HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-25; City Council; ; Presentation on the San Diego Airport Development Plan for the Terminal 1 Replacement Project9 CITY COUNCIL Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Sept. 25, 2018 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager jason.haber@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2958 CAReview ~ Subject: Presentation on the San Diego Airport Development Plan for the Terminal 1 Replacement Project. Recommended Action Receive a presentation on the San Diego Airport Development Plan for the Terminal 1 Replacement Project. Executive Summary The San Diego Regional Airport Authority has requested to make a presentation on the update of the Airport Development Plan for the Terminal 1 Replacement Project at the San Diego Airport. Discussion N/A Fiscal Analysis No funding is being requested at this time. Next Steps There are no next steps for the City of Carlsbad. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits N/A September 25, 2018 Item #13 Page 1 of 1 Airport Development Plan Optimizing SAN to meet future demand Carlsbad City Council, September 25, 2018 Presented by: Dennis Probst, Vice President, Development SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LET'S GO. A Regional Asset 2 = 500 SAN passengers w/ SD County zip code Region’s Primary Air Travel Gateway Source: Adjusted ARC, YE Q3 2017. • • . . . . . . . . .. : ... .... :--.-: ..... . . ..... . . ·- . .. •1 • . ~ . . . . -. ... • -, •... Growing Regional Demand 22 Million Passengers Annually Top 30 US Airports 95% Origin/ Destination Customers 3• • . . . 17.6 21.9 14.2 - 5 10 15 20 25 199019931996199920022005200820112014201720202023202620292032203520382041204420472050Enplaned Passengers (millions)Historical Baseline Fast growth Slow growth 4 Growing Regional Demand SAN DIEGO COUNTY REGIONAL A IRPORT AUTHORITY More Flight Destinations NRT LHRFRAZRH -60 Domestic Markets -9 International Markets 5• • • . . Critical Economic Driver $2.3 billionannually $12 billionannually Total Visitor SpendingTotal Economic Impact Economic Impact of International Flights Local & Small Business Development $750 million to Local Biz (CIP 2013-2018) 6 $252 million to Small Biz (CIP 2013-2018) Cl so • • • . . Recent Site Efficiency Improvements Green Build Terminal 2 Expansion (2013) Rental Car Center (2016) Parking Plaza (May 2018) International Arrivals Facility (June 2018) 7• • • . . Primary Components (ADP Phases 1a + 1b) ` New Airport Entry Roadway Airfield Apron & Taxiway A/B Upgrades Expanded Parking Dual-Level Roadway & Curbfront New Taxiway A Terminal 1 Replacement (1a = 22-gates) (1b = 8-gates) Intermodal Transit Center (ITC by SANDAG) & Processing Existing On-Airport Link Road Airfield Terminal Ground Transportation Future Transit Access & Processing 8 LEED Silver Certification (or better) On-Airport Entry & Loop Roadways Reduces traffic congestion On-the-Ground Aircraft Efficiencies Reduces taxiing & emissions Expanded EV Charging Airside & landside Hydrant Fuel System Replaces airfield tanker trucks Stormwater Capture & Reuse Over 9 million gallons of storage Sustainable Design Features 9 Schedule of Environmental Review / Milestones Timeframe Action January 2017 Notice of Preparation Released & Scoping Meetings Held March 2017 Board reviews ADP and directs staff to: Include on-airport entry road Create Harbor Drive Mobility Committee July 9, 2018 Release Draft EIR for 60-Day Public Review Period September 7, 2018 End of Public Review Period / All Comments Due Sept -Dec 2018 Review Comments Received / Prepare Responses to Comments Prepare Final EIR for Board to Certify CY 2019 Conduct NEPA Environmental Review / CA Coastal Act Review CY 2020 / 2023 Begin Construction / Terminal 1 Replacement Opens (Phase 1a) 10 www.san.org/plan 11 Questions?