 2018. d. Option 4 -Interim In-House Lifeguard Service and Bid Solicitation: Lifeguard services could begin as soon as March 1, 2018. This option would provide a safeguard against the Option 2 possibility of receiving no viable proposals for Summer 2018 service. 3. Staffing a. Option 1 -No Lifeguard Service: N/ A. b. Option 2 -Contracted Lifeguard Service: No new city personnel. c. Option 3 -In-House Lifeguard Service: Initiating an ongoing in-house program would require two new FTEs. Part-time seasonal lifeguards would also be hired to cover peak season staffing needs. d. Option 4 -Interim In-House Lifeguard Service and Bid Solicitation: This option would require temporary reassignment of two existing city Fire personnel to serve as Lead Lifeguards. Part-time seasonal lifeguards would also be hired to cover peak season staffing needs. 4. Lifeguard Program Experience a. Option 1 -No Lifeguard Service: N/ A. b. Option 2 -Contracted Lifeguard Service: A contracted service could allow the city to deliver services through an experienced provider. c. Option 3 -In-House Lifeguard Service: The city has operated an in-house beach lifeguard program for one Summer season. 5 January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 5 of 29 d. Option 4 -Interim In-House Lifeguard Service and Bid Solicitation: The city has operated an in-house beach lifeguard program for one Summer season. After completing another Summer program, the Council would have the option to contract for services or continue the in-house program. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 No Interim Lifeguard Contracted In-House In-House Service Lifeguard Service Lifeguard Service Lifeguard Service $SSOK/Year, plus $3SOK, plus post- Estimated Costs $0 Unknown $SOK one-time Summer service Best Value I Cost Comparison Opportunity N/A Yes No Yes Workers Compensation Bid Pricing Up to $7SOK or Up to $7SOK or Risk Exposure No Change Pass-Through $1M/Claim $1M/Claim Bid Pricing Negligence Negligence General Liability Exposure N/A Pass-Through Standard Standard Program Start Date N/A Summer 2018 Spring 2018 Spring 2018 2 New FTE, plus No New FTE, plus Staffing N/A No New FTE Seasonal PT Seasonal PT Lifeguard Program Moderate to 2017 Pilot 2017 Pilot Experience N/A High Program Program Fiscal Analysis Estimated program costs for the 'No Lifeguard Service,' 'In-House Lifeguard Service,' and 'Interim In-House Lifeguard Service' options are provided in the discussion above. The cost of providing a 'Contracted Lifeguard Service' would not be known until the city completes an open bid solicitation and/or contract negotiation process. Funding for a new city lifeguard program, regardless of the preferred delivery model, could be allocated from the city's General Fund, and incorporated into the Fire Department budget in the city's 2018-19 annual budget. Because ocean lifeguarding involves people conducting physically demanding work in an inherently hazardous environment, providing this type of service using city personnel would expose the city to liability risks concerning potential work-related injuries. Therefore, if Council decides to proceed with one of the in-house program options, it should do so with the understanding that, while anecdotal evidence suggests that such injuries are rare, those options come with a potentially significant degree of fiscal uncertainty. As an example, a part-time seasonal lifeguard suffered a severe neck injury during the 2017 North Beach lifeguarding pilot program. For this type of incident involving a non-safety 'Miscellaneous' employee, the city is self-insured for up to $750,000, and carries workers compensation insurance for costs that exceed the self-insured limit. In addition to the one-time cost incurred by the city, claims like this one are factored into the aggregated risk profile of the associated employee classification, which provides the basis for setting the city's future excess insurance rates. 6 January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 6 of 29 The Council's decision concerning whether and how to provide lifeguard services on North Beach could result in a significant new operating program for the city. Since each of the options presents an operationally and fiscally feasible approach, it is up to the Council to identify their preferred option and provide the appropriate policy direction to staff. Next Steps Staff requests that Council consider the policy questions and service delivery options presented and provide the policy direction to guide the city's next steps regarding the provision of lifeguard services on North Beach. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require further environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. Exhibits 1. USLA Guidelines for Open Water Lifeguard Certification 2. Example letter of inquiry to California State Parks 3. OC Lifeguards Letter of Interest 4. The City of Encinitas Letter of Interest 5. California State Parks Letter of Interest 7 January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 7 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification around the water were represented. (You may download a copy of the report of this conference from the Lifeguard Library at www.usla.org.) The Galveston conference resulted in consensus on many issues, such as minimum swimming skills, age, and training needed by beach lifeguards. Shortly thereafter, USLA developed and published a booklet called Guidelines for Open Water Lifeguard Training. It embodied the core recommendations from Galveston, but went further to recommend curriculum standards and other minimum recommended standards. It has since been revised to the document you now read. In developing open water lifeguard training standards, USLA concluded that a single, rigid training program covering the widely varying conditions in open water areas throughout the United States would be prohibitively lengthy. It was also considered impractical and unnecessary, particularly since most lifeguards work for a single employer for their entire lifesaving career. USLA therefore designed a program with core instruction in basic lifesaving techniques, but