HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-12; City Council; ; San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment Fund Agreement for long-term management of the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool PreserveCITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: June 12, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Rosanne Humphrey, Sr. Program Manager Rosanne.Humphrey@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-4689 CA Review Hs Subject: San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment Fund Agreement for long- term management of the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution authorizing execution of the San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment Fund Agreement and transfer of existing funds from the General Fund into the endowment fund for long-term management of the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve. Executive Summary The Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve (Preserve) was established in 1994 by North County Transit District (NCTD) to mitigate the impacts to biological resources, including species protected by the California and Federal Endangered Species Acts, resulting from construction of the Poinsettia Lane Commuter Rail Station. In 2004, prior to construction of the Water's End residential development, John Lang Homes was required to protect a small area adjacent to the existing Preserve and provide $100,000 to the city to be used for long-term management of the vernal pool habitat. To date, the funds have been held by the city and have generated $38,700 in interest. To use these funds for management, they first need to be transferred into an appropriate endowment account. This will enable the city to use available funds for long-term management and protect this most valuable resource. The City Council is being asked to review and approve this action because of the amount of the transfer. Discussion In 1994, the Preserve was established by NCTD within its right-of-way adjacent to the railroad tracks to mitigate the impacts resulting from co.nstruction of the Poinsettia Lane Commuter Rail Station (Exhibit 2). The impacted biological resources included vernal pool habitat and several species protected by the California and Federal Endangered Species Acts. In 2004, John Lang Homes, the developer for the Water's End residential development located adjacent to the Preserve, was beginning construction just prior to finalization of the city's Habitat Management Plan {HMP). The HMP identified the Preserve as a "critical location" for several vernal pool species. This means that the Preserve is critical to the continued survival of the species. In this context, the biological analysis determined that, although the Water's End project would not directly impact vernal pool species, it would impact the watershed of the adjacent vernal pools on the Preserve. Therefore, as a condition of approval, the developer was required to avoid and permanently protect the watershed area and provide $100,000 to the June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 1 of 18 city to be used toward long-term management of this area, which would be added to the existing Preserve. No long-term management plan was prepared, and no specific long-term manager was identified at that time. Currently, the $100,000 and $38,700 of interest earned is still held by the city. Due to the importance of the Preserve for the long-term sustainability of several vernal pool species as identified in the HMP, it is in the city's best interest to take on responsibility of long- term management. It is imperative to establish an appropriate account to fund management in perpetuity. Once the San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment Fund Agreement is executed, the city will transfer the funds into this account, the principal will be invested, and the annual net interest earned will be used to fund annual management activities in perpetuity. The San Diego Foundation has the highest capitalization rate, which is the rate of return less inflation and account fees, for this type of account in the county. T~e San Diego Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and the fund management institution utilized by the city's HMP Program and land managers to hold long-term habitat management accounts. An appropriation from the General Fund balance in the amount of the principal plus interest earnings is requested. $10,000 will be used by the city to perform invasive species removal on the site. The remaining $128,700 will be transferred from the General Fund to the San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment account. The current capitalization rate for this type of account at the San Diego Foundation is 4.25 percent. Therefore, it is estimated that approximately $5,440 would be generated annually for habitat management activities. As a benefit, additional funding could be appropriated in the future to provide a higher level of management, potentially resulting in HMP coverage of several vernal pool species. HMP coverage for vernal pool species would give the city the authority to issue state and federal Incidental Take Permits for these species for public and private projects, thereby streamlining the project authorization process. Fiscal Analysis The money