HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-24; City Council; ; Extension of an agreement with the San Diego Association of Governments Service Bureau for expedited services with the California Coastal CommissionCA Review J7.t1._ ~ CITY COUNCIL \l!7 Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: July 24, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Don Neu, City Planner-Community and Economic Development don.neu@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-4601 Extension of an agreement with the San Diego Association of Governments Service Bureau for expedited services with the California Coastal Commission. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving a six-month extension to an agreement with the San Diego Association of Governments Service Bureau to fund additional staffing at the California Coastal Commis~ion to enhance the coordination process and improve and shorten the review period for City of Carlsbad projects. Executive Summary On Dec. 15, 2015, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2015-313 for an agreement through the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) Service Bureau for a pilot project to enhance coordination and shorten review periods for projects within the City of Carlsbad. The city provides funding to the California Coastal Commission (CCC) for hiring of an additional position, Coastal Program Analyst II, to work on City of Carlsbad projects. The agreement was for a period of 30 months which ended on June 30, 2018. Staff is requesting that the City Council approve a six-month extension of the agreement that would be retroactive to July 1, 2018. During the term of the extension, staff will work with SAN DAG and CCC staff to negotiate revisions to the agreement. Discussion The agreement to fund an additional Coastal Program Analyst position allowed the city to receive enhanced services and expedited review for city projects. The types of projects benefiting from the additional staff resource have included coastal development permits, Local Coastal Program updates and amendments, environmental reviews, and other approvals. The CCC staff provided guidance on projects by reviewing and commenting on preliminary plans and draft documents. The processing time for formal applications has been significantly reduced. Without funding for the additional Coastal Program Analyst position, early review of projects would not be possible given the workload of the CCC and staffing levels. A Coordinated Work Plan (CWP) is developed each fiscal year. The purpose of the CWP is to identify those projects that the city is prioritizing and establish target dates for the submittal of formal applications, type of work to be completed, and the projected timeframe for receiving CCC responses or final action. The following projects have benefited from the agreement: 1) July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 1 of 23 Comprehensive Local Coastal Program Map and minor text amendments associated with the General Plan Update; 2) Proposition D Implementation; 3) Westin Hotel and Timeshare; 4) Poinsettia 61; 5) Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment; 6) Village and Barrio Master Plan Parking Study; 7) Village and Barrio Master Plan Update; 8) Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan Update; and 9) Carlsbad Boulevard Corridor Projects. The Carlsbad Coordinated Work Plan Annual Report for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 is attached as Exhibit 2. The Annual Report prepared by the CCC documents the services received. A six-month extension is requested to allow the parties to negotiate changes to the terms of the agreement. During the last year of the agreement, the CCC experienced numerous position vacancies. During the periods that CCC has had vacant positions, the level of service provided to the city has been affected. Staff would like to explore options that could be implemented during periods that CCC positions are vacant. For example, extending the term of the agreement by the length of time positions are vacant or adjust the payment that the city is required to make by a proportionate amount. Negotiations will also occur in regard to how the CCC staff documents time spent on city projects. The parties will also explore whether the agreement should be directly between the City of Carlsbad and the CCC. Other terms of the agreement will be analyzed to see if additional changes are needed. Fiscal Analysis The cost to extend the agreement for six months is $82,498. Sufficient funding for the extension is available in the current Community and Economic Development Department operating budget. Next Steps Staff will begin negotiations with the parties regarding potential changes to the agreement. Staff will report back to the City Council on the status of negotiations concerning the contract terms and will provide a recommendation regarding entering into a new contract for services. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution 2. Carlsbad Coordinated Work Plan Annual Report-July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 2 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-138 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SIX-MONTH EXTENSION TO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS SERVICE BUREAU FOR EXPEDITED SERVICES WITH THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California recognizes that the California Coastal Commission's ("Commission") staffing level without the addition of a Coastal Program Analyst II funded by the pilot program is insufficient to adequately review and take action on all projects under its jurisdiction in a timely manner; and WHEREAS, on December 15, 2015, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2015-313 for an agreement through the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) Service