one which requires local employers to ad-just the training, within established parameters, to address local conditfons. For thi°s reason, a lifeguard trained under the USLA system must be retrained if the lifeguard moves to another area. USLA does not "certify" lifeguards or lifeguard instructors. Instead, USLA certifies lifeguard employers, including their training programs and standards, which follow USLA guidelines. The USLA certification system is therefore, in effect, an accreditation system for local lifeguard training programs. We consider our guidelines consistent with those of the highest quality open water lifesaving programs in the United States today. Many agencies surpass them and are strongly encouraged to continue providing the levels of excellence they have achieved. Lifesaving can continue to progress only if lifesaving agencies are willing to exceed the current norms, experimenting with 'new techniques and advanced equipment, the best of which will become the standards of tomorrow. Since USLA is an organization of open water rescue professionals, our certification programs are designed to meet the needs of rescuers in this environment. Our Lifeguard Agency Certification Program is designed for public safety agencies that provide preventive lifeguarding services. Our companion Aquatic Rescue Response Team certification program is designed for public safety providers which do not provide preventive lifeguard services, but have responsibility for responding to open water emergencies. The document you now hold details requirements for the USLA Lifeguard Agency Certification Program. For information on the ARRT program, contact USLA at our website (www.usla.org) or at 866-FOR-USLA. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 2 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 9 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification Guidelines Introductory Note: Training conducted under the USLA Lifeguard Agency Certification Program must be conducted on the beaches of the agency where the lifeguard will be employed or on nearby beaches with comparable conditions and geographic features. To be certified an agency must adhere to the following USLA requirement: "Lifeguards assigned to water surveillance have the primary responsibility of observing and managing persons in the water, as well as to provide assistance to persons in the water and shall not be assigned to any duties other than public safety." Chair National Certification Committee: If you have questions not answered by this document, you may email the National Certification Committee Chair at certification@usla.org. 1. Steps to Certification 1.1. Read the standards for open water lifeguards, trainees, and instructors to ensure that your agency is in compliance. If you do not employ full time lifeguards, you can ignore standards for these personnel. Existing lifeguard agencies which meet the certification guidelines may apply for certification and become certified at the appropriate level upon review and approval of the certification officer, certification committee and board of directors at the meeting following approval of their application. Newly established lifeguard agencies which apply for certification and meet the certification guidelines must operate for a period of one (1) season before certification may be approved. 1.2. Read the Minimum Equipment Standards and ensure that your agency is in compliance. 1.3. Read the Required Course Curriculum and ensure that your agency's basic training course includes all elements listed (except those specifically noted as optional). The curriculum is intended to ensure a broad understanding of the basic aspects of lifesaving, but allows tailoring to address local conditions. A copy of Open Water Lifesaving-The United States Lifesaving Association Manual must be available to each trainee. In developing course curriculum, the Resource Material section may be of assistance. 1.4. An agency wishing to have its training program and standards nationally certified submits a completed certification application -which can be found at www.usla.org/certification-with all required documentation .. A payment covering the application and review fee must be enclosed or submitted. 1.5. The USLA Secretary or designee will file one copy and send the second copy to a Certification Officer from the USLA region in which the agency lies. The Secretary or designee will attempt to choose a Certification Officer who is geographically close to the applicant. 1.6. Within sixty (60) days ofreceiving an application, the Certification Officer is responsible for conducting a thorough review and submitting written findings. The review must include, at a minimum, checking all documents submitted and ensuring that they show the agency to be in compliance with the current guidelines of USLA, at © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 3 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 10 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification either the minimum or advanced level. It is also suggested, but not required, that an on- site review be conducted for most agencies. An on-site review is required for newly established agencies. 1. 7. Upon receiving the written findings of a Certification Officer, the Secretary or designee will file a copy of the findings and forward a copy to the Certification Committee Chair for review by the National Certification Committee. This committee, which meets in May and November in conjunction with the Board of Directors, is responsible for recommending approval or disapproval to the Board, with final approval requiring a majority vote of the full Board. 1.8. In any case of a finding by the Certification Committee and concurrence by the USLA Board of Directors, at any time, that an applying agency provided information in the application that was materially false or misleading, the application and agency certification shall be deemed void, the application fee shall be retained by USLA, and the agency shall be advised of the reason. A subsequent application by the agency shall not be accepted for a period of one year from action by the USLA Board of Directors and shall require documentation of full resolution of the issues which caused revocation. 