provided by John Lang Homes cannot be used for long-term management while it is in the city's General Fund. Approval of the Resolution will allow the funds to be used to establish a mitigation endowment account that will generate annual interest income to fund the long-term management of the Preserve. This would be a new source of revenue for the city to provide for habitat management of the Preserve. Next Steps Once the San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment Fund Agreement is executed and the funds are transferred, a contract will be initiated for invasive species removal. In future years, management funds will be received by the city annually from the San Diego Foundation and a contract with a qualified land management entity will be initiated to perform long-term management activities within the Preserve. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15307 -Actions by regulatory agencies for protection of natural resources. June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 2 of 18 Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution. 2. Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve Map. June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 3 of 18 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-091 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE SAN DIEGO FOUNDATION MITIGATION ENDOWMENT FUND AGREEMENT AND TRANSFER OF EXISTING FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND INTO THE ENDOWMENT FUND FOR LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT OF THE POINSETTIA STATION VERNAL POOL PRESERVE. EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, in 1994, the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve was established by North County Transit District to mitigate the impacts resulting from construction of the Poinsettia Lane Commuter Rail Station; and WHEREAS, the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve protects vernal pool habitat and several species protected by the California and Federal Endangered Species Acts, and has been identified by the Habitat Management Plan (HMP) as a Special Resource Area; and WHEREAS, in 2004, prior to construction of the Water's End residential development, and as a condition of approval, John Lang Homes added a small open space parcel to the existing preserve and provided $100,000 to the city to be used for long-term management of the vernal pool habitat; and WHEREAS, the city has held $100,000 in the General Fund since 2004 where it has earned $38,700 in interest; and WHEREAS, city staff intends to use $10,000 of the interest earned to remove invasive species on the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve; and WHEREAS, because ofthe importance of the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve to the long- term sustainability of sensitive vernal pool species as identified in the HMP, it is desirable to establish a non-wasting interest-bearing account, so that the money can be used to fund long-term management in perpetuity; and WHEREAS, the San Diego Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the fund management institution utilized by the city's HMP Program and resource agencies to hold long-term habitat management accounts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the administrative services director is authorized to appropriate interest earned in the amount of $38,700 to the General Fund. June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 4 of 18 3. That the mayor is authorized and directed to execute the San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment Fund Agreement to establish a long-term management endowment account for the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve, attached hereto as Attachment A. 4. That the city manager or designee is authorized and directed to use $10,000 of the interest earned to remove invasive species on the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve. 5. That the administrative services director is authorized and directed to transfer $128,700 from the city's General Fund into the San Diego Foundation Mitigation Endowment Fund. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 12th day of June, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher. None. M. Packard. (SEAL) , City Clerk June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 5 of 18 _;}~/~ TheSanDi<;go ! :{\ Foundation ~~¥..-., Growing a Vibrant Region FUND AGREEMENT for the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve (a Mitigation Endowment fund) ATTACHMENT A TH IS FUND AGREEMENT is made and entered into on 1-(o -JOl ~ , by and between THE SAN DIEGO FOUNDATION ("TSDF"), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and CITY OF CARLSBAD ("Founder"). RECITALS A. Pursuant to the Waters End Open Space Monitoring and Maintenance Letter of Intent dated August 9, 2004, John Laing Homes, the developer of the Waters End project, issued a check to the City of Carlsbad in the amount of $128,700 (the "Endowment Amount") to be used for the sole purpose of creating an endowment for the maintenance of Open Space Lot 227 (the "Property"), which is a component of the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve, in perpetuity. B. The Founder is a California municipal corporation, and it is an organization described in Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. C. To