HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-23; City Council; ; North Beach Interim Lifeguard Program Report and Presentation of RFP Results to Provide Ocean Lifeguard Services1. How should the city continue to provide lifeguard services to the North Beach, by contractor or with city personnel? 2. If the city chooses to contract the services, should Fire Department lifeguard services continue during the contract negotiations period? Discussion Carlsbad's beaches and fair climate attract year-round visitors. An area of particularly high seasonal traffic is the beach adjacent to the Village area. Unlike other beaches in Carlsbad the stretch of beach from Pine Avenue to the northern city boundary, known as North Beach, is not part of the California State Parks system and therefore has not historically been under the observation and protection of lifeguards. In response to a need identified by the community and recognized by the City Council, on March 11, 2017, the City Council passed a resolution directing the city manager to establish a pilot program to provide lifeguard services and assess the need for a permanent lifeguard presence. On Feb. 13, 2018, the City Council passed a resolution directing the city manager to continue lifeguard services in an interim capacity during the peak 2018 season while developing options for an ongoing program. The options were to include proposals from other agencies and a city-led program operated by the Fire Department to provide these services. By providing lifeguard services on North Beach the city is extending its commitment to our Community Values by: • Improving access to recreation • Providing high quality community services • Enhancing and protecting the environment • Improving the Carlsbad experience for residents and tourists 2018 Program Report The 2018 lifeguard program for North Beach was deployed similarly to the 2017 pilot program, with small adjustments based on the 2017 experience. The Fire Department currently employs six personnel (two assigned full-time to the interim program, four as backup) cross trained as lifeguards that provided supervision, administration, operational support and provision of advanced medical services on the beach. Twenty-five part time seasonal lifeguards were hired to patrol the beach and provide the following services: Prevention: Intervention prior to distress is the most effective method of providing ocean safety. Trained lifeguards observed beach and ocean activity to identify opportunities to contact and inform members of the public. · Education and outreach: By being accessible and visible to the public, lifeguards provided information to beach goers and answered questions to improve overall safety. Rescue: Trained and well-equipped lifeguards in operationally advantageous locations responded to emergencies as needed. Enforcement: Lifeguards monitored beach activity and informed beachgoers of local laws regarding smoking, dogs, glass and alcohol on the beach, and other quality of life and safety October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 2 of 19 rules. When needed, lifeguards alerted City of Carlsbad police officers to enforcement needs. This active approach to enforcement improved the beach-going experience for the public and increased public safety. General public services: Lifeguards provided general public service functions, such as litter prevention and removal, addressing dead and injured wildlife, assisting beachgoers with locating resources and community amenities, and serving as city ambassadors. Results Below are statistics tracked by lifeguards during the 2018 season. CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT LIFEGUARD PROGRAM OVERVIEW MAY 19 -SEPTEMBER 3, 2018 CATEGORY TOTAL AQUATIC BEACH ATTENDANCE 205,140 i-=,------- - RESCUES 372 PREVENTATIVE SAFETY ACTIONS 26,809 f-I MEDICAL AIDS 99 i ' VESSELS ASSISTED 1 -···----···-· •-·-_,,.,,,. _____ ' FATALITIES . ·· ,! . 0 SHARK SIGHTINGS (non-threatening) 2 .... _.,_, -·-·······-··-··-••··--··---·-... -- LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS 280 LOST/MISSING PERSONS 20 PUBLIC EDUCATION/OUTREACH CONTACTS 13,811 MUTUAL AID 57 OTHER (found property, lost pets) 4 Differing dates of service coverage between 2017 and 2018 present challenges to direct statistical comparisons. However, the levels of activity were similar in 2017 and 2018. Prior to 2017, there were more calls for emergency service, more documented injuries and even fatalities along this stretch of beach. Aside from the significant public safety benefit, the ability to prevent and triage injuries on site resulted in an approximate 3.5 percent decrease in calls for emergency service to the area, while citywide calls for service have increased approximately 13 percent over the same period. This freed up police and fire resources to serve other community needs. Options for Ongoing Lifeguard Program Concurrent with the 2018 lifeguard program, the Fire Department solicited proposals from other agencies to provide these services and developed a detailed plan to provide ongoing service with city personnel. October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 3 of 19 Proposals from Other Agencies City staff contacted all qualified agencies that had expressed interest in the initial pilot program, as well as OC Lifeguards to solicit responses to the RFP. The city received proposals from California State Parks and OC Lifeguards. Encinitas Lifeguards reviewed the request and replied that they were unable to respond. All other regional agencies stated that they did not feel that they were geographically or operationally positioned to respond. Criteria and Evaluation Process