HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-18; City Council; ; Annual Carlsbad Sister City Program Update~ityof
Council Policy Statement
Policy No.
Date Issued:
Effective Date:
Resolution No:
Cancellation Date:
Supercedes No.
Exhibit 1
Jan. 23, 2018
Jan. 23, 2018
77 dated
Apr. 24, 2012
Specific Subject: Guidelines for the establishment and management of sister city
relationships involving the City of Carlsbad
The purpose of this policy is to:
• Establish guidelines for the maintenance and expansion of Carlsbad's Sister City
• Encourage sister city programs for the benefit of the City of Carlsbad and its residents.
• Duly authorize and endorse a not-for-profit, community-based organization to be the
managing organization for the sister city relationships with Futtsu, Japan and Karlovy
Vary, Czech Re_public and for sister city program activities conducted for the benefit of
Carlsbad citizens.
The Sister City Program was officially established in 1956 by President Eisenhower for the
purpose of aiding in the development of mutual understanding between U.S. cities and
international cities. One facet of the program was furthering economic and cultural
cooperation and interchange between the participating entities.
In January 1988, the City of Carlsbad established its first sister city relationship with Futtsu,
Japan (Resolution 88-18) by invitation of that city. It also established a Sister City Steering
Committee (Resolution 88-19), made up of representatives from several community
organizations, to be responsible for the sister city program in Carlsbad. This body worked
together for 18 months, and then requested a new structure with additional assistance
from the city.
The Carlsbad Sister City Committee and Program were established in 1990 by City Council
Resolution 90-3 which created a nine-member Sister City Committee with a staff liaison in
the Cultural Arts Office to assume management of the existing sister city relationship with
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Futtsu, Japan. In early 1991, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic requested a formal relationship
with its namesake, Carlsbad, California, and became the program's second sister city
(Resolution 90-452).
In June 2010, the City Council dissolved the Sister City Committee by Resolution 2010-160,
and suggested that the sister city program should be conducted and managed by a not-
for-profit, community-based organization rather than through continued city
It is the policy of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that the relationships between the
City of Carlsbad and its sister cities be conducted by a not-for-profit, community-based
organization whose purpose is the operation of international relations with sister city
partners and the presentation of appropriate recommendations to the City Council
concerning the establishment of possible additional sister city relationships.
Activities undertaken in pursuit of this purpose should increase the visibility, effectiveness,
efficiency and viability of Carlsbad's existing sister city partnerships, thereby supporting their
missions in the areas of cultural, educational and economic relationships. At all times the
benefits to the residents of Carlsbad should serve as the primary objectives of the not-for-
profit, community-based organization as it develops its relationships, programs and activities.
The City Council reserves to itself the right to rescind, restrict or transfer its appointment and
endorsement by a vote of the majority of the City Council members.
The not-for-profit,community-based organization must maintain and demonstrate the ability
to fund its activities without reliance on direct financial support from the City of Carlsbad,
other than CSCA's annual Sister City lnternational's membership fee, including future fee
increases, which the City can decide to discontinue at any time. CSCA will maintain
membership in the Sister Cities International for the general benefit of the community and to
support effective management of the program, unless otherwise directed by the City Council.
If the City Council directs CSCA to not enroll with Sister Cities International, the City will no
longer appropriate the annual membership fee to CSCA.
In considering the establishment of additional sister city relationships, the not-for-profit,
community-based organization should use sound policy and practices of its own development,
should recommend additional relationships only if the following requirements are satisfied:
1. There must be a logical area of mutual interest with the city in prospect,in the fields of
culture, commerce, education or hist~
2. The not-for-profit, community-based organization must favor the proposed affiliation
and intend to pursue a meaningful program after the relationship is established. The
not-for-profit, community-based organization must be in a position to finance the
resulting expanded activities without expectation of financial backing by the City.
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3. A similar identifiable civic or official group must exist in the city with which affiliation
is proposed, with a clear indication of intent to carry out active mutual programs. The
government of the foreign city itself must evidence a desire to affiliate.
Recommendations of new sister cities will be brought before the City Council for consideration
and approval before the not-for-profit,community-based organization proceeds with the
formation of a Sister Cities Agreement (Agreement) with any proposed sister city. The
Agreement will be executed between the officials of the sister city and the not-for-profit,
community-based organization and the City of Carlsbad will not be a party to any specific
obligations and commitments undertaken within the scope of the Agreement. After
execution of the Agreement,and following a vote in favor by the City Council, the City of
Carlsbad will sign an Acknowledgement recognizing the partner city as a Sister City of Carlsbad.