1.9. Upon favorable decision by the Board of Directors, a certificate so stating and signed by the President and Certification Committee Chair, will be issued and valid for a period of three (3) years. The agency must then reapply, again submitting the current fee. 1.10. Any changes to the recommended guidelines and standards which may be made by the Board of Directors after an agency has been certified become effective for future applications and renewals, but create no mandate for currently certified agencies. However, all certified agencies are strongly encouraged to adhere to the most current recommended guidelines. 1.11. By applying for and accepting certification, the certified agency agrees to maintain all standards asserted in the application during the application and certification period. USLA certification is valid only so Jong as the certified agency continues to maintain these standards. In any case in which the USLA Certification Committee Chair detennines that a certified agency's program fails to meet these standards, the Certification Committee Chair may suspend certification of the agency, which suspension is effected via written notice to an appropriate agency representative. A letter of suspension shall include details of the reasons and an explanation of how the suspension may be appealed, which shall be via a written letter to the USLA President, with copy to the Certification Committee Chair. This suspension shall be effective for 30 days, during which the National Certification Committee shall be consulted. With concurrence of the National Certification Committee, suspension may be extended an additional 60 days (for a total of 90 days). Within 90 days of suspension, the USLA Board of Directors or, between regular meetings of the Board of Directors, the USLA Executive Board shall review information provided by the Certification Committee Chair, the agency, and any other appropriate sources, and shall render a decision to revoke certification, to reinstate certification, or to take any other appropriate action. A letter of suspension shall include the following language: "As of the date of this letter, © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 4 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 11 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification you are no longer operating as a certified and approved USLA agency. All rights and privileges accompanying USLA certification have been suspended until further notice. You are instructed to remove all USLA signs, symbols and/or certification documents from public view." 1.12. The collection and publication of national lifesaving statistics is a critical service of USLA. The submission of annual statistics to USLA for each calendar year by March 1 of the following year is a requirement for any agency to achieve and maintain certification. This can be accomplished by mail or via the USLA website (www.usla.org). In the case of certified agencies which do not report their statistics by that date, a letter will be sent advising that failure to provide statistics within 30 days will result in suspension until and unless compliance with this requirement is achieved. That suspension will not require the procedures listed in # 11 above, except that the Chair of the Certification Committee will send a letter of suspension and suspension shall be effective until a valid statistical report is received by USLA for the year in question. 2. USLA Certification Officer 2.1. Certification Officers are the persons primarily responsible for evaluating whether an applying agency adheres to the recommended guidelines of USLA at either the minimum or advanced level. Certification Officers then make recommendations to the national Certification Committee, which recommends approval or disapproval to the USLA Board of Directors. Certification Officers serve without compensation. The following are the criteria under which a Certification Officer may be appointed. 2.1.1. Membership --A candidate must be a current voting member ofUSLA. 2.1.2. Lifesaving Experience --A candidate must have a minimum of 4,000 hours experience as an open water lifeguard. 2.1.3. Supervisory/Instruction Experience --It is recommended, but not required, that a candidate for the position of Certification Officer have supervisory experience in an open water lifeguard agency and/or experience as an instructor in an open water lifeguard agency. 2.1.4. Summary of Qualifications --A candidate must compile a resume detailing qualifications. 2.1.5. Nomination --A candidate must be recommended for appointment by the Regional Council. 2.1.6. Appointment --The USLA President shall have the sole discretion for appointment of a Certification Officer once nominated by a Regional Council. It is recommended that the President attempt to balance the need for an adequate number of Certification Officers from each region against the administrative burden posed by having more than is necessary. 2.1.7. Term of Appointment --Appointments shall be for no more than two years, at which time a candidate may be reappointed under the same terms as for initial appointment. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 5 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 12 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification 2.1.8. Certification --No Certification Officer may certify an agency with which the Certification Officer is currently affiliated. 3. Open Water Lifeguard Instructor 3.1. The following are standards for instructors of open water lifeguard training programs. These are the standards for lead instructors. This does not preclude the use of assistants, field training officers or others who do not meet these standards. Open Water Lifeguard Instructors are directly responsible for ensuring that standards are met and that all training modules are taught by persons with proper credentials. Standards To Be Met and Maintained Include: 3 .1.1. Work Experience -Must have worked a minimum cumulative total of 1,000 hours of employment compiled in no fewer than three seasons as a seasonal open water lifeguard or a full time open water lifeguard at a lifeguard agency which meets the standards of USLA. (Agencies applying for initial certification may need to request a waiver from this requirement.) 