Proposals were evaluated by City of Carlsbad Fire Department operations staff and management analyst, as well as City of Oceanside lifeguard staff, on four criteria: • Operational plan • Qualifications and experience • Approach to the scope of work • Cost A detailed evaluation of the proposals is attached as Exhibit 1. Carlsbad Fire Department Operational Plan City of Carlsbad Fire Department staff developed an operational plan and budget to provide ongoing lifeguard services. The plan is attached to the staff report as Exhibit 2. Program Options To assist the City Council in determining the service delivery model that is in the best interest of the community, the Fire Department has summarized the key differences among the three options. North Beach Lifeguard Operational Comparison All three options provide the following: • Scalable staffing patterns including peak season (approximately mid-May through the end of September) lifeguard service from Oak Avenue to the northern city boundary • 1 supervisor unit • Three tower locations staffed during peak season and available during "shoulder seasons" (see Exhibit 3 for definition) • Truck patrol daily during peak season • Personal watercraft patrol during high surf and peak beachgoing days • Radio system compatible with city system October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 4 of 19 The chart below outlines the key differences among the three options: California State Parks Orange County City of Carlsbad Lifeguards Fire Department Infrastructure Robust local system; region Remote management; Direct interface with local dispatch; adjoining service regional substation needed resources; retained local areas control and admin Service Level* USLA Basic USLA Advanced USLA Advanced + Paramedic Additional Peace Officer SCUBA capability -Paramedic Advanced Life Capability support -Lagoon and static water response -Bolstered swift-water and winter storm response 24 Hour Not Included, currently not 40 minutes Local response Response provided on State Parks Beaches Supervision** Minimum First Responder-Minimum EMT-B Paramedic (advanced life EMR support)-EMT-P Tower Type Same as other State Parks Elevated open chairs/stands Small scale wooden towers beaches (Surveyor 2) Communications Primary communications on Utilize mutual regional Utilize mutual regional State system emergency co'mmunications emergency communications Experience Est. 1950; Cover 300+ miles Est. 1990; Cover public and Est. 1952; of coast private beaches in South North Beach Lifeguard Orange County Programs 2017/2018 RFP Evaluation 86.9 out of 100 82 out of 100 Unrated, current provider Score * The United States Lifesaving Association Lifeguard Agency Certification Program was developed to certify the standards and training programs of open water (beach) lifeguard providers. A description of the levels of service is included with this report as Exhibit 3. ** See Exhibit 3 for training level definitions October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 5 of 19 Cost Considerations California State Parks OC Lifeguards Carlsbad Fire Department Workers Contractor assumes risk Contractor assumes risk Up to $1.25M/claim Compensation Risk Exposure General Liability Contractor assumes risk Contractor assumes risk Negligence standard Exposure City Staffing Impact Contract Manager*** Contract Manager*** Two new FTE, plus seasonal PT Proposed Cost, · $409,370 $575,000 $405,500 Year 1 (11/1/18 thru 6/30/19) Proposed Cost, $404,370 $575,000 $603,300 Year 2 (does not include COLA (fixed cost based on 4- passthrough) year proposed contract) City Cost for $30,000 $30,000 Included Contract Management*** Total Annual Cost $434,370 $605,000 $603,300 *** Anticipated expense is representative of a 1000-hour employee to provide contract administration and oversight. Policy Considerations The following policy considerations can help inform the City Council's consideration and direction to staff regarding how to provide ongoing lifeguard services in the North Beach area: 1. How should the City continue to provide lifeguard services to the North Beach, by contractor or with city personnel? Points of consideration: • Cost: Costs to the city range from $434,000 to $605,000 considering all options • Level of services: Lifeguard deployments vary based on agency baseline service levels. Considering service levels on su rrounding beaches and emergency services delivered throughout the city may be helpful • Liability: Risk tolerance for various options considering workers compensation and general liability 2. If the city chooses to contract the services, should Fire Department lifeguard services continue during the contract negotiations period? Options: • Provide no lifeguard services during the contract negotiation period. Focus efforts to secu re a contract with the selected contractor prior to Spring Break season 2019. o No additional cost o Responding contractors estimate 1-2 months to finalize a contract • Provide Fire Department lifeguard patrols during the contract negotiation period utilizing current full-time staff. o Approximately $13,000 per month for minimal operations. Staff estimates 1-2 months to secure a contract depending on negotiations. o Continued coverage until contractor ready to initiate services October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 6 of 19 Fiscal Analysis The annual cost of providing seasonal lifeguard service on the North Beach ranges from approximately $434,000 to $605,000, depending on the level of service provided and service delivery method. This represents a new, ongoing General Fund expenditure. Approximately $400,000 for lifeguard services was built into the city's 10-year