Bureau to facilitate a project for enhanced coordination and shortened review periods for projects within the City of Carlsbad for a period from December 15, 2016 through June 30, 2018; and WHEREAS, SAN DAG, through the Service Bureau Division, desires to assist the City of Carlsbad and the Commission in coordinating a plan to facilitate the review of City of Carlsbad projects, both public and private, within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, SANDAG and the Commission have simultaneously entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") whereby SANDAG can help facilitate the process and assist in coordinating a work plan for City of Carlsbad projects with the Commission; and WHEREAS, under the terms of the agreement the Commission will provide timely services on City of Carlsbad projects pursuant to a Coordinated Work Plan that is prepared by the city on an annual basis; and WHEREAS, SANDAG and the City of Carlsbad understand and agree that providing timely services on projects will increase the workload placed on the Commission staff and the Commission lacks the resources to fund additional positions to meet the increased workload; and WHEREAS, in return for enhanced coordination and review on city projects the City of Carlsbad has agreed to provide additional funding, equivalent of one Coastal Program Analyst II position, at a blended rate to reflect the participation of one or more Commission staff in the San Diego Coastal office such that the Commission may dedicate experienced and qualified staff to perform all tasks related to the timely processing of City of Carlsbad projects; and July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 3 of 23 EXHIBIT 1 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has agreed to pay SANDAG for the services provided by the Service Bureau in implementing the MOU and Agreement; and WHEREAS, the cost to extend the agreement for six months is $82,498. There is sufficient funding for the additional cost available in the current operating budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the agreement is retroactively extended to July 1, 2018 and will expire on December 31, 2018. 3. That the Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the SANDAG Service Bureau regarding review of projects by the California Coastal Commission, which is attached hereto as Attachment A, is hereby approved. 4. That the mayor of the City of Carlsbad is authorized and directed to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 24th day of J..!!!y, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. MATT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 4 of 23 AMENDMENT 4 TO AGREEMENT NO. 5004772 THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS AND CITY OF CARLSBAD I. I. Under the Agreement between the San Diego Association of Governments ("SANDAG") and the City of Carlsbad, dated January 1, 2016, the parties have entered into a pilot program with the goal of enhancing the coordination process and improving and shortening the review period on Carlsbad projects that fall within the Coastal Commission's jurisdiction. All terms of the said Agreement are incorporated herein by reference. II. The Agreement is amended in accordance with the details below. A. Expiration Date The parties agree to extend the Agreements from June 30, 2018 to December 31, 2018. B. Scope of Work The parties agree that the list of Carlsbad projects shown in Exhibit A-3, FY 2017-2018 Coordinated Work Plan, of the Agreement, shall be replaced in its entirety with Exhibit A-4, FY 2018-2019 (6 month), Coordinated Work Plan attached. C. Maximum Amount SAN DAG and the City of Carlsbad agree to increase the value of Agreement No. 5004772 by $82,498, with a total maximum amount of $499,988. The original Budget and Payment Schedules shown in Exhibit Band C of the agreement, shall be amended and replaced in its entirety with the revised Budget and Payment Schedules attached hereto. Ill. Parties shall remain bound to the terms of the Agreement. This Amendment shall supersede previous Coordinated Work Plans, Budgets, and Payment Schedules. Nothing in this Amendment No. 4 relieves parties of their obligation to perform as required by the Agreement or prior Amendments unless expressly stated herein. All other provisions of said Agreement or prior amendments, not amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect. The persons below assert that they are authorized to execute this Amendment Number 4 and have retroactively executed it to have an effective date of July 1, 2018 as of this 2~ day of P.vglA')~ 2018. SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS ~-1 KIM KAWADA Chief Deputy Executive Director CITY OF CARLSBAD Mayor Exhibits: Exhibit A-4-FY 2018 -2019 (6 month) Coordinated Work Plan Exhibit B -Revised Budget Exhibit C -Revised Payment Schedule 2 EXHIBIT A-4 FY 2018-2019 (6 month) Coordinated Work Plan COASTAi. COI.IIISSlra'l -CAR!..5BAD EXHIBITA-C PUNG PROJECTS UNOLw«i COAST.at. C<IOOSSIOK FY 21)18-201916 ootllJ CO(RJINA.TED \'iORK PUN 1 i ! .f 5 e .. e ~ 1(; . ~:~, !liliillc:..dilml llstait ''iuit,IMw..i r__.. Tlllllfraln!lw PRIMlr&VCElm ~ 0lllbl Cad l'liMtt fllil,l:tlllmll ,,.. 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Lini U;e 1'1!11 L\xk,? laresD1~'2;116 ki5al!Sl!<;!rict,S:01!. lli!il14was fsea.eoll!I r~~ piiesiftllll5lill'l!S ~-.elC? ~oocrdr-~. Fl,"W-Wmi :cmreitcat e Rra.. g, IXlllnm O,n,,m,nsii;e~•'llihe~ 3! LI.JllP \Zai·~ Oi:.} LCPA CaT\:W"ft'-bl.Cl', !11Cu:flv-11 mm.~ lri;sj i!Nw :hit Mlln:h:!l1e lfA lirrmui!t i)afr~llmilttal m:hft pr.icuc:s ti\11 ~II". inM."Q al ~al Cffllo: ~ii~ ~ m:!Olfti':ld Ctf!i:z:n WIS 11-ffl: wtihii:·,a:, iial! F\si(Zat,g(td~ ~b l·jETitw.n Plan la r.511'.WJll!.6 l!Sdftis11115~11iftci;su.'t lli!il1A'llltb 11-ii:*'1nas. f'lwed popml:>,m;i=Ga-lbm Bt;d t,aqir;d r.t; re.war;: •:ta Oi'fi(ir>. c:mar.mn urw.el Rr,iN&1:a1111!11' Cwh;.,:11,l!Q:m:r IX'.lltll~ btlpll!d bli-.9 nhaltom. 