HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-26; City Council; ; Arts & Culture Master Planideas were transformed into specific action items. The six following themes resulted from this community input effort: 1. Support Art as an Essential Component of Daily Life 2. Foster Arts & Culture Within the Physical Realm 3. Expand Arts & Culture Learning Opportunities 4. Establish Relationships that Support a Thriving Business Sector 5. Celebrate Carlsbad's Unique History and Distinct Identities 6. Build Capacity Within the Arts & Culture Sector On May 22, 2018, staff presented a draft of the Arts & Culture Master Plan and received feedback from the City Council. This final plan reflects that feedback along with additional input from the community and the Arts Commission. The revised Plan includes new sections to assist in better understanding the scope and structure of the plan. In addition to the city's current role as a provider of quality programming, the Plan purports that the greatest likelihood for success is based on the city also being a connector, partner and leader and working with a multitude of collaborators. The staff from the Cultural Arts Office, in collaboration with the Arts Commission, identified ten priority action items. These items incorporate targeted efforts impacting numerous sectors and reflecting community interests and are proposed to be implemented in the first five years of the Plan. An incremental approach would result in annual presentation to the City Council, providing an update on the Plan's progress and requesting funding for the next set of action items as appropriate. For FY2018-19, Cultural Arts Office will pursue the two top actions items: • Research and develop a venue feasibility plan Funding of $35,000 for a study was included in the original FY2015-16 budget for the Arts & Culture Master Plan. Staff will coordinate this effort with the current planning process for a new City Hall. • Implement Mobile Outreach Strategy utilizing a newly programmed arts vehicle and the TGIF Mobile Stage, i.e., Business Park After Dark A line item in the FY 2018-19 budget for $90,000 provides funding for operational costs, while staff is seeking a partnership with the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation and the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts to acquire the vehicle. With the approval of the Plan, the City of Carlsbad will be positioned to take a leading role in North County as a vibrant arts savvy community where artists thrive and arts organizations connect with residents by providing encounters that touch the heart and invigorate the mind. The Plan acknowledges the city's current commitment to the arts and provides a distinctive pathway to deepen the city's support as a home for dynamic arts and cultural experiences. On June 13, 2018, the Arts Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Plan to the City Council. Staff is requesting City Council approval to launch the Plan in FY 2018-19 and solidify the future of Arts & Culture in Carlsbad. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 2 of 120 Fiscal Analysis Funding for the Arts & Culture Master Plan was approved in the FY 2015-16 budget for $165,000. This included funds for a venue feasibility study to be launched in FY 2018-19. The FY 2018-19 budget included $90,000 to partially fund the initial startup of a Mobile Outreach Strategy and includes part-time staffing, maintenance and supplies. No additional city funding is being requested at this time. Next Steps Staff will begin implementation and will return to the City Council on an annual basis to provide a summary of activities and outcomes, launch new initiatives and request funding as appropriate during the city's budget process. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The proposed action does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA guidelines 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonable foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M . Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et. Seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time. The planning process included seven months of surveying the community in various events and locations, as well as outreach activities as cited on page one of this staff report. The revised Arts & Culture Master Plan, as referenced in has been distributed to the City Council, posted on the City of Carlsbad website, distributed to the libraries,_ City Hall, Faraday Office, Senior Center and is on file in the Cultural Arts Office. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution Attachment A June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 3 of 120 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-118 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ARTS & CULTURE MASTER PLAN Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has shown its commitment to fostering art and culture in the community as a core value of life in Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, The City of Carlsbad recognizes that shared efforts, as defined in the Arts & Culture Master Plan, are the most effective and meaningful way to foster collaboration and advance communication between the City, its residents, the arts and culture sector and the overall community; and, WHEREAS, The City of Carlsbad finds that City resources dedicated to the arts and culture will result in significant and important value to the community; and, WHEREAS, The City of Carlsbad considers that such investments will contribute to the unique character of the City, its economic vitality, foster lifelong learning, ability to attract tourists, and define the distinctive image of Carlsbad as a vibrant community that supports artists and the creation of dynamic arts and cultural experiences; and, WHEREAS, The City of Carlsbad recognizes that an extensive outreach effort over the course of more than sixteen months with significant community input resulted in the ten-year plan which will guide new and expanded arts and cultural initiatives; and, WHEREAS, staff recommends a phased approach where the City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office will initially focus on the ten top priority items for implementation as detailed in the plan; and, WHEREAS, funding has been appropriated to pursue the two top action items; and, June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 4 of 120 WHEREAS, the Cultural Arts Office will present annually to the City Council a progress report which will also identify the next set of action items to enact and will request funding as appropriate utilizing the City's budgeting process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City of Carlsbad Arts & Culture Master Plan is hereby approved (Attachment A); and, 3. That the Cultural Arts Office staff is authorized to proceed with the first two action items in the Top Ten Priorities as listed in the Plan. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 26th day of June, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. 0:::i&z1cP1~ j;r>-1---BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 5 of 120 Lifelong Learning Capacity Building DistinctIdentities Business Sector Art in Daily Life Arts & Culture Master Plan June 2018 Physical Realm Attachment A June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 6 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS HOW TO READ THE PLAN 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 THE ARTS AND CULTURE IN CARLSBAD 7 ARTS AND CULTURE AS A CORE VALUE 8 WHY AN ARTS AND CULTURE MASTER PLAN? 9 A NEW CHAPTER FOR ARTS AND CULTURE IN CARLSBAD 10 CITYWIDE VISION FOR ARTS AND CULTURE 11 A ROAD MAP 14 ARTS AND CULTURE FRAMEWORK 17 DEFINING ARTS AND CULTURE 18 CARLSBAD’S SUCCESS STORIES 22 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 27 THE PLANNING PROCESS 28 KEY COMMUNITY FINDINGS 30 THE PLAN 37 NEW ROLES FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 38 ROLE OF THE CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION 40 ROLE 1: PROVIDER 42 CONTINUE TO PROVIDE STRONG 43 ARTS AND CULTURE PROGRAMMING 43 ROLE 2: PARTNER 46 SUPPORT ART AS AN ESSENTIAL COMPONENT OF DAILY LIFE 47 FOSTER ARTS & CULTURE WITHIN THE PHYSICAL REALM 50 ROLE 3: CONNECTOR 54 EXPAND ARTS & CULTURE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES 55 ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS THAT SUPPORT A THRIVING BUSINESS SECTOR 58 ROLE 4: LEADER 62 CELEBRATE CARLSBAD’S UNIQUE HISTORY AND DISTINCT IDENTITIES 63 BUILD CAPACITY WITHIN THE ARTS & CULTURE SECTOR 66 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 7 of 120 IMPLEMENTATION 71 NEXT STEPS 72 CONTINUOUS PLANNING 73 PRIMARY IMPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS 74 FUNDING SOURCES 77 FUNDING SOURCES FOR THE ARTS AND CULTURE SECTOR 78 ADDITIONAL FUNDING AND FINANCING OPPORTUNITIES 81 IMPLEMENTATION CHARTS 87 TEN PRIORITY ACTIONS 88 PROGRAM AND POLICY PRECEDENTS 99 PROGRAM AND POLICY PRECEDENTS 100 APPENDICES 105 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 106 KEY TERMS 107 LISTING OF CULTURAL ASSETS 108 INTERVIEW AND FOCUS GROUP PARTICIPANTS 112 GROUP PRESENTATIONS 114 CONSULTANT PROFILE 115 PLAN PREVIEW SUMMARIES AND FEEDBACK 116 COMMUNITY FEEDBACK REPORT 118 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 8 of 120 | Executive Summary 4 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 9 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction | 5 HOW TO READ THE PLAN This Arts & Culture Master Plan presents a vision of new roles for the City of Carlsbad and the Cultural Arts Office, leading to the creation of vibrant Arts & Culture experiences for everyone. The action items bring it to life. Planning for arts and culture is a bit different than planning in other municipal departments. While this plan pulls from multiple disciplines, from the arts and business administration, to marketing and education, it arrives at a different type of plan. This plan is not so much about physical things, like roads, parks or utility lines, as it is about people, and how we experience culture in our community. We still have visions to discern, ideas to discover, resources to be identified and partnerships to establish for fostering collaboration. In other words, we are just at the beginning; planting seeds that will one day grow into something bigger. With that in mind, this plan presents many aspects that are essential in arts and culture planning and you will find: • What defines Carlsbad, where we are now and what is the current role of arts and culture in our neighborhoods • What arts and culture looks like in the nation and how it applies to our community • The many stages of input and feedback from the community that lead to crafting this plan • The Arts & Culture Master Plan includes outcomes prompted by listening to you, leading to the following: o Four roles for the city (PROVIDER, PARTNER, CONNECTOR and LEADER) o Six themes with strategies organized into specific actions which are necessary to realize the vision of the plan • Based on community feedback, there are ten items that rose to the top; each incorporates a variety of tactics representing input from numerous sectors such as business, education and nonprofit. • Finally, we outline an implementation strategy with recommendations for resources that will be required to bring this vision to life As you read the Arts & Culture Master Plan, you will learn about the many ideas brought forward by the residents of Carlsbad on how the current state of arts and culture could grow to its fullest potential. We invite you to find your own place in this effort to build the larger system that will be benefit all. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 10 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 11 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction | 7 THE ARTS AND CULTURE IN CARLSBAD Throughout its history the City of Carlsbad has been a meeting place of people, cultures and ideas. From its origins as the home of the Native American Luiseño people, to Spanish missionaries of the late 18th century, the early farmers who cultivated fruits and flowers, olives and avocados, and on to the executives who built the world-class business hub it is today, Carlsbad has had a rich story to match its abundant natural resources and beauty. Now a city of roughly 115,000, the city is still known as a “village by the sea” and prides itself on its small town, coastal town feel. No longer reliant on agriculture as a sole economic engine, Carlsbad is a popular tourist destination and home to a number of commercial and industrial enterprises. Its enviable location between San Diego and Los Angeles, striking coastline, fertile soil and temperate climate all ensure Carlsbad’s attractiveness and growth into the 21st century. The arts and culture have long been an essential component of Carlsbad life. Founded in 1986, the city’s Cultural Arts Office provides cultural services throughout the community and works with a host of partners to expand arts programming and arts appreciation. One of its most popular programs has been TGIF Concerts in the Parks, a free musical series offered each summer. The City of Carlsbad’s Art in Public Places, the first public art program in the San Diego area, has installed over 100 works of art. Other organizations in the city—the Museum of Making Music, New Village Arts, the William D. Cannon Art Gallery and many others—further enliven Carlsbad’s arts and culture scene. Still, previous and current visioning efforts have determined that there is a wealth of untapped potential for arts and culture in Carlsbad. There are opportunities that could further enrich the lives of residents and visitors alike. A broadening of the definition of “art,” a deeper and more layered integration of art within everyday life and a more balanced offering of arts and culture experiences across the city and across multiple age groups have emerged as priorities. With additional goals and resources, Carlsbad is poised to become a more vibrant local arts community and serve as the engine for arts and culture activities in the surrounding region. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 12 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction 8 ARTS AND CULTURE AS A CORE VALUE Strengths. Carlsbad sits within a regional landscape that is defined by its geography, industries and cultures. Counting itself as part of the North County group of local cities (along with Oceanside, Encinitas, Vista and others) the city is tightly connected to its neighbors and San Diego to the south. Today, the city recognizes the value of a strong arts and culture community as an integral part of daily life, as well as the strong growth of the arts and cultural economies within the region. Several strengths led to Carlsbad’s commitment to this core value: ● High-quality programs. Among the year-round arts and culture programs valued by residents of all ages are arts education opportunities, gallery exhibits and special events such as the TGIF Concerts in the Parks. ● Dedicated resources. Carlsbad's investment in arts and culture is significantly higher than neighboring cities and includes a Cultural Arts Office staff to continually renew and maintain the excellence of the programs. ● History of partnership. These programs are the result of decades of commitment from community organizations and volunteers. They have fostered a deep sense of local identity by helping create iconic locations like the Flower Fields and signature events. Challenges. These strengths will allow us to meet key challenges before us, such as: ● Clearly defining the city’s role as a regional arts and cultural resource and destination. ● Providing access to programming for a growing and increasingly diverse population. ● Developing new forms of funding and new partnerships that will provide more ways for artists and arts and cultural organizations to bring new work to the public. ● Instilling arts and culture participation as a part of daily life. ● Coordinating with neighboring cities to jointly explore programming opportunities that will attract regional audiences. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 13 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction | 9 WHY AN ARTS AND CULTURE MASTER PLAN? By creating this Arts & Culture Master Plan, Carlsbad is taking its place among the many U.S. cities that recognize the arts, culture and creative sectors as fundamental to their city and integral for a strong quality of life and robust economic development strategies. With the adoption of this plan, arts and culture take on a new role within city government. The city can no longer serve merely as a provider but must serve as a catalyst for new ideas and efforts from the creative community. To support this change, the Arts & Culture Master Plan helps to strategically align resources, goals and actions among city departments and between the city, community partners, the creative community and the city’s robust cadre of civic volunteers. ARTS & CULTURE MASTER PLAN GOALS Carlsbad has arts and culture written into its DNA. A place of natural beauty, the city has become a popular meeting place for people and ideas as well as a fertile environment for entrepreneurship. These and other qualities have made it a national and international business hub with a creative civic spirit. Carlsbad takes great pride in striving for a high quality of life. The goal of the Arts & Culture Master Plan is to harness the ideas and energy of local residents and combine them with national best-practices. The result will be a roadmap that can help the city not only support its existing arts and culture offerings but grow and develop into new roles and develop new arts and culture experiences in partnership with local artists and arts and culture organizations. Photo from Museum of Making Music June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 14 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction 10 A NEW CHAPTER FOR ARTS AND CULTURE IN CARLSBAD In 2017, the City of Carlsbad began working with residents, artists, arts and culture organizations and other stakeholders on developing a plan to deepen and expand an arts and culture environment that is already a model for cities across Southern California. These efforts built upon vision and policies for the arts and culture established by the Carlsbad Community Vision and General Plan and nurtured by a long-standing understanding about the role the arts and culture play in the vitality of a community. The planning process has been divided into three phases: Discover, Envision and Develop. Through public outreach in the Discover and Envision phases the city gathered input from the community about specific ideas and priorities for arts and culture. These recommendations and ideas emerged as the framework of the draft Arts & Culture Master Plan. In these conversations residents shared a strong desire to nurture, grow and develop the arts and culture community. During the final Develop phase of the planning process, the input gathered from the community was sorted and analyzed in order to discover specific ideas the community would like to see implemented to help the city’s arts and culture sector continue to thrive. These ideas were transformed into specific Action Items and developed and refined further through extensive discussions with staff and city partners. These final Action Items became the heart of the plan. While continuing on its current course there is the opportunity for Carlsbad to develop new ways of offering residents and visitors the delightful, sometimes surprising and ever-engaging arts and culture events and public art that are associated with the city. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 15 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction | 11 CITYWIDE VISION FOR ARTS AND CULTURE A vision has now emerged for an arts and culture sector in the City of Carlsbad. It should be creative, innovative, inclusive and vital. These are the values that now provide the framework for the Priorities and Action Items within the Arts & Culture Master Plan and establish guideposts for implementing the plan recommendations over the next ten years. ● Creative. Building on a history of civic engagement and volunteerism in and around the arts and culture, the city will work to enhance its reputation for vibrant, creative community expression and gathering. ● Innovative. Known as an incubator of business innovation, the city will help the arts and culture participate in developing new solutions for business, government, education and philanthropic sectors. ● Inclusive. From a coastal agricultural community known for its beauty and diverse communities, the city will work towards access and inclusion to the arts and culture for all Carlsbad residents. ● Vital. Known for its high quality of life and robust Village and Barrio histories, the city’s arts and cultural communities will contribute to the creation of dynamic neighborhoods, vibrant market areas and an engaging city center. OPPORTUNITIES ON THE HORIZON FOR ARTS AND CULTURE IN CARLSBAD While there are many strengths, there are also opportunities present that could further the impact of arts and culture, such as: ● Defining the city’s role in the region and locally in arts and culture. ● Reaching additional resident populations with more arts savvy and accessible arts and cultural programming. ● Growing demand for arts and culture participation as a part of daily life by generating new forms of funding and fostering partnerships to create additional ways for artists and arts and culture organizations to bring their work to the public. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 16 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction 12 IDENTIFYING NEW ROLES During the Discover phase, the consensus was that to expand the city’s role in arts and culture in Carlsbad, North County and Greater San Diego, the city should expand its role from a Provider of programs and funding to be more a Connector, Leader and Partner. We define these terms as follows: ● Provider… to ensure that the city’s role of providing arts and culture programming and funding to the community remains strong. ● Partner … to form cross-sector collaborations that can increase the impact of the arts and culture. ● Leader … to advocate for the arts and culture with innovative ideas and stimulating conversations with arts and culture partners throughout the North County area. ● Connector … to bring together diverse entities to pursue mutual goals. SIX NEW STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Six new strategic priorities that help define these new roles were identified during the initial phases of community engagement. They have been tested and refined throughout the development of the plan and final specific Action Items based on discussions about them with City of Carlsbad staff, community residents and local creative sector professionals are now at the foundation of our plan. 1. Support Art as an Essential Component of Daily Life 2. Foster Arts & Culture Within the Physical Realm 3. Expand Arts & Culture Learning Opportunities 4. Establish Relationships that Support a Thriving Business Sector 5. Celebrate Carlsbad’s Unique History and Distinct Identities 6. Build Capacity Within the Arts & Culture Sector June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 17 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction | 13 ENVISIONED OUTCOMES The arts and culture have always been essential to Carlsbad's uniqueness and these strengths will remain at its core as the city moves forward. The challenge for residents is to help the city encourage and support the emerging arts and culture landscape that becomes part of every resident’s daily life. As the city begins implementation of this community-inspired Arts & Culture Master Plan, it will focus on four primary goals: ● Promote Carlsbad as a vital cultural destination. ● Encourage greater implementation of the arts in academic and social programs including the advancement of STEAM. ● Support the ongoing integration of cultural arts into city policy and new project discussions. ● Establish relationships that support a creative and thriving local arts and culture ecosystem encouraging greater collaboration between the arts and culture community and the business, education and nonprofit sectors. Sage Creek High School Drama photo from the Carlsbad Unified School District June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 18 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction 14 A ROAD MAP Going forward, this Arts & Culture Master Plan will serve as a roadmap for the City of Carlsbad, providing it with short-term, mid-term and long-term strategies. The realization of goals and strategies will require the community’s leadership and the support and combined efforts of City of Carlsbad leadership, department staff, artists, partner organizations in the private and nonprofit sectors in order to achieve the vision of creating a vital, vibrant and inviting city. As a roadmap, the plan describes the ways in which arts and culture, cross-sector partnerships, neighborhood initiatives and diverse community offerings come together to support a dynamic quality of life for residents. To do this, the plan provides guidance on strategically bringing together the partnerships and resources needed to create opportunities within the city for the arts and culture sector to thrive. The plan came from the ideas of residents in the city and will further develop with their continued input and entrepreneurial energy making the arts and culture not only part of resident’s quality of life, but an essential component of the city’s identity and prosperity. We hope that when you read this Arts & Culture Master Plan you will be able to see yourself in the ideas and inspiration that are at its foundation. TEN PRIORITY ACTIONS The staff from the Cultural Arts Office and the Arts Commission have identified the following ten priority actions. 