facilitate the matters described in Recital A, Founder and TSDF are entering into this Fund Agreement. DEFINITIONS The following terms, as used in this Agreement, shall be defined as follows: (1) Agency: The lead governmental entity issuing a permit for the mitigation project and requiring the establishment of the mitigation endowment. In this Agreement, the Agency is the Founder and such terms may be used interchangeably. (2) Habitat Manager: Nonprofit or governmental entity contracted to perform habitat management tasks. WEST\223059296.8 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 6 of 18 (3) Property: Open Space Lot 227 in the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve. (4) Resource Management Plan: The plan describing the management activities to be performed on the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. NAME OF FUND Founder transfers the Endowment Amount irrevocably to TSDF to establish in TSDF the Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve (the "Fund") as an endowment for the purpose described in paragraph 2 below. An endowment is a permanent fund. Endowment funds are pooled for maximum benefit and invested to achieve long-term capital growth. Contributions are irrevocable and become assets of TSDF. As an endowment fund for the purpose described in Paragraph 2 below, the Fund shall be operated and administered in accordance with (i) Sections 65965, 65966, 65967 and 65968 of the California Government Code, as may be amended from time to time, and (ii) the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act, California Probate Code Section 18501 et seq. ("UPMIFA"), as may be amended from time to time, except to the extent TSDF may adhere, from time to time, to more rigorous standards or requirements than those proscribed by UPMIFA. Expenditures from the Fund shall be made in the manner described for endowment funds under UPMIFA Section 18504. TSDF may receive additional irrevocable gifts of property acceptable to TSDF from time to time to be added to the Fund, all subject to the provisions hereof. 2. PURPOSE Founder and any Habitat Manager that Founder may designate are organizations described in Section 170(c)(1) or 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and subject to the limitations of paragraph 4 below, the primary purpose of the Fund shall be support the Founder in furtherance of the long-term stewardship of the Property in accordance with the Waters End Open Space Monitoring and Maintenance Letter of Intent and the resource management plan to be developed and approved by Founder ("Resource Management Plan"). In the event that in the future the Habitat Manager Ci) no longer constitutes an organization described in Sections 170(c)(1) or (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, (ii) becomes subject to bankruptcy proceedings under state or federal law, (iii) liquidates and dissolves or otherwise ceases to exist, (iv) fails to submit to Agency and TSDF in a timely manner (or within such reasonable period as determined by Agency and TSDF) the annual income and expense report (the · WEST\223059296.8 2 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 7 of 18 "Expense Report") along with reimbursement to the Fund of any unused funds from any previous distribution(s) and an annual certification, signed by the President or Chief Financial Officer of the Habitat Manager, certifying as to the accuracy and completeness, in all material respects, of the Expense Report and the Habitat Manager's compliance with the requirements imposed upon it under any agreement with Founder (the "Annual Certification"), or (v) proves unable to fulfill substantially all of the duties described in the any agreement with Founder as determined by either Founder or a court of law, then the assets of the Fund shall be applied as described in paragraph 5 below. 3. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS TSDF shall have all powers necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of the Fund, including, but not limited to, the power to retain, invest and reinvest the Fund in any manner within the "prudent person" standard and the power to commingle the assets of the Fund with those of other funds for investment purposes. The fund however is subject to the requirements of Sections 5231 and 5240 of the California Corporations Code, as may be amended from time to time. 4. DISTRIBUTEES Subject to paragraph 5 below, earnings allocated by TSDF to the Fund shall be distributed exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes or to organizations of the type to which an individual taxpayer may make deductible charitable contributions, gifts, and bequests under the income, gift and estate tax provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and of the Revenue and Taxation Code of California. It is intended by the foregoing that at the time a distribution is made from the Fund, the distribution must be made for a charitable, scientific, literary or educational purpose as described in, or to an organization which is described in, Sections 170(c)(l) or (2), of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Section 17201 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of California, or to a government entity acceptable to Founder. Distributions from the Fund shall be within the purposes and procedures of TSDF as contained in its Articles of Incorporation and its Bylaws. 