HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-25; City Council; ; Traffic calming plans for Cadencia Street and Corintia Street~ CITY COUNCIL ~ Staff Report Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Sept. 25, 2018 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager John Kim, Associate Engineer John .Kim@carlsbadca.gov or 760-602-2757 CAReview ffl Subject: Traffic calming plans for Cadencia Street and Corintia Street. Recommended Action Adopt a Resolution approving plans for the Cadencia Street and Corintia Street Traffic Calming Project, Project No. 6070 (Project), per the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP). Executive Summary Carlsbad uses the CRTMP to address vehicle speeding on residential streets. City Council adopted the CRTMP in 2001 by adopting Resolution No. 2001-139, and amended it in 2011 by adopting Resolution No. 2011-115. Cadencia Street and Corintia Street have completed the collaboration process outlined in the CRTMP and have met the criteria for neighborhood support for their respective traffic calming plans. In accordance with the CRTMP project approval process, staff is requesting that the City Council approve the Project. Page nine of the CRTMP states that, "a duly noticed public meeting will be held by the City Council to receive the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission for Phase II implementation." Discussion The CRTMP was designed to address vehicle speeding on residential streets, and outlines a collaborative process between city staff and neighborhood residents to develop solutions that address resident concerns. The collaboration includes neighborhood meetings to hear resident concerns and to help formulate specific traffic calming plans tailored for each neighborhood. It also includes a mail survey to measure neighborhood support. Per the requirements found in the CRTMP, implementation of a proposed traffic calming plan requires that a majority of the neighborhood express positive support. The survey is considered valid if 50 percent or more of the mailed surveys are returned. Positive support is indicated by 67 percent or more of the returned surveys in favor of the proposed plan. Cadencia Street Public Input Process On June 8, 2017, staff conducted a neighborhood meeting at Alga Norte Community Park to hear resident concerns, discuss traffic calming strategies and to develop a traffic calming plan for Cadencia Street between Calle Conifera and approximately 500 feet west of Perdiz Street. A plan comprised of three speed cushions was selected as the preferred concept by the majority of meeting attendees. Speed cushions are speed bumps designed in collaboration with the Fire and Police Departments to provide traffic calming and facilitate emergency vehicle access. September 25, 2018 Item #7 Page 1 of 6 After the neighborhood meeting, and in accordance with the CRTMP, surveys were sent by mail to residents and property owners on Cadencia Street to gauge neighborhood support for the preferred concept plan. A total of 64 surveys were mailed out for the Cadencia Street traffic calming plan. There were 44 signed surveys returned to staff, which represents a 69 percent return rate. Of the 44 returned surveys, 35 were in support of the proposed plan, which represents a support rate of 80 percent. Based on these results, the survey is considered valid and the proposed plan has sufficient support from the community. On April 2, 2018, staff presented results of the traffic calming process on this portion of Cadencia Street to the Traffic Safety Commission. After hearing staff's presentation and public comments, the Traffic Safety Commission voted unanimously in support of the Cadencia Street traffic calming plan as presented. Corintia Street Public Input Process Staff conducted neighborhood meetings at Alga Norte Community Park on Oct. 19, 2017 and Nov. 30, 2017. A traffic calming plan for Corintia Street between Alga Road and El Fuerte Street comprised