3.1.2. Education -Must possess a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. 3 .1.3. Medical Aid Certification -Must be currently certified by an agency recognized by the Federal Government or the state government in the state of employment to instruct any medical aid or CPR course provided to trainees by the employing agency or must ensure that a person so certified is responsible for providing such training. Additional Standards for Advanced Agency Certification Include: 3.1.4. Work Experience-Must have worked a minimum cumulative total of 2,000 hours of employment compiled in no fewer than five seasons as a seasonal lifeguard or above at a lifeguard agency certified as meeting the minimum standards of USLA. 3.1.5. Training Experience -At least two seasons experience as an instructor or assistant instructor of a program which meets the minimum standards for USLA certification. 3 .1.6. Scuba Certified -Certified as a scuba diver by a nationally recognized certifying agency. 4. Open Water Lifeguard Trainee 4.1. An Open Water Lifeguard Trainee is a lifeguard in training. This category was created to address the needs of some agencies to train lifeguards in-service, rather than the preferred method of conducting a training academy prior to assignment. Medical aid and CPR training must be given and the swim standard met before the lifeguard is given any assignment on the beach. The remaining training must be provided within 30 calendar days from the first day of deployment of the lifeguard. Open Water Lifeguard Trainees may work only under the direct and immediate supervision (side-by-side in the same station or area) of a Full Time Open Water Lifeguard or a Seasonal Open Water Lifeguard, either with at least 1,000 hours experience. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 6 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 13 of 29 .. United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification Standards To Be Met and Maintained Include: 4.1.1. Age - A minimum of 16 years of age. 4.1.2. Swimming Ability -Demonstrates an ability to swim 500 meters (550 yards), without equipment that enhances buoyancy or propulsion, over a measured course in ten minutes or less. USLA requires that each applying agency have a written policy in place detailing its required swim test. The policy may, for example, be published in a policy manual or included in an official job announcement and must make clear that this is a standard that must be met and maintained by all lifeguards. 4.1.3. Health & Fitness -Possesses adequate vision, hearing acuity, physical ability and stamina to perform the duties of an open water lifeguard as documented by a medical doctor, or the doctor's designated physician's assistant or ARNP (advanced registered Nurse Practitioner). 4.1.4. Medical Aid Certification -Certified as having successfully completed a medical aid course accepted by the Federal Government or by the state government in the state of employment. Total formal medical aid training, including the certified medical aid course (but not the CPR course), shall be no less than 21 hours. 4.1.5. CPR Certification -Currently certified as having successfully completed a course in providing one person adult, two person adult, child and infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), including obstructed airway training, AED, BVM, and use of barrier devices, accepted by the Federal Government or by the state government in the state of employment. 4.1.6. Strength & Stamina -Successfully completes a pre-employment test demonstrating adequate physical strength and stamina to perform the duties of an open water lifeguard. 5. Season Open Water Lifeguard 5.1. A Seasonal Open Water Lifeguard is a lifeguard employed part time, whether hourly or seasonally. For lifeguard agencies which provide services seasonally, the only employees are usually seasonal. Therefore, these agencies are not required to meet standards for Full Time Open Water Lifeguards. Standards To Be Met and Maintained Include: 5 .1.1. Age -A minimum of 16 years of age. 5.1.2. Swimming Ability-Demonstrates an ability to swim 500 meters (550 yards), without equipment that enhances buoyancy or propulsion, over a measured course in ten minutes or less. The annual swim standard must be met before returning to lifeguard duties. USLA requires that each applying agency have a written policy in place detailing its required swim test. The policy may, for example, be published in a policy manual or included in an official job announcement and must make clear that this is a standard that must be met and maintained by all lifeguards. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 7 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 14 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification 5.1.3. Health & Fitness -Possesses adequate vision, hearing acuity, physical ability and stamina to perform the duties of an open water lifeguard as documented by a medical doctor, or the doctor's designated physician's assistant or ARNP (advanced registered Nurse Practitioner). 5 .1.4. Medical Aid Certification -Certified as having successfully completed a medical aid course accepted by the Federal Government or by the state government in the state of employment. Total formal medical aid training, including the certified medical aid course (but not the CPR course), shall be no less than 21 hours. 5 .1 .5. CPR Certification -Currently certified as having successfully completed a course in providing one person adult, two person adult, child and infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), including obstructed airway training, AED, BVM, and use of barrier devices, accepted by the Federal Government or by the state government in the state of employment. 