1. Research and develop a venue feasibility plan 2. Implement Mobile Outreach Strategy utilizing a newly programmed Arts Vehicle and Mobile Stage, i.e., Business Park After Dark 3. Support the continuation and development of Carlsbad’s festival and event culture 4. Leverage local partnerships to support creating an initial STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) pilot program with Carlsbad's Title I schools with an eventual goal of replication in schools across the city. 5. Partner with Community and Economic Development to convene a series of dialogues with local creative and artistic industry professionals to June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 19 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction | 15 discover mutual goals and interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of employees in the workplace 6. Increase community grant funding and support 7. Work with business networking organizations to develop trainings for business professionals to serve on arts and culture nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship opportunities 8. Create Trail Art Initiative 9. Create a Guest Artist residency program 10. Create a Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story , New Village Arts, 2017 Photo from: Daren Scott, New Village Arts June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 20 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Introduction 16 Carlsbad Sculpture Garden Landsailers, Neal Bociek, 2014 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 21 of 120 17 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework ARTS AND CULTURE FRAMEWORK June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 22 of 120 18 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework DEFINING ARTS AND CULTURE Planning for “arts” and ”culture” can be tricky as the terms have many meanings. For that reason, we have used a broad understanding of these terms during the formulation of the Arts & Culture Master Plan. Traditionally, the arts have conjured images of companies and institutions – the ballet, the opera, the symphony, theaters and museums. Today the arts mean much more. With greater access to both new and traditional media, inspired entrepreneurship and venture capital, downtown revitalization and the fusion of culture and cuisine, the arts can be more immediate. They are as likely to be in the form of crafts, community art, digital media or food as in painting, sculpture, dance, theater and music. This plan takes a broad view of the arts and culture and recognizes that the diversity of media and modes of expression is a strength of the arts sector and deserving of support. Like the term “art,” “culture” refers to the way in which a group of people express their ideas, values and hopes. At its core “culture” embodies all the activities that we do as a community and help to form our knowledge of and attachment to the places in which we live. Captured in architecture, histories and the shared events that bring people together, a community's culture is its unique stamp upon the world. Art and culture are how we express ourselves as individuals and how we engage each other as a community. ARTS AND CULTURE ARE TAKING A NEW ROLE IN OUR CITIES The arts and culture have always been an essential part of what it means to be human. Through image, stories, dance and other forms of expression, we become inspired, delighted and connected to each other as a community. Until recently the arts were viewed as “enhancements” or “special extras” within our daily lives. Over the past decade, however, our understanding has shifted. Scientific research has shown the arts stimulate a child's brain development. We see new and increased funding for “cross-sector partnerships” to develop vibrant urban areas. There has been a fundamental shift in business for more creativity and innovation. As a result, we see the arts and culture taking a critical role in guiding how we develop as cities, communities and individuals. Today, within the United States, we know that: • Arts unify communities. 67 percent of Americans believe “the arts unify our communities regardless of age, race and ethnicity.” June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 23 of 120 Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework | 19 • Arts improve academic performance and lower dropout rates. • Arts strengthen the economy. In the United States today, the arts and culture sector is a $730 billion industry representing 4.2 percent of the nation’s GDP—a larger share of the economy than transportation, tourism and agriculture (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis). • Arts are good for local businesses. Attendees at nonprofit arts events spend $24.60 per person, per event, beyond the cost of admission on items such as meals, parking and babysitters. • Arts drive tourism. Arts travelers stay longer and spend more to seek out authentic cultural experiences. • Arts spark creativity and innovation. Creativity is among the top five applied skills sought by business leaders—with 72 percent saying creativity is of high importance when hiring. • Arts improve healthcare. Nearly one-half of the nation’s healthcare institutions provide arts programming for patients, families and even staff. More than two-thirds believe these programs provide healing benefits to patients—shorter hospital stays, better pain management and less medication. • Arts and healing in the military. The arts are part of the military continuum—promoting readiness during pre-deployment as well as aiding in the successful reintegration and adjustment of veterans and military families into community life.1 During conversations with local stakeholders, many said this was the arts and culture’s “time” in the City of Carlsbad. Given the opportunities, needs and political will, aligning arts and culture-based strategies with other community priorities just makes sense. CREATIVE PLACEMAKING The city’s planning efforts also take place within a national groundswell of interest in the ways in which arts and culture can advance diverse community strategies. For instance, since 2010, the National Endowment for the Arts, ArtPlace (a 1 Reference: Ten Reasons to Support the Arts. Randy Cohen, 2017. The Americans for the Arts, https://www.americansforthearts.org/by-program/reports- and- data/legislation- policy/naappd/ten-reasons- to- support-the- arts-2017 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 24 of 120 20 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework consortium of 12 philanthropic foundations and six major financial institutions, with diverse federal agencies participating as strategic partners) and the Kresge Foundation have invested over $80M in “Creative Placemaking” projects all across the country. Creative Placemaking is an area of city planning that partners with the arts and culture sector in order to develop the quality and vitality of a place. In addition to national arts funders, both the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the US Department of Education have revised funding guidelines to encourage arts strategies as part of their programs. BENEFITS OF THE CREATIVE ECONOMY The success of new approaches such as Creative Placemaking prompts cities to reassess the role and value of the arts and culture within their communities and to examine the types of skills, connections and capacities needed to harness the potential of their arts and culture assets. Even smaller towns and cities are engaging the arts and culture community with economic development in order to achieve the following: ● Support for the development of downtown assets and cultural renewal; ● Increase in business attraction and expansion of the tax base; ● Growth of a regional and community image; and ● Arts increasing the attractiveness of the area to highly desirable, knowledge-based and creative-sector employees. These national trends tie in closely with Carlsbad's goals to strengthen the city’s strong and diverse economy and its position as an employment hub in North San Diego County. THE ARTS IN CALIFORNIA Shifts in the arts and culture sector are happening throughout the state and the nation. A recent report2 by the James Irvine Foundation looked at how people in the State of California participate in arts and culture activities. The report identified many of the same trends that are emerging in Carlsbad today. People’s participation in arts and cultural activities, especially in ways that allow them to develop or release their own artistic impulse, is extensive — and perhaps 2 Novak-Leonard, et.al. (2015) The Cultural Lives of Californians: Insights from the Cultural Survey of Arts & Culture Participation. University of Chicago and The James Irvine Foundation June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 25 of 120 Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework | 21 nowhere more so than in California. At the same time, California’s cultural landscape is undergoing massive changes, affecting the ways people encounter, experience and engage with art. These changes include California’s demographic shift to be a so-called “majority-minority” state and rapid technological advances that offer new opportunities for artistic expression and access. These changes pose challenges and exciting new opportunities for how artists and organizations create and share their expertise and work. Key findings include: • Californians want to engage in arts and culture, and demand is high. • Art happens everywhere - new technology, expectations and cultural norms mean Californians engage in art in new ways and places. • There is disparity — Californians have varied arts interests, but there are evident patterns of lower participation levels for some of California’s largest and growing demographic groups. Photo from the Carlsbad Music Festival June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 26 of 120 22 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework CARLSBAD’S SUCCESS STORIES Carlsbad has a rich history with several arts and culture organizations and traditions that are embedded as a core component of that legacy. These organizations bring diverse cultural experiences to the community. It is one of the aspirations of the Arts & Culture Master Plan to continue to support these organizations and to create programs that will assist them with capacity building to strengthen their operations and help each to further its mission. NEW VILLAGE ARTS THEATRE The only live theater venue in the Village of Carlsbad, New Village Arts has brought critically acclaimed productions to the city since 2001. Founded by graduates of New York’s Actors Studio Drama School, the company first staged shows at the Granary – a converted chicken coop in Carlsbad’s Magee Park. Thanks to the support of the City of Carlsbad, New Village Arts is currently housed in one of the Village’s oldest buildings – a 1922 former lumber yard – with a 99-seat theater and artists incubator space known as The Foundry. With innovative classes and outreach programming such as Teatro Pueblo Nuevo, NVA offers professional and family educational opportunities that help to create a healthy and culturally vibrant community. MURALS Today the Village of Carlsbad is known for a unique and eclectic set of murals supported by local businesses and artists. Residents and visitors can find works tucked along quiet streets and alleyways such as “The Robot,” by local artist Jason Markow, at the corner of State St. and Carlsbad Village Dr. and Michael Summers’ “Cat Nap,” located on the exterior of Witch Creek Winery. A popular spot is the New Village Arts Building Photo from New Village Arts June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 27 of 120 Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework | 23 Carlsbad Art Wall created by local community artist Bryan Snyder. Bryan works with a rotating set of local and regional artists, muralists, teens and community members to create ever-changing artworks along the wall of Señor Grubby’s. MUSEUM OF MAKING MUSIC The Museum of Making Music is the official museum of NAMM - the National Association of Music Merchants, the not-for-profit association that serves and strengthens the global music products industry. Founded in 1998 and opened to the public in March 2000, the Museum celebrates the rich history of the music products industry from 1900 to today. Through unique exhibitions, live music performances and educational programs, the Museum shares the accomplishments and impact of the people who make, sell and use musical instruments and other products. Carlsbad Art Wall at Señor Grubby’s Museum of Making Music Gallery Space Photo from Museum of Making Music June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 28 of 120 24 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework CARLSBAD MUSIC FESTIVAL Now in its 15th season, the annual Carlsbad Music Festival has offered a three-day summer celebration of “adventurous music by the beach.” The Festival features over 60 performances and is curated by Founder and Artistic Director Matt McBane, who is also a composer and violinist. Performers bring a mix of eclectic and adventurous music including contemporary classical, indie rock, world music, electronic, jazz and more. Each year, dozens of free outdoor concerts draw thousands of visitors to the Village of Carlsbad where they can find a beer garden, food trucks and an artisan market. In addition, the Carlsbad Music Festival is supported by their partner organization St. Michael’s Episcopal Church. TGIF CONCERTS IN THE PARKS What started in 1985 as a series of intimate jazz concerts in parks has grown to a major fixture of summer in Carlsbad. Nine concerts are presented in four city parks. Each event features food vendors and hands-on art activities at the Family Open Studios. Live music and a dance floor offer evening entertainment for over 30,000 residents and visitors annually. Musicians are featured from San Diego, as well as across southern California and nationally. Support for the concert series comes from the City of Carlsbad through the Cultural Arts Office as well as Parks & Recreation, Public Works, Carlsbad Police, Carlsbad Explorers and Senior Volunteer Patrol. In addition, the concert series receives strong annual support from the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts. LEO CARRILLO RANCH HISTORIC PARK Opened in 2003, the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park is Carlsbad’s 27-acre former working ranch, once owned by actor Leo Carrillo. Today, this historic park is home to handcrafted adobe buildings, antique windmills, a reflecting pool and many other historic structures where visitors can explore California history. Known for the natural beauty found in the agave, bougainvillea, Birds of Paradise, flowering trees and dozens of peacocks, the City of Carlsbad supported the stabilization and preservation of this unique historical asset. A unique entry gate was created specifically for the park through the city's public art program. Leo Carrillo Ranch is a designated Historic National Landmark and is connected to the citywide trails system via the four-mile-long Ranch Carrillo Trail. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 29 of 120 Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework | 25 TGIF Concert Series June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 30 of 120 26 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework Carlsbad Music Festival June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 31 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement | 27 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 32 of 120 28 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement THE PLANNING PROCESS Direction and recommendations for the Arts & Culture Master Plan action items came from community residents who desire the ongoing development of the arts and culture within Carlsbad. Additional ideas and inspiration were taken from national best practice models. The public engagement component of the project is based on numerous outreach methods. • Stakeholder Interviews and Focus Groups • Public Meetings • In-person and Online Surveys • Community Outreach in Focused Areas • Plan Preview • Meeting-in-a-Box for Arts Organizations Each individual engagement component played a specific part in the development of the Arts & Culture Master Plan. The initial stakeholder interviews and focus groups helped the team to create the overall theme framework, while public meetings provided a chance to update the larger public on the planning process and test ideas that were emerging from those stakeholder discussions. The in-person and online surveys helped to deepen the team’s understanding of how the larger public viewed each of the themes and what specific ideas they might like to see develop as part of the plan. As the plan evolved, a Plan Preview document was created to give residents an advance look at what ideas were emerging and get one final round of feedback before the final draft. The Arts & Culture Master Plan now reflects the ideas and visions created by and tested with community representatives. The national best practices that helped inform this final draft involve cultural sector economic development and creative placemaking. The plan’s action items provide a clear roadmap for expanding the arts and culture that is specific to Carlsbad, its history and its residents. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 33 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement | 29 TGIF Concert Series June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 34 of 120 30 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement KEY COMMUNITY FINDINGS The community engagement process revealed just how strongly Carlsbad residents want the arts and culture to be part of their daily lives. There is support for seeing the arts beyond the traditional settings of galleries and concert halls and placed along natural trails, in business parks and within different neighborhoods to provide fuller engagement with works of expression and creativity. These ideas and others, gathered in interviews with individual residents, creative professionals, focus groups and community meetings laid the foundation for the two broad surveys distributed digitally and on paper throughout the city – including surveys during TGIF concerts – from May through August, 2017. Survey Results. Overall survey results showed that, broadly speaking, residents of the City of Carlsbad believe the arts and culture are an essential part of the city and their quality of life. The vast majority of all respondents (92%) expressed that Arts & Culture is either important (32%) or extremely important (60%). 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70% Extremely important Moderately important Slightly important Not at all important Don't know Overall, how important a role do arts and cultural activities play in improving the quality of life of Carlsbad area residents (English) June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 35 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement | 31 Additionally, many Carlsbad residents are quite active in the arts, with a majority of respondents saying they participate either monthly or two-to-five times per year in an arts and/or cultural event. 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70% Extremadamente importante Importante Algo importante Nada importante No lo sé Overall, how important a role do arts and cultural activities play in improving the quality of life of Carlsbad area residents (Spanish) 0%10%20%30%40%50% Weekly Monthly Two to five times a year Once a year In a typical year I participate in arts and culture events and programs in the Carlsbad area (English) June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 36 of 120 32 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement In addition to this broad general support, the results show support for integrating the arts and culture into non-traditional aspects of daily life. There was significant interest in programming that bring interactions with the arts in new ways such as the Mobile Outreach Strategy which offers arts experiences throughout Carlsbad. By supporting different partnerships, finding new grant opportunities and helping local creative businesses and non-profits grow, the city can leverage its efforts to meet this desire for more interaction with the arts. Through the survey, Carlsbad residents showed both an understanding of and support for this direction. 0%10%20%30%40%50% Semanalmente Mensualmente Dos a cinco veces al año Una vez al año In a typical year I participate in arts and culture events and programs in the Carlsbad area (Spanish) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Health and wellness Environmental activities Business activities Recreational activities Education Civic engagement Please rate the following: I’d like to see closer links between Carlsbad’s arts and cultural offerings and…(English) June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 37 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement | 33 Survey results showed a difference in how English-speaking and Spanish-speaking residents visited cultural facilities. Given the smaller sample size, the survey results are not fully reflective of the Spanish-speaking community. However, it is a difference that should be noted for further planning to ensure all resident communities feel they have access to expanding arts and culture. The survey data and other community input suggests that, particularly in the Barrio area with its rich traditions, the Village is a popular choice for an arts and culture district. 