As a condition of its authorization to manage and operate Carlsbad's Sister City Program, the
not-for-profit, community-based organization will appear before the City Council annually to
submit current reports on its programs, relationships and finances. Within its appropriate
scope of activities as an incorporated not-for-profit organization, the not-for-profit,
community-based organization is encouraged to pursue independent funding opportunities in
the community.
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To the members of the:
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December 17, 2018
Council Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Gary T. Barberio, Assistant City Manager
Via: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
{city of
Re: Responses to Questions from December 17 City Council Briefings
Agenda Item No. 1 -Update Local Conflict of Interest Code
Question: What was the reason for each specific change on the track changes version of the
table? New positions, changes in positions, etc.
• Adpition of Chief Innovation Officer -New Management position created by City
Manager authority in Summer 2018.
• Deleted Oversight Board -Board no longer exists.
• Addition of Operations Manager -Should have been listed as lnformatiorl}( "J(. Technology Operations Manager -Position was recently filled so needed to be included
on Code.
• Addition of Senior Contract Administrator -Position already exists under Public Works.
Position now also exists in Administrative Services.
• Addition of Sen ior Project Manager-Should have been Senior Program Manager.
Position already exists in Police. Position now also exists in Administrative Services.
• Addition of Senior System Administrator-Position was added in May 2018 via City
Council action.
• Addition of Zoning Enforcement Officer -Position was added in May 2018 via City
Council action.
• Addition of Community Relations Manager -Position already exists under Legislative
Services. Position now also exists in Library & Cultural Arts Department.
• Addition of Parks Superintendent -Position was added in May 2018 via City Council
• Addition of Transportation Director-Position was added in November 2017 via City
Council action.
' I
• Addition of Associate Contract Administrator -Position is part of the Contract
Adm inistrator series and now exists in Public Works.
• Addition of Public Works Manager -Position has existed since 1999 and should have
previously been added to the Code Update.
City Manager's Office
City Hall 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2820 t
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Dec. 18,2018
Page 2
• Addition of Assistant Fire Chief-New Management position created by City Manager
Authority in summer 2018.
Agenda Item No. 2 -Authorize Purchase of Replacement Tasers
Question: What is the number of discharges of Tasers in past Calendar year?
Answer: Since Jan. 1, 2018, the Police Department has had 11 deployments where suspects
were shot with the darts and 7 deployments where the taser was used in the dry-stun mode
(direct contact). The answer of "1-5" a week was not intended to count the number oftimes
the taser is shot at a suspect. The number stated was intended to reflect the number of times
that an officer uses the taser to gain compliance from a suspect which may be accomplished by
a) shooting the taser darts at a suspect, b) using the taser in the dry-stun capacity on the
suspect, c) by verbally threatening the use of the taser and pointing the taser at a suspect, and
d) using the visual deterrent of the laser sight on the taser to gain compliance of the
suspect. Data regarding the use of the taser in above methods c-d are not readily available.
Question: How are the waste materials processed from the Tasers?
Answer: The expended taser cartridges used in the field are handled as evidence and logged
into police evidence. The tasers, upon replacement, are mailed back to the vendor as part of
the buy-back plan.
Agenda Item No. 3 -JAG Grant Approval
Question: Does special condition #9 only apply to programs specific to funds?
Answer: Yes, special condition #9 only applies to programs specific to the fund. As the grant is
a contract with the city, only the programs specific to the grant are conditioned by special
condition #9.
With regard to Agenda Item #3 on the Dec. 18, 2018, City Council docket, a question has come
up as to one of the special conditions of the grant. Special condition #9 requires certain actions
and responses in the event of an actual or imminent data breach. The question that has come
up is as follows: in the event of a data breach that involves data collected by the city's license
plate readers ("LPR"), does the city have a policy that requires the city to inform affected
vehicle owners of the actual or imminent data breach?
Special condition #9 does not require the city to inform vehicle owners within 24 hours of an
actual or imminent data breach. Rather, special condition #9 requires the city, within 24 hours
of an actual or imminent breach, to provide notice to the Office of Justice Programs
manager. As the grant is a contract, the city's acceptance of the grant would require the city to
provide that notice in the event of an actual or imminent breach. And, the city would in fact do
so in the event of an actual or imminent data breach.
