HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-31; City Council; ; Bridging documents and design-build proposal solicitation for the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center Improvements~ CITY COUNCIL V Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: July 31, 2018 Mayor and City Council Kevin Crawford, City Manager Steven Stewart, Municipal Projects Manager Steven .St ewart@Carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-7543 Mickey Williams, Police Captain Mickey.Williams@carlsbadca.gov or 760-931-2260 CA Review --- ) Subject: Bridging documents and design-build proposal solicitation for the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center Improvements. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving the bridging documents for the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center (Safety Center) Improvements, Project No. 4715, and authorizing the city clerk to advertise for design-build proposal solicitation. Executive Summary Building upgrades for the Safety Center have been appropriated in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the last three years. Improvements include·operational efficiency, building security and infrastructure. In June 2017, staff retained an architect to develop 20 percent design plans and specifications (bridging documents) for these improvements. In April 2018, these documents were completed and submitted to the city for review and approval. City staff has reviewed and approved these documents and the Planning Division has issued a letter approving the upgrades as consistent with the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the Safety Center (attached as Exhibit 4). Staff seeks City Council approval of these bridging documents so they can be used to solicit a request for qualifications (RFQs) and a request for proposal (RFP) from design-build firms to complete this work. City Council adoption of the bridging documents is required per Carlsbad Municipal Code section 3.28.080{E), as the expected value for this work -----is-greater-tM-afl-$-1-7-5,E>E>E>,-. ------------- Discussion The Safety Center was constructed in 1986 and has not been significantly renovated since. In fiscal year (FY) 2015-16 a CIP was created for renovation work to accommodate the Police Department's growth and to improve building security for prisoner intake and processing. The scope of work included: (1) renovation of the dispatch area, watch commanders', sergeants' and crime analysts' office areas; (2) floor infill at the second-floor elevator lobby; (3) expansion of the women's locker room; (4) new lighting and; (5) selective HVAC improvements. Several meetings were held to review the scope of work with the Police Department. In FY 2016-17, the Project scope was expanded to include infrastructure upgrades recommended in the Faithful & Gould Assessment of 2012. These infrastructure upgrades included a new boiler, chiller, additional HVAC improvements and a new roof. In June 2017, the city entered into a contract July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 1 of 170 with Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. to prepare bridging documents for these improvements. As the design work was developed and reviewed with the design team and city staff, additional work scope was added: • Building code requirements for Title 24 compliance including accessibility upgrades and independent fire suppression for the IT equipment room. • Security improvements including bulletproof glass in the lobby, new security wiring/cameras, and a modification to the front entrance to better direct the public through a central area. • Infrastructure upgrades including a new emergency generator and automaticrtransfer switch to improve the reliability of backup power. The bridging documents for this collective scope of work were completed in April 2018 and submitted to the city's Planning Division for review. The Planning Division approved the Project and issued a CUP Consistency Determination on May 15, 2018. An independent cost estimate was prepared by the architect for this collective scope of work and in the FY 2018-19 CIP additional funding, commensurate with the value identified in the cost estimate, was approved by the City Council. Staff requests City Council adoption of these bridging documents so the city clerk can advertise them as part of a solicitation for RFQs to prospective design-build firms under Carlsbad Municipal Code section 3.28.085(D)-(E). Staff will then solicit RFPs from the three most qualified design-build firms and make a selection of the most qualified firm to complete this work within the established budget under Carlsbad Municipal Code section 3.28.08S(F). The city manager has recommended in writing the use of design-build procurement for this Project. Climate Action Plan Consistency This Project is consistent with Measures F, and G within the Climate Action Plan. Additionally, this Project will meet an objective of the city's Energy Conservation and Management Policy No. 71. · • Measure F Action 1 states: "Install energy efficiency retrofits for city-owned buildings." The Project work scope incorporates a large quantity of fluorescent lights to be replaced with LED lights and lighting controls to automate their use. • Measure G Action 2 states: "Commission city facilities." The Project work scope includes a new emergency generator, lighting control system, security systems, elevator equipment and new HVAC systems all of which will be commissioned as part of this project to ensure operational efficiency. • Council Policy 71 Paragraph 2 Constructio~ of Civic Facilities, subparagraph a, states: "Whenever practicable and within a reasonable cost/benefit ratio, design and construct mechanical and electrical sys(ems to achieve the maximum energy efficiency achievable with current technology." The design for this Project incorporates the use of new Title 24 July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 2 of 170 compliant HVAC equipment and LED lighting fixtures to optimize electrical energy efficiency. Fiscal Analysis The construction estimate for this Project is $5,009,587. A construction contingency amount has been estimated below to accommodate potential bid variations from this estimated value and potential changes that may arise during construction. General Capital Construction and Infrastructure Replacement funds has been appropriated for this Project as shown in the table below: CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 4715 Construction Contract $5,009,587 Construction Contingency (estimated) $1,002,000 Soft Costs (Construction Management, Design and Staff Time) $1,696,670 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS $7,708,257 REMAINING BALANCE AFTER PROJECT NO. 4715 $0 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION NEEDED $0 These are “city funds” that could be subject to the expenditure limit in Carlsbad Municipal Code section 1.24.030. Staff believes, however, that under the Proposition H Guidelines regarding existing facilities approved in Agenda Bill No. 18,212 (July 19, 2005), the proposed repairs and upgrades are exempt from the definition of “improvement to real property” in Carlsbad Municipal Code section 1.24.020(C). Staff recommends that City Council find that the exception for repair or upgrades of existing facilities applies. Next Steps City staff will advertise the plans and specifications on the city’s website and will return to City Council in Winter 2019 for approval of a contract with the most qualified design-build firm recommended for this work. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) On Nov. 16, 1982, the City Council Approved a General Plan Amendment (GPA 64[D]) and Certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 82-01) for the City Operations Center. The Project is within the scope of the prior environmental document and no further environmental documentation is required per CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution. 2. Location Map. 3. Bridging Documents (on file in the city clerk’s office). 4. Conditional Use Permit 262 for Safety Center. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 3 of 170 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2018-151 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE BRIDGING DOCUMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 4715, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR DESIGN BUILD PROPOSAL SOLICITATION. EXHIBIT I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined that it is desirable and in the best financial interest of the city to maintain city building conditions and infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the city manager has recommended in writing the use of design-build procurement for the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center (Safety Center) Improvements, Project No. 4715 (Project); and WHEREAS, Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. has prepared bridging documents for the Project, detailing a work scope that includes office renovations for operational efficiency, infrastructure upgrades to improve existing building equipment and security updates to better match current safety risks; and WHEREAS, city Planning and Building Department staff have reviewed and approved the bridging documents for the improvements recommended at the Safety Center; and WHEREAS, an independent cost estimate for the specified work indicates that the value of the renovation work is within the current Project fund balance; and WHEREAS, staff is prepared to advertise this bridging document package and request qualifications and proposals from design build firms for this Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That City Council finds that this project is exempt from the expenditure limit in Carlsbad Municipal Code section 1.24.030 because it is a repair and upgrade of an existing facility. 3. That the bridging documents for the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center Improvements Project, No. 4715, on file in the city clerk's office, are hereby approved. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 4 of 170 EXHIBIT I 4. That the city clerk of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to publish, in accordance with State law and Carlsbad Municipal Code section 3.28.08S(D)-(E), a Notice to Contractors Inviting Requests for Qualifications and Requests for Proposals for the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center Improvements, Project No. 4715, in accordance with the bridging documents referred to herein. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 31st day of :!!!.!Y, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. (SEAL) July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 5 of 170 I EXHIBIT 2 I LOCATION MAP WHIPTAIL NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS PLOTTED BY: SCOTT EVANS PLOT DA1E:5/29/18 PA1H:D: \CITY FACILJTIES\AUTOCAD MAPS\LOCATION MAPS\SAFETY CENTER LOCATION MAP.DWG July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 6 of 170 Safety Center Renovation Bridging Documents  SCOPE OF WORK and SPECIFICATIONS  for the  City of Carlsbad  March 30, 2018  Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. Exhibit 3 July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 7 of 170 TABLE OF CONTENTS  TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 2  SECTION 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................ 1  1.1  INTRODUCTION ‐ DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACT WITH GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE .................. 1  1.2  THE PROGRAM, SCOPE OF WORK AND DESIGN INTENT ................................................................ 2  1.3  INTRODUCTION TO THE EXISTING FACILITY ................................................................................... 3  1.4  SCOPE OF WORK SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 3  1.5  SITE FEATURES ............................................................................................................................... 4  1.6  INFORMATION AVAILABLE ............................................................................................................. 4  1.7  MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................ 4   1.7.1. Site investigation .................................................................................................................. 4   1.7.2  Alternates ............................................................................................................................. 5   1.7.3  Project Managers ................................................................................................................. 5  1.8  REQUIRED INFORMATION IN PROPOSAL ....................................................................................... 5   1.8.1  Key Personnel ....................................................................................................................... 5   1.8.2  Key Personnel Experience .................................................................................................... 6   1.8.3  DBC Experience .................................................................................................................... 7   1.8.4  References ............................................................................................................................ 7   1.8.5  Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 7   1.8.6  Cost ....................................................................................................................................... 8  1.9  DBC’S OBLIGATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 8   1.9.1  A/E’s Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 8   1.9.2  DBC Services during the Preconstruction/Design Phase ...................................................... 9   1.9.3  Project Schedule ................................................................................................................... 9   1.9.4  Construction Cost Estimate ................................................................................................ 10   1.9.5  Coordination ....................................................................................................................... 10   1.9.6  Bidding ................................................................................................................................ 10   1.9.7  A/E Services during the Construction and Post Construction Phase .................................. 10   1.9.8  Design/Build Contractor Services during the Construction and Post Construction Phases 11   1.9.9  Meetings, RFI, Submittals ................................................................................................... 12   1.9.10  Substitutions .................................................................................................................... 12   1.9.11  Quality Assurance/Inspection .......................................................................................... 12   1.9.12  Conformity with Bridging Documents .............................................................................. 13  SECTION 2.0 DESIGN CRITERIA ...................................................................................................................... 13  2.1  ARCHITECTURAL ........................................................................................................................... 13  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 8 of 170  2.1.1  GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 13   2.1.2 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA ..................................................................................... 13   2.1.3  MODIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................. 13  2.2  MECHANICAL SYSTEM .................................................................................................................... 19   2.2.1  GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 19   2.2.2  MECHANICAL DESIGN CRITERIA ......................................................................................... 19   2.2.3  HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM ................................................ 23   2.2.4  MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................................................................ 24  2.3  PLUMBING SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................... 24   2.3.1  GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 24   2.3.2  PLUMBING UTILITY CONNECTIONS .................................................................................... 24   2.3.3  PLUMBING DESIGN CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 24   2.3.4  PLUMBING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................ 25  2.4  ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ..................................................................................................................... 29   2.4.1  ELECTRICAL LIGHTING SYSTEMS ......................................................................................... 29  2.5  STRUCTURAL ................................................................................................................................ 33   2.5.1  STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 33  3.0  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTIONS ................................................................................................. 34  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 9 of 170   July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 10 of 170 1  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    SECTION 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK    1.1 INTRODUCTION ‐ DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACT WITH GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE    The City of Carlsbad (herein referred to as the City) desires to contract with an experienced Design/Build  Contractor(DBC) to provide professional design, management and construction services for modification  and improvement to the City of Carlsbad Safety Center. The Scope of Work document, Specifications, and  Drawings have been prepared to define the design intent for the work. The project will be designed and  built under a guaranteed maximum price.    The Bridging Document consists of:    1. Scope of Work Document  2. Product Data, Finishes and References  3. 20% Drawing Set  4. Bid Set From Original Building    The Design/Build (D/B) with Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contract centers on utilization of a DBC,  who  assembles  and  leads  the  Design Build Team (DBT). The DBT will  consist  of  the  DBC,  the  Architect/Engineer (A/E) of record, other consultants required included but not limited to Engineers of  Record (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Landscape, Life Safety), Specialty Consultants, construction  services (all under the DBC contract) as well as City Representatives including the City Project Manager  (CPM), and the City Bridging Design Team. Specialty Consultants include a Security Consultant, Safety  Consultant, Communications Consultant, and Waterproofing Consultant.    During  the  Pre‐Construction/Design  Phase,  the  DBC  will  manage  the  production  of  required  design  documents by the A/E under contract to the DBC and will utilize his skills and knowledge of construction  to manage the design process and provide pre‐construction services (i.e., develop schedules, phasing  documents, prepare construction cost models/estimates, bid trade packages, etc.).    During the Construction Phase, the DBC will manage the A/E in his provision of services as well as provide  construction services and manage the project (inclusive of the award and management of all trade  contracts) throughout the construction phase.    All meetings shall be available for the CPM to attend. A schedule of coordination meetings shall be  provided to the CPM two weeks in advance of meetings. The CPM shall also have access to all DBC records  including those contracted to the DBC for the CPM to assess progress. This includes cost estimates,  CAD  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 11 of 170 2  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    and Revit drawing files, Excel spreadsheets, meeting minutes and photographs. Any and all cost savings  during  the  pre‐construction  phase  shall  revert  to  the  City.  Any cost saving  design  changes shall be  approved by the CPM.    The City will pay the DBC for:    1. Fixed fees, inclusive of A/E fees for preconstruction, design and construction services;  2. Approved and applicable reimbursable costs; and  3. Construction trade work inclusive of approved change orders without DBC mark up.    The DBC will be responsible for all necessary services and deliverables which include:    1. Develop a complete project Design and all required A/E Services including obtaining approval from  all agencies having jurisdiction and obtaining a permit from the City. City Permit fees shall be  waived.  2. The Construction Documents, which shall be delivered through a California licensed A/E design  firm approved by the City.  3. Oversee and manage the completion of the design and construction process.  4. Develop phasing and maintain schedules approved by the City.  5. Coordinate, communicate, and update the DBT on progress and milestones.  6. Construct the project under the D/B contract method inclusive of all design and construction  services. Provide an overall schedule with your bid.  7. All substitutions must be approved by the CPM.  8. Provide permitting services, obtain City Permit and approval from all Agencies having jurisdiction.  9. Provide As‐Built Drawings in CAD and pdf and provide native files. The City shall reserve the right  to use these CAD files in any renovation or maintenance of the project.  10. All substitutions must be approved by the CPM.  11. All new specifications shall be approved by CPM.    1.2 THE PROGRAM, SCOPE OF WORK AND DESIGN INTENT    The Scope of Work, Specifications and Drawings provide the specific programmatic requirements and  design criteria as complete and accurate as possible at this point in the development of the project. It will  be the responsibility of the A/E, through the DBC, to consult with the City to verify or to make refinements  to these requirements and criteria through the design process. This process will be coordinated through  the CPM at submittal of specific phases of the work. Should the meaning or intent of the program and the  need of the using organization result in conflicting requirements, the CPM will be responsible for obtaining  resolution and for direction of the DBT.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 12 of 170 3  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    1.3 INTRODUCTION TO THE EXISTING FACILITY    The existing Safety Center is located at 2560 Orion Way in the City of Carlsbad, California. The Safety  Center houses the City’s Police and Fire Department’s Headquarters. Please see Bid Set from Existing  Building.    1.4 SCOPE OF WORK SUMMARY    Note: Not all work required is reflected in the Bridging Document, as they are considered 20%. The DBC  to coordinate the requirements in this document to complete the Construction Documents and obtain  permit.    The Scope of Work includes the completion of design and construction by the DBC for the renovation of  the Safety Center. Renovation includes but is not limited to the following (Please see drawings and the  bridging documents package for more detailed information):    1. Demolition.  2. New rooms and modified rooms as shown on plans, including relocated crime lab, drying room,  and all new evidence analysis equipment.  3. Adjust or provide new mechanical, electrical, lighting, data, and plumbing systems, as shown,  coordinate fire alarms, security alarm and sprinkler system accordingly.  4. Coordinate owner furnished, owner installed furniture items; furniture and furniture at  dispatch.  5. Retrofit and/or replacement of lighting and control systems.  6. Replacement of selected HVAC units.  7. Refurbish roof membrane, new membrane over existing membrane.  8. Install new outdoor duty lockers and shade structure at rear parking lot.  9. Phase work for police and fire department to be fully operational.  10. Provide of trailers for staff to work during construction, each with standard electrical  connectivity and LAN lines for phone and fax. Provide (10) ten CAT 6 Ports.  11. Coordinate installation of all new cameras as shown and integration into current system.  12. Key all new doors, lockers, and cubbies based on City requirements. Coordinate with CPM.  13. Elevator Upgrade – replacement of all equipment in elevator machine room, including ADA  improvements.  14. Provide (3) three CAT 6 data outlets at each workstation.  15. Replacement or retrofit of all lighting fixtures as shown on electrical drawings. Retrofit if fixture  does not move.  16. Provide OSHA‐compliant railing and appurtenances for skylights and roof hatch.  17. Repaint exterior doors unless factory finished.  18. Replacement of all glass block with windows, with frit.  19. Repaint interior walls and acoustic ceiling panels and ceilings. Entire room must be painted or  replaced. All previously painted surfaces shall be painted unless factory finished. Replace ceiling  tile as shown.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 13 of 170 4  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    20. Removal and replacement of wall paper with vinyl cover at corridors.  21. Replacement of all carpet with broadloom carpet. Carpet tile not acceptable, with ½ inch carpet  pad.  22. Replacement of domestic water heater.  23. Replacement of hot water boiler.  24. Clean duct work after construction activity.  25. Replacement of Greenheck exhaust fan units.  26. Replacement of carrier package unit.  27. Test and balance all HVAC systems at completion of construction. Perform work after hours and  provide clear and concise report acceptable to City.  28. Replacement of switchboard EPB.  29. Replacement of panel board EPB.  30. Replacement of switches at roof top package units for HVAC on roof as noted on E‐401.  31. Replacement of fire panel at dispatch to accommodate new layout.  32. Provide photometrics and Title 24 calculations for the building.  33. Adhere to Title 24 required measures.    1.5 SITE FEATURES    There is no survey available, Contractor to perform survey and confirm dimensions of drawings of site,  building exterior, building interior and all utilities. Contractor to also provide Geotechnical report if  necessary.    1.6 INFORMATION AVAILABLE    a. Existing Bid Set, contractor to verify dimensions    1.7 MISCELLANEOUS    1.7.1. Site investigation    By Submitting a proposal, the Proposer acknowledges that he has investigated and satisfied himself as to  the conditions affecting the work, including but not restricted to those bearing on transportation, disposal,  handling and storage of materials, availability of labor, water, and electric power. Any failure by the  Proposer to acquaint himself with the available information will neo relieve him from responsibility for  estimating properly the cost of successfully performing the work.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 14 of 170 5  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    1.7.2 Alternates    Proposers may submit alternates for the execution of the work at the time of Bid as throughout the design  process and shall be approved by the CPM and project cost savings shall be applied to the City accordingly  and shall be reviewed by the CPM.    Provide the following bid alternates:    1. Replacement of existing 99‐ton chiller per Drawing M‐201  2. Replacement of ATS Switch per Drawing E‐501  3. Supply and install FM200 Fire Suppression System in server room next to dispatch room per  NFPA requirements, complete with (1) sealants and hole patching in existing walls/ceiling for  room integrity test and conducting room integrity test, (2) installation of appropriate fire stop  materials at penetrations, (3) installation of ¾ inch plywood backboards as required for  equipment mounting, (4) dedicated 20A circuit with breaker for all system equipment, (5) HVAC  controls to shut down existing ventilation air in case of event, and (6) modifications as necessary  to existing fire sprinkler system and fire alarm panel.  4. Slurry seal and restriping the rear parking lot.  5. Replace all skylights on roof the with equivalent alternatives.  6. Structural cabling: replace all cabling for data in new conduits. All data port shall (4) four CAT 6  ports.     1.7.3 Project Managers    The City and the DBC shall both assign a Project Manager to be the point of contract during all phases.  The City shall be the principal reviewer and decision‐making authority.    1.8 REQUIRED INFORMATION IN PROPOSAL    1.8.1 Key Personnel    1. D/B Project Executive: Person from the DBC who will provide executive oversight for the DBT and  address any issues that require high level attention such as resources.    2. D/B Project Manager: Person from DBC who will be involved on a continual basis 100% of the  time from commencement of the design until construction completion. This person will be located  on site once construction commences. This person will be responsible for the overall management  of the DBT and the completion of the project. (Note: Some Proposers may elect to have separate  Project Managers for Design and Construction. This is acceptable; however, the City prefers only  one Project Manager so higher consideration will be given to proposers who do not have separate  design and construction project managers.)  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 15 of 170 6  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications      3. D/B Field Superintendent: Person from the DBC who will be on site 100% once construction  commences and will be responsible for the direct supervision of the trade contractors, daily  coordination of the work on‐site to maintain the schedule, and on‐site management such as  material deliveries, outages, etc.    4. A/E Principal‐In‐Charge: Person from the prime A/E firm who will provide executive oversight on  the design consultants and address any issues with the design consultants that require high‐level  attention  .  5. A/E Project Manager: Person from the prime A/E firm who will be involved on a continual basis  from commencement of the design through construction administration. This person will be  responsible for the overall management of the design professionals and/or design consultants.    6. Project Architect: Professional, licensed architect from the A/E firm who is a member of the  Design/Build team and who will be directly responsible for doing the architectural design of the  project; this is the person who the City would see at the Design Progress meetings.    7. Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) Engineer: Professional consultant who will be directly  responsible for the MEP design portion of the project; this is the person whom the City would see  at the Design Progress meetings.    8. Structural Engineer: Professional consultant who will be directly responsible for the Structural  design portion of the project; this is the person whom the City would see at the Design Progress  meetings.    9. Fire Protection Engineer: Professional consultant who will be directly responsible for the fire  protection design portion of the project; this is the person whom the City will see at the Design  Progress meetings.    10. Geotechnical  Engineer:  Professional  consultant  who  will  be  directly  responsible  for the  Geotechnical report and recommendations portion of the project if required.;    1.8.2 Key Personnel Experience    The following information is required to be submitted for each of the key personnel listed above:    1. Educational background;  2. CA License number;  3. Work experience with the proposing firm inclusive of duration (by dates) of employment and  position(s) held;  4. Work experience with all other prior employers, durations (by dates)  of  employment  and  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 16 of 170 7  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    position(s) held;  5. Specific project experience similar to this project (over $3M) and the role this person played, as  well as duration of involvement in each selected project, must have experience in Police Facilities;  and  6. A minimum of three (3) projects is to be listed for each person. A brief description of the project  should be given (if not provided elsewhere in the technical proposal) inclusive of the type of work  performed  (i.e.,  new  construction,  addition,  renovation,  etc.), type of facility (i.e. housing,  academic building, etc.), dollar volume of project, contract method (CMAR, GC, DB, etc.), schedule  of the job, A/E firm and Contractor.    1.8.3 DBC Experience    The following general company background information is required to be submitted:    1. Design/Build Contractor: Each Proposer is to submit information on a total of three (3) similar or  relevant  projects.  All  projects  must  have  been  done  by  the  Proposing  Firm.  Police  Facility  experience must be included.  2. Construction Cost: Two (2) of the three (3) projects must be in excess of $4M for construction  costs with higher consideration if this is the case for all three.  3. Project Completion: One (1) of the three (3) projects must have been completed in last seven (7)  years and occupied by the owner for a minimum of 6 months.  4. Project Type: Two (2) of the three (3) projects must be Public Works Projects.  5. Project Delivery Method: Two (2) of the three (3) projects submitted must have been done using  the Design/Build delivery method.    1.8.4 References    Provide three (3) project references per the projects submitted under the firm experience and individual  experience.  Provide  contact  name,  address,  email  and  telephone number  for  each  reference.  Such  references are to be from different projects; that is, only one reference per project is allowed.    1.8.5 Schedule    Schedule for the project is three (3) months for pre‐construction and eight months for design  and construction.     July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 17 of 170 8  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    1.8.6 Cost    The following information must be provided in a separate sealed envelope.  Design Build Contractor Fees:  1. DBC Pre‐Construction Fee;  2. DBC Construction Fee for the base project;  3. Bid Alternates (list individually)  4. DBC Construction Fee for Value Engineering proposed by the Contractor if any.    A/E Fees (All inclusive):    1. A/E Fee for Alternates if any; and  2. Construction Administration and Post Construction including As Builts.    Include DBC Hourly Billing Rates for all DBT engineers, these billing rates and these rates will be used in  reimbursing the successful firm for the actual costs associated with Change Orders.    DBC‐GMP Contingency: Amount of this contingency to be quoted by the DBC. The minimum amount is  10% of the project construction costs. Any Contingency used for the project shall be approved by the  CPM. The DBC‐GMP Contingency is not allocated to any item of the Cost of the Work and is established  for the DBC's use as may be required for increases in costs incurred in the Work from unforeseeable causes  or details not capable of reasonable anticipation at the time of the City’s approval of trade contract  awards. It is understood that the amount of the DBC GMP contingency is the maximum sum available to  the DBC to cover costs incurred as a result of such unanticipated causes or details, and that cost overruns  in excess of the amount of the DBC GMP contingency will be borne by the DBC.    Include an amount for reimbursables and what that includes and markup if any.  Current Project Cost Estimate is $5,000,000.00  1.9 DBC’S OBLIGATIONS    1.9.1 A/E’s Responsibilities    The A/E’s responsibilities are to provide professional design and construction services as required on the  Project during the following phases: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents,  and Bidding phases inclusive of designing the Project within the Project Design and Construction Costs of  $5,000,000.00.    1. Complete professional A/E services shall be provided as necessary for completion of the Project  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 18 of 170 9  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    done under the Contract.  2. Services shall be performed in accordance with the RFP Documents specifically the Project  Scope of Work, Project Specific Design Standards and the standards of the design and  construction industry for public institutional projects.  3. Expert Studies and Consulting Services such as waterproofing, security, fire life safety and  data are to be provided by the DBC as required in the Project Program.  4. All Contract Documents (drawings, specifications, etc.) for specific projects shall bear the seal  and signature of the primary A/E and the seal and signature of each consultant to the primary  A/E on drawings and specifications within his area of responsibility.  5. The A/E shall attend all Project Team meetings and Design Review meetings as scheduled by the  Design/Build Contractor. In addition, it is expected that the A/E will conduct separate design  meetings among the design professionals as needed in developing and coordinating the design  of the Project.  6. Participate in the DBC's value engineering efforts as necessary.  7. The A/E is to attend all pre‐bid meetings and is to interpret the contract documents during  the bidding period. Interpretations shall be given by written instruction only.    1.9.2 DBC Services during the Preconstruction/Design Phase    1. The DBC shall procure the services of the A/E firm in accordance with its Technical Proposal in  response to this RFP.  2. The DBC shall meet with the City, Architect, Design Engineers and other design team members  to fully understand the Program, the design documents, the project scope and all other  pertinent aspects of the project.  3. The DBC shall be an integral part of the Project Team who will lead and coordinate  the development and progress of the design and construction of the Project.  4. The DBC shall attend regularly scheduled meetings with the Architect and Design Engineer  during the development of the design to advise them on matters relating to site use,  improvements, selection of materials, building methods, construction details, building  systems and equipment. He shall provide recommendations on construction feasibility.  5. The DBC shall, after a complete review of the Project Program and understanding of the intent  of the City and the A/E, provide value engineering services and offer cost savings suggestions  and best value recommendations to the City. All recommendations must be fully reviewed with  the City and approved prior to implementation.    1.9.3 Project Schedule    The DBC shall utilize and maintain a scheduling system that will allow the DBC to provide appropriately  detailed design and construction phase CPM schedules. The project schedule shall be sufficiently detailed  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 19 of 170 10  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    to allow for a realistic projection of design and construction activity sequences and durations. Updated  schedules will be required with each major design document submission. The DBC shall within two (2)  weeks of selection and written notice to proceed, provide a schedule for the design and construction  phases of the project. This schedule will be reviewed for compliance with overall project completion  requirements relative to the City’s occupancy needs.    1.9.4 Construction Cost Estimate    The DBC shall develop a project budget/cost model which will require updating at multiple intervals during  design phase to confirm the project is on budget. In the event that the costs exceed the Project Design  and Construction Costs the City reserves the right to direct the DBC to (and the DBC shall) work in  conjunction with the A/E to redesign the Project as necessary to maintain the Project Program and meet  the Project Construction Costs without additional compensation to either the A/E or DBC.    1.9.5 Coordination    The  DBC  shall  review  the  drawings  and  specifications  as  they  are  being  prepared,  recommending  alternative solutions whenever design details affect costs, construction feasibility or schedules. The DBC  shall notify the A/E and the City in writing upon observing any features in the plans or specifications which  appear to be ambiguous, confusing, conflicting or erroneous. Such ambiguous, confusing, conflicting  and/or erroneous features discovered in the plans or specifications by the DBC during the review process  shall be understood to be corrected and any associated costs shall be included in the DBC's GMP.    1.9.6 Bidding    At the applicable point in the design documents, the DBC shall bid trade packages for the construction  of the Project. The DBC will utilize the design documents as prepared by the Architect and Engineers to  invite and receive competitive bids on all trade packages and/or materials as a basis for each award  under the GMP.    The DBC is to conduct a qualification process of all Trade Contractors to ensure that all bidding have  the necessary expertise. In the event that the total projected hard construction costs for a trade  package exceed the Project Construction Budget for that trade package, the City reserves the right to  direct the DBC to (and the DBC shall) work in conjunction with the A/E to redesign the trade work as  necessary to maintain the Project Program and meet the Project Construction Budget.    1.9.7 A/E Services during the Construction and Post Construction Phase    1. The A/E shall attend all construction progress meetings which include the DBC, CPM and other  City representatives, if any.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 20 of 170 11  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    2. The A/E shall review and approve upon the Trade/Subcontractors' submittals such as Shop  Drawings, Product Data and Samples, for checking for conformance with information given and  the design concept expressed in the Construction Documents.  3. The A/E's action shall be taken within the required time frame for the project so as to cause no  delay in the work, while allowing sufficient time in the A/E's professional judgement to permit  adequate review.  4. The A/E's action on all shop drawings/submittals shall be reviewed by the CPM prior to the  transmission to the Trade/Subcontractor. The A/E shall interpret Construction Documents as  necessary and issue the applicable documents as may be necessary to explain construction  details.  5. In making periodic visits to the site and on the basis of such on‐site observations the A/E shall  guard the City against defects and deficiencies in the construction work and shall report to the  DBC and City any observed defect or observed deficiency.  6. The A/E shall be responsible for the preparation and review of punch lists.  7. The A/E shall be responsible for the provision of record documents in CAD format and hard copy.    1.9.8 Design/Build Contractor Services during the Construction and Post Construction Phases    1. DBC shall monitor the work as it progresses and coordinate and manage the trades as well as the  A/E team.  2. The DBC shall check and supervise all material deliveries, equipment and labor entering the work  site.  3. The DBC shall maintain cost accounting records on authorized work performed under unit costs,  actual costs for labor and material, or other bases requiring accounting records, and afford the  City access to these records and preserve them for a period of three (3) years after final payment.  The City reserves the right to audit their records during that period.  4. The DBC is responsible for monitoring costs to ensure that the Project Costs are not exceeded.  5. The DBC shall provide during construction phase a schedule based on the schedule developed  during the design of the Project. Scheduling software shall allow for integration of all aspects of  the project and provide for coordination of all work to be performed.  6. The DBC shall provide regular monitoring of the schedule as construction progresses, identify  potential variances between scheduled and desired completion dates, review schedule for work  not started or incomplete and take the action necessary to meet the required completion date.  7. The DBC will require the Trade Contractors to provide the applicable contract documents inclusive  of insurance certificates, performance and payment bonds.  8. The DBC's on‐site representatives shall manage the work of the Sub‐Contractors and coordinate  the work with the activities and responsibilities of the City, the Architect and DBC to complete the  Project in accordance with the City's objectives of cost, time, and quality.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 21 of 170 12  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    9. The DBC will provide for all coordination with the onsite Sub‐Contractors the necessary on‐site  services for the construction activities and on‐site requirements of the DBC, the City and Architect.  10. The DBC shall provide trailer offices for its team on site.  11. The DBC shall require all Trade Contractors to submit a Trade Contractor's Daily Report which is  to include, but not be limited to, a summary of work performed, information required, status of  change order, time and material work, materials received, and safety incidents.  12. The DBC shall accept delivery and arrange for storage, protection and security for any City  purchased materials, systems and equipment, which are a part of the work until such items, are  turned over to the respective trade Contractors.    1.9.9 Meetings, RFI, Submittals    1. The DBC shall schedule and conduct regular bi‐weekly progress meetings, and as directed by  the City, at which Trade Contractors, City, Architect, and other designated representatives,  and the DBC can discuss jointly such matters as progress, scheduling, and construction‐  related problems. The DBC shall take and distribute complete minutes of meetings to all  attendees and others as directed.  2. The DBC will be responsible for developing and implementing a request for information (RFI)  form for use on the project. 3. The  DBC  will  be  responsible  for  logging  and  reviewing  all  Shop  Drawings  and  RFIs  prior  to  submission to the City and the Architect. The DBC is to ensure that the Shop Drawings, RFIs  submitted are appropriate and not frivolous.    1.9.10 Substitutions    The DBC will be responsible for logging and reviewing all substitution requests to ensure that they are  complete; and, if not, return them to the Trade Contractor for proper submission.    1.9.11 Quality Assurance/Inspection    a. The DBC shall inspect the Work of the Sub‐Contractors to guard the City against defects and  deficiencies in the Work and shall coordinate this activity with the onsite duties of the Architect.  b. The DBC shall advise the Architect of any apparent variation and deviation from the intent of the  Contract Documents and shall take the necessary action to correct such variations and  deviations within the terms of the contract documents.  c. The DBC shall provide one (1) set of all inspection reports (in binder form) to the CPMwith  the monthly report.    July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 22 of 170 13  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    1.9.12 Conformity with Bridging Documents    The DBC is required to provide a project that conforms to the design intent of the bridging documents.  The City will review at each deliverable if the design intent is met.    SECTION 2.0 DESIGN CRITERIA  2.1  ARCHITECTURAL    2.1.1 GENERAL    The intent of the architectural design criteria document is to provide guidelines dictated by all applicable  codes, owner standards and applicable City, State or Municipal Amendments for the DBT. The owner’s  standards will need to be provided by the owner or their representative. The DBT will select equipment  based on this criteria and best engineering practices.    In the event of a conflict between this document and any code, engineering standards or Owner  preference, preceding shall govern.    2.1.2 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA    a. Codes and Standards  The design specifications and installation will be in accordance with good engineering practice  and will conform to the following standards, Codes and Industry Standard Practice  specifications:    (1) 2016 California Building Code  (2) 2016 California Green Building Standards with local amendments  (3) Current Federal ADA Standards    2.1.3 MODIFICATIONS    Coordinate all HVAC, lighting, Life Safety Devices and alarms, and associated appurtenances to new  layout. See Scope of Changes by Room in the Table on the following page.     