HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-15; City Council; ; Police Ranger Program Update~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: 5/15/18 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Cindy Anderson, Senior Management Analyst cindy.anderson@carlsbadca.gov or 760-931-2170 Police Ranger Program Update Recommended Action CA Review w<-- Receive update on the Police Ranger Program and adopt a Resolution to continue to operate the Police Ranger Program. Executive Summary On May 16, 2017, City Council adopted a resolution approving a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions to help patrol the open space in the city beginning July 1, 2017. The police department also advised City Council that an update on the pilot program would be provided after completion of the third quarter for City Council to determine whether or not to continue the program. During the pilot year, the Rangers have collected data during their patrols, which includes but is not limited to, the number of contacts made, number of citations and warnings given, and number and types of calls for service. During the first three quarters, from July 2017 to March 2018, the Police Rangers provided nearly 1,500 hours of patrol in the preserves and made over 6,400 contacts with patrons in the city. The Ranger program has been met with much positivity from residents in Carlsbad and from those who are visiting the area. Discussion On May 16, 2017, City Council adopted a resolution approving a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions to help patrol the open space in the city beginning July 1, 2017, and approved entering into a Memorandum of Understanding where the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) agreed to reimburse the police department in an amount not to exceed $98,280 for Rangers' salaries for time spent patrolling the natural preserves. Background: Since 2005, various studies and departmental reports have identified consistent issues within the parks and open space areas within the city to include the following: • Vandalism; to include damaged and removed signs, graffiti to structures and plants, and damage to fences and gates. May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 1 of 33 • Damage to natural habitat; to include bike riding off trail or in prohibited areas, hiking off trail, and unauthorized usage such as paintball games. • Animals; to include dogs off leash and failure to clean up after dogs. • Trespassing; to include Box Canyon trespassing. • Enforcement response; police did not respond to minor trail issues or were delayed. • Transient encampments; located within at least three preserves. The purpose of the Police Ranger program was to provide proactive enforcement services in the open preserves, parks, beaches, and lagoons to address problems that are related to quality of life issues. The recommendation for the Ranger program came from the City of Carlsbad Open Space Management Plan, which City Council voted to accept on December 6, 2005. Per the March 14, 2017 Settlement Agreement related to the General Plan Lawsuit, the city was also required to: "within twelve (12) months, the City shall present to the City Council for consideration and, if approved by the City Council, implement a one-year pilot program to employ two provisional park rangers to patrol open space areas. At the end of the pilot program, the City shall evaluate the effectiveness of the program and shall make recommendations to the City Council based on the standards and objectives of the Open Space Management Plan." The Police Rangers are unarmed, uniformed police employees who are outfitted with a police radio, marked Police Ranger vehicle, handcuffs, pepper spray, a Taser, and a ballistic vest. They have completed a Peace Officer's Standards and Training (POST) certified course that authorizes them to issue citations for minor violations. On June 27, 2017, City Council introduced Carlsbad Municipal Code ordinance 7.08.010, subd. B, which authorizes the Police Rangers to issue Notices to Appear for misdemeanor and infraction violations of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and the animal control provisions of the San Diego County Code. The Rangers work a four-day/10-hour schedule with Wednesday as their overlap day, providing a seven-day week coverage. SANDAG Cooperative Effort: The San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) offered the Carlsbad Police Department one-time environmental mitigation program funding in the amount of $98,280, to be used to offset the cost of enforcement patrols within the preserves. This funding was applied to the personnel cost of the two Rangers during the initial one-year pilot program to provide patrols within conserved preserve lands. The agreement with SAN DAG requires dedicated patrols of the conserved preserve areas within the city. To ensure that Ranger patrols maximized the potential benefits of the SAN DAG agreement, the Rangers focused efforts to spend a minimum of 50% of their patrol times within the preserves. For the purposes of SAN DAG patrols and enforcement, lagoons within the city are considered preserves. Patrol and enforcement records have been maintained by the Police Department to account for Ranger patrol times and locations, and to enable the Police Department to complete quarterly reports for SAN DAG. The full reports are made available to May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 2 of 33 the public on the police department's website each quarter. The reports for the first three quarters of the pilot program are attached hereto (Exhibit 2). During the pilot year, the Rangers have collected data during their patrols, which includes but is not limited to, the number of contacts made, number of citations and warnings given, and number and types of calls for service. Police Rangers: Between July 2017 and March 2018, the Police Rangers have provided 1,445 hours of patrols and made 5,182 contacts in the open preserves. The majority of their contacts are for providing education on the Ranger program, as well as advising information on laws of the land. The Rangers provide enforcement for violations such as dogs off leash, trespassing, smoking in prohibited areas and illegal camping. They also work closely with the Police Department's Homeless Outreach Team to identify transient camps at parks and preserves and assist them in posting eviction notices and site clean ups. The Rangers also regularly meet with