HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-11; City Council; ; Receive a presentation on the second quarter activities of the lnnovate78 economic development initiative~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: September 11, 2018 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Christie Marcella, Economic Development Manager Christie.Marcell~@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-2732 CA Review ~ Subject: Receive a presentation on the second quarter activities ofthe lnnovate78 economic development initiative. Recommended Action Receive a presentation on the second quarter activities of the lnnovate78 economic development initiative. Executive Summary lnnovate78 is a regional collaboration among the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos and Vista. This presentation will provide a summary of activities related to the initiative as reported by the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, the organization who is contracted to provide implementation services related to lnnovate78. Discussion The Economic Development Division focuses on cultivating the city's strong and diverse economy, advancing its position as an employment hub in San Diego County and the Southern California region. An important goal of the division is to leverage partnerships at the local, regional, state and federal levels. The 78 Corridor cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos and Vista partner to implement comprehensive economic development strategies, recognizing that through collaboration, the North County San Diego region can better position itself to attract talent, investment, and companies. The Innovate 78 economic development collaborative was initiated in 2014 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the cities. Through the MOU, the cities executed an agreement with the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to implement the initiative. The EDC contract was renewed in 2016 for two years, and in May 2018, City Council approved an additional one-year contract with the EDC. Through business attraction, expansion, and retention efforts, talent pipeline development, data compilation and research, communication and branding campaigns, and building partnerships, Innovate 78 has managed to achieve numerous success stories and help businesses along the 78 Corridor stay and grow in North County. Fiscal Analysis No funding is being requested at this time. September 11, 2018 Item #6 Page 1 of 2 Next Steps San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation will provide updates to City Council twice a year. They will continue to implement the program according to the scope of work negotiated by the economic development staff of the five cities that was included in the contract approved by City Council in May 2018. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review . . Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits N/A September 11, 2018 Item #6 Page 2 of 2 Christie Marcella, Economic Development Manager Jennifer Schoeneck, San Diego Regional EDC Sept. 11, 2018 Innovate78 Update Innovate78 History •Economic development collaborative among Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, San Marcos & Escondido •San Diego Regional EDC has a contract for services to execute the Innovate78 brand •In May 2018, Council approved a one-year contract extension CITY COUNCIL UPDATE September 2018 INNOVATE ja) 78 CORRIDOR - Building businesses: Increase exposure and support for local businesses and strategic partners Fostering talent: Collaborate with businesses and regional partners for talent development and attraction Increasing awareness: Expand marketing reach to businesses and site selectors INNOVATE78 SERVICE BENEFITS ~~ INNOVATE~/ Maintain 78 Corridor data indicators •Track and update online and print data dashboard to track economic well being of the 78 Corridor Conduct 78 Corridor research and publish reports •Identify and conduct 78 Corridor specific research. Currently analyzing data for our small business study. Communicate regional data and findings •Inclusive growth, water study and international trade analysis findings presented to Innovate78 cities OUR FOUNDATION: DATA + RESEARCH North County'• 78 Comdor hu ~ as a leader of technologK:al innovation Wdh a c:onoentration in tech employment 42% abOYe the nabonal ._. the 0,,,-.-S ____ d_ c:k.lS-Wr Ni$ S4NI\ stNdy growth.,_ reoent years and continues to be a major drive< of ~ and eoonorroc producbcn wnlwl the San Oiagorwgion. TECH CLUSTER BREAKDOWN TheComdO<'s taeh dust..