5. DISTRIBUTION Distributions from the Fund may be made from earnings and so much of the net gains (realized and unrealized) in the fair value of the assets of the Fund as is prudent under the standard established by Section 18504 of UPMIFA. Distributions shall be made to the qualifying Habitat Manager to be designated by Founder or such other permissible distributees and at such times and in such amounts as may be designated by the Founder, subject to the approval of the TSDF Board of Governors. Subject to the limitations of Section 18504 of UPMIFA, distributions shall be made each year to be used for the management WEST\223059296.8 3 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 8 of 18 and maintenance expenses for such year in accordance with the requirements of the Resource Management Plan provided, however, TSDF is not, and shall not in the future under any circumstances be deemed to be, a party to the Resource Management Plan or any agreement between Founder and the Habitat Manager. Neither TSDF nor Founder shall have liability or responsibility whatsoever for the funding needed to cover such expenses to the extent such funding need is greater than the distributable amount of the Fund. There shall be no requirement that all earnings and net gains be distributed each year; earnings and net gains may be accumulated and added to principal, and shall not later be available for distribution. Distributions shall be made to such distributees of the type described in Section 4 above as may be designated by the Board of Governors of TSDF except as modified in accordance with Section 6 below. In the event Founder notifies TSDF in writing that the Habitat Manager has misused or diverted any monies from the purposes of the Fund or any of the events listed in Section 2 above have occurred, TSDF shall Ci) within fourteen days cease making any further distributions from the Fund to Habitat Manager, and (ii) provide Founder with written notice of such misuse or diversion so that TSDF and Agency can take appropriate action, and (iii) if Founder elects to undertake the management and maintenance responsibilities over the Property, make distributions from the Fund to Founder or make distributions from the Fund to a distributee designated by Founder and approved the TSDF Board of Governors as described in Section 6 below. Without limiting the foregoing, all parties hereto acknowledge and agree that distributions from the Fund are to be made only for the stewardship purposes described in Section 2 above, and that the Fund is not intended to provide distributions to address the effects of emergencies or natural disasters. Unless Founder designates another person or entity to prepare an annual fiscal report that complies with the requirements set forth in Section 65966(e) of the California Government Code, TSDF shall prepare such an annual fiscal report. 6. CONTINUITY OF THE FUND If any of the events referred to in Section 2(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) or Section 5 (iii) above occur, TSDF and Founder shall elect a new nonprofit habitat management organization approved by Founder and the TSDF Board of Governors. The Fund shall continue so long as assets are available in the Fund and the purposes in the Fund can be served by its continuation. If the Fund is terminated for any of the above reasons, TSDF shall devote any remaining assets in the Fund exclusively for charitable purposes that WEST\223059296.8 4 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 9 of 18 a. are within the scope of the charitable purposes of TSDF's Articles of Incorporation; and, b. most nearly approximate, in the good faith opinion of the Board of Governors, of the original purpose of the Fund. 7. NOT A SEPARATE TRUST The Fund shall be subject to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of TSDF. All money and property in the Fund shall be assets of TSDF, and not a separate trust, and shall be subject only to the control of TSDF. Pursuant to Treasury Regulations, the Board of Governors of TSDF has the power "to modify any restriction or condition on the distribution of funds for any specified charitable purpose or to any specified organization if, in the sole discretion of the Board of Governors, such restriction or condition becomes unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment, or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community or area served." Treas. Reg. §1.170A-9(e)(11)(v)(B) and CE). 8. COSTS OF THE FUND Founder understands and agrees that the Fund shall share a fair portion of the total administrative costs of TSDF. The administrative cost annually charged against the Fund shall be determined in accordance with the then current Fee Policy identified by TSDF as the fee structure applicable to Funds of this type. Any costs to TSDF in accepting, transferring or managing property donated to TSDF for the Fund shall also be paid from the Fund. 9. ACCOUNTING This Fund shall be accounted for separately and apart from other gifts to TSDF. 10. CHARITABLE DEDUCTIONS TSDF has provided no advice or assurance as to the tax treatment of the amounts deposited in the Fund. Founder has been advised and given the opportunity to seek independent advice as to such tax treatment. 