financial forecast when the 2017 pilot program was approved. There are three options in deploying lifeguards on the North Beach, which are outlined below. Option 1: A third party contractor will provide lifeguard services on the North Beach, and the Fire Department will continue to deliver services until a contract is executed. The total cost for the Fire Department to deliver services in the interim is approximately $13,000 per month for personnel through the off-season. If a contract is not executed by April, the monthly cost is estimated to increase to $34,000 per month to provide increased shoulder season staffing. California State Parks OC Lifeguards Proposed Cost, Year 1 $409,370 $575,000 Proposed Cost, Year 2 $404,370 (does not include COLA) $575,000 (fixed) Cost for Contract Management $30,000 $30,000 Total Annual Cost $434,370 $605,000 Cost for FD Interim LG Service $13,000/Month Nov-Mar $13,000/Month Nov-Mar $34,000/Month Apr-Jun $34,000/Month Apr-Jun Option 2: A third party contractor will provide lifeguard services on the North Beach and no lifeguard services will be provided from October 31st until the contract for lifeguard services is executed. After October 3l5t, no additional costs will be incurred until the contract is executed. California State Parks OC Lifeguards Proposed Cost, Year 1 $409,370 $575,000 Proposed Cost, Year 2 $404,370 (does not include COLA) $575,000 (fixed) Cost for Contract Management $30,000 $30,000 Total Annual Cost $434,370 $605,000 October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 7 of 19 Option 3: The Fire Department continues to provide lifeguard services on the North Beach. To continue to provide lifeguard service from November 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 and establish a year-round program, costs are expected to be $405,500. This includes startup, vehicles, equipment, and personnel costs for the beginning of Summer 2019. A one-time budget allocation of $289,500 will be needed in addition to the $116,000 remaining in the interim lifeguard program budget. Sufficient funds are available in the City Council's Contingency Fund to accommodate this request for FY 18/19. The projected costs for a complete, annual program are $603,300 which will be included in the Fire Department's FY 19/20 budget request. This includes part time seasonal personnel and full-time personnel calculated at mid-range totaling $542,300 and $61,000 for maintenance and operations. Carlsbad Fire Department Proposed Cost to Continue {11/1/18 thru 6/30/19) $405,500 Service (includes all personnel and startup costs) Proposed Cost FY 19/20 $603,300 Next Steps • Following City Council direction, staff will prepare a resolution for consideration by the City Council within 60 days, identifying the city's preferred ocean lifeguard service provider and directing staff to pursue next steps as appropriate. • If the City Council identifies a third-party contractor as the preferred lifeguard service provider, the next steps would be as follows: o Determine whether to continue providing city lifeguard services during contract negotiations and appropriate funding, as needed (staff estimates $51,000 in addition to the remaining $116,000 in the interim lifeguard services budget to provide services through June 2019); o Initiate contract negotiations with the preferred provider; o Execute contract and appropriate funding as needed; o Recruit and hire a new 0.5 FTE staff member with industry background to manage the ocean lifeguard services contract. • If the City Council determines that the Fire Department will provide ongoing ocean lifeguard services, the next steps would be as follows: o Appropriate $289,500 from the City Council's Contingency Fund to supplement available Fire Department funds in the amount of $116,000 (remaining in the 2018 interim lifeguard program budget) to provide a total of $405,500 to cover startup costs and continue providing ocean lifeguard services on the North Beach through the end of FY 18/19; o Develop job classifications for Marine Safety Captain and Lifeguard II; o Recruit and hire two FTE Marine Safety Captains; o Apply to USLA for agency certification; o Purchase and outfit second lifeguard vehicle and personal water craft; and o Appropriate $603,300 in FY 19/20 budget for lifeguard services. October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 8 of 19 Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of CEQA in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and therefore, does not require environmental review. Public Notification This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Evaluation of Request for Proposal responses 2. Carlsbad Fire Department Operational Plan 3. Service Level Definitions and Terms October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 9 of 19 Exhibit 1 EVALUATION OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RESPONSES Summary Fire Department staff was directed to perform a Request for Proposals concurrent to delivery of lifeguard services on North Beach. City staff contacted all qualified agencies that had expressed interest in the initial pilot program, as well as OC Lifeguards to solicit responses to the RFP. The scope of work presented included delivery of lifeguard services to North Beach on a 365-day basis providing a minimum of USLA Basic accreditation. Responding contractors were directed to provide information, documentation and background to support their proposal for evaluation. Criteria and Evaluation Process Proposals were evaluated by City of Carlsbad Fire Department operations staff and management analyst, as well as City of Oceanside lifeguard staff, on four equally weighted criteria