HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-10; City Council; ; Village and Barrio Master Plan (2)Scott Donnell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Connolly, Patrick <pconnolly@miracosta.edu> Saturday, January 20, 2018 7:03 AM Scott Donnell Paul Nixon; Tom Toone; Connolly, Patrick Couple Questions Scott, great job getting to this point. Almost there! Couple questions about the draft; some of them related to current issues that Village by the Sea (VBS) and our residents are encountering. 1. re: page 1-14 #6 -do you have any specifics about this process? Is there a current way for residents to be a regular and permanent part of this discussion? 6. Work with the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG}, Notth County Transit District (NCTD), and other public and private partners and seek public input to develop a mobility hub at or near the Carlsbad Village Station. 2. page 1-14 #10 and 1-18 #8 -both talk about mobility and there are other references to "connectivity" in other places. Question -if Village by the Sea_decided to fence in its entire perimeter (with appropriate "fences" and. gates}, is there anything in the draft plan that would make it more difficult to accomplish this? 10. Explore improvements to alleys to enhance their use and improve overall mobility. 8. Recognize· streets, alleys and other public rights of way as valuable assets for public access, mobility, space, beauty, and utility; accordingly, maintain and acquire right of way as necessary to implement the Master Plan. 3. (pl-24 ... ) Laws, Policies, and other Policies (generaliy) F. City Ordinances (specifically) -We have found that the City's Enforcement Department has been restrained in enforcing ~hat would otherwise be unauthorized activity in the Village because of tolling agreements that appear to have been secretly entered into by the Office of Law, the Planning Department, and the applicant. While we could debate whether they were 11secret", they clearly were executed ex parts and without the input of the residents most affected and probably would not have been disclosed without a formal CA Public Records request. Is there anything in this new plan which would require some resident input when such an agreement is being considered? 4. We have also found that once a facility/use has been permitted or found not to require a permit (which, of course, means no notice to residents), there is little or no followup by the Planning Department to ensure that the facility/use is being conducted in the manner contemplated. It is then up to residents to bring non-compliance to the city's Enforcement attention. Our experience is that changing the status quo (albeit out of conformance) is extremely difficult. Question -is there anything in the draft that would require: a. Some type of publication/notice to affected residents even when no permit is required? b. Some requirement that the Panning Department follow-up or that decisions of no permit required for pre-review applicants also require at least a follow-up certification by the applicant that the facility/use is in conformity with the facility/use identified in the pre-review application? 5. p. 1-27 Who are the North County Advocates and where can that agreement be accessed? 6. p 2-7. does ''Athletic and Health Club, Gymnasium, and Physical Conditioning Business" include tennis or pickle ball courts generally and specifically in HOSP District? 1 Exhibit 13 7. Where do massage parlors fit in Table 2-1? Medical Offices? 8. p 2-13 Does a "dear zone" also require that parking not be permitted in the isosceles triangle? 9. Chapter 2-6.6 Parking requirements are clear but our experience is that the city does not enforce. Will t hat change with adoption of the draft? 10. p. 2-42 2.7.1 (J 4) if trenching is not approved/funded, does the city have a back-up plan re: train noise reduction? 11. There is no discussion of homelessness or allocation of police resources/substations to the Village/Barrio area. I know t here is a "substation" of sorts on Harding but shouldn't the draft also consider additional police presence at the Transportation Hub?? {e.g. mobile command posts) Shouldn't the draft incorporate a plan to address the homelessness/addiction/mental illness issues that effect the Village/Barrio? Thanks, Pat Connolly 2 From: To; Subject: Date: Hi Scott, mlc:hael ajdour Scott Donnell barrio central homeowner/resident comments on 3rd Draft of v/b plan Monday, January 29,2018 7:21:16 PM Thank you once again for all your work. I'm sticking with the barrio -no doubt you are getting plenty of scrutiny re: the village. Good things 1. Heritage trees (1-13 with one qualifier about a dangerous tree) ·1. Ped/bike crossing at Chestnut & RR (1-17, 1-22,4-5.4-48) no matter which way treacl1ing goes 2. Quantifying open space in Barrio Perimeter (2-63) 3. Use pervious parkihg materials (2,-72) (although I had to explain that word to a concerned neighbor!) 4. "Discourage & avoid 'chain' corporate architecture and _generic designs'' (2-79) 5. ALL of 2-78 to 2-85 -thank you for architectural guidelines!! Well done .. 6. Proposed cycle lanes on Harding (4-46) looks like prototype to try elsewhere in town as well -safer for cyders. Very nice ! 7. Barrio lighting -but not the details about how it will be implemented. 8. Encouraging trellises and the details about plants Sad things 1.Don't call the huge tree behind 3557 Madison a heritage tree because it had a twin that fell down in a winter storm a few yrs ago and barely missed smashing houses . We have photos. Both trees were found by 2 boys out ''garbage picking" which is hardly a noble heritage. Many other splendid trees -that one is a danger. 2. Prohibiting chainlink and "other similar fences" throughout the barrio. At first I liked this because to be both honest and selfish, I hate my neighbor's barbwire fence and his bougenvillia upon it. But then l noticed while walking how much chainllnk there is here -including Chase Field, Pine Park, preschools, and a huge percentage of private homes. If people are made to remove, that is. really overstepping. Plus it functions nicely as both a trellis (even for the damn bougenvillia) and a.place to lock all those bikes you expect us to ride everyplace.(2-13) 3. Creep on height limits (2-15) Esp. decks. Esp stairs up to 10 ft above maximum height. Stairways to what ?? Heaven? 4. Don't run the Montessori schools off with excessive parking requirements. They are good neighbors and their hours mesh with when residents leave. (2-24) Also concerned about parking requirements for private homes? 4 car garages for pre~existing R-2's? Yikes! 5.Rooftops as"private open space" in barrio central? (2-68) NO, that;s the opposite. 6. Barrio lighting -yes please, but don't supplement it with additional studies and filigrees and arguing over what style finials! (4-15 ,4~16) We'll be in the dark forever with that going on. (I used to work in a lighting store and I still have nightmares about women endlessly changing their minds about finials ... ) 7. No monuments in the middle of the street. The mu~als at Walnut and Roosevelt are lovely and suffice as monuments. (4-19) 8. No sharrows on Jefferson. Sharrows are the worst of both worlds . The 101 in Leucadia is an example of how they make both bikes and cars uneasy. 9. Barrio residents still do not want distilleries here. ? Hope to hear more about "shared space" and what that means beyond no curbs adding flexibility for special occasions. Wondering about this Special Assessment District business at the end -if there are assessments for "roads.sewer, and water" and the city is closing roads to cars (parts of Chestnut ,Harding, Tyler?, intersection with monument) in the barrio, the talk should be about giving us $ back for the roads taken from us, not assessing us for more $ for decent basic lighting . Finally, I cannot help but think how difficult is must be to work through this whole thing yet again, respect community input (yet again) and have to put 2-30 in there. Why even bother to write standards if we are going to modify them when the exceptions are so ... unexceptional. It must be frustrating but you've done a good job (esp. the addition of architechtural standards!!) and I thank you. Sincerely, Julie Ajdour barrio homeowner.resident, landlord, and parent Scott Donnell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hi Scott, Robert Wilkinson <bob@wdesigngroup.net> Saturday, February 03, 2018 6:59 AM Scott Donnell Gary Nessim vb-mp comment 1 commentsFebl.pdf Attached is our opening comments on Vision and the GP. We will want to hear your reaction to these comments and will ask for a mtg over the next few weeks. More to come, keep up the good work man ! Respectfulfy, Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Lane/ Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdesigngroup.net P.O. Box 4237 Carlsbad Ca, 92018-4237 760 434 2152 Imagine Carlsbad Jan 2018 V-8 MP Feb 1, 2018 COMMENTS ON DRAFT MP DOCUMENT VISION: We have noted and appreciate that the Vision section of the document acknowledges the Village as Carlsbad's "Downtown" as well as it's "Historic Heart". These two important functions equate to make this neighborhood Carlsbad's "Town Center", off geographically but on both functionally and emotionally. Now our task is to make sure the new document guidance strengthens this status. To provide a full and complete background of this area and its gravity, the document should make an additional distinction. That our City Hall is and has always been located in this area. That this facility currently sits at the edge of the Village just outside the planning boundary. It should also note that the City (Gov+ Citizens) have just started the process of selecting the final location of a new/updated Civic Center. That the current City Hall site and possibly others properties within the document's planning area will be candidates for this new flagship facility that will have the potential of significant synergy with its surrounds. GOALS & POLICY + PLACE-MAKING: We note and appreciate these statements; "To maintain and enhance the Village as a community focal point" "Creating magnetic public spaces" "Creating a strong sense of community" On "The Grand" we can support Option "B" with modification, we believe the potential for creative use and Village enhancement increases with every foot we can add to the width of the promenade area. If done well "The Grand" will become a highly active area where neighborhood's residents, visitors from other Carlsbad neighborhoods as well as tourist gather, mingle and socialize. As a result, the proposed double track cycle route may have a high amount of friction with may entry-exits and starts and stops however we prefer friction cyclist to cyclist instead of cyclist to motorist. That noted we can tentatively support Option "B" Bi direction cycle track and one way auto travel (west) with angled parking on the north curb. To meet our goal for "TheGrand" we propose the following modification , 1) reduce the raised median between one-way auto movement and the cycle track from 12 feet to 4 feet planting it with lower growing flowering ground plantings and place the residual 8 feet in the promenade bring it to a full 40ft. The 4 foot separation is adequate and at the intersections the width of the travel lane plus the 4 feet will produce a 20 foot wide area for motorist turning left carefully across the cycle track and allow through autos enough room to move west at a calmed pace. Additionally, we propose the angled parking at the north curb be back-in rather than head-in. We all understand the superior visibility from this orientation and backing in to this space is no harder than backing into a parallel space. We understand that you may get considerable push back from us oldsters (change is hard) however the tested benefits of safety and efficiency of this new form of parking warrants making this modification. If there is a decision to not go with option "B'' and go with option "A" we would have other more significant issues to press. As we have stated, the calming of auto movements is a primary objective in all of the Village -Barrio. It is our belief from observation that this is currently a problem that has produce a unacceptable level of intimidation and safety concerns for both pedestrians and cyclist. In the core area both CVD and Grand have an average traffic speed that is in excess of the posted maximum. From our considerable experience in driving, cycling and walking here we have been exposed to this condition . It is our believe that the signalized intersections as well as over sized width on Grand have aided in this condition. For motorist, too often their individual desir~ to make it through these east west corridors without being held at a red light leads to increasing their pace to get through that next light and the next and the next. It is because of this condition that we proposed the alternative of "roundabout" intersections in our pitch of "TheGrand". We are optimistic that Option "B" with its one-way auto movement, narrowed travel way and added friction from parking will solve the calming on Grand achieving our objectives of safety and non-intimidation there. We are also optimistic with the proposed solutions offered for the Barrio. However, we do not see solutions to this condition for 'TheGrand" if option "N' is selected or a solution for CVD or State Street north of the station. Our position is that Option "A" does not work for this specific corridor because it is a series of very short blocks from connections to the ladder of presidents and State. This condition produces the opportunity for many turning movements headed south that will cross the duel directional cycle track. This produces safety concerns having too many motorist not picking up Qyclist coming from opposite directions as they make the turn. It is because of this that the cycle track is a bit out of place here and that it only works by limiting the auto movement to the s·ingle direction in option "B". We plan on requesting a meeting with city staff on this issue in the next few weeks. Scott Donnell From: Sent: Robert Wilkinson <bob@wdesigngroup.net> Monday, February 05, 2018 7:07 AM To: Scott Donnell Cc: Gary Nessim exhibits Subject Attachments: GP _BAJpg; Seashell_GraphicSjpg; Seashell-Colo2jpg As mentioned in earlier correspondence emailed to you RespectfullyT Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdesigngroup.net P.O. Box 4237 Carlsbad Ca, 92018-4237 760 434 2152 I 1 From: To: Subject: Date: Julian Salazar Scott Donnell Barrio plan Wednesday, February 07, 2018 il:26:17 AM How about helping finish the gym on Roosevelt street for inner city youth. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android From: To: Subject: Date: Hi Scott, Rosie & Robin Marks Scott Donnell Village/Barrio Plan Question Sunday, February 18, 2018 10:46:36 AM Can you tell me what exactly is meant by "the village and Barrio property owners shall be responsible for :fi.mding their fair share of physical improvements and/or projects ... " HOW MUCH do you expect to ''charge" us and HOW do you propose getting the money from us? We've lived in the Barrio for 20 years and have participated in many workshops but I don't recall at any time being told we would be expected to PAY out of our own pockets for city improvements. Also, there are many families who live in the Barrio apartments who probably do NOT have the means to pony up for the improvements. We love the quaint aspect ofthis 1 town and the recent improvements seem to include IHJGE 3-4 story buildings which we're not a fan 0£ Will we still will be expected to pay our fair share of changes we do not like?? Respectfully, Rosie Marks From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Dear Scott, Patrick T rolan Scott Donnell Brenda Trolan Village & Barrio MASTER PLAN Concern Sunday, February 18, 2018 9:35:33 PM As a property owner in the Barrio, section 5 and 5.5 in the MASTER PLAN is confusing/concerning to me as it seems to state that Barrio prnperty owners/renters would be financially responsible for funding Village and Barrio improvements/developments? I would like it on public record that I oppose the proposition of having Barrio property owners/renters pay for such improvements/developments -that is what city tax dollars are for. Yours sincerely; Patrick Trolan From: To: Subject: Date: Mr. Donnell, simon angel Scott Donnell: Council Internet Email Village /Barrio Revised Plan Monday, February 19, 2018 5:39:48 PM I have been trying to locate a copy of the proposed plan in Spanish but I haven't been able to obtain a copy. Can you direct me to a resource where I can obtain a full copy in Spanish? Thank you. · Simon Angel From: Cc: Subject: Date: Councl! Internet Email City Clerk FW: Village/Barrio Reivised Plan Tuesday, February 20, 2018 8:34:34 AM City Council Members, This email has been sent t o staff. the City Attorney and the City Clerk's office. Andi From: simon angel Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 10:51 AM To: Scott Donnell <Scott.Donnell@carlsbadca.gov>; Celia Brewer <Celia.Brewer@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Michael Ajdour T. Childs Michele Montenez <; Patricia Ama dor ; Diana Diana ; Mary An ne Viney Subject: Village/Barrio Reivised Plan I am requesting an extension of the time for public comment regarding the Revised Village/Bania Master Plan. Since it was originally rolled out on Friday January 19, 2018 the more residents and property ov-,1ners have concems and questions. The Village/Barrio meeting held on February8, 2018 provided no more than a cursory presentation at best due to time constraints. Questions were kept to a minim.um and very few people had an opportunity to examine the proposal in depth. For this reason 1 request an extension for public comment until March 14th, 2018. This request is reasonable and prudent considering the scope and volume of the proposed Plan and its potential impact on residents and property owners. I would also request that this e-mail be incorporated into the official record of the Village /Barrio Master Plan(Revised Proposal of 1/ 2018) Please respond at yom: earliest convenience. I may also be contacted at (760)405-7648. Thank you. Simon Ange/ THE BAILEY LEGAL GROUP Scott Donnell Senior Planner City of Carlsbad 25014 Las Brisas Road South, Suite B Murrieta, California 92562 Telephone: (951) 304-7566 Facsimile: (951) 304-7571 February 20, 2018 Community and Economic Development 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Via email and O.S. mail Re: Carlsbad Zoning/Village and Barrio Master Plan (Revised January 2018) Dear Scott: I have now had an' opportunity to review the January 2018 Revised Village and Barrio Master Plan ("1/18 Master Plan"). The purpose ,of this letter is to provide, among other things, my cormnents and· concerns about the revised 1/18 Master Plan in light of the issues and concerns I outlined in my: a) ·December 22, 2015 letter addressed to you, Austin Silva and Jason King relating to the Master Plan published in November 2015; and b) my May 26, 2016 letter addressed to you concerning the April 2016 Revised Master Plan. A. Parking Standards Unfortunately, I see that the revised 1/18 Master Plan still proposes a one-third (1/3) reduction in required resident park.ing spaces for multi- family dwellings in the Village and Barrio. {See 1/18 Master ·Plan, Chapter 2, Table 2-3, Page 2-22.) Furthe·,tmore; the 1/18 Master Plan: a) only requires visitor parking for new construction in the Barrio perimeter and Barrio Center; b) no visitor parking in the Village and surrounding areas; and c) apparently no garage or cpvered parking for multi-family dwellings and/or condominiums. (See 1/18 r11aster Plan, Chapter 2, Table 2-3, Page 2-22 and Figure 2 .1, Page 2-2.) This substantial reduction in required parking standards wil l, without a doubt, have a severe negative impact upon the Village and Barrio in the long term. Enclosed is a "Sample of Local Min:j:mum Parking Requirements (Revised 2/15/18)" ("Revised Parking Summary"), which I pr-epared and updated from my December 22, 2015 letter. This Revised Parking Summary summarizes the general minimum parking requirements fC?r a hypothetical 120-unit (30 one- bedroom, 30 two-bedroom, and 60 three-bedroom) project in Carlsbad under the existing Codes, and the 1/18 Master Plan, anct compares the..Til to aome .Page Two February 20, 2018 other surrounding beach cities. As can be seen by the attached Revised Parking Summary, the difference between the new Code revisions under the 1/18 Master Plan [to reduce parking space requirements] in comparison to Carlsbad's curr ent standards and those of the other surrounding cities will be substantial. I do not believe it is in dispute that the beach and downtown areas in San Diego, Encinitas, San Clemente, and other surrounding beach cities already have significant parking issues, disputes and problems. Based upon these comparable numbers, it is easily foreseeable and undeniable that within the next ten year s the parking problems and demands in the Village and Barrio will be far more severe than what other San Diego County beach cities are currently experiencing with their higher parking st"1ndards. For example, the parking requirements for a 120-uni t in 'the beach area of San Diego would require 324 · parking spaces. The current Carlsbad Code {21. 44. 020 Table A) would requir e 255 spaces, but the Revised 1/18 Master Plan in the Vil·lage would only require 165 spaces, almost half of what San Diego beach area now requires. it defies common sense and esse·ntially- turns a ''b.lind eye" to the potential· problems that will be created by these proposed reduced parking standards in the Village and Barrio. It is understood that _the Village has a coastal train "transit" station that could potentially reduce the· parking needs for the Vill·age . Bowever, even under the City of San Diego's statutory scheme, the parking standards are increased when the "transit1' hub is located in a high "impact area" such. as a bea.ch or school zone (see Fn 3 to Revised Parking Summary). It appears ·that the s~~e increased parking standards should apply to the Village and Barrio proposed Master Plan. More astounding is that the proposed parking standards under the revised 1/18 Master Plan are even lower than the parking standards for _ affordable housing density bonuses under current Municipal Code section 21.86 ,090(G) Table E (i.e., 1 BR -1 space; 2-3 BR - 2 spaces; 4 6r more BR -2. 5 spaces). Based on these affordable housing bonuses, -a 120-unit project mentioned in the Revised Parking Sum.rnary would require 210 spaces. In other words, the revised 1/18 Master :i?lan is proposing new parking s t andards below our current affordable housing standards and will, in fact, be the lowest parking standards for any beach city in San Diego County, and perhaps all of Southern California. Again, I strongly encourage City staff to amend the 1/18 Master Plan to retain the turrent visitor and .:J:esident parking standards, including garages and covered parking, which'' are set forth in the Municipal Code Section 21.44.020 Table A. B. Minor .Fermi t Review I was pleased to see that the "Minor Site Development Plan" standards for new construction ". . . µp to 5,000 square feet ... " have still been retained. {See 1/18 Master Plan Chapter 6, Section 6.3.3, Page 6-4.) However, I am still concerned that items A(4) and A(6) under "Minor Site Sample of Local Minimum Parking Requirements (Revised 2/15/18) Below is a table listing some local beach cities' general minimw11 parking requirements for multi-family J1ousing, that also references the Municipal Code section under which the requirements are established. For comparison purposes, the required off-street parking spaces, including guest parking, was calculated for a hypothetical I 20 unit development consisting of: 30 one bedroom units, 30 two bedroom units, and 60 three bedroom units. The municipalities are listed from the lowest average required spaces per unit to the highest. Minimum Required Parking Spaces per Unit Hypothetical 120 Unit Multi-Family Developments (by Unit Type, Development Guest for all Units} Total Spaces Per 1 BR 2BR 3BR Guest Spaces Unit Oceanside 1.5 2 2 l p1us 20% of 31.3103 total units 250 2.08 Carlsbad 1.5 2 2· .25/unit 255 2.12 21.44.020 Table A Solana Beach 1.5 2 2 .25/unit 255 2.12 17.52.040 San Clemente 1.5 2 2.5 0.333/unit 295 2.45 17.64.050 Table Encinitas 2 2 2.5 25/unit 300 2.5 35.54.030 San Diego 142.0525 Table 142.05C1 a) Basic 1.5 2.0 2.25 220% of total off 288 2.4 b) Transitflow street parking required income3 1.25 I.75 2.0 " 252 2.1 c) Beach/school impact 1.75 2.25 25 " 324 2.7 Proposed Draft Master Plan (Revised January 2018) Village/Surrounding Area 1 1.5 1.5 -0-165 t.37 Barrio Center/ Perim. 11 1.5 1.5 .25/unit 195 l.63 Note~ All of the above are merely the number ofrequired parking spaces. This list does not include the additional regulations cities impose such as requiring that at l.east one space per unit he covered, etc. 1 San Diego Code requires more parking for developments that are " ... at least partially within a designated beach impact area ... " and transit/affordable housing areas so all tl1ree calculations are provided. 2 San Diego Code allows some flexibility for common area/visitor parking to increase or decrease based on the area affected by the development. 3 "'Development qualifying for both a reduced parking ratio (transit area or very low incQme parking ratio) and an increased parking ratio (Parking Impact Area) shall also use the basic parking ratio/' (Footnote 1 for Table 142.0SC) From: To: Subject: Date: Susan Roberts Scott Donnell Village/Barrio plan Wednesday, February 21, 2018 1:57:05 PM I have lived in Carlsbad for over 20 years and love the excitement of new stores and restaurants being added to the village. However, I am concerned that by allowing 4 story structures downtown we v,,ill lose our charming village feel and become like any other city. I also love the idea of a potential pedestrian only area, but am concerned about the impact on parking and the increasing homeless population using this area as a "hangout''. Please keep our downtown family friendly and quaint. Susan Roberts Sample of Local Minimum Parking Requirements (Revised 2/15/18) Below is a table listing some local beach cities' general minimum parking requirements fm multi-family housing, that also references the Municipal Code s~ction under which the requirements are established. For comparison purposes, the required off-street parking spaces, including guest parking, was calculated for a hypothetical 120 unit development consisting of: 30 one bedroom units, 30 two bedroom units, and 60 three bedroom units. The municipalities are listed from the lowest average required spaces per unit to the highest. Oceanside 313103 Carlsbad 21.44.020 Table A Solana Beach 17.52.040 San Clem1;mte 17.64.050 Table Encinitas 35.54.030 San Diego 142.0525 Table 142.05C1 a) Basic b) Transit/low income' c) Beach/school impact Minimum Required Parking Spaces per Unit Multi-Family bevelopments (by Unit Type, Guest for all Units) l BR 2BR 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 i.5 2 2 2 1.5 2.0 1.25 1.75 l.75 2.25 3BR 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.25 2.0 2.5 ,,. Guest ~'-\} 1 plus 20% of total units .25/utiit .25/unit 0.333/unit .25/unit 220% of total off stteet parking required ,i Proposed Draft M::.ster Plan (Revised January 2018) Village/Surrounding Area I 1.5 1.5 Barrio Center/ Perim. 1 1.5 1.5 -0- .25/unit Hypothetical 120 Unit Development Total Spaces 250 255 255 295 300 288 252 324 165 195 · Spaces Per Unit 2.08 2.12 2.12 2.45 2.5 2.4 2.1 2.7 J.37 1.63 Note: All of the above are merely the number of required parking spaces. This list does not include the additional regulations cities impose such as requiring that at least one space per unit be covered, etc. 1 San Diego Code requires more parking for developments that are" ... at least partially within a designated beach impact area ... " and transit/affordable housing areas so all three calculations are provided. 2 San Diego Code aJlows some flexibility for common area/visitor parking to increase or decrease based on the area affected by the developrpent. 3 "Development qualifying for both a reduced parking ratio (transit area or i-•ery low income parking ratio) and an increased parking ratio (Parking Impact Area) shall also use the basic parking ratio.'' (Footnote l for Table 142.0SC) a Imagine Carlsbad February 20, 2018 Mayor Matt Hall RE: THE VILLAGE -BARRIO MASTER PLAN Dear Mayor, Thank you for the meeting back on the first of the month. During that get together you mentioned that you, and we assume most all of the council, have received mounting pressure from some citizens with the impression that our Village is losing its "quaint" atmosphere. Although we do not agree, we understand this sentiment and unfortunately do not think the current draft of the Master Plan addresses it adequately. Attached is our response and proposal for how the master plan should be amended to meet the expectation of our full community. That is better tools for all involved in ihe process of achieving high quality buildings with a Village character. This position and proposed additions to the new master plan are now going to your staff at the planning dept and will be presented to various citizen groups. It is our hope that the new plan is modified by this proposal before it comes before the Council for approval. Cc council members Keith Blackburn Cori Schumacher Michael Schumacker Dr .. Mark Packard Chief Operating Officer -xxxxxx City Planner -Don Nue Planner -Scott Donnell Imagine Carl sbad ' CARLSBAD'S DOWNTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD-RETAINING THE LABEL OF SPECIAL- MOVING FROM QUAINT TO AN AUTHENTIC SEASIDE VILLAGE CHARACTER Feb 20, 2018 The Carlsbad community has always held the Village as key in expressing our Small Beach Town identity, Due to the preparation of the new master plan the Village's status has come into focus where some citizens have expressed concern that planning for the area's future will mean diluting its qualities and the ''quaint" atmosphere this neighborhood has had in the past That of a "laid back" beach side neighborhood with a casual character where the passage of time has had less effect. Others believe that maintaining that atmosphere would be very difficult and retaining itwould hamstring the area in an attempt to make it a museum piece. The goal of the Master Plan must be to move from a quaint atmosphere, a sea side village of the past, a bit of a backwater, to a popular live-work, mixed use, transit oriented neighborhood of today and tomorrow. A Village & Village South (our Historic Barrio) with a strong "Main Street' commercial core where residents needs are within easy (walk/bike) reach. Where venues and uses provide activities that draw all of Carlsbad here. A neighborhood that has strengthened its connection to its western edge, that celebrates that edge and our community's relationship to the Pacific Ocean. A "Traditional" Downtown setting whose time has come again, a seaside neighborhood that is also a City destination. It will become a neighborhood for some of us to live in but also a neighborhood for all of us to visit and celebrate life in Carlsbad. There are critical objectives the new Master Plan must acknowledge to move the Village through its transformation from a sleepy hamlet by the sea to a self contained, enriched and exciting place to live as our Downtown neighborhood. Three primary objectives are 1) to remain true & authentic to the Character our "Village'' should have, 2) to remain true & authentic to what makes "Main Street Americana" special 3) to remain true & authentic as a Beach Neighborhood that sits on the edge of Southern California's Pacific Ocean. Each of these objective~ are critical in meeting our expectations and in strengthening our Village's standing as a special and unique place that represents our Carlsbad Community Identity. Page 1of3 The Master Plan must address each of these three objectives with effective tools. Readers of the new document need to look for the specific tools required to achieve these objectives. An effective tool is needed to adequately produce the level of quality and physical character we desire in the redevelopment of the Downtown core districts, VC, HOSP & FC . All involved in proposing, reviewing and approving the rework of existing developments or proposals for new developments creating the Village's physical atmosphere will benefit by having well defined criteria to ensure the community's expectations are met A tool must be added to the master plan to give specific direction and guidelines on architectural styles. Defining the level of quality that will have a major effect on the character of the Village Core. The mixed use and commercial developments in the core area's three districts VG, HOSP & FC of the Plan must have additional criteria to ensure a more consistent level of quality and desired Vfllage Character is achieved. The Plan needs to add a list of desired quality/character attributes for each of the styles noted as pre-approved here to give all involved better guidance in meeting our objectives. Proposals for new architectural work will be required to respond to this criteria describing in written, graphic and oral presentation how their proposed work will meet the community's stated expectations. This may be viewed as a special step-and that may be right but it is warranted as we have identifiecl the Village as a "Special" place. Village Main Streets - Using State Street's prime block as an example, the core area's 3 districts should have a mixture of architectural styles producing the rich Village fabric of multiple storefronts along their streets. The Plan should not disqualified any architectural style outright as long as it is deemed, early on in the process, as appropriate and beneficial in meeting our stated objectives. The following architectural styles with theirprescribed attributes should be considered desirable and be pre approved for use in redevelopment proposals; SANTA BARBARA SPANISH Description & list of Attributes CALIFORNIA CRAFTSMAN Description & list of Attributes OLD WORLD TUDOR Description & list of Attributes CALIFORNIA MISSION Description & list of Attributes MID CENTURY TRADITIONAL Description & list of Attributes SEASIDE COTTAGE -BEACH AIR Description & list of Attributes Page 2of3 Attributes common to each of the listed styles are: Responsive to its site and setting Sidewalk interactive Climate adaptive Shade/shadow -day & night Sustain-ability in construction and operation The Contemporary Architectural style ls currently popular and has been used in many of the recent development proposals. In response we have included some of the attributes of this style that will be used in measuring proposals and judging them for acceptance and approval. CONTEMPORARY Exciting -artistic -memorable Form & Massing -Bold not blunt or brooding Balanced corn position ofline, form & texture-Focal/foil; opaque-transparent Composition of materials, cone, plaster, steel, wood, glass that is pleasing to the eye. Page 3of3 From: To: Subject: Date: David Stoffel Scott Donnell Re: Carlsbad Village Master Plan Thursday, February 22, 2018 4:38:52 PM Hello Mr. Donnell, Thank you for the information. As you prepare for public hearings, would you please note that many citizens of Carlsbad have concerns about the current height permit and would prefer that it be lowered in the new Master Plan. This should be discussed and reviewed by the City Council . (I am hearing some clatter among Carlsbad residents that a citizen's initiative is being considered to prevent the Village from becoming a collection of 4 story-5 stories including parking garages-buildings). Dr. David Stoffel From: David Stoffel Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2018 4:21 PM To: Scott Dohnell <Scott.Donnell@tarlsbadca.gov> Subject: Carlsbad Village Master Plan I have reviewed the proposal for the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and have concerns that I would like you to include. I am a native of California and have been a citizen of Carlsbad since 1983. I have been on the board of the Colony of Calavera Hills HOA and interacted with Mayors Casler and Lewis on many occasions. I am opposed to the height limits of the Village proposal. Four stories and 45 feet is too tall for this area. Three stories should be the limit, and even then should not be the norm. I also do not support underground parking for this area. Please relay my concerns to the appropriate parties. Thank you, Dr. David Stoffel Sent from Ma il for Windows 10 Barrio Carlsbad Community Concerns and Issues With the 2018 Revised Village/Barrio Master Plan TO: Scott Donnell, Planner, scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov FROM: Simon Angel, srangel69@yahoo.com February 22, 2018 Mr. Donnell, There are a number of areas of concern and issues presented and discussed by residents of the Barrio community. Many residents have expressed that the city's V /B Plan is at times over-reaching and complicated and goes beyond simpler and less costly solutions to very straight forward Issues and problems. This paper will deal primarily with the Tyler Street proposal at 4.3.11(1}, pages 4~ 41 to 4-43 of the Plan. What seems to us a very straight forward proposition of making this street a one- way(south to north) is complicated by the options provided. The only option that provides for one-way is "B". Yet, this option unnecessarily provides for a "buffer'' of 2' and 2 bike Janes of 6' and 7' while decreasing the parking space on the east side of Tyler Street from 8' to 7'. Neither option "A" or ((C'' provide for bike lanes which is why they are unnecessary. It makes no sense to flip the parking from the east side of the street to the west side of the street~ Residents use the sidewalk on the east side of the street because it is contiguous from Chestnut Avenue to Oak Avenue and as a result of parking on the east side of the street there is a barrier of sorts from traffic. Because this street Is utilized not only by passenger vehicles but also by tractors with long trailers delivering material and supplies and picking up products for shipping for the various businesses along Tyler Street, the more room to navigate this already narrow street is a matter of safety for pedestrians and drivers alike. This will also promote the safety of residents backing out of driveways. My proposal is to convert Tyler Street to a one-way street from Chestnut Avenue to Oak Avenue(south to north). Maintain the current parking area on the east Scott Donnell From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: simon angel Friday, February 23, 2018 5:06 PM Scott Donnell V/B Plan Barrio Carlsbad 2.jpg; Barrio Carlsbad 2aJpg; Barrio Carlsbad 2b.jpg Hi Scott. This is the second paper that I am submitting to propose changes to the V 1B Plan. Thank you. Simo11 Angel 1 Barrio Carlsbad Community Concerns and Issues With the Revised Village/Barrio Master Plan To: Scott Donnell1 Planner, scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov FROM: Simon Angel, February 23,2018 Mr. Donnell, This paper addresses the concerns and issues of residents regarding "Breweries, Wineries and Distilleries within .the Barrio Districts(PT). Alcohol producing businesses are not appropriate within residential or mixed use districts that have a residential