3 PToj@ct LC'i'.11 p.li\:;ihlrirv:ms. midher•:mi1s pabo:al mt aCOO Jruyl)l:3 I~ P.MWptql'.,1uthy~ ,:ftffl QI :nft p!XUC:S I~ ~ a.:lGM!! asm, ~ trudiray. !ii:nilll il;t.1. lli!il141tib 3 EXHIBIT B REVISED BUDGET California Coastal Commission Employee Budget Detail FY15-16 (second half), FY 16-17, FY 17-18, FY18-19 (first half) Personal Services *Salaries and wages CPA II (top-range $6048 per mo. x 12 mos.) *Staff Benefits 46.54% (per State Administrative Manual) Total Personal Services Indirect Costs (15% of Total Personal Services} Operating Expenses (Includes general expenses, printing, communications, postage, training, facilities operations, IT) ($32,000 per PY per year; $2667 per PY per month) Travel Total Estimated Costs per Fiscal Year Assumptions: Coastal Program Analyst (CPA)II: $4829-6048 per month Source: Pay Scales/Ca/HR Blended rate based on top rate for Analyst II as higher salaried employees will be working on these projects a part of blended rate and most experienced Analyst /l's are at top scale of range. *Note: The actual costs in FY16-17-FY18-19 may be increased if salary and benefit increases are included in enacted budget bills for FY16-17-FY18-19 Totals may not add due to rounding 4 FY15-16 (6 months) $36,288 $16,888 $53,176 $7,976 $16,000 $2,845 $79,998 FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 (12 months) (12 months) (6 months) $72,576 $72,576 $36,288 $33,777 $33,777 $16,888 $106,353 $106,353 $53,176 $15,953 $15,953 $7,976 $32,000 $32,000 $16,000 $5,690 $5,690 $2,845 $159,996 $159,996 $79,998 EXHIBIT C REVISED PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment Schedule Between City of Carlsbad and SANDAG SAN DAG shall invoice CARLSBAD for reimbursement of the cost of a COMMISSION EMPLOYEE at the Coastal Commission (CC) and for the costs of SAN DAG Service Bureau (SB) services in accordance with the following payment schedule. CARLSBAD shall make payments to SAN DAG within 30 days aher the invoice date. Period of Performance FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-2019 Total Invoice Jan. 1, 2016 -July 1, 2016 -July 1, 2017 -July 1, 2018 - Date June 30, 2016 June 30, 2017 June 30, 2018 Dec. 31, 2018 Jan. 31, 2016 CC: $79,998 -- SB: $3,500 Total: $83,498 July 31, 2016 -CC: $79,998 - SB: $3.500 Total: $83,498 Jan. 31, 2017 -CC: $79,998 - SB: $3,500 Total: $83,498 July 31, 2017 --CC: $79,998 SB: $3,500 Total: $83,498 Jan. 31, 2018 --CC: $79,998 SB: $3,500 Total: $83,498 Within 30 --CC: $79,998 days of SB: $2,500 execution of Total: $82,498 agreement Subtotals CC: $79,998 CC: $159,996 CC: $159,996 CC: $79,998 CC: $479,988 SB: $3,500 SB: $7,000 SB: $7,000 SB: $2,500 SB: $20,000 Grand Total $83,498 $166,996 $166,996 $82,498 499,988 5 July 9, 2018 Page 2 • Poinsettia61 (LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CII-17-0031-3): o LCP amendment submitted on April 12, 2017 and filed as complete the same date. Commission approved LCP amendment as submitted on August 9, 2017. Total processing time of approximately 4 months. o The City's approved coastal development permit for the project required Coastal Commission, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to review and endorse both the Restoration and Preserve Management Plans. Final Restoration Plan submitted on April 11, 2018. Commission staff provided sign off on April 25, 2018. o Draft Preserve Management Plan submitted on April 9, 2018. Commission staff provided comments 011 May 21, 2018. o Final Preserve Management Plan submitted on June 27, 2018. Commission staff provided sign off 011 June 29, 2018. • Village and Barrio Master Plan Update -Parking Study: Draft parking management plan submitted on July 6, 2017 and Commission staff provided comments on August 21, 2017. • Village and Banio Master Plan Update: Draft Village and Barrio Master Plan submitted on January 22, 2018 and Commission staff provided comments on March 19, 2018. • Comprehensive LCP Update-Pait A Sea Level Rise Analysis: Draft Final Vulnerability Assessment submitted on June 6, 2017 and Commission staff provided comments on July 3, 2017. • Comprehensive LCP Update -Part B Land Use Plai1 Update: o Draft LUP Ch. 3 -Recreation, Visitor-Serving, and Coastal Dependent Uses submitted on June 6, 2017. Ch. 3 was missing policies related to lower cost overnight accommodations and City staff indicated that those would be submitted for review at a later time. Commission staff provided comments on July 3, 2017. o Draft LUP Ch. 4 -Public Access submitted on August 1, 2017. Commission staff provided comments 011 November 3, 2017. o Draft LUP Ch. 5 -Coastal Resources submitted on October 31, 2017. Ch. 5 was missing policies related to water quality ai1d City staff indicated those would be submitted for review at a later time. City staff requested that Commission staff prioritize processing of LCP Amendment Request No. LCP-6-CAR-17-0055-2 related to Accessory Dwelling Units, which was not a CWP priority item. Then, in addition, the City requested that review of the Village and Barrio Master Plan be completed before review of Ch. 5. Commission staff provided comments on April 27, 2018. o Draft LUP Ch. 6-Agricultural, C:::ultural, and Scenic Resources submitted on May 10, 2018. Ch. 6 was missing policies related to scenic resources and City staff indicated that those would be submitted for review at a later time. Commission staff provided comments on June 20, 2018. • Comprehensive LCP Update -Part C Implementation Plan: No work product was submitted for review during this reporting period. • Trails Master Plan: Commission staff provided direction to City that Master Plan in its entirety should not be submitted as an LCP A; however, no specific work product was submitted for review during this reporting period. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 11 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 1 of 11 The following summary of work represents the Annual Report required by Item 7.d. of the MOU for the period between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. This summary describes monthly coordination meetings and project-specific meetings and communications between Commission and City staff demonstrating progress made toward key milestones or deliverables for each project listed in the Coordinated Work Plan.1 At the start of this reporting period, Commission staff and City staff agreed to continue two hour monthly coordination meetings (an increase from the one hour typical of the Commission's coordination meetings with other cities) to provide additional time to focus on Local Coastal Program update and sea level rise related work included in the Coordinated Work Plan. In addition to the expanded time devoted to coordination meetings, Commission staff and City staff used phone calls to discuss updates on project status and adjust work priorities as needed between monthly coordination meetings. Commission staff has continued to dedicate significant staff time to preparation for each identified meeting or deliverable and prioritize City assignments as requested by the City Planner. 1. Proposition D Implementation (LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CAR-17-0032-4) • July 14, 2017: Commission staff exchanged emails with City staff regarding potential suggested modification related to trails on Planning Area 8. • July 17, 2017: City staff emailed final electronic copies of ordinance and resolution for Commission staff report exhibits. • July 18, 2017: Commission staff exchanged phone calls with City staff regarding the suggested modification. • July 21, 2017: Commission staff exchanged emails and phone calls with City staff regarding the suggested modification. • July 24, 2017: City staff exchanged emails and phone calls with Commission staff suggesting the City make administrative edits to Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan Figure 51 to show the north-south trail in Planning Area 8A and add a footnote regarding the pedestrian trails required under new Policies 11-D and 11-E in Planning Area 8 instead of a suggested modification. Commission staff agreed this proposal would resolve the concern that the suggested modification was intended to clarify. As a result, Commission staff was able to recommend approval of the LCPA as submitted with these changes to Figure 51. • July 28, 2017: Commission staff published the staff report for LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CAR-17-0032-4. Commission staff exchanged email with City staff regarding the deadline for any addendum items. 1 The Coordinated Work Plan was amended May 30, 2017 to revise priority projects for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 13 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 2 of 11 • August 9, 2017: Coastal Commission approved LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CAR-17- 0032-4 as submitted at hearing in Calabasas. • August 10, 2017: Commission staff sent City staff the Certification Letter documenting the Commission's action on August 9, 2017. LCP amendment request no. LCP-6-CAR-17-0032-4 (Cannon Road Open Space/Agriculture Zone) was submitted on April 12, 2017 and filed as complete the same date. Commission approved a time extension to extend the deadline for Commission action on the LCP amendment for one year on June 7, 2017 to allow the Commission to take action at a southern California meeting venue. Commission approved the LCP amendment as submitted on August 9, 2017. Total processing time of approximately 4 months. 2. Poinsettia 61 (LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CII-17-0031-3) • JuJy 13, 2017: Commission staff responded to Public Records Act request from Craig Collins, attorney representing Golden State Environmental Justice Alliance. • July 21, 2017: Commission staff exchanged emails with City staff regarding status of CEQA lawsuit by Golden State Environmental Justice Alliance and clarifying the acreage to be added to the HMP Preserve by the proposed LCP amendment. • July 26, 2017: Commission staff received the briefing booklet distributed to Commissioners by David Neish, agent for the applicant. • July 31, 2017: Commission staff published the staff report for LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CII-17-0031-3. Commission staff exchanged emails with City staff and with David Neish regarding the deadline for any addendum items. • August 7, 2017: Commission staff exchanged phone call and email with David Neish regarding Craig Collins' attendance at Commission hearing and comments on the staff report. • August 8, 2017: Commission staff exchanged phone call and email with Craig Collins regarding comment letter objecting to staff recommendation. Commission staff exchanged emails with City staff and David Neish regarding comment letter received from Craig Collins. • August 9, 2017: Coastal Commission approved LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CII-17- 0031-3 as submitted at hearing in Calabasas. • August 10, 2017: Commission staff sent City staff the Certification Letter documenting the Commission's action on August 9, 2017. • August 29, 2017: Commission staff phone call with David Neish confirming that no further communications from Craig Collins had been received. • September 21, 2017: Commission staff exchanged emails with City, USFWS and CADFW staff to schedule site visits regarding project mitigation on October 5, 2017 and July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 14 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 3 of 11 October 10, 2017. The City's approved coastal development permit for the project required