HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-03-13; City Council; ; Authorize the 2017-2018 Community Development Block Grant Program Action Plan Amendment~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date To: From: Staff Contact: March 13, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Courtney Pene, Management Analyst courtney.pene@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2812 CAReview K_ Su bject Authorize the 2017-2018 Community Development Block Grant Program Action Plan Amendment Recommended Action Hold a public hearing and adopt a Resolution authorizing the 2017-2018 Community Development Block Grant Program Action Plan Amendment and submittal of the amendment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Executive Summary The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires the preparation of an annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Action Plan to describe how Federal funds will be used to benefit low income households. Upon any substantial change to this plan an Amended Action Plan must be submitted to HUD after completion of a public hearing and review process and City Council approval. The city currently has funds that require appropriation to alternate projects for expenditure; the total amount of funds to be reallocated is $750,000. The available funding is a result of previous years undesignated program income, including a lease payment from the Villa Loma Apartments, completed projects that did not request full reimbursement, as well as cancelled projects. To remain in full financial compliance with HUD, it is necessary at this time for the city to appropriate $750,000 to a project that is ready to implement and will move forward to completion as quickly as possible. To expend the noted funds in an expeditious manner on a project that will have immediate benefit to low income households, as required for the CDBG program, staff is recommending that the city exercise our option and purchase affordable housing units as they become available to the market. By taking this action, the city would recapture an affordable housing unit and continue to utilize that unit to house a low income or possibly homeless family. The units purchased would be managed by the City of Carlsbad or designee at the time of purchase. Going forward, staff would also recommend adding language to future Action Plans which would earmark any excess funds for the purchase of additional affordable housing units as they become available. Discussion Annually, the City of Carlsbad receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to spend in our community and for our residents. HUD has established program guidelines to ensure each community is spending their grant dollars on eligible projects and in a timely manner. One of the measures of March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 1 of 152 successful program implementation is the timeliness of expenditures as of April 1 st of each year. As of January 1, 2017 the city had 2.33 times our annual grant amount ($513,746) on balance and not yet expended; the HUD standard is that a city may have no more than 1.5 times their annual entitlement grant on balance as of April l5t. As a result, staff is recommending that the city be proactive and set a plan in motion to expend the undesignated funds. To help bring our CDBG program into compliance with the timeliness of expenditures requirement (which is 1.5 times the city's annual grant amount), staff is working multiple solutions. Previously, the city has used undesignated funds for various infra?tructure improvements related to the ADA Transition Plan throughout the city and has used funds to partner with Interfaith Community Services to purchase the Carlsbad Service Center. The funding for these projects was a result of reprogrammed income from cancelled projects and program income from the land lease for Villa Loma Apartments (the land for the Villa Loma Apartments was purchased with CDBG funds and the lease payment is considered program income). For the purposes of this Amendment, staff is recommending an additional solution to bring the city's CDBG program into full compliance as well as an appropriation of previously allocated funds for the purchase of affordable housing units or possibly other properties (residential) which would serve to meet an affordable housing need. The FY 2017-2018 CDBG Action Plan is recommended for amendment per Attachment A to the Resolution and the proposed changes are shown in the strikeout and underline additions. Fiscal Analysis The City of Carlsbad has CDBG funds available to allow for the recommended allocation {$750,000) and purchase of affordable housing units as described in the Amendment. Use of these funds needs to be expedited to ensure that the city meets expenditure requirements for program year 2017-2018. Noncompliance with these requirements may result in the loss of future federal funding. The CDBG program is a fully funded federal program and does not impact the General Fund. Next Steps Upon City Council approval and successful submission of the 2017-2018 Annual Plan Amendment , to HUD, city staff will review the current available inventory and act as quickly as possible with acquisition of available vacant affordable housing units. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification Per federal regulation, this public hearing has been noticed 30 days in advance. March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 2 of 152 Exhibits 1. Resolution authorizing the 2017-2018 Community Development Block Grant Program Action Plan Amendment and Submittal of the Amendment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 3 of 152 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-037 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE 2017-2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT AND SUBMITTAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that there is a need to reallocate $750,000 in CDBG funding which requires an Amendment to the 2017-2018 Action Plan, hereby included as Attachment A to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the CDBG program is a fully funded federal program and does not impact the General Fund;and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is committed to continuing to provide a suitable living environment and to expand economic opportunities for the city's low-income residents; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment is hereby authorized by the City Council as as set forth in Attachment A to this resolution. 3. That, on the city's behalf, the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director is authorized to submit the city's 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment as set forth in Attachment A to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for approval and to execute all appropriate related documents for the submission. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 13th day of March, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor BARBA (SEAL) March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 4 of 152 DRAFT F~ 2017-2018 Ari:tion Plan Amendment, I Prepared By: City1 of Carlsbad Housing & Neighborhood Services 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 I OMBIControl No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 { City of Carlsbad 1 ATTACHMENT AMarch 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 5 of 152 Executive Summary AP-OS Executive Summary -91.200{c), 91.220{b) 1. Introduction Carlsbad occupies approximately 39 square miles of rolling hills, beaches and bluffs along the northern coast of San Diego County. The city is located about 30 miles north of San Diego and about 90 miles south of Los Angeles. In addition to the Pacific Ocean coastline along its western boundary, the communities surrounding Carlsbad include the city of Oceanside to the north, the city of Encinitas to the south, and the cities of Vista and San Marcos and unincorporated areas of San Diego County to the east. This Action Plan outlines Ca rlsbad's planned uses of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-2018. The Action Plan describes the following: resources available, activities to be undertaken during FY 2017-2018 and their relation to the five year strategic plan, other actions to address affordable housing, homelessness, and other special needs, as well as provides Carlsbad's Monitoring Plan. • Resources available • Activities to be undertaken during FY 2017-2018 and their relation to the five year strategic plan • Other actions to address affordable housing, homelessness, and other special needs • Monitoring Plan The City of Carlsbad participates in the HOME program under the County of San Diego . HOME funds are being administered directly by the County of San Diego Housing and Community Development Department. Homebuyer assistance is available to Carlsbad residents via County's HOME-funded Downpayment and Closing Cost Program. 2. Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan This could be a restatement of items or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homeless needs assessment, the housing market analysis or the strategic plan. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 2 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 6 of 152 The' 2017-2018 Annual Plan {AP) incorporates outcome measures for activities in accordance with the Federal Register Notice dated March 7, 2006, which require the following Performance Measure Objectives/Outcomes to be associated with each activity funded: Gerieral Objective Categories-activities will meet one of the following: 1 • Decent Housing {SH) ·• A Suitable Living Environment {SL) le Economic Opportunity (EO) General Outcome Categories-activities will meet one of the following: 1• Availability/Accessibility (1) I '• Affordability {2) '• Sustainability {3) The!City of Carlsbad has a range of housing and community development needs. CDBG funds alone are not adequate to address the various needs identified during the public outreach process and summarized in the Needs Assessment of Carlsbad's Consolidated Plan {CP) FY 2015- 2019. Recognizing the national objectives of these funding programs and specific program regulations, the city intends to use these funds to I coordinate programs, services, and projects to create a decent and suitable living environment to benefit low-and moderate-income households andlthose with special needs. Needs which have been determined to be a High Priority level will receiving funding du ring this AP. Needs with a Low Priority may be funded based on the availability of funds. The priorities for the FY 2015-2019 CP established in consultation with residents andicommunity groups are: High Priority: • Increase the supply of affordable housing units 1• Provide supportive services for the homelessness, lower-income residents, and persons with special needs I ;. Improve and provide facilities to serve lower income persons I• Provide fair housing services to residents ;• Planning and administration OMBjControl No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 3 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 7 of 152 Low Priority: • Conserve and rehabilitate the existing housing stock The priorities identified above specifically address the use of CDBG funds. The city no longer receives its specific allocation of HOME funds from the County of San Diego. The city facilitates the development of new affordable housing primarily through its lnclusionary Housing Program, which is locally funded, and its' Housing Reserve Fund. The Carlsbad Housing Agency also administers the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program for low income tenants. 3. Evaluation of past performance This is an evaluation of past performance that helped lead the grantee to choose its goals or projects. In the past, as a participant of the County's HOME Consortium, the City of Carlsbad would receive a small allocation of HOME funds for the city's affordable housing activities. However, since 2014, the significant reductions in HOME funds necessitated the County to restructure its HOME program to more efficiently expend the limited funds. The city no longer receives its specific allocation of HOME funds from the County. City residents will continue to be eligible to apply for the HOME-funded Down payment and Closing Costs program via the a new program that began in September of 2014 through a partnership between County of San Diego and the San Diego County Housing Commission. In years past, the city utilized HOME and other funding to assist in the development of affordable housing. The city provided a total of $3,750,000 in the form of residual receipts loans from the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Set-Aside Fund . In 2009, the city assisted San Diego Habitat for Humanity with the development of six condominium units (Roosevelt Garden) for lower- income families. The city also provided financial assistance to Meta Housing Corporation for the Tavarua Senior Apartments, a SO-unit apartment community completed in 2013. Ten of the 50 units are designated for qualifying older adults with mental illness eligible for supportive services under the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) program. This program is part of a larger regional supportive housing initiative by the County of San Diego's Behavioral Health Services Division (BHS) to link homeless or at risk of homelessness individuals with mental illness to permanent housing and social services. The city also provided HOME funds in 2012 to Solutions for Change to assist in the acquisition of Vista Terrace Apartments in the City of Vista to serve as a regional resource for homeless families with children from the region who are graduating from their program which helps the families 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 4 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 8 of 152 become stable members of the community and provide them with homes. One unit in Vista Terrace was converted to a community room for resiclents of the apartments. In 2014, the city provided an additional $454,000 to Solutions for Change in order to assist the agency with the acquisition of a 16-unit apartment complex to be used for graduates of the Solutions University for homeless families. i During the previous Consolidated Plan period, the city assisted over 9,000 homeless persons or persons at-risk of homelessness {duplicated counts) with temporary shelter and supportive services. An additional 3,600 lower-income persons or persons with special needs were assisted through a variety of public service programs, including the North County Health Services Immunization and Health Screening Program, after school programs, and meal or food delivery programs. In apdition, a total of six projects to improve community facilities have been completed since 2010, including the Casa de Amparo Twin Oaks faciiity, Catholic Charities La Posada de Guadalupe Men's Shelter, North County Health Services Health Care Center, and Hospice of the North t Coast Hospice House. In 2016, the city partnered with Interfaith Community Services to acquire vacant commercial property which now serves t as the Carlsbad Service Center. This Service Center is in the heart of the city and is easily accessible to all residents. Services such as case management, job training, employment skills, job placement, emergency food distribution, and ESL classes are just some of the services available. 4. Summary of Citizen Participation Process and consultation process Summary from citizen participation section of plan. t Citizen participation is one of the key components of the CP and AP process. To solicit public input during the development of the CP, the City of Carlsbad conducted a community workshop with residents, local housing and services providers, as well as community stakeholders. A Housing I andiCommunity Development Needs Survey was also administered. Community Workshop: To set priorities for the CP, the city held one workshop to solicit input on needs during the development of this CP. The wo~kshop was held at the Carlsbad Senior Center on December 4, 2014-from 6:00-7:30 PM. Housing and Community Development Needs Survey: With reference to the CP, the Survey was made available both on-line and in hard copy form. A total of 162 responses were received. Outreach for the Community/Stakeholder workshops and the Housing and Community Needs Development Survey included: 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 5 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 9 of 152 Please reference AD-26, Citizen Participation. 6. Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them All ~itizen comments were accepted with appreciation. 7. I I Summary The1 City of Carlsbad has undertaken diligent and good faith efforts in outreaching to all segments of the community that may benefit from the CDBG program. OMB'Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 7 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 11 of 152 PR-'05 Lead & Responsible Agencies -91.200(b) 1. I Agency/entity responsible for preparing/administering the Consolidated Plan Theifollowing are the agencies/entities responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant program and funding source. Agency Role I Name I Department/ Agency ' I I CDBG Administrator I CARLSBAD I Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services Table 1 -Responsible Agencies Narrative The Consolidated Plan for the City of Carlsbad was prepared in collaboration with the San Diego County HOME Consortium. The City of Carlsbad participates in the HOME program under the County of San Diego. HOME funds are being administered directly by the County of San Diego Housing and Community Development Department. Homebuyer assistance is available to Carlsbad residents via the County's HOME-funded Down payment and Closing Cost Program, a household earning up to 80 percent of the area median income can obtain loans of up to 33 percent of a home's purchase price up to a maximum of $70,000. Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information Courtney Pene, Management Analyst 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 8 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 12 of 152 AP-10 Consultation -91.100, 91.200(b}, 91.215(1) 1. Introduction As part of the development of this AP, the City conducted an outreach program to consult and coordinate nonprofit agencies, affordable housing providers, and government agencies regarding the needs of the low-and moderate-income community. The outreach program has been summarized in the Executive Summary and Citizen Participation sections of this AP. Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction's activities to enhance coordination between public and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health and service agencies (91.215(1)). The City of Carlsbad serves as the city's public housing agency whereby the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program is implemented and administered daily. The city actively participates in a variety of coalitions made up of affordable housing and community development coordinators from all 18 incorporated cities and various nonprofit organizations in the San Diego region. These strong partnerships result coordination of activities, sharing of information, and jointer operation of specific HUD programs. These coalitions include: CDBG Coordinators Group; County of San Diego HOME Consortium; Regional Continuum of Care Council; California Finance Officers' Group; California Association of Housing Authorities; National Association of Housing Redevelopment Officials; Housing Authorities within the County of San Diego; participating cities in the First-Time Homebuyer Program; and notably, the city engages and contributes as a member of the San Diego Regional Alliance for Fair Housing (www.sdfairhousing.org). Also included is the San Diego Housing Federation, made up of affordable housing organizations and lenders that sponsor programs and activities in partnership with the County of San Diego and cities in the region. Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness. The City of Carlsbad is an active member of the San Diego Regional Continuum of Care Council (RCCC) which is a large cooperative community group consisting of representatives of the 18 cities within the County of San Diego, nonprofit homeless providers and other interested parties. The RCCC regularly meets to identify gaps in homeless services, establish funding priorities, and to pursue an overall systemic approach to addressing homelessness. The RCCC makes recommendations for allocation of funds available under the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) program. The representatives seek ways to improve collaboration and share scarce resources. The consensus approach from service providers is to emphasize prevention of homelessness first, then transitional housing and support services for individuals and families, and finally support for chronically homeless individuals. Facilities in proximity to Carlsbad serving this population include the Brother Benno Foundation providing transitionalhousing 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 9 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 13 of 152 for men in recovery from substance abuse, the Women's Resource Center which provides emergency safe shelter for victims of domestic violence, Catholic Charities' La Posada de Guadalupe men's shelter which targets homeless men, Community Resource Center which provides emergency safe shelter for . victims of domestic violence, and Casa de Amparo which provides targeted support for children and youth who have been removed from their homes by Child Protective Services. During 2015, the city actively participated alongside both nonprofit and for profit agencies in the 25 Cities Effort which was a key federal strategy initiative aimed to end veteran homelessness. The city remains committeed to this effort, now called Open Doors, and has contributed 10 unique Section 8 Rental Assistance vouchers to aid in the effort. Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards for and evaluate outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and procedures for the operation and administration of HMIS The City of Carlsbad does not receive ESG (Emergency Shelter Grant) funds from HUD. The Regional Continuum of Care Consortium (RCCC) coordinates efforts to address homeless in the San Diego region and is the HUD designated Continuum of Care (Co() for the region. The RCCC manages the application for, receipt and distribution of federal and other grant funds, including the Homeless Super NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability). The Regional Task Force on the Homeless (RTFH) was selected by the RCCC to manage the region's homeless management information system (HMIS). This system coordinates the region's AHAR efforts and is working to combine data from multiple consortium area systems into one data warehouse. The HMIS produces quarterly and annual reports that assist in monitoring key indicators to assess needs and progress on strategic goals pertaining to homelessness. In 2010, a Data Advisory Committee was created to provide community-based oversight, system evaluation, and comprehensive HMIS planning. Carlsbad does not receive any dedicated homeless assistance funding as a result ofthe Super NOFA or the RCCC activities. However, annually the city uses a portion of its CDBG Public Service Dollars to assist agencies that serve the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. 2. Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process and consultations 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 10 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 14 of 152 Table 2 -A_g_encies, groups, organizations who participated : 1 Agency/Group/Organization CASA DE AMPARO I Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Children ' : Services -Victims I Regional organization I What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- I I consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA} and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to I Carlsbad residents. I I Agency/Group/Organization 2 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF CARLSBAD Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Children ; What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit I Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- ' consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA} and encouragement was I consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to I Carlsbad residents. I ' 3 I Agency/Group/Organization Brother Benno Foundation, Inc Agency/Group/Organization Type Services -Housing I Services-homeless Regional organization : What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Annual Action Plan 2017 11 OMB.Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 15 of 152 4 5 Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was 1 consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to I Carlsbad residents. I Agency/Group/Organization CATHOLIC CHARITIES Agency/Group/Organization Type Services -Housing Services-homeless Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit I Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- I ! consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Ava ilability (NOFA) and encouragement was 1 consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Victims of Domestic Violence Services-homeless Services -Victims Regional organization i What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit ' Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- ' consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encou ragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to i I Carlsbad residents. Annual Action Plan 2017 12 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) I March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 16 of 152 6 ' I : ' : I i ' i ! 7 8 , ' I I I ' I -~ Agency/Group/Organization INTERFAITH COMMUNITY SERVICES Agency/Group/Organization Type Services -Housing Services-homeless Services-Health Services-Education Services-Employment Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability {NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization Meals on Wheels of Greater San Diego Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Elderly Persons Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization San Diego Food Bank Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Health Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Annual Action Plan 2017 13 OMB'.Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 17 of 152 Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- i consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was : consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to ! Carlsbad residents. I 9 I Agency/Group/Organization The Angel's Depot Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Elderly Persons I Services-Health Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- I consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to I Carlsbad residents. I I 10 Agency/Group/Organization Women's Resource Center Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Victims of Domestic Violence Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit : Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was , The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- 1 consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was i consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to I Carlsbad residents. ! 11 [ Agency/Group/Organization TERI, INC. 1 Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing I Services-Persons with Disabilities What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefits Annual Action Plan 2017 14 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) I March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 18 of 152 : I : ' 121 : ; : 13 I 14' I I I Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization HOSPICE OF THE NORTH COAST Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Health What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability {NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization North County Health Services Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Hea Ith Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization NORTH COUNTY SOLUTIONS FOR CHANGE, INC. Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-homeless Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Annual Action Plan 2017 15 OMB:control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 19 of 152 I Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. 15 Agency/Group/Organization Carlsbad Housing Agency 1 Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing PHA Other government -Local 1 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment I Homeless Needs -Chronically homeless Homeless Needs -Families with children ' : Homelessness Needs -Veterans Homelessness Needs -Unaccompanied youth Homelessness Strategy Non-Homeless Special Needs ! I Market Analysis I Lead-based Paint Strategy : : Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was Enhanced coordination and daily collaboration is imperative and will consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the be going forward to provide the best service our residents. consultation or areas for improved coordination? Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting The City of Carlsbad consulted with agencies that provide services to Carlsbad residents. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018} Annual Action Plan 2017 16 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 20 of 152 Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan Name of Plan Continuum of Care I Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness City of Carlsbad General P.lan Update City of Carlsbad Housing Element Narrative See .discussion above. Lead Organization How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan? Regional Continuum of Care The city's homeless needs are addressed by the CoC strategy. Allicance \ Regional Continuum of Care The city's homeless needs are addressed by the Ten-Year Plan to End Allicance Homelessness. City of Carlsbad Aligns with the strategic plan goal of improving the quality of life for the city's low and moderate income community. City of Carlsbad . Aligns with the strategic plan goal of continuing to create affordable housing units. Table 3 -Other local I regional I federal planning efforts Annual Action Plan 2017 17 OMBIControl No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 21 of 152 I APJ12 Participation -91.401, 91.105, 91.200(c) 1. Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal-setting Citizbn participation is one of the most important components of the CP process. To solicit public input during the development of this CP, the I City of Carlsbad held a Community Workshop for residents, local housing and services providers, as well as community stakeholders. A Housing and Community Development Needs Survey was also administered, in both English and Spanish, to members of the community. For this survey, residents could access the survey via the city's website (www.carlsbadca.gov), paper copies of the survey were also made available at the Carlsbad Senior Center (799 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008), also press releases and social media (Facebook, Twitter, NextDoor) were utilized to request community feedback. A total of 162 responses were received. A Public Hearing before the City Council was also held on April 7, 2015. A public notice for the hearing was published on April 3, 2015. A second Public Hearing was held for the adoption of the Consolidated Plan on May1 5, 2015. A 30-day public review of the CP was held from April 4, 2015 through May 4, 2015. A public notice for the hearing and public review period was published on April 4, 2015. The final CP, amendments, Annual Action Plans and performance reports will be available for five years at Carlsbad City Hall. For the FY 2017-2018 Action Plan, two Public Hearings were held which enabled the citizenry to participate. The first public hearing was held on November 29, 2016 and the second public hearing on April 25, 2017. At the public hearing held on April 25, 2017 the City Council approved the 2017-2018 Action Plan and approved for final submission to HUD via the Lead Agency. For the 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment. the public was invited to the Carlsbad City Council's Public Hearing to participate in community dialogue on March 13. 2018. At the Public Hearing, the City Council will determine the draft's recommendations and approve prior to the final submission to HUD via the County of San Diego. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 18 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 22 of 152 Citizen Participation Outreach Sort Orqe Mode of Outreac Target of Outreac r h h Non- targeted/broad community ' Residents of Public Public Hearing and Assisted Housing Local service providers Non- ' targeted/broad community Residents of Public 2 Public Hearing and Assisted Housing Local service providers Citizenry, non- targetedLbroad .J. Public Hearing1 communityLgublic service groviders OMB!Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Summary of Summary of response/attendanc comments receive e d Public hearing held on November 29, 2016. The City Council was receptive to the staff presentation and No comments were received. approved the release of the 2017-2018 NOFA. Public hearing held on April 25, 2017. The City Council was accepted the funding recommendations Reference AD-26 Citizen and approved the participation 2017-2018 Action Plan to be submitted to HUD via the Lead Agency. TBD TBD Table 4 -Citizen Participation Outreach Annual Action Plan 2017 Summary of comment URL (If applicable) s not accepted and reasons The City Council was supportive of the 2017-2018 Funding www.carlsbadca.go Plan and approved the V release of the 2017- 2018 NOFA. All comments were received. No comments were filed www.carlsbadca.go V via mail or electronic mail. www.carlsbadca .go TBD ,, Y.. 19 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 23 of 152 Expected Resources AP.JlS Expected Resources -91.420(b), 91.220(c)(1,2) Introduction A number of housing and community development resources are currently available in the city. Those resources include: • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds • HOME funds (via a new program that began in September of 2014 through a partnership between the County of San Diego • and the San Diego County Housing Commission) • General Funds • HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program (through the Carlsbad Housing Authority) • State Housing and Community Development (HCD) funds • State transportation funds I • Carlsbad Affordable Housing Trust Fund • Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund Anticipated Resources 0MB ~ontrol No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 20 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 24 of 152 Program Source Uses of Funds Expected Amount Available Year 1 Expected Narrative Description of Funds Annual Program Prior Year Total: Amount ; Allocation: Income: Resources: $ Available $ $ $ Remainder ' of ConPlan $ C:DBG public -Acquisition Funding will be utilized to benefit public federal Admin and services which provide basic needs such Planning as food, shelter, health and welfare to Economic Carlsbad residents.Fair housing services Development to be provided by CSA San Diego County. Housing ' Public Improvements Public Services 513,746 0 0 513,746 0 Table 5 -Expected Resources -Priority Table Exp,lain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied The, city's goal is to leverage federal, state, and local funds to maximize the number of households that can be assisted. The city may use local Housing Trust Funds to further affordable housing goals whenever a match, grant, or loan is necessary and appropriate to ensure the financial fea~ibility of a project. I If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs identified in the plan TheiCity of Carlsbad worked towards meeting its affordable housing objectives by allocating CDBG funds in previous years to Solutions for Change for the planned acquisition of a 16-unit apartment complex in Carlsbad for graduates of the Solutions University for homeless families. Priqr year CDBG funds were also used to assist in the acquisition of a health care center in the City that continues to provide services to low- OMB'Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018} Annual Action Plan 2017 21 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 25 of 152 income residents. No other publicly owned land or property is anticipated to be used to address needs identified in this plan. Discussion The Carlsbad Housing Agency administers the Section 8 Rental Assistance program for Carlsbad residents. For calendar year (CY) 2016, the City of Carlsbad's allocation was $5,545,117 for rental assistance payments and $588,690 for operating expenses. HUD is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution until April 28, 2017. Since January 2017, the Carlsbad Housing Agency has received 94 percent of CY 2016 housing assistance payments funding and 77 percent of administrative allocation. Once the CY 2017 Appropriations Act is approved, HUD will notify the housing agencies within 60 days what the final funding appropriations will be for CY 2017. The program provides rent subsidy payments for very low-,income households in privately owned rental housing units. Each month, 600 families are assisted with Section 8 Rental Assistance funds. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 22 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 26 of 152 Sort Order 1 2 3 4 5 Annual Goals and Objectives APL20 Annual Goals and Objectives -91.420, 91.220(c)(3)&(e) Goals Summary Information Goal Name Start End Year Year Affordable 2015 2019 Housing I Improve Facilities 2015 2019 I S'upportive 2015 2019 Services Fair Housing 2015 2019 ' P,lanning and 2015 2019 Administration Goal Descriptions 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018} Category Affordable Housing Non-Housing Community Development Homeless Non-Homeless Special Needs Non-Homeless Special Needs Administration Geographic Needs Addressed Area Affordable Housing Improve Facilities Supportive Services Fair Housing Planning and Administration Table 6 -Goals Summary Annual Action Plan 2017 Funding Goal Outcome Indicator CDBG: Public Facility or Infrastructure $166,968 Activities for Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 1 Households Assisted CDBG: Public Facility or Infrastructure $166,968 Activities for Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 1 Households Assisted CDBG: Public service activities for $77,061 Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 2800 Households Assisted CDBG: Public service activities for $19,896 Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 100 Households Assisted CDBG: Other: 1 Other $82,853 23 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 27 of 152 1 2 3 4 5 Goa'I Name Goal Description Goal Name Goal Description Goa.I Name Goal Description Goal Name Goal Description Goal Name Goal Description Affordable Housing Participate in the acquisition of property for low/moderate income housing. Via the 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment. the City of Carlsbad will reallocate funds towards the acguisition of existing vacant affordable housing units intended for low income households. Improve Facilities Public facility or infrastructure activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit. Supportive Services Public service activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit-2,800 persons assisted Fair Housing Public service activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit-100 persons assisted Planning and Administration Successfully implement and administer the CDBG program. Annual Action Plan 2017 24 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 28 of 152 AP-35 Projects -91.420, 91.220{d) Introduction For FY 2017-2018, the City of Carlsbad is projected to receive $513,746 in CDBG funding. Should Congress choose to adjust the city's allocation, all budgets will be proportionally increased or decreased from the estimated funding levels to match actual allocation amounts. The total projects listed in the table equal $513,746. # Project Name 1 Teen Scene Program (Boys & Girls Club) 2 Basic needs for low income and homeless persons (Brother Benno) 3 La Posada de Guadalupe (Catholic Charities) 4 Homeless prevention and intervention (Community Resource Center) 5 Emergency rental assistance (Interfaith Community Services) 6 Alternatives to abuse domestic violence shelter (Womens Resource Center) 7 Teen Wellness Center {Casa De Amparo) 8 GaFlssaEI l=lel::lsiRg ResePo<e ~l::lREI {Gity ef GaFlssaEll Purchase of Affordable Housing Unit{s} {LMIH) 9 Program administration {City of Carlsbad) 10 Fair Housing {CSA San Diego County) Table 7 -Project Information Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved needs The City of Carlsbad is limited in its ability to meet all of the housing needs of lower income households. However, a sincere effort will be made to combine various city resources to meet as much of the need as financially feasible within the Action Plan time period, as well as the overall needs identified in the FY 2015-19 Consolidated Plan . 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 25 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 29 of 152 AP-38 Project Summary Project Summary Information 1 , Project Name I Target Area ! ' Goals Supported Needs Addressed I , Funding I Description I ' Target Date Estimate the number and type I of families that will benefit ; from the proposed activities Location Description i Planned Activities i I 2 Project Name Target Area 1 Goals Supported I 1 Needs Addressed Funding 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 {exp. 06/30/2018) Teen Scene Program (Boys & Girls Club) Supportive Services Supportive Services CDBG: $9,896 This project will provide financial assistance to 100% low and moderate income families for access to the Teen Scene Program for youth. This grant would provide $9,896 is scholarships for Carlsbad youth and families to attend teen programs at the Village Clubhouse. The goal of this financial aid is to provide low income youth the opportunity to particiate in the programs offered to all. Basic needs for low income and homeless persons (Brother Benno) Supportive Services Supportive Services CDBG: $14,896 Annual Action Plan 2017 26 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 30 of 152 Description I I I I Target Date ' I I Estimate the number and type : of families that will benefit ' from the proposed activities Location Description Planned Activities I I 3 ' Project Name Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addressed Funding Description I Target Date i Estimate the number and type ' of families that will benefit ' from the proposed activities Location Description OMB1Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Brother Benno's serves the poor and neediest in North County San Diego, including Carlsbad residents. The agency operates two shelters for women, a twelve step residential recovery program for men, a hot meal and emergency food distribution program for the working poor. The proposed program will provide a number of services including emergency food boxes, hot meals, food packs, rental assistance, funds for prescription medications, internet access, mail and telephone services, hot showers, clothing for the family, and haircuts. La Posada de Guadalupe (Catholic Charities) Supportive Services Supportive Services CDBG: $17,581 La Posada De Guadalupe is a 7-day, 24-hour alcohol-and drug-free facility in Carlsbad. The program is designed to provide services for homeless men in San Diego County. Annual Action Plan 2017 27 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 31 of 152 I I Planned Activities Funds will be used to provide a safe, sanitary, drug and alcohol free housing environment for homeless 1 men and locally employed farm workers. Through case management and support services, residents I I will be assisted with obtaining employment and locate permanent housing. 4 1 Project Name Homeless prevention and intervention (Community Resource Center) I Target Area ,f--~~~~~~~~~~~-t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------, I Goals Supported Supportive Services 1 Needs Addressed Supportive Services 'f--~~~~~~~~~~~-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------, I Funding CDBG: $9,896 , Description Community Resource Center enables low-income Carlsbad families to acquire permanent housing and establish a path to self-sufficiency, thereby reducing the number of homeless individuals and families 1 in the community. · Target Date I Estimate the number and type i of families that will benefit 1 from the proposed activities Location Description , Planned Activities Funds will be used to provide a wide range of supportive services including: homeless prevention, domestic violence shelter, counseling, and case management to ass ist with permanent housing. 