July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 23 of 170 14  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION – SCOPE OF CHANGES BY ROOM  NO. ROOM NAME SCOPE OF  NOTE: MEP UPGRADES APPLY TO ENTIRE BUILDING, SEE DRAWINGS AND SCOPE OF WORK  100 CORRIDOR NEW CORRIDOR  101 LOBBY RECONFIGURED AND UPDATED LOBBY  102 RECEPTION CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND BASEBOARD  103 LOBBY RECONFIGURED AND UPDATED LOBBY  104 PUBLIC COUNTER RENOVATED NEW RECEPTION  105 ATRIUM/REPORT WRITING RECONFIGURED AND UPDATED LOBBY  106 MEETING ROOM NEW ROOM  107 PROPERTY RETURN NEW ROOM  108 VEST UPDATES PER PLAN  109       DISPATCH CENTER  REPLACE CARPET,  NEW SOUND PANELS, CONFIGURATION, CEILING TASK  LIGHTING, FIRE ALARM PANEL RELOCATION,  DOOR RECONFIGURATION  110 COMM MGR SMALLER OFFICE  111 LOUNGE STORAGE EXPANDED AND RENOVATED  112 MEN UPDATED  113 WOMEN UPDATED  114 EVIDENCE LOCKERS UPDATES PER PLAN  115 RADIO COMPUTER EQUIPMENT  UPDATES PER PLAN  116 CORRIDOR NEW FLOORING AND WALL COVERING  117 ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT  UPDATED ELEVATOR  118 VEST UPDATES PER PLAN  119 WOMEN PAINT AND BASEBOARD  120             WOMENS LOCKER ROOM  EXPAND WOMENS LOCKER ROOM, NEW RUBBER FLOORING,  (45) LOCKERS ‐ 18''D x 24''W, FULL HEIGHT  (21) LOCKERS ‐ 18"D x 18"W, FULL HEIGHT  (22) LOCKERS ‐ 18"D x 18"W, HALF SIZE  (88) LOCKERS TOTAL  (31) LOCKERS NET  (57) LOCKERS EXISTING  121 DRYING UPDATES PER PLAN  122 DRYING UPDATES PER PLAN  123 VEST UPDATES PER PLAN  124 MEN UPDATES PER PLAN  125 MENS LOCKERS UPDATES PER PLAN  126 DRYING UPDATES PER PLAN  127 PHYSICAL FITNESS UPDATES PER PLAN  128 CRIME LIVESCAN NEW ROOM  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 24 of 170 15  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION – SCOPE OF CHANGES BY ROOM  NO. ROOM NAME SCOPE OF  129 ELEC ROOM UPDATES PER PLAN  130 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  131 VESTIBULE UPDATES PER PLAN  131A METER ROOM UPDATES PER PLAN  131B COMPRESSOR ROOM UPDATES PER PLAN  132 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT UPDATES PER PLAN  133 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  134 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  135 CST TEAM NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  136 PRISONER INTAKE LIGHTING ONLY  137 EVIDENCE BIKE STORAGE LIGHTING ONLY  138 SALLY PORT UPDATES PER PLAN  139 ENTRY LIGHTING ONLY  140 CORRIDOR LIGHTING ONLY  141 INTERVIEW NEW ROOM  142 CELL LIGHTING ONLY  143 SAFETY CELL LIGHTING ONLY  144 CUST CLOSET LIGHTING ONLY  145 NARCOTICS UPDATES PER PLAN  146 CELL LIGHTING ONLY  147 WATCH COMM OFFICE  NEW ROOM  149     PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE  MODIFY ROLLING DOOR TO DOUBLE DOOR, REMOVE  COMPACT SHELVING AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE  INTERVIEW ROOM, MOVE EQUIPMENT AS NECESSARY  150 EVIDENCE MOVE DOOR  151 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  152 DRINKING FOUNTAIN NEW DRINKING FOUNTAIN, ICE MACHINE, BOTTLE FILLER  153   BATTERY CHARGING  NEW CABINETS  NEW INTERIOR WALL  154 MEETING ROOM NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  155   BAG TAG  NEW DOOR TO EXTERIOR, SINK, COUNTER, AND  FLOORING MODIFY EXTERIOR WALL  156 PATROL SARGENT NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  157 CRIME ANALYST NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  158 WATCH COMMANDER  NEW ROOM  159 OFFICE NEW ROOM  160 DRY CLEANING NEW ROOM  161   BRIEFING  PROVIDE ELECTRICAL AND DATA FOR NEW DISPLAY  MONITORS PROVIDE MONITORS  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 25 of 170 16  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION – SCOPE OF CHANGES BY ROOM  NO. ROOM NAME SCOPE OF  161A COFFEE UPDATES PER PLAN  162 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  163 DRYING RM/CHEMICAL STORAGE  NEW EQUIPMENT, NEW MEP, RENOVATE ROOM  165 EVIDENCE VIEWING NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  166 TRAFFIC NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  166B TRAFFIC NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  167 ELEVATOR EQUIP UPDATED ELEVATOR  168 TRAFFIC NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  169 RECORDS UPDATES PER PLAN  170 PUBLIC INQUIRY RENOVATED NEW RECEPTION  171 RECORDS SUPERVISOR UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE.  172 CORRIDOR UPDATES PER PLAN  173 MEN UPDATES PER PLAN  174 WOMEN UPDATES PER PLAN  201 LOBBY NEW ROOM  202 FIRE ADMIN UPDATES PER PLAN  203 FIRE DIVISION CHIEF UPDATES PER PLAN  204 CLERICAL UPDATES PER PLAN  205 STORAGE UPDATES PER PLAN  206 CORRIDOR UPDATES PER PLAN  207 FIRE ANALYST UPDATES PER PLAN  208 EMS MGR UPDATES PER PLAN  209 EMPTY UPDATES PER PLAN  210 WORK REPO UPDATES PER PLAN  211 STOR. UPDATES PER PLAN  212 FIRE DIVISION CHIEF UPDATES PER PLAN  213 EOC DIR. DAVID HARRISON  UPDATES PER PLAN  214 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  214A ALCOVE UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  215 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  215A CORRIDOR UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  216 CRIMES OF VIOLENCE DARBY ERNST  UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE.  217 CRIMES OF VIOLENCE UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE.  218 ALCOVE UPDATED CARPET, PAINT, AND BASEBOARD  219 CHRIS BOYD UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE  220 JUVENILLE JUSTICE M. WARFIELD  NEW ENCLOSED OFFICE  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 26 of 170 17  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION – SCOPE OF CHANGES BY ROOM  NO. ROOM NAME SCOPE OF  221   INTERVIEW  RENOVATED ROOM. SEE SAFETY ROOM DATA/DESIGN  CRITERIA SHEET  222   INTERVIEW  RENOVATED ROOM. SEE SAFETY ROOM DATA/DESIGN  CRITERIA SHEET  223 TAPE MONITOR UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE  224 INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  224A CORRIDOR UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  225 SGT. BRYAN HARGETT UPDATED SMALLER OFFICE.  226 SGT. TRAVIS AMBERT UPDATED SMALLER OFFICE.  227 LOUNGE SMALLER ENTRY  228 VICE/NARCOTICS NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  229 LT NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  230 MATT MARGO NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  231 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  232 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  233 ELECTRICAL ROOM UPDATES PER PLAN  234     IN‐PROCESS EVIDENCE/STORAGE  RELOCATED CRIME LAB, NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION,  PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS AND FINISHES,  UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.  235 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT UPDATES PER PLAN  236 WORK ROOM NEW IT. NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION.  237 IT OFFICE MARIA NEW IT. NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION.  238 WOMEN UPDATES PER PLAN  239 JANITOR UPDATES PER PLAN  240     VESTIBULE  RELOCATED CRIME LAB, NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION,  PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS AND FINISHES,  UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.  241 MEN UPDATES PER PLAN  242 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  243 JODEE SASAWAY UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE  245 ROOF TERRACE NEW RAILING PER EXITING REQUIREMENTS  246       (N) STAFF LOUNGE  NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION. SMALLER AREA.  PROVIDE OVEN, SINK, DISHWASHER, REFRIDGERATOR, NEW  COUNTER AND CABINETS. PROVIDE VENTING FOR OVEN TO  ROOF.  247 (N) PSSD SGT. STEVE THOMAS UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE  248 PSSD PETE PASCUAL UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE  249 FIELD SERVICE CAPTAIN UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE  250 PD ANALYST PETE THOMPSON UPDATED OFFICE. NO PLAN CHANGE  251 CLERICAL POOL NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 27 of 170 18  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION – SCOPE OF CHANGES BY ROOM  NO. ROOM NAME SCOPE OF  252 CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  253 IT NEW IT. NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION.  254 VESTIBULE UPDATES PER PLAN  255 IT MEETING NEW IT. NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION.  256 WORK REPO UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  257 ADMIN. PAULA MILIKAN UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  258 ADMIN. DIANE ANDERSON UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  259 POLICE CHIEF UPDATES PER PLAN  259A  CLOSET UPDATES PER PLAN  260 CORRIDOR UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  260A  STORAGE UPDATES PER PLAN  260B  COFFEE UPDATES PER PLAN  261 MEN UPDATES PER PLAN  262 CONFERENCE UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  263 WOMEN UPDATES PER PLAN  264 SECRETARY UPDATED, CARPET, PAINT AND BASEBOARDS.  265 FIRE CHIEF MIKE DAVIS UPDATES PER PLAN  265A  CLOSET UPDATES PER PLAN  266  APPLICATION NEW IT. NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION.  267  PSSD STORAGE NEW STORAGE ROOM  268  NETWORK NEW IT. NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION.  269      CLEAN OFFICE  RELOCATED CRIME LAB, NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION,  PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS AND FINISHES,  UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.  270      M.T. ALS ROOM    RELOCATED CRIME LAB, NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION,  PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS AND FINISHES,  UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.  271      CSI  RELOCATED CRIME LAB, NEW PLAN CONFIGURATION,  PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENT, FURNISHINGS AND FINISHES,  UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.  273  CORRIDOR NEW CARPET, WALL COVERING, CHAIR RAIL, AND  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 28 of 170 19  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    2.2 MECHANICAL SYSTEM    2.2.1 GENERAL    The intent of the mechanical design criteria document is to provide guidelines dictated by all applicable  codes, owner standards and applicable City, State or Municipal Amendments for the design build team.  The owner’s standards will need to be provided by the owner or their representative. The design build  team will select equipment based on this criteria and best engineering practices.    In the event of a conflict between this document and any code, engineering standards or Owner  preference, preceding shall govern.  Consult with the Owner.    2.2.2 MECHANICAL DESIGN CRITERIA    a. Codes and Standards  The design specifications and installation will be in accordance with good engineering practice  and will conform to the following standards, Codes and Industry Standard Practice  specifications:  (1) 2016 California Building Code  (2) 2016 California Green Building Standards with local amendments  (3) 2016 California Mechanical Code  (4) 2016 California Energy Code based on Title 24, Part 6, 2005 standards.  (5) Americans with Disability Act (ADA)  (6) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)  i. Handbooks: Fundamentals, Applications, Systems and Equipment  ii. Standard 15: Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration  iii. Standard 52: Gravimetric and Dust – Spot Procedures for Testing Air‐Cleaning  Devices Used in General Ventilation for Removing Particulate Matter  iv. Standard 55: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy  v. Standard 62: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality  vi. Standard 90.1: Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings except Low Rise  Residential Buildings  vii. Standard 105: Standard Method of Measuring and Expressing Building Energy  Performance  viii. Standard 111: Practices for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of  Building HVAC & Refrigeration  ix. Standard 114: Energy Management Control Systems Instrumentation  x. Standard 135: BACnet Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and  Control Networks  (7) Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Current Standards  (8) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Current Standards  i. NFPA – Uniform Fire Code  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 29 of 170 20  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    ii. NFPA 90A – Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems  iii. NFPA 92A – Smoke‐Control Systems  iv. NFPA 101 – Life Safety Code  (9) Air Moving and Conditioning Association (AMCA) Current Standards  (10) Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)  (11) Occupational Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, 29 CFR, Parts 1926 and  1910  (12) Environmental Protection Agency Regulations  (13) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) publications  (14) National Institute of Health (NIH)  (15) Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA)    b. Space Temperature and Humidity Criteria  The HVAC systems and equipment shall be designed in accordance with the following, for Crime  Lab, Narcotics Storage and Drying Room, see Safety Design Criteria):    Indoor Design Criteria      Room Designation  Cooling  DB (°F)  Heating  %RH    DB  (°F)  Offices 74  50  70  Conference 74  50  70  Parts 75  50  68  Restrooms 75  50  68  Main Electrical Rooms 80  50  N/A  Electrical Closets ¹ 80  50  N/A  Service Bays  Notes:  N/A  N/A  68  1. Electrical Closets may be ventilated in lieu of conditioned to meet space  temperature requirement.      c. Ventilation Rates:  (1) Public and commercial spaces:  Per ASHRAE Standard 62 and Title 24, whichever value is greater and not less than 0.15  CFM/SF.  (2) Service Bays:  Per ASHRAE Standard 62 and Title 24, whichever value is greater and not less than 1.50  CFM/SF.  (3) Ventilation air intakes will be located 10 feet away from exhaust outlets of general  exhaust ventilating systems, plumbing vents, emergency generator discharge stacks, or  from areas which may collect vehicular exhaust. Ventilation air shall be provided for all  occupied spaces in accordance with code requirements.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 30 of 170 21  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    d. Design Occupancy:  The HVAC and energy calculations shall use the occupancies set forth by the architectural  design, when determining heating, cooling and energy loads.    e. Lighting and Equipment Loads  Refer to electrical design criteria for all lighting and electrical load requirements. These factors  shall be taken into consideration when calculating the HVAC and Energy loads.    Otherwise the following internal heat gain assumptions may be taken:    Space Lighting Load  Plug Load  Occupant Load  Office 1.0 W/Sq. Ft.  1.0 W/Sq.Ft.  245 Btuh Sensible  155 Btuh Latent  Support Rooms  (Electrical/Storage/Restrooms)  0.6 W/Sq. Ft.  0.5 W/Sq. Ft.  0 Btuh Sensible  0 Btuh Latent  Conference 1.2 W/Sq. Ft.  1.5 W/Sq. Ft.  245 Btuh Sensible  155 Btuh Latent  Service Bays 0.9 W/Sq. Ft.  1.5 W/Sq. Ft.  580 Btuh Sensible  870 Btuh Latent    f. Energy Conservation  Building components and mechanical systems will be selected and designed to reduce the  consumption of energy and operate as efficiently as possible to meet or exceed the Title 24  performance. Where applicable, equipment shall be Energy Star rated.    Upon generation of Title 24, the following values shall be used to achieve Prescriptive  compliance:    (1) Metal Building Roof:  Maximum U = 0.041  (2) Metal‐framed Wall:  Maximum U = 0.069  (3) Fixed Glass:  Maximum U = 0.36 and SHGC  = 0.25  (4) Operable Glass:  Maximum U = 0.46 and SHGC  = 0.22  (5) High Efficient Heat Pump with 17 SEER and 8 HSPF or better    g. Exhaust Ventilation  Exhaust ventilation will be provided by exhaust fans discharging to atmosphere for the toilet  rooms.    (1) Restrooms and Showers: 2.0 cfm/ft² of floor area.  (2) Service Bays: 1.5 cfm/ft² of floor area.  (3) Custodial Closet:  1.0 cfm/ft²  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 31 of 170 22  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    (4) Vestibules and Lockers:  0.5 cfm/ft²    h. Filtration Criteria  All air handling and make‐up air gravity vents serving occupied spaces shall be provided with a  minimum of MERV 8 filtration. Coordinate design per standards for Crime Lab, Narcotics Storage  and Drying Room.    i. Ductwork  (1) All ductwork shall comply with requirements of the California Mechanical Code, NFPA code  and SMACNA standards current editions.  (2) Horizontal duct distribution shall be routed to maximize long, straight runs without multiple  penetrations through fire and/or smoke partitions.  (3) Multiple horizontal mains shall be of comparable length and configuration to equalize  pressure losses.  (4) The overall objective is to route ducts that shall avoid or minimize architecturally and/or  structurally induced dynamic losses.    j. Dampers  (1) Fire and smoke dampers shall be constructed, located and installed in accordance with the  requirements of NFPA 90A.  (2) Fans and dampers shall be interconnected so that activation of dampers will not damage  the ducts.  (3) Access shall be available at all dampers.    k. Flexibility Criteria  (1) Air distribution systems shall be designed to afford flexibility for future redesign by  applying a modular layout approach of air distribution ductwork and air delivery devices.  (2) Consideration shall be taken to achieve minimum disruption due to single point of failure  and routine maintenance.    l. System Start‐Up, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing  (1) The work includes system start‐up, test, adjust, and balance (TAB) of HVAC air distribution  systems including equipment, ducts and piping for the project. Include sound and vibration  testing for HVAC equipment.  (2) The TAB Contractor shall be certified by Associated Air Balance Council (AABC).    m. Sound and Vibration Control  HVAC equipment and systems can generate vibration. Ductwork shall be designed to minimize  vibration, conducted noise, and transmitting airborne noise. Supply, return and/or exhaust air  fans and the like should be located away from sensitive areas.    Specific areas requiring attention to control noise and vibration may include:  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 32 of 170 23  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    (1) Fan noise, transmitted either through the structure or through the duct system.  (2) Noise generated by air flow past dampers, turning vanes and terminal device and louvers.  (3) Noise  caused  by  excitation  of  duct  wall  resonance,  produced  by fan  noise,  by  pressure  fluctuations caused by fan instability, and by turbulence caused by discontinuance in the duct  systems.  (4) Noise and vibration from out of balance forces from fans.    Vibrations isolation systems shall be provided on rotating mechanical equipment as required to  achieve the building NC levels set forth by the Acoustical Consultant report.    Special design consideration shall be given to the duct layout reducing noise transfer between  rooms (sound boot), especially noise generated by loud equipment or discussions in adjacent  rooms.    Ducts of diameter less than 24 inches do not require isolation provided flow velocities do not  exceed 1500 feet per minute. (In the case of rectangular ducting, the effective diameter is  defined as the square foot of the product of the two duct dimensions.)  Internal lining of duct with fiberglass insulation will be permitted.    n. Grilles, Registers and Diffusers  (1) The selection of the diffusers and grills shall be carried out in conjunction with the Architect  and Acoustician.  (2) Diffuser shall not include integral volume dampers.  (3) The face velocity at the diffusers shall not exceed 400 fpm, unless approved by Acoustical  Consultant.  (4) All inlets and outlets shall be selected at least 10 NC levels below the NC level of the room.  (5) All supply outlets shall be provided with a minimum of 5’‐0” and maximum 7’‐0” of flexible  ductwork to reduce sound and vibration transmission.    2.2.3 HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM    The HVAC systems of the heated and cooled areas shall be gas/electric or electric/electric roof‐top  package units, vertical discharge. Units shall be Carrier or equal. The DBT shall submit the following to  the Owner for review:  a. Air Conditioning and Heating  b. Outdoor air  c. Insulation  d. Base Package Unit Heat Pump  (1) Gas‐electric package unit shall be suitable for rooftop installation, condensing unit consists  of a hermetic compressor, an air‐cooled coil, forward–curved blade propeller condenser fan  and control box. Unit shall have vertical air discharge. Refrigeration circuit components will  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 33 of 170 24  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    include liquid‐line front seating shut‐off valve with sweat connections, vapor line front  seating shut‐off valve with sweat connections, system charge of R‐410A refrigerant or equal  as approved by local codes, POW compressor oil, accumulator, charge compensator, and  electronic expansion valve.  e. Insulation  (1) Supply and Return Ductwork: Formaldehyde‐free duct wrap with Fil Skim Craft (FSK) vapor  (2) barrier meeting minimum R‐8. ASTM E84 and UL 723.  f. Mechanical Identification  (1) Equipment Nameplates: Provide laminated plastic nameplate with black enamel  background and engraved white lettering on all equipment. Residential equipment to  include notation corresponding to matched condenser (outdoor), evaporator (indoor) units  and Living Unit residence number.      2.2.4 MISCELLANEOUS    a. Controls  Provide programmable thermostats with manual over‐ride per zone.    2.3 PLUMBING SYSTEMS    2.3.1 GENERAL    The intent of the plumbing design criteria document is to provide guidelines dictated by the Plumbing  Code, for the design build team. The design build team will select equipment based on this criteria and  best engineering practices.    2.3.2 PLUMBING UTILITY CONNECTIONS    Utilize existing plumbing utilities, contractor to verify location and capacity.    2.3.3 PLUMBING DESIGN CRITERIA    a. Codes and Standards  The design specifications and installation will be in accordance with good engineering practice  and will conform to the following standards, Codes and Industry Standard Practice  specifications:  (1) 2016 California Building Code  (2) 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, Title 24.  (3) 2016 California Electrical Code  (4) 2016 California Green Building Code  (5) 2016 California Mechanical Code  (6) 2016 California Plumbing Code  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 34 of 170 25  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    (7) 2016 California Fire Code  (8) NFPA ‐ 13, Sprinkler Systems    2.3.4 PLUMBING SYSTEM    The plumbing system shall include, but not limited to the following:   Sanitary waste and vent system  Storm water system  Domestic cold‐water system  Domestic hot water and hot water return system  Natural gas piping system  Plumbing fixtures   a. Sanitary Sewer and Vent Systems  (1) Sanitary waste and vent systems shall be provided to all plumbing fixtures.  (2) Floor drains and trap primers shall be provided to all public restrooms.  (3) Mechanical equipment rooms shall be provided with floor sinks for equipment drainage.  Indirect waste piping shall be provided for all mechanical equipment.    b. Storm Water  Storm drain design shall be based on maximum rainfall intensity per hour.    c. Domestic Cold and Hot Water Systems  (1) Water piping shall be sized in accordance with Appendix A of the 2013 C.P.C.  (2) For copper piping, flow velocity shall not exceed 8 feet per second for cold water and 5 feet  per second for hot water.  (3) Domestic hot water piping system shall be sized similarly to the cold water system. The  domestic hot water system shall be designed with circulating returns to ensure prompt  delivery of hot water to fixtures.  (4) Shutoff valves shall be provided for ease of maintenance/repair.  (5) The system shall be designed to prevent water hammer conditions by providing water  hammer arrestors for quick closing valves.    d. Natural Gas System  Fuel gas system shall be design in accordance with chapter 12 of California Plumbing Code.    e. Plumbing Fixtures and Piping Materials  (1) Fixtures and Trim  i. Plumbing fixtures will be selected and specified by the architectural team.  ii. Fixture Trim and Accessories shall be provided including fixture carriers, faucets,  drain outlets, tailpieces, P‐traps, stops and supplies.  iii. All faucets shall be shall be certified to comply with NSF 61 Section 9 Drinking Water  Standard and California AB1953.  iv. Water Conservation:  Provide water conserving fixtures.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 35 of 170 26  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    v. Plumbing fixtures shall be used in accordance with CAL Green mandatory provisions.    (2) Piping, Fittings and Joints    i. Hubless Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings  Soil, Waste, Vent and Rainwater Piping:   Hubless  Cast  Iron  Soil  Pipe:  No‐hub  pipe  with  Husky  SD‐4000  soil  pipe  coupling 4‐band clamp, or Clamp‐All Hi Torq 125 2‐band clamp or approved  equal.   Sealing gasket shall be neoprene in accordance with ASTM C564, CISPI 301‐  75.  i. Schedule 40 Black Steel Pipe and Fittings  Above Ground Natural Gas 2” and smaller:   Black steel pipe, Schedule 40 , Type F, Grade A, ASTM A53; with black  malleable iron threaded fittings, Class 150, ASTM A197/ANSI B16.3.  Above Ground Natural Gas 2‐1/2” and larger:   Black steel pipe, Schedule 40, Type F, Grade A, ASTM A53; with seamless  carbon steel weld fittings, ASTM A234 grade WPB/ANSI B16.9.  iii. Copper Tubing and Fittings  Underground:   Copper tube, Type K, hard drawn temper, ASTM B88   Copper pressure fittings, ANSI B16.18; Wrought copper pressure fittings,  ANSI B16.26.   Brazed joint.   Double wrap with Scotch Wrap #51 or equal, with 50% overlap.  Above ground:   Copper tube, Type l, hard drawn temper, ASTM B88   Cast bronze, solder joint, pressure rated ANSI B16.18; Wrought copper,  solder joint, pressure rated, ANSI B16.22 Lead free solder, 95%‐5% tin  antimony solder    (3) Valves, Flanges and Unions  i. Water Valves   Water valves 2" and smaller shall be all bronze ball type full port teflon seated  ball and 2‐piece valve body designed for 600 psi water and shall have threaded  ends with sweat adapters.   Water valves 2 1/2" and 3" shall be all bronze ball type with full port teflon  seated ball and 2‐piece body designed for 400 lbs. non‐shock cold water and  shall have threaded ends with sweat adapters.   Water valves 4" and larger shall be bronze fitted gate valves, flanged ends, iron  body, 125 psi steam, OS&Y valves.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 36 of 170 27  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications     Check valves shall be horizontal swing free away type.  ii. Natural Gas Valves   Gas Cocks: 2" and smaller, Crane #254 or equal, 125 psi working pressure,  lubricated plug, bronze, screw connections, square head.   Gas Cocks: 4" and larger, Crane #325 or equal, Iron body bronze trim, inside  screw bronze wedge, wheel handle, square head valve in lieu of tee handle,  flanged connections, 200 psi WOG.   Ball Valves: 3" and smaller bronze body with quarter turn handle. Ball valve shall  be listed for use with natural gas. Apollo series 70‐100‐07 or approved equal.    (4) Flanges  i. Flanges shall be companion type, faced and drilled for not less than 125# steam  working pressure complete with necessary adapter, and shall be of size and  material of adjacent piping.    (5) Unions  i. Unions on copper piping shall be bronze minimum working pressure of 200 psi.  ii. Unions on steel and iron shall be ferrous ground joint brass to iron, rated for the  working pressure of the system.    (6) Dielectric Fittings  i. Provide a dielectric union wherever two dissimilar metals pipes are connected to  prevent corrosion.    (7) Hangers and Supports  i. Refer to acoustical consultant recommendations.  ii. All piping shall be supported from the building structure by means of seismically  approved hangers and supports to maintain required grading and sloping of  lines, to prevent vibration and to secure piping in place, and shall be so arranged  as to provide for expansion and contraction.  iii. All of the supply piping shall be isolated from structure using Hubbard Holdrite  Acoustical Silencer Series isolators or equal, except felt 100 which is not  acceptable.  iv. Riser clamps for all supply water, waste, vent and storm drain risers shall be  isolated using Hubbard Holdrite Silencer Series or equal. Felt 100 is not  acceptable.    (8) Insulation  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 37 of 170 28  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications      i. The following piping and fittings shall be insulated:   All interior hot water piping.   All horizontal waste piping receiving cold water condensate.  ii. The following materials will be utilized:   Pipe Insulation: Fiberglass similar to Owens Corning, Manville, Certain‐Teed.  iii. Fittings and Valves Insulation   Molded or fabricated fitting covers of equal thickness and identical in  composition to adjacent pipe insulation, equal to Zeston premolded covers.   All materials, including vapor barrier jackets, glass cloth jackets, adhesives, etc.,  shall be fire retardant.  iv. Insulation Thickness  The piping, fittings, and valves shall be insulated with the following minimum  thicknesses:   Hot water and circulation piping:  1” thick for pipe 1” and smaller  1‐1/2” for pipe larger than 1”  Cold water piping: 1/2" thick  Rainwater Piping: 1/2" thick  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 38 of 170 30  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    2.4 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS    2.4.1 GENERAL    The intent of the electrical design criteria document is to provide guidelines dictated by all applicable  codes, owner standards and applicable City, State or Municipal Amendments for all design build team.  The owner’s standards will need to be provided by the owner or their representative. The design build  team will select equipment based on this criteria and best engineering practices.    In the event of a conflict between this document and any code, engineering standards or Owner  preference, preceding shall govern.  Consult with the Owner.    2.4.2 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING SYSTEMS    Electrical lighting systems shall be based on Illumination Engineering Society guidelines for space foot‐  candle levels and exceed California Title 24 or ASHRAE standards for energy efficiency and maximum  power density. Interior lighting systems with daylight, dimming and occupancy sensor controls will be  utilized for minimum power consumption and automatic shut‐off, to meet California Green Building  Code requirements.    The scope of work shall include, but not limited to the following:   Power Distribution  Distribution Conductors and Cables  Distribution Equipment Sizing and Spare Capacities  Power Load Densities for Building Spaces  Distribution and Load Equipment Grounding  Electrical Services to Mechanical and Plumbing Equipment  Wiring Devices  Lighting Systems   a. Power Service and Distribution    (1) The existing main electrical service switchboard for the building is rated at 400A, 480/277V,  3‐phase, 4‐wire, 60 Hz. There shall be new 480/277v, 3phase, 4wire panelboard to serve large  motor loads and lighting systems. A step down transformer and 120/208v, 3phase, 4wire  panel shall be provided to serve receptacle loads and small motor loads.    (2) Branch and feeder circuit overcurrent protection will be provided as follows:    i. Distribution equipment will be fully rated for the available fault current. Series rated  equipment will  not be allowed.  ii. Breakers for feeder and branch circuits will be bolt‐on type molded case.  iii. Ground fault circuit interrupters will be provided with receptacles located in restrooms  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 39 of 170 30  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    and exterior areas.    b. Distribution Conductors and Cables    (1) Power conductors shall be as a minimum Type THWN‐2, rated 600 V, 90‐C.    (2) Conductors must be plainly marked with the manufacturer's name, date of manufacture,  voltage and classification letters and will be inspected and approved before being used.  Insulated wire conductors, 600 volts or less, must be made of copper, with wire gauge,  insulation type, temperature rating, and manufacturer clearly printed on insulation.    (3) Minimum conductor size shall be No. 12 AWG for power and lighting and No. 14 for control.  All wire and cable shall be stranded copper conductor. The maximum voltage drop in each  branch circuit shall be no more than 3%. The maximum voltage drop in each feeder shall be  no more than 2%.    c. Conductor Color Coding:    (1) Mark each phase or leg in each panelboard with identifying tape. The insulation of all  conductors is to be color coded throughout the length of the circuit as follows:    208/120V,  3 phase, 4 wire:  Switch leg  120V Phase A – Black Brown  Phase B ‐ Red  Orange  Phase C – Blue  Yellow  Neutral ‐ White  Ground ‐ Green    d. Distribution Equipment Sizing and Spare Capacities    (1) All electrical equipment shall be sized per California Electric Code (CEC) requirements, with  spare capacity for future requirements.    (2) All lighting and power panels shall be sized with minimum 20% spare capacity.    (3) Minimum conduit size will be ¾” inside the building.    e. Service, Distribution and Load Equipment Grounding    (1) The size of the distribution system bonding and grounding electrode conductors to be as set  forth in the 2016 edition of the CEC for the applicable sizes of circuit wire. The grounding  conductor shall be green colored unless it is bare copper.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 40 of 170 31  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    f. Electrical Services to Mechanical and Plumbing Equipment    (1) Provide a fused disconnect switch at all powered HVAC  equipment.    g. Wiring Devices    (1) Duplex convenient receptacles shall be 20‐ampere, 125‐volt, 3 pole grounding type NEMA 5  ‐ 20R with screw‐type terminals. Ground‐fault circuit interrupter outlets, for wet area or sink  counter locations, shall be 'feed‐thru' type duplex receptacles with test reset buttons.    (2) Switches shall be minimum20 amp, 120‐volt, heavy duty toggle, single pole, with screw‐type  terminals. When multiple switches are installed, and voltage potential is above 150 volts,  install approved isolation barriers between switches.    (3) Provide wiring devices with the following centerline heights above the finished floor (confirm  with ADA):   Wall Switches: 4'‐0"  Convenience Receptacles: 18”  Telephone and Data Outlets: 18"  Wall Phone Outlets: 4’‐0”  (4)   Mount switches, convenience receptacles and telephone outlets vertically in all locations,  unless obstruction prevent, with ground prong at bottom. Install neutral plug on horizontal  mounted receptacles on bottom for safety reasons.    h. Lighting System    (1) The lighting system will be designed to 2016  Title  24  and  Illuminating  Engineering  Society  (IES) accordance with guidelines. Room and area lighting systems shall be based on LED lamp.  Incandescent lamp fixtures will not be allowed. Light zones and switching shall meet or exceed  Title 24 controls and switching requirements.    (2) Provide occupancy sensors and dimming according to Title 24 requirements. Provide battery‐ backed emergency lighting for egress pathways (interior hallways and stairs) for evacuation  of the building to public areas. Provide Photometric Studies for egress pathways on each  floor, showing CBC compliance with a minimum design emergency lighting level of  1.0 footcandle at floor level.    (3) Provide  dimmable  light  fixtures and  daylighting  controls  in  all  spaces  per  Title  24  requirements. Daylighting control system shall have occupancy sensor and interior photocell  integration capability for automatic zone‐based shut‐off and gradual full range artificial light  level dimming with increases in daylight (stepped dimming will not be allowed). Control  system shall be 100% self‐configuring with automatic zone photocell calibration and light loss  factor correction.    July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 41 of 170 32  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications    i.  Fire Alarm System    (1) All equipment proposed for use shall comply with the most current provision of the  following standards:     National Electric Code, Article 760.   National Fire Protection Association Standards: NFPA 70 and 72   National Fire Alarm Code NFPA101 Life Safety Code   And Codes/Amendments Local Authorities Having Jurisdiction if specification is more  stringent.    (2) The fire alarm system for the remodel areas shall match existing master fire alarm system.  Provide power supplies, peripheral devices, etc. as required per code.    (3) Alarm Initiating Devices     Manual Pull Stations   Manual pull stations shall be provided at each floor egress and shall be spaced per  NFPA 72.   Pull stations shall be double‐action of the non‐coded type with a key reset switch.    (4) Smoke Detectors     Smoke detectors shall also be located within stairwells, electric rooms, security room,  ceiling voids and other locations as required by code.   Smoke detectors shall be photoelectric type.   Beam detectors shall be located in open walls as well as large open areas in lieu of  photoelectric smoke detectors.   Duct smoke detectors shall be located at each air‐handling unit and shall be the  photoelectric type.   Smoke detectors shall operate an alarm verification function via software that will  require (2) smoke detectors to initiate an alarm condition prior to activating alarm  indicating devices.    (5) Heat Detectors    Heat detectors shall be provided in kitchen, pantries, mechanical equipment rooms,  elevator machine rooms and Generator Room.    (6) Alarm Indicating Devices    July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 42 of 170 33  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications     Visual strobe units shall meet the requirements of NFPA.   Audible units in public spaces shall be speakers with a peak output of 96 dB at 10'‐0".   Audible units in mechanical areas or other areas with high ambient noise shall be  trumpet type suitable for such locations.   Audible alarms located in the animal facility shall have a special frequency rating as to  be unobtrusive to the animals.    (7) Wiring    All fire alarm wiring shall be closed loop MICC/FP2000 type and supervised. All wire and  cable shall be suitable for fire alarm use and shall be installed in conduit.    (8) Testing    The entire system shall be installed and tested to the satisfaction of the local building and  safety plan check and Fire Dept. inspectors.    2.5 STRUCTURAL    2.5.1 GENERAL    The intent of the structural design criteria document is to provide guidelines dictated by all applicable  codes, owner standards and applicable City, State or Municipal Amendments for the design build team.  The owner’s standards will need to be provided by the owner or their representative. The design build  team will select equipment based on this criteria and best engineering practices.    In the event of a conflict between this document and any code, engineering standards or Owner  preference, preceding shall govern.  Consult with the Owner.    2.5.2 STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS    Structural design is required for the following:     There are a few new exterior openings, one in the back near the Sallyport, exiting to the exterior  from Bag Tag 155, and three new openings at the front at the lobby entry and property return.  There are also low retaining walls at the Duty Locker Areas at the rear parking.     Structural details are required for OSHA guardrails at the roof.     Structural details are required for attachment of furring for new mechanical shafts at exterior of  building.     Bracing may be required at suspended ceilings if upgrades are required.  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 43 of 170 34  City of Carlsbad  Safety Center Renovation, Project No. 4715  Bridging Documents: Scope of Work and Specifications       Calculations are required to show a full seismic upgrade is not required.    3.0  TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTIONS  July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 44 of 170 Safety Center Renovation Bridging Documents TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS For the City of Carlsbad March 14, 2018 Pacific Architecture and Engineering, Inc. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 45 of 170 4715 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 3/23/2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 00 - PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTINGREQUIREMENTS 00 0101 PROJECT TITLE PAGE 00 0102 PROJECT INFORMATION DIVISION 02 - EXISTING CONDITIONS 02 4100 DEMOLITION DIVISION 05 - METALS 05 5213 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07 6200 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM07 9200 SECURITY SEALANT DIVISION 09 - FINISHES 09 6816 SHEET CARPETING 09 9000 PAINTING AND COATING09 9000 PAINTING AND COATING - COMMERCIAL GUIDE SPEC DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES 10 2013 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT 11 5300 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 11 5313 LABORATORY FUME HOODS DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS 12 3553 LABORATORY CASEWORK DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING EQUIPMENT 14 2500 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 46 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 00 0101 - 1 PROJECT TITLE PAGE SECTION 00 0101 PROJECT TITLE PAGE PROJECT MANUAL FOR CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION OWNER'S PROJECT NUMBER: 4715 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD , CALIFORNIA 92010 DATE: (DATE OF PROJECT MANUAL) PREPARED BY: PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING INC. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 47 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 00 0102 - 1 PROJECT INFORMATION SECTION 00 0102 PROJECT INFORMATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. Project Name: Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation, located at 2560 Orion Way, Carlsbad,California 92010 : B. City's Project Number: 4715. 2560 Orion Way. Carlsbad, California 92010. C. The Owner, hereinafter referred to as City: City of Carlsbad D. City's Project Manager: Steven Stewart. 1.02 NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE DESIGN-BUILDERS A. These documents constitute an invitation to prospective Design-Builders to submit qualificationsand proposals for the design and construction of the project described below. 1.03 PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Summary Project Description: The completion of design and construction by Design Build Contractor for the renovation of the Carlsdbad Safety Center. See Scope of Work documentand drawing for more detailed information. . B. Contract Scope: Construction, demolition, renovation, and facility operations during occupancy. 1.04 PROJECT CONSULTANTS A. The Architect, hereinafter referred to as Architect: Jun Fujita Hall. 1.05 PROCUREMENT TIMETABLE A. RFP Documents Available: _______. B. Last Request for Substitution Due: 7 days prior to due date of proposals. C. Last Request for Information Due: 7 days prior to due date of proposals. D. Proposal Due Date: ________, before 4 PM local time. E. Proposal Opening: Same day, 5 PM local time. F. The City reserves the right to change the schedule or terminate the entire procurement processat any time. 1.06 PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS A. Availability of Documents: Complete sets of procurement documents may be obtained: 1. From City at the Project Manager's address listed above. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 48 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 02 4100 - 1 DEMOLITION SECTION 02 4100 DEMOLITION PART 3 EXECUTION 1.01 GENERAL PROCEDURES AND PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Comply with applicable codes and regulations for demolition operations and safety of adjacentstructures and the public. 1. Obtain required permits. 2. Take precautions to prevent catastrophic or uncontrolled collapse of structures to be removed; do not allow worker or public access within range of potential collapse ofunstable structures. 3. Provide, erect, and maintain temporary barriers and security devices. 4. Conduct operations to minimize effects on and interference with adjacent structures andoccupants. 5. Do not close or obstruct roadways or sidewalks without permit. 6. Conduct operations to minimize obstruction of public and private entrances and exits; donot obstruct required exits at any time; protect persons using entrances and exits from removal operations. 7. Obtain written permission from owners of adjacent properties when demolition equipmentwill traverse, infringe upon or limit access to their property. B. Do not begin removal until receipt of notification to proceed from City. C. Protect existing structures and other elements that are not to be removed. 1. Provide bracing and shoring. 2. Prevent movement or settlement of adjacent structures. 3. Stop work immediately if adjacent structures appear to be in danger. 1.02 DEBRIS AND WASTE REMOVAL A. Remove debris, junk, and trash from site. B. Leave site in clean condition, ready for subsequent work. C. Clean up spillage and wind-blown debris from public and private lands. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 49 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 05 5213 - 1 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS SECTION 05 5213 PIPE AND TUBE RAILINGS PART 2 PRODUCTS 1.01 RAILINGS - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Design, fabricate, and test railing assemblies in accordance with the most stringentrequirements of ASTM E985 and applicable local code. B. Allow for expansion and contraction of members and building movement without damage toconnections or members. C. Dimensions: See drawings for configurations and heights. D. Provide anchors and other components as required to attach to structure, made of samematerials as railing components unless otherwise indicated; where exposed fasteners are unavoidable provide flush countersunk fasteners. E. Provide slip-on non-weld mechanical fittings to join lengths, seal open ends, and conceal exposed mounting bolts and nuts, including but not limited to elbows, T-shapes, spliceconnectors, flanges, escutcheons, and wall brackets. 1.02 FABRICATION A. Accurately form components to suit specific project conditions and for proper connection to building structure. B. Fit and shop assemble components in largest practical sizes for delivery to site. C. Fabricate components with joints tightly fitted and secured. Provide spigots and sleeves to accommodate site assembly and installation. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 50 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 6200 - 1 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM SECTION 07 6200 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS 1.02 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Sheet metal flashing 2. Manufactured reglets with counterflashing. 1.03 COORDINATION A. Coordinate sheet metal flashing and trim layout and seams with sizes and locations ofpenetrations to be flashed, and joints and seams in adjacent materials. B. Coordinate sheet metal flashing and trim installation with adjoining roofing and wall materials,joints, and seams to provide leakproof, secure, and noncorrosive installation. 1.04 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site and coordinate with roofing preinstallation meeting. 1. Review construction schedule. Verify availability of materials, Installer's personnel,equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. 2. Review special roof details, roof drainage, roof-penetration flashing, equipment curbs, andconditions of other construction that affect sheet metal flashing and trim. 3. Review requirements for insurance and certificates if applicable. 4. Review sheet metal flashing observation and repair procedures after flashing installation. 1.05 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each manufactured product and accessory. B. Shop Drawings: For sheet metal flashing and trim. 1. Include plans, elevations, sections, and attachment details. 2. Detail fabrication and installation layouts, expansion-joint locations, and keyed details.Distinguish between shop- and field-assembled work. 3. Include identification of material, thickness, weight, and finish for each item and location in Project. 4. Include details for forming, including profiles, shapes, seams, and dimensions.5. Include details for joining, supporting, and securing, including layout and spacing of fasteners, cleats, clips, and other attachments. Include pattern of seams. 6. Include details of termination points and assemblies. 7. Include details of roof-penetration flashing. 8. Include details of special conditions.9. Include details of connections to adjoining work. 10. Detail formed flashing and trim at scale of not less than 3 inches per 12 inches. 1.06 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For fabricator. B. Product Test Reports: For each product, for tests performed by a qualified testing agency. C. Sample Warranty: For special warranty. 1.07 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Maintenance Data: For sheet metal flashing and trim and its accessories, to include inmaintenance manuals. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 51 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 6200 - 2 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 1.08 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: Employs skilled workers who custom fabricate sheet metal flashingand trim similar to that required for this Project and whose products have a record of successfulin-service performance. 1.09 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not store sheet metal flashing and trim materials in contact with other materials that mightcause staining, denting, or other surface damage. Store sheet metal flashing and trim materialsaway from uncured concrete and masonry. B. Protect strippable protective covering on sheet metal flashing and trim from exposure to sunlightand high humidity, except to extent necessary for period of sheet metal flashing and trim installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Sheet metal flashing and trim assemblies shall withstand wind loads, structuralmovement, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure due todefective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction. Completedsheet metal flashing and trim shall not rattle, leak, or loosen, and shall remain watertight. B. Sheet Metal Standard for Flashing and Trim: Comply with NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing Manual" and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" requirements for dimensions and profilesshown unless more stringent requirements are indicated. C. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes to prevent buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of jointsealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base calculations on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss.1. Temperature Change: 120 deg F, ambient; 180 deg F, material surfaces. 2.02 SHEET METALS A. General: Protect mechanical and other finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applyingstrippable, temporary protective film before shipping. B. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet: Provide zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet according to ASTM A653/A 653M, G90 coating designation; prepainted by coil-coating process to comply with ASTMA 755/A 755M. 1. Surface: Factory finish white or primed and painted white glossy for metal for visible sheet metal flashing. Follow paint manufacturer’s instructions for exterior paint for metalsubstrate. 2.03 UNDERLAYMENT MATERIALS A. Felt: ASTM D 226/D 226M, Type II (No. 30), asphalt-saturated organic felt; nonperforated. B. Self-Adhering, High-Temperature Sheet: Minimum 30 mils thick, consisting of a slip-resistantpolyethylene- or polypropylene-film top surface laminated to a layer of butyl- or SBS-modified asphalt adhesive, with release-paper backing; specifically designed to withstand high metaltemperatures beneath metal roofing. Provide primer according to written recommendations ofunderlayment manufacturer. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following:2. Tremco; ExoAir HTF or equal. Thermal Stability: ASTM D 1970; stable after testing at 240deg F or higher. 3. Low-Temperature Flexibility: ASTM D 1970; passes after testing at minus 20 deg F orlower. C. Slip Sheet: Rosin-sized building paper, 3 lb/100 sq. ft. minimum. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 52 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 6200 - 3 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 2.04 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. General: Provide materials and types of fasteners, solder, protective coatings, sealants, andother miscellaneous items as required for complete sheet metal flashing and trim installationand as recommended by manufacturer of primary sheet metal or manufactured item unless otherwise indicated. B. Fasteners: Wood screws, annular threaded nails, self-tapping screws, self-locking rivets andbolts, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads and recommended by manufacturer of primary sheet metal or manufactured item. 1. General: Blind fasteners or self-drilling screws, gasketed, with hex-washer head. a. Exposed Fasteners: Heads matching color of sheet metal using plastic caps orfactory-applied coating. Provide metal-backed EPDM or PVC sealing washers underheads of exposed fasteners bearing on weather side of metal.b. Blind Fasteners: High-strength aluminum or stainless-steel rivets suitable for metal being fastened. c. Spikes and Ferrules: Same material as gutter; with spike with ferrule matchinginternal gutter width. 2. Fasteners for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Sheet: Series 300 stainless steel or hot-dipgalvanized steel according to ASTM A 153/A 153M or ASTM F 2329. C. Solder: 1. For Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel: ASTM B 32, Grade Sn50, 50 percent tin and 50percent lead or Grade Sn60, 60 percent tin and 40 percent lead with maximum leadcontent of 0.2 percent. D. Sealant Tape: Pressure-sensitive, 100 percent solids, polyisobutylene compound sealant tapewith release-paper backing. Provide permanently elastic, nonsag, nontoxic, nonstaining tape 1/2 inch wide and 1/8 inch thick. E. Elastomeric Sealant: ASTM C 920, elastomeric polyurethane polymer sealant; of type, grade,class, and use classifications required to seal joints in sheet metal flashing and trim and remain watertight. F. Butyl Sealant: ASTM C 1311, single-component, solvent-release butyl rubber sealant; polyisobutylene plasticized; heavy bodied for hooked-type expansion joints with limitedmovement. G. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt emulsion according to ASTM D 1187. H. Asphalt Roofing Cement: ASTM D 4586, asbestos free, of consistency required for application. I. Foam Tape: PVC closed cell foam tape, 3/4 inch wide minimum, 1/2 inch thick minimum. 2.05 MANUFACTURED SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM A. If reglets need to be replaced: Reglets: Units of type, material, and profile required, formed toprovide secure interlocking of separate reglet and counterflashing pieces, and compatible withflashing indicated with factory-mitered and -welded corners and junctions and with interlocking counterflashing on exterior face, of same metal as reglet. Match same manufactuerer asexisting condition. 2.06 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. General: Custom fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with details shown and recommendations in cited sheet metal standard that apply to design, dimensions, geometry,metal thickness, and other characteristics of item required. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim in shop to greatest extent possible.1. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim in thickness or weight needed to comply withperformance requirements, but not less than that specified for each application and metal. 2. Obtain field measurements for accurate fit before shop fabrication. 3. Form sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates without excessive oil canning, buckling,and tool marks; true to line, levels, and slopes; and with exposed edges folded back to form hems. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 53 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 6200 - 4 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 4. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible. Do not use exposed fasteners on faces exposed to view. B. Expansion Provisions: Form metal for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. 1. Use lapped expansion joints only where indicated on Drawings. C. Sealant Joints: Where movable, nonexpansion-type joints are required, form metal to provide for proper installation of elastomeric sealant according to cited sheet metal standard. D. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices from same material as accessory being anchored orfrom compatible, noncorrosive metal. E. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seams with flat-lock seams. Form seams and seal withelastomeric sealant unless otherwise recommended by sealant manufacturer for intended use. F. Do not use graphite pencils to mark metal surfaces. 2.07 LOW-SLOPE ROOF SHEET METAL FABRICATIONS A. Counterflashing: Shop fabricate interior and exterior corners. Fabricate from the followingmaterials: 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.022 inch thick, minimum. B. Equipment Cap: Fully soldered. Fabricate from the following materials:1. Galvanized Steel: 0.030 inch thick, minimum. C. Scupper: Fully soldered. Fabricate from the following materials: D. Galvanized Steel: 0.030 inch thick, minimum. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, substrate, and other conditions affecting performanceof the Work. 1. Verify compliance with requirements for installation tolerances of substrates. 2. Verify that substrate is sound, dry, smooth, clean, sloped for drainage, and securelyanchored. B. Proceed with installation only after inspection and unsatisfactory conditions have beencorrected. 3.02 UNDERLAYMENT INSTALLATION A. Felt Underlayment: Install felt underlayment, wrinkle free, using adhesive to minimize use of mechanical fasteners under sheet metal flashing and trim. Apply in shingle fashion to shedwater, with lapped joints of not less than 2 inches. B. Self-Adhering Sheet Underlayment: Install self-adhering sheet underlayment, wrinkle free.Prime substrate if recommended by underlayment manufacturer. Comply with temperaturerestrictions of underlayment manufacturer for installation; use primer for installing underlaymentat low temperatures. Apply in shingle fashion to shed water, with end laps of not less than 6inches staggered 24 inches between courses. Overlap side edges not less than 3-1/2 inches. Roll laps and edges with roller. Cover underlayment within 14 days. C. Apply slip sheet, wrinkle free, over underlayment before installing sheet metal flashing and trim. 3.03 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. General: Anchor sheet metal flashing and trim and other components of the Work securely in place, with provisions for thermal and structural movement. Use fasteners, solder, protectivecoatings, separators, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as required to complete sheet metal flashing and trim system.1. Install sheet metal flashing and trim true to line, levels, and slopes. Provide uniform, neat seams with minimum exposure of solder, welds, and sealant. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 54 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 6200 - 5 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 2. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in watertight performance. Verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered before fabricatingsheet metal. 3. Space cleats not more than 12 inches apart. Attach each cleat with at least two fasteners.Bend tabs over fasteners. 4. Install exposed sheet metal flashing and trim without oil canning, and free of buckling andtool marks.5. Torch cutting of sheet metal flashing and trim is not permitted.6. Do not use graphite pencils to mark metal surfaces. B. Metal Protection: Where dissimilar metals contact each other, or where metal contactspressure-treated wood or other corrosive substrates, protect against galvanic action or corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating or by other permanent separationas recommended by sheet metal manufacturer or cited sheet metal standard. 1. Underlayment: Where installing sheet metal flashing and trim directly on cementitious orwood substrates, install underlayment and cover with slip sheet. C. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. Spacemovement joints at maximum of 10 feet with no joints within 24 inches of corner or intersection. 1. Use lapped expansion joints only where indicated on Drawings. D. Fasteners: Use fastener sizes that penetrate wood blocking or sheathing not less than 1-1/4 inches for nails and not less than 3/4 inch for wood screws. E. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible in exposed work and locate tominimize possibility of leakage. Cover and seal fasteners and anchors as required for a tightinstallation. F. Seal joints as required for watertight construction. 1. Use sealant-filled joints unless otherwise indicated. Embed hooked flanges of joint members not less than 1 inch into sealant. Form joints to completely conceal sealant.When ambient temperature at time of installation is between 40 and 70 deg F, set jointmembers for 50 percent movement each way. Adjust setting proportionately for installation at higher ambient temperatures. Do not install sealant-type joints at temperatures below 40deg F. G. Soldered Joints: Clean surfaces to be soldered, removing oils and foreign matter. Pre-tin edgesof sheets with solder to width of 1-1/2 inches; however, reduce pre-tinning where pre-tinnedsurface would show in completed Work. 1. Do not use torches for soldering. 2. Heat surfaces to receive solder, and flow solder into joint. Fill joint completely. Completely remove flux and spatter from exposed surfaces. H. Rivets: Rivet joints where necessary for strength. 3.04 ROOF FLASHING INSTALLATION A. General: Install sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with performance requirements and cited sheet metal standard. Provide concealed fasteners where possible, and set units true toline, levels, and slopes. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that are permanently watertight and weather resistant. B. Pipe or Post Counterflashing: Install counterflashing umbrella with close-fitting collar with topedge flared for elastomeric sealant, extending minimum of 4 inches over base flashing. Install stainless-steel draw band and tighten. C. Counterflashing: Coordinate installation of counterflashing with installation of base flashing.Insert counterflashing in reglets or receivers and fit tightly to base flashing. Extendcounterflashing 4 inches over base flashing. Lap counterflashing joints minimum of 4 inches.Secure in waterproof manner by means of snap-in installation and sealant or lead wedges and sealant, interlocking folded seam or blind rivets and sealant, or anchor and washer at 36-inchcenters unless otherwise indicated. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 55 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 6200 - 6 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM D. Roof-Penetration Flashing: Coordinate installation of roof-penetration flashing with installation ofroofing and other items penetrating roof. Seal with elastomeric sealant and clamp flashing topipes where indicated. 3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean exposed metal surfaces of substances that interfere with uniform oxidation andweathering. B. Clean and neutralize flux materials. Clean off excess solder. C. Clean off excess sealants. D. Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films as sheet metal flashing and trim are installed unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. Oncompletion of sheet metal flashing and trim installation, remove unused materials and cleanfinished surfaces as recommended by sheet metal flashing and trim manufacturer. Maintainsheet metal flashing and trim in clean condition during construction. E. Replace sheet metal flashing and trim that have been damaged or that have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. 3.06 WARRANTY A. Manufacturer’s Warranty: 1. Written warranty, signed by manufacturer and Installer, including a. Repair or replace waterproofing or sheet flashings that do not comply withrequirements; that do not remain watertight; that fail in adhesion, cohesion, or general durability; or that deteriorate in manner not clearly specified by submittedwaterproofing manufacturer’s data as inherent quality of material for applicationindicated. b. Removal and reinstallation of protection course, drainage panels, insulation and any materials necessary to repair. Warranty includes replacing materials as necessary. 2. Warranty Period: 10 years after Substantial Completion date. B. Installer’s Warranty: 1. Written warranty, signed by Installer, including a. Repair or replace flashing that do not comply with requirements; that do not remainwatertight; that fail in adhesion, cohesion, or general durability; or that deteriorate in manner not clearly specified by submitted waterproofing manufacturer’s data asinherent quality of material for application indicated. b. Removal and reinstallation of protection board, drainage panels, and insulation.Warranty includes replacing materials as necessary. c. Repair or replacement, to satisfaction of Owner, of other work or items which may have been displaced or damaged as consequence of defective work.d. Make immediate emergency repairs within 48 hours of notice of leakage.2. Warranty Period: 2 years after Substantial Completion date. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 56 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 9200 - 1 SECURITY SEALANT SECTION 07 9200 SECURITY SEALANT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Security Sealant for use at joints of material intersections, furnishing, fixtures and equipmentattachments, and all open cracks, crevices and joints in construction within areas designated as secure spaces, including, but not limited to: 1. Detention circulation and holding areas for both adults and juveniles. 2. Holding cells. 3. Cuffing benches.4. Booking and suspect processing areas. 5. Interview rooms. 6. Juvenile Lounge and detaining spaces. 7. Detainee/Suspect toilet, shower and dressing areas. 8. All other medical exam, first aid or hygiene facilities serving Suspect/Detainees. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: 1. Submit manufacturer’s current specifications and recommended installation procedures. 2. Submit sample warranty to be signed jointly by the applicator and manufacturer. 3. Submit manufacturer’s standard color chart for color section by Architect. B. Shop Drawings: Illustrations in sufficient detail to show installation and interface of the work of this Section with the work of adjacent trades. C. Contract Closeout: Submit manufacturer’s warranty. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: Installers shall be thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary skills andshall be thoroughly familiar with the specified requirements. B. Mockups: Sealants to be used in conjunction with materials to have Mockups shall be included in the Mockup. C. Field Color and Workmanship Samples: Caulk a section of joint as directed, under jobconditions, at least 7 days prior to the start of work fro review by Architect. When approved, sample shall be used as a standard of comparison for remainder of work. 1.04 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Packing and shipping: Deliver materials to site in manufacturer’s original unopened packagingwith labels intact. B. Storage and Protection: Adequately protect against damage during delivery, handling, storageand installation. Maintain product in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations with proper precautions to ensure fitness of material when installed. C. Handling: Comply with manufacturer’s instructions. 1.05 PROJECT / SITE CONDITIONS A. Physical Requirements for Proper Installation or Application. Observe manufacturer’s temperature service range. Do not apply sealant when weather or site conditions will inhibitbonding and curing. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide warranty in writing, and signed jointly by the installer and the manufacturer, to replace sealants which fail at no additional cost to the Owner because of loss of cohesion or adhesion,or do not cure, and which fail to achieve air-tight and water-tight seal for 5 years. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 57 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 9200 - 2 SECURITY SEALANT PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturer and Model: Security Sealant (Pick-Proof): Product: Dynapoxy EP-1200, two-part, high solids, high-modulus, non-sag, epoxy resin, as manufactured by Pecora Corporation, 165Wambold Road, Harleysville, PA 19438, (800)523-6688 (www.pecora.com<http://www.pecora.com>); Sikadur 31 Hi- Mod Gel 2-component, 100% solids,moisture-tolerant, high modulus, high strength, structural epoxy paste adhesive, asmanufactured by SIKA Corporation, 201 Polito Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ, 07071, (800) 933-7452 (www.usa.sika.com <http://www.usa.sika.com>); or approved equal: 1. Provide accessory materials as recommended by the manufacturer to provide fillermaterial which is non-sag and suitable for application. 2. Colors: Provide colors as selected by the architect from the manufacturer’s complete linefor each application. B. Single Source Responsibility for Joint Sealer Materials: 1. Obtain joint sealer materials from a single manufacturer for each different productrequired. 2. If sealants from separate manufacturers must be used and could come in contact witheach other, provide written certification from every manufacturer involved that the sealants are compatible and will adhere to each other. 2.02 MATERIALS A. General: 1. Sealants, primers, back-up materials, preformed joint fillers, bond breakers and relatedmaterials shall be compatible with adjoining materials. 2. Insert LEED requirements here. B. Sealant:1. Security Sealant: As specified above. C. Primer: Non-staining type, recommended by the sealant manufacturer to suit the application. D. Joint Cleaner: Non-corrosive and non-staining type, recommended by the sealant manufacturer; compatible with joint forming materials. E. Joint Filler: (Backer): ASTM D1565; round closed cell polyethylene, urethane or neoprene foamrod; oversized 30 to 50 percent; SofRod as manufactured by A.E.T. F. Bond Breaker: Pressure sensitive tape recommended by sealant manufacturer to suitapplication. G. Gloss Reducer: Silica sand No 20. Color to match adjacent surface. Gloss reducer shall beprovided only at traffic sealant applications, unless instructed otherwise by Architect. H. Other Materials: Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor and approved by the sealant manufactureras compatible, subject to the review of the Architect. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: 1. Examine subsurfaces to receive the Work and report detrimental conditions in writing to the Architect. Commencement of the Work will be considered as acceptance ofsub-surfaces. 2. Verify before proceeding with this Work, that the required inspections of existing conditionshave been completed. B. Coordination Coordinate with other work which affects, connects with, or will be concealed bythis Work. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 58 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 07 9200 - 3 SECURITY SEALANT 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean, prepare, and prime joints in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Remove loosematerials and other foreign matter which may impair adhesion of sealant. B. Verify that joint shaping materials and release tapes are compatible with sealant. C. Examine joint dimensions and size materials to achieve required width/depth ratios, D. Use joint filler to achieve required joint depths, to allow sealants to perform properly. Do not braid backer rods. E. Use bond breaker where required. F. Protect adjacent surfaces from damage by masking when necessary. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General:1. Install security sealant in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.2. In general, seal openings and other locations which normally require sealant to seal against infiltration from air, water and insects, Including, but not limited to: a. Construction and expansion joints. b. Joints between dissimilar materials.c. Joints around windows, doorframes, louvers and other penetrations and openings in the exterior wall. d. Interior wall openings. e. Perimeter joints with walls, floors and ceilings of: toilet fixtures; HVAC diffusers andgrilles; electrical devices and boxes; cast-n-place concrete elements, such asbenches and bunks; other furnishings, fixtures and equipment.f. Other locations indicated on drawings. 3. Apply sealant within recommended temperature ranges. Consult manufacturer when sealant cannot be applied within recommended temperature ranges. B. Joints: 1. Free of air pockets, foreign embedded matter, ridges, and sags. 2. Tool joints concave. C. Apply sealant under pressure with hand or power actuated gun or other appropriate means. Gun shall have nozzle of proper size and provide sufficient pressure to completely fill joints asdetailed. D. Neatly point or tool joint surfaces to provide slightly concave surfaces, free of wrinkles and skips, uniformly smooth and with perfect adhesion along both sides of joint. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean adjacent surfaces of sealant as work progresses. B. Use solvent or cleaning agent as recommended by sealant manufacturer. C. During the course of the Work and upon completion, remove and dispose of excess materials,equipment and debris away from premises. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 59 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 09 9000 - 1 PAINTING AND COATING SECTION 09 9000 PAINTING AND COATING PART 2 PRODUCTS 1.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Provide all paint and coating products used in any individual system from the samemanufacturer; no exceptions. B. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 1.02 PAINTS AND COATINGS - GENERAL A. Paints and Coatings: Ready mixed, unless intended to be a field-catalyzed coating. 1. Provide paints and coatings of a soft paste consistency, capable of being readily anduniformly dispersed to a homogeneous coating, with good flow and brushing properties, and capable of drying or curing free of streaks or sags. 2. Supply each coating material in quantity required to complete entire project's work from asingle production run. 3. Do not reduce, thin, or dilute coatings or add materials to coatings unless such procedureis specifically described in manufacturer's product instructions. B. Primers: As follows unless other primer is required or recommended by manufacturer of topcoats; where the manufacturer offers options on primers for a particular substrate, use primer categorized as "best" by the manufacturer. C. Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content: 1. Provide coatings that comply with the most stringent requirements specified in thefollowing: a. 40 CFR 59, Subpart D--National Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings.2. Determination of VOC Content: Testing and calculation in accordance with 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24), exclusive of colorants added to a tint base and water addedat project site; or other method acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. PART 3 EXECUTION 2.01 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces thoroughly and correct defects prior to coating application. B. Prepare surfaces using the methods recommended by the manufacturer for achieving the bestresult for the substrate under the project conditions. C. Remove or mask surface appurtenances, including electrical plates, hardware, light fixture trim,escutcheons, and fittings, prior to preparing surfaces or finishing. D. Seal surfaces that might cause bleed through or staining of topcoat. E. Remove mildew from impervious surfaces by scrubbing with solution of tetra-sodium phosphateand bleach. Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry. 2.02 APPLICATION A. Apply products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Do not apply finishes to surfaces that are not dry. Allow applied coats to dry before next coat isapplied. C. Apply each coat to uniform appearance. D. Vacuum clean surfaces of loose particles. Use tack cloth to remove dust and particles just priorto applying next coat. E. Reinstall electrical cover plates, hardware, light fixture trim, escutcheons, and fittings removedprior to finishing. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 60 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 09 9000 - 1 PAINTING AND COATING - COMMERCIAL GUIDE SPEC SECTION 09 9000 PAINTING AND COATING - COMMERCIAL GUIDE SPEC PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Surface preparation and field painting of exposed interior items and surfaces. B. Surface preparation and field painting of exposed exterior items and surfaces. C. All damaged surfaces due to installation of equipment shall be repainted and shall matchexisting, adjacent finish in sheen and color. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM D16 - Standard Terminology for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications;2016. B. SSPC-SP 6 - Commercial Blast Cleaning; 2007. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each paint system indicated, including:1. Material List: An inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identify each material bymanufacturer's catalog number and general classification. 2. Preparation instructions and recommendations. 3. Manufacturer's Information: Manufacturer's technical information, including label analysisand instructions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material. B. Verification Samples: For each finish product specified, two samples, minimum size 6 inch (150mm) square, representing actual product, color, and patterns. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in applying paints and coatings similarin material, design, and extent to those indicated for this project, whose work has resulted inapplications with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Obtain block fillers and primers for each coating system from the same manufacturer as thefinish coats. C. Paint exposed surfaces. If an item or a surface is not specifically mentioned, paint the item orsurface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces. If a color of finish is not indicated,Architect will select from standard colors and finishes available. D. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts,and labels. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to project site in manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label. B. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 degrees F (7 degrees C). Maintain storage containers in a cleancondition, free of foreign materials and residue. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products underenvironmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. B. Apply waterborne paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) and 90 degrees F (32 degrees C). C. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 45 degrees F (7 degrees C) and 95 degrees F (35 degrees C). July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 61 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 09 9000 - 2 PAINTING AND COATING - COMMERCIAL GUIDE SPEC D. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, or mist; or when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; orat temperatures less than 5 degrees F (3 degrees C) above the dew point; or to damp or wetsurfaces.1. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by manufacturer during applicationand drying periods. 1.07 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Quantity of extra paint shall be 5 gallons furnished by the City. B. Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied and in thequantities described below. Package with protective covering for storage and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver extra materials to Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Basis of Design Manufacturer: PPG Paints, 400 Bertha Lamme Drive Cranberry, PA 16066.Toll Free Tel: 888-PPG-IDEA. Web: www.ppgpaints.com/#sle. 2.02 PAINT MATERIALS - GENERAL A. Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and with the substrates indicated under conditions of service andapplication, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. VOC Classification: Provide high-performance coating materials, including primers, undercoats,and finish-coat materials, that meet the applicable local, state or federal VOC requirementsincluding SCAQMD requirements. 2.03 COMMERCIAL FACILITY EXTERIOR PAINT SYSTEMS A. Concrete and Masonry - Smooth Surfaces:1. Acrylic Finish: Two finish coats over a primer.a. Flat Finish- High Build Coating: 1) Primer: PPG Paints; 4-603 Perma-Crete Interior/Exterior Alkali Resistant Primer (a) Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils (0.030 mm). 2) Flat Finish: PPG Paints; 6-610XI Series SpeedHide Exterior House Paint FlatLatex.(a) Applied at a dry film thickness of not less than 1.5 mils (0.038 mm). PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared. B. If substrate preparation is the responsibility of another installer, notify Architect of unsatisfactorypreparation before proceeding. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lightingfixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical orimpossible because of size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed usingworkers skilled in the trades involved. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean substrates of substancesthat could impair bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. C. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each substrate condition and as specified. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 62 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 09 9000 - 3 PAINTING AND COATING - COMMERCIAL GUIDE SPEC D. Material Preparation: Carefully mix and prepare coating materials according to manufacturer'swritten instructions. 1. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying coatings in a clean condition, free offoreign materials and residue. 2. Stir materials before applying to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into the material. Remove film and, if necessary,strain coating material before using. 3. Use only the type of thinners approved by manufacturer and only within recommendedlimits. 4. Tinting: Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to simplify identification of each coat when multiple coats of same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finishcoat, but provide sufficient differences in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separatecoat. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Apply paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use applicators andtechniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. B. Application Procedures: Apply coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according tomanufacturer's written instructions. 1. The number of coats and film thickness required is the same regardless of applicationmethod. 2. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture, and coverage. Remove,refinish, or recoat work that does not comply with specified requirements. 3.04 CLEANING A. After completing painting, clean glass and paint spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint bywashing and scraping without scratching or damaging adjacent finished surfaces. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage from painting.Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved by Architect. B. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. After completing painting operations, remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work. C. After work of other trades is complete, touch up and restore damaged or defaced paintedsurfaces. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 63 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 10 2013 - 1 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES SECTION 10 2013 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY (EDIT THIS LIST AFTER COMPLETING PART 2 - PRODUCTS, OF THIS SECTION.) A. This Section contains the following Miscellaneous Police Specialties: 1. Bullet-Resistant Fiberglass Composite Panels 2. Aluminum Bullet-Resistant Fixed Depth Jamb Type Sliding Transaction Window. 3. Natural Voice Ballistic Rated Fixed Transaction Window. 4. Natural Voice Ballistic Rated Fixed Transaction Window With Ballistic Rated Parcel Passerand Anti-Ricochet Dip Tray 5. Ricochet Resistant Transaction (Dip) Tray. 6. Parcel Passer. 7. Electronic Talk-Through Communicator 8. Surface or Recessed Mounted Pistol Lockers. 9. Weapons Clearing Port.10. Explosives Magazine. 11. Safety Padding at Cuffing Bench 1.02 SUBMITTALS (EDIT TO ELIMINATE ANY ITEMS NOT BEING SPECIFIED FOR YOUR PROJECT. ADD OR DELETE ANY SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS THAT MIGHT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. ADD LEED SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS IF ANY, OR REFERENCE THE PRIME ARCHITECT’S SUBMITTALS SECTION FOR LEED.) A. Provide all submittals in compliance with Division 1. B. Product Submissions for Proposed Equivalents:1. Subject to compliance with these specifications, acceptable products include, but are not limited to, those items indicated in Part 2, Products, under each individual product.Products submitted as proposed equivalents, shall be reviewed by the Architect, for suitability and compliance with the specifications.2. Submittal of proposed equivalents must comply with Division 1 and all the requirementsincluded in this Section. C. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product brochures with product specifications and installation requirements for each component: 1. Bullet-Resistant Fiberglass Composite Panels a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations andmaintenance requirements. b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. c. Mock-up as described at 1.2.D below. 2. Aluminum Bullet-Resistant Fixed Depth Jamb Type Sliding Transaction Window. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations andmaintenance requirements. b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. 3. Natural Voice Ballistic Rated Fixed Transaction Window. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations andmaintenance requirements. b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. 4. Natural Voice Ballistic Rated Fixed Transaction Window With Ballistic Rated Parcel Passerand Anti-Ricochet Dip Tray a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations and maintenance requirements.b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. 5. Ricochet Resistant Transaction (Dip) Tray. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations and maintenance requirements. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 64 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 10 2013 - 2 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. 6. Parcel Passer. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations andmaintenance requirements. b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. 7. Electronic Talk-Through Communicator a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations andmaintenance requirements. b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. c. Manufacturer’s Warranty. 8. Surface or Recessed Mounted Pistol Lockers. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations andmaintenance requirements.b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. 9. Weapons Clearing Port. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations and maintenance requirements.b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions.10. Explosives Magazine. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations and maintenance requirements. b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions.11. Safety Padding. a. Manufacturers product brochure describing the product’s warranty, operations and maintenance requirements. b. Manufacturer’s installation instructions. D. Samples: 1. Bullet-Resistant Fiberglass Composite Panels a. 12-inch by 12 inch samples of actual product to be provided. E. Mockups: Provide approximately 10 square feet at locations as directed by the Architect for review of Installation with seaming, battens and securing. Part of mock-up to have final finishinstalled to illustrate completed installation of system. Mock-up may be in-situ and remain as apart of the Work after final adjustments and approval by Architect. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The installers of the Work in this Section shall provide satisfactory evidence of theirqualifications to install the Work that they intend to install. B. Pre-Installation Conference: A pre-installation conference shall be held prior to commencementof field operations to establish procedures to maintain optimum working conditions and tocoordinate this work with related and adjacent work. The pre-installation conference shall include the Contractor, installer, Architect. The agenda for the meting shall include but not belimited to the following: 1. Review of submittals. 2. Review of structural support, framing, and installation procedures. 3. Review of special details. 4. Review of Mock-ups where applicable. 5. Sequence of construction, responsibilities and schedule for subsequent operations.6. Review of inspection, testing, protection and repair procedures. 1.04 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver to the job site all materials in unopened, undamaged containers, clearly marked andidentified with the items’ manufacturers’ names and description of contents. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 65 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 10 2013 - 3 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES B. Store materials inside, or under cover and off the ground and keep them dry, protected from theweather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, damaging temperatures, damage fromconstruction traffic and other causes. C. Damaged or deteriorated materials shall be removed from the premises. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: The contractor under this section shall verify site conditions toassure that the requirements of storage of materials and installation procedures conform to themanufacturer’s current product storage and application requirements as applicable to eachproduct. B. Protection of Work. 1. Protect surrounding areas and surfaces during the installation of the Work.2. The Products shall be protected when the work ceases for the day or when the Work iscompleted. 1.06 WARRANTIES A. Individual product warranties provided by product manufacturers shall be in effect under this Section. B. Provide minimum one-year warranty for products specified, if individual product warranty is for ashorter time period. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 BULLET RESISTANT FIBERGLASS COMPOSITE PANELS: A. Ballistic rated armor wall panels shall be manufactured by Armortex of Schertz, Texas. Phone: (210)-661-8306, (800)-880-8306, Fax: (210)-661-8308 (www.armotex.com<http://www.armotex.com> ) or approved equivalent. The panels shall be made of multiple layers of woven roving ballistic grade fiberglass cloth impregnated with a thermoset polyesterresin and compressed into flat rigid sheets. The production technique and materials used shallprovide the controlled internal delamination to permit the capture of a penetrating projectile. The product shall meet the following requirements: 1. One hour fire resistance rating in accordance with ASTM E119-00e. 2. Bullet resistance in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories Ballistic Level 3 as tested inaccordance with UL 752 standards. 3. All materials and workmanship shall be warranted against defects for a period of (2) yearsfrom the date of receipt at the project job site. 4. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations; adhere with mastic, industrial adhesive, screws or bolts. All joints shall have a 4" wide backing strip of thesame bullet resistant fiberglass to provide 2" of overlap in both directions to insure theintegrity of the protection level specified. 2.02 ALUMINUM BULLET-RESISTANT FIXED DEPTH JAMB TYPE SLIDING TRANSACTION WINDOW A. Shall be as manufactured by Armortex, Shertz, Texas, (www.armortex.com<http://www.armortex.com>) (800) 880-8306 or approved equivalent. B. Provide window complete with glazing, shelf and dip tray. C. Provide for 2-way “natural voice” communication by the design of the frame and glazingtechnique. D. The ballistic protection level shall be UL Level 3. E. Refer to the drawings for sizes and configurations. F. Frame shall be of the “non-ricochet” fixed depth jamb type, lined with UL listed bullet resistant composite. G. Frame to be clear anodized 6061-T6 extruded aluminum. H. Frame must utilize a UL listed internal ballistic protection barrier. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 66 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 10 2013 - 4 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES I. Glazing must be removable from the secure side without the removal of the frame from theopening. J. Glazing material to be UL listed Level 3 laminated polycarbonate.1. All exposed edges of glazing shall be polished to a satin finish. K. Provide a shelf 2 inches thick with a recessed dip tray. 1. The shelf is to be the full width of the window.2. 12 inches deep.3. Centered under the glazing.4. Covered with 18 Ga. stainless steel with a #3 finish. 5. Dip tray to be 16 Ga. Stainless steel, #3 finish, 10” x 16” from the outside edge of the flanges with a clear open depth under the glazing of 1 5/8”. 6. Shapes & sizes of the window unit shall be in accordance with the drawings. 2.03 STAINLESS STEEL NATURAL VOICE BALLISTIC RATED FIXED TRANSACTION WINDOW A. Manufactured by Armortex, Schertz, Texas (www.armortex.com <http://www.armortex.com>) or(800) 880-8306, Model SSTW-07 or approved equivalent. B. The unit shall be composed of the following:1. 12 gauge stainless steel #3 finish, natural voice frame2. UL 752 Level 3 Listed ballistic glazing. 3. Provide with manufacturer’s optional stainless steel with #3 finish counter. 4. Substitute anti-ricochet transaction (dip) tray as listed in this specification. 2.04 NATURAL VOICE BALLISTIC RATED FIXED TRANSACTION WINDOW WITH BALLISTIC RATED PARCEL PASSER AND ANTI-RICOCHET DIP TRAY A. Model WI-SS-CW-TE, as manufactured by Armortex, Schertz, Texas (www.armortex.com <http://www.armortex.com>) or (800) 880-8306, or approved equivalent. B. The unit shall be composed of the following: 1. 12 gauge stainless steel #3 finish, natural voice frame 2. UL 752 Level 3 Listed ballistic glazing. 3. Provide with manufacturer’s optional stainless steel with #3 finish counter. 4. Anti-ricochet transaction (dip) tray as listed in this specification. 2.05 RICOCHET-RESISTANT TRANSACTION (DIP) TRAY A. Model RWDT-1012, as manufactured by Aromrtex, Schertz, TX (www.armortex.com<http://www.armortex.com>) or (800) 880-8306, or approved equivalent. 1. 16 gauge stainless steel with #3 satin finish. 2. Coordinate installation with counter layout and ballistic glazing frames. 2.06 PARCEL PASSER A. Model TE-PA-TR-18, as manufactured by Aromrtex, Schertz, TX (www.armortex.com<http://www.armortex.com>) or (800) 880-8306, or approved equivalent. 1. 18-inch by 18-inch by 18-inch. 2. Transparent UL752 Level 3 ballistic glazing. 3. Automatic door closer.4. High pressure laminated plastic base. 5. Stainless steel hinges. 6. Door interlock mechanism. 7. Stainless steel door handles. 2.07 ELECTRONIC TALK-THROUGH COMMUNICATOR A. SC-300 talk-through communicator as manufactured by Haven Technology corporation, Riverside, CA, www.haventech.com <http://www.haventech.com> . 1. 2-way hands-free audio communication (duplex) through the use of speakers andmicrophones located on each side of the partition. 2. Master unit equipped with 15-inch gooseneck microphone. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 67 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 10 2013 - 5 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES a. Power on/off switch b. Power-on LED c. External volume controls 3. Remote unit a. Vandal-resistant. b. All controls located within the housing. 4. Unit to be equipped with a factor adjusted VOX switch to prevent ambient noise (below 85decibels) from activating unit. 5. Unit shall contain 2 voice channels, each incorporating: a. Microphone amplifier. b. VOX switch. c. Compressor.d. Power amplifier. e. The second amplifier shall not exceed a 0.2% total harmonic distortion rating. 1) Provide AC/DC power supply (120V AC stepped down to a filtered 18V DC.) 2.08 SURFACE OR RECESSED MOUNTED PISTOL LOCKERS A. Model FL-708, as manufactured by Fasco Security products, 14522 Naples Street, Ham Lake,MN 55304, Phone: (763) 434-9841, www.fascosecurityproducts.com<http://www.fascosecurityproducts.com> , or approved equivalent. 1. 10-gauge galvanized steel body and doors. 2. Tip-out compartments doors, 15 ½ -inches by - 8 ½ -inches high. 3. Continuous piano hinge. 4. 6-inch deep pistol compartments. 5. Pistol compartments lined with 1/8-inch thick felt. 6. Individually keyed locks with master keyed pin tumbler snap locks. 7. Provide two (2) keys per compartment.8. 2-inch by 2-inch by 1/8-inch steel angle mounting frame welded to exterior.a. All welds ground smooth b. Finish to be chemically degreased and primed with one coat of universal rust inhibitive primer. 9. See drawings for number of compartments and surface or recessed installation.a. Use manufacturer’s standard mounting equipment.b. Install in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 2.09 WEAPONS CLEARING PORT A. Model APC-100T manufactured by Concept Development Corporation, 16611 E Laser Drive,Fountain Hills, AZ 85268; Phone (480) 836-4434; www.con-cev.com <http://www.con-cev.com>. 1. Accommodates tactical weapons with attached lasers and lights. a. APC-100T (W) at wall mounted conditions. b. APC-100T (D) at countertop mounted conditions. c. APC-100T (BPM) at floor mounted pedestal locations 1) Integral pedestal.2) Secure to floor with appropriate anchors for substrate. 