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Dec. 18,2018
Page 3
In the event of an actual breach of LPR data, the city would follow Civ. Code section 1798.29
and provide notice to affected vehicle owners "in the most expedient time possible and without
unreasonable delay." (Id.) Any notice provided by the city would include all the information
mandated by the state as detailed in Civ. Code section 1792.29(d).
Agenda Item No. 7 -Annual Sister City Program Update
Question: What are the sister city organization's finances?
Answer: Per Council Policy No. 77 programs, relationships and finances are to be shared
annually, which is the reason for the item presentation on Dec. 18, 2018.
Agenda Item No. 8-Participation in Electrify America Vehicle Charging Program
Question: What is the city's current rate policy for other EVCS available for the public?
Answer: Per the Staff Report (Attachment 1) and current rate policy adopted by the City
Council, it is 35 cents per kilowatt hour ($0.35/kWh). An average EV gets about four miles per
kWh and has a total range of 100 or more miles per full charge.
Question: Can we use other software vendors after this agreement expires in 8 years?
Answer: The city can use a different EV service provider after the agreement expiration. The
software in the Greenlots charging station is open protocol.
Question: Can these EVCS be used for the public after the 8-year term expires?
Answer: Yes.
Question: How many other providers were considered?
Answer: There are three subsidized EV charging programs: NRG's EVGO, SDG&E's Power Your
Drive, and VW's Electrify America. The city evaluated all programs available. EVGO was used to
install our public chargers at Stagecoach Park and the State Street parking lot (see Staff Report,
Attachment 2). The EVGO Program did not provide the charging pedestals; the city purchased
them from Chargepoint and uses Chargepoint's subscription service. The city considered Power
Your Drive and recommended not participating in that program (see memo in Attachment 3).
VW's Electrify America was first evaluated in Fall 2017 but the 2017 funding was fully
subscribed. The program is now available for 2018.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report -July 25, 2017
2. Staff Report (Agenda Bill) -July 26, 2016
3. Memo to City Council -Sept. 12, 2018
Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Dec. 18,2018
cc: Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Elaine Lu key, Chief Operations Officer
Paz Gomez, Public Works Director
Neil Gallucci, Police Chief
Mickey Williams, Police Captain
Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director
James Wood, Environmental Manager
Mike Grim, Climate Action Plan Administrator
Jason Haber, Assistant to the City Manager
Sheila Cobian, City Clerk Services Manager
Carlsbad's 30 year Old Sister City Program
Carlsbad Sister City Commission -became-Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors
Background: Started in 1988 and was a City Commission through FY 2008-09. Final budget at
$11,650. Expenditures that year included the annual Sister Cities International dues, sponsoring
the reception and hosting of a visiting Futtsu delegation ($4,000), gifts to City of Futtsu
commemorating 20 years as our sister city ($450), commissioned a Flower Field painting
commemorating Karlovy Vary s 640th birthday ($500).
Our Commission was among the fiscal cuts in FY 2009-2010 and the City directed us to
establish ourselves instead as a non-profit. It provided $300 in its 2009-10 budget to do so and
the Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors (CSCA) was subsequently created and qualified as a 501
( c )(3) non profit corporation. On 24 April 2012 the City designated CSCA as its agent to manage
Carlsbad's sister city program (Resolution No. 2012-093).
Carlsbad has two sister cities:
• Futtsu, Japan Sister City to Carlsbad since 1988. Across the bay from Tokyo.
Site of initial allied landing on Japanese mainland on 30 August 1945
Yoshiro Fujimura, founder of Jupitor Corp., sought relationship with Carlsbad (Story)*
Our Major Past Events
• Futtsu Mayoral and youth 30-Year Delegation visited Carlsbad week of August 17, 2018
• Sent 6 Carlsbad students to Futtsu in 2016; 3 CHS and 3 Sage Creek
• Planted cherry trees in courtyard here and at La Costa Heights elementary in 2014 (Story)
• Student art from Futtsu displayed at Dove 2015 and our elementary school art to Futtsu 2016
Our Coming Events:
Organizing a student trip to Futtsu, Tokyo and Kyoto in 2019 summer [By director Polly Yu]
• Karlovy Vary ("Carlsbad") Sister City to Carlsbad since 1991 Near German border.