and scored out of a possible 100 points: • Operational plan • Qualifications and experience • Approach to the scope of work • Cost A summary of the evaluations presented by category is provided on the following pages. October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 10 of 19 Operational Plan As part of an Operations Plan, the Contractor shall be required to provide all necessary operational elements of a complete year-round (365 days) Ocean Lifeguard Services program, including but not limited to the following: Staffing • Staffing both lifeguards and management: This includes supporting documentation to justify the staffing levels and to any changes proposed to the current lifeguard deployment levels • Equipment • Headquarters and satellite office space • Operational procedures • Maintenance program for all equipment, including towers and vehicles • Training: this includes procedures for testing, hiring, certifying and training new hires, and year-round staffing. California State Parks OC Lifeguards • 3 tower locations staffed by • 3 tower locations staffed by Lifeguard I EMR certified personnel Lifeguard I EMR certified personnel • Supervision by Peace Officer and • Supervision by Unit Operator, EMT First Responder Lifeguard II EMR or and SCUBA certified EMT certified personnel Equipment/ • Truck Patrols with 2 lifeguards • Truck patrols with 2 lifeguards Vehicles • Separate Peace Officer vehicle • Dedicated PWC placed at northern response end of beach • PWC shared with north sector • 3 open chair type stands beaches • 3 "Surveyor 2" towers Communications • SEACom tower-to-dispatch phone • Contractor to provide regional system communications access via County • Tactical communications on Soledad RCS system State Parks Radio • Regional communications via RCS available to supervisors Off Peak/ • 24-hour response-not provided in • 24-hour response-40-minute 24 Hour other state parks areas and not maximum after-hour response time response included in their proposal • 2 Unit Operators staffed in winter • Peace Officer and Lifeguard II for response staffed in winter Score 86.67 out of 100 83 out of 100 October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 11 of 19 Approach to Scope of Work Outline the approach that will be utilized to perform the scope of work. Include a description of the data collection methods and analysis to be used. Identify resources, personnel, data or other assistance the Contractor anticipates to be necessary to complete the tasks. • Sample of current Standard Operation Procedures and Reports currently in use • Administration, Oversight and Overhead • Reporting and Data Collection California State Parks OC Lifeguards Admin • Admin at North Sector office in • Local warehouse to support Carlsbad operations • Large local and statewide operation • Management and Admin located in Orange County Logistics • Robust local infrastructure • Must secure a local base of • Facilities and Dispatch systems to be operations within 10-mile radius of shared with North Beach at 30% Carlsbad North Beach cost share • Vehicles and equipment amortized • Vehicle and tower capital purchases over 4-year contract projection amortized over 10 and 20 years, respectively Reporting • USLA guidelines for reporting • USLA guidelines for reporting • Combination of paper forms and • Combination of web resource and enterprise systems electronic reporting Operational • Effective procedures in place • Effective procedures in place Procedures • Permitting for special events • Permitting for special events • Verbal advisement and citation • Verbal advisement and request for authority for enforcement additional resources for enforcement Score 83 out of 100 80 out of 100 October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 12 of 19 Qualifications and Experience Demonstrate the experience of the Contractor {team) to perform the necessary work. Provide a brief overview of the Contractor {team) qualifications, emphasizing similar contracts or projects that required the performance of similar tasks. • Define level of training and experience of supervisor personnel to include certifications, minimum qualifications and required experience • Define level of training and experience of tower lifeguard personnel to include certifications, minimum qualifications and required experience • Describe annual training provided by Contractor to maintain proficiency • Describe and provide references for any services performed by Contractor under a similar scope of work. California State Parks OC Lifeguards Supervisor • EMR minimum medical certification • EMT minimum medical certification Training • Vehicle operations • ICS & NIMS training • PWC Operations • Harassment/Respectful workplace • Peace Officers POST certified • SCUBA Certified Tower • EMR minimum medical certification • EMR minimum medical certification Personnel • USLA Ocean Lifeguard academy • USLA Ocean Lifeguard academy Training provided in-house required for employment Annual Training • Ongoing training based on years of • 16-hour annual refresher training experience • Swim test • Swim test • EMT continuing education for • CPR and first-aid refresher supervisors Similar Scope of • Established in 1950 • Established in 1990 Work • Provide lifeguard services on over • Provide contract lifeguard services Experience 300 miles of coast to Orange County beaches and • Contract services with other HOA's municipalities and port districts Score 88.67 out of 100 84 out of 100 October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 13 of 19 Budget and Cost Provide a detailed budget outlining the proposed cost of services; including all costs to provide the necessary