Commission staff, USFWS and CADFW staff to review and endorse the Restoration Plan and Preserve Management Plan. • October 5, 2017: Commission, City, USFWS and CADFW staff site visit to Poinsettia 61 mitigation sites. • October 6, 2017: Commission staff exchanged emails with Dudek staff regarding wetland delineation on project site. • October 10, 2017: Commission staff visit to Veteran's Park and Aviara Park mitigation sites. • October 31, 2017: Dudek restoration biologist emailed revised Restoration Plan to Commission, USFWS and CADFW staff for review and comments. Commission staff exchanged emails with Dudek staff to schedule site visit with Commission staff ecologist on November 14, 2017. • November 14, 2017: Commission staff ecologist visits the Poinsettia 61 mitigation sites. • December 5, 2017: Dudek restoration biologist emailed revised Restoration Plan to Commission staff for review and comments. • January 19, 2018: Commission staff emailed comments on Conceptual Restoration Plan to Dudek staff. • January 29, 2018: Dudek restoration biologist emailed Commission staff with response to Commission staff comments and updated Restoration Plan for review. • February 21, 2018: Commission staff ecologist provided comments on updated Restoration Plan for internal discussion. Commission staff met to discuss Dudek's response to comments and updated Restoration Plan. • February 23, 2018: Commission staff emailed Dudek restoration biologist additional comments on the updated Restoration Plan to be met in order for Commission staff sign off. • April 9, 2018: City staff emailed Preserve Management Plans for Com~ission staff and Wildlife Agency review. • April 11, 2018: City staff emailed final Conceptual Restoration Plan incorporating Commission staff comments required for final sign off. • April 25, 2018: Commission staff reviewed final Conceptual Restoration Plan and emailed City staff to confirm Commission staff had no further questions and the Plan was final. • May 15, 2018: Commission staff ecologist provided comments on Preserve Management Plan for internal discussion. Commission staff met to discuss comments on Preserve Management Plan. • May 21, 2018: Commission staff emailed comments on Preserve Management Plan to City and Dudek staff. Commission staff comments were limited to wetlands issues located on the project site only. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 15 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 4 of 11 • June 27, 2018: City staff emailed final Preserve Management Plans incorporating Commission staff comments for final sign off. LCP amendment request no. LCP-6-CII-17-0031-3 (Poinsettia 61) was submitted on April 12, 2017 and filed as complete the same date. Commission approved a time extension to extend the deadline for Commission action on the LCP amendment for one year on June 7, 2017 to allow the Commission to take action at a southern California meeting venue. Commission approved the LCP amendment as submitted on August 9, 2017. Total processing time of approximately 4 months. The City's approved coastal development permit for the project required Coast~) Commission, USFWS and CADFW to review and endorse both the Restoration Plan and the Preserve Management Plans. Dudek submitted Restoration Plan on October 31, 2017 for Commission staff review. Commission staff, including staff ecologist, did a site visit to Poinsettia 61 mitigation sites on November 14, 2017 and provided comments. Dudek submitted a revised Restoration Plan on December 5, 2017 for Commission staff review. Commission staff provided comments on January 19, 2018. Dudek submitted revised Restoration Plan on January 29, 2018 for Commission staff review. Commission staff provided comments on February 23, 2018. City staff submitted the final Restoration Plan on April 11, 2018 for sign off. Commission staff confirmed that the Restoration Plan met all Commission staff comments on April 25, 2018. City staff provided Preserve Management Plans on April 9, 2018 for Commission staff review. Commission staff provided comments on May 21, 2018. City staff submitted final Preserve Management Plans on June 27, 2018 for sign off. Commission staff provided sign off on June 29, 2018. 3A. Village and Barrio Master Plan Update -Parking Study • July 6, 2017: City staff emailed link to public review draft of Parking Management Plan. • July 27, 2017: Discussed timing of local hearings on Parking Management Plan and Commission staff comments on Plan at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff agreed to submit comments by August 22, 2017. • August 21, 2017: Commission staff provided comments on Parking Management Plan to City staff. • August 24, 2017: Discussed Commission staff comments and comments from the City Council on the Parking Management Plan at monthly coordination meeting. City submitted parking management plan on July 6, 2017 for Commission staff review, requesting comments by August 22, 2017. Commission staff provided comments on July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 16 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 5 of 11 August 21, 2017. No further drafts were submitted for Commission staff review by June 30, 2018. 