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 Salud y bienestar Actividades ambientales Actividades deportivas Desarrollo de negocios Actividades recreativas Educación Compromiso civil Please rate the following: I’d like to see closer links between Carlsbad’s arts and cultural offerings and…. (Spanish) June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 38 of 120 34 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement 0%20%40%60%80%100% William D. Cannon Art Gallery Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium Deedie’s House at Leo Carrillo Ranch Sculpture Garden Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office Carlsbad Community Cultural Center New Village Arts Theatre Carlsbad Historical Society Carlsbad Village Theater Museum of Making Music Carlsbad City Library City of Carlsbad parks Carlsbad Village Where have you attended arts and culture events in the community? (English) Historic ArtSpash Event June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 39 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Community Engagement | 35 0%20%40%60%80%100% Galería de Arte William D. Cannon Auditorio Ruby G. Schulman La Casa de Deedie en el Rancho Leo Carrillo El Jardín de las Esculturas Oficina de Artes Culturales de Carlsbad Centro Cultural de la Comunidad de Carlsbad Teatro New Village Arts Sociedad Histórica de Carlsbad Teatro Carlsbad Village Museo de la Música (Museum of Making… Biblioteca de la Ciudad de Carlsbad Parques de la Ciudad de Carlsbad Carlsbad Village Where have you attended arts and culture events in the community? (Spanish) City of Carlsbad William D. Cannon Art Gallery June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 40 of 120 36 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework City of Carlsbad Family Open Studios June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 41 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 37 THE PLAN June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 42 of 120 38 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation NEW ROLES FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD During the creation of the Arts & Culture Master Plan it became apparent that the City of Carlsbad needed to take on new roles in order to create a more vibrant arts and culture destination while maintaining its high quality of life. “No longer will the city be building the ship," it was said. "Now it needs to be wind in the sails.” PROVIDER, LEADER, CONNECTOR, PARTNER The vision of a creative, innovative, inclusive and vital creative community lays the foundation for understanding how the city can expand from a Provider of arts programs and funding into broader new roles that allow the city to realize this vision of the arts and culture in everyday lives while stimulating an expanding creative sector economy. Building on its ability to bring residents together, the city will become a leader in bringing innovative ideas to the city, partnering with local groups to create capacity within the creative sector and connecting across city departments and among city partners. The city will evolve from Provider of programs and funding, to performing the broader function of Connector, Leader and Partner. These four roles factor into each objective but come into play in different combinations. The Arts & Culture Master Plan recommendations are organized to meet this new understanding. Each of its four roles is defined by one of six major goals: Daily Life, Physical Realm, Business, Learning, Civic Identities and Capacity Building. PROVIDER (traditional role) • Continue to Provide Strong Arts & Culture Programming PARTNER (expanded role) • Support Art as an Essential Component of Daily Life • Foster Arts & Culture Within the Physical Realm CONNECTOR (expanded role) • Expand Arts & Culture Learning Opportunities • Establish Relationships that Support a Thriving Business Sector LEADER (expanded role) • Celebrate Carlsbad’s Unique History and Distinct Identities • Build Capacity Within the Arts & Culture Sector June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 43 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 39 At the heart of the Arts & Culture Master Plan are the strategies and action item recommendations themselves. Each recommendation that is listed grew from the ideas and visions of community members and city staff and from inspiration found in the work of other cities. Together, these ideas create a plan that guides the City of Carlsbad to continue in its role as a regional leader for arts and culture. Les Miserables, La Costa Canyon High School, 2018 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 44 of 120 40 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation ROLE OF THE CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION By identifying targeted activities that support the city's development of arts and culture and connecting residents with those efforts, the Carlsbad Arts Commission serves an important role. Now, with the city assuming a larger role, the Arts Commission must reassess its goals and strategies. As specified by city ordinance, the Carlsbad Arts Commission is an advisory body that advocates on behalf of the community and strives to advance the fine arts and the performing arts. Appointed by the Mayor and the City Council, the Commissioners serve as ambassadors to the community, focused on its cultural enrichment. Its members apply their diverse experience in culture and creative life as a resource to assist with meeting Carlsbad’s objectives and goals related to culture and the quality of life. The Commissioners are also asked to serve on subcommittees that include reviewing and recommending funding on Community Arts Grants applications and serving as an extension of the community in discussions regarding public art and arts education. Specific areas for the Arts Commission to explore include: • How the Commission can help nurture younger artists to be leaders within the arts and culture sector. • How the make-up of the Arts Commission can work to represent a balance of both the wide range of communities within the city and the diversity of the creative sector. • How retired Arts Commissioners may consider serving on other boards and commissions to keep the arts 'at the table' in early conversations about project and program developments across the city’s different departments. Arts & Culture Master Plan Guidance. The Arts Commission will serve as an advisory body for implementation of the plan. It may assess progress annually and request an update report on the status of implementation, including a discussion about current arts and culture priorities. Through its own annual work plan, it can communicate with the City Council about recommended next steps, budget priorities and other interests related to arts and culture. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 45 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 41 Museum of Making Music June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 46 of 120 42 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation ROLE 1: PROVIDER June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 47 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 43 CONTINUE TO PROVIDE STRONG ARTS AND CULTURE PROGRAMMING The City of Carlsbad's historic support of arts and culture as a core value led to the establishment of its Cultural Arts Office as part of the city’s investment in the visual and performing arts. The Cultural Arts Office is supported by the city’s general fund with an annual budget of over $1 million in fiscal year 2017-18. Its programs include a robust series of concerts, exhibitions, special events, arts education opportunities and public art installations. They include the following: • Cannon Art Gallery o Year-round world class exhibitions o Resident art displays in city libraries • Public Art o Permanent collection - Art In Public Places o Temporary works – new and exciting works designed to inspire o Carlsbad Sculpture Garden – an outdoor art encounter • Foreign Film Fridays o Bringing the best of world cinema to Carlsbad • Performing Arts Series o Starring Artists – an interview and performance experience o This Is Jazz – showcases the region’s musical talent o Opera Previews – an in-depth look at classical and modern masterpieces • TGIF Concerts in the Parks o The city’s biggest musical happening, now in its 33rd year • Community Arts Grants o Annual funding cycle for arts organizations and schools o Apecial opportunities • Arts Education o Three-Part Art – an educational outreach to local school groups o Deedie’s House at the Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park o California history and art program at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park o Family Open Studios – families enjoying art together o Cummer camps o Creative Arts – an interactive experience of creating art and performing June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 48 of 120 44 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation o Club Pelican – exploring nature and the visual arts at the Batiquitos Lagoon The professional staff recognizes that the arts and culture are integral to the core values of the community. Encouraging self-expression and creativity are key components in designing meaningful and quality experiences with the arts. Each member of the team brings a passionate commitment to the arts and culture, a unique set of skills and a distinctive perspective on what the arts and culture mean to them. Collectively, the staff strives to bring the arts and culture world to Carlsbad through innovative programming. Their work together is collaborative, representing the best outcome when artists and administrators join forces to create truly memorable encounters for audiences, promoting lifelong learning that touches the heart and invigorates the mind. PRIMARY GOAL GOAL: Continue to Provide Strong Arts & Culture Programming Through its continual role as a Provider the Cultural Arts Office will continue to deliver the high level of innovative programming and events supported by the community. COMMUNITY VOICES Some comments from the community survey: “Carlsbad is a very unique community in the types of arts and culture events it currently supports.” “I love the foreign films at the Dove Library and would like to see Carlsbad support bringing more of them, as well as the lesser known films that are never shown in our local theaters.” “I think Carlsbad is clearly the leader in North County when it comes to arts and cultural events.” June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 49 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 45 Carlsbad Sculpture Garden, Landsailers, Neal Bociek, 2014 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 50 of 120 46 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation ROLE 2: PARTNER June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 51 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 47 SUPPORT ART AS AN ESSENTIAL COMPONENT OF DAILY LIFE Just as our image of the artist has changed, so has our interaction with art. Whether it's public art in corporate parks and along city trails, live performances by international stars and local amateurs, or touring exhibitions and neighborhood art projects, Carlsbad residents want greater access to an increasingly varied arts and culture experience. Community residents responded with broad support (over 60%) to the idea of integrating the arts and culture into many different aspects of daily life – from health and wellness, to education and environmental activities. Making art and culture available for everyday experience will bind a community together and foster a local identity and the City of Carlsbad can help drive this effort through active partnerships with businesses, artists and cultural organizations. PRIMARY GOAL GOAL: Support Art as an Essential Component of Daily Life In its role as Partner, the city's Cultural Arts Office will bring together city departments, local arts and culture organizations and local businesses to promote a more diverse range of arts and culture opportunities that will bring art into all aspects of daily life. Through these partnerships, the Cultural Arts Office can help to incorporate the arts in unique and innovative ways within all dimensions of life: business, health, education and the environment. STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS Ensuring that arts and culture are part of everyday life requires strategic partnerships with organizations throughout the community. The Cultural Arts Office can look to case studies within the City of Carlsbad and in other cities that demonstrate how local government is partnering with community stakeholders to raise the profile of the arts and culture as reoccurring elements throughout the city with unique and innovative incorporation into all aspects of life: business, health, safety, environment, education and transportation. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 52 of 120 48 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Strategy 1: Develop a Mobile Outreach Strategy for the Cultural Arts Office. • DL 1.1 (Daily Life): Investigate the possibility of utilizing the city’s Mobile Stage for performance opportunities outside of the TGIF concert series including potential rentals as a revenue source. • DL 1.2 (Daily Life): Procure an "Art Vehicle" for city staff to deliver arts programming to locations throughout the city. Strategy 2: Support the continuation and development of a festival and events culture within the city. • DL 2.1 (Daily Life): Continue to support and foster relationships, while partnering with large-scale events within Carlsbad, such as Art in the Village, La Costa Film Festival, Carlsbad Music Festival, and other local organizations that can help to create and promote a festival offering for both residents and visitors. • DL 2.2 (Daily Life): Streamline city regulations related to street festivals, performances in the parks, and street performers for specific performance appropriate places around the city. Create a FAQ sheet for potential performers and artists. • DL 2.3 (Daily Life): Encourage temporary artworks to be included in the planning of community celebrations and special events. • DL 2.4 (Daily Life): Support city-wide recognition of October as Arts and Humanities Month. Strategy 3: Ensure that access to the arts is available for all community members. • DL 3.1 (Daily Life): Work with local social service providers to explore opportunities for collaborative partnership programming where people with physical or other types of challenges can be supported by the arts to explore their own creativity and connect with the greater community. • DL 3.2 (Daily Life): Create an "Access to the Art" program and seek opportunities to expand scholarships, subsidies, and passes for populations identified as having financial barriers to arts and culture access. • DL 3.3 (Daily Life): Explore opportunities to advance artist relationships with the local military community, including funding for specific project development. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 53 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 49 Strategy 4: Partner with local neighborhood groups to promote the creation and display of art. • DL 4.1 (Daily Life): Work with neighborhood-based cultural activities and enable Cultural Arts Office staff to encourage and support neighborhoods with the planning of installations or events. • DL 4.2 (Daily Life): Create a neighborhoods arts grant program to provide seed money and formalize a technical assistance program to help local groups implement arts events and projects. Strategy 5: Identify opportunities for new and innovative coverage by local and regional media around the arts. • DL 5.1 (Daily Life): Create a city-wide and/or regional event listing with current art offerings around Carlsbad. POTENTIAL PARTNERS • Businesses • Developers • Land use and planning organizations • Local arts organizations • Artists • Parks & Recreation Department • Public Works Department • Community & Economic Development Department • Neighborhood Groups COMMUNITY VOICES Here are some of the survey comments that show how important this is: “Make random art installations throughout the city…. Not just in major traffic areas throughout downtown, but maybe some in Holiday Park, Calavera Hills, to Hosp Grove. It makes people get out to places that they may not have gone before and adds so much character to underused areas of the city. I especially think that an art walk through Hosp Grove would be amazing.” “Art & cultural events should be hosted at various sites; such as in parks and trails, at lagoons, outdoor venues spread throughout the City. Combine education, nature, arts and culture whenever possible.” June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 54 of 120 50 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation FOSTER ARTS & CULTURE WITHIN THE PHYSICAL REALM Today, peoples’ expectations about art, where they see it and what they experience, are changing. Many want to see arts and culture as infused within the very fabric of the city. Whether this means more artwork along city trails, new murals downtown, or local neighborhood art projects, Carlsbad residents would like to expand upon their traditional experiences of seeing art inside galleries and performance spaces, to seeing art in new and surprising ways all around them. PRIMARY GOAL GOAL: Support Partnerships that Foster Arts & Culture within the Physical Realm Serving as a Partner with both city departments and external businesses and organizations, the Cultural Arts Office will bring together the people and resources needed to create opportunities for a more diverse range of arts opportunities within the city. STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS Strong partnerships are needed to use arts and culture to enhance the physical realm. There are opportunities for the city’s Cultural Arts Office to achieve this goal by building these partnerships with other city departments, the local design and development community and local arts organizations. The Cultural Arts Office can explore, identify, cultivate and ultimately support the partnerships needed to attract outside funding for projects that would enhance existing and create new spaces in the community. Strategy 1: Enhance existing venues and explore the potential for additional artistic and performance venues within the city including various funding models such as public-private partnerships. • PR 1.1 (Physical Realm): Launch a feasibility study to explore the creation of a City of Carlsbad cultural arts facility that responds to the regional interest for a larger performance venue for professional theater and can provide classrooms, rehearsal spaces and production studios. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 55 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 51 • PR 1.2 (Physical Realm): Work with Carlsbad Village business owners and organizations to create a map of potential performance spaces within the Downtown area for use by additional performance-based artists. • PR 1.3 (Physical Realm): Work with the local faith-based community to expand use of available congregational spaces for cultural activity. Strategy 2: Expand upon public art opportunities within the community to begin moving towards more equal placement of the arts within the city. • PR 2.1 (Physical Realm): Encourage and assist local businesses to support the creation of privately-sponsored murals within Carlsbad Village and new developments throughout the city. • PR 2.2 (Physical Realm): As plans for the Coastal Corridor develop, work with regional planning agencies and artists to identify opportunities for displaying public art. Strategy 3: Work internally across city departments to identify opportunities to include art within existing and future improvement projects. • PR 3.1 (Physical Realm): Establish a practice of including a Cultural Arts representative in preliminary concept development conversations about upcoming Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). • PR 3.2 (Physical Realm): Explore a Utility Box wrapping program. • PR 3.3 (Physical Realm): Fund technology upgrades for the Cannon Art Gallery to enable the space to function at industry standards for presentation of art, audio programming and visitor support features. Strategy 4: Work with the development community to support the inclusion of the arts in future projects. • PR 4.1 (Physical Realm): Create an Arts Inclusion policy to help frame conversations between the city and private developers who might be looking to include artwork (both permanent and temporary) within their own developments. Policy should address a strategy for creating public art on private development sites, proposed contribution (typically .5-2%), definition of appropriate art, artists selection criteria, and project selection criteria. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 56 of 120 52 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation POTENTIAL PARTNERS • Businesses • Artists and Arts Organizations • Parks & Recreation Department • Carlsbad Village Association • Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce • Local Non-profits • North County Arts Network (NCAN) • Neighborhood Groups • Local Media Outlets • Property Owners COMMUNITY VOICES Here’s what we heard from the community in our outreach surveys. “I absolutely love all the street art in Carlsbad! From the Carlsbad Art wall, to the painted fire hydrants! I also love finding the doodles in the village! We live in such a great community and art keeps us all connected!!!” “We need a civic theatre that can be used by community organizations.” Build a centrally located cultural arts center where many different music, performing and visual artists and patrons can enjoy quality experiences. Make it easy for all people to experience the arts.” June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 57 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 53 City of Carlsbad William D. Cannon Art Gallery June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 58 of 120 54 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation ROLE 3: CONNECTOR June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 59 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 55 EXPAND ARTS & CULTURE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES A community's vitality, like that of each individual, depends on continued learning and engagement with new ideas. Community members have shared input about the importance of arts and culture education and providing access for people of all ages. Creative opportunities can be offered by the city to ensure that community members of all ages have strong exposure to the arts. PRIMARY GOAL GOAL: Expand Arts & Culture Learning Opportunities In its role as a Connector, the Cultural Arts Office will bring together schools, arts organizations and businesses to network towards a supplemental system for arts support and strategize new means of providing arts education for all ages. STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS The city’s Cultural Arts Office will convene local partners and seek creative solutions to provide arts education opportunities for all ages. Strategy 1: Encourage innovative intergenerational arts programming such as sharing oral histories that can serve as source material for performances and visual art that foster creativity and collaboration. • LL 1.1 (Lifelong Learning): Leverage local partnerships to support STEM to STEAM learning initiatives with an initial pilot program with Carlsbad's Title I schools with an eventual goal of replication in schools across the city. • LL 1.2 (Lifelong Learning): Explore potential partnerships and grant resources to develop a City of Carlsbad “Arts and Health” initiative, with the eventual goal of replication to all school districts within Carlsbad. Strategy 2: Adults & Community - Increase access to arts-based enrichment programs and opportunities. