HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-18; City Council; ; SANDAG Presentation~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: September 18, 2018 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager jason .haber@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 SANDAG Presentation Recommended Action Receive a presentation from SAN DAG Board Chair, Terry Sinnott. Executive Summary CA Review INC, SAN DAG Board Chair, Terry Sinnott, will present on recent regional SAN DAG accomplishments, local accomplishments specific to the City of Carlsbad, the SAN DAG Plan of Excellence, and an update on the SAN DAG Executive Director recruitment. Fiscal Analysis No city funding is being requested. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Receiving a presentation does not qualify as a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378, as it does not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Section 54950 et seq.), published and distributed at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date I and time. September 18, 2018 Item #2 Page 1 of 1 SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS 2017 REGIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS -:--i·~ --, .. ' J The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) provides the forum for the county's 19 local governments to build consensus and work together on issues that affect the entire region. The Board of Directors, made up of elected officials from the 18 city councils and the County Board of Supervisors, oversees a 51 billion annual budget dedicated to a wide array of projects, programs, and initiatives. The agency focuses on planning and building transportation infrastructure that supports the region's economy, while at the same time protecting the environment and our quality of life. Some of the agency's regionwide accomplishments in 2017 include: CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONS • Continued double tracking region's [1 Partnered with Caltrans on major highway 60-mile coastal rail line. In 2017, a half improvements, including mile added and work started on three the Genesee Avenue overpass and projects that will add five more miles, as Interst ate 805 improvements. well as station improvements. • Environmentally cleared the 1-5/SR 56 :J Continued the implementation of the Interchange project, began development $200 million Regional Bike Early Action of the 1-805/SR 94 Bus on Shoulder Program. In 2017, added 4.3 miles of Demonstration Project, and opened two bikeway, including the SR 15 Commuter major projects to the public -the SR 76 Bikeway, broke ground on one project, East and 1-805 South: East Palomar Street and environmentally cleared two more Direct Access Ramp, Transit Station, and projects. Park & Ride. :J SANDAG, together with its partner • Successfully managed South Bay agencies, invested more than $3 billion Expressway, 1-15 Managed Lanes, 511, and in the transit system in 2017, including the Freeway Service Patrol. ongoing construction of the Mid-Coast Trolley extension, Centerline Rapid stations, and the South Bay Rapid project. FINANCES AND OVERSIGHT :J Began the process of forming new [1 Successfully completed the FY 2016 audits SANDAG Audit Committee of SANDAG's Comprehensive Annual :J Began first ten-year comprehensive Financial Report (CAFR) earning the review of TransNet program Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting 0 Launched the Plan of Excellence, an agency-wide effort to improve SANDAG's :J Refinanced outstanding South Bay processes, programs, and communications Expressway debt, saving more than $147 million PLANNING AND ENCOURAGEMENT PROGRAMS 0 Kicked off work on San Diego Forward: The 2019-2050 Regional Plan • The SANDAG iCommute Program served our region with: • 695 vanpools that carried more than 5,100 commuters to work Held the region's busiest ever Bike to Work Day Partnered with Uber to encourage sustainable commute choices Distributed the iCommute Diamond Awards to 67 employers regionwide • Partnered with Caltrans and Chula Vista to win federal designation as one of ten autonomous vehicle proving ground sites in the nation 0 Provided no cost energy efficiency and climate change planning services to member agencies 0 Pursued programs to support and encourage installation of electric vehicle charging stations • 14 Smart Growth Incentive Program and Active Transportation Grant Program projects were completed in 2017 SANDA& SANDAG IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 2017 ACCOMPLISHMENTS While the San Diego Association of Governments focuses on issues that cross jurisdictional boundaries and affect everyone in the region, the agency also partners with individual local governments to assist in accomplishing a variety of objectives, such as reducing traffic congestion, meeting environmental goals, and incentivizing smart growth and active transportation programs. The following are local and regional projects and programs that SANDAG financed during 2017 that benefited the city of Carlsbad: u TransNet local roads and streets