Parks & Recreation staff and volunteers to answer questions and discuss any concerning issues, and they conduct their patrols based on the service needs identified for each area. The Ranger program has been met with much positivity from residents in Carlsbad and from those who are visiting the area. The police department has received dozens of emails from citizens who express their gratitude for the Ranger program. The quarterly reports to SAN DAG include excerpts of these emails. Below are the statistics for the total Ranger productivity during the first three quarters: July 2017-Hours Educational Verbal Written Total March 2018 Worked Contacts Warning Warning Citation Other Contacts Total Preserves 1,445 4,207 691 84 6 194 Northwest Preserves 183.5 339 79 8 0 12 Northeast Preserves 505 1,714 365 21 5 84 Southwest Preserves 460.5 1,653 192 20 1 81 Southeast Preserves 296 501 55 35 0 17 Parks, Beaches, Lagoons 477 619 25 4 125 Total Productivity 4,684 1,310 109 10 319 *stats above include all contacts made and will differ from Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 reports, which only include educational contacts. Fiscal Analysis The cost for two top step Police Rangers per year is $257,236, including salary, benefits, and uniform replacement. The combined total for the two Rangers' salaries and benefits from FY2017-18 was $236,703. The Police Ranger vehicle was purchased in June 2017 using police asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $50,875.99, which includes the full cost of the vehicle and equipment. Annual replacement funds for the vehicle will begin on 7 /1/19 (FY20} in the amount of approximately 5,182 438 2,189 1,947 608 1,250 6,432 May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 3 of 33 $17,067.23 per year {$1,422 per month). The vehicle is on a 4-year replacement cycle and the replacement cost is forecasted to be approximately $51,201 at 2.5% Consumer Price Index {CPI). Next Steps If council adopts the resolution, the Police Ranger Program will become permanent. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution 2. Quarterly reports to SAN DAG May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 4 of 33 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-071 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A RESOLUTION TO PERMANENTLY CONTINUE THE POLICE RANGER PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California adopted a resolution on May 16, 2017 approving a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions to help patrol the open space in the city beginning July 1, 2017; and WHEREAS, the cost for two top step Police Rangers per year is $257,236, including salary, benefits, and uniform replacement; and WHEREAS, the Police Ranger vehicle was purchased in June 2017 using police asset forfeiture funds in the amount of $50,875.99 and the annual replacement funds for the vehicle will begin on July 1, 2019 in the amount of approximately $17,067.23 per year; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad will permanently continue the Police Ranger program. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of May, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. (SEAL) May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 5 of 33 Memorandum October 13, 2017 To: From: Re: Keith Greer, SANDAG Principal Region Planner Cindy Anderson, Senior Management Analyst 1sr QUARTER RANGER SUMMARY Quarter 1 2017 Stats Hours Worked # Contacts Made Total Preserves 347.45 777 Northwest Preserves 22.65 41 Northeast Preserves 142.05 374 Southwest Preserves 104.7 289 Southeast Preserves 78.55 72 Parks, Beaches, Lagoons (not tracked) 427 Total Ranger Productivity *See attached stat sheet for full breakdown ( City of Carlsbad This marks the first quarter of the Police Ranger program in the City of Carlsbad. They documented 1,204 contacts, with the majority of them being for educational purposes, promoting the ranger program, and providing the public with information regarding laws and municipal codes. Over half of these contacts were made in the open preserve areas, w,here approximately 341 hours of their patrol time. Below are some of the issues they addressed during their patrols: Dogs Off Leash The Rangers also encountered many dogs on a daily basis and gave verbal and written warnings to 203 dog owners for either being off leash or in a location where dogs are not allowed. There were also 199 documented incidents of dog waste on the trails. Illegal Camping There were 22 documented incidents of illegal camping either on the beaches or the preserves. The Rangers gave verbal and written warnings and the offenders were asked to move along. Police Department Police Administration 2560 Orion Way I Carlsbad, CA 92010 I 760-931-2100 I www.carlsbadca.gov Exhibit 2 May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 6 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page 2 Vandalism The Rangers contacted 16 individuals on suspicion of vandalism and one report for vandalism was taken. Illegal Fishing The Rangers contacted 22 individuals for illegally fishing in the preserves. Safety Issues The Rangers contacted 57 individuals for safety issues, such as hazardous play, illegal skateboarding, and illegal fires. They also made 14 contacts for illegal smoking, contacted 18 individuals for drinking alcohol, and made four contacts for illicit drug use. Ranger Serafini also located a venomous snake that required assistance from Animal Control. Below is a list of calls for service that the Rangers responded to: CALL FOR SERVICE TYPE TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL 1 ASSIST CITIZEN 1 ASSIST FIRE DEPT 1 ASSIST OUTSIDE AGENCY 1 BURGLARY/THEFT REPORT 2 REQ TO CHECK AREA 8 EXTRA PATROL LOGGED 312 FLAGGED BY CITIZEN 3 FOUND PROPERTY REPORT 3 HAZARD ITEM OR BEHAVIOR 10 NARCOTICS COMPLAINT 1 MEETING 8 MISC 21 MUNICODE COMPLAINT 14 NOISE COMPLAINT 1 SUSPICIOUS/UNWANTED/TRESPASS 45 TRAFFIC COLLISION 2 VANDALISM REPORT 1 TOTAL 435 The Rangers were met with much positivity from the citizens who were very outspoken about their gratitude for the program. Below are some of the many responses from the citizens: I would like to send kudos to the city and police department for instituting the 9 month Ranger program. I met today here at Sea point with the new rangers and a CPD officer regarding their responsibilities with this program. We as residents of Sea point Tennis Club living on Box Canyon are thankful that you'll be periodically patrolling this area. Thank