5.1.6. Training-Certified as successfully completing a course consisting of a total of I not less than 40 hours in open water lifesaving which meets the cm;riculum requirements of the United States Lifesaving Association. This shall not include the minimum training hours required for medical aid or CPR. 5 .1. 7. Scuba Training -Any lifeguard who will be required to utilize scuba in the course of employment must, at a minimum, be certified as a scuba diver at the basic level by a nationally reco~nized certifying agency. 5 .1. 8. Strength & Stamina -Successfully completes a pre-employment test demonstrating adequate physical strength and stamina to perform the duties of an open water lifeguard. Additional Standards for Advanced Agency Certification Include: 5 .1.9. Medical Aid Certification -Certified as an emergency medical responder in a medical aid course accepted by the Federal Government or by the state government in the state of employment, which is equivalent to Department of Transportation Emergency Medical Responder. Total formal medical aid training in the certified medical aid course, including CPR training, shall be no less than 40 hours. 5 .1.10. Training -Certified as successfully completing a course consisting of a total of not less than 48 hours in open water lifesaving which meets the curriculum requirements of the United States Lifesaving Association. This shall not include the minimum training hours required for medical aid or CPR. 6. Full Time Open Water Lifeguard 6.1. A Full Time Open Water Lifeguard, also known as a Permanent Open Water Lifeguard, is a lifeguard appointed to a full time, year round position as a lifeguard at an open water beach, who has successfully completed a probationary period. A probationary full time open water lifeguard must, at a minimum, meet the minimum standards of a Seasonal Open Water Lifeguard during the probationary period. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 8 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 15 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification Standards To Be Met and Maintained Include: 6.1.1. Experience -Must have worked no less than 1,000 hours as an open water lifeguard at the beaches of the hiring agency. 6.1.2. Age -A minimum of 18 years of age. 6.1.3. Education -Must possess a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. 6.1.4. Swimming Ability-Demonstrates an ability to swim 500 meters (550 yards), without equipment that enhances buoyancy or propulsion, over a measured course in ten minutes or less. Demonstrates an ability to successfully perform an open water rescue. USLA requires that each applying agency have a written policy in place detailing its required swim test. The policy may, for example, be published in a policy manual or included in an official job announcement and must make clear that this is a standard that must be met and maintained by all lifeguards. 6.1.5. Health & Fitness -Possesses adequate vision, hearing acuity, physical ability and stamina to perform the duties of an open water lifeguard as documented by a medical doctor, or the doctor's designated physician's assistant or ARNP (advanced registered Nurse Practitioner). 6.1.6. Medical Aid and CPR Certification -Certified as an emergency medical responder in a medical aid course, accepted by the Federal Government or by the state government in the state of employment, which is equivalent to Department of Transportation Emergency Medical Responder. Total formal medical aid and CPR training, in the certified medical aid course, shall be no less than 40 hours. 6.1. 7. Training -Certified as successfully completing a course consisting of a total of not less than 48 hours in open water lifesaving which meets the curriculum requirements of the United States Lifesaving Association. This shall not include the minimum training hours required for medical aid and CPR. 6.1.8. Scuba Training-Any lifeguard who will be required to utilize scuba in the course of employment must, at a minimum, be certified as a scuba diver at the basic level by a nationally recognized certifying agency. 6 .1. 9. Strength & Stamina -Demonstrates the ability, through a test of strength and stamina, to perform the rigorous physical duties of an open water lifeguard. Additional Standards for Advanced Agency Certification Include: 6.1.10. Medical Aid and CPR Certification -Certified as an Emergency Medical Technician. 7. Recurring Training 7 .1. Recurring training is essential to ensuring that personnel maintain adequate levels of knowledge and fitness to continue to perform lifesaving tasks. In addition to maintaining the minimum standards necessary for the position, employees should be provided drills and formal training to ensure high levels of performance. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 9 ofl8 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 16 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification Standards for Recurring Training: 7 .1.1. Daily Physical Training -Employees are provided daily opportunities, conditions permitting, for activities such as swimming, rescue board training and running. 7.1.2. Annual Rescue Skills Training -Subsequent to initial training being provided, employees are provided a minimum of 16 hours per year in formal training. Additional Standards for Recurring Training for Advanced Agency Certification: 7.1.3. Regular Drills -Drills are conducted such as mock rescues and other emergencies at least once per month which allow each employee some degree of participation. 8. Minimum Equipment Standards 8.1. Rescue 8.1.1. At least one rescue floatation device (RFD) for each lifeguard on duty. 8.1.2. Mask(s) and snorkel(s) readily accessible to mount an underwater search and rescue, as appropriate. 8.1.3. Binoculars readily accessible in the beach area, and in each main tower and emergency vehicle. 8.1.4. Marker buoy(s) readily accessible for submerged victim sea:t:-ch and rescue. 8.1.5. Swim fins for rescue purposes readily accessible to lifeguards as appropriate according to local conditions. 8.2. Medical 8.2.1. A medical aid kit adequate to treat minor injuries at each staffed lifeguard post. 8.2.2. A medical aid kit adequate to treat both minor and major medical emergencies at each beach area. 8.2.3. Equipment to protect against bloodbome pathogens consistent with OSHA requirements. 