of four speed cushions was selected as the preferred concept by the majority of meeting attendees. After the neighborhood meetings, and in accordance with the CRTMP, surveys were sent by mail to residents and property owners on Corintia Street to gauge neighborhood support for the preferred concept plan. A total of 104 surveys were mailed out. There were 62 signed surveys returned to staff, which represents a 60 percent return rate. Of the 62 returned surveys, 46 were in support of the proposed plan, which represents a support rate of 74 percent. Based on these results, the survey is considered valid and the proposed plan has sufficient support from the community. On June 4, 2018, staff presented results of the traffic calming process on Corintia Street to the Traffic Safety Commission. After hearing staff's presentation and public comments, the Traffic Safety Commission voted unanimously in support of the Corintia Street traffic calming plan as presented. Based on the results of the support surveys for the traffic calming plans on Cadencia Street and Corintia Street, and the requirements found in the CRTMP, staff recommends City Council approval of the Project, which includes both streets. Prior to completing the construction plans, prototype speed cushions were constructed, then tested and approved by emergency services staff. The Project construction plans for Cadencia Street and Corintia Street have been completed and are on file in the city clerk's office. The two projects will be sent out for bids together. The estimated cost to construct these improvements is less than $175,000 and therefore the construction contract will be executed by the city manager or designee. Fiscal Analysis There are sufficient Gas Tax funds currently available in the Residential Traffic Improvement Program, Project No. 6070, to complete the Project. The available funds and estimated construction costs for the Project are shown in the table below: September 25, 2018 Item #7 Page 2 of 6 RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, CIP NO. 6070 Current Appropriation -Residential Traffic Improvement Program, CIP No. 6070 $770,736 Current Year Expenditures/Encumbrances-Residential Traffic Improvement Program, CIP No.6070 $153,936 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, CIP NO. 6070 $616,800 CADENCIA STREET AND CORINTIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 6070 Construction Contract (estimated) $61,250 Construction Contingency (estimated) $6,125 Construction Management, Inspection, and Material Testing (estimated) $6,125 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $73,500 REMAINING BALANCE AFTER PROJECT NO. 6070 $543,300 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION NEEDED $0 Next Steps Once contract documents are fully executed and a purchase order is issued, staff will schedule a pre-construction meeting with the contractor and will issue a notice to proceed for construction of the Project. The Project is tentatively scheduled to start construction Fall 2018 and the contract provides one month to construct the Project improvements. I Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Gu idelines Section 15301(c) -minor alteration of existing facilities including streets, sidewalks, gutters, and similar facilities involving negligible or no expansion. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Prior to the start of construction, the public will be notified using media methods such as signage, email, website and other city communication channels. Exhibits 1. City Council Resolution. 