2.10 EXPLOSIVES MAGAZINE A. Type 2 Front-Opening Magazine:, Model ML451, as manufactured by U.S. Explosive,www.usexplosive.com <http://www.usexplosive.com> or approved equal: 1. 36-inch by 24-inch by 36-inch magazine. 2. Type-2 magazine. 3. Designed for the storage of high-explosives. 4. 11-gauge steel construction. 5. ½ - inch plywood lining.6. Fire-resistant.7. Theft-resistant. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 68 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 10 2013 - 6 MISCELLANEOUS POLICE SPECIALITIES 8. Weather-resistant. 9. Castors to prevent contact with ground. 10. Meet or exceed ATF standards. 11. Double locking system. a. ¼ -inch steel hoods. b. Provide one (1) ATF approved lock with two (2) keys. 2.11 SAFETY PADDING (CUFFING BENCH) A. Gold Medal Safety Padding, as manufactured by Marathon Engineering Corporation, 5615Second Street West, Lehigh Acres, FL 33971, Phone: (239) 303-7378, www.goldmedalsafetypadding.com <http://www.goldmedalsafetypadding.com> . 1. Protective resinous material:a. Fire-safe, self-extinguishing.b. Uniform and smooth surfaces,c. Scuff-resistant. d. Non-slip. e. Fungus-resistant. f. Specifically designed for the protection of individuals with the propensity to inflictself-harm, violent detainees and drug and alcohol influenced patients and inmates. 1) Manufacturer must demonstrate at least 10-years in the manufacture and installation of said product. 2. Installed on-site by manufacturer’s trained installers.3. Closed cell polyvinyl chloride or other types of polyvinyl chloride surfacing material shall notbe permitted. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Unsatisfactory conditions shall be reported to the Contractor, Architect and Owner. Do notproceed until all unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. Confirm that all required blocking and substrates required for the proper installation and support of the Work are installed in an acceptable manner. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protect adjacent work from installation activities required for installing the Work of this Section. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Install equipment, devices and fixtures and apply materials associated with execution of the Work of this Section in accordance with manufacturer’s Specifications. B. Products delivered with a primer finish shall be painted a color selected by the Architect.Painting of Work in this Section shall be executed in accordance with the painting specificationSection. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Coordination: In Work under this Section, coordinate with other Trades having Work connectingwith or is affected by the Work of this Section. B. Before proceeding, make certain required inspections have been made. 3.05 CLEANING A. During the course of the Work and upon completion, remove and dispose of excess materials,equipment and debris away from the premises. Leave Work and adjacent areas impacted bythe Work in clean condition. B. Products with stainless steel finish shall be polished per the manufacturers’ instructions. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 69 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5300 - 1 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT SECTION 11 5300 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. Furnish and install all laboratory equipment including delivery to the building, setting inplace, leveling and scribing to walls and floors as required: a. (2.1) Task Exhaust Units b. (2.2) Forensic Cabinet: Cyanoacrylate Fuming (Superglue) Unit c. (2.4) First Aid Kit d. (2.5) Burn Kit e. (2.6) Fire Blanket f. (2.7) Laboratory Coat Hooks g. (2.9) Ceiling Mounted Light and Camera Track System h. (2.10) Blackout Curtain And Tracki. (2.12) Evidence Drying Cabinets 2. Coordinate with other Divisions as necessary for final electrical, mechanical and plumbing connections of the laboratory equipment and accessories specified herein, as required forthe complete and operational installation of all laboratory equipment items. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS: THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION MAY REQUIRE WORK IN OR COORDINATION WITH OTHER SECTIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR AND THE SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING AND INCLUDING ALL RELATED WORK IN OTHERSECTIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND / OR DRAWINGS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. THESE RELATED SECTIONS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions,including Division 1 specifications, apply to this Section. B. Commissioning: Division 1 C. Refer to Divisions 22, 23 and 26 and the Mechanical and Electrical drawings for relatedmechanical and electrical work. D. Division 5 & 6: Blocking and backing in walls for anchorage of laboratory equipment. E. Division 26: Electrical Fittings and Connections 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Division 1, General Requirements. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate relation to surrounding walls, ceiling, windows, doors and otherbuilding components impacting equipment installation. Show rough-in requirements. Showlocations of all required framing, bucks, metal grounds or reinforcements in walls, floors and ceilings to adequately support the laboratory equipment and for proper anchoring and support. C. Coordination drawings: Equipment shall be fully coordinated with lab casework and other labequipment. Prepare a coordination drawing showing locations of surrounding casework andequipment, and required clearances between them. D. Product Data: Provide manufacturer’s technical data for each component and item of fume hood specified, including dimensions and construction, configurations, color selection charts,attachment and anchorage details, equipment capacities, physical dimensions, construction details, utility and service requirements and locations, point loads and factory finishes.1. Manufacturer’s Installation Instruction: Indicate special installation requirements. 2. Seismic Restraints: The manufacturers / installers shall install laboratory equipment to resist seismic loading as required by the local governing codes. Provide all seismic detailsas a part of submittals, indicating required wall construction, such as wall stud gauge and July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 70 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5300 - 2 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT size, point loads, etc. install all anchorage devices, including special braces required forseismic restraint of equipment to satisfy all governing code requirements for seismicanchorage of equipment. 3. Instruction: Submit for review and approval written approval instructions in booklet form providing additional details on safe operation and maintenance of laboratory equipmentitems. 4. Manufacturers’ standard color selection charts of laboratory equipment items for colorselection by Architect. 1.04 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Comply with requirements of Division 1. B. Submit information in bound manual form, type written or computer word processed on 8-1/2” x11” paper. C. Operation Data: Include description of required operation, adjusting and testing. D. Maintenance Data: Identify system maintenance requirements, servicing cycles and spare part sources. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: Modern plant with proper tools, dies, fixtures and skilled workmento produce high quality laboratory equipment. Installers shall be factory certified by the manufacturers. B. Coordination Drawings: The supplier / installer shall coordinate the installation of all productsunder the section, including mechanical, plumbing and electrical items, which are provided bythe supplier and installed by other contractors. Laboratory equipment installers/manufacturersshall be responsible for generating layout drawings and distributing them to the mechanical and electrical contractors for coordination and accurate locations of cutouts and service connectionsrequired by each discipline, prior to generating final shop drawings. C. Installers: Tradespeople specializing in the installation of the Products specified in this Sectionwith minimum five years documented experience. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products on the site in such a manner as to minimize the risk of damage, decay, deterioration or loss from theft. B. All products shall be delivered to the job site in manufacturer’s original unopened containers,crates or protective wrappings with the manufacturers’ names and addresses clearly labeled thereon. C. Accept products on site and inspect on arrival for damage. D. Protect product from damage of soiling at all times. Keep products covered with polyethylenefilm or other suitable protective coverings. Protect installed Work throughout constructionperiod. 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not deliver or install laboratory equipment in the final work until building is secure andweather-tight, all painting is completed and ceilings, overhead ductwork and lighting areinstalled and HVAC systems are operational and capable of maintaining the buildingtemperature and humidity at occupancy levels throughout the remainder of the constructionperiod. 1.08 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements shown on shop drawings or as instructed by manufacturer. 1.09 WARRANTY A. Provide minimum 1-year warranties or manufacturers’ standard warranties, which ever isgreater, for specified products. 1. Provide warranties under provisions of Division 1. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 71 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5300 - 3 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ARTICULATING TASK EXHAUST UNITS A. Model: Terfu, as manufactured by Movex, Inc. Bath, PA, or approved equivalent. 1. Ceiling-mounted or wall-mounted types as indicated on the drawings. 2. 100 C.F.M. exhaust rate: a. Local controls: Each task exhauster shall be provided with a damper and local controlto allow for control of the exhaust rate. Exhaust air flow at task exhauster hood shall be no less than 75 C.F.M. nor more than 100 C.F.M. 3. General: Provide and install units as shown on the drawings. Diameter of sections shall be4”. Total reach of flexible arms shall be no shorter than to reach a point 28” above finished floor. For a ceiling height of 8 feet use model MT-1900-100 (76” total length.) For a ceilingheight of 9 feet use model number MT-2100-100 (84” total length.) For a ceiling height of10 feet use model number MT-2650-100 (106” total length.) Materials: Arm pipes shall be manufactured of Anodized Aluminum (SS4104.) 4. Accessories: Provide each task exhaust unit with a standard, PETG dome hood, modelnumber MK 351-100. 5. Provide appropriate MTI-125 and/or MTI CT-125 ceiling brackets to suit for the taskexhaust mounting height of 84” (88”) above finished floor (Verify in field.). Provide all other required mounting devices for a complete and operational installation. 6. Provide escutcheon plate MTI CT-125 at the ceiling penetration. Installation shall have allduct connections located above ceiling with no flex duct visible below the ceiling. 7. The exact location of the ceiling or wall mount shall be located for coordination purposeson a shop drawing prepared and submitted by the laboratory equipment subcontractor per the submittal requirements of the project. The equipment supplier shall be responsible forall interfacing steel above the ceiling for the support and anchorage of the task exhaust unit to the building structural system. Provide as part of shop drawings, a coordinationdrawing showing all required blocking and interfacing steel, concealed in ceiling and walls,for the support and anchorage of task exhauster assembly. Task exhauster assembly shall be laterally braced to meet all seismic code requirements and to hold suspendedconnection at ceiling rigid. No lateral movement of task exhauster at the ceiling intersection is acceptable.8. Exhaust system: Task exhaust to be installed per the HVAC engineering design requirements. Installer to provide shop drawings illustrating compliance to exhaust systemdesign requirements. 2.02 FORENSIC CABINET - CYANOACRYLATE (SUPERGLUE) FUMING UNIT: A. Manufacturer: Mott Manufacturing, 452 Hardy Road, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 5L8, Canada,Phone: (519) 752-7825, ( www.mott.ca ); Kewaunee Scientific Corporation, Statesville, NorthCarolina - or approved equivalent. B. See drawings for unit types and configuration: 1. Floor-mounted forensic cabinet, model 66F0030W:a. 84 inches high x 21 ½ inches deep x 42 inches wide.1) 32 cubic feet capacity. b. Provide two (2) adjustable stainless steel shelves. c. Forensic cabinet to be connected to exhaust venting system to the building exterior. 1) 32 C.F.M. venting rate. 2) Attach exhaust vent to 2 inch inside diameter exhaust outlet provided at cabinet. d. Provide connection to 20 amp electrical circuit. C. Forensic cabinets must comply with ASHRAE 110-1995 and provide containment 4.0AAM 0.05 PPM or better. D. Forensic cabinets must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2010 DesignStandards. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 72 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5300 - 4 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 2.03 FIRST AID KIT A. First Aid Kit - Manufacturer: Johnson & Johnson, or equivalent products of Lab Safety Supply orFisher Scientific. Product: Small Industrial First Aid Kit Product No. 1A- 3115 -3. Supplier: LabSafety Supply 800-356-0783; website: LSS.com. Size 7.625” x 10.5” x 2.125.” This is to be placed inside the Safety Supply Cabinet 2.04 BURN KIT A. Burn Kit: Food Service Kit, Product No. 1A-30938, as manufactured by Lab Safety Supply,Phone (800) 356-0783, www.LSS.com , 2.05 FIRE BLANKET A. Wrap Around Fire Blanket Kit - Model JSA-1010, wall mounted steel cabinet containing a fireblanket, as manufactured by Junkin Safety Appliance Company, 3121 Millers Lane, Louisville,Kentucky 40216, (888) 458-6546 ( www.junkinsafety.com ) or equivalent. 1. Fire Blanket Model JSA-1010-B a. Fire-treated wool. b. Blanket dimensions: 62 inches x 82 inches. c. Equipped with rope loop to allow for a person to insert arm in order to completely wrapthemselves in the fire blanket.2. 20 Gauge Steel cabinet Model JSA-1010-CW. a. Bright red enamel finish with white lettering. b. Viewing hole to observe if blanket is in place. c. Side hinged. d. Mount 6 to 8 inches from floor unless shown otherwise on drawings. e. Dimensions 70 ½ inches tall x 5 ¼” wide x 5” deep. 3. Kit to meet MIL-B-52309B. 4. Kit weighs 20 pounds. 2.06 LABORATORY COAT HOOK STRIPS A. Manufacturer: Bobrick Washroom Equipment, or equal products by America Specialties orBradley Corporation. 1. Coat Hook: Model No. B-232 x 24 Hook Strip (24 inches long.) a. Stainless steel with bright polish finish b. Quantity: where shown on drawings 1) Provide two strips minimum 2) Mount one with centerline at 5 feet 2 inches above the finished floor 3) Mount one with the top of the hooks at 3 feet 11 inches above the finished floor 2.07 BLACKOUT CURTAIN AND TRACK SYSTEM A. Manufacturer American Drapery Systems, Inc. Blackout Curtains, 676 Mendelssohn Ave North,Golden Valley, MN 55427, 1-866-252-2568 or www.blackoutcurtains.com or equivalent. 1. Provide complete heavy duty extruded aluminum ceiling-mounted carrier system with ball bearing carriers. 2. Blackout curtain must provide 100% blackout capability and be furnished with valance toconceal area where hangers meet the track. 3. Curtain must comply with NFPA 701 Small Scale Fire Test. 4. Curtains to have steel grommets no more that 8” apart. 5. Curtains to be made 10% longer than required at each end for fullness. 2.08 EVIDENCE DRYING CABINETS (ARCHITECT MUST CONFIRM SIZES NEEDED) A. Hard ducted: Evidence Drying Cabinets as indicated on the drawings: Model Securedry MY-FDR64D (formerly FR-6100-D) 64” wide x 78” high x 23”; Model FDR32D 32” wide x 78” high x 23” deep as manufactured by Mystaire, 2150 East Wilton Ave., Building 3, Suite C, Creedmoor,NC 27522 (www.misonix.com) (www.mystaire.com ). B. Materials: July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 73 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5300 - 5 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT 1. Cabinet: Fiberglass liner with Powder-coated aluminum frame & metal door frame. 2. Door: Tempered glass with lock. C. Location: Refer to project contract document drawings for locations. D. Electrical: 110V, 60hz, 1.9 amps, GFI, plug in cord minimum 8’ long. E. Alarms: Visual air monitoring alarms shall be included to warn operator of low flow, to replace pre-filters, HEPA filters and after-filters and vaporizer control outlet. F. Exhaust Duct Collar: Drying cabinets shall be exhausted through a hard ducted system to thelaboratory exhaust system.1. Provide drying cabinets with the manufacturer’s standard exhaust duct collar. 2. Exhaust air flow = 650 cfm. G. Filters - Provide only the filters required for externally vented unit:1. Particulate pre-filters.2. FE1021A HEPA filter.3. FE1018 - Carbon filter (AMN, ACI). 4. After-filter 5. Provide 3 sets of extra filters for future use by Owner. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify all equipment rough-in conditions and requirements. B. Coordinate with other trades for the proper and correct installation of electrical rough-in,structural backing for items attached to walls and for rough opening dimensions required for theinstallation of products in this section. C. Examine substrate surfaces and associated work and conditions under which work will beinstalled. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner complying with the Contract Documents and acceptable to the Installer. Starting of work within aparticular area will be construed as installer’s acceptance of surface conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General Requirements: 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Install in accordance with standards required by the governing codes. 3. Sequence installation to ensure utility connections are achieved in an orderly andexpeditious manner. 4. Touch-up minor damaged surfaces caused during installation. Replace damaged components as directed by Architect. 5. Equipment in this section shall be installed with all necessary fittings mounted for finalconnection by Divisions 22, 23 and 26. B. Fume Hood Installation 1. Install laboratory fume hoods at locations indicated on drawings, in accordance with approved shop drawings and schedules and according to manufacturer'srecommendations. 2. Provide all openings and do all drilling of laboratory furniture necessary for the installationof electrical service fixtures, conduit fittings and ducts. 3. Install in accordance with codes, regulations and standards required by the authority having jurisdiction. 4. Seismic Restraints: The hood manufacturer shall install the hoods to resist seismic loadingas required by the local governing codes. Install all anchorage devices, including speciallegs and or braces, required for seismic restraint of hoods to satisfy all governing code requirements for seismic anchorage of equipment. 5. Field Quality Control Testing of Fume Hoods (as installed): Additionally, the hoodmanufacturer shall perform field testing of all fume hoods to ensure that the fume hoodand HVAC air flow system complies with all requirements. Field testing shall be July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 74 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5300 - 6 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT accomplished in accordance with the requirements above as outlined in Section 2.1 G1through G7, and the additional requirements noted below. This field-testing shall beperformed with the owner, commissioning consultant, architect and mechanical engineer present. a. Field Testing Requirements 1) Perform tests in field to verify proper operation of the fume hoods before they areput in use, using only qualified personnel. 2) Perform tests after installation is complete, the building ventilation system hasbeen balanced, all connections have been made, and written verification has been submitted that the above conditions have been met. 3) Verify that the building make-up air system is in operation, the doors andwindows are in normal position, and that all other hoods and exhaust devices areoperating at designed conditions.4) Correct any unsafe conditions disclosed by these tests before request of test procedures. 5) Provide the Architect and Owner with a record of all tests. b. Testing Equipment: Properly calibrated hot wire thermal anemometer equal to AlnorModel No. 8500-1 Compuflow. c. Test Procedure: 1) Perform field-testing in accordance with SEFA LF1-1996. Fume hoods that donot perform to the requirements shall be re-tested following re-balancing of theHVAC system.2) Check room conditions in front of fume hood using a thermal anemometer and asmoke source to verify that the velocity of cross drafts does not exceed 20% ofthe specified average fume hood face velocity. Eliminate any cross drafts that exceed these values before proceeding. 3) Perform the following test to verify conformance of actual fume hood facevelocities to those specified. Turn on the exhaust system with the sash fullyopen. Determine the face velocity by averaging the velocity of six readings taken at the fume hood face; at the centers of a grid made up of three sections ofequal area across the top half of the fume hood face and three sections of equal area across the bottom half of the fume hood face. If not in accordance with thespecifications and drawings, refer to the manufacturer’s troubleshooting guidefor aid in determining the cause of variation in airflow. 4) Field testing of airflow in fume hoods: Turn on the exhaust system. With sash in open position, check airflow into the fume hood using a cotton swab dipped intitanium tetrachloride or other smoke source. Verify that airflow is into the fumehood over the entire face area by a complete traverse of the fume hood 6” inside the face. Reverse flow is evident of unsafe conditions. Take necessarycorrective actions and retest. Move smoke throughout the fume hood directing smoke across the work surface and against the sidewalls and baffle.Verify that smoke is contained within the fume hood and rapidly exhausted. 3.03 ADJUSTING A. Adjust operating equipment, with the exception of air-moving equipment, to efficient operation for its intended use, and as required by the manufacturer. B. Adjust fume hood sashes, fixtures, accessories and other moving or operating parts to functionsmoothly. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean equipment and all other surfaces as recommended by the manufacturer, rendering allwork in a new and unused appearance. Touch up as required. B. Clean adjacent construction and surfaces which may have been soiled in the course ofinstallation of work in this section. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 75 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5300 - 7 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT C. Clean countertops with diluted dishwashing liquid and water leaving tops free of all grease andstreaks. Use no wax or oils. 3.05 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Provide all necessary protective measures to prevent exposure of equipment and surfaces from exposure to other construction activity. B. Advise general contractor of procedures and precautions for protection of material and installedequipment and casework from damage by work of other trades. 3.06 DEMONSTRATION A. Provide systems training and demonstration of all equipment operations, functions andcalibration process, for a duration of at least 8 hours. B. Fume hoods: Following successful field testing of fume hoods, fully demonstrate fume hoodoperation, including sash operation, plumbing and electrical service fixture and fitting operation,and operation of the fume hood warning and alarm system. 1. Refer to Commissioning Specification for training requirements for specific systems and equipment. Training of the Owner’s operation and maintenance personnel is required incooperation with the Commissioning Consultant. Commissioning Specification lists thespecific systems and equipment. A training agenda shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Owner prior to training performance. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 76 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 1 LABORATORY FUME HOODS SECTION 11 5313 LABORATORY FUME HOODS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. Furnish all laboratory chemical fume hoods, lab service fittings and miscellaneous items ofequipment in these specifications or equipment schedules including delivery to the building, setting in place, leveling and scribing to walls and floors as required. Divisions 22,23 and 26 shall be responsible for final connections of the laboratory fume hoods andaccessories specified herein.2. Furnishing and delivery of all utility service outlet accessory fittings as listed in thesespecifications, equipment schedules or as indicated by drawings as mounted on thelaboratory furniture. The above-defined items shall be furnished assembled with supply tank nipples and lock nuts, not attached, loose in boxes and properly marked for deliveryto the mechanical contractor (except for pre-wired or pre-plumbed items such as fumehoods, which are to be delivered completely assembled). All plumbing and electricalfittings will be packaged separately and properly marked for delivery to the appropriatecontractor. 3. Furnishing service strip supports where specified, and setting in place service tunnels, service turrets, supporting structures and reagent racks of the type indicated by the details. B. Work Not Included in this Sections 1. Equipment, materials and labor which are the responsibility of other subcontractors, asdetermined by the General Contractor may include the following: a. Electrical receptacles, except where integral to the fume hood. b. Furnishing, installing and connecting of ducts from fume hood’s duct collar to fans andfrom fans to the atmosphere.c. Furnishing, installing and connecting of fume hood fans. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS: THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION MAY REQUIRE WORK IN OR COORDINATION WITH OTHER SECTIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR AND THE SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING AND INCLUDING ALL RELATED WORK IN OTHERSECTIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND / OR DRAWINGS NECESSARY FOR ACOMPLETE INSTALLATION OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. THESE RELATED SECTIONS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions,including Division 1 specifications, apply to this Section. B. Commissioning: Division 1 C. Refer to Divisions 22, 23 and 26 and the Mechanical and Electrical drawings for relatedmechanical and electrical work. D. Division 12: Laboratory Casework. E. Division 5 & 6: Blocking and backing in walls for anchorage of fume hoods. F. System commissioning is a part of the construction process. Documentation and testing ofsystems, as well as training of the Owner’s operation and maintenance personnel, is required incooperation with the Commissioning Consultant. Substantial Completion is dependent on successful completion of all commissioning procedures, documentation and issue closure.Refer to Commissioning Specification Section for detailed commissioning requirements. 1.03 REFERENCES A. SAMA LF10-80, Laboratory Fume Hoods B. NFPA 45, Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals C. ASTM E-84-98, Surface-burning Characteristics of Building Materials July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 77 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 2 LABORATORY FUME HOODS D. ASHRAE 110-95, Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume Hoods (Factory Testing) E. ANSI/AIHA Z9.5-1992, Laboratory Ventilation F. AIHA 147 EQ 91, AIHA 148 EQ 91, Industrial Ventilation Workbook G. ACGIH Pub. 9322, Laboratory Fume Hoods H. ACHIH Pub. 2092, Industrial Ventilation I. SEFA LF1-1996, Laboratory Fume Hoods & Field Testing of Fume Hoods J. OSHA 29CFR 1910.1000, Fume Hood Face Velocity K. UL - Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. L. SEFA 1.2, Laboratory Fume Hoods M. UL - Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc, 1805, Laboratory Fume Hoods N. DOE US Green Building Council - LEED II 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Division 1, General Requirements. B. Shop Drawings: Provide 1 original producible set, 1/2”=1’-0” scale elevations and 1/4”=1’-0” plans of fume hoods locations, showing cross sections, details, rough-in and anchor placementdimensions and tolerances and clearances required. Indicate relation to surrounding walls, ceiling, windows, doors and other building components. Show rough-in requirements. Showlocations of all required framing, bucks, metal grounds or reinforcements in walls, floors andceilings to adequately support the fume hoods and for proper anchoring and support. Provide an additional 2 sets of copies, over and above the required number of copies for A/E, for review bythe Owner. C. Product Data: Provide manufacturer’s technical data for each component and item of fumehood specified, including dimensions and construction, configurations, color selection charts,attachment and anchorage details, equipment capacities, physical dimensions, construction details, utility and service requirements and locations, point loads and factory finishes. 1. Manufacturer’s Installation Instruction: Indicate special installation requirements.2. Seismic Restraints: The fume hood manufacturer / installer shall install the fume hoods toresist seismic loading as required by the local governing codes. Provide all seismic detailswith fume hood submittals indicating required wall construction, such as wall stud gauge and size, point loads, etc. install all anchorage devices, including special legs and / orbraces required for seismic restraint of fume hoods and accessories to satisfy allgoverning code requirements for seismic anchorage of equipment.3. Instruction: Submit for review and approval written approval instructions in booklet form providing additional details on safe operation and maintenance. D. Samples: Provide the following samples: 1. Finish Samples: Submit 5 sets of samples of each color of finish for fume hoods and otherprefinished work as well as accessories for selection by interior designer. E. Test Data & Reports: Submit 5 sets of test reports on each size and type of hood, verifyingconformance to test performance specified. This information shall be spiral bound in a separate document submitted with the other operational and maintenance documents. Test report mustaccompany each hood as part of installation and usage package. 1. Submit independent factory test reports in accordance with ASHRAE 110-95 andfield-testing in accordance with SEFA LF1-1998. The minimum overall performance rating of each test shall be 4.0 AM 0.05 with 4.0 liters per minute of tracer gas release, AMidentifying a “as manufacturer” test, and 0.05 indicating the level of tracer gas control in parts per million. 2. Submit detailed seismic anchorage and attachment drawings and calculations provided bya licensed structural engineer, licensed in the state of the project, complying with allbuilding code requirements and regulations for seismic restraint. F. Instructions: Submit for review and approval: July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 78 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 3 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 1. Instructions to be inscribed on instruction plate to be attached to hood, as specified in Part 2 of this section.2. Written instructions in booklet form providing additional details on safe and proper operation and maintenance of fume hoods. 3. Professional quality video - minimum 15 minutes in length on proper hood usage. 4. Testing procedures to be used in the factory and field-testing of fume hoods. 1.05 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit information in bound manual form, type written or computer word processed on 8-1/2” x11” paper. B. Operation Data: Include description of required operation, adjusting and testing. C. Maintenance Data: Identify system maintenance requirements, servicing cycles and spare partsources. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Single source responsibility: Laboratory furniture system, casework, work surfaces, fume hoods,laboratory equipment and accessories shall be manufactured or finished by a single laboratory furniture company. B. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: Modern plant with proper tools, dies, fixtures and skilled workmento produce high quality laboratory equipment. Installers shall be factory certified by the manufacturers. C. Coordination Drawings: The supplier / installer shall coordinate the installation of all products under the section, including mechanical, plumbing and electrical items, which are provided bythe supplier and installed by other contractors. Laboratory fume hood manufacturer shall beresponsible for generating layout drawings and distributing them to the mechanical and electrical contractors for coordination and accurate locations of cutouts and service connectionsrequired by each discipline, prior to generating final shop drawings. D. Owner has the right to inspect equipment at the manufacturer’s factory prior to shipment.Equipment found not to be in conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents mightbe rejected. E. Installer’s qualifications: Installer shall be factory certified by the manufacturer. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products on the site in such a manner as to minimize the riskof damage, decay, deterioration or loss from theft. B. All products shall be delivered to the job site in manufacturer’s original unopened containers,crates or protective wrappings with the manufacturer’s name and addressed clearly labeled thereon. C. Accept products on site and inspect on arrival for damage. D. Protect product from damage of soiling at all times. Keep products covered with polyethylene film or other suitable protective coverings. Protect installed casework throughout constructionperiod with corrugated cardboard completely covering the top and securely taped to edges. Mark cardboard in large lettering “No Standing”. 1.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not deliver or install fume hoods in the final work until building is secure and weather-tight,all painting is completed and ceilings, overhead ductwork and lighting are installed and HVAC systems are operational and capable of maintaining the building temperature and humidity atoccupancy levels throughout the remainder of the construction period. 1.09 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements shown on shop drawings or as instructed by manufacturer. 1.10 WARRANTY A. Provide warranty under provisions of Division 1. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 79 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 4 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 1.11 EXTRA STOCK / SPARE PARTS A. Provide the following spare parts delivered to the Owner in unopened boxes:1. One change of lamps and ballast for each size of light in all fume hoods. 2. One safety monitor and all associated wiring components. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS A. Fume Hood General Design Requirements: 1. The Basis of Design for this specification is the Supreme Air fume hood as manufactured by Kewaunee Scientific Corporation, 2700 West Front Street, Statesville, North Carolina. a. ADA Fume Hood: Supreme Air H09 Fume Hood (Combination VerticalRising/Horizontal Sash) Provide in VAV mode with a Phoenix Valve 2. Intent and Function: Fume hoods shall function as ventilated, enclosed work-spaces,designed to capture, confine and exhaust chemical fumes, vapors and particulate matter produced or generated within the enclosure. Fume hoods shall be designed for consistentand safe airflow through the hood face. Negative variations of face velocity shall notexceed 20% of the average face velocity at any designated measuring point as defined in this section. 3. Work Area: Work area shall be defined as the area inside the superstructure from side toside and from face of baffle to the inside face of the sash, and from the working surface to a height of 28”.4. Illumination: Average illumination or work area shall be minimum 80 foot-candles at thefume hood work surface. 5. Fume hood shall be designed to minimize static pressure loss with adequate slot area andbell shaped exhaust collar configuration. Maximum average static pressure loss readings taken three diameters above the hood outlet from four points, 90 degrees apart, shall notexceed 0.5 inches wg with the following sash opening in the full open position as follows: a. Face Velocity - 18” sash opening b. 100 FPM 6. Static pressures and fume hood entry CFM are as given for each fume hood in the fumehood manufacturer’s product specifications / literature. The standard governing thisspecification is the Supreme Air Fume Hood by Kewaunee. 7. VAV restricted bypass mode: a. Fume hoods shall be VAV mode restricted bypass .Provide Phoenix valve and control wiring for each fume hood to maintain proper room pressurization. Option to providededicated fan in lieu of connecting to building system shall be considered by the CityProject Manager. Submit proposal and cost savings to City Project Manager.b. As sash is lowered, face velocity shall remain constant at 100 ft. per min. (FPM). When the sash is fully closed a minimum of 25% of the air flow will occur. The fumehood shall be equipped with a sash stop which prevents the sash from opening beyond 18” high. Sash stop may be released to allow the sash to be fully opened forthe purpose of installing or dismantling apparatus only. 8. At the specific open position, the fume hood entry volume flow rate in cubic feet per minute(CFM) shall be approximately as follows, to be verified by the contractor based on actual manufacturer’s data: a. ADA FUME HOOD WIDTH with Combination SashCFM 18” Opening b. 6-feet ADA 1000-1100 9. ADA compliant fume hoods: Provide the manufacturer’s standard ADA compliant fume hood where ADA hoods are indicated in the drawings. ADA Compliant hoods aredesignated in the drawings with ‘ADA’. 10. Noise criteria: Test data of octave band analysis verifying hood is capable of a 40 NCvalue when connected to a 40 NC HVAC source. Reading taken 3’ in front of open sash at 110 fpm face velocity. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 80 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 5 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 11. UL Label: Provide all units with approved UL 1805 labels or provide UL certification in field. All hoods must be UL certified and labeled as such. (UL 1805 is now the standard for fumehood certification. UL 1805 covers not just electrical, but construction and airflowstandards for fume hoods.) B. Fume Hood Liner Surface Finish Performance Requirements 1. Fume hood liner shall be stainless steel material. Liners shall conform to physicalproperties and test results in accordance with the testing procedures described below: 2. Test Procedure No. 1 - Spills and Splashes (Factory Test): a. Suspend in a vertical plane a 42” (horizontal) by 12” (vertical) panel divided into 3/4”wide vertical columns, each column numbered 1 through 49. b. Apply five drops of each reagent listed with an eye dropper. c. Apply liquid reagents at top of panel and allow to flow down full panel height.(CAUTION! Flush away any reagent drops) 3. Test Procedure No. 2 - Fumes and Gases: a. Divide 24” x 12” panel into 2” squares, each square numbered 1 through 49. b. Place 24 milliliters of reagent into 100-milliliter beakers and position panel over beaker tops in the proper sequence. Note: Beaker pouring lip permits atmospheric oxygen toenter and participate in the reaction of the reagent fumes. 4. After 24 hours, remove panel, flush with water, clean with naphtha and detergent, rinse,wipe dry and evaluate. 5. Evaluation ratings: Change in surface finish and function shall be described by the following ratings:a. No Effect: No detectable change in surface material. b. Excellent: Slight detectable change in color or gloss, but no change to the function or life of the work surface material. c. Good: Clearly discernible change in color or gloss, but no significant impairment ofwork surface function or life. d. Fair: Objectionable change in appearance due to surface discoloration or etch,possibly resulting in deterioration of function over an extended period. e. Failure: Pitting, cratering or erosion of work surface material; obvious and significant deterioration. 6. Physical Properties:a. Reinforced polyester panels and epoxy resin, smooth finish and white color in final appearance. b. Flexural Strength: 14,000 psi c. Flame Spread: 6 or less per UL 723 and ASTM E84-80 C. Fume Hood Materials: 1. Steel: High quality, cold rolled, mild steel meeting requirements of ASTM A-366; gaugesUS Standard 2. Stainless Steel: Type 316, gauges US Standard 3. Ceiling closure panels: Minimum 18 gauge, finish to match hood exterior 4. Bypass Grilles: Low resistance type, 18 gauge steel, upward directional louvers 5. Safety Glass: 7/32” thick laminated safety glass 6. Sash Belt: Stainless steel cable 7. Sash Guides: Corrosion resistant polyvinyl chloride 8. Pulley assembly for sash cable: 2” diameter, zinc dichromate finish, ball bearing type, withcable retaining device 9. Sash Pull: Full width corrosion resistant plastic, stainless steel or steel with chemicalresistant powder coating 10. Gaskets: 70 durometer PVC for interior access panels. Gasket interior access panels to eliminate air leakage and to retain liquids inside hood 11. Fastenings:a. Exterior structural member’s attachments: Sheet metal screws, zinc plated b. Interior fastening devices: Concealed. Exposed screws not acceptable July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 81 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 6 LABORATORY FUME HOODS c. Exterior panel member fastening devices: Concealed corrosion resistance non-metallic material. Exposed screws not acceptable12. Instruction plate: Corrosion resistant or plastic plate attached to the fume hood exterior with condensed information covering recommended locations for apparatus andaccessories, baffle settings and use of sash. D. Fume Hood Construction: 1. Superstructure: Rigid, self-supporting assembly of double wall construction, maximum4-7/8” thick. a. Wall shall consist of an 18 gauge sheet steel outer shell and a corrosion resistantinner liner, and shall house and conceal steel framing members, attaching brackets and remote operating service fixture mechanisms and services. Panels must beattached to a full frame construction, minimum 14 gauge galvanized members.Panels and brackets attached to eliminate screw heads and metallic bracketry from hood interior. b. Access to fixture valves concealed in wall provided by exterior removable accesspanels, gasketed access panels on the inside liner walls, or through removable front posts.c. Supporting frames: Where cabinets are scheduled beneath fume hoods, fume hood shall rest on and be anchored to base cabinetry designed to support the fume hoods.Where cabinets are not scheduled beneath fume hoods, provide the manufacturer’s standard tubular steel table frame with apron panel designed to support fume hoods,and provide unencumbered knee space beneath hoods. At fume hoods and aprondepth to be ADA complaint. 2. Ceiling Skirt Enclosures: Provide ceiling skirt enclosure panels from top of hood extending up to the ceiling, terminating 3/4” below ceiling system. Provide an access panel in theceiling enclosure, located below the ceiling, with thumbscrews to permit east ofaccessibility to the space above the fume hood for maintenance purposes.3. Seismic Restraints: The hood manufacturer shall provide with the hoods all anchoragedevices, including special legs and/or braces, for seismic restraint of hood to satisfy allgoverning code requirements for seismic anchorage of equipment. Provide all seismic details with hood submittals indicating required wall construction such as wall stud size andgauge, point loads, etc. 4. Color: All painted surfaces, including ceiling enclosures, shall be provided frommanufacturer’s standard colors as selected by the Architect. 5. Exhaust Outlet: a. Rectangular with ends with radius, bell shaped and flanged, 18-gauge stainless steel exhaust collars welded in place.b. Fume hood manufacturer shall provide and install a rectangular to round stainless steel transition duct between the top of the fume hood and the exhaust duct.Coordinate outlet size(s) with ductwork installer. Connection of the exhaust duct to the fume hood transition piece shall be by the ductwork installer.6. Access opening perimeter: Air foil or streamlined shape with all right-angle corners withradius or angled. Bottom horizontal foil shall provide nominal one-inch bypass when sashis in the closed position. Bottom foil shall be removable without use of special tools. Bottom foil shall provide access areas for electrical cords. Bottom foil: stainless steel toincrease acid and abrasion resistance. Air foil and sill to extend no more than 1.5” in frontof work surface to provide maximum aisle space and allow deeper usage.a. [Access opening perimeter - Special ADA requirement: Top and sides of face openingto be radiused or angled. Bottom horizontal bypass shall provide clearance for passthrough of 1-1/2” diameter hospital grade plug. Bottom horizontal foil shall provide bypass when sash is in the closed position. Bottom: Hinged to provide access forcleaning of containment trough. Bottom foil: Flush with interior work surface. Foils thatextend above the work surface height are not acceptable. Containment trough:Designed to provide secondary containment in the event a spill escapes the primarycontainment dish top. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 82 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 7 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 1) Bottom trough: Stainless steel with black powder coating to provide maximum acid and abrasion resistance. Trough shall have drain capabilities.]7. Fume Hood Sash and Special Controls: a. Sash at all fume hoods, except ADA fume hoods, shall be full view type, vertical rising sash with clear, unobstructed, side to side view of fume hood interior and servicefixture connections. All ADA fume hoods shall have a combination sash. b. Bottom sash rail: 2” maximum, 18-gauge steel with powder coating finish. Provideintegral formed, flush pull the full width of bottom rail.c. Laminated Safety Glass: Set safety glass into rails in deep form, extruded polyvinyl chloride or neoprene glazing channels. d. Counter balance system: Single weight, pulley, cable, counter balance system whichprevents sash tilting and permits one finger operation at any point along full width pull.Design system to hold sash at any position without creep and to prevent sash drop in the event of cable failure. Maximum 7 pounds pull required to raise or lower sashthroughout its full length of travel. e. Open and close sash against rubber bumper stops. Sash shall lock into place with manual override.f. Align top of the bottom sash rail flush with the hood interior work surface in closed position. Construct sash frame in a manner that will not require user to reach over thesash frame. g. Fume Hood Sash Position Sensors or face velocity sensors: Sash position sensors orface velocity sensors are specified in Division 22 and 23. The fume hood manufactureshall provide the appropriately sized cutout in the correct location to accept thesensors and monitor. Sash or face velocity sensors shall be provided as specified in Division 22 and 23. 1) Manufacturer and the Division 22 and 23 subcontractor shall coordinate allinstallation requirements, interfaces and wiring with Division 22 and 23. h. Fume Hood Occupancy Sensors: Occupancy sensors are specified in Division 22 and23, and are to be furnished by the Division 22 and 23 subcontractor who shall ship these components to the fume hood manufacturer. Occupancy sensors shall beinstalled as part of the fume hood manufacturer. Prior to factory installation, the fume hood manufacturer and controls contractor shall coordinate all installationrequirements, interfaces and wiring with Divisions 22, 23 and 26. 1) Occupancy Sensors shall measure the presence of a person in front of the fumehood. i. Fume Hood Sash -Special ADA Requirements: Tempered Safety Glass. Full view with clear, unobstructed, side to side view of fume hood interior and full serviceconnections. 1) Bottom sash rail: 2” main frame section, 16 gauge steel with powder coatingfinish. Provide integral form, flush pull, the full width of bottom rail. 2) Set safety glass into rails in deep form, extruded polyvinyl chloride or neopreneglazing channels.3) Counter balance system: Single weight, pulley, cable, counter balance systemwhich prevents sash tilting and permits one finger operation at any point alongfull width pull. Design system to hold sash at any position without creep and to prevent sash drop in the event of cable failure. Maximum 7 pounds pull requiredto raise or lower sash throughout its full length of travel. 4) Sash: Combination, horizontal and vertical. 5’ hood shall have 2 horizontal slidingpanels. 6’ and 8’ hoods shall have 4 horizontal sliding panels. Sash shall provide a maximum 28” sash opening when raised. Top 10” of sash must be a fixedviewing panel. 5) Open and close sash against rubber bumper stops. Sash shall lock into placewith manual override. 