you so much. This---along with the CLNM Ranger patrols should help significantly reduce trespass attempts. So far this season we have had over 35 trespassers reported to CPD. Not to mention the many who have not been reported. May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 7 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page 3 Kudos again, and thank you, Tere Wilson Sea point Tennis Club Board Member I am a resident of Carlsbad Jiving at 6805 Sand Aster Drive. I live within walking distance to the lagoon and it is also located between my home and office. As a result I regularly walk with my dog the Batiquitos Lagoon 5-7 times a week. Due to the number of dogs not on leashes and the failure of dog owners to pick up after their dogs, I have cut back on my trips there. Without going through all of the negative experiences with dogs off leashes and the dog owners, approximately 3 weeks ago I counted 17 dogs without leashes (may have been more) most of which were aggressive toward other dogs and few toward people. The last few times I have been at the lagoon, there has been "Community Officer" and today, there was a Park Ranger. I have been very encouraged to see their presence at the lagoon and strongly support continued supervision of the lagoons. The other reason I strongly support supervision of the lagoon is that it is a place where supervised children and groups of unsupervised middle school and high school children go. The lagoon is a wonderful asset for the children of all ages. For the older children, I have observed them simply walking and talking or pointing out the different birds, doing homework and looking very relaxed. Bu( my concern for the older unsupervised children has been safety. With a police, park ranger or community police person being present at irregular times, I believe the lagoon will be a safer place. I hope the mayor and council will see the benefit to the health and safety of the Carlsbad residents by continuing the Park Ranger supervision of lagoons in Carlsbad. Sue Loftin, Esq. My son, Evan, and I recently met Ranger Jerry Serafini while entering the Batiquitos Lagoon area. He was very helpful in helping Evan get some literature to help with a Boy Scout Merit Badge he was working on. During our conversation Jerry explained a bit about the Police Ranger program. Evan and I also looked up some articles about it on line after we got home. We really like the idea of this program in order to help keep the Carlsbad Park areas safe and in good physical condition (Deter vandalism, etc.) and believe it should continue. Thank you for your time, Tom I met Ranger Jerry Serafini doing his rounds in my neighborhood this morning. I had spoken to him previously on the phone about loose dogs and he was following up. I didn't see any loose dogs when I walked mine; everyone was on his/her best behavior. My neighbors and I have been very concerned about loose dogs for some time and I for one am so appreciative that the City has responded with the Ranger program to enforce our ordinances. There are places I enjoy walking my dog, such as the Bataquitos Lagoon, that I no longer visit because of the loose dogs. Soon, hopefully the message will get out that we have Rangers patrolling the area and we'll be able to go back. Best regards, Anne Estes May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 8 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page 4 I met police ranger Jerry Serafini yesterday, who was friendly and helpful, at Calavera Hills Park and he told me about the pilot program of having a ranger patrol the park. I support this program because Calavera Hills is a precious resource, and I believe the largest coastal park in North San Diego County. Having a ranger patrol the park will help preserve this resource and prevent it from being degraded by a few careless people. Sincerely, Don Miller I had the pleasure of meeting Police Ranger Jerry Serafini this weekend on the Batiquitos Lagoon. He explained the purpose of the Ranger Program and described some of his duties. He said funding was available until April from Sondag but the future of the program will be in the hands of the City of Carlsbad. As a resident of Azure Cove, which adjoins the northern entrance to the Batiquitos Lagoon, I heartily support this program. I especially like the fact that during the summer months patrolling will be until 7:00 pm. Thank you Carlsbad Police Department for instituting the ranger program. I hope it will continue in the future. Sincerely, Linda Collier On 9/17/17, I met Police Ranger J. Serafini on the Batiquitos Lagoon Trail and he explained the Police Ranger Program. The Program sounds like a very worthwhile operation. Having a person of authority and in uniform patrol the parks and trails in Carlsbad will promote a better respect for the trail rules and regulations. I understand that Police Ranger Program has been stated on a trial basis and will be re-evaluated by the Carlsbad City Council in 10 months time. I hope as a resident of Carlsbad and a user of the Carlsbad trail system, that the Police Ranger Program will be continued beyond the trial period. Brian Cooney I'm a very frequent hiker at Calavera Preserve, and today I had the pleasure of meeting one of the two police rangers, Fernando, near the top of the peak. I enjoyed talking to him and sharing my concerns for Calavera in particular. Supervision there, especially on weekends, has been needed for a long time. I have seen a huge increase in the number of people using the preserve over the past couple years. A particular concern has been finding spent fireworks, ashes from a fire at the top of the peak, bikes creating new trails and more erosion, graffiti, motorcycles, and of course the never ending dog poop and human toilet paper. We need more officers like Fernando, who proactively introduced himself, and explained his role as an educator and enforcer if need be. I was impressed with his authority and pleasant manner. I May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 9 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page,5 hope the city continues its police/ranger presence at Calavera and other areas. This is a much needed and appreciated program. Sincerely, Bob Williams I, my husband and dog Max, recently had a great encounter while on the Batiquitos Lagoon Trail with Ranger Jerry Serafini. A very friendly, outgoing person with a very positive attitude. He thanked us for having our dog on a leash and we had a very informative