2. Location Map. 3. Construction documents are on file in the city clerk's office. September 25, 2018 Item #7 Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-174 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS FOR THE CADENCIA STREET AND CORINTIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 6070, PER THE CARLSBAD RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Exhibit 1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined it necessary, desirable, and in the public interest to construct the Cadencia Street and Corintia Street Traffic Calming Project, Project No. 6070 (Project); and WHEREAS, on May 8, 2001, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2001-139 approving the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program (CRTMP) to provide the policies and guidelines for traffic management on residential public streets; and WHEREAS, on May 24, 2011, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2011-115 amending the CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the CRTMP requires City Council to hold a "duly noticed public meeting ... to receive recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission for Phase II implementation"; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission has recommended approval of the Project; and WHEREAS, the public input process and mail support survey conducted for the Cadencia Street traffic calming plan has satisfied the requirements of the CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the public input process and mail support survey conducted for the Corintia Street traffic calming plan has satisfied the requirements ofthe CRTMP; and WHEREAS, the construction documents for the Project are on file in the city clerk's office; and WHEREAS, there are sufficient Residential Traffic Improvement Program funds available in the Gas Tax Fund to complete the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the Cadencia Street and Corintia Street Traffic Calming Project, Project No. 6070, per the requirements in the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program. September 25, 2018 Item #7 Page 4 of 6 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 25th day of September, 2018, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: M. Hall, K. Blackburn, M. Schumacher, C. Schumacher, M. Packard. None. None. 1+1ad~ MATT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) September 25, 2018 Item #7 Page 5 of 6 L CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY 78 PACIFIC OCEA N MOi iO SCALE ' . ' 7 IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR TRAFFIC CALMING ON CADENCIA STREET AND CORINTIA STREET PROJECT NO. 6070 CITY Or VISTA 7_ COSTA CITY OF ENCIN ITAS AVE VICINITY MAP INDEX OF SHEETS: tiQ.. PESCRIPJl0N 1. TITLE SHEET 2. CADENCIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN CITY Of SAN MARCOS CADENCIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING 3. CADENCIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN AND SPEED CUSHION DETAIL 2. CORINTIA STREET TRAmc CALMING PLAN 3. CORINTIA STREET TRAmc CALMING PLAN CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL MA TT HALL -MAYOR KEITH BLACKBURN -MAYOR PRO-TEM MARK PACKARD -COUNCIL MEMBER CORI SCHUMACHER -COUNCIL MEMBER MICHAEL SCHUMACHER -COUNCIL MEMBER SCOTT CHADWICK -CITY MANAGER PAZ GOMEZ -PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GENERAL NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SIGNING AND STRIPING. 2. SIGNING, STRIPING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CALIFORNIA MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC DEVICES (LATEST VERSION) AND THE CALTRANS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS (LATEST VERSION) AND THESE PLANS. 3. ALL SIGNING AND STRIPING IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO IN STALLATION. 4. ANY DEVIATION FROM THESE SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR PRIOR TO ANY CHANGE IN THE FIELD. 5. ALL SIGNING AND STRIPING SHALL BE REFLECTIVE PER CALTRANS SPECIFICATIONS. STRIPING SHALL BE REPAINTED TWO WEEKS AFTER INITIAL PAINTING. 6. ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE REFLECTIVE PER ASTM DESIGNATION D4956 AND SHALL USE TYPE IV PRISMATIC REFLECTIVE SHEETING (HIGH INTENSITY PRISMATIC OR EQUAL) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R1-1 •sTOP•, R1 -2 "YIELD", R2-1 "SPEED LIMIT" AND STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL USE TYPE IX PRISMATIC CUBE-CORNER REFLECTIVE SHEETING (DIAMOND GRADE VIP OR EQUAL). 7. PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS, ALL STREET STRIPING AND MARKINGS WITHIN A 500' PERIMETER OF THE CONSiRUCTION PROJECT OR OTHERWlSE SPECIFIED YILL BE RESTORED TO A "LIKE NEW" CONDITION, IN A MANNER MEETlNG THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY INSPECTOR. 8. EXACT LOCATION OF STRIPING AND LIMIT LINES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE All CONFLICTING PAINTED LINES, "1ARKINGS ANO PAVEMENi LEGENDS BY GRINDING. DEBRIS SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 10. ALL PAVEMENT LEGENDS SHAU. BE THE LATEST VERSION OF THE CALTRANS METRIC STENCILS. 11. LIMIT LINES AND CROSSWALKS SHALL BE FIELD LOCATED. CROSSWALKS SHAU. HAVE 10' INSIDE DIMENSION UNLESS 01HERtt!SE SPEClflEO. 12. AU. CROSSWALKS, LIMIT LINES, STOP BARS, PAVEMENT ARROWS AND PAVEMENT LEGENDS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 13. SIZE OF SIGNS SHALL CORRESPOND TO THE SIGN SIZE FOR CONVENTIONAL ROADS AS SHOWN IN THE FI-IWA STANDARD HIGHWAY SIGNS (LATEST VERSION) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 14. SIGN POSTS SHAU. BE SQUARE PERFORATED STEEL TUBING WITH BREAKAWAY BASE PER SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING M-45. 15. WHEN A SIGN IS ATTACHED TO A POLE, IT SHALL BE MOUNTED USING A STANDARD CITY MOUNTING BRACKET WITH STRAPS. 16. EXISTING SIGNS THAT ARE REMOVED SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 17. ALL SIGNS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL BE NEW SIGNS PROVIDED BY AND INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR EXCEPT THOSE SIGNS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN AS EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED OR TO REMAIN. ! '!! 1 ! ~ j j "' .i; ! I! 1 I { .. ~ j 511 c===r====l============================Jc===r===J====c=:~r.:==:;-;:::==========:::::;-:::::=::::;1i t-----+---+--------------+---+---+--+----t I SHr 11 Cl~O~A:~~ 11 ~.s I i :==============::...:=:::::: ~ t----+----i----------------il----+---+---+-----t IMPRO\SIENT PLAN FM: .., fl TRAFFIC CALMING ON ;.,is CADENCIA ST AND CORINTIA ST t-----+--+-------------+--+--+----+-~ :::========================::: l APPROVED: MARSHAU. K. PLANTZ ~ t----+---+------------------,1---+---+---+----t ,,,_~,,,u~ ,., ~,,_,,_....., S =='-·r=----,,,,=i'<;;;;;;''--=~;=:==-=;:--=..-.-,:;:-=-~=-!:!l t----+----t----------------,1----+---+---+-----t TRANSPa!TAllON DIRECTIR EXP. 3 1 j :=oA=TE=:=,N=ITI-A-L::============================~:1--=oA=-lE=-+:=_1N-1=T1-AL=~+-=-o~A-TE~=_:-~-1-N_1-T1~AL=:..... ~l 0i~; : I ~~o NO. / I ~~ NO. I j_ •. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL -• -• :-:i L 0 30 150 - -- -1• -30• GRAPHIC SCALE I I I I I / / -- I 3303 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- --- 3305 / / EXIST. "ENTERING RESIDENTIAL AREA" SIGN ON STREET LIGHT -- T- l I I I I I I I I I 3307 &1 ~I I I I I EXJST. R2-1(25) SIGN -- 1 - 3 ------------ ,- 1 EXIST. "WATCH FOR I DRIVEWAYS" SIGN I ON STREET LIGHT I I I I I I I -- 3205 36' I I I I I I I I I I I§ ill ~ -< 3207 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 0 © 0 0 © © CONSTIRUCT PARABOLIC ASPHALT SPEED CUSHION PER DETAIL, SHEET 3. ASPHALT SHALL BE CLASS D2-PG70-10. WHITE MARKINGS ON lHE SPEED CUSHION SHALL BE PAINTED PER CA MUTCD FIGURE 3B-29 OPTION A. INSTALL W84 (CA) "SPEED HUMPS AHEAD" SIGN ON EXI STING TELESPAR POST AS SHO~. INSTALL W17-1 "SPEED HUMP" SIGN ON NEW TELESPAR POST AS SHO~. RaOCATE EXISTING R2-1(25) SIGN TO EXISTING STIREET LIGHT POLE AS SHO~. REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING "WATCH FOR DRIVEWAYS" SIGN. REMOVE R2-1(25} SIGN AND INSTALL NEW W17-1 "SPEED HUMP" SIGN ON EXISTING STIREET LIGHT POLE. REMOVE AND SALVAGE EXISTING "SCHOOL BUS STOP 300 FT" SIGN. RaOCATE EXISTING R2-1(25) SIGN FROM EXISTING STREET LIGHT AT 3309 CADENaA STIREET TO EXISTING STIREET LIGHT AT 3301 CAOENaA STIREET. 