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 60 of 120 56 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation • LL 2.1 (Lifelong Learning): Work with local colleges and universities, arts educators, and arts providers, to develop partnerships that focus on the creation of a Community Arts Learning Plan that promotes lifelong learning in the arts. • LL 2.2 (Lifelong Learning): Work in partnership with the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center to create targeted Spanish-language arts and music classes for the Barrio community. • LL 2.3 (Lifelong Learning): Work with regional community college districts and other higher education partners to identify applied learning opportunities for art and design students to teach classes at City of Carlsbad facilities. • LL 2.4 (Lifelong Learning): Create opportunities for Guest Artist Residencies for master classes or other engagement events. Strategy 3: Youth - Expand arts education provided by local school districts, the city and third- party providers. • LL 3.1 (Lifelong Learning): Develop annual “Careers in the Arts” event in conjunction with local schools and local organizations to help facilitate local artists and creative professionals to connect middle and high school students about careers in the creative sector and create a Youth Arts Council. • LL 3.2 (Lifelong Learning): Work with Carlsbad, San Marcos, Encinitas and San Deiguito school districts as well as higher education institutions to create an internship program that provides career learning opportunities in the municipal arts field. Three Part Art - Carlsbad’s Three-Part-Art program introduces Carlsbad third- and fourth-graders to original works of art in a museum setting. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 61 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 57 POTENTIAL PARTNERS ● Businesses ● Community college districts ● California State University San Marcos ● Chamber of Commerce Education Committee ● School districts and PTAs ● Private creative businesses ● Local arts organizations ● Local non-profits ● Carlsbad Historical Society ● Parks & Recreation Department COMMUNITY VOICES Here is what some of our respondents said about the question of education. “[Create] community programs that enable and encourage mentorship and growth of educational opportunities, so that art education and traditions can be passed down to the next generations.” “Have more art classes, more music venues which are affordable to all.” “More advanced/sophisticated community classes, art studios open to the public, woodworking workshops with all machinery open to the public.” “Make more 'entry-level' arts education opportunities available (such as) community theatre productions and introductory arts classes.” Art Classes at the City of Carlsbad Leo Carillo Ranch Photo from the California History Project June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 62 of 120 58 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS THAT SUPPORT A THRIVING BUSINESS SECTOR Successful business leaders depend on creativity and innovation to keep their companies growing, their products and services relevant, their employees engaged and their customers loyal. By investing in an active arts environment, Carlsbad has attracted world-class companies at the forefront of innovation in action sports, life sciences, hospitality, tourism, information and communications technology and clean technology. Many of these companies embody the arts-business link with inventive solutions to office workspaces and bringing creative storytelling into marketing and employee communications. There are numerous opportunities to further explore the integration of arts and business to engage artists to enliven offices and branding, acting techniques to invigorate corporate presentations and coach public speaking and many more examples. PRIMARY GOAL GOAL: Establish Relationships that Support a Thriving Business Sector To do this the city, which has strong ties with both local artists and businesses, will actively serve as a Connector of the arts and business sector in organized exchanges that lead to candid dialogue and collaborative projects. STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS The city is the common thread between both the local arts and business communities in Carlsbad. The city has strong ties with both sectors and can utilize these connections to pull together stakeholders to achieve this goal. Strategy 1: The Cultural Arts Office will partner with the Community & Economic Development Department to encourage small, innovative business start-ups by creative entrepreneurs. • BS 1.1 (Business Sector): Convene a Cultural Arts Office and Community Economic Development staff discussion to explore how cultural planning goals intersect with economic development goals. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 63 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 59 • BS 1.2 (Business Sector): Partner with Community Economic Development to convene a series of dialogues with local creative and artistic industry professionals to discover mutual goals and interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of employees in the workplace. Strategy 2: Strategize with arts allies in the business community to take a leadership role in the development of the arts and culture sector. • BS 2.1(Business Sector): Work with business networking organizations to develop trainings for business professionals to serve on arts nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship opportunities. • BS 2.2 (Business Sector): Work with business networking groups to host events, titled “Creative Carlsbad,” targeted to connecting artists, arts organizations and creative businesses. • BS 2.3 (Business Sector): Support the development of North County Arts Network (NCAN) towards potential non-profit status and strengthen its efforts to support the regional arts ecology. • BS 2.4 (Business Sector): Create a roundtable to serve as a business and arts leadership and advocacy board to explore topics such as increasing public and private funding for arts and helping cultural entrepreneurs build capacity. Strategy 3: Encourage artistic programming in the city’s underutilized spaces or areas. • BS 3.1 (Business Sector): Establish Business Parks After Dark program to present cultural events through Mobile Outreach Strategy. POTENTIAL PARTNERS ● Businesses ● Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce ● Carlsbad Village Association ● City’s Community & Economic Development Department ● Facility owners or management companies ● Artists and arts organizations ● Local non-profits ● NCAN (North County Arts Network) ● Innovate 78 ● North County Regional Economic Development Council June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 64 of 120 60 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Carlsbad Farmers Market Carlsbad Farmers Market June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 65 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 61 COMMUNITY VOICES Here are just two survey comments relevant to this topic: “Arts and culture enhance and improve the quality of a city. Improved quality of life couples into a better economic environment because top companies and their employees want to work and live in a culturally enhanced environment.” “Bring in art galleries (all genres), build a small theatre for plays and, mostly, bring in creative businesses. Carlsbad could be a hot art town, but quality art needs venues and money so that professional artists have ways to get their work out there and earn a living. The City benefits from businesses while keeping Carlsbad unique and artsy.” Carlsbad Village Association June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 66 of 120 62 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation ROLE 4: LEADER June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 67 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 63 CELEBRATE CARLSBAD’S UNIQUE HISTORY AND DISTINCT IDENTITIES Artists have unique tools and talents that can provide insights into a culture's history. By taking a leadership role in promoting numerous cultural legacies, the City of Carlsbad can help to share these historic treasures at outdoor concerts, on weekend outings in the Village and during walks along our extensive trail network. PRIMARY GOAL GOAL: Celebrate Carlsbad’s Unique History and Distinct Identities Through Arts & Culture In this Leader role, the city would help develop and promote the diverse, creative and cultural resources that define it. The Cultural Arts Office can foster partnerships and collaborations between organizations that share the vision of building a dynamic arts and culture sector that promotes the city’s identities and gives voice to its stories. STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS The Cultural Arts Office can bring together organizations with a common vision to support a dynamic arts and culture sector by promoting the city’s identities and giving voice to its many stories. Strategy 1: Promote Carlsbad's distinctive identities by connecting the arts, the city’s heritage and the natural and constructed environment. ● DL 1.1 (Distinct Identities): Create a Trail Art program through a collaboration with city departments, local businesses and organizations that encourages wellness and enhances the outdoor experience. Strategy 2: Enhance the Carlsbad Barrio neighborhood as a cultural destination. ● DL 2.1 (Distinct Identities): Celebrate Barrio heritage through city signage in English and in Spanish to foster and support cultural heritage connection. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 68 of 120 64 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation ● DL 2.2 (Distinct Identities): Explore opportunities for the Cultural Arts Office to support efforts in the Barrio neighborhood in identifying its status as a cultural asset and destination for residents and visitors. Strategy 3: Promote Carlsbad as a vital cultural destination that celebrates the work of local artists. ● DL 3.1 (Distinct Identities): Develop a "Working with Local Artists" program to help the business community bring more artists' work (visual, performing, etc.) into area hotels and businesses, leading to a directory. ● DL 3.2 (Distinct Identities): Create a cultural tourism marketing plan, collaborating with Visit Carlsbad and other tourism-related organizations. ‘ Carlsbad Barrio Mural June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 69 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 65 POTENTIAL PARTNERS ● Local artists and arts organizations ● Neighborhood associations ● City of Carlsbad Departments ● Businesses ● Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce ● Visit Carlsbad ● Carlsbad Village Association ● Carlsbad Historical Society ● Local preservation advocates COMMUNITY VOICES Here’s what members of the community said in our outreach surveys. “We need something to connect us throughout the city, art and cultural activities have the potential to do just that.” “Environmental art sculpture and environmental art. More calls for sculpture in the environment and more venues in which to exhibit.” “I miss the Barrio Festival that used to be held. It offered a wide range of diverse cultural art, food and entertainment close to our downtown.” “Look for the diversity and history of our community. Be open to considering arts and culture that serves to tell a lifelong story of our community.” “I'd love to see a tour of the architecture of Carlsbad or the gardens.” June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 70 of 120 66 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation BUILD CAPACITY WITHIN THE ARTS & CULTURE SECTOR Stereotypes of paint-splattered artists alone in cramped studios are giving way to more realistic images of individuals engaged in local economies across a wide and expanding array of performing and visual disciplines as well as digital work. Today, artists are forming mutually beneficial partnerships with local businesses that help entrepreneurs gain awareness within the community and grow the economy. Cities can help by stimulating capacity building that leverages resources and assists artists and arts organizations. Capacity building, according to the National Council of Nonprofits, is a way for a nonprofit to more effectively deliver its mission by identifying a communications strategy, improving volunteer recruitment, developing a leadership succession plan, updating technology and securing financial and operational stability. As a longstanding provider of arts and culture programs in our community, the City of Carlsbad can support existing and attract new arts and culture providers through capacity building. PRIMARY GOAL GOAL: Build Capacity Within the Arts & Culture Sector In this additional role as a Leader the City of Carlsbad would connect and initiate dialogue with partners able to help explore and expand the vision of arts and culture in the area. STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS Opportunities exist for the Cultural Arts Office to provide insight and support to build other local arts and culture organizations to strengthen their reach and impact in the community. The city could then assume a greater leadership role at the local and regional level and identify new strategic opportunities for programming, venue development and education that might otherwise be financially unfeasible. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 71 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 67 Strategy 1: Foster arts and culture organizational capacity building such as through alternative funding opportunities for the arts, like the city’s 2018 Capacity Building Grants and increasing funding in the city’s Community Arts Grants budget. ● CB 1.1 (Capacity Building): Create a grants program focused on arts organization start-ups within their first five years. ● CB 1.2 (Capacity Building): Create a Technical Assistance program in partnership with local business, organizations and higher education institutions targeted to support local artists and arts organizations with needed skills such as business plans, accounting and marketing. • CB 1.3 (Capacity Building): Explore the development of an Arts Incubator program for new creative-sector start-ups. Strategy 2: Elevate awareness of and attention to the cultural arts as part of city policy decisions. • CB 2.1 (Capacity Building): Create a City of Carlsbad Orientation program for local artists and creative entrepreneurs to help foster artist involvement on different city boards and commissions. • CB 2.2 (Capacity Building): Explore a “Relief Time” program for city staff to volunteer with local arts programs. Strategy 3: Foster arts leadership integration through existing organizations like North County Arts Network (NCAN) and others. • CB 3.1 (Capacity Building): Explore the creation of an Annual State of the Arts event in North County, to provide opportunities for community- building and shared learning and to generate interest and create a dialogue and ideas around the arts, culture, and creative industries within North County. • CB 3.2 (Capacity Building): Convene a Regional Arts Roundtable to look at broad needs with specific working groups to address topics such as programming, venues and other essential elements of the regional arts ecosystem. • CB 3.3 (Capacity Building): Work with regional partners to pursue creative economy research can create a regional convening around the release of the results. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 72 of 120 68 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation POTENTIAL PARTNERS • North County cities • North County Arts Network (NCAN) • Local artists and arts organizations • New local, regional, and national grant sources • City of Carlsbad grantees • Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation • Carlsbad Friends of the Arts • San Diego Regional Arts & Culture Coalition • Innovate 78 • San Diego North Economic Development Council Carlsbad Community Arts Grant recipient New Village Arts Photo from New Village Arts June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 73 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 69 COMMUNITY VOICES Here’s what members of the community said in our surveys during our outreach. “More local artists displaying and being part of decision making (in various citywide planning efforts) for Carlsbad.” “Carlsbad could elevate the existing arts and culture offerings by enhancing the efforts of local galleries, music venues and theatres, like New Village Arts, by providing funding and increased marketing support.” “[Provide] more opportunities for local artists to be involved in the planning of events, such as through round table discussions, meetings, online groups and discussions that focus on getting more people involved in working to implement music and arts events around the city.” June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 74 of 120 70 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework Community Mural Creation Photo from Janell Cannon June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 75 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 71 IMPLEMENTATION June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 76 of 120 72 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation NEXT STEPS The Carlsbad Arts & Culture Master Plan is based on the understanding that the strongest long-term effects can be created through partnerships between the city and the community. While the city will take the lead for most of the action items, it cannot bring the community’s long-term vision to life without the involvement of the business community, artists, arts and culture organizations, schools and neighborhood residents. The actions that form the foundation of the plan came from input by Carlsbad residents and it is with their energy, ideas and passion that the city can achieve the role of a partner in seeing those visions come to life. The planning process itself has already created substantial changes, including: • Addition of more TGIF concert pre-show performances to create new opportunities for local arts and culture groups • Expansion of Community Arts Grants to include new categories of Capacity Building and Special Opportunities • Partnerships for programming such as the April Prom exhibit and student film project with Carlsbad High School Film Academy • Incorporating audience interests and feedback into new arts and culture programming such as Starring Artists Cannon Art Gallery: The World on a String, 2011 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 77 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 73 CONTINUOUS PLANNING Future initiatives will be determined and guided by the following steps: • Implementation of a new program or activity • Emphasis on evaluation • Review and refinement leads to a program or activity becoming operationalized • Recommendation for annual update to the City Council In this Arts & Culture Master Plan, there are numerous recommendations that will take the city and the Cultural Arts Office in new directions. Building upon a reputation of quality service to residents, the plan asks staff to create new programs in collaboration with other city departments and community partners. Yet, at this stage, it is recognized that not all of the pieces of the puzzle can be known up front; specific details of the vision – the partners, the organizations, funding options and potential outcomes – will emerge over time. Many of the action items include a directive such as “explore, develop or launch.” Over the next ten years, these action items will be crafted into an initial pilot program designed to incorporate best practices from the arts and culture sector. Executed by the city’s Cultural Arts Office staff, each pilot program will maximize resources for the best impact in the community. Throughout planning and implementation, results-oriented evaluation practices will be utilized to assess outputs and ensure that the outcomes measure up against the original programmatic goals. The next step is operationalization; that is, a successful program becomes part of the ongoing offerings by the Cultural Arts Office. Evaluation remains a constant with a results-oriented programming philosophy and an emphasis on improvement, innovation and expanded collaboration. Additionally, it’s recommended that the city’s Cultural Arts Office return to the City Council annually to update the Arts & Culture Master Plan’s progress, launch new action items and request financial support. This incremental approach assists City Council members in staying current on recent developments and provide feedback in supporting arts and culture as a core value in Carlsbad. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 78 of 120 74 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation PRIMARY IMPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS Given the new roles established within the plan for the Cultural Arts Office and the city at large, many of the costs associated with these roles are for staff. Capacity building and partnering efforts for the creative community will take additional staff time. The staff will also be required to ensure that the city continues to provide its high level of artistic programming. New staffing will be critical to achieve the action Items that help grow the arts and culture sector while maintaining the current high level of events and programming that the community expects. It should be noted that the Cultural Arts Office has not seen a staffing increase in over eighteen years. The growing understanding about the role that arts and culture plays within the local economy will require reevaluating and expanding the staff structure to proceed beyond the current status quo and meet the demands for growing and supporting the local creative community. BUDGET ENHANCEMENTS As action items move forward, provide General Fund allotment for the following items: • Recommended annual increase o Annual increase of 10-15 percent to be reviewed every three years in support of ongoing Community Arts Grants. • Recommended specific increases o Implement Mobile Art outreach strategy including exploring a collaboration with support organizations for purchasing an Arts Vehicle o Provide support of an Artists Residency program, including annual increases to support expansion o Consider a one-time grant to be given jointly to the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation and the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts to hire a grant strategist for both organizations to develop their capacity to identify, procure and administer grants that will eventually provide funding support for the city’s Cultural Arts Office and arts programming. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 79 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation | 75 RECOMMENDED OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES • Schedule an annual review and presentation to the City Council recapping progress on the Arts & Culture Master Plan in conjunction with the Arts Commission’s annual workplan. • Utilize an incremental approach to address the action items by requesting funding annually for the next set of projects through the city’s budget process. • Recommend that the City Manager and staff review both the City of Carlsbad Corporate Marketing Partnership policy and Naming of City Assets policy to create specific policy recommendations and support the development of a broad funding strategy that is tailored to the arts and culture sector of the city. • Have city staff investigate opportunities for more creative funding streams and encourage the creation of partnerships across both the private and non-profit sectors for the creation of arts and culture opportunities throughout the city • Recommend to the City Manager and staff to look at implementing a graduated fee structure for arts and culture offerings within the city when appropriate and the potential for fee for service offerings such as the rental of the mobile stage. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 80 of 120 76 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Photo from Hospice of the North Coast June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 81 of 120 77 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework FUNDING SOURCES June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 82 of 120 78 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources FUNDING SOURCES FOR THE ARTS AND CULTURE SECTOR With new ideas come new funding needs. The City of Carlsbad has traditionally funded its arts and culture programs from its General Fund revenues. With the implementation of the initiatives proposed within the Arts & Culture Master Plan, additional funding will be needed from local, state and federal sources. And while current arts and culture funding mechanisms are important to maintain, new funding sources can be identified and pursued. GENERAL FUND Currently, the City of Carlsbad supports the Cultural Arts Office, its staff and programming through the General Fund. Fiscal year funding levels of $1 million annually result in spending of approximately $8.75 per capita. DESIGNATED FUNDING STREAMS Transient Occupancy Tax Many cities across the United States choose to support the arts and culture sector with a portion of the taxes gathered through hotel stays. Called Transient Occupancy Tax (or Hotel Occupancy Tax elsewhere), these taxes help to support those arts and culture events that create draws to the area for local visitors. Since the arts and culture are often a core part of visitor marketing and development, these funds can be critical for creating the type of environments that attract people. Currently, the City of Carlsbad collects $1.00 per occupied room per night that is designated for the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District (CTBID), and $2.00 per occupied room per night for the Carlsbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District (CGLBID). It is recommended that the city create a fund specifically for the funding of arts and culture initiatives with an additional increase in TOT tax levies and to integrate these efforts with the creation of the Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan. Fees for Service Additional funding sources can come through a combination of city general funds, local, state and federal grants, matching funds from partner organizations and potential earned income through fees for services (such as art camps) and admission to city events. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 83 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources | 79 Potential renting of the Mobile Stage or other such initiatives, as a number of U.S. cities and non-profits have done, can use a graduated fee structure that addresses a broader number of factors including: • Whether the renter is an individual, non-profit organization, or for-profit entity; • The number of people attending the targeted event; and, • Certain holidays and event timeframes that may allow the city to charge more due to demand. Longer-Term: Dedicated Revenue Source As the city continues developing long-term sustainable funding streams for its growing creative sector, it will most likely also seek to identify additional dedicated funding streams. Other jurisdictions have been successful in creating citizen ballot initiatives that allocate a particular percentage of property or sales tax to fund arts and culture. Focused on the creation of special taxing districts or specific sales tax levies, these taxes require state legislative authority. However, one caution with tax levies: The use of these levies for arts and culture funding, especially sales taxes, can have a regressive impact on low-income families unless exemptions or other policies are adopted to minimize the impact on these families. One example of a voluntary tax done in collaboration with other sectors is Cedar City, Utah’s RAP Tax. Taxpayers voted in the RAP Tax (Recreation, Arts and Parks) in 2004 for an additional one-tenth-of-one-percent sales tax levied on all purchases within the city. Revenues are allocated equally between recreation, arts and parks. Initially the tax levy was for a seven-year term but state law has expanded that timeframe to ten-year renewable cycles. The most recent renewal was in 2014 and was supported by more than 67% of voters. ● https://www.cedarcity.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/267 Another example of an arts and culture tax is the county level cigarette tax in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, which helps to support the arts and culture sector in Cleveland. The county ordinance places a one-and-a-half percent tax of every pack of cigarettes sold in the county. In 2015, a vote was taken to renew the county’s ordinance and passed by 75.2 percent – a higher margin of support than any other county issue in the decade since its inception, the tax has provided between $15 million and $20 million, although that amount is decreasing given the fact that the number of smokers is currently declining. ● https://tinyurl.com/y79e64gb June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 84 of 120 80 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources A third example of cross sector arts and culture tax levies can be found in Denver, which levies a sales tax of one cent per $10 (0.1%). The tax is focused specifically on supporting the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District that was created in 1988 and voted for renewal in 1994 and 2004. The tax currently raises over $53 million for arts, cultural and scientific groups and funds such organizations as The Denver Zoo, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver Art Museum and Denver Botanic Gardens, as well as approximately 250 smaller arts organizations throughout the seven-county metro area that the legislation supports. ● http://scfd.org/graphics/uploads/Files/2016%20SCFD%20Statute.pdf The cultural sector can also look to ideas from other sectors such as parks and the environment that historically have received additional funding from specific (often voluntary) fees added onto city utility bills. Recently these types of fees have also been targeted towards the arts and culture as well. One specific program is in Belle Plaine, Minnesota where the Belle Plaine Parks Board and City Council have sought additional ways to support youth recreational and community programming. To help bolster general funds that go towards grants assisting in registration costs for youth activities, they have created the Round-Up Program. It gives utility billing customers the option of “rounding up” their utility bill to the nearest dollar. The funds gathered from the program go directly towards the Youth Activity Grant Program. ● http://www.belleplainemn.com/utility-bill-round-program In another example from Cedar Park, Texas the local Parks, Arts and Community Enrichment (PACE) Advisory Board is funded in part by a voluntary monthly donation on city water utility bills. Residents set the amount and all funds are directed towards the public art program. ● http://www.cedarparktexas.gov/Home/ShowDocument?id=3891 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 85 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources | 81 ADDITIONAL FUNDING AND FINANCING OPPORTUNITIES The potential partnerships outlined within this plan are at the heart of what many current state and national funders – such as the National Endowment for the Arts and the California Arts Council – are currently seeking to support. Looking to identify projects that function inside and outside traditional spheres of artistic production, national, state and local funders often support communities that can leverage the arts and culture to help achieve goals in areas such as the environment, health and transportation. Carlsbad is fortunate to have both the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation and the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts to serve critical roles in supporting the high level of programming and services offered by the city. One of the primary implementation recommendations is to provide a grant that would be given jointly to both nonprofit organizations in order to hire a grant strategist for two years. This grant strategist would develop an overall strategy for arts and culture grants and create the initial round of applications. The goal for the initial grant cycle would be to fund specific programs and help the two support organizations develop the administrative tools needed to identify, write and administer grant projects in the future. As the grants specialist surveys the local, state and national funding landscape, it is important to note that specific grants will most often not cover annual operating costs. They will however be able to help with the funding of capital projects, seed funding and cross-sector placemaking projects that can bring many local partners to the table in order to create arts-based community improvements. One source of creative placemaking funding is the National Endowment for the Arts Our Town program3 and the Art Works program4, both of which have funded numerous Californian cities. For a comprehensive set of Our Town program examples see the Exploring Our Town website5. 3 National Endowment for the Arts Our Town program: https://www.arts.gov/grants- organizations/our-town/introduction 4 National Endowment for the Arts Art Works program: https://www.arts.gov/grants- organizations/art-works/grant-program-description 5 National Endowment for the Arts Exploring Our Town website: http://arts.gov/exploring-our-town June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 86 of 120 82 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources The California Arts Council also provides grants to local arts agencies with their Creative California Community program6, which, like the NEA Our Town program, specifically seeks to create opportunities for creative placemaking-type projects. Another California Arts Council program that can help the City of Carlsbad achieve its Priority Action for creating artist residencies is the Artists in Communities program7. This program seeks to support artistic residencies in community settings and help demonstrate that “artists are integral to healthy communities and that the arts … brings people together, builds community and fosters social progress.” It is important to note that, as the city and its supporting organizations embark upon the development of a larger arts funding strategy, opportunities can be sought outside of the arts world and traditional arts-based funders. Just as the National Endowment for the Arts and the California Arts Council seek to fund communities that are looking to achieve cross-sector partnerships that bring artists into community development contexts, many funding agencies that traditionally support other disciplines and other sectors can also be tapped for arts support. One such example can be found in the area of transportation where funders are now realizing the important role that the arts can play in creating visual enhancements, community outreach and project ideation. The Americans for the Arts offers a guide on federal funding for arts-based Transportation Enhancements8. More recently, Transportation for the Arts, a transportation advocacy group, has written a Creative Placemaking Field Scan9 and started State of the Art Transportation Trainings10. in which communities receive tailored technical assistance to equip themselves to utilize arts, culture and other creative approaches for solving specific transportation problems. 6 California Arts Council Creative California Community program: http://www.cac.ca.gov/programs/ccc.php 7 California Arts Council Artist in Communities program: http://www.cac.ca.gov/programs/ac.php 8 The Americans for the Arts Transportation Enhancements: https://www.americansforthearts.org/sites/default/files/pdf/get_involved/advocacy/Tra nsportationGuide07.pdf 9 Transportation for the Arts Creative Placemaking Field Scan: http://t4america.org/maps-tools/creative-placemaking-field-scan/ 10 Transportation for the Arts State of the Art Transportation Trainings: http://t4america.org/creative-placemaking-workshops/ June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 87 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources | 83 PARTNERSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS The collaborative relationships created within the context of partnerships that can help to garner philanthropic donations can also help to bring additional resources to city efforts such as volunteers, sponsorships, in-kind donations and additional staff support. As the Arts & Culture Master Plan continues to be implemented it will be important to foster strong ties with the private sector, which has traditionally served in a major support role for cultural organizations. Carlsbad is fortunate to have a robust business sector that understands the critical importance of the arts and culture for creating the vital and dynamic sense of place that creative talent demand. This existing support should be further cultivated through the creation of strong ties between the Cultural Arts Office and the Community & Economic Development Department along with fostering support and recognition for the critical role that the arts and culture play within private sector networks. PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVES AND FEES Given the dynamic and interconnected nature of the arts and culture sector to the larger economy, general support for the creative economy sector is critical for the growth and sustainability of arts and culture within Carlsbad. The city can help to foster relationships between the creative economy sector and private sector industries. These relationships can take many forms including philanthropic support, partnerships, in-kind donations and project staff support. Additionally, the city can implement specific policies that will help to steer private investment in the city towards the support of the creative economy sector. ● Create an Arts Inclusion policy: The policy would outline parameters for private developers when they incorporate artwork into new large-scale residential, commercial and institutional projects. The policy can help to frame conversations between the city and private developers looking to place artwork or sponsor on-going arts and culture events within their own developments. The policy should address a strategy for creating art on private development sites, proposed contribution (typically .5-2%), definition of appropriate public art, artist selection criteria and project selection criteria. o Example of City of Suwanee: http://www.suwanee.com/pdfs/public%20art%20developer%20gui de.pdf ● Offer development incentives: Encourage the identification of specific arts and culture contributions (such as public art or ongoing support for temporary displays or performances) as part of Community Benefit June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 88 of 120 84 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources Agreement (CBA) conversations for future in-fill projects. CBAs require new developments to be in conversations with neighborhood organizations and identify tangible benefits for residents who live near a project, before the city offers tax incentives or other development supportive services. o National CBA examples: http://somervillecdc.org/sites/default/files/scc- minimal/files/national_examples_of_community_benefits_agree ments_cbas.pdf ● Sponsorship of events and programs: In 2014, the City of Carlsbad adopted a corporate marketing partnership policy (resolution #2014-025) that enables corporate entities to support city programs, events and services while generating exposure for their brands among city audiences. These specific policies can be reviewed as part of a larger effort to identify new and creative funding streams for the programs and initiatives directed by the Cultural Arts Office. To tailor the policy to the needs of the Carlsbad creative community, the policy can be reviewed and compared to best practices of larger scale arts and culture organizations for the sponsorship and underwriting of artistic productions. o Carlsbad Corporate Marketing Partnership Policy: http://edocs.carlsbadca.gov/HPRMWebDrawer/RecordHTML/3 92427 ● Naming Opportunities: The naming of specific venues can be another way that the City of Carlsbad can enter into supportive relationships with private individuals or organizations. Traditionally naming policies review geographic, historical, and other culturally significant criteria to ensure that discussions on the naming of civic assets reflects the desires and norms of the community. The city’s Naming Rights Policy can be examined to ensure that it is tailored to meet the opportunities that may present themselves within the development of the city’s creative sector. o Carlsbad Naming Rights Policy: http://edocs.carlsbadca.gov/HPRMWebDrawer/RecordHTML/3922 99 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 89 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources | 85 WORKING WITH OUTSIDE DEVELOPERS FOR LIVE/WORK SPACES As cited earlier, the Cultural Arts Office, with advisement from the Arts Commission, has identified that city residents wish to encourage arts and culture and enhance community character and historic resources within the Village at large. The Arts & Culture Master Plan specifically calls for fostering art in the Village and the Barrio areas in ways that are connected in place and spirit yet retain the unique personalities of each. Arts and culture can be a key component in developing this strategy, particularly with the development of affordable live/work housing for local artists. Often unable to afford both residential and studio space, artists may need to live outside of the areas that would benefit most from their presence. The development of affordable live/work artist housing can thus help to support both the creative community and the local community in having access to rich traditions of cultural and expression within their neighborhood. However, the development of affordable spaces for artists is complicated and it is recommended that the City of Carlsbad reach out to experienced and respected national organizations such as ArtSpace, to learn how to best create workable strategies. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 90 of 120 86 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Funding Sources Cannon Art Gallery: Illusions in Wood, John Cederquist, 2014 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 91 of 120 87 | Art & Culture Master Plan: Arts and Culture Framework IMPLEMENTATION CHARTS June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 92 of 120 88 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts TEN PRIORITY ACTIONS As cited earlier, the Cultural Arts Office, with advisement from the Arts Commission, has identified ten strategic priorities they will be pursing over the next five years. 1. Research and development of venue feasibility plan. [PR 1.1 (Physical Realm) – Partner] 2. Implement Mobile Outreach Strategy utilizing a newly programmed Arts Vehicle and Mobile Stage, i.e. Business Park After Dark. [DL 2.1 and DL 2.2 (Daily Life)– Partner & BS 3.1 (Business Sector) – Connector] 3. Support the continuation and development of Carlsbad’s festival and event culture. [DL 2.1 (Daily Life) – Partner] 4. Leverage local partnerships to support creating an initial STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) pilot program with Carlsbad's Title I schools with an eventual goal of replication in schools across the city. [LL 1.1 (Lifelong Learning) – Connector] 5. Partner with Community and Economic Development to convene a series of dialogues with local creative and artistic industry professionals to discover mutual goals and interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of employees in the workplace. [BS1.2 (Business Sector)– Connector] 6. Increase community grant funding and support. [CB1.1 (Capacity Building) - Leader & DL 4.2 (Daily Life) – Partner] 7. Work with business networking organizations to develop trainings for business professionals to serve on arts and culture nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship opportunities. [BS 2.1 (Business Sector) – Connector] 8. Create Trail Art Initiative. [DI 1.1 (Distinct Identities)– Leader] 9. Create a Guest Artist residency program. [LL 2.4 (Lifelong Learning) – Connector] 10. Create a Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan. [DI 3.2 (Distinct Identities) – Leader] June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 93 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts | 89 In addition to these priorities, the other Action Items within the plan have been ranked according to the timeframes in which they will be addressed for implementation. Within the plan the following categories were used: • Short-Term: 1-3 years • Mid-Term: 4-6 years • Long-Term: 7-10 years CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN TOP TEN ACTION ITEMS CHART TOP TEN THEME ACTION ITEM STAFFING SOURCE OF FUNDING TIMEFRAME 1. Research and development of venue feasibility plan Physical Realm 1.1 Existing staff $35,000 (Originally funded in FY15/16) Year One 2. Implement Mobile Outreach Strategy utilizing a newly programmed Arts Vehicle and Mobile Stage, i.e. Business Park After Dark Daily Life 1.1, 1.2 Expand staff Increase in general funding allocation $90,000 (FY 18-19) Year One Business Sector 3.1 3. Support the continuation and development of Carlsbad’s festival and event culture Daily Life 2.1 Expand staff Utilize a percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax Year Five 4. Leverage local partnerships to support creating an initial STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) pilot program with Carlsbad's Title I schools, with an eventual goal of replication in schools across the city. Lifelong Learning 1.1 Expand staff Increase in general funding allocation and pursue cross-sector grant opportunities with local school districts Year Two 5. Partner with Community Economic Development to convene a series of dialogues with local creative and artistic industry professionals to discover mutual goals and interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of employees in the workplace. Business Sector 1.2 Expand staff Increase in general funding allocation and pursue sponsorships or grant funds Year Three 6. Increase community arts grant funding and support Capacity Building 1.1 Existing staff 10%-15% annual increase in grant funding allocation Year Two Daily Life 4.2 7. Work with business networking organizations to develop trainings for business professionals to serve on arts nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship opportunities. Business Sector 2.1 Expand staff Increase in general funding allocation Years Three 8. Create Trail Art Initiative Identities 1.1 Expand staff Utilize a percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax Year Five 9. Create a Guest Artist residency program Lifelong Learning 2.4 Expand staff In addition to general fund allocation, pursue new funding sources such as sponsorships and underwriting opportunities Year One 10. Create a Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan Identities 3.2 Expand staff Utilize a percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax Year Four June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 94 of 120 90 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts To outline all Arts & Culture Master Plan recommendations, the charts in the next section outline the full list of Action Items and identify the partners, timeframe and resources needed to accomplish plan goals. CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN TOP TEN ACTION ITEMS TIMELINE Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Venue Feasibility Plan x Mobile Outreach Strategy x Guest Artist Residency Program x STEAM Pilot Program x Arts grant funding support x Business partner dialogues x Business professionals arts board training x Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan x Festival and event support x Trail Art Initiative x June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 95 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts | 91 Carlsbad Flower Fields June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 96 of 120 92 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX - DAILY LIFE WHO WHEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES DL 1.1 (Daily Life): Investigate the possibility of utilizing the city’s Mobile Stage for performance opportunities outside of the TGIF concert series including potential rentals as a revenue source. local and regional entities 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. DL 1.2 (Daily Life): Procure an "Arts Vehicle" for city staff to deliver arts programming to locations throughout the city. Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation, Carlsbad Friends of the Arts, City of Carlsbad Departments 1 to 3 years Explore alternative funding partnerships for vehicle procurement with potential expenditure $150,000 - $200,000. Additional programming with expanded DL 2.1 (Daily Life): Continue to support and foster relationships, while partnering with large-scale events within Carlsbad, such as Art in the Village, La Costa Film Festival, Carlsbad Music Festival, and other local organizations that can help to create and promote a festival offering for both residents and visitors. local event producers, presenting organizations and nonprofit organizations 4 to 6 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. Staff time for continued oversight. DL 2.2 (Daily Life): Streamline city regulations related to street festivals, performances in the parks, and street performers for specific performance appropriate places around the city. Create a FAQ sheet for potential performers and artists. local music and event professionals, presenting organizations, City of Carlsbad Community & Economic Development Department 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. Staff time for development and continued oversight. DL 2.3 (Daily Life): Encourage temporary artworks to be included in the planning of community celebrations and special events. local event producers, artists 4 to 6 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. Staff time for development and continued DL 2.4 (Daily Life): Support city-wide recognition of October as Arts and Humanities Month City of Carlsbad departments, NCAN, local nonprofit arts organizations 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. Staff time for development and continued oversight and delivery. DL 3.1 (Daily Life): Work with local social service providers to explore opportunities for collaborative partnership programming where people with physical or other types of challenges can be supported by the arts to explore their own creativity and connect with the greater community. local disability advocates, public health officials, mental health advocates 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort as well as recruit volunteers to support proposed activity DL 3.2 (Daily Life): Create an "Access to the Art" program and seek opportunities to expand scholarships, subsidies, and passes for populations identified as having financial barriers to arts and culture access. local advocacy and social service agencies, City of Carlsbad Departments 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. Explore funding with Utility Bill donation strategy. DL 3.3 (Daily Life): Explore opportunities to advance artist relationships with the local military community, including funding for specific project development. representatives from local military community 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort as well as recruit volunteers to support proposed activity DL 4.1 (Daily Life): Work with neighborhood-based cultural activities and enable Cultural Arts Office staff to encourage and support neighborhoods with the planning of installations or events. neighborhood leaders, artists 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort as well as recruit volunteers to support proposed activity. DL 4.2 (Daily Life): Create a neighborhoods arts grant program to provide seed money and formalize a technical assistance program to help local groups implement arts events and projects. neighborhood leaders 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort with added 10% annual increase in general fund grant support. DL 5.1 (Daily Life): Create a city-wide and/or regional event listing with current art offerings around Carlsbad. Local tourism bureaus, regional nonprofits, arts organizations, artists, creative economy businesses, schools 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort depending on partnership arrangements. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 97 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts | 93 CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX - PHYSICAL REALM WHO WHEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES PR 1.1 (Physical Realm): Launch a feasibility study to explore the creation of a City of Carlsbad cultural arts facility that responds to the regional interest for a larger performance venue for professional theater and can provide classrooms, rehearsal spaces and production studios. Outside consultant 1 to 3 years Previously budgeted expenditure of $35,000. PR 1.2 (Physical Realm): Work with Carlsbad Village business owners and organizations to create a map of potential performance spaces within the Downtown area for use by additional performance-based artists. Carlsbad Village Association, Economic Development Department and local music and event professionals 1 to 3 years Recruit volunteers to support proposed activity, as well as utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. PR 1.3 (Physical Realm): Work with the local faith-based community to expand use of available congregational spaces for cultural activity. local congregational leaders 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Option to outsource (Partners for Sacred Places). PR 2.1 (Physical Realm): Encourage and assist local businesses to support the creation of privately-sponsored murals within Carlsbad Village and new developments throughout the city. Carlsbad Village Association, local businesses and organizations 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Staff time needed to work with local businesses on an ongoing basis and provide technical assistance as needed. PR 2.2 (Physical Realm): As plans for the Coastal Corridor develop, work with regional artists to identify opportunities for displaying public art. regional artists and state coastal authorities 7 to 10 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. PR 3.1 (Physical Realm): Establish a practice of including a Cultural Arts representative in preliminary concept development conversations about upcoming Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). City of Carlsbad Departments 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. PR 3.2 (Physical Realm): Explore a Utility Box wrapping program.City of Carlsbad Departments 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. PR 3.3 (Physical Realm): Fund technology upgrades for the Cannon Art Gallery to enable the space to function at industry standards for presentation of art, audio programming and visitor support features. Cultural Arts Office 1 to 3 years Potential expenditure $50,000-$75,000. PR 4.1 (Physical Realm): Create an Arts Inclusion policy to help frame conversations between the city and private developers who might be looking to include artwork (both permanent and temporary) within their own developments. Policy should address: Strategy for creating public art on private development sites, proposed contribution (typically .5-2%), definition of appropriate art, artists selection criteria, and project selection criteria. local business and development leaders 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Staff time needed to develop the creation of the policy. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 98 of 120 94 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX - LIFELONG LEARNING WHO WHEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES LL 1.1 (Lifelong Learning): Leverage local partnerships to support STEM to STEAM learning initiatives with an initial pilot program with Carlsbad's Title I schools. local business leaders, local arts leaders, local school districts, and local PTAs 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. General fund increase o f $100,000 in year one. LL 1.2 (Lifelong Learning): Explore potential partnerships and grant resources to develop a City of Carlsbad “Arts and Health” initiative, with the eventual goal of replication to all school districts within Carlsbad. non-profit and public service agencies and local health- based organizations 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. LL 2.1 (Lifelong Learning): Work with local colleges, arts educators, and arts providers, to develop partnerships that focus on the creation of a Community Arts Learning Plan that promotes lifelong learning in the arts. local colleges, arts educators, and arts education providers 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Staff time for development and continued oversight. LL 2.2 (Lifelong Learning): Work in partnership with the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center to create targeted Spanish-language arts and music classes for the Barrio community. Carlsbad Library Learning Center, local Barrio leaders interested in arts education 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. LL 2.3 (Lifelong Learning): Work with regional community college districts and other higher education partners to identify applied learning opportunities for art and design students to teach classes at City of Carlsbad facilities. Local community college districts 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. LL 2.4 (Lifelong Learning): Create opportunities for Guest Artist Residencies for master classes or other engagement events. Artists 1 to 3 years General fund increase of $50,000 in year one. Also work with arts funders for grants, i.e. California Arts Council. LL 3.1 (Lifelong Learning): Develop annual “Careers in the Arts” event in conjunction with the local schools and the local organizations to help facilitate local artists and creative professionals to connect middle and high school students about careers in the creative sector and create a Youth Arts Council. local school districts, arts organizations, artists, support organizations, creative professionals 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Staff time for development and continued oversight and delivery. LL 3.2 (Lifelong Learning): Work with Carlsbad, San Marcos, Encinitas and San Deiguito school districts as well as higher education institutions to create an internship program that provides career learning opportunities in the municipal arts field. Local school disctricts and higher education institutions 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 99 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts | 95 CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX - BUSINESS SECTOR WHO WHEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES BS 1.1 (Business Sector): Convene a Cultural Arts Office and Community Economic Development staff discussion to explore how cultural planning goals intersect with economic development goals. Community and Economic Development 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. BS 1.2 (Business Sector): Partner with Community Economic Development to convene a series of dialogues with local creative and artistic industry professionals to discover mutual goals and interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of employees in the workplace. Community and Economic Development, creative and artistic industry professionals 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. General fund increase of $35,000 in year one. BS 2.1 (Business Sector): Work with business networking organizations to develop trainings for business professionals to serve on arts nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship opportunities. Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association, Rotary Clubs, business-sector representatives 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort, or ~$15,000- $20,000 for outside provider. BS 2.2 (Business Sector): Work with business networking groups to host events, titled “Creative Carlsbad,” targeted to connecting artists, arts organizations and creative businesses. Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association, Rotary Clubs, creative-sector representatives 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. BS 2.3 (Business Sector): Support the development of North County Arts Network (NCAN) towards potential non-profit status and strengthen its efforts to support the regional arts ecology. North County Arts Network (NCAN) and other regional arts partners 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. BS 2.4 (Business Sector): Create a roundtable to serve as a business and arts leadership and advocacy board to explore topics such as increasing public and private funding for arts and helping cultural entrepreneurs build capacity. Community and Economic Development, Chamber of Commerce, Carlsbad Village Association, Rotary Clubs 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. BS 3.1 (Business Sector): Establish Business Parks After Dark program to present cultural events through Mobile Outreach Strategy. Facility owner or management companies, art organizations 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 100 of 120 96 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX - IDENTITIES WHO WHEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES DI 1.1 (Distinct Identities): Create a Trail Art program through a collaboration with city departments, local businesses and organizations that encourages wellness and enhances the outdoor experience. City departments, local businesses and organizations, regional artists 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. - plus - 25K for initial match between Cultural Arts Office, Parks Department, and outside businesses. DI 2.1 (Distinct Identities): Celebrate Barrio heritage through city signage in English and in Spanish to foster and support cultural heritage connection. Public Works, Village Barrio leaders 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. - plus $25,000 for added signage. DI 2.2 (Distinct Identities): Explore opportunities for the Cultural Arts Office to support efforts in the Barrio neighborhood in identifying its status as a cultural asset and destination for residents and visitors. Barrio neighborhood advocates and leaders, city departments, local business and organizations 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. DI 3.1 (Distinct Identities): Develop a "Working with Local Artists" program to help the business community bring more artists' work (visual, performing, etc.) into area hotels and businesses, leading to a directory. Businesses and organizations, artist and cultural organizations 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. DI 3.2 (Distinct Identities): Create a cultural tourism marketing plan, collaborating with Visit Carlsbad and other tourism-related organizations. Economic Development Department, Communications Department, Carlbad Tourism business Improvement District and Visit Carlsbad 4 to 6 years Outsource activity with potential expenditure $75,000 - $100,000. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 101 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts | 97 CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX - CAPACITY BUILDING WHO WHEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES CB 1.1 (Capacity Building): Create a grants program focused on arts organization start-ups within their first five years.internal staff discussion, input from local organizations on exact nature of start-up needs 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. Fund via annual 10% increase in CAO grant funds.CB 1.2 (Capacity Building): Create a Technical Assistance program in partnership with local business, organizations and higher education institutions targeted to support local artists and arts organizations with needed skills such as business plans, accounting and marketing. local businesses, organizations, regional higher education institutions, artists and arts organizations 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. CB 1.3 (Capacity Building): Explore the development of an Arts Incubator program for new creative-sector start-ups internal staff discussion plus input from local artists and arts organizations 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. CB 2.1 (Capacity Building): Create a City of Carlsbad Orientation program for local artists and creative entrepreneurs to help foster artist involvement on different city boards and commissions. City of Carlsbad staff and board/commission members 4 to 6 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming and recruit volunteers to support proposed activity. CB 2.2 (Capacity Building): Explore a “Relief Time” program for city staff to volunteer with local arts programs.City departments, arts organizations 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. CB 3.1 (Capacity Building): Explore the creation of an Annual State of the Arts event in North County, to provide opportunities for community-building and shared learning and to generate interest and create a dialogue and ideas around the arts, culture, and creative industries within North County. North County Arts Network plus other regional arts organizations and arts advocates 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. CB 3.2 (Capacity Building): Convene a Regional Arts Roundtable to look at broad needs with specific working groups to address topics such as programming, venues and other essential elements of the regional arts ecosystem. North County Arts Network plus other regional arts organizations and arts advocates 4 to 6 years Utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. CB 3.3 (Capacity Building): Work with regional partners to pursue creative economy research can create a regional convening around the release of the results. North County Arts Network plus other regional arts organizations and arts advocates 7 to 10 years In partnership with other regional arts organizations, fund consultancy for regional economic analysis $50,000- $75,000. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 102 of 120 98 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts Carlsbad Music Festival June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 103 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts | 99 PROGRAM AND POLICY PRECEDENTS June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 104 of 120 100 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Precedents PROGRAM AND POLICY PRECEDENTS The arts, culture and creative sectors across the United States are seeing a renaissance of successful, innovative projects and ideas. Fortunately, it is also a time when the field is looking to capture a tremendous amount of case study information where others can find inspiration for their own work. The following selection of case studies is offered as “food for thought” for the work of Carlsbad’s city staff, artists and their supporters. Identifying Innovative Ways to Provide Arts Programming The Art Bus Project: Dedicated to public access to the arts, this “exhibit on wheels” is housed in a repurposed school bus. It is a traveling showcase of eight American artists who span a range of disciplines, ages and races. Traveling across the US the artists invite the public on board to experience art, meet artists and get inspired. At each stop, they host hands-on creative workshops designed to foster imaginative thought and action. https://www.theartbusproject.com/the-project.html Local Arts and Culture Initiative Whittier Neighborhood Mural Project, Sioux Falls, SD: In the Whittier neighborhood of Sioux Falls, SD, a barren wall in the public park that served the city’s most diverse neighborhood had become a site for graffiti. A class of intrepid 8th graders imagined an alternative for this problem: a mural that would reflect the identity of the community while filling in the blank space that had become a target for vandalism. https://www.arts.gov/exploring-our-town/whittier-neighborhood-mural-project Role 1: PROVIDER Continue to Provide Strong Arts & Culture Programming Role 2: PARTNER Support Art as an Essential Component of Daily Life June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 105 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Precedents | 101 Public-Private Partnerships to Enhance the Public Realm Co-Sign, Covington, KY: The City of Covington partnered with the American Sign Museum to create CoSign, an initiative to provide local artist-designed storefront signage to area businesses in a neighborhood targeted for economic redevelopment and revitalization. With a focus on education for both small business owners and artists, the initiative provided employment and training opportunities for artists while creating new signage for small businesses to attract visitors to an area known for commerce and creativity. https://www.arts.gov/exploring-our-town/co-sign Arts Education – Community Initiatives Writing Lives, Missoula, MT: Missoula has a rich literary tradition, with many writers living amidst its inspiring beauty. In its public schools, though, creative writing instruction has tended to be piecemeal, with some schools able to afford it and others not providing it. The Missoula Writing Collaborative set out to fill those holes by developing Writing Lives, a program that would place professional writers in 4th grade classes across the city. Like the many writers in Missoula’s history, the students would treat the local context itself—the city and its natural surroundings—as the subject of their work. https://www.arts.gov/exploring-our-town/writing-lives Role 2: PARTNER Foster Arts & Culture Within the Physical Realm Role 3: CONNECTOR Expand Arts & Culture Learning Opportunities June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 106 of 120 102 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Precedents Resources and Ideas for Arts and Business Partnerships pARTnership Movement: Americans for the Arts is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America. Its pARTnership Movement is an initiative to show business leaders that partnering with the arts can build their competitive advantage. Online resources provide case studies for how specific businesses were able to partner with their local arts community. http://www.partnershipmovement.org Connecting Art and the Environment FLOW: Can You See the River?, Indianapolis, IN: Conceived by visual artist Mary Miss, “FLOW: Can You See the River?” is a citywide public art project in Indianapolis that reveals how the ordinary activities of citizens affect the health and future of the White River water system. As a collaboration of artists, community organizations, scientists and city planners, “FLOW” engaged the citizens of Indianapolis through physical installations along the river, an exhibition and an online interactive mapping tool (trackaraindrop.org) in order to enhance Indianapolis residents’ awareness of the waterway and many of