City since 1370. Founded by Holy Roman Emperor Charles ("Carl") IV.
Our namesake city since the 1880s. (Story)
Known for its healing mineral spas (licensed Balneology) and healing Becherovka drink. (Story)
Moser produces hand-blown glass to this day. Thun is the Czech's biggest porcelain producer.
54th International Film Festival. "Last Holiday" and "Casino Royale" shot at Grand Hotel Pupp.
Joachimsthaler (Story)
Our Major Past Events
• Art Exchanges (6 from Carlsbad to there 2015, KV artists to here 2016 at COAL, Art from 4
area artist sent to KV in 2018)
• Six of our students to Karlovy starting 2015 and six from KarlovyVary 2015 too
• Video conferencing with our students
• Annual trips to Opening of Spa Season and "Thank You America" festivals (Story)
Our Coming Events:
Carlsbad invitation to attend annual Opening of Spa Season festivities, May 2019 (Story)
Meeting with new Madame Mayor and extending invitation to visit Carlsbad
Confirming 2019 KV /Carlsbad Art Exchange
Planning to commemorate Karlovy Vary's 650th anniversary (2020)
Financial Overview:
We are a board of nine volunteer directors who all serve without pay. There is no staff
nor any physical plant nor equipment. Our meetings are typically held at a conference
room here at City Hall (less frequently at a board member's home).
Wells Fargo has our two accounts: Main and Jr. Ambassadors (Student)
CSCA's main account began 2018 with a balance of $1,817.56
We ended November 2018 with a balance of $2,479.19
Our Jr. Ambassador account began 2018 with a balance of $586.24
It ended November 2018 with a balance of $586.40
Our major expenditures for 2018 were:
• In March we mailed to Karlovy Vary the art from the four winners of a contest in
collaboration with COAL (Carlsbad Oceanside Art League) which came to about $242.
This was mostly funded by the entrance fees from the competing artists.
• In August we hosted the mayoral and youth delegation visit from Futtsu. It entailed
some meals, transportation around the area, tickets to events, a reception at The
Crossings and a farewell dinner at a local residents home with entertainment.
This was funded by two $1,000 donations from Jupitor Corporation (responsible for
creating our sister city relationship with Futtsu), a $800 donation from an anonymous
benefactor, much food from our farewell host and donations from the pockets of board
Our only regular source of income is through the generosity of the City of Carlsbad
who has chosen to reimburse us for the annual dues to Sister City International, our
national membership organization for sister cities, counties and states across the USA.
Dues for 2019 are $1,030.
Other income is from ad hoc events as described above.
Tom Hersant
Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors
* The (Story) placeholders are there for your edification and entertainment ... time
permitting. If you wish me to dash one or two out there ... I'd love to!
; -~ .. --.-i ·-~ • !'
May 2018
Karlovy Vary Art
ExhibitAfter several months of prepa-
ration, CSCA in association with
COAL, sponsored its second art
competition in May 2018. The
winners’ art was exhibited in Karlovy
Vary’s Castle Tower.
Inside the Castle Tower,the
three winners’art was first
exhibited in a vernissage.
This was the second time CSCA
sponsored this popular
exhibit/tour. The first was in 2015.
Sister City mayors were major
participants and old friend-ships
were renewed.
Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors
is pleased to celebrate
with Carlsbad's Sister City, Futtsu, Japan
Friday, August 17, 2018
6:00 pm at
The Crossings
Futtsu’s biyearly visit included a well
attended reception at The Crossings.
~A"" .Jj /~--
vw 30 VEARSI
lsbacl's own Sister Cities,
apan q Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Q '
onsors and supporters:
Wood-fired pizzas, CHS robots, and
mariachis highlighted a party held for
our Futtsu guests.
The Futtsu delegation visit
wrapped up at City Hall.
CSCA has a close as-
sociation with COAL and
recognized those who
exhibited their art in
Karlovy Vary.
CSCA is proud to announce that its own Board of
Director Polly Yu was elected to the Sister City
International’s Board of Directors.
Gutub&i StMe!! 04.1 Ll1(lli!bMulfiVl6,
Carlsbad Sister City Ambassadors, in association
with Asia Getaway, is pleased to announce its
JUNE }8__:-8NE 26, 2019