and interesting talk with Jerry before he went on his way. It was wonderful to see a Ranger on the trail and very reassuring. I was happy to hear he had also been to Lake Calavera Trail, this is something that has been long needed. I am 70 and walk the trails all around Aviara and Calavera with my dog everyday. It feels safer knowing Rangers will be checking places out. Especially such outgoing, gregarious and capable people. One area I might suggest checking out is the eastern end of the Batiquitos Lagoon Trail off Hummingbird Road and Sanderling Court. Dogs are frequently off leash and I have encountered groups drinking and smoking at the benches near the overlook. I was there yesterday and there was a broken beer bottle between the benches. Plus trash is being thrown off the cliff near the eastern most bench, which is such a shame. I want to thank you very much for this Ranger program. If there is anything we can to do to help support this program please let us know. We hope to see more of Jerry and the other Ranger. Sincerely, Debra and Dennis Ehrlich Photos of the Police Rangers on Patrol May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 10 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page 6 Batiquitos Preserve Photos Citizen artistically capturing the view ~' May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 11 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page 7 May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 12 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page 8 May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 13 of 33 Anderson October 13, 2017 Page 9 Surprise at Lake Calavera --'""""' ...... May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 14 of 33 Memorandum February 5, 2018 To: From: Re: Keith Greer, SANDAG Principal Region Planner Cindy Anderson, Senior Management Analyst 2ND QUARTER RANGER SUMMARY Quarter 2 2017 Stats Hours Worked # Contacts Made Total Preserves 560.8 2,353 Northwest Preserves 52.7 134 Northeast Preserves 211.85 1,064 Southwest Preserves 184.1 895 Southeast Preserves 111.8 260 Parks, Beaches, Lagoons (not tracked) 497 Total Ranger Productivity 2,850 C cityof Carlsbad This marks the second quarter of the Police Ranger program in the City of Carlsbad. They documented 2,850 contacts, a significant increase from the previous quarter. The majority of the Rangers' time was spent in the preserve areas, particularly the Northeast and Southwest sectors. The Rangers continue to extra patrol the preserves, parks, beaches, and lagoons and provide educational information on the program as well. Most of the issues they encountered this quarter were dogs off leash, trespassing, and litter/waste on the trail, but they also gave verbal and written warnings for illegal camping, illegal fishing, and dogs in prohibited areas. Below is a list of calls for service that the Rangers responded to: CALL TYPE TOTAL (CONTINUED) TOTAL (CONTINUED) TOTAL ABANDONED 2 EXTRA PATROL 764 NARCOTICS 3 VEHICLE FOUND PROPERTY 5 COMPLAINT ANIMAL CALL 2 HAZARDOUS 9 SUBJECT STOP 51 ASSIST CITIZEN 42 MEETING 3 TRESPASS 16 ASSIST FIRE DEPT 15 MISCELLANEOUS 14 VANDALISM 21 CHECK AREA 8 MUNICODE 26 REPORT CHECK VEHICLE 3 COMPLAINT TOTAL 984 Police Department Police Administration 2560 Orion Way I Carlsbad, CA 92010 I 760-931-2100 I www.carlsbadca.gov May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 15 of 33 Anderson 5 2018 February , Page 2 Ranger Serafini Ranger Arizmendi . ate coordinates 'Proxzm . based on ap *Locatzon May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 16 of 33 Anderson February 5, 2018 Page 3 The Police Department continues to receive positive feedback from citizens. Below are some examples of their responses: I had read about the new Carlsbad ranger program in the Union-Tribune a few weeks ago. My reaction to the UT article was very positive and I was happy that Carlsbad was testing this program as a way to monitor our beaches and trails. Last week I was hiking along Batisquitos Lagoon I had the opportunity to meet Ranger Jerry Serafini on the trail. Jerry and I hiked together for about a mile, so I really got to talk with him and learn about the program. I am impressed I Jerry was a great representative for your organization and this program. I really do hope that this valuable program will continue, and that Jerry will continue as a ranger as well. Protecting the remaining open space and our wonderful beaches and bluffs enhances our quality of life, and is very important for the city of Carlsbad. As a citizen of Carlsbad for over 30 years, I enthusiastically endorse this program as vital and tax money well spent. E.S. Carlsbad, CA I've been a Carlsbad resident for 18 years and have walked that trail many times. I was very pleasantly surprised to come across your new police Ranger. I want to thank you very much and encourage you and Carlsbad City Council to keep the police Ranger program intact going forward. It's just one more reason to love this beautiful city. Thanks again and happy new year. L.M., AICP, Principal Summit Environmental Group, Inc I met Police Ranger Jerry Serafini today on my run in the preserve, and wanted to be sure to let you know that my husband and I are definitely in favo'r of keeping the rangers in Lake Calavera Preserve. There has been a noticeable drop in dogs off leash, which is a good thing for us runners! We visit the preserve 3-5 times per week (sometimes more}, we both love dogs, but not when they are off leash. It isn't safe for the dogs (we see rattlers frequently}, the other wildlife (quail and road runners}, or for people. So a big thank you for this program, and we hope it will continue past the end of June 2018. D.H. Oceanside, CA May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 17 of 33 Anderson February 5, 2018 Page 4 I want to report our satisfaction with the presence of law enforcement rangers at the Batiquitos Laguna. We have noticed that since there has been a regular presence of the patrol car and officers on foot the trail is quiet and visitors keep the trail clean and animals leashed. As a Carlsbad resident I want to support the continuation of the patrol. M.O. La Jolla, CA I use the Calavera Lake trails a lot, usually every day. Officer Serafini's presence is a huge benefit. I hope the program continues. Increasing numbers of people µse the area. I am hoping more enforcement will be placed on dogs on leashes, as well as mountain bikes yielding the right of way to pedestrians. I have experienced