0 REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT LEGEND BY GRINDING. © INSTALL NEW "25" PAVEMENT LEGEND (lHERMOPLASTIC). 3 - 20' EXIST. R2-1(25) SIGN ----..1 ---- CAOENCIA ST. 7" / EXIST. 5 I R2-1(25) SIGN ON r I I I STREET LIGHT I I I 3309 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3311 3313 l I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I - - I I I I I - a ... - 3209 -- -- 3315 -- C4lJENc14 -_o STREET / LIGHT / I I I I I I I I I 7251 - - -- \ I I I I \ \ I I I sr. - - 321 1 EXJST. R1-1 AND DSN - -- I -1- I \ \ I 3317 I I I I I I "7 I I I I I I I I I I -- -- 3213 -- 3319 ---- 3320 -- ST{P V\ ~ V\ % 0 -::::::---, ~ \STREET -t \ LIGHT \N I I I I I I I I I -- I s ~ r;: qj f:1 ~ ~- -.:.==-~~E~Xl:-ST°T.-==-:::~':J ~ XIST. R1-1 AND DSN "SCHOOL BUS STOP ;,; 300 FT" SIGN ~ ON STREET ,.:::: LIGHT ,i 3301 30 0 30 150 - --,. -JO' GRAPHIC SCALE I ™' 11 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1117 1---+---+--------------+---+---+---+----1 :::==2==~=====Pl8.IC:::::::::::::::IIORKS::::::::::::::::OEP::::::::ARIIEN::::::::=T====:!.!:::~:::Slll::::::IS~ DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK R™SION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IMPRO\lMENT Pl.AN FOR: CADENCIA SI Rl:ET TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN I APPRO't9>: IIARSHAl.l K. PLANTZ DP. 3~~ <1 k [,s ~J<-~ DAlE TRANSPORTAllON DIREC_ RCE 42790 DVIN BY: J( I PRO.E:CT NO. 11 DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: EE 8070 513-4 AEI.D BY: I I 7 L I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -- - - 7301 FACE OF CURB A I I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 3322 \ I I \ I I I I I 7253 I 3326 I I I 3324 I Cl I :;!! 3 I re, I STREET "" LIGHT I ,,. _I -< 0 \ -----25' 56' ~ -----0 -- ~ I I \ STREET LIGHT EXIST. Rl -1 AND DSN ";:2 • 6' I • • I ,.-------,7 I I I I I I ! ! I -1---I I I I I I I I I I I L':: _______ :'_J 5.25' 8.5' 5.25' 8.5' l 7301 7300 40' fr' :;i 1'' DEEP B ,,I~"~---,7 I I I I I I I I t ! I I I I I I I l I I I I I L': -::'.J -B 2.75' 2.75' 8.5' 5.25' PLA N VI EW 7.0' 8.5' 5 .25' 2.75' 2.75' SECT ION A-A A EXI ST. Rl -1 AN D DSN FACE OF CU RB ~ ~ ~ V) :-t ~j) 1.0· TYPI CAL EXI ST. Rl -1 AND DSN 1.2" 3334 3335 2.2" - - 3336 EXIST. R2-1 (25) ON STREET LJGHT I I I I I I I I I I L 3338 CADENCIA ST. 3337 -i- i EXIST. WB-2 AND W16-2oP (100 FT) I I I I I I I I I ----- 3339 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 0 0 CON STRU CT PARABOLIC ASPHALT SPEED CU SHION PER DETAIL, THIS SHEET. ASPHALT SHALL BE CL.ASS D2-PG70-10. WHITE MARKINGS ON THE SPEED CUSHION SHALL BE PAIN TED PER CA MUTCD FIGURE 38-29 OPTION A. INSTALL W84 (CA) "SPEED HUMPS AHEAD" SIGN ON EXISTING STREET LIGHT POLE ABOVE EXISTING R2-1(25) SIGN. 0 INSTALL W17-1 "SPEED HUMP" SIGN ON NEW TELESPAR POST AS SHOWN. 3.0" 3 .6" 3.9" 4.0" 3 .9" 3.6" 3.0" 3340 3341 2.2" 1.2" 6' 6' 12· SE CT ION B-B ~ ~ ~ :z: ~ C) ~ :z: ~ ~ ~ • ----( ----- 30 0 30 60 ---1· • 30• GRAPHIC SCALE 1" GRIND SPEED CUSHION DETAIL f------+---+--------------+----+-----t----t------1 :=I =~==~I l==c=,~===o=~=~=AR=DEP=~==BAD=T ====-1-=I g=a=' =:IS I 1---+---+---------------+--+---+----+----t IMPRO..-alENT PLAN FOR: CADENCIA Si MEET TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN I APPROVED: MARSHALL K. PlANlZ ~/t..~i 1----+---+-----------------+--t----+---+-----t TRANSPORTATION DR RCE 42790 1----+---+-----------------+--t----+---+-----t 1----+---+-----------------+--t----+---+-----t Dr.ti BY: JC 1----+---+----------------t--+----+---+----t QIKD BY: £E Fln.D BY: DA TI' INlll AL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIP110N DAlE INlllAL DATT' INlllAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL PRO.ECT NO. 8070 ,/41,a DP. 3/31/2(i 'OAlE II DRAIING NO. 51M 7 L ..... i1s ci2 ~ t-----'----+- • ~ ~ _, ~ 6742 6744 2802 2742 2740 3 6748 6750 EXIST. R1 -1 ON STREET LIGHT i-....: tr) ~ ~ es g -...J &l) jm~ "" / y EXIST. 