the river-related issues that affect their lives. https://www.arts.gov/exploring-our-town/flow-can-you-see-river Role 4: LEADER Celebrate Carlsbad’s Unique History & Distinct Identities Role: 3: CONNECTOR Establish Relationships that Support a Creative and Thriving Economy June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 107 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Precedents | 103 Partnerships that Support Capacity Building Arts Incubator of the Rockies: When the Fort Collins Museum moved out of the city’s historic Carnegie Library Building in 2011, it left the City of Fort Collins with a vacant property in one of its most impressive buildings. Reaching out to the community through a series of public dialogues, the city asked residents how they would envision using the building. What they heard was a strong desire to turn the space into a community arts center–the Arts Incubator of the Rockies (AIR). Today the Arts Institute is partnering with Berea College to provide more robust programming and training in the arts. https://www.arts.gov/exploring-our-town/arts-incubator-rockies Role 4: LEADER Build Capacity Within the Arts & Culture Sector June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 108 of 120 104 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Precedents Sage Creek High School Drama, 2018 June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 109 of 120 105 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Precedents APPENDICES June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 110 of 120 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices 106 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to the more than 1100 residents of the City of Carlsbad who gave of their time, energy and ideas through individual interviews, community conversations, focus groups and surveys. This plan is by you and for you. City of Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall Mayor Pro Tem Keith Blackburn Council Member Mark Packard Council Member Michael Schumacher Council Member Cori Schumacher City of Carlsbad Arts Commission Cathy Breslaw, Chair Laurenn Barker, Vice Chair Emma Jadhav Joan Markovits Tina Schmidt Bryan Snyder Scott White Aaron Alter, Former Chair City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Richard L. Schultz, Cultural Arts Manager Karen McGuire, Curator of Exhibitions Tonya Rodzach, Arts Education Coordinator Megan Gilby, Community Arts Coordinator Chase Dougherty, Gallery Assistant Lisa Naugler, Arts Education Assistant Sandra Riggins, Senior Office Specialist Mimi Kim, Administrative Assistant Consultant GO collaborative Lynn Osgood Supported by: Arlene Ellwood June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 111 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices | 107 KEY TERMS Arts – Within the Arts & Culture Master Plan, the term “the Arts” is broadly defined and includes an understanding of personal and creative expression through many forms such as music, dance, drama, fine arts, folk art, literary arts, design and architecture, film, radio and television, cuisine, digital media and many others. These different forms of expression can be undertaken professionally or solely for individual reasons. Arts Ecology - The general system of individual artists and arts organizations found within a city that has an impact on the social and economic systems of the area. The goal of a healthy arts ecology is to create strong arts organizations with stable and increasing audiences that can in turn help to strengthen local business economies, local hiring potential and job retention. Creative Placemaking – A cross-sector practice found within city planning and community development that intentionally creates partnerships between the arts and culture sector in order to develop the quality and vitality of a place. Often working with partners from public, private, nonprofit and community sectors, these efforts look to strategically shape the physical and social dimensions of a place through arts and cultural activities. Culture – Broadly speaking, culture is both the expression and celebration of the values of a particular community through its traditions, geography, cuisine, oral traditions, fashion, literature, music and religious expression. Recognized through the sharing of history, language and place, the arts are often a fundamental component in the development and expression of a local sense of place. Innovation - The process of iterative change that occurs for the development of ideas, goods or services. Often with the intention of solving a problem, innovation a major topic in fields of business, economic development and policy creation. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 112 of 120 108 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices LISTING OF CULTURAL ASSETS Asset Type Arts Commission City department, commission, or entity Carlsbad Historical Society City department, commission, or entity City of Carlsbad McGee House City department, commission, or entity Cole Library City department, commission, or entity Carlsbad City Library Learning Center / La Biblioteca de Carlsbad Centro de Aprendizaje City department, commission, or entity Parks & Recreation Department City department, commission, or entity Library Department and Cultural Arts Office City department, commission, or entity Library Board of Trustees City department, commission, or entity Dove Library (including Cannon Gallery, Schulman Auditorium) City department, commission, or entity; Museum or gallery; Venue Carlsbad Sculpture Garden City department, commission, or entity; Public art; Park/outdoor space Carlsbad Friends of the Arts Community organization Senior Center Community organization Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad Village Clubhouse Community organization Carlsbad Village Association Community organization Boys & Girls Club Carlsbad Bressi Clubhouse Community organization Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation Community organization Carlsbad Friends of the Library Community organization Carlsbad Community Church Community organization; Venue Agua Hedionda Lagoon Discovery Center Cultural experience Carlsbad Music Festival: St Michael's by the Sea Venue Cultural experience Carlsbad Music Festival: Army Navy Academy Chapel Venue Cultural experience Carlsbad Music Festival: Magee Park Venue Cultural experience Carlsbad Music Festival: Carlsbad by the Sea Venue Cultural experience Lego Land Cultural experience June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 113 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices | 109 Carlsbad High School Education Valley Middle School Education Buena Vista Elementary School Education Jefferson Elementary School Education Kelly Elementary School Education Magnolia Elementary School Education Carlsbad Village Academy Education Carlsbad Seaside Academy Education Gemological Institute of America Education St Patrick Catholic School Education LePort School - Carlsbad Village Education Carlsbad Montessori Center Education Beautiful Saviour Lutheran School Education Army and Navy Academy Education Poinsettia Elementary School Education Pacific Ridge School Education Kuyper Preparatory School Education Sage Creek High School Education Calavera Hills Middle School Education Calavera Hills Elementary School Education Hope Elementary School Education Carlsbad Art Farm Education Pacific Rim Elementary School Education Carlsbad Unified School District Education Aviara Oaks Middle School Education Aviara Oaks Elementary School Education National University Education Halstrom Academy Education Giocolleti Music Center Education; Business Carlsbad Oceanside Art League (COAL) Gallery Museum or gallery Front Porch Gallery Museum or gallery The Foundry Museum or gallery Barrio Museum (aka Barrio Carlos) Museum or gallery June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 114 of 120 110 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices Green Dragon Tavern and Museum Museum or gallery Museum of Making Music (MoMM) Museum or gallery; Music venue The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch Park/outdoor space Strawberry Fields (Carlsbad Strawberry Company) Park/outdoor space Batiquitos Lagoon Park/outdoor space Ocean/beach Park/outdoor space Leo Carrillo Historic Ranch Park/outdoor space; Museum or gallery Alga Norte Community Park (TGIF concerts) Park/outdoor space; Music venue Stagecoach Park (TGIF concerts) Park/outdoor space; Music venue Calavera Hills Community Park (TGIF concerts) Park/outdoor space; Music venue Poinsettia Park (TGIF concerts) Park/outdoor space; Music venue National Association of Music Makers (NAMM) Professional organization Bird of Paradise Medallion Public art Caballeros Gates Public art Carlsbad Golfers Public art Carlsbad Shore Protection Sea Wall Public art Carlsbad Village Entrance Public art Coastal Helix Public art Contemplation Public art Father and Child Public art Historical Flowers of Carlsbad Public art Marmalade Dragonflies Public art Mother Earth and Father Sky Public art Northwest Entrance Sculpture Public art Photo Mural Public art Tree for Elijah Public art Untitled Public art Young Singer Public art 10,000 Year Trail Public art Coastal Rail Trail Public art Crown Lair Public art June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 115 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices | 111 Flowers and Flames Public art Leo Carrillo Entry Gate Public art Swim and Dive Entry Panels and Mosaic Pool Towels Public art Portrait Heads Public art Skateboarder Public art Spires Public art Firefighter Heritage Installation Boxes Public art Flying Shadows Public art Photo Collages on Metal in Rock Shapes Public art Sculptures in the Carlsbad City Children's Library Public art Six Paintings Public art Sports Cut-outs Public art Theresa and Kristi Public art New Village Arts Theater org; Venue Carlsbad Theater Venue; Business Omni La Costa Resort & Spa (home of LaCosta Film Festival) Venue; Business Cinépolis (home of LaCosta Film Festival) Venue; Business Carlsbad Crawl.com Virtual June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 116 of 120 112 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices INTERVIEW AND FOCUS GROUP PARTICIPANTS Organization / Affiliation Name Artist Anne Mudge Artist Bryan Snyder Artist Paul Henry Artist Kenneth Capps Artist Janell Cannon Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio Assistant to the City Manager Jason Haber Attorney Hap L'Heureux Barrio Museum Ofie Escobedo Batiquitos Lagoon Fred Sandiquist City of Carlsbad Arts Commission Tina Schmidt City of Carlsbad Arts Commission Laurenn Prater Barker City of Carlsbad Arts Commission Cathy Breslaw City of Carlsbad Arts Commission Aaron Alter City of Carlsbad Arts Commission Emma Jadhav Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation Jim Selover, President Carlsbad Village Association Marty Volla City Council Michael Schumacher City of Carlsbad’s Community & Economic Development Department Glen Van Peski City of Carlsbad’s Community & Economic Development Department Christie Marcella Carlsbad City Library Learning Center Glynn Birdwell City Public Artist (Fire Station 3) Betsy Schulz City Public Artist (Safety Training Center) Michael Stutz City Public Artist (Golf Course) TJ Dixon Comet Design Nanette Newbry Cruzan Jim Mandler Cruzan Tom Wood June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 117 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices | 113 CUSD, Calavera Hills Middle School Judi Stapleton CUSD, Valley Middle School Sue DeWulf DD Studio Tracy Manning City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department Mick Calarco City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department Chris Hazeltine Dragmaster - architect/developer Brett Farrow Dragmaster - architect/developer Damian DeRobbio Elevator Frank Cowell Environmental Issues Advocate Mary Anne Viney Flower Fields Joni Miringoff Friends of the Arts Jackie Stone Historic Preservation Commission Linda Geldner Historic Preservation Commission Laurie Boone Historic Preservation Commission Chris Garcia La Costa Canyon High School Ron Lenc La Jolla Historical Society Heath Fox Legoland Lynn Crockett LegoLand Jake Gonzales City of Carlsbad Library & Cultural Arts Department Heather Pizzuto City of Carlsbad Library & Cultural Arts Department Richard Schultz Museum of Making Music Carolyn Grant Musician and Carlsbad Residents Bonnie and Gunnar Biggs New Village Arts Kristianne Kurner North County Symphony Orchestra Bill Gilmer, President Parks and Recreation Commission Ron Withall Senor Grubby’s Justin Jachura SMUSD, San Marcos Middle School Michelle Breyer Special Projects Consultant Peder Norby Viz Art Ink Gallery Gregg Visintainer June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 118 of 120 114 | Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices GROUP PRESENTATIONS 6/19/17 Oceanside Museum of Art 7/4/17 Art Walk 7/12/17 North County Arts Network (NCAN) 7/18/17 San Diego Shakespeare Society 8/3/17 La Costa Film Festival 8/4/17 Museum of Making Music 10/26/17 Carlsbad Citizens Academy 11/17/17 Mira Costa College Board of Trustees 1/2/18 Village Voices 2/5/18 LEAP - Carlsbad Unified School District 2/5/18 Museum of Making Music 2/15/18 Youth Enrichment Services (YES) 2/21/18 Chamber of Commerce Education Committee 2/26/18 Carlsbad Unified PTA 2/26/18 Student/Superintendent Advisory- CUSD 2/28/18 New Village Arts Board Meeting 3/19/18 Carlsbad Historical Society 3/19/18 Friends of the Arts 3/19/18 North Coast Calvary Chapel Arts Group 3/20/18 Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation (CLAF) 3/21/18 City of Carlsbad Library Board 3/28/18 Carlsbad Unified School District 4/5/18 Barrio Neighborhood Group 4/10/18 Kiwanis Club 4/11/18 Carlsbad Public Works Department 4/12/18 Carlsbad Citizens Academy 5/2/18 Chamber of Commerce Government Committee 5/15/18 Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation 5/17/18 Carlsbad Friends of the Library June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 119 of 120 Arts & Culture Master Plan: Appendices | 115 CONSULTANT PROFILE GO collaborative is a design and planning firm focused on creative, community design and development. Their services include arts and culture master planning, arts evaluation, creative placemaking design and development services. Founded by Sarah Gamble, architect and Lynn Osgood, urban planner and researcher, the firm combines their complementary backgrounds and passion for the public realm. GO collaborative embodies the strengths of their diverse professional training with experience providing creative and innovative services to connect people in meaningful ways with the places they care about. The firm led the NEA’s efforts to create Exploring Our Town, an online resource that highlights their Our Town grant program and provides insights into how creative placemaking projects come together across the nation. June 26, 2018 Item #19 Page 120 of 120 • • qendaftt!M#~t · .1formation of the: iTY COUNCIL .......-CA~,-V~ "f~s}1i:_~ CM .;,c~ (city of Carlsbad Library & Cultural Arts Memorandum June 22, 2018 To: Mayor and City Council From: Richard Schultz, Cultural Arts Manager Via: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Re: Arts & Culture Master Plan -Supplemental Information This memorandum is to provide supplemental information related to the June 26, 2018, staff report and Resolution Approving the Arts & Culture Master Plan (Agenda Item 19). Please find attached a revised section of the Arts & Culture Master Plan titled "Implementation Charts" (pages 87-97). It is staff's intention that the final version of the Plan not include specific funding amounts beyond current fiscal year commitments as staff will return to the City Council with fully developed funding requests when reporting plan progress on an annual basis. Two of the following examples from the Top Ten Action Items Chart (on page 89) detail how the text was updated: 1. For item #9 (Create a Guest Artist residency program): Original text: In addition to general fund allocation, pursue new funding sources such as sponsorships and underwriting opportunities Revised text: In addition to general fund allocation, pursue new funding sources such as sponsorships and underwriting opportunities in subsequent fiscal years 2. For items #8, #9 and #10: Original text: Utilize a percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax Revised text: Explore the utilization of a percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax Here is a list of the additional changes in the matrix: PAGE EDIT 89 Delete "-15%"; matrix reads 10% (in Capacity Building & Daily life} 89 Item #9: in source of funding, after underwriting opportunities add: "in subsequent fiscal years" 92 DL 2.3 -In estimated resources, last line is cut off. Should say: Additional staff time for development and continued oversight and delivery 1:3l1cJs $10K ann1cJal f1:mel. Please delete as noted here. 93 PR 3.3 -Delete $50,000-$75,000 94 LL 1.1-Delete: General Fund increase of $100,000 in year one. 94 LL 2.4 -Delete: General Fund increase of $50,000 in year one. Cultural Arts Office 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA 92011-4048 I 760-602-2090 www.carlsbadca.gov PAGE EDIT 95 BS 1.2 -Delete: General fund increase of $35,000 in year one. 95 BS 2.1-Delete: For BS 2.1, delete $15,000-$20,000 and revise to "or contract with an outside provider.'1 96 DI 1.1-Delete "-plus -25K for initial match between Cultural Arts Office, Park Department and outside businesses" and change to "new effort to include potential matching opportunities" 96 DI 2.1-Delete: effort. -plus $25,000 for added signage. Change to: effort and plan request for future signage. 96 DI 3.2 -Delete $75,000-$100,000. Add after expenditure: funded with future budget request 97 BC 3.3 -Delete $50,000-$75,000. We apologize for an inconvenience and welcome any questions to help clarify these edits. Thank you. Attachment-Arts & Culture Master Plan Implementation Charts cc: Kevin Crawford, City Manager Scott Chadwick, Chief Operations Officer Gary Barberio, Assistant City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Cultural Arts Office 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA 92011-4048 I 760-602-2090 www.carlsbadca.gov 2 TEN PRIORITY ACTIONS As cited earlier, the Cultural Arts Office, with advisement from the Arts Commission, has identified ten strategic priorities they will be pursuing over the next five years. 1. Research and development of venue feasibility plan. [PR 1. 1 (Physical Realm) -Partner] 2. Implement Mobile Outreach Strategy utilizing a newly programmed Arts Vehicle and Mobile Stage, i.e. Business Park After Dark. [DL 2.1 and DL 2.2 (Daily Life)-Partner & BS 3.1 (Business Sector) -Connector] 3. Support the continuation and development of Carlsbad's festiyal and event culture. [DL 2. 1 (Daily Life) -Partner] 4. Leverage local partnerships to support creating an initial STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) pilot program with Carlsbad's Title I schools with an eventual goal of replication in schools across the city. [LL 1.1 (Lifelong Learning) -Connector] 5. Partner with Community and Economic Development to convene a series of dialogues with local creative and artistic industry professionals to discover mutual goals and interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of employees in the workplace. [BS1 .2 (Business Sector)-Connector] 6. Increase community grant funding and support. [CBl .1 (Capacity Building) -Leader & DL 4.2 (Daily Life) -Partner] 7. Work with business networking organizations to develop trainings for business professionals to serve on arts and culture nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship opportunities. [BS 2.1 {Business Sector) - Connector] 8. Create Trail Art Initiative. [DI 1.1 (Distinct Identities)-Leader] 9. Create a Guest Artist residency program. [LL 2.4 (Lifelong Learning) - Connector] 10. Create a Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan. [DI 3.2 {Distinct Identities) - Leader] BB I Arts & Culture Master P/an.·lmplementation Charts In addition to these priorities, the other Action Items within the plan have been ranked according to the timeframes in which they will be addressed for implementation. Within the plan the following categories were used: • Short-Term: 1-3 years • Mid-Term: 4-6 years • Long-Term:7-l0years CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN TOP TEN ACTION ITEMS CHART TOPTB>I lHEME ACTION ITEM STAFFING SOURCE OF FUNDING llMEFRAME 1. Research and development of venue Physical Realm 1.1 Existing staff $35,000 Year One feasibility plan (Originallyfunded in FYl 5/16) 2.lmplement Mobile Outreach Strategy Daily life 1.1, 1.2 Expand staff Increase in general funding Year One utilizing a newly programmed Arts Vehicle allocation $90,000 (FY 18-19) and Mobile Stage, i.e.BusinessPark After Dark Business Sector 3.1 3.Supportthe continuation and Daily Ufe 2.1 Expand staff Explore the utilization of a Year Five development of Carlsbad's festival and event percentage of the Transient culture Occupancy Tax 4.Leverage local partnerships to support Lifelong Learning 1.1 Expand staff Increase in general funding Year Two creating an initial STEAM (science, allocation and pursue cross-sector technology, engineering, art and grant opportunities with local mathematics) pilot program with Carlsbad's school districts TI tie I schools, with an eventual goal of replication in schools across the city. 5.Partner with Community Economic Business Sector 1.2 Expand staff Increase in general funding Year Three Developmentto convene a series of allocation and pursue sponsorships dialogues with local creative and artistic or grant funds industry professionals to discover mutual goals and interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of employees in the workplace. 6. Increase community arts grant funding and Capacity Building 1.1 Existing staff 10% annual increase'in grant Year Two support funding allocation Daily life 4.2 7. Work with business networking Business Sector 2.1 Expand staff Increase in general funding Year Three organizations to develop trainings for allocation business professionals to serve on arts nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship opportunities. 8. Create Trail Art Initiative Identities 1.1 Expand staff Explore the utilization of a Year Five percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax 9. Create a Guest Artist residency program Lifelong Learning 2.4 Expand staff In addition to general fund Year One allocation.pursue new funding sources such as sponsorships and underwriting opportunities in subsequent fiscal years 1 0. Create a Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan Identities 3.2 Expand staff Explore the utilization of a Year Four percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts j 89 CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN TOP TEN ACTION ITEMS TIMELINE Venue Feasibility Pion Mobile Outreach Strategy Guest Artist Residency Program STEAM Pilot Program Arts grant funding support Business partner dialogues Business professionals arts board training Cultural Tourism Marketing Pion Festival and event support Trail Art Initiative Year On~ Year Two YPar Tiuee Year Four !'ear Five To outline all Arts & Culture Master Plan recommendations, the charts in the next section outline the full list of Action Items and identify the partners, timeframe and resources needed to accomplish plan goals. 