HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-23; City Council; ; Receive a staff report on Carlsbad Student Leader Academy· (i) S~~fiR~port Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: January 23, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Courtney Pene, Resident Services Manager Courtney.pene@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2812 CA Review t{i__ Subject: Receive a staff report on Carlsbad Student Leader Academy Recommended Action Receive a staff report on the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy. No action required; information report only. Executive Summary In February, 2016, the City Council approved a new program to train youth leaders in Carlsbad. This program is known as the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy. The first Academy was held in the fall of 2016. To date, 4 sessions have been held with a total of 100 Carlsbad residents of high school age being guided through 10 weeks of leadership development curriculum; 20 of those newly trained leaders subsequently participated in a summer school session for project management to help with development and implementation of community service projects. The Academy is a partnership of trainers and guides who in creating this program defined success as being a program where high potential emerging youth leaders are developed through discovery of their unique purpose and equipped with the right tools to make a meaningful contribution to the future of Carlsbad. Program partners worked to create a trusting framework to help high school age Carlsbad residents answer life's most pressing questions: Who am I? What does it mean to live well? How can I best make a contribution to my community? Based on the reviews from the Academy leaders, the program has exceeded expectations and continues to produce results from graduates who have taken their lessons learned and applied them to community service projects. This staff report to City Council will share additional details on the program, its successes and lessons learned, and also allow the City Council an opportunity to hear directly from Academy graduates and their personal experiences. Discussion From a public benefit standpoint, studies have consistently shown that youth involved in civic engagement programs, such as the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy, are more likely to graduate, adopt productive attitudes about their role in the community and avoid risky or destructive behaviors that increase costs for public services. When these same youth reach adulthood, they tend to vote, volunteer and become valuable members of the public and Jan. 23, 2018 Item #8 Page 1 of 3 private workforces. They become lifelong civic leaders and become actively engaged in civic affairs and community concerns. The Carlsbad Student Leader Academy is the product of a partnership of trainers, guides and guest speakers from The YouSchool, the Servant Leadership Institute and the City of Carlsbad working together to lead leaders through the 10 weeks of leadership development curriculum which includes: • A Self-Discovery coaching program for teens; designed to help youths grow rapidly in self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-direction. (Guided by The YouSchool) • Interactive leadership curriculum focused on helping teens know how to leverage their power and authority to serve others, solve problems, and add value in any context. (Guided by Servant Leadership Institute) • Purpose of local government and community service/engagement; presentation of current issues or challenges facing the community (Guided by City of Carlsbad staff and elected officials) During the summer of 2017, the city offered a program based off of practical project management skills training called Passion Project Management. The group created service- oriented working teams, all of which were self-selected by the participating leaders, who were interested in implementing service learning opportunities to both high school and middle school aged leaders with similar interests. This 6 week program was guided by Servant Leadership Institute with training assistance from City staff and community leaders. As part of this report to City Council, city staff and a few leaders from the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy will share information on their Academy experiences, Passion Project Management and more about their community service project(s). As indicated previously, 4 sessions of the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy have been held to date with a total of 100 Carlsbad residents of high school age being guided through 10 weeks of leadership development curriculum; 20 of those newly trained youth leaders subsequently participated in a Passion Project Management to help with development and implementation of community service projects. Fiscal Anajysis This program has an annual cost of $100,000. The funding is used to pay for the guides, trainers, curriculum, program supplies and materials, and refreshments for each of the 10 week sessions. Next Steps The city is currently accepting applications for spring 2018 Carlsbad Student Leader Academy. To apply, a Carlsbad resident of high school age must complete an application and submit a video on leadership and his/her desire to participate at the Academy. To apply, a student must go to www.carlsbadstudentleaderacademy.com. Jan. 23, 2018 Item #8 Page 2 of 3 Environmental Evaluation (CEQA} Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits None. Jan. 23, 2018 Item #8 Page 3 of 3 Debbie Fountain & Courtney Pene January 23, 2018 Carlsbad Student Leader Academy History •2016 •Resident engagement -Citizens Academy, CityStuff -Citizen driven, filling an unmet gap •Championed by City Council Member Wood Carlsbad Student Leader Academy •10 week servant leadership program –Phase I, Self Discovery –Phase 2, Leadership Development –Phase 3, Civic Engagement •4 complete sessions, 100 youth leaders •Programmatic funding Fall 2016 Passion Project Management -Summer of 2017 -20 leaders from CSLA -Focused training on project implementation Bridge Carlsbad Summer 2017 Winter 2017 CSLA Spring 2018 •March 19 –May 21 •Applications due: February 19 www.carlsbadstudentleaderacademy.com Questions? CSLA I, Fall 2016