element, especially in the Barrio community. In the past, the Barrio community has experienced a checkered past and the reputation attendant with that past. Overcoming these issues is an on-going · effort. The Barrio of today is not the Barrio of past difficult times. It has changed, though not always for the better. In 2017, the community (with the help of many other residents of Carlsbad) was able to deny the buildin,g of a distillery in District 6. This year, after combining District 5 and 6 and re-designating it the Pine/Tyler Barrio Dlstrict, it appears that the issue of alcohol producing busine-sses being located in the Barrio community remains an idea that has not been dispelled. This is evidenced by comments in the Plan(page 2-3, E. Pine/Tyler Mixed Use District P/T). Breweries is an addition to the current allowable uses. It is my understanding that currently wineries are already an allowed and permitted use with a conditional permit. The primary issue in 2017 against the permitted use of distilleries in District 6 was that because there were both fight industrial and residential uses this type of business was not appropriate. It was argued that any business whose primary Page 1 of 3 purpose was to produce or manufacture alcoholic beverages would be more appropriate in industrial areas along the Palomar Airport Road corridor. Indeed, most of the wineries presently located in the City of Carlsbad are lo~ated in that area. This should be the rule. Likewise, distilleries and breweries should also be located in the Palomar Airport Road area. Pizza Port is located in the Village District and that may be appropriate for the Village. The Barrio community is not conducive to this type of business. Many residents afready have experienced issues and problems with patrons of the Village bars walking through the Barrio drunk, being loud and acting inappropriately. We have retail places where residents can purchase alcohol and take it home to enjoy. Despite how they describe these businesses in the best possible light; they remain alcohol production facilities. Any pre-existing winery, brewery or distillery in any Barrio District can be "grand- fathered". In this case I would propose that this business will be allowed to remain provided th~t it will not expand beyond its current property location. Since Breweries and Distilleries are not permitted at this time within the Barrio Districts I propose that the status quo be maintained. Presently distilleries are prohibited in any Barrio District. It makes sense th.at this should apply to breweries and wineries with the exception of "grand-fathered" facilities. In the event the city moves forward with expanding alcohol _producing businesses in any Barrio District, at the very least., I would_ expect the following language to 2.6.8 {/Area-Wide, Conditional Use Permit and Minor Conditional Use Permit Special Regulations": "No Brewery., Winery or Distillery shall be located within 300'of any church, school, residence, park or play-ground, any facility providing child care, health care or any other location producing alcohol beverages." If we cannot alter the Plan, at the very least we wish to prevent the proliferation of afcohol producing businesses within the Barrio Districts or mitigate the impact of these businesses on the community. Page 2 of3 Please incorporate this document into the official record for presentation to the Planning Commission and the City Council. Page3 of 3 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Hj Mr. DmmeU, Susan Roberts Scott Donnell Council Internet Email Building heights in Village Friday, February 23, 2018 5:44: 03 PM Thank you for your prompt response to the email which I recently sent you concerning the plans for the Village. As I stated in my previous email, I am a long-time Carlsbad resident and frequent the Village almost daily to shop, eat, and walk. While the Village plan has brought a vibrancy to the downtown area which I appreciate,, I am very concerned about the 45 foot ma'{inrnm height limit as specified in Section 2.7.1 (page 2-39) of the plan and would further like to address this. The charm of our village is what attracts tourists and locals downtown. High buildings would subtract from that charm and make it less appealing and just like any other town. The small town feeling in the Village is unique in coastal southern California. We still have a high sc,hciol homecoming parade which is reminiscent ofMain Street USA. Let's keep our village quaint, uuiqu.e, and family fiiertdly. Tall buildings do not fit in with that vision. Currently, most of the buildings are either one or two stories high and t think that keeping a maximum height of no more than 25 feet would keep our downtown charming. I would like to request that .another vote be put before the City Council as soon as possible on a moratorium for all project approvals until the Plan is approved. Thank you for considering my suggestions. Sincerely, Susan Roberts FABRIC INVESTMENTS Carlsbad Village [DRAFT] Master Plan Feedback Below is feedback as it relates to the Draft Village Master Pl(m from the perspective of a private developer with three active projects in the Village. Hopefully this input is helpful as you consider all angles of this plan update. For me, these are the most critical issues: 1. Must Preserve 45' height limitation in the Village. It is essential that the 45' height limitation be preserved in the. updated Village Master Plan. Allowing for a 45' height limit by no means determines that the Village will become too dense. For proper scale in a coastal village such as CBV and in order to allow for a proper variety of uses, it is important that the height limitation not be reduced. In many cases, given the trending demand for high ceilings and open spaces, 45' could still mean three story buildings. With land prices on the rise, a general housing shortage County-wide and the potential for the City to realize an increased property tax basis over the next several cycles, its vital that developers can continue to build up to 45'. 2. Parking Flexibility and Regulations. In a transitional era where t ransit is evolving, it's vital that City's look forward and consider flexible parking requirements for new development. Preserving the existing parking regulations, in-lieu fee options and not imposing net new parking additions on existing properties that are not being expanded is very important. let the market reasonably determine the amount of parking that is needed. Developers will not abuse parking regulations if the market doesn't respond well to their lack of parking. Look for opportunities to encourage bike sharing, car sharing and other efficient transportation options within new developments. Ref: Table 2-4: Allow for shared parking arrangements for different uses within a mixed-use development. Opportunities such as utilizing shared parking for office and a restaurant whereas the office is likely to utilize the majority ofthe spaces during the day and restaurant in the evening. Developers should be able to propose shared parking arrangements for compatible uses. This is important! Parking requirements for restaurants are getting increasingly prohibitive. If the parking requirement for a restaurant hovers around the 1:170sf ratio, that's pretty unattainable in most scenarios. It's even more prohibitive for smaller, boutique restaurants/cafes. Imagine a 1000 sf cafe needing 6 off-street parking spaces -there are virtually no options. Furthermore, only front of house space in a restaurant should be considered when det ermining the parking requirements (not sure if that was made clear). State Street retail should benefit from NCTD lot. There should be compromises available on State Street retail parking requiremet1ts given the evening availability of the NCTD lot. Smart Growth. Local Invest ments FABRIC INVESTMENTS Table 2-4-The ability to utilize stackers, lifts and other advanced parking efficiency solutions- why is this on a case-by-case basis? What does that mean? Challenging to plan for unknowns. Definitely should preserve the parking regulation that if you acquire an existing building and .are not expanding its sq4are footage, you should not be required to provide additional off-street parking. Same goes with intensifying the use of an existing building while not expanding its footprint. To avoid mass vacancy, retail space should have some flexibility in uses without having the burden of additional parking requirements or burdensome permitting processes. Studio Residential units should be parked at .5 spaces/unit, not 1. Studios are becoming the millennials ability to reside in the communities they desire without necessarily worrying about rising housing costs. Many of these dwellers are equally as efficient and resourceful with transit and do not require cars and or parking stalls. 3. Density Two main issues with the proposed density regulations: A) Dwelling Unit per Acre for VC should be adjusted. 35 d.u./acre is simply too little to justify a 3-4 story mixed use development on an acre of land. I would suggest that this number be increased to at least 44 d.u./acre. With a County wide housing shortage, there is no need to severely limit the dwelling unit counts as is being done. We already have a height limitation and parking requirements that will serve to keep it from becoming to residentially dense. 8) Minimum Dwellings Unit per Acre should not exist in the VC. As the Village grows, there will be increased need for office and other commercial uses. In the VC, a developer should be able to elect to build a straight commercial building to accommodate these demands and not have to be subject to a minimum number of dwelling units. Again, thank you for your consideration and I would be more than happy to speak with any group discussing this plan and the community's diverse feedback. l<ind regards, Brendan Foote I principal Fabric Investments, Inc. bren dan@fabricinvestQ:1ents.com 619-840-7721 Smart Growth. Local Investments From: Elizabeth Kahahawai To: Scott Donnell Cc: Col.ind! Internet Emal! Subject: Proposed plan for the barrio Date: Sunday; February 25, 2018 4;49:00 PM Hello there. I have learned of the Part 5 section of this plan that proposes that The Village and Barrio business and property owners become responsible for funding "their fair share" and supporting the implementation of downtown improvements and/or projects. I really don't understand what the purpose of this language is in this proposal. Why would you single out one small section of the huge Carlsbad population over the whole population? It seems to me that this may very well be a way to enter in "leg<;1leze" to commit part of the population to something they do not wish to commit to ... for whatever reason. How can it be, in a 1'fair11 society, that you might want to add more financial burdens to the backs of the most impoverished part of the city's population? How is it that we, the people of the Barrio and downtown small businesses, are in any way singled out to pay "our fair share' of what the City has tried to force down our throats in the past few years? Why are the small business owners of this portion of the city called out in this way? How is it, that even though the barrio came out in force to condemn a number of the plans the City and Planning Commission took it upon themselves to uconsider", those plans were passed anyway? Because the city decided to align itself with unscrupulous housing and business developers, shouldn't mean that we, the poorest in the community, have our already crowded streets and population forced into the city's follies. What has happened to our City's officials and planners? What happened t o the hefght restrictions? What happened to the morals and ethics that have been in place for years? Moving ahead without proper city planning structures in place has allowed a significant departure from the foresight and goals that former representatives of our population put in place to protect our community. The people of Carlsbad are hard-working and industrious. We live in a good dty and do not deserve any portion of our city to become a slum, by putting every low income, past or present alcohol or drug abuser or crackhead into it, then request they pay more for the privilege. Sincerely, SLLzcibeth KC!VJCilt!ClWClL Carlsbad, CA 9200& Scott Donnell From: Sent; To: Subject: Gary Nessim Monday, February 26, 2018 8:10 AM Scott Donnell FW: Village Parking Attachments: PARKING IN CARlSBAD VILLAGE AND PUBUC PERCEPTION.docx From: Gary Nessim Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 9:46 AM To: Robert Wilkinson <bob@wdesigngroup.net>; Scott Donnell {scottdonnell@carlsbadca.gov) <scottdonnell@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village Parking Scott, Dealing with parking now avoids the lawsuit that will come from an environmental group or a present landowner like the Viflage Faire. Gary Nessim Sea Coast Exclusive Properties 500 Grand Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-519-5556 1 PARKING IN CARLSBAD VILLAGE AND PUBLIC PERCEPTION Each time a developer buys parking spaces for a project, an encouraged and efficient development technique, there is objection by the public. The technique has been used successfully by many other cities so why so many objections? -· Most other cities build the municipal parking first and sell the spaces which already exist. This is much easier to sell. to the public. Carlsbad has not even discussed building a Municipal Parking garage and most people believe that the spaces being paid for will never be provided. This pits the developer against the public unnecessarily. Our Growth Management Plan provides for development only if all standards for services have been met. Municipal Parking should be the same. It actually is the same is properly enforced as we are required to survey our off street lot twice a year, and only if less than 85% full are we permitted to sell spaces. We have not been doing the surveys as required. Eventually someone will sue and prevent development until the issue is resolved by at least planning for Municipal Parking to meet the need. This would stop the momentum we have going to bring Smart Growth to the Village. Not dealing with the parking issue in this Master Plan invites a lawsuit on parking. From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Gary Nessim Scott Donnell FW: Master Plan Monday, February 26, 2018 8:10:18 AM Master plan comments.docx From: Gary Nessim Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 9:46 AM To: Robert Wilkinson <bob@wdesigngroup.net>; Scott Donnell (scottdonnell@carlsbadca.gov) <scottdonnell@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Master Plan Scott, Comments on Master Plan for discussion. Gary Nessim Sea Coast Exclusive Properties 500 Grand Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-519-5556 Master plan Page 1-19 B 2 Rotary park no longer exists. NCTD removed it a couple of years ago. You can check with NCTD and verify that they agreed with Carlsbad Rotary that Rotary, was no longer interested in the Park. Page 1-20 Using Grand Promenade as an open space park for events requires the entire width be available for event use. A cycle track defeats one of the main purposes of creating the Grand Promenade. Jt also has short blocks with many stops and placing bi directional bicyde traffic on one side will be dangerous or motorists. For the Village to be funded by Village Events and compete with other local Main Streets and be weaned off City General Fund subsidy we must create the funding capacity for the group assisting the master plan area. This group or groups need areas to operate farmers markets, auto shows, craft fairs, music festivals that can raise funds and attracts pedestrian traffic to the village. Promote the Grand Promenade test blocks immediately, ideally as submitted. A detailed plan for use within 6 months was submitted to engineering a year ago. Meet with Sandag and Caltrans to relocate the 15 on and off ramps on Carlsbad Village Drive. Relocation of the 15 ramps should be negotiated with CAL TRANS and SANDAG as soon as possible rather than waiting for closure of Las Flores or the first phase of widening 15. Moving of 2 ofthe 4 ra mps would make a huge difference in traffic flow under the 15 overpass at Carlsbad Village Drive. Page 2-1 Rotary Park doesn't exist. Ground floor commercial serves local village residents first and visitors on the side, and only in the summer. Start talking to Post Office about location. Page 2-9 Provide boundary for ground floor commercial on figure 2.-2. NO PARKING OR RESIDENTIAL ON FIRST FLOOR {60 FEET DEEP) from any street AND MINIMUM COMMERCIAL HEIGHT required in this area. Page 2-10 add excess dwelling unit explanation Page 2-13 Page2-20 Page 2-21 See parking Clear zone is sidewalk not street, show in drawing that way. 2.6 B Sidewalk Cafes 5 make 8 feet and in drawing 8 feet. 2.65 number 5 make 8 feet PARKING 1. Bank of America and other lots are already used in the evening, without permission by restaurant patrons and employees. With the increased redevelopment proposed and encouraged, buildings such as Bank of America will be redeveloped and that parking will be lost, and additional need will be created by the purchase of in-lieu parking for the commercial space on the first floor and perhaps the office space on the upper floors. Eventually we will run out of spaces which will choke off mixed use development which we are trying to encourage. 2. The study is now out of date as many new restaurants have opened since the initial survey of available spaces. While we are successful, this is encouraging 10-20 year adaptive reuse of buildings, converting from retail to restaurant without paying for parking. This discourages rebuilding of older buildings with office or residential at this time due to the savings of adaptive reuse of parking, while new buildings must provide at least residential parking on side and pay for the commercial uses. 3. Since we want both adaptive reuse and new buildings to occur concurrently, we need a better formula both to encourage new buildings and get more income into the in-lieu fee fund. 4. The in-lieu feet fund should not be used to lease parking. The fees are a one time source of revenue and if parking is not purchased or built, we will run out of money and parking just like the National Debt. 5. Offering a financial incentive to developers can give us the Municipal Parking we need on a permanent basis. Leasing spaces on properties that will soon be developed just kicks the can down the road, and not very far. 6. If we offer $25,000 per Municipal Parking space built and maintained by a developer, substandard space can be efficiently used in the village and new units can be build smaller and more affordable to buyers. A minimum of 25 spaces to be provided to make use of the incentive. PARKING There are several landowners interested in parking and the financial incentive must be stated in the new master plan to encourage the preferred use of the in-lieu fees collected which is permanent Municipal Parking_ Encouraging a change in use without providing parking is a taking of another landowners property as we know that new customers will park in another owners parking lot. This has been demonstrated by the Village Faire taking measures to discourage outside use of their spaces by converting to 1 hour and valet parking for their customers only. Subsidizing the creation of Municipal Parking by a public private partnership would encourage redevelopment by the Village Faire and NCTD of their surfaced parking into a mixed use parking structure with retail on the first floor. From: To: Cc: ·Subject: Date: Scott, Stephen Poovey Scott Donnell Council Internet Emaif Re: Please Reduce VIiiage Center Height Limit to 25 feet Monday, February 26, 201811:57;05 AM Thanks for the clarification, but I think I, along with many others who have also raised this concern, understand this already and feel it needs to change. \Ve'll push it to an initiative if need be. According your line of thinking, it makes me wonder why are we considering a new plan for these areas in the first place? Ifl were to pull values ofland in the Village Center from 1996 versus now, there would have been much less pressure then to go up to the extent now to get a retti.rn on investment. Your head would have to be buried in the sand not to recognize how the evolution and growing popularity of Carlsbad would lead us tmvasds a VillageCenter that becomes less village-like over time, if we were not to act with some preservation in mind. We're seeing the pace of this activity picking up dramatically. It seems that at just about every council meeting now, a 'big box' comes up for approval. Precedent should not be the oven-iding consideration of a new plan. That oversimplifies the matter, and favors landholders and devel9pers by default. What would help more than yotu-clarification, is to bear something more about how comments like mine are actually becoming part of a conversation, and aren't hitting up against what seems like a firewall. Steve Poovey Carlsbad Resident On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 8:59 A.M Scott Donnell <Scott.Donnell@carlsbadoa.gov> wrote: Good morning, Thank you for your comment and intetest in the Village and Banfo Master Plan. For cla:rificatiou, 45 feet has been the maxim.um building height penuitted in the Village since at least 1996. While there have been caveats· to that maximum over the years (e.g., a minimum roofpitch requirement., a provision that pemritted 45 feet only for buildings with commercial or residential uses over a parking structure), where the maximum11eigl1t has been pennitted has remained the same in the previous, current and proposed regulations for the Village. Have a nice day. Scott Donnell Senior Planner 1635 Faradar A venue Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 \Vvv,-,.;.carlsbadca.gov 760-602-4618 I 760-602-8560 fax I scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov From: Stephen Poovey [mailto:s Sent: Friday, February 23, 2018 3:55 PM To: Scott Donnell <Scott.DonneJ1@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Council Internet Email <CitvCouncil@carlsbadca.fillY> ; --,._ Subject: Please Reduce Village Center Height Limit to 25 feet Hi, Mr. Donnell - Thank you for welcoming comments on the Village and Barrio Master Plan 1/19/18. I live, along with my wife and three kids, in Olde Carlsbad. We use the village on a nearly daily basis, and look forward every week to the farmer's market. We are very concerned about the 45 foot maximum height limit in the Village Center (VC)1 as specified in Section 2.7.1 (page 2-39) of the plan. Markets are so strong, and the values of conm1ercial real estate in this area are appreciating so fast, that we're going to see increasingly a DOMINO EFFECT in the Village Center, where developers are compelled to build high to justify the prices they're paying for the oppo1tw.1ity. This does not bode \Vell for a sense of a 'village' at all. To be frank, I'm alarmed by the prospect of 45 feet, as it exceeds the standard height in the village (as Cori Schumacher recently pointed out, mostly "one-and two-story bujldings") by some 20 feet or more; not even a 35 foot height limit would serve the ai·ea well. Meanwhile, to serve the city's interest of "getting people out of their cars and getting them to use (public) transit)1' as Mr. Schumacher relates, there are plenty of opportunities to do so immediately sunounding the area, We're not approaching this naively; there are significant and powerful interests behind protecting and propelling va1ues by keeping the height maximum at 35-45 feet. Some of those come from outside of Carlsbad, but for those who reside in our city, we encourage them to seek opportunities .not in the heart of our village, which should be preserved, but rather nearby. · Let's keep Carlsbad unique, especially its quaint village, and protect it from developer's highest-and-best-use mantra that homogenizes and depersonalizes cityscapes. Thanks for your consideration, Steve Poovey & Family Carlsbad Residents Scott Donnell From: Sent: To: Subject: Gary Nessim Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:00 AM Robert Wilkinson; Scott Donnell Master Plan comments on parking Attachments: PARKING IN CARLSBAD VILLAGE AND PUBLIC PERCEPTION.docx Additional comments on Master Plan parking which I would like to meet and discuss before sending to Council Members. Gary Nessim Sea Coast Exclusive Properties 500 Grand Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-519-5556 1 I \ I \ I I I \ \ PARKING IN CARLSBAD VILLAGE AND PUBLIC PERCEPTION Each time a developer buys parking spaces for a project, an encouraged and efficient development technique, there is objection by the public. The technique has been used successfully by many other cities so why so many objections? Most other cities build the municipal parking first and sell the spaces which already exist. This is much easier to sell to the public. Carlsbad has not even discussed building a Municipal Parking garage and most people believe that the spaces being paid for will never be provided. This pits the developer against the public unnecessarily. Our Growth Management Plan provides for development only if all standards for services have been met. Municipal Parking should be the same. It actually is the same is properly enforced as we are required to survey our off street lot twice a year, and only if less than 85% full are we permitted to sell spaces. We have not been doing the surveys as required. Friday February 23 at 1pm I surveyed both Roosevelt Street parking lots and they were 100% full. Our parking study is now 2 years old and many new restaurants have opened. There have been many change of uses since the survey. Eventually someone will sue and prevent development until the issue is resolved by at least planning for Municipal Parking to meet the need. This would stop the momentum we have going to bring Smart Growth to the Village. Not dealing with the parking issue in this Master Plan invites a lawsuit on parking. As soon as the trenching and double tracking issue is decided we can anticipate NCTD developing all their parking lots into residential uses by leasing the land to residential developers, Their plan for Carlsbad Village Station from a dozen years ago indicated their preference for residential development and shared parking garages fortheir residential uses and commuters and none for shared city use. Now is the time to provide an incentive to private developers to add shared municipal parking to their development plans. Offering them $25,000 per space with a minimum of SO would likely cause those that are already impacted and have land such and The Village Faire to submit plans for a parking garage with retail on the first floor. NCTD may be encouraged by this incentive to share and build extra spaces on their property. We currently use our in lieu fee to rent spaces. This is simHar to renting any property, eventually you use up your savings and are forced to leave town. Purchasing provides a long term solution and the developer is responsible for maintenance. from: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Scott Kevin Dunn Scott Donnell Kirk Moeller Village and Barrio Master Plan Tuesday, February 27, 2018 11:51:16 AM image001.png image002.png I hope this email finds you well. It has been a while since we spoke last. I came to a couple strategy sessions in the first draft of the Village and Barrio Plan as a developer to give my opinion. We understand the plan is getting dose and could go to Planning Commission by April. Congrats! know you have put in some serious hours on this plan. We are active in the Village right now (currently building the Grand Madison mixed use project), designing another mixed use building and looking at other projects. We have started reviewing the proposed plan in more detail now that it is getting close to being implemented and have two major concerns. These are concerns that we believe will negatively affect any developer, commercial/res\dential tenant and end users/owners. Specifically, we are looking at the 14' minimum plate height in commercial spaces and the 5' setback per 40' of commercial space . We understand the last day for comments is tomorrow. I have copied one of our main architects on this email (Kirk Moeller with MM). We would appreciate meeting with you tomorrow if possible for lG--J.5 minutes to discuss how these two requi,-ements can negatively affect an entire building as it relates to construction costs, ceiling heights above the 2nd floor, commercial/retail layouts, property values, etc. Please let us know if you have some time to meet. Thank you Scott. Kevin Dunn Rincon Real Estate Group Rincon Homes 3005 S El Camino Real Sau Clemente, CA 92672 o: 949.438.54941 m: 949-637.3254 J f: 949.438.5670 e: kdunn@rincongrp.com I w: www.tincongrp com I w: www.rincrn-hoines.com CABRE #01996419 Connect with us ihis e-mail and attachments (if any) is intended only for the addressee(s) and ls subject to copyright. This email contains information 11.rhich may be confidential or privileged. lfyou are not the intended recipient please advise the sender by return email, do not use or disclose the contents and delete the message and any attachments from your system. Unless speciilcally stated, this email does not constitute formal advke or commitment by the sender or Rincon Real Estate Group, lnc_ I I I From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: natalie shapiro Scott Donn ell comments on Village and Bania plan Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:49:36 PM barrio comments.docx Hello, attached are my comments on the Village and Barrio plan. thanks Natalie I I I February 27, 2018 Comments on Village and Barrio Plan The following are my comments on the Village and Barrio Plan. Thank you for the work on this. Natalie Shapiro 7831 Rush Rose Drive, Unit 309 Carlsbad, CA 92009 CHAPTER 2: I like that there are architectural guidelines. I also like the clause on discouraging and avoiding ""chain" corporate architecture and generic designs." It is important to retain the special character of the Barrio and Village through unique architectural styles. CHAPTER 4: I agree that Chestnut Avenue should be a crossing area for bicyclists and pedestrians. I use this crossing frequently when bicycling as I can safely navigate across 1-5 via Chestnut. The Chestnut crossing should be enhanced to encourage bicycles and pedestrians to use this crossing. I agree that streets in the Barrio are too wide-the width is not appropriate for residential streets and it is important to narrow the streets to slow down traffic via any of the suggestions discussed in this section. CHAPTERS: This section is vague: "The Village and Barrio residents will be responsible for supporting the implementation of downtown improvements and/or projects which have benefit to the area as a whole." What exactly does this entail? It is not clear-are they to contribute to this enhancement financially? I I I I I I I I I I From: To: Subject: Date: :rv1r. Donnell, Kathryn Antonacci Scott Donnel! Village Barrio Master Plan Tuesday, February 27, 2018 1:26:06 PM My name is Kathryn L. Antonacci, I have owned my home at 825 Avocado Lane, Carlsbad since 1994. I am submitting a comment on the proposed plan and wording about my responsibility to support improvements to the Village. I live in an established residential neighborhood, and should not be made to support Village improvements. This concerns me greatly. I am also concerned about the over use of pay in lieu parking waivers. I am increasingly having parking issues throughout downtown, especially since my husbands cancer requires handicapped access. This is woefully Jacking in downtown. l would normally have spent more time reviewing and commenting on this plan, but our present circumstances don't allow me much extra time. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely, Kathryn L. Antonacci' Sent from my iPad \ \ I I I \ \ I \ From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Mr. Donnell, Brett Farrow Scott Donnell Council Internet Email Village Barrio Master Plan Comment Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:26:41 AM As a property owner and arcrutect working in Carlsbad Vjllage l wish to express my concerns regarding the emphasis on "community character" as a metric to be used in design review as part of the proposed Village Barrio Master Plan. I believe tbat in most every city or town there is a significant gulf betv1een what is imagined as community character vs. what tbe community character actually is in teims of architectural desigi1. The images used in the proposed Master Plan place a heavy emphasis on a craftsman style and applique elements such as inoperable shutters and veneer treatments. In truth the Village and Barrio have very few homes or buildings of this type. The community character for much of Carlsbad Village is actually very eclectic and somewhat modern ifnol simply utilitarian. To me much oftbe architectural intcrestofthc Village is actually in the range of buildings in differeni styles and from different periods. Instead of aspiring to an imaginary past that does not exist we should allow for greater experimentation and understand that architecture, like art, is not going to be seen the same way by all observers. Good design cam1ot be legislated. [ would hope that instead we add specific language. to the Master Plan that gives .latitude to properly owners and architects so that instead of relying on clichcs we are actively promoting and fostering unique and authentic places that build on the eclectic character of the Village and Barrio. Sincerely, Brett "FaJTOW Architect From: To: Subject: Date: Dear Scott, michael ajdour Scott Donnell village barrlo plan Tuesday; February 27, 2018 U:28:16 PM Hope you are doing well. Please take a moment to refer to 2 paragraphs on page 5-7. They are under section 5.5 and the first starts with "The Village and Barrio property owners and business owners shall be responsible ... " This paragraph and the next combine residents, homeowners, and business owners in the barrio and village in responsibilities, funding, and "support" in language that is dislngeniously amorphous and will lead to problems down the road. We did not buy our home in an established residential neighborhood in Carlsbad to be singled out to support anyone's business development -and NOWHERE in this plan should that be stated to be our respo11sibility. These 2 paragraphs are inappropriate in a planning document. The vagueness of "community leaders" &the fact that business should create opportunities for residents -not the other way around in a plan that pushes for walking and biking -just adds to how misplaced these 2 paragraphes are. It is not residents's role to improve businesses· "competetiveness relative to other regional shopping centers". In whose alternative universe is a barrio resident's responsibility to make the village compete with UTC ? The plan that includes many good things like architectural guidelines. These 2 paragraphes overstep. They do not belong in a plan that's been worked on long and hard. Please include these come.nts in the public record. Sincerely, Julie Ajdour From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Scott, Gary Nessim Robert Wilkinson; Scott Donnell Village and Barrio Master Plan comments Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:59:59 AM cansbad Villaae and Barrio Master Plan Comments.docx I request these adjustments be made to the Master Plan before pres entation to Planning Commission. In addition is strongly suggest you recommend allowing in lieu purchasing of 50% of residential parking spaces for units 1,000 square f eet and under whether or not the concept is adopted. This encourages smaller residential units which is highly desirable in the Village. Gary Nessim Sea Coast Exclusive Properties 500 Grand Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-519-5556 Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan Comments Page 1-11 1.5.1 LAND USE AND COMMUNITY CHARACTER Add #9 encourage sufficient parking to make all desired uses function well together. Page 1.14 1.5.2 MOBILITY AND PARKING A Add #11 Encourage parking once upon arrival and walking around the Village Business District to reduce vehicle.miles traveled. Page 1-15 1.5.2 MOBILITY AND PARKING B Add as #1 Encourage adequate shared parking to maintain the Village Business District long term. Page 1-201.6.1 Key Village Recommendations Add as N Encourage shared Privately built and maintained Municipal Parking 0 Work with SANDAG and CALTRANS to relocate the Interstate 5 on and off ramps from Carlsbad Village Drive to Pio Pico to relieve the bottleneck at the Interstate 5 overpass. Page 4-21 A. GRAND AVENUE: THE GRAND PROMENADE I strongly suggest removal of the two way cycle track from the Grand Promenade. The Grand Promenade is a critical open space component that allows fundraising by the Carlsbad Village Association and other Village groups that will be created via the Farmers Market, Car Shows, etc. without long term City of Carlsbad funding of Special Events without road closures. The blocks are short and the cycle track will be dangerous and not very beneficial. We have suggested a test of 2 blocks of the Grand Promenade and the full width is needed for events to make a profit and be safe for users and visitors. The profitability is increased by the d.ecrease in labor, time, etc. that accompanies not having to close a road, tow parking violators, etc. and starting 2 hours ahead of the event rather than 6 hours ahead. In addition the Farmers Market would be 2-3 times a week. at various times of the day with different vendors and customers. This 2 acre park created from already owed public space is low cost., high reward and a necessity to keep City of Carlsbad funding to a minimum long term. Add to Table 2-1 and Figure 2-2 that the green hashmarked area shall not be used for parking within 60 feet of any Street and the minimum height of the first floor in this are shall be 14 feet to allow for quality commercial uses. Page 4. 