5 Project Name Emergency rental assistance {Interfaith Community Services) I ; Target Area I 1 Goals Supported Supportive Services 1 f--~~~~~~~~~~~---+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------, Needs Addressed Supportive Services 1 Funding CDBG: $9,896 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 28 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 32 of 152 Description ' I ! Target Date Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities ; Location Description ' Planned Activities 6 Project Name I Target Area ' Goals Supported Needs Addressed Funding Description Target Date ' ' Estimate the number and type : of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Location Description OMB'Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) lnterfaith's Emergency Rental Assistance Program will provide assistance to at the minimum of 20 Carlsbad households. Housing assistance provided to Carlsbad residents will include rental assistance and security deposit assistance payments to avoid and prevent imminent homelessness, motel vouchers to immediately rehouse those affected by homelessness, as well as referrals to local shelters. - With the assistance of individual case management, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program will provide households with the pivotal help needed by providing rental assistance including security deposit assistance to homeless and low-income familes. Alternatives to abuse domestic violence shelter (Womens Resource Center) Supportive Services Supportive Services CDBG: $14,896 Women's Resource Center's purpose is to address the needs of persons experiencing family violence in order to impact the incidence and effect of such violence. Annual Action Plan 2017 29 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 33 of 152 :1 Planned Activities 7 I Project Name l f------- 1 Target Area Funds will be used to provide shelter services for women and children who are victims in need of safe, emergency housing. Teen Wellness Center (Casa De Amparo) ,f----------------------1-------------------------------------------------------------~ :1 Goals Supported I Improve Facilities I Needs Addressed I Improve Facilities · Funding CDBG: $166,968 ,1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------, 1 , Description 11 Target Date ii Estimate the number and type i of families that will benefit 11 from the proposed activities Location Description Planned Activities The Wellness Center will be a community treatment facility to provide a safe and nuturing home-like environment to undeserved youth who have experienced significant trauma and struggle with severe symptons of complex trauma, PTSD, and behavioral challenges. The funding will assist in the pre-development costs related to the Teen Wellness Center. Funding will also provide a storage and maintenance facility for use agency-wide. 8 '. Project Name Carlsbad !=lousing Reserve Fund (City of Carlsbad) Purchase of Affordable Housing Unit(s) (LMIH} ! I Target Area !1 Goals Supported I Needs Addressed Funding 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Affordable Housing Affordable Housing CDBG: $166,968 $750,000 Annual Action Plan 2017 30 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 34 of 152 Description : I Target Date Estimate the number and type ' of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Location Description I Planned Activities '. 9: Project Name Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addressed Funding Description Target Date Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit ! from the proposed activities I Location Description I I Planned Activities I Project Name 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Utilize the funding to 12urchase existing, vacant unit(s) within the city of Carlsbad for the 12ur12oses of housing very low and low income households. 6/30/18 2 Carlsbad Contribute funds tO\vards acquistion or the development of affordable housing for low income families. Utilize the funds to acguire existing, vacant affordable housing units for the guq;1ose of re- housing low income households. Program administration (City of Carlsbad) Planning and Administration Conserve the Housing Stock CDBG: $82,853 The Carlsbad Housing & Neighborhood Services Department is responsible for administering the city's CDBG funded programs. Funds are utilized to administer the CDBG programs. Fair Housing (CSA San Diego County) Annual Action Plan 2017 31 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 35 of 152 10 1 Target Area i 1 Goals Supported 1 Needs Addressed , Funding Description : I I : Target Date I , Estimate the number and type ! of families that will benefit : from the proposed activities i Location Description : Planned Activities 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Fair Housing Fair Housing CDBG: $19,896 CSA San Diego County, formerly Center for Social Advocacy, will provide fair housing services to all Carlsbad residents. CSA promotes housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, family size, familial status, ancestry, national origin, color, or disability. Via the telephone, CSA staff will provide direct assistance to those in need. Funds will be used to provide fair housing services for residents. Annual Action Plan 2017 32 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 36 of 152 AP-SO Geographic Distribution -91.420, 91.220(f) Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and minority concentration) where assistance will be directed Through the city's lnclusionary Housing program, the city intends to develop lower-income affordable housing units throughout Carlsbad, thereby reducing the impact of housing on any one area. City staff will be responsible for initiating or facilitating the development this housing through agreements with local for-profit and non-profit housing developers {including agreements to provide city assistance) and through managing/monitoring the affordability of these housing units in future years. City resources for the provision, construction, or improvements to public services or facilities to meet the community development needs will also be distributed throughout the city. Carlsbad will consider the allocation of resources to public service organizations located outside of the city limits in those instances where such public services provide adequate access to Carlsbad residents. Geographic Distribution Target Area I Percentage of Funds Table 8 -Geographic Distribution Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically While the city has identified a number of priority strategies and implementing programs in the FY 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, given limited resources, the city may not pursue each program every fiscal year. Priorities for allocation are a result of various community outreach efforts and consultation meetings and recommendations by city staff and the Carlsbad City Council. Discussion See discussion above. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 33 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 37 of 152 AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing -91.420, 91.220(j) Introduction The City of Carlsbad works to remove barriers to affordable housing and the financial impacts of efforts to protect public health and safety by taking actions to reduce the costs or provide financial incentives to assist in the production of safe, high quality, affordable housing. -Actions it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policies affecting land, zoning ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the return on residential investment The City of Carlsbad works diligently to remove barriers to affordable housing and the financial impacts of efforts to protect public health and safety by taking actions to reduce the costs or provide off-setting financial incentives to assist in the production of safe, high quality, affordable housing. The following measures may be taken to alleviate the barriers to affordable housing: • Apply for State and federal funding to provide gap financing for affordable housing production and rehabilitation of existing affordable housing stock. • Continue to support applications for Tax Exempt Bond financing from the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee. • Continue to support applications for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits from the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee. • Continue to streamline the environmental review process for housing developments, using available state categorical exemptions and federal categorical exclusions, when applicable. Also, send staff to CEQA and NEPA trainings as needed to gain expertise in the preparation of environmental review documents. • Continue to improve the permit processing and planning approval processes to minimize delay in housing development in general and in particular affordable housing development. • Continue providing rehabilitation assistance and homeownership assistance, and to assist in the construction and preservation of affordable housing. • Encourage public participation when a proposed project is being considered for approval. • Implement policies and strategies identified in Carlsbad's 2013-2021 Housing Element. Housing affordability is affected by numerous factors in both the private and public sectors. With the dissolution of redevelopment in California, 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 34 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 38 of 152 the City of Carlsbad has lost its most powerful tool and funding mechanism to provide affordable housing in the community. Funding at the State and Federal levels has also continued to experience significant cuts. With reduced funding and increased housing costs, the city faces significant challenges in providing affordable and decent housing opportunities for its lower and moderate income residents, especially with extremely low incomes. Actions by the city can have a significant impact on the price and availability of housing in Carlsbad. Lack of affordable housing funds, land use controls, site improvement requirements, building codes, fees, and other local programs intended to improve the overall quality of housing may serve as a constraint to affordable housing development. These governmental constraints can limit the operations of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, making it challenging to meet the demand for affordable housing and ever decreasing supply in the region. Discussion See discussion above. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 35 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 39 of 152 AP-85 Other Actions -91.420, 91.220(k) Introduction Priority Needs established in the FY 2015-2019 Five-Year Consolidated Plan, which form the basis for establishing objectives and outcomes in the FY 2017-2018 One-Year Action Plan, are as follows: High Priority • Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing Units • Provide Supportive Services for the Homeless, Lower-Income Residents, and Persons with Special Needs • Improve and Provide Facilities to Serve Lower-Income Persons • Provide Fair Housing Services to Residents • Planning and Administration Low Priority • Conserve and Rehabilitate the Existing Housing Stock Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs Limited financial resources are the biggest obstacle to meeting underserved needs in Carlsbad. The city's policy is to leverage, to the maximum extent feasible, the use of funds available in providing public services and affordable housing. The city supports the use of CDBG and Housing Trust funds for development activities and "gap financing" by private and non-profit entities in their efforts to develop affordable housing. Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing In order to foster and maintain affordable housing for lower income households, the city will use CDBG funds to assist with the development of affordable multi-family housing. The city also fosters development of affordable housing through implementation of its lnclusionary Housing Ordinance, which requires that 15 percent of all housing units constructed in city be affordable to lower and moderate income households. For projects proposing seven units or less, a fee is collected and deposited into the city's Housing Trust Fund to be used to foster and maintain affordable housing. Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards The Residential lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X) emphasizes prevention of childhood lead poisoning through housing-based approaches. This strategy requires jurisdictions to 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 {exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 36 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 40 of 152 focus on implementing practical changes in older housing to protect children from lead hazards. The city has identified two primary strategies to reduce lead-based paint hazards in Carlsbad to be carried out during the FY 2015-2019 CP period. Strategy 1: Integrate lead hazard evaluation and reduction activities into all housing programs. Currently, many federal programs have requirements for evaluating and reducing lead hazards. For those State and local housing and community development programs, the city will pursue the following activities to evaluate and reduce lead hazards: • Require inspection for and abatement of lead-based paint hazards as a requirement of all residential rehabilitation programs when children under the age of seven reside in the dwelling unit and have been identified with elevated blood levels; • Include lead-based paint hazard abatement as an eligible activity for funding under the city's CDBG program and include minimum lead-based paint abatement requirements to housing quality standards which must be met; and • Provide all eligible applicants of housing programs, with information regarding lead-based paint. Strategy 2: Support the development of comprehensive health programs for the screening of children for lead Poisoning and a follow-up on those identified as lead poisoned. In accordance with Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, all children found to have elevated blood levels (above 20 micrograms per deciliter) should both be provided with public health management services and be tested every three months. The County of San Diego's Department of Health Services currently provides this service. The city encourages the abatement of lead-based paint hazards once a child under the age of seven is identified as having elevated blood levels. CDBG funds may be used to help the city or other organizations in developing a comprehensive approach to lead-poisoning prevention. Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families The city currently has various programs and policies in place to help reduce the number of households with incomes below the poverty line. These policies and programs aim to improve coordination and collaboration among city departments; and nonprofit agencies which provide health and social services, employment training, legal assistance, and other support services for low income persons. The city will pursue the following programs during FY 2017-18 to reduce poverty in Carlsbad: 1. lnclusionary Housing Ordinance 2. Housing Reserve Fund 3. Affordable Housing Trust Fund 4. Section 8 Vouchers 5. Village Revitalization Partnership Program 6. Economic Development Strategic Plan 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 37 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 41 of 152 Actions planned to develop institutional structure There are many organizations within the County of San Diego that provide housing or supportive services to Carlsbad residents. These agencies tend to be smaller organizations with many using volunteers. The city will continue to encourage greater efforts to make use of available housing, social service and mental and other health care resources. The city can also help strengthen the housing and service delivery system by helping to educate such organizations and agencies regarding the resources that are available. Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies The city proposes to strengthen, coordinate and integrate the governmental institutions, non-profit and private delivery systems discussed in the FY 2015-19 CP and FY 2017-2018 Action Plan through on-going "strategy and development" meetings between city staff, private developers, non-profit organizations and various financial institutions. Through these meetings, the city will continue to identify the constraints to affordable housing and develop/implement programs to mitigate them. The key to successful development of affordable housing for lower-income households in Carlsbad is communication, flexibility, and adequate funding. The city will communicate openly with private developers and service providers as well as make every effort to maintain the flexibility in policies and/or ordinances necessary to create public/private housing development partnerships. Discussion See discussion above. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 38 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 42 of 152 Program Specific Requirements AP-90 Program Specific Requirements -91.420, 91.220(1)(1,2,4} Introduction The following describes other program-specific requirements. Community Development Block Grant Program {CDBG) Reference 24 CFR 91.220{1){1) Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in projects to be carried out. 1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before the start of the next program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed 0 2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be used during the year to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the grantee's strategic plan. 0 3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements 0 4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use has not been included in a prior statement or plan 0 5. The amount of income from float-funded activities 0 Total Program Income: 0 Other CDBG Requirements 1. The amount of urgent need activities 2. The estimated percentage of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that benefit persons of low and moderate income.Overall Benefit - A consecutive period of one, two or three years may be used to determine that a minimum overall benefit of 70% of CDBG funds is used to benefit persons of low and moderate income. Specify the years covered that include this Annual Action Plan. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 0 100.00% 39 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 43 of 152 Discussion If Carlsbad receives Program Income during the year, staff will return to the City Council for a recommendation on a project and submit an Amendment to HUD for project approval. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 40 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 44 of 152 Appendix A Summary of Citizen Participation The public was invited to provide comments during the Public Hearing held on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 regarding the 2017-2018 Notice of Funding Availability and the Carlsbad 2017-2018 Funding Plan. Both funding documents were made available at the following locations for review, consideration, and participation: • Carlsbad City Hall, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Carlsbad City Hall, Housing & Neighborhood Services Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • City website, www.carlsbadca.gov On November 29, the Public Hearing was held and the following actions took place: • No comments received • No comments filed with the City Clerk's Office • The City Council voted 5-0 to release the Notice of Funding Availability to the public The public was invited to provide comments on t~e report and during the Public Hearing with regards to the 2017-2018 Action Plan on Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Documents related to the Action Plan were made available at the following locations for citizen review, consideration, and participation: • Carlsbad City Hall, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Carlsbad City Hall, Housing & Neighborhood Services Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • City website, www.carlsbadca.gov On April 25, the Public Hearing was held and the following actions took place: • The City accepted the following public comment: o Lauren Pollick and Joaquin Blas • Organization: Catholic Charities • Comments: Expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the City Council's ongoing support and encouraged the City Council to approve the recommended funding o Lea Williams • Organization: Community Resource Center • Comments: Expressed her appreciation for the recommended funding and is looking forward to providing future assistance to Carlsbad residents o Greg Anglea o Organization: Interfaith Community Services o Comments: Expressed his extreme gratitude to the City Council for the recent FY 2016-2017 grant funding ($600,000) which enabled Interfaith to acquire property and open the new Carlsbad Service Center. He too encouraged the City Council to approve the 2017-2018 funding recommendations. • The City Council voted 5-0 to accept the 2017-2018 Action Plan and received all comments 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 41 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 45 of 152 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment, I The public was invited to provide comment during a Public Hearing held on Tuesday, March 13, 2018 regarding the 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment. No public comments were received prior to this Public Hearing; any comments received at the public hearing will be incorporated into this Amendment prior to submission to HUD. Notice for the 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment, I was released to the public on February 9, 2018. Public notice was published via: • Coast News • City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • City of Carlsbad, Housing & Neighborhood Services Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, CA 92008 • City website, www.carlsbadca.gov Full copies of the 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment, I was made available for public review at the following locations: • City of Carlsbad, City Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • City of Carlsbad, Housing & Neighborhood Services Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • City website, www.carlsbadca.gov 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 42 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 46 of 152 FY 2017-2018 Action Plan Prepared By: City of C.irlsbad Housing & Neighborhood Services 1200 Carlsbad Village Drlve Carlsbad, CA 92008 or-.1B Control No: lSOE-0117 ~i:,;p, Qi/31/20.:!5] 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annua l Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 { City of Carlsbad 1 43 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 47 of 152 2017-2018 Action Plan Table of Contents Executive Summary AP-05 Executlvesummary-91.200(c], ................................................................. 