11. DISCLAIMERS TSDF shall have no duty of any kind whatsoever to monitor or determine the Habitat Manager's compliance with the Resource Management Plan or any agreement between Founder and the Habitat Manager other than to accept receipt, annually, of the Expense Report and the Annual Certification. TSDF shall WEST\223059296.8 5 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 10 of 18 have no liability whatsoever with respect to the performance of any of the obligations of the Habitat Manager under the Resource Management Plan or any agreement between Founder and the Habitat Manager. The responsibility for managing and maintaining the Property is limited solely to the Habitat Manager. TSDF shall have no obligation whatsoever to enforce the terms and provisions of any agreement between Founder and the Habitat Manager. John Laing Homes and Habitat Manager are referenced in this Fund Agreement as described below, but they are not intended as third party beneficiaries of this Fund Agreement. 12. ATTACHMENTS If checked below, the attachment(s) so designated shall be incorporated by reference herein and hereby made a part of this Fund Agreement as if fully set forth in this Fund Agreement (provided that the applicable attachments are executed by Founder). _X_ Addendum to Fund Agreement for Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve _X_ Endowment Distribution Election for Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve 13. CERTIFICATION Pursuant to California Government Code section 65968(e), TSDF certifies to the Founder that it meets all of the following requirements: a. TSDF has the capacity to effectively manage the Fund; b. TSDF has the capacity to achieve reasonable rates of return on the investment of the Fund similar to those of other prudent investors for endowment funds and shall manage and invest the Fund in good faith and with the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances, consistent with UPMIFA; c. TSDF uses generally accepted accounting practices (GAAP) as promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board or any successor entity; d. TSDF will be able to ensure that the Fund is accounted for, and tied to, the Property; and e. TSDF has an investment policy that is consistent with UPMIFA. [signature page to follow] WEST\223059296.8 6 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 11 of 18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we execute this agreement on <June l't l rz.o \ 8 Founder: y /L Matt ~ aydr City of Carlsbad CEO of The San Diego Foundation on By: Enc.: Program Guidelines \VF.ST\223059296.8 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM ~1 Br.-~:;;..;;~~~~.-.-.--~eputy City Attorney City of Carlsbad. CA June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 12 of 18 ~\\~~,, TheSanDiego T~Z Foundation \•~""' Growing a Vibrant Region ADDENDUM TO FUND AGREEMENT for Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve THIS ADDENDUM TO FUND AGREEMENT is dated as of the same date as the Fund Agreement by and between THE SAN DIEGO FOUNDATION ("TSDF") and City of Carlsbad ("Founder") and amends and supplements the Fund Agreement as follows: 14. DISPUTE RESOLUTION A Mediation. Founder and TSDF agree to mediate any dispute or claims arising between them out of this Fund Agreement, or any resulting transaction, before resorting to arbitration or court action. Mediation fees, if any, shall be divided equally among the parties involved. If, for any dispute or claim to which this paragraph applies, any party commences an action without first attempting to resolve the matter through mediation, or before commencement of an action, refuses to mediate after a request has been made, then that party shall not be entitled to recover attorneys fees, even if they are otherwise available to that party in any such action. Exclusions from this mediation agreement are specified in paragraph 14C below. B. Arbitration of Disputes. Founder and TSDF agree that any dispute or claim in law or equity arising between them out of this Fund Agreement or any resulting transaction, which is not settled through mediation, shall be submitted for neutral, non-binding arbitration. The arbitrator shall be a retired judge or justice, or an attorney with at least 20 years of experience, unless the parties mutually agree to a different arbitrator. The parties shall have the right to discovery in accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure Section 1283.85. In all other respects, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Title 9 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Exclusions from this arbitration provision are specified in paragraph 14C below. C. Exclusions. Any matter that is within the jurisdiction of any bankruptcy court shall be excluded from mediation and arbitration. WEST\223059296.8 8 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 13 of 18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we execute this agreement on :f"--\vte.. l q l ~ l 8 Founder: Matt Hall, Mayor City of Carlsbad WESlU23059296.8 9 Date APPROVED AS TO FORM Celia A. Brower, City Attorney Ir:~ Asst/Deputy City Attorney City of Carlsbad, CA June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 14 of 18 ~\ \ ~~, The San Diego --.:--! ~ \ Foundation i;.,j>~ .._,l Growing a Vibrant Region ENDOWMENT DISTRIBUTION ELECTION for Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve Allocation of earnings are made semi-annually to each Fund in March and September. Earnings are available for distribution semi-annually, annually, or on request after an allocation period. Distributable earnings will remain distributable unless it is requested that the earnings be reinvested. Earnings reinvested become a part of principal and cannot be accessed in the future for distribution. It is Founder's responsibility to request that TSDF end reinvestment in the fund with adequate advance notice. For annual distributions, TSDF must be notified 15 months in advance of requested distribution date. For semi-annual distributions, TSDF must be notified 9 months in advance of requested distribution date. Please check one of the following: (If no selection is made earnings will be held until distribution is requested by founder(s) or advisor(s). D Please distribute the earnings semi-annually. (March and September) D Please distribute the earnings annually. Circle one: March or September D Please hold the earnings until distribution is requested. Please note distributable balance earnings are not credited to the fund JZl Please reinvest the-earnings. Annual distributions will begin after the Conservation Easement with corrected boundaries has been recorded or until otherwise specified by the Founder. (This selection can be changed at any time, but becomes effective on July 1 and Januaryl~J/1/ W/!4 /1 0 Matt Ha11,Mc( or Date City of Carlsbad WEST\223059296.8 10 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 15 of 18 TheSanDiego Foundation Growing a Vibrant Region PROGRAM GUIDELINES Revised September 2015 1. The San Diego Foundation. The San Diego Foundation ("TSDF") is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation exempt from taxation under Section SOl(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("IRC"). TSDF is recognized as a public charity under IRC Sections 509(a)(l) and l?O(b)(l)(A)(vi) and operates as a "community trust" under U.S. Treasury Regulations Section l.170A-9T(f)(ll). All contributions to and assets of TSDF are subject to its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Program Policies. TSDF reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Program Policies at any time. 2. Donor Advised Funds. As a community foundation, TSDF may establish for its donors a "donor advised fund," which is separately identified by reference to the donor or donors. The fund is owned and controlled by TSDF and the donor or persons appointed by the donor have the privilege of providing advice with respect to the fund's investments or distributions. TSDF has final authority over the distribution of all grants from its donor advised funds, and reserves the right to decline or modify a grant recommendation that is not consistent with these policies or TSDF's charitable purposes. Gifts to a donor advised fund are irrevocable. 3. Other Funds. In addition to donor advised funds, TSDF also establishes scholarship funds (discussed below), agency funds (for the benefit of a specified charity), field of interest funds (for a specified charitable purpose) and habitat funds (to administer funds set aside to maintain ecological preserves). Gifts to these funds are irrevocable. 4. Fund Minimums. Generally, a minimum of $50,000 is required to establish an agency fund and $25,000 for all other funds. 5. Providing Grant Advice to Donor Advised Funds. Once a donor advised fund has been established and funded, the advisor(s) named in the agreement may recommend distributions to qualified charitable organizations. (TSDF staff will perform due diligence to verify that the organization is a current, qualified charity.) The following rules govern grant recommendations: a. Minimums. Each recommended grant should be for at least $250.00. b. Procedure. Unless otherwise restricted as an endowment, grants may be recommended out of the original principal, as well as accumulated investment earnings, if any. Grant recommendations can be made at any time during the year, except for designated endowment funds, which make distributions in March and/or September. A maximum of four (4) grants may be made per year from Agency non-endowment funds. Recommendations can be submitted by mail, facsimile or electronic mail. Forms and instructions for making grant recommendations will be provided upon creation of a fund, as part of an advisor orientation process. c. Grant Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to grants: i. No Indirect Benefit. Grants from donor advised funds may not be used to secure any benefit from the grantee for the donor, the advisor or any persons related to them. ii. Enforceable Pledges. Grants from donor advised funds may not be used to discharge or satisfy a charitable pledge or obligation that is legally enforceable against the donor or any other person. iii. Event Tickets. Grants from donor advised funds may not be used to pay for goods or services of value received by the donor, advisor or their family members. For example, grants may not be used to support any charitable event, including fundraising dinners, concerts, auctions, or other benefit functions when the donor would receive a return benefit, such as the benefit of being able to attend a fundraising dinner or event. Further, no grants may be used to