75 add letter J J. PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP to develop shared municipal parking using funds from In Lieu parking fees. $25,000 is available per space for a minimum of 50 public municipal spaces per site in addition to any required spaces. Page 4.63 4.5 IMPLEMENT PARKING AND TRRANSPORTAION DEMAND STRATEGIES 4.51 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PARKING STUDIES Add The current parking study being 2 years old and recent surveys showing up to 100% use of the Roosevelt Street lots indicates the need for new parking. Over the period 2013-2018 change of uses from low demand retail to high demand restaurant has significantly increased parking demands. In addition, change of use required on parking in lieu fees while new commercial construction required in lieu fees, discouraging new development. From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Scott Scott T. j. Childs Scott Donnell Comments on the Village/Barrio Plan Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:31:50 PM Village Barrio plan short comments Feb 2018.dooc The comments about the Village/Barrio plan are shown in the attached file. Please make it part of the public record. Thank you. T. J. Childs \ I Page Paragraph number 1.3.2 Village 1-5 1.3.3 Barrio 1-7 1-7 1-7 1.4 The vision .1-8 1.5.1 Land use 1-12 1.5.1 Land use 1-13 1.5.2 mobility .l-14 and parking - Let's grow smartly not haphazardly and let's stop fiworing developers over residents in terms of growth. The Barrio is · one of the densest neighborhoods in the city. Increasing density is not always conducive to a quality neighborhood. There seem to be a disconnect between encouraging development in·the periphery and this plan. When one reads the plan, particularly chapter 5, increasing developmeht and tax revenue seem to override the desire of keeping the single- family character of the Barrio Center district Barrio Residents have been requesting these types of improvements for the last several years. It Is time to stop studying this issue and start instituting basic safety measures. The idea of having a substantial railroad crossing at Chestnut Avenue is a good idea. This would connect neighborhoods that are both east and west of the railroad; and it would make it easier for residents of these neighborhood to get to the beach and to support business establishments that are west of the railroad tracks. The plan seems to cater to developers and seems to have forgotten about the homeowners. A stated vision of the plan should be to help homeowners improve their residences. This goal should be listed on the Implementation table. The city has someone on staff to help developers who wish to initiate a project. But they do have someone one on staff to help homeowners when they want to renovate their home,s. Additionally, homeowners should be given a break on the fees need to remodel their properties. They should not be charged the same amount of fees as a developer. Having a two-tiered system with reasonable fees would not only encourage homeowners to improve their properties BUT ALLOW them to do so. Additionally, resurrecting low interest loan programs could help homeowners modernize and Improve their prope1ties. Many residents do not have 10k to spend on fees. In many cases 10k is their entire budget. Paragraph D states "Provide flexibility in meeting parking standards for changes in non-residential use of buildings existing as of this master plan adoption date. These accommodations allow developers to build more units, to increase density of the population but not increase the number of parking spots. More people means in ore cars. If they cannot find parking slots in the Village they will park in the Barrio. This is evidenced every time there is a special function in the village. The overflow of people park In Barrio. Do not decrease the parking standards. The goal of maintaining mature trees is a good goal. They beautify the landscape and provide protection from the sun and rain. Do not recommend reducing the number of red curbs in favor of increasing parking slots. Not having red curbs allows cars to park too close to the corner. When they park at the corners, one cannot see when they are trying to pull onto the street. It is particularly hard to turn onto a north south bound street from an east to west bound street. t r 0 1.5.2. Mobility 1-15 and parking 1.5.3 1-17 Connectivity 1.5.3 1-18 Placemaking 1.5.3 1-19 Placemaking 1.6.2 1-22 1-7 Laws, 1-25 Policies and Other Influences Additionally, not having red curbs makes it hard for pedestrians to cross the street. As they must venture as far out into the street as cars do to safely cross the street. Not having red curbs allows cars to park too close to the corner. When they park atthe corners, one cannot see when they are trying to pull onto a street. It is particularly hard to turn onto a north south bound street from an east to west bound street. Improving pedestrian streetscape and lighting would improve pedestrian activity. SAFETY NOW PRETIY LATER. Not having red curbs allows cars to park too close to the corner. When they park at the corners, one cannot see when they are trying to pull onto a street. It is particularly,hard to turn onto a north south bound street from an east to west bound street. . Not having red curbs makes it hard for pedestrians to cross the street. As they must venture as far out into the street as cars do; if they want to safely cross the street. Public art pieces should be created by Carlsbad artists only. There is enough talent in the city to only use homegrown artists to create public artwork. This allows the city to support local artists and it ,lllows the city to acquire wonderful pieces of local art. We need basic lighting and basic street calming and streetscape NOW. We do not need to study filigrees and finials. - We need red curbs, restriped intersections, Low cost solar LED lights and stop signs that face on north south streets and not face east west streets. WE NEED SAFETY NOW NOT PRETIY LATER. One to three years is too long to wait for the Barrio's basic safety needs to be met. - ! could better support the timeftame put forth in the plan, for street and lighting improvements, if basic safety measures were instituted in the Barrio NOW., Greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by undergroundingthe overhead electrical wires. tiO rn 0.. 2.6 Area Wide 2-30 Who will be the decision-making authority for the Barrio and the Village? The City Planner or the Planning commission. 2.6.7 Standards After reading Chapter 6 it is unclear who can approve these modifications. It is recommended that it clearly be stated in Modification this section, who has the authority to approve modifications of standards. A. Intent ' 2-39 The maximum height of buildings allowed in the Village is 45'; this is way too high. It allows buildings to "LOOM" over shorter buildings. It blocks out light and cast shadows on the ground which make the area feel cold. These same types of buildings were allowed in downtown Oceanside near the Regal movie theatre. They have completely changed the character of the neighborhood. This area went from having a quaint beachy vibe to a having a cold commercial vibe. It lost its flavor. -2.7.6 Barrio----2-63 Is the parkway that is present in front of many Barrio residences included as part of the 10-foot front set ba~k or does Perimeter the 10-foot front setback start after parkway? Supplemental District Standards -A. Set.backs 2.7.7. Barrio 2-65 Who will be the decision-making authority for the Barrio and the Village? The City Planner or the Planning commission. Center After reading Chapter 6 it's unclear who can approve these modifications. Recommend should be clearly be stated in this section who has the authority to approve modifications of standards -2.7.7 Barrio 2-66 Is the parkway that is present In front of many of the properties in the Barrio included as part of the lO~foot front set Center-back or does the 10-foot front setback start after parkway. Supplemental District Standards -F. Residential 2-85 3. The Barrio Residents need basic safety measures NOW Design -Items 3 and 8 8. It is confusing what this means or what this will look like. Is there a picture of a garage with a recessed door that can be inserted into this section? 4.1 Introduction 4-1 The emphasizes on walking is good, but residents need safety to do this. 4.2. Maximize Pages The idea of creating a railroad crossing at Chestnut and double trenching the tracks and connecting neighborhoods that Connectivity 4.2 and are east and west of the ra ii road tracks is good. 4.5 Because it better connects the neighborhoods that are east and west of the freeway and south of oak to the village and the Barrio tin -If art is to be commissioned for the entry art pieces, it should be created by Carlsbad artists only. 4.3.1 Design for 4-6 Great goal but start improvements now. SAFETY NOW PRETIY LATER. Pedestrians First 4.3.2 Make 4-8 These types of improvements should be instituted on all the streets in the Ba'rrio, Not just on streets where there Is are Carlsbad , public or commercial spaces. Accessible 4.3.3 Provide a 4-9 The plan calls for utilities to be undergrounded in a 2-6+ period from the plan's ratification. Consistent Street It would increase property values and significantly improve the appearance of the neighborhood if the electrical wires Appearance were undergrounded. I recommend that undergrounding the wires happen in a shorter time than 2 to 6 years from the plans' certification and the city seriously consider using city funds to accomplish this goal. 4.3.6 Utilize and 4-10 There should be a sentence in this section which states that information about lighting the alleyways in the barrio is Make alleys shown in paragraph 4.3.9 more pedestrian Friendly 4.3.7 4-11 Art pieces should be created by Carlsbad artists only. Incorporate Arts ,, and Culture into the street scape 4.3.9 Provide 4-15 This need has been identified since 2013 why do not have the basic safety Items. adequate Lighting I recommend that the implementation of lights in the alleyways be done long before the timeframe shown in implementation table, which is 2-6+ years. 4.3.9 Provide 4-16 WE NEED SAFETY NOW NOT PRETIY LATER. Please please STOP STUDYING THIS and start doing this. Implement this Adequate now vice the 2-6+ yeartimeframe shown in the implementation table. Lighting 1-1 . Barrio/Village 4-40 Institute basic safety measures. Stop studying this and started doing something about it. After bask safety measures Transition are implemented, then it will be time to discuss these sorts of improvements. •• ~ ......... -,.... . . ···-0 --·-~------··~---·-··-----.......... _ ....... ____ ,.. ·--:·--------~ •• K. Chestnut 4-48 The idea of improving Chestnut street and cohnecting it to the rail trail and connectihg it to the neighborhoods west of Avenue the railroad tracks is a good goal. M. Other Barrio 4-48 Slower speeds in the Barrio can be achieved by reversing the stop signs so they fast on the north south streets vice the Streets east west streets. The north south streets are the long streets that people use to gain speed, when traveling through the Barrio. Having stop signs at the intersections on the long streets forces drivers to slow down when traversing through the neighborhood B. Barrio 4-53 In this paragraph it "states that traffic calming treatments could be added without the need to relocate any street Intersections infrastructure. Red curbs, restriped intersections, stops signs facing on North South streets and low-cost LED lights could also be installed without relocating street infrastructure. Institute these measures now. 4.4.12 Coastal 4-61 The idea of improving the rail trail to make it a favorable place to bike and walk and tying it into a future lowered rail Rail Trail line is good. Improvements Red Curbs to 4·64 Not having red curbs allows cars to park too close to the corner. When they park at the corners, one cannot see when Parking spaces they are trying to pull onto the street. It is pa1iicularly hard to turn onto a north south bmmd street from an east to west bound street. Additionally, not having red curbs makes it hard for pedestrians to cross the street. As they must venture as far out into the stre.et as cars do to safely cross the street. 5.2.5 5-2 This goal seems to be at odds with the goal of maintain single family home and duplex nature of the Barrio Center Implications for Neighborhood as stated in Paragraph 1.3.3 the Village and Barrio 5.3 Fiscal 5-2 The well-being of the residents should be emphasi2ed here; not just tax revenue and the tourist experience. Benefits of Redevelopment Tbe paragraph is written in such a manner that it puts dollars and tourist before long term residents. It's like long term residents are less importance because they will pay much less in taxes than new businesses and residents will pay. Special 5.4 Barrio residents should not be assessed for these types of measures. For years they have paid taxes and watched while assessment other neighborhoods received these improvements while they received none of them. Districts Area of benefit 5-4 I am against these fees. All fees that will be directly assessed to a homeowner's property should be voted on by city fees residents. I am afraid that excessive fees Will be assessed to support grandiose unnecessary projects. liO -------- SDG&E 5-5 Undergrounding Funds Phasing Public 5-6 improvements Roles and 5.7 responsibilities Recommend that the time frame to do this is moved up and the city consider funding the undergrounding vice waiting for SDGE to fund the undergrounding. Future more expansive public improvements should be phased in. But not at the expense of basic safety measures. Basic safety measures need to happen now. SAFETY NOW PRETTY LATER. REMOVE THIS PARAGRAPH FROM THE PLAN. A homeowner's responsibility should be to maintain their propJrtY and be a good neighbor not fund development permits and enhance the downtown shopping environment. I moved to the Barrio because it was a safe neighborhood filled with wonderful people. What I wanted was to live in great area with great people. The thought of moving Into a neighborhood because it created a competitive regional shopping centers never crossed my mine. The last sentence of this paragraph states "to create a Village that is a more comfortable place to be". Since both the Barrio and Village residents are being called upon to fund these improvements. This sentence should read "create a Village area and Neighborhood that is a comfortable place to be; if the paragraph is to stay. I' (I. tl. n a. From: To: Subject: Date: Scott T.j. Childs Scott Donnell Re: Comments on the Village/Barrio Plan Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7:12:14 PM One more comment about the Village/Barrio Plan. -Recommend that the maximum height of a residential building in the Barrio Central and Barrio Periphery districts be capped at 25'. This would give residents who have one story homes more privacy. No one wants something constantly looking down at their house or yard. Want residents want is privacy not observation Thank you T. J. Childs On Tuesday, February 27, 2018. 10:31:39 PM PST, T. j. Childs <childst777@yahoo.com> wrote: Scott Scott The comments about the Village/Barrio plan are shown in the attached file. Please make it part of the public record. Thank you. T. J. Childs From: To: Subject: Date: Dear Scott, rnichael ajdour Scott Donnell village/barrio plan Wednesday, Fel:lruary 28, 2018 1:44:47 PM Hope you are doing well. Thinking about 45' height limit today . If that height could be limited to along the railroad tracks and freeway borders in the barrio, it could be a blessing instead of a curse. A sound block instead of people on balconies hovering over longtime homes. When higher buildings were originally discussed as being suitable for the perimeter, that's what we thought the perimeter was, not the extended area as now defined. Thinking geometrically -how a perimeter is actually defined. Promise not to bring up how to measure the area of a circle on pi day next month, but Please include this in the public record as today is Feb 28. Thanks for all you do, JulieAjdour barrio resident, homeowner, and parent From: To: Subject: Date: Kris Wrfght Scott Donnell Fwd:VB Wednesday, February 28, 2018 5:29:20 PM Thanks. If my points are not clear, I can further revise. ----------Forwarded message---------- From: Kris Wright > Date: Wed, Peb 28, 2018 at 2:4 7 PM Subject: VB To: Scott D01mell <scott.donneJJ@carlsbadca.gov> Hi Scott, I wanted to make a few comments on the Village Barrio plan to be included in the public comment section. I have been watching the development of the Ban-io and Village over the past several years. Due to certain rules listed in the Vi Hage Design Manual, many developments have occurred that I feel are contrary to the Values mentioned in Envision Carlsbad such as "small town feel". Some of these "rules" have been so loosely worded that with the nev11 state mandates that began on January 1st of this year, I am afraid that the Village and Banio will be decimated by unwanted features .. T have seen developments such as the WA VE be approved (using the cun-ent Village Mastet Plan). I am confused as to how are Village rules allow this type of development since there is nothing like it in the country: with condos, timeshares, underground elevator parking and mixed use all on 1 /4 acre. There are no rules to disallow from that happening again. And if a developer decides not to go with Carlsbad1s Second Dwelling unit ordinance, they can claim the new state laws which favor developers. This happened with the Lofts along Carlsbad Village Drive (where the Denny's is located). This development also exceeded the 45ft limit with the Butterfly design feature and the elevator shafts (both being higher than the 45 ft limit). TI1is is why we need clear, definable objective rules in order, as a citizen to objectively delineate reasons why a development cannot be used. We also need a VB des1g11 review board! I would like the village to remain quaint, and the height !jmit would go a long way to insure that we will not get developers who try and maximize top dollar .from a property. Some suggestions: 1. Limit height to surrounding buildings and limit that heightto 30ft max. An example: right now the Carlsbad Vil !age Centei-is being proposed with a 45ft. height with design features well above that height limit. The excuse is ... well that is in the rules! Using that as an example, the building right next door is 29ft high and in my estimation is an historical building. 111at new proposed building will block a window in that historical building, I beli.eve it contains a coin shop. In addition, heights should not be above current sun-oundings (across the street on CVD and State), those buildings are one story! Where is the "small town feel?" 2. Let's make sure that a monstrosity like the Wave cannot be built in the VB. What can be done to prevent that? 3. I realize that the Planning Commission and City counciJ will need to approve any new height limit reduction, but I suggest that the new height be added to the plan since th.is conforms witb the "beach-like'' and "small town" feel mentioned in Envison Carlsbad.. 4. Allow the fonnation of a Design review board 5. Make strict penalties for any project that tries to use "design features" or elevator shafts that exceed the height limit. 6. Make sure a geological repo1t is part of the development since, again with the Wave, and with the Alt Kar]sbad, there is underground pockets of water and springs that could cause problems for the building in the future. 7. Noise: as the Village and Banio become more impacted with growth, people need a noise ordinance. Currently there is none, 8. Make a smooth transition from the Village into the Barrio. One can do that with tbe beautiful lighting. 1n fact1 we need to move toward solar lighting in the Village (especially for those lamp posts along the street). 9. District l should be business. Only. The idea is to have residential surrounding the business district. 10. "Beach feel." The tall buildings acl11ally block the sun and ocean breeze that gives the Village its character. Otherwise we might as well plop the Village (and call it an Urban City) into the middle of Los Angeles. thanks, Kristine Wright Carlsbad, CA 92008 Kris Wright Kris Wright / Scott Donnell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hi Scott, Lola's Deli Wednesday, February 28, 2018 4:39 PM Scott Donnell Don Neu; David de Cordova; Bob Ladwig Draft Master Plan Response Letter to Scott Donnell Feb 26 2018.docx I've attached a letter in response to the Draft Master Plan and for consideration of how it would impact our Walnut St. project. Again, thank you for your hard work and efforts. Regards, Teri Chalfant 1 From: To: Subject: Date: simon angel Scott Donnell V /B Plan Barrio Concerns and issues Wednesday, February 28, 2018 4:27:36 PM Hi S_cott. Thjs is another paper on the V/B Plan. Please feel free to contact me . My cell # is . Thank you. Simon Angel Barrio Carlsbad Community Concerns and Issues With the Revised Village/Barrio Master Plan TO: Scott Donnell, Planner, scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov FROM : Simon Angel, February 28, 2018 Mr. Donnell, This is another paper addressing concerns and issues of Barrio Carlsbad residents. This paper will address portions of Chapter 4, Mobility and Beautification. More specificalfy, 4.3.12, Intersection Design at page 4-53 and Figure 4-31 at page 4·54. Also, I will. address safety and lighting issues and concerns raised by residents. Having raised concerns in 2017 and subsequently meeting with Mr. Plante from the Transportation Department in October regarding the Capital Expense Budget .Allocation of approximately 1.5 million dollars for Barrio street and safety improvements. This pfan to address traffic calming issues is t~ provide 9 traffic circles at various intersections of Barrio streets. Figure 4-31 shows, in addition to traffic circles, shared intersection, bulb-outs and existing roundabout. Since traffic circles are addressed in the V /B Plan there are matters which should be addressed that you may not be aware of that were discussed in October with Mr. Plante. Among the concerns and issues raised ln October were safety measures at Barrio intersections such as stop signs, lighting, street reflectors, re-painting the cross walks~ particularly on the north/south running streets of Roosevelt, M~dison and Harding. It was pointed out that the east/west running streets at~ shorter between intersections and speed is less of an issue than on the north/south running streets. Pagelof3 At this meeting we were advised of the city's intention to place traffic circles at 9 locations throughout the Barrfo. Speaking with residents and businesses, it was learned that traffic circle~ could present problems, especially with businesses located along Tyler Street. These businesses receive supplies and materials and some ship out finished products. Vario1.Js truck types and sizes are used to fulfill this need. As an example, Gnarlywood, located at the intersection of Walnut Avenue;and Tyler Street, are serviced by tractor trucks hauling tong trailers. tn speaking with the owners they indicated that traffic circles cou'ld very welt Inhibit such tractors and trailers from being able to safely navigate the$e traffic circles. Additionally, these vehicles come off the freeway and use the route of Jefferson to Magnolia to Roosevelt and turn on either Chestnut or Walnut to access Tyler Street. According to Mr. Plante, the plan is to place traffic circles at Oak/Roosevelt, Walnut/Roosevelt, Chestnut/Roosevelt and Magnolia/Madison with bulbouts at Pine/Roosevelt and Magnolia/Roosevelt. These are located along the route normally taken by delivery and tow trucks to access businesses along Tyler Street. I was advised that the Oak/Tyler street intersection is rarely used due to the narrow street and traffic and parking issues which make it difficult to turn onto Tyler Street. Figure 4--31 clearly shows these proposed traffic circles, bulbouts and shared space intersections. I propose that this portion of the Plan be reconsidered and examined for ·alternatives. Jn October we were actually looking for 4 way stop signs at the intersections of Roosevelt/Chestnut, Roosevelt/Walnut, Roosevelt/Pine. Presently there is already a 4 way stop at Oak/Roosevelt. We also wanted 4 way stops at Magnolia/Madison, Madison/Palm, Madison/Chestttut, Madison/Walnut, Madison/Pine and Madison/Oak. On Harding we asked for 4 way stops at Harding/Palm, Harding/Pine and Harding/Oak. Presently there is a 4 way stop at Harding/Chestnut. 11'1 additioh we proposed red curbs at all intersections to improve line of sight for all cross traffic and street reflectors at all intersections to improve pedestrian safety. These proposed improvemehts woutd be less costly and provide greater Page2of3 From: To: Subject: Date: Ronee Kozlowski Scott Donnell Height limits for the Village Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7:42:24 PM The 45 foot height limit takes so much away from or Village. It was a mistake in 2007, but we were not paying attention and now we are. Even with stepbacks unless it is a clock tower it is imposing. What is buiJt now will be here for generations and only benefit the developers. Please reduce the height limits and even then require step backs on anything over t\vo stories PLEASE Sent from my iPad From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Scott, Robert Wilkinson Scott Donnel! Gaa Nessim; Claudia Huerta vb mp s'"t.Ieet trees Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7:56:50 AM streetTrees.odf An additional comment regarding the need for a comprehensive street tree program with community input. Please see attached file Respectfully. Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdesigngroup.net P.Q. Box 4237 Carlsbad Ca, 92018-4237 760 434 2152 STREET TREE MASTER PLAN The master plan calls for making "Great Streets" with trees lining all of the $treets that it highlights. I agree that street trees are an important element of this neighborhood. The document should call for a comprehensive tree program for the entire neighborhood. The parks department has done as good a job as can be expected however the community should be a larger part of the process. A process that is much more open and transparent. So the Master Plan should call for a Master street tree program with community input surveys and meetings so we all know what to exp·ect. If this requires some sort of district to pay for a full tree program lets set that up. The fact that State Street received no street trees along the long streetscape of the Sea Grove condo development is a regrettable example that our current program is broken and does not meet the expectation of the community. f now hear that the parks department has selecting King Palms as the street tree for State shows more input is needed. From: To: Subject: Date: Jodi Tatum Scott Donnell Village of cartsbad Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7:43:14 PM \Vhen I moved to Carlsbad in 1993, I moved to a "village" not to LA. I am extremely disappointed in The City in approving 4 story buildings. Please help to keep our viJlag<! feel. Sincerely, Jodi Tatmn Carlsbad 92008. Please excuse any typos as this is being Sent from my iPhone. I have an attitude of gratitude. From: To: Subject: Date: Dear Scott Donnell, atakan ince Scott Donnel! Maximum height Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:19:13 PM I would like the maximum allowable height of building to be Jess than 45 feel Yours, Atakan Ince, PhD Sent from my iPhone From: To: Cc: Date: Stacy King Scott Donnell Cori Schumacher; City d erk Wednesday, February 28, 2018 11:26:18 PM Dear Mr. Donnell, I would like to express my strong preference on building story heights in the Village. I come from a city where the community had to decide what was important when it came time to redesign our downtown. We had beautiful old brick buildings, 1-3 stories. But, they looked dated. There was a desire to cleanup the look and update it to accommodate the growing community. As a result, my hometown decided through a thorough planning process and citizen buyoff to keep certain blocks of the city small and low density. We kept the buildings low, updated the outsides, tore out streets and made paths for pedestrians to access each shop or restaurant. In doing so, we kept a lot of natural light for conceit areas, climbing structures, fountains, street fairs, art and outdoor seating for the restaurants. Larger buildings were built outside of this unique multi-block area in the center of the city. It reaJJy is a gathering place. There were parking structures built on two ends and street parking is avaiJable on the outskirts of the area. My entire family still lives there because they like that it still feels like a comfortable small city, all while the population has tripled. Everyday there's .sowething to do and it's accessible. I would prefer that Carlsbad, my home for 17 years, do something similar. I also request that the maximwn allowable height of buildings in the Carlsbad Village be less than 45 ft. The area has so much potential, but not if the buildings are allowed to be too tall in the center of the city_ Let's keep our existing buildings and make sure that new buildings fit in with the character that brought people, like my husband and me, to Carlsbad in the first place. Kind regards, Stacy and Chris King Carlsbad 92011 From: To: Subject: Date: Dear Scott. keith@selectormedia.com Scott Donnell Input on Max Bulldlng Heights for Carlsbad Village Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:45:55 PM I'm writing you regarding input on the max height for buildings in Carisbad Village. The current four-story height liinit is simply incompatible with the character of the Village and out of place with the one and two-story buildings that are in the current majority. Please don't let speculative real estate developers dictate how the Village should look. Their main impetus is their bottom line, oftentimes at the expense of our quality of life. If the current four-story limit perpetuates for new building projects or retrofits on existing buildings, Carlsbad Village will eventually look like what Huntington Beach has become, cramped and crowded with little parking and most natural light blocked out. · · Reducing the height limit to no more than two stories will allow the city to maintain its small town atmosphere and set a more reasonable standard for how Carlsbad can strike a balance between growth and sustainability. I request that this letter be included in the public record regarding this matter and would appreciate a response. Thank you, Keith Keith Hunter from: To: Subject: Date: Charla BoodJY Scott Donnel! Height restrictions Wednesday, February 28, 2018 7:52:24 PM My husband and I have lived in Carlsbad since 1948 & 1954. We love our town and changing the building height limits is something that we strongly disagree with and that we feel changes the essence of our downtown from a viJ!age feel to a big city vibe. The height restriction should NOT be raised. Sincerely, Fred & Charla Boodiy Sent from niy iPbone From: To: Subject: Date: The Mayer Family Scott Donnell Height limit in the village Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:53:56 PM I would like to express my opinion that no building in the village should be over three stories. It goes against the visual asethetic and would effect the feel of the '\,jl]age" Mary B. Mayer From: To: Subject: Date: Don Pool Scott Donnell Height limit. Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:00:24 PM We have lived in Carlsbad since 1964 and have been very pleased with the 35 ft limit. We hate to see out town to go a high rise city. Don Pool Sent from my iPad From: To: Subject: Date: Anna"s Business Scott Donnell Height limits Wednesday, February 28, 2018 8:42:07 PM Please be considerate of the height limits in the downtown area. As it is certain buildings have exceeded the 30 foot limit.Our city has a certain charm to it and it would be nice to maintain that charm for the many generations to come. Respectfully, Anastasia Schmoll Sent from my iPhone From: To: Subject: Date:· KarenAhoBrown Scott Donnell No four story buildings Wednesday, February 28, 2018 10:12:58 PM No four story buildings in the village please! Dear Mr. Donnell: Note: Comments in the attached Barrio Plan [Village and Barrio Master Plan] as referenced below are provided with the email from Pete Penseyres dated 2/28/18. A few of our committee rode bikes around the village and barrio with the village and barrio plan to give you feedback We reviewed it from the perspective of cyclists, pedestrians and motorists. The plan is very extensive and we do have a lot of feedback and I'll try to get to most of it here. I have minimal time to write this up so I'll do my best. We have general and specific input. Please see the attached Barrio Plan marked with sticky notes with more complete mark up and specific notes which will also be submitted by Pete Penseyres separately. The goals are great .. We'd like to see some city specific standards developed for the entire city: Here are some of our suggestions o With regard to roundabouts and circles, a sharrow should be at all entrance to all roundabout as was done on our roundabout but an additional sharrow should be added further back to encourage cyclists to merge earlier and educate motorists and cyclists of the safest and most visible position to ride. This is especially true on a descent where speeds are higher. We don't want cyclists veering into the travel lane at the last moment but merging when it is safe. o With regard to sidewalk width we should aim to do better than the minimum standard of 5 -6 feet in the Village and Barrio _ o Bikes May Use Full Lane signs should be added wherever there are sharrows with sharrows every 125 feet or less and BM U FL signs every 250 feet. o Consider using the word shall instead of should overall o With regard to plantings: Keep native plantings in mind and avoid those that are fire hazard and those near walkways that could cut or are otherwise hazardous when brushed against. o Bike lanes need door zone buffers to protect cyclists from the one of the greatest dangers of using them. 5 feet of door zone buffer assures the cyclist is out of the door zone www.goo.gl/jeX7gw along with startle space and safe passing space in the travel lane Street Design Segments Grand Both of your options include a 2 way cycle track. Keep in mind the following 1. Sidewalk riding i:S one of the most dangerous in areas li~e this. Cycle tracks are equivalent to sidewalk riding. 2. You have a multitude of driveways into commercial zones. Cyclists are subject to pull out and pull in hits by motorists who when pulling into a driveway have to navigate oncoming traffic first, then 2 way bike traffic where the bikes may be moving at high speed downhill past these driveways (Grand is a descent past Village Faire for example). We have already seen cyclists hit in bike lanes when motorists pulled into the Starbucks parking lot. Studies have shown that collisions increase with the addition of cycle tracks 3. We don't recommend cycle tracks in this location where there are-intersections or driveways. Cyclists are also hidden from motorists by plantings and parked cars until the moment of impact See sticky notes. 4. Please remove the term "protected bike lanes". They are neither protected nor bike lanes. 90% of all accidents occur at intersections, (including driveways) where cycle tracks are less safe than the roadway as cyclists on Class IV bikeways are not visible to turning motorists as they are hidden by parked cars and landscaping. Motorists must navigate both roadway traffic and 2 directions cyclists off the roadway. The California Vehicle Code when referring to bike lanes in CVC 21208 is referring to Class II bike lanes. These are Class IV separated bikeways. They are optional for bike use. Wherever bike, facilities are put off the roadway they need to be in addition to facilities on the roadway as educated cyclists will continue to use the roadway and have the legal right to do so. Consider that cyclists Will be harassed for safely and legally using the roadway by motorists who equate a cycle tracks with bike lanes. Please edit your text to remove "protected bike lanes" and change to Class IV separated bikeways. S. Cycle tracks in 'this location are hazardous: optionally consider making sidewalk riding for children legal which should be done at pedestrian speeds. You may have to make a city ordinance to allow sidewalk riding and/or also a city ordinance to make speed limits on cycle tracks if you are going to put them in. Who will enforce it? 6. Who has the right of way at the driveways and intersections at the cycle track? Will you be putting stop signs for both motorists and cyclists crossing the cycle track from all directions? 7. Consider Sharrows on Grand. Carlsbad Village Drive 2. Green Backing of sharrows is NOT ALLOWED in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Green paint in bike lanes is allowed but not in the roadway on sharrows. This was experimental at one time but is not now and was not accepted into the MUTCD. All facilities on the roadway must be in accord with the MUTCD. Carlsbad Blvd. 1. Again, please make sure to maintain and increase the size of door zone buffers. The door zone is where the greatest danger lies. 5 feet is needed for large doors and startle space. If there is room· for buffers on both sides maintain a wide bike lane and 5 foot door zone buffer before adding the left side buffer. 2. Carlsbad Blvd is a big draw to runners (and skaters). The reason for this is that Carlsbad has the longest unobstructed coastline with very few intersections. Runners can run 6 miles in one direction without almost ever having to stop at an intersection or light. Runners have different needs than walkers. They need a softer surface, many refuse to run on concrete and they also don't want to navigate pedestrian traffic, unpredictable children and dogs. This is why many runners use the bike lanes. Would designing for them softer surface that is visually separated from pedestrians encourage them to stay off the roadway? Also, if barriers are required between the sidewalk and the road can they be a separated type bollards? If a runner thinks they may not be able td navigate around pedestrians by leaving the sidewalk when it is blocked then they are likely opt for the road to begin with. Tyler Street 1. Tyler Street is short and dead ends at both ends. The speed limit is low, 25 miles an hour. Bike lanes are not necessary on streets with low speed limits. 2. Either sharrows or bike lanes with a 5 foot door zone buffer would work. Your drawing show travel lane buffers but not door zone buffers. Door zones are where the most danger exists. Harding Street 1. See Grand Ave for our comments on cycle tracks. The same problems exist here. There are many driveways and intersections that make them dangerous. 2. Also, Harding is a main commute road South to North to and from the East side of the Vlllage. Fast moving cyclist will use the road and door zone bike lanes need to be replaced with door zone buffered bike lanes. Intersection Design 1. Traffic Circles and roundabouts are superior to 4 way stop signs. Please see attached sticky notes on intersection design. 2. Per the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, ,Class 2 Bike lanes must end 100 to 200 feet before and intersections where motor vehicles may make a right turn. This allows cyclists to merge left if they are going straight to avoid being "right hooked' by motorists making an illegal right turn for not making the turn from the right edge of the roadway per CVC 22100. In addition, motorists, including police officers, will not be expecting experienced cyclists who wish to make a legal left turn to leave the bike lane to approach the intersection as close to the pedestrian refuge island as practicable per eve 22100. 