4 The Process PR-05 lead & Responsible Agencles-91.200(b) .................................................................... 9 AP-10 Consultation -91.100, 91.200[b), 91.215([) .............................................................. 10 AP-12 Participation -91.105, 91.200[c) ................................................................................. 19 Expected Resources AP-15 Expected Resources -91.420(b), 91.220(c) (1,2) ....................................................... 11 Annual Goals and Objectlves AP-20 Annuals Goals and Objectives -91.420, 94.220(c)(3)&{eJ ....................................... 24 AP-35 Pro}ects-91.420, 91.220[d) ......................................................... -............................. 2.6 AP-38 Project Summary ........................................................................................................... 27 AP-50 Geogr.iphic Distribution -91.420, 91.220(f) ............................................................. 34 Affordable Housing AP-75 Barriers to Affordable Housing .................................................................................... 35 AP-85 Other Actions:.... 91.42.0, 91.22.0{k] .... ,. .......................................................................... 37 ProBram Specific Requirements A.P-90 Program Specific Requirements -91.420, 91.220(1)(1,2,4) ..................................... 40 Appendix A Summary of Citizen Participation Appendbc B Fair Housing Action Pfan Appendix C SF-424 and Certifications OM scontrol N<>, 2.506-D1l7 (""P· ~7/3l/2ett51 0MB Control No: 2506·0117 {exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Actlon Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 2 44 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 48 of 152 Executive Summary AP-05 E,<ecutive Summary-91,200(c}, 91,220(b) 1. Introduction Carlsbad occupies approximately 39 square miles of rolling hills, beaches and bluffs along the northern coast of San Diego County. The city is located about 30 miles north of San Diego and about 90 mlles south of Los Angeles. ln addition to the Pacific Ocean coastline along its western boundary, the ccmmunitles surrounding cartsbad include the city of Oceanside to the north, the city of Encinitas to the south, and the cities pf Vista and San Marcos and unincorporated areas of San Diego County to the east. This Action Plan outlines Carlsbad's planned uses of Community Development 8Jock Grant (CDBG) funds for Frscal Vear (FV) 2017-2018. The Action Plen describes the following: resources available, activities to be und~rtsken during FY 2017-2018 and therr relation to the five vear strategic plan, other actrons to address affordable housing, homelessness, and other special n~ds, as well as provides Garlsbad's Mon Ito rl ng Plan. • Resources available • Activities to be undertaken during FY 2017-2018 and their relation to the five year strategic plan • Other actions to 11ddress affordable housing, homelessness, and other special needs • Monltorlng Plan The rnv of Carlsbad participates in the HOME program under the County of San Diego. HOME funds are being administered directly by the County of San Diego Housing and community Development Department. Homebuyer assistance is available to Carlsbad residents via County's HOME-funded Downpayme11I and Closing Cost Program. 2. Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan The 2017-2018 Annual Plan (AP} incorporates outcome measures for activities in accordance with the Federal Register Notlce dated March 7, 2006, which require the following Performance Measu~ ObJectives/Outc:ome.s to be associated wlth each activity funded: General Objective Categorfes-activities writ meet one of the following: • Decent Hous1ng (SH) • A Suitable Living Environment (SL) • Economic Opportunity (EO) General Outcome Categories-actlvitles will meet one of the following: OM B Cwiln>I ffo, 2SO!i-Cl117 (~•P, 07/3l/201~] 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 4 46 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 50 of 152 • AvailabHity/Acoessibflity (1) • Affordability (2J • Sustainability (3) The City of Carlsbad has a range ofllousing and community development needs. CDBG funds alone are not adequate to address the various needs identlfied during the public outreach process and summarized in the Needs Assessment of Carlsbad's Consolidated Plan (CP) FY 2015-2019. Recogni:i:ing the nat1onal objectM:!s of.these funding programs and specific program regulations, the {:ity intends to use these funds to coordinate programi;, i;ervices, and projects to create a decent and suitabte living environment to benefit low-and moderatl!•inoorne households and those with special needs. Needs which have beeri detennined to be a High Priority leve[ will receiving funding during this AP. Needs with a Low Pdority may be funded based on the availability of funds. The priorftfes for the Pf 2015-2019 CP established in consuttat1on with residents and community groups are; High Priorlty: • lnc:reasetlle supply ofaffordable housing units • Provide supportive services for the homelessness, lower-income residents, and persons with s pecia I needs • Improve and provfde fadlfties to serve lower income persons • Provfde fair housing services to resldent!. • Planntng and administration Low Priority: • Conserve and rehabll!tatethe exist1ng housing stoc~ The priorities: identified above specifically address the use ofCDBG funds. The city no longer receives its specific alJocatfon of HOME funds from the County of Sa11 Diego. The city facllitates the development of new affordable llousing primarily through its Jncl usronary Housing Program, which ls locally funded, and iro;' Housing ~.serve Fund. The Carlsbad Housing Agency also administers the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program fur low income tenants. 3. Evaluation of past performance This is an evahi.ition of past performance that helped read the gr,nitee to choose Its goals or projects. In the past, as a participant of the County's HOME Conso·rtium, the City of carlsbad woulc:I receille a small aflocation of HOME funds fur the c1ty's affordable housfng activities. However, since Z014, the sig111frc:ant reductions in HOME: funds necessitated the.County to restructure its HOM!; progr-am to more efficiently expend the llrnlted funds. The dty no longer receives its specific allocation of HOME funds OM~C.,ntrol No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015} 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan s 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 47 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 51 of 152 from the Countv. Citv residents wlll ~ontinue to be eligible to apply for the HOME-funded Downpaymentand Closing Costs program via the a new program that began in September of201.4 through a partnership between County of San Diego and the San Diego Countv Housing Commission. In years past, the city utilized HOME and other funding to assist in the devefopment of affordable housing. The city provided a total of$3,750,000 in the f orm of residual receipts loans from the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Set-Aside Fund. ln 2009, the city assisted San Diego Habitat fur Humanity with the development of srx condominium units (Roosevelt Garden) fur lower-income families. The dty al$o provided financia r assistance tn Meta Housing Corporation fur the Tav.irua Senior Apartments, a 50-unit apartment c:ommunitycompfeted in 2013. Ten of the SO uoit5 are designated for qualifying older adults with mental illness eligible fur supportive services under the Mental Health servtcesAct {MHSA) program. This program is part of a larger regional supportive housfng initi:otive by the County of San Diego's Behavioral Health Services Division (BHS) to link homeless or at rj.sk of homelessness individuals with mental iHness to permanent housing and social services. The city also provided HOME fun els In 2012 to Solutions for Ci'lange to assist in the acquisition of Vista Terrace Apartments in the Citv of Vista to serve as a regional resource for homeless families with children from the region who are graduating from their program which helps the families become $\:able members of the c:ommunltv and provide them with homes. One unit ln Vista Te mice was converted to a communitv room for residents of the apartments. In 2014, the city provided an additional $454,000 tc SOiutions for Change in order to assist the allencywitn the ai:quisition of a 16-unit apartment wmplex tµ be used for graduates of the Solutions University for homeless families. During the previous consolidated Plan period, the city assisted over 9,000 homeless persons or persons at-rrsk of homelessness (duplicated counts) with temporary shelter and supportive .servicei;. An additional 3,600 lower-income persons or persons with special needs were assisted tl'lrough a varfety of public service programs, including the North County Health Services Immunization and Health Screening Program, after school programs, and meal or food delivery programs. In addition, a total ohix f)rojects to improve community facilities have been completed s.ince 2010, includfng the Casa de Amparo Twin Oaks facility, Catholic Charities La Posada de Guadfllupe Men's Shelter, North County Health Services Health care Center, and Hosplce of the North Coast Hospice House. In 2.016, the city partnerecl with Interfaith Community Service!> to acqLlire vacil nt commercial property which now serves as tne Carlsbad Service Center. This Service c_enteris in the heart of the city and is easily accessible to all residents. Servlces suth as case management, job training, employment skHls, job placement, emergency food distribution, and ESL er asses are Just some of the seNices available. 4. Summary ofatlzen Participation Process and consultation process Summary from citizen participation section of plan. 0"'1 a Cantral lllac: 2506-0117 (e,p. 07 /31/2{115) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 . 6 48 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 52 of 152 Citizen participation ls one of the key components of the CP and AP process. To sollcit public tnput during the developm€ntofthe CP, the City of carlsbad conducted a community workshop with resid,mts:, local housing and services providers, asW1:tl as community 51:akeholders. A Housing and Community Development Needs Survey was also administered, Community Workshop: To set priorities for the CJ>, the city held one workshop ID :mlicit inpLrt on needs during the development of this CP. The workshop was held at the Carlsbad Senior Center an December 4, 2014from 6:00-7:30 PM. Housing and Community Development Need5. Survey; With reference to the CP1 the Suivey was made available both on-line and in hard copy form. A total of 16'.i! responses were rec.eived, Outreach for the CommunTty/Stakeholder workshops ,md the Housing and Community Needs Development Survey included: • Notfce posted on crty website • N Dti ce po5l:e d at Carlsbad City Ha II • Email blast to residents and agencies on the city's contact list • Flyers advertising the Community Workshop and Survey were dlstrrbuted to 150 service providers and agencies • Advertisement published in the S.an Diego Union Tribune (English and Spanish}. Public Hearing: For 2017-2018, a public hearing was hel<I on No11ember 29, 2016 to provide the dt!lens of Carlsb~d an opportunity to provide feedback on the community developmerit needs of Carlsbad. A second Public Hearing was held fur the adoption ofttle 2017-2018 AP on April 29, 2017 in the Carlsbad COuncU Chamber also for the cltl:zen to partkrpate and provide feedback. Public Review of Draft Doa,ments: A 45-day public review, noticed on March lD, 2017, ralsed public awareness to the 2017-2018 AP and Invited their comments and feedback through April 25, 2017. Copies of the Draft AP were made available for the public atthe follow!ng locatrons: • crtv w~ bsite • carlsbad Clty Hall All final CP, amendments, annual Action Plans and performance reports wHI be available for five years at tile Carlsbad City Hilll. s. Summarv of public comments This could be a brief narrative summ.ary or reference an attached document from the Citizen Participation section of the Con Plan. Please reference AD-26, Citizen Participation. OM8 Control No; 2506-Dll 7 (••P. 07 /:11'2015) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 7 49 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 53 of 152 6. Summary of comments ot views not accepted and the reasons for not at:cept:ing them All dfaen rnmments were accepted with appreciation. 7. Summary The City ofCarlsl>ad has undertaken dlligent and good faith efforts in outreaching to alf segments of the communltv that may be11efit from the CDBG program. 0MB C.,ntnll Ncr. ZS06-0117 [""!l, 07/31/2015) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action f)lan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 8 so March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 54 of 152 PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies -91.200(b) 1. Agenr;y/entity responsible for preparing/administering the Consolidated Plan The following are the agencies/entities responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant program and funding source. Agenc Role Name Department/ Agen CDBG Administrator CARLSBAD Department of Housing and Neignborhood Services Table 1-Responsible AgenciM Narrative The consolidated Plan for the City of Carlsbad was prepared in collaboration with the San Diego county HOME Consortium. The City of Carlsbad participates in the HOME program under the County of San Diego. HOME funds are being administered directly by tile County of San Diego Housing and Community Development Department. Homebuyer assistance is avaiable to Carlsbad resldents via the County's HOME-funded Downpayment and Closing Cost Program, a househofd earning up to 80 percent of the area meadian income can obtain loans of up to 33 percent of a home's purcnase price up toa maKlmum of $70,000. consolidated Plan Public Contact Information Courtney Pene, Management Analyst 1200 Carlsbad VIiiage Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 OMI Ci:,ntrol Ne,: 2506-01.l.7 (exp,. D7/31/2D1SJ 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 51 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 55 of 152 AP~lO Consultation~ 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215{1} 1. Introduction As part of the clevelopmef'lt ofthi$ AP, the City conducted an outreach program to consult and coordinate nonprofit agencies, affordable housing providers, and government agencies regarding the needs of the low-and moderate-Income community. 'T11e outreach program has been summariz:ed in the !:l<ecutive Summary and Citizen Participation sections of this AP. Provide a condse summary of the Jurisdiction's activities to enhance coordination between public and assisted housing providers and prnrate and governmental health, mental health and service agendes {91.215(1)}. The City of Carlsbad serves as the city's public housing agency whereby the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program is implemented and administered dally. The city actively participates in a variety ofcoalitfons made up of affordable housing and community development ooordin3tors from all 18 incorporated cities and various nonprofit organizations in the san Diego region. These strong partnerships resurt coordl natl on of actiVitles, sharing of infonn atlo n, and jointE r operation of.specific H 11 D programs. These coalitions include: CDBG CoordJnators Group; C.ounty of San Dlego HOME Consortium; Reglonaf Continuum of care Council; california Finance Officers' Group; California Associatlon of I-lousing ALJthortties; Nat,onal Association of Housing Redevelopment Officials; Housing Authorities withfn the County of San Diego; participating cities in the First•Time Homebuyer Program; and notably, the dty _engages and contributes as a member of the San Diego Regional Alliance for Farr Housing (www.sdfairhousing.Dfll). Also included is the San Diego Housing Federation, made up of affordable housing organizations and lenders that sponsor programs and activities in partnership with the County of San Diego and cities in the region. Describe coordination with the Continuum of care and efforts to address the needs of homeless persons {particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with tllildren, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness.. The City of Carlsbad is an active member of the San Diego Regional Continuum of Care council (RCCC) which is a large cooperative community group consisting of representatives of the 18 cities within the County of San Diego, nonprofit homeless providers and other interested parties. lbe RCCC regularly meets to identify gaps in homeless setvices, establish funding priorities, and to pursue an overall systemic approach to addressing homelessness. The RCCC makes recommendations for allocation of funds available under the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG] program. The representatives seek ways to improve collaboration and share .scarce resources. The consensus approach from servia:i providers i5 to emphasize prevention ofhomelessnes.s first, then transitional housing and support services fur individuals and families, and finally support for chronlcally homeless Ind Mduals. Facillties ln proximity to carlshad serving this population include the ~rcther Benno Foundation providing transitional housing OM B Control NO: 250G-Ol l 7 (exp. 07 /31/201.5) ' 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annua l Action Plan 2017 10 52 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 56 of 152 for men in recovery from substance abuse, the Women's Resqurce Center which provides emergency safe 5helter for victims of domestic violence, Catholic Charities' La Pol.llda de Guadalupe men's shelter which targets homeless men, Community Resource c.enterwhich provides emergency sara shelter for victims of domestic viole nee, and Casa de Amparo which provides t~rgeted support for children and youth who have been remo11Ed from their homes by Child Protective Services. During 2015. the city actively participated alongside both nonprofit and for profit agencies ln the 25 Citic1s .Effurtwhich was a key federal strategy initiatlve aimed to end veteran homelessness. The city remalns committeed to this effort, now. called Open,Doors, and hascontributed 10 unique Section 8 Rental Assjstance vouchers to aid in the effort. Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdldlon's area in determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standard:.. for and evaluate outcome:.. of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and procedures_ for the operation and administration of HMIS The City of Carlsbad does not receive ESG (Emergency Shelter Grant) funds from HUD. The Regronal continuum of care Consortium (RCCC) coordfnates efforts to address homeless in the San Diego region and is the KUO desfgnated Continuum of Care (COC) for the region, The RCCC manages the ;ipplication for, recerpt and distribution of federal and other grant funds, in duding the Homeless Super NOFA (Notice of Funding Avallabillty). The Regional lask Force on the Homeless (RTFH) was selected b-y the RCCC to manage the region's homeless management tnformatlon system {HMIS). This system coordinates the region's AHAR efforts and is working to combine data from multiple consortium area systems into one data warehouse. The HMIS produces quarterly and annual reports that il$Sist in monitoring key indfcators to assess needs and progress on strateglcgoals pertaining to homelessness. In 2010, a Data Advisory Committee was created to provide community-based overslsht, system evaluation, and comprehensive HMIS plannlng. Carlsbad does not receive any dedicated homeless assistance funding as a result of the Super NOFA or the RCCC activities. However, annually the crty uses a portion of Its CD8G Public Service Dollars to assist agencies that serve the homeless and those at rfsk of becoming homeless. 2. Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process and consultations OM e ConlTOI No: 2506-0117 (e,p. Cl7 /31/.1.015) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 11 53 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 57 of 152 A h rtl I Ta le: 2-&9nc1es, groDP!I, iarg.canlr..atlons w o pa cpata d 1 2 3 Agenq/Group/Organization CASA DE AMPARO Ageru:y/Group/Organizatlon Type Services-Children services ~ Victims Regional organfzatiOn What section of the Plan was addressed by ConsultatlDI\? public services, needs, anO benefit Brfeflv describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted wltn regarding the 2017- consulted, What are the antic! p1tecl outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding AvaUabillty (NOFA} and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coordination? given to apply for fur,ding to continue to provide top quality servlce to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization BOYS AND GIRLS CLU6 OF CARLSBAD Agencv/Group/Organization Type Servlces-ChMren What section Of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017· consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 20l8 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFAJ and encouragement was oonsultation or areas for lmptoved coordination 7 given to apply for funding to continue to provide top Quellty service to Carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization Brother Benno Foundation, Inc Agency/Group/Organization Type Services· Housing Servlce .. homeless Regional organir,rtiOn What section of the Plan was addreS$ed by Consultation? public services, needs, and benefit Annual Acton Plan 2017 12 OM9 control Na: 250Hll7 (exp. 07/3l./l01.S} 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 54 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 58 of 152 6 7 I 8 Agency/Group/Organization INTERFAITH CDMMUNJlYSERVICES Agency/Group/011anJiatlon Type Services -Housing Services-homeless Service,;-Health I Service,;-Educatlon Services-Emplovment Regional Ofl!anization WhaUectlon of1he Plan was addressed by Consultatlon? ! public serviC!!s, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the Agen<:y/Group/Organi%ation was 'The local service provfder was consulted wlth regarding the 2017· consulted, What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultatlon or areas for improved coordination"? given to apply for f\Jnding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. Agenr:y/Group/Organimion Meals on Wheels of Greater San Diego AgentY/Group/Organiiatian Type Services-Elderly Persons Regional organization What section af the Plan was addressed by COnsultatlon? pubroc servia!s, needs, and benefit Briefly describe how the l\gency/Group/Organization was The local servlce provider was consulted with regarding the t.017- consu~ed. Whatare the antitipated 01111:omes of the I 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for Improved coordination? given to appfv for funding to continue to provide top quality service to carlsbad residents. Agency/Group/Organization 5an Diego Food Bank Agency/Group/Organization Type ServicerHealth Regional organization What section Clf the Plan was adclre5Sed by Cons~ltation? public servia,s, needs, and benefit Annual Action Plan 2017 14 Qt1,1tS Ccntrol No:2506-0117 l~P. 0-?