6) Align top of the bottom sash rail flush with the hood interior work surface in closed position. Construct sash frame in a manner that will not require user toreach over the sash frame. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 83 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 8 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 7) Fume Hood Special Controls: Same as above for standard (non- ADA) fume hood.8. Safety Monitor / Alarm System (which monitors and displays face velocity and provides audible and visual alarm if face velocity drops below 75 FPM or rises above 125 fpm): a. Furnished by Division 22 and 23 and installed by Division 11 53 13 fume hoodmanufacturer). Prior to factory installation, the fume hood manufacturer, Division 22and 23 contractor and controls contractor shall coordinate all installationrequirements, interfaces and wiring. Fume hood manufacturer shall prep fume hoodsfor sash alarms, alarm contacts, pressure switches and monitors in factory. b. Calibration: Primary calibration of the hood is the responsibility of the fume hood manufacturer, to be accomplished in the field. Calibration is required following hoodinstallation and balancing of all HVAC systems, supply and exhaust. (Secondarycalibration has been factory set into the alarm’s memory only to determine that thealarm is functional and ready for shipment.) Balancing of exhaust system and fumehoods is by Division 22 and 23 contractor. c. Alarm signal: Refer to Division 22 and 23. (System which permits users to routinely or easily reset alarm signal points or turn off power to the unit is not acceptable.)d. Test circuit shall be provided to verify proper Safety Monitor operation. e. Electrical rating: Maximum 12 VDC, and a maximum current rating of 200 MA. f. Hood manufacturer shall be responsible for providing all required accessories, mounting hardware, tubing, adapters, power supplies, etc. as required for a completeand fully operational system. g. Low flow alarm at unoccupied mode: The fume hood shall be provided with thenecessary provisions to be tied to the Owner’s energy management system with the capability of automatically disabling the low flow alarm during the unoccupied mode. h. Battery pack: Provide battery pack to supply power to the Safety Monitor for 24 hoursin the event of an electrical power failure. 9. Sash monitor/alarm system: Provide vertical sash alarm system, which monitors verticalsash travel. Raising of sash above the sash stop position, shall trigger audible and visual signal. The fume hood sash monitor/alarm system shall also be interfaced with the buildingenergy management controls system to avoid going into the alarm mode during the unoccupied mode.a. [Special ADA requirement: Alarms shall consist of silence switch to deactivate audible, located to be reachable by able bodied and handicapped individuals.] 10. Pre-wired Fume Hoods: a. All electrical components and controls components within the fume hood shall bepre-wired to a junction box located within the top of the hood, allowing for singleconnections to the power or controls source, by Division 26. Extend prewired components 8” above the fume hood. 11. Fire Extinguisher: Provide fume hoods with UL listed dry chemical fire extinguisher, ADXModel 1131. Unit shall contain 8 lbs. of ABC dry chemical in stainless steel cylindermounted on top of hood. Unit shall have spray head projecting through ceiling of hood tointerior and shall have fusible link designed to activate unit when interior temperature ofhood reaches 200ºF. Include (1) unit for hoods 6’ or less in width, or (2) units for 8’ wide hoods. Provide pressure activated switch and contacts as required to permit fireextinguisher system to be tied into the building fire alarm system. 12. Baffles: Baffles providing controlled air vectors into and through the fume hood shall befabricated of the same material as the liner. Provide exhaust slots full height on verticalsides of the baffle with upper and lower slots adjustable. Provide fixed, permanently openhorizontal slot 17" above the work surface. Minimum height of 19" for interior workspace is required at the extreme upper portion of the fume hood to provide maximum interior workarea. All baffle support brackets to be non-metallic. a. Screen: Provide perforated stainless steel screen, consisting of a stainless steel wiremesh with 7/8” mesh size, applied with a urethane powder coated acid resistant finish. Locate screen at back baffle area to prevent small evidential articles from being sweptup into the exhaust system. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 84 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 9 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 13. Remote baffle adjustment: Single point control operated from front of hood, accomplished while hood is in use without disturbing apparatus, and permitting setting for (1) highthermal loading, (2) heavier than air gasses or fumes generated near work surface, and(3) normal or average operation. a. [Remote baffle adjustment - Special ADA Requirement: Instantaneous, one-handed single point control operated from front of hood, accomplished while hood is in usewithout disturbing apparatus, and permitting setting for (1) high thermal loading, (2)heavier than air gasses or fumes generated near work surface, and (3) normal or average operation.] 14. Hood light fixture: Two lamp, rapid start, UL listed fluorescent light fixture with sound ratedballast installed on exterior of roof. Provide safety glass panel cemented and sealed to thehood roof. Light fixture shall be external to, and sealed from, the fume hood cavity.a. Interior of fixture: White, high reflecting plastic enamel.b. Size of fixture: Largest possible up to 48" with superstructures up to 6 feet. Provide two 36” fixtures for hoods with eight-foot superstructure. c. Include lamps with fixtures. d. Illumination level: 80 foot-candles at work surface level.e. At explosion proof fume hoods provide incandescent explosion proof light: 4.5” hubs; without guard. UL listed code 844, up to 250 volts, fits all incandescent bulbs up to300 watts PS25. Lamp compartment shall be factory sealed from wiring chamber, Cast aluminum housing, head, and impact resistant globe.1) Special ADA requirement: Switch reachable by both an able bodied as well aswheel chair bound individual. 15. Electrical services: Three wire grounding type GFI receptacles rated at 120 VAC at 20amperes, gray acid resistant thermoplastic. Flush plates: Type 316 stainless steel. a. Provide two factory installed duplex outlets per hood, one on each post outside of fume hood cavity. All electrical devices provided by fume hood manufacturer shall beby the same manufacturer as provided by the Electrical Contractor. Fume hoods shallbe prewired to top of hood. 16. Work surfaces in fume hoods: a. Epoxy Resin to match adjacent laboratory counter top color. 1-1/4” thick surface, dished a nominal one-half inch to contain spills. Front raised no more than 1/2”.Worktops to incorporate a secondary trough flush with work surface to allow foradditional spill containment not secured by dished work surface alone. E. Metal Finish: Finish performance requirements shall be the same as previously specified forpainted steel casework. 1. Preparation: Spray clean metal with a heated cleaner/phosphate solution, pretreat with ironphosphate spray, water rinse, and neutral final seal. Immediately dry in heated ovens,gradually cooled, prior to application of finish. 2. Application: Electrostatically apply powder coat of selected and bake in controlled hightemperature oven to assure a smooth, hard satin finish. Surfaces shall have a chemical resistant, high-grade laboratory furniture quality finish of the following thickness:a. Exterior and interior surfaces exposed to view: 1.5 mil average and 1.2 mil minimum. b. Backs of cabinets and other surfaces not exposed to view: 1.0 mil average. 3. Color: Color of fume hood and ceiling enclosures shall be selected by architect from manufacturer’s standard line of colors. F. Quality Control Testing of Fume Hood Performance (Factory & Field Testing): 1. Factory Testing: Evaluation of manufacturer's standard product shall take place inmanufacturer's own test facility, with testing personnel, samples, apparatus, instruments, and test materials supplied by the manufacturer at no cost to the Owner. Perform factorytesting in accordance with ASHRAE 110-95. 2. Submit test report consisting of the following test parameters and equipment for each hoodwidth and configuration specified. 3. Hood shall achieve a rating of 4.0 AM 0.05 PPM or better, tested to ASHRAE-110-R. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 85 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 10 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 4. Factory Test facility: Sufficient size to provide unobstructed clearance of five feet each side and ten feet in front of fume hood. Provide make-up air to replace room air exhaustedthrough fume hood and to obtain a negative 0.2" wg room pressure. Introduce make-up airin a manner that minimizes drafts in front of hood to less than 20% of the face velocity. Connect 100 feet per minute air velocity through face of fume hood. Adjustment in blowershall vary face velocity down to 75 feet per minute. a. Examine facility to verify conformance to the requirements of this Section. b. Test room shall be isolated from all personnel during test procedure. 5. Testing equipment: a. Properly calibrated hot wire thermal anemometer probes equal to Sierra model 600-02; correlate with computer data acquisition format to provide simultaneous readings at all points.b. Pilot tube and inclined manometer with graduations no greater than 0.2 inch of water, equal to F.W. Dwyer model 400. Calibration curves based on 20. Pilot traversereadings and correlated to a digital readout indicator to provide quick and accurate adjustment of airflows. c. Tracer gas: Sulfur hexafluoride supplied from a cylinder at a test flow rate of four litersper minute. d. Ejector system: Tracer gas ejector equal to IHE no. 525-014. Submit sufficient proofof ejector system calibration. e. Critical orifice: Sized to provide tracer gas at four liters per minute at an upstreampressure of 30 PSIG.f. Detection instruments: Ion track model 61 leak meter leak meter sulfur hexafluoridedetector instrument. g. Recorder with an accuracy better than plus or minus 0.5% of full scale. h. Three dimensional mannequin, overall height 67", clothed in a smock. i. Titanium tetrachloride glass modules. CAUTION: Titanium tetrachloride is corrosiveand irritating; skin contact or inhalation shall be avoided. j. One dozen 30-second smoke bombs. k. Minihelic dial type static pressure gauge. 6. Preliminary Test and Data: a. Provide sketch of room indicating room layout, location of significant equipment,including test hood and other hoods. Provide sketch of air supply system indicatingtype of supply fixtures. b. Reverse air flows and dead space: 1) Swab strip of titanium tetrachloride along both walls and floor of hood in a line 6" behind and parallel to the hood face, and along the top of the face opening.Swab an 8" diameter circle on the back of the hood. All smoke should be carriedto the back of the hood and exhausted. 2) Test the operation of the bottom air bypass airfoil by running the cotton swab under the airfoil.3) If visible fumes flow out of the front of the hood, the hood fails the test andreceives no rating. c. Face velocity measurements: Face velocity shall be determined by averagingminimum of four and maximum of eight readings at the hood face. Take readings at center of a grid made up of sections of equal area across the top half of the face andsections of equal area across the bottom half of the face. Take simultaneous readingsat each point with a series of calibrated hot wire anemometers over a one-minuteperiod of time. Probes shall be correlated to a computer data acquisition package,which will provide an average of each reading over that one-minute period and also an overall average. During the one-minute monitoring period, all velocities mustautomatically update average at a maximum of four-second intervals. 7. Test Procedure: July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 86 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 11 LABORATORY FUME HOODS a. Check sash operation by moving sash through its full travel. Verify that sash operation is smooth and easy, and that vertical rising sash shall hold at any height withoutcreeping up or down. Position sash at the full open position for all subsequent tests. b. Measure exhaust airflow with the baffles positioned to give maximum airflow.Measure exhaust airflow with the baffles positioned to give minimum airflow. Verify that the air volume at minimum airflow is not less than 95% of the exhaust air volumeat maximum airflow. Hoods exceeding this fail the test and receive no rating. c. Take a static pressure reading, using methods assuring an accurate reading, in anarea of the ductwork no more than three feet nor less than one foot above the exhaust collar. Static pressure loss shall not exceed values given under DesignRequirements stated elsewhere in this Section. d. Install ejector in test positions. For a typical bench-type hood, three positions arerequired: left, center and right as seen looking into the hood. In the left position theejector center line is 12" from the left inside wall of the hood; center position is equaldistance from the inside sidewalls; and the right position is 12" from the right inside wall. The ejector body is 6" in from the hood face in all positions. Location of ejectormay require modification for hoods of unusual dimensions. e. Install mannequin positioned in front of the hood, centered on the ejector. f. Fix detector probe in the region of the nose and mouth of the mannequin. Take carethat method of attachment of the probe does not interfere with the flow patterns around the mannequin. Locate nose of the mannequin 9” in front of ejector (3” in frontof sash). g. Open tracer gas block valve. Correlate readings with a computer data acquisitionpackage, which is capable of monitoring and visually recording a minimum of one reading per second for a minimal three minute time period at each of the threepositions. h. The control level rating of the hood shall be the maximum of the three average valuesfor the three test positions. i. Record performance rating of the fume hood as XXAMyyy, where XX equals the release rate in liters per minute (4.0) and AM represents the as manufactured testsequence and yyy equals the control level in parts per million. j. Record and submit average face velocity, static pressure, and total exhaust CFM forsash positions from 1/2 open to closed in 2-inch increments. Total variation in facevelocity, static pressure, and exhaust CFM shall be in accordance with fume hoodgeneral design requirements specified herein. k. All data on the above test conditions including instrumentation and equipment, test conditions, preliminary test and data information shall be provided on a one pagereport, including a printout of the average face velocities, and a separate graph-typeperformance curve on all three tracer gas positions. l. Ignite a smoke bomb within the fume hood work area to verify that the fumes are quickly and efficiently carried away. Move the lighted bomb about the fume hood workarea, checking near fume hood ends and work surface to verify that there is noreverse flow of air at these locations. m. All fume hoods: 1) Conduct test as outlined with the sash open. 2) Ignite a smoke bomb within the fume hood work area to verify that the fumes arequickly and efficiently carried away. Move the lighted bomb about the fume hoodwork area, checking near fume hood ends and work surface to verify that thereis no reverse flow of air at these locations. 3) a. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify all equipment rough-in conditions and requirements. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 87 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 12 LABORATORY FUME HOODS B. Coordinate with other trades for the proper and correct installation of electrical rough-in,structural backing for items attached to walls and for rough opening dimensions required for theinstallation of products in this section. C. Examine substrate surfaces and associated work and conditions under which work will beinstalled. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner complying with the Contract Documents and acceptable to the Installer. Starting of work within aparticular area will be construed as installer’s acceptance of surface conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General Requirements: 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Install in accordance with standards required by the governing codes. 3. Sequence installation to ensure utility connections are achieved in an orderly andexpeditious manner. 4. Touch-up minor damaged surfaces caused during installation. Replace damaged components as directed by Architect. 5. Equipment in this section shall be installed with all necessary fittings mounted for finalconnection by Divisions 22, 23 and 26. B. Fume Hood Installation 1. Install laboratory fume hoods at locations indicated on drawings, in accordance with approved shop drawings and schedules and according to manufacturer'srecommendations. 2. Provide all openings and do all drilling of laboratory furniture necessary for the installationof electrical service fixtures, conduit fittings and ducts. 3. Install in accordance with codes, regulations and standards required by the authority having jurisdiction. 4. Seismic Restraints: The hood manufacturer shall install the hoods to resist seismic loadingas required by the local governing codes. Install all anchorage devices, including speciallegs and or braces, required for seismic restraint of hoods to satisfy all governing coderequirements for seismic anchorage of equipment. 5. Field Quality Control Testing of Fume Hoods (as installed): Additionally, the hoodmanufacturer shall perform field testing of all fume hoods to ensure that the fume hoodand HVAC air flow system complies with all requirements. Field testing shall beaccomplished in accordance with the requirements above as outlined in Section 2.1 G1through G7, and the additional requirements noted below. This field-testing shall be performed with the owner, commissioning consultant, architect and mechanical engineerpresent. a. Field Testing Requirements 1) Perform tests in field to verify proper operation of the fume hoods before they areput in use, using only qualified personnel. 2) Perform tests after installation is complete, the building ventilation system has been balanced, all connections have been made, and written verification hasbeen submitted that the above conditions have been met. 3) Verify that the building make-up air system is in operation, the doors andwindows are in normal position, and that all other hoods and exhaust devices are operating at designed conditions. 4) Correct any unsafe conditions disclosed by these tests before request of testprocedures. 5) Provide the Architect and Owner with a record of all tests. b. Testing Equipment: Properly calibrated hot wire thermal anemometer equal to AlnorModel No. 8500-1 Compuflow. c. Test Procedure: 1) Perform field-testing in accordance with SEFA LF1-1996. Fume hoods that donot perform to the requirements shall be re-tested following re-balancing of the HVAC system. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 88 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 11 5313 - 13 LABORATORY FUME HOODS 2) Check room conditions in front of fume hood using a thermal anemometer and a smoke source to verify that the velocity of cross drafts does not exceed 20% ofthe specified average fume hood face velocity. Eliminate any cross drafts thatexceed these values before proceeding. 3) Perform the following test to verify conformance of actual fume hood face velocities to those specified. Turn on the exhaust system with the sash fullyopen. Determine the face velocity by averaging the velocity of six readings takenat the fume hood face; at the centers of a grid made up of three sections of equal area across the top half of the fume hood face and three sections of equalarea across the bottom half of the fume hood face. If not in accordance with the specifications and drawings, refer to the manufacturer’s troubleshooting guidefor aid in determining the cause of variation in airflow. 4) Field testing of airflow in fume hoods: Turn on the exhaust system. With sash inopen position, check airflow into the fume hood using a cotton swab dipped in titanium tetrachloride or other smoke source. Verify that airflow is into the fumehood over the entire face area by a complete traverse of the fume hood 6” insidethe face. Reverse flow is evident of unsafe conditions. Take necessarycorrective actions and retest. Move smoke throughout the fume hooddirecting smoke across the work surface and against the sidewalls and baffle. Verify that smoke is contained within the fume hood and rapidly exhausted. 3.03 ADJUSTING A. Adjust operating equipment, with the exception of air-moving equipment, to efficient operationfor its intended use, and as required by the manufacturer. B. Adjust fume hood sashes, fixtures, accessories and other moving or operating parts to functionsmoothly. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean equipment and all other surfaces as recommended by the manufacturer, rendering allwork in a new and unused appearance. Touch up as required. B. Clean adjacent construction and surfaces which may have been soiled in the course of installation of work in this section. C. Clean countertops with diluted dishwashing liquid and water leaving tops free of all grease andstreaks. Use no wax or oils. 3.05 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Provide all necessary protective measures to prevent exposure of equipment and surfaces fromexposure to other construction activity. B. Advise general contractor of procedures and precautions for protection of material and installedequipment and casework from damage by work of other trades. 3.06 DEMONSTRATION A. Provide systems training and demonstration of all equipment operations, functions andcalibration process, for a duration of at least 8 hours. B. Fume hoods: Following successful field testing of fume hoods, fully demonstrate fume hoodoperation, including sash operation, plumbing and electrical service fixture and fitting operation, and operation of the fume hood warning and alarm system. 1. Refer to Commissioning Specification for training requirements for specific systems andequipment. Training of the Owner’s operation and maintenance personnel is required incooperation with the Commissioning Consultant. Commissioning Specification lists the specific systems and equipment. A training agenda shall be prepared by the Contractorand approved by the Owner prior to training performance. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 89 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 1 LABORATORY CASEWORK SECTION 12 3553 LABORATORY CASEWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: 1. Furnish all laboratory cabinets and casework, including lab countertops, lab sinks, ledges,supporting structures, lab service fittings and miscellaneous items of equipment as listed below and in these specifications or equipment schedules including delivery to the building,setting in place, leveling and scribing to walls and floors as required. Furnish and install allfiller panels, knee space panels and scribes as indicated by drawings. Divisions 22, 23 and26 shall be responsible for final connections of the laboratory sinks, laboratory fixtures andaccessories specified herein. a. Wood Laboratory Casework b. Stainless Steel Countertops c. Flammable Chemical Storage Cabinets d. Mobile Tables e. Stainless Steel Countertops f. Laboratory Stainless Steel Sinks g. Laboratory Epoxy Countertops h. Laboratory Epoxy Sinksi. Laboratory Plumbing & Electrical Fittings j. Laboratory Casework Accessories k. Emergency Eyewash and Shower 2. Furnishing and delivery of all utility service outlet accessory fittings as listed in thesespecifications, equipment schedules or as indicated by drawings as mounted on thelaboratory furniture. The above-defined items shall be furnished assembled with supplytank nipples and lock nuts, not attached, loose in boxes and properly marked for delivery to the mechanical contractor (except for pre-wired or pre-plumbed items, which are to bedelivered completely assembled). All plumbing and electrical fittings will be packagedseparately and properly marked for delivery to the appropriate contractor.3. Furnishing and delivering, packed in boxes for installation by the contractor, all drains,drain troughs, overflows and sink outlets with integral tailpieces, which occur above thefloor, and where these items are part of the equipment or listing in the specifications, equipment schedules or indicated by the drawings. Integral tailpieces, when required, shallbe in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards. All tailpieces shall be furnished lessthe couplings required to connect them to the drain piping system.4. Furnishing service strip supports where specified, and setting in place service tunnels, service turrets, supporting structures and reagent racks of the type indicated by the details. 5. Removal of all debris, dirt and rubbish accumulated as a result of the installation of thelaboratory furniture, leaving the premises clean and orderly. 6. Provide holes in counters for items such as purified water fixtures, snorkels and electricaldevices as indicated on drawing or as required by Divisions 22, 23 and 26. B. Work Not Included in this Sections 1. Equipment, materials and labor which are the responsibility of other subcontractors, asdetermined by the General Contractor may include the following: a. Electrical receptacles, except where integral to casework, pulling of wire andconnecting of electrical fittings in service chases and countertop outlets that are not part of the free standing and mobile casework. b. Plumbing fittings not included in this section, vacuum breakers (except in-line vacuumbreakers specified in this section), piping or other plumbing features, as required tomeet local code authority requirements. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 90 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 2 LABORATORY CASEWORK 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS: THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION MAY REQUIRE WORK IN OR COORDINATION WITH OTHER SECTIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR AND THE SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING AND INCLUDING ALL RELATED WORK IN OTHERSECTIONS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND / OR DRAWINGS NECESSARY FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. THESE RELATED SECTIONS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions,including Division 1 specifications, apply to this Section. B. Commissioning: Division 1 C. Refer to Divisions 22, 23 and 26 and the Mechanical and Electrical drawings for relatedplumbing, mechanical and electrical work, including plumbing work related to purified water systems. D. Division 5 & 6: Blocking and backing in walls for anchorage of cabinetry E. Division 9: Blocking and backing in walls for anchorage of cabinetry F. Division 9: Base molding and flooring G. Division 11 53 00: Laboratory Equipment H. Division 11 53 13: Fume Hoods I. Division 26: Electrical Fittings and Connections J. System commissioning is a part of the construction process. Documentation and testing ofsystems, as well as training of the Owner’s operation and maintenance personnel, is required incooperation with the Commissioning Consultant. Substantial Completion is dependent on successful completion of all commissioning procedures, documentation and issue closure.Refer to Commissioning Specification Section for detailed commissioning requirements. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Laboratory Casework: 1. SEFA 3 - Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association 2. SEFA 8 - Scientific Equipment and Furniture Association 3. ASTM D552 - Bending Test 4. ANSI/HPVA HP-1 1994 -Hardwood Plywood 5. ANSI A208.1-1999 - Particleboard Plywwod 6. ANSI A208.2-1994 - MDF Plywood B. Flammable Chemical and Acid Storage Cabinets: 1. OSHA Section 1910.106, General Industry Standards 2. NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 3. UL 1275, Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets C. Emergency Eyewash and Shower: 1. ANSI Z-358.1 2. ADA 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Division 1, General Requirements. B. Shop Drawings: Provide 1 original reproducible set, 1/2”=1’-0” scale elevations and 1/4”=1’-0”plans of casework and equipment locations, showing cross sections, details, rough-in andanchor placement dimensions and tolerances and clearances required. Indicate relation to surrounding walls, ceiling, windows, doors and other building components. Show rough-inrequirements. Show locations of all required framing, bucks, metal grounds or reinforcements in walls, floors and ceilings to adequately support the laboratory casework, equipment and forproper anchoring and support. Additionally, provide a keying schedule for all cabinet locks. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 91 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 3 LABORATORY CASEWORK Provide an additional 2 sets of copies, over and above the required number of copies for A/E,for review by the Owner. C. Product Data: Provide manufacturer’s technical data for each component and item of laboratorycasework and equipment specified, including equipment dimensions and construction,configurations, color selection charts, attachment and anchorage details, equipment capacities, physical dimensions, construction details, utility and service requirements and locations, pointloads and factory finishes. 1. Manufacturer’s Installation Instruction: Indicate special installation requirements. 2. Seismic Restraints: The lab casework manufacturer / installer shall install the casework toresist seismic loading as required by the local governing codes. Provide all seismic details with lab casework and fume hood submittals indicating required wall construction, such aswall stud gauge and size, point loads, etc. install all anchorage devices, including speciallegs and / or braces required for seismic restraint of lab casework, fume hoods andaccessories to satisfy all governing code requirements for seismic anchorage ofequipment. 3. Instruction: Submit for review and approval written approval instructions in booklet form providing additional details on safe operation and maintenance. D. Samples: Provide the following samples: 1. Finish Samples: Submit 5 sets of samples of each color of finish for casework, worksurfaces and other prefinished work as well as accessories for selection by Architect. 2. Door and Drawer Samples: Provide a complete finished door unit, 12” wide, and acomplete drawer unit, 12” wide, with finished drawer front and slides attached.3. Hardware Samples: Provide 2 sets of all hardware components, with one set installed onthe samples required in item 2. 4. 4”x4” countertop samples. E. Mock Up: On site review prior to primary installation: 1. Install all laboratory casework and fittings in an Architect selected smaller representativelab area prior to installing the bulk of casework throughout the project and request review. 1.05 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Submit information in bound manual form, type written or computer word processed on 8-1/2” x11” paper. B. Operation Data: Include description of required operation, adjusting and testing. C. Maintenance Data: Identify system maintenance requirements, servicing cycles and spare partsources. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Single source responsibility: Laboratory furniture system, casework, work surfaces, laboratoryequipment and accessories shall be manufactured or finished by a single laboratory furniturecompany. B. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: Modern plant with proper tools, dies, fixtures and skilled workmento produce high quality laboratory casework and equipment. Installers shall be factory certified by the manufacturers. C. Coordination Drawings: The supplier / installer shall coordinate the installation of all productsunder the section, including mechanical, plumbing and electrical items, which are provided by the supplier and installed by other contractors. Laboratory casework manufacturer shall beresponsible for generating layout drawings and distributing them to the mechanical, electricaland plumbing contractors for coordination and accurate locations of cutouts and serviceconnections required by each discipline, prior to generating final shop drawings. D. Owner has the right to inspect equipment at the manufacturer’s factory prior to shipment. Equipment found not to be in conformance with requirements of the Contract Documents mightbe rejected. E. Installer’s qualifications: Installer shall be factory certified by the manufacturer. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 92 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 4 LABORATORY CASEWORK 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, protect and handle products on the site in such a manner as to minimize the riskof damage, decay, deterioration or loss from theft. B. All products shall be delivered to the job site in manufacturer’s original unopened containers, crates or protective wrappings with the manufacturer’s name and addressed clearly labeledthereon. C. Accept products on site and inspect on arrival for damage. D. Protect product from damage of soiling at all times. Keep products covered with polyethylenefilm or other suitable protective coverings. Protect installed casework throughout construction period with corrugated cardboard completely covering the top and securely taped to edges.Mark cardboard in large lettering “No Standing”. 1.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not deliver or install laboratory casework in the final work until building is secure and weather-tight, all painting is completed and ceilings, overhead ductwork and lighting areinstalled and HVAC systems are operational and capable of maintaining the building temperature and humidity at occupancy levels throughout the remainder of the constructionperiod. 1.09 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Verify field measurements shown on shop drawings or as instructed by manufacturer. 1.10 WARRANTY A. Provide warranty under provisions of Division 1. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS (WOOD FIXED MODULAR, CANTILEVERED, FREE STANDING AND MOBILE LAB CASEWORK) A. Subject to compliance with these specifications, acceptable products are limited to those manufactured and provided by the following companies. While this specification is based onKewaunee Scientific Corporation, products by other listed manufacturers are considered equals provided they meet the standard of design and quality for materials, construction andworkmanship as described in this specification. 1. Kewaunee Scientific Corporation: a. Wood Laboratory Casework System: Contemporary Full Flush Overlay - Style 5 2. Mott Manufacturing: a. Wood Laboratory Casework System: Full Flush Overlay3. Bedcolab: a. Harmony Casework System: Full Flush Overlay B. Fixtures: 1. Watersaver Faucet Company 2. T&S Brass3. Chicago Faucet 2.02 HARDWARE A. Hardware and Trim: 1. Drawer and Door Pulls: Drawer and door pulls shall be on 4” centers, offering acomfortable handgrip and be securely fastened to doors and drawers. Two pulls shall berequired on all drawers over 30” long. Pull to be 3/8” stainless steel rod with a brushed satin finish. 2. Flush Pulls: Flush pulls for sliding doors shall be satin finish stainless steel, providing arecessed finger grip. Finger holes or slots machined into doors will not be acceptable. 3. Hinges: Hinges shall be the five (5) knuckle institutional, offset type for all swinging doors.Hinges shall be 2-3/4” long, one (1) pair for doors less than 4 ft. in height and 1-1/2 pair ondoors over 4 ft. in height. Hinges are mounted with flathead screws, so applied to door and July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 93 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 5 LABORATORY CASEWORK cabinet to withstand a weight load of 150 lbs. minimum. All hinges shall be satin finishstainless steel. 4. Locks: 5-pin locking system, heavy-duty cylinder type, capable of 75 pure key changes(unique keys) with master keyed system determined by Owner, heavy-duty cylinder type. Exposed lock noses shall be dull nickel (satin) plated and stamped with identifyingnumbers. Locks shall have capacity for 225 primary key changes. Master key one level with the potential of 40 different, non-interchangeable master key groups. The Contractorshall prepare a keying schedule based on the Owner’s requirements for all cabinetry locks.The keying schedule shall incorporate the following general requirements: a. Lab spaces: Each cabinet with a lock shall be uniquely keyed and master keyed for the entire laboratory unit. Multiple locking drawers and doors within a single cabinetshould be keyed alike. b. Keys: Stamped brass available from manufacturer or local locksmith and supplied inthe following quantities unless otherwise specified: 1) 2 - for each keyed different lock 2) 4 - for master keys for entire system 3) 2 - for each group keyed alike locks 5. Roller Catches: Roller catches shall be used on swinging doors. Catches shall have aspring-loaded polyethylene roller and provided with a steel strike plate. Double doors without locks shall have a catch on each door. Full height cases shall have latchingdevices located on the structurally fixed center shelf. The left-hand door shall have a positive catch and the right hand door shall have the roller type catch.6. Elbow Catches: When locks are specified, elbow catches shall be utilized. Elbow catchesand strike plates shall be used on left hand doors of double door cases and are to be casealuminum with bronze finish. 7. Leg Shoes: Leg shoes shall be provided on all table legs, unless otherwise specified, toconceal leveling device. Shoes shall be 1-1/2” high and a pliable, black vinyl material. Useof a leg shoe which does not conceal leveling device will not be acceptable. 8. Floor Glides: Floor glides, where specified for movable open-leg tables, shall be anon-marring material at least 1” diameter to prevent indenting on composition flooring and shall have at least a 5/8” height adjustment. Use of metal buttons will not be acceptable. 9. Dowels used to join frames and panels shall be fluted hardwood not less than 8mmdiameter. 10. Shelf Support Clips: Shelf support clips shall be double pin type for mounting on interior ofcabinetwork. Clips shall be corrosion resistant and shall retain shelves from accidental removal. Shelves are adjustable on 32 mm centers. Surface mounted metal support stripsand clips subject to corrosion are not acceptable. 11. Drawer Suspension: Mechanical slides shall be: a. Drawer Suspension: Drawer slides shall be as made by Accuride or approved equalapproved prior to bid with a standard clear zinc finish. 1) Light duty, 24” wide or less: Accuride 3834 all ball bearing, rail mount, fullextension +1” over travel slides, hold open detent with a 100 lb./pair load rating.2) Medium duty, 33.5” wide or less: Accuride 7434 all ball bearing, rail mount, fullextension +1” over travel slides, hold open detent with a 100 lb./pair load ratingand progressive movement. 3) Heavy duty, 42” wide or less: Accuride 3640 all ball bearing, rail mount, full extension +1” over travel slides, hold open detent with a 200 lb./pair load ratingand sequential movement. b. File drawers to be equipped with full extension with over-travel 150 lb. dynamic zincplated Accuride 4034 series, or equal. 12. Label Holders: Furnish and install label holders on each drawer and each hinged casework door. Label holders shall be Kewaunee part number F-0260-00 (Aluminum) or approvedequal. 13. Seismic Lips: Furnish 3/16” x 2” clear Plexiglas (acrylic) lips at all open shelves other thanthe metal shelves. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 94 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 6 LABORATORY CASEWORK 2.03 FIXED MODULAR WOOD LABORATORY CASEWORK A. Casework Design Requirements:1. General Requirements: It is the intent of this specification to provide a high quality wood cabinet specifically designed for the laboratory environment. The cabinet shall be fulloverlay construction with ¾” thick door and drawer fronts. The door and drawer fronts shall occupy a plane extending ¾” past the plane of the front of the cabinet body. Edges of doorand drawer fronts shall be square. The doors and drawer fronts shall overlay the face ofthe cabinet leaving minimal reveals between doors and drawers of approximately 1/8”. All cabinet end panels shall be finished for the purpose of future relocation. The exposedgrain for doors and drawer fronts shall run vertical, be matched to the door or drawer front above or below it.2. Base cabinet end panels shall be ¾” thick red oak veneer core plywood edge banded on exposed edges. End panels shall be multiple doweled, glued, and screwed to top framemembers, intermediate rails and bottoms. Cupboard bottoms shall be ¾” thick red oak veneer core plywood edge banded on exposed edges. All cupboard base cabinet shelvesshall be full-width, ¾” thick red oak veneer core plywood edge banded on exposed edges.Integrally joined parts shall result in a totally enclosed cabinet. 3. Cabinet backs shall be ¼” thick hardboard, dadoed into end panels and securely fastened to cabinet bottom and top back rail. Backs that are attached to end panels with cleats shallbe unacceptable. 4. The cabinet top frame shall consist of a front rail, back rail and two side rails. The front railshall be 3-1/8” x 1” hardwood with 3mm red oak facing. The back rail shall be 2-1/2” x ¾”hardwood plywood. The side rails shall be 1-3/4” x ¾” hardwood and shall be screwed tothe end panels and front and back rails. 5. Intermediate rails shall be 3-1/4” x ¾” hardwood plywood edge banded on exposed edge. Rails shall be multiple doweled and screwed to end panels. Intermediate rails shall bemounted at the front between the drawers and between all drawers and doors. 6. Sides, back and sub-front of drawers with white hardboard bottoms shall be ½” thick, 9-plybirch plywood. Drawer heads shall be ¾” red oak, composite core plywood. A dovetail joint shall be used to attach the drawer sub-front and drawer back to the drawer sides. Drawerbottoms shall be ¼” thick hardboard with a white melamine finish, set and hot-melt glued into ¼” grooves, four sides. Each drawer shall have one pull mounted horizontally.Drawers over 24” shall have two pulls. Drawer sub-fronts attached to drawer sides with alock-tenon joint shall be unacceptable. 7. Swinging doors shall be ¾” red oak composite core plywood, edge-banded on all four edges. Doors shall be mounted on the cabinet with hinges as described at 2.2 above. Pullsare to be provided and installed per 2.2 above. 8. Sliding doors shall be ¾” thick red oak composite core plywood, edge banded on thevertical edges. Doors shall be suspended from adjustable hangers and glide on nylon rollers riding on a double extruded aluminum track, attached to the top of the cabinet. Each door shall have one recessed pull as described at 2.2 above. 9. Fillers, Scribes and Closures: Provide and install as necessary for a complete installation. B. Casework Performance Requirements: 1. All cabinet end panels, whether exposed to view in the final installation or not, shall be stained and finished to match the cabinet face to allow the cabinet to be relocated at alater date. 2. Environmental Standards: The finish must be low VOC and reclaimable with enclosedspray and/or roll coat application. Thus providing an environmentally responsible product. 3. Wood Surface Preparation: Prior to the application of the wood finish, all cabinet component surfaces shall be sanded smooth to remove loose fibers, scratch marks andabrasions, with all dust thoroughly removed. 4. Wood Finish Application: Cabinet components shall be finished using a state-of-the-artflat-line system. The finish shall be applied under controlled conditions prior to the casework assembly and attachment of hardware. This will provide maximum coverage and July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 95 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 7 LABORATORY CASEWORK protection to the assembled product. The finish shall be full UV cured to ensure properperformance. 5. Interior Wood Casework Finish: Interior surfaces shall receive to applications ofchemical-resistant, UV cured, epoxy topcoat. The first application will be cured, sanded and cleaned. The final topcoat will then be applied and fully cured. 6. Exterior Wood Casework Finish: Exposed exterior surfaces, interiors of glazed cabinetsand open cabinets shall be stained with additionally sealed with two applications ofchemical-resistant epoxy topcoat. The fully reclaimable low VOC water-borne stain shall beuniformly applied by a series of automated spray applicators. The stained componentsshall then travel through a series of heated chambers to incrementally achieve a temperature of 140 degrees F to dry the stain material. The first of two low VOC epoxytopcoats shall be applied, cured, sanded and cleaned. The final topcoat will then beapplied and UV cured, providing a semi-gloss sheen. The completed product shall meetthe performance test requirements specified under Chemical Resistance FinishPerformance Requirements as listed below at C. C. Chemical Resistance Finish Performance Requirements: 1. Test Procedure: Apply 10 drops (approximately 0.5 cc) of each reagent identified to thesurface to the finished test panels laid flat and level on a horizontal surface. Ambienttemperature: 68ºF to 72ºF (20ºC to 22ºC). After one hour flush away chemicals with cold water and wash surface with detergent and warm water at 150ºF (65.5ºC) and with alcoholto remove surface stains. Examine surface under 100 foot-candles of illumination. 2. Evaluation Ratings: Change in surface finish and function shall be described by thefollowing ratings: a. Excellent: Indicates excellent to superior integrity of finish film. Includes no effect of slight change in gloss and slight discoloration. b. Good: Clearly discernible change in color or gloss. Finish remains intact andprotective with no significant impairment to function or life. c. Failure: Obvious and significant deterioration, visible blistering, pitting, bare spots orroughness of surface. 3. Test Results (concentration by weight): a. REAGENT RATING b. Acetic Acid, 93%Excellent c. Formic Acid, 33%Good d. Hydrochloric Acid, 37%Excellent e. Nitric Acid, 25%Excellent f. Nitric Acid, 60%Good g. Phosphoric Acid, 75%Excellenth. Sulfuric Acid, 28%Excellent i. Sulfuric Acid, 85%Excellent j. Ammonium Hydroxide, 10%Excellent k. Sodium Hydroxide, 10%Excellent l. Sodium Hydroxide, 25%Excellent m. AcetoneExcellent n. Carbon Tetrachloride Excellent o. Ethyl Acetate Excellent p. Ethyl Alcohol Excellent q. Ethyl Ether Excellent r. Formaldehyde, 37%Excellent s. Hydrogen Peroxide, 5%Excellent t. Methylethyl Ketone Excellent u. Phenol, 85%Goodv. XyleneExcellent July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 96 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 8 LABORATORY CASEWORK 4. Finish drawer bodies in matching or harmonizing color and apply corrosion-resistant treatment to selected, concealed interior parts.5. Provide independent certified test report on chemical resistant finish. D. Glass Casework Materials: 1. Glass for glazed doors: 1/4” (6mm) thick clear tempered safety glass. 2.04 MOBILE TABLES A. Tables: Mobile, adjustable height table configurations: 1. General requirements for tables: a. Work surface support frame: 11 gauge cold rolled steel tubing. Cabinet supportchannels: 14 gauge cold rolled steel. Weld members using the inert gas process. b. Support arms: 1) Cantilever support arms: 11 gauge cold rolled steel. 2) 4 leg adjustable height support arms: 11 gauge cold rolled steel. c. End caps: Flame resistant ABS plastic, color matched. 2. Finish: Chemical resistant powder paint finish in manufacturer’s standard color to beselected and coordinated with Architect. 3. Design: The mobile table design is indicated in the drawings. 4. Location: Locations of mobile tables are indicated in the drawings. 5. Mobile Adjustable Height Table Construction: a. Freestanding table capable of supporting suspended base cabinets. Rectangular and90 degree corner configurations. b. Structural modesty panel: Box construction of 18 gauge cold rolled steel. c. Leg upright: 16 gauge cold rolled steel. d. Feet: Die cast aluminum. e. Table weight: Maximum weight of table assembly: 400 pounds. f. Design weight capacity: Table weight plus 600 pounds.g. Tables include four-leg, structural and extended frame configurations.h. Provide a spring loaded pin with holes set at 2” increments at each table leg to adjust the mobile table height. i. Provide mobile tables with four 6” diameter, swiveling rubber wheels, each with footoperated locking mechanisms. 6. Table Frames: a. Table frames: 4-1/2” high “C” channel front and back aprons, end rails and cross rails. b. Table drawers: Provide front and back rails; drawer unit, hardware and suspensionsame as specified for base unit drawers. c. Legs: 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” steel tube legs with welded leg bracket. Attach legs with twobolts to front and back aprons and weld to end rails. Provide adjustable height legs toenable the table height to be placed at heights ranging from 28” to 36” at maximum of2” increments. d. Knee space frames: 2” high apron where no drawers are required (shall satisfy ADA requirements for undercounter clearance at 32” high countertops). e. Leg rails and stretchers: Channel formed. 