many near misses with mountain bikes, and dogs off leash. My wife feels safer walking the trails now with the ranger patrol. S.M. Carlsbad, CA My husband and I have enjoyed the natural habitat and beauty of the Batiquitos Trail for twelve years. We hope we will continue to do so for many years come. We met one of your rangers and were delighted to learn of your newly implemented trial program. We think it is very important because sadly over the years, we have noticed more violations of the rules. For example, smoking, people entering cordoned areas, and bicycling. We hope the city will find the funding to continue the ranger program to keep our beautiful wildlife sanctuary a treasure for all to enjoy. K.R. Carlsbad, CA The other day while walking my greyhound on the Batiquitos Lagoon trail, I met with Police Ranger Jerry Serafini. His first words to me were to thank me for having my dog on a leash! I was so surprised and pleased by his statement that I spent some time talking with him. I thanked him for ensuring that dog owners were made aware of the regulation that all dogs must be leashed while on the trail. It has been a constant source of concern for me when I encounter unleashed dogs on the trail. Many dog owners simply do not understand how unpredictable dogs are when encountering other dogs. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a dog owner say "My dog doesn't like to be on a leash" or "My dog is friendly" before their dog tried to attack me or my dog. Needless to say, these incidents often lead to unwanted and unnecessary confrontations. Ranger Serafini explained to me that this was a pilot program that Carlsbad had recently begun. I want to commend the city for taking the initiative and making this a priority. I May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 18 of 33 Anderson February 5, 2018 Page 5 believe that if this program is made permanent, all users of the city's great parks will be the beneficiaries. As a past resident of Carlsbad, and a current resident of Encinitas, I hope for the success of this program so as to encourage other cities to implement similar policies and procedures. I also want to commend Ranger Serafini for his professionalism and approachability. He is a credit to the ranger program of Carlsbad. F.C. Carlsbad, CA We have lived in Carlsbad for 16 years and have been regular and long term users of the Batiquitos Lagoon trails and facilities. We are so pleased that the city now provides Ranger patrols and services to the Lagoon. Both Rangers are friendly and polite. Yet I have observed how well they handle issues such as with bikers who should not ride the trail, and dog people without the animal being on a lease in an appropriate manner. Please keep the program going! The simple matter of having a Ranger vehicle parked from time to time and seeing the Ranger's on the trail gives young and old a sense of security. R.J. Carlsbad, CA Just came across Jerry Serafini on our weekly walk at Batiquitos Lagoon. Had a great conversation with Jerry, are glad to have met him and to know an official is on site to ensure compliance with Park rules so that all of us can better enjoy what our parks have to offer. Jerry explained the new ranger program, and the city's evaluation, to us. Please accept our full support for continuing this program in the future. Carlsbad's parks, trails and outdoor recreational venues are very important to us and their maintenance and code compliance efforts deserve city-budget support. If we can be of assistance in furthering this program as a worthwhile, budgeted endeavor, please feel free to contact me. W.P. Carlsbad, CA May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 19 of 33 Anderson February 5, 2018 Page 6 I got your email from Fernando Arizmendi the other day at the Batiquitos Lagoon. My wife and I have walked the path there for years ar:id I have given up telling people to keep their dogs on their leash as so many signs along the way tell them to. I can't tell you how happy we are that there is now these patrol people. There have been so many instances of loose dogs, especially when I was recovering from surgeries, come running up and bound on me or worse. We love the patrols -the problem seems to be improving. Please don't Jet it go away. Fernando told me there would be a public meeting to voice our opinion about the program. We wish to be informed as to when that will happen -we will attend in support of you guys. G.A. Carlsbad, CA Just wanted to say how much I appreciate Police Ranger Serafini at the Batiquitos lagoon. I have felt at times a bit uneasy walking alone there and it is really nice to have him patrol it. Thanks for providing this great service. S.L. Carlsbad, CA My wife and I met Ranger Serafini on the Batiquitos lagoon trail last week and were happy to learn of the policing now going on. It is time as the population is growing along with the popularity of the trail. We feel safer and more confident our car will not be robed while we are out. We were also very impressed with Jerry and his understanding of the growing problems we face now. Just want to tell you all thanks so very much for your attention to these issues. A.C. Carlsbad, CA Quarter 2 Photos Great Use of the Lagoon May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 20 of 33 Anderson February 5, 2018 Page 7 May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 21 of 33 Anderson February 5, 2018 Page 8 Lake Calavera May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 22 of 33 Anderson February 5, 2018 Page 9 Dismantling of the Illegal Camps in The Crossings Preserve .. -. ' .,. May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 23 of 33 Memorandum April 25, 2018 To: From: Re: Keith Greer, SANDAG Principal Region Planner Cindy Anderson, Senior Management Analyst 3RD QUARTER RANGER SUMMARY 3rd Quarter Stats Hours Education Verbal Worked Contacts Warning Total Preserves 536 1,778 245 Northwest Preserves 108 205 52 Northeast Preserves 151 618 118 Southwest Preserves 171.5 697 59 Southeast Preserves 105.5 258 16 Parks,Beaches,Lagoons ( not tracked} 153 68 Total Productivity 1,931 313 Written Warning 10 5 3 1 1 3 13 ( City of Carlsbad Citations Other Total Contacts 3 17 2,053 0 1 263 3 9 751 0 6 763 0 1 276 0 0 224 3 17 2,277 This marks the third quarter of the Police Ranger program in the City of Carlsb_ad. They documented 2,277 contacts, with most of their time spent in the Northeast and Southwest sectors. The Rangers continue to primarily emphasize