/31/2015) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 56 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 60 of 152 r-"""T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The local service provider was oonsulted with regarding the 2017-I Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was consulted, What are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for Improved cool'dlnation? 20111 Notice of Fundi"ll Availability {NOFA) and encouragement was gjven to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to l Carlsbad residents. ' ! 12 Agency/Group/Organlzatlon Agency/Group/Organization Type What section of the Plan was addressed by cansultation7 Brieflr describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. Whataretheanticipawd outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? 13 ~ncy/Group/Organlzatlon Agency/Group/Organization Type HOSPICE OF THE NORTH COAST Services-Hea Ith public services, needs. and benefit The local service provider was consulted with regarding the 2017· 2018 Notice of Funding Av;,ilability (NOFA) and encoura,:ement was given to apply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Cllrlsbad residents. North County Health Services Services-Health Regional organization i >--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--< What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Briefly describe haw the Agency/Group/Organization was consultad. What are the antlcipa~d outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordlnatlon? 14 Agency/Group/Organization Agency/Group/organization Type What section of the Plan w:,s •ddressed by Consultation? pubr.cservices, needs, and benefit The local service provlc!erwas consulted with regarding the 2017- 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encourag~ment was given to apply for fundtr,g to continue to provide top q~a~ty service to Carlsbad resldtmts. NORTH COUr-lTV SOLUTIONS FOR CHANGE, INC. Services-homeless Regional organization public servic,s, needs, and benefit Annual Action Plan 2017 16 OMBC.Or,trcf Nix 2SCl6-<JU7 {eJo.p. 07/31/2015} 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 58 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 62 of 152 Briefly descrrbe how tile Agency/Group/Organization was The local service provider was consulted with regarding the Wl7- consulted. What are the anticipated outcomes of the 2018 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and encouragement was consultation or areas for improved coord[nation? given to op ply for funding to continue to provide top quality service to Carlsbad residents. 15 Agancy/Group/Qrganization Carlsbad Housing Agency Agency/Group/organization Type Housing PHA Other government-Local Wh;,t section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Homeless Needs -Chronically homeless Homeless Needs -Families with children Homelessness Needs-Veterans Homelessness Needs-Unaccompanied youth Homelessness Strategy Non-Homeless Special Needs Market Analysis .. l..eild-based Paint Strategy Briefly descn"be how th~ Agency/Group/Org,mi?lltlon was Enhanced coordination and dally collaboration is imperative and will consulted. What are the anticipated out,;omes of the be going forward to provide the best service our residents. consultation or areas for improved coordination? identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting The City of Carlsbad consulted with agencies that provide services to Carlsbad residents. 0MB Co.n~ol Noc 2505•0117 le,p. 07/ll/lOlSI 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 17 59 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 63 of 152 Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan Name of Plan Continuum of Care Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness I City of Carlsbad General Plan Update [ City of Carlsbad Housing , Element Narrative See discussion above. Load Organization How do the goals of vour Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan? Resional Continuum of care The city's homeless needs are addressed by the CoC strategy. Allicanoe Regional Continuum of Care The city's homeless needs are addressed by the Ten-Year Plan to End Allicance Homelessne .... City of carlsbad Aligns with the stratejl:ic plan goal of Improving the quality.of life for the city's law and moderate income community. City of Carlsbad Aligns with the strategic plan goal ofccntJnuing to create affordable housing units. 'l'eble 3 -Other local / regional I federal planni•S i,fforts Annual Action Plan 2017 18 .OMB Omtrol No; 250£i-Ol171op. 07/31/2015) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 60 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 64 of 152 0 s: "' b' ~ 2. z ~ N V1 0 O'I 6 ..... ..... -.J ,;;-x ,, 0 ~ w ~ N 0 ..... ~ )> :::i :::i C: ~ N )> On ...., ..... -..J 6' :::i ~ !lJ :::i en ...., AP~12 Parti(lpatJon -91.401, 91.lOS, 91,200(c) 1. Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal-setting Cltl:l:en participation is one of the most Important components. of the CP process. To solicit public lhput during the de\lelopment of this CP, the City of Carlsbad held a Community Workshop for residents, local housing and services providers, as well as comrnunlty stakehO!clers. A Housing and Community Development Needs Survey was also ad ministered, rn both English and Spanish, to members of th1; community. For this survey, residents could access the sur\ley via the city's website (www.carlsbadca.gov), paper copies of the survey were also made available at the Carlsbad Senior Center [799 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008), also press releases and social media {Facebook, 1Witter, NextDoor) were utlll,ed to request community feedback. A total of 162 responses were received. A Public Hearing before the City Council was also held on April 7, 2015. A public notice far the hearing was published on April 3, 2015. A second PubHc Hearing was held for the adoption of the Consolidated Plan on May 5, 2015. A 30-th•y public review of the CP was held from Aptif 4, 2015 through May 4, 2015. A pub tic notice for the hearing and public review period waSc published on April 4, 2015. The final CP, amendments, Annual Act1on Plans and performance reports will be available for five years at Carlsb.id Citv Hall. For the FY 2017-2018 Action Plan, two PubUc Hear(ngs were held which enabled the citllenry to partfclpate. The first publi~ hearing was held on November 29, 2016 and the second public hearing on Aprll 25, 2017. At the public hearing held on April 25, 2017 the City Council approved the 2017-2018 Action Plan and approved for final submission to HUD via the Lead Agency. OMII CQnltol Noc 2506.0ii7 [l~p. 07f!IJW15} Annual Action Pla11 2017 19 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 65 of 152 Citizen Participation Outreach Sort Order Mode of outreach Target of Outreach summary of Summary of I Summary cf comments response/attendance comments re~ived not accepted and reasons Non-Public hearing held targeted/broad community an November 29, The City councn was 2015. The City Council was receptive supportive of the 2017- Resldents of Public No comments were 2018 Funding Plan and 1 Public Hearing and Assisted to the staff received. approved the release Housing presentation and of the 2011-201.8 approved the release NOFA. Local service · of the 2017-2018 I providers NOFA. l Non-Public hearing held J targeted/broad on Aprll 25, 2017. community The Oty Council was AU comments were accepted the funding · Rirlerence AD·26 received. No 2 Public Hearing Residents of Public recommendations Citizen ; comments were filed a.id Assisted and approved the Housing Z017·201.8 Action participation via mail or electronfc Plan to be submitted mall. Local service to HUD via the lead providers Agency. Table 4-CTllzen Participation Outroecl, 0MB CMttOI No: 2506,0U7 (eip. 07/31/1D15J 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 20 URL llf applicable) www .carlsbadca.gov lo\iWw.carlsbadca.gov 62 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 66 of 152 Expected Resources AP-15 Expected Resources-91.420(b), 91.220{c) (1, 2) I ntrod uctlon A number of housing and community development resources are currently available in the city. Those resources include: Communtty Development B_locl< Gr.mt {CDBGI funds HOME funds (via a new program that began in September of 201A through a partnership between the County of San Diego • and the San Diego County Housing Commission) • General Funds • HUD Housing Choice voucher Program (through the Carlsbad Housing Authority) • Stite Housing and Community Development (HCDJ funds • State transportation funds Carlsbad Affordable Housing Trvst Fund • Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund Anticipated Resources .oMBCantrol Ncr. 2S06.(Jl17 (exp.07/i~O:L.S) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 21 63 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 67 of 152 Pregram SOU.rt:~ Usenf F11nds fxpet1ed Amount AvaDable v~~ EJ<pected Nal'rative Description offunds Aonual Prosram Prtor Year Total: Amount Allocation: l11come: Reso'-l:R:8i', $ Available $ $ $ Reminder of Conl'lon $ CDBG public-AUj\Jisition Funding WIii be utilized to benefit public federal Adminand services which provide basic needs such Planning as food, shelter, hea Ith and welfare tn Economic Carlsbad residents.~air housing services to Development be provided by CSA San Diego County. Housing Public tmprovements Public Services 513,746 0 0 513,746 (j Table 5-EJC!le<ted Re.,oun:es-Priority Table Explain haw federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local fundsl, Including a description of how matthing requirements will be satisfied The cltv'sgoal isto leverage federal, .state, and local funds to maximize the number of households that can be assisted. The city may use local HousmgTru,t Funds to further affordable housing goals whene~er a match, grant, or loan is necessarv and appropriate to ensure the financial feasibility of a project. If appropriate, describe publically DW!'led land or property located ~lthin the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs Identified in the plan The City of Carlsbad worked toward, meeting its afforcable housing objectiVes by allocatlng CDBG funds in previous years to Solutlons for Change for the planned acquisition ofa 16-unit apartment complex fn Carlsbad for graduates afthe Solutions Liniversttvfor homeless families. Prior year CDBG funds were also used to assist in the acquisition of a health care center in the Cltv that coMlnues to provide ,;ervices to low- OMB control No: 250&,0111 (e,:p, 07/lJ/1/J'JSl 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 22 64 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 68 of 152 0 s a, n 0 ~ 2. z ~ N u, 0 er, 6 >--' >--' " ro X "!=' 0 Q:_ w .e. t:5 >--' ~ )> ::I ::I C: ~ N )> on I-' .-+ -..J 5· ::I ""CJ DJ ::I (j\ ll'1 income residents. No other publicly owned land or property is anticipated to be used to address needs identified in this plan. Discussion The Carlsbad Housing Agency administers the Section 8 Rental Assistance program for Carlsbad residents. For calendar year (CY} 201.6, the City ofCarlsbad'.s allocation was $5,545,117 for rental assi">tance payments and $588,690foroperating expenses. HUD is currently operatrng under a Continuing Resolution until April 28, 2.017. Since January 2017, the Carlsbad Housing Agency has received 94 peramt of CY 2016 housln& ·ass:istam:e payments funding and 77 percent of administrative allocation. Onell the CY 2017 Appropriations Act is approved, HUD wilt notify the housing agencies within 60 days what the final funding appropriations will be for CY 2017. The program pro\lide:. rent subsidy payments for \/er, low-income households in privately owned rental housing units. Each month, 600 families are assisted with Section 8 Rental Assistance funds. .r 0MB uintl'tll l'lo, 2506--0U.7 (eiqi. Gi /31/2015! Annual Action Plan 2017 23 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 69 of 152 Annual Goals and Objectives AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives -91.420, 91.220(c)(3)&{e) Goals Summary Information Sort Goat Name Start End Order Year Year 1 Affordable 2015 2019 Housing 2 Improve Fadhtles 2015 2019 3 Supportive 2015 2019 Services 4 Fair Housing 2015 2019 5 Planning and 2015 2019 Administration Goal Descriptions 0MB Cantrel tllo: 2506-0117 {exp. 07/31/201:i} 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) category Geogrop bic Needs Addressed Area Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Non-Housing Improve FacTlltfes Community Development Homeless Supportive Non-Homeless Servic:e!; Special Needs Non-Homeless Fair Housing Special Needs Administration Plannlng and Administration Table 6 • Goals 5ummary Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 Fi.tnding Go;il outcome Indicator COBG: Public Facility or Infrastructure $166,968 Activities for Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: O Households Assisted COBG: Public Faclnty or lnfrai.tructure $166,968 Activities other than Low/Modera?-" Income Housing Benefit; O Persons Assisted CDBG: Public seivice activities other than $77,061 Low/Moderat" Income Housing Benefit: 2800 Persons Assisted CDBG: Public seivloo activities other than $19,896 tow/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 100 Persons Assisted CDBG: $82,853 24 66 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 70 of 152 ! 1 Goal Name Goal Descrlption 2 Goallllame l Goal Oescrtption 3 Goallllame G<>al Description 4 Goal Name Goal Description 5 Goal Name Goal Description Affordable Housing Participate in the acquisition of property for low/moderate income housing. Improve Facilities Public facillty or infrastructure activities other than low/moderate income housing benefit. Supportive Services Public serviaa activities other than low/moderate income housing beneflt· 2,800 pe~ons assisted Fair Housing Public service activities other than low/moderate income housing benelit· 100 persons assisted Planning and Administration Successfullv Implement arid administer the CDBG program. Ta!>le 7 -Goal Descriptions Annual Action Plan 2017 . ONl9:.C:Onllol NOor 25C6-D117(eicp. 07/31/WlSJ 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 25 67 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 71 of 152 AP-35 Projects-91.420, 91.220(d) Introduction For FY 2017-2018, the Cltyofcartsbad is projected to receive $513,746 in CDBG fundlng. Should Congress choose to adjust the city'sallocatlon, all budgets wfll be proportlomilly increased or decreased from the ~imat.ed fonding levels to match actual allocation amounts. The total project~ listed in the table equal $513,746. # Project Name :Funding 1 Tee11 Scene Program {Boys & Girls Club) $9,896 2 Basic needs for low income and homeless persons (Brother Benno) $14,896 3 La Posad.1 De Guadalupe {Catholic Charltres) $17,581 4 Homeless prevention and inteivention (Community Resource Ceriter) $9,896 5 Emergency rental as,i.starice [Interfaith Community Services) $9,896 5 AlternatlVes to abuse domestic violence shelter (Women's Resource Center) $14,896 7 Teen Wellness Center {Casa De Amparo) $166,968 8 Carlsbad. Housing Reserve Fund (Qty of Carlsbad) $166,968 9 Program administration {C1ty of Carlsbad] $82,853 10 Fair Housing (CSA San Diego County) $19,896 TOTAL $51.3,746 Table 8 -Project !nfol'matlon Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved needs The City cf Carlsbad is limited in its ability to meet all afthe how.tng needs of lower income households. However. a sincere effort will be made to combine various city resources to meet as much of the need as financially feasible within the Action Plan time period, as well as the overall needs Identified !n the FY 2015-19 Consolidated Plan. OMB,Con!l(li No: 250G-0117 [eiq,. 07/31/201S1 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 25 68 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 72 of 152 AP-38 Project Summary Project Summary lnform~tion 1 ProJect Name Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addressed Funding Description T.irget Date Estimate the numb•r ~ndtype of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Location Description Planned Activities 2 Project Name Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addressed 0MB Co;ntral Ma: 2506.0117 (kp. 07/3l/201S) Teen Scene Program (Boys & Girls Clubl No defined target area Supportive Services Supportive Services CD6G: $9,896 Th!s project will provide financial ass1Stance to 100% low and moderate income families fur access to the Teen Scene Program l'oryouth. 6/30/2018 A total of 140 Individuals, from low and moderate Income famllles, are expected to receive benefit from the CDBG grant The Soys and Girls Club Village Clubhouse ls located at 3115 Roosev.Jt Street carlsbad, CA. This grant would pro~ide $9,896 is scholarships for carlsbad youth and families to attend teen programs at the Village Clubhouse. The goal of this financial aid is to provide low income youth the opporn.r,lty to particiate in the programs offered to all. Basic needs for low income and homeless persons (Brother Benno) No defined target area Supportive Services Supportive Services ' Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 27 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp.·06/30/2018) i 69 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 73 of 152 runding Do;script!on largetDate Estimate the number and type offamilies that wm benefit from the proposed activities Location Description Planned Actlvitle5 3 Project Na me Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addnessed funding Description TargetDat• Estimate the number and type Df families that wlll benefit from the pruposed activities LocBtion Description 0MB COPtrol No: 2506-0117 {exp_ 01/!I/l!JlS) CDBG: $14,896 Brotker Benno's serves the poor and neediest in l~orth County san Diego, including Carlsbad residents. The agency operates two shelters for women, a tvrelve step residential recovery program for men, a hot meal and emergency food distribution program for the working poor. 6/30/2018 250 Tndlvlduals are expected to rec<>ive assistance. 3260 Production Avenue Oceanside, CA 92058 The proposed program wm provide a number of services including emergency food boxe.,, hot meals, food packs, rental assistance, funds for prescription medications, interr1et access, m•il and telephone services, hot showers, clothing for the ramlly, and hakwts. La Posada De Guadalupe !Catholic Charities) No defined target area Supportiw Servic~ Supportl~e services CDBG: $17,581 La Posada De Guadalupe Is a 7-<lay, 24-hour alcohol-and drug-free facility in Carlsbad. The program is designed to provide services for homeless men in San Diego County. 6/30/2018 122 individuals are expected to receive assistance. 2476 Impala Drive Carlsbad, CA 92010 Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 28 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) 70 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 74 of 152 Planned ActMtles 4 P mJeci: Name - Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addressed - Funding Description Target Date Estimate the number and type of families that wlll bane/it from the proposed a<t!vltles Location De&criptian Planned Ac:!ivities s Project Name Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addres>ed Funding 0MB Ca""ol No: 2SOSOl17 ["P· r:ll/31/2tll5) F\Jnds will be used to provide a safe, sanitary, drug and alcohol free housing environment for homeless men and locally employed farm workers. Through case management and support services, residents will be assisted wlth obtaining employment and locate permanent housing. Homel"ss prevention and intervention (Community Raource Center} No defined target area Supportive Services Suppa·rtive Services CDBG: $9,896 Community Resource Center enables Jow-lnoome c:arlsbad families to acquire permanent housing and establish a path to self-sufficiency, thereby neducing the numb.er of homeless individuals and families in the community. 6/30/2018 1200 Individuals are expected to receive assistance. 650 Second Street Encinitas, C/1. 92024 Funds will be used te> provide a wide range of supportive services Including: homeless prevention, domestic violence shelter, counseling. and case management Ill assist with permanent housing. Emergency rental asslstllnce (Interfaith Community services} No defined taf]let area Supportive Services Supportive services CDBG: $9,896 Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 29 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) 71 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 75 of 152 1 De•criplion Target Date Estimate the number and type of families th.t will benefit from the proposed activities Locllltion Description Plannu /1,ctlvllles 6 Projert Name Target Area Goals Supported Noeds Addressed Funding Description Target Date Estimate the number and type of famllles that wlll benefit from the proposed activities Location Description OMtl Control No: 2506.Qlll (e.;p. 07/31/2015) . lnterfaith's EmelJ!ency Rental A••istance Program will provide assistance to at the minimum of20 Carlsbad households. Housing assistance provided to Carlsbad residents wrn Include rental assistance an!I security deposit assistance payment. to avoid and prevent imminent homelessness, morel vouchers to immediately rehouse those affected by homelessness, as well as referrals to local shelters. 