8.2.4. Spinal stabilization equipment, including spineboard, head and neck immobilization devices, and fastening devices readily accessible at each beach area . . 8.2.5. Oxygen readily accessible at each staffed beach area, with all lifeguard personnel trained in its use. 8.2.6. A cardiac defibrillator1 ( or defibrillators) readily accessible at each staffed beach area, with personnel trained in its use (highly recommended for all agencies, required to achieve advanced certification or advanced recertification after January 1, 2004). 1 Automatic external defibrillator (AED) or semi-automatic defibrillator © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 10 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 17 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification 8.3. Communications 8.3.1. Equipment for lifeguards to communicate with the public at a distance (ex: whistles, megaphone(s), air hom(s), etc.) 8.3.2. Two-way radios or similar equipment for lifeguard to lifeguard communication. 8.3 .3. Equipment for lifeguards to immediately activate local emergency medical services (EMS). 8.4. Personnel Needs 8.4.1. Lifeguards are required to wear an easily identifiable uniform, denoting the wearer as a trained rescuer (ex: "Lifeguard," "Beach Patrol," "Marine Safety") and denoting the employing agency. 8.4.2. Sunscreen for all lifeguard personnel. 8.4.3. Reasonable equipment to protect lifeguards from sun exposure. 8.5. Record Keeping and Reporting 8.5.1. A system for documenting lifeguard activities, consistent with USLA standards, with annual statistical data reported to the USLA statistics coordinator by March 1 of each year. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 11 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 18 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification Resource Material Required for All Students: • The Open Water Lifesaving -The United States Lifesaving Association Manual, United States Lifesaving Association, B. Chris Brewster -Editor, ISBN 0-536-73735-5 Recommended: • Advanced Diving Technology and Techniques, National Association of Underwater Instructors, ISBN 0916974545 • Chapman Piloting and Seamanship, Elbert S. Maloney, ISBN 1588160890 • The DAN Emergency Handbook: A Guide to the Identification of and First Aid for Scuba (Air Diving Emergencies), John Lippman, Stan Bugg, ISBN 0959030611 • Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, James D. Heckman -Editor, ISBN 0763732486 • Emergency Response, American Red Cross, 1997, ISBN 158480095X • First Responder, National Standard Curriculum, US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/people/injury/ems/nsc.htm • The Incident Command System (NFA-ICS-SM), National Emergency Training Center, FEMA • Scuba Lifesaving and Accident Management, YMCA, Tom Leaird -Editor, ISBN 087322132X • Swiftwater Rescue, Slim Ray, ISBN 0964958503 • Technical Rescue Program Development Manual, United States Fire Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency • Waves & Beaches, Willard Bascom, ISBN 0385148445 © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 12 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 19 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification Required Course Curriculum Terms Identify means provide a full explanation to students and take steps to validate their comprehension and retention. Demonstrate means show students how to accomplish the skill and ensure that they can adequately demonstrate an ability perform it. I. Basic Rescue Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify the importance of a lifeguard maintaining a position of safety when effecting a rescue. 2. Identify the appropriate method of entry for various types of water conditions, including, if applicable to the agency's beaches: a) Shallow water b) Deep water c) Unfamiliar water d) Surf 3. Identify the characteristics of a proper approach to a victim. 4. Identify considerations when making contact with a victim. 5. Identify the appropriate victim approach for different rescue situations: front surface, rear surface or underwater. 6. Identify the value of a cross-chest tow, modified cross-chest tow, or armpit tow for a given rescue situation. 7. Identify appropriate methods of lifting and removing a victim from the water. 8. Identify the priority of resuscitation over removal of a victim from the water. 9. Identify defenses and escapes from a panicked victim. 10. Identify the advantages of using swim fins during rescues. 11. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of reaching, wading, and throwing assists. 12. Identify the need to assess for spinal injury prior to effecting a rescue or moving a victim. Skill Objectives 1. Demonstrate the shallow water dive and porpoising. 2. Demonstrate the heads-up breast stroke and heads-up crawl stroke. 3. Demonstrate the front surface approach, rear surface approach, and submerged victim approach. 4. Demonstrate the cross-chest tow, modified cross-chest tow, or armpit tow. 5. Demonstrate appropriate methods of lifting and removing a victim from the water. 6. Demonstrate defenses and escapes from a panicked victim or victims. 7. Demonstrate the donning and use of swim fins. 8. Demonstrate donning and clearing of mask and snorkel. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 13 of 18 All rights reserved. / January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 20 of 29 / United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification 9. Demonstrate a surface dive and recovery of a minimum 150 pound victim from a depth of at least ten feet of water. - 10. Demonstrate proper spinal injury management during a rescue. 1 II. Professional Lifeguarding Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify the primary and additional functions of a lifeguard. 2. Identify the need for policies and standard procedures. 3. Explain the role of public relations in lifeguarding. 4. Identify appropriate methods of communicating with the public. 