education and only issue written citations as a last resort or for repeat offenders. The reasons for the contacts have ranged from dogs off leash, smoking, alcohol on the beach, and waste on the trail. The Rangers were part of a multi-agency rescue effort in Lake Calavera and one of them attended the Park Rangers Association of California training in Yosemite this quarter. Below is a list of calls for service that the Rangers responded to: CALL TYPE TOTAL (CONTINUED) TOTAL ASSIST FIRE 2 MISCELLANEOUS 1 CHECK AREA 1 MUNICODE 5 EXTRA PATROL 294 VIOLATION EXTRA PATROL 1 SUBJECT STOP 17 FLAGGED 1 TRAFFIC HAZARD 2 FOUND PROPERTY 2 VEHICLE BURGLARY 1 GRAFFITI 3 TOTAL 330 Police Department Police Administration 2560 Orion Way I Carlsbad, CA 92010 I 760-931-2100 I www.carlsbadca.gov May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 24 of 33 Anderson April 25, 2018 Page 2 • Ranger Serafini • Ranger Arizmendi * Location based on approximate coordinates Map of Ranger Activity May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 25 of 33 Anderson April 25, 2018 Page 3 Quarter 3 Photos Sunrise at Batiquitos Lagoon Rescue at Lake Calaveras -----Wildlife at Veterans Memo_rial Park May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 26 of 33 Anderson April 25, 2018 Page 4 Ca/avera Hills Patrol leashed "Daisy" at Calavera Tr.ails Ranger Training in Yosemite ~ -;.·· . leashed "Stormy" at Ca/avera Trails The Police Department continues to receive positive feedback from citizens. Below are some examples of their responses: My husband and I enjoyed a wonderful experience walking the Batiquitos trail this past Tuesday afternoon. The trail along the beautiful lagoon is exceptionally clean and well maintained with numerous benches and rest stops to view the water and various species of birds and read its history along the way. We thoroughly enjoyed our walk. We were pleasantly surprised to learn the facilities of the clubhouse were also available to us. May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 27 of 33 Anderson April 25, 2018 Page 5 Along our walk we met Police Ranger Jerry Serafini who discussed the current pilot program with us. We would very much like to add our supportforcontinuing the program to make it permanent. It is a great facility for the area for everyone to enjoy. We commend the volunteers and their work in supporting the Lagoon and the nature center with their programs especially for the children. Once again we hope the pilot program will continue and become permanentforall to enjoy. Kind regards, R. &K. G. I wanted to reach out to let you know of the positive impact the Ranger Program has had in our community. I live in Calavera Hills and walk/run/enjoy the trails on an almost daily basis. I have noticed a major improvement with the number of dogs on leashes, reduction of graffiti and decrease in drug activity at the trail head and neighboring pocket parks. I am also a Calavera Hills HOA Board member and know we have had fewer issues related to the open space-trails since the ranger program has been in place. I would argue in favor of the continuation of this program and would be happy to send emails to City Council members or appear at City Council Meetings if need be. Thank you for all your service to our community. I would like to compliment Ranger Serafini on being approachable and knowledgeable ... and ensuring the proper use of our open space. S.H. Carlsbad, CA I am sending this note in response to the conversation my brother and I had this morning with ranger Fernando Arizmendi. As we were walking near the rail trail in Carlsbad we noticed Fernando and his ranger vehicle. We decided to stop and ask a few questions. Fernando answered our questions in a friendly and professional manner. It is my opinion thatthe City of Carlsbad needs and warrants this type of program on a permanent basis. Please pass along our appreciation to Fernando Arizmendi. Regards. K.M. Just wanted to say how impressed I was with park ranger Fernando Arizmendi's actions after he fdund my driver's license which I lost on a Calavera hills trail Friday morning. Not only did he try to deliver it at my address (unfortunately no one was home at that time) the same morning but he then called my cellphone, and left a message on how to recover it. I felt he personally wanted to make sure my DL was found and safe, and I didn't have to worry about it. \ May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 28 of 33 Anderson April 25, 2018 Page 6 It is not every day that someone goes the extra mile, exceeding the expectations, and wanted to commend him and your department for that. Thank you! All the Best, P.H. Carlsbad, CA A couple of weeks ago my wife and I had the pleasure of chatting with Ranger Jerry Serafini. He explained to us his rale in ensuring safety and following of rules on the Carlsbad trails and beaches. He said it's a trial program within the Carlsbad Police Department that will be reviewedforeffectiveness and necessity at the end of a 6 month trial ... I think it's a great program and shows investmentfrom the City into our lovely trail system. It keeps the trails safe and clean and makes them more enjoyab/eforall of out citizens. Thank you much, T. L. I am a resident of Carlsbad and frequently walk the Batiquitos Lagoon with my dog. Today !talked with Jerry Serafini who explained the current and ongoing monitoring of our Jagoonforanimals on leash. Thank you so muchforthis needed supportfora/1 of us who feel it is much easier to controlouranimals if we aren't worrying about a loose dog to control as well. Your support is greatly needed in this community and J /ookforward to it's continued success. G. w. Carlsbad, CA I would like to commend you, the Carlsbad Police Depart and specifically Police Ranger Jerry Serafini. On Sunday January 28, 2018 My wife and I observed Ranger Serafini in the performance of his duties enforcing the beach ordnance which prohibits dogs on the beach. He parked his truck on a path by the lagoon, and patrolled by foot the entire beach. We observed him politely warn patrons that dogs were prohibited and did so in a professional and courteous manner. We live on the beach in Oceanside for over twenty years. We are able to observe the beach from our home on a daily basis. We often walk the length of the Carlsbad Beach from our home, which is about a quarter of a mile from the lagoon. We are concerned over the increasing number of dogs on the beach. We have witnessed dangerous incidents, several unleashed