pay for any portion of a split or bifurcated disbursement to a charity. A split or bifurcated payment refers to the splitting of a payment to a charity, such as for tickets to an event, into two parts: the deductible portion and the non-deductible portion. WEST\223059296.8 11 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 16 of 18 iv. Giving to Individuals. Donors may not choose a specific individual to receive a benefit from a grant from a donor advised fund. v. Prohibited Loans & Compensation. Donors, advisors or any related parties may not receive grants, loans, compensation or similar payments (including expense reimbursements) from donor advised funds. d . Restricted Organizations and Purposes. TSDF will not approve grant recommendations that are for non-functionally integrated Type Ill supporting organizations; supporting organizations that provide support to organizations controlled by the donor, advisor or related persons; supporting organizations that are controlled by the donor, advisor, or related persons; private non-operating foundations; lobbying, political campaigns or other political activities; or any purpose that is not entirely charitable. e. Remedial Action. TSDF will take remedial action if it discovers that grants have been made for improper purposes. Remedial actions may include, but are not limited to, a requirement that the recipient charity return the grant and/or termination of the donor's advisory privileges. f. Anti-Terrorism Provisions. As part of the grant review process, TSDF checks all recommended grant recipients against the Treasury Department's List of Specially-Designated Nationals, other U.S. and foreign government watch lists, and the IRS list of organizations whose tax exemption has been suspended under IRC Section SOl(p). TSDF will not approve grant recommendations to organizations that appear on such lists. 6. Scholarship Funds. Scholarship funds may have a scholarship advisory committee. All scholarship advisory committee members must be approved by the TSDF's Board of Governors prior to making the first scholarship awards and thereafter annually. The founder may participate on the scholarship advisory committee, provided that neither the founder nor the founder's designees (related parties) may chair the scholarship advisory committee or in any way control the selection process or constitute a majority of the scholarship advisory committee members. In the event the scholarship advisory committee shall cease to be in existence, the Board of Governors of TSDF shall serve as the advisor of the scholarship fund. All scholarships shall be awarded on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis using procedures that have been approved in advance by the Board of Governors of TSDF and that have been designed to ensure that all such grants meet the requirements of paragraphs (1), (2), or (3) of Section 4945(g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 7. Income and Estate Tax Deductions. TSDF does not provide any advice or assurance to its donors as to the income tax treatment of amounts deposited in a fund. Donors are advised to seek independent advice as to such income tax treatment. 8. Investments. The fund advisors for endowment funds will have the assets invested in TSDF's Endowment pool. The fund advisors for non-endowment funds with assets in excess of $25,000 may recommend that the assets of the fund be invested in one of three investment pools (subject to liquidity requirements); information regarding the composition of each investment pool will be provided to the donor at the time the fund is established. Such recommendations are advisory, and TSDF has final authority over the investment of assets in its funds. 9. Fees and Costs. Each fund established at TSDF shall share a fair portion of the total administrative costs of TSDF. The administrative cost annually charged against each fund shall be determined in accordance with the then current fee policy of TSDF as the fee structure applicable to funds of its type. Administrative fees for charitable expenses will be negotiated and incurred based upon the complexity of the transaction. Charitable expenses apply exclusively to Field of Interest or Special Project Funds. In addition, upon receipt of assets upon the death of a donor, a onetime estate fee will be assessed in accordance with the then current fee policy of TSDF. Any costs to TSDF in accepting, transferring or managing property donated to TSDF for a fund shall also be paid from such fund. 10. Provision for Governing Law. These Program Policies, all fund agreements, and any program-related agreement executed by a Donor shall be governed by California law. All gift agreements are deemed to be entered into in the State of California, and all contributions to the TSDF are intended to be administered and managed in the State of California. 11. Confidentiality. All information concerning donors' or prospective donors' gifts, including names of beneficiaries, gift amounts, and other personal information shall be kept confidential unless permission is obtained from the donor to release such information. WEST\223059296.8 12 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 17 of 18 Legend PSVP Preserve D Water's End Parcel ---NCTD Parcel Poinsettia Station Vernal Pool Preserve EXHIBIT 2 June 12, 2018 Item #10 Page 18 of 18