90 I Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX -DAILY LIFE VIIHO VIIHEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES DL 1.1 (Daily Life): lnvesligate the possibinty of utilizing the city's local and regional entities 1 to 3 years Expand staff lo incorporate Mobile Stage for performance opportunities outside of the TGIF this new effort. concert series including potential rentals as a revenue source. , DL 1.2 (Daily Life): Procure an "Arts Vehicle" for city staff lo deliver Carlsbad Library and Arts 1 to 3 years Explore alternative funding arts programming to locations throughout the city. Foundation, Carlsbad Friends partnerships for vehicle of the Arts, City of Carlsbad procurement. Additional Departments programming with expanded staff. Ct. 2.1 (Daily Life); Continue lo support and foster relationships, local event producers, 4 to 6 years Utilize existing staffing with whDe partnering with large-scale events within Carlsbad, such as presenting organizations and potential impact on current Art in the· Village, La Costa Film Festival, Carlsbad Music Festival, nonprofit organizations programming. Staff time for and other local organizations that can help to create and promote continued oversight. a festival offering for both residents and visitors. DL 2.2 (Daily Life): Streamline city regulations related to street local music and event 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with festivals, performances in the parks, and street performers for professionals, presenting potential irl"j'.lad on current specific performance appropriate places around the city. Create a organizations, City of programming. Staff time for FAQ sheet for potential performers and artists. Carlsbad Community & development and continued Economic Development oversight. De0artment DL 2.3 (Daily Life): Encourage terl"j'.lorary artworks to be included local event producers, artists 4 to 6 years Ulllize existing staffing with in the planning of community celebrations ahd special events. potential impact on current programrring. Additional staff time for development and continued oversight and ! delivery. DL 2.4 (Daily Life): Support city-wide recognition of October as Arts City of Carlsbad departments, 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with and Humanities Month NCAN, local nonprofit arts potential impact on current organizations programming. Staff time for development and continued oversight and delivery. DL 3.1 (Daily Life): Vlbrk with local social service providers lo local disability advocates, 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate explore opportunities for collaborative partnership programming public health officials, mental this new effort as wel as where people with physical or other types of chaUenges can be health advocates reautt volunteers to support supported by the arts lo explore their own creativity and connect proposed activity v.ith the greater community. DL 3.2 (Daily Life): Create an "Access to Art" program and seek local advocacy and social 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with opportunities to expand scholarships, subsidies, and passes for service agencies, City of potential impact on current populations identified as having financial barriers to arts and Carlsbad Departments programming. Explore culture access. funding with Utility Bill donation strategy. DL 3.3 (Daily Life): Explore opportunities to advance artist representatives from local 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate relationships with the local mmtary community, Including funding for military community this new effort as weft as specific project development. recruit volunteers to support proposed activl1y DL 4.1 (Daily Life): Vlbrk with neighborhood-based cultural neighborhood leaders, artists 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate activities and enable Cultural Arts Office staff to encourage and this new effort as well as support neighborhoods with the planning of installations or events. recruit volunteers to support proposed activity. DL 4.2 (Daily Life): Create a neighborhood arts grant program to neighborhood leaders 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate provide seed money and formalize a technical assistance program this new effort with added to help local groups implement arts events and projects. 10% annual increase in general fund grant support. DL 5.1 (Daily Life): Create a city-wide and/or regional event listing Local tourism bureaus, 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate with current art offerings around Ca~sbad. regional nonprofits, arts this new effort depending on organizations, artists, creative partnership arrangements. economy businesses, schools 92 I Arts & Culture Master P/an:lmplementation Charts CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX -PHYSICAL REALM V\n-10 ACTIONS . POTENTIAL PARTNERS PR 1.1 (Physical Realm): Launch a feasibility study to explore the Outside consultant creation of a City of Carlsbad cultural arts facility that responds to the regional interest for a larger performance venue for professional theater and can provide classrooms, rehearsal spaces and production studios. PR 1.2 (Physical Realm): Work with Carlsbad ViOage business Carlsbad Village Association, owners and organizations to create a map of potential Economic Development performance spaces within the Downtown area for use by Department and local music additional performance-based artists. and event professionals PR 1.3 (Physical Realm): Work with the local faith-based local congregational leaders community to expand use of available congregational spaces for cultural activity. PR 2.1 (Physical Realm): Encourage and assist local businesses Carlsbad Village Association, to support the creation of privately-sponsored murals within local businesses and Carlsbad Village and new developments throughout the city. organizations PR 2.2 (Physical Realm): As plans for the Coastal Corridor regional artists and state develop, work with regional artists to identify opportunities for coastal authorities disolavina oublic art. PR 3.1 (Physical Realm): Establish a practice of including a City of Carlsbad Departments Cultural Arts representative in preliminary concept development conversations about upcoming Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). PR 3.2 (Physical Realm): Explore a Utility Box wrapping program. City of Carlsbad Departments PR 3.3 (Physical Realm): Fund technology upgrades for the Cultural Arts Office Cannon Art Gallery to enable the space to function at industry standards for presentation of art, audio programming and visitor support features. PR 4.1 (Physical Realm): Create an Arts Inclusion policy to help local business and frame conversations between the city and private developers who development leaders might be looking to include artwork (both permanent and temporary) within their own developments. Policy should address: Strategy for creating public art on private development sites, proposed contribution (typically .5-2%), definition of appropriate art, artists selection criteria, and project selection criteria. Vln-lEN TIMEFRAME 1 to 3 years 1 to 3 years 4 to 6 years 1 to 3 years 7 to 10 years 1 to 3 years 1 to 3 years 1 to 3 years 4 to 6 years HOWMUCH ESTIMATED RESOURCES Previously budgeted expenditure of $35,000. Recruit volunteers to support proposed activity, as well as utilize existing staffing with potential impact on current programming. Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Option to outsource (Partners for Sacred Places). Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Staff time needed to work with local businesses on an ongoing basis and provide technical assistance as needed. Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Expand staff to inoorporate this new effort. To be administrated by current staff. Expand staff to incorporate this new effort. Staff time needed to develop the creation of the policy. Alts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts I 93 CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX -LIFELONG LEARNING \M-10 IM-tEN HOWMUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIME FRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES LL 1.1 (Lifelong Leaming): Leverage local partnerships to support local business leaders, local 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate STEM to STEAM learning initiatives with an initial pilot program arts leaders, local school this new effort. with Cal1sbad's TIiie I schools. districts, and local PTAs LL 1.2 (Lifelong Leaming): Explore potential partnerships and non-profit and public service 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate grant resources to develop a City of Carlsbad 'Arts and Health" agencies and local health-this new effort. initiative, with the eventual goal of replication to all school districts based organizations within Carlsbad. LL 2.1 (Lifelong Leaming): \MJrk with local colleges, arts local colleges, arts educators, 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate educators, and arts providers, to develop partnerships that focus and arts education providers this new effort. Staff time for on the creation of a Community Arts Leaming Plan that promotes development and continued lifelono leamino in the arts. oversioht. LL 2.2 (Lifelong Leaming): IMlrk in partnership with the Carlsbad Carlsbad Library Leaming 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with City Library Leaming Center to create targeted Spanish-language Center, local Barrio leaders potential impact on current arts and music classes for the Bania communitv. interested in arts education I orooramming. LL 2.3 (Lifelong Leaming): \MJrk with regional community college Local community college 1 to 3 years Utmze existing staffing with districts and other higher education partners to identify applied districts potential impact on current learning opportunities for art and design students to teach classes programming. at Citv of Carlsbad facilities. LL 2.4 (Lifelong Leaming): Create opportunities for Guest Artist Artists 1 to 3 years \MJrl< with arts funders for Residencies for master classes or other engagement events. grants, i.e. California Arts Council. LL 3.1 (Lifelong Leaming): Develop annual "Careers in the Arts' local school districts, arts 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate event in conjunction with the local schools and local organizations, artists, support this new effort. Staff time for organizations to help facilitate local artists and creative organizations, creative development and continued professionals to connect middle and high school students about professionals_ oversight and delivery. careers in the creative sector and create a Youth Arts Council. LL 3.2 (Lifelong Leaming): IMlrkwith Carlsbad, San Marcos, Local school districts and 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate Encinitas and ~an Dieguito school districts as well as higher higher education institutions this new effort. education institutions to create an internship program that orovides career leamino oooortunities in the municioal arts field. 94 I Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX -BUSINESS SECTOR \M-i0 \M-iEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES BS 1.1 (Business Sector): Convene a Cultural Arts Office and Community and Economic 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with Community Economic Development staff discussion to explore how Development potential impact on current cultural planning goals intersect with economic development goals. programming. BS 1.2 (Business Sector): Partner with Community Economic Community and Economic 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with Development to convene a series of dialogues with local creative Development, creative and potential impact on current and artistic industry professionals to discover mutual goals and artistic industry professionals programming. interests, i.e. supporting professional and personal development of emplovees in the workplace. BS 2.1 (Business Sector): Work with busin7ss networking Chamber of Commerce, 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate organizations to develop trainings for business professionals to Carlsbad Village Association, this new effort or contract serve on arts nonprofit boards and encourage mentorship Rotary Clubs, business-sector With an outside provider. opportunities. representatives BS 2.2 (Business Sector): WorK with business networKing groups Chamber of Commerce, 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with to host events, titled "Creative Carlsbad," targeted to connecting Carlsbad Village Association, potential impact on current artists, arts organizations and creative businesses. Rotary Clubs, creative-sector programming. representatives BS 2.3 (Business Sector): Support the development of North North County Arts Network 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing With County Arts Network (NCAN) towards potential non-profit status (NCAN) and other regional potential impact on current and strenQthen its efforts to support the reaional arts ecoloav. arts oartners oroarammina. BS 2.4 (Business Sector): Create a roundtable to serve as a Community and Economic 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate business and arts leadership and advocacy board to explore Development, Chamber of this new effort. topics such as increasing public and private funding for arts and Commerce, Carlsbad Village helping cultural entrepreneurs build capacity. Association, Rotary Clubs BS a.1 (Business Sector): Establish Business Parks After Dark Facility owner or management 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate program to present cultural events through Mobile Outreach companies, art organizations this new effort Strateav. Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts j 95 CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX -DISTINCT IDENTITIES VIA-10 IM-IEN HOW MUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES DI 1.1 (Distinct Identities): Create a Trail Art program through a City departments, local 4 to6 years Expand staff to incorporat~ collaboration with city departments, local businesses and businesses and this new effort to include mganizalions lhal encourages welln~ and enhances the organizations. regional artists potential matching outdoor experience. opportunities. DI 2. 1 (Distinct Identities): Celebrate Barrio heritage through city Public W:lrl<s, Village Barrio 4 to 6 years Expand staff to incorporate signage in English and in Spanish to foster and support cultural leaders this new effort and plan heritage connection. reouest for future sionaoe. DI 2.2 (Distinct Identities): Explore opl)ortunlties for the CµJtural Banio neighborhood 4 to 6 years Expand staff to inci11j,orate Arts Office to support efforts. in the Bania neighborhood in advocates and leaders, city this new effo~ identifying its status as a cultural asset and destination for departments, local business residents and visitors. and oroanizalions DI 3.1 (Distinct Identities): Develop a "W:lrking with Local Artists" Businesses and 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate program to help the business community bring more artists' work organizations, artist and this new effort. (visual, performing, etc.) into area hotels and businesses, leading cultural organizations to a directorv. DI 3.2 (Distinct Identities): Create a rultural tourism marketing plan, Economic Development . ~ .. to. 6 years outsource actlvily 1A.ith collaborating wllll Visit Gadsbad and other tourismrelated Oep.ent. Commun1,~ r; polenti_al exp~dilure funded organizations. . . . . • . . . Department. cadsbad, T<, ,, ~ future. builgetreque1:1L b~sil~ Improvement ~1 • .ind Visit Cadsbad :ii \· .... ~ \ 96 I Arts & Culture Master Plan.·lmplementation Charts CARLSBAD ARTS & CULTURE PLAN ACTION MATRIX -CAPACITY BUILDING WHO WHEN HOWMUCH ACTIONS POTENTIAL PARTNERS TIMEFRAME ESTIMATED RESOURCES BC 1.1 {Capacity Building): Create a grants program focused on internal staff discussion, input J to 3 years Utilize existing Sl!3flir19 with af1s org~nizalion start-(lps within their first five years. from local organiiatiQn~ on potential impact on alrrent exaci n.;iture of slart-(lp needs progfllrqming. f:~nd via . annual 10% increase in CAO larant fundS; BC 1.2 {Capacity Building): Create a Technical Assistance program local businesses, 1 to 3 years Expand staff to incorporate in partnership with local business, organizations and higher organizations, regional higher this new effort. education institutions targeted to support local artists and arts education institutions, artists organizations with needed skills such as business plans, and arts organizations accountino and marketino. ec ·1 ~3 (Capaaly Building}: Explore the development of an Arts internal staff discussion plus -4 to 6 yeara Expand staff to incol}Jorate Incubator program for new creatille-seqor slart-(lpS input from IQcaJ artists and this new eitbrt. . arts organizations BC 2.1 {Capacity Building): Create a City of Carlsbad Orientation City of Carlsbad staff and 4 to 6 years Utilize existing staffing with program for local artists and creative entrepreneurs to help foster board/commission members potential impact on current artist involvement on different city boards and commissions. programming and recruit volunteers to support lorooosed activitv. BC 2.2 (Capacity Buikling):.Explore a ·Relief Tlllle" program for city City depaJlments, arts 1 lo 3 yeara 4lili2:e ~g staffingVJifll · staff to volunJeer with local arts progra.-.,s. ol!ia11izaligns p<!l~~~13.e{oit_~~-· . ln.nnrammino: . . · ._· BC 3.1 {Capacity Building): Explore the creation of an Annual North County Arts Network 1 to 3 years Utilize existing staffing with State of the Arts event in North County, to provide opportunities plus other regional arts potential impact on current for community-building and shared learning and to generate organizations and arts programming. interest and create a dialogue and ideas around the arts, culture, advocates and creative industries within North Countv. BC 3.2 {Gapacily Building): Convene a ~egional.Arts Roundtable North County Arts Netwolk -4 to 6 yeara ~JZe e~gstaffing wilh · lo f!Klk al broad need!\ with specific \Wlking" groups lo address plusolher~gional a!ls p_o~tia\iril_~!id #in 91nent toP.,ii:s such"is progq('!l!'ni!ig~ venues and othei essential elements oiganizations and a!ls rrogranmimg~ . of ilia ....,ional arts emsvstem. . advocates: . BC 3.3 {Capacity Building): Wark with regional partners to pursue North County Arts Network 7to10years In partnership with other creative economy research and create a regional convening plus other regional arts regional arts organizations, around the release of the results. organizations and arts fund consultancy for regional advocates economic analvsis. Arts & Culture Master Plan: Implementation Charts I 97 Carlsbad Arts & CultureMaster Plan Richard Schultz Cultural Arts Manager June 26, 2018 Recap to Date •Initial City Council presentation May 22 •Overview of the process and outcomes •Discussed emerging themes and new roles •Returning to request approval of the plan Arts & Culture Plan Goals Community Outreach •Extensive outreach began March, 2017 •Over six months of surveying •Stakeholder interviews & focus groups •Community presentations Outreach Highlights •Over 1100 participants •Plan preview and survey released •Targeted outreach to multi-cultural communities •Public engagement included social, print and electronic media Significant Takeaways •Data reveals significant support for arts and culture •Desire to heighten the arts’ role within the community •Increase Carlsbad’s regional presence •Focus on collaboration •Incremental approach to achieve plan goals Plan Updates •Reduced 54 action items to 49 •How to Read the Plan •Continuous Planning •Top Ten Action Items Charts o List with resource information o Timeline Plan Updates Top Ten Action Items •Created by Cultural Arts staff and Arts Commission •#1 -Previously approved funding for venue feasibility study •#2 -Funding approved for Mobile Outreach Strategy What’s Ahead? •Strengthen local arts organizations with capacity building •Expand the arts’ reach and impact with new initiatives •Identify new funding resources o Grants o Sponsorships o New sources The Role of the Arts Commission •Top Ten created with staff and the Arts Commission •Monitoring progress as part of Commission’s work plan •June 13 Special Meeting: Unanimously voted to recommend the Plan for approval by the City Council Staff Recommendation •Staff recommends that the City of Carlsbad Arts & Culture Master Plan be approved; and, •That the Cultural Arts Office staff be authorized to proceed with the first two action items in the Top Ten Priorities as listed in the Plan. Questions? Top Ten Actions 1.Research and development of venue feasibility plan 2.Implement Mobile Outreach Strategy utilizing a newly programmed Art Bus and Mobile Stage 3.Support the continuation and development of Carlsbad’s festival and event culture Top Ten Actions 4.Launch a pilot program to integrate arts into the curriculum of Carlsbad’s three Title 1 schools through a focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) 5.Explore programs for businesses to support professional and personal development of employees including Business Park After Dark programming’ 6.Increase community grant funding and support Top Ten Actions 7.Support board development training for potential new board members for local arts organizations 8.Create a Trail Art program 9.Create a Guest Artist residency program 10. Create a Cultural Tourism Marketing Plan Emerging Themes 1.Enhance Carlsbad’s distinct identities through arts and culture 2.Support art as an essential component of daily life 3.Expand arts and culture learning opportunities Emerging Themes 4.Enable art to enhance the physical realm 5.Enrich a strong and thriving business sector 6.Encourage greater capacity building in the arts Multi-Cultural Outreach •Engaged Local Specialist •Face-to-Face Interactions •Schools, Parks, and Churches •Affordable Housing Complexes, After-School Programs and Restaurants Participants •Leaders from arts, culture & historical organizations •Business community members •Educators •Community supporters and activists •Artists & residents from different neighborhoods •City of Carlsbad personnel Roles for the City of Carlsbad •Currently, a provider of quality programming •New Roles o Partner o Leader o Connector The City of Carlsbad’s Role The current role of the Cultural Arts Office is focused on being a provider of arts programs and events. Looking ahead… •Leader: As a leader in the region recognizing the potential to advocate in support of the arts The City of Carlsbad’s Role •Connector: As a connector bringing together different entities to support and pursue mutual goals •Partner: As a partner dedicated to collaboration as a key strategy to increase the impact of the arts Public Engagement •Social Media Campaign •Electronic Media •Print Media Several years ago, the City of Carlsbad worl<ed with the community to develop a vision for the Mure of our city. Arts, culture and our local hist are key elements of this vision. Based on the community vision, the City Council has created goals and policies to support arts, culture and local history. The new Arts & Culture Plan will help us reach these goals .No time to fill in the details, and we need your help. Join us at a community worl<shop on May 18 or 20, or attend the Art In Today's Cities Discussio May 19. Can1 make It? An online survey will be available May 19. Leam more today. http://www.carlsbadca.gov/servlces/depts/arts/planning.asp Activity Timeline 2017 •March to May: Focus Groups, Interviews and Survey 1 •June to August: Survey 2 with Expanded Outreach •September & October: Developed Support Documents •November to December: Staff Review of Early Drafts Support for Arts & Culture How important a role do Arts & Culture activities play in improving the quality of life in Carlsbad? 92% Arts & Culture is either important (32%) or extremely important (60%) Modorru:ely lmpo,1.am Slightly lll"lportllnt Not"t .-LI important 50'11. 60% Arts & Culture Participation (82%) participate either monthly (36%) or two to five times per year (46%) in an arts and/or cultural event W01t1.lY Monthly Two to fue tlrn~a yra,r