3B. Village and Barrio Master Plan Update • July 27, 2017: Discussed release of draft Master Plan at monthly coordination meeting. City staff advised that a public review draft should be issued by the end of the year. • August 1, 2017: Commission staff exchanged emails with City staff regarding copies of original Commission staff reports approving the Village LCP segment and adoption of the Village Master Plan and Design Manual. • August 10, 2017: Commission staff emailed copies of the requested Commission staff reports to City staff. • August 11, 2017: Commission staff emailed City staff regarding operational standards for timeshares. • August 24, 2017: Discussed relationship of the proposed Village & Barrio Master Plan to the LCP update at monthly coordination meeting. • September 28, 2017: Discussed Village & Barrio Master Plan LCP amendment at I monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff advised that City could include deletion of the Barrio area from the Mello II segment, addition of the Barrio into the Village segment, adoption of the Village & Barrio Master Plan, and request to take on permit authority for the area of deferred certification located in the Barrio in a single LCP amendment request. • January 19, 2018: City staff emailed link to public review draft of Village & Barrio Master Plan for Commission staff review and requested comments by February 23, 2018. • January 22, 2018: Commission staff received hard copies ofJanuary 2018 Draft Village & Barrio Master Plan for review. • February 1, 2018: Discussed priorities at monthly coordination meeting because City had submitted both Village & Barrio Master Plan and LUP Chapter 5 for Commission staff review. City asked Commission staff to prioritize Village & Barrio Master Plan comments over LUP Chapter 5 comments. • February 20, 2018: Discussed Commission staff progress on comments at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff indicated comment letter w~s in process and still targeting February 23, 2018 to transmit comments to City. • February 23, 2018: Commission staff emailed City staff to indicate that internal discussions of the comments were continuing. • March 5, 2018: Commission staff emailed City staff to indicate that internal discussions of the comments were continuing. • March 16, 2018: Commission staff emailed City staff to indicate that internal discussions were continuing. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 17 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 6 of 11 • March 19, 2018: Commission staff elevated questions about potential public access issues for internal discussion and then provided comments on Draft Village & Barrio Master Plan to City staff. • March 22, 2018: Discussed timing of City process for Village & Barrio Master Plan at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated that Planning Commission was scheduled for April 18 with City Council hearings to following in late May or June. City staff indicated that they would address as many of Commission staff's comments as possible at scheduled hearings. • April 9, 2018: Commission staff received public review draft ofLCP amendment for changes proposed to the Village segment, Village & Barrio Master Plan, and Zoning Ordinance. • April 26, 2018: City staff provided update on April 18, 2018 Planning Commission meeting and public testimony received on Village & Barrio Master Plan at monthly coordination meeting. Discussed timing of further Planning Commission and City Council meetings. City staff confirmed they would provide a written response to Commission staff comments on the draft. • May 24, 2018: Discussed timing of City process at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated they expected City Council action on the Master Plan by end of July 2018 and were targeting submittal of the LCP amendment by August 2018. • June 15, 2018: Commission staff exchanged email with City staff regarding Commission staff's noticing requirements for the LCP amendment. • June 28, 2018: Discussed timing of Village & Barrio Master Plan LCP amendment submittal at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated that the Master Plan should go before the City Council for adoption in late July and LCP amendment would be submitted in September 2018. City submitted draft of Village and Barrio Master Plan on January 22, 2018 and requested Commission staff comments by February 23, 2018. Due to the identification of possible public access concerns, Commission staff elevated questions for policy discussion and internal review resulted in time delay. Commission staff provided comments on March 19, 2018. No LCP amendment submitted as of June 30, 2018. 4A. Comprehensive LCP LUP/IP Update -Part A Sea Level Rise Analysis • July 3, 2017: Commission staff provided comments on the Draft Final Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment submitted for Commission staff review on June 6, 2017. • July 27, 2017: Discussed local hearings and process for Vulnerability Assessment. Commission staff agreed to attend Planning Commission and City Council meetings. • August 2, 2017: Gabe Buhr (Commission staff) attended Planning Commission meeting. • August 15, 2017: Gabe Buhr (Commission staff) attended City Council meeting. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 18 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 7 of 11 • August 24, 2017: Discussed Commission staff comments at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated that there were no funds remaining for further consultant work and they would review comments to identify which comments City staff could address and which comments they felt they could not incorporate into the final Vulnerability Assessment. • September 28, 2017: Discussed Commission staff comments at monthly coordination meeting. City staff identified a few comments they felt they could not incorporate into the final Vulnerability Assessment. Commission staff agreed to review those comments and determine whether they could be omitted. • October 18, 2017: Exchanged phone call with City staff to discuss comments and advised staff to make all the requested changes. • October 26, 2017: Discussed Commission staff comments at monthly coordination meeting. City staff agreed to make changes in Vulnerability Assessment and circulate the final version. • January 25, 2018: City staff emailed final Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment. City staff submitted Final Draft Vulnerability Assessment on June 6, 2017 and Commission staff provided comments on July 3, 2017. City staff submitted Final Vulnerability Assessment on January 25, 2018. 