6/30/2018 20 Cartsbad households ore expected to receive assistance. Carlsbad Servim Center, 5731 Palmer Way Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92010 With the assistance of Individual ~se management, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program will provide households with the piVOt.1 I help needed by prov[ding rental assistance inciuding security deposit assistance to homeless and low-income famlles. Alternatives to abuse domestic violence shelter (Women's Resource Center) No defined target area SupportiVe services Supportive Services CDBG: $14,896 Women's Resource Center's purpose Is to address the needs of persons ""periencing family violence in order to impac;t the Tncldence and effect of such violence. 6/30/2018 30 fa miles are expected to receive assistance. 1963 Apple Street, Oceanside, CA 920S4 Annual Aaion Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 30 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) 72 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 76 of 152 Planned ActiWities ! 7 Project Name · TargetAraa Goals Supporlled Needs Addressed Funding Description Target Date Estimate the number and type offamilles that will benefit from th" proposed activities Location Description Planned Act!vltl es 8 Project Name Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addressed Funding 0MB r,,nt,al No: 250-11 (<l<Jl, 07/Sl/2015) Funds will be used to provide shelter services forwcmen and children who are victims in need of safe, emergency housing. Teen Wellness Center (Casa De Amparo} No defined target area Improve Facilities Improve Facilities CDBG: $166,968 : The Wellness Center will be a community treatmentfac111ty to provide a safe and nuturlng home,,llke j. environment to undeserved youth who have experienced significant trauma and struggle with severe J symptons of complex trauma, PTSD, and behavioral challenges. I 6/30/201s 0 325 Buena Creek Road, San Marcos, CA 92059 The funding will assist in the pre-deveropment costs ret.lted to the Teen Wellness Center. Funding wm also provide a storage and maintenance facility for use agency-wide. Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund jClty of Carlsbad) Ne defined target area Affordable Housing Affordable Housin« CDBG: $166,968 Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 31 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) f I 73 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 77 of 152 Desoription Target Date Es1fmate the number and tVPe of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Location Description Planned Activities 9 Project Name Target Area Goals Supported Needs Addressed funding Description Target Date Estimate the ownber and type of famllies that will benefit from the proposed ac:tlvltles Location Des,:ription Planned Activities Project Name OM a ContrD/ NID: 2505.(Jll] .t42xfl. C11/J1/l0~] The City of Carlsbad has established a Houslng Reserve Fund far the purpose of deve[oping affordable housing for lower-Income households. 6/30/2018 - 1 family Carlsbad, CA Contribute funds towards acquistion or the development of affordable housing for low-income families. ; Program admlnl.tratlon (City of Carlsbadl No defined target area Planning and Administration Consen•e the Hou;Jng Stock CDBG! $82,853 The Carlsbad Housing & Neighborhood Services Department ls responsible for administering the city's CDBG funded programs. 6/30/2018 ' Citywide benefit, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA Funds are utilized to administer the CDBG programs. Fair Housing (CSP. San Diego County) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 ·- 32 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) 74 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 78 of 152 10 Target Area ~s Supported Needs Addressed Fund in~ Descrtption Target Date Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit fn.im ttie proposed activities LOcation Description Planned Activities 0MB Gadt!'Dil NDt 2.SQG.0117 [exp. 07f:l;l/201.5] No defined target area Fair Housins Fair Housing COSG: $19,896 CSA San meso County, fonnerly Center for Social Advocacy, will provide fair housing services to all Carlsbad residents. CSA promotes housing opportunities fur all persons regenlless of race, rengion, sex, family size, famll!al status, anceslfy, national origin, oolor, or d·isability. Via the telephone, CSA staff will provide direct assistance to those in need. OS/30/2018 90 families are expected to receive assistance. 131 Avocado Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020 Funds wiU be used to provide fair houslns services for residents. Annual Actio~ Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 33 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) 75 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 79 of 152 AP-SO Geographic Distribution -91.420, 91.220(f) Oei;cription of the geographk areas of the entitlement (rncludlng areas of low-income and minority concentration! where assistance will be directed Through the city's lnclusionary Housing program, the city intends to develop lower-Income affordable housing units throughout carlsbad, thereby reducing the Impact of hOusing on any one area. City staff wHI be responsible for initiating or facilitating the development this housing through agreements with local.for-profit and non-profit housing developer:s [including agreements to provide city assistance) and through managing/monitoring the affordability of these housing unill in future years. CiW resources for the provision, construction, or Improvements ta public services or facmties to meet the community development need,will al•o b• distributed throughout the city. carl5bad will consider the allocation of rerources to publlc sel"llic:e organilations located outside of the city limits in thme Instances where such public services provide adequate acass 10 Carlsbad residents. Geographic Distribution Target Area Percentage of Funds n/a n}a Table9, Geogr..phic Distribution Ratlonale for the priorities for allotating investments geographically While the city has identified a number of priority strategies and implementing programs in the FY 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, given limited resources, the city may not pursue each program every fiscal year. Priorities for allocation are a result of various community outreach efforts and consultation meetings and recommendatlons by city staff and the Carlsbad City Council. Discussion Sei, discus.Ion above. OM! Cootrol No1 250&-0J.17 I""', Q7/3l/2015] 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 34 76 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 80 of 152 AP-75 Action Plan Barrier to Affordable Housing-91.420, 91.2200) Introduction The City of Carlsl>ad works to remove barriers to affordable housing and the financlal impacts of efforts to protect public health and safety by taking actions to reduce the costs or provide financial incentives to assist in the production ofsafe, high quality, affordable housing. Acttons it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as barriers to affordable ho u,;ing .such as land use controls, tai< policles affecting land, zoning ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth Ir m itatio ns, and policies affecting the 'return on residential investment. The City of earls bad works dltigently to remove barriers to affordable housing and the financial impacts of efforts to protect public health and safety by ta kin~ actions to reduce the com or provide off-setting financial incentives to assist ln the production of safe, high quality, affordable housing. The fellowing measures may be taken to all~viate the barriers to affordable housing: • Apply for State and fede rat funding to provide gap financing for affordable housing production and rehabllitation of existing affordable housing: stock. • Cantin ue to support applications for Tax Exempt Bond financing from the califurnia Debt Limit Allocation Comm:1ttee. Continue to support applications fur Low-Income Housing Tax Credits from the CallfornTa Tax Credit Al locatron Committee. • Continue to streamline tlie envJronmentaJ review process for housing developments, using available state categorical exemptions and federal categorical exclusions, when applicable. Also, send staff to CEQAand NEPA trainings as needed to gain expertise in the preparation of envtronmental revfew documents. • Continue to improve the permit proce~$ing and planning approval proce:sse~ to minfmize delay in housing development in general and in particular affordable housin@: development • Continue providing rehab ilit.iti on a.ssista nee and ho meowne rshEp assl.>ta nee, and to a.ssist in the construction and preservation of affordable housing. • Encourage public participa~ion when a proposed project is befng consldered fur approval. • lmp(emerit policies and strategies identified in Carlsbad's 2013-2021 Housing Element. Housing afford.ability is affected by numerous factors in both the prtvate and putlltc sectors. With the dissolution of redevelopment in California, th!! City of Carlsbad has lost its most powerful tool and . funding mechanfsm to provide affordable housing iri the comm unity. Funding at the State and Feder.ii levels has also contlnu ed to eic perie nee ~ignifica nt cuts. With reduced funding and increased ho u.si n,g costs, the cityface.s significant challenges in providing affordable and decent housing opportunities for 11:s lower and moderate income residents, espe~ially with extremely low incomes. Actions by the city can have a significant impact on the price and avallability of housing in Carlsbad. Lackohffordable housing funds, land use controls, site tmprovement requirements, bui!ding codes, fees, and other local programs intended to improve the· overall quality of housing may serve as a constraint to affordable housing development. These governmental ccn.il:raints c.in limit the operations of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, making it challenging to meet the demand for affordable housing and ever decreasing supply in the rec Ton. OM~Cantral Noc 2505-<lll7 jeq,. D7/3l/W1S1 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 35 77 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 81 of 152 Discussion See discussion .ibove. 0MB ConlTol Nci: 25~17 [l;l<!I. 07fc!l/1:!115) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018} I Annual Actron Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 36 78 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 82 of 152 AP-85 Other Actions • 91.420, 91.220(k) Introduction Priority Needs established in 1he FY 2015-2019 Five-Year Consolidated Plan, which form the basis for establishing objectives 1md outcomes in the FY 2017-2018 One-Year Action Plan, are as fullows: High Priorlty • Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing Units • Ptovfde Supporti11e Services for the Homeless, Lower-Income Residents, and Persons with Special Needs • .Improve and ProvTde Facilities to Serve Lower-Income Persons • Provide Fair Housingservicesto Residents • Planning and Administration LDw Priority • Conserve and Rehabil it.ate the Exf.stinc Housing Stock Actions planned to address obstades to meeting underserved needs Limited financial resources are the biggest obstacle to meeting underseived needs in Carlsbad. The city's pollcy ls to leverage, to the maximum extent feai!bte, the use of funds aliailable in providing public services and afrordilble housing. The city supports the use of CDBG and HousrngTrust funds for development activities and "gap financing" by private and non-profit entitles in their efforts to develop affordable housing. Actions planned to foster and maint.iin affordable housing In order to foster and maintain affordable housing for lower income households, the city will use CDBG funds to assist with the development of affordable multi-family housing. The dty also fosters developrneritof affordable housing.through implementation of its lnclusionary Housing Ordinance, which requires that 15 percent of all housing units constructed in city be affordable ta lower and moderate income householdi. For projects proposing seven units or less, a fee is collected and deposited fnto the dty's Housing Trust Fund to be used to foster and m3intain affordable housJng. Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards The Residential lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Actaf 1992 (Title X} emphasizes preventfon of chHdllood le,1d poisoning through housing-based approaches. Thfs strategy requires jurisdictions to focus on implementing practical t:hanges in older housing to protect children from lead hazards. The city 0MB Central No: 2506-0117 (e,ql. 117 /3]/.0151 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) · Annual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 i:17 79 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 83 of 152 has identrfied two primary straregles to reduce lead-based paint haurds in Carlsbad to be tarried out during the FV 2015-2019 CP period • .Strab'lgy 1: Integrate lead hazard evaluation and reduction activitfes into all housillg programs. Currently, many federal programs have requirements for evaluatrng and reducing lead hazards. For those State and local housing and community development programs, the city will pursue the following ,1ctivities to evaluate ancl red.uce lead hazards: • Require Inspection for and abatement of lead-based paint hazards asa requirement of all resldentia I rehabilitation programs when chUclren uncler the age of seven reside in the dwelling unit and have been identifTed with elevated blood levels; • Include read-based pairrt hazard abatement as an eligible activity for funding under the city's CDBG program and include minimum lead-based pairrt abatement requirements to housing qµalfty standards wnich must be met; and • Provide all eligible applicants of housing programs, with fnformation regarding lead-based paint. Strategy 2: Support the development of comprehensive he,1lth programs furthe screening of children for lead Poisoning and a follow-up on thm;e idl!'ntifled as lead polsoned. In accordance with Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidellnes, all chrldren found to have elevated blood Jevels (above 20 micrograms per decllited should both be provided with public health management services and be tested everv. three months. The County of San Diego's Department of Health Services currently provides this service. The city encourages the abatement of lead-based paint hazards once a child under the age of seven is identified as having elevated blood levels. CDBG funds may be used to hefp the city or other organizations in developlng a comprehensive approach to lead-poisoning prevention. Actions planned to reduce the 11umber of poverty-level famllles The city currently has various programs and policfes in place ta h!=IP reduce the number of household:;; with incomes below the r,overty Jlne. These policies and programs aim ta lmprove coordination and coflab~ratlon among city departments; and nonprofit agencies which provide health and social services, employment trainlng, legal assistance, ,md other support services for low income persons. The i:ftywifl pursue the following programs du~fng FY 2017-18 to reduce poverty in Carlsbad: 1. lncluslonary Housing Ordinance 2. Housing Reserve Fund 3-AfforclabJe Houslng Trust Fund 4. Section 8 Vouchers 5. Village Revit,1Jization Partnership Program 6. Economic Development Strategic Plan OMO Control No: 2S06-0l17 (""?· 07/!l/2015] 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan . 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 38 80 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 84 of 152 Actions planned to develop Institutional structure There are many organizations within the County of San Diego that provide housing or supportfve services tD Carlsbad residents. These agencies tend to be smafler organizaticms with many using volunteers. The city will continue to enroLirage greater efforts to make use of avarlable housing, social service and mental and other health care resources. The city c.in also help strengthen the housing and service delTvery sys.tern by helping to educate such organizations and agencies regarding the resources that are available. Actions pl,mned to enhance coordination between public and privc1te housing and social service agencies The city proposes to strengthen, coordinate and integrate the governmental institutions, non-profit and private delivery systems discussed in the FY 2015-19 CP and FY 2017-2018 Action Plan through on-going ".strate!!V and devefopment'' meetings between city staff, private developers, non-profit organizations and various financial institutions. Through these meetings, the city wlll continue to identify the constraints to affordable housing and develop/Implement programs to mitigate them. The key to successful development of affordable housing for lower-income households in Carlsbad is communication, flelCibillty, and adequate funding. The city will communlcate openly with pri11ate devefopers and service providers as well as make every effort to maintain 1he flexibility fn policies and/or ordinances necessary to create public/private housing development partnerships. Discussion See discussion above. OM B Control No: Z50IE,,CIU 7 je,ip. W (,!J./2~l,J 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action !>Ian 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 39 81 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 85 of 152 ... Program Spe·cific Requirements AP-90 Program Specific Requtrements ~ 91.420, 91.220{1)(1,2,4} Jntroductlon The fellowing describes other program-specific requirements. Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Reference 24 CFR 91.Z20(1Kll Projects p[anned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the ProJects Tab!e. The following identifies program income that rs available for use that is included in projects to be carried out. 1. The total amount of program rncome that will have been received before the start of the next program year and that. has not yet been reprogrammed O 2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 foan !ilUarantees that will be used during the year to address the priority needs and specific objecttves identified in the grantee's strateclc: plan. 0 3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlement$, O 4. The amount ofanv grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use has not been fnctuded in a prior stiltement or pl~o S. The amount ofinrome from float-funded activtties Total Program Income: Other CDBG Requirements 1. The amount of urgent need activities 2. The estimated percentage of CD BG funds thatwiU be used for activities that ber.etit persons of low and moderate income.Overall Benefit -A consecutive period of one, two or three years may b~ used to determine that a minjmum overall benefit of70%ofCDBG funds is used to benefit persons of row and moderate lncom e. Spectfy the years oovered that ind Ude this Annual Action Plan. Discussion If Carlsbad receives Program Income during the year, staff will return to thl!! City Council for a recommendatron on a project and submit an Amendment to HUD for project approval. OMII-C:OnllOJ No: 2S06·0117 t~•i,. 07/;1/2C115I 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2.017 Annual Action Plan 2017 0 0 0 D 100.00% · 40 82 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 86 of 152 Appendix A Summary of Citizen Participation The public was invited to provide comments during the Puhlic Heartng held on Tuesday, November 7.9, 2016 regarding the 2017-2018 Notice of f ur1ding Availabilfly ;ind the Carlsbad 2017-2018 Funding Pf<:111. B0tl1 fundine docume.nts were marl~ ,wail;ihle ~,: the following locations for review, consideration, anri partidpatiuri: • Ca.rlsbad City Hall, Gty Clerk's Office, 1200 Carlsbad Village Orfve, Carlsh:;id, CA 9?.008 • Carlsbad City liall .. Housing & Neighborhood Ser'ltces Deparnnent, 1200 Carlsbad Vllfage Drive, Carfs:ba:I, CA 92008 • City website, www.carlsbadca.gov On November 29, the Public Hearing was held and the following actions took place: No comments received • No comments flied with the City Clerk's Ottice • The City Council voted 5-0 to release the Notice of funding Availability to the public The public was invited to provide ;.omm;;nts on the report and during the Public Hearing with regards to the 2017-2018 Action Plan 011 Tuesday, April 25, 2017. Documents related to the Action Plian were made available at the following locations for citizen review, consideration, and participation: · • Carlsbad City H;ill, City Clerk's Offke, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Carlsbad City Hall, Housing & Neighborhood Servlces Department, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drrve, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • City web:;il~,www.car bbadca.gov On April 25, the Public Hearing was held and tbe following actions to;'.}k place: • The City accepted the folfowing public comment o Lauren Pollick and Joaquin Elias Organlz;ition; Catholic Ch.1riliP.s Comment5; Expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the City Council's oneoine support and encouragerl the City Counr.11 to appro·1e the recommended funding o Lea Williams Org,mi;.itiun; C1.1rrnnu11ily Resource Center • CnmmenfS: E)(press~d her appreciation for the recommended funding and i.~ looking furv.·.,rd lO prt.i11iding future assistance to Ciirlsbad residents o Gtt'!g Anglea u Ofgallization; Interfaith Community Services o Comme11ts: Expressed his extreme gratit;ide to the CitV Cour1cil for the recent FY 2016-2017 grar,t funding ($GOO,OOO) which enabled Interfaith to acqwire property and open the new Carlsbad Ser,ice Center. He too encouraged the City Cou:1cil :o approve the 2017-2018 funding rccorrmendations. • The City Council voted 5-0to atceptthe 2017-2018 Action Plan and received all comments CMS Control tJo: 2.::a{ .... pt.;1) {(txp. 07/3.