5. Identify functions of tower systems, particularly those used by the employing agency. 6. Identify the uses of mobile vehicle support if used by the agency. 7. Identify the uses of both motorized and non-motorized vessel support. 8. Identify the correct way to interface with other local safety agencies including ambulance services, police, and rescue personnel. Identify the emergency operation plan (EOP) to summon and utilize these agencies when needed. 9. Identify the importance of equipment maintenance. 1 O. 'Identify factors which increase the risk of legal action. 11. Identify the purpose of uniforms. 12. Identify the importance of in-service training. 13. Identify the need for skin and eye protection from environmental exposure. 14. Identify the risks of personal injury to lifeguards posed by trauma and biohazards, particularly during training and rescue responses. 15. Identify methods of promoting personal safety through use of wetsuits and other protective gear, and the use ofrescue equipment and victims as buffers from sources of injury. 16. Identify the need for and methods to access back-up in emergencies. III. Environmental Conditions Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify the various types of waves and the forces effecting their formation if the agency serves a beach with wave action. 2. Identify the characteristics and means of recognizing the types of currents experienced in the waters served by the agency. 3. If rip currents are present at beaches served by the agency, identify each of the various types of rip currents. 4. Identify the hazards associated with the following which are present at beaches served by the agency: a) Rip currents b) Longshore currents c) Tidal currents d) River currents e) Inshore holes f) Rocks g) Reefs h) Lightning © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 14 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 21 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification i) Offshore winds j) Bottom contours and composition k) Jetties and piers 1) Sand collapse IV. Communications Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify the basic functions of a communications system. 2. Identify the usefulness and limitations of the following means of communication: a) Personal contact b) Whistle c) Flags d) Telephones and intercoms e) Two-way radio f) Public address systems g) Megaphones h) Hand signals i) Signs 3. Identify the following arm signals from a lifeguard in the water: a) Assistance required b) Resuscitation required c) Missing swimmer (Code X) d) All clear (OK) 4. Identify the following arm signals from a lifeguard on shore: a) Return to the beach b) Go farther out c) Go left d) Go right e) Stay there ( or search there) 5. Identify the diver flag. 6. Identify the signs used by the employing agency. 7. Identify appropriate phone procedures. 8. Identify appropriate two-way radio procedures a) Internal radio procedures b) Radio procedures with other agencies Skill Objectives 1. Demonstrate all methods of inter-lifeguard communication used by the agency including: a) Hand/arm signals b) Whistle systems c) Two-way radios d) Telephones 2. Demonstrate all methods of lifeguard to swimmer communications used by the agency including: a) Personal contact © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 15 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 22 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification b) Whistle c) Public address systems d) Megaphones V. Records and Reporting Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify the need for precision in keeping written records. 2. Identify important details which should be included in an accident report. 3. Identify the importance of incident and activity reports as legal documents. 4. Identify the need for keeping accurate statistics on agency activities. 5. Identify the value of annual reporting of agency statistics to the USLA VI. Preventive Lifeguarding Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify ways to recognize potential victims and proper water scanning techniques. 2. Identify hazards, such as the following, which are experienced at the locale of the employing agency: a) Calm and rough water b) Cold water c) Jetties d) Piers e) Storm drains f) Rocks g) Reefs h) Creeks or streams i) Rip currents and other water currents j) Water animals, particularly those which can cause harin k) Surf 3. Identify indications and signals of distress from: a) Motorized boats b) Sailboats c) Divers d) Surfers, including stand-up-paddleboarders, sailboarders, and kitesurfers 4. Identify the value of an offshore platform in management of a swimming crowd and identification of victims in distress. VII. Rescue Techniques and Procedures Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify the usefulness and limitations of the rescue tube and rescue buoy in the following situations: a) Unconscious victim b) Multiple victim rescue c) Defense against a panicked victim d) In-water ventilations 2. Identify the usefulness and limitations of the rescue paddleboard in the following situations: © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 16 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 23 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification a) Long distance rescue b) Multiple victim rescue c) Rough water or high surf rescue d) Providing ventilations on a rescue board 3. Identify considerations when utilizing a helicopter for a rescue. 4. Identify considerations when assisting a disabled vessel and the passengers thereof. 5. Identify considerations of the following rescue situations where they may develop on beaches served by the employing agency: a) Rescue from a pier b) Rescue from rock areas c) Rescue of a scuba diver d) Rescue of victims in a rip current e) Rescue of victims in various surf conditions 6. Identify the benefits, limitations and proper methods of motorized and non-motorized vessels for the following tasks: a) Preventive lifeguarding b) Calm water rescue c) Rough water rescue d) Multiple victim rescue e) Victim transport f) Victim resuscitation and CPR g) Identify the usefulness and limitations of the landline, if used by the employing agency Skill Objectives 1. Demonstrate the use of the rescue tube or rescue buoy for the following situations: a) Conscious victim b) Unconscious victim c) Panicked victim d) In-water ventilations e) Multiple victims 2. Demonstrate the use of the rescue paddle board in the following situations: a) Conscious victim b) Unconscious victim c) Providing ventilations on a rescue board d) Multiple victims VIII. Medical Aid in the Aquatic Environment Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify conditions which warrant suspicion of spinal injuries. 