4B. Comprehensive LCP LUP/IP Update -Part B Land Use Plan Update • July 3, 2017: Commission staff emailed comments on Draft LUP Ch. 3 -Recreation, Visitor, and Coastal Dependent Uses. Ch. 3 was missing policies related to lower-cost overnight accommodations and City staff indicated those would be submitted at a later time. • July 27, 2017: Discussed formatting of LUP chapters and timing of additional draft chapters for Commission staff review at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated that Draft LUP Chapter 4 -Public Access would be provided for Commission staff review the first week of August 2017 and Chapter 5 -Coastal Resources would follow. • August 1, 2017: City staff submitted draft LUP Ch. 4 -Public Access for Commission review and comment. City included a second attachment with an evaluation of the existing LCP policies that are related to public access to assist with draft LCP review. • August 24, 2017: Discussed timing of Commission staff comments on Draft LUP Ch. 4 at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff indicated that comments would be provided within two weeks. • August 25, 2017: City staff emailed requesting a copy of the 1982 Commission staff report for certification of the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 19 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 8 of 11 • September 1, 2017: Commission staff emailed copy of the 1982 Commission staff report for certification of the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan. , • September 12, 2017: City staff called Commission staff to ask whether Section 30171.5 of the Coastal Act applies to the Agua Hedionda area. Commission staff agreed to research and get back to City staff. Commission staff also advised that the comments on Ch. 4 were still in process. • September 28, 2017: Discussed Commission staffing constraints at monthly coordination meeting. As a result of staffing constraints, Commission staff indicated that comments on Ch. 4 would be finalized within two weeks. Commission staff also advised that Section 30171.5 of the Coastal Act does apply to the Agua Hedionda segment. Commission staff would investigate the legal history to understand whether Section 30171.5 precludes the City from applying its agricultural conversion policy to lands within the Agua Hedionda area. • October 26, 2017: Discussed status of Commission staff comments on Ch. 4 at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff indicated that comme~ts would be circulated by November 3, 2017. City staff advised that Ch. 5 Coastal Resources would be submitted for Commission review soon. City staff agreed that Commission staff should prioritize processing of the City's Accessory Dwelling Units LCP Amendment (LCP-6-CAR-17- 0055-2) over Ch. 5 review. • October 31, 2017: City staff submitted draft LUP Ch. 5 -Coastal Resources for Commission review and comment. Draft LUP Ch. 5 was missing policies related to water quality and City staff indicated those would be submitted for review at a later time. • November 1, 2017: City staff submitted a second attachment with an evaluation of the existing LCP policies that are related to coastal resources to assist with draft LCP review. • November 3, 2017: Commission staff provided comments on Draft LUP Ch. 4 -Public Access. • December 20, 2017: Discussed status of Commission staff comments on Ch. 5 at monthly coordination meeting. Due to processing ofLCP-6-CAR-17-0055-2 related to Accessory Dwelling Units, Commission staff indicated that review of Ch. 5 would begin in January 2018. • February 1, 2018: Discussed City work priorities at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated that Commission staff should prioritize review and comments on Village & Barrio Master Plan over Ch. 5 comments. • February 20, 2018: Discussed priorities at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff and City staff agreed that Ch. 5 review would be the next priority following Commission staff comments on Village & Barrio Master Plan. • March 22, 2018: Discussed timing of Commission staff comments on Ch. 5 at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff indicated that comments were in process. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 20 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 9 of 11 • April 20, 2018: Commission staff internal discussion with staff ecologist regarding technical comments on Ch. 5. • April 26, 2018: Discussed timing of Commission staff comments on Ch. 5 at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff indicated that comments would be circulated by April 30, 2018. • April 27, 2018: Commission staff provided comments on draft LUP Ch. 5 -Coastal Resources. • May 10, 2018: City staff submitted draft LUP Ch. 6-Agricultural, Cultural and Scenic Resources for Commission review and comment. City included a second attachment with an evaluation of the existing LCP policies that are related to agricultural and cultural resources to assist with draft LCP review. Draft LUP Ch. 6 was missing policies related to scenic resources and City staff indicated that those would be submitted for review at a later time. • May 24, 2018: Discussed timing of Draft LUP Ch. 7 -Coastal Hazards and Ch. 1 - Introduction at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated that they expected to submit Ch. 1 and Ch. 7 by June 30, 2018. City staff also indicated that they expected to redirect their efforts toward the LCP update this summer after getting the Village & Barrio Master Plan LCP amendment submitted. • June 6, 2018: Commission staff internal discussions regarding Ch. 3 comments with energy division staff. • June 20, 2018: Commission staff provided comments on Draft LUP Ch. 