3. Nowhere in the MUTCD or HDM is it allowed to continue a bike lane through an intersection. Cycling through an intersection on the edge is dangerous as it puts cyclists to the right of right turning traffic. Whether a bike lane or cycle track, no bike lane can be paihted through an intersection either solid or dashed or green or not. This could cause right hook injury or deaths. None of the designs showing a bike lane through an ihtersection should be used. Even with the rela)(ation of rules, if you use a design that is not allowed in the HDM or MUTCD the dty is open ta greater liability when an accident occurs. In the United States motorists are to make a right turn from the right edge of the road, not across a bike lane. In the Netherlands cyclists have the right of way on the right edge of the road. In the US, this is not the case. The Netherlands also has strict liability where the motorist is at fault unless they can prove otherwise. It is the opposite in the US. Design must follow the eve. Enhancing the Bicycle Network 1. Laguna is already a class 1H bicycle route with sharrows 2. All existing class II bike lanes should be replaced with door zone buffered bike lanes With the ideal buffer in the door zone being 5 feet. With existing wide bike lanes staying 5 feet from the door zone puts cyclists on the lane line and too close to passing traffic. A five foot bike lane encourages cyclists to stay out of the door zone and gives safe passing room. 3. As you have stated, the majority of bicycle-motorists collisions occur at intersections, cycle tracks across driveways and intersections exacerbate this problem and make cyclists less visible to turning motorists. 4. Guiding cyclists to the right of right turning vehicles makes intersections more dangerous. Cyclists should be using the full travel Ian~ that corresponds to their direction of travel so that motorists will turn in front of them or behind them and not across their path (as if making a right turn from the left lane). Sharrows before the intersection is the safer option 5. Roads using Sharrows should also have Bikes May Use Full Lane signs. Sh arrows are noticed when they are frequent, at least every 125 feet with BMUFL signs every 250 feet. Coastal Rail Trail Improvement Be aware that many cyclists using the roundabout are not using the rail trail but are passing through the intersection as drivers of bicycl~s in the full travel lane and then moving into the bike lane after the roundabout. Cyclists crossing their path without stopping at the south end of the rail trail is both dangerous to themselves and other cyclist from both motor vehicle and bicycle traffic on the road. Stop signs are needed at the south end of the 2 way rail trail as it enter the roundabout. The south end of the rail trail at Tamarack needs to allow for a left turn onto Tamarack from the Rail Trail. Right now the southbound end of the rail trail is blocked by the island in the middle of Tamarack before the railroad track. There was a discussion of paving the GD to move the south bound section of the rail trail east in order to end east of the traffic island to allow for left turns onto the roadway. A crossing is needed on Tamarack There are other suggestions in notes on the Master Plan attached. Thank you for your attention. let us know if you have any questions. Judy Frankel Chair Bike Walk Carlsbad www.bikewalkcarlsbad.net https://www.facebook .. com/BikeWalkCarlsbad From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Pete Penseyres Scott Donnell Craig Williams Comments on Village and Barrio Plan Wednesday, February 28, 2018 5:57:22 PM Chapter 4 -Mobility and Beautiticatjon 2-27-18.pdf Dear Mr. Donnell, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this paradigm changing plan. It goes a long way in correcting the motor centric existing roadways into complete streets that will serve people, not just people in cars. I am a long time cyclist with certification as an instructor from the League of American Bicyclists. I have made most of my comments on sticky notes on the attached pdf file of the Plan. While much of the new cycling infrastructure may encourage people who are afraid of same direction traffic to ride separated from motorists on Cycle Tracks, they greatly increase risk at driveways and intersections. To minimize this risk, they should be used where turning opportunities across the tracks are minimized, which is not the case on Grand or Harding. Please let me know if you have any questions on the comments. Pete Penseyres Carlsbad, CA 92008 This page left intentionally blank. Summary of Comments on Chapter 4 -Mobility and Beautification 2-27-18 (002).pdf Page:7 " Number. 1 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 11:02:29 AM -08'00' Can we add a "sharrow" here and at the other 2 exits in the center of the lane? Can this be the standard for all roundabouts and traffic circles in Carlsbad? Can there be at least one more sharrow leading into the roundabout on Carlsbad Blvd going north and south to allow/encourage cyclists to merge earlier and educate motorists and cyclists of the safest and most visible position to ride? Page:9 rrJNumber.1 Author. pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 10:29:10 AM -08'00' -Number. 2 Author. pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 10:58:49 AM -08'00' Can "should" be changed to "must" or "shall"? -Number: 3 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 11:00:04 AM -08'00' Same comment as above. Are these minimum State requirements? If so.can they be referenced with footnotes. And if they are not requirements, then shouldn't the City of Carlsbad do better than minimum "suggestions"? [!]Number:4 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 10:38:32 AM -08'00' / I I I I Page:11 jIJNumber: l Author: pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 11:06:08 AM -08'00' t!]Number:2 Author: pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 11:07:07 AM -08'00' -Number: 3 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 11:08:36 AM -08'00' Are we sure this is the last consideration? Maybe delete this word? , Number: 4 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 11:13:23 AM -08'00' Are there also safety enhancements to residents and utili1y workers that could be included here? Who will pay for the undergrounding and how soon can it be done? Page:16 [TI Number: 1 Author: pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 11:28:40 AM -08'00' -Number: 2 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 11:46:46 AM -08'00' , Should the type of palm trees considered exclude those that provide minimal shade, grow very tall, explode when they burn, (e.g. Lilac fire) and drop dangerous fronds, such as those shown in the photo on pg 4-15? rr]Number: 3 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 11:39:37 AM -08'00' Page:18 !fJNumber: 1 Author: pete Subj ect: Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 11:46:46 AM -08'00' r a~c; . .LJ _ Number. 1 Author. pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 8:31:52 PM -08'00' ... physically separated from motor traffic, EXCEPT AT DRIVEWAYS AND INTERSECTIONS, and distinct ... Number. 2 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 7:36:06 PM -08'00' If the two way cycle track proposa\ is utilized, it will not be mandatory for cyclists to use it Those cyclists who choose to ride legally in the roadway are likely to be harassed unless a robust education campaign is provided to all citizens in the City and sharrows are placed in the center of the traffic lanes to educate those who are missed by the education efforts . .., Number: 3 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 7:19:15 PM -08'00' Mid-block alleys and intersections create conflict areas between motorists and cyclists using the Cycle Track. Who will have the right of way and how will this be signed? If motorists have the right of way, then stop signs and legends on the pavement will be necessary at each driveway on both sides. If cyclists have the right of way then stop or at least yield (to bikes) signs and pavement marklngs will be necessary at each driveway on both sides of the cycle track or at least one side for a one Way alley. ~ Number. 4 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 8:2~:40 PM -08'00' There are currently 9 ddveways and 6 intersections from Carlsbad Blvd to Harding Ave where this 2 way Cycle Track is proposed. Since about 90% of all car-bike crashes occur at 1ntersections or driveways, those cyclists wilo are comfortable with riding in the traffic lane should be explicitly encouraged to avoid these turning hazards by riding legally and following aU the rules of the road. Page:25 =-Number: 1 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 8:33:46 PM -08'00' The Cycle Track shown in Figure 4-4 is problematic. For example, It may fill with debris; the cyclist riding against traffic can not make a right turn into a driveway on the other side of the street; a vehicle emerging from a driveway may block the bikeway while waiting to enter the street (the vehicle may have to be in the bikeway in order to see roadway traffic); the cyclist may not have a clear view of an approaching vehicle turning into the bikeway to access a driveway and/or the driver may not see the cyclist. Will sharrows be added to the travel lanes for cyclists who choose to ride in the roadway? Page:30 l!_JNumber: 1 Author. pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/19/2018 12:09:31 PM -08'00' · Number: 2 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 12:09:S? PM -08'00' NEV? JJage: ,:;q • Number: 1 Author. pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 S:58:54 PM -08'00' This short term solution which allows continued private encroachment into the public right of way forces cyclists into the door zone of parked vehicles rather than allowing them to stay outside that danger zone by sharing the lane with motorists on a road with a 25 MPH speed limit AU mandatory use Class 2 Bike Lanes adjacent to parked motor vehicles should have an absolute minimum of a 3ft, and preferably 5 ft buffer to the parked vehicles_ If that width cannot be allocated, then the travel lane should be marked with sharrows. Page:35 _ Number: 1 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 9:10:11 PM -08'00' This is a better proposal for pedestrians, but many cyclists will preferto ride in the travel lanes to avoid the turning conflicts at every driveway and intersection as well as the hazard from pedestrians who cross the cycle track from orto their parked vehicles. Sharrows and/or BMUFL signs should be considered in addition to a robust education program to let motorists and cyclists know that they have a legal option to ride in the travel lanes. Page:36 [!jNumber: 1 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/27/2018 9:18:47 PM -08'00' -Number: 2 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 9:25:30 PM -08'00' This excellent discussion regarding the use of sharrows validates many earlier comments regarding use of the travel lanes when more restrictive door zone bike lanes or Cycle Tracks are proposed. Should this be repeated or emphasized as an option when parking and the adjacent travel lane does not allow for an adequate buffer Page:38 Number. 1 Author. pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/19/2018 12:37:54 PM -08'00' The artist rendition shows the cyclists in both directions squeezed into the door zone between passing cars. This is NOT safe for cyclists nor convenient for people in cars who might be encouraged by irritated drivers behind them to attempt an unsafe pass. Unfortunately, almost all but a very few educated cyclists will ride exactly as shown, rather than over the sh arrows directly in front of or behind motorists. Alternatively, they will ride on the sidewalks, unless it is impossible with sidewalk furniture that would restrict pedestrians. Page:41 -c Number: 1 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 9:49:26 PM -08'00' The 5 foot buffer should be adjacent to the parking lane to keep cyclists clear of the dooring hazard (except for Corvettes and other low 2 door vehicles that open wider than S'. The physics of being doored cause the cyclists handlebars to turn right while the cyclist is thrown to the left. This link to a video used in the League of American Bicyclists Smart Cycling classes offered in Oceanside and Carlsbad shows the results of simulated dooring with a crash test dummy: https:// video.sea rch.yahoo.com/vid ea/ play;_ylt=A2KLqlHgfntVQRoA.yMsnIIQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByN2RnbHFoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZOaWQDBGdwb3MDMw--?p=Crash +Test+ Du mmy+On + Bike+ Hitting +a+Car + Door&vid = b901391a6fe9e389d151923dba57077 B&turl = http%3A %2F% 2Fts2.mm_bing_net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.wJb90LPnOSIFURqz6tjSOA%26pid%3DlS_l%26h%3D225%26w%3D300%26c%3D7%26rs% 3 D l&rurl = https%3A %2 F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3 Fv"/o3 DBJ KbXH2cA yI&tit= What+ Happens+ When+ You+Open +a+ Car +Door+In+Front+Of+A+Bicycle% 3F&c=2&h=22S&w=300&1=25&sigr=llbitincb&sigt=llsmmq376&sigi=l2k3j9are&age=1278394095&fr2=p%3As%2Cv% 3Av&fr=yhs-mozilla-00l&hsimp=yhs-001&hspcirt=mozilla&tt=b CT)Number: 2 Author: pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/27/2018 9:33:03 PM -08'00' r'age: 4:, Number: 1 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 9:56:28 PM -08'00' Figure4-22: This is an unsafe door zone bike lane. Perhaps this could include a 3' right side buffer? Number: 2 .Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 9:57:36 PM -08'00' Figure 4-23: Would the design speed with horizontal or vertical displacement traffic calming be 15 MPH so cyclists would feel comfortable riding in the center of the effective lanes? Page: 52 Number: 1 Author. pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 3:17:41 PM -08'00' Would this 4 way stop intersection design be an inferior choice compared to a roundabout which would increase safety for all road users (by more than 90% for fatalities, 76% for injuries and 3S% for all crashes per US DOT Publication FHWA-RD-00-067)? If the cost of a roundabout is prohibitive, would a much Jess expensive traffic circle be the preferred intersection type here? This intersection type does not meet the criteria for traffic calming for straight thru motor vehicles as it does not provide any vertical or horizontal displacement ""-Number: 2 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 4:11:47 PM -08'00' The center median, which is apparently to provide for mid block left turns, and as a refuge for motorists turning left from mid block alleys and driveways, is inherently dangerous compared to right in-right-out turns without the two way driveable median. Traffic circles or roundabouts provide a safer location for drivers to make U-tums when desired. Given the many safety and legal issues associated with this type of intersection, should it be listed at the end of this section, corrected to comply with the MUTCD and eve, and used as a last resort? tf1Number: 3 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 4:12:37 PM -08'00' ~ Number: 4 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 4:16:14 PM -08'00' Bike boulevards generally encourage cycling by removing stop signs at intersections. Should the presence of the 4 way stop be another reason to consider this intersection type as inferfor to traffic circles or roundabouts? cc Number. 5 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 2:24:24 PM -08'00' Placing the Buffer of a mandatory use Class 2 Bike lane on the left side with parallel parked cars places cyclists well within the "door zone··. Most cars and truck doors will open past the middle of a S' bike lane and some (e.g. Corvette) doors will open past the left edge of a 5' bike lane. The physics of being "doored" always turns the handlebars and front wheel of the bike to the right which causes the cyclist to fall to the left into the traffic lane where potentially serious or fatal collisions with passing motor vehicles can, and do, occur. For this reason alone, shouldn't City policy be to uniformly place buffers on the right if parking is permitted and only on the left if there is enough room for both side buffers as shown in Figure 4-19? -Number. 6 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 10:24:30 PM -08'00' Per the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Section )()()()()(,Class 2 Bike lanes must end 100 to 200 feet before and intersections where motor vehicles may make a right turn. This allows cyclists to merge left if they are going straght to avoid being "right hooked' buy motorists making an illegal right turn for not making the turn from the right edge of the roadway per eve 22100. In addition, motorists, including police officers, will not be expecting experienced cyclists who wish to make a legal left turn leave the bike lane to approad1 the intersection as dose to the pedestrian refuge island as practicable per OJC 22100. · ra~c;.JJ ,._ Number: 1 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 4:41:13 PM -08'00' All of the previously mentioned safety issues for Type A intersections remain with the exception of the dooring issue for cyclists and the two way left turn lane for motorists. However, the mid-block leading to these intersection types still appears to allow left entries and exits to driveways and alleys. Cyclists in the cycle tracks will be even less visible to left turning motorists mid-block and will still be susceptible to right hooks at each of the intersection legs. By law, cyclists are not required to use any Class 4 facility and may use the full traffic lane if the travel lane is too narrow to share side by side. Since many people do not know this, should Sharrows and R4-ll "'Bikes' May Use Full Lane" signs be used here to educate cyclists and motorists? IT] Nurn ber: 2 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 4:42:06 PM -08'00' [!]Number: 3 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 4:54:31 PM -08'00' -Number: 4 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 5:14:36 PM -08'00' Should the landscaped or striped buffered area be at least 5 ft wide to prevent "dooring" of cyclists in the cycle track? Note that all drivers and passengers will need to cross the cycle track to reach the sidewalks. Both pedestrians and cyclists tend to be less attentive when they are not in the direct path of vehicular traffic. Should any use of this type of bike facility include a robust education campaign for the general public, law enforcement/emergency services personnel and NCTD bus drivers? League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors can, and have, provided safety training such as this at required safety meetings for bus drivers and at a shift turnover for Oceanside motorcycle officers. ii]Number: 5 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 4:42:26 PM -08'00' IT] Number: 6 Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 4:42:20 PM -08'00' IT)Number: 7 Author. pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 4:41:34 PM -08'00' c Number: 8 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 4:54:26 PM -08'00' · Usage of the tern, "Bike Lane" (especially capitalized) blurs the distinction between the mandatory Class 2 Bike Lanes and the optional Class 4 cycle tracks. Use of the term "Protected" in conjunction with this type of facility is misleading as it is no more protected at intersections where about 90% of all car-bike crashes occur{references on request). Page:56 -~ Number: 1 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 6:02:51 PM -08'00' This is a traffic circle, right? IT)Number: 2 Author: pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 5:59:30 PM -08'00' 1-"age: :J~ Number: 1 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 10:34:15 PM -08'00' Bicycle Boulevards should be through streets for cyclists with no or minimal stop signs and maximum use of traffic calming Page:60 _ Number. 1 Author. pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 6:23:45 PM -08'00' Should a statement to state that cyclists use of a Class lV facility is optional for cyclists, who may prefer to use the acljacent roadway? Without this consistent discussion of both Class I and Class N, the general public may not be aware of this legal distinction. Road rage and/or pofrce citations may result -Number. 2 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 6:47:48 PM -08'00' About 90%! Should this statement be emphasized to "vast' or simply say that "About 90%oLat driveways, alleys and intersections," ;IJNumber. 3 Author: pete Subject: Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 6:44:16 PM -08'00' Page:63 _ Number: 1 Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/27/2018 10:43:27 PM -08'00' Please provide figures or photos before and after to clarify these proposals. Number: 2 Likely? rr]Number: 3 Author: pete Author: pete Subject Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 6:58:54 PM ·08'00' Subject Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 6:58:37 PM -08'00' Page:68 c. Number. 1 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 7:19:40 PM -08'00' Drivers and passengers exit toward the sidewalk when the doors are open, which is safer for young children. It is also safer to load packages from the sidewalk than the street into the trunk or rear of the vehicle. Should this be added to reduce the "resistance to change" impact of a "new·• strategy? r Page:77 IJNumber: I Author: pete Subject Highlight Date: 02/20/2018 9:00:46 PM -08'00' Number: 2 Author: pete Subject: Sticky Note Date: 02/20/2018 9:02:42 PM -08'00' Isn't Carlsbad already planning to participate in the Lime Bike dockless bike share program along with all the other North County Cities? .. This page left intentionally blank. -----~-----------·'O··-··----~ ···--·-····-"·-----· --···· r • Honorable Matt Hall. Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Cadsbad Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 . LAW OFFICES HALL & BAILEY 25014 Las Brisas Road South, Suite B Murrieta, califomia 92562 Telephone: (951) 304-7566 Facsimile: (951} 304-7571 October 8~ 2015 ,,.-. ; \ .. , / Re: Municipal Code Section 21.45.060/GeneraJ Development Standards for RD-M Zones Dear HonOrable Mayor HaJI: On August I 0, 20 I 5, I sent you and yoor Honorable colleagues a letterJ of that date, requesting the City Council to consider a "stop gap" amendment to MunicipaJ Code Section 21 .45.060 Table "C.7" regarding the general development standards for street parlting spaces Oiat are allocated or permitted for new developments in hi~1--0ensity zones. I have been coinmunicati.ng.with City staff to arulress this issue, but was advised. by way of a letter dated September JO, 20.15 from Scott Donnell, Senior Planner, iliat.as fur as staff was concerned, it was not appropruite at this time to amend Zoning Ordinance 2 l .45.060 to prohibit use of on-street visitor parking calculations for proposed proj ec'.s in l1igh density areas. Mr. Donnell indicated that be and staff"' ... think any problems associated · with this provisfon are probably location specific and therefore the merits of its applic!ltion should be considered on a project-by-project basis ... On September 15, 2015. I sent a letterto Scott J:?onnell responding to his letter of September 1()1\ and 1 copied you and the City C6uncil with that letter. On October 6, 20 I 5, I received a Jetter from Mr, Donnell, together with the 173-page 2/26/J 3 City Council «Agenda Billn reference<l in &!r. Donne!l's letter. A copy of Mr. Donnell's October 6, 2015 letter (without the referenced enclosure) is enclosed for your review. I have reviewed the 173-page Agenpa Bill, whlcb I understand was approved by the ·counciJ OD 2/26/13. According to the Agenda Bill, the Barrio, as ofl 2/Sn 2, already had about 1.,272 existing dwelling units a.ad could potentially increase by another 759 units under the approved Plan. Unfortunately, the existing street parking in the Barrio is already over burdened and the addition of another potential 759 units, without requiring developers to provide sufficient '·on-site" resident and. visitor park mg, will have a significant' negative jmpact-. on our neighborhood. Enclosed for your review and consideration is the letter dated October 6~ 2015, which I received from Scott D01foell, togetl1er with a cbafo of emails between myself, l\rfr. Donnell mid Austin Silva from October 5, 20] 5 to October 7,2015. Apparently, the ownerordeveloperoftheHarding Street Assemblage is requesring City staff to reduce the :required parking by 45 spaces, from 255 to 21 O for the proposed Pacific Wind project. In essence, the developer 0001 I ' i ! l t I I I ! t l I l I' t t I I = I l.': t I I ! I l I I I l l I i ! • ! f r l l I . ~ ~ i l t ~ n r, ~ ti I \ \ I I I I \ r · ·,_) RB: Carlsbad Municipal Code Sec. 21.4-5.060 re RD-M Zones ... ' . Cl 3of4· • • • ~-·! _.; (-... ' J Mr.Donnell, The attached 173 page 2/26(13 City Cotlni:il ".Agenda BiJI'' you forwarded to me fndicates through out the document that any new general plan or zoning amendments 1' --applicable olflSide tbe Coastal Zone-." become effective withia 30 days of Council's approval of the amendments in February 2013. As I understand it the "Harding Street Assemblage" is outside the Coastal Zone. In your attached 10/6/lS, letter you.imo "-11ote as well that the city's online zoning and General f>Jaq maps are updated to refJerl ~ approved designations." Wowd you also please.ten me the specific date that the "online'' zoning map 11ctuaUy cflangedlhe the zoning ortbe Harding Street Assemblage from R-Z to RD-Mas I requested in my 9/1,5/15 letter. You furtherstate in ycur 10/6/15, Jetter that the "Harding Street Assemblage is a project now fonnaily submitted as 'Pacnie Wbld' a gated, 120..unit l'!ffanlabfe apartment proposal..•• whiclt was snbmitted ill late August. Wollld you and/or AllSfin Silva please let me know if the Pacific Wind "proposar• has designed the project so that all the city code required resident and/or visitor parking spaces are actually contained solely within the boum!aries of the "project site." If not tlllm. please let me know many r,f the required resident and/or visitnr parldng spaces a~ allocated to "street -parking." Would yon.also please send me the the addte5s, phone number, and email for Jason King,. You prompt attention to providing the above requested infonnation would be greatly appreciated. 'J'bank You, Jobu John B~ile)' LawO!lius orluU& Bailey • Z5014 Lais Brisa, Soofh, Suite B l\forrkt., CA 92562 (!)51)30.f-75tiG 01.!ice (951) 304-7571 Vax p,allci@ballandbritcl'nel CONFID£N11ALITY NOTICE: The infol'.IJWion i:oniai.tled in lllis cltttmnlc ""'"' mu:,:,:e 1,c:on!ld"1!tlal information mtcudcd 011ly lilrtbe ll!e orn,~- iodivldtllll o~ entity to 111l1H11 it is inte114od1o l>e di,.,;Cled. Tile •end'el' oflltis me~e Is a MembuoJthe Sbtc 8;,r oru!iron,la. :,,,d ils c1>11tcu1& m,iy be pmi!c,;ed !mm d!sck>s~n: under the f\tto111ey Cltcm Pri•II•~, lhc A!ronwy Work l'IOdoct l'rivllcgc, the Righi of Privacy «>Dblucd in the C~illbmia Cons !l/u!lo,., and otl1cr lights :md piwilcges ibat pw:dwlc discloann> of c,,ofid•~!ialJnfin,.,.Uo11. Tile lnfonn•ll&11 Iii rb& mcs;ago m:,y :dso be protected by t!le, Eleclr:onie Coanmuile•ti<tu, Privacy Act.18 t!SC ScdioDS ?SHI-Hll. lf(be reacleroftbis messege 1$ not !be Intended n:cipioot.l'Olt:m,.hcl'Oliy ootl6ed chfttanydisserulnl!tlon, distnb•tlonorcop)'lnirorlld!~mm11nic,'llioo i, slricllypn,hibittd. lryouha,• re<:ejye1f t!l1' ~•mmu~i<lllimt ll)<,mu; please immediatcly tiori(Y die sudcr by n,hlrn e-mail.,.. at !h• tct,ep.honc t111J11ber above :md d•Jete !be ongiml! ,nessoge_ ---Forwarded Message-- Subject:RE: Carlsbad Municipal Code-Sec. 21-45.060 re RD-Ml.ones Dafe:Tlie, 6 Oct 2015 23:00;52 +0000 From:Scott Donnell <Scott.Donnell@carlsbadca_gov> To:John Bailey <jbailey@hallandbailey.net> CC:Kathi LaCroix <kgreenough@hallandbailey.net>, Glen Tun Peski <Glen. VanPeski@carlsbadca.gov>, Don Neu <Don.Neu@car!sbadca.gov>, Moi:gen F:iy <Morgen.F1y.@carisbadca.gov> Mr. Bailey, Attad1ed is my response to your October S email and September 15 letter plus an attachment referenced in 10/7/2015 2:18 P.M 0007 \ i l I I i i I I f i ! J 1 I f I I l l ! 1 i I i ! I g I i tt I I i i [ e I I • I ,, i I ~ g .. ~ I l~ \ ~ !i il I lI \ ~ I ! I l· g l! r! I ~ ;: I i g f1 ~· l r ,,. I t w ~ t l'. ~ ll & ff i; I 5 I " rt -·-.. --· •... ~.~ ----· --- ·-·#·---~.-.--·-•• ---•• ____ J· •• Carlsbad Zonir,,g & Master Plan I I I Pacific),.,.'\'d Project.(SDP 15-18) :i ,f""'.. .. J ofB ------Forwarded Message-.- Subject:Carlsbad Zoning & Master Plan Ill Pacific Wind Project (SOP 15-18) Date:Wed, 4 Nov 2015 11:23-:53 -0300 From:John Bailey <ibaifey@tblglaw.com> To:Scott Donnell <scott.donnell@carlsbadca.goV> cc:.Jason King <jking@doverkohl.rom>, Austin Silva <austin.silva@carlsbadca.goV>, Corey Funk <corey.funk@carlsbadca.gov>;.Kathi LaCroix.<kfacroix@tblglaw.com>, Glen Ve.rt Peski <Glen.Vanl?eski@carlsbadca.gov>, Don Neu <don.neu@carlsbadca.goV>, Kathy Dodson <manager@carlsbadca.gov> Scott, Thank you for the update below. I will search for the Village and Barrio Master Plan-on the City's website starting November 16, 2015, and look forward to reviewing that proposed Plan. I have now completed my initial investigation and review-of the relevant ~formation on the Barrio and Village referenced in and/or available on the City's website, including but not limited to, the: {1) "Barrio Carlsbad Community Cohesion Report .. dated June 2008, referencing the Interstate 5 North Coast Quarter Project; (2) "c'arlsbad Community Vision/November 2009;" (3) the 2/26/13 "City of Carlsbad-Agenda Bill" and all rerated ·exhibits and Planning Commission minutes, etc.; (4} the "Land Use Concepts, January 2012" for the City; (5) the 12/4/14 "Ground Worl<Toward a Village and Barrio Master Plan-." issued by Dover, Kohl & Partners. Although the roughly 10 inch stack of documents were helpful in giving me a general understanding of the history and future broad "vision" for the Barrio and Village, the materials were essentially void of any specific plans, ideas or proposed resolutions to t he parking issues and challerigesconfronting our community. For example, the 12/4/14 Ground Work Toward a Village and Barrio Master Plan states: "Man.;ige parking,.don'tsolve. Parking is an issue that is often talked about a11d negotiated. Suburban parking standards often result in an over-supply of parking as each building and business must provide enough parking for the busiest day of the yeac. If suburban parking standards are applied to walkable places, such as Carlsbad Village, then the character of the Vfilage would be lost due to too many parking lots ..• ~ (Page 28 of Dover, Kohl & Partner.s Report) The Report goes on to further state: "lntercr=pt Parking. Pressure is taken off the East-West mads by intercepting ~rs from 1-5 and from the East, giving 111c:.runc:,r1 .. ,? 11u, 0011 ' l I I i I I i I I i l I ! \ ' f ; I I f I } & ~ I ~ I g I I ij I 1i • n ~ ~ f t I; t l ! i ' \ t i \ i ! ~ I t ? C ; I !;. ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ I ~ ~ i I 1 ~ I ~ I ;;: .. ~ ~ ,; ~ ! I> ~ t·J ~ fr 'i,," ~ :,£ i I I " I .. i f !i ! l.'i I ; " ,., ! il' Ii ~ ~ .................. , .......... ---···- ._.. .... --·· --··-·--... -- Page Two November 16. 2015 ,., .... --. ,·' ..... ~-· ---··· referenced under Part 2, Item ·«a. Parking Requirement Chart" on page 6.43. Staff is recommending that the multi-dwelling parking requirements be significantly reduced to "One space per unit for studio and one bedroom; one and a half (1.5) spaces per unit for two bedrooms or more." Furthermore, on- street parking will still be allowed to be calculated into lhe visitor parking requirements. Substantially reducing the parking requirements in the Barno will not in any way enhan~ the desirability and/or the "walkability'' of the neighborhood:. In fact, by allowing new projects to be built without adequate ''on-site"' resident and visitor parking, it Will create the opposite effect The surrollllcfuig streets are already gi:eatly overburdened with virtually no street parking available because we now have inadequate Ies.ident and visitor parking in our neighborhoods. By .increasing density and reducing parking, you will onlye'(acerbate a currently difficult parking situation in this neighborhood. A good example of what I mention above is the proposed "Pacific Wind Project (SDP 15-18)" which. I understand was submitted to the Planning Department around the end of August 2015. This Plan currently calls for the City to vacate and abandon ~arding Street and Caml Place between Magnolia A venue and Jefferson Street fortbe development of: ( a) a completely gated affordable housing project; (b) consisting ofapproximately 5 three~story buildings with 120 apartment units; -and ( c) calling for 210 parking spaces when the current Munid_paJ Code requires 255. Based upon my walks through the proposed project site, I estimate there are currently about 180 total parking spaces (mcluding garages, driveways and street) for the roughly 52 existin·g homes in this · neighborliood, which is already inadequate to service the area. The developer is.only proposing to adcf 30 more parking spaces (180 to 210), but plans on increasing the number ofavailable l!llts by 70 (i.e., :from 50 to 120). The proposed Pacific Wmd Project will be a «gated" comm.unity so any deficient parking ,"Ii thin the Project site willna..turally force the Pacific W utd residents and visitors to park on the surrounding streets outside the Project. We ~1ronglyencourage the Planning Commission not to approve any proposed amendments to the Municipal Code which will further reduce the park:ing requirements for new developments in this already highly dense neighborhood. In fac~ we respectfully request that an amendment to Section 21.45.060 Table "C.7" be made to include the Barrio as an area that is not pennitted to cotmt on-street parking for purposes of meeting the visitor parking reql,lll'ements for new projects. Should you have any questions or if you would like to discuss any of the neighborhood's concerns over these issues. please do not hesitate to conlact me at your earliest opportunity. JLB:kg 0019 l ' ! I I I I ! I ; ' I I I i ) l t ! t i j I • I i i i I I i I • I il, ii ~ f • ~ I ' l It • a ff i I $ ~ r.. t . f~ l ' ' 1 I l r ' f ! 1 i i I ~ ;, t t I l • • I ~ ~ ~ iil i I I i! I " ~ fl ~ I \ I I ~ ~ ~ \ l l!i ,, u-~ ~ ~ u ~ " ~ I § m . ······-······-' .. ,. _.._ .. ~~ ... , ..... Page7 December22, 2015 ~o-·· ,.: 0 these reduced parking standaids will have on the availability of street parking on Jeffen;on Street and the oli1er streets around the Pacific Wind Project if the developer is only required ro inslaJI, under the draft Plan, 165 residential (NO visitor) paTkiog sp·aces to service 120 residential units. 90 of which will be 1.wo and three-bedroom units. In that the Pacific Wfr,d Project is proposed to be a "gated" community, any deficient parking (whicb there will be) within the Project site wm naturally force the Pacific Wiod residents and visitQtS to park on the surroUl).ding streets outside the Project. which streets are already overburdened. This ever growing unavailability of residential street parking in the Village and Barrio will naturally effect the overall desirability and walk-ability of these neighborhoods. If the proposed building Code revisions for the City of Carlsbad as set forth in the draft Plan go into effect, the Village and Barrio residential parking shortages will become insufferable and irreversible. ACCESS, PEDESl'RIAN AND BICYCLE ISSUES D. Pacific Wind Project-Access and Walle-Ability The overall vision and objective of the draft Pfan is to-make the Village& Barrio communities more open. welcoming and "walk-able." TJ:ie drafi Plan specifically references the Pacific Wind Project area and mentions some general.criterion for any futuredevelopmentplan that, as you can see, realigns Harding Street to essentially abut the 5 Freeway to circ]etlie Project and to reconnect it with Magnolia Avenue and Carol Plac; (See Plan, Part l Item 6, pg. 2.19 ). The current Pacific Wind pl.an. however, calls for the development of a "gated community" and the vacation and abandonmentofHarding Street and Carol Place with no wnew• replacement streets. Based upon my past conversations with Austin, l believe City staff ts currently receptive to the possibility of vacating Harding Street but wants to retain.Carol Place asa public street. We,assurroundingpropertyownersofthisnewpmposedPacific Winddevelopment;haveconcerns and objections to any proposal calling for the Cit,y to essentially provide a gift of public land/streets to any · developer for a private "gated community." Furthermore, I am not convinced that Pacific Wmd's cw.ently proposed vacation ofHarding Street and/or Carol Place ,nee ts the general requirements of Part 3 of the Streets and Highways Code Sections 8320 et. seq.; nor the "Summary Vacation" of those streets under Part4 of the Streets and Highways Code Sections 8330 et. seq .. without requiring the dedication and construction of"new" realigned streets as iecommended fo Part 1 Jtem. 6 on page 2: 19 oftl1e P Ian. I have had a recent but brief telepbone conversation with Todd Cottle, who is the Developer "contact'' for the Project concerning tlte matter. During our con-versatio~ Mr. Cottle indicated to me that the curre1,1tly proposed plan fur !he Paci.fie Wind Project is not finalized. Mr. Cottle and l agreed to stay in contact and further discuss our issues concerning the Project as it progresses. At this point, however, we believe the overall neighborhood wou Id be better served by the developer submitting to the City ptoposed amendments to the Pacific Wind plan which are more consistent with the 0029 j i ! I l l I ! i. l f l ! , I " ! i l ~ ! } ~ i § fl l;: it t ~ " ~ ~ ~ I! r 1. ~ ; [ I i 1 & \ i ~ • ' ~ " I i \ i 11 ~ j ii l ~ \ ~ a il ll I y ~ l I ;l[ I g If. I I ~ it i f I ~ • I ff ~ it ii I [ :::· ~ ~ ;1: ~ f!. ;; w ,! l ,f. ·-------··--····--- O;._ .. ,· 0 ---···--··---~ -· --· ............ ~ -.. "~--~·-·-·--, ;·· ' ,• ,-! Page9 December 22, 2015 The inclusion of the above items lo the list of 0 Minor lmprovements'' seems-to empower the City Planner to become the final arbitrator and overseer of a potentially significant numbcrofnew projects in the V iUage and Barrio without any input from the Planning Commission. These Administrative decisions can be reviewed by the Planning Commission only if the concerned community member pays the $1,000 plus fee to have the issue reviewed by the Planning Comrrussion (Plan Part 2, Items. pg. 5. 