2.05 FLAMMABLE CHEMICAL STORAGE CABINETS A. General: 1. Applicable to freestanding cabinets where shown, and cabinets beneath fume hoods. 2. Flammable Chemical Storage Cabinet performance requirements shall be as previouslynoted for painted steel casework. a. Maximum internal temperature: 325ºF, when subjected to a 10 minute fire test usingstandard time-temperature curve per ASTM E152-72 (Article 42, NFPA No. 30). b. Reference Standards: 1) OSHA General Industry Standards Section 1910.106. 2) NFPA Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code No. 30. 3) Cabinets shall be Factory Mutual (FM) approved. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 97 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 9 LABORATORY CASEWORK B. Flammable Chemical Storage Cabinets: Cabinets shall be specifically designed for the storageof flammable and combustible liquids. Construction shall be based upon the requirements listedby UFC, 18 gauge steel and shall be all double panel construction with a 1-1/2” air spacebetween panels. Provide stainless steel construction when flammable chemical storagecabinets are next to stainless steel cabinetry. All joints shall be welded, or screwed, to provide a rigid enclosure. The doors shall swing on full-length stainless steel piano. The right hand doorshall be equipped with a three point latching device and the left- hand door shall have a fullheight astragal. The doors are self-closing and synchronized so that both doors will always fullyclose. The right hand door is equipped with a three-point latching system that automaticallyengages when the doors close. Each door is equipped with a fusible-link hold-open feature that will ensure the door closes should the temperature outside the cabinet exceed 165 degreesFahrenheit. Units 24” long have only one door, self- closing, and equipped with a three pointlatching system and hold-open feature. A 2” deep liquid tight pan that covers the entire bottomof the cabinet shall be furnished to contain liquid leaks and spills. Provide one adjustable shelfat counter height cabinets or under fume hoods. The shelf shall be perforated to allow air circulation within the cabinet. The cabinet shall have interior finish same as exterior. The unitshall be UL listed. 1. Top, bottom and sides: 18 gauge steel, double wall construction with 1-1/2" air space,removable access and back panels; all joints welded. Set bottom of door two inches above bottom of cabinet to create two-inch deep well to contain spillage of liquids. a. Hardware: b. 3 point latching device and lockc. Full length piano hinge d. Door operation: Self-closing with fusible link 2. Upper and Lower Arrestor Vents with Spark Screens: Factory Mutual approved vents located so that they can be plugged both internally and externally to assure isolation ofstored fluid, but can be opened for ventilation means as required by applicable local codes. 3. Cabinet Grounding Attachment: Screw at base of cabinet for firm attachment of groundingwire. 4. Cabinet Color and Markings: a. Cabinet color and markings shall be selected from the manufacturer’s standard colors.b. Mark with Factory Mutual approval. c. Label cabinet: “FLAMMABLE - KEEP FIRE AWAY” C. Grounding: All cabinets shall be grounded. D. Finish: Powder coated or urethane. Color selected from manufacturer’s color line. E. Sizes:1. Undercounter Flammable Chemical Cabinets: Width per drawings; Height to be themanufacturer’s standard for undercounter applications. F. ADA Base Cabinets - Special ADA Requirement: 1. Provide base cabinets to locate work surface at a nominal 34” working height. 2.06 LABORATORY COUNTERTOP SURFACES & BACKSPLASHES A. Provide and install countertops where shown on the drawings on lab cabinetry and mobile tables. Countertop fabricator shall drill all holes and make all cuts in countertop materials asrequired for the proper installation of all plumbing and electrical work. 1. Radiused Corners: All outside corners of all countertops shall have a finished 1/2” radius in plan.2. Drip Groove: Provide continuous drip groove on underside of all countertops, 1/4” to 1/2” inboard of the front edge. 3. 3/4” thick backsplashes shall match countertops in material and color. B. Hardwood Solid Core Countertop (Butcher-block) 1. Edge Grain maple top (butcher-block): 1-3/4” thick top with edge grain exposed, composedof solid hard maple strips no more than 1-3/4” wide, glued with water-resistant resin under July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 98 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 10 LABORATORY CASEWORK heavy pressure side to side and end to end. Round top edges and corners and sandsmooth. Apply 3 coats of clear satin finish polyurethane finish. C. Stainless Steel Work Surfaces, Countertops & Tabletops:1. Material: 14 gauge, type 316 stainless steel with No. 4 polished finish on all exposed surfaces and edges.Form tops with one-inch lip and ½” return flange, and provide 16gauge stainless steel reinforcing channels applied to underside as required for rigidity andsound dampening. Form edge flanges, flanges and curbs integrally with top from onesheet of metal. 2. Tops: Form tops with 1” lip and 1/2" return flange. Form edges, flanges and curbsintegrally with top, from one sheet of metal. 3. Sink tops: Provide seamless, die formed 3/16" high integral marine edges at sink tops. Unless otherwise noted, provide plain edges at all other tops. Coat underside of all withsound dampening material. 4. Sink bowls: All sink bowls are made from 16 gauge Type 316 stainless steel. Electricallyweld stainless steel bowls to opening in top. Grind welds flush and polish to a satin finish to produce an integral unit with invisible joint line. Cover underside of sink bowls withsound dampening material. 5. Joints: Electrically weld all shop joints; grind smooth and polish. Design field joints to bemechanically bolted and supported full length, resulting in a hair line seam with flat, level surfaces each side of joint. 6. Sound dampening material: Material shall be waterborne and non-flammable in its liquidstate. Material to contain clay, which will act as a flame retardant. Material shall containno volatile organic compounds (VOC). Film thickness of spray-applied product shall beapproximately 20 mil. D. Epoxy Resin Countertop: Provide 1” thick epoxy resin countertops at all laboratory spaces and window sills in all lab spaces. 1. Subject to compliance with these specifications, acceptable products include, but are notlimited to, those manufactured and provided by the following companies: a. Durcon, Inc. b. Kewaunee Scientific Corporation 2. Material: Basis of Design: Durcon Inc. Greenstone Environment friendly worksurfaces.Chemical and abrasion resistant, durable top of one-inch thick cast material of epoxy resinand inert fillers, cast flat with a uniform color and low-sheen surface at all surfaces (tops,sides and ends), forming a thermosetting material with the following properties: a. Tensile Strength:ASTMD651-48, 8,000 psi b. Compressive Strength:ASTMD695-61T, 28,000 to 30,000 psic. Flexural Strength:ASTM D790-61, 17,000 to 18,000 psi d. Flexural Modulus:ASTMD790-61, 2.2 x 10 to the 6th power psi e. Hardness:ASTM D785-60T, Rockwell M, 107 to 110 f. Density: ASTM D792-50, 1.92g/ccg. Water Absorption:ASTMD570-59, 0.02% in 24 hours h. Heat Distortion Temperature :350ºF i. Thermal Expansion Coefficient:2.02 x 10 to the minus 5thpower in/in/ºF 3. Backsplashes: Same material as countertop, at heights shown on the drawings, buttjointed and cemented to top. Provide where indicated on drawings. Include end curb where top abuts end wall. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 99 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 11 LABORATORY CASEWORK 4. Epoxy edge: All edges shall be beveled with a 3/16” bevel, and polished to match the finish of the epoxy top.5. Epoxy resin color #1: Shall be selected by the Architect from the manufacturer’s complete line of colors, including light gray and other color options manufactured by Durcon,Kewaunee or equal products with a similar color by other manufacturers. Color of epoxy resin countertops in fume hoods shall match adjacent countertops.6. Work Surface Performance Requirements (Factory Test):a. Test Procedure: Apply five drops of each reagent to surface and cover with 25mmwatch glass, convex-side down; Test volatiles using one ounce bottle stuffed withsaturated cotton. After 24-hour exposure, flush surface, clean, rinse and wipe dry. b. Evaluation Ratings: Change in surface finish and function shall be described by the following ratings:1) No Effect: No detectable change in surface material. 2) Excellent: Slight detectable change in color or gloss, but no change to the function or life of the work surface material. 3) Good: Clearly discernible change in color or gloss, but no significant impairmentof work surface function or life. 4) Fair: Objectionable change in appearance due to surface discoloration or etch,possibly resulting in deterioration of function over an extended period. 5) Failure: Pitting, crating or erosion of work surface material; Obvious and significant deterioration. 7. Test Results:a. REAGENT RATING b. Hydrochloric Acid, 37%Excellent c. Nitric Acid, 22%Excellent d. Nitric Acid, 30% Excellent e. Nitric Acid, 70%Good f. Phosphoric Acid, 85%NoEffect g. Sulfuric Acid, 33%No Effect h. Sulfuric Acid, 77%NoEffect i. Sulfuric Acid, 96%Failure j. Ammonium Hydroxide, 28%No Effect k. Sodium Hydroxide, 10%NoEffectl. Sodium Hydroxide, 20%No Effect m. Sodium Hydroxide, 40%NoEffect n. Sodium Hydroxide Flake No Effect o. AcetoneExcellent p. Carbon Tetrachloride NoEffectq. Ethyl AcetateNo Effect July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 100 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 12 LABORATORY CASEWORK r. Ethyl Alcohol No Effects. Ethyl Ether Excellent t. FormaldehydeNo Effect u. Hydrogen Peroxide, 5%NoEffectv. Methylethyl Ketone Excellent w. PhenolExcellent x. XyleneNo Effect y. Formic Acid, 90% Excellentz. Hydrofluoric Acid, 48%Fair aa. Chromic Acid, 60%Failure ab. Acetic Acid, 98% Excellentac. d and h, equal parts Excellent ad. Sodium SulfideExcellent ae. Zinc ChlorideNo Effect af. Tincture of Iodine Excellent ag. Silver NitrateNo Effect ah. Methyl AlcoholNo Effect ai. Butyl Alcohol No Effect aj. BenzeneExcellent ak. TolueneExcellent al. GasolineNo Effectam. Dichlor Acetic AcidGood an. Di Methyl FormamideExcellent ao. Amyl AcetateExcellent ap. Chloroform Excellent aq. CresolExcellent ar. TrichloroethyleneExcellent July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 101 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 13 LABORATORY CASEWORK as. Furfural Goodat. Methylene Chloride Excellent au. Mono Chlor BenzeneGood av. DioxaneExcellentaw. Acid Dichromate Fair ax. NaphthaleneExcellent 2.07 LABORATORY SINKS A. Provide laboratory sinks complete with overflows, sink outlets and tailpieces. P-Traps, supplies and valves to be provided by Division 22, plumbing subcontractor. Lab casework contractorshall set sink, but all other final plumbing installation and connection shall be by Division 22. Lab sinks are indicated in the drawings on the lab casework. B. Epoxy resin sinks: Integrally molded from modified thermosetting epoxy resin, speciallycompounded and oven cured and set with epoxy cement. Color shall match the adjacent countertop. Drop in units will be acceptable. Physical properties shall be as described for epoxyresin countertops. Cove inside corners and pitch bottom to threaded drain outlet. 1. Size: As scheduled. 2. Location: All sinks shown in epoxy resin countertops. 3. Drain location: Center. 4. Tailpiece: Compatible with drain piping. Color to match sink. 5. Color: Match adjacent epoxy resin countertops.6. Faucet ledge to be at rear of sink with deck mounted horizontal paddle arm style hand controls located 4” to either side of faucet. Deck mounted eyewash units shall be locatedper manufacturer’s recommendations. 7. Subject to compliance with these specifications, acceptable products include, but are not limited to, those manufactured and provided by the following companies:a. Durcon, Inc.b. Kewaunee Scientific C. Stainless steel sinks: Type 316 stainless steel, No. 4 polish. Provide in 16 gauge material. 1. Provide 1/2” radius cove at vertical and horizontal corners and pitch bottom to drain plug.Electrically weld, grind and polish smooth all joints rendering joints seamless. Apply heavymastic type sound deadening coating to underside. Include crumb cup strainer with tailpiece. 2. Except for sinks integral with stainless steel top, mount sinks with an integral frame;separate frames or mounting rims not acceptable. 3. Location; All sinks shown in plastic laminate and chemical resistant plastic laminatecountertops.4. Size: As indicated in drawings. 5. Drain location: Center D. Sink Supports: 1. Cabinet sinks: Support sinks on 11 gauge, adjustable, 1” x 2” x 1” channel with reagentresistant finish. Provide two channels across width of cabinet, attached to 3/8” diameterthreaded hanger rods. 2.08 LABORATORY PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL FITTINGS A. General:1. Products shall be Watersaver - Colortech series or other manufacturers listed in Section2.1, or other equal products manufactured by other manufacturers. Minor differences from July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 102 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 14 LABORATORY CASEWORK these specifications in the design, manufacturing techniques and appearance of theproducts offered by the approved manufacturers are acceptable. 2. All fixtures shall be warranted for a period of two years after date of occupancy. Alllaboratory service fixtures shall be the product of one service fixture manufacturer to ensure uniform appearance and ease of maintenance. 3. All service fittings shall be factory assembled (including the assembly of valves and shanksto turrets, flanges and other mounting accessories), and each fixture shall be individuallyfactory tested. All fixtures shall be designed to minimized exposed surfaces on which dust,dirt and airborne contaminants may collect, and to facilitate cleaning and maintenance ofthe service fixture. Faucet and valve handles shall be hooded to cover the valve stem and top surface of the packing nut or bonnet. The valve stem shall not be exposed to view asthe faucet or valve is opened and closed. 4. Installation: Lab casework contractor shall furnish all laboratory plumbing and electricalfittings specified, but these shall be turned over to the Division 22, 23 and 26 contractor for installation. B. Finish: 1. Chrome: All laboratory service fittings and emergency eyewash and shower equipmentshall be furnished with a chrome-plated finish with clear epoxy coating. All exposed surfaces shall be polished and buffed, then electroplated with one layer of nickel and onelayer of chrome. Following plating, clear epoxy coating shall be applied to all exposed surfaces and then baked to permit curing. Surfaces shall have a minimum thickness of 2mils. 2. Performance: All coating material shall meet the following tests for chemical resistance: a. Fume test: Suspend coated samples in a container at least 6 CF capacityapproximately 12” above open beakers, each containing 100 cc of 70% nitric acid, 94% sulfuric acid and 35% hydrochloric acid, respectively. After exposure to thesefumes for 15 hours, the finish on the samples shall show no discoloration,disintegration or other effects.b. Direct application test: Subject coated samples to the direct action of the following reagents and solvents at a temperature of 25ºC dropping from a burette at a rate of60 drops per minute for 10 minutes. 1) Acetone, Carbon Tetrachloride, Ethyl Alcohol, Glacial & Acetic Acid99.5%2) Hydrochloric Acid 38% 3) Mineral Oil, Nitric Acid 70% 4) Sodium Hydroxide 50% 5) Sulfuric Acid, Toluene & Zinc Chloride-Saturated 92%6) Finish on samples shall not rupture, though slight discoloration or possiblesoftening is possible. C. Water Service Fittings: Provide deck mounted plumbing service fittings at laboratory sinks as follows: 1. Provide deck mounted mixing faucet with deck mounted 4” blade handles and 8” swinginggoosenecks with vacuum breakers. Provide model # CT2224-8VB with integral vacuumbreaker as manufactured by Watersaver-Colortech, or other manufacturers. Provide standard aerator type of fitting on each faucet. The water faucets and valves shall be fullyassembled and individually tested at the factory. Fixtures shall be factory tested at 100 psi to withstand 80 psi working pressure. Water service faucets and valves shall haverenewable unit containing all working parts subject to wear, including replaceable stainlesssteel seat. All water service fixtures shall meet the requirements of ANSI/ASME A112.18.1M-1989 and be certified by CSA under standard CAN/CSA B.125.M89. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 103 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 15 LABORATORY CASEWORK 2. Goosenecks shall have a separate outlet coupling with a 3/8” IPS female thread securely brazed to the gooseneck for attachment of serrated hose ends, aspirators and other outletfittings. Provide each rigid gooseneck with standard aerator type of fitting installed on eachfaucet. Additionally, provide one loose 3/8” IPS male inlet thread that the Owner can use in the future to be threaded directly into the faucet. 3. Provide vacuum breakers integral with the gooseneck. Vacuum breakers shall have aforged brass body, a renewable seat and an ultralight float cup with a silicone gasket forfine flow control. Vacuum breakers shall not spill over at low water volume. Vacuum breakers shall be certified by ASSE under standard 1001. 4. Handles: All water fittings shall be provided with separate deck mounted faucets withhorizontal acting wrist blade handles conforming to ADA Accessibility Standards. Faucetdesign shall be compatible with the foot pedal water delivery system specified in thissection. 5. Hands-Free Fittings as Scheduled: Faucets shall be provided with hands free operation,using foot pedal operated devices, at locations as indicated in the Laboratory Sink Schedule, either foot pedal operated or infrared operated as scheduled. a. Foot pedal operated faucets: Provide model # CT2224TWI-8VBL3001LP with integralvacuum breaker as manufactured by Watersaver-Colortech or equal products byother manufacturers. Refer to plumbing drawings for plumbing work associated with piping. All sinks with hands free devices shall also have standard faucets to enablepersons to manually adjust hot and cold water temperature. Lab casework manufacturer shall coordinate and prep all casework as required for the installation offoot pedal fittings and plumbing. Deck mounted water fittings with the foot pedaloperation shall match the appearance of those at other locations. Provide with deck mounted 4” blade handles and 8” goosenecks with vacuum breakers and standardaerator. Provide painted steel cover over the exposed piping within the sink base cabinet to conceal the exposed piping.b. Infrared operated faucets: Provide model # CT4544-8VB55BH as manufactured by Watersaver-Colortech, with transformer that plugs into an electrical outlet under thecounter, or equal products by other manufacturers. Refer to plumbing drawings for plumbing work associated with piping. All sinks with hands free devices shall alsohave standard faucets to enable persons to manually adjust hot and cold watertemperature. Lab casework manufacturer shall coordinate and prep all casework as required for the installation of foot pedal fittings and plumbing. Deck mounted waterfittings with the infrared operation shall match the appearance of those at other locations. Provide with deck mounted 4” blade handles and 8”goosenecks withvacuum breakers and standard aerator. 6. Commercial Gooseneck Sprayer Assembly: Provide pre-rinse unit with spring actiongooseneck and back flow preventer, model #B-0133-B with B-044-VP stainless steel hose with backflow preventer, manufactured by T&S, or Watersaver-Colortech modelCTPR411-110. Provide all mounting brackets as required for the complete installation. Other equal products by other manufacturers will be acceptable. D. Combination Emergency Eyewash / Shower Units (EWS): 1. Combination emergency shower / eyewash units: a. Swing Down Recessed eye wash and emergency showers with eyewash drain pan:Watersaver model # SSBF2150 SS finish with chrome plated brass construction including top extension and shower head, where swing down units are called for, pipeeyewash pan drainage to fully concealed sanitary waste system. Do not dischargeeyewash on to floor! 2. Provide units where shown in the lab casework drawings. All units shall comply with ADA for handicap accessibility. Provide all signage required by ANSI and OSHA. Water flowfrom units shall comply with ANSI Z358.1. Unit shall be capable of being operated by bothhand and foot devices. 3. Body shower component of the combination shower/eyewash shall provide sufficient flow with correct dispersion. The operating system is to be a stay -open-ball-valve with rodoperation. The ball valve is to be replaceable without dismantling the entire shower. Each July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 104 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 16 LABORATORY CASEWORK shower shall be supplied with an international approved emergency symbol for easyidentification as required by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration.Showers to be tested at a minimum pressure of 100 psi before leaving the factory. The base floor flange shall have 3 holes for secure mounting. Provide tailpiece assembly forthe eyewash drain outlet, sized and configured to drain into the floor drain, and constructed of material matching the eyewash/shower unit. 4. Eyewash component of the combination shower/eyewash unit shall have a self-regulatingflow control, a filter to remove debris from the water, and an integral flip-top dust cover.The operating system is to be a hand activated push “stay-open-ball-valve”. Eye washes to have a built-in ball valve or to be provided with a loose ball valve for correct flow regulation. 5. All mixing valves shall be provided by Division 22.6. Waste connections for EWS are concealed in wall.7. Provide a chrome-plated tailpiece at the base. E. Deck mounted drench hose eyewash units (EW): 1. Watersaver model # CTEW1022BP (@ right hand of sink). Provide deck mounted drenchhose eyewash units at lab sinks, where indicated, with in-line vacuum breaker. Unit shall have 2 gentle spray outlet heads. Provide all signage required by ANSI and OSHA. Thedesign of these units and their water flow, shall comply with ANSI Z358.1 for dedicatedeyewash equipment. All mixing valves shall be provided by Division 22. 2. Locate eyewash unit on right hand of sink, rotated 45º towards sink. F. Color Coded Handles for Service Fittings, Faucets and Controls: Provide faucet and servicefittings with color coded hooded handles, with entire removable screw-on type plastic discs withletter stamped on disc in contrasting color as scheduled below:1. SERVICE HANDLE COLOR DISC LETTERS 2. Compressed Air OrangeC-Air 3. Cold Water Dark GreenCW 4. Hot Water Red HW G. Electrical Fixtures and Fittings: Lab casework manufacturer shall coordinate location of andprep all casework for installation of multi-outlet assemblies and other electrical work specifiedunder Division 26. All electrical work shall be by the electrical subcontractor. Material andinstallation shall be in strict adherence with the current edition of the National Electric Code of the National Fire Protection Association, and with requirements of all local regulatory authorities.All outlets must be grounded. 1. Flush boxes: Galvanized steel, for duplex outlets. 2. Task Lights: Specified by Division 26, provided by electrical contractor and delivered to thelaboratory casework installer for on-site setting of fixture to underside of upper cabinetry. All wiring to be performed by the electrical contractor as specified by Division 26. 2.09 LABORATORY CASEWORK ACCESSORIES A. Cord Hole Grommet (CG): Provide cord grommet with a flange projecting 1/4” onto surroundingcounter surface. 1. Manufacturer: Rockler 2. Model: 91017, Black 3. Size: 3”Ø Overall, 2-1/2” hole size, 7/8” slot size, 5/8” depth PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify all equipment rough-in conditions and requirements. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 105 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 17 LABORATORY CASEWORK B. Coordinate with other trades for the proper and correct installation of plumbing and electricalrough-in, structural backing for items attached to walls and for rough opening dimensionsrequired for the installation of products in this section. C. Examine substrate surfaces and associated work and conditions under which work will beinstalled. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner complying with the Contract Documents and acceptable to the Installer. Starting of work within aparticular area will be construed as installer’s acceptance of surface conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General Requirements: 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Install in accordance with standards required by the governing codes. 3. Sequence installation to ensure utility connections are achieved in an orderly andexpeditious manner. 4. Touch-up minor damaged surfaces caused during installation. Replace damaged components as directed by Architect. 5. Equipment in this section shall be installed with all necessary fittings mounted for finalconnection by Divisions 22, 23 and 26. B. Casework Installation: 1. Install plumb, level, true and straight with no distortions. Shim as required, using concealed shims. Where laboratory casework abuts other finished work, scribe and apply filler stripsfor accurate fit with fasteners concealed where practical. 2. Base cabinets: Set cabinets straight, plumb and level. Adjust set tops within 1/16” of asingle plane. Fasten each individual cabinet to floor at toe space, with fasteners spaced 24” o.c. Bolt continuous cabinets together with joints flush, tight and uniform, and withalignment of adjacent units within 1/16” tolerances. Secure individual cabinets with not less than 2 fasteners into floor, where they do not adjoin other cabinets.3. Secure wall cabinets to solid supporting members, such as wall studs with concealed wallblocking, CMU, etc. 4. Abut top edge surfaces in one true plane. Provide flush joints not to exceed 1/8” betweentop units. C. Countertop Installation: 1. Where required due to field conditions, scribe to abutting surfaces.2. Field jointing: Only factory prepared field joints, located per approved shop drawings, shall be permitted. Secure joints in field, where practicable, in same manner as in factory, withdowels, splines, adhesives, or fasteners recommended by manufacturer. Locate field joints as shown on accepted shop drawings, factory prepared so there is no jobsite processing oftop and edge surfaces. 3. Secure work surfaces to casework and equipment components with material andprocedures recommended by the manufacturer. 4. Fastenings: Use concealed clamping devices for field joints, except for natural stone, composition stone, and epoxy tops, located within 6" of front, at back edges and atintervals not exceeding 24". Tighten in accordance with manufacturer's instructions toexert a constant, heavy clamping pressure at joints. Except for natural stone, compositionstone and epoxy tops, secure tops to cabinets with "Z" type fasteners or equivalent, using2 or more fasteners at each front, end, and back. a. For epoxy tops, secure to cabinets with epoxy cement applied at each corner andalong perimeter edges of not more than 48” o.c.5. Flatness: All installed counters shall have a flatness of no more than 1/16” per 6 linear feet of run. All counters shall be examined for flatness prior to installation and those that cannotmeet this level of flatness shall be replaced by the contractor. Shims shall not exceed 1/8”. 6. Workmanship: Abut top and edge surfaces in one true plane, with internal supports placed to prevent any deflection. Provide flush hairline joints in top units using clamping devices.At joints, use manufacturer's recommended adhesives and holding devices to provide July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 106 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 12 3553 - 18 LABORATORY CASEWORK joint widths not more than 1/16" wide at any location, completely field and flush withabutting edges. a. Where necessary to penetrate tops with fasteners, countersink heads approximately1/8” and plugholes flush with material equal in chemical resistance, color, hardness and texture to top surface. b. After installation, carefully dress joints smooth, remove any surface scratches, cleanand polish surface. c. Provide holes and cutouts as required for mechanical and electrical service fixtures. d. Provide scribe mountings for closures at junctures of top, curb and splash with wallsas recommended by manufacturer for materials involved. Use chemical resistant, permanently elastic sealing compound where recommended by manufacturer. D. Sink Installation: 1. Sinks which were not factory installed shall be set in chemical resistant sealing compoundand secured and supported per manufacturer’s recommendations. E. Accessory Installation: Install accessories and fittings in accordance with manufacturer’srecommendations. Turn screws to seat flat; do not drive. 3.03 ADJUSTING A. Adjust operating equipment, with the exception of air-moving equipment, to efficient operationfor its intended use, and as required by the manufacturer. B. Make final adjustments to laboratory casework, including doors, drawer hardware, fixtures and other moving or operating parts to ensure proper and smooth operation. C. Adjust fixtures, accessories and other moving or operating parts to function smoothly. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean equipment, casework, countertops and all other surfaces as recommended by the manufacturer, rendering all work in a new and unused appearance. Touch up as required. B. Clean adjacent construction and surfaces which may have been soiled in the course ofinstallation of work in this section. C. Clean countertops with diluted dishwashing liquid and water leaving tops free of all grease andstreaks. Use no wax or oils. 3.05 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Provide all necessary protective measures to prevent exposure of equipment and surfaces fromexposure to other construction activity. B. Advise general contractor of procedures and precautions for protection of material and installed equipment and casework from damage by work of other trades. 3.06 DEMONSTRATION A. Provide systems training and demonstration of all equipment operations, functions andcalibration process, for a duration of at least 8 hours. B. Refer to Commissioning Specification for training requirements for specific systems andequipment. Training of the Owner’s operation and maintenance personnel is required in cooperation with the Commissioning Consultant. Commissioning Specification lists the specificsystems and equipment. A training agenda shall be prepared by the Contractor and approvedby the Owner prior to training performance END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 107 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 1 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION SECTION 14 2500 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION 1.0 RELATED WORK FURNISHED BY OWNER: 1.01 SMOKE DETECTOR IN ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM. 1.02 HEAT DETECTORS WITH SHUNT TRIP IF NECESSARY. 1.03 SMOKE OR HEAT DETECTOR SIGNAL INITIATION MUST BE PROVIDED BY BUILDING FIRE LIFE SAFETY SYSTEM. 1.04 SMOKE DETECTOR IN ELEVATOR HOISTWAY TO BE INSTALLED IN A MANNER THAT MAKES IT ACCESSIBLE TO MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL FROM OUTSIDE OF HOISTWAY. 1.05 EARTH GROUND TO FACILITATE PROPER EARTH GROUNDING OF ELEVATORCONTRACTOR’S EQUIPMENT. 1.06 FIRE EXTINGUISHER: A. A Class ABC Fire Extinguisher shall be provided and wall mounted adjacent to machine roomaccess door. B. Approved Manufactures1. Motion Control Engineering - Controls2. Elevator Controls - Controls3. G.A.L. - Controls & Door Equipment 4. ERM - Fixtures 5. Innovation - Fixtures 2.0 SIMPLEX SELECTIVE COLLECTIVE OR EQUAL OPERATION: 2.01 PROVIDE WITH NEW A. Arrange for Simplex Selective Collective Automatic Operation or equal. Operate elevators from a single riser of landing buttons and from operating device in car. B. Momentary pressure of one or more car or hall buttons, other than those for landing at whichcar is standing, starts car and causes car to stop at first landing for which a car or landing call is registered corresponding to direction of travel. Stops made in order in which landings arereached irrespective of sequence in which calls are registered. C. Double door operation not permitted. If an Up traveling car is passenger occupied for anintermediate floor and a Down call is registered at that floor, with no calls above car, car travelsto floor, opens doors to let passenger out, lights down direction arrow in hall lantern, and accepts waiting passenger without closing and reopening doors. 2.02 BATTERY-POWERED LOWERING DEVICE: A. Provide with New 1. Shall have recharging capabilities. 2. Shall have On/Off switch and a test switch. 3. Shall function as follows: a. In the event of loss of normal electrical service, shall automatically activate. b. Upon activation, elevator shall safely descend to lowest landing.c. Doors shall remain closed until proper landing is reached at which time doors shall automatically open. d. Elevator shall safely shut down until normal power is restored. e. When normal power is restored, device shall reset and be functional for future events. 2.03 INDEPENDENT SERVICE OPERATION: A. Provide with New 1. A key-operated switch shall be provided for each car for selecting independent serviceoperation. When switch is turned to the On position, all previously registered Car Calls for that car shall be canceled and an attendant shall be required to operate the car. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 108 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 2 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION 2. Car shall park with its doors open. Closing of doors and starting of car shall be subject to constant pressure on a floor button in the car operating panel until car starts in motion. Iffloor button is released before doors are fully closed, doors shall remain reopened. 3. After car is in motion, floor button may be released and car shall automatically proceed toand stop at floor for which Car Call was registered. 4. A car operating on independent service shall automatically bypass registered Hall Calls.Registered Hall Calls shall not be canceled, but shall remain registered and answered by acar in normal automatic operation. 5. When independent service switch is turned to the Off position, car shall be restored tonormal operation. 2.04 HOISTWAY ACCESS: A. Provide with New1. Key-operated switches shall be furnished in hoistway entrance jamb or adjacent to jamb at top and bottom floor for hoistway access. Key-operated switch shall be furnished in caroperating panel or in service cabinet to place car on access control. 2. Operation of hoistway access switches, after initiation by car operating switches, shall operate car with hoistway doors open at the respective floor being operated and allowaccess to top or bottom of hoistway. 3. Rail-mounted switches shall be provided to limit car travel to comply with Code. 4. Bottom access switches are not required if pit access by a door at the pit level is provided. a. Standard Phase I and II Firefighter’s Emergency Service Operation:b. Provide with Newc. Phase I Operation: 1) Description is to be according to Standard Firefighter’s Emergency Service Operation Code. It is the Elevator Contractor’s responsibility to provideFirefighter’s Service to meet specific job location requirements. 2) Phase I and II Switches: (a) Shall operate by the same key. (b) Manufacturer’s standard key shall be used. (c) Key shall not operate any other device and no other key shall operate. (d) Appropriate Firefighter’s Service key switch, jewel, fire and call cancelbuttons, door open, door close buttons, and instructions shall be groupedtogether at the top of the main car operating panel behind a locked panel. Panel shall have hairline joints and concealed hinges (e) Provide a three-position (Reset, Off, On) keyoperated switch at thedesignated level. Switch shall be provided with an illuminated visual signal to indicate when Phase I Emergency Recall Operation is in effect. The keyshall be removable in the On and Off position. With the key in the Offposition, normal elevator service shall be provided and the smoke/combustion detectors shall be functional. (f) Smoke detectors shall be provided in the elevator lobby, at each floor, andin the associated elevator machine room and hoistways, if sprinklered.Smoke detector operation at the main or designated level as approved by governing authority. Smoke detector activated operation shall only be resetmanually. Key switch at the designated level in the Reset position shall delete Fire Service command and restore elevators back to normaloperation only if fire alarm initiating device has been cleared. If fire initiatingdevice is still active (On), Phase I Emergency Recall Operation will continue in effect. (g) Phase I Operation shall be initiated by the activation of thesmoke/combustion detectors or by placing designated level key switch inthe On position. The following operation shall occur: (h) All cars controlled by this activation shall return non-stop to designated level; doors shall open, and remain open. (i) Phase II Operation: July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 109 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 3 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION B. A car traveling away from designated level shall reverse at next available floor, without openingdoors, and cause it to proceed to the designated floor non-stop. C. Door reopening devices on power-operated doors affected by smoke or heat shall be renderedinoperative. Mechanically-operated devices shall remain operative. D. Cars standing at any floor other than designated floor shall close doors and proceed to designated floor without stopping for Car or Hall Calls. E. Cause car and hall buttons to become inoperative and extinguish call register lights and halllanterns. Position indicators shall remain operative. F. Cause emergency stop switch to become G. inoperative once car has started in motion. All other emergency devices shall remain operative. H. All cars shall be provided with a visual and audible signal system which shall be activated untilcar has returned to the designated level. I. Car standing at a landing shall have door open button rendered inoperative as soon as door isclosed and car starts to the designated level. It shall remain inoperative until car has returned todesignated or alternate level. J. A three-position (Off, Hold, On) key-operated switch shall be provided in car operating panel ineach car. Switch shall become effective only when Phase I Operation is in effect and car hasreturned to designated or alternate floor. Key shall be removable in only the Off and Hold position. Operation of the switch shall not change operation until car is at a floor with doors fullyopen. K. When switch is in the Off position, Phase I Operation shall be in effect, if activated. L. Switch in the Hold position shall cause car to remain at first floor with doors open and door closebutton shall be inoperative after car has been placed into Phase II Operation at designated oralternate level. M. Operation of key switch to the On position shall place elevator on Phase II Operation. Operation shall be as follows: 1. Elevator shall be operated only by a person in the car registering Car Calls.2. All hall lanterns and corridor buttons shall remain inoperative.a. Doors shall be opened by constant pressure of door open button and, if pressure on this button is released prior to the time the doors reach their full open b. position, doors shall immediately reclose. Once doors are fully open, they shall remainopen until closing procedure is initiated as described herein. c. After registration of a Car Call, doors shall be closed by constant pressure on doorclose button. d. Car Calls registered in error may be cancelable by momentary operation of cancel button. e. Upon completion of door close operation and registering of a Car Call, car shall travelto Car Call floor and stop with doors closed. f. Car shall operate only by registration of a Car Call in the car and does not respond toHall Calls. g. Door reopen devices rendered inoperative in Phase I Operation shall remaininoperative.h. Key-operated switch in the hall to the Off position, Hold position, or resetting thesmoke/combustion sensors shall not override car switch. i. Appropriate Firefighter’s Service key switch, jewel, fire and call cancel buttons, dooropen, door close buttons, and instructions shall be grouped together at top of main car operating panel behind a locked panel. Panel shall have hairline joints andconcealed hinges. N. CAR TOP INSPECTION STATION: 1. Provide with New July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 110 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 4 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION a. An inspection station shall be provided on car top for operation of car at low speed by authorized elevator personnel. Station shall contain an inspection toggle switch, Upand Down buttons, and a Run/Stop toggle switch. A safety button shall be provided.When car top inspection switch is turned to Inspection position, car shall then be on Inspection Operation. b. Car shall be run either Up or Down by constant pressure on the Up or Down buttonand the Safety button at the same time providing doors are closed and safety circuit ismade. Releasing button shall cause car to stop immediately. Turning Run/Stop switch to the Stop position shall render car inoperative. c. Turning Inspection switch to the Run position shall restore car to Automatic Operation. d. Provide car top light and power outlet. May be an integral part of car top inspectionstation or a separate unit. e. Hydraulic Machine Room Equipment f. Pump/Motor/Valve: 1) Provide with New (a) Provide positive-displacement type.(b) Maximum ten percent (10%) variation between no load and full load withminimum pulsations. (c) Pump unit must be self-contained and sound-isolated. (d) Motor speed for belt driven shall be maximum 1800 RPM. Motor speed forsubmersible shall be maximum 3600 RPM. (e) Motor shall be rated and capable of providing a minimum of onehundred-twenty (f) (120) starts per hour. (g) Valve shall be integral type. O. HYDRAULIC OIL: 1. Provide with Newa. Remove existing hydraulic oil from hydraulic system, including jacks. Provide proof oil has been removed and disposed of properly (as required by law). b. Hydraulic-safe bio-degradable vegetable oil or approved equal specifically designedand formulated for hydraulic elevator use. D.Oil Reservoir: P. HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR1. Provide with Newa. Provide oil reservoir (tank) with capacity equal to plunger displacement plus an additional twenty-five percent (25%). b. Provide tank heaters, oil level gauge, and strainers. Q. HYDRAULIC SILENCER: 1. Provide with New a. 1. To contain pulsation-absorbing material in a blowout-proof housing between pumpunit and cylinder. R. CONTROLLER: 1. Provide with Newa. Provide non-proprietary microprocessor-based control system capable of wall or floor mounting. b. Program controller to identify low oil condition or inability of elevator to reach toplanding within a pre-programmed time. 1) Provide Nordic Soft Start rated at a minimum fifty-seven percent (57%) of motorhorsepower rating.2) Provide battery-powered lowering device which may be an integral part of controller or separate unit. 3) Provide protective circuit in case elevator stalls before reaching top landingwithin a pre-determined time due to low oil or other causes. This circuit shallallow the elevator to return to bottom landing, open doors, and shut down. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 111 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 5 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION S. HOISTWAY WIRING:1. Provide with Newa. All necessary wiring shall be installed for proper operation of equipment.b. All wiring shall be in strict compliance with applicable codes. c. All wiring shall be completely and adequately enclosed in raceway, conduit, or gutters. Raceway, conduit, and/or gutters that meet applicable codes may be reused;however, new raceway, conduit, and/or gutters shall be furnished as required. Flexiblemetal conduit may be used for short runs. Raceway, conduits, and/or gutters shall be configured so as to not damage wire being installed within or being pulled through. d. All wiring shall be properly identified with marking tags to correspond with Field WiringDiagrams. e. All new wiring shall be copper; solid wire not acceptable. f. All new wiring shall contain Underwriters Laboratories labels. g. Where existing devices are reused, existing wiring shall be removed and replacedwith new wiring. h. Machine Room Wiring shall be sized for appropriate type of current loads. i. All new shielded communication cable shall be furnished for interconnections ofcontrollers. j. Existing power wiring shall be replaced with new wiring of proper size and type to provide for proper electrical protection of furnished equipment. k. Any pit with sprinklers installed, all electrical equipment, except earthquake protectiondevices located less than forty-eight inches (48”) above pit floor, must beweatherproof (NEMA4).l. All new wiring between hoistway and machine room shall be furnished. m. Hoistway door interlocks wiring shall be replaced with new type SF 1) High-Temperature Resistant Wiring. Splicing of SF High T. TEMPERATURE WIRE IN RACEWAY, CONDUITS, OR GUTTERS IS NOT ALLOWED. U. TRAVELING CABLES: 1. Provide with New 2. Shall be furnished with an adequate number of conductors. All new traveling cables shallnot contain over seventy-five (75) conductors per cable. 3. Ten percent (10%) spares shall be provided. 4. A minimum of four (4) shielded and jacketed pairs and two (2) RG59 coaxial cables shallbe provided for each elevator. 5. Shall be suspended so as to minimize strain on individual copper conductors per Code. 6. Shall be located so as to minimize possibility of damage due to cables coming into contactwith hoistway, construction, or equipment in hoistway. Where necessary, suitable guardsshall be provided. 7. Shall have an outer covering that is flame-retardant, moistureresistant, and satisfiesUnderwriters Laboratories Standard Test. 8. Shall be properly identified to provide for easy connections. 9. Shall contain No. 14-gauge wires for lighting supply. 10. Provide traveling cable snag guards. 11. Door Operator: a. Provide with New 1) A passenger-type master door operator shall be furnished to open and close carand hoistway doors simultaneously. Door movement shall be electricallycontrolled throughout entire travel of doors. V. DOOR CONTROL: 1. Shall be solid-state closed loop type. 2. Speed shall be controlled by calculated computerized curve with separate acceleration,deceleration, and full speed adjustment. 3. Door movement at high speed shall be the same for all doors of an elevator regardless ofhoistway door panel weights. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 112 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 6 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION 4. Door position shall be digitized to provide accurate position information at all times as part of feedback loop.5. Reversals shall require a minimum of travel prior to direction change so as to reduce physical contact. 6. Shall be designed to provide range of speeds to be selected by control system for variousdoor speeds according to traffic demand. a. Door Coupler: 1) Provide a mechanical coupler to connect car and hoistway door. 2) Provide driving motion of hoistway doors for full open and full close direction. 3) Drive rollers shall remain engaged to prevent separation of hoistway doors fromcar doors. 4) Car Door Controls: (a) Each elevator car door shall be equipped with an approved electric contact. (b) Shall prevent operation of elevator driving machine by normal operatingdevice unless car door is in closed position except when car is in landing zone and is either stopped or being stopped. (c) Car door contacts shall be located so that they are not readily accessiblefrom inside of car. W. CAR DOOR HANGERS AND TRACKS: 1. Shall be provided for each car door. 2. Hangers and rollers shall be designed for high speed power operation. 3. Shall have provisions for horizontal and vertical adjustments. 4. Hangers shall be designed for two-point suspension of each door panel. 5. Hanger sheaves shall have a resilient surface and prelubricated sealed bearings. 6. Hangers shall be provided with upthrust adjustments to prevent sheaves from beingremoved from track unless upthrusts are loosened. 7. Tracks shall be a shaped finished surface to fit sheave profile and of adequate strength toproperly support doors and periphery equipment without deflection of track. X. DOOR RESTRICTORS: 1. Restricted opening of hoistway doors and/or car doors shall be provided in accordancewith ASME A17.1 Rule 111.12. 2. Car Door Protection (Re-Opening) Device: a. Provide with New b. Provide infrared curtain using beams of invisible infrared light to protect passengersagainst closing of elevator doors. 