~/2015] 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) /-mnual Action Plan 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 41 83 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 87 of 152 In addition to receiving CDBG entitlement funding, ;1.s a partidpant in thP. S;in r.Jiego Urban HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Consortium, the cit\/ may also participate in HOME Consortium programs receiving fe deral funds to pruvid~ i:lrrordable housing upportunilies for lower inc::ume households. Currently the program offered is the down payment assist.incc program which is offered to residents through the County of San Dieeo. pjsq.1ssiQ!J Thf! prrmar1 ohjectivP. of the r.OBG progr.im i.s to assist lower income personc; in the mmmunity. l:ach proposed project or activity must meet at least one of the national objectives for the CDBG program and at least one of the loca l housing and community development objectives. These n.:ition.:iJ and locnl objectives nrc outlined in the CDBG program Funding Pl.in (Exhibit 4). These objectives reflect the city's desire to develop a progrnm which best meets the various rieeds of lm,ver income Carlsbad residents. The city received eleven {11) prGposals for use ofCDBG funds in response to a Request for Proposals distributed in December of 2016. The CDBG J\.dvisory Committee evaluated the proposals and interviewed applicants prior to developing the funding recommendations outlined in Exhibit 3. The following breakdown for project funding is proposed: • FY 2017-2018 Ent itlement Grant o Publk service (maximum of 15 percent) o Public facilities, improvements n Afford.ihle housing o Program administration/fair housing (maximum of 20 percent) $517,929 $77,689 $168,327 $1.68,328 $103,585 For public services, the CDBG A.dvisory Committee recommends that approximately $77,689, as perrnitted by federal regulations, be allocated to six organizations. For public facility improvement funds ($168,327), the Committee recommends that the fulf funding set-aside be allocated to Casa De Amparo. The Committee recommends that $168,328 in funds available for housing be allocated to the city's I lousing ReseNe Fund for future affordable housing opportunitfes; recommendations for the specific project(s:1 to be funded will be prP.sented for City Council cor'lslderation at a later dat e. FinaJfy, per the federal guidelines, a maximum of 20 percent of the funding ($103,585) ~lloCiltion is recommended for CDBG progr~m .idministr.:rtion, including $20,000 for t1 contract with the Center for Social Advoc2cy San Diego Countv to assist residents with fair housing services as required ];,y HUD. The CDBG Ad\'isory Committee Funding Recommendations and complete li5l uf requests is attached as Exhibit 3. It is important to note that all oudgots will be proportionally increased o decreased from t he estimated funding levels to match actual allocation amounts approved by HUD at a later date. The primary objective of the HOM E Program is to provide affordable housing opportunities for lower income liouseholds. The County of San Diego is the lead agency for the County's HOME Investment Partnership Program; also referred to as ~he HOME Consortrurn, which includes the cities of Encinitas, La Mesa, Santee, San Marcos, and Vista. As the lead agency for the HOME 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 87 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 91 of 152 (maximum of 15 pertenlof total graol) Public Facility Improvements and Affordable ~ousing Program Administration and Fair Housing (ma~imum ot2Ciperceri1 of total grant) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 6/26/2017 2 90 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 94 of 152 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 6/26/2017 4 92 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 96 of 152 0 CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: 03/28/17 Mayor and City Council l(evin Crawford,. City Manager Courtney Pene, Management Amilyst corJrtney.pene(@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2812 Cl'>. Review Subject: FY 2017-2018 Community Developm@m Block Grant (CDBG) Funding Recommendations and Accept Pubfic Comment Recommended Action That the City Council hold a public hearing to accept comments on the housing and community d evelopmEnt needs of lower income households within the City of Carlsbad. In addition, the City Counc1J may accept comments on the various proposals th<lt have been submitted for funding u rtder the City of CarJsbad's 2017-2018 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Executive Summary Under Title I ·Of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, the City of Carlsbad continues to be eligible to receive funding under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) CDBG Program to finance programs that serve the needs of lower income persons. rn identifying the needs oflowcr income persons, federal regulations require thatthe City Coundl hold at least two public hearings to obtain the views. of citizrns on Carlsbad'.~ housing and community development needs. An initial pubfic hearing to invite comments on the cit'/s CBDG Program Funding Plan was held on Novernber 29, 2016. This :.econd public hear1ng will provide another opportunity to obtain c-:>mments on the proposed 2017-2018 funding rccc,mmcnd.:itions ·(Exh1bit 1) and the city's housing and community development needs. In addition, this hearing will provide an opportunity for public comment on the specific proposals submitted for funding. No action, otl1er than holding the publk hearing and accepting comments, ls required of the City Council at this rneeting. Discussion The primary objective of the CDBG Proera m is to assist lower income persons/hous@holrJs. Each proposed project nwst meet ;it least one of the n ationa I objecti'./€5 for the CIJ l:lG Program and at least one of the local l10uslng and ,com rnunity development objectives. These national and local objectives are outlined in the CDBG Progr,1m Funding Plan [Exhibit 2). ihese objectives reflect the city's desire to develop 2 program which be.~t meets tile v~riou~ neens of low and morlerate- income Carlsbad residents. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 93 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 97 of 152 FY 2017-2018 F.xhibil 1 {City of Carlsbad CDBG ADVISORY COMMITTEE FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS -REQUESTED AGENCY /PROJECT AMOUNT PUBLIC SERVICES Boys and Girls Club $10,000 Village Clubhouse Brother Benno's $15,000 Brother Benno Center Catholic Charities $25,000 La Posada de Guad<1lupe Community Resource Center $7.0,744 Homeless pr~ventlon and Intervention Interfaith Community Services $15,000 Emergency rental assist.ince Me~ls 9n Wheels $10,000 Meal delrvery service Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank $2'1,000 Food Bank Women's Resou_rce Center $20,000 Altern atives to abuse domestic violence shelter -· -- PUBLIC FACILITIES Casa de Amparo $168,327 Teen Wellness Center City of Carlsbad $168,327 ADA Enhancements in the Village AFFORDABLE HOUSING City of Carlsbad $168,328 Housing Reserve Fund ADMfNISTRATION , City of Carlsbad .$83,585 Program ;idministratlon Center for Social Advocacy $20,000 Fair Housing Program Annual Action Plan 2017 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) FUNDING ·, RECOMMENUATION $10,UUO $15,000 $17,689 _ Sw,ooo . $10,000 so $0 $15,000 $168,327 $0 $168,328 $83,585 $20,000 I I 95 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 99 of 152 CITY OF CARLSBAD CDBG PROGRAM 2017-2018 FUNDING PLAN Prepared 0 :tob~r 2016 Hou5in;,;: & rlt!ighborhootl 51:1 viu,s 12::io Carlsbad Village Dri',e C.i rlsb;id, CA 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) ' Annua l Action Plan 2017 Exhibit 2 96 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 100 of 152 CITY Of CARLSBAD FY 2017-2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GMNr PROGRAM STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Toe City of carlsbad community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be allocated to organizations, a{!encles, City Departments, or persons to implement programs or develop/improve pub[ic fucilities which meet the following community development objectives; 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Provide direct benefit to lower income persons through the provision 01' retention of affordable housing un[ts in Carlsbad; Provide shelter or services to homeless or near homeless persons/families which result in an improved situation through employmem:, permanent or transitional housing, treatrnimt of mental, or substance abuse problems, etc.; and, Provide dfrect assistance to lower income households to prevent or eliminate residential Building or Municipal Code violations and/or improve the quality of housing units fn Carlsbad through resldentlal (rental and/or owner oa:upied) rehabilitation programs. 2. SOCJAl SERVICES {GENERAL): Provide assistance to non-profit pubHc service providers who meet the basic needs of lower fncome Carfabad residenh;. Basic needs are defined as those wh1ch provide food, shelter, clothing and, in some cases, health care; Provide assistance to non-profit publfc service providers who offer counseling and self- Improvement programs/activities for lower income Carlsbad residents; and, Provide 11ss15tance to non-profit public service providers who offer retreational and/or c:ultural programs/activtt!es fur lower income Carlsbad residents. 3. SOCIALSERV!CES ICHILDRl:N & ADULTS)~ Provrde assistance to organizations which administer progr.ims that djrectly benefit lower income children lr.-Tng in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more' of the followfng activities: day c;ire, after-school care, cultural enrichment, recreation, health care/immunization or self-improvement. The City may also give priority to single"parent assistance programs such as counse[1ng .services.; and · Provlde assist~nce to organizations wh.ich administer programs that directly benefit low Income adults IMn11 ln Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the followfng activitle.s for adults: employment servlces, Job training, and educatfonal programs. Programs designed for elderly adults only must provide one or more of tile followTng actil1itie.s: meals, homemaking or personal asslstar1c.e services, financial assistance services, counseling. transportation, or shared housing or other housing related servicei;. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 97 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 101 of 152 4. CllY PROJEC'!SSERVING LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS: Provide assistance to City projects whlch;; re intended to benefit lower income households. Such projects must be able to demom;trate thattheywHI serve areas of the City of Carlsbad that meet HLJD requirements regarding household incomes fur that area. 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) (Remainder of paQe intentionally left blank} 3 cf4 Annual Action Plan 2017 98 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 102 of 152 CITY OF CARJ.SBAD FY 2.017-2018 COMMUIIIITY DEVEI.OPMENT BlOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMAAY OF ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABI.E FOR FY 2017-2018 PROGRAM YEAR Source of Funds Amount($) $517,929 New Entltlement Grant Funds Avallable by Activity Public service (maximum of 15 percent of new grant) Affordable housing · Public facilitles, fmprovement:s/other Program administration/fair housing (maKimum 20 percent of new grant) . Total Available Funds 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) {Remaind~r of page intentlona/Jy left blank) 4of4 Annual Action Plan 2017 Broount $77,689 $168,328 $168,327 $103,585 $517,929 99 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 103 of 152 NOTICE OF PUBLlC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Carlsbad will conduct a public hearing on November 29, 2016 at 6 p.m. at the Carlsbad Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad Vi[Jage Drive, Carlsbad, California in order to discuss and obtain comments on the draft 2017-2018 CDBG Funding Plan and release of the Notice of Fundlng Av~il;,bility. For the 2017-2018 CDBG Funding Plan, the estimated total amount Ctf CDBG fund~ aw1ilah.ll:' tn the Ci:y of ca,lsbad is $517,929; ,m eslirmiled $77,689 will be available! for µublfc service acllvil:1:!~ ,md up -o $103,585 will be av;;ilable for program administration. It is estimated that up to $153,328 will be available for affordable housing and up to $168,327 may be av~ifable for facility improvements or otllr.-:r eligible projects. The release of the associated Notice of fonding Availabilit'( (NOFA) is schedul2ri for December-., 2016 and opplications for fond ing are due before the dose of business on January 6, 2017. The City of Carlsbad is eligible to receive funding, on an annuai basis from the federal Community Development Black Grarit (CDBG) program to finance projects, which serve the needs of fower income persons. The funds are to be used to develop viable urban communities through the prevision of decent housing and a suit.;ble living environment and b~· expanding economic opportunities for lower income persons. To develop a CDBG program that meets the needs of the lower income population, the City of Ca rlsbijd requests assistance from members of the community. 1he City encourages all community o(ganiza.tions to consider the needs of lower income persons within C;;irlsb;;id .ind to submit ;i proposed project, or projects, for consider<1tbn by the City Council at a future putinc hearing. Organizations are strongly discouraged from applying for funds unless they are ready to implement the activity proposed for funding. 1\ matching fund.-requirement will be applied to CDBG fu,1ded public faeilities/improvernent actlv.ities. Documentat'ion showing use of those maiching funds would be tequired prior to distribution of CDBG funds for activities under that category. CDBG furtding for amounts of $100,JOO or more will be made in the form of a deferred, no imerest loan, to be forgiven in twenty '{ears if the facility remains in use for purposes as stated in the application. The City of Carlsbad is r,ommitted to using CDBG fonds to finance projects/services th;,it provlde dire:t benefit to lower income resldents. It is also the City's intent w approv2 CDBG projects tl:at do 'not reslJlt in the difplacement of lower ir1come persons from . their homes, Therefore, all persons submitting project proposals to the City should consider Hie di,plccement impact upon lower income housc:holds. If the City {loes approve ,1 project t hc1t r~wlts in di.,placemFnt of lnwN inc::ome hnus<'!holris, the City will provide reloc.tion assistance as requlri:d in St!~liurr 570.505(li)(2) uf Lhe fetl1=rc1I r~~ulc11ion, for Lhe CDl3G program, The 2017-2018 CDBG Fundi:1g Plan will be avaHable for public review beginning on Friday, October 28, 2015, at tile Housing & Neighborhood Services Department lo-:ated at Cartsbad City Ha!11 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, the City Clerk's Office. 1W'.l Carlsbad Village Drive, and also avaHable on the City's website at www.cMlsbadca.gov. All interested persons are encouraged to submit writtcr, comments on the 2017 2018 Funding Plan on, or before, the Tuesday, November 29, 2016, public hearing to the Housing and Neighborhood Services Dcp.irtrtlcrit, 1200 C.irlsb,d VilliJge Drive, Cufsbad, CA S.2008, or to Courtnev Pene, Management Ana[yst (Contact informati:rn: Phone -750-434-2.010 or ema ii -court ney.pene(@carisbaclca.gov) CASE NAME: 2017-2018 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IJLOCK GRANT FUNDING PLAN PUBLISH: OCTOBER 28, 2016 CITY OF CARLSBAD CffY COUNCIL 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 101 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 105 of 152 ,,, CA Review (?/YJ ---.,,-- ~ CI TY C01J HCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject.: 11/29/2016 Mayor ahd City Council 1v' Kevin Crall'.rford, City Manage~· Courtney Pene, Management Analyst-Housing & Neighborhood Services courtney.peni;@carlEbadca.gov or 76U-/J.34-2812 Approve the 2017-2D18 Community Development E!lock Grant (CDBG) Funding Plan and authorirn the distribution of the Notice of Funding Availability. Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving the 2017-2018 Comm~nity Development Block Grant (CDBG} Funding Plan and authorizing the distribution of the Notice of Funding Availabitity. Executive Summary The total amount of CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development esttmated to be ;;vailc1ble for Carlsbad in FY 2017-2018 is $517,929. As described in the Funding Plan, approximately $103,585 of the estimated total CDBG funds availabfe will be used for the city's program administration and $77,689 will be available for eligible public service act1vitles. Appro:x]mately $168,327 will be available for public facilities, improvements and other eHBible activities. Approximately $168,328 in CDBG funds will be available for selected projects that wm provide affordable housing opportunities in Carlsbad. This Funding Plan colnddes with the announcement of the 2017-2018 Notice of Fundi11g J.l.vallability. Appliciltions wm be made available via the city's website on December 1, 2016 and are to be submitted no later than· January 6, 2017. The primary ob.iective of the CDBG program is to assist lower income persons/households. Each proposed project must meet at least one of the national objectives for the CDBG Program and at least one of the loc;il housing and communlty development abjec:tives. The national and local objectives for ttie program are outllned in the att.iched ''CD6G Program l-unding Plan" (Attach 1nent A to the Resolution). These objectives reflect the city's cl es ire to develop a program which best meets the various need.;; of lower income Carlsbad residents. Discussion To facilitate the selection and funding of activities which best meet !he ol.ijecLives of the CDBG Program, a City Council appointed CDBG Advisory Committee will be responsible for interviewing ap pllcants, evaluatlng applications, and developlng recommendations for funding amounts. Staff will present the Advlsory Committee's funding recommendations to the City Council for consideration and final approval. Item #8 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Novcmb(;r 29, 2.015 Page :L of 7 102 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 106 of 152 The following residents were appointed in January of 2016 to serve two-year terms on the CDBG Advisory Committee, therefore these residents will continue to serve one more year. No new appointments .tre needed for the following: Housing Commission Northeast quadrant Shaunee '.Nllllams Julie Han At a future City Council meeting. staff will request that the Mayor appoint Advisory Committee Members to represent the following commissions and neighborhoods, with these two year appointments ending in June. 7.018: Planning Commission Senior Commission Northwest quadrant Southeast quadrant Southwest quadrant Staff wlll return to the City Council in e.irly spring 2017 lo review the funding rewmmeridations. Fiscal Analysis It is .,inticipated that the city will receive up to $517,929 in new CDBG entitlement funds during fiscal year 2017-2018. Federal regulations allow the City to use a maximum of 20 percent of the new aJJocatjon for administration cost~ and for fair housing services. CDBG ls a fully funded program and there is no nscal impact on the General Fund. Environmental Eval uation {CEQ8) Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065, approval of a funding plan and request for propos.il, does not constitute a "project" wlthin the meaning of CEOA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment; or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. El!hfbits 1. Resolution approving the 2017-2018 Comm unity Development Bbck Grant (CDBG) Funding Plan and authorizing the distribution of the Notice of Funding Availability. !tam if& 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 November 29, 2016 Page 2 of7 103 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 107 of 152 CITY OF CARLSBAD F'{ 2017-21l 18 . COMMUNITY Dl:VEI.OPM~T BLOC!< GRANT Pff.OGRAM STATl:M ENT Of COMMUNITY OEVE'LOPMENT OlllfC11VES The_ City of carkbad Community Development a.rock .Grallt (CDIIG) funds wlll be allocated to organrzatlo11s, agencies, City Department5, or persons to Implement programs or develop/improve public raciliti<!s whir:h m<!~t the foltowlng community dev-elopment objectives: 1. Al'FORDABLE HOUSING: Provide direct benefit to lower income perSQm, through the provision or rete11tion nf affordable h~ng units Tn Carisbad; Provfde shelter or services 'lQ homeless or near homeless p,ersons/familles which result in an improved situation thro·ugh employment, permanent or transitional hotising, treatment of mental, or !.ubsm11~e abuse problems, etc.; and, Provide direct assistance to lower income households to prevent or eJim1nare re.sld~ntial Building or Munfcipal Code 'lliolatlons and/or improve the quality of housing units in _ Carlsbad through residem:ial {rental and/or owner occupied} rehabilitation programs. 2. SOCIAL SERVICES (GENERAL): 3. ltem#8 P-rovide asslsta nee to non-profit public service pro-viders who meet the bilsic; needs of I ower income Carlsbad residl!nts. Bask: needs are defined as those which provide food, shelter, cloth Ing and, rn some cases, health care; Provide asgstance to non-profit public setVice providers who offer counseling a11d d- improveml!nt prograrns/acthritfes for lower income Carlsbad resident.; and, Provide asslstance to non-profit public service providers who offer recreational and/or ailtura! programs/activities for rower income Carlsbad residents. SOCIA!. SERVICES (CHILDREN & AO LILTS): Provide assistance to organizations which admlnistet programs that direc:tfy bell€fit lower lrirome children IMng in Carlsbad. The programs must provide one or more of the folrowing activitie1: day care, after-school ~re, c:ultural enrichrnent, recreation, health care/immuni~ation or self-improvement. The City may also give priorlty to'slngle-parent aS5istance programs 5uch as counseling services; and Provide assistance 10 o;gaoizatians whli;:h adminlst.ir programs. that _directly benefit Jow income adults IMng in Carlsbad. The programs must provide 011e or more of the following aai11itie.s fur adults: employment seivices, job tralning, and educational programs. Programs d!'!-'iigned fqr etderly adults onfy mu.st provide one or more of the following actMtles: meak, homemaking or personal a$;istance .service$, finand11I aS-Sistam:e services, counseling, tra n5portation, or shared hou:sing or other hou 5i ng related se rvfces. Annual Action Plan 2017 November 29, 2016 -Page 5 of7 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) ! ; I i ! I I ( l I I , I I I j ! I I 106 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 110 of 152 4. CITY PROJECT5 SERVING LOWER INCOME HOU5~HOLDS: Item ff3 Provide assista11ce to City projects wh!ch are Intended to benefit lower income households. Such projects must be able to demonstrate that theywil! serve areas of the City of Carlsbad that meet HUD tequfrements regarding household Incomes for that are-a. {Remainder of page /ntenfiDOOl/y left blanl<) 3 of4 Annual Action Plan 2017 N®em ber 29, 2016 Page 6 of7 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) I I ! i ! i I 1 j l l j I I I "j I I I j I I I i l l J l I I l ' 107 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 111 of 152 Cl TV OF CAIUSBAD FY i?017-?018 toMMUNln' DEVB.OPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAflAHLE FOR FY 2017-2018 PROGRAM YEAR Source of :Funds l\lew EntftJement Grant Funds Aval!.abla by ActMty ·Public service (maKirnum of 15 percent of new grant) Affordable !lousing Pub lie fa dlities., improvements/other Amoyntj$1 $517,929 Program administration/fair housing (maximum 20 percent of new grant) Total Avaualile Funds · Item ltS 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) (Remainder of page lntenticmafly left blank) 4or4 Annual Action Plan 2017 November 29, 2016 Amo11nt $77,689 $168,328 $16S,3Z7 $103,585 $517,929 Page7of7 ; I I I i t I I i l I i I l l I ! ! f I I 1 I I ! 