pit-bu/land otheraggressive dogs brought to the beach, all dogs spoiling the beach in areas in which children p/ay,feces often left behind and dogs chasing birds and becoming a predator to bird life. The Carlsbad Ranger program is the first real effort on the part of any municipality to enforce the ordinance. It is a great idea and Ranger Serafini is the right person to carry it out. May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 29 of 33 Anderson April 25, 2018 Page 7 We have two recommendations: After a 30 day period of warnings, Officer Serafine should begin issuing summons with penalties exceeding$ 350 for each offense. Secondly, the Ranger Program should be shared with Oceanside and othercoastalcities. Again, our compliments and appreciation. If there is any way we be of assistance, please Jet us know. M.P.C., Major General US Marine Corps (Ret) Oceanside, CA I encountered Jerry at Batiquitos Lagoon a couple of weeks ago. I was very glad to see an officer in the area. As a former memberof the Batiquitos Board of Directors, I have personally seen and experienced unlawful activities at Batiquitos and Calavera. I so much appreciate having Jaw enforcement present in our natural preserves and our many Carlsbad trails. I hope this program is continued and fully funded. Sincerely, P.M. My family has lived in Carlsbad since 2009 in the (redacted) neighborhood. In addition I served as a lifeguard with the CA State Parks along Carlsbad and South Carlsbad State Beaches from 1986-2002 so I am very familiar with Batiquitos Lagoon coastal wetland and the variety of wild life that rely on that special wetland habitat to thrive and survive. We as a family are active and enjoy daily walks along the Batiquitos Lagoon trail to which I have had the pleasure of meeting and interacting with a Carlsbad Police Ranger by the name of Jerry on a number of occasions. We are grateful to see his presence along the wetland as we found him to be approachable, friendly and personable. We are in support of this program and we hope this program expands as to assist controlling the transient camps and trash dumping that sometimes unfortunately occurs. In addition /feel the CPR program makes many of the tourists that enjoy the area resorts fee/ welcomed and safe. Kudos to You and yourteamforgoing the extra mile, G.M. I had the pleasure of meeting Ranger Jerry Serafini a few weeks ago while I was out enjoying the Calavera Hills trails. He explained the ranger program to me and asked me to write to you if I think it should be extended. Well, I am writing because I would Jove to see this program become permanent. I live in the (redacted) sub-division and walk those trails often. The idea of having rangers back there instilling good practices eases my mind. Please continue this program. Sincerely, May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 30 of 33 Anderson April 25, 2018 Page 8 C.R. I use the trails at the Lake and while most people keep their dogs leashed I have had unleashed dogs approach while I was walking mine. He is leash trained but also protective if a loose dog comes up to us. Hopefully your presence their will deter that practice and people will not litter so much. Thanks for your time and presence. I see a lot of wild life there and so much that I see but happy to know they have a protected area. Hopefully this program can continue. Thank you, J.O. Thanks againforall you help and concern! The ranger program is working really well. F.S. Justa note to let you know how pleased I am to have a PD presence on the trails around Calavera Lake. There's been a few instances where dogs off leash have caused problems and occasionally campers show up. I'm hoping that with patrols the word will get out, so a big Maha lo to you and your department. Regards, S.B. I commend the Department's and City's forward thinking in adding a Police Ranger Program and more specifically in including the Batiquitos Lagoon Trail to the Ranger's patrol. We've met Police Ranger Jerry Serafini twice now on our dog walks along the Lagoon. He is very professional and most personable and approachable. For almost nine years my wife and I have enjoyed our dog walks along that lagoon trail. It is very popular amongst our residents and visitors alike. Not only is the Lagoon a wildlife/wetlands preserve but it is enjoyed and shared by a wide and diverse range of people. From old and young to individuals and families with some youngsters in strollers being chauffeured by their parents, all are enjoying the outing -be it walking, hiking,jogging, dog walking or taking in the wildlife. There have been a few isolated problems of some not wanting to abide by the clearly posted rules of use which has left others to politely remind them hopefully without inviting a confrontation. The addition of the Police Ranger pro vi des an extra sense of comfort and security to all who share in using this particular location and its many offered activities. The trailhead parking lots have been periodically the target of opportunists who break into visitor's locked cars to steal items of personal property which have been ill-advisedly left in plain view. Just knowing that the trail and area are being monitored by the Ranger is an added deterrent and if needed, a contact source to report any crime. This frees up your sworn patrol officers to respond to higher priority calls and also results in a cost savings. I support this Ranger Program and its application to our Lagoon. Please feel to share this as you please. May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 31 of 33 '/ I ! And'erson April 25, 2018 Page 9 Best regards, D.G. I walk the lagoon severa/times a week-and in December 2017 was pleased to see Police Ranger0Jerry Serafini present. llive in Carlsbad, and am hopef ulthat we continue to have this type of presence/coverage in.our parks and hiking areas as a permeantfeature and benefit. Added measures of safety and protection is a real plus. Way to go Carlsbad Police Department! K.D. I just wanted to let you know how happy I am that there is a police ranger on duty atCalavera Lake. I frequently walk the area with my dog over the last4 years and have had many instan!es of dogs being off leash. I have repeatedly asked people to please leash their dog as my dog does not respond well to other dogs when he is leashed. I have had many uncomfortable confrontations and have even had my dog · nippedbyanother dog and my husband was pulled to the ground while running with our dog when . another