7). These additional items, on their face, would appear to cover a substantial amount of all new de-yelopment in the Village and Barrio that now falls· under the direct respotLSJ"bility of the Planning Contmission. Many parcels (without assemblage) in the Village and Barrio are mostly smaller lots. With residential density set at 30 units per acre and a limit ofup to 15,000 square feet for aJJ new construction · (residential or commercia1), it would appear that a majority of all new projects iD the Barrio and Village could be adminislratively determined and/or approved by the City Planner and his staff without any oversight. or review by the Planning Commission uniess an appeal is filed. The Planning Commission's function. purpose and res.l)Onsibility is, among other things,. to oversee the future development of ourCity. That primary responsibilir;y should not be delegated to an Administrator or his/her staff who works very closely eVf:4"/ day with developers to review and approve proposed building plans for recommendation to the Commission; which planner, from a practical standpoint, essentWly bas no 'accountability whatsoever to the residents in the community. The City Planner's primary responsibility is to review plans; consider comm.unity comments or concerns regarding proposed new developrnerits; to insure the plans are iD conformance with the Municipal Code and Master Plan; .and to then provide the Planning Commission with a recommended course of action. It.is the Planning Commission's responsibilityto review, impartially eonsider and weigh all the information presented by the Planner, Developer and Community Members on the proposed project and then deci:de whefh~ or not it should be approved. modified or rejected. . The Plan's suggested additions to the list for Minor Improvements not only seem to usurp the Commission's powers and responsibilities, but it also adding another layer of substantive and procedural hurdles that are not necessiuy and could have a chilling effect on community inpuL The Community deserves to have an impartial Platµiing Commission, in a public forom, make final <lecisions on alt significant new developments tfurt will impact their neighborhoods. Delegating ~ch decision-making responsibility to the City Planner creates a real po$Sibility of disenfranchising the CQmmunity members and in particular the Barrio residents fi-om any true participation in the process itself. Requiring only an administrative non-public review and approvaJ process for significant projects and then forcing upon resfdents a time consuming and cos(ly revjew procedure to the Plannieg Commi$sion aod City Council will. in a short period of time, stifle all meaningful communily input. The procedural !ayer the Plan is adding to tlte process by including these items to the list of Minot Improvements creafes additional time and expense that will be incurred by residents being forced to appeal any "final'' admioistrative decision to tbe Planning Commission at a cost of$1,000 plus and ~en to qty Council for another$ J ,000 plus fee_ I am sure you wou Id agree that most residents iJr the Village and Barrio communities do not have the time nor financial resources to go through suc.h a costly and time-consuming process. 0031 ·--·-·· l r I· I i I • t I l ' i i • t I I I I ! l ! I 1 \ t I } I t I • I • i I I/ R I i! f l i P. • ! %i 1 ff a, 1 I ~ ~ ~ " li Ji I X " I e: I ~ " i ! .Ii ~ l ~ ~ I f. r!: oc· l!· " H i il I. ,, " I I !' I it I I I[, ~ I i I f f l I I i{. " I· l i " i ;; .. ll w I ! ~ ~ Page Two June 14, 2016 () on May 26, 2016, I sent an r?mail to Mr. Silva and Mr. Cottle inquiring as to what input, if any, they had with regard to the deletion of the "Barrio Edge Development" discussion from the 4/16 Plan. In response to tllat inquiry, Scott Donnell sent me an email dated May 31, 2016, providing a brief "explanation" for the deletion, a copy of which email, together with che letter from the developer referred in Mr. Donnell's S/3i/16 email, are collectively attached as Exhibit "2." As you can see from the enclosures, the developer is of the op1n1on that "Opening the site up to the existing neighborhood invites the potential for the wrong element to access the site ... " and "Putting the parking mid block off a narrow alley that is open to the public will invite crime ... " (Exhibit "2," pgs. 5-6.) As a resident in the neighborhood immediately surrounding tb.e Project, I find this Orange Couuty developer's speculative views and opinions regarding the 11/15 Plan to be somewhat offensive and definitely contrary to the 4/16 Plan's overall stated goals and objectives. There can be little dispute tbat the current: Pacific Wind Project's.proposed plans for a "gated" complex are directly opposed and opposite to the overall visions of walk-ability and accessibility as repeatedly stated and emphasized in the 4/16 Plan, which is now under consideration by the City. I was also surprised to read a 3/19/16 Union Tribune article stating that the "City Council approved a $7 .4 milliqn l_oan in 2012 .•. " f.or the deve.loper to '' _ .. purchase 21 of the duple}!: lots ... " in the Pacific Wind Assemblage. rt was during the first part of March 2016, I realized for the first time that not only does the City have a general "governniental" responsibility in seeing to it that this Project is plan.,ed and built in accordance with the City's development standards, but it (City) also has a vested interest in making sure the Project is financially successful. After learning of the City's financial interest in the Project, I had further communications with Todd Cottle and Austin Silva .from about the middle of March 2016 through the first week of June 2016 in an attempt to discuss some mitigation possibilities that would address some of my . concerns about the Project, without any success. -~ copy of the chain of emails from March 16, 2016 through June 6, 2016, are collectively attached hereto as Exhibit ".3 -" As you can see from this r~cent chain of emails, the developer is now having a "traffic study" done apparently to opine as to the potential negative or positive impacts of closing down liarding Street. It is -'ilY understanding that the developer's traffic study is independent of the traffic study now being conducted by Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., in connection with the 4/i6 Plan. Without prejudging the developer's traffic study, I, as a resident in the Bar rio, strongly believe that the City must give more seri ous consideration to the potentially significant negative impacts upon the residents in the i mmediate area surrounding the Project, as well as the public in general, should Harding Street be abandoned. In this regard, I make the followirig comments and observations, which I believ-e you and 0042 j i [ l I I I ~ I i ~ ~ ~ 1 ' ,, ~ ~ ~ \; <, ~ ~ i I i" l i ! I I # :; ~ ~ s ~ I i I I t'i I 1, l R i ~- ll h ,:,: j',. ' 1 > l t J l t i l f * 1 f R ::. " " ,. ~ ~ I ::t ~ li ;;:: ~ § g I I ~ ii I. • ~ I i f l F ¥ l l [ [ I .. ----o-··-·· .... '. ···-- 0 -------------·-... -;,.__,__._.. . ....-.. ···-~-·-"·· .. -···-.... . . Page Three March 28, 2017 ,n--·-\_.. Commission, on April 5, 2017, deny approval of the Site Plan for the Pacific Wind Project, SDP I 5-18/CDP !6-04/MS 16-01, on the grounds thatl believe the City's planning staff bas wrongfully determined that the Project is ex:empt from CEQA wider section 15194 of the Ca! ifomia Code of Regulations. As a threshold matter, in order for the Project to avail itself of this particular exemption, the Project must also meet the criteria in section 15192. r, as a resident and/or stakeholder of Carlsbad, take issue with the approvaJ of the Project because of the procedural and substantive defects and unique impacts of the Project on the public health, safety, aod welfare. Further, the Project will have substantive impacts on the environment and the quality of life for the surr~ding neighbors, school, and the community at large. The bases of my concerns, as well as some ofmy neighbors, are as follows: . (l) Conflicts with transportation, circulation, economy, noise, and air quality elements and goals underthe existing General Plan forthisarea and the proposed Village and · Barrio Master Plan, as revised April 2016 ("Plan"), to wit: ( a) The change in use may create patterns of transportation and circulation that conflict with Plan goals for open pedestrian, bicycle and traffic movement through t.'1~ neighborhood; · (b) Loss of parking spaces and the abandonment of street access may create patterns of transportation that conflict ·with Plan goals and the needs of tlle surrounding neighbors and the overall community; (c) The Project may have a negative impact on the local economy and tax revenues; ( d) The change in transportation and circulation p~tterns may have adverse air quality impacts. (2) The changing nature of the parcel, with attendant changes in trip generation, queuing, parking requirements, and urban decay, should have prompted some initial 0067 l ! i i I ; , ! • t ~ ,, ~ ll I I i I i ,r ~ C ~ ~ it ~ i} G l I i I i i. I l l l I ! I [ \ I ! ; t 1 I ' f \ ' t ~ \ \ i " i \ l • • I I ~ ~ ; i ij I ~ i ' I ll ~ i I I i Ii I l 0 0 Carlsbad// Vtllage &Barno Master Plan 1 of3 Subject: Carlsbad I I Village ~ Barrio Master Plan From: John Bailey <jbailey@tblglaw.com> Date: 6/3/2017 2:07 PM To: Matt Hall <matt.hall@carlsbadca.gov> CC: Kathi LaCroix <klacroix@tblglaw.com>, Judy Rickard <jrickard@tblglaw.com> Mayor Halt, I understand that the City Attorney has advised all City Council Members not to meet with me to discuss Pacific.Wind Project. I am also aware that because you own and/or have an interest in property located in the Village/Barrio you may have to re~se yourself from any vote relating to the Village & Barrio Master Plan. However, as a voter/resident of the Barrio I would like to brieflydiSC\ISS with you some of my concerns aboutthe pending Village & Barrio Master Plan. I have already met with Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Schumacher and I am trying to arrange meetings with Council Members Packard and Cori Schumacher. Would you or your secretary/assistant please contact me, Kathi or Judy in our office to schedule a date and time .. for us to meet.at your Council office conference room?The meeting should take less tan 30 ·minutes. . . Sincerely, John John Bailev The SaitEy legal Group 25014 las Brisa:; Soutil, SJ.lite B Murrieta, CA 92562 {9S1) 304-7566 Office . {9S1) 304-7S71 Fax jbailey@tbiglaw.c.om --Forwarded Message -- .Subject:Carlsbad // Village & Barrio Master Plan I I Pacific Wind Project (SOP 1548/CDP 16-04/MS 16-01} Date:Fri, 5 May 201710:55:24 -0700 From:John Bailey <ibailey@tbfglaw.com> To:Matt Hall <matt.hall@carlsbadca.gov> Honorable Mayor Hall, By the way ...•• ( am requesting this meeting as a registered voter and citizen/resident of the 2/23/2018 2:16 PM · 0071 ' i \ I l \ f ! i i i \ l t l t \ l ' ' ! i I l i E \ ;: 0 ~ ff \ i I I I \ i ?; N fl l ! i R \ I r: I ii' ! g \ i f l I I I I ! I ' t I R ~ I • ~ !l t a ~ ~ r. i 'i; From: To: Subject: Date: SCott Donnell please -keep the new structures In our Village -LESS than 4 stories Thursday, March 01, 2018 11:39:05 AM the maximum allowable height of buildings in the Carlsbad Village should be less than 45ft (four story), down to something more compatible with the existing structures -it just makes sense ! we residents/property owners want to keep OUR historic village in tact .... thank you, Alice and Terry Reysbergen resident/Carlsbad property owner/registered VOTER From: To: Subject: Date: Dear Scott, Albert Mendoza Scott Donnell maximum allowable height of buildings in the carlsbad VHlage to be less than 45ft Thursday, March 01, 2018 12:58:05 PM We live in Carlsbad Ca, , and would prefer the maximum allowable height of buildings in the Carlsbad Village to be less than 45ft (four story), down to something more compatible with the existing structures, Thank you for your time Albert Mendoza From: To: Subject: Date: Jan Lewis Scott Donnell Bulldfng heights Thursday, March 01, 2018 6:23:09 PM Please keep the building heights in Carlsbad, especially in our quaint downtown, less ihan 3 stories. Thank you! Jan Lewis Carlsbad, CA Sent :from my iPhone From: To: Subject: Date: Dear Mr. Donnell-- J Cannon Scott Donnell Village/Barrio Standards Thursday, Mardi 01, 2018 5:37:13 PM Am writing to express my concern aboul the inconsistent policies that seem to be govcrnmg Village/Barrio development. 1 understand that there has been a vision within the Carlsbad City Planning Department for the State Street and Carlsbad Village Drive intersection to be treated as a "gateway" to the old main street part oftbe village. This involves keeping the buildings in this area low profile so as to invite a view into the streets and the shops and restaurants they offer. Yet otl1er staff have been assigned to advocate for the recent proposal by developer Leor Lakritz to build a curb-to- curb 45' tall building on the northwest corner of that intersection. As Councilmember Blackburn pointed out in a recent Council meeting, people traveling east from Carlsbad Boulevard would see a 45' ,vall, and not have any incentive to tum left onto State Street-literally a "Nothing to see here" situation. Lakiitz is gaming the system to avoid complying with traffic/parking/fair housing and regulation of vacation rentals. Not only is be getting city approval to permanently alter the course of what the citizenry wants to see in the Village/Barrio-but also bucks the stated mission of the city when it speaks of maintaining the small tov.'ll feel Lakritz owns the buildings in the center of the west side of State Streei. I can't help but assume that if his Big Box on the Comer is appi:oved, He will instantly apply for pem1its to raze Barrel Rcpubli.c/Vigilucci's and build similarly massive stmctures in the center of the Village. Do you really think that this type of developer is who we want dictating the course of our city's development? I could safely say that the. majority of Carlsbad citizens as well as the many tourists who come here year after ye.ar ,vould say otherwise. Thank you for considering these views, Janell Cannon From: To: Subject: Date: carol Scurlock Scott Donnell Village Thursday, March 01, 2018 5:14:55 PM Scott As a long time resident and property owner in Carlsbad, we are very concerned about what is happening with the oversized buildings that are so NOT in character with the Village ambiance.. Why oh why can't the Council and City staff listen and act on the concerns of so many. We do not live here just to cater to tourists. Thjs is our home and we want to keep it in compliance with the rest of the Village architecture. Please keep our town from becoming Irvine, carol and john scurlock . From: To: Subject: Date: Hello, Mike Bartley Scott Donnell Village building heights Thursday, March 01, 2018 5:06:49 PM Heights should be lower so as not to ruin the village look and feel. Thanks. From: To: Subject: Date: Penny Johnson Stott Donnell Village / Barrio Plan Thursday, March 01, 2018 1: 53:30 PM I do not feel that the 45 ft. height limit should be allowed anywhere in the village OR the barrio. It is much too high and detracts from the charming environment. 45 ft. does not enhance the village/barrio flavor. We ARE a village. We do not want to be a small city ....... wb.ich is what 45 feet heights project. Are not you supposed to keep the village environment ! Penny Johnson . Zip code 92008 Sent from my iPad From: To: Subject: Date: Vanessa Scott Donnell Please keep Olde Carlsbad buildings lower than 45 feet. Thursday, March 01, 2018 7:04:20 PM Downtown Carlsbad has narrow streets & looks too c.-rowded already, It's hard to find parking & it's getting worse. Keep the buildings lower than 45 feet. Preferably 2-3 stories with no soil raising the basic level to make it higher. There is no need to make downtown Carlsbad a crowded mess. Bigger isn't better. Thank you, Vanessa Davis From: To: Subject: Date: Hello Scott, Megan Woolsey Scott Donnell Please keep buildings In Carlsbad short Thursday, March 01, 2018 2:52:07 PM I just moved my family of si..x to Carlsbad from Northern California. We moved intentionally so we could live in a quaint old style beach community. We chose Carlsbad out of all the towns in California because we love the small- town feel of the village. It is so rare and authentic. I would like to urge you too keep our special, small town feel and not allow building taller than 45 feet. Thank you, Megan Writer/Editor 760-804-1945 design guidelines that affect all properties within the district to ensure neighborhood character is retained From: To: Subject: Date: Hello, arnanda.macey@yahoo.com Scott Donnell Village Building Height Thursday, March 01, 2018 7:26:28 AM I am a Carlsbad 92008 citizen and I would prefer the maximum allowable height of buildings in the Village to be lower than 45 feet. I would prefer to see the maximum be more in-line with majority of the existing buildings (two stories). Regards, Amanda Macey From: To: Subject: Date: Hi Scott, Rossman Scott Donnell Max height reduction Tnursday, March 01, 2018 4:50:39 PM My name is Cherine Rossman and I live at , 92008. I would like the maxjmum allowable height of buildings in the Carlsbad Village to be less than 45ft (four story). Thank.you, Cherine Rossman From: To: Subject: Date: Hi, Scott. Barbara HamUton Scott Donnell Maximum building height in Carlsbad Village Thursday, March 01, 2018 4:30:00 PM I believe that you are hearing this from many stakeholders in various venues. But I also feel the need to share my personal citizen's desire to reduce the maximum allowable height of buildings in the Village to be less than 45 feet. As it used to be. I recall a time v,1hen we heard from council members and citizens alike that a three story building with third stoi-y set backs was the appropriate height to allow growth while maintaining a pedestrian scale, and a sense of our special and rare village atmosphere. Once we lose our village, we become just like any other downtown. But ·worse, because we made decisions that destroyed a completely special place. Our village is a place where people come from across the county and the nation to visit---just because it is so special. We can grow and still maintain this, as other wealthy communmes have also. BARBARA HANlIL TON Master of Applied Science (MAS) Environmental Policy and Management LEED Green Associate Eco-Stream Sustainability barbara@eco~stream.com 760-717~6627 W1'1en -i,ve try to pick out anything by itself, weflnd it hitched to everything else in the Universe --John Muir From: To: Subject: Date: Elaine Brown Scott Dunnell Max building height Tnursday, March 01, 2018 7:15:35 AM To Whom it may concern, This letter is a request that you keep Carlsbad's downtown building height to a reasonable level (no more that 3 stories) in order to keep the "small town" fee] (one reason why we get so many tourists). Our city can afford to say "no" to greedy builders. Elaine Brown From: To: Subject: Date: Hi, jo munday Scott Donnell Maintaining carlsbad Thursday, March 01, 2018 6:14:06 AM I'm a Britsih woman whose home has been Carlsbad for 13 years, and we plan to stay. It's a tragedy that any developer or city council allows for the building of structures at 45ft in this sweet tovro. In England, that would never pass. Brits see lhe bigger picture. V.'hat makes towns and cities is the character they exude. Please keep that in old Carlsbad, don't sell out! Maintaining the existing height and overall architectural essence of a town or city should be standard practice. I own 4 homes in old carlsbad and play plenty of tax! Don't allow it. Kind regards, Joanna. From: To; Subject; Date: Tami Brennan Scott Donnell Height restriction Thursday, March 01, 2018 3:33:37 PM lll response to this Facebook post. Dear Fellow Citizens Tfyou would prefer the maximum allowable height of buildings in the Carlsbad Village to be less than 45ft (four story), down to something more compatible with the existing structures, please send your input to Scott.donuell@carlsbadca.gov by March 1, 2018. The timefuune makes it rather urgent. Thank you. Please share and repost all over tbe place ! I definitely would prefer the maximum allowable height of buildings in the Carlsbad Village area to be Jess than 45 feet and more compatible with the height of existing snuctures. Particularly along Carlsbad Village Drive and al a minimum 'one block north and south. I think 1:his is essential to preserve the character of the village. Many people have moved to Carlsbad and come to visit because of the character oftbe toWll. We should not destroy that. Tami Brennan Carlsbad resident Sent from my iPhone. From: To: Subject: Date: Hi. Rebecca Tam Scott Donnell Height of buildings Friday, March 02, 2018 6:35:21 AM Please limit the height of buildings in the village to 45ft (4 stories). We want to keep the landscape of our town comparable to other stmctures in the area. Dr. David and Rebecca Tam iRebecca ... please excuse any typos All contents ofthis message are private and may not be shared with anyone other than the intended recipient(s). From: To: Date: John Byrnes Scott Donnell Friday, March 02, 2018 7:58:24 AM CITY HEIGHT LIMIT SHOULD BE 3 STORY NOT 4 From: To: Subject: Date: Penny Johnson Scott Donnell Village Core Sunday, March 04, 2018 9:08:15 PM Sent from my iPad. J and many others are not at ease with the 45 foot height limit in the VilJage Core. No more than 2 stories should be allowed in. keeping with the village environment tl1at is supposed to be maintained. Four stories are not in line with that environment but is in line with the effort to bring developers into the villages that pay fees for parking and bring $$$$ to certain political mongers on the city council. Penny Johnson. 92008 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Larry Peifer Scott Donnell Lanv Peifer VIiiage Height Restrictions Tuesday, March 06, 2018 5:43:29 PM Jt's time to set the height restrictions to a rn8A'imum of no more then 3 stories and I believe that is too much but it seems like a workable compromise. Four stories is absolutely unacceptable. What steps can be taken to make this happen? Larry Peifer Carlsbad, CA 92010 Sent from my iPad From: io: Subject: Date: Scott, John Kusek Scott Donnell Master plan -great ideas Friday, March 09, 2018 5:33:54 PM Placing the rail tracks below grade will turn this into a first class village. The immediate increase in property values after project announcement should help to make up for some the cost, and I believe local residents would kick in a little too. The noise level of the train horn when dining at Galdo Pomodoro is painful. BTW I live east of 1-5 east of Buena Vista school, I still hear it a little bit. I can't imagine how bad it is for the people living in the Village. However, traffic circles are a bad idea, drivers CANNOT negotiate a tight turn, swing their heads around to three merging intersections, and attempt to guess what multiple merging drivers will do all at the same time. This is especially true the older you get. They are scary and stressful. good stuff, John From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Scott, Robert Wilkinson Scott Donnell Claudia Huerta; Gary Nessim; Craia Williams today"s mtg Monday, March 12, 2018 7:27:55 AM PAPER ON ARCHITECTURE.pdf PAPER ON THE GRAND.pdf Attached are restatements on my two primary comments on the latest MP. My view of your response to my original comments was that you did not fully understand what I was attempting to communicate. Lets try one more time, please read and I will hope to have a thorough and thoughtful dialog in today's get together. Please see attached pdfs Respectfully, Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdesigng roup. net P.O. Box 4237 Carlsbad Ca, 92018-4237 760 434 2152 II ~ . PAPER ON ARCHITECTURE-RESTATEMENT March 2018 Here is my attempt to drill down to clarify in as few words as possible the intent of my position paper on additional standards for the architecture of building in the Village -Barrio Master Plan. The new standards are a response to that portion of our community that currently feels or believes that changes coming from the new MP will set in place they, the community, are losing more and gaining less in their Village. No matter what we do collectively as a community change is happening and will most likely accelerate in the near future for the Village -Barrio downtown neighborhood. The new, Master Plan must be an effective tool in managing this change and meet the community's expectations. The paper makes the statement that no architectural style is denied from being used. It merely provides a short menu of styles that have been reviewed and deemed appropriate for use in these districts. The new standards would then provide a written vocabulary and graphic illustrations that can be used to achieve a desirable building. In the past and most pointedly the near past. the City's review -approval process where there are few if any participants schooled or trained in building design, has had only spotty success in producing new or remodeled building that the community will find appropriate for our Village. Structures that are acceptable and a positive enhancement to a desired atmosphere with a high level of character. The best example of this position is the "Grand Madison" were I believe that when its current construction brings it up and the exterior is being finished off the level of negative feedback from the community to the Council will greatly intensify causing political pain. That pain may well be near the time of the upcoming election. Those council members will then ask "why did the new MP put me in this position?" The paper's pitch is for additional standards for the core commercial area districts only, that is VG, HOSP, FC. The pitch for additional standards is an attempt to provide more guidance, more specific tools were both applicant and reviewer can better communicate for the desired outcome. The intent is to increase the percentage of building in these important districts that are viewed as desirable, and a positive enhancement by a much larger portion of the community. Moving us to a condition of gaining more and losing less. From: To: Cc: Subject: Date~ Attachments: Hi Scott, Kirk Moeller Scott Donnell Kevin Dunn; Ed McArdle Carlsbad Village Master Plan comments Tuesday, March 13, 2Di8 3:59:03 PM Current Master Plan Building Section.pelf Proposed Buildina Section.pdf I apologize for not getting this to you sooner. We appreciate you meeting with us recently to discuss our concerns surrounding a few of the new Draft Village Master Plan Document. As discussed we only have concerns with a few items located in Chapter 2 Land Use section 2.7.1 Village Center- Supplemental District Standards. The items are as follows: Item G.2 -We have no issues with the maximum building height being 45'-0". However, we do have some concerns with item #2 which states "Ground floor plate height: Minimum 14 feet". This statement appears to be vague and potentially could be a major issue with designing a quc1lity 4 story building depending on the buildings specific type of construction. A concrete block, poured in place concrete and steel frame building would typically not contain a "plate". We believe that this regulation would better be described by specifying top of second floor finish floor, bottom of floor framing or best case scenarios specify the minimum ceiling height. We are very concerned that a 141 minimum required plate height would comprise.the celling heights of the upper units to a point where they may not lease or sell due to low ceiling headroom clearance. We have attached two exhibits showing a section of a 4 story building per the current draft and what we proposed as an alternative for your review. Additionally, the ceiling heights most likely would need to be reduced even further than what is shown in the exhibits for HVAC ducts, plumbing piping, fire sprinklers, etc. Item G.3a. -This item also appears vague to us. We have concerns with limiting only the 4th floor to the minimum of 70% of floor area to the 10' setback. We feel that all floors should be considered under this requirement. This would allow for 70% of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th floors to be setback 10'. We believe this would have less of a "tower" effect from street level. With this modification, the building could be designed with unique 10' setback articulation options for all floors rather than just the 4th floor. This modification also would allow for more daylight to reach the street level if the 101 setback were located at the 2nd floor versus the 4th floor. Item G.3b. -This item is concerning for reasons similar to Item G.3a. Again, we believe that this requirement could apply to all floors and not only to the 4th floor. If the requir·ement included floors 2-4 it would allow for additional articulation options as well as allow for more daylight to reach street level. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. As you are aware, the questions raised were. brought up by a local developer experienced with these types of projects. We look forv.tard to working with you to create the best possible Village Master Plan Regulations that will satisfy the needs of the community as well as the needs of the ultimate building occupants. Thank you, Kirk Moeller MAA Architects 2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-431-7775 kirk@maaarchitects.com maaarchitects.com I - ROOF ' MIN. ROOF FRAMING co ' ' ' (!) = z RESIDENTIAL N-I _J co w u 4TH FLR. ' MIN. FLOOR FRAMING co J' = r,; (.9 RESIDENTIAL = z N-I _J co w u · 3RD FLR. ' MIN. FLOOR FRAMING co ' (.9 = z RESIDENTIAL N-I _J co [ij u 2ND FLR. ... MIN. FLOOR FRAMING "', w RETAIL b I- -· <{ "'1" _J ..-a.. 1STFLR. ' L I 4 STORY BUILDING SECTION CURRENT DRAFT I' ., ,, ' .._) ·" I I-:r: (.9 w :r: C) z ci _J => co ~ ~ b -· lO '<l" ' i' - ROOF ,I MIN. ROOF FRAMING ~' ' ' (!J RESIDENTIAL " z o_ ..-_J fuw (..) 4TH FLR. ' MIN. FLOOR FRAMING ~' ,, ' RESIDENTIAL (!J oz ~-• _J -l!J co (..) 3RD FLR. ' MIN. FLOOR FRAMING ~. ' ' (!J RESIDENTIAL oZ ~_J fu UJ <.) 2ND FLR. ' MIN. FLOOR FRAMING N ' 'k . (!) RETAIL = z o-_, ~ N<( ...... 0::: LL. 1ST FLR. ' L I 4 STORY BUILDING SECTION PROPOSED ' ' I-I C) w I C) z Cl ....I 5 a::i ~ ~ 0 I lO ~ ' ' From: To: Subject: Date: Sets a precedent Kevin OKeefe Scott Donnell No.4 story Wednesday, March 14, 2018 7:39:07 AM I am not aware Encinitas or solana etc have permitted 4 story in the beach area Sent from my jphone March 19,2018 Page2 out the details in the LCP shouJd facilitate processing of the required coastal development pem,its. Section 6.3 (Permit Requirements) of the Master Plan appears to eliminate the existing village review pennit (administrative, minor, or major) requirements. Instead, the City will process all non-exempt development with a minor site development plan, site development plan, or conditional use permit. How will this process change project approvals within the Village and Barrio? Note that relevant sections of the Zoning Ordinance that currently reference to village review permits (e.g., Chapter 21.35, Section 21.201.080) should also be amended as part of the LCP amendmentto certify the Village and Bania Master Plan. The following specific comments are grouped by topic. The first set of comments relates to the issue of specificity and the need to amend the LCP for some of the projects contemplated by the Master Plan. The second set of comments relates to land use and development standards outlined in the draft. The third set of comments focuses specifically on parking. The final set of comments are miscellaneous items that concern internal consistency of the Master Plan so that its requirements will. be clear to users, rather than any specific coastal resource issues. Level of Detail in the LCP I. Policy 1.5.2.A.2 (p. 1-14) cross-references to the recommendations of the 2017 Parking Management Plan. Will the Parking Management Plan be certified as part of the LCP? If not, the relevant recommendations should be described in this document and this cross-reference should be eliminated. Many of these recommendations are included in Chapter 4; however, Chapter 4 is not being proposed as part of the LCP. Those details should be moved into the pmtion of the plan that is pa1t of the LCP. 2. Goal 1.5.2.C (p. 1-16) references the conceptual projects in Chapter 4 and Policy 1.5.4.A.l (p. 1-18) references "other street improvements illustrated in the Master Plan." Chapter 6 indicates that Chapter 4 is not part of the LCP; however, by cross-referencing to Chapter 4, it again should be incorporated as part of the LCP. As described earlier in this comment letter, the LCP policies should make clear that implementation of many of the conceptual projects in Chapter 4 will require amendments to the LCP in order to provide specific development guidance. 3. Policy 1.5 .3 .A .4 (p. l -17) calls for connections across the rail Line . Some rail crossings ate identified as community enhancement projects in the North Coast Corridor Public Works Plan/Transp01tation and Resource Enhancement Program (NCC PWP/TREP). Additional crossings may require an amendment to the NCC PWP/TREP. 4. Policy 1.5.3.A. 7 (p. 1-17) calls for coordination with the City of Oceanside and Caltrans to evaluate potential connectivity impacts of future roadway improvements. This policy should reference to the NCC PWP/TREP because it describes many planned improvements to Interstate 5. , 5. Policy l .5.4.A.3 (p. 1-18) calls for the City tu support a study of reconfiguration of Ocean Street. Although reconfiguration is m.entioned, this policy is insufficient March 19, 2018 Page 4 4. Section 2.6.8.D Live/Work Unit (p. 2-33) states that residential area located on the ground floor must be behfod the commercial use. This should clarify that any ground floor residential space must be entirely bebfod the commercial space (i.e., no street frontage shall be residential area). Further, there should be some restriction on the amount of residential or accessory space located on the ground floor so that the ground floor area is predominantly dedicated to commercial use. For example, would a very shallow/narrow commercial space (e.g., only accommodating display shelves) along the stteet be sufficie1i.t to qualify as a live/work unit? 5. Section 2. 7. l .f Village Center Supplemental District Standards-Good Neighbor (p. 2-41) describes two parcels in the VC District that border on Buena Vista Lagoon and states that development of these two parcels shall comply with Habitat ManagemeDt Plan and other requirements, including slope protection and coastal access. Mello II LCP Policy 7-6 calls for a trail along the southem shore of Buena Vista Lagoon. This trail is also shown on the City's draft Trails Master Plan. The trail should be called out in this document. 6. The Development Standards for Land Use District 9 -Tourism Support Area of the existing, certified Village Master Plan and Design Manual states "For Army/Navy Academy and Carlsbad-by~the Sea Retirement Home, a long range master plan must be approved prior to the issuance of any permits for improvements and additions to existing facilities. All future changes must conform to this approved Master Land Use Plan, or as amended by the original approving body." a. Section 2.7.3 Hospitality (HOSP) (p. 2-48) states that. the Anny/Navy Academy is exempt from the prohibition of educational uses on the ground floor in the HOSP district because it has a Master Site Plan to guide development oft.he campus. We have not identified any record of the Master Site Plan ever being incorporated into the LCP. What is the City's intention regarding the future use of the Army/Navy Academy property within the Village Segment? b. Is Carlsbad by the Sea Retirement Community "Housing for Senior Citizens" on Table 2-1 Permitted Uses? If so, is it also exempt from the requirement to have only visitor-serving commercial uses on the ground floor? The existing Village Master Plan required a long range master plan for the Army/Navy Academy and for the Retirement Community. Was a long range master plan ever developed for the Retirement Community? W11at is the City's intention. regarding future use of this site? 7. Were any changes made lo the sign provisions in this updated draft? We did not review that section as we previously had no comments on it. Parking L Policy l.5.2.A.3 (p. l-J4) references a citywide TDM ordinance. If projects come before the Planning Commission/City Council ahead of a TOM ordinance, can TOM strategies be approved on a case-by-case basis? If so, what happens if the TOM ordinance is inconsistent with those previously approved strategies? Will a trolley or shuttle system be iJ1eluded in the TDM ordinance? March 19, 2018 Page6 Miscellaneous The following comments relate to minor errors and inconsistencies in the Master Plan. These comments are focused only on internal consistency within the Master Plan to ensure clarity for use by the general public, rather than the substantive comments related to protection of coastal resources and uses provided above. I. Policy 1.5.2.A.9 (p. 1-14) states that i.<this objective complements Objective 4.1.2.'' There is no Objective 4.1 .2 in the January 2018 draft. See also Policy 1.5.2.B.8 (p. 1-15) which includes a reference to Goal 2.1. There is no Goal 2.1. 2. Section 1.5.3 Placemalcing on pages 1-18 to 1-19 should be Section 1.5 .1_ (Connectivity is already 1.53). 3. Table 2-3 Parking Requirements (p. 2-22 to 2-24): a. What is the difference between a Professional Care Facility and a Residential Care Facility? The definitions in Appendix A do not clarify the distinction. Is a physical rehabilitation facility a Professional Care Facility and a nursing home is a Residential Care Facility? In addition, how are employees captured in the proposed parking ratios for these uses if the parking ratio is based on number of beds? b. The categories of uses presented in Tables 2-1 Permitted Uses (pages 2-2- 6 to 2-8) and 2-3 Parking Requirements {pages 2-22 to 2-24) are inconsistent For example, Mixed-Use, Professional Care Facility, and Residential Care Facility are listed under the Residential categmy iI1 Table· 2-1, but are listed under the Lodging category in Table 2-3. In addition, Table 2-1 lists Supportive flousing and Transitional Housing wider the Residential Category, but those uses do not appear at all in Table 2-3. c. Cinema is listed as a distinct use in the Other category (p. 2-24) and then also listed as an example of Public Assembly directly below that with slightly different parking requirements. 4. Section 6.3.2.A (p. 6-3) includes a cross reference to Section 5.3.2.C, but it should say "Section§.3.2.C." 5, Section 6.3.3.D. Coastal Development Permit (p. 6-5)-Subsection A states "Unless exempt, and except as provided in paragraphs B and C of this section ... " Which paragraphs Band C is this referring to? The Band C earlier in Section 6.3.3 regarding Site Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit? We appreciate the ti.me and effortthat the City has undertaken on this revised draft and have worked here to focus our comments on key Coastal Act issues. After you have had a chance to review these comments, we will make ourselves available to discuss them as needed. Thanks for your patience, Sincerely, '-flP-- Erm Prahler Coastal Program Analyst Scott Donnell From: Sent: To: Subject: Michael Stift Monday, April 09, 2018 12:08 PM Scott Donnell Village & Barrio Master Plan Hello Scott, I received a Notice of Public Hearing for the City's Village & Barrio Master Plan. The hearing is next week on April 181h and unfortunately I will not be available to attend. I do have one comment that I would appreciate the City Council consider: I feel the Proposed Boundary of the Master Plan be extended along the railroad track and future Coast Trail all the way to the south to the north side of the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. I think it is prudent planning for the Master Plan to include and allow consideration for both Village and Barrio access to Buena Vista Lagoon to the north, as well as Aqua Hedionda Lagoon to the south. The current Master Plan boundary includes the railroad/future Coast Trail extension to Tamarack Boulevard with either west/east side of the extension excluded from within the Master Plan. I have no issues with this. But I do think the extension should be increased all the way to Aqua Hediondo Lagoon. This will allow for better and coherent planning for hiking, bicycle, etc. along the future Coast Trail and any improvements such as railroad trenching improvements being considered by Council as part a whole picture and community concerns and desires. Thank you for your consideration, Michael Stift, a Carlsbad, CA 92008 Resident ./ 1 Scott Donnell From: Sent: To: Subject: Penny Johnson Monday, April 09, 2018 9:30 PM Planning; Council Internet Email; Scott Donnell General Plan Sent from my iPad. My biggest objection in the General Plan is to the 45 ft.building heights allowed'in the village/ barrio. I am completely opposed to this desecration of the the VB. There is a picture on page 76 in Chapter II of the Village Plan that lllustrates the dark canyon created by 4 story buildings. It shows 4 story buildings lining a pedestrian walkway but the effect would be much the same along the streets of the village, creating a canyon that limits the sunshine and sky. This building height would also be a desecration of the neighborhood environment in the barrio. Both of these 2 areas should have an allowable building height of 25 ft. ( 2 stories}, no more. Going higher would destroy the village charm and "beach town ti environment and ambiance which is always referred to in the Plan as something we want to preserve. The barrio would lose its neighborhood and would not be a"barrio ti ,showing great disrespect to the people who live there and heritage of Carlsbad. It shows how far astray the Planning Commission and City Council have deviated from Envision Carlsbad ..... and have succumbed to developers and$$$$ to the detriment of the citizens of Cbad who have voiced their opposition to this plan and you continually ignore. I find that quite despicable. Thankfully, Mr Blackburn and Ms Schumacher showed us they will listen and have an appreciation of what we have and what we are asking . Penny Johnson Carlsbad citizen for 41 years. 