6 -Agricultural, Cultural and Scenic Resources. • June 28, 2018: Discussed Commission staff comments on Draft LUP Ch. 6 related to the south shore of Agua Hedionda. Commission staff indicated that City staff should provide evidence supporting that the mixed use approach on the south shore is still appropriate. Such evidence could include the visitor serving inventory that will be required for the LCP update. Also discussed timing of additional LUP chapters. City indicated that the water quality policies from Ch. 5 and the scenic resources policies from Ch. 6 should be submitted in July 2018 and the City expects Chapter 7 -Coastal Hazards and Chapter 1- Introduction to follow in August or September 2018. City staff submitted Draft LUP Ch. 3 -Recreation, Visitor-Serving, and Coastal Dependent Uses for Commission review and comments on June 6, 2017. With the exception of lower-cost overnight accommodation policies which were not submitted, Commission staff provided comments on July 3, 2017. City staff submitted Draft LUP ' Ch. 4 -Public Access for Commission staff review and comments on August 1, 2017. Due to unforeseen staffing constraints, Commission staff provided comments on November 3, 2017. City staff submitted Draft LUP Ch. 5 -Coastal Resources for Commission staff review and comments on October 31, 2017. City staff requested that Commission staff prioritize processing of LCP Amendment Request No. LCP:-6-CAR- July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 21 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 10 of 11 17-0055-2 related to Accessory Dwelling Units and then review of the Village & Barrio Master Plan over review of Ch. 5. As a result, Commission staff provided comments on Ch. 5 on April 27, 2018 with the exception of water quality policies which were not submitted. City staff submitted Draft LUP Ch. 6 -Agricultural, Cultural and Scenic Resources for Commission staff review on May 10, 2018. With the exception of scenic resource policies which were not submitted, Commission staff provided comments on June 20, 2018. 4C. Comprehensive LCP LUP/IP Update -Part C Implementation Plan • June 28, 2018: Discussed timing of draft implementation plan submittals. City staff indicated that they anticipate submitting a draft for Commission staff review by December 31, 2018. No work product was provided to Commission staff for review during this reporting period. 5. Trails Master Plan • October 6, 2017: Commission staff emailed City planning and parks staff to advise that trails identified in the Agua Hedionda LUP Policy 7.11, Mello II LUP Policies 3-3(d), 3- 5(j) and (k), and 3-7( e) and (f) are missing from the draft Trails Master Plan. • October 13, 2017: Commission staff emailed City planning and parks staff to provide a copy of the Commission staff report for Coastal Development Permit 6-85-647 for the Pannonia property and to advise that the required public trail should be included in the Trails Master Plan. • October 16, 2017: Commission staff met with City and CADFW staff at Buena Vista Lagoon to discuss Mello II LCP Policy 7-6 and provision of a trail along the lagoon. Commission staff advised that the proposed trail should be included in the Trails Master Plan. Although feedback was provided on various trail segments, Commission staff also advised the City that the Master Plan should not be submitted as an LCPA in its entirety. No work product was provided to Commission staff for review during this reporting period. 6. Carlsbad Boulevard Corridor Project • January 25, 2018: City staff provided link to updated coastal corridor design concepts for discussion at February 1, 2018 coordination meeting. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 22 of 23 Annual Report for July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 Page 11 of 11 • February 13, 2018: City staff called Commission staff requesting to set up a site visit. Commission staff agreed to identify dates for a site visit. • March 21, 2018: Commission staff called City staff to discuss site visit dates and to confirm that projects would be discussed at next coordination meeting. Agreed to hold Wednesday, April 11, 2018 for site visit. • March 22, 2018: City staff presented Tamarack and Terramar street improvement projects to Commission staff at monthly coordination meeting. Discussed project goals, alternatives, traffic studies, and need for LCP amendment for these projects. City staff asked for clarification regarding the Agua Hedionda LCP segment boundaries to determine permitting authority over the project segments. • March 28, 2018: Commissions staff met internally with mapping unit staff to review segment boundaries. • March 29, 2018: Commission staff emailed City staff to advise that the Agua Hedionda segment boundaries include all right-of-way on Tamarack A venue and Cannon Road, including the intersections with Carlsbad Boulevard. • April 26, 2018: Discussed coastal corridor projects at monthly coordination meeting to clarify that Commission staff believes an LCP amendment is necessary to pursue these types of projects. • May 24, 2018: Discussed Commission staff determination that coastal corridor projects at require an LCP amendment at monthly coordination meeting. City staff indicated that they felt the CDP process would evaluate the necessary Coastal Act concerns and requested that Commission staff elevate the issue to statewide management for confirmation regarding whether an LCP amendment was required. • June 28, 2018: Commission staff advised City that an LCP amendment would be required for the coastal corridor projects at monthly coordination meeting. Commission staff provided feedback on City's project proposals at March 2018 coordination meeting. No further work product was provided to Commission staff for review during this reporting period. July 24, 2018 Item #3 Page 23 of 23