-can be bdten down .-.to thrff dislll,ct--nts lhll together, ,.p,_t rnae-e than 70 industri9-5 and 24.000 jobs. BIOTECH & BIOMEO DEVICES DATM 2,6n lhis segment fOC1.£eS on development and production of m«ticat-and ph111na,,..Jticlb. illld WlC:tudes the researdi. t4"ting ilfld a~lyses of medical products and seMCeS. INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS TECli As the 1,-ciitionol anchor of a tech clu!;t«. this segment oomprises software and video game development, deziQlll"I and production of oomputers and related hardware. and leleoonYTlf.Xlieations products and serw:es. This rapidly eme<ging ._,..-supports the local defense indust,y wdh navgabon eq_,.,.,t and technology. st-.p and bolt buldng.and _def ___ rellbld products and .. _ INNOVATE J§)_ Individual company meetings •52 one-on-one company meetings to identify business needs and provide connections to valuable resources California competes tax credit consulting •19 corridor companies have won $6.2M in tax credits, adding 800+ jobs to the region over the next 5 years Industry roundtables •Convened tech leaders and investors to discuss capital opportunities for startups •Convened construction industry leaders to discuss business needs related to hiring talent •Meeting with manufacturing leaders and community college leaders BUILDING BUSINESSES: OVERVIEW \\ CALIFORNIA COMPETES 'W' INNOVATEi!}_ In 2018, Innovate78 is mapping the entrepreneurial ecosystem along the 78 Corridor, creating a list of resources that help startups scale and grow into viable businesses. Learn more at Startup78.com. Key deliverables: •Map of 78 Corridor startup resources •Creation of a Startup78 Quarterly Meetup •Lead a Startup Week Day in North County Key dates: •April 11 –Sponsored an SDVG event at Make in Carlsbad •April 25 –First Startup78 quarterly meetup at OSML in Vista •June 28 –Startup Week North County event at Common Grounds •August 22 –Startup78 Q3 Meetup on Food Innovation •October 17 –Startup78 Q4 Meetup on Life Sciences BUILDING BUSINESSES: STARTUP78 SAH DIEGO VENTURE G RO U P ~ calfcm1a St.>te lkllvet"stty SAN MARCOS ~ 0 SAN DIEGO J:ftR4COSTA STARTUP WEEK ¥COLLEGE FOSTERING TALENT Connecting companies with talent •Introducing companies to qualified talent from our local community colleges and universities Connecting educators with companies •One-on-one and roundtable discussions with educators on how to connect with industry for work-based learning programs Promoting career opportunities •SD. Life. Changing. campaign highlights regional talent and career opportunities •Coordinate SD. Life. Changing with city’s Life in Action brand National context: competition for talent •Working with the Brookings Institution, developed an Inclusive Growth Narrative as an economic imperative INNOVATE 1i}_ INCREASING AWARENESS Growing an online community •Strategic online activity has resulted in an 1,803% increase in twitter engagement Attracting press •San Diego Regional EDC relationships with press result in increased press exposure Representing 78 Corridor at state & national events •Participation in CALED to engage with state leaders •Participation in ICSC 2018 conference Global exposure •MetroConnect company success stories •National & international delegations The number of engagements increased by ·1,803.1% since previo us date range Al a forum on food in nova hon s sters Ame Bueliner and Maty Carr discuss their plans foe ~The C&do: a pop.up museum built 1n homage to what they coll ·ca ifom a·s favonte fn..111 • the avocado {Deborah Sullrvan Braman) By Deborah Sullivan Brennan · Contact Rcporler INNOVATE J§)_ Building Businesses: California Competes Tax Credit Workshop and consulting. Engaged with 17 companies on direct support projects, including the attraction of Diakont. Increasing Awareness: Startup event with SDVG attracted 500 attendees to MAKE. Hosted Startup San Diego event at Common Grounds featuring Raken, and Fantasy Sports Co. Startup78 events featured Viasat, Kona Red Coffee, Prager Brothers, Arcana Brewing. Fostering Talent: Developing an agenda to close the minority achievement gap and support small businesses. MiraCosta TCI will be featured at upcoming manufacturing talent lunch with community college leaders. CITY HIGHLIGHTS: CARLSBAD INNOVATE J§)_ Questions Jennifer Schoeneck Manager, Economic Development San Diego Regional EDC jls@sandiegobusiness.org | 858-336-6301 Christie Marcella Economic Development Manager City of Carlsbad Christie.Marcella@carlsbadca.gov | 760-602-2732