1) Curtain to have a minimum of one hundred fifty four (154) infrared beams 2) Detectors shall illuminate green as the doors are opening, flash red as they startto close, and stay red as the doors move together.(a) Car doors shall have an electronic obstruction nudging reopening device. (1) Device shall automatically reinstate operation after blockage is cleared. (2) Doors shall be held open for a normal cycle of five (5) seconds and shall be reopened by beam interruption.3. Time shall be adjustable within control panel. Y. HOISTWAY DOOR HANGERS AND TRACKS: 1. Provide with New a. Door hangers and tracks shall be provided for each hoistway door. b. Hangers and rollers shall be designed for high-speed power operation and haveprovisions for horizontal and vertical adjustments. c. Hangers shall be designed for two-point suspension of each door panel. d. Hanger sheaves shall have a resilient surface and pre-lubricated sealed bearings. e. Hangers shall be provided with upthrust adjustment to prevent sheaves from beingremoved from track unless upthrusts are loosened. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 113 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 7 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION f. Tracks shall be a shaped finished surface to fit sheave profile and of adequate strength to properly support doors and periphery equipment without deflection oftrack. g. Provide door pickup rollers. Z. HOISTWAY DOOR INTERLOCKS: 1. Provide with New a. An electro-mechanical interlock shall be provided for each hoistway entrance. b. Interlock system shall be a tested and approved system to comply with applicablecodes. c. Interlocks shall prevent operation of car away from landing unless doors are in closed and locked position as defined by applicable codes.d. Replace with new type SF high temperature wiring for hoistway interlock circuits.e. Inline or butt splicing will not be allowed in hoistway, raceways, conduits, or gutters. AA. DOOR CLOSERS: 1. Provide with New a. Each door shall be provided with new reel type closers.b. Shall be capable of closing door from any position of opening and maintained whenthey are not connected to car door coupler. c. Broken arm/sill closers are acceptable if required by Door Design. AB. FASCIA PLATES: 1. Provide with New a. Shall be made of steel reinforced to insure flat, even surface throughout. b. Shall be securely fastened to hanger housings and sill above. AC. TOE GUARDS: 1. Provide with New a. Shall be fastened securely. b. If existing toe guard does not meet current code requirement, provide toe guard asfollows:1) Entrance side of platform shall be provided with a smooth metal guard plate of not less than 0.0598-inch thick steel or equivalent strength and stiffness. 2) Shall be adequately reinforced and braced to car platform. 3) Shall extend not less than full width of widest hoistway door opening.4) Shall have a straight vertical face extending below floor surface of platform of not less than depth of leveling landing or truck zone plus three inches (3”), but notless than twentyone inches (21”). 5) Lower portion of guard shall be bent back at an angle of not less than sixty (60) degrees or more than seventy-five (75) degrees from the horizontal.2. Overspeed Valvea. Provide with New b. Rupture valve to be installed as close as possible to hydraulic cylinder. AD. PIT STOP SWITCH: 1. Provide with Newa. Shall be provided in elevator pit.b. Shall be designed to cut off power to elevator motor and bring car to rest independent of regular operating devices. c. Shall be accessible from pit access door or pit ladder. d. Where multiple hoistways are accessed from a common door, pit stop switch for eachelevator shall be located adjacent to nearest point of access from door. e. If additional pit stop switches are required due to depth of pit, they shall be installed atno additional cost to Owner. AE. LIMIT SWITCHES:1. Provide with New2. Normal and Final Terminal Stopping Devices: July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 114 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 8 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION a. Shall be provided for the elevator at each terminal. b. Terminal stopping devices shall have rollers with rubber or other approvedcomposition tread to provide silent operation when actuated. c. Normal terminal stopping devices shall be provided and arranged to stop car automatically from any speed obtained under normal operation within top and bottomovertravel, independent of operating devices, final terminal stopping device, andbuffers.d. Final terminal stopping devices shall be provided and arranged to stop carautomatically from specified speed within top clearance and bottom overtravelindependent of operation of normal terminal stopping device, but with buffers operative. e. When final terminal stopping devices operate, normal operation in either directionshall be prevented. 3. Roller Guides: a. Provide with New 1) Roller guide shoes shall be furnished securely bolted to car at top and bottom.2) Each roller guide shall consist of, as a minimum, a set of three (3)sound-reducing wheels in precision type call bearings and held in contact withrail surfaces by means of adjustable spring-loaded devices. 3) Roller guides shall run on dry un-lubricated guide rails. 4) Top of car roller guides shall be fitted with dust guard. 5) Rollers for car shall be a minimum of three inches (3”) in diameter. 6) Roller guides shall be properly aligned in respect to rail surface. 4. Car Operating Panel: a. Provide with New b. Shall be provided, manufactured from one-eighth inch (1/8”) material with #4 SatinStainless Steel finish. c. Shall be provided and installed as a Fixed Applied Panel with hinged box. Buttonsshall be vandal-resistant with LED illumination. d. Shall contain floor call buttons corresponding to number of floors served plus standard devices of Door Open, Door Close, Alarm, and Emergency Stop Buttons. e. Standard required cluster of devices shall be located at a centerline height ofthirty-five 1) (35) inches from cab floor to comply with handicap requirements. All standardrequired devices and floor call buttons shall have handicap indications adjacent to them2) Engrave car operating panel as indicated below:(a) Engraving shall be filled with epoxy of contrasting color.(b) Capacity of Elevator shall be in ¾” numerals/lettering. (c) Number of Passengers shall be in ¾” numerals/lettering. (d) Elevator Number shall be in one-half inch ¾” numerals/lettering. (e) No Smoking shall be in three-quarter inch ¾” numerals/lettering. (f) Phase II Fire Emergency Instructions shall be sized per Code. (1) Firefighter’s Operation Key Switch, Call Cancel Button, Stop (2) Switch, Door Open/Door Close Buttons, Visual Signal, and (3) Operating Instructions shall be grouped together at the top of the maincar operating panel behind a locked cover which shall have concealedhinges and hairline joints and shall not be located more than seventy-two inches (72”) above elevator cab floor. Front of cover shallcontain the words “Firefighter’s Operation” in red letters at least one-quarter inch (1/4”) high. (4) An emergency light unit shall be provided in the upper portion ofoperating panel to provide required illumination level when a loss ofpower to elevator cab enclosure occurs. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 115 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 9 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION (5) A digital position indicator shall be provided in car operating panel. Position indicator shall provide a clear display utilizing two (2) inchnumerals and shall indicate location of elevator in hoistway. (6) For service cabinet, provide, as a minimum, independent service keyswitch, fan and light switches, duplex convenience outlet, keyed stop switch, inspection switch, nudging buzzer, and means to testemergency light. Service cabinet shall be integrated into car operatingpanel. Cabinet door shall be lockable with concealed hinges and hairline joints. (7) Appropriate key switches for operating functions of operating systemprovided shall be included. Switches shall be clearly identified as totheir function. In lieu of key switches in the face of the control operatingpanel, devices may be incorporated into a separate service cabinetlocated in car operating panel. (8) Door Hold Button: Provide an illuminated door hold button that, when activated, will hold door open for a predetermined period of time. itshall be adjustable from fifteen (15) to sixty (60) seconds. A buzzer willsound five (5) seconds before time expires. Elevator(9) will return to normal operation after expiration of the door hold time or 1) pressing of door close button, 2) activation of car call button. (10) Card reader provision. Provide required conductors in traveling cableand panel in machine room for interconnecting card readers, othersecurity access system equipment, and elevator controllers. (11) Allow space in car as indicated for card reader. (12) When system is activated, car calls to restricted landings do not register until card is accepted by security access system. Securityaccess system determines which landings are restricted and which ofthose are accessible to cardholder. (13) Card readers and other security access system equipment are specified in another section. (14) Car readers and other security access system equipment areby others. AF. CAR EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION DEVICE: 1. Provide with New 2. Provide hands-free telephone meeting all ADA regulations. 3. Mount behind a pattern of holes in control operating panel. 4. Provide all wiring to make function as required. 5. Program automatic dialer. 6. Provide communication device in lobby as directed by Owner to meet California2010Building Code. AG. CAR POSITION INDICATOR:1. Provide with Newa. Provide an electronic readout type position indicator to give visual indication of carposition. b. As car travels through hoistway, numeral corresponding to floor at which car hasstopped or is passing shall be displayed on position indicator. Numeral shall be formed on a1) 7-segment LED display from information received from controller. Change from one numeral to another shall be instantaneous and complete. (a) Readout size letters and/or numbers shall be minimum two inches (2”) inheight. (b) Readout shall be located as directed in this Specification. (c) Re-skin header to cover previous hole if cab interior work is not included. AH. CAR DIRECTIONAL/LANTERNS/CHIMES: July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 116 of 170 4715 / Carlsbad Safety Center Renovation 14 2500 - 10 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS MODERNIZATION 1. Provide with New 2. Shall be provided in each door jamb. Lamps to be LED type. 3. When a car first receives an indication to run, lantern corresponding to direction of travelilluminates. 4. When car stops in response to a call and doors start to open, if a lantern is illuminated indicating that car has a direction for further travel, chime sounds. a. Chime sounds once when Up lantern is illuminated.b. Chime sounds twice when Down lantern is illuminated. c. Lantern illumination always corresponds to direction in which car is set to run. d. Chime is made inoperative when car is operating under a condition where Hall Calls are bypassed by the car. AI. HALL PUSHBUTTON STATIONS: 1. Provide with New 2. Relocate at handicap height. 3. New cover plates shall be of such length as to cover existing button box and a new boxlocation with one (1) cover plate. 4. One (1) or two (2) risers of vandal-resistant corridor call buttons with LED illumination shallbe provided for each group of cars. Buttons shall be ADA compliant. Button assembly shallconsist of a single (1) illuminated button for each terminal and two (2) illuminated buttonsat each intermediate landing. 5. Button or other indication shall be illuminated in the group control. Buttons shall beidentical to floor call buttons in car operating panel unless specifically detailed to be ofother designs. 6. A Fireman’s Service switch assembly shall be provided at Fire Recall Floor(s) as requiredby Code. This switch may be located in recall floor pushbutton riser. 7. Engrave fire exiting pictograph and instructions on faceplates. Engraving shall be filled with epoxy of color per Code. END OF SECTION July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 117 of 170 SHEETTITLEARCHITECTURALSHEET INDEXA-000FIRST FLOOR PLANA-101FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLANA-102FLOORCOVERING PLAN - FIRST FLOORA-103REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - FIRST FLOORA-104SECOND FLOOR PLAN w/ NEW CSI LAB LAYOUTA-201ENLARGED PLANS AND ELEVATIONSA-401A-204A-301A-203MECHANICALMECHANICAL COVER SHEETM-000FIRST FLOOR MECHANICAL PLANM-201SECOND FLOOR MECHANICAL PLANM-202ELECTRICALPLUMBINGFIRST FLOOR PLUMBING PLANP-201SECOND FLOOR PLUMBING PLANP-202GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND, AND SHEET INDEXE-001PLUMBING COVER SHEETP-000FIRST FLOOR LIGHTING PLAN AND LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULEE-201E-202FIRST FLOOR POWER PLANE-301SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM AND LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULEE-302E-501ROOF PLANDESCRIPTION OF WORK:DELIVERY METHOD: DESIGN BUILD(DB) BY DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR(DBC)WITH GMP(GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE)DBC MAY BE REFERRED TO AS CONTRACTOR.THE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN, MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR THEDESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR'S TEAM SHALL INCLUDE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR,ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, MECHANICAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, CIVIL ENGINEER, LIFE SAFETYCONSULTANT ALL LICENSED IN CALIFORNIA WHO WILL SIGN AND SEAL DRAWINGS FOR SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL TO CITYPLANCHECK AND ALL OTHER AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION FOR PERMIT APPROVAL. SUBMISSION SHALL INCLUDESTRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. COMPLETE ANY SWPPP LID REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION THE PROJECT REQUIRES A SECURITYCONSULTANT, SAFETY CONSULTANT, DATA CENTER SPECIALIST, COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT.DESIGN BUILD WITH GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE(D/B WITH GMP) WHICH SHALL INCLUDE ALL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONSERVICES NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE GOALS OF THE PROJECT INCLUSIVE OF BUT NOT LIMITED TO ARCHITECTURAL, CIVIL,ELECTRICAL, STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING SERVICES. A WATERPROOFING CONSULTANT IS REQUIRED.DESIGN BUILDER SHALL PROVIDE A SURVEY INCLUDING GRADES AND UTILITIES TO CONFIRM SITE CONDITIONS NO SURVEY ISAVAILABLE FOR THIS PROJECT.SCOPE OF WORK DOCUMENT AND BRIDGING DOCUMENTS INCLUDING DRAWINGS ARE INTENDEDTO REPRESENT THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN AND REQUIRES FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND COORDINATION FOR CONSTRUCTIONPURPOSES.COORDINATE CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING UTILITIES. COORDINATE WITH LOCAL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR CONSTRUCTION DURINGCONSTRUCTION FOR STOPPING AND STARTING SERVICE. PROVIDE ADA COMPLIANT DESIGN AND ADHERE TO ALL LOCAL CODES.TYPICAL NOTES SHALL APPLY TO ENTIRETY OF PROJECT.THE SCOPE OF WORK INCLUDES THE COMPLETION OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION BY DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR(DBC) FORTHE RENOVATION OF THE CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER. RENOVATION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING(PLEASESEE SCOPE OF WORK DOCUMENT AND DRAWINGS FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION):-DEMOLITION-NEW ROOMS AND MODIFIED ROOMS AS SHOWN ON PLANS, INCLUDING NEW CRIME LAB, DRYING ROOM AND ALL EQUIPMENT-ADJUST OR PROVIDE NEW MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL, LIGHTING, DATA AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS, FIRE ALARM, SECURITY ALARM,SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ACCORDINGLY-COORDINATION OF OWNER FURNISHED OWNER INSTALLED ITEMS: FURNITURE AND FURNITURE AT DISPATCH-RETROFIT AND REPLACEMENT OF LIGHTING AND CONTROL SYSTEMS-REPLACEMENT OF SELECTED HVAC UNITS-REFURBISHMENT OF ROOF MEMBRANE, NEW MEMBRANE OVER EXISTING MEMBRANE-NEW OUTDOOR DUTY LOCKERS AND SHADE STRUCTURE AT REAR PARKING LOT-PHASING OF WORK FOR POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT TO BE FULLY OPERATIONAL-PROVIDE TRAILERS FOR STAFF TO WORK DURING CONSTRUCTION EACH WITH STANDARD ELECTRICAL CONNECTIVITY AND LANLINES FOR PHONE , DATA, AND FAX. PROVIDE (10)CAT 6 PORTS.-COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF ALL NEW CAMERAS AS SHOWN AND INTEGRATE INTO CURRENT SYSTEM-KEYING OF ALL NEW DOORS, LOCKERS, CUBBIES, BASED ON CITY REQUIREMENTS, COORDINATE WITH CITY PROJECT MANAGER.-ELEVATOR UPGRADE - REPLACEMENT OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM INCLUDING ADA IMPROVEMENTS-PROVIDE (3)THREE CAT 6 DATA OUTLETS AT EACH WORKSTATION-ALL LIGHTING FIXTURES ARE NEW OR RETROFIT. RETROFIT IF THE FIXTURES DO NOT MOVE.-PROVIDE OSHA COMPLIANT RAILING AND APPURTENANCES FOR SKYLIGHT AND ROOF HATCH TO MEET OSHA STANDARDS-REPAINT EXTERIOR DOORS UNLESS FACTORY FINISHED-REPLACE ALL GLASS BLOCK WITH WINDOWS WITH FRIT PATTERN-REPAINT INTERIOR WALL AND ACOUSTIC CEILING PANELS AND CEILINGS, ENTIRE ROOM MUST BE PAINTED OR REPLACED. ALLPREVIOUSLY PAINTED SURFACES SHALL BE PAINTED UNLESS FACTORY FINISHED. REPLACE WITH NEW CEILING TILE AS SHOWN.-REMOVE AND REPLACE WALL PAPER WITH VINYL COVER AT CORRIDORS.-REPLACE ALL CARPET WITH BROADLOOM CARPET, CARPET TILE NOT ACCEPTABLE, WITH 12" CARPET PAD-REPLACE DOMESTIC WATER HEATER-REPLACE HOT WATER BOILER-CLEAN DUCT WORK AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY.-REPLACE GREENHECK EXHAUST FAN UNITS-REPLACE CARRIER PACKAGE UNIT-TEST AND BALANCE ALL HVAC SYSTEMS AT COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. PERFORM WORK AFTER HOURS AND PROVIDECLEAR AND CONCISE REPORT ACCEPTABLE TO CITY.-REPLACE SWITCHBOARD EPBD-REPLACE PANELBOARD EPB-REPLACE SWITCHES AT ROOF TOP PACKAGE UNITS FOR HVAC ON ROOF AS NOTED ON E-401-RELOCATE FIRE PANEL AT DISPATCH TO ACCOMODATE NEW LAYOUT-PROVIDE PHOTOMETRICS AND TITLE 24 CALCULATIONS FOR THE BUILDING-ADHERE TO TITLE 24 REQUIRED MEASURES-REFER TO SCOPE OF WORK DOCUMENT THAT INCLUDES SAFETY CONSULTANT'S DATA SHEETS, DATA CENTER CONSULTANTSASSESSMENT, PRODUCT DATA SHEETS THAT WERE USED TO COMPILE THE BRIDGING DOCUMENTS. THIS INFORMATION WILL BEREQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT. PLEASE REFER TO THESE DOCUMENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION.-ALL EQUIPMENT, DEVICES, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE RELOCATED IF FOUND TO CONFLICT WITH INTERIORMODIFICATIONS. THIS INCLUDES HVAC, LIFE SAFETY DEVICES, POLICE RADIOS. PLEASE NOTE THE VACUUM MAIL DELIVERYSYSTEM IS TO BE ABANDONED.-NOTE THAT ALL CONDUITS ARE FULL, ALL NEW DATA DROPS SHALL REQUIRE NEW CONDUIT THROUGHOUT.-PROVIDE PHASING PLAN TO RELOCATE CITY STAFF DURING CONSTRUCTION TO DBC-PROVIDED TRAILERS IN PARKING LOT.DISPATCH MUST REMAIN OPERATIONAL DURING ALL PHASES OF WORK. DISPATCH WORK SHOULD BE SCHEDULED TO OCCURFIRST. CONTROL HVAC SO THAT AIR FROM CONSTRUCTION AREAS IS NOT CIRCULATED TO OPERATIONAL AREAS. PROVIDEPHASING PLAN AND OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM FIRE DEPT, BUILDING OFFICIAL, AND CITY PROJECT MANAGERS.-CONFIRM NO STATE AGENCY APPROVALS FOR SHORT TERM DETENTION AREA ARE REQUIRED-OBTAIN AND IMPLEMENT STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PER CITY REQUIREMENTS-THERE ARE NO SURVEYS AVAILABLE, INCLUDE SURVEYS AS NEEDED AND IDENTIFY ANY CONFLICTS WITH UTILITIES WITH THEWORKPROVIDE THE FOLLOWING BID ALTERNATE:1. REPLACE EXISTING 99-TON CHILLER PER M-2012. REPLACE ATS SWITCH PER E-5013. SUPPLY AND INSTALL FM200 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM IN SERVER ROOM NEXT TO DISPATCH ROOM PER NFPAREQUIREMENTS, COMPLETE WITH (1) SEALANTS AND HOLE PATCHING IN EXISTING WALLS/CEILINGS FOR ROOM INTEGRITYTEST AND CONDUCTING ROOM INTEGRITY TEST, (2) INSTALLATION OF APPROPRIATE FIRE STOP MATERIALS ATPENETRATIONS, (3) INSTALLATION OF 3/4 INCH PLYWOOD BACKBOARDS AS REQUIRED FOR EQUIPMENT MOUNTING, (4)DEDICATED 20A CIRCUIT WITH BREAKER FOR ALL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT, (5) HVAC CONTROLS TO SHUT DOWN EXISTINGVENTILATION AIR IN CASE OF EVENT, AND (6) MODIFICATIONS AS NECESSARY TO EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM ANDFIRE ALARM PANEL.4. SLURRY SEAL AND RESTRIPING THE REAR PARKING LOT5. REPLACE ALL SKYLIGHTS ON ROOF WITH EQUIVALENT ALTERNATIVES THAT ARE OSHA COMPLIANT.6. STRUCTURAL CABLING: REPLACE ALL CABLING FOR DATA IN NEW CONDUITS. ALL DATA PORTS SHALL HAVE (4)FOUR CAT 6PORTS.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS, DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS BEFOREPROCEEDING WITH THE WORK.DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS.12.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUDS OR CONC. BLOCK AND CENTERLINEOF STUDS U.O.N. AND TO FACE OF FINISH WHERE NOTED3.ALL WORK, CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL PROVISIONS OF THE 2016 BUILDINGCODE AND WITH OTHER RULES, REGULATIONS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THE PLACE OF BUILDING.BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER THE DRAWINGS, AND IT SHALL BE THERESPONSIBILITY OF ANYONE SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS OR BOTH TO BRING TO THE ATTENTIONOF THE ARCHITECT, ANY DISCREPENCIES OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODEAND THE DRAWINGS.4.REFERENCE TO ANY DETAIL OR DRAWING IS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND DOES NOT LIMIT THEAPPLICATION OF SUCH DETAILS OR DRAWINGS. ALL DETAILS SHALL BE CONSIDERED TYPICAL.5.DISCREPENCIES IN THE DRAWINGS OR BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALLBE REPORTED TO THE ARCHITECT AND BRIDGING DESIGN TEAM. CORRECTED DRAWINGS ORINSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE ISSUED BY THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF ANY WORK.6.CONTRACTOR TO CHECK AND VERIFY SIZE AND LOCATION OF DUCTS. PLUMBING RUNS AND MECHANICALEQUIPMENT WITH MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING CONTRACTORS BEFORE CONSTRUCTING WALLS,FLOORING, CEILINGS, CABINETS, EQUIPMENT BASES, ETC. FOR CONFLICTS.7.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNLESSSPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE.8.THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REPRESENT THE INTENT OF THE DESIGN. THEY DO NOTINDICATE THE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE AND DIRECT THE WORK AND HESHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROCEDURES AND MEANS AND METHODS. OBSERVATION VISITS TO THESITE BY FIELD REPRESENTATIVES THE CITY SHALL NOT INCLUDE INSPECTIONS OF THE PROTECTIVE MEASURES ORTHE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES REQUIRED FOR THE SAME, WHICH ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THECONTRACTOR.ANY SUPPORT SERVICES PERFORMED BY THE BRIDGING ARCHITECT AND BRIDGING ENGINEERS DURINGCONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DISTINGUISHED FROM CONTINUOUS AND DETAILED INSPECTION SERVICES WHICH AREFURNISHED BY OTHERS. THESE SUPPORT SERVICES PERFORMED BY THE BRIDGING ARCHITECT AND BRIDGINGENGINEERS, WHETHER OF MATERIAL OR WORK, AND WHETHER PERFORMED DURING OR AFTER COMPLETION OFCONSTRUCTION ARE PERFORMED SOLEY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING IN QUALITY CONTROL AND INACHIEVING CONFORMANCE WITH DESIGN INTENT BRIDGING DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THEY DO NOTGUARANTEE CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE AND SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS SUPERVISION OFCONSTRUCTION.9.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A SURVEY WITH GRADES AND UTILITIES FOR USE IN CONSTRUCTION ANDCOORDINATION, PREPARED BY LICENSED SURVEYOR AS REQUIRED.10.PROVIDE REQUIRED FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT LOCATIONS REQUIRED BY FIRE DEPT. FIELD INSPECTOR.11.EXIT DOORS, EXIT LIGHTS, AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE CONCEALED OR OBSTRUCTED BYANY DECORATIVE MATERIAL.12.PROVIDE EXIT SIGNS AND ILLUMINATION AS REQUIRED BY CODE.13.FIRE LIFE SAFETY ANALYSIS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRMFIRE LIFT SAFETY AND EXITING REQUIREMENTS.14.GLAZING MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT CODE. ALL SAFETYGLAZING SHALL BE LABELED.15.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND CONSTRUCT A CONSTRUCTION PROTECTION FENCE INCONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE BUILDING CODE AND AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY.16.MAINTAIN PORTABLE SANITARY TOILET FACILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR THE CONTRACTOR'SUSE.17.THE CONTRACTOR WARRANTS TO THE CITY AND THE ARCHITECT THAT ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTFURNISHED WILL BE NEW UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED AND THAT ALL WORKWILL BE OF GOOD QUALITY, FREE FROM FAULTS AND DEFECTS.18.FOR INTERIOR FINISH MATERIALS AND COLORS REFER TO FINISH AND COLOR SCHEDULES. THE FLAMESPREAD RATING OF INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY CODE.19.IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL EXISTINGUTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN HEREON OR NOT AND TO PROTECT THEM FROM DAMAGE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR ALL EXPENSE OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT INCONJUNCTION WITH THE EXECUTION OF THIS WORK.20.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING HIS WORK AND/OREQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY THE OWNER.21.AT THE TERMINATION OF THE WORK, SUBMIT TO BUILDING OWNER, MAINTENANCE MANUALS PRESENTINGFULL DETAILS FOR CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL SURFACE AND EQUIPMENT OF EVERY NATURE.CONTENTS SHALL INCLUDE MANUFACTURER'S AND INSTALLER'S NAMES, ADDRESSED, PHONE NUMBERS,AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION, START-UP, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST, AND DATASHEETS.22.CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND MAINTAIN AT HIS EXPENSE ALL NECESSARY PERMITSAND LICENSES FOR THE COMPLETION OF THIS JOB23.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL VERIFICATION AND COORDINATION WITH OTHERTRADES OR SUBCONTRACTORS AND THEIR WORK TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS ANDSPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING ABREAST OFCONSTRUCTION PROGRESS AND WHERE DELAYS HAVE OCCURRED DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR'S FAULT,MAKE UP TIME LOST AT HIS OWN EXPENSE AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE CONTRACT SCHEDULE.24.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTINUOUS CLEANUP OF THE SITEOF ALL DEBRIS WHETHER CREATED BY HIS WORK OR THE FAILURE OF THE SUBCONTRACTOR TOCLEAN UP AFTER THEIR WORK.25.ARCHITECTURAL ABBREVIATIONSDETAILDETDIMENSIONDIAMETERDRAWINGELEVATORELEVATIONEXPANSION JOINTEACH WAYEQUIPMENTEXISTINGELECTRIC WATER COOLEREXTERIOR INSULATION FINISH SYSTEMEXPANSION (EXPOSED)ELEQELEVEWEXISTEWCEQUIPEXPEQUALDIADNDIMDWGEIFSEAEJEACHDOWNB.O.H. BOTTOM OF HEADERCONTRACTOR INSTALLEDCONTRACTOR FURNISHED, CEMENT PLASTER CEMENTITIOUS TILE BAKERBOARDCAST-IN-PLACECENTERLINECOLUMNCONCRETECONCRETE MASONRY UNITCONTINUE (OUS)CERAMIC TILECONTROL JOINTBEARINGCEILINGCLGCOLCMUCLOCONCCONTCPLCTCLOSETC.F.C.I.BRGCBCIPCLCJABOVE FINISHED FLOORALUMINUMBUILDINGBOTTOM OFACOUSTIC CEILING TILEBLOCKINGALTERNATEBOTTOM OF TRUSSADDITIVE BID ITEMALUMACTBDB/BMBLDGB.O.T.BLKGBEAMBOARDALTAFFABIMECHMECHANIC (AL)TIE BEAMT.B.MANUFACTURE (ER)NOT IN CONTRACTMASONRY OPENINGOUTSIDE DIAMETERORIENTED STRAND BOARDNUMBERNO OR #OBSCUREOPPOSITEOPENINGNOT TO SCALEON CENTER (S)OPPOPGODOSBOBSNTSOCMATERIALMINIMUMMETALMISCELLANEOUSMINMONICMISCMATMTLMFRTOP OF BEAMVINYL WALL COVERINGVINYL COMPOSITION TILEVWCW/OWBW/WDWITHOUTWOOD BASEWITHWOODT.O.S.VERTVCTTYPTHKT.O.B.TEMPTOP OF SLABVERTICALTYPICALTEMPEREDTHICKGOVERNMENT FURNISHED, GOVERNMENT INSTALLEDGOVERNMENT FURNISHED, CONTRACTOR INSTALLEDGFCIINSIDE DIAMETERGYPSUM WALL BOARDHPHIGH POINTJOINTLAVATORYLOW POINTMAXIMUMHEIGHTINSULATIONJTLPMAXLAVIDHTINSULGYPSUMHOLLOW COREHORIZONTALGLASS, GLAZINGHOLLOW METALGWBHMHCHORIZGFGIGLGYPFIRE EXTINGUISHER FABRIC WALL COVERINGFIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINETFEFLOORFINISH (ED)FOOT/FEETGAGE, GAUGEGALVANIZEDFTGAFWCGALVFINFLFECEXTERIORFOUNDATIONFLOOR DRAINFDEXTFDNRDROOF DRAINRESILIENT SHEET FLOORINGREVISION (S) REVISEDROUGH OPENINGSMOKE DETECTORREINFORCE (ING)STAINLESS STEELSPECIFICATION (S)SIMILARSIMSTLSUSPT/TSPECSQSSSTEELTOP OFSUSPENDEDTREADSQUARESHTSDSCREVREINFRFROSOLID CORESHEETPLASTIC LAMINATEPHYSICALLY HANDICAPPEDPRESSURE TREATEDREQ'DRADRBPTQTRPLREQUIREDRUBBER BASERADIUSQUARRY TILERISERPLATEPLAMPHPPPPAVER TILESPAINTARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLSINDICATES DIRECTIONOF CUTTING PLANEEXTERIOR ELEVATIONWALL SECTION1A201DETAILSIS DRAWNSHEET NUMBERWHERE DETAIL1A201NUMBERINDICATESDETAILOF CUTTING PLANINDICATES DIRECTIONWHERE SECTIONSHEET NUMBERIS DRAWN TYP.1A2011A201IS DRAWNSHEET NUMBERWHERE SECTIONWALL SECTIONBUILDING SECTIONNUMBER INDICATESIS DRAWNSHEET NUMBERWHERE ELEVATIONELEVATIONINDICATESNUMBERINTERIOR ELEVATIONAA201LETTER INDICATESBUILDING SECTIONAA201LOCATION1A201ABCDELEVATIONLETTERINDICATESROOM NAMES1000'-0''DEMOLITION NOTEELEVATION TARGETREVISION NOTESRENOVATION NOTEROOM NUMBERSCOLUMN GRID11DOOR NUMBERSWALL TYPEWINDOW TYPES1100ATITLESTAGS1A201DRAWING TITLESCALE: AS NOTEDELEVATION, SECTION OR DETAILSHEET NUMBER WHERELETTER INDICATES BUILDING SECT.NUMBER INDICATES ELEV., WALLSECTION OR DETAILIS DRAWNGENERAL NOTESENLARGED BOOKING AREA & DRYING ROOMA-402ENLARGED PLAN AND ELEVATIONA-403A-202U.O.N. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDTHE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A CONSTRUCTION TRAILER FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S USE, ANDANOTHER SEPARATE TRAILER FOR CITY PROJECT MANAGER'S USE WITH AC AND RESTROOM. PROVIDEEACH WITH STANDARD ELECTRICAL/DATA CONNECTIVITY AND LAN LINES FOR PHONE AND FAX.26.ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (C.B.C.) ACCESSIBILITYREQUIREMENTS AND TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FEDERAL AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT (A.D.A.).27.ROOM AREA TABLEA-5014715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4ACOVER SHEETA-000SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLANFLOORCOVERING PLAN - SECOND FLOORREFLECTED CEILING PLAN - SECOND FLOORROOF MECHANICAL PLANM-301SECOND FLOOR LIGHTING PLANSECOND FLOOR POWER PLANSCOPE OF WORKSAFETY ENLARGED PLANSA-404DISPATCH LOUNGE PLAN AND ELEVATIONSA-405A-406NOT USEDA-407CLEAN OFFICE RM 269 PLAN AND ELEVATIONSA-408LOBBY PLAN AND ELEVATIONSA-409ENLARGED PLANS AND ELEVATIONSA-410EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTSA-411SECOND FLOOR LOUNGE PLAN AND ELEVATIONSEXTERIOR SHELTERSA-412NOT USEDA-413ENLARGED MEETING ROOMS PLANS AND ELEVATIONSA-414FOUNTAIN DETAILA-430CIVILCIVIL SITE PLANC-101DUTY LOCKER AREAC-102ENLARGED SECURITY PLAN FIRST FLOORA-4151E-401 ROOF ELECTRICAL PLANROOF PLUMBING PLANP-301ROOF DETAILSA-601PROJECT 4715 - SAFETY CENTER RENOVATIONALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS.28.ANY CONFLICTS WITH WALLS, CEILING SYSTEMS, LIGHTS, SPRINKLER HEADS, LIFE SAFETY DEVICES,AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT, DATA AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IN CONFLICT WITH THE DESIGNSHALL BE RELOCATED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE WHEN EXECUTING THE WORK.29.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION IF INCONSISTENCIES ORCOORDINATION IMPEDE THE PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY CITY PROJECT MANAGER OFSUCH CONDITIONS IN WRITING.30.DESIGN BUILD CONTRACTORDBCMECHCARPETCPTTYPICAL LIGHTING CONTOL DETAILSE-601July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 118 of 170 210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"OFFICER WILLIA M "BILLY" JA CK-9/1 /199 1 OFFICER WESLEY S FOX -2/13/78 I N MEME OR Y OF BC/5H/30WR/77 PL PLPLPL24/42 THINK35/70/UPCUSHBC/5H/30THINKGANG-PKG451-GANGPKG GANG-PKG451-GANGPKG 24/90PSPSDLDDLDGANG-PKG451-GANGPKGGANG-PKG451-GANGPKG35/70/UPBFCUSH OB/30MP/30PS/2PTHINKBC/5H/36BBF/15SPCL: 24x(108)PSPS RCPSWR/54CUSH58/28PS/2PPS/2P MOVE 24/72PSPS PSPSRC24/72PSPS PSPSRCOH/36/1558/28 BF/1.5/36CT/19/7230/72 RC 46/28 PS/2PBBF/15OB/36MP/36BFCUSH CUSHMOVE THINKPS/2P OO/1.5/36WR/77THINKPSPSPSPSRC24/72BC/5H/36PS/2P 46/283'-8"SPECIAL LOCKERSOB/30MP/30BBF/15 CUSHMOVEBC/5H/36WR/544'-5"THINKPODTHINKWR/77 24/96PSPSTHINKPODPS/2P58/28 THINKPODTHINKPODRT4' 2'-7"BC/5H/30WR/77 WR/77WR/54PS/2P SH-O/72 PS/2P OH/36/15PS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PMOVE CUSHBBF/15MOVE MOVEWR/774'THINKBBF/15SPECIAL LOCKERS 36/60TBTB20"PS/2POB/36MP/36OB/36MP/36OB/36MP/36PS/2PPS/2PTHINK LF/2/30PS/2P PS/2P2'-3" 4'WR/77BC/5H/30PS/2PPS/2P LF/2/30CUSHBBF/15 MOVE 46/28 3'BC/5H/304'-9"WR/54BC/5H/30COCL42 LEC/4242XBLF/2/30WR/77PS/2PTHINKOH/48/1558/28BF/1.5/30PS/2P PS/2P PS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPSPS PSPSRC24/7235/70/UPTHINKBBF/15 PS/2PPS PSPSPSRC 24/72 PSPS PSPSRC24/72HWHW RTMOVE MOVE42XBPS/2PTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKPROVIDE 220V POWER FORNEW COPIER LOCATIONCOORDINATE WITHELECTRICALRELOCATE FIREALARM PANELTO THIS LOCATION1A-402PROVIDERECORDING AUDIOAND VIDEO42" 42"TYPICAL NOTES:FOR ALL RENOVATED ROOMS AND AREASPROVIDE NEW OR ADJUST MEP, LIFE SAFETYDEVICES SUCH AS SPRINKLERS, ALARMS,DETECTORS, AND ANY OTHER DEVICES ON THECEILING, WALL OR FLOOR.ALSO ADUST ALL OUTLETS. PROVDE THREE NEWCAT 6 DEVICES AT ALL DESKS. PROVIDE NEWCONDUIT THROUGHOUT. ALL EXISITNG CONDUITSARE FULL.FURNITURE IS SHOWN FOR COORDINATION ONLY.FURNITURE SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLEDBY CITY.REVIEW ONE HOUR WALLS PER AS-BUILTS ANDMAINTAIN FIRE PROTECTION. CONFIRM WITH FIRELIFE SAFETY CONSULTANT DESIGN MEASURESREQUIRED FOR NEW DESIGN TO CONFORM TOCURRENT STANDARDS. PROVIDE FIRE LIFESAFETY DRAWINGS SHOWING OVERALL RATING OFWALLS AND EXITING FOR THE PROJECT.PROVIDE ADA PATH OF TRAVEL DRAWING FORNEW DESIGN.FLOOR TO CEILING BUILT INSHELVING MATCH FURNTURELAMINATE FINISHBOOK CASE FOR PACKAGES2'-0" DEEP FIRST SHELF AT 34"SECOND SHELF AT 48" WITHSUPPORTIVE SIDE FINS2A-4031A-4151A-4042A-4101A-4053A-410PROVIDE 55 INCHDISPLAY DELL C5517HOR APPROVED EQUALWITH POWER ANDDATA AT 7'6 HEIGHTAFFREPAIR AND PATCHOPERABLE PANELHOUSING ALLLOCATIONSPROVIDE TWO 86" 4KTOUCH DISPLAY DELL86 4K OR EQUALC8618QT ORAPPROVED EQUALPROVIDE SAME SIZEDRY ERASE BOARDEXISTING COMPACTSHELVING1A-409PROVIDE A COFFEESTATION, PROVIDEPOWERPROVIDE PASS THROUGHEVIDENCE RETURNDRAWER WITH TERRAUNIVERSAL BIOSAFETRANSACTION WINDOWAND DRAWER ORAPPROVED EQUALWATER FOUNTAIN ANDBOTTLE FILLERCOMBINATION UNITAND ICE MACHINEREPLACE ELEVATOREQUIPMENT AND UPDATECAB TO ADA STANDARDSREPLACEELEVATOREQUIPMENT ANDUPDATE CAB TOADA STANDARDSREPLACE ALL BLINDSWITH NEW IN THISROOMNEW DOOR TOEXTERIORMODIFY ROLLINGDOOR TO DOUBLEDOOR, PATCH STUCCOAT OPENING, DRYWALLON INTERIOROPENING TO EXTERIORFROM NARCOTICS TOROOF OR CREATESHAFT FOR NEWDUCTWORKOPENING TO EXTERIOR FROM DRYINGROOM TO ROOF OF MAIN BUILDING TOABOVE SECOND FLOOR OF MAINBUILDING. AIR MUST BE EXHAUSTEDAT SECOND FLOOR ROOF AWAY FROMEATING AREA ABOVE THIS ROOM.SOFFIT ABOVE FROMDRYING ROOM DUCTGOES TO ROOF ALONGWALL IN SHAFT WITHSTUCCOLARGER WOMENSLOCKER ROOMPROVIDE ALL NEWLOCKERSNO WORK IN JAILEXCEPT FORLIGHTING RETROFITIF JAIL UPGRADE ISNOT TRIGGEREDDOOR ISRELOCATEDPROVIDE SHOT GUNLOCKER FOR 15 SHOTGUNS AND RIFLESTORAGE FOR 75RIFLES LOCKED WITHKEY, ONE LOCKER PERWEAPON. OBTAINAPPROVAL OF LOCKERFROM CITY PROJECTMANAGER.COORDINATE AND PROVIDEPOWER FORKEY CHECKOUT4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AFIRST FLOOR PLANA-1010'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'12July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 119 of 170 210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"NEW CUT OPENINGSEXISTING DOORSTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WALLSTO BE REMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGSEXISTING WALLS TOBE REMOVEDEXISTING WALL ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DOOR TOBE REMOVEDEXISTING CASEWORKAND SINK TO BEREMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGEXISTING WALL ANDWINDOW TO BE REMOVEDNEW CUTOPENINGSEXISTING DOORS TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING WALLS ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WALLSAND DOOR TO BEREMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGNEW CUT OPENINGEXISTING WALL ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WALLSAND DOORS TOBE REMOVEDEXISTING WALLS, DOORS ANDWINDOWS TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WALL,CASEWORK, SINKAND WATERFOUNTAIN TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING WALLS ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGSNEW CUT OPENINGEXISTING DOORSTO BE REMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGSEXISTING DOORTO BE REMOVEDEXISTING DOORS ANDWALLS TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING ROLLINGCURTAIN TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING ROLLINGCURTAIN TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING WALLS ANDGLASS BLOCKS TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING VACCUMDELIVERY SYSTEM TO BEREMOVED/ABANDONEDFIRE ALARM PANEL TO BERELOCATED HERENEW CUT OPENINGSREMOVE AND ANDRELOCATE FIRE ALARMPANEL, COORDINATE WITHCITY STAFF ANDCOORDINATE WITH ALARMCOMPANY FOR SHUT OFFEXISTING VACCUMDELIVERY SYSTEMTO BE REMOVED/ABANDONEDDEMO ALL GLASS BLOCKEXISTING ROLLINGSHUTTER TO BEREMOVEDREMOVE DIVIDERPANEL ANDHOUSING ALL SIDES4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AFIRST FLOORDEMOLITION PLANA-1020'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'1FIRST FLOOR SCOPE OFWORK1. DEMOLISH WALLS,CASEWORK, PLUMBINGAND ANY OTHER ITEMSNECESARY TO BUILDOUT NEW PLAN.2. REMOVE ALLCONSTRUCTION DEBRISTO AN APPROVEDLANDFILL.3. CONTROL ALL DUST TOCONTAIN DUST WITHINTHE STRUCTURE, ASDISPATCH MAY BEOPERATIONAL. CLOSEOFF DUCTWORK ASNECESSARY TOCONTROL DUST. OBTAINDUST PLAN APPROVALFROM CITY PROJECTMANAGER PRIOR TOPROCEEDING.4. SALVAGE ALL POLICERADIOS INSTALLED INWALLS TO BEDEMOLISHED FORRELOCATION IN NEWSPACES. ANY DAMAGEDRADIOS MUST BEREPLACED AT NO COSTTO THE OWNERRELOCATION.5. REMOVE ALL FLOORINGWHERE FLOORINGHATCH IS SHOWN ONFLOORCOVERING PLAN6. REMOVE ALL WALLPAPER AT CORRIDORSAND REPLACE WITHNEW WALL COVERING.WHERE THERE ISCURRENTLY A CHAIRRAIL REPLACE WITHNEW, VINYL FLOORCOVERING UP TOCHAIRRAIL PER FINISHSHCEDULE.7. ALL CARPET ON WALLSTO REMAIN EXCEPT FORDISPATCH8. ALL PREVIOUSLYPAINTED SURFACESSHALL BE PAINTEDEXCEPT FOR ROOMS202, 203,204,210, 211,209, 208, 207.9. SALVAGE ALL DOORSAND REUSE.3July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 120 of 170 FLOORING GRILLE TOREMAIN, CARPET 1 TO BEUP TO GRILLE210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AFLOORCOVERING PLANFIRST FLOOR0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'1LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSEALED AND/ORNON SLIP EPOXYOVER CONCRETECARPET 1SYMBOLCARPET 2CARPET 3CERAMIC TILETERAZZO 24x24WHITERUBBER SHEETRUBBER TILESHEET VINYL 1REDIMAT ENTRY MATSYSTEMTILE 1VINYL PLANKPIRELLI STAIRTREAD AND NOSINGSYSTEMCARPET 4RAISED FLOOR 1TILE 2TILE 3TILE 4SHEET VINYL 2SHEET VINYL 3ARMSTRONGMEDINTECH OR EQCOLOR IXIAAMERICAN OLEAN'INFUSION WHITEFABRIC IF50' TILEANTIMICROBIALCARPET / CARPETTILEEXISTING FLOOR TOREMAIN4July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 121 of 170 210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"24x36 CEILINGACCESS PANELSEE ENLARGEDPLANS1'-9"4'-7"4'-7"4'-7"4'-7"3'-5"3'-5"1'-8" EQ EQRECESSEDCAN LIGHT,TYP.LINEAR LIGHTSARE PARTOF CEILING PANELSYSTEM, TYP.CEILING/WALLPANEL SYSTEM ISHUNTER DOUGLAS'MULTI-BOXCONTINUOUSPRODUCT'YLIGHTINGPENDANTOR APPROVEDEQUALNO CEILINGFINISH WORKNO CEILINGFINISH WORKSEE SAFETYREQUIREMENTSOPENNICDUCT FROMDRYING ROOMTO ROOF INSTUCCOSOFFITDUCT FROMDRYING ROOMUP TO ROOFALONG WALL INSTUCCO FURROUT4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4ARCPFIRST FLOORA-1040'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'15LEGENDDESCRIPTIONEXISTING SLOTTEDMETAL CEILINGSUSPENDEDACOUSTIC CEILINGPANELS IN 2'x2' GRIDw/ PAINTED FINISHSYMBOL2'x4' RECESSED LIGHTFIXTURE- RETROFITOR NEW12"x12" GLUE-ONACOUSTIC CEILINGTILE ON GWB.PENDANT MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEWGWB CEILING PAINTCPL CEILING PAINTCERAMIC TILECEILING REMAINSSUPPLY AIRDIFFUSERRECESSED DOWNLIGHT RETROFIT ORNEWWALL MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEW1'x4' SURFACE MTD.LIGHT FIXTURERETROFIT OR NEWCEILING MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEW6"x4' SURFACE MTD.LIGHT FIXTURERETROFIT OR NEW1'x4' RECESSEDLIGHT FIXTURERETROFIT OR NEWRETURN AIR GRILLEEXHAUST REGISTERNEW METAL PANELSYSTEMPENDANT MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEWNEW LIGHT FIXTURE@ METAL PANELCEILINGCEILING MTD. EXITLIGHT FIXTURE ASREQUIREDPROVIDE CEILINGACCESS PANEL ASREQUIREDSUPPLY/RETURN AIRLINEARDIFFUSER/GRILLE,SEE MECH PLANSNOT USEDLINEAR CEILINGMETAL PANELSYSTEMLINEAR LIGHTRETROFIT OR NEW1'x1' LIGHT RETROFITOR NEWADJUSTABLE ROUNDLIGHT RETROFIT ORNEWMECHANICAL VENTAS REQUIREDMECHANICAL VENTAS REQUIREDNOTE:SALVAGE AND REUSE ACT,PAINT EXISTING ACTNEW ACTEXISTING CEILING TOREMAINNICAREAS WITH NEWACT/CEILING ANDNEW LIGHTINGLAYOUTJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 122 of 170 PROVDEAREAS OF NEGATIVE PRESSURECSI, ALS ROOM & IN PROCESSEVIDENCE ROOM RECIEVE NEGATIVEPRESSUREOPERATIONAL NOTE: USERS MUSTNOT PROP DOOR OPEN TO AVOIDCONTAMINATIONNEW ENCLOSED OFFICE,ADJUST LIGHTING, SPRINKLER,DEVICE, VENTILLATION SEEMECH DWGS FOR MORE INFOALL ROOMS WITHIN IT ARE NEWENCLOSED ROOMS, ADJUSTHVAC, LIGHTING, SPRINKLERSEE MEP DWGS FOR MOREINFOOFFICE SIZE HAS BEEN REDUCEDADUST LIGHTING HVAC SPRINKLERAND ANY OTHER DEVICESTYPICAL NOTES:FOR ALL RENOVATED ROOMS AND AREASPROVIDE NEW OR ADJUST MEP, LIFE SAFETYDEVICES SUCH AS SPRINKLER, ALARMS,DETECTORS, AND ANY OTHER DEVICES ON THECEILING, WALL OR FLOOR.ALSO ADUST ALL OUTLETS. PROVDE THREE NEWCAT 6 DEVICES AT ALL DESKS. PROVIDE NEWCONDUIT THROUGHOUT. ALL EXISITNG CONDUITSARE FULL.FURNITURE IS SHOWN FOR COORDINATION ONLY.FURNITURE SHALL BE FURNISHED ANDINSTALLED BY CITY.REVIEW ONE HOUR WALLS PER AS-BUILTS ANDMAINTAIN FIRE PROTECTION. CONFIRM WITH FIRELIFE SAFETY CONSULTANT DESIGN MEASURESREQUIRED FOR NEW DESIGN TO CONFORM TOCURRENT STANDARDS. PROVIDE FIRE LIFESAFETY DRAWINGS SHOWING OVERALL RATINGOF WALLS AND EXITING FOR THE PROJECT.PROVIDE ADA PATH OF TRAVEL DRAWING FORNEW DESIGN.1% SLOPE1% SLOPE210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"PS/2P VWM/L PS/2P DUAL VWM/LPS/2P ECDC L BOB42/54c36/42cWS42PS/2P MOVEEXCL2'-6"EP/29PS/2P VWM/LDUAL 4'-11"3'-6"4'DUAL1'-6" VWM/LMOVE VWM/L PS/2PMOVEMOVEDUAL3'-1" VWM/LPS/2P 42/54c VWM/LEP/29PS/2P VWM/LDUAL 4'-11"3'-6"4'42/54cXB VWM/L 7'-5"42/54cMOVE PS/2P DUAL DUALPS/2P 42/54c PS/2P VWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/29MOVEDUALPS/2P MOVEVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/29MOVEDUAL36/42cMOVEMOVE 42/54c MO VE DUAL30/42c30/42cEXCLPS/2P MOVE VWM/LDUALBIG LOUNGE VWM/L 36/42c24/42cMOVEMOVE42/54c PS/2P PS/2P 42/54c EXCL EXCL VWM/L VWM/L36/42c36/42cWS42 42/54c 36/42c PS/2P 42/54cPS/2P VWM/LDUAL VWM/LBIG LOUNGEEXCLPS/2P 30/42c42/54c BIG LOUNGE VWM/L36/42c42/54c MOVEMOVE42/54cDUALEP/2924/42c42/54c42/54c42/54c36/42c VWM/L24/54 DUALPS/2P 30/42c VWM/L42/54c DUAL30/42c EXCLDUALMOVEPS/2P PS/2P 30/42cMOVEDUALMOVE30/42c VWM/LPS/2P PS/2P VWM/L EXCL 30/42c VWM/LDUALDUAL BIG LOUNGE42/54cVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/29MOVE VWM/L VWM/L VWM/L VWM/L5'-5"MOVE VWM/LPS/2P JJDUAL42/54c 36/42cWS42MOVEPS/2P PS/2P 42/54c DUALPS/2P VWM/LPS/2P MOVE VWM/LVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/2936/42cPS/2P PS/2P ECDCLMOVE 3'-9"MOVE42/54c MOVE 42/54c VWM/LEXCL VWM/LMOVE4'DUAL42/5436/42cWS42 VWM/L42/54c 30/42cPS/2P VWM/L42/54c PS/2P 42/54c VWM/L VWM/LMOVE VWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/2936/42c DUALEP/29 42/54cPS/2P PS/2P ECDCLMOVE VWM/LPS/2P PS/2P EXCLEP/29PS/2P VWM/LDUAL 4'-11"3'-6"4'30/42cDUALMOVEDUALSH/55 VWM/L42/54c EXCL42/54c 42/54cMOVE42/54c VWM/LDUALPS/2P 42/54c VWM/LDUALPS/2P PS/2P DUAL VWM/L3'-1" VWM/LDUALPS/2P 42/54MOVEMOVEMOVE ECDCL 1A-4012A-4013A-401SECURITYCARD ACCESS AND INTRUSIONMOTION SENSOR ALARMTO ALL ROOMS TYPSECURITYCARD ACCESSTO RM 240NEW ROOMS1A-4081A-414STAFF LOUNGESIZE IS REDUCED210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"VENT FROMDRYING ROOM TOROOFNEW EXTERIORSOFFIT FOR VENTFROM DRYINGROOM4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4ASECOND FLOOR PLANw/ NEW CSI LAB LAYOUTA-2010'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'16July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 123 of 170 210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"EXISTING CASEWORK,SINK, RANGE ANDREFRIGERATOR TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING WALLS, DOORSAND CASEWORK TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING WALLS ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGSNEW CUT OPENINGSEXISTING DOOR ANDWINDOWS TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING WALL ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGSEXISTING WALLS ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDDEMO FOR ONEWAY MIRROREXISTING WALLS ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGSEXISTING GUARDRAIL TOBE REMOVEDFILLED EXISTING FLOOROPENINGEXISTING CURVEDACRYLIC SHEETS TO BEREMOVED210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"EXISTING CASEWORKTO BE REMOVEDNEW CUT OPENINGFOR WINDOWEXISTING WALLS ANDDOORS TO BE REMOVEDSALVAGE RECORDING DEVICEAND RELOCATE TO NEXT ROOMSALVAGE ONE WAY MIRRORRELOCATE TO NEXT ROOM ROOMEXISTING LOW PARTITIONSTO BE REMOVED4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4ASECOND FLOORDEMOLITION PLANA-2020'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'1FIRST FLOOR SCOPE OFWORK1. DEMOLISH WALLS,CASEWORK, PLUMBINGAND ANY OTHER ITEMSNECESARY TO BUILDOUT NEW PLAN.2. REMOVE ALLCONSTRUCTION DEBRISTO AN APPROVEDLANDFILL.3. CONTROL ALL DUST TOCONTAIN DUST WITHINTHE STRUCTURE, ASDISPATCH MAY BEOPERATIONAL. CLOSEOFF DUCTWORK ASNECESSARY TOCONTROL DUST. OBTAINDUST PLAN APPROVALFROM CITY PROJECTMANAGER PRIOR TOPROCEEDING.4. SALVAGE ALL POLICERADIOS INSTALLED INWALLS TO BEDEMOLISHED FORRELOCATION IN NEWSPACES. ANY DAMAGEDRADIOS MUST BEREPLACED AT NO COSTTO THE OWNERRELOCATION.5. REMOVE ALL FLOORINGWHERE FLOORINGHATCH IS SHOWN ONFLOORCOVERING PLAN6. REMOVE ALL WALLPAPER AT CORRIDORSAND REPLACE WITHNEW WALL COVERING.WHERE THERE ISCURRENTLY A CHAIRRAIL REPLACE WITHNEW, VINYL FLOORCOVERING UP TOCHAIRRAIL PER FINISHSHCEDULE.7. ALL CARPET ON WALLSTO REMAIN EXCEPT FORDISPATCH8. ALL PREVIOUSLYPAINTED SURFACESSHALL BE PAINTEDEXCEPT FOR ROOMS202, 203,204,210, 211,209, 208, 207.9. SALVAGE ALL DOORSAND REUSE.7July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 124 of 170 OPEN210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AFLOORCOVERING PLANSECOND FLOORA-2030'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'1LEGENDDESCRIPTIONSEALED AND/ORNON SLIP EPOXYOVER CONCRETECARPET 1SYMBOLCARPET 2CARPET 3CERAMIC TILETERAZZO 24x24WHITERUBBER SHEETRUBBER TILESHEET VINYL 1REDIMAT ENTRY MATSYSTEMTILE 1VINYL PLANKPIRELLI STAIRTREAD AND NOSINGSYSTEMCARPET 4RAISED FLOOR 1TILE 2TILE 3TILE 4SHEET VINYL 2SHEET VINYL 3ARMSTRONGMEDINTECH OR EQCOLOR IXIAAMERICAN OLEAN'INFUSION WHITEFABRIC IF50' TILEANTIMICROBIALCARPET / CARPETTILEEXISTING FLOOR TOREMAIN8July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 125 of 170 210'-0"120'-7 1/2" 4'-0"28'-0"32'-0"32'-0" 39'-4 1/2" 28'-7 1/2" 8'-4"28'-0"12'-0"5'-2"6'-0"12'-0"10"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"24'-0"12'-0"39'-4 1/2"ACT NOT PAINTEDOR REPLACEDTHIS ROOM ONLYACT NOTPAINTED ORREPLACEDTHIS ROOMONLYSEE SAFETYREQUIREMENTSFOR CEILINGACT NOT PAINTEDOR REPLACEDTHIS ROOM ONLYACT NOT PAINTEDOR REPLACEDTHIS ROOM ONLYACT NOTPAINTED ORREPLACEDTHIS ROOMONLYDUCT FROMDRYING ROOMUP TO ROOFALONG WALL INSTUCCO SHAFT4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4ARCPSECOND FLOORA-2040'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'19LEGENDDESCRIPTIONEXISTING SLOTTEDMETAL CEILINGSUSPENDEDACOUSTIC CEILINGPANELS IN 2'x2' GRIDw/ PAINTED FINISHSYMBOL2'x4' RECESSED LIGHTFIXTURE- RETROFITOR NEW12"x12" GLUE-ONACOUSTIC CEILINGTILE ON GWB.PENDANT MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEWGWB CEILING PAINTCPL CEILING PAINTCERAMIC TILECEILING REMAINSSUPPLY AIRDIFFUSERRECESSED DOWNLIGHT RETROFIT ORNEWWALL MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEW1'x4' SURFACE MTD.LIGHT FIXTURERETROFIT OR NEWCEILING MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEW6"x4' SURFACE MTD.LIGHT FIXTURERETROFIT OR NEW1'x4' RECESSEDLIGHT FIXTURERETROFIT OR NEWRETURN AIR GRILLEEXHAUST REGISTERNEW METAL PANELSYSTEMPENDANT MTD. LIGHTFIXTURE RETROFITOR NEWNEW LIGHT FIXTURE@ METAL PANELCEILINGCEILING MTD. EXITLIGHT FIXTURE ASREQUIREDPROVIDE CEILINGACCESS PANEL ASREQUIREDSUPPLY/RETURN AIRLINEARDIFFUSER/GRILLE,SEE MECH PLANSNOT USEDLINEAR CEILINGMETAL PANELSYSTEMLINEAR LIGHTRETROFIT OR NEW1'x1' LIGHT RETROFITOR NEWADJUSTABLE ROUNDLIGHT RETROFIT ORNEWMECHANICAL VENTAS REQUIREDMECHANICAL VENTAS REQUIREDNOTE:SALVAGE AND REUSE ACT,PAINT EXISTING ACTNEW ACTEXISTING CEILING TOREMAINNICAREAS WITH NEWACT/CEILING ANDNEW LIGHTINGLAYOUTJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 126 of 170 2&3A-4131A-6017 & 8A-6017 & 8A-6011A-6013A-3016A-6012A-3015A-6014A-601INSTALL NEW OSHACOMPLIANT RAILINGSINCLUDE OSHACOMPLIANT RAILINGAND GATE3A-6012A-601INSTALL NEWWALKPADSSCUTTLEHINGE SIDEALUMINUM SINGLEPOST CORNERBRACKETALUMINUM SINGLE POSTCORNER BRACKETALUMINUM SINGLE POSTCORNER BRACKETALUMINUM SINGLE POSTCORNER BRACKETCAST ALUMINUMGATE LATCHW/ STAINLESSSTEEL PINSTAINLESS STEELSPRING HINGES42"ABOVE THEROOF SURFACEOR DECKALUMINUM POSTSUPPORTS1 1/4" SCHEDULE 40PIPE IN 6061 T6ALUMINUM ALLOYRAILS1 1/4" SCHEDULE 40 PIPEIN 6061 T6 ALUMINUMALLOY SELF CLOSINGGATE42"ABOVE THEROOF SURFACEOR DECK1 1/4" SCHEDULE 40 PIPEIN 6061 T6 ALUMINUM ALLOY4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AROOF PLANA-3010'SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"4' 8' 16'1MAINWINGKEY PLAN10NOTE:PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING ROOF EQUIPMENTALL AREAS TO RECEIVE NEW COATING ROOF MEMBRANE OVER EXISTING ROOFMEMBRANE AT ALL AREAS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WHICH INCLUDES ADDITIONALAREA NOT PART OF INTERIOR RENOVATION. REMOVE ALL GRAVEL PERMANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS.ALL DETAIL KEYS ARE TYPICAL AND IS TO BE EXECUTED AT ALL AREAS OF ROOFWHERE DETAIL APPLIES.PROVIDE OSHA COMPLIANT RAILINGS AT ROOF HATCH AND SKYLIGHTS.3" = 1'-0"OSHA GUARDRAIL33" = 1'-0"OSHA COMPLIANT GUARDRAIL AT ROOF HATCH2July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 127 of 170 CSIALS ROOMA-401A1A4A234" EPOXY RESINCOUNTERTOP IN LIGHTGREYA3EQUIPMENT:LAB TABLESPOWER / DATA PEDESTALSAT 24” O.C. (ONLY UNDERWINDOW)EQUIPMENT:FLAMMABLE STORAGECABINET BELOW 34" HIGHEQUIPMENT: ADACOMPLIANTRECESSED PAPERTOWEL DISPENSERAND TRASHRECEPTACLEEQUIPMENT:ADA COMPLIANTSOAP DISPENSERSLOPE FLOOR SLABS TO FLOORDRAINS AT 116" PER FOOT.CSI ROOM CRITERIA - TYPICAL NOTES FOR ALL 5CSI ROOMSFDELECTRICAL: LIGHTING:TASK LIGHT UNDER ALLWALL CABINETS.PLUMBING:ADA COMPLIANT 4"LABORATORYSINK. SHALLOW BOWLWITH HANDSFREE CONTROLS.ARCHITECTURAL:CEILING:1. CEILING IS TO BE ACT PANELS WITH KITCHEN GRADEHARD SURFACE WASHABLE FINISH, ( ARMSTRONGKITCHEN ZONE OR EQUIVALENT), NOT APPLICABLE FORCLEAN OFFICE.DOORS:2. ALL ENTRY DOORS TO BE "HIGH SECURITY" WITHDOORS/HINGES/LOCKS TO MEET UL 437 & ANSI/BHMAA156.1 FOR HINGES AND A156.30 FOR CYLINDERS LEVEL ASTANDARDS. LOCKS TO BE MEDECO OR ASSA ABLOY.NON-REMOVABLE PIN "NRP" HINGES.FINISHES:3. USE ACID RESISTANT FINISHES THAT CAN WITHSTANDBEING CLEANED WITH CHLORINE BLEACH.FLOORING:HEAT SEAMED ACID RESISTANT RESILIENTFLOORING(MEDINTECH OR EQUAL)CASEWORK:4. LABORATORY GRADE CASEWORK WITH LIGHT GREYEPOXY RESIN COUNTERTOPS & SINKS5. ALL COUNTERTOPS AND FUME HOOD TO BE ADACOMPLIANTELECTRICAL:LIGHTING:6. ALL LIGHTING AT LABORATORY SPACES TO BE HIGHCOLOR RENDITION INDEX TYPE (HIGH - CRI)EMERGENCY POWER:7. ALL BUILDING SYSTEMS ARE TO HAVE FULLEMERGENCY POWERSECURITY:8. DOOR ACCESS READER AT EACH AND EVERY DOORALL 5 ROOMS INCLUDING DOOR FROM CORRIDOR. MOTIONACTIVATED CAMERAS AT ALL 5 ROOMS. ALARM TO SOUNDIF MOTION DETECTOR IS ACTIVATED WITH DOOR ACCESSREADER IS BY PASSED.PLUMBING:WASTE LINES:9. ACID RESISTANT WASTE LINES AND DILUTION PERPLUMBING CODE FOR LABS. INCORPORATE ANY NEEDEDNEUTRALIZATION TANKS WITHIN THE SPACE.SPECIFICATION OF NEUTRALIZATION EQUIPMENT IS TO BEMADE BY MECHANICAL ENGINEER OF RECORD.MECHANICAL:PRESSURE:10. ROOM TO BE UNDER NEGATIVE PRESSURE RELATIVETO ALL SURROUNDING ADJOINING SPACES.DUCTS:11. ALL HVAC DUCTS ENTERING/SERVING THIS ROOM TOBE PROTECTED WITH PENAL SECURITY BARRIERS.WALLS:EPOXY PAINTED FULL HEIGHTGYP. BOARD. EXTEND TOUNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE. FLOOR:HEAT SEAMED ACIDRESISTANT RESILIENTFLOORING ( MEDINTECHBY ARMSTRONG OREQUIVALENT).ELECTRICAL: SECURITY:DOOR ACCESS READER.PLUMBING:STANDARD DEEPLABORATORY SINKWITH FOOT PEDALAND PEDAL HANDLEFAUCET CONTROLS.