1 l i j I I l i 108 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 112 of 152 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 6/26/2.017 2 110 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 114 of 152 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 6/26/2017 4 112 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 116 of 152 AppendlxB Fair Housing Actlon Pl;1n . 0MB Can trot No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07 /3]/2015) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Pian 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 42 114 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 118 of 152 Appendix B City of Carlsbad 2015-2019 FAIR HOUSING ACTION PLAN SAN DIEGO REGION -IMPEDIMENTS _J '----------· ACTIVITIES OR STAATGIES TD IMPEDIMENTl8) MEET THE GOALS TOBE llfowwill you achieve your ADDRESSED goals7) ~ E.m1ura eese ot aoc:ns lO informat,Qn llWJMl;b; el:,0\11 fafrhousilg cm mbsl:et with tlftks betwee:njurildicltons and OQ~tl E.duc:allon;alerid liouf'liOi' prvvijer. Promnently disp&;ily oulre.ach lilefnlre lmtlrmalian M public 00'11119~ and l)tl\ef resarcfirrgfai' points of public. l;Ol'lle.,;l M!i.t'I H libraries housing laaues, and om111unily i;eoler.;. right$, and service5 on websita1 or .111t lncreiilse l.nowlecl90 of 'I.ha proc-. or publlc: CXJLmt91S It; tf porting complaln1s and ai;:ce.sslrsferra1 limited. to govemrnenl en~IIK (l.e.OFEHIHOOIOOJ). Con!lnue 1D ulJllzB 1he SOM.'FFH tD cootclil'lah, and pfolf\Ote ouirNch 11nd .educalloo acttv111es In llMl t"eQ:lM. ,. .. .cCredit Coortlloa!e wflh 1111, Rek'lve.stmont ,.a,k. Counseling• Farm lo rec:cl11e .annual te~OtCl11g from Ule T11eJI Fo1te on prc(IR:SS in ou!Jeach Hispe~i;ellm :incladuca1Hltt. Blaw COlllloue10 beundel°"" represenllld In the l'UJ.mabuyer 1111!11'\'.at 11rld-experlencee1 1ergadratiat11ces in loan approval rates. FY2.016-19 Fatrl-lousin9 A;tr:on Pliln Cl1Yorc,,r1s11od 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) RESPONSIBLE ENTITIES PROPOseD ASSIONED TO MEET lNVE&TMENT GOALS Year (Amounlloour•• jWllo will be u ndertal<lng acUvttles offunda) to meet=I?) AIIJuri&d"iciii;,na, Ongalng zeta cost Sarvli;ie providers and all Anlllla:11~ erillUement and p.artklpalil'lg Juri&Cf!dion&. Annual Action Plan 2017 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Car1Cllad-Fair hatHln.g lil~rvices ilr. dna1bsd an the c;lty's wtt>a:lta anti conlact ir\forme,1inn lei l)IOVl~d fot@lDk S1 Med of lilUbl&nee. 115 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 119 of 152 City of Carlsbad 2015-2019 FAIR HOUSING ACTION PLAN [ ACTIVITIES OR STMTGIES TO IMPEDIMENT(S) MEET lliE GOALS TOBE (How wil I you J1chlavo yaur ADDRESSED aoalo?I Eoro,eament Pfo\lide prees releasM 1.1:1 tioc:al roiadi~' on outcomeu-cf fairhouaing oompl:alnta E:flfort:ament =iml @iq;i,llon. ;icitlllllas are llmited. Outreach and ~ Tod•i.poop&,, Ob4-1Plflformatkir1 lhmur,h m:any rrwdia farms, n~ lmltld to lr.a41ti0.nal n&WIP.IJ)lrnotJci~ orottterprin.1fomJ$. Support atrol'\9&r •rid rpore pg1Sil;tiinl em'aroenivJlt 11.tivily by fair t'tous'ing seTViceplV\l'lde~. Corlduct mnciom tesll~ Gn a t11g~Qr . baslti to ldettlify inue!So, lrends. and problem .jlroperdes. E)!~aM 1GGlh'lg ta inveoli9ale eme,glng iren:fs err ~uspeeled dlscrin'U'lata,J pr~cDcea. EijuG81.Jcn and olllniach aetiu~s l'lted 10 tiei Cil)(pi1J1ded to hawe a mulll-madla CDYl!li1ge, lneklcllng &ocl!d media 11ud'I u Facebaok. Twlllllr, a,id ln&;laeram, a, well m. 1:1thar maallngldiecuWcn farum:11 ~uch ;as cmt rooms swl webine.ru. lnvolYli nel.ghticrhOOd Ql'Of.Jpi lll'1d oltJer C(ltnntw,11y cJB•nlAllons "Whan condu~l\(J outraad'I a.ncS educ:a1ll)J'1 ac:lluitia&. 1ne1i..,:11;1 fair ho111irig outreach as p1rt ot oommunlly1n,entf,. FV201'"19'Falr liou:alng AGtlon Plan City ofC,11sbn.d 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) SAN DIEGO REGION -IMPEDIMENTS ltESPONSIBLE ENTITIES ASSIGNECl TO MEET GOALS Veer tWllo wlllbe undertakl119 activltle:, to meet oaal?I Service provl"8r• •nd alJ s,nnHl!'lm.11111 ~sa &s'llinemant end 111.rticinlting releues juristfldlons Service prmltclers and all tntitlBnent and partlc!p.!lllng jwi~iciioni Ongoing oJnoroamenl Conduictteviinlil l\"Cl')'(llhet)6'aror qwarrunledby eme1Qirt0trendu PROPOSED INVESTMENT (Amounlfsourc.e offun.lk) Annual Action Plan 2017 Appendix~ ACCOMPLISHMENTS Aprll 30, 2015 -Toe Oij' (If Coulsbad hBld a 1:ellllli warkshop fo~l\9 l)l'J hiir h~•inii fai;ifih1ted b)' CSA San Ciego Caun.tv. 'llirly~two ildlukfua.lG participated i:1 tnb event. Man:h 15, 2D18-11'1 collabOl'lliOTI wltti the dllos ol Ci1'iibad, Enclnllaf., arid Ocaan&Cde a ratllaJ praper,y owtu~r 5eminarwas held to addra&s. a. variety of Issues. Topk.r; inr.lude:cS S:U11PQ1twe sentli:as fa, veter.an tamales, homeleu oo!t9ach, eimilrorimentel programs. .1nd ml.dll.fami.!!f (rimu prevention.Ona r11.indre.d ~rid twel'llyflire itldlviduals pertldpaled In thk &Vflnt. Aprll2S. 2018-ln pa~pwiit,CSA.Sm DSegC>CDUnt)r, a.. cro., orCarlsbad, l:nca'lilas, and Ocsanslii& held a eombind tel\int worbhop fOmnlrc on fair how:lnc. 117 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 121 of 152 City of Carlsbad 2015-2019 FAIR HOUSING ACTION PLAN 1MPED1MENT(8) TOBE ACTIVITIES OR STRATGIES TO AOORESSED Ml:ET THE GOALS RA!IC!nt Chang~ is:! Amend Zoning Ordtnat1ce, u rter;;eii1S1111y. ll@~~9on1J1.Law:: u.01tjUrfldiclions ~IWII ame:kled lhair 2onlng ordinances lO mnee.1 sa ,e1a .uqulr&ment1 o1 0"11ltyEl"nus law .bl.rthawncf ai,dreued lhe ,nost ,tcem changer; ,e"'ctiv~JiUlUlryt, 2G15(AB=) ~anlin; 1'911!~111.ent requ.ffmfflls and exre:ndad arrcrdablity cown:antlo55 years. FY2015-t9 Fair Ho.uefog AGUcm Plan City or Carlsbad 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) I CITY OF CARLSBAD -IMPEDIMENTS RESPONSIBLE Y~r ENTITIES ?ROPOSED ASSIGNED TO MEET INVESTMENT GOALS City.staff. 2015 en~ Ger\Ell'ill Funds. Annual Action Plan 2017 119 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 123 of 152 Appendix c SF~424 ~nd Certifications OMBCantrol Na; 2506-0117 l~P. (l]./cll/2lllS) 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action ?Ian 2017 Annual Action Plan 2017 43 120 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 124 of 152 Appllcat!on for Federal Asal.stance SF-414 •1.T)lpeot~n: • 2. 11/l)e (If Appllc:ltlOII: •1,...,llinloll. BEiott~JIIIIOpillll8fB~i D f'reapjJllci!lloo 0New ~ Appit'al"IQQ 181 Ccnlfllllli~OO 'OlllerlSJleafl'); D criansed/Ctmecied Appllca1!on 0ReYlsloo ":l.llele~,oal 4. Aflplieant tcleflfrf.lr. l~•IZJ/1017 I e ty of' CarlA!i:bad, CA I ~F-~T-licr. ~ federal AlEld ld•l'Jl!:lef: I l ~16-HC--il5-0563 S-UNOnl)t: e. as1a ~~ b? Sb!e: I I f 1.S:11eJ\flllllca11on1~~ I 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION: •a~-le.tty w: C=l- • b. Empll>JerfT_,.Tlimlitii::allon Ni:m!,e,r(BNfflN): •c..~DUm: ~~-s~a on !i3 I ja733H9.l2ooao I d.Add!Qo&; ·(ll~en: 11200 Cazlabad llilla11a llI:ive $!refit!: I *Cl): learlsbad I Co1.111li/f'MII!; I I •si.ii,: I .,_, C.:.lifoi:nlo. Pm~ l I •O;uii,y; I tllJA, Uf!1'SD 9~M'Ja! .'.;zlJ>~P~~QCl.i,: 192~08-l:I!~~-, . . I e. 01'9anlffltlonal' Unit Oopllrt-mot1IN"'!ltc ~~ty i lcr;mcni~ Dov. I llMi:lan/>lcmc ~ ~OIM!ir.ig Iii l!llaighl:loz:::hcod: service f. T111m1 •hd •cnlai!I. ln[Btllmtlcn o!·pataod bO 116 ctJnhll:t•ll an m1111,u11 DlVOMd(l lhls appll<allan: Pmlil<: ~ ... I J.1iool" Namor. 11.ru:s 'l.ll$trmtl« lt>ene :SUl!IX: j I "ml!!< ~goaoat a,,"1.yst Organlz.alloriii MTn1-ety ~f C.rlobad • T<llepi,ar.e NW11bar. l'tG 0-H &-2912 • Email: [courtn~y. hn~e~.-bb~<lca • 9ov 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) • First Na111e: jcc,an;m,y l I I ~ M9J1IJet': j76D-22a.:.2an · Annual Action Plan 2017 l l = Ol\l&NL!ffbar.-- ExpT111Bon ~ !l!lt/.:!D1S I I I l I I I I l I I I l - I ! 121 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 125 of 152 ~\~tNTc,,,. r:111 1 11 1 f) CPMP Non-State Grantee t<," 111 H ~i Certifications ~I\' 0E'/'<-1.C Many elements of this document may be completed electronically, however a signature must be manually applied and the document must be submitted in paper form to the Field Office. 0 This certification. does not a pply, [gJ This certification is applicable. NON-STATE GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATIONS In accordance with the opplfcable statutes and the regulaliun!; yuvernlng llle consolidated plan regulations, the jurisdiction certii'ieS that: Affirmatively Further F;,ir Housing --The juriad;ction will ~ffirm~tlvety fur.her Far,· l·ou~ing., which 111~llH!> it will m nduct a11 antlysis of impedln'.ents to fcir hous[ng ciloic:1: within the j(Jrigdiction, tct<c appropri~t;; ,><:tia11s lo overcome tha effects of any irnpe,d,mcnts idenU:led through that ana'ys[s, ,md maintain records r~flecti11y IJ1l!l analysis aJd actions in this regard. Allti-displacement and Relocattoo Plan --It will c:omplf wR·1 lhe a~4;,1i~iu~11 ~nu n,loc;;,(i,m requlrernems :>f tne Uniform Relocation Assistan~ and Reill PfC·PE:rT/ Acquisition Policies .~ct of 1970,, m amen<;Jed, and ir:1plement1oi; r8gulations at 49 CFR 24; and It has rn e1rect and Is rollowln;:r a r?.sidP.n!fal antidlsplacement ,md relo:atio11 assistance plan rcquJrad unaer section 104(d) cf tt1e HOl!Sing and Ccmmunity Development Act of 1974, as ame~ded, if1 amnection WIU) any ,ic;l;lvlty assisted w,th fi;nding und€r me i;DIJG er HOME programs. Drug Free Worl<place -Jt will nc will cnntl1u: to µrovfde a drug-free workplace by: 1. :;>u::,ii;hing a stawm.,nt notlfyino employees that me unlawful mrm11fod 1,re, ,U,:;Mhutlrin, cfl,;pen~fng, poss~,:Jon, or use of" controlled suost.,nce is prolllbited in the oranree's wor<place an::! specify[ng the c1ction& that will bl:! takon a,1ainst emptoyees for violation of such prohlbltlon; 2. Establlshlng an ongoing drog-fre,a, awareness pro.i1am to Inform empJo·ye-.,s ~bout - ~. 7h~ d.pngcrs of drug abuse in the v,•orf<rlac'i:; b. ,he granree's ;,ollcy of mnlntaln[ng a drug-free worl<pface; c. Any ?lV~iloble drug counseling, rehnl>ilitotion, 011d employee :,~,;[srancc program,; and ~. The penalties tll~t me,y be imposed upon employees for c'rug ubu"c vioi;;itions oc;ucririg, in t~,;: wurkpfjjD:!; :l. Making it a requiccmi;nl U1at each employee to be engaged in the perform,mce of thu gr~nt be glven a copy ortne 5;:a:ement reql!iroa<l uy µ~ruyrapl, t; 4. tJotif/illg :tie employee in the sta:ement ri,qulred lJy p~rii\Jr"µJ , 1 Ur&,,,, d uc•ndluo,1 ur t:111pluy111ent under tne gr.art, the ernproyee Will - a. Abide b'{ ttle terms of tt-.e statement; and b. IJotif',• the employer In writi11g or 111s or her ccnv,ctlon ror a violation of" criminal drug statutE occurring ·n the worr<pla:e no latent1er1 live wleru:rar days ,311er ;;ucJ con·,tctmn; 5. l•Jotlfying the agency in wrll:lng, within t€n •:aler.dor da:1s after receivinr notice under subp;;ragraph 4(b) frcm flli emplcyee or oti1.;rwise receiving acwa: n:>tlce of s~cl1 conviction. Employers of convicted enployees :mist pro,•lde notice, including µ,osllion title, to every grant officer or otiler desiqnee on whose grar.t activity the convicted <,mployee was warklrog, unless the Fede1al agency has desiq~ated a centr~I point for the receipt of such notices, NoUce shall include tile !:lentiflc~t1on nun1cer(s) of each affected ',!tilnt; ·5. Taking oni' of tile follow:nQ actions, within 30 c1tlend.ir days of recel\•lng notice under subparagraph 4(b), w."th reSJ;ect tIJ any employee: who rs sn convic':ed - a. Tal-:in;i appropriate oersonn~~l nctron ilgaln5t sud1 an cnployee, up to and Including termination, <>'.ln~i~l~nt w:th tt,e requirements of tile Retmbilitutlon /,ct of l'f73, a~ amended; or b. Re{Juinno ,;r.dr ffrnr~oyee to participate S3tisfactorily in a drua abuse assrst-,lllce er rehabili:atlon progr;;,rn approve:! lor such 1111rpo~e~ by a 1'.~dr<>ml, 51·;it~, nr loca[ 1· . .e2lth, law enfnrcemenr, or <Jth;;.r appmpriat,~ :;gancy; 7. Making a good faith ;;effort to co11tim1c to mai11taln a :lt1l!J·fi"ee workpl~re thr,wgn imrl"m~nt;;t'ion of pamgr~ph~ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. CfM? Non-State Grantee Certifki!liuns 1 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Version 1.3 124 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 128 of 152 Jurisdiction ~ This certification does not apply, D This certification is applicable. HOPWA Certifications The Hf1PWA grantee certifies t'1.i~: Activities·· Activities fum:li;rl 11r,rler the proJram WIii mee: urgent needs that are not being met b'{ avr1.il:lbl~ public a.nd :priv<lte source.s. Buildlng --Any l:)Ltiltling or structu:e ,.,,_~l~ti,d unde,· tha: proaram ,;h,ill b?. opP.r?.tP.d for the purpm.e specified in the plan: 1. For .it least 10 yeurs In the ,;t,3C of .:'lGsl~ance involving new construction, subst:antie,J rehauilltatl:>n, or acquisition of~ fac:illt·,, 7.. for at least 3 yc~t~ irl lhe case of Dssrsu,nce-Involving non-subsUmtit)t rch~bHitotlon or reJair or a !!UIIQi ng or strncture, Signature/ Authorized Officia: Date Name Title Address c_ _____ _ i ______ .-.J City/State/Zip ______ =i Telephone Number CPMP N·:m·State Grantee Certifications 7 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Versl.on J..3 130 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 134 of 152 Jorlsdicti.:in i2J This cert.ificatio n does not apply. ~ D This certification is applic=a=b:..:lc::e-=-. -----------------~-· _J ESG Certifir;:atioris I, , Chief Exect,tiv€ Officer of ~urisdlction, certify that the local government 'Nill ensure the provisio;i ofthe matching supplemental funds required by the regulation at 24 CFR 576.51. I have attached to this certificalicm c1 t.lescriptlun uf the sourr:e_r;; ;md ;imounts of such supplemental funds. I further certify that the local yovernment will comply with: 1. The requlrements of 24 CFR. 576.53 con:erning the continued ttse of buildings for which Emerye11cy Shelter Grants are used for rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelters for rhe homeless; or when funds are used solely for operating costs or essentiol services. 2. The b;.1ilding standuds requirement or 24 CFR 576.55. 3. The requirements of 24 CFR. 576.56, concerning assurances on services and other assistance to the homeless. 4. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.57, other appropriate provisions of 24 CF,Q. Part 576, and other applicable federai raws concernlcng nondiscrimination and equal opportunity, 5. The requiremer.ts of 24 CFR 576.59(b) concerning the Uniform Relocation .~ssistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 .. 6. The req1iirement of 24 CFR 576.59 concerning minimizing the displacement of persons as a result of a project assisted with l111;se ru nds. 7. The rcqufrements of 24 CF.Q. Part 24 concerning the Drug Free Workplace .ti.ct of J.988. 8. The requirements of 24 CFR 576,56(a) <1nl'i 576.6S(b) that grantees develop and implement procedures to ensure the conf1dentiEiltty of rccorcls pertaining to any individual provided tarnily violence prevention or treatment services under any proj~ct assisted with ESG funds and that the address or location of any famlly violence shelter project will not be made public, ex capt with written authoriz.ition of the person or persons responsible for the operation of su,:h shelter. 9. The requirement that ri:1cipients invoivG! themselves, to the maximum extent practicable elm.I where appropriate, homeless individuals nnd fomilies in policymaking, renovating, maintaining, and operating facilities assisted under the ESG program, 2nd in providing services fo; occupants of these facilities as provided by 24 cm 76.56, ·1 o. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.57(eJ deafing with the provlslons or, and rcgulatlons and pro:::edures applicable with respect to the environme.ntal review responstbilitie~ unr.Jer tlle Nationaf Environmental Policy Act of 1969 nnd related C:PMP Non-State Grantee Certifications B 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 Version 1.3 131 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 135 of 152 Ju risd i ctm n [g] This certification does not apply. D Thisce~tflcatlon ls applicable. Specific HOME; Certifications Th~ HOM!: participating jurisdiction C(:rtiflcs that: _] Tenant iliised Rental Assistancs> •• If lilc participat'ngjurisdictlon intends to prwldc tenant-based rental assl,tant\f: Th~-11sc of HOME fund, for ten~nt-based rental nsslstance is an essenti~I element of th~ na rtlci pati ng j uriscllctlon' s conwl 1d~ted p ian for expanc.linq tile S\J ppl v, affo rda billty, and avull~bllity of de.cent, safe, s,mitmy, ~,"I ~ffordabJc· hou~ing. Ellglble A~tivltles and Costs --it is using <!nd will use JIOME funds for eligible ~ctivilies nnd c.:ust~, .is described In 24 CFR § 9Z.205 througl1 92.209 and that it is not vsiny wicl wlll not usn HCME funds For prohibited octlvltles, <IS descrlb"'1 in§ 92.214. Apprnpriate Fh1anclal Assistance --before cornml\tlng any funds to a project, it will <=valu~lo l11t: prcjcct In accor:lance with the, guldcllnc,:; that it adopts for this putpose a,1d wlll not Invest any more. HOME funds 111 mmblnction with other Federal assistance than is necessary to provide affordable housing; Signature/Authorized Official Date Name Title Atldress c-= Clty/St<Jte/Zlp c · 1elephone Number CPMP Non-Stote Grantee Certifications 6 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) Annual Action Plan 2017 _ _J Version 1.3 143 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 147 of 152 Jurisdiction d Thls certification does: not apply. ~ This .certifli::atlon Is a ppli~i!b_l_e. _______________ _ J APPENDIX TO CERTIFICATIONS Ins'.ruclions Conceming Lobb\'in!i<'~cJ l)n,g-Free Workplace Requirement~ Lobbying Certltlcatlon This certification is~ rnatQrlal represent11tion ::,f fact upon which reliance wns pl~md wl1r.n ,i1Js transactlon was made or entered rnto. submission of this certification i:; ,1 prerequisite for making or entering into thts transaction Imposed by section 1J52, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person Wli(J falls to Ille tl1e rec,uired certlfi(;;irlrni shall b~ subject to~ civil penalty of :1ot less l11an $JD,000 and not more than $100,000 (rJ1 each such @!lure. Orug-Free Workplace Certification 1. By signing and/or subrtlitUng tills appiication or (Jr~nl· /lgt-eP.inci,nt, the grantee is provrcJJno the certlficatlon. 2, The certification is a material representation of fact: UfJOfl whlcl1 reliance is placed whan the i,g<'!nr.y av1cmls the grant. If it is later determ1nc!1 that the grantee knowi119ly ,.,ndet"Cd a fa lse certificatlon, orQtherwlse violates th-, r<:qulrcment~ al the Drug·Fre!! Workplace Act, HUD, in addition to any ether remedie,; ,,v~llable to the Federal Government, may tal,e actiori ~lllhorlzcd under tile Drug-Free W(,rkplace Act. 3. Workpl;icp.s under grants, for g,,lnt.e.e.~ nth er than individuals, need 11ot l>o Identified on the certification. If knowH, Llt1.!Y ,nc,y be [dentified in tile gra11l appllcatlon. If the grantee cll1P.$ not Jd.,ntlfy the workpl~cos at the time of appllc.itlon, or 1tpon a1vard, if th<'!re I~ no appllc3tion, the grantee must kei;p the identity ot IJ1e worl<place(s) on file in 11.:; ufflce .ind make the information iJV"dll~blo far Federnl Inspection. Failure to l<l"entlfy all k!lown workpl~c,;s c,)nslitutes a violation of the grantee's drug-free workplace requirements. 4. Workpiece ldentific.1tions rnust Include the actual addr;,_,s of buildings (or parts of buildings) or other sites where work under the prant takes µlace. c;!,itegorical descriptlc,ns may be lJ\mq (e.g., all vehldes of~ uiass transit authority or State highway department wtill,~ In oi,eration, State employees lri e.ich lacaJ llnemploymcnt office, performers It, mowrt halls or radio station5), 5. Ir tllA workplace identlfieu Lo !he agency cha noes during th~ r1er/om1ar,ce of the 9rnnt, the gr<>nwe ahall inform the agency of!he chani/1:!(S), if It PFQVlousl'{ ldentifled the wmk~l~r.P.s In qutt.stfon (see par~graph three). G. The gnmtee mny Insert In the space provided bc,low the site(s) for the rls!tf<lrmanrn of work done in connl!ctlon with the specific grant: Place of Performmice {Street address, city, counly, ~llllt;>, :<If' code) Checll If thnre ete workpl;rces on file tl)ot ar{! .oot identified here. The certification with regard to the drug-free workpl,,cl! Is required b\• 24 CFR part 2.t. Place Name Street ,--~~-· Citv Countv I St~t_<:_ 7;.[e.._ Housing and rJ.,;yLs:irllood 1200 ca rlsbad Carlsbad Silll Diego CA 92006 Servites De~artrnent VUlaoe_Dtive --,, -J t -l I ------I ---· ·--· I I ---I I. Definitio11s of tt,rrns In the Nonpro~1remc11t Susp.~nsion and Debarm?.nt ccmmon rule and Drug-Free Workplace common r11ie ,ipply to this certification. Gmnl'P..~s· attecntion Is called, ln parUcu!t1r, Lo th<:i followin\,I r.k<linillons from these rlilcs: "Controlled substance" menns a. ~ontroltcd ~ubstance in Schedules I through V or Lhe Controlled Substances A<:t (21 U.S.C. 812) c111u a,c; furthe:-defined by regulation (?.1 Cf'!{ 1308.11 through l3D8.15); ''Conviction" m~ns a finding of guilt (lnrludlng a plea of .sa/o rnnter.dern) n; hnpo.~ltlrm nr sentenc~, nr both, by ar.y JudlCIJl body charged with the respun~i!:llily '.D dete1mlne vrolalions of the Federal or State cri1n111.:il drug 1;tatutes; "Crirnin~I dr<Ig statute·" means a Feue~ill or n.:111-Federal CPMP Non-Stc1te Grantee Certifications 10 Annual Action Plan 2017 Version 1.3 0MB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) 147 March 13, 2018 Item #6 Page 151 of 152 Debbie Fountain and Courtney Pene March 13, 2018 Community Development Block Grant Program CDBG Program •To help serve the needs of lower income persons •To assist in the development of viable communities •2017 Area Median Income -Very Low Income: $31,850 -Low Income: $50,950 •Fully funded federal program 2017-2018 Action Plan Amendment •Purpose of the amendment is to keep in financial compliance with federal guidelines •Reallocation and appropriation of funding –Funding to allow for the purchase of existing affordable housing units for very low, low, and possibly homeless families. creative solutions to provide additional housing options •Inclusionary housing •Acquisition is eligible for funding •If approved, this action formalizes the project and allows the city to formally exercise its option to purchase affordable units as they become available on the market. future planning efforts •Language to be added to future CDBG Action Plans to earmark excess funds to exercise our option and purchase additional affordable housing units. Requested Action •Approve the 2016-2017 Action Plan Amendment •Authorize the submission to HUD