2. Identify methods of handling suspected spinal injuries. 3. Identify the symptoms and treatments for the following injuries or medical problems: a) Resuscitation of drowning victims b) Injuries from aquatic life common to your area c) Cold water injuries © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 17 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 24 of 29 United States Lifesaving Association Guideline: Open Water Lifeguard Agency Certification Skill Objective 1. Demonstrate methods for safely extricating a person with suspected spinal injuries from distress. IX. Search and Recovery Knowledge Objectives 1. Identify methods for establishing landmarks in searches for submerged victims. 2. Identify the usefulness and limitations of the parallel, fan, and circular search patterns. 3. Identify the usefulness and limitations of the use of mask, fins, and snorkel in search and rescue operations. 4. Identify the usefulness and limitations of scuba in search and rescue operations. 5. Identify considerations in body recovery. 6. Identify line and shore signals for search and recovery. 7. Identify the use of cross-bearings in fixing the "last known point" of the victim. Skill Objectives 1. Demonstrate a parallel, fan, and circular search. 2. Demonstrate the use of cross-bearings and marker buoys. © United States Lifesaving Assn. Page 18 of 18 All rights reserved. January 16, 2018 Item #3 Page 25 of 29 Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager Michael Davis, Fire Chief January 16, 2018 North Beach Lifeguard Service Options Today’s Presentation •Seeking Council Policy Direction •Background •Policy Decisions •Service Options •Comparative Analysis Background •North Beach •Currently unguarded •CA State Parks & Oceanside lifeguard response •911 emergency response Background •High visitor usage •Increased calls for service •Public safety concerns •Quality of life concerns Background •2017 Summer pilot program •Memorial Day to Labor Day 2017 •Inter-agency & community support •Program report •Lifeguard service options Background •Pilot program metrics: •Public Education Contacts: 11,283 •Preventive Actions: 21,952 •Rescues: 335 •Medical Aid: 250 •Drownings: 0 Policy Decisions 1.Should the city provide lifeguard services on North Beach, or not? 2.What level of service should be provided? 3.Who should perform services? Policy Decisions 1.Should the city provide lifeguard services on North Beach, or not? –No legal obligation –Identified safety and QOL issues –Impact to neighboring agencies –Costs, Benefits, Risk, Capacity… Policy Decisions 2.If the city does provide lifeguard services, what level of service should be provided? –Ocean safety & medical services •Operations & Equipment •Training & Certifications •Experience Policy Decisions –USLA certified •Emergency Medical Responder (First Aid/CPR) •CA State Parks –USLA-Advanced •Emergency Medical Technician •Scuba / Open Water •SD County Municipal Lifeguard Agencies •Carlsbad 2017 Pilot Program Standard Policy Decisions 3.Who should perform lifeguard services on North Beach? –Contracted service provider –City staff Service Options 1.No dedicated lifeguard service. 2.Contracted lifeguard services. 3.In-house city lifeguard program. 4.Interim in-house program with bid solicitation. Comparative Analysis •Estimated Cost •‘Best Value’ & Cost Comparison Opportunity •Workers Compensation & General Liability Risk •Program Start Date •Staffing •Lifeguard Program Experience Estimated Costs 1.No service: No cost 2.Contracted Service: Unknown cost 3.In-House Program: $550,000/Year, plus $50,000 One Time 4.Interim In-House: $350,000, plus Post-summer service Cost Comparison Opportunity 1.No service: N/A* 2.Contracted Service: Yes 3.In-House Program: No* 4.Interim In-House: Ye s Workers Compensation 1.No service: No change 2.Contracted Service: Bid pricing pass-through 3.In-House Program: Up to $750K or $1M/claim 4.Interim In-House: Up to $750K or $1M/claim General Liability 1.No service: N/A 2.Contracted Service: Bid pricing pass-through 3.In-House Program: Negligence standard 4.Interim In-House: Negligence standard Program Start Date 1.No service: N/A 2.Contracted Service: Summer 2018 3.In-House Program: Spring 2018 4.Interim In-House: Spring 2018 Staffing 1.No service: N/A 2.Contracted Service: No new FTE, no seasonal 3.In-House Program: 2 new FTE, plus seasonal 4.Interim In-House: No new FTE, plus seasonal Lifeguard Program Experience 1.No service: N/A 2.Contracted Service: Moderate to High 3.In-House Program: 2017 Pilot Program 4.Interim In-House: 2017 Pilot Program Comparative Analysis Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 No Lifeguard Service Contracted Lifeguard Service In-House Lifeguard Service Interim In-House Lifeguard Service Estimated Costs $0 Unknown $550K/Year, plus $50K one-time $350K, plus post- Summer service Best Value / Cost Comparison Opportunity N/A Yes No Yes Workers Compensation Risk Exposure No Change Bid Pricing Pass-Through Up to $750K or $1M/Claim Up to $750K or $1M/Claim General Liability Exposure N/A Bid Pricing Pass-Through Negligence Standard Negligence Standard Program Start Date N/A Summer 2018 Spring 2018 Spring 2018 Staffing N/A No New FTE 2 New FTE, plus Seasonal PT No New FTE, plus Seasonal PT Lifeguard Program Experience N/A Moderate to High 2017 Pilot Program 2017 Pilot Program What’s Next? •All options operationally and fiscally feasible. •Policy decision: new city service / program? –Community Vision & Council Goals •City Council direction will guide next steps regarding the provision of lifeguard services on North Beach.