1 buildings, converting from retail to restaurant without paying for parking. This discourages rebuilding of older buildings with office or residential at this time due to the savings of adaptive reuse of parking, while new buildings must provide at least residential parking on side and pay for the commercial uses. 3. Since we want both adaptive reuse and new buildings to occur concurrently, we need a better formula both to encourage new buildings and get more income into the in-lieu fee fund. 4. The in-lieu feet fund should not be used to lease parking. The fees are a one time source of revenue and if parking is not purchased or built, we will run out of money and parking just like the National Debt. Buy land, build a garage, or subsidize others building a garage. All of you own homes and invest for a reason and your city government should operate in a similar manner. 5. *******Offering a financial incentive to developers can give us the Municipal Parking we need on a permanent basis. Leasing spaces on properties that will soon be developed just kicks the can down the road, and not very far. 6. ********if we offer $25,000 per Municipal Parking space built and maintained by a developer, substandard space can be efficiently used in the village and new units can be build smaller and more affordable to buyers. A minimum of 25 spaces to be provided to make use of the incentive. A similar paragraph to this one must be in the parking section of the Master Plan to encourage developers to add municipal parking to their projects early in the planning process. There are several landowners interested in parking and the financial incentive must be stated in the new master plan to encourage the preferred use of the in-lieu fees collected which is permanent Municipal Parking. Encouraging a change in use without providing parking is a taking of another landowner's property as we know that new customers will park in another owners parking lot. This has been demonstrated by the Village Faire taking measures to discourage outside use of their spaces by converting to 1 hour and valet parking for their customers only. Subsidizing the creation of Municipal Parking by a public private partnership would encourage redevelopment by the Village Faire and NCTD of their surfaced parking into a mixed use parking PS Please take a few minutes to drive or walk to look over the Grand Madison, under construction at the Packard Dental site at Grand and Madison. Walk the alley and note that you cannot see cars or pedestrians as you exit on the alley onto Grand Avenue. We asked that this be corrected in the new plan, and it has been addressed. But it has been discussed with staff for years and should have been incorporated into this and the proposed building on Carlsbad Village Drive and State Street. Cutting the 1st floor only at 45 degrees 10 feet along the alley and Carlsbad Village Drive gives the pedestrians and driver some sight line of the sidewalk and cars. Staff members who are different for each project, need rules for the architects to follow so these points are not missed in reviewing each large project. Gary Nessim Imagine Carlsbad From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Planning Scott Donnell FW: comments on V-B mp for Commissioners Friday, April 13, 2018 9:19:34 AM PC 4-2018.pdf FYI -This email came in today. Michele From: Robert Wilkinson [mailto:bob@wdesigngroup.net] Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 9:16 AM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: comments on V-B mp for Commissioners Please see that the attached comments on the Village-Barrio master plan get to all of the planning commissioners before next week's hearing, thank you Respectfully, Robert Wilkinson Wilkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdes igngroup.net P.O. Box 4237 Carlsbad Ca, 92018-4237 760 434 2152 OUR COMMENTS ON THE JANUARY 2018 PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT OF THE V-B MP MOST OF THESE REQUEST ARE FOR THE THREE USE DISTRICTS THAT MAKE UP THE COMMERCIAL CORE OF THE VILLAGE -VC; HOSP & FC CORNER PROPERTIES The current draft MP has not yet taken the steps needed to respond to the community's desire to maintain and truly enhance the Villages as our "Special Place/District" as thought of by the community and labeled by the city. This fact was recently illustrated by the put pouring from the community that produced the denial of approval for the new development at the corner of State and CVD. This strong community voice may well rise again as another corner site gets its newly approved development at Grand and Madison. As that development takes shape, form and character it will be upsetting from what the community wants to see in new development in the Village. As now stated in the MP these two developments illustrate that corner properties are extra important as leading edges that are focal within the street-scene. To that we ask that the new MP go further and contain the following standard for all properties on the corner of the main streets in the core area; FORTH FLOOR SETBACK The forth floor setback stated in Section 2. 7 .1 page 2-39 be increased to 40 feet from both street edge pis. Producing a maximum plate height of 35 feet within this setback area. Additionally we should require that only a small percentage of this 35 foot roof edge critical to the appearance of the building is allowed to have a flat roof (30%), with the remaining area to have a more traditional angled roof line. .1 CORNER PLAZA OPEN SPACE The corner plaza space required in section 2. 7 .1 on page 2-37 be expanded to all intersection corners on both Grand and CVD from Harding to the boulevard. The additional corner lots can provide a slightly smaller plaza area than key locations in the current draft. They provide a 300 sf area but all of these spaces must be free of any upper level producing a ceiling. All of these plazas must be well integrated into the overall building facade. VILLAGE MAIN STREET-SCENE -A SERIES OF INDIVIDUAL STORE FRONTS We request that an additional standard be added to Sections 2.71& 2.7.4. Add standards that promote the look and feel of a "Village" that has been built over a greater span of time rather than the current development cycle. Require that any property with a.street frontage of over 60 linear feet have it's street edge facade broken down into multiple facades with different looks. The intent is to get street scenes that has a series of smaller buildings (village scale) and not having one expansive look along the street. We do hope to see that the smaller properties are purchased and combined into larger developments so that we can get the larger uses that are critical for a self contained neighborhood i.e. new grocery, new hardware, pharmacy with their requirement for back of house truck service access. However, these larger footprint uses do not have to appear large from the street. Page1of3 A COMMON VOCABULARY FOR ARCHITECTURAL STYLE A critical guideline still missing in the current draft is the guidance of a design vocabulary of a building's exterior appearance. Over the last year what we have achieved in terms of quality and character from remodeled or new development in the Village has been hit and miss at best. Adding this guideline will benefit all involved in the review and approval process by providing a common vocabulary of what our objectives should be in new or remodeled buildings. Without denying any architectural style lets provide a common expectation of character driven architecture. Lets identify6 architectural styles common and fitting to our setting and in written and graphic form provide 6 objectives for each style we all agree will benefit in enhancing the overall character the community desires for the core area of our downtown Village. This should be viewed as a helpful tool for all involved in the review and approval process. SETBACK FOR ON SITE STREET LEVEL PARKING IN MIXED USE PROJECTS Table 2-1 & figure 2-2 illustrate well the restriction of residential uses on the ground floor within the hatched area of the Village Core . This a request we made to protect a viable and thriving "Main Street" commercial environment. However this only gets us part way in that protection. Currently, mixed use development in this area has produced a common model, were the building industry responds to a hot residential market along the immediate coast and builds as many million dollar homes on the upper levels as Jt can park (Grand Madison). Since our standards continue to require all residential parking to be onsite this requirement eats up too much of a small property's street level area and pushes commercial uses into shallow "boutique" spaces. This is not a well balanced "Mixed Use" development as it limits the street level commercial uses and dilutes the opportunity for a vibrant "Main Street". In response the MP needs to include a setback with a 50 foot average for all parking, other than handicapped, on-site at street level within all of the area hatched in Figure 2-2 on page 2-9. A setback from all street edge property lines. The Master Plan must make it know that we expect the use of some of the more creative parking solutions seen recently here. That is the use of a lift on small lots that carry all parking to a sub level and I or individual lifts that stack a homes two cars placing one below grade. We all need to remember that development here in the Village may and should look different from most all other areas of Carlsbad as we strengthen it as a transit oriented neighborhood were use of the car is on a more limited basis. STREET TREES To its credit the MP makes many statement of the ultimate importance of quality streets to achieve a quality Village. To that end we request that the MP makes a statement that a concerted effort needs to be made over the next year to collect interest and input from the community on a master street tree program that selects themed species and planting locations I practices. Page 2of3 MINIMUM SIDE WALK WIDTHS We request that the standard in Section 2.6.5 AREA WIDE RIGHT OF WAY USES pages 2-19 to 2-21 be modified to provide a wider minimum than the proposed 5 feet of clear sidewalk. The MP proposes 5 foot width for as much as 40 linear feet (two car spaces) is not adequate for a pedestrian oriented area, it is barely adequate today and the sidewalks are going to get more and more active in the near future. A 5ft width will create a bottle neck chock point for any active walkway and can alter the path strollers will use in moving around the Village. This can easily mean some shops /store fronts get less activity We want street edge cafes but not at the expense of a first class pedestrian network around the Village. Lets not build in 2nd class standards. We recommend a min of 6ft width for a max of 10 feet in length and a 8 foot width if the length is over 1 O feet. We hope to hear these issues brought up and discussed with staff at the hearing and then have the issues effect the recommendations the Commission makes to the Council. Thank you, Robert Wilkinson Page 3of3 (m) 619.840.7721 www.fabricjnvest ments.com FABRIC INVESTMENTS Table 2-4 -The ability to utilize stackers, lifts and other advanced parking efficiency solutions - why is this on a case-by-case basis? What does that mean? Challenging to plan for unknowns. Definitely should preserve the parking regulation that if you acquire an existing building and are not expanding its square footage, you should not be required to provide additional off-street parking. Same goes with intensifying the use of an existing building while not expanding its footprint. To avoid mass vacancy, retail space should have some flexibility in uses without having the burden of additional parking requirements or burdensome permitting processes. Studio Residential units should be parked at .5 spaces/unit, not 1. Studios are becoming the millennials ability to reside in the communities they desire without necessarily worrying about rising housing costs. Many of these dwellers are equally as efficient and resourceful with transit and do not require cars and or parking stalls. 3. Density Two main issues with the proposed density regulations: A) Dwelling Unit per Acre for VC should be adjusted. 35 d.u./acre is simply too little to justify a 3-4 story mixed use development on an acre of land. I would suggest that this number be increased to at least 44 d.u./acre. With a County wide housing shortage, there is no need to severely limit the dwelling unit counts as is being done. We already have a height limitation and parking requirements that will serve to keep it from becoming to residentially dense. B) Minimum Dwellings Unit per Acre should not exist in the VC. As the Village grows, there will be increased need for office and other commercial uses. In the VC, a developer should be able to elect to build a straight commercial building to accommodate these demands and not have to be subject to a minimum number of dwelling units. Again, thank you for your consideration and I would be more than happy to speak with any group discussing this plan and the community's diverse feedback. Kind regards, Brendan Foote I principal Fabric Investments, Inc. brendan@fabricinvestments.com 619-840-7721 Smart Growth. Local Investments May l, 2018 Chuck Smith LHH Investments, llc. 2815 Jefferson Street Suite 302 Carlsbad, CA 92008 {Carlsbad Village Draft Master Plan} Dear Members of the Carlsbad Planning Commission, As a business owner and property owner in Carlsbad Village, please accept this letter in anticipation of your upcoming hearing to evaluate the proposed Village & Barrio Master Plan Update. • I am in support of preserving the 45-foot height limitation for new development. This height limitation is consistent with the current master plan and is appropriate in terms of scale for this community. Continuing to allow for a 45' height limita,_tion does not indicate that all buildings are going to become 45' tall. This will allow for a more dynamic coastal village and for developers to create space for uses that are in demand. • I am in support of preserving the in-lieu parking program, shared parking options and in general, supportive of alternative means of transportation within the Village such as increased bicycle lanes, ride share parking, electric charging stations, etc. that create a flexible transportation district. • I do not support a blanketed ground floor retail requirement throughout the entire Village Center (VC) Zone. Inevitably, this will lead to excess vacancies that can encourage vandalism, un-activated pockets, and too many retailers offering the same goods/services. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /l~ UckSmith LHH Investments, lie. 2815 Jefferson Street Suite 302 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ( Planning Commission Regarding Village/Barrio Master Plan as Revised January, 2018 We have serious concerns and issues regarding not only specific items within the Plan but also with the process used in the Village/Barrio Revised Plan roll out in January of 2018 and the subsequent "comment period". This Plan was rolled out on January 19, 2018. At a meeting of the Village/Barrio group held at the Senior Center on February 8th this meeting and roll-out was conducted by city staff. It consisted of a general over-view of the Plan and comments and questions were kept to a, minimum due to time constraints. Very few people had copies of the Plan and even fewer had read the Plan completely. An over-view did not address the details that have raised many concerns and questions among Barrio residents. I did ask Mr. Scott Donnell if the Plan was available in Spanish. His response.was that there were no copies of the actual Plan in Spanish but that the overview of the Plan was available at the libraries which could be accessed there and translated if necessary. Considering that older Spanish speaking property owners and residents would not like-ly achieve a complete understanding of the implications within the Plan which is a tedious read and over 300 pages in English, places an undue onus on those Barrio residents who speak little English and would have difficulty with much of the detailed information within the Plan and understanding the nuances of both English and the Plan. This has a "chilling effect" on Barrio community involvement and engagement regarding this Plan. Regarding the "comment period" for this Plan1 my understanding is that this time frame is intended for residents to be able to read and explore the implications and impacts of the proposed Plan and to comment accordingly. As we see it, it is the final opportunity for residents to comment and also to propose revisions or changes to the Plan to address their issues and concerns. This did not take place or only certain comments were addressed. This should be a concern to all / \ downtown Village commercial interests regarding the standards applicable to each distinct area. Respectfully submitted for your consideration, /L?;un~ Simon Angel ( \ From: To: Subject: Date: Good Morning, Planning Scott Donnell; Don Neu FW:VBMP Monday, April 23, 2018 7:36:55 AM This email came in yesterday. Michele -----Original Message----- From: lisa mckethan Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2018 12:45 PM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: VBMP Dear Planning Commissioners, I attended the April 25 Planning Commission meeting and I commend your decision to delay the vote on the Village and Barrio Master Plan until May 2. I agree you need more time to analyze the VBMP, as well as the public comments. My takeaway from the meeting is that the Barrio residents are stuck waiting for street and safety improvements while the height, density and parking in the Village are debated. This seems wrong and unfair. Safety is a separate issue and should have been addressed previously. The public has been vocal in the last three years as we have weighed in on the VBMP. I commend the staff for providing ample oppmtunities for public input. However, important public comment that was NOT included or discussed were the dozens and dozens of letters that were written about every project that was approved or denied in the Village and Barrio as we waited for this VBMP. 'The Wave', Grand Madison, 800 Grand, Sea Coast, Carlsbad Village Center, The Lofts and Pacific Winds are some that come to mind. The public wrote and spoke consistently about their concerns with height, mass, density, parking and preservation of our charming village. I believe that ALL public input should be relevant when making such an impmtant decision. Thank you for taking time to consider all factors as you make your final decision. Kindly, Lisa McKethan the code, but it's very clear much of the community wants to keep the height at 45' in the Village Center. Ultimately, if the height were to be changed to 35', it is the local Village Center property owner who is going to be hurt the most. Reducing the height to 35' would immediately reduce a developable property in value by 25% to a developer. A couple other interesting points to note about this project and things we have learned to date. We have also been marketing the commercial space for the past 90 days. As I mentioned previously, we have no on-site dedicated parking for the commercial space. We have over 20 interested businesses/tenants that have been communicating with our listing brokers. All of these businesses know about the parking and none of them are concerned. Also, I heard a comment at the hearing from someone who wants the minimum commercial depth to be 50'. I completely disagree with this thought and I am confident in saying most retail brokers would tell you the same thing as would small retail operators. There are many small operators who are only looking for 1,000+/-SF in the Village. If you had a 50' depth minimum, it would only give someone who wants 1,000 feet 20' of frontage. This is not attractive or feasible in most buildings. Natural light is so important in any building or unit. Units that are narrow and deep lose so much natural light. Frontage is far more important that depth when it comes to retail in a downtown setting. Scott, I appreciate your time and your communication with me throughout this process. I have been involved since the beginning as you know and have read all drafts as they have come out. I am a local Carlsbad resident myself and love this community. I think the proposed plan is very well thought and I am exciting for what the future holds for the Village and Barrio. Thank you, Kevin Dunn Rincon Homes I Rincon Real Estate Group Principal m: 949.637.3254 J o: 949:438.5494 I f: 949.438.5670 e: kdunn@rincongro.com I w: www.rincon-homes.com I w: www.rincongrp.com CA BRE #01996419 From: Scott Donnell <Scott.Donnell@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 10:55 AM To: Kevin Dunn <kdunn@rincongrp.com> Subje~t: April 18 Planning Commission staff report now easier to use Hi Kevin, Just a FYI, we reposted last week's staff report into several attachments to make it easier to see and find all parts of the report. The reposted report is available here: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/planning/villagebarrio/meeting.asp. Scott Donnell Senior Planner I . 1 ( ( '(, \ 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 www.carisbadca.gov 760-602-4618 I 760-602-8560 fax I scott.donnell@carlsbadca.lilov \. / I Amy McNamara 5901 Priestly Drive MAJN + 1760438 8950 Vice President Suite 100 FAX +1760438 8925 amy.mcnamara@colliers.com Carlsbad, CA 92008 DIR + 1 760 930 7920 Colliers Lie. No. 01083491 colliers.com[sandiego INTERNATIONAL April 30, 2018 {Carlsbad Village Draft Master Plan} Dear Members of the Carlsbad Planning Commission, Please accept this letter from me as a representative of business and property owners in Carlsbad Village in anticipation of your upcoming hearing to evaluate the proposed Village & Barrio Master Plan Update. • I am in support of preserving the 45-foot height limitation for new development. This height limitation is consistent with the current master plan and is appropriate in terms of scale for this community. Continuing to allow for a 45' height limitation does not indicate that all buildings are going to become 45' tall. This will allow for a more dynamic coastal village and for developers to create space for uses that are in demand. • I am in support of preserving the in-lieu parking program, shared parking options and in general, supportive of ahernative means of transportation within the Village such as increased bicycle lanes, ride share parking, electric charging stations, etc. that create a flexible transportation district. • I do not support a blanketed ground floor retail requirement throughout the entire Village Center (VC) Zone. Inevitably, this will lead to excess vacancies that can encourage vandalism, un-activated pockets, and too many retailers offering the same goods/services. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Colliers International i\vl.)75 ../\ , f'\~l l f\J.._U.,c..c.. ,L .,.__,~- A my McNamara, Vice President Colliers International 5901 Priestly Drive, Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92008 Lic.#01083491 760-889-2127 l:\McNamaraA\letters\ Village Master Plan Support Letter 043018.docx ( From: Don Neu To: Subject: Scott Donnell; David de Cordova; Michele Hardy FW: Carlsbad Village Master Plan Date: Tuesday, May 01, 2018 7:57:59 AM From: Carolyn L. Howard Jones-Curtis [mailto:clhjis@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 9:46 PM To: Don Neu <Don.Neu@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Carlsbad Village Master Plan Dear Members of the Carlsbad Planning Commission, As a business owner/property owner in Carlsbad Village (2777 and 2785 Roosevelt Street), please accept this letter in anticipation of your upcoming hearing to evaluate the proposed Village & Barrio Master Plan Update. • I am in support of preserving the 45-foot height limitation for new development. This height limitation is consistent with the current master plan and is appropriate in terms of scale for this community. Continuing to allow for a 45' height limitation does not indicate that all buildings are going to become 45' tall. This will allow for a more dynamic coastal village and for developers to create space for uses that are in demand. • I am in support of preserving the in-lieu parking program, shared parking options and in general, supportive of alternative means of transportation within the Vi llage such as increased bicycle lanes, ride share parking, electric charging stations, etc. that create a flexible transportation district. • I do not support a blanketed ground floor retail requirement throughout the entire Village Center (VC) Zone. Inevitably, this will lead to excess vacancies that can encourage vandalism, un-activated pockets, and too many retailers offering the same goods/services. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Carolyn Howard-Jones , Carlsbad Sent from my iPad ( \ ------------------------- April 26, 2018 Jimmy Wang Lucas Tyler Properties, LLC 3138 Roosevelt St Carlsbad, CA 92018 {Carlsbad Village Draft Master Plan} Dear Members of the Carlsbad Planmng Commission, As a property owner m Carlsbad Village, please accept this letter m anticipation of your upcoming hearing to evaluate the proposed Village & Barrio Master Plan Update. • I am m support of preserving the 45-foot height limitation for new development. This height limitation is consistent with the current master plan and 1s appropnate in terms of scale for this community, Contmumg to allow for a 45' height limitation does not indicate that all brnldings are gomg to become 45' tall. This will allow for a more dynamic coastal village and for developers to create space for uses that are m demand. • I am m support of preserving the in-lieu parking program, shared parking options and m general, supportive of alternative means of transportation within the Village such as increased bicycle lanes, nde share parkmg, electric chargmg stations, etc. that create a flexible transportation district. • I do not support a blanketed ground floor retail requirement throughout the entire Village Center (VC) Zone. Inevitably, this will lead to excess vacancies that can encourage vandalism, un-activated pockets, and too many retailers offering the same goods/services. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~I"\ wAtJC.. Jimmy Wang Lucas Tyler Properties, LLC 3138 Roosevelt St Carlsbad, CA 92008 owner ( Position Phone/Email 2 May 2018 Village-Barrio Master Plan Comments By: Linda Geidner General comments: • This document is much easier to read and use than the previous draft. It has less "planner speak" so the language is clear ... good job Scott! • I like the use of districts and how they are presented in the document. It makes it easy to identify overarching requirements and what is different for each district. • I think it is a little week on Historic Preservation and have some suggestions below. • This excellent plan would not have been possible without all the public involvement. It was a long and winding path. The City did a good job of listening and incorporating comments. In my opinion it is time to put the finishing touches on it and recommend approval to City Council. Historic Preservation Comments: See Chapter 1-Introduction, Page 1-2 Paragraph describing what will be included in "Mobility and Beautification" Chapter. It states that the chapter "Focuses on techniques to beautify the streetscape ... and enhance ... historic resources. Then see Chapter 4 -"Mobility and Beautification" • There is little to no discussion of how we plan to "enhance historic resources" in this chapter, as the Introduction promises. • Section 4.3.7 entitled "Incorporate Art and Culture into the Street Scape" only addresses Art not Cultural Resources such as historic str1,1ctures. Suggest at least one paragraph be added on Cultural Resources. • We have three (3) designated National and State Historic Resources in Carlsbad and two (2) are within this plan area, Santa Fe Depot and Frazier's Well (see General Plan, table 7-1). At a minimum these should be addressed in the plan and discussed as opportunities to enhance the street scape and/or be utilized for "place making". • Other Culturally significant places in the plan area include: Magee Park, Lola's and the Twin Inn. Again at a minimum these should be identified as opportunities to enhance the street scape and/or be utilized for "place making". • The plan should note that other structures may qualify in the future and, as much as possible, we should incorporate them into the street scape. • Some structures, like the Twin Inns, can be considered a work of art. It could be discussed as an example in the "place making" art paragraph. This structure is of great value to the community, but is not really mentioned in the document, unless I missed it. • All these cultural resources are opportunities for "place making", so I would recommend additional language to that affect in 1.5.3 too. ( ( Subject: FW: Revisions to Village/Barrio Master Plan From: simon angel Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2018 8:40 AM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCoun cil@carlsbadca .gov> Cc: Diana Diana; Michele Montenez; Michael Ajdour; Mary Anne Viney; T. Childs> Subject: Revisions to Village/Barrio Master Plan Ladies and Gentlemen of the Planning Commission, ITEM 1 Rcvd May 9, 2018 Since April 18, 2018 at the Planning Commission meeting held on that date and at which Public comment was closed, there have been numerous errata and revisions to the Plan. Some have been in response to public comments. Other revisions are raising substantive questions. My opinion is that public commenting should not have been closed. Given the fact that changes are continuing to revise the Plan it makes my point that public engagement and input should continue during the entire process to make the final Plan the best possible product. By way of example I ask you to review the Errata sheet dated April 18, 2018 at page 2, Chapter 2-Land Use, 2- 5, Section 2.3, Land Use. Section 2.3.3 is added which addresses "sites". In this section "sites" is an undefined and overly broad term which under this language could nullify District designations and make prohibited or impermissible uses within one District allowable and permissible dependent on the original site location. I hope that it is clear to you that this Plan needs more careful and deliberate consideration before it should be approved and that this should be done in concert with public input from residents as opposed to input from the various special interests groups. Residents first! Simon Angel ,. C ( '- J INPUT TO THE PC 4.0 -MAY 2018 . Imagine Carlsbad ITEM 1 Rcvd 5/9/2018 Vision of a future Village-Barrio -We believe the commission's recommended modifications to the MP should come from your Vision of this neighborhood's future. The MP's goals & objectives are then set to move us toward that future. Standards/guidelines should achieve the goals. We hope that all of us are viewing the Village of the future, as best we can, not the Village of today. Another term for Vision is " seeing the big picture" few property owners and even fewer developers consider "the big picture" in what they build. Having a clear Vision should mean making every attempt to build in balance and flexibility at the same time as we hold on to the areas heritage and character. We the community, would greatly appreciate hearing each of the commissioners state the Vision that guides their review of the MP. We hope that we all have the common belief that the Village is our community's only opportunity to create a stronger "Town Center" that it is our focal point strengthening our sense of place and collective sense of identity, a place to all . come together. We believe the two primary goals that should set standards and guidelines are; 1-Insure this neighborhood is self sufficient as a place to live getting all your daily needs met without a car, i.e. primary of these are groceries & pharmacy etc ; 2 -That it redevelops to become a top destination for the full community and our guest doing this by using its current attributes as a beach side location and its core area's network of "Main Street" commercial environment. There is a current and relatable village redevelopment project with a marketing pitch that comes from a (master) developer with a clearer view of "The big picture" "Be nostalgic for the future" a pitch for the redevelopment of a large chunk of the "commercial Main Streets at Pacific Palisades village by Mr. Rick Caruso. Rick "Come on down" to our Village! Regional Context -We believe all of us should consider that a tighter, denser small V-B neighborhood built around transit is appropriate. If we take into consideration that it sits adjacent to a mc;1jor counterpoint to that tighter density. The Village sits at the edge of the largest area of open space on the planet! Where a short stroll has you immediately immersed in the magic qualities of this expansive and dynamic environment. Unfortunately the MP still does not do enough to tie the V-B to it and to celebrate this all important & dynamic edge. Building heights -In response to the sensitivities to architectural features over 45 feet, we ask that the commission consider limiting roof decks to the third story or allowing them , on forth level only if .the elevator that serves that deck can be located in area where its additional height can not be viewed from some set dirnension on adjacent streets. Retail commercial -Although we understand there are uncertainties as we go through a period of major change for the business of retail commerce we should also understand the people are naturally social and on a regular basis will leave our individual dwellings and gather together in comfortable venues. Due to that, retail environments are becoming much more "Experiential". This fact is exactly why the Village has so much potential to take on today's changes and become the prime new retail destination for Carlsbad. It has most of the base ingredients to create a highly desirable environment. How many shops in the I Mall would jump to come to the Village if there were; 1 - A well run Main Street program. 2 -An assortment of sized spaces to meet their business needs. 