2 R1 -1 AND DSN 6702 6704 6701 2802 2806 D ..,_ EXI ST. R2-1 (25) >--< 3 w > a' L 0 1- I I I I EXIST. R1 -1 AND DSN 2 ~===~===='=~===========F"'=============~::'1/ 6706 6708 >--< 3 w > De: 0 17' >->--< -< 3 3 w w > > De: De: 0 0 6705 6707 6710 6712 3 >->--< -< 3 3 w '!:;! > a' De: 0 0 EXIST. >--< R2-1(25) 4 3 w ON I > a' STREET 0 LIGHT 6709 671 1 >--< 3 '!:;! De: 0 2801 2803 6716 6718 CORINTIA ST. 6715 6717 6722 6724 _l • ct :::::, ~ <.) STREET 5 I LIGHT 6721 6727 6729 6723 6736 6738 ~ ::::::=========::::;~ i I I I I 6733 6735 I.I I.I Vl 30 0 I ~I 1" • 30' : 7 ~-~ ~ CORINTIA ST. -~ !a :~======~==~r=3~4·=~~~==3=7'=~==w==,b============~~~a~==~===;;;;;:;:::-----------:::;:;==================;;;,;;;;=="====~::f~-~-=-~-=~5:o·:::::ig~=-----------:::;;;;=::~~~~~~~~~=-=-=-=-~j : ~ 0 ~ STREET EXIST. l"l'I ~ LIGHT J 3 51-1 AND -i >-EXIST. >-7 ~ -< STREET 4 3 w ~ ts:, EXIST. W16-9P I,;;;, ii:' R1-1 SIGNS <J, R2.-1(2.5) ~ I 6 LIGHT ON STREET > ct'. QC jm~ EXIST. 0 LIGHT Cl ~ Q ~D ~ DSN R1-1 6739 I 6741 6753 6747 0 6757 6755 6759 I I CONSTRUCTION NOTES: CON STRUCT PARABOLJC ASPHALT SPEED CUSHION PER DETAIL, SHEET 3. ASP HALT SHALL BE CLA SS D2-PG70-10. WHITE MARKIN GS ON TH E SPEED CUSHION SHALL BE PAINTED PER CA MUTCD FIGURE 38-29 OPTION A. Cl:: C:} C) e:; C:} N ~ 6803 6805 6809 BB/1 2748 2750 6823 30 ' GRAPHIC SCALE 7 .. ! { .!i ~ ~ i .. ! ; 30 0 30 I I I i 0 0 0 IN STALL W84 (CA) "SP EED HUMPS AHEAD" SIGN ON NEW TELESPAR POST AS SHOWN. INSTALL W17-1 "SPEED HUM P" SIGN ON NEW TELESPAR POST AS SH OWN. ; r-----r----r---------------,----,-,--,----,r=======================:-:::::==:::-1 t:t. l-----+--+-------------+--+---t--t-----1 I SIH~ I ._I _c_,~....;..:_;;._o WORKS_F_c"'"'"ADEP=R-~_BAD_T _ ____.I I SH!rs 11 1• • 30' GRAPHIC SCALE 0 © 0 © REMOVE R2-1(25) SIGN AND IN STALL NEW W17-1 "SPEED HUMP" SIGN ON EXI STING STREET LIGHT POLE. RELO CATE EXI STING R2-1(25) FROM EXI STING STREET LIGHT AT 6709 CORINTIA STREET TO EXI STING STREET LJGHT AT 6723 CORINTIA STREE T RELOCATE EXI STING R2-1(25) FROM EXI STING STREET LIGHT AT 6741 CORINTIA STREET TO EXI STING STREET LIGHT AT 6759 CORINTIA STREET REMOVE EXI STING PAVEMENT LEGEND BY GRINDING. INSTALL NEW "25" PAVEM ENT LEGEND (TH ERMOPLA STIC). DA lE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVI SION DESCRIPTION OIBER APPROVAL DATE INlllAL Cl1Y APPROVAL IMPROVEMENT Pl.AN FOR: CORINTIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN APPROVED: MARSHAU. K. PI.ANlZ RCE 42790 Dv.N BY: .I( PRo.ECT NO. 11 DRAYl1NG NO. CHKD BY: EE 6070 513-4 FIUD BY: 30 0 30 1" = 30' GRAPHIC SCALE 3 ~ ~ :a: r-~ !'i ,,_ ~ o_ ~ ~ f"i ~ ~ ..... I ~ I I I CJ -XJ \ EXIST 3 < f'l CJ SR4-1(CA) :ic -I )> -XJ \ ON STREET --< < f'l LIGHT 6841 :ic \ )> \ --< 6829 6827 \ \ \ \ I \ \ L I ----- \ \ \ \ I 4 EXIST. R2 -1(25) ON STREET LIGHT LA COSTA MEADOWS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXIST. R1 -1 AND DSN coRINTIA 5T. CD 0 0 0 0 © ~ \ 6847 \ \ \ \ ----\ \ \ 6853 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: \ \ \ 6859 CONSTRUCT PARABOLIC ASPH ALT SPEED CUSHION PER DETAIL, SHEET 3. ASP HALT SHALL BE CLASS D2-PG70-10. WHITE MARKINGS ON TH E SPEED CUSHION SHALL BE PAIN TED PER CA MUTCO FIGURE 3B-29 OPTION A. REMOVE R2-1(25) SIGN AND INSTALL NEW W84 (CA) "SPEED HUMPS AHEAD" SIGN ON EXISTING STREET LIGHT POLE. INSTALL W17-1 "SPEED HUMP" SIGN ON NEW TELESPAR POST AS SHOWN. RELOCATE EXISTING R2-1(25) SIGN FR OM EXISTING STIREET LIGHT POLE TO NEW TELESPAR POST AS SHOWN. REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT LEGEND BY GR INDING. INSTALL NEW "25" PAVEMENT LEGEND (THERMOPLASTIC). • 7002 EXI ST. NO PARKING SIGN ON STREET LIGHT 6873 • 1-------l---+------------+--+------lt------t--t l SH:r 1~1_c_,~_f>_t_~_ADEP_R_~_B_A_r0 _ _.lls!i-sl DA TE INITIAL ENGIN EER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INlllAL DATE INlllAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL IMPRO',EMENT PLAN FOR: CORINTIA STREET TRAFFIC CALMING PLAN APPROVED: MARSHALL K. PLANlZ OWN BY: .J< CHKD BY: EE RELD BY: RCE 42790 PRD.ECT NO. 6070 11 DRAWING NO. 513-1 '[ I I I 7