dog, off leash, tried to attack our dog. I greatly appreciate the presence of a police ranger, in this case Jerry Serafint to help deal with these issues. I also think that a police presence will help with the tagging of the signs that have occurred. I hope this support of this beautiful open space will continue. M.B. May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 32 of 33 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Honorable Matt Hall, Mayor and Crty Council Members City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1949 Preserve, Protect, and E11ha11ce May 14, 2018 1~AU Re,celve -..;AendaJl'em # jb ~' For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACCV, _Ji. CA ... \L.4'iaf.1 Date ~CM.JL_ COO V Subject support for Making Carlsbad's Park Ranger Program Permanent, City Council Agenda Item 4 Dear Honorable Mayor Matt Hall and Crty Council Members: On May 16, 2017, City Council adopted a resolution approving a one-year pilot program establishing two provisional Police Ranger positions to help patrol the open space in the city beginning July 1, 2017 and approved entering into a Memorandum of Understanding where the San Diego Association of Governments (SANPAG) agreed to reimburse the police department in an amount not to exceed $98,280 for Rangers' salaries for time spent patrolling the natural preserves. The Pilot project was to address: vandalism -to include damaged and removed signs, graffiti to structures and plants, and damage to fences and gates; damage to natural habitat -to include bike riding off trails or in prohrbited areas, hiking off trails, and unauthorized usage.such as paintball games; animals -to include dogs off leash and failure to clean up after dogs; trespassing -to include Box Canyon trespassing; enforcement response -police did not respond to minor trail issues or were delayed; and transient encampments located within at least three preserves. The pilot project, if approved as a permanent program, is consistent with your recent review on the City's Community Vision, and Smail-town feef, beach community character and connectedness, Open space and the natural environment and Access to recreation and active, healthy lifestyles core values. During the project period, the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation and other environmentally-focused agencies organizations and concerned citizens participated in a number of meeting with the objective of making the Park Ranger Program a success. We really appreciated these opportunities and commend the Police and Pilot Project Manager Captain uMicky" Williams, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Parks and Recreation Department staffs for their leadership to establish a workable process. We also actively engaged with the two hired park rangers, Jerry Serafini and Fernando Arizmendi, on a regular basis throughout the pilot program to get patrol feed-back, assist in public program outreach and promotion, identify problem area, and actively work on solutions with them. Rangers Jerry and Fernando really made a difference and have had a significant impact on the experience our many visitors have had. Thls process worked as evidenced the staff recommending making the program permanent! Accordingly, the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation very strongly supports the staff report recommendation to adopt the draft resolution and make the Park Ranger Program permanent! I ~~~-'.,{__:; ....... - Fred C. Sandquist President P. 0. Box l 30491 Carlsbad, California 92013-0491 • 760.931.0800 • www.batiquitosfoundation.org May 15, 2018 Item #4 Page 33 of 33 Captain Mickey Williams May 15, 2018 Carlsbad Police Department Ranger Pilot Program Update Recommendation Receive update on the Police Ranger Program and adopt a Resolution to continue to operate the Police Ranger Program. Background •2005-City Council accepted the Open Space Management Plan •2008-Multi-departmental team studied safety issues within city preserves •Identified Issues: Trespassing, off-road vehicles, vandalism, dogs off-leash, damage to natural habitat, and lack of police presence Background Cont. •2014-2015 Habitat Management Plan annual report documented the following: –Transient encampments –Damage to natural habitat –Dogs off leash and failure to clean up –Vandalism –Trespassing Ranger Pilot Program •May 16, 2017 City Council approved a one-year Police Ranger Pilot Program –Hire two full-time unarmed rangers –Provide seven days a week coverage –Rangers would have authority to issue citations for municipal code violations and violations of the county code associated with animals –Patrol preserves, parks, trails, lagoons, and beaches SANDAG Cooperative Effort •SANDAG provided up to $98,280 to off-set cost of pilot program •Daily activity reports •PD provides quarterly reports to SANDAG •PD presented an update of the pilot program to SANDAG officials in May 2018 Program Implementation •A new Toyota Tacoma patrol vehicle was purchased and outfitted for $50,875.99 •Rangers attended a 40-hour POST certified course •Rangers were provided several weeks of field training by Field Training Officers Program Implementation Cont. •Staff prepared a detailed policy regarding the ranger program to include: –Identification of duties of the rangers –Uniform –Enforcement Philosophy and Procedures –Levels of approved enforcement conduct –Procedures for certain enforcement contacts –Identification of prohibited actions by rangers –Taser and OC deployment guidelines Program Implementation Cont. •Collaboration with Parks & Recreation –Quarterly Trail Captain meetings –Quarterly internal program management meetings between the two departments –Joint meetings with stakeholder groups –Parks & Recreation Commission presentation; March 2018 First 3-Quarters’ Results July 2017- March 2018 Hours Worked Educational contacts Verbal Warning Written Warning Cite Other Total Preserves Total 1,445 4,207 691 84 6 194 5,182 Parks and Beaches N/A 477 619 25 4 125 1,250 Total Productivity N/A 4,684 1,310 109 10 319 6,432 Community Response •Overwhelmingly positive response via email and social media Ongoing Cost of Program •The current cost for two top-step Rangers is $257,236 per year –Includes salary, benefits, and uniform allowance •The Toyota Tacoma truck would be set on a replacement schedule of 4 years –Approximately $17,000 per year Recommendation Receive update on the Police Ranger Program and adopt a Resolution to continue to operate the Police Ranger Program.