HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-27; City Council; ; FY 2017-18 City Council Goals - December 2017 Status Report~ CITY COUNCIL • Staff Report Meeting Date To: From: Staff Contact: February 27, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager Jaso n.Habe r@ca rl sbadca.gov CA ReviewC/f3- Subject FY 2017-18 City Council Goals -December 2017 Status Report Recommended Action Receive a status report on progress made through December 2017 toward the FY 2017-18 City Council Goals. Executive Summary This ,item presents a status report on progress made on strategies and tasks identified in the FY 2017-18 City Council Goals Work Plan. The staff presentation and City Council discussion will be segmented, in order to avoid any Council member conflicts of interest. Discussion The City Council meets annually to identify strategic goals and priorities for the coming year. On March 28, 2017, the City Council adopted the following City Council Goals for FY 2017-18: • BecolT)e a leader in multi-modal transportation systems and creative approaches to I moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. • Plan for a new city hall that will meet the future workplace and operational needs of the city and the community. • Enhance Carlsbad's coastline to ensure an exceptional experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. • Lower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. • Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio, two neighborhoods that represent the historic heart of Carlsbad. • Promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and retain talent in Carlsbad. On August 15, 2017, Council adopted a resolution approving the FY 2017-18 City Council Goals Work Plan. The Work Plan lays out the strategies and tasks for staff to pursue in operationalizing the City Council's policy direction and provides schedule and budget information for each task. Staff continuously monitors progress toward achieving the adopted goals and presents quarterly status rep0rts to Council. Feb. 27, 2018 Item #9 Page 1 of 17 In adopting the FY 2017-18 City Council Goals Work Plan, Council recognized that the goal to "promote education to increase civic engagement and attract and retain talent in Carlsbad" would be pursued through the continuation of ongoing programs and as new opportunities arise. It was also acknowledged that future reporting would be provided for this goal on an as needed basis only. Since no specific work plan, strategies or tasks were adopted for the current year, this report does not include an update on that goal. Fiscal Analysis No city funding is being requested at this time. Next Steps The 2018 City Council Goals Workshop is tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2018. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Receiving a report does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. Exhibits 1. FY 2017-18 City Council Goals-December 2017 Status Report 2 Feb. 27, 2018 Item #9 Page 2 of 17 Feb. 27, 2018 City Council Goals Status Report (December 2017) What Are Goals? •Each year, City Council identifies goals –Aspirational –Policy level –Broad impact –Complexity -multiple departments / partners –Require focused effort and resources 2017 City Council Goals •Become a leader in multimodal transportation •Plan for a new city hall •Enhance Carlsbad’s coastline •Trench the railroad tracks •Build vitality in the Village and Barrio Where Goals Fit In •Based on community vision •Help staff know where to focus resources •Staff creates annual work plans for each goal Core City Services Public Safety Community Services Public Works Governance Administrative Services Goals Background •2016 Goal setting workshop –Focus shifted to fewer goals –Longer planning horizon –More aspirational –Regular progress reports –Annual “check in and refinement” Background •Council adopted 3-5 year goals (2016) •City Council affirmed goals (2017) –Education goal achieved/now considered part of ongoing core services Segmentation Part I -Status Report & Discussion –Transportation –City Hall –Education –Coastline (Beach Access, State Partnership, Terramar) Part II -Status Report & Discussion –Coastline (Tamarack) –Railroad Trench –Village & Barrio Conclusion Part I •Transportation •City Hall •Education •Coastline –Beach Access, Core Values, State Partnership Transportation Goal Become a leader in multimodal transportation systems and creative approaches to moving people and goods through and within Carlsbad. Transportation Strategies •Implement the General Plan Mobility Element –Traffic Impact Analysis & Monitoring Methods –TDM Ordinance & Program –Sustainable Mobility Plan •Improve Traffic Signal Effectiveness –Citywide Adaptive Traffic Signal Program –Traffic Signal Master Plan City Hall Goal Plan for a new city hall that will meet the future workplace and operational needs of the city and the community. City Hall Strategies •Scoping & Space Planning Analysis -RFP, complete & present analysis •Site Selection -Complete site evaluations, community outreach, Council site selection -Incorporate into Scoping & Space Planning Analysis •Funding Analysis -Incorporate findings into Scoping & Space Planning Analysis Coastline Goal Enhance Carlsbad’s coastline to ensure an exceptional experience in all the ways people want to enjoy it. Coastline Strategies –Part I •Improve Beach Access, Amenities, Safety & Usability –Terramar Area preliminary design & permitting –Construct Ocean Street Beach Access improvements –Outreach & design two restroom projects –Complete street-striping plans for Carlsbad Blvd –Develop plans for repairing beach access points from Pine Ave to Tamarack Ave Coastline Strategies –Part I •Ensure Carlsbad’s Coastline Reflects The Community’s Core Values –Engage community and establish “guiding principles” and “landscape & design principles” •Expand City-State Management Partnership on State Beaches –Framework, Agreement & Adoption Part II - Segmentation •Coastline –Tamarack •Railroad Trench •Village & Barrio Coastline Strategies –Part II •Improve Beach Access, Amenities, Safety & Usability –Complete Tamarack Area preliminary design & permitting Railroad Trench Goal Lower the railroad tracks in a trench through the Village to improve safety, community connectivity, quality of life and economic value. Railroad Trench Strategies •Agency Collaboration & Project Funding Plan –Scope, estimate & secure funding (≈ $3 million) for preliminary design & environmental review –Execute MOU among City, SANDAG & NCTD –Conceptual Project Funding Plan •Preliminary Engineering & Environmental Review –Initiate project design & technical studies Village & Barrio Goal Enhance the health and vitality of the Village and Barrio, two neighborhoods that represent the historic heart of Carlsbad. Village & Barrio Strategies •Improve Public Space, Infrastructure and Amenities –Master Plan Adoption –Parking Management Plan Adoption & Implementation –Complete Sidewalk & ADA improvements –Village Decorative Lighting Study –Public Plaza & ROW Programming Assessment Village & Barrio Strategies •Enhance the Village & Barrio Experience –Support Carlsbad Village Association & Barrio Strong events & programming –Conduct Retail Study to optimize performance, business diversity & growth of existing businesses Village & Barrio Strategies •Coordinate Project Management & Strengthen Partnerships –Village Manager oversight, coordination & outreach –Strengthen partnerships & collaboration with community organizations Recommended Action •Receive December 2017 -City Council Goals Status Report Next Steps •2018 City Council Goals Workshop •Tentatively scheduled for March 20, 2018