personnel, equipment, outfitting, training and insurance coverages. The city will review budget proposals to determine maximum value, effectiveness, approach and performance of work within a reasonable budget. Proposals must identify potential milestones that will trigger payments due. California State Parks OC Lifeguards Personnel • $277,929 • $456,250 Overhead/ Ad min • $126,441 • $118,750 fees Capital • Vehicles amortized over 10-years • All equipment amortized over • Towers amortized over 20-years proposed 4-year contract period Cost Escalation • Estimates 5% increase in cost of • Costs stable for proposed bid cycle labor to pass through of 4 years Total • $404,370 • $575,000 Score 89.33 out of 100 81 out of 100 October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 14 of 19 Staffing Full Time Marine Safety Staffing: • Two new year-round safety positions within the fire department to provide program supervision, administration and staffing o Advanced Life Support capable all-risk employees Seasonal Lifeguard Recruitment and Training: • Recruitment includes testing and interviewing seasonal 1000-hour employees for ocean lifeguard positions • Training includes providing USLA lifeguard training to new seasonal employees and refresher training to returning employees Shoulder Season Staffing: • Two periods, approximately spring break through the beginning of peak season and the end of peak season through early October • Assuming a daily patrol posture on North Beach with supervisor and Lifeguard II in a truck to cover spring break to peak season staffing levels • Prepare equipment and towers to be put in service for summer • Mobilize and remove equipment and towers from the beach for storage and repairs Peak Season Staffing: • Approximately mid-May through the end of September • Summer season profile to include 3 tower locations and a truck based patrol o Lifeguard I positions staff towers o Lifeguard II positions to provide rescue swimmer and depth of experience to truck patrol with supervisor • Conditions based flexible staffing as needed Off Peak/ 24-hour staffing: • Full-time fire department personnel to provide year-round response capability and local after-hours response October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 16 of 19 Equipment and Vehicles Vehicles: • Trucks o Support patrol and response; stocked with ALS equipment o Purchase additional vehicle to support after hours response and redundancy for maintenance • Personal Water Craft (PWC) rescue vessel support o Available year round for deployment based on conditions o Strategically put in service for high surf and dense crowd events to supplement beach based services Towers: • Wooden towers currently in service to support visibility, lifeguard protection, and accessibility to public Communications: • Utilize current lifeguard tactical frequencies with common communications to regional dispatch and surrounding jurisdictions Added Capabilities: • Paramedic Advanced Life Support • Lagoon and static water response • Bolstered swift-water and winter storm response • Aquatic rescue response integration with existing fire department personnel October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 17 of 19 Exhibit 3 SERVICE LEVEL DEFINITIONS AND TERMS • Paramedict-Possesses the complex knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation; the standard level of medical care administered by Carlsbad Fire Department o Includes: • Advanced Airways skills • Advanced life support medications and pain management • EKG monitoring • Cardiac defibrillation • Triage and Release/ AMA capability • EMT-B(Basic Life Support, "EMT")t -Basic level of prehospital emergency medical training to assess and stabilize some medical emergencies o Includes: • Manual airway management/oxygen administration • Assistance with personal medication administration • AED use and CPR • Basic first aid and bleeding control • EMR (Emergency Medical Responder, "First Responder")t-have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions while awaiting advanced medical resources to arrive o Includes: • Manual airway management/oxygen administration • Bleeding control • CPR • USLA (Unites States Lifesaving Association)-Lifeguard Agency Certification Program was developed to certify the standards and training programs of open water (beach) lifeguard providers. Unlike other lifeguard training systems, this program allows the lifeguard employer to conduct in-house training of lifeguards, using its own trainers. USLA does not conduct the training, but simply requires that it be conducted in a manner consistent with USLA standards. October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 18 of 19 • USLA-Basic-A certification given to agencies that provide the following minimum standards for training, qualifications and operations: o Annual 500m swim without equipment o 40-hour USLA open water lifeguard training o CPR certified o EMR-First Responder (all lifeguard personnel) • USLA-Advanced-A certification given to agencies that provide the following minimum standards for training, qualifications and operations: o Annual 500m swim without equipment o 48-hour USLA open water lifeguard training o CPR certified o EMT-B full time (supervisor), EMR-First Responder (minimum for all other personnel) • Shoulder Season-Two periods, approximately spring break through the beginning of peak season and the end of peak season through early October o Increased staffing from off season levels to transition to peak season o Provide lifeguard services to spring break and post-summer beach population tas defined by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians October 23, 2018 Item #1 Page 19 of 19