3 -The view that there is ample parking. A condition where we could pick and choice which shops fit the retail environment desired in our downtown "Village" neighborhood. Additionally we believe to equate or compare the Vi'llage core \NHh all its real potential to the "Bluewater" development at the south station is an apples to oranges kinda thing no were near an equal comparison for retail viability. Balance & Flexibility-If we all agree with the positions expressed above w~ should also agree that the MP standards and guidelines promote and in fact require balance and flexibility in all developments in the core. If we simple let the building industry do whatever they want many will just capitalize on the hot coastal housing market for the quickest return on investment. Left on its own to maximize residential uses redevelopment will not achieve either of the two primary objectives stated in this paper. Because there are uncertainties on what, the needs of future retail are going to be we should build in flexibility and balance instead of repeated limitations. You have heard that if we want first class retail space it will take a minimum of a 14 foot plate height, a minimum! Also we should want standards that will produce the greatest mix of commercial uses on our core Main streets. To achieve this we need to produce a thorough mix of spaces whose size from depth will accommodate different uses. We should want MP standards to achieve a mix of store sizes produced by their depth to frame our streets, not a-high percentage of shallow spaces that require a shop to stretch along the street edge like you find at Village by the Sea mixed use development on the east side of Carlsbad Blvd . Please consider asking_ for standards that ,.,. requires larger size properties produce a larger average depths for ground floor spaces. Conversely, smaller properties should be compelled either set residential parking in a sub level as we have seen of late or limit their residential uses that require on site parking. Parking that takes up a high percentage of street level space can produce blank walls facing the street or rows of shallow retail spaces. The non residential uses should purchase the majority of required parking off site via the "Parking in Lieu" program. A prime example of the poor model we have allowed in the Village core over the last year is going up as we speak. Another corner project, this one at Grand & Madison, with shallow street level retail spaces, no 14 foot plate (it has 1 Oft), where they have maxed-out the residential use and feed those units with ground level parking. Not to mention that the building is devoid of any kind of character desirable for our Village. Also, please remember that to produce a self contained neighborhood, there are a few critical larger footprint uses that need to be part of the new development i.e. groceries, pharmacy etc. It is best that these critical uses be centrally located for equal access from lagoon to lagoon and not freeway oriented. The MP should acknowledge these uses and that they will require a larger foot print space with large truck access from the rear and adequate parking near by for those over 40. Remember that one of the reasons Whole Foods failed in downtown Encinitas was it was too small I tight of a space. "The Grand" aka "Grand Promenade" needs to be wide, wider than the 32 feet now shown in the MP. Up to 50 feet (one half of the street's 100 ft r.o.w.) with 40-45 feet width as the absolute minimum. To study moving the farmers market into a two block demonstration area of "The Grand" we used a width of 44 feet to make the market work. Adjustments to what is currently shown in the MP on figure 4-5 on page 4-24 should be easy to made achieving this critical dimension. We at Imagine Carlsbad greatly appreciate that the MP now includes "The Grand". We also appreciate the commissions discussion on it and pedestrian life in the Village. We believe a great village atmosphere can be produced if we achieve the following objectives; A wide 40-45 foot ramble from Carlsba.d Blvd and Harding Street for pedestrians. A well conceived ,network of cycling routes safe for all ages. A complete calming of all auto movement held to or under posted speed limits. This last objective is why we proposed circle type intersections as part of our preliminary design of the GP. We see it as "slow not stop" calm rather than hurry to get that next green light. We request that the Commission ask staff about why they have pitched circular intersections to slow autos in the Barrio area of the MP but have not pitched them anywhere in the Village. Please ask how they propose to slow today's auto movement on Grand Avenue as well as CVD. Calming the current average rate over the limit is as important as anything else we do here so the atmosphere we create is without intimidation of pedestrians and cyclist by motorist. This is important, because retaining the auto is part of the street life atmosphere in our Vision for the Village. Authenticity in our slice of Americana= "Be nostalgic for the future" A Main Street atmosphere is what we should want to build on and strengthen in the core area. We submit that we should not shut down any street here to autos. Autos are a part of its authenticity, what we should want is calmed movement in all travel lanes where streets have ample sidewalk widths (10-15 feet min). To be successful the Village's retail core will need to compete with the other retail centers in the area. We should not attempt to make our experience more like what you can find at these other retail centers. To compete the Village will need to provide something the others can not. Not the Mall, not the Company Stores, and not the Forum. That is an authentic Village environment and its "by the sea"! The core area grid should be seen as a slice of America's downtown "Main Street" . Add to that our fortune that someone oversized one of the streets in the grid to the point that we can now re-imagine it into the pedestrian spine pulsing with pedestrian life and social activity. Yet we can still keep it open for all forms of mobility. If we do this and do it well and then get the chance to cover a block of the train trench and make that a town square/green we will have the best Village in all of SoCal. That is how we see the future Village and hope you are there with us. Parking -If we have the common Vision for the Village core as Carlsbad's "Town Center" we should require the master plan to wrap its arms around this "special" area by taking the steps needed to ensure its success as just thgt a "Town Center'' a focal point for the full community. To that end most of those who come to visit the Village from other Carlsbad neighborhoods will come by car, to promote these visits the MP should take steps to insure the perception of parking is that it is easily available. We do not want visitors to circle and circle the streets in search of some phantom parking space in front of their favorite business. Alternatively they should be able to go to one of a few key locations for a grouped parking facility. A smart facility that shows how many spaces are open and where these are in the facility. We have been pitching the model of a private I public partnership to get this type offacility built. We ask that this type partnership arrangement be discussed at the next hearing. We hope the commission will make a strong recommendation to Council promoting private I public partnerships to get grouped parking facilities. Talking with others in the community it seems that some believe the outcome of the parking study \ ( \ was pre-determined from the start. That the consultant was directed to find facts to support this pre-determined position on parking. Mobility-Again, this is an aspect of our lives that is going through rapid change. To move throughout Carlsbad most of us will surly continue to use a car type vehicle, however who orwha_twill control its movement may be changing. Within our neighborhoods we may use other options to move around. The Village-Barrio is where these options will be most attractive as an easy and fun way to move around. The MP has responded to this fact well. Walking/strolling, cycling, some with electric assist, and just around the corner may be shared use electric scooters that could come to this neighborhood further changing today's mobility in our downtown neighborhood. The use of these options can be viewed as a generational thing with those of us over 40 staying with what we know what we feel comfortable in. But many of those under 40 may well gravitate to simple, easy and fun options. We hope the commissioners will ask themselves who (what generation) we should be planning a future Village for ? ,,- I rill Imagine mij Carlsbad Planning Commission comments Vision for the future- ITEM 1 Received 5/9/2018 This new VB master plan is rebuilding our original, oldest and most attractive neighborhood for the future. Our under utilitized transit center, soon to be expanded Civic Center, beaches and a few older historic buildings have to be considered 20 years plus in the future. Big Bear gave way to Albertsons which gave way to Smart and Final and Denault's hardware in less time than that. Residential land value has ' surpassed commercial land value and therefore mixed use zoning will result in all residential zoning unless commercial land is preserved in the VB master plan codes. L As we welcome new residents into the VB area they see a market and hardware store, the beach and many restaurants within walking distance and that's what makes the VB area attractive. ( '-. Within 10 years, I can see redevelopment of Smart and Final Center (recently sold ) into 4 stories of residential units with a minimal strip of commercial along CVD to satisify our planners who will have their hands tied as that is how it is zoned. Within 20 years I forsee Campfire, Vigiluccis, 83 degrees, Succulent cafe, Shorehouse kitchen, Koko Beach, Knockout, Lola's, Cafe Tapes and most other newer and existing restaurants demolished as their interiors age and leases are up to make way for 3 and 4 story residential units, as the zoning allows in this plan. These restaurants will be unable to n;!lmagine mi_i Carlsbad relocate further from the core as 2,3 and 4 story residential buildings will be build or be planned. This is going to happen. It can be mitigated by development of the core area with some first floor commercial ~pace that can accommodate the movement of these assets into nearby space in the core area. Grocery store, drug store, hardware store, and 50 restaurants can be accommodated by preserving 50 foot depth and 14 foot plate height into the core area of the VB plan. This area should not become 3 floors of residential over first floor parking with 8-10 foot ceilings as the current economic conditions are pushing all VB properties. Commuters heading home from the Coaster and Amtrack can stop at the commercial space occupied by the replacement for Smart and Final, Denault's that reopen in the reserved commercial spaces 5,000-8,000 square feet with 14 foot plate height reserved by your thoughtfulness in the core area. Strips 30 foot deep like Village By the Sea townhomes on Carlsbad Boulevard while new and attractive, won't accommodate these uses. After attracting residents to live in the VB area to use the smart growth planning throughout the world we could require them to drive to El Camino Real for any neighborhood services which would be almost a crime. I ~Imagine mii Carlsbad Reservation of a small part of the vb for commercial first floor, as most other neighborhoods in Carlsbad have done is what we I believe we all want. This small are would have wider sidewalks, more pedestrial lighting, permits for cabaret music, etc. to provide an experience for locals, VB residents and tourists. Lets plan it in this document. Development will occur in an spurts depending on economic conditions but in an orderly manner with residents first, near the cor,e area, commercial later as the residential chases the aging commercial. All following the plan we craft here. Once we redevelop our Civic Center at 1200 CVD demand for office ( 1space will increase and developers will want to build office space in the VB center core area, near transit, Civic Center, restaurants, housing, beach. This is not that far out to consider proper planning. Let's not continue planning. project by project with the economic winds. Please walk down State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard between CVD and Grand, the area with the most pedestrians at any time, and notice that all the commercial businesses are 50 feet deep and usually narrow. More stores per lineal front foot promotes the most activity and depth is necessary. Let's act as ·if there was one owner of the VB area, and make our master plan with that in mind. That plan would be approved but developed a:i lmagine E1t Carlsbad over 20+ years with the residential component first in the approved areas and then commercial and office as the demand calls for it. Now lef s move on the parking. Anyone walking the village at night can see that the Bank of America lot, suggested for lease in the parking consultants plan is already used, without permission by restaurant patrons. When that building is redeveloped, that parking will be gone forever. NCTD has had plans for years for their parking lots and right of way to be developed as income producing apartments with their own secured parking. All other older downtowns have parking structures and we need several also:, perhaps even a bike parking garage. Shared development of several parking garages must be included in this plan to encourage discussions with developers, several of which have suggested a need and willingness to use the parking in lieu fee for privately built municipal parking within their own future development plans., We should specifically offer $25,000 per space for additional parking designated as municipal within a private project with a minimum of 50. This should be in the parking chapter to encourage developers and staff to give it consideration with e~ach larger project. ( ' Imagine Carlsbad ITEM 1 Received 5/9/2018 Why bother with a new VB Master Plan if it's the same as the old Village Master Plan? Ten years ago Imagine Carlsbad was reviewing the Village Master Plan and noticed that there were similar requirements for mixed uses throughout the different areas, restricting residential growth in some areas by and discouraging commercial growth in others. The community most of us live in has services nearby but not next door. You want other homes next door; similar density detached or attached units next door, commercial services and businesses adjacent to each ( other but not far from us. C Together with city consultant Urban Place we pushed for a new Master Plan that encouraged a core commercial area in the center of the village with parking garages nearby to encourage walking, and this new plan is lacking regulations that preserve room for future development of that commercial core. We proposed temporary changes with curb cafes and no parking fees for change of uses to restaurant. The new master plan was to preserve the commercial core and discuss parking solutions. All of us locals realize parking is an issue, most avoid the village in the summer. Allowing the use of the ground floor for residential parking and allowing shallow commercial will probably kill the very cute commercial village atmosphere that Carlsbad Village is known for over time. Without preserving a commercial core area and no mention of a parking garage at all why bother to do a new master plan at all! Gary Nessim ITEM 1 Village and Barrio Master Plan To: City of Carlsbad I Planning Department First a big thank you to all who contribute to making Carlsbad such a great place to live! As a homeowner and resident with a love for Carlsbad and a belief in The Village, l greatly appreciate our growing in a positive direction. In March of this year ! bought a home in the area labeled "The Barrio.• This is really a precious place where I plan to live out my life and work. With a vested interest I would like to address labeling discrimination and segregation (believe it or not!), and how this can be inadvertently caused in a reference to the official name of an area. Specifically "The Barrio." For example: As a Real Estate Agent when I mention " Barrio" some customers ask what this means. For new arrivals from outside of Carlsbad, the name Barrio often clearly invites questions about crime poverty gangs and run down homes vs our cultural treasure. -··------. -· ----- l constantly have to defend our "Barrio.• I obviously believe my defense since I have moved in. How many people working on this project Jive in The Barrio and know what I mean? I would like to bring attention to the fact that a segregating label of "Barrio" similar to" Ghetto• or "Slum" just does not do the area justice. We are an important part of Carlsbad. The official name "Historic Barrio" or" Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" as a title or reference on maps and in The New Village and Barrio Plan would add to the charm, overall impression and value of the area. Simply calling our home "The Barrio" does not. This ls a very special place that deserves to be respectfully referenced as Cultural and Historic part of Carlsbad Village, and not to be referred to in a way that conjures the idea of poverty and crime, regardless of how many affordable homes or senior citizens or multi~generational families live here. We need integration and cohesiveness with Carlsbad Village. Not inadvertent labeling as an area of poverty or associated with a slum. The words "Barrio,• uGhetto, "or "Slum• are similar and in most parts of society considered derogatory designations and inspire difference and segregation. If y0u ask siri for the meaning of the word "Barrio" This is what you get: An_ ~r_ea described as having a high poverty level. Is this what you want to label our precious neighborhood while disassociating it from Carlsbad Village? "Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" May be a more appropriate To: City of Carlsbad Planning Department: First a big thank you to all who contribute to making Carlsbad such a great place to live! As a homeowner and resident with a love for Carlsbad and a belief in The Village I greatly appreciate our growing in a positive dir.ection. ln March of this year I bought a home in the area labeled " The Barrio.• This is really a precious place where I plan to live out my life and work. With a vested interest I would like to address labeling discrimination and segregation ( believe it or not!), and how this can be inadvertently caused in a reference to the official name of an area. Specifically "The Barrio." For example: As a Real Estate Agent when I mention " Barrio" some customers ask what this means, For new arrivals from outside of Carlsbad the name Barrio often clearly invites questions about crime poverty gangs and run down homes vs our cultural treasure. I ccnstantly have to defend our" Barrio." I obviously believe my defense since I have moved in. How many peciple working on this project live in The Barrio and know what I mean? I would like to bring attention to the fact that a segregating label of" Barrio• similar to " Ghetto" or "Slum" Just does not do the area justice. We are an important part of Carlsbad. The official name "Historic Barrio" or" Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" as a title or reference on maps and in The New Village and Barrio Plan would add to the charm, overall impression and varue of the area. S1mply calling our home " The Barrio" does not. This is a very special place that deserves to be respectfully referenced as Cultural and Historic part of Carlsbad Village, and not to be referred to in a way that conjures the idea of poverty and crime, regardless of how many afforable homes or senior citizens or multi-generational families live here. We need integration and cohesiveness with Carlsbad Village. Not inadvertent labeling as an area of poverty or associated with a slum. The words "Barrio,· "Ghetto, "or "Slum" are similar and in most parts of society considered derogatory designations and inspire difference and segregation. If you ask siri for the meaning of the word "Barrio" This ls what you get An area desctibed as havtng a high poverty level. Is this what you want to label our precious neighborhood while disassociating it from Carlsbad VHlage? "Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" May be a more appropriate respectful and friendly reference. We are residents. This is what we would Uke. This is what we request. To reiterate, this request is to emph,;1size unity of the Village with the Barrio and notsegregate and label At the very least to name and celebrate this neighborhood as "Carlsbad ViUage Historic Barrio." Wei have an amazing city and a vmage to be proud of. Please assist in cleaning up the label as well as the are,a. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely _1; ;; --·--/ •·,/-· . c.:>('~------.. Annette Swanton -- Hornesmart Realty West Carlsbad agent and Barrio Village Homeowner and Resident. Carlsbad CA 92008 /,,_ To: The Carlsbad Planning Department From: ff} IJRJ)2._ {brt:;"·e.~6 ~ Address: Re: Shifting focus from Village and Barrio to Southern Village and Historic Barrio. Date: 5/10/2018 Let's move forward with the approval and implementation of the Village and Barrio Plan. Our long held belief has always been that this area is unique and a world class destination for travelers plus a great place to live. However it is apparent from reviewing the current plan that it contains two separate components, Village and Barrio. There is a general understanding of what a Village is but a definition for Barrio is difficult to understand. Would it be possible for us to actually create a definition and insert it into this report? (. Maybe with that definition we could actually show the interdependency that ~ exists as one inclusive community. · ( A place to start might be by using the term historic with it. Could we call it the "Historic Barrio" and consider it more of a "Southern Neighbor" to the village? This historical component of the village would more realistically reflect what i our neighborhood is and where it is located. The focus here should be in maintaining the history and the flavor of this area with a respect to those who preceded us here and the wonderful culture they created. In summary please consider the importance of joining these wonderful places instead of carving them out separately. Consider using history by incorporating the phrase "Historic Barrio" in this wonderful plan as a way to accomplish that. Equally important is an indication of where we are located which is just south of the Village. Sincerely, ~~ 3q l 1 Jp{fc: (?;,ur-> . _________ .............. ,·-·· .. • Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely.~~ Name: She..-\\-< y· A\ \Jo.."(". o .. d. o C·t . ,., \< \_ 0-~ cA 9.-:1008 I y. '--0-C ....> '4:::'.) . .._,_ I ( \ ( ) Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. . Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name~ ,, ~1--ef\o--Y\e(( O A~dress: ~n~ek City: ~( \ ~lJ ( '-. Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring·to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank ,you for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: 7ct/l,,J. ~s: Address: ' City: &Lv! ~ b,~ I C4 / ' ' Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely . . /4<1 /71/j,~ N . 'I; i J ame. • Address: 6 C .1 . 11 /)~-/nJ?.). OO, 0 )-eJ of I y. t:/7; , / \ (_ -'---- ( Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. _,/} I IJ· Ir///!)~A -; Name: n) i)I/_ t1J; I , -.,. fl , - City: J),, orJr . /1 /---fl--~ Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: Coflce.i'\ WlcCoSt.K.- Address: City: L,o.,(L\~bctd , c1~e y)tlc ()-· Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. _ Homes are selling in tMe neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). I Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: s+eve__ ~ lU~ Address: City: Ctvv[~ 6~ 1 CA q200 'i St~c.p Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially onp with a High P,overty Level. \ Homes are selling in-the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad-). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village I Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name~~i~~ I rflL&..l~ City: UM~) (!A q20<£ Morgen Fry From: Sent: To: Subject: Please distribute to council. Council Internet Email Monday, July 09, 2018 3:25 PM Morgen Fry · FW: Village/& Barrio Master Plan From: Jim Baross Sent: Monday, July 09, 2018 2:11 PM All Receive -Agenda Item# 1'2.. For the Information of the-;- CITY COUNCIL ACM ...L CA ..:£ CCL_ Date ,/aPµi CM L_ COO ..JL To: Scott Donnell <Scott.Donnell@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village & Barrio Master Plan C>tBO As President of the California Association of Bicycling Organizations (www.cabobike.org) I am writing to convey our concern that sections of the proposed bikeways, the two-way Class IV Separated Bikeways, seem to present significant safety and efficiency concerns. Without going into detail, we expect that many people bicycling will find the two-way bikeway with the many driveways and intersections to be of an undesirable and relatively unsafe design for their travel by bicycle. Please consider alternative ways to improve bicycling and safety. If Carlsbad decides to install such a bikeway we strongly recommend that Shared Lane Markings (Sharrows) and the signs "[Bike] May Use Full Lane" be used on the adjacent roadways to preclude confusion among roadway users and provide for safer/slower users of the two-way bikeway. Thank you. Jim Baross President, California Association of Bicycling Organizations. 1 Scott Donnell From: Sent: Robert Wilkinson Saturday, June 09, 2018 7:01 AM To: Scott Donnell Subject: village Attachments: A.pdf; B.pdf; C.pdf; D.pdf; E.pdf; F.pdf; G.pdf; H.pdf Hi Scott, In review of the latest edition of the MP I have come to a position on street level commercial and building heights along our streets and public spaces. I am pitching this position to the CC members. Attached are the exhibits I am using on making this pitch. Lets get together ~nd discuss, let me know your availability. I understand you are targeting the 10th of July to go to CC, Bingo! Respectfully, Robert Wilkinson Wi'lkinson Design Group Land Planning + Landscape Architecture bob@wdesigngroup.net P.O. Box 4237 Carlsbad Ca, 92018-4237 / \ \ \ \ \ \ ) \ / "'9· v/ c.·. \ / / / / / / & .. / / ,~~ eo < .... \~ A / ~ ' ~· \1\0 ~ i 0~ &~ &~ /\ / \ \ 'v/ \ ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ From: MICHAEL SUWVAN To: Scott Donnell Cc: disullivan10@hotmail.com Subject: Village .and Barrio Master Plan Date: Monday, June 25, 2018 6:46:07 PM Mr. Donnell: I am responding to the guidance in the letter, subject as above, inviting interested people to comment on the plan. I will be " out of state on July 10th and won't be able to attend the Council session but want to use this means to make our concerns known. Bottom line: we live at Pacific Avenue and, on an ever more frequent basis, encounter the effects of a street that is not completely paved and has no defined parking spaces for beach goers. That reality and the fact that no city trash cans are on Pacific for the garbage the "pigs" that use the beach access at the North end of Ocean Street bring with them from the beach and leave behind on Pacific Avenue. I read the specified study and plan and was thoroughly unimpressed with the described methodology and certainly the "recommendations". Pacific Avenue is not even directly mentioned and the truth is it probably has the absolute worst weekend and holiday parking situation in the Village and City. Cars, large trucks and even RVs are parked "nose in" on an · unimproved strip to a "curb" along a fence at the north end of the Army and Navy Academy campus. Many of them as parked obstruct traffic along Pacific, turning it into 9 one-way · street. At least one fire hydrant is usually obstructed. I won't mention the relief of bodily functions that some parkers often engage in either in yards on the north side of the street or along the aforementioned curb. I know the city well and I . strongly believe that nothing like these situations exist ,· anywhere else in the city. I am sure I express the sentiments of all of my neighbors on Pacific when I ask the Council to direct modification of the "plan" to include paving and establishment of fixed parking spaces on Pacific Avenue. Indeed, those ideas were embedded in a modification of the ANA Master Plan several years ago. I would be willing to discuss these concerns and ideas in person if desired. My phone number is Thank you. Mike Sullivan 0 From: To: Subject: Date: Planning Scott Donnell FW: Barrio master plan Monday, June 25, 2018 2:30:57 PM From: Autumn Wallace Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 2:21 PM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Barrio master plan Please remove 4.3.10 "Additional street trees can be added along Roosevelt Street between on- street parking spaces to reduce speeding." Trees can be planted in easment between sidewalk and street. "Between on -street parking "takes I away much needed parking spaces for residents. Also, is it accurate that condos and apartments will be allowed to be built in the BC part of Barrio without conditional use permit? We are long time residents and don't want to loose the village vibe. R/ Sent from my Verizon Motorola Droid fl:l tmagine ~Carlsbad VILLAGE -BARRIO MASTER PLAN July 2, 2018 THE SIZE OF STORE-FRONT SPACES; ALLOWING INTERIM USES OF . THESE SPACES ALONG SOME STREET EDGES + STREET EDGE BUILDING HEIGHTS Regarding street level store-front lease space in the core area, we have diagramed and asked that the 14 foot minimum plate (ceiling) height (now in · the M. P.) be used for a minimum depth of 30 feet back from the street edge. We have also shown in diagrams and described in our pitch that by using .these two dimensions together a compromise solution on the contentious issue of four story building heights may be achievable. Conversely, we understand that some may see that using these two dimensions retail space may be generated that could be ahead of the market and remain unused for a period of time. In response, we recommend that in the perimeter of the core, shown in the "Restricted Use" overlay, (MP Figure 2-2 page 2-9), interim uses are allowed if intended retail businesses are not attracted at the time of development. Under this condition the overlay should allow two alternative uses to retail, \-creative office and 2 -live-work units within these 14x30 ft store front spaces. These uses may.then be pushed out when market pressure changes and retail wants to expand into these edge areas. We propose these alternative temporary uses be allowed in the perimeter areas shown in blue, please see the attached exhibit. It is our belief that using these two critical minimum dimensions (14ft & 30ft) at the ground level space will result in streets predominately lined with 3 story edges. ,l\lso the use of temporary alternative uses in the perimeter areas will allow the needed flexibility to insure an active, competitive and vibrant downtown core as it is redeveloped. "AUTHENTICITY AND UNIQUENESS" Others may say "Quaintness", Imagine Carlsbad has pitched this position in the past and now we pitch it to you asking for leadership and vision. If the MP gets approved as is, the real estate market and development industry will build here the same way and with the same look as they build everywhere else in this time period. Please note the examples noted below. From the start of the new MP the community has expressed that it does not want to see this as the predominate character in our Village, hence there should be some limitation placed on this style. Unless the MP is modified by you the Village will start to look more and more like all other areas built during the current time period. The result will dilute the uniqueness and authenticity of the Village as an area shaped by a longer span of time and influences. An area of multiple properties with different ownerships that has brought about a more eclectic and richer character. Today in SoCal approximately 85% of new development is done with the c.urrent "in vogue" style of architecture and appearance, that is modern I contemporary. Some examples of this style already approved in the Village core are; Grand Madison 6 on Madison The Lofts (at Denny's) Sea Grove Oak & State We support the new MP and hope you approve it very soon, however we ask that you send it back, requiring the planning dept research how other Cities, with character driven architecture in their downtown, their community's focal point, have achieved this and then bring back optional approaches for your consideration. From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: Jim Baross Scott Donnell; Council Internet Email Village & Barrio Master Plan Monday, July 09, 2018 2:11:36 PM imaqe.pnq CJtSO As President of the California Association of Bicycling Organizations (www.cabobike.org) I am writing to convey our concern that sections of the proposed bikeways, the two-way Class IV Separated Bikeways, seem to present significant safety and efficiency concerns. Without going into detail, we expect that many people bicycling will find the two-way bikeway with the many driveways and intersections to be of an undesirable and relatively unsafe design for their travel by bicycle. Please consider alternative ways to improve bicycling and safety. If Carlsbad decides to install such a bikeway we strongly recommend that Shared Lane Markings (Sharrows) and the signs "[Bike] May Use Full Lane" be used on the adjacent roadways to preclude confusion among roadway users and provide for safer/slower users of the two-way bikeway. Thank you. Jim Baross President, California Association of B.icycliog Organizations. To: Celia Brewer, Carlsbad, California, City Attorney Barbara Engleson, Carlsbad, California. City Clerk From: Barrio Carlsbad Community Advocates Date: July 10, 2018 Re: Village and Barrio Master Plan, Project GPA 16-01/ZCA, 16-01/ZC, 16-01/MP, 14=-01/LCPA, 14- 01/MCA 16-01 (DEV08014} REQUEST FOR CLEAR AND COHERENT PROPOSED PLAN & 10 DAYS TO REVIEW AND RESPOND THERETO Dear City Attorney and City Clerk: We are a collection of residents and home owners who live and are impacted by the above referenced project. We have both English and Spanish speaking community members. We have been consistently voicing our support and concerns about specific elements of the Village and Barrio Master Plan, hereinafter referenced to as "VBMP". Our Immediate concern about VBMP is we are in need of a clear and coherent proposed copy of the plan. In its present state with the multiple erratas, VBMP is convoluted, disjointed and confusing for us citizens who have been following this project from its onset and is doubling confusing for those who have recently decided to be involved. We have made numerous attempts to meet with the planner, council members, and staff. We have been requesting a copy of VBMP which is easier to understand, sets forth all changes in a single cohesive document in both English and Spanish. Further, we are asking that all supplemental exhibits, appendices and supporting documentation which accompany the VBMP be translated into Spanish. Clearly, VBMP impacts our community, our quiet enjoyment of our homes, the safety of our neighborhood, and even possibly impose additional financial burdens on this group of citizens. Accordingly, there is need for a clear and easily understandable document which will greatly impact our rights as residents and home owners. We as citizens are eager to work with the city to accomplish the goal of setting a course of action for developing and enhancing the barrio; however, we do not want the VBMP to proceed in any way which would impose on our rights. We desire to continue to amicably work with council to accomplish this goal, but when we are told the City does not have the time to prepare a cohesive document, we are contemplating what course of action we must take to protect our rights. All we are asking for is a clear and cohesive copy of the VBMP in both English and Spanish and that all accompanying supplemental exhibits, appendices and supporting documentation be available in both English and Spanish, and 10 days of time to review the VBMP and its accompanying documentation. We believe this is more than fair and will not impede the VBMP's process. The City can hire or use one of its staff members to accomplish this task. Perhaps, the City should pay for an attorney of our choosing to advise us and make sense of VBMP, since it is too busy to do so itself, similar as to when attorneys were hired to explain the airport expansion project. We hope to continue to work with the City, rather than consider possible legal alternatives, because we too want what is best for our neighborhood (The Barrio), the Village, and the City. 11:1 tmagine miil Carlsbad VILLAGE -BARRIO MASTER PLAN July 2, 2018 THE SIZE OF STORE-FRONT SPACES;, ALLOWING INTERIM USES OF THESE SPACES ALONG SOME STREET EDGES+ STREET EDGE BUILDING HEIGHTS Regarding street level store-front lease space in the core area, we have diagramed and asked that the 14 foot minimum plate (ceiling) height (now in the M. P.f be used for a minimum depth of 30 feet back from the street edge. We have also shown in diagrams and described in our pitch that by using these two dimensions together a compromise solution on the contentious issue of four story building heights may be achievable. Conversely, we understand that some may see that using these two dimensions retail space may be generated that could be ahead of the market and remain unused for a period of time. In response, we recommend that in the perimeter of the core, shown in the "Restricted l,Jse" overlay, (MP Figure 2-2 page 2-9), interim uses are allowed if intended retail businesses are not attracted at the time of development. Under this condition the overlay should allow two alternative uses tq retail, 1-creative office and 2 -live-work units within these 14x30 ft store front spaces. These uses may then be pushed out when market pressure changes and retail wants to expand into these edge areas. We propose these alternative temporary uses be allowed in the perimeter areas shown in blue, please see the attached exhibit. It is our belief that using these two critical minimum dimensions (14ft & 30ft) at the ground level space will result in streets predominately lined with 3 story edges. Also the use of temporary alternative uses in the perimeter areas will allow the needed flexibility to insure an active, competitive and vibrant downtown core as it is redeveloped. "AUTHENTICITY AND UNIQUENESS" Others may say "Quaintness", Imagine Carlsbad has pitched this position in the past and now we pitch it to you asking for leadership and vision. If the MP gets approved as is, the real estate market atld development industry will build here the same way and with the same look as they build everywhere else in this time period. Please note the examples noted below. From the start of the new MP the community has expressed that it does not want to see this as the predominate character in our Village, hence there should be some limitation placed on this style. Unless the MP is modified by you the Village will start to look more and more like all other areas built during the current time period. The result will dilute · the uniqueness and authenticity of the Village as an area shaped by a longer span of time and influences. An area of multiple properties with different ownerships that has brought about a more eclectic and richer character. Today in SoCal approximately 85% of new development is done with the current "in vogue" style of architecture and appearance, that is modern I contemporary. Some examples of this style already approved in the Village core are; Grand Madison 6 on Madison The Lofts (at Denny's) Sea Grove Oak & State We support the new MP and hope you approve it very soon, however we ask that you send it back requiring the planning dept research how other Cities, with character driven architecture in their downtown, their community's focal point, have achieved this and then bring back optional approaches for your consideration. July 10, 2018 Mayor Matt Hall City of Carlsbad ~ CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5934 Priestly Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-931-8400 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Mayor Hall and Councilmembers, On behalf of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce I respectfully urge you to approve the Village and Barrio Master Plan. We believe that adoption of the Village and Barrio Master Plan will encourage further revitalization of these areas and promote development that prioritizes walkability and recognizes future trends in transportation. The Plan's development standards will preserve the character of these neighborhoods and allow businesses to better plan their projects. For over 95 years the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce has worked to promote a favorable business climate for the 1,600 businesses and more than 75,000 employees in and around the City of Carlsbad. This is why we pay close attention to issues in Carlsbad that could impact not only the ability of local businesses to thrive, but also matters that could impact the quality of life in our community. The Carlsbad Chamber is the second largest chamber in San Diego County and among the top ten in the State. With nearly 400 of those businesses located in our downtown center, we believe it is imperative that the Village and Barrio Master Plan replace the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual adopted in 1996. The City has sought and received broad input on the Plan from the public over a period exceeding three years. We believe the version of the Plan before you tonight is the product of model collaboration between City government, interested citizens, local businesses, and community groups. Many of our members feel there is inadequate lighting in certain areas of the Village. We are pleased that street lighting improvements will be among the capital improvement projects contemplated by the Plan. Additional lighting will both enhance pedestrian safety and encourage additional traffic to local retailers. Parking continues to be a concern of local businesses and visitors to the Village. While some of the parking need can be mitigated by ridesharing, walking, or biking, we appreciate the Plan's focus on shared and leased parking. City investment in the form of capital improvements in the Village and Barrio will pay dividends. A vibrant Village and Barrio generate significant sales tax, occupancy tax, and property taxes. No plan is perfect. Some of our members have concerns about the restrictions on use of street level space for office purposes in the Village. While we appreciate the City's goal of encouraging a more lively atmosphere in emphasizing restaurant and retail uses, we believe office uses should be considered on a case by case basis. Our members also desire fair and consistent application of development standards. We are encouraged that review authority by the City resides at a level appropriate for the size of the project. Regardless, businesses seeking to locate in the Village and Barrio and invest in its revitalization should have a reasonable expectation of success in the planning process if they play by the rules. We look forward to being a part of the ongoing effort and are excited to be part of a brighter future for the Village and Barrio. Sincerely, Ted Owen President & CEO CC: Kevin Crawford, City of Carlsbad Jason Haber, City of Carlsbad County of San Diego To: The Carlsbad Planning Department From:Uorv'°' Mr~ Re: Shifting focus from Village and Barrio to Southern Village and Historic Barrio. Date: 5/10/2018 Let's move forward with the approval and implementation of the Village and Barrio Plan. Our long held belief has always been that this area is unique and a world class destination for travelers plus a great place to live. However it is apparent from reviewing the current plan that it contains two separate components, Village and Barrio. There is a general understanding of what a Village is but a definition for Barrio is difficult to understand. Would it be possible for us to actually create a definition and insert it into this report? Maybe with that definition we could actually show the interdependency that exists as one inclusive community. A place to start might be by using the term historic with it. Could we call it the "Historic Barrio" and consider it more of a "Southern Neighbor" to the village? This historical component of the village would more realistically reflect what our neighborhood is and where it is located. The focus here should be in maintaining the history and the flavor of this area with a respect to those who preceded us here and the wonderful culture they created. In summary please consider the importance of joining these wonderful places instead of carving them out separately. Consider using history by incorporating the phrase "Historic Barrio" in this wonderful plan as a way to accomplish that. Equally important is an indication of where we are located which is just south of the Village. Sincerely, To: The Carlsbad Planning Department From: j GC l( lQ., (Y')~ Address St. 0v(st'Ad G C/;?o6~ Re: Shifting focus from Village and Barrio to Southern Village and Historic Barrio. Date: 5/10/2018 Let's move forward with the approval and implementation of the Village and Barrio Plan. Our long held belief has always been that this area is unique and a world class destination for travelers plus a great place to live. However it is apparent from reviewing the current plan that it contains two separate components, Village and Barrio. There is a general understanding of what a Village is but a definition for Barrio is difficult to understand. Would it be possible for us to actually create a definition and insert it into this report? Maybe with that definition we could actually show the interdependency that exists as one inclusive community. A place to start might be by using the term historic with it. Could we call it the "Historic Barrio" and consider it more of a "Southern Neighbor" to the village? This historical component of the village would more realistically reflect what our neighborhood is and where it is located. The focus here should be in maintaining the history and the flavor of this area with a respect to those who preceded us here and the wonderful culture they created. In summary please consider the importance of joining these wonderful places instead of carving them out separately. Consider using history by incorporating the phrase "Historic Barrio" in this wonderful plan as a way to accomplish that. Equally important is an indication of where we are located which is just south of the Village. Sincerely, To: The Carlsbad Planning Department From: fl} /)Rj}Z_ &TErz.