allocation: FY17: $2,823,512 To Date: $21,781,697 rJ Under Construction: North Coast Corridor (NCC) Program, a package of freeway, rail, and environmental enhancement projects along 1-5. The first phase, known as Build NCC, adds carpool lanes from Lomas Santa Fe Drive in Solana Beach to State Route 78 (SR 78) in Oceanside u Completed: Design for safety and passenger amenity improvements at the Poinsettia COASTER Station u Completed: Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project Environmental Impact Report u Funded: Pilot project to determine the best enforcement of unauthorized activities on open space and allow city to initiate new police ranger program D Completed: Carlsbad Village Double Track-Railroad Trench Alternative Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study for a future railroad trench through the city Cl Provided: Technical support to implement projects in city's Energy Roadmap u Provided: Technical support for Electric Vehicle Charger Siting Plan analysis D Awarded: City received 2017 Beacon Platinum Best Practices Award i:J Received: More than 1.3 million in Active Transportation Grant Program (ATGP) awards for the Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue Pedestrian Improvement Project Big Picture: All Traffic that Originates or Terminates In C.rlabad (lnftow and Outftow): 34% of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) associated with Cartsbad oc.curs wilhin the city' 66% ol the VMT occurs outside Carlsbad I I I --"°T a.•AOt 1 .. .t.Of Hola:. l)ue b widt dlltet9ncN WI pop4btiofl and .. between pri«ktiiot¥, tM .c.J.• ol the~ In rhia mlo Bulletin Ohn dilJtK from ~IOfNP. t . . -A N ~,..,,,,.......,,.°')' ~IDll.s.w:MQ~l,bjJj'tsow-D.121J ---- IJH(TEOSTATES "''""' SANDAG 7118 4554 SANDAG UPDATE Carlsbad City Council | September 18, 2018 2 SANDAG Update •2017 Region Update / Video •Carlsbad Accomplishments •2018 SANDAG Focus •Outreach to Carlsbad 3 We are a region …. a network of transportation choices. Camp Pendleton Big Picture: All Traffic that Originates or Terminates In Carlsbad (Inflow and Outflow): 34% of the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) associated with Carlsbad occurs within the city3 66% of the VMT occurs outside Carlsbad I 40,000 ADT I 6,000 ADT I 100 AOT Note: Due to wide differences in population and size between jurisdictions, the scales of the maps in this Info Bulletin often differ from map to map. MILES 0 0 • KILOMETERS SANDAG A N 1Originate or terminate within th9 city. Source: 2012 SANDAGActivity-Bssed Model {Scenario ID: 227) Imperial Beach Pala Reservation ~ Tiiuana. B.C. Pauma and Yuima Reservation ion La Jolla i21) Reservation Map Area 5an Diego Region County of San Diego Santa Ysabe Reservation Mesa Grand tD~ ?ervation ~ a, ~ Ba.rona Reservation Capitan Grande Reservation Sycuan Reservation UNITED STATES MEXICO 4 Video: 2017 Highlights •Mid-Coast Trolley •Gilman Drive Bridge •North Coast Corridor –Lagoon Restoration •South Bay Rapid •I-15 Rapid Stations •NCTD Train Stations •LOSSAN Double Tracking •Bicycle Trails •Genesee Avenue Interchange •Otay Mesa East Border Crossing •SR 125 Toll Road •iCommute Program •Autonomous Vehicle Testing 5 City of Carlsbad Accomplishments •TransNet local roads and streets allocation: –FY17: $2,823,512 –To Date: $21,781,697 •Under Construction: Build North CC, including environmental, rail, bike, and freeway upgrades •Under Construction: Improvements at the Poinsettia Coaster Station •Completed: Buena Vista Lagoon Enhancement Project Environmental Impact Report •Funded: Open space pilot/initiate ranger program •Completed: Railroad Trench Feasibility Study 6 2018: Executive Director Recruitment •Nationwide search for new Executive Director •Extensive public and stakeholder outreach •Board approved contract September 14 •Hasan Ikhrata, current SCAG Executive Director •Joins SANDAG on Dec. 3 7 2018 -Plan of Excellence An action plan committed to listening to stakeholders, learning from experience, and leading continual improvement 8 2018 -SANDAG Initiatives •Large capital projects FY18 expenditures –Mid-Coast Trolley extension ……….$312 Million –Build NCC…………………………….$106 Million –South Bay Rapid……………………..$28 Million –State Route 11/Otay Mesa East……$36 Million •Development of San Diego Forward: The 2019-2050 Regional Plan •Implement TransNet and Regional Bike Plan •Regional Housing Needs Assessment •SB1: Approximately $1 billion awarded to region •Operations: South Bay Expressway, I-15 FasTrak, and Motorist Aid Services 9 2018 –Outreach and Communications •Outreach a high SANDAG priority –Member agencies and partners –Other local agencies –Public and a wide range of stakeholders •Tours of major worksites available –Mid-Coast Trolley Extension –South Bay Rapid –North Coast Corridor •Regional Plan opportunity for your city –Upcoming stakeholder sessions –Upcoming open house-style meetings •How can we communicate better? 10 Questions? •Subscribe to Region, the SANDAG monthly newsletter at sandag.org/region •Social Media –Facebook –SANDAGregion –Twitter –SANDAG –YouTube –SANDAGregion –Instagram –SANDAGregion