(SUPPLY TEPIDWATER TO ALLEMERGENCYWASHING FIXTURES)PLUMBING:EMERGENCY SHOWER/ EYEWASH ISTO BE ADA ACCESSIBLE WITH SELFPRIMING FLOOR DRAIN BELOW. ALLEMERGENCY EYEWASHES ANDSHOWER TO BE SUPPLIED WITHTEPID WATER SUPPLY.MECHANICAL:6'-0" ADA CHEMICAL RATED FUMEHOOD. PROVIDE STAINLESS STEELEXHAUST DUCTING THROUGH ROOF.COUNTER MOUNTEDFORENSIC CABINET.MECHANICAL:PROVIDE EXHAUSTDUCTING OFFORENSIC CABINETTHROUGH ROOF. CASEWORK:7'-0" HIGH STORAGE CABINETS.NSF/UL LISTED SOLVENT/FLAMMABLE CABINETSEQUIPMENT:WALL MOUNTED FIRST AID KITEQUIPMENT:FIRE BLANKET.ARCHITECTURAL: DOORS:ALL ENTRY DOORS TO BE HIGHSECURITY. SEE NOTE 2 TYP FOR ALLDOORS.ARCHITECTURAL: DOORS:ALL ENTRY DOORS TO BE HIGHSECURITY.FDEQUIPMENT:FREEZER2'-7 3/4"1'-9"6'-0"1'-10"6'-0" ADA FUME HOOD2'-6"2'-10"1'-8"CEILINGCLOSURE7'-0" HIGH CONSUMABLESTORAGE CABINETS W/3ADJUSTABLES SHELVES1'-3"2'-6"6"5 3/4"1'-4"2'-3"2'-6"3'-0"2'-0"2'-6"2'-6"2'-6"3'-0"2'-9"1'-9"1'-9"2'-6"2'-6"2'-6"KNEE-SPACE FORWORKSTATIONSWALL CABINETSRACEWAY ABOVE BACKSPLASHADA ACCESSIBLELAB SINK4'-0"3'-0"2" HIGH BACKSPLASHONLY AT WINDOWPOWER / DATAPEDESTALS AT 24” OC(ONLY BELOW WINDOW)FLAMMABLESTORAGE CABINETNSF/UL LISTEDSOLVENT/FLAMMABLESTORAGE CABINETADA COMPLIANT RECESSEDPAPER TOWEL DISPENSERAND TRASH RECEPTACLESOAPDISPENSERSTD. DEEP LAB SINKW/FOOT PEDALS2'-7 3/4"3'-6"3'-6"2'-7"1'-9"1'-9"2'-7"2'-10"1'-8"2'-6"BASECABINETSWALLCABINETFUMING CHAMBEREXHAUST DUCTS TOBUILDING EXTERIORFORENSIC CABINETCONTER MOUNTEDFORENSIC CABINETFLOOR MOUNTEDALS ROOMA-401B1B2WALL CABINETBASECABINETWALL CORNERCABINET2'-6"2'-6"2'-0"2'-2 1/2"2'-6"1'-8"2'-10"BASE CABINETSWALL CABINETSWALL CORNER CABINET2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0 1/2"2'-0"2'-6"2'-6"2'-6"BASE CABINETSWALL CABINETS2'-10"1'-8"2'-6"BASE CORNER CABINETWALL CABINETBASECABINETFIRE BLANKETAND FIRST AID KITLAB TABLESEMERGENCYSHOWER /EYEWASH7'-0" HIGH STORAGE CABINETSFREEZERA-401C2C1C3EVIDENCEEVIDENCE PASS- BACKTYPE STORAGE LOCKERSLABCONSUMABLESSUPPLIESSTORAGECABINETSLABTECHNICIANEVIDENCESTORAGELOCKERSSUBSTANCEDETERMINATION ADA 34"COUNTER WITH LATERALEXHAUST AT BACK WALLBEHIND COUNTERCHASE DEPTH TO BEDETERMINED BASED ONEXHAUST DUCT REQUIREMENTSAND CABINET NEEDS. PROJECTARCHITECT TO COORDINATEWITH MECHANICAL ENGINEERARCHITECTURAL:CEILING:1. CEILING IS TO BE ACT PANELS.DOORS:IF REQUIRED BY PD, INCLUDE INCREASEDSECURITY DOOR, FRAME AND HARDWAREASSEMBLY WITH NON-REMOVABLE PINHINGES (NRP) AND HIGH SECURITY LOCK(MEDECO, ASSA ABLOY OR EQUAL).ASSEMBLY TO COMPLY WITH UL 437STANDARDS. HINGES TO MEET ANSI/BHMAA156.1 STANDARD REQUIREMENTS. LOCKS TOMEET ANSI/BHMA A156.30 LEVEL ASTANDARDS FOR CYLINDERS.ELECTRICAL:EMERGENCY POWER:3. ALL BUILDING SYSTEMS ARE TO HAVE FULLEMERGENCY POWERSECURITY:4. INSTALL INTRUSION ALARM.5. INSTALL MOTION ACTIVATED CAMERASMONITORING AND RECORDING ACCESS TOEVIDENCE LOCKERS.6. IF REQUIRED BY PD, INSTALL CAMERAS TOMONITOR THE DOOR.MECHANICAL:6. ALL HVAC DUCTS ENTERING/SERVING THISROOM TO BE PROTECTED WITH PENALSECURITY BARRIERS.EVIDENCE ROOM CRITERIAARCHITECTURAL: WALLS:EPOXY PAINTED FULLHEIGHTCMU OR GYP. BOARD. IFREQUIRED BY PD, INCLUDESECURITY MESH LINERUNDER GYP. BOARD.ARCHITECTURAL:FINISHES: FLOOR:HEAT SEAMED ACIDRESISTANT RESILIENTFLOORING ( MEDINTECHBY ARMSTRONG OREQUIVALENT).ELECTRICAL:SECURITY:DOOR ACCESSREADER.MECHANICAL:PROVIDE 100% EXHAUST( THROUGH ROOF - NOSIDEWALL EXHAUST).SEE NOTE 2 TYP ALLDOORS.2'-6"1'-8"2'-10"SUBSTANCE DETERMINATIONCOUNTERED3-N-01 ED3-N-02 ED3-N-07NOTE:EVIDENCELOCKERMODELNUMBERSBASED ONSPACESAVERNON-PASS-THROUGHEVIDENCE LOCKERSTASKLIGHTINGBELOWCABNETSEXHAUST GRILL3'-0"2'-6"1'-3"3'-2 1/4"2'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"ED3-N-15 ED3-N-15 ED3-N-151'-3"LAB CONSUMABLE SUPPLIESSTORAGE CABINETSLAB TECHNICIAN EVIDENCESTORAGE LOCKERSBASE CABINETWITH ONEDRAWER & ADJ. SHELFBASE CABINET WITHDRAWERSLAB CONSUMABLELOCKABLE CABINETS W/3ADJUSTABLE SHELVESEACH STORAGE4'-0"4'-0"4'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"A4WEST INT. ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"A1CSI NORTH INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"A2CSI EAST INT. ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"B1ALS SOUTH INT. ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"B2ALS WEST INT. ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"A3CSI SOUTH INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"C1EVIDENCE SOUTH INT. ELEV 1/4" = 1'-0"C2EVIDENCE WEST INT. ELEV 1/4" = 1'-0"C3EVIDENCE NORTH INT. ELEV4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AENLARGED PLANSAND ELEVATIONSA-401123ABC11July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 128 of 170 A-402B1B211'-4" (E)24'-0" (E)12'-0"12'-0"DRYING3'-8"3'-4"B3ARCHITECTURAL:CEILING:1. CEILING IS TO BE ACT.FINISHES:2. USE FINISHES THAT CANWITHSTAND BEING CLEANED WITHCHLORINE BLEACH. FLOORS ARESEALED CONCRETEELECTRICAL:EMERGENCY POWER:3. ALL BUILDING SYSTEMS ARE TOHAVE FULL EMERGENCY POWERSECURITY:4. MOTION ACTIVATED CAMERA TOMONITOR AND RECORD ACTIVITY INDRYING ROOM.MECHANICAL:5. PROVIDE EXHAUST DUCTING TOBUILDING EXTERIOR (THROUGHROOF) FOR ALL DRYING CABINETS.DRYING ROOM CRITERIAFOR MORE INFORMATIONPLEASE SEE SAFETYWALLS: FULL WALL AREA FROMFLOOR SLAB TO UNDERSIDE OFSTRUCTURE ABOVE IS TO BEEPOXY PAINTED FULLYGROUTED CMU.MECHANICAL: PROVIDE 100%EXHAUST ( THROUGH ROOF -NO SIDEWALL EXHAUST).ROOM TO BE NEGATIVEPRESSURIZED RELATIVE TOALL ADJACENT SPACES.EXHAUST TO ROOF OF MAINBUILDING NOT TO ROOF OFSALLYPORT, RUN DUCTALONG STUCCO FURR OUT,PROVIDE SECURITY GRILLEAT ROOF OF SALLYPORTSEE A-104 AND A-204ARCHITECTURAL:FINISHES: FLOOR:SEALED CONCRETENEW ADACOMPLIANTLAVATORY.MECHANICAL:EXHAUST GRILLEABOVE COUNTER.BUTCHER PAPER DISPENSER.BASE CABINETRY TOSTORE GLOVES, EVIDENCEDRYING BAGS AND OTHERCONSUMABLES. STAINLESSSTEEL COUNTER TOP WITH BUTCHER PAPERDISPENSERADA TOWEL ANDTRASH RECEPTACLE.SOAP DISPENSEREQUIPMENT:ADA SOAP DISPENSER.EQUIPMENT:NEW BIOLOGICALDRYING CABINETS.BOOKING(NIC)FLAME RESISTENTCHEMICALCABINET.NEW CMU WALLDEMO ALL GLASS BLOCK ANDREPLACE WITH CMU TYPICALFOR BOOKING ROOM ANDDRYING ROOMNEW DECK-MOUNTEDEYEWASH WITH TEPIDWATER SUPPLY ATLAVATORY.NEW DRYINGCABINETFLAMMABLE CHEMICALSTORAGE CABINET,KEWANEE, MODEL:G65M651843-009NEW DRYINGCABINETADALAVATORYPAPER TOWEL +TRASH DISPENSERSOAPDISPENSER30" PAPERROLLADA STAINLESS STEELCOUNTEREXHAUST GRILLEWALL CABINETS2'-6"1'-8"2'-10"1'-9"2'-0"2'-0" 1/4" = 1'-0"B1INT ELEV. A 1/4" = 1'-0"B2INT. ELEV B 1/4" = 1'-0"B3INT. ELEV C4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AENLARGED PLANBOOKING AREA &DRYING ROOM51AB43212NOTE:FOR MORE INFORMATION SEEENLARGED PLAN A-415.July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 129 of 170 2'-0"36 EQUAL SPACES / 6" CLEAR BA.CASEWORKMATCH FURNITUREWOOD PATTERNLAMINATE12" DEEP6"x6" CLEAR, TYPICAL252 TOTALMAIL BOXESLINE OF CEILING4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AENLARGEDPLANS AND ELEVATION21133July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 130 of 170 8ARCHITECTURAL: CASEWORK:BUILT IN BENCHREF TO DETAIL 3/A-402EQUIPMENT: WALL MOUNTED TVABOVE WINDOW. (TV IS IN APENAL HOUSING)ELECTRICAL: ELECTRICALCABLE FOR THE TV MUST BECONCEALED BEHIND THE TV.ARCHITECTURAL: DOOR: DOORCAN NOT HAVE ANY LOCK ORLATCHARCHITECTURAL: LAYOUT:DOOR ALWAYS SWINGSOUTELECTRICAL: LIGHT FIXTURESIN THE LOUNGE ARE SWITCHEDFROM THE OUTSIDEARCHITECTURAL: WALLS:WALLS ARE 2 LAYERS OF IRGYP BOARD OVER 5/8"PLYWOOD.ELECTRICAL: ALARM: ALARM THESWINGING DOOR USING ACONTACT SWITCH IN THE FRAME.ELECTRICAL: ALARM: THEALARM IS ACTIVATED BY ASWITCH OUTSIDE THE LOUNGE.ARCHITECTURAL: WINDOW:IMPACT RESISTANT SCRATCHRESISTANT PENAL GRADERELIGHT84SFOPERATIONAL:1. CALIFORNIA CORRECTIONS STANDARDS REQUIRE THIS ROOM TO BE DIRECTLYSUPERVISED2. JUVENILLES MAY NOT BE SECURED IN THE ROOM - NO HANDCUFFING OR RAIL ALLOWED.ARCHITECTURAL:CEILING:1. CEILING IS PAINTED GYP BOARD OVER PLYWOOD AND MUST BE SUICIDE RESISTANT.ELECTRICAL:LAYOUT:3. THERE WILL BE NO OUTLETS IN THIS ROOM OR PLACES WHERE ANYTHING COULD BECONCEALEDPLUMBING:7. SPRINKLER HEAD IS TO BE DETENTION GRADE - RATED FOR SUICIDE-RESISTANCE.JUVENILELOUNGEJUVENILE LOUNGE CRITERIAA-4043BARCHITECTURAL:CEILING:1. CEILINGS ARE SECURITY PLASTER WITH ACOUSTIC TILE LAMINATION AT ROOM SIDE -TREAT BOTTOM SIDE OF DECK ABOVE WITH ACOUSTICAL TREATMENT TO REDUCEREVERBERATION IN CAVITY.LAYOUT:2.NOT USEDMECHANICAL:3. SOUND BOOT EXHAUST AND SUPPLY AIR TO ROOMS TO ASSURE ISOLATION.DO NOT RUN TRUNK DUCTS FOR SUPPLY OR EXHAUST OVER INTERVIEW ROOMS. TAKEEVERY STEP AVAILABLE TO PREVENT SOUND TRANSMISSION FROM INTERVIEW ROOM TOALL OTHER SPACESELECTRICAL:EMERGENCY POWER:4.NOT USEDSOUND:5. ELECTRICAL AND OTHER TYPE OF DEVICES IN INTERVIEW ROOM WALLS ARE TO BESEALED FOR SOUND TRANSMISSION TO THE BEST EXTENT POSSIBLE. DO NOT ALLOWSUCH DEVICES TO ALIGN BETWEEN ROOMS. OFFSET ALL DEVICES FROM ONE ANOTHERAND NEVER ALLOW THEM TO TOUCH ONE ANOTHER.FIRE PROTECTION:7. SPRINKLER HEAD IS TO BE DETENTION GRADE SUICIDE-RESISTANTSTANDARD SOLID CORE DOOR WITHHIGHEST ACHIEVABLE STC,WITHOUT USING AN ACOUSTIC DOOR(APPROXIMATELY STC 48 TO 52).PROVIDE ACOUSTIC GASKET ATDOOR PERIMETER AND ACOUSTICDROP SEAL AT DOOR BOTTOM. FULLDOOR VIEWER BUILT INTO DOOR TOALLOW FOR SURVEYING THE ROOMFULLY BEFORE ENTERINGARCHITECTURAL: WALLS: MINIMUM STC 60WALL ASSEMBLY WITH ACOUSTICAL GWBFACE LAYER OVER IR GWB AT INTERVIEWROOM SIDE OF ASSEMBLY ( SEE NATIONALGYPSUM ASSEMBLIES FOR REFERENCE.)ASSEMBLY TO EXTEND FROM FLOOR SLABTO STRUCTURAL DECK ABOVE.ELECTRICAL: SMALL INDICATOR PILOTLIGHT OUTSIDE ROOM ADJACENT TO THELIGHT SWITCH. THIS PILOT LIGHT ISACTIVATED BY AN OCCUPANCY SENSOR INTHE INTERVIEW ROOM INFORMING OF THEROOM'S OCCUPANCY.INTERVIEWROOMARCHITECTURAL: FINISHES: FLOOR:ANTIMICROBIAL CARPET/ CARPET TILEELECTRICAL: LIGHTING IS TO BECONTROLLED BY A SWITCH LOCATEDOUTSIDE THE ROOM ADJACENT TO THEDOOR. LIGHTS ARE NOT TO BECONTROLLED BY ANY TYPE OF OCCUPANCYSENSOR OR OTHER SUCH CONTROL.ELECTRICAL: DATA OUTLET INEACH ROOM (FOR OFFICERSLAPTOP)/ TELEPHONE JACK INEACH ROOM (TO CONTACTINTERPRETER)MECHANICAL: 100% EXHAUST AIR FROMSPACE. PROVIDE SUICIDE RESISTANT,ABUSE RESISTANT, PENAL TYPE SUPPLYAND EXHAUST GRILLES.EXHAUST GRILLE IS TO BE ABOVE SUSPECTSIDE OF INTERVIEW TABLE ( SIDE FURTHESTFROM DOOR)MECHANICAL: SUPPLY AIR ( ALLGRILLES ARE TO BE SUICIDE-RESISTANT, ABUSE RESISTANT,PENAL TYPE). SOUND BOOT BOTHSUPPLY AND EXHAUST AIR TOASSURE ISOLATION FROM OTHERSPACES.CASEWORK: STAINLESS STEELTABLE SECURED TO WALL ANDFLOORARCHITECTURAL: FINISHES: TO BETTERFACILITATE SOUND VIBRATION TO TRAVELFROM TABLE UP THE WALL TO THEMICROPHONE, DO NOT INSTALL WALLCARPETING AT WALL SURFACE ADJACENT TOTHE TABLE TOP FOR THE FULL WIDTH OF THETABLE AND 2 FEET UP THE WALL ABOVE THETABLE. SELF EDGE WALL CARPET.ELECTRICAL: ANY ELECTRICAL OUTLETSMUST BE GFCI PROTECTED AND SWITCHEDAT OUTSIDE OF ROOM ADJACENT TO THELIGHT SWITCH FOR THE ROOM.INTERVIEW ROOM DOORS MUSTSWING OUTARCHITECTURAL: FINISHES: ACOUSTICALSELF EDGE WALL CARPETING (EUROTEXTRETFORD OR SIMILAR)INTERVIEW ROOM CRITERIAFULL VIEW DOOR VIEWERLOOKING INTO ROOM ONLYTO ALLOW FOR SURVEYINGTHE ROOM FULLY BEFOREENTERING2'-6"3'-2"4'-0"2'-1"3'-5"EQUIPMENT: WALL MOUNTED TVABOVE WINDOW. (TV IS IN APENAL HOUSING)ARCHITECTURAL: WINDOW:IMPACT RESISTANT SCRATCHRESISTANT PENAL GRADERELIGHT0'-2"PROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-404SAFETY ENLARGEDPLANS 1/2" = 1'-0"1JUVENILE LOUNGE RM 159 PLAN 1/2" = 1'-0"2INTERVIEW ROOM PLAN 1/2" = 1'-0"3JUVENILLE LOUNGENORTH INTERIOR ELEVATION14July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 131 of 170 0'-8"3'-6"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-6"1'-9"1'-9"3'-0"2'-0"2'-0"FURRINGABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETSNEWMICROWAVEOVENNEW STOVENEW EXHAUSTHOODNEW UPPERCABINETSNEWREFRIGERATORPAINT WALL ASREQUIRED - MATCHEXISTING8'-0"NEW CASEWORKCUBBIES. PROVIDELOCK, 2 KEYS PERCUBBY, AND 2 MASTERKEYS1'-0"6'-5"TYP1'-4 1/2"DA-405232'-1"8'-0"1'-3 1/2"25'-7"18'-1"3'-0"1'-0"1'-4"ø 5'-0"11'-7"13'-0"9'-6"4'-10"9PROVIDE NEWCOUNTER 1/4" = 1'-0"2LOUNGE RM 111 E. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3LOUNGE RM 111 W. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"1LOUNGE RM 111 PLANPROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-405DISPATCH LOUNGE PLANAND ELEVATIONS4LOUNGE RM 111 NE VIEW15July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 132 of 170 5AA-4063220'-1"30'-1"25'-2"PROVIDE NEWCOUNTERLevel 213' - 6"52'-10" 2'-0" 3'-6" 0'-8"FURRINGABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETS1'-6"3'-0"1'-9"1'-9"9'-0"1'-3"1'-3"Level 213' - 6"A0'-8"3'-6"2'-0"2'-10"FURRINGABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETS1'-3"1'-3"1'-9" 1'-9" 1'-9"2'-6"NEWREFRIGERATORNEW UPPER CABINETSNEWEXHAUSTFANNEW MICROWAVENEWSTOVEPAINT TO MATCH EXISTING1'-0"PROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-406SECOND FLOOR LOUNGEPLAN AND ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0"1STAFF LOUNGE RM 244 PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"3STAFF LOUNGE RM 244 W. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2STAFF LOUNGE RM 244 N. INTERIOR ELEVATION4STAFF LOUNGE RM 244 NW 3D VIEW16July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 133 of 170 4AA-40854322'-4 1/4"17'-0"20'-1"Level 213' - 6"AINTERIORWINDOW2'-0"2'-10"FURRINGABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETS0'-8"SIT/STANDDESKSIT/STANDDESK2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0"4'-10"4'-10"2'-0"2'-0"3'-6"Level 213' - 6"40'-8"3'-6"2'-0"2'-10"FURRINGABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETSSIT/STANDDESKSIT/STANDDESK1'-9"1'-9"2'-0"2'-0"4'-10"2'-0"Level 213' - 6"A0'-8"FURRING ABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETSDESKS ON SOUTHWALL ARE NOT SIT/STAND1'-9" 1'-9"1'-3"4'-0"3'-6"4'-0"1'-3"3'-6"2'-0"2'-10"COUNTER IS CONTINUOUSFROM END TO ENDLevel 213' - 6"42'-10" 2'-0" 3'-6" 0'-8"FURRING ABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETSSIT/STANDDESK2'-0"2'-0"PROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-408CLEAN OFFICE RM 269PLAN AND ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0"1CLEAN OFFICE RM 269 PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"5CLEAN OFFICE RM 269 N. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"4CLEAN OFFICE RM 269 E. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3CLEAN OFFICE RM 269 S. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2CLEAN OFFICE RM 269 W. INTERIOR ELEVATION6CLEAN OFFICE RM 269 NE 3D VIEW17NOTE:PROVIDE NEW COUNTER WITH BASE CABINETSJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 134 of 170 H810GA-409567A-40989 WILLIAM R. "BILLY" JACKSEPTEMBER 1, 1991 WESLEY S. FOXFEBRUARY 13, 1978SEE 5/A-430FOR TILEPATTERNAFTER HOURS DOORSRELOCATE DOOR BELL INTONEW WINDOW FRAME1A-430A4093A40949EXISTING DOORS, ALL GLASS SURFACESON THIS WALL TO RECEIVE FRIT PATTERNTO BE SELECTED BY CITY.PROVIDE TWO MONITORS CAPABLE OF SOUND,TOUCH SCREEN, AND PROVIDE DATA CONNECTIONFOR EACH MOUNTED TO WALL. DELL C5517H ORAPPROVED EQUAL. CONNECT TO CITY WEBSITE.PROVIDE CUSTOM BENCHES, SAME MATERIALAS COUNTER, CANTILEVER.12A-409PROPERTYRETURNLIVE SCANINTERVIEWDOUBLE STORY HEIGHTATRIUMLOBBYCOUNTERSQUARE OFF ROUNDVERTICAL FURRINGNOTE:VERIFY 'POLICE RECORDS" AND"INFORMATION" SIGN LOCATION WITH CITYPROJECT MANAGER PRIOR TO INSTALLATIONGREPLACEGLASS BLOCKWITHSTOREFRONTWINDOWFRIT GLASS.1'-0"SKYLIGHTTOP OFPARAPETVIDEOMONITOR0'-10" 6'-4" 0'-4"0'-4" 3'-2"HUNTERDOUGLASCEILING PANELSYSTEM2'-10" 6'-2"38'-1"10'-0"1'-11"2'-1"1'-11" 4'-1" 1'-11" 4'-10"13'-11"BULLET PROOF GLASS ALLPANELS SEE DETAIL 12BULLET PROOF KEVLAR PANELS UNDER TILE,SEE DETAIL 12.10'-8"2'-10" 6'-2"HUNTERDOUGLASWALL PANELSYSTEMH810G1'-9" 4'-7" 4'-7" 4'-7" 4'-7"3'-5" 3'-5" 1'-8"RECESSEDCAN LIGHT,TYP.LINEAR LIGHTS ARE PARTOF CEILING PANELSYSTEM, TYP.CEILING/WALLPANEL SYSTEM ISHUNTER DOUGLAS'MULTI-BOXCONTINUOUSPRODUCT'MANUFACTURER: YLIGHTING PENDANT OR EQUALEQ EQ9HUNTER DOUGLAS 300CLINEAR PLANK MULTIBOX CONTINUOUSCEILING OR EQUAL IN8453 ANIGRE ORAPPROVED EQUAL TYPGLASS 1" THICKPASS THROUGH5/8" GYPSUM BOARDBULLET RESISTANTPANEL UL LEVEL 3BASE AS SCHEDULEDVERIFY W STRUCTENG2"x3" TS PROJECTIONHORIZ. SUPPORT1/2" EXPANSION ANCHOR16" O.C. MIN DEPTH 6"VERIFY W STRUCT ENG5/8" PLYWOODSHEATHINGW/HARDWOOD VENNER3"x6" CHANNELBOLTED TOCONCRETE SLABFULLY WELDED AT HORIZ.AND VERT. INTERSECTIONVERIFY SUPPORTS WSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERSTEEL CAP & TOPCEILING ASSCHEDULEDTS 3"x3"x1/4"CONCEALED WINDOWFRAME5/8" GYPSUM BOARDNATURAL VOICESPACERSSTONE/DURABLEFINISHSTAFF SIDEPUBLIC SIDEADA HT. COUNTER28" DESKOWNERFURNISHEDVERIFY ALL STRUCT SUPPORTS w/STRUCT ENG OF RECORDSTEEL POST PER STRUC.34" AFF1'-4"1'-0"PROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-409LOBBY PLAN ANDELEVATIONS 3/16" = 1'-0"1LOBBY RM 101 PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"5LOBBY RM 101 N. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"6LOBBY RM 101 E. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"7LOBBY RM 101 S. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3LOBBY RM 101 W. INTERIOR ELEVATION11LOBBY RM 101 N. 3D VIEW10LOBBY RM 101 SW 3D VIEW 1/4" = 1'-0"4LOBBY RM 101 ROTUNDA W. INTERIOR ELEVATION UNFOLDED 1/4" = 1'-0"9LOBBY COUNTER RM 101 W. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"8LOBBY COUNTER RM 101 N. INTERIOR ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0"2LOBBY RCP18 1/2" = 1'-0"12COUNTER DETAILJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 135 of 170 AA-4105ALIGN16'-6"2'-1"5'-5"7'-6"OMIT_A-40710BOMIT_A-4074A-410762'-1"2'-0"14'-1"0'-8"1'-3" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 3'-3"FURRING ABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETSOPENSHELVES2'-10" 2'-0" 3'-6"NEW SINK2'-0"1'-3"TYP7'-0"B0'-8"3'-6"2'-0"2'-10"FURRINGABOVECASEWORKNEW ADACOMPLIANTCABINETS2'-0"TYPPROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-410ENLARGED PLANS ANDELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0"2BAG TAG RM 155 PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"3BATTERY CHARGING/ SHOTGUN STORAGE RM 153 PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"5BAG TAG RM 155 N. ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"6BATTERY CHARGING/ SHOTGUN STORAGE RM 153S. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"7BATTERY CHARGING/ SHOTGUN STORAGE RM 153N. INTERIOR ELEVATION19July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 136 of 170 STEEL CANOPY25'-4"21'-2"EQEQ4A-4115A-411POSTS,TYP.CANOPYABOVE5A-411PROVIDE STRIPLIGHTING, TYP4A-4114A-4115A-411PROVIDE STRIPLIGHTING, TYPPROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-411EXTERIORIMPROVEMENTS2ENTRANCE NE 3D VIEW1ENTRANCE CANOPY ROOF PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"3ENTRANCE CANOPY PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"4CANOPY SECTION 1/4" = 1'-0"5ENTRY CANOPY LONGITUDINAL SECTION20 1/4" = 1'-0"7ENTRANCE CANOPY RCPJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 137 of 170 A-41267A-41295'-3"A-41267A-412COORDINATE EXISTING LIGHTING POLES WITH LAYOUT, LOCKERSMAY BE MOVED FROM SECOND GROUPING TO FIRST GROUPING,PROVIDE TOTAL NUMBER OF DUTY LOCKERS AS SHOWN. SEEPRODUCT DATA PROVIDED, BOTTOM LOCKERS ARE DRAWERS.5'-0"9'-7"7A-4122'-0"6'-0"ADJUST PLACEMENT OF LOCKERSAND OVERHANG AS NECESSARY TOMAINTAIN ACCESS TO POWER FORLARGER POLICE VEHICLES6'-4"10'-0"8'-4"7'-6"9'-7"5'-0"PROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-412EXTERIOR SHELTERS 1/4" = 1'-0"3DUTY BAG LOCKER ROOF PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"4DUTY BAG LOCKER PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"6DUTY BAG FRONT ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"7LOCKER SHELTER SECTION11DUTY BAG LOCKER 3D VIEW21July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 138 of 170 A-4142A-4148345796RM 201RM 272HIGH STC GWB WALLFLOOR TO CEILING4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0"993'-8 3/8" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0"4'-0"4'-0"4'-0"4'-0"PROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-414ENLARGED MEETINGROOMS PLANS ANDELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0"1RM 201 AND 272 ENLARGED PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"2RM 201 N. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3RM 201 E. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"4RM 201 S. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"5RM 201 W. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"6RM 272 N. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"7RM 272 E. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"8RM 272 S. INTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"9RM 272 W. INTERIOR ELEVATION11RM 201 SE VIEW10RM 272 NE VIEWNOTE: CEILING DOES NOT EXTEND TO BOTTOM OFROOF FURR OUT ACROSS CORRIDOR TO COVERHVAC DUCTS AND CONDUITS22July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 139 of 170 CCCCCCCCCCCODMEEEEPROVIDE EVIDENCE DRYING CABINETS ASSPECIFIED WITH AN EXTERNAL VENTING KIT,THAT ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR HEPA FILTERSON THE EXHAUST SIDE. FILTERS ARE STILLNEEDED AT THE INTAKE SIDE. THE EXHAUST KITREQUIRES EXHAUSTING TO THE BUILDINGEXTERIOR IN AN AREA AWAY FROMPEDESTRIANS AND WINDOWS. RECOMMENDTHROUGH THE ROOF.SEE SHEET A-401 AND A-402C = CEILING-MOUNTED CAMERA INVANDAL-RESISTANT ENCLOSURE,TYPICALWALL-MOUNTED DURESS ALARM BUTTON,TYPICALDDPROVIDE 100% EXHAUST AT PENAL TYPESUICIDE-RESISTANT GRILLE AT CEILINGABOVE SUSPECT SEATING AREASUSPECT SIDE OF TABLEINTERVIEWER SIDE OFTABLEWALL-MOUNTED DURESS ALARM BUTTON,TYPICALWALL-MOUNTED CONCEALEDMICROPHONE -MOUNT 18" ABOVE TABLETOP. STOP ACOUSTIC TREATMENT ATWALLS AT TABLE EDGES ANS AT 2 FEETABOVE TABLE TO CREATE A HARD WALLSURFACE ADJACENT TO THE TABLESURROUNDING THE MICROPHONE. THISASSISTS THE MICROPHONE TO PICK UPVIBRATIONS (SOUND) FROM SUSPECTSTALKING DOWN AT TABLE OR SPEAKINGSOFTLY.PROVIDE OVER-TEMP. ALARMS ATALL EVIDENCE REFRIGERATORS &FREEZERSNICSOFFIT ABOVE FOR VENTILATION FROMDRYING ROOM TO ROOF4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AENLARGEDSECURITY PLANFIRST FLOORA-4150'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'123July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 140 of 170 0'-8 1/8"1'-11 1/4"1A-430INMEMORYOFWESLEYS.FOXFEBRUARY13,1978INM EMORYOFSEPTEMBER1,1991W ILLIAMR."BILLY"JACKTILE IS FROM AMERICAN OLEAN AND IS 'INFUSION WHITE FABRIC IF50'0' - 2"0' - 4"PROJECT MANAGER DATEREVIEWED BY:SAFETY CENTERRENOVATIONISSUEDATEDESCRIPTION2560 ORION WAYCARLSBAD, CA 92010PROJECT:SHEET:4715DWG:811-4A2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218Hermosa Beach, CA 90254(310)698-8711info@pacific-ae.comPACIFIC ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING, INCSHEETS: 441 11/1/17 BRIDGING DOCUMENTA-430PEDESTAL DETAIL ANDTILE PATTERN DETAIL 1" = 1'-0"1PEDESTAL SECTIONBRASSPLATENAMES AREA RELIEF INMETAL PLATEBRASSPIPEGYPFURRINGSKYLIGHT 1" = 1'-0"2PEDESTAL PLAN TEXT IS TIMES NEW ROMAN3PEDESTAL EAST VIEW4PEDESTAL SOUTH VIEW242" BRASS TUBE SKYLIGHT 1/2" = 1'-0"5TILE GRADIENT AT LOBBY START AT PUBLIC COUNTERBLUE GLASSCONCRETE BASE,COLORED DARK GREYCONCRETE BASE,COLORED DARK GREYJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 141 of 170 FIRST FLOOR ROOM AREASROON NOROOMNAMEAREA100CORRIDOR85.5 SQ. FT.101LOBBY351.2 SQ. FT.102RECEPTION CORR.638.1 SQ. FT.103LOBBY611.9 SQ. FT.104PUBLIC COUNTER 275.2 SQ. FT.105ATRIUM/ REPORT WRITING 966.6 SQ. FT.106INTERVIEW90.0 SQ. FT.107PROPERTYRETURN149.8 SQ. FT.108VEST52.1 SQ. FT.109DISPATCH CENTER1122.2 SQ. FT.110COMM MGR141.4 SQ. FT.111LOUNGE STORAGE344.7 SQ. FT.112MEN68.0 SQ. FT.113WOMEN67.2 SQ. FT.114EVIDENCE LOCKERS105.1 SQ. FT.115RADIO COMPUTER EQUIP399.8 SQ. FT.116CORRIDOR703.9 SQ. FT.118VEST41.8 SQ. FT.119WOMEN239.0 SQ. FT.121DRYING64.9 SQ. FT.122DRYING64.9 SQ. FT.123VEST39.7 SQ. FT.128CRIME LIVESCAN46.2 SQ. FT.130CORRIDOR202.4 SQ. FT.131VESTIBULE181.1 SQ. FT.131AMETER ROOM36.9 SQ. FT.131BCOMPRESSOR ROOM25.1 SQ. FT.133CORRIDOR149.7 SQ. FT.134CORRIDOR347.3 SQ. FT.135CST TEAM550.9 SQ. FT.136PRISONERINTAKE306.1 SQ. FT.138SALLY PORT1315.4 SQ. FT.139ENTRY94.9 SQ. FT.140CORRIDOR254.4 SQ. FT.141INTERVIEWROOM95.3 SQ. FT.142CELL136.2 SQ. FT.143SAFETY CELL128.9 SQ. FT.144CUST CLOSET34.5 SQ. FT.145NARCOTICS172.5 SQ. FT.146CELL135.6 SQ. FT.147WATCH COMM OFFICE81.2 SQ. FT.148NARCOTICS283.4 SQ. FT.149PROPERTY & EVIDENCE723.6 SQ. FT.150EVIDENCE188.6 SQ. FT.151CORRIDOR610.2 SQ. FT.152DRINKING FOUNTAIN171.8 SQ. FT.153BATTERY CHARGING/ SHOTGUN STORAGE 206.8 SQ. FT.154MTG RM88.3 SQ. FT.155BAG TAG159.8 SQ. FT.156PATROL SGT858.8 SQ. FT.157CRIME ANALYST287.1 SQ. FT.158WATCH COMMANDER 511.3 SQ. FT.159JUVENILLELOUNGE97.5 SQ. FT.160DRYCLEANING66.4 SQ. FT.161BRIEFING1362.2 SQ. FT.161ACOFFEE35.7 SQ. FT.162CORRIDOR477.7 SQ. FT.163DRYING ROOM CHEMICAL STORAGE 150.0 SQ. FT.165EVIDENCE VIEWING110.2 SQ. FT.166TRAFFIC188.1 SQ. FT.168TRAFFIC566.9 SQ. FT.169RECORDS1558.3 SQ. FT.170PUBLIC INQUIRY163.7 SQ. FT.171RECORDS SUPERVISOR197.2 SQ. FT.172CORRIDOR210.8 SQ. FT.173MEN60.9 SQ. FT.174WOMEN63.2 SQ. FT.SECOND FLOOR ROOM AREASNUMBERROOMNAME1 ROOMNAME2AREA201MEETING ROOM343.9 SQ. FT.205STORAGE67.1 SQ. FT.206CORRIDOR116.2 SQ. FT.214CORRIDOR400.9 SQ. FT.214AALCOVE13.0 SQ. FT.215CORRIDOR39.0 SQ. FT.215ACORRIDOR67.2 SQ. FT.216CRIMES OF VIOLENCE DARBIE ERNST145.2 SQ. FT.217CRIMES OF VIOLENCE391.3 SQ. FT.218ALCOVE192.0 SQ. FT.219LT CHRIS BOYD188.8 SQ. FT.220JUV JUSTICE M WARFIELD167.5 SQ. FT.221INTERVIEW99.2 SQ. FT.222INTERVIEW93.0 SQ. FT.223TAPE & MONITOR103.0 SQ. FT.224INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE1867.6 SQ. FT.224ACORRIDOR68.4 SQ. FT.225SGT BRYAN HARGETT121.6 SQ. FT.226SGT TRAVIS LAMBERT118.0 SQ. FT.227LOUNGE231.3 SQ. FT.228VICE / NARCOTICS597.2 SQ. FT.229LT195.6 SQ. FT.230MATT MAGRO180.4 SQ. FT.231CORRIDOR114.6 SQ. FT.232CORRIDOR434.3 SQ. FT.234IN-PROCESS EVID/STOR.263.1 SQ. FT.236WORKRM164.4 SQ. FT.237IT OFFICE MARIA135.2 SQ. FT.240VESTIBULE156.8 SQ. FT.242CORRIDOR510.0 SQ. FT.243JODEE SASAWAY253.5 SQ. FT.244STAFF LOUNGE394.4 SQ. FT.245ROOF TERRACE1314.0 SQ. FT.246(N) STAFF LOUNGE250.3 SQ. FT.247(N)PSSD SGTSTEVE THOMAS253.5 SQ. FT.248PSSD PETE PASCUAL253.5 SQ. FT.249FIELD SERVICE CPT259.9 SQ. FT.250PD ANALYST PETE THOMPSON253.5 SQ. FT.251CLERICAL POOL1625.7 SQ. FT.252CORRIDOR363.1 SQ. FT.253IT266.7 SQ. FT.254VESTIBULE117.1 SQ. FT.255IT MEETING150.3 SQ. FT.256WORK REPRO101.3 SQ. FT.257ADMINPAULA MILIKAN169.0 SQ. FT.258ADMIN DIANE ANDERSON200.7 SQ. FT.259POLICE CHIEF365.1 SQ. FT.259ACLOSET48.6 SQ. FT.260CORRIDOR82.2 SQ. FT.260ASTOR.27.5 SQ. FT.260BCOFFEE20.5 SQ. FT.262COFERENCE558.6 SQ. FT.264SECRETARY196.8 SQ. FT.265FIRE CHIEF MIKE DAVIS349.1 SQ. FT.265ACLOSET49.5 SQ. FT.266APPLICATION190.3 SQ. FT.267(N) PSSDSTORAGE161.4 SQ. FT.268NETWORK263.1 SQ. FT.269CLEAN OFFICE360.8 SQ. FT.270ALS ROOM108.3 SQ. FT.271CSI530.8 SQ. FT.272MEETING ROOM478.8 SQ. FT.273CORRIDOR530.6 SQ. FT.4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AROOM AREA TABLE A-50127NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRMJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 142 of 170 (N) SAFETY RAILING AT ROOFHATCH (SIM AT SKYLIGHTS)SEAL FASTENERS AS REQ'DFOR WATERTIGHTNESS, TYP1SCALE: 3" = 1'-0"(N) SAFETY RAILING AT ROOF HATCH4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AROOF DETAILSA-60126NOTES:PROVIDE ALPHAGUARD BIO FULLY REINFORCED SYSTEM OVER RECOVER BOARD / BASE SHEET 20 +YEAR SOLUTION OR EQUAL.-VACUUM / SWEEP / REMOVE GRAVEL TO TOP LAYER OF FELT.-ADHERE 1/2" RECOVER BOARD OVER EXISTING ROOF MEMBRANE TO DECK.-INSTALL 1 PLY COMPOSITE BASE IN POWERPLY ENDURE ADHESIVE.-INSTALL ALPHAGUARD BIO FULLY REINFORCED SYSTEM TO ENTIRE ROOF / BASE FLASHINGS.-INSTALL NEW PERIMETER AND PROJECTION FLASHINGS.-COAT INSIDE OF PARAPET WITH SOLARGUARD ELASTOMERIC WALL COATING SYSTEM.-INSTALL NON SKID WALKSURFACE IN ALL AREAS OF ANTICIPATED FOOT TRAFFIC.-PROVIDE OSHA COMPLIANT RAILS. PROVIDE OSHA RAILS AT SKYLIGHTS, PROVIDE FALL PROTECTION RAILS / SCREENS,PROVIDE FALL PROTECTION FOR ROOF ACCESS HATCHES.-PROVIDE OWNER WITH 20 YEAR QUALITY ASSURANCE WARRANTY / MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT.-PROVIDE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS PER MANUFACTURER, FOR OWNER REVIEW.-INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 143 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4AN SEE SHEET C-102C-10127CIVIL SITE PLANJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 144 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44811-4A0'SCALE: 1"=10'10'20'1CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL PER REGIONALSTANDARDS, HEIGHT TO BE DETERMINED BYDESIGN BUILDER.PROVIDE OVERHEAD SHADE STRUCTUREWITH 3 TIER LOCKERS PER ARCHITECTURALDETAILS.INSTALL NEW WHEEL STOP.ADJUST EXISTING FENCE TO ENCLOSE NEWSHADE STRUCTURE.CREATE ADA ACCESS TO DUTY LOCKERS BYRELOCATING EXISTING CURBGRADE AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATEDUTY LOCKER PAD AT ELEVATION OF BACKPARKING23TOTAL PARKING STALLS = 551. RELOCATE EXISTING PARKING LIGHTPOLES, BASES AND FOUNDATIONS ASNECESSARY. EXISTING ELECTRICALSERVICE SHOULD BE RELOCATED.NOTES TO DESIGNBUILD CONTRACTORCONSTRUCTION NOTES:4N C-1022856DUTY LOCKER AREAJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 145 of 170 “”4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44881-4ACONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.MECHANICALCOVER SHEETM-00029July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 146 of 170 OFFICER WILLIA M "BILLY" JA CK-9/1/199 1 OFFICER WESLEY SFOX -2/13/78 I NMEME OR YOF OPENNIC4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44881-4ACONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'FIRST FLOORMECHANICAL PLANM-201130July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 147 of 170 5'-6"8'-1"19'-1 1/ 4 "1% SLOPE1% SLOPE4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44881-4ACONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'SECOND FLOORMECHANICAL PLANM-202131July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 148 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44881-4ACONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'ROOFMECHANICAL PLANM-301132July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 149 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4'8'16'PLUMBINGCOVER SHEETP-000July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 150 of 170 BC/5H/30WR/77 PL PLPLPL24/42 THINK35/70/UPCUSHBC/5H/30THINKGANG-PKG451-GANGPKG GANG-PKG451-GANGPKG 24/90PSPSDLDDLDGANG-PKG451-GANGPKGGANG-PKG451-GANGPKG35/70/UPBFCUSH OB/30MP/30PS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1...THINKBC/5H/36BBF/15SPCL: 24x(108)PSPS RCPSWR/54 VWM/L AHCC AHCCSCISWT1...CUSH58/28AHCCSCISWT1... VWM/L AHCC PS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1 ...PS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1... MOVE 24/72PSPS PSPSRC E6NET2927RSCISWE1...24/72PSPS PSPSRCOH/36/1558/28 BF/1.5/36CT/19/7230/72 RC 46/28 FPAC2CCSCISWT1... ECDCLFPAC2CCPS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1...BBF/15OB/36MP/36BFCUSH CUSHMOVE VWM/L AHCC AHCCSCISWT1...THINKPS/2P OO/1.5/36WR/77THINKPSPSPSPSRC24/72BC/5H/36AHCCSCISWT1... VWM/L AHCC PS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1...46/283'-8"SPECIAL LOCKERSOB/30MP/30BBF/15 VWM/LAHCCAHCCSCISWT1...CUSHAHCCSCISWT1... VWM/L AHCC MOVE ECDCL FPAC2CC FPAC2CCSCISWT1...BC/5H/36WR/544'-5"THINKPODTHINKWR/77 24/96PSPSTHINKPOD DSPSDUOCSCISWT1...PS/2P58/28 THINKPODTHINKPOD RT45-T42RDSCICLC1...4' 2'-7" ECDCL FPAC2CC FPAC2CCSCISWT1...BC/5H/30WR/77 WR/77WR/54PS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1... SH-O/72 PS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1...OH/36/15PS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PMOVE CUSHBBF/15MOVE AHCCSCISWT1... VWM/L AHCC MOVEWR/774'THINKBBF/15SPECIAL LOCKERS 36/60TBTB20"PS/2POB/36MP/36OB/36MP/36OB/36MP/36PS/2PPS/2P VWM/LAHCCAHCCSCISWT1 ...THINK LF/2/30PS/2P PS/2P2'-3" 4'WR/77BC/5H/30PS/2PPS/2P LF/2/30CUSHBBF/15 MOVE 46/28 3'BC/5H/304'-9"WR/54BC/5H/30AHCCSCISWT1... VWM/L AHCC COCL42 COCL42SCICLC1...LEC/4242XBLF/2/30WR/77PS/2P DSPSDUOCSCISWT1...THINKOH/48/1558/28BF/1.5/30PS/2P PS/2P PS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPSPS PSPSRC24/7235/70/UPTHINKBBF/15 DSPSDUOCSCISWT1...PS/2PPS PSPSPSRC 24/72 PSPS PSPSRC24/7245-T1815HSCICLC1 ... HWHW 45-T1815HSCICLC1... RT45-T42RDSCICLC1...MOVE MOVE42XBPS/2PNIC4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4'8'16'FIRST FLOORPLUMBING PLANP-2011July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 151 of 170 1% SLOPE1% SLOPE VWM/L VWM/L ECDCLBOB42/54c MOVE VWM/LMOVE VWM/L MOVEMOVE VWM/L 42/54c VWM/L42/54cXB VWM/L42/54cMOVE 42/54c MOVE MOVEMOVEMOVEMOVE 42/54c MOV E MOVE VWM/LBIG LOUNGE VWM/LMOVEMOVE42/54c 42/54c EXCL EXCL VWM/L VWM/L42/54c 42/54c VWM/L VWM/LBIG LOUNGE 42/54c BIG LOUNGE VWM/L42/54c MOVEMOVE42/54c42/54c42/54c42/54c VWM/L24/54 VWM/L42/54c EXCLMOVE MOVEMOVE VWM/L VWM/L EXCL VWM/L BIG LOUNGE42/54cMOVE VWM/L VWM/L VWM/L VWM/LMOVE VWM/L 42/54c MOVE 42/54c VWM/L MOVE VWM/L ECDCLMOVEMOVE42/54c MOVE 42/54c VWM/L VWM/LMOVE42/54 VWM/L42/54c VWM/L42/54c 42/54c VWM/L VWM/LMOVE 42/54c ECDCLMOVE VWM/L MOVESH/55 VWM/L42/54c 42/54c 42/54cMOVE42/54c VWM/L 42/54c VWM/L VWM/L VWM/L 42/54MOVEMOVEMOVE ECDCL 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4'8'16'SECOND FLOORPLUMBING PLANP-2021July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 152 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4'8'16'ROOFPLUMBING PLANP-3011July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 153 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44881-4ACONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.GENERAL NOTES,LEGEND, AND SHEETE-001INDEXELECTRICAL SHEET INDEXGENERAL NOTESGENERALSWITCHES (+42" AFF, U.O.N.)SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMLIGHTING FIXTURESPANELS AND RELATED ITEMSANNOTATION TAGS AND NOMENCLATURE(BY DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTOR)DEFERRED APPROVAL FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM:37July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 154 of 170 OFFICER WILLIA M "BILLY" JACK-9/1/1991 OFFICER WESLEY S FOX -2/13/78 IN MEME OR Y OF OPENNIC4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4'8'16'FIRST FLOOR LIGHTINGPLAN AND LIGHTINGE-2011GENERAL NOTESFIXTURE SCHEDULELIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE NOTES:July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 155 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4'8'16'SECOND FLOORLIGHTING PLANE-2021GENERAL NOTESJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 156 of 170 GANG-PKG451-GANGPKG GANG-PKG451-GANGPKGGANG-PKG451-GANGPKGGANG-PKG451-GANGPKGPS/2PVWM/L AHCC VWM/L AHCC PS/2PPS/2P ECDCLPS/2P VWM/L AHCC PS/2P VWM/L AHCC PS/2P 3'-8"SPECIAL LOCKERSVWM/LAHCCVWM/L AHCC ECDCL 4'-5"THINKPODTHINKPODPS/2PTHINKPODTHINKPOD4' 2'-7" ECDCL PS/2P PS/2P PS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PVWM/L AHCC 4'SPECIAL LOCKERS TBTB20"PS/2PPS/2PPS/2PVWM/LAHCCPS/2P PS/2P2'-3" 4'PS/2PPS/2P 3' 4'-9" VWM/L AHCC COCL42LEC/42XBPS/2PPS/2P PS/2P PS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PPS/2PXBPS/2POFFICER WI LLIA M "BILL Y"JA CK-9/1/19 9 1OFFICER WESLEY SFOX -2/ 13/78 I N MEME OR Y O F NIC4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44881-4ACONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'FIRST FLOORPOWER PLANE-301140July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 157 of 170 5'-6"8'-1" 19'-1 1/ 4"1% SLOPE1% SLOPEPS/2PVWM/L PS/2PDUALVWM/LPS/2PECDCLBOB42/54c36/42cWS42PS/2PMOVEEXCL2'-6"EP/29PS/2P VWM/LDUAL 4'-11"3'-6"4'DUAL1'-6"VWM/LMOVEVWM/L PS/2PMOVEMOVEDUAL3'-1"VWM/LPS/2P42/54cVWM/LEP/29PS/2P VWM/LDUAL 4'-11"3'-6"4'42/54cXBVWM/L 7'-5"42/54cMOVE PS/2PDUAL DUALPS/2P42/54c PS/2PVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/29MOVEDUALPS/2PMOVEVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/29MOVEDUAL36/42cMOVEMOVE 42/54c MO VE DUAL30/42c30/42cEXCLPS/2PMOVEVWM/LDUALBIG LOUNGE VWM/L 36/42c24/42cMOVEMOVE42/54c PS/2PPS/2P42/54c EXCL EXCLVWM/LVWM/L36/42c36/42cWS42 42/54c 36/42c PS/2P42/54cPS/2P VWM /LDUALVWM/LBIG LOUNGEEXCLPS/2P30/42c42/54c BIG LOUNGEVWM/L36/42c42/54cMOVEMOVE42/54cDUALEP/2924/42c42/54c42/54c42/54c36/42cVWM/L24/54 DUALPS/2P 30/42cVWM/L42/54c DUAL30/42cEXCLDUALMOVEPS/2PPS/2P30/42cMOVEDUALMOVE30/42cVWM/LPS/2PPS/2PVWM/LEXCL 30/42cVWM/LDUALDUAL BIG LOUNGE42/54cVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/29MOVEVWM/LVWM/L VWM/L VWM/L5'-5"MOVEVWM/LPS/2PJJDUAL42/54c 36/42cWS42MOVEPS/2PPS/2P42/54c DUALPS/2PVWM/LPS/2PMOVEVWM/LVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/2936/42cPS/2PPS/2PECDCLMOVE 3'-9"MOVE42/54c MOVE 42/54c VWM/LEXCLVWM/LMOVE4'DUAL42/5436/42cWS42VWM/L42/54c 30/42cPS/2PVWM/L42/54c PS/2P42/54c VWM/LVWM/LMOVEVWM/LDUALPS/2PEP/2936/42c DUALEP/2942/54cPS/2PPS/2PECDCLMOVEVWM/LPS/2P PS/2PEXCLEP/29PS/2P VWM/LDUAL 4'-11"3'-6"4'30/42cDUALMOVEDUALSH/55VWM/L42/54c EXCL42/54c 42/54cMOVE42/54cVWM/LDUALPS/2P42/54cVWM/LDUALPS/2PPS/2PDUALVWM/L3'-1"VWM/LDUALPS/2P42/54MOVEMOVEMOVEECDCL 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 44881-4ACONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4' 8'16'SECOND FLOORPOWER PLANE-302141July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 158 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.0'SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"4'8'16'ROOFELECTRICAL PLANE-4011July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 159 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.E-501SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMAND LIGHTING FIXTURESCHEDULEJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 160 of 170 4715SAFETY CENTER RENOVATION 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92010 2447 Pacific Coast Highway, #218 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 (310)698-8711 info@pacific-ae.com PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, INC 10881-4A**NOT FOR BID** CONSULTING ENGINEERS f: 323.262.9198 t: 323.262.9199 e: main@iegeng.com w: www.iegeng.com 2501 Davidson Drive 2nd Floor Monterey Park California, 91754 INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC.E-601TYPICAL LIGHTINGCONTROL DETAILSJuly 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 161 of 170 DATE: TO: FROM: • I Exhibit 4 STAFF REPORT November 28, 1984 Planning Commission Land Use Planning Office D' JitLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE: · •. TEMBE'R "2'8', '1'9'8'4· ' · · · · · · SUBJECT: CUP-262 -SAFETY CENTER -Request for a Conditional Use Permit for the development of the City of Carlsbad's Safety Center located approximately a half mile north of the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real in the P-M zone. I. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 2385 APPROVING CUP-262, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND This item is a conditional use permit for development of the first phase of the City of Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center at the above mentioned location. The subject property is vacant at the present time and has recently been rough graded. Construction of-the proposed project will require approximately, 110,000 cubic yards of grading. Access to the site will be obtained from extensions of Impala Drive and Faraday Avenue. In November, 1983 the citizens of Carlsbad voted to approve the construction of a 15.2 million dollar Public Safety and Service Center at this location. This conditional use permit will approve the design of the first phase of the development of this center. The first phase will cost approximately 9.4 million dollars and provide the following facilities: l) Police and Fire administrative building 2) Vehicle maintenance building 3) Fueling and vehicle washdown facility 4) Parking areas 5) Roads and infrastructure to serve this phase and future phases of the .center. Later phases of development will consist of: 1) Purchasing warehouse 2) Yard offices 3) Parks and Recreation offices 4) Maintenance offices 5) Additional parking areas. July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 162 of 170 I Exhibit 4 • A substantial portion of the site will remain in its natural state and possibly be developed with additional facilities at a future date. Any development other then the development included in Phase I will require an amendment to this conditional use permit. III. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1} Can the four findings required for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, be made? Specifically: a) That the requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community; is essentially in harmony with various elements and objectives of the general plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is to be located; b) · That the site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use; c) That all of the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained; d) That the street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. Discussion The required use is necessary for the development of the community. The existing police, fire and maintenance facilities are inadequate to serve the city's existing and future population. The proposed facility will be centrally located and large enough to provide adequate service to all four quadrants of the City. This site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use. The site is large enough to accommodate all of the required parking on site and still provide for substantial landscape areas. As mentioned previously, a substantial portion of the site will be left undisturbed to accommodate future phases of development . All of the yards, setbacks and landscaping necessary to adjust this use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained. Parking areas -2- July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 163 of 170 I Exhibit4 will be screened by landscaping and mounding especially along the northerly property boundary which is visible to existing and future residential units. Also, the buildings would be set back a substantial distance from the edge of the bluff to reduce the visual impacts onto adjacent properties. The street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use. This facility will have direct access onto Faraday Road, a secqndary arterial and Impala Drive an industrial collector. In conclusion, all four findings required for the approval of a conditional use permit can be made, therefore, staff recommends approval of CUP-262. I I I • ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. The Land Use Planning Manager has determined that this project has already be~n considered in conjunction with a previously certified environmental document and, therefore, has issued a Notice of Prior Environmental Compliance dated October 30, 1984. A copy of the prior environmental documents is on file in the Land Use Planning Office. ATTACHMENTS 1) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2385 2) Location Map 3) Background Data Sheet 4) Environmental Documents 5) Reduced Exhibits 6) Exhibits "A" -"J", dated October 11, 1984 MH:bw 11/15/84 -3- July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 164 of 170 Exhibit4 OCATION MAP CARLSAD INDUSTRIAL PARK SAFETY CENTER SITE CUP-262 July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 165 of 170 • I Exhibit4 • BACKGROUND DATA SHEET CASE NO: CUP-262 APPLICANT: Safety Center (City of Carlsbad) ' REQUEST AND JLCATION: Conditional Use Permit for the development of the Safety Center approximately a half mile north of the intersection of Palomar Airport Roand and El Camino Real. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A J:X>rtion of Iots "A" and "B" of Rancho Agua Hedionda according to Map No. 823 filed November 16, 1896. APN: 209-050-26 Acres 26.3 Proposed No. of Lots/Units ----~ -----~--- GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING Land Use Designation G -------- Density Allowed ---------Density Proposed -------- Existing Zone PM --------- Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: Zoning Land Use Site PM Vacant North 0-S Vacant South M-Q Vacant East 0-S Vacant west M-Q Industrial PUBLIC FACILITIES School District Carlsbad Water Carlsbad Sewer Carlsbad EDU's Public Facilities Fee Agreement, dated ~---------------~ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT __ Negative Declaration, issued ----------- __ E.I.R. Certified, dated-------------- Other, Prior Compliance, dated October 30, 1984 ------'----------------'-----~------~-- July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 166 of 170 ------- --I . I Ir-.. "--FUTl..RE I c-· --1 PI./RCHAS"1G I L:: ::~ WAREHOUSE I t :: :::J I 1------1 --1-------J ~=~ ::~ I--------,----, I: = : ~::: ::~ : : : c:~::i F\/TUlE 1-:::::::_-::-.::~ bisrroox_-l PARKS & I 'i 1-!;/.f'LOYEE J ., ;"l'I\AKNG"-1 ECREATIO" I ~--;;;~;-~-...i UTUTES. I I iMY=l & MANT. I Fl1ME I ~:: : :~ SHOPS \ YARD : r:: :::, 1 om::es I t:: : ::J I I •-· __ , 1 ~, I 1,._., rL...1 \ I \ ---------'-------j ', ____ _ TT Irr r-1-,-,..,..,.,.'TTrr-, I I II I I J I I I I I I I I I I EMPLOYEErl ' ' ' ' 'F1.mllE' ' ' ' ' ' 1 PARKt«i , 1~p~, ~~'1°i 1 1 : I 1, ,, , , 111, 1,, 1.,' -'..J..1.J..1.._._._. __ ._....1 .... _ .... J --Site Plan =---·e ·-~ \'i l : . I ' I I !11 I rn ~ July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 167 of 170 r"'', rr~' -NORTH ELEVATION Police/Fire Admln. Bldg. CITY OF CARLSBAD . PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER r "\ ,., ,. ·---·---. . . I I Ill ···. ~123 I J I, Scale, Y'o" = 1' 0 5 ,o "Nm.,/ 2.0 50 ELEVATIONS DESIGN DEVELOPMENT Al.l0ll9TH.,11'4 Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau Associates· -~ .,._ -... --·--·~·-··· . -·-··---.. --··-····--· .. ' rn ,· July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 168 of 170 .,r¥N'·: ~·:it'tt; ~ \,~~\:;i; l~llr~\ j= I Ir: ifi: ' ., .... . I [ .---.I - EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION Police/Fire Admin. Bldg CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER ' . ::-.;-;-=-?""';;;:..:'. ... ~. I .. t:iJ~· ;; .. :-::.-----=---- Scale, y.·~1· 0 5 10 IUUl 11 I, 10 so ELEVATIONS DESIGN DEVELOPMENT ' AUU&J1Ta.11M Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau Associates 00 July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 169 of 170 ...r·-,J -Si$;i (~ r-. .-J--. -1-.---··.-L---~--j •.• I I .,. . ' - ,·-1.1.-~-... '/;;,_ . -1,,'.Jl./f.!l,·..,\l'__" ' EAST ELEVATION -WEST ELEVATION Vehicle Maintenance Bldg. CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC SAFETY & SERVICE CENTER : j , • , -----=--=-~-· ~12cB l1 ,-8 GI NORTH ELEVATION SOUTI-1 ELEVATION EB·--·-,-______ j Scale, )l's"= 1' 0 S 10 20 IUlJ. -"° ELEVATIONS DESIGN OEYELOPMENT AUCIUIT.IL 1M4 Ruhnau McGavin Ruhnau Associates rn July 31, 2018 Item #2 Page 170 of 170