~6 ~ Address: Re: Shifting focus from Village and Barrio to Southern Village and Historic Barrio. Date: 5/10/2018 Let's move forward with the approval and implementation of the Village and Barrio Plan. Our long held belief has always been that this area is unique and a world class destination for travelers plus a great place to live. However it is apparent from reviewing the current plan that it contains two separate components, Village and Barrio. There is a general understanding of what a Village is but a definition for Barrio is difficult to understand. Would it be possible for us to actually create a definition and insert it into this report? Maybe with that definition we could actually show the interdependency that exists as one inclusive community. A place to start might be by using the term historic with it. Could we call it the "Historic Barrio" and consider it more of a "Southern Neighbor" to the village? This historical component of the village would more realistically reflect what our neighborhood is and where it is located. The focus here should be in maintaining the history and the flavor of this area with a respect to those who preceded us here and the wonderful culture they created. In summary please consider the importance of joining these wonderful places instead of carving them out separately. Consider using history by incorporating the phrase "Historic Barrio" in this wonderful plan as a way to accomplish that. Equally important is an indication of where we are located which is just south of the Village. Sincerely, ---~~ Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. ~~ ~ Name: She_~ '( Y A\ \J 0.. ~ C\ d_. O s-t,, . :r · City: c__o...\( \ s ~ 0. 6, I cA °l ~ oa 8 ,/. (' \}, I ,-y· 9 ~ ") --) 'j /' J· (1 fY ~ 4 .-' 0 ? ~ ,,,. (.9, :f v -J 0 G (P 2v "<. r· rt d. r --. Y. "', if ~ ! 0 .,.) , in ,,... Ci ( c.9 \.;'\ > ') 0 -~ 0 ~; J_ --c J -0 C6 0 a, ,... > , p Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. ( Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. ::::ss• i~ --,P->C-6 7( c,tv <Z'YJ£:.LS&J<J 6 {J<J J v; 2-0c?)i3 Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name~~(\'1t,, ~1--~{\JJ.-Y\e({ 0 A~dre City: ~( Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. ( Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. ( Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. ::::~Jhol\f\c(\ E1~ham . City: CC\.C\)l)OCJ, CA 9200'3 b\~'Nffi ~till IA_ Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) o (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. -~tl~~ Name. ·v ~·-.\·A\'\ - Address: City: \-,IN.\ *'"'-~,, 1-"x~\L\ \.,-...j t::, ?_ ~~::. ~~AD C-A 9 'd-oo-<x Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, . ~ (South Village) o (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those w o have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) o Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: (\)icl"1clo,5 A\JCA(C\dCJ A~dress: ; (o.{\r_; 6c,.J j Cf\ c1ico i Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: ~.v . .i GvJr:: Address: City: Co,,,,..J ~ l~-.,.-t I LA, Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. ;Jfif;·~ . Name: / Address: ~ "f'l __ r'/J, . -'7. 0 . rY City: {1/J,ft,">,.,r J· "' °J) .Y w J Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name JJV-i 111A jf/~f'.' ,n) ~ I ()1 Addres City: f 2,, ,1 r1f /---lv-_s;· Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: (off c-et\_ t\1cCoJJ?-Z, Addre City: G'4:.-\~\'.)(I_d ''\ c{,L C y}lc {JL- Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: Le-e ~V\-cL~<"'So (\ Address: City: Co:~)C.\_~l /=-.A: C\ -:;)-0 (") ~ Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad I Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: 1-+eve.__ ~Al¼ Address: City: Ctvv[~ lo~ 1 CA q200 >! Stv'-C.f~ ___ :~-~~l2WB_b;JLJ0_1~:Jld&A~t&Jr_ffi7t/~Zlf~~--___ _ ' --r ffi&M.L~.j)Jlllllt_J/llldl~~/LA(IM~--- ,1 I It ___ --~---/}&/)_ -7tild_ke11_L8/)U/~~d-J)!AtLJa LfJT_fll_~- --~i ~ il:L71/£ElLIP@fajJ£_VLU/J1£ .t)pJ'Z, ____ _ II :I ---:! ___ fl@~a£e_t/£!;C_ fl~1KlLf12~~-----,, ii --~11 ________ ---~---·----------~-------ii I I .·; 'i ------------------------------------------------------------'-- --------Cl-------~------------------------------------ ii :1 ,I ---;1·----------------------'----- ---------------------·----------------------·--·------------------ 1,: ij ---: --------·~-------------------------------- ---------~--~-------------------------------------------------- ---------·------------------------- !1 • •.• I ------------------------------- Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High P_overty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. NameO<~i~~ Addre City: ( q2t)c£ Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. (Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or (Olde Carlsbad/ Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely. Name: r'if\ { cl\ ~e.)_ ---/ ,,--J,., Addre City: C 1· . Lr.//.{ 0-/ ,{_:x] a I'" 5 tJi). CJl--t c<J l --i49 m)/1/J 4' r ;i-6-u-v :t!!V iw/? -::,~ ·:µ Pit W?!,cd pintlfll f 1 tM ~"ti -p7AV ~(/! ~WJ1,;1_ :JO ??lArblfY? 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":)-\,e_-e;,\:.-"o c~\,,y : CA({.L~ / CW- . --' .__, ; Ju !o I ' , ,,., () , _, ------------ -------------------------·-· ,, 1: ----------------··-·····---·------· -- -~--,-------------··--------· ------------·--- ·---------------------------'----- ---------·-----------------------------------+----- --------· ·-·------·-------------------------------···-------·- ------··-------,---- ro;:n_ .n G t ___ "' -__ i: ---,, 1· 11 ,, ------------·--!;.--: -- ~T-:7vV77ll£!!!!lfC~ ~ 1-i -- . '?Jll 77J!Oll.ff' 3'~7Jl!Y~~(J1j'Jfl177ff ~~i;~ -- 7;~~7wlnr J _i: __ f--:--------1-1tl,_-1Mn_____.V[? 7)tl_ : --;;),}; -- Mr. Scott Donnell, Definition of Barrio; (in the US) the Spanish-speaking quarter of a neighborhood in a City or Town, Especially one with a High Poverty Level. Homes are selling in the neighborhood for over Seven Hundred Thousand to well over a Million dollars, then needing more money to fix them up. In order to be fair to the whole community as well as those who just bought and spent this amount of money. Please consider, (South Village) or (Olde Carlsbad). Also being fair to those who have been here for many decades. ( Historic Barrio). I would hope the City of Carlsbad would be fair to ALL those who live here and consider referring to this area as, .------- (South Village/ Historic Barrio) or(Olde Carlsb~d / Historic Barrio) Thank You for your consideration:'-------- Sincerely. Name: Address: City: U~6 ll(!'i/7~ .... Jo?~-e- {4_1q;--//JC( t71 clc?tJtJJ7 ii -----,!Li ------------------------ 'i :I ,ii !i ii 11 ·I 'I i! ,, ., 'i ---~-~-----~ ,, ii ii ii 'i !f ---------------------------------~-----·--------------·---------------------------------________ _s __ _ :1 l1 I' ----------·---------------·---------- ---------------------------------------·--------------------··----------------- -------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ,, l: 1: ' " :1 __ u __ Ii 1: 1 !: ' ,, :, ----------··--------~----~---------------------'-'--'' --- 1! 7?J /?{T 7.r$Tll77--:?iJ7PlYf/Pla-7/ll. 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I I ITEM 1 Village and Barrio Master Plan To: City of Carlsbad/ Planning Department First a big thank you to all who contribute to making Carlsbad such a great place to live! As a homeowner and resident with a love for Carlsbad and a belief in The Village, I greatly appreciate our growing in a positive direction. In March of this year I bought a home in the area labeled "The Barrio.• This is really a precious place where I plan to live out my life and work. With a vested interest I would like to address labeling discrimination and segregation (believe it or not!), and how this can be inadvertently caused in a reference to the official name of an area. Specifically "The Barrio." For example: As a Real Estate Agent when I mention • Barrio" some customers ask what this means. For new arrivals from outside of Carlsbad, the name Barrio often clearly invites questions about crime poverty gangs and run down homes vs our cultural treasure. --. _ _;·. I constantly have to defend our "Barrio." I obviously believe my defense since I have moved in. How many people working on this project live in The Barrio and know what I mean? I would like to bring attention to the fact that a segregating label of "Barrio" similar to • Ghetto" or "Slum" just does not do the area justice. We are an important part of Carlsbad. The official name "Historic Barrio" or• Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" as a title or reference on maps and in The New Village and Barrio Plan would add to the charm, overall impression and value of the area. Simply calling our home "The Barrio" does not. This is a very special place that deserves to be respectfully referenced as Cultural and Historic part of Carlsbad Village, and not to be referred to in a way that conjures the idea of poverty and crime, regardless of how many affordable homes or senior citizens or multi-generational families live here. We need integration and cohesiveness with Carlsbad Village. Not inadvertent labeling as an area of poverty or associated with a slum. The words "Barrio," "Ghetto, "or "Slum" are similar and in most parts of society considered derogatory designations and inspire difference and segregation. If you ask siri for the meaning of the word "Barrio" This is what you get: An ~rea described as having a high poverty /eve/. Is this what you want to label our precious neighborhood while disassociating it from Carlsbad Village? "Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" May be a more appropriateTo: City of Carlsbad Planning Department: First a big thank you to all who contribute to making Carlsbad such a great place to live! As a homeowner and resident with a love for Carlsbad and a belief in The Village I greatly appreciate our growing in a positive direction. In March of this year I bought a home in the area labeled• The Barrio." This is really a precious place where I plan to live out my life and work. With a vested interest I would like to address labeling discrimination and segregation ( believe it or not!), and how this can be inadvertently caused in a reference to the official name of an area. Specifically "The Barrio.• For example: As a Real Estate Agent when I mention " Barrio" some customers ask what this means. For new arrivals from outside of Carlsbad the name Barrio often clearly invites questions about crime poverty gangs and run down homes vs our cultural treasure. I ccnstantly have to defend our " Barrio." I obviously believe my defense since I have moved in. How many peCtple working on this project live in The Barrio and know what I mean? I would like to bring attention to the fact that a segregating label of" Barrio" similar to • Ghetto" or "Slum" just does not do the area justice. We are an important part of Carlsbad. The official name "Historic Barrio" or" Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" as a title or reference on maps and in The New Village and Barrio Plan would add to the charm, overall impression and value of the area. Simply calling our home " The Barrio" does not. This is a very special place that deserves to be respectfully referenced as Cultural and Historic part of Carlsbad Village, and not to be referred to in a way that conjures the idea of poverty and crime, regardless of how many afforable homes or senior citizens or multi-generational families live here. We need integration and cohesiveness with Carlsbad Village. Not inadvertent labeling as an area of poverty or associated with a slum. ThE~ words "Barrio," "Ghetto,"or "Slum· are similar and in most parts of society considered derogatory designations and inspire difference and segregation. If you ask siri for the meaning of the word "Barrio" This is what you get: An area described as having a high poverty level. Is this what you want to label our precious neighborhood while disassociating it from Carlsbad Village? "Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio" May be a more appropriate respectful and friendly reference. We are residents. This is what we would like. This is what we request. To reiterate, this request is to emphasize unity of the Village with the Barrio and not segregate and label. At the very least to name and celebrate this neighborhood as "Carlsbad Village Historic Barrio." Wei have an amazing city and a village to be proud of. Please assist in cleaning up the label as well as the are·a. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely ; / ,,,-:_x-............ -·- Annette Swanton --- Homesmart Realty West Carlsbad agent and Barrio Village Homeowner and Resident. St. Carlsbad CA 92008 Faviola Medina From: Sent: To: Subject: Tammy McMinn Wednesday, July 11, 2018 4:29 PM Faviola Medina FW: Village & Barrio Master Plan Approval To be printed and scanned with the 7 /10 meeting. Thank you, Tammy"" From: Council Internet Email Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 1:54 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FW: Village & Barrio Master Plan Approval From: Kristine Schindler f Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 12:30 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Scott Donnell <Scott.Donnell@carlsbadca.gov>; Craig Williams <Craig.Williams@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village & Barrio Master Plan Approval Mayor Hall and Councilmembers - I spoke last night at the Carlsbad City Council meeting to give my general support for the approval of the Village & Barrio Master Plan and specifically the Mobility Plan. I made many of the comments I intended to share in my allotted two minutes. I was pleased to me in the mix. However, I unfortunately missed making an important point which was a request to add the use of sharrows back into the plan, so I am following up with an email today. For roadway widths that are too narrow to accommodate both a car and a bicycle side by side, making use of sharrow markings is key for both motorist and bicyclist education and encouragement. They are popping up more and more across San Diego county and are important in key locations, like at the 1-5 interchange on Carlsbad Village Dr. Sharrows encourage bicyclists that they may and should use the full lane to be more visible and in a safer position on the road. As well, sharrows alert motorists that bicyclists may be in the center of the narrow lane. The San Diego County Bicycle Coalition and BikeWalk advocacy groups need to continue their efforts to educate San Diegians to recognize and know the intent of sharrows. Jim Baross, the speaker just after me, thankfully did make a request for the use of sharrows, as appropriate, and their inclusion in the plan. As well, I believe you received an email from Pete Penseyres too with a similar mention and he attached an educational piece to share with staff, Councilmembers, and your Carlsbad community. I trust that staff will continue to make design decisions going forward to accommodate all road users and encourage more and more active transportation in Carlsbad with a focus on safety. Thank you for approving the plan last night. I look forward to supporting the V & B Master Plan and staff as the process continues from here. It will be interesting to see how the vision and concepts move forward. Thank you for your continued service to the Carlsbad community. To safer, more active, connected, and healthier communities, Kristine Schindler North County residents for 21 years 2 Faviola Medina From: Sent: To: Subject: Tammy McMinn Wednesday, July 11, 2018 4:28 PM Faviola Medina FW: Village & Barrio Master Plan -Carlsbad To be printed and put with 7 /10 meeting. Thank you, Tammy"' From: Council Internet Email Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 1:53 PM To: City Clerk <Clerk@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: FW: Village & Barrio Master Plan -Carlsbad From: Jim Baross Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 12:35 PM To: Scott Donnell <Scott.Donnell@carlsbadca.gov>; Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Re: Village & Barrio Master Plan -Carlsbad I am following up to supplement my two minutes of comments to you at last night's (July 10th) Council meeting - Please - 1) Use caution when designing CycleTracks 2) If CycleTracks are used, the adjacent travel lanes should have Sharrows and/or the regulatory sign, [Bikes] May Use Full Lane to reduce potential motorists and law enforcement harassment of people bicycling choosing to use the general travel lanes Here's why. Two-way CycleTracks (officially titled Class IV Separated Bikeways), as proposed and described to you, are not, 11 ... entirely separated from motor vehicle traffic. 11 At any intersection or driveway, motor vehicle crossings and interactions will occur. Motorists turning -entering or leaving the roadway crossing the CycleTracks -must be able to anticipate and see people bicycling from both directions; this will be difficult, unnatural, and not accounted for in our current Calif. Veh. Code. People bicycling and people driving, if they do see each other, will have to decide quickly who must yield to the other. Motorists crossing sidewalks are supposed to but sometimes fail to yield to people walking on sidewalks and across driveways. People bicycling on a CycleTrack (similar placement as crosswalks) will be moving faster than pedestrians making it difficult for motorists to see and yield. Similarly, people bicycling will have to anticipate potential motorist crossings and decide whether to yield or not. Bicycling with relative safety on a Cycletrack that has frequent motor vehicle crossing potential will require cautious, vigilant, and slower than optimal/useful travel. People seeking effective use of their bicycle for travel will soon find that the adjacent travel lanes provide safer and more effective facilities. But ... The Carlsbad Planning Commission seems to have decided to have no Shared Lane Markings (Sharrows) adjacent to CycleTracks, recommending their removal in the mobility plan portion. We heard from the Planning Commission statement that people bicycling could get CycleTracks or Sharrows, not both. This indicates to me their expectation that people bicycling should not use the roadway if there is a CycleTrack adjacent, and perhaps their apparent lack of knowledge that people bicycling are not required to use Class IV Separated Bikeways/CycleTracks, and may lawfully and appropriately choose to use adjacent travel lanes. Note the excerpt below concerning CycleTracks from the Federal Highway Administration SEPARATED BIKE LANE PLANNING AND DESIGN GUIDE. "Driveways that intersect with separated bike lanes [CycleTracks] create a potential crash risk due to the conflict between turning motor vehicles and through bicyclists. The risk is increased at locations where there is poor sight distance due to parked cars, landscaping, and other obstructions, or where the design may result in unexpected movements such as the contra-flow direction of travel that occurs on two-way separated bike lanes. Many of these conflicts can be mitigated through good design that improves visibility and expected behaviors. An additional measure beyond separated bike lane design is to consolidate or relocate driveways and access to minimize the number of conflict points along the corridor." We anticipate and warn you that people who lawfully choose to use the general travel lanes adjacent to CycleTracks will be subject to harassment from motorists and even some law enforcement personnel who are not aware that the presence of a Class IV Separated Bikeway/CycleTrack does not prohibit people from using bicycles in the adjacent general travel lanes, as always, subject to eve 21200 and 21202. Thank you for your consideration of my recommendations. Jim Baross, CASO President On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 2:11 PM Jim Baross <jimbaross@cox.net> wrote: C>tSO As President of the California Association of Bicycling Organizations (www.cabobike.org) I am writing to convey our concern that sections of the proposed bikeways, the two-way Class IV Separated Bikeways, seem to present significant safety and efficiency concerns. Without going into detail, we expect that many people bicycling will find the two-way bikeway with the many driveways and intersections to be of an undesirable and relatively unsafe design for their travel by bicycle. Please consider alternative ways to improve bicycling and safety. 2 If Carlsbad decides to install such a bikeway we strongly recommend that Shared Lane Markings (Sharrows) and the signs "[Bike] May Use Full Lane" be used on the adjacent roadways to preclude confusion among roadway users and provide for safer/slower users of the two-way bikeway. Thank you. Jim Baross President, California Association of Bicycling Organizations. 3 Faviola Medina From: Sent: Cc: Subject: Council Internet Email Friday, July 13, 2018 4:11 PM Scott Donnell; City Clerk FW: Village and Barrio Plan Comments From: Ralph Nelson Sent: Friday, July 13, 2018 2:36 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov>; Serge lssakov Cc: Judy Frankel John Hart ; Edward Leonard ; Jim Baross Karl Rudnick Subject: Re: Village and Barrio Plan Comments Mayor and Council of Carlsbad, I have been riding road bikes since 1965 and currently travel by bike through Carlsbad from my home in Oceanside 2-3 times per week. I have to agree with Serge lssakov in that I would never choose to ride on a 2 way bike path in place of a traffic lane. There are simply too many obstacles on 2 way bike paths to support efficient road cycling. Cruiser bikes, runners, skateboarders, and dogs all create hazards on a narrow path with no escape. It's difficult for people to grasp the direction cycling is headed as a transportation. We have an image in our minds of the wandering and weaving around the neighborhood we did as children. Before we really learned to cycle for transportation we were given the keys to the family Gar. Many experienced cyclists today are capable of averaging 20mph on local trips and the new electric bikes are bringing those speeds to everyone. I ask you to truly support cycling as means of transportation by adding sharrow marking on Grand Avenue. Thank You, Ralph Nelson Get Outlook for Android From: Serge lssakov Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 1 :27 PM Subject: Village and Barrio Plan Comments To: council@carlsbadca.gov Cc: Judy Frankel, John Hart, Edward Leonard, Ralph Nelson, Jim Baross, Karl Rudnick Honorable Mayor and Council of Carlsbad, I'm a cyclist and cycling advocate who lives in San Diego, but I often ride up to Carlsbad and have many cycling friends there. I'm a board member of several bicycling organizations, including the San Diego Bicycle Club, the San Diego County Bicycling Coalition and the California Association of Bicycling Organizations. There are two aspects of the Village and Barrio Plan I would like to comment about: the two- way cycle track on Grand Ave and encouraging cyclist access to the adjacent roadway. Two-way cycle tracks are notoriously problematic and dangerous and I urge you to choose an alternative design. Two-way cycle tracks are dangerous and problematic for two main reasons: Traffic rules of the road do not apply on Class IV bikeways (cycle tracks). You can paint a center line, but there is no law that requires riding on the right half, and cyclists are famous for riding all over the bikeway. The potential for a head-on collision is too high, especially if the children and elderly that this facility is aiming to attract actually use it.Traffic entering the roadway from a side street or driveway tends to look left and not expect traffic from the right on the near half of the road, especially not bike speed traffic which can easily be in the 15-20+ mph range. Collisions, perhaps fatal, are practically inevitable. Please be aware that the bicycle facility industrial complex has fads just like everyone else, and two-way cycletracks are it now, but that doesn't mean they're a sound idea. Denmark learned its lesson years ago; we should learn from them. The Copenhagenize blog, which is a big proponent of separated cycling facilities, had an in depth article on this topic a few years ago: http://www. copenhagen ize.com/2014/06/explai ni ng-bi-di rectional-cycle-track. htm I Excerpt: In Denmark, the on-street, bi-directional facility was removed from Best Practice for bicycle infrastructure over two decades ago. That in itself might be an alarm bell to anyone paying attention. These two way cycle tracks were found to be more dangerous than one-way cycle tracks on each side of the roadway. There is a certain paradigm in cities ... I'm not saying it's GOOD, but it's there. Traffic users all know which way to look when moving about the city. Having bicycles coming from two directions at once was an inferior design. I urge the City of Carlsbad to not choose the inferior design of a two-way cycle track for this or any project. The other aspect I would like to comment about is the Planning Commission's recent recommendation to not apply shared lane markings on the roadway adjacent to the cycle track. A cycle track, especially one with so many crossing conflicts, is not a facility for serious normal speed cycling. Basically, it's a glorified sidewalk. It's fine for very slow speed cycling, but is not safe for normal speed cycling. As such, many if not most people on bikes often choose to ride on the road adjacent to a cycle track, which is perfectly legal. However, some in law enforcement and more in the public in general are not aware of this legality - they might assume the presence of a bicycling facility means it must be used. So cyclists who choose to ride on the road are subject to harassment from law enforcement and motorists; sometimes even from other cyclists. Having shared lane markings in the center of the slow lane on Grand, coupled with Bikes May Use Full Lane signs, will address this problem and nip most of the harassment in the bud.Please be sure that that simple and inexpensive but highly effective treatment is included in the project. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Serge lssakov La Jolla, CA 2 July 10, 2018 Mayor Matt Hall City of Carlsbad ~ CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5934 Priestly Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-931-8400 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Re: Mayor Hall and Councilmembers, On behalf of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce I respectfully urge you to approve the Village and Barrio Master Plan. We believe that adoption of the Village and Barrio Master Plan will encourage further revitalization of these areas and promote development that prioritizes walkability and recognizes future trends in transportation. The Plan's development standards will preserve the character of these neighborhoods and allow businesses to better plan their projects. For over 95 years the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce has worked to promote a favorable business climate for the 1,600 businesses and more than 75,000 employees in and around the City of Carlsbad. This is why we pay close attention to issues in Carlsbad that could impact not only the ability of local businesses to thrive, but also matters that could impact the quality of life in our community. The Carlsbad Chamber is the second largest chamber in San Diego County and among the top ten in the State. With nearly 400 of those businesses located in our downtown center, we believe it is imperative that the Village and Barrio Master Plan replace the Carlsbad Village Master Plan and Design Manual adopted in 1996. The City has sought and received broad input on the Plan from the public over a period exceeding three years. We believe the version of the Plan before you tonight is the product of model collaboration between City government, interested citizens, local businesses, and community groups. Many of our members feel there is inadequate lighting in certain areas of the Village. We are pleased that street lighting improvements will be among the capital improvement projects contemplated by the Plan. Additional lighting will both enhance pedestrian safety and encourage additional traffic to local retailers. Parking continues to be a concern of local businesses and visitors to the Village. While some of the parking need can be mitigated by ridesharing, walking, or biking, we appreciate the Plan's focus on shared and leased parking. City investment in the form of capital improvements in the Village and Barrio will pay dividends. A vibrant Village and Barrio generate significant sales tax, occupancy tax, and property taxes. No plan is perfect. Some of our members have concerns about the restrictions on use of street level space for office purposes in the Village. While we appreciate the City's goal of encouraging a more lively atmosphere in emphasizing restaurant and retail uses, we believe office uses should be considered on a case by case basis. Our members also desire fair and consistent application of development standards. We are encouraged that review authority by the City resides at a level appropriate for the size of the project. Regardless, businesses seeking to locate in the Village and Barrio and invest in its revitalization should have a reasonable expectation of success in the planning process if they play by the rules. We look forward to being a part of the ongoing effort and are excited to be part of a brighter future for the Village and Barrio. Sincerely, Ted Owen President & CEO CC: Kevin Crawford, City of Carlsbad Jason Haber, City of Carlsbad County of San Diego Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Village and Barrio Plan Comments From: Serge lssakov Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 1:28 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> ,.,.,.~'",~ .. ,a For the Information of the: CllY COUNCIL ACM~ CA v-~ Date~ CM r/ · COO ./ Cc: Judy Frankel John Hart ; Edward Leonard ; Ralph Nelson ; Jim Baross ; Karl Rudnick Subject: Village and Barrio Plan Comments Honorable Mayor and Council of Carlsbad, I'm a cyclist and cycling advocate who lives in San Diego, but I often ride up to Carlsbad and have many cycling friends there. I'm a board member of several bicycling organizations, including the San Diego Bicycle Club, the San Diego County Bicycling Coalition and the California Association of Bicycling Organizations. There are two aspects of the Village and Barrio Plan I would like to comment about: the two-way cycle track on Grand Ave and encouraging cyclist access to the adjacent roadway. Two-way cycle tracks are notoriously problematic and dangerous and I urge you to choose an alternative design. Two- way cycle tracks are dangerous and problematic for two main reasons: 1. Traffic rules of the road do not apply on Class IV bikeways (cycle tracks). You can paint a center line, but there is no law that requires riding on the right half, and cyclists are famous for riding all over the bikeway. The potential for a head-on collision is too high, especially if the children and elderly that this facility is aiming to attract actually use it. 2. Traffic entering the roadway from a side street or driveway tends to look left and not expect traffic from the right on the near half of the road, especially not bike speed traffic which can easily be in the 15-20+ mph range. Collisions, perhaps fatal, are practically inevitable. Please be aware that the bicycle facility industrial complex has fads just like everyone else, and two-way cycletracks are it now, but that doesn't mean they're a sound idea. Denmark learned its lesson years ago; we should learn from them. The Copenhagenize blog, which is a big proponent of separated cycling facilities, had an in depth article on this topic a few years ago: http://www.copenhagenize.com/2014/06/explaining-bi-directional-cycle-track.html Excerpt: In Denmark, the on-street, bi-directional facility was removed from Best Practice for bicycle infrastructure over two decades ago. That in itself might be an alarm bell to anyone paying attention. These two way cycle tracks were found to be more dangerous than one-way cycle tracks on each side of the roadway. There is a certain paradigm in cities ... I'm not saying it's GOOD, but it's there. Traffic users all know which way to look when moving about the city. Having bicycles coming from two directions at once was an inferior design. I urge the City of Carlsbad to not choose the inferior design of a two-way cycle track for this or any project. The other aspect I would like to comment about is the Planning Commission's recent recommendation to not apply shared lane markings on the roadway adjacent to the cycle track. A cycle track, especially one with so many crossing 1 conflicts, is not a facility for serious normal speed cycling. Basically, it's a glorified sidewalk. It's fine for very slow speed cycling, but is not safe for normal speed cycling. As such, many if not most people on bikes often choose to ride on the road adjacent to a cycle track, which is perfectly legal. However, some in law enforcement and more in the public in general are not aware of this legality-they might assume the presence of a bicycling facility means it must be used. So cyclists who choose to ride on the road are subject to harassment from law enforcement and motorists; sometimes even from other cyclists. Having shared lane markings in the center_ of the slow lane on Grand, coupled with Bikes May Use Full Lane signs, will address this problem and nip most of the harassment in the bud.Please be sure that that simple and inexpensive but highly effective treatment is included in the project. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Serge lssakov La Jolla, CA / 2 Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Village and Barrio Master Plan -----Original Message----- From: Robin Hansen Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 2:02 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village and Barrio Master .Plan Dear Councilman Packard; I want to express my objection to the plan as it stands. I simply cannot understand such a radical alteration the council's participation in the decision making process on development in the Village and Barrio. The proposed changes to the permit review process make zero sense to me -in point of fact, I would consider it a VITAL and primary duty of the council's job to remain essentially involved in the process. This is how we citizens can best contribute to that DEMOCRATIC process of our own city's development (as stated in our Charter) as well! Thank you for your time and service, Robin Hansen 1 Morgen Fry Subject: FW: Village Master Plan From: Sean Kirkwood Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 1:05 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Village Master Plan All Receive -Agenda Item # la For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL ACM.if_CA..JiLCC~ Date'J.hijiCM~ COOL Hello Mark, I want to reach out to you about the master plan stating that the council would no longer be involved with the building of our city. In this day and age when the rights of t e people of this country are being removed from us, That now we no longer have our elected officials in place to protect our rights as citizens ofthis city. This angers me to no end. I urge you to vote NO tonight and have a revised plan that keeps our right in place. At what point in time can we count on